Activity No. 2 Reflections To Be Answer

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Reflections to be answer:
Write your full name (Family name, given name, middle initial, Course and Year) and read the
following questions, honestly, comprehensively, clearly and logically. Use separate short bond
paper for your answers and reflections.

Font style: Time New Romans
Font size: 12
Size: Short bond paper (11” x 8.5”)
Spacing: 1.00 (in ENGLISH or in FILIPINO)
(separate page per question)
1. In our time now that we do not who and what to follow, believe and trust, do you think
there is still a need for religion? Why/why not? Defend your answer.

Religion serves as the foundation of all goodness in the world as it gives hope despite all
negativities, gives us answers behind all of the confusions we have, and it serves as the
power to direct the path of all people. Religion is a must not only in darkest times but is
essential in every second we deal on life. Religion has the guarantee to make everything
goes smoothly, to run the world with prosperity, and to assure the world with security.
Religion teaches us the value of prayer, that in any case that we are losing courage, there
is something we can holp on to, there is Someone whom we can talk with, and there is a
way to bring back the beliefs and trust you once built and develop. Currently, we are
being govern by negative vibes, that everything will come into its worst state, that
everything will be subjected into an end, but with the help of religion, it will drastically
change our perceptions, that whenever we are in trials, we just need to pray, to know the
essence of the bible because all questions are can be answered through its context. It will
help us live a life where abundance not into material possessions but through faith is the
center, hope and trust are the key to overcome all feasible hurdles that might strike our
way, and it teaches us to have that love and care for our brothers and sisters most
especially in times of trouble. Indeed, if we do not know what to do and who to follow in
our life, we should take into consideration our religion which spreads out the true value
of having life, the right approach to all catastrophes, and the eye-opener of those who are
blinded with failures.

2. Do you think religion grants you salvation? How?

Religion do grant us salvation as it is the main foundation of faith, hope and trust which
are needed for redemption. Religion enables the community to develop a sense of
belongingness and offers a significant source of social support, it gives people’s lives
denotation and drive, and it encourages individuals live an eloquent lifestyle, which are
the key to salvation – to live a life with positivity, purpose and meaning. God taught us
that whoever follow what He told us to do so are the ones who will be saved, are the ones
who’ll be granted with peace, and are the ones who’ll be protected. Religion directs us to
the path where there is the absence of suffering, failures, and all evils. If we do follow
God, there is assurance for everything, that no matter how hard our situation is, if we
remain faithful to Him, there is no such thing as impossible, there is no such word as
fiasco, and there is no such feeling of discouragement. Religion secures our selves to be
one with Christ, feed up our minds to be true to God, and purify our souls as it is the
temple of the Holy Spirit which carry the secret ingredients for salvation. Being saved
would be easy as long as we center our living to the Lord, as long as we know how to
recognize what is morally right and wrong, and as long as we know the corporate values,
we must possess to refrain us from committing sins. Salvation is not dependent on the life
status of a person, its physical appearance nor the material things he or she possesses, it’s
up to the amount of faith he or she carries, the weight of trust he or she has, and the
quantity of belief he or she integrates. Indeed, salvation is in need of religion because
without it, there would be no foundation of all goodness and prosperity.

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