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Safety Science 144 (2021) 105443

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Analysis of the impact of dynamic economic resilience on post-disaster

recovery “secondary shock” and sustainable improvement of
system performance
Zhengtao Zhang a, b, Peng Cui c, d, *, Jiansheng Hao c, Ning Li e, Zhaoqi Zeng c, Yuan Liu g,
Qiang Zou f, Chengfang Huang a, Shengnan Wu h
The Key Laboratory of Environmental Change and Natural Disaster, MOE, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China
Academy of Disaster Reduction and Emergency Management Ministry of Emergency Management & Ministry of Education, Faculty of Geographical Science, Beijing
Normal University, Beijing, China
Key Laboratory of Land Surface Pattern and Simulation, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
Centre for Excellence in Tibetan Plateau Earth Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
Academy of Plateau Science and Sustainability, Xining, Qignhai, China
Key Laboratory of Mountain Hazards and Surface Process, Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
National Climate Center, China Meteorological Administration
Center of Emergency Management, Chongqing Institute of Public Administration


Keywords: Quantitative measuring disaster resilience especially dynamic economic resilience (DER) belongs to a frontier
Resilience research in the past decades, which can effectively improve post-disaster economic recovery effects, reducing
Indirect economic loss post-disaster loss. However, DER focuses more on the overall shape changes of recovery path, two features that
Climate change
commonly appear in the dynamic change process of recovery curve are also worth evaluating separately: the
Economic development
Sustainable development
“secondary shock” caused by adverse factors during the recovery process and sustainable improvement of eco­
nomic output at the end of recovery. Therefore, we adopt a dynamic input–output model that integrates capital
damage and affected people and apply it to an extreme flood in 2016, Wuhan City, China, building the rela­
tionship between 7 recovery actions (rescue funds) and changes of two features, analyzing the impact of resil­
ience on the dynamic recovery path features through 6 characteristic variables constructed in this paper. Results
show that (1) economic resilience increases from no to actual action, the dropping rate caused by “secondary
shock” decreases 30.4%, and Wuhan’s economic output has achieved an improvement in sustainability of
0.088% compared to the pre-disaster level, which contributes permanently to reducing vulnerability to future
disasters. (2) only 21.81% (compared to the actual scenario) of the rescue funds is needed to support 30%
reduction action plus 0.02% sustainable improvement. But to support the 50% recovery action, 78.92% of the
rescue funds is needed. This paper aims to provide a new perspective for the refined dynamic assessment of
resilience and to prove the role of resilience in promoting short-term post-disaster recovery and long-term
sustainable development.

1. Introduction development to some extent. To reduce post-disaster losses, govern­

ments across the world have issued a series of rescue measures and
The frequency of climate change induced disasters has caused policies for pre-disaster preparedness as well as post-disaster recovery
damages amounting to trillions of US dollars worldwide (MunichRe, and reconstruction (McMichael et al., 2006; UNISDR, 2015).
2018; RoyalSociety, 2014), thereby, hindering social economic However, to effectively determine whether these measures and

* Corresponding author at: Key Laboratory of Land Surface Pattern and Simulation, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese
Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.
E-mail addresses: (Z. Zhang), (P. Cui), (J. Hao), (N. Li), (Z. Zeng), (Y. Liu), (Q. Zou), (C. Huang), wushengnan_wu@163.
com (S. Wu).
Received 22 September 2020; Received in revised form 4 March 2021; Accepted 8 August 2021
Available online 18 August 2021
0925-7535/© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Z. Zhang et al. Safety Science 144 (2021) 105443

policies can “enhance the capacity of disaster prevention and mitigation focus on the “secondary shock” to the economic system caused by
to achieve sustainable development”, a quantitative assessment of the insufficient inventory due to the impact of economic resilience.
speed and effect of post-disaster recovery is still required. This is espe­ • The sustainable improvement of economic output, which refers to
cially essential, for the recovery of the economic system, which is one of the extent to which the value added (VA, its definition refers to
the most important elements at risk and the objective of the above Appendix A) converges at the end of post-disaster recovery compared
measures and policies. The introduction of the disaster resilience to its pre-disaster level. If the value added increases sustainably, it
concept provides a scientific and an effective judgment basis for fully indicates that the economic system will benefit from the recon­
understanding the post-disaster recovery process and the mechanism of struction process and produce better products and services.
hazard-affected bodies (Bruneau et al., 2003; Chang and Shinozuka, Furthermore, advanced productivity and stronger industrial linkages
2004; Rose, 2004). Although there is no consensus on the disaster can better resist, absorb and recover from the shock of future
resilience concept, its essence, which is the ability of a system to resist, disasters.
absorb, and recover from the adverse effects of disasters and sustainably
improve the its adaptability, has been widely recognized (Bruneau et al., These studies, therefore, ignored a refined quantitative assessment of
2003; Chang and Shinozuka, 2004; Cutter et al., 2010; Deliang Chen economic resilience. Resilience has the characteristics of preventing
et al., 2019; IPCC, 2014; Rose, 2004; Klimek Peter, et al., 2019; O’Neill failures from having a ripple effect across systems (Foundation, 2013)
E.D. et al., 2019). and adapting, re-establishing, and developing more suitable system
Some studies quantify post-disaster dynamic economic resilience configurations to improve system sustainability (IPCC, 2014). There­
(DER, its definition refers to Appendix A) by calculating the change in fore, it is necessary to quantitatively assess the impact of adverse factors
the degree of reduction in the recovery period and the degree of encountered in the recovery process and the degree of the system’s
reduction in indirect economic losses (IELs, its definition refers to Ap­ sustainable or unsustainable development at the end of the recovery.
pendix A) (Galbusera and Giannopoulos, 2018; Hallegatte S, 2014b; This has also been emphasized in the “Resilience to Extreme Weather”
Jonkeren and Giannopoulos, 2014; Rose and Liao, 2005; Xia et al., 2018; report (RoyalSociety, 2014) and a general framework of climate resil­
Xie et al., 2018). Rose et al. (2004; 2005) defined economic resilience, ience actions proposed by Chen et al. (2019). In addition, in a general
distinguished between static and dynamic economic resilience, and sense, strengthening post-disaster rescue efforts (e.g., rescue funds) can
summarized their quantitative measurement methods based on recovery effectively improve resilience and contribute to the sustainability of the
time and IELs evaluation results, using computable general equilibrium economic system’s ability to resist disasters. However, whether the
model (CGE, its definition refers to Appendix A). Hallegatte S (2014a; actual economic development can support the demand of post-disaster
2014b) also distinguished macro and micro economic resilience and recovery must be considered. Most current research on the quantita­
summarized measurement methods based on IEL evaluation results tive assessment of economic resilience remains in the exploration stage,
using the input–output model (IO, its definition refers to Appendix A). In in which theoretical and methodological research takes place under the
a case study, Klimek P et al. (2019) estimated the dynamic economic assumption that rescue efforts can meet the demand of post-disaster
resilience of 56 sectors in 43 countries between 2000 and 2014 to pre­ recovery. Therefore, we will further develop innovations by
dict economic growth and recovery using the IO model. Xie et al. (2018) combining theories and developing applications of disaster economic
also evaluated the dynamic economic resilience of Sichuan Province resilience in terms of the refined assessment of the recovery process.
after the Wenchuan earthquake by calculating the dynamic change path In this study, by quantifying the impact of capital stock damage and
of IELs. Such studies employed a the cutting-edge approach to the the number of affected people, we adopt the ARIL model which is
quantitative assessment of resilience, and in line with the essence, their designed to evaluate the quantitative relationship between economic
resilience evaluation consisted of assessing the dynamic value in the resilience, the recovery period, and IELs, to emphasize the impact of
process from the time when the disaster occurred to post-disaster re­ resilience on adverse factors such as an insufficient inventory during the
covery completion. However, most of the studies focused on the resil­ recovery process; and to emphasize the sustainable improvement of
ience of fixed capital stock (the main source of direct economic loss, e.g., system performance when rebounding to a stable state. In addition, the
infrastructure, houses, etc.), ignoring another important component of flood disaster that occurred in Wuhan City on July 6, 2016 (hereinafter
economic recovery: the affected people (or the affected labor force). As referred to as the “7.6 Wuhan flood disaster”), is used as a case study.
one of the three factors of productivity, its reduction in supply and re­ Combined with “accelerating the pace of post-disaster recovery and
covery will have a key impact on the comprehensiveness and accuracy of efficiently completing reconstruction ahead of schedule,” which is the
the economic resilience assessment. concern of governments and the insurance market, we set seven sce­
In addition, most previous studies focused more on the effect of narios of recovery period action (including a natural recovery scenario
economic resilience on the overall shape of post-disaster recovery path, and an actual recovery scenario) to compare the impact of economic
such as linear, non-linear or combination recovery. However, they still resilience supported by rescue funds on the recovery period, IELs and the
ignored the assessment of two important features that may appear in the degree of the system’s sustainable development. We aim to determine
recovery path: the most economical and effective economic resilience scheme under
different economic development levels and apply them to actual post-
• The “secondary shock” to the economic system caused by adverse disaster recovery measures and management. In addition, combined
factors during the recovery process, such as: i) the cumulative effect with the nature of IELs, which reflects the losses generated in the post-
of the exhaustion of production inventory, the inability to replenish disaster recovery process, we define the strength of economic resil­
due to traffic interruption (we term it insufficient inventory, such as ience as the reduction in IELs under a decreasing recovery action
many well-known hard drive manufacturers in Thailand were unable compared with the IELs under the natural recovery scenario.
to produce due to 2011 flood, which led to an increase in the cost and 2. Research method and material
sell price of global computer equipment); ii) secondary disasters with
long time intervals (e.g. the mass debris flow in Qingping Township 1.1. The ARIL model
in 2010 induced by the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake); and iii) dam­
age to the newly-built structure due to the unreasonable recon­ The simulation method we used in this study is a new dynamic
struction policy (e.g. the newly-build houses and water supply input–output model which integrates the economic impacts of capital
facilities after 2008 Wenchuan earthquake were destroyed by debris damage and affected people, called the Adaptive Regional Input-Output
flow in 2010 due to unreasonable site selection). In this study, we with Inventory and Labor (ARIL) model. This model is constructed on
the Adaptive Regional Input-Output Inventory model (ARIO-Inventory,

Z. Zhang et al. Safety Science 144 (2021) 105443

Fig. 1. The dynamic recovery process of post-disaster system performance and the role of resilience (Fig. 1a shows the role of economic resilience on economic
system after flood which is adapted from the Zhang et al. (2019); Fig. 1b shows the role of resilience on infrastructure after earthquake which is adapted from the
Bruneau et al. (2003)).

its definition refers to Appendix A), proposed by Hallegatte (2014b). It where, (I − A)− 1 × TDi (t) refers to the Leontief function, which is
inherits the advantage of less demand for exogenous variables of the used to evaluate the supply (Y2i (t)) due to the changes of the total de­
Leontief production function, and also fully considers many character­ mand (TDi) of sector i at timestep t. Y1i (t) refers to the supply due to the
istics of the post-disaster economic response: (1) the imbalance between capital damage and labor shortage, but it can be increased by a
the supply side and demand side caused by the damage of capital stock parameter called overproduction capacity (αi(t)). The actual supply of
of each sector; (2) the inability of the affected people to participate in sector i at timestep t is defined by the minimum of Y1i (t) and Y2i (t)
production (i.e., the post-disaster short-term shortage of labor supply). based on the ‘bucket theory’ in the IO model. The overproduction ca­
The impact on the supply side is larger than the impact of capital pacity (αi(t)) is calculated by equation (4):
damage, and the initial impact and recovery process of the affected
people are integrated into the economic model to depict the supply-side TDi (t − 1) − YAi (t − 1) Δt
αi (t − 1) + (αmax
i − αi (t − 1))⋅ ⋅ →αi (t) (4)
changes and demand-side responses; (3) the impact of production TDi (t − 1) ta
bottleneck on production capacity; (4) the adaptive behavior of the where, αmax represents maximum overproduction capacity, which is
government and the market; and (5) the heterogeneity influence of in­ determined by the post-disaster rescue funds. The overproduction ca­
ventory shortage on production. The overall relationship equation be­ pacity can vary between 0 and αmax , and is determined by the difference
tween supply and demand is simplified as follows: of supply and total demand in the previous timestep. △t equals 1, and ta
Local demand refers to the adaption time (Hallegatte S, 2014b).
⏞̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅⏟⏟̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅⏞ Reconstruction

YAi = MDi,j + Qinvi + Qgvi + Qhsi + EIi + QRfi + QRhi (1)
1.2. The theory of refined economic resilience assessment using ARIL

Where, i is the i-th sector, YA is the supply of capital stock and labor. model
The total demand (TD) is composed of each variable on the right side of
Equation (1). MD is the intermediate demand, Qinv is the inventory The theory of refined economic resilience in the study comes from
demand, Qgv and Qhs are the local government and household demand, Rose et al. (2004; 2005), Hallegatte S (2014a) and Xie et al. (2018), but
respectively. EI is the export and import demand, which also includes further analyzes the “refined impact” of economic resilience on the post-
the short-term EI labor demand from outside the labor market; QRf and disaster recovery process, especially the two theoretical optimization
QRh represent the household, infrastructure and business reconstruction aspects: (1) the extent to which resilience affects “secondary shock”
demand. i and j refer to the sectors in the row and column of the Input- caused by adverse factors that may occur in the recovery process; and (2)
Output table. In the aftermath of a disaster, the supply decreases due to the extent to which resilience affects the sustainability of economic
capital damage and labor shortage—the total demand increases due to output when the economic system rebounds to a new stable state after
demand for reconstruction, inventory, export, import and other re­ being adaptive or rescued.
quirements. The imbalance between supply and total demand leads to In the first aspect, the current theory of economic resilience pays
the IEL, and it can be evaluated according to the following formula: more attention to assessing its role in the decline in the total recovery
n ∫ p〈 〉 time, or the change of “shape” of the recovery curve (linear, non-linear,
∑ YAi (t)
IEL = σ i,j (t − 1)dt (2) turning point to recover, the dynamic slope, etc.), However, whether
i=1 1 YAi (0) economic resilience has a corrective effect on the degree of curve fluc­
As for all the sectors(n), if supply and demand are in equilibrium, tuations caused by these adverse factors, needs to be further clarified.
Therefore, the first aspect aims to improve the theory through a refined
then IEL equals zero, the recovery is complete, and the reconstruction
period is p. In addition, the change in price (σ i,j ) is driven by the rela­ assessment of the correction effect of economic resilience on the fluc­
tuates in the recovery process.
tionship between supply and demand. YAi(t) is the supply of sector i at
For the second aspect, economic resilience affects not only the cur­
timestep t, which is calculated by Equation (3).
rent post-disaster recovery process, but also may affect the ability of
YAi (t) = min(αi (t)Y1i (t), Y2i (t)) resistance and recovery from the effects of the disasters in the future.
Y2i (t) = (I − A)− 1 × TDi (t) However, the current economic resilience theory mainly evaluates its
impact on the recovery process before the value added returns to the pre-

Z. Zhang et al. Safety Science 144 (2021) 105443

Fig. 2. The spatial distribution of flood risk and the industrial layout in the core of Wuhan City.

disaster level. The quantitative relationship between economic resil­ the impact of resilience on the post-disaster recovery process (Fig. 1b).
ience and the sustainable improvement degree of value added at the end The ARIL model also considers the impact of capital damage, affected
of the recovery process needs to be further clarified. Therefore, the population, adaptive behaviors of the government and market, and
second aspect aims to complement the theoretical composition structure adverse factors (e.g., insufficient inventory) on the economic system
through a comprehensive focus on the state of system performance performance, which can build a corresponding quantitative relationship
during and at the end of recovery. with the strength of economic resilience. The key evaluation results such
In addition, the strength of economic resilience can be quantitatively as recovery time, and the IEL (value of the area enclosed by the curve
calculated by the recovery rate increase of system performance under and Y = 1 in Fig. 1a) can clearly describe the change in the strength of
the post-disaster rescue effort. Bruneau et al. (2003) calculated the economic resilience. Therefore, by setting different post-disaster re­
improvement degree of the recovery curve by different adaptive be­ covery scenarios and parameters, the ARIL model can finely describe the
haviors of the government through the analysis of laboratory experi­ secondary impact on the process of recovery and the degree of sus­
ments to quantitatively evaluate the post-earthquake resilience tainable improvement of the system’s performance. The import and
(Fig. 1b). export capacity of the disaster area will be affected because of the impact
The ARIL model can evaluate the curve of the economic system’s of roads, railways, harbors, airport interruption, and the resettlement or
production changes (Fig. 1a), which is consistent with the essence of the evacuation of the affected people in the aftermath of a disaster. How­
quantitative assessment of economic resilience and the characteristics of ever, to reflect the resilience of the economic system itself, the model

Z. Zhang et al. Safety Science 144 (2021) 105443

assumes that the import and export products and services can still meet 1.4. Study area and data
the demand for post-disaster recovery (e.g., through the replacement of
transportation routes or modes, etc). In this study, the “7.6 Wuhan flood disaster” is taken as a typical
disaster event for three reasons: (1) Wuhan City is built along the
1.3. Uncertainty of evaluation results and robustness of the model mainstream of the Yangtze River (Fig. 2) and is affected by subtropical
anticyclones. Therefore, it is vulnerable to extreme precipitation and
The evaluation results are difficult to verify due to the lack of sta­ flooding. The “7.6 Wuhan Flood disaster” is the flood disaster that
tistical data on IELs. Therefore, this paperdetermined the accuracy of the caused the largest direct economic loss in the history of Wuhan City,
results by referring to the flood footprint model(Mendoza-Tinoco et al., with losses amounting to more than 1.2 billion USD; (2) The Chinese
2017) and ARIL model(Zhang et al., 2019): (1) uncertainty assessment government first activated the “statistical system for special major nat­
of the results, which includes the uncertainties related to the model ural disaster loss” for flood disasters, collecting detailed data on direct
parameters, and (2) model stability verification, which includes the economic loss and affected people at the sector scale; and (3) The Wuhan
robustness analysis of changes in the parameters. government has taken a series of measures and polices to reduce the
To assess the uncertainty of the model parameters, two uncertainty losses caused by floods, for example, by investing 2108 million USD in
parameters groups are defined including the upper and lower thresholds disaster prevention and mitigation projects (e.g., upgrading drainage
of the uncertainty range. Parameters in the upper threshold group is set pipelines), which can be regarded as overproduction parameters, the
to upward by 30% of the fastest recovery group of all the 7 scenarios, role of which can be verified in post-disaster recovery.
and the lower threshold group is set to downward by 30% of the slowest The input data of the ARIL model mainly conclude three parts: the
recovery group. The uncertainty range can be seen in the gray shading in direct economic loss, fixed asset stock and the affected laborers of each
Fig. 3. sector, the IO table. The direct economic loss and affected laborers are
In addition, the robustness of the model is verified by examining the obtained from National Disaster Reduction Center, Ministry of Emer­
results are still convergently and smoothly recovering to pre-disaster gency Management of China and the fixed asset stock in 2015 can be
level rather than dispersion within the uncertainty range. According to calculated based on the perpetual inventory method (Hall and Jones,
the uncertainty results in Fig. 3, the recovery paths of upper and lower 1999) and previous data (Wu et al., 2014). The 2013 IO table of Wuhan
uncertainty range are stable and convergent, indicating that the model City was built in cooperation with the Industrial Ecology Virtual Labo­
has good robustness. Other detailed verification process can be seen in ratory of China (IELab China) (Wang, 2017), and the number of in­
ARIL model assessment (Zhang et al., 2019). dustries in the table has been adjusted to 19 in accordance with disaster
statistical data based on the industrial classification of national eco­
nomic activities (refers to Appendix A).

Fig. 3. The impacts of economic resilience on the changes in the dynamic recovery curves (Fig. 3a represents the whole recovery process of curves under different
recovery actions; Fig. 3b represents the whole recovery process of the second VA drop in the recovery process; Fig. 3c represents the changes in curves after VA
exceeds their pre-disaster level).

Z. Zhang et al. Safety Science 144 (2021) 105443

To better combine actual socio-economic development, to respond to In the ARIL model, the value added (VA) is used to represent the post-
the government’s mission of “accelerating the post-disaster recovery disaster production capacity of the economic system on each day during
period,” and to analyze the relationship between the level of economic the recovery period. A change in VA equal to 1 indicates that the
development, rescue efforts and economic resilience, we set seven re­ economy in the disaster area has recovered to its pre-disaster level. A
covery actions for reducing the recovery period (including an actual change in VA greater than 1 indicates that the economy has exceeded the
recovery action). The first action is to assess the recovery period without pre-disaster level, starting to benefit from the rescue funds. In addition,
any rescue funds (no recovery action), depending only on the economic the sum of the difference between the post-disaster VA and its pre-
resilience of Wuhan City. The next five actions are 10%-50% reductions disaster value during the recovery period is the result of IEL, which
in the duration of no recovery action, reflecting the quantitative rela­ can be understood as the area enclosed by the curve of the recovery path
tionship between reducing the recovery period (development of eco­ and Y = 1.
nomic resilience) and the demands for rescue funds. Regarding the After the disaster occurred, the VA decreased to 98.4% due to the
actual recovery action, we calculate the recovery period based on the direct economic loss and the number of affected people. The recovery
2108 million USD investment by the Wuhan government (Zhang et al., path presents a non-linear shape according to the dynamic economic
2019), which, to a certain extent, can be regarded as an examination of resilience path (Fig. 3a). However, the two features of recovery paths
an actual investment to improve economic resilience in the aftermath of differ as the recovery actions change (Fig. 3a), and they can be quanti­
a disaster. tatively reflected by the following six characteristic variables (Table 2):
(1) On days 72–101 in the aftermath of the disaster, the VA dropped
2. Refined quantitative assessment of economic resilience for a second time (Fig. 3b). Many adverse factors caused the second drop
in system performance including external factors, such as the secondary
2.1. Results of the impact of economic resilience on dynamic post-disaster disaster, and internal factors, such as the insufficient inventory or
recovery path improper rescue strategy. Through a comprehensive analysis of disaster-
causing characteristics (multiple precipitation), Wuhan’s industrial
Table 1 describes the relationship between the seven scenarios’ re­ structure (developed manufacturing, service, education and scientific
covery actions and their key parameter values to better reflect the dif­ research industry), and the spatial overlap characteristics of high
ference in the role of economic resilience on the post-disaster recovery waterlogging risk areas and industries in Wuhan, the adverse factor in
path. The rescue funds under 10% recovery action to 50% recovery this study refers to the insufficient inventory of the manufacturing in­
action are obtained by reversely running the ARIL model; that is, by dustry. The insufficient supply to downstream industries and reduced
running the model multiple times to match the required recovery period demand from upstream industries affected the value added of the entire
and obtain the rescue fund parameter corresponding to the result. The economic system through the industrial linkage. This dropping process
changes in the time to recover to the pre-disaster level and the IELs has several characteristic points, which are related to economic resil­
underlying the improvement in economic resilience are shown in Fig. 3. ience (Fig. 3b):

Table 1
Relationship between 7 scenario’s recovery actions.
Name Recovery period Scenarios description

No recovery action 535 No post-disaster rescue funds from government and public, dependent only on the economic development, the economic structure of the
disaster area for recovery, measuring the effectiveness of its economic resilience on post-disaster recovery.
10% recovery 482 The recovery period is reduced by 10% compared to the period under no recovery action (from 535 to 482 days). The rescue funds (αmax)
action required for the period is 100.05% (83.69 million USD)
20% recovery 429 The recovery period is reduced by 20% compared to the period under no recovery action (from 535 to 429 days). The rescue funds (αmax)
action required for the period is 100.13% (213.55 million USD)
30% recovery 374 The recovery period is reduced by 30% compared to the period under no recovery action (from 535 to 374 days). The rescue funds (αmax)
action required for the period is 100.28% (459.80 million USD)
40% recovery 321 The recovery period is reduced by 40% compared to the period under no recovery action (from 535 to 321 days). The rescue funds (αmax)
action required for the period is 100.59% (970.22 million USD)
50% recovery 268 The recovery period is reduced by 50% compared to the period under no recovery action (from 535 to 268 days). The rescue funds (αmax)
action required for the period is 101.01 % (1663.66 million USD)
Actual recovery 248 Actual rescue funds (αmax) are 101.12% (2108 million USD), and the corresponding recovery period result is 248 days. Input data and
action other exogenous parameter values refer to Zhengtao Zhang (2019).

Table 2
The information of six characteristic variables constructed in this study.
Name Definition Corresponding VA value (%) and time(day) VA and time
VA value under no VA value under actual
action action

Second drop point The point in the recovery path where the VA begins to drop 99.32%/70 99.39%/73 +0.7%/+3
Stop dropping point The lowest point in the second drop of the path where the VA stops dropping and 99.09%/85 99.23%/85 +0.14%/0
begins to rise
Recovery point The end point of the overall secondary drop process in the recovery path where 99.43%/101 99.45%/96 +0.02%/-5
the VA begins to recover normally
Dropping rate The rate of decrease of VA value from the second drop point to the stop dropping 0.23%/– 0.16%/– − 0.07%/–
Recovery rate The rate of increase in VA value from the stop dropping point to the recovery 0.32%/– 0.19%/– − 0.03%/–
Recovery completion The point where the VA converges and remains stable at the end of the recovery − 0.002%/597 0.088%/589 +0.09%/+8
point path

Z. Zhang et al. Safety Science 144 (2021) 105443

Fig. 4. The necessity of refined dynamic

resilience for the short-term post-disaster
recovery and long-term sustainable develop­
ment (Fig. 4a is a schematic diagram sum­
marized from previous dynamic economic
resilience researches (Xie et al. (2018) and
Klimek P et al. (2019)); Fig. 4b select typical
results in Fig. 3, including the strongest
resilience scenario(the upper uncertainty
result), the lowest resilience scenario (the
lower uncertainty result), and a relatively
higher cost-benefit resilience scenario (30%
action result), respectively).

Table 3
The assessment results of the quantitative relationship between recovery actions and demands for rescue funds.
Actions for reducing the Recovery period Economic impacts (million USD) Demand for rescue funds Percentage of rescue
recovery period (days) (million USD) funds
IEL caused by insufficient Sustainable IELs
inventory development

No recovery action 535 1.13 (-0.327, +0.312) 0 (0,0) 101.46 (-3.81, 0 0%

10% recovery action 482 1.12 (-0.326, +0.315) 0 (0,0) 99.83 (-4.87, 83.69 3.97%
20% recovery action 429 1.11 (-0.324, +0.331) 0 (0,0) 97.20 (-6.56, 213.55 10.13%
30% recovery action 374 1.09 (-0.319, +0.331) 1.98 (-1.25, +2.48) 92.27 (-9.69, 459.80 21.81%
40% recovery action 321 1.05 (-0.312, +0.346) 5.45 (-3.16, +5.86) 84.18 (-14.67, 970.22 46.03%
50% recovery action 268 0.98 (-0.303, +0.374) 13.63 (-7.4, 69.03 (–23.39, 1663.66 78.92%
+12.69) +19.27)
Actual recovery action 248 0.95 (-0.299, +0.388) 18.65 (-9.87, 60.76 (-27.44, 2108 100%
+16.05) +22.61)

Notes: The positive and negative numbers in parentheses in the economic impacts section columns to the range of uncertainty. The range is calculated by using the
uncertainty calculation in section 2.2, with the parameters of each group being used as standard parameters. The IEL caused by insufficient inventory is obtained by
calculating the IEL of the second decrease period on days 72–101 in the aftermath of a disaster.

The second drop point: With the increase of economic resilience action; the degree decreases as recovery action increases. The main
supported by recovery action, the time of occurrence of the second drop reason may be that the VA value of the actual recovery action is higher
point is postponed and its VA value is higher. From no action to actual than that of the no recovery action at the stop dropping point. However,
action, the time is postponed by two days, and the VA value increases their VA values at the recovery point are similar, resulting in a smaller
from 99.32% to 99.39%, especially for the 30% and 50% recovery ac­ recovery space for VA value under the stronger economic resilience.
tion; their increasing degrees are the largest. In addition, analyzing the whole dropping process, the degree of the
The stop dropping point: The enhanced economic resilience second decline in VA gradually reduces, or even offsets the impact of
effectively increases the VA value when the point is reached, as it in­ insufficient inventory (as shown in the result of the upper uncertainty in
creases from 99.09% to 99.23%. In addition, After the 30% recovery Fig. 3b), as economic resilience increases. The degree of decline under
action, the VA corresponding to this point increases significantly, and different recovery actions differs significantly, especially with the re­
the increase reaches the fastest at the 40% recovery action. However, the covery action increasing from 30% to 50 %, the degree of decline de­
increase has decreased under the actual recovery action. creases visibly, indicating that the impact of insufficient inventory
The recovery point: With the increased economic resilience, the requires stronger economic resilience to offset.
time to the recovery point has been advanced six days (from 101 to 96). (2) With the recovery action increasing from 10% to actual recovery
Especially from the 30% recovery action, the recovery point’s VA value action, VA has exceeded its pre-disaster level and stabilized at a certain
has been largely improved, indicating that its recovery effect has been value, which indicates that the production capacity of the economic
significantly improved. system (system performance) has sustainably improved (e.g., the pro­
The dropping rate: During the dropping period from the second duction technology has been updated or the drainage pipes have been
drop point to the stop dropping point, the VA value drops by 0.23% improved) during the post-disaster recovery period supported by rescue
under no recovery action, and 0.16% under actual recovery action; the funds. There is a key characteristic point during this period, and it has a
value has declined by 0.07%, which means that the degree of decrease close relationship with economic resilience.
has declined by 30.4% compared with no recovery action, as recovery Recovery completion point: With increases in economic resilience,
action increases. It reveals that the increase of economic resilience can the VA value becomes larger when the economic system stabilizes at the
effectively slow down second drop of VA: the rate has declined by 0.2% recovery completion point (we defined the value as the sustainable
per day from no recovery action to actual recovery action. development degree). The sustainable development degree increases
The recovery rate: During the secondary recovery period from the from 0.001% under 10% recovery action to 0.088% under actual re­
stop dropping point to the recovery point, the VA recovers by 0.32% covery actions (actual rescue funds of 2108 million USD), indicating that
under no recovery action, while it remains 0.19% under actual recovery the system performance benefits from an increase in economic resilience

Z. Zhang et al. Safety Science 144 (2021) 105443

(Fig. 3c). The sustainable development degree increases relatively small 3. The application of economic resilience to disaster
(0.008%) with the recovery action increasing from 10% to 20%. How­ management
ever, when the action increases to 30%, the degree begins to increase
significantly. The increased degree can be up to 0.052% when action Most previous studies assumed that the post-disaster rescue funds
increases from 30% to 50%, and up to 0.068% when action increases can meet the demand of economic resilience, but the rescue funds from
from 30% to actual action (Fig. 3c). governments, society and insurance vary due to the economic devel­
Therefore, there is a close relationship between economic resilience, opment in the disaster area. Therefore, a refined assessment of economic
the elimination of adverse factors in the recovery process, and the sus­ resilience should be combined with the actual level of rescue funds in the
tainable development degree of system performance at the end of the disaster area to provide the post-disaster recovery scheme that matches
recovery process. The increased economic resilience can decrease or the economic development in this area. By comparing the changes in
even offset the impacts of secondary VA drop caused by adverse factors, IELs and the degree of sustainable development among the seven post-
and make the economic system performance greater than the pre- disaster recovery actions, this section applies the quantitative assess­
disaster level, when the system rebounds to stability. This is conducive ment results of economic resilience to the actual disaster management of
to reducing vulnerability and increasing mitigation for future disasters. the “7.6 Wuhan flood disaster”, providing a reasonable and effective
In addition, the 30% recovery action is a watershed that divides the policy for disaster prevention and mitigation.
effect of post-disaster recovery for the “7.6 Wuhan flood disaster”, since Table 3 presents the results of the IELs caused by insufficient in­
30% recovery action, the reduction degree of IEL, post-disaster recovery ventory, the sustainable development of production capacity due to
speed, and the increase of the sustainable development degree, have a rescue funds, IELs, and the demand for rescue funds of “7.6 Wuhan flood
greater response degree to the enhancement of economic resilience. disaster” under the seven scenarios of actions for reducing the post-
disaster recovery. The demand for rescue funds under actual recovery
2.2. The role of economic resilience in adverse factors and sustainable action comes from the Wuhan government’s actual investment (Zhang
development et al., 2019); the calculation method for rescue funds under 10% to 50%
recovery action is referred to in section 2.1.
As economic resilience increases, the time taken to recover to the The post-disaster recovery period is 535 days in the no recovery
pre-disaster level decreases, the shape of the recovery curve grows action scenario, and the IELs are approximately 101.46 (-3.81, +5.66)
steeper, and the role of economic resilience in the post-disaster effect million USD. In the actual recovery action (Wuhan’s economic system
and the reduction of IELs becomes significant (Fig. 3a). These results are received an investment of 2108 million USD from the government, so­
consistent with the research of Xie et al. (2018) and Rose and Liao ciety, and insurance industry), the post-disaster recovery period is
(2005) (Fig. 4a). In addition, under the scenario of no recovery action, reduced to 248 days, and the IELs are reduced to 60.76 (-27.44, +22.61)
the capacity of the economic system of Wuhan City to recover to the pre- million USD, including 0.95 (-0.299, +0.388) million USD insufficient
disaster level depends on its economic resilience; however, the recovery inventory and 18.65 (-9.87, +16.05) million USD sustainable develop­
time is longer, and the IEL is larger (Fig. 3a). If the economy of a region is ment of production capacity. These results indicate the significant role
less developed, then resilience may be unable to support economic re­ of economic resilience in post-disaster recovery and reconstruction. In
covery to the pre-disaster level, which is consistent with the research of addition, the VA curve eventually stabilizes at 1.088% compared to the
Chen et al. (2019). pre-disaster level (Fig. 3), indicating that the economy of Wuhan City
However, in this study, we found that the increase of economic will sustainably benefit from this post-disaster recovery.
resilience can not only change the shape of the recovery path, but also In the action increases from 10% to 50% in the other recovery ac­
offset the factors that adversely affect the recovery of VA (e.g., insuffi­ tions, then rescue funds in the range of 83.69 to 1663.66 million USD
cient inventory) and permanently improve the production capacity, will be needed to support these actions. We defined the actual rescue
reflecting the importance of economic resilience (Fig. 4). Regarding the funds of 2108 million USD as 100% to uniformly measure the percentage
impact of economic resilience on post-disaster recovery, economic of rescue funds to reduce the recovery period by 10%-50%. The results
resilience effectively prevents the second drop of the VA curve caused by show an exponential positive correlation between the increase actions
insufficient inventory and even completely offsets its impact under and the supporting rescue funds underlying them. When the action is set
strong economic resilience, which will have a greater influence on the low, only a small amount of rescue funds are needed to support the
IEL. Taking the recovery path of the 30% recovery action as an example, achievement of the action. If 10% recovery action is set, only 3.97% of
although economic resilience does not have a significant impact on the the rescue funds is needed for support. If 20% action is set, then 10.13%
time taken for the entire economy recovery to reach the pre-disaster is needed for support. Additionally, if 30% action is set, then 21.81%
level, which is similar to the result under low economic resilience, it support is needed. In particular, the economy can achieve a 0.02%
has an clear offsetting effect on the impact of insufficient inventory, sustainable improvement compared to the pre-disaster level. This action
consequently reducing the large IEL. Regarding the impact of economic seems to be suitable for disaster areas with lesser economic develop­
resilience on the sustainable development of production capacity (sys­ ment. However, with the improvement of recovery actions, the
tem performance), economic resilience determines the improvement achievement of these actions will significantly increase the demand for
level of production capacity, which will reduce IELs and increase the rescue funds. When the action of 50% is set, 78.92% of the rescue funds
disaster prevention capacity in the future. Additionally, taking 30% are needed, which is 20 times the amount of funds required for the 40%
recovery action as an example (Fig. 4b), although the recovery time is action. The reason may be the complexity of the industrial linkage.
similar, the improvement in the economic system’s performance sus­ Direct linkages among industries can be recovered using a lower amount
tainably reduces its vulnerability. Doing so, effectively improves resis­ of recovery funds, but deeper and indirect linkages require greater
tance to disasters in the future and reduces direct losses to reduce the rescue funds.
post-disaster recovery time and IEL. Therefore, economic resilience supported by rescue funds can
Therefore, a more refined and comprehensive analysis of the impact effectively reduce the recovery period and IELs, However, different re­
of economic resilience on post-disaster recovery will help identify the gions need to set an appropriate resilience scheme based on their own
role of resilience in reducing losses due to disasters. economic development and disaster intensity. The most economical and

Z. Zhang et al. Safety Science 144 (2021) 105443

effective resilience scheme that can accelerate the recovery speed and disasters, such as instantaneous disaster (e.g., earthquake), may cause
reduce IELs is preferred for less-developed areas, such as the 30% re­ extensive damage to the capital stock, while continual disaster (such as
covery action. However, for developed areas, the best resilience scheme floods) may cause a larger threat to the affected people; (ii) different
they can pursue involves minimizing the recovery period and the impact type of affected industries due to shock location. Different industries
of adverse factors and maximizing system performance sustainably, (such as traditional industry and high-tech industry) have different in­
thereby reducing system vulnerability, such as the 50%, or higher re­ fluence and induction roles in industrial linkage; (iii) different industrial
covery action. structure, economic development and economic resilience of disaster
area. Although suffered by the same intensity of shock, the IELs will be
4. Conclusion and discussion different because of the reasonable or simple industrial structure,
economically developed or less developed areas, strong or low resil­
By setting seven scenarios for reducing the recovery period and ience; (iv) different occurrence time and source of shock. If the source of
analyzing their dynamic recovery paths, this study adopts the Adaptive first-time shock comes from disaster, but the second-time shock comes
Regional Input-Output with Inventory and Labor (ARIL) model to from the following unreasonable recovery policy or inventory shortage,
quantitatively evaluate the impact of economic resilience on “secondary like studies in this paper, it will bring about different IELs results.
shock” caused by adverse factors and the sustainable development of Therefore, future studies should pay attention to different shock types
economic system. We exemplify this through a case study: the flood and the quantitative assessment of IELs due to different shock types.
disaster that occurred in Wuhan city, China, on July 6, 2016. Second, the secondary shock timing will directly affect the evalua­
The results show that: (1) The economic resilience supported by tion result: (i) If the timing of the secondary shock is very close to the
rescue funds can not only change the shape of the recovery path but also first disruption, such as primary and secondary disaster, it can be inte­
offset the adverse factors (e.g. insufficient inventory) in the process of grated into the disruption. The economic resilience will then act on the
recovery and sustainably improve the performance of the economic integrated disruption; (ii) If the secondary shock takes places a while
system; (2) The degree of dropping rate of value added (VA) decreases after the first disruption and the economic system has not fully recov­
by almost 1/3, and the recovery time advances by seven days as the ered from the first disruption, such as the research in this paper, the
increase of economic resilience from no recovery action to actual re­ damage of the secondary shock may be amplified based on the first
covery action. In addition, the performance of the economic system has disruption. The economic resilience will effectively mitigate or even
a sustainable improvement of 0.088% compared to the pre-disaster level offset the damage to the economic system caused by the secondary shock
due to rescue funds of 2108 million USD, which will contribute signif­ based on the evaluation results in this study; (iii) If the secondary shock
icantly to reducing vulnerability and increasing mitigation of future takes place after the first disruption, but the economic system has fully
disasters; (3) The most suitable level of economic resilience for each area recovered from the first disruption, the damages and recovery curve will
should be based on the area’s economic development instead of the be evaluated separately. However, if supposing that the economic sys­
strongest level of economic resilience. When the action for reducing the tem performance has sustainable development due to economic resil­
recovery period increases 10% to 50%, the demand for rescue funds ience after the first disruption, the damage to the system after the
supporting economic resilience will increase from 3.97% to 78.92% secondary shock will decrease, and its recovery speed may improve.
compared with the actual action, requiring an increase of approximately Therefore, in the future research, the role of economic resilience in the
20 times to support recovery action achievement. The lower economic impact of secondary shock should consider the time of the occurrence of
resilience can effectively reduce indirect economic losses (IELs) and the the secondary shock.
recovery period in the secondary industry, while the sustainable
development degree and IEL reduction can change significantly with Declaration of Competing Interest
stronger economic resilience.
According to the results, this study reveals the quantitatively rela­ The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
tionship among the economic resilience supported by post-disaster interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
rescue fund, the IEL of “secondary shock” caused by inventory the work reported in this paper.
shortage, and the degree of sustainable development of economic sys­
tem, demonstrating that the goal of “speeding up the post-disaster re­ Acknowledgement
covery” concerns not only the concept of time but also the rescue effort
behind it. When formulating post-disaster recovery strategies and This research was funded by the National Natural Science Founda­
schedules, the government needs to fully consider the economic devel­ tion of China (No. 41907395); the National Key Research and Devel­
opment level itself to ensure that the rescue budget can support the opment Program of China (2017YFC1502901, 2016YFA0602403); the
achievement of actions, instead of pursuing the strongest level of eco­ National Key Research and Development Program of China
nomic resilience for fast recovery speed. For a less developed area, the (2017YFC0504701); Key Research Program of Frontier Sciences, CAS
government should increase the rescue funds in a gradual and sustain­ (QYZDY-SSW-DQC006); the Strategic Priority Research Program of
able manner and in the most economical way to achieve the best rescue Chinese Academy of Sciences (XDA23090300); National Natural Science
effect. For a developed area, the government should further optimize Foundation of China (41775103 and 41871024); China Postdoctoral
and improve disaster prevention and mitigation measures based on full Science Foundation (2021M690425, 2020T130647, 2019M650828);
post-disaster recovery, thereby increasing the economic resilience sus­ the projects of the International partnership program of the Chinese
tainably. The results provide a new perspective and case support for a Academy of Sciences (No. 131551KYSB20160002).
refined dynamic assessment of economic resilience, revealing the role of
resilience in promoting the short-term post-disaster recovery and long- Appendix
term sustainable development.
However, there are some points that still need elaboration. First, (See Tables A1 and A2)
different types of shocks may result in different IELs results. The types
mainly include: (i) different types of disasters and objects suffered by

Z. Zhang et al. Safety Science 144 (2021) 105443

Table A1
The definition of acronyms used in this paper.
Acronym Full name Definition in this paper

IEL Indirect economic loss the decrease in value added of economic system caused by: (i) direct economic loss due to capital damage and labor
shortage; (ii) the imbalance between supply and demand in various sectors due to direct economic loss.
DER dynamic economic resilience The ability and effect of the economic system to recover from a shock. The “effect” represents not only the shape and the
duration of recovery, but also the fluctuations in the shape of recovery time-path and the extent to which the value added
at the end of post-disaster recovery compared to its pre-disaster level.
VA Value added The new added value created by the economic system during a certain period of time in the production process after
excluding a series of cost. It is used to measure IELs in this paper to avoid double counting caused by the reduction in
output or the increase in expenses in a disaster aftermath.
IO model Input-Output model is an economic mathematical model that comprehensively analyzes the balance relationship between input and output
among various economic sectors in a region based on the input–output table.
CGE model Computable General Equilibrium Currently no standard definition, and it is generally described as a large-scale economic mathematical model that
model combines actual economic data with policy analysis based on general equilibrium theory and social accounting matrix
ARIO-Inventory Adaptive Regional Input-Output A non-linear, dynamic economic mathematical model that considers inventory heterogeneity and the impact of post-
model Inventory model disaster policies. It has been widely used in floods, hurricanes, and earthquake.

Table A2
Disaster data per sector.
ID Sector Industry

1 Agriculture 1
2 Mining and extraction 2
3 Manufacturing 2
4 Electricity, steam, and hot water production and supply 2
5 Construction 2
6 Wholesale and retail trade 3
7 Transportation and warehousing 3
8 Accommodation and catering 3
9 Information 3
10 Finance, insurance 3
11 Real estate 3
12 Leasing and business service 3
13 Scientific research and technical service 3
14 Water resources, environment and public facilities management 3
15 Resident and other services 3
16 Education 3
17 Health, social security and social welfare 3
18 Culture, sports and entertainment 3
19 Public administration and social organization 3

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