Boholst, Jewerly Mae B. B.S Criminology 3Rd Yr/ Block A

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R.A 6713 (SUMMARY)

In my own Understanding the R.A 6713 or An act Establishing a code of conduct and
ethical standards for public officials and employees, 

Is a demonstration setting up a set of accepted rules and moral guidelines for public authorities
and representatives, to maintain the respected rule of public office being a public trust, conceding
motivators and compensations for excellent assistance, specifying denied acts and exchanges and
giving punishments to infringement thereof for Public authorities and representatives will
consistently be responsible to individuals and will release their obligations with most extreme
duty, trustworthiness, capability, and unwaveringly, act with nationalism and equity, have
humble existences, and maintain public enthusiasm over close to home intrigue. 

This also includes the norms of a public official, their duties, the system of incentives and
rewards, prohibited acts and transactions, penalties and so on. This act provides a public trust and
respect for the public officials and employees. 

Progress Activity No. 1

Discuss the following questions:

1.      What is discussed in the video?

The video is about ethics. Ethics is concerned with what is good for individuals and
society and is also described as moral philosophy. The term is derived from the Greek
word ethos which can mean custom, habit, character or disposition. Here they discuss
ethics in Greek Tradition which is Good life and Happiness and the Judeo-Christian
which is righteousness before God; love of God and Neighbor. If we do an effort to
understand these two we are able to define between doing what is right and being happy. 

2.  Is ethics the same with morality? Explain.

Ethics is not the same with morality. Ethics is a science of morals and Morality is a
practice of ethics It says that Ethics is theory of right action and the greater Good or a
systematic study of the underlying principles of morality while Morality practice,
rightness or wrongness of human action or prescriptive and it tells us what we ought to do
and exhorts as to follow the right way.

3.  Discuss the normative ethics, metaethics and applied ethics in the given situation: a
police officer shoots a terrorist, who is about to blow up a crowded shopping mall.

Normative ethics address us to do good at all times. Metaethics ask the question what is
good? Applied ethics is the third major type. Applied ethics is the actual application of
ethical or moral theories for the purpose of deciding which ethical or moral actions are
appropriate in the given situation.

A police officer shoots a terrorist, who is about to blow up a crowded shopping mall. In
metaethics, the act of the police officer is morally wrong because it is always wrong to
kill. But if the police officer did not shoot the terrorist, many innocent people will be in
danger. In normative ethics says that it is the right thing to do especially in those kinds of
situations. In case he did not shoot the terrorist it may result in more damage and can be
the source of death of many people and the action can be morally correct. And last, the
Applied Ethics says that the police officer is just doing his best to fulfill his duty and
serve and protect.

 It affects the decision making of the individual on how he chooses to take someone’s life
rather than that the terrorist killed the people in the building. The factors being
considered in making a decision, is what are the morally and right things to do in those
kinds of situations. What is heavier on your scales? Is it the life of a single person whose
motive is to harm many innocent people, or the lives of many people in the area? Maybe
it is morally wrong to take one’s life but to save the lives of innocents as the result of it.
Why not?
4.       How do ethics affect an individual’s behavior in a given situation? What are the
factors being considered in making a decision?

Ethics are the guidelines for behaving morally. We care about how our actions affect
others. We have a sense of morality or right or wrong. This guides us to believe in certain
values. Values in turn help us make ethical decision choices that we feel good about. If
we know what is morally right to do. In the given situation, Amber  is getting  paid more
than her wage, and Amber imagine herself in Mr. Anderson’s place, she doesn't want
somebody lying to her. The second situation says that unfortunately there is no formula
for acting ethically, you have to judge by individual situation. Ethics just guide us for our
decision making. It depends on us on how we react. It helps define the condition of what
is the good choice. To figure out these choices is the best option we can take.

5.      Watch the following videos and give your personal reactions about the topics discussed
in each video.

In the first video, they discuss the foundation of ethics. Ethics and Morality are just the
guidelines on our behavior. It says here what is good and bad and it depends on us what
we are going to choose.  Second is about the different reactions in ethics in different
religious terms of  religion we can’t just say that the one is wrong and the
other is right. This is what they believe is right and okay. There are differences between
what we think and what we believe.   Ethics is about the quality of our decisions. Ethics
might be the tool that helps us create the difference between the good and bad decisions. 

6.      Watch this video on the link: using what you have learned from the video think of a
scenario appropriate to you, as a criminology student (your future profession, police
officer), wherein the principles of ethics can be discussed, and explain it.

In this video they gave the five Ethical principles. First the beneficence or to promote
good, the second is Nonmaleficence or to do no harm. Here I learn that as a future police
officer you need to promote good and arrest the bad ones. But you must treat them in a
humane way. I should respect them even if they are criminals. Being a police officer
needs veracity(honesty) at all times, Honesty to your job, to your co-workers and honesty
to yourself. I will make a decision depending on knowing the truth. The last principle is
justice or fairness. You can’t just tell who’s wrong and who’s right without having an
investigation. I have to be fair in my decision at all times.

7.      Discuss the modifiers of human acts (refer to your module)

Modifiers of Human Acts allude to things that influence man's information, opportunity and
voluntaries in the presentation of a demonstration, making them less impeccably. Likewise
considered deterrents of human act that effects or forestall an away from the object of the
demonstration or debilitate the occurring of a human demonstration in its foundations by
reducing forestalling the assent of unrestrained choice.

Various modifiers of Human Act are:

I.      Ignorance of the law and obliviousness of truth. The positive is the nonattendance of
information an individual should know and adverse which nonappearance of information an
individual isn't required to have.

II.    Passion or Concupiscence are solid human driving forces or propensities toward the
ownership of something great or shirking of something evil; energy are neither acceptable and
wickedness, however impassive.

III.   Fear is an extraordinary sort of lust unsettling influence of the psyche brought about by
the idea of an undermining malevolent or undesirable inclination or tension.

IV.   Violence is a motivation from without tending to drive the specialist to act against his

V.    Habit is status for doing a specific thing they gained by ordinary and persistently doing
likewise act.

8.      Watch this video and discuss how respect is shown in the application of ethics in our
rights and the rights of other people.

In rights theory an action or decision that respects the rights of other people would be that
respects the rights of other people would be considered ethnically correct. Respect is the
key word in explaining rights theory. Also respect is the foundation of rights theory.
Respecting other people is ethically and morally correct. Even if you have the right to
speak it doesn’t give you the right to discriminate against other people.  

9.      Watch this video and give the kinds of rights of a person.

First we have natural rights, second is moral rights, third is human rights and the last is
legal rights which are divided by civil rights, political rights and economic rights. Natural
rights are those that are not dependent on the laws or customs of any particular culture or
government, and so are universal, fundamental and inalienable they cannot be repealed
by human laws, though one can forfeit their enjoyment through one's actions, such as by
violating someone else's rights. Moral rights are personal rights that connect the creator
of a work to their work. Moral rights are about being properly named or credited when
your work is used, and the way your work is treated and shown. Moral rights require that
your name is always shown with your work. This is called the right of attribution. Human
rights include the right to life and liberty, freedom from slavery and torture, freedom of
opinion and expression, the right to work and education, and many more. Everyone is
entitled to these rights, without discrimination. A legal right is an interest accepted and
protected by law. Also, any debasement of any legal right is punishable by law. Legal
rights affect every citizen. Legal rights are equally available to all the citizens without the
discrimination of caste, creed & sex 

10.  Watch this video. How does your attitude towards your co-workers or classmates affect
the school or work environment you are in?
Attitude is an evaluation of an attitude. This ranging from extremely positive to
extremely negative. It may affect your environment from being good or bad. A good
attitude attracts more positive vibes in school or in the workplace. Your environment
respects you toward the good attitude you gave to your classmates or workmates. it may
be easier for you to have a lot of friends, than having a bad attitude towards others.

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