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Theory and practice of Pathanjali Yoga

Ancient Yoga Academy 1

योगेन िच(), पदेन वाचां मलं शरीर) च वै5के न ।

् ं ;वरं मनु ीनां पत=िलं ;ा=िलर ्आनतोऽि? ॥

योऽपाकरोत त

Yogena cittasya, padena vācāṁ

Malaṁ śarīrasya ca vaidyakena |
Yo'pākarot taṁ pravaraṁ munīnāṁ Patañjaliṁ
prāñjalir ānato'smi ||

I respectfully bow to Muni Patanjali with

folded hands who helped me in removing the
impurities of the mind through his work on
Yoga, of the speech through his work on
grammar and of the body through his work
on Ayurveda.
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• Yoga for the purification of the mind (as Patanjali)

• Grammar for the purification of our language and
speech (as Panini) and
• Ayurveda (ancient Indian medicine) for purification of
the gross physical body (as Charaka).
• These three-pronged aspects of his personality are
well brought out in the classical Shloka found in
Bhoja’s commentary on the Sutras that is addressed
to him

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॥ "ीपात'लयोगदश.नम ॥
|| Śrīpātañjalayogadarśanam ||

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• Patanjali-Yoga-Sutras are very basis of Raja Yoga

• Patanjali Muni’s (Sage) unparallel work is considered
as important darsanshastra of Sad-darsan Six Systems of
Indian Philosophies
• Patanjali sutras is considered to be most authoritative
treatise on Yoga
• Understanding of PYS is must for every student of Yoga

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• These yoga sutras are composed by a great enlightened being

Patanjali Muni, who lived around 900 BC…
• Though very less is known about him, it is believed that, he was
great yogi and was also expert in Sanskrit grammar and Ayurveda
• Patanjali Muni’s attitude and the approach were as that of a
rigorous scientific mind, hence today he is also considered as
scientist of within !

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Characteristics of PYS
• Patanjali Muni’s all work on Yoga is in sutra from…
• Sutra is thread. Sutra also means scientific equation
• Though PY sutras are considered as a equation, they convey very
clear, comprehension and specific meaning
• Patanjali yoga sutras are like garland of scientific equation, each
having very meaningful link with other

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Characteristics of PYS …Contd..

• Style of PYS is same as like as of modern scientific thesis or
research paper.
• Very systematic step-by-step discovery of subject
• PYS are exact as any mathematical formula, just like two plus two
four. The result is bound to happen.
• The sutras are highly scientific and it rightly implemented in life,
can lead to metamorphic change in life, the total holistic change.

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Characteristics of PYS …Contd..

• The sutras are very profound and perfect that nothing more can be
added or subtracted from them
• Each sutras is logically interconnected
• PYS mainly deals about absolute laws of the humans beings, the
ultimate working structure of the human mind and of reality

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Characteristics of PYS …Contd..

• Though the philosophy, principles and practice of PYS are not

originally discovered by Patanjali but he is great compiler, a great
• He rationally synthesized a very beautiful garland of scattered
diamonds in form of sutras
• Today PYS is basis of yoga; very soon they will be recognized as
basis for modern psychology

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• The entire thesis (sutras) is divided into four section (Four

Sections) contains mainly 196 sutras

• First Samadhi Pada with 51 sutras - gives us the introduction and

tells that Samadhi is beginning of actual spiritual journey and not
the end. This chapter is an exploration of the different aspects of
• Samadhi and gives us a clue about the process of introspective

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• Second Sadhana Pada with 55 sutras - mainly deals about

analysis of Kelasha and mythology of practice i.e. Ashtang Yoga.
• This chapter lays out the path of Yoga Sadhana in the form of a
Bahiranga Sadhana though the first five limbs of Ashtanga

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Structure of PYS sutras

• Third Vibhuti Pada with 55 sutras - mainly deals about results i.e. or
psychic accomplishments that may be attained through the
practice of Samyama.

• Fourth Kaivalya Pada with 34 sutras - gives final discussion and

• This chapter deals with the attainment of the highest state of
Kaivalya (liberation) that ensues when we finally go beyond the
Kleshas (afflictions) and Karmas to ultimately become ‘ONE WITH

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