ROKS KPI Canvas - Excel

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Designed by: Designed for: Date: Version:

KPI Name Definition or Formula Targets

If there’s any calculation, how is the measure worked out? What score do we want to achieve? (If we know at this stage)
What is and is not included in the values used?

Purpose Tip
Why we should measure this? Use 'Alt' + 'Ente
break in cell.

Target Outcomes
What will achieving the target deliver?

Customers Production Resources

Who will use the KPI? What resources are needed to produce the KPI and reports?

Production Cost
What is the cost of implementing and producing this KPI?

Data Sources Problems and Errors

Where will the KPI data come from? What are the known issues with KPI production & accuracy?

DESIGNED BY: Bernie Smith DESIGNEDBY:Bernie Smith Version1.4 This work is licensed under theCreativeCommons At ribution-ShareAlike 4.0InternationalLicense.Toviewa copyofthis license,vis tht p:/ This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter
Made to Measure KPIs Turning StrategyintoResults 26th Sept2017 senda let er toCreativeCommons, PO Box186 , MountainView, CA94042, USA. to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.
Created by Bernie Smith
Version number 1.1
Region variant All
Date 23rd April 2018
License The ROKS KPI Canvas™ is covered under
the Creative Commons Attribution-
NonCommercial-ShareAlike License.
This license lets others remix, tweak,
and build upon my work non-
commercially, as long as you credit me
and license the new creations under the
identical terms. Full details live here:

Password for protection not applicable

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