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Vidya : Host

Akbar : Guest
The title of the talk show: Health Talk Show
Topic : Food to boost immunity during a pandemic

Vidya : Hello, welcome back with me, Vidya Ananda at Health Talk Show. Here I’am with
dr. Akbar who will provide very useful information for you guys.
Akbar : Hello everyone…
Vidya : Wow, doctor Akbar is really busy for your information guys, but he took the time to
attend this event. So, this time, we will talk about what foods are good for consumption
during the current pandemic. Because, the health of the respiratory system is now a concern.
The corona pandemic that attacks the respiratory system makes people start thinking about
strengthening their respiratory system in various ways. Regular exercise and wearing a mask
is one of them. What about nutrition, can nutrition and food intake keep our lungs healthy?
Let's ask dr. Akbar.
Akbar : During a pandemic like this, it is necessary to eat foods with balanced nutrition. A
balanced diet is one that contains carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. You
can get this balanced nutrition from serving one meal in 1 plate, half filling with vegetables
and fruits. During this pandemic, high protein foods are also needed. Protein is required 2-4
servings per day with approximately 1 per portion size fist. It is also necessary foods with
high omega-3. Omega-3 can reduce inflammation in the body and can also strengthen a
person's immune system. Foods that are high in omega-3s include fatty fish, such as salmon,
tuna, catfish, and sardines. And also you can get from nuts such as almonds and wallnuts.
Vidya : Alright, during this pandemic you should avoid foods with very high sugar, salt, and
oil, for example, instant foods or junk food, fast food, and packaged drinks or fizzy drinks.
Because if you consume too much of these foods can increase inflammation in the body and
can also cause various diseases. And now, you should avoid foods that are still raw or
undercooked. Expand the food you cook for yourself in order to be guaranteed hygiene.
Akbar : We also need foods that contain probiotics, Ms. Vidya. We can get probiotics from
dairy products, yogurt, and bananas. This probiotic can nourish your gastrointestinal tract and
if your digestive tract is healthy then in general the immune system will also increase.
Vidya : So, friends, if your digestive tract is healthy, your immune system will also increase.
Then the number of transmissions due to the Corona virus is increasing every day, and for
those of you who have respiratory problems, of course you have to be vigilant. Because
people who have respiratory problems are more susceptible to bacteria and viruses. So, how
do you keep your lungs healthy?
Akbar : During a pandemic like this, special foods are needed to keep the lungs healthy.
Foods that can nourish the lungs include foods with low carbohydrates. In addition, foods that
contain curcumin are also needed, such as ginger, curcuma, and turmeric, because curcumin
can actually increase the body's immunity and can also thin out existing phlegm. And needed
foods with high antioxidants. Antioxidants function is to fight free radicals that we get from
pollution, cigarette smoke, etc. Foods rich in antioxidants such as vegetables and fruits.
Vegetables and fruits are needed 5 servings per day, for example you can get from broccoli,
spinach, carrots, and tomatoes.
Vidya : Live healthy and avoid disease, who doesn't want it? To make it happen, here are
some tips. First, don't forget to eat a balanced diet. The second is to eat foods with sufficient
protein with a high protein diet. The third do not forget to consume sources of omega-3 every
day. Then don't forget to sunbathe 5-15 minutes per day, for sunbathing you can pay attention
to the existing UV index, if the sun is getting hotter, then the duration of time will be shorter.
And don't forget to keep exercising every day for 30-60 minutes. Don't forget to manage
stress, because this stress can actually lower the body's immune system. And lastly, maintain
a sleep pattern of at least 7 hours per day, and always wash your hands for at least 20
seconds, always wear a mask and also keep a distance of at least 1 meter. Ok, thank you
dr.Akbar who has given information to all of us, wow, there's a lot of information that we got
today, hopefully it can be useful for all of you guys. Alritgh guys, I’m Vidya Ananda, say
goodbye, I'll see you tomorrow at the same time. Stay healthy, see you soon! Bye!

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