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(GRADE 12 Second Semester)

Definitions of community
Social sciences perspective
Civil society
Local and grassroots levels

Prepared by:
Ms.Erika D. General

The word "community" is derived from Latin and has been used in the English language since
the 14th century. The word community is derived from the Latin communitas (meaning the
same), which is in turn derived from communis, which means "common, public, shared by all or

Three types of communities are:

Urban- a large community with many people and large buildings, a city

Suburb- a medium-sized community near a large city, houses are close together, you may see
parks and malls

Rural-a community where houses are far apart, there are a smaller number of people, and you
may see farms and forests

 All communities have places where people live.

 Homes are different in different communities.

 Urban communities may have high rise apartments and town houses.

 Suburbs may have houses with lawns but with close neighbors.  There may also be
apartment buildings.

 Rural areas may have houses that are farther apart, on large areas of land with trees. 

What kind of community do you live in?

 All communities have places to work.

 Different communities have different jobs.

o Urban communities may have office workers, store clerks, taxi drivers.

 Suburban communities may have factory workers. 

 Rural communities may have farmers.

Can you add some?

Activity 1. Answer the following:


 What are three characteristics that define a community?

 How is a Rural community different from an Urban community?

 How are they the same?

 What might you see in a Suburb?

 Can you name an example of an Urban community? A Rural community?  A Suburb?

Social perspective

 a sociological mindset in regards to being able to connect individual experiences and

societal relationships. 

  the lens that an individual chooses to view the scope of society from.

  go beyond the obvious and question what is accepted as true or common sense.

Why do we need a Sociological Perspective?

Culture and Norms

 An integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior that depends upon the
capacity for symbolic thought and social learning

 The set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes an institution,
organization, or group

Elements of Culture

 Language 

 Norms 

 Values 

 Beliefs and ideologies 

 Statuses and Roles 

 Cultural IntegratioN


 a set of symbols used to assign and communicate meaning.

 a way of signaling identity with one cultural group and difference from others

 a way of signaling cultural rank

 a social product, as it is not a creation of an individual

 the agreed-upon expectations and rules by which a culture guides the behavior of its
members in any given situation. 

 Members of a culture must conform to its norms for the culture to exist and function.
Internalize Socialize Control

Kinds of Norms

Folkways - sometimes known as “conventions” or “customs,” are standards of behavior that are
socially approved but not morally significant

Example: Belching loudly after eating dinner at someone else's home breaks an American

Mores – norms of morality. Breaking mores will offend most people of a culture 

Example: Attending church in the nude

Laws - a formal body of rules enacted by the state and backed by the power of the state.

Example: Child abuse is against U.S. and Philippine laws.

Taboos – absolutely forbidden by a certain culture. 

Example: Incest is a taboo in Philippine and American culture.

A sense of Community

Membership is  the feeling of belonging or of sharing a sense of personal relatedness.

Influence -a sense of mattering, of  making a difference to a group and of the group mattering to
its members.

Integration and fulfillment of needs.

This is the feeling that members’ needs will  be met  by the resources received through their
membership in the group.

Shared emotional connection- the commitment and belief that members have shared and will
share history, common places, time together, and similar experiences.

-is composed of variety of elements that the over all functions of public life in which
citizens from all spheres and interest participate in government and ultimately, debate the
rule of law.

-includes persons who take part in the electoral process, activists who fight for human
rights and freedoms as well as organizations that make- up and represent the general
opinion of the country.

-is the organ of nation and without it: there is no stability or direction forward.

-is essential ingredient of society.


1. NGOs, CSOs and non-profit organisations that have an organised structure or activity,
and are typically registered entities and groups

2. Online groups and activities including social media communities that can be
“organised” but do not necessarily have physical, legal or financial structures

3. Social movements of collective action and/or identity, which can be online or physical
4. Religious leaders, faith communities, and faith-based organisations .


 Functioning of DEMOCRACY
 At the heart of it’s internal governmental work.
 Aims to facilitate close dialogue

International Steering Committee

 Composed of 27 Leaders □
 Its secretariat
 The Council for a Community Democracies
 Civil Society Pillar

The community’s devoted work for strengthening of civil society has been widely
recognized around the world.


The goal of cultural programs and activities in the grassroot level is to enrich the cultural life of
rural communities.

 OTHER PROGRAMS DILG LGU Brgy.Officials Local Officials Comm. Dev.

Activity 2.

I. TRUE OR FALSE. Read each statements carefully. Write T if the statement is true and F if it
is not.

_____ 1. Community is a collection of people in a particular territory.

_____ 2. Collection of people is always synonymous with community.

_____ 3. The daily operations in the community constitute to a feeling of isolation.

_____ 4. Society is another term for community.

_____ 5. Being a part of a community develops a sense of belongingness among individuals.

Activity 3

IDENTIFICATION. Identify what is being asked in each statement. Write your answer on the
space provided.

_________________ 1. It is defined as collection of people in a geographical area.

_________________ 2. It is the study of society and social interactions.

_________________ 3. An element of a community which pertains to a geographical area which

pertains to a geographical area which can be under the jurisdiction of the government.

_________________ 4. It is the study of man.

_________________ 5. It is defined as an established organization.

Activity 4

MATCHNG TYPE. Match column A to Column B. Write the letter of your answer on the space


Column A

A. Terms b. Urban

a. Slums c. Social Status

d. Rural f. Community

e. Subdivision

COLUMN B. Description / Definition housing.

_______ 1. Pertains to highly industrialize _______ 4. An area of land that has been
on smaller areas on which houses
_______ 2. Consists of agricultural lands,
also were built.

referred as pre-industrial _______ 5. Refers to the social standing of

_______ 3. A densely populated area

crowded and has dirty run-down


ESSAY.( 3 paragraph with 5 sentences each)

1. As a student how can you help lessen the diversity issues now in our society?


Sketch to Stretch Activity

 Draw/sketch a symbol or an object about a community without a leader


 Make a graphic organizer that will present the negative and positive Filipino values.

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