Name of The Tutorial #2 - : Prerequisite

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Name: GADDE LOHITH SAI AKHILESH Id no:2000030290

Name of the Tutorial #2-- How draw Use case, Class, Sequence, Activity and State chart Diagram
for Library Management System(LMS) by using star UML

Date of the Session: 05/08/21/ Time of the Session: 3:10 to 5:00

• Software Engineering Methodologies..
• Download the Star UML.
• Basics of Software Engineering.

Pre-Lab Task:

1) Define Modeling in UML and its advantages?

Ans: - Model is a simplification of reality.
- Blueprint of the actual system.
- Specify the structural and behavior of the system.
- Templates for designing the system.
- Helps document the system.


- Provides standard for software development.

- Reducing of costs to develop diagrams of UML using supporting tools.
- Development time is reduced.
- The past faced issues by the developers are no longer exists. - Has large visual elements to construct
and easy to follow.

2) What do you understand by intend and extend relationships in use case diagrams?

Ans: - The include relationship is intended for reusing behaviour modeled by another use case, whereas
the extend relationship is intended for adding parts to existing use cases as well as for modeling optional

system services

3) A. What is the difference between data model and an entity relationship diagram?

The main distinction between the ER model and the Data Model is that the ER model
describes the relationship between entities and their attributes. ... The Data model,
on the other hand, defines data in components such as tuples, attributes, and
attribute domains.
B. Describe the importance of Use Case diagram
Sol) use-case diagrams model the behavior of a system and help to capture the requirements of the
system. Use-case diagrams describe the high-level functions and scope of a system. These diagrams
also identify the interactions between the system and its actors.

C. .Describe the main qualities of good requirement

Ans: - Good requirements should have the following characteristics:
• Unambiguous.
• Testable (verifiable)
• Clear (concise, terse, simple, precise) • Correct.
• Understandable.
• Feasible (realistic, possible) • Independent.
• Atomic.

4) What is the difference between functional and non-functional requirements? Ans ) While
functional requirements define what the system does or must not do, non-functional requirements
specify how the system should do it. Nonfunctional requirements do not affect the basic
functionality of the system (hence the name, non-functional requirements).

In Lab Task:

Library Management Case Study

The library management system project is related to the storage of information regarding the library.
Library is the place with the huge collection of books. It is place from where the students and the
faculties issue the books for their reference purposes. But the maintenance of keeping the records of
issuing and borrowing is difficult if you use a normal book as a registry. To make this task easier, the
library management system will be very useful. It helps in maintaining the information regarding the
issuing and borrowing of books by the students and the faculties. The library management system case
study gives the case study of the library management system

There will be many answers for these case studies, These are some possible answers

Use case diagram for LMS :

Class diagram for LMS :

Sequence diagram for LMS :

Activity Diagram for LMS :

State Chart Diagram for LMS :

Post Lab Task:

Writing space for the Problem:(For Student’s use only) Draw

all diagrams for the Word processor case study

Viva Questions
1. How many diagrams are here in Unif ied Modelling Language?
a) six
b) seven
c) eight
d) nine
Answer: D:nine
2.Use case descriptions consist of interaction_____?
a) Use case
b) product
c) Actor
d) Product & Actor
e) Answer: d

3. Which of these statements are truly acceptable?

a) A precondition is an assertion guaranteed to be true when the operation finishes
b) A post-condition is an assertion guaranteed to be true when the activity or operation begins
c) An event which causes a use case to begin is trigger
d) None of the mentioned Answer:C

4. What are the types of prototypes?

a) Horizontal prototypes
b) Vertical Prototypes
c) All of the mentioned
d) None of the mentioned Answer: D

5. Diagrams which are used to distribute files, libraries, and tables across topology of
hardware are called A. deployment diagrams
B. use case diagrams
C. sequence diagrams D. collaboration diagrams
Answer: A

(For Evaluator’s use only)

Evaluator’s Observation Marks

Comment of the Evaluator (if Any) Secured: out of

Full Name of the Evaluator:

Signature of the Evaluator Date of Evaluation:

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