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A Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

Dona Claire D. Berdin

At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
a. Determine correctly the adverbs of manner
b. Construct sentences using the correct adverbs of manner through a
group activity
c. Share a memorable experiences using the adverb of manner

II.Subject Matter
Adverb of Manner

Alleyne, A. (2012) Word Power: Adverbs of Manner “ESL on Adverbs of
Manner. Bright Hub Education

Pentel Pen



III. Developmental Activities

A. Preparatory Activities
a. Routine
1. Prayer
Please stand for our daily prayer (The student prays)

Good morning students! Good morning ma’am!

You may now take your seat Thank you ma’am.

2. Checking of attendance

Look at your left and right and tell me the

names of students who are absent today. None ma’am.

Very good! Nobody is absent.

3. Classroom rules

Let me remind you of our classroom rules.

Respect and cooperate.

What are these again? Respect and cooperate ma’am.

Very well. I hope that is clear with you.

4. Review

So last meeting, we discussed about

adverbs, right? Yes ma’am

Do you have any questions regarding


Very good. None ma’am

b. Motivation
I have here two boxes. The box on my left
contains words and the box on my right
contains a title of a songs. I will be
grouping you into 4 groups and what you
will going do is to come here in front, pick
a paper on these two boxes and you
need to sing the song you picked base on
the word you also picked. For example,
you picked a word happily and a song
Bahay Kubo. So you’re going to sing the
song happily. I will just give you 1 minute
to practice and after that, you will perform
it here in front. Am I clear to you? Yes ma’am

Very well. So are you ready class? Yes ma’am!

Alright. Please pick now. Just one

representative per group (Picking)

Okay. You start practicing now (Practicing)

Alright. Let’s start! Group 1, what have Angrily and Bahay Kubo ma’am
you picked?

Okay! Sing the song bahay kubo angrily.

Go! (Singing bahay kubo angrily)

Very good Group 1! You have a good

voice. Next. Group 2. Please come here
in front.

What have you picked? Sadly and Leron leron sinta ma’am
Alright! Sing the song leron leron sinta
sadly. (Singing Leron leron sinta sadly)

Wow! Thank you Group 2. Another.

Group 3. Please come here in front.

What have you picked? Happily and Happy Birthday ma’am!

Okay! Sing the song happily group 3 (Singing Happy Birthday Happily)

Amazing! That’s very nice of you Group

3. And the last one. Group 4. Please
come here in front

What have you picked? Loudly and We wish you a Merry

Christmas ma’am

Wow! Okay sing the song loudly (Singing the song loudly)

Very well! Thank you Group 4. Around of

applause to all of you

Now class, did you observed the words

you picked on how you sing the songs? Yes ma’am!

Can anyone please enumerate those

words? Yes Herod? Angrily, Sadly, Happily and Loudly ma’am
Very good! And those words has
something to do with our lesson for today,
and that is Adverb of Manner. But before
anything else, kindly read our objectives
for this day. At the end of the lesson the students
should be able to:
a. Determine correctly the
adverbs of manner
b. Complete sentences
using the correct
adverbs of manner
c. Share a memorable
experiences using the
adverb of manner

Thank you very much!

B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
And to start, let us define what is adverb
of manner. Everyone, please read Adverbs of manner tell us how something
happens. They are usually placed either
after the main verb or after the object.

Thank you.

In the definition, please highlight the word

HOW. Adverbs of Manner tell us HOW
something happens. It answers the
question HOW. Just like what you did a
while ago. Group 1 sang the song bahay
kubo angrily. So, how did they sang
bahay kubo? Yes Kristel? Angrily ma’am

2. Discussion
Excatly! They sang it angrily. How about
the group 2? How did they sang the song
leron leron sinta? Yes Leomar? Sadly ma’am

That’s right! They sang it sadly. So the

words there, angrily, sadly, happily and
loudly is what? Adverb of Manner ma’am

Yes, the adverb of manner because it

answers the question HOW. Another is it
usually placed after the main verb or the
object. They sang angrily. What is the
main verb in this sentence? Sang ma’am

Very good! Sang here is the main verb

and the adverb of manner is placed after
sang which is angrily. I will give you more
examples. Herod, please read our
example He swims well.

Thank you. In this example, what is the

main verb? Swims ma’am

Correct. And base on the definition,

adverb of manner is usually placed after
the main verb and the main verb is swim,
so what is now the adverb of manner?
Yes Lei? Well ma’am

Exactly! Another example, Angela please

read She spoke slowly

Thank you. So what is the adverb of

manner in this example? Yes Angelo? Slowly ma’am
Can you tell me why? Because it explains how she spoke and it
is placed after the main verb which is

Very well said Angelo! In the next

example, the adverb of manner is placed
after the object or direct object. Ellaine
please read He plays the flute beautifully

Thank you. When we say about direct

object, it is a noun or pronoun that
receives the action verb so the object in
this example is what? The flute ma’am

Very good! the flute because it is a noun

that receives the action verb, and the
adverb of manner can be placed after it
which is what? Beautifully ma’am

Exactly! Beautifully. Am I clear class? Yes ma’am!

Okay. I’ll give you another example. Almi,

please read He ate the chocolate cake greedily

Thank you. So what is the adverb of

manner in the sentence? Yes Rhed? Greedily ma’am

Why is that so? Because it explains how he ate the cake

and it is also placed after the direct

That’s very nice of you Rhed. Let us also

remember that, an adverb of manner
cannot be put between a verb and its
direct object. So we cannot put it in
between of them. Let’s use our previous
example “He ate the chocolate cake
greedily”. Let’s try to put greedily in
between the verb and direct object “He
ate greedily the chocolate cake”, it Yes ma’am
sounds awkward right?

So this is wrong. We can’t just place the

adverb of manner in between of the verb
and the object. The adverb must be
placed either before the verb (He greedily
ate the chocolate cake) or at the end of
the object. Do you have any questions so None ma’am

Alright. How about if there is a preposition

in a sentence, how can we identify or
where can we place the adverb of
manner? But who can define first what is
preposition? Yes Janiel? It is a word or group of words that is used
with a noun or pronoun to show direction,
location, time

Very good. Thank you Janiel. So how

about when there is a preposition in the
sentence? Here is an example. Please The child ran happily towards his mother.

Thank you. So the preposition here is the

word towards. If there is a preposition
before the verb's object, you can identify
or place the adverb of manner either
before the preposition or after the object.
So in the example, happily is placed
before the preposition and you can also
place it after the object “The child ran
towards his mother happily”.

Yes ma’am
Am I being clear to you class?
Let us remember that adverbs of manner
end in –ly. Exceptions
include well, hard, late and fast.

Here are some more examples of

adverbs of manner. Please read react angrily, speak
angrily, say
angrily something angrily

play badly, perform

badly badly

sing beautifully, play

an instrument
beautifully beautifully

act calmly, wait

calmly calmly

speak carefully, walk

carefully, drive
carefully carefully

speak clearly,
explain something
clearly clearly

correctly spell correctly

pass a test easily,

easily win easily

fast drive fast, talk fast

gently hold something

gently, touch
something gently

well play well, speak well

Thank you. Do you have any questions?

None ma’am

Now let’s proceed to our activity.

4. Application
Okay. Now I have here cards. The cards
contain a list of adverb of manner. What
you are going to do is to create a
sentence base on the adverbs of manner
you have. For example one of the adverb
of manner you have is (badly). You are
going to create a sentence using the word
badly. Example, He plays the instrument
badly. Write your answer on the cartolina
given to you. Write as many as you can
within two minutes and post your answers
on the board. Is it clear class? Yes ma’am!

Let me group you first into 4. Please (Counting off)

count off

Okay. All group 1 will stay here, group 2,

group 3 and group 4
Please settle down. Let me give you your
cards and manila paper.

Okay. You may start working now. Your 2 (Working)…

minutes starts now.

1 minute left (Working)…

Okay times up! Please post your works

on the board. (Posting)

Now please select a representative and

read your works (Reporting)

Okay thank you class. You did a good

job. Now please go back to your proper
sits and settle down.

3. Analysis
Now class, what is the importance of It can give emphasis to what we are
adverb of manner in your life? Yes doing ma’am.

Exactly. It gives emphasis to what you

are doing.
Now, who can share to the class your
memorable experiences or something
that you’ve done before or let’s say an
embarrassing moment using adverbs of
manner? Yes Jaelmar? I fart at class loudly

Wow! That’s indeed embarrassing.

Another? Yes Rhed? I love to eat my burger loudly

Why is that so Rhed? Because I just love it ma’am

Thank you so much! Seems like you’re

now ready for our activity. Are you ready
class? Yes ma’am

5. Generalization
Have you learn something from our
lesson class? Yes ma’am

So if you learned something, who can

define the adverb of manner? Yes Gayle? It tells us how something happen ma’am

Very good. Thank you Gayle. Where did

the adverb of manner usually placed? It placed after the main verb or after the
Yes Syra? object

Exactly! Very good Syra. Now that you

already understand our lesson, let’s
proceed to our quiz.

IV. Evaluation
Please get a ½ crosswise sheet of paper Supply the sentence with a correct
and answer this. But first, please read the adverb of manner. Choose the answer on
instruction the box provided

Okay thank you. Now start answering (Answering)…

Are you done class?

Yes ma’am

Okay pass your papers to the center

isles. (Passing)

V. Assignment
Now for your assignment, please read On your English book page 54, study in
advance the Adverb of Time.

Write this on your assignment notebook

Okay class, please stand. And Pearlyn, In the name of the Father…
please lead us in our prayer.
Goodbye class! Goodbye Ma’am!

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