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HANDBOOK FOR RIGCERS © 1977 REVISED EDITION aes laa HANDBOOK FOR RIGGERS W. G. (BILL) NEWBERRY PREFACE The author of handbook for riggers through many years of experience in the construction industry, both in Canada and the United States, has compiled basic information, essential to the rigger. a. t ; This data is made available in handy reference form. The handbook has been made small enough for the rigger to Carry around in his pocket, for consultation, whenever he is in need of it. The information and suggestions summarized in this publication were compiled from sources believed to’ be reliable, It should not be sumed that this material covers all rules and regulations which sh be observed; rather, the thoughts expressed herein are merely gu to ‘safety, and we cannot guarantee correctness or completen accept no responsibility in connection therewith, ess © COPYRIGHT—W, G, NEWBERRY, 1967 PRINTED IN CANADA ISBN 0-9690154-1-0 | 1977 ; } Revised Edition ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In compiling this book, | thank the following for their assistance and information. The Brantford Cordage Company Brantford, Ontario, Canada Canada Western Cordage Co. Ltd. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Donald Ropes and Wire Cloth Limited Hamilton, Ontario, Canada i | Industrial Indemnity Co., San Francisco, Calif., U.S.A. Wire Rope Industries of Canada (1966) Limited Lachine, Quebec, Canada 0. E. Dickie, P. Eng. Construction Safety Association of Ontario SeawsheE Toronto, Onteridgeermmeseste - soars ezine Escaneado con Cams INDEX WIRE ROBE INFORMATION Goneral Wire Rope Information .... 4- 9 Salo Working Loads ......,.... 10- 12 Wire Rope Trouble oc... cc 000.0 13 Uncoiling and Spooling Information. . 14- 17 Wiro Rope Slings And Chokers. ... 18- 23 Splicing Wire Rope .........++ : 24- 28 Reeving With Wire Rope ,........ 29- 44 Efficiency Of Wire Rope Connections .. 45 Material Haridling Gear, Hooks, Rings, Shackes And Turn Buckles i 46- 53 Applying Wire Rope Clips ... 54 ‘Eye Bolts And Holst Rings ... 55- 58 SYNTHETIC ROPES Property Comparison and Specifications ... 59- 62 Safe Working Loads For Slings ....... wre, 63- 68 Splicing Synthetic Ropes .... 69- 76 Knot Efficiency ....... 77 Knots ........ 78- 85 Whipping Rope . 86 GENERAL RIGGING INFORMATION ‘Timber And Plank Strengths ............... 87- 91 Crane Operation, Safety Procedures . 92 Signals 00... eee eee 93- 97 Chain And Mesh Slings . 98- 99 Drum And Reel Information 100-101 Inclined Planes. . 102 Seizing Wire Rope ............ 103 Good And Bad Rigging Practices 104-110 Rule Of Thumb ..........0...0... ah Needle Beam And Bosom's Chair .. 112 Weights Of Materials................, $143. Weights And Measures English And Metric . 114-116 Weights Of Seamless And Welded Pipe .. 117 Safety Rigging Standards ... 118-119 Terms Used In Rigging...........0..00000. 120 csvareauyu cunt vans COMPOSITION OF A WIRE ROPE A wire sop |e composed of @ nomter ef wire ttrends formed helically acound a central axis, Six and eight strand ropet aro the mort popelar and the arial member is known as the cots. Tho strands azo made up of verious combinations of individual wires formed helically around @ centre, A PRECISION MACHINE Like all mactunes, a wire rope has a number of Precision parts which Interact. In operation, the strands change positon with respect to each other, The wires have a similar movement. The relationship between these parts must be cerefully engineered to enable the ropa to {unc- tion smoothly in operation. As in cther precision equipment, internal Jubri- caticn must be provided during fabrication, This combats fricuonal forces, which oppose movement of the parts, and prevents corresion. Se Fire DESIGH COASIDERATIONS The operating factors which allect a rope in service are tensicn, wear, bending, crushing and corrosion. We have left out abnormal factors which fall under the general heading of abuse. The design of a rope is not cl much importance if it gets run over by a “cat or strained beyond its Limit. The severity of the above factors varies with the application. The durability of a wire rope under @ particular set cf conditions is strictly dependent on the design and the way this design is carried out by the manufacturer. Some cf the basic rope design features are: 1. Number of strands in the rope. 2. Number of wires in the strand. 3. Grade of steel used. 4 _Type of core—ie, libre, steel, ate. _—— —_—— 5. Special processing as pre-lubricaton, preforming, post. forming etc. Grades of Rope Wire IMPROVED PLOW STEEL 246,000 pei - 269,000 pei PLOW STEEL 224,000 pai ~ 246,000 pei MILD PLOW STEEL 201,600 psi ~ 224,000 pai CRUCIGLE CAST STEEL 180,000 psi - 201,600 psi TRACTION STEEL GALVANIZED STAINLESS STEEL Highest strength, toughest, and most woar-retistant of the standard grades of rope wire, An intermediate grade of rope wire having certain desirable qualities for specilic applicatons. Approx: imately 15% less tonsil yongth than Improved Plow Steel and gradually being supplanted by the higher strength rope lor most applications Not equal to the above grades in tensile strength and abrasion resistance. Rarely used for general duty. A low tonsile wire not in goneral use for industrial ropes. This wire still re applications and ins tome popularity in certain marine A particular grade of rope wire for the hoist ropes on modern high speed elevators. Rope wire that has boon individually coated with a layer of pure zinc, This coating offers protection from the corrosive elfects of the elements, salt water, mild acids, otc. The majority of marine ropes are furnished galvanized as are most guy ropes and othor ropes for static installations, Galvanized min hoist ropes are gradually gaining favor where corrosion is a serious problem or whore lubncation is undesirable as on a Iriction-type mine hoist. Ono of the latest additions to the rope wire family. Mostly used in aircord but has a limited application in industrial ropes due to its excellent acid and heal- resislant qualiti Esvaneauy cum vans ‘ Wire Rope Lays The word “Lay” when talking about wire rope has a particular meaning which can be confusing to the uninitiated. The term “Lay length” {s the distance measured along a rope in which a strand makes ono complete revolution about the rope axis. The word is also used to denote the direction of rotation of the wires and strands as illustsated below. RIGHT REGULAR LAY Right Lay because the strands twist to the right like a conventional screw thread. Identified as regular lay because the wires in the strands turn opposite to the way the strands tur in the rope. In a left lay rope the strands rotate to the left around the core. Identified as regular lay same as above, i.e. the wires turn ‘right in the individual strands while the strands turn to the left. When both the strands and rope have the same lay direction, the rope is said to be Lang Lay. In a right Lang Lay rope the wires in the strands would rotate to the right. A left lay rope with the wires twisted in the same direction in the individual strands. Note: The standard rope, unless otherwise stated, TT is understood to be right regular lay. With few exceptions—all wire rope is made right lay. Left lay rope is a special purpose rope for specific applications only. Wire Rope Cores FIBRE OR SISAL CORE Sisalanna is the most common fibre used in the manufacture of wire rope cores, In the smaller ropes and cords cotton and jute are sometimes em- ployed for the central member. Wire rope cores are carefully designed and must be precisely manufactured to close tolerances to ensure a perfect fit in the rope. L.W.R.C. OR STEEL CORE The primary function of the core is to provide adequate support for the strends. When severe crushing or flattening of the rope is encountered a steel core is usually indicated. The steel core, as the name IWRC (Independent Wire Rope Core) implies is actually a separate small rope inside a larger rope. SPECIAL CORES Other cores include nylon, plastic, paper etc. One type, used for mine shaft com- munications, has an electrical conductor embedded in the fibre. STRAND CORE A single strand used as a core and generally confined to the smaller ropes as a substitute for the Indepen- dent Wire Rope Core. The strand core may or may not beof the same cross section as the surrounding strands. Esvaneauu cum vais Selecting the Proper Wire Rope TENSILE STRENGTH SAFETY FACTORS: ‘Tho stress in a wire rope while in service, rovulls rom a combination ol tensions, Various types, such as static tension, acceleration, shock loading, 12 usually be lumped into @ combined ollect and expressed as a single load, ‘Alter reducing the known loads and cost forces to. single n then apply @ suitable talety factor (0 determine the required ultimate strength for our use The saloty factor is defined in this cazo as tho ratio ‘of the rope's breaking strength to the working Joad. For oxample, if the working load wore 2 fons and wo wore using a saloly factor of 5 the required rope would have an ultimate strength of 10 tons, Probably the most common safety factor used in selecting wire rope is 5, although static ropes such as guy ropes and track cables are figured ‘with a much lower factor. Converse- ly mine hoist ropes usually require a@ higher safely factor, depending on the shaft depth and the mining laws of the particular locality where they are used. Tho required safely factor lor a particular wire rope application is sometimes difficut to determine because there are so many things to consider. Selection ol this safety factor depends not only on the loads considered and the expected allowable deter. ioration of the cope, bul on other less tangible condi- tions, The possibilty of personal injury should the rope fail, lor example, would influence a higher salety factor than if such were not the case. Over. loads, shock loads, corrosion, accessibility for inspection, are all possible considerations when picking the proper factor, FATIGUE RESISTANCE AND FLEXIBILITY Tho Mloxiblity of a given wire rope is properly detined as the ability of this rope to withstand repeated flexing in use. This ability is influenced by the rope construction as well ax the type of service, Generally it Is possible to select from the hundreds of rope constructions available, the one moat austod for a particular application. Onco the necessary strongth is determined, the not! slap isto chooso a construction. This can be dono by following certain lebted principles bul the aureat way in by using the actual trial and ‘or romulla that have boon ovolved over many yours, speaking, the more wires in a rope, tho grostor its flexibility. Following this reasoning, tho prime consideration and wear secondary, tho natural selection would be 2 rope {rom tho 6 x 37 group. When woar is the foremost requirement a coarse 6 x 7 rope ia in- dicated. The 6 x 19 group ia zort of a compromise ‘and the standard 6 « 19 Filler construction outsells all others. CHOICE OF CORE Th core, The primary function of this core surrounding strands standard wire rope contains a sisal or libre to sup- n crushing and flattening of the rope is causing failure, or when the rope operates at ‘core, thon a steol core is clearly indicated, A steol core is novor selected for additional strength only. Plastic cores of various formulae are in limited use but up to the presont time have not proved to be suitable substitute in all cases. Most plastics are alfectod by extremes in temperature and the plasticity and brittleness of these cores when subjected to tomporature extremes have not yet bbeon completely solved. Esvaneauy coun valn$ ‘ Selecting the Proper Wire Rope conve PRE-TORMED o: NON PRE-FORMED Ws safo to aay that 90% of wite rope applications 4410 moro auited to. proormed rope than & non preformed rope While the prosent ratio of pro formed rope has not yat raached this figure, the jo sold is stondily increasing ltom yext aro 4 notable exception where & pre-formed rope has not been wholly accepted as superior. Dallers claim, and we cannot dispute tho fact, that @ non prosformed cable fool drilling ling 12 more lively and gives thom a better delling action than « preformed ne With very fow exceptions, a preformed rope it prolorable and wall worth the extva cort TYPES OF FRACTURES (One of the moat useful aids in salechng the proper wire rope is to examine tho worn topes liom the same installation The pictures on this page typical illustrations of rope wites wluch have been. fractured in uso, By knowing what caused the deterioration |the direction of change is mor clearly indicated For example, if a rope broke up prematurely end showed a largo number of “square ond Iractures” then @ more floxible coastruction is indicated. If the broken wires show signs ol hoavy abrasive wear, possibly coarser construction would give longer life. IMPROVED PLOW STEEL Years ago many grades of rope wire, and consequently many grades of wire rope, were available to consumers. Several grades have gradually become obsolete. At the present time only two grades are sold in North America to any. extent. These are Plow and Improved Plow. CUP and CONE FRACTURE Avtte brokan a8 « ravult of (i CHISEL rhactunE Avwise boken ar» real SQUARE END THACTURE seul of IRREGULAR FRACTURE coud eauu Gun Lams ‘ 6 x 37 Classification Round Strand Group: The ropes included in this group have excellent flexibility, reasonable resistance to crushing and are well adapted to high speed and multiple reeving applications. This classification covers ropes with 6 strands having 27 to 49 wires per strand. Maximum Safe Working Load (Tons) Safety Factor = 5 Rope Grade 100/110 | Grade 110/120 Diameter Plow Improved Plow (Inches) Fibre Steel Fibre Steel Core Core Core Core ‘Ma 44 46 50 52 Sig 76 80 .80 86 Yu 1.00 1.06 1.10 1.18 The 1.38 1.48 1.50 1.60 Yo 1.84 1.96 2.00 2.14 he 2.28 2.44 2.50 2.68 Sig 2.90 3.10 3.20 3.44 3a 4.04 4.34 4.44 4.76 "I 5.50 5.90 6.04 6.48 1 7.20 7.74 7.90 8.48 "fe 8.80 9.46 9.80 10.52 1/4 11.00 | 11.82 12.20 13.10 18 13.70 14.72 14,90 16.00 We 16.40 17.62 18.00 19.74 15/g 19.30 20.74 21.10 22.68 13/4 22.00 23.64 24.20 26.00 17s 25.80 27.72 28.40 30.52 2 28.40 30.52 31.00__| 33.32 2a 36.40 | 39.12 4020 | 43.20 | 24a. 45.00 48.36 49.00 52.66 24 53.80 57.82 L 58.60 63.00 csvaneauu cui vams 6 x 19 Classificati | fopes included int tance to abrasion andb group. This class jon CO} | 6 strands having 8 to 26 w L t Maximum | SI | oP | Grade 100/110 | Diemeter | © Plow | Improved Pio’ ; (Inches) | Fibre Steel | Fibre Steel | Core Core Core Core | 26 28 | 30 32. | 48 52 | 54 58 76 82 | 82 88 1.08 1.160 | 1.20 1.28 1.40 150 | 1.60 1.72 2.00 2.14 2.20 2.36 2.34 2.50 2.66 2.86 3.00 | 3.22 3.30 3.54 430 | 462 4.76 5.10 5.66 | 6.08 6.40 6.89 7.60 9.70 10.42 - 10.60 11.38 1200 | 1290 | 1310 | 14.10 14.70 | 15.80 | 16.20 17.40 17.70 | 1800 | 1920 | 2068 20.60 | 2214 | 2280 |. 24.28 23.80 25.58 26.00 27.94 27.60 29.66 | 30.40 32.68 30.80 33.10 33.80 +—36.32 38.60 41.48 42.00 45.14 47.00 50.52 52.00 55.90 56.00 60.20 61.00 65.56 | | | | | 817 8.34 8.96 csvareauu cu cams ‘suolL 8 = 8X 1X tL = IMS ado uajaweip your | (9) SUO}L SZL'E = BX 8/5 X Bs = IMS ‘ados sayaweip you! %, (q) suo} 2 = 8x2, x 2%, = IMS “ado. sayaweip yout 2/, (e) ‘sajdwex3 SUO} UL TMS 94} e}NdwWod oO} paesn aq PINOYS QuiNy} JO ajn1 Guimo}}o} ayy ‘sedos @sim WOLUWOD JSOW ay} JO SpeO) BuIJOM aes ap Suuaquawas u! Aynoyjip ay} JO esNneI8g 'SQVO1 ONINYOM 4AVS juanbasy 0) payins jou air pue pam aaisesqe oY que|sisas aie “Ayigixa| jO pasoduios ase dnosb sii ayy :dnoig puens punoy vwonespssesa Z 9 anpiy ‘sai 2012} papnyaui sados payuy 2h be 02 02 pee art oc at ovat 00Lt 08 Gt el ra'rl opel fog at hd oot oz it oz O1 ht 9r'6 098 aH (028 t esl oz eR 9 or'9 Bes 00'S Ser ove oe ose re ze soe ae GL is z ore eee vee 20% eet ont elt ogt ecb be at aot oot 6 26 98 vs 0g iv te e109 2109 105 2105 | 1391S auqhy as auai4 MOlg panoidwy} Old rae Ozt/01L apes OLb/00L PRD | ety § = 20108 Airs (suo) peo Bunpom airs wnwixeyy el Buipuagq cS IS am: cauy CUI Ui cou ‘ WHAT TO LOOK FOR IF YOU HAVE ROPE TROUBLE Kinking—Perhaps the rope has been kinked when it was being removed from the reel or coil, or has been allowed to tun loose and roll over to form a kink. Cut—Perhaps the wire rope has been run over by a tractor cleat when it was laid out on the ground prior to in- stallation. Jammed—Perhaps the rope has jumped the head sheave and become wedged between the sheave and the housing of the machine. Cross-Over Point—Often when the face of the drum has been filled with turns of rope, the rope when positioning itself for the beginning of the second, or even the third layer, will not come up to this Position smoothly, thus slapping the last turn on the layer below. This over a period of time can be particularly hard on the rope. This is a condition which can be improved by the installation of a riser which will ease the rope up into the new level, or by the cutting back at the drum end at intervals to thus change the point of contact. Crushing—Perhaps the rope has been crushed by poor winding on an under-sized drum. Overloaded—This can be caused by a shovel working in a quarry where blasting has not been good. Here the opera: tor may be trying to move the side-wall of the quarry, not knowing that the lip of his shovel is engaged in solid tock, rather than in the loose material which has fallen over the end of the bucket. Lack of Lubrication—Has this important matter been neglected. : Reverse Bends—These are tough on any rope, particularly when they are close together. This condition can be improved by using larger sheaves and a more’ flexible rope. Frozen Sheave—A sheave that won't turn simply means that the wire rope is sawing its way down the length of the groove, and this is sure to cut down the life of the rope. Bad Alignment—This can only re wearing itself out on the side wall Wrong Kind of Cable—Perha, being asked to do a man’s work. Perhaps the rope is of the wrong construction. Does the maker have wide acceptance. Tight Sheaves—A tight sheave is sure to pinch the cable and reduce cable life, sult in the wire rope of a sheave, PS yours is a'case of a boy csvareauu cull Cams ‘ UNCOILING AND UNREELING WIRE ROPE When uncoiling wire rope, it is important that no kinks are allowed to form, because once a kink is made, no amount of strain can take it out and the rope is unsafe for use. The best method of removing rope from a reel is to mount the reel on jacks or stands by inserting a shaft through the centre hole so that the rope is pulled off in the same manner it was installed on the reel. A turntable may also be employed (a cart wheel mounted on a spindle for instance) to mount a reel or coil, This allows the rope to lead with perfect safety. Ifa turntable is not available, the coil of rope may be rolled along the ground. In no case must the coil or reel be laid on the ground on its face and the rope taken over the end or from the centre of the coil, as kinks will result and the rope will be com- pletely spoiled. See illustrations below and on next page. RIGHT WAY TO UNREEL WIRE ROPE csvareauu cun vams UNCOILING AND UNREELING WIRE ROPE (Continued) RIGHT WAY aa cCsvdiicauy Cuil vamsg CORRECT SPOOLING OF ROPE ON DRUM (ONE LAYER WINDING) The method described below may be used to determine the proper direction of rope lay for spooling or winding on flat or smooth face drums. 8 OVERWIND UNDERWIND Left to Right Right to Left USE RIGHT LAY ROPE USE RIGHT LAY ROPE Observer standing behind drum and looking toward the direction of rope travel. When a rope is wound onto a drum any tendency of the rope to twist when tension is released will be in a direction which would untwist the rope at the free end. The advantage in applying rope of proper direction of lay is that when the load is slacked off, the several coils on_ the drum will hug together and maintain an even layer. With rope of improper lay the coils will spread apart at each re- mova! of load and when winding is resumed the rope may criss-cross and overlap on the drum with flattening and crush- ing of the rope as a result. The proper direction of rope lay to give best results is shown in the above sketch. This applies to either regular or lang lay rope. i@ L—\-Rr © lr OVERWIND UNDERWIND Right to Left Left to Right USE LEFT LAY ROPE USE LEFT LAY ROPE 16 Esvaneauy cui Lams ALIGNMENT If sheaves are improperly aligned, considerable wear of both rope and sheaves results. Particularly in high-speed work, it is necessary to properly align all equipment and to balance all sheaves. FLEET ANGLE The fleet angle is that angle SS included between lines drawn from the centre of the drum, (a) and from the flange of the e fur drum, to the lead (first) sheave. oar Both (a) and (b) below are 4 illustrations of fleet angles. Wire rope is often seriously damaged when this fleet angle is excessive. Side wear~and severe scuffing result. Often individual wires become mis- placed, bruised, crushed. Grooved drums are damaged, too, by wide fleet angles. Ropes wear against the groove walls, grinding them down. Wear on the rope is excessive also. Check the fleet angles on your equipment. Keep the angle as small as possible. A fleet angle between 1° and 14° is ideal. Fleet angles 1 as low as 14° and up to 2° i I for flat-faced drums and 4° for 1. 10" grooved drums are permissible Fier fuey for most hoisting equipment. If the fleet angle exceeds these values, then look out for excessive drum wear or Poor spooling. IDLE ROPES Occasional accidents have been conclusively traced to ropes. which have been left idle without care or Protection-during shut- downs, as in mines. By not being kept in working condition, lubrication “weathers" out, moisture seeps in and both core and wires deteriorate. Records have shown that ropes which are not frequently used give lower useful service than those in continual Operation. Coren Line OF Rorts . (B) vat Fue ANGLE uy 30° LEAD FOR FLAT Dams 5" LEAD FOR GROOvtD DauMs| csvaieauu oe cvun vamsg wun vane GENERAL SLING INFORMATION CENTER OF GRAVITY The center of gravity of an object is that point at which the entire weight may be considered as concentrated. In order to make a level lift, the crane hook must be directly above this point. While slight variations are usually per- missible, if the crane hook is too far to one side of the center of gravity, dangerous tilting will result and should be corrected at once. For this reason, when the center of gravity is closer to one point of sling attachment than to the other, the slings must be of unequal length. The sling stresses and sling angles will also be unequal. SAFE LOAD The safe load or rated capacity of a sling varies, depending upon the type of hitch. The safe load tables indicate, by illustration, the applications for which the various safe loads apply, when the slings are new. All ratings are in tons of 2,000 pounds. SAFETY FACTOR In general, a safety factor of approximately six is main- tained throughout this catalog. However, certain sling fittings, such as hooks, which will straighten without breaking, or links, which will deform beyond usefulness before breaking, cannot be assigned a definite numerica! safety factor. In such cases, suitable safe loads are listed, based upon wide experience and sound engineering practice. SLING CARE Proper care and usage are essential for maximum service and safety. Wire rope slings should be_protected from sharp bends and cutting edges by means of corner saddles, —~ burlap padding, or wood blocking. Heavy or continuous over-loading should be avoided as well as sudden jerks which can build up a momentary over-load sufficient to break the sling. Slings should be lubricated to prevent rust, and hung up when not in use. Csvdiicauy Cuil vams ‘ WIRE ROPE SLINGS 6 x 19 Classification Group, Improved Plow Steel, Fibro Core MAXIMUM SAFE WORKING LOADS — POUNDS (Satety Factor = 5) Single Singlo Singlo 2-Leg Bridie Hitch & Rope Vertical Choker Baskot Single Basket Hitch Diameter Hitch Hitch Hitch With Legs Inclined (inches) (Vertical he 600 450 1,200 Me 1,100 825 2,200 the 1,650 1,250 3,300 Mn 2.400 1,800 4,800 rhe 3.200 2.400 6,400 Me 4,400 3,300 8,800 Ms $,300 4,000 10,600 ots 6,600 4,950 13,200 Ae 9,500 7,100 19,000 Ne 12,800 9,600 25,600 1 16,700 12,500 33,400. We 21,200 15,900 42,400 Me 26,200 19,700 52,400 % 32,400 24,300 64,800 We 38,400 28,800 76,800 10 45,200 33,900 90,400 Me 52,000 39,000 104,000 Ve 60,800 45,600 121,600 2 67.600 50,700 135,200 2M 84,000 63,000 168,000 Qh 104,000 78,000 208,000 2 122,000 91,500 244,000 Wf used with Choker Hitch multiply above TABLE 1.11 values by 4/4, Rope Diameter Efficiency Ma" and Smaller 95% Ue 90% : 85% For Dbuble Basket Hitch multiply above =n 80% values by 2. —2 75% 2Ne" and Larger 70% Note: Table values are tor slings with eyes and thimbles In both ends, Flemish Spliced Eyes __ Hand tucked spliced eyes — reduce loads according to table 1. Eyes formed by cable clips — reduce loads by 20%. 19 and mechanical sleeves. a WIRE ROPE SLINGS 6x 37 Classification Group, Improved Plow Stoal, Fibre Core MAXIMUM SAFE W/ORKING LOADS — POUNDS (Salety Factor = 5) Rope Single Single | Single 2-Leg Bridle Hitch & Diameter Vertical Choker ae Singlo Basket Hitch Hitch Hiten cr With Legs inclined (Inchos) Aa 0 8 Legs) 60 so 30° ve 1,000 750 2,000 1.750 1.400 1,000 ha 115600 1.200 3.200 2750 21250 1,600 x 2200 11650 4400 31800, 3.100 2200 Me 3,000 2.250 6.000 5.200 “4250 3,000 a r 3.000 8,000 6.900 5,850 4,000 Me 3750 | 10.000 8.650 7,100 5,000 Me #300 | 12.800 14.100 91050 8.400 % 6700 | 17,800 15.400 | 12,600 8.900 " 9100 | 24200 | 21.000 17100 | 12,100 1 11900 | 31,600 | 27.400 | 22/300 15.000 1% 14700 | 39,200 | 33900 | 27.700 19,600 1% 18300 | 49,80 | 42,300 | 34/500 | 24,400 hn z24o0 | . $9,600 | 511600 | 421100 | 29,800 Wh 27000 | 7200 | 62,400 | 50,900 | 36,000 Ve 31,700 | 84.400 73,100 | 58,700 | 42,200 m 36/300 | 96800 | 83.809 | 68,400 | 48,400 v% 42600 j 113,600 | 99,400 | 90,300 | 56,800 z 46,500 | 124000 | 17400 | e770 | 62,000 2% 60,300 | 160,800 | 139.300 | 113,700 | 90,400 2 7;500 | 196,000 | 169700 | 138600 | 98,000 Ea 87,900 | 234400 | 203000 | 165.700 | 117.200 TABLE 1.11 used with Choker Hitch mulliply above valuos by 4 Rope Diameter Efficiency and Smalier 95% a r 90% - 85% For Double Baskot Hitch multiply above 80% values by 2. 75 24 and Larger 708% : Not Table values a and mechanical Hand tucked spliced oy Eyes formed by cable clips for slings with eyes and thimbles In both ends, Flemish Spliced Eyes —reduce loads according to table 1.11, reduced loads by 20%. csvaleauy cun Lams ‘ Rope Diameter (Inches) WIRE ROPE SLINGS 6 x 37 Classification Group, Improved Plow Steel, Fibre Core MAXIMUM SAFE WORKING LOADS — POUNDS (Saloty Factor = 5) Single Vertical Hitch Single Choker Hitch Single Basket Hitch (Venical Legs) 2-Leg Bridie Hitch & Single Basket Hitch / With Legs Inclined Ma" and Smaller She — 3a Table values and mechanic Hand tucked spliced eyes — reduce loads according to table 1.11, Eyes formed by cable clips — reduced loac’s by 20%. Efficiency values by Y%a. values by 2. used with Choker Hitch multiply above For, Double Basket Hitch multiply above 21 ==> GROMMET SLI Grommet are formal by hand ram 4 single diamd There ie aly one tuck In the entire en schoo the feo wale enter the spa te Where an rulen splice has twalva ende evok tucbed @ short distance into the 1 Jy Vaeh is hickodd « full half of the ding etteumference Venicay OnADLE y RATED CAPACITY OF GROMMET SLINGS ) Dia et | Rated Copaciy—tons | —]," Grommet, ————— Inches "Veruca _|_ Choker { Le = “30 ‘ a4 | i ba | " 86 112 ss] ow fms 65.0 Mey FF v ua] a4 2 | a? BoA a | Covdiicauy CUI iS DIRECTIONS FOR) SPLICING AN EYE INTO THE END OF A WIRE ROPE First, Place a tie wire on the short end at ifs con- tact with the thimble. Second. Remove the tie wires from the end of the fore, unlay end spread the strands and cut off the core as near to the throat 2s possible. Fig. Wo. 1 Force @ splicing pin or “spike"” under strands A and B. lying nearest to the thimble, on top surface. a isd FG. NO. 2 24 csvareauu cun vams mi vane DIRECTIONS FOR SPLICING AN EYE INTO THE END OF A WIRE ROPE Rotate the spike away from the throat, bring strand | over the tope and insert through the open- ing alongside the spike. FIG. NO. 3 Fig. NO. 3 Rotate the spike back toward the throat, at the same time pulling in’ strand |, so. that the two parts of rope are brought firmly together and strand | forced foward the throat as much as possible. FIG. NO. 4 Esvaneauy con vams ‘ DIRECTIONS FOR SPLICING AN EVE INTO THE END, OF A WiRE ROPE Repeat this tucking-in opera- fion for ell the other strands, tucking strand 2 under strand 8, strand 3 under strand C, strand 4 under strand D, strond 5 under strand E, strand 6 under strand F as is seen below. Thus all strands have received one tuck. To tuck strand 2, push soike under strand B as shown in Fig, SA. Fig. 5B will show strand 2 under strand B. Proceed with the other strands in numerical number. FIG. NO. 5 26 csvareauu cu vams DUALS UCC area a Ua Ona AL aL) as Fig. No. 6 To give a strand an additional tuck, that strand end is wrapped around the strand from under which it comes out. For ex- ample: strand | comes out from under strand A. Force the splicing pin under strand A and over strand B end lay strand | round and under strand A through the opening made Er the pin, Pull strand inva tight loop ground “A and force this loop back as far toward the thimble as it will go. Thus a second tuck is made in strand I. For ropes smaller than 74" diameter it is practice to give each strand 4 tucks; completely tucked splice. diameter strand is tucks and 27 < Esvaieauy Cun LdMs covaneauy wu vain PUTS ROTEL CCT As CS Oe ake 1G, Ho. 0 Tho photos show a lemporary block inserled fo form 9. desired sized loop, while making the splice. When all the preceding steps have been finished, lay the splice on a wood block and while rotating the rope, pound the splice out smooth and round, as in Fig. % 28 csvaneauyu con cams ‘ Bocuse EN Lnzanet LACED BLOCKS This method of making up a set of falls, is a poor excuse for rigging. This is especially so, when using four sheave blocks and up. These blocks are heavy and laced blocks have a tendency to tilt the travelling block when running empty, which will cause excessive wear and damage to the sheaves and load line. RIGHTANGLE REEVING From five parts to thirteen parts. Blocks used for rightangle reeving should be identical, especially square in relation to each other, when right angled to each other. This prevents siwashing of the cable against the sheaves, when the blocks are working close together. The illustrations and directions for rightangle reeving are on the following pages. 29 Esvaneauy cui cams FIVE PART FALLS Stationary Block Using a two and three’ sheave block a five part reeve is accomplished by entering the lead line through the front of the stationary block at sheave ‘B’, then go down in back of traveling block and through at sheave ‘E’, up behind stationary block and through at sheave cc, down in front of traveling block and through at sheave ‘D’, up in’ front of stationary block and through ' at" sheave ‘A’, down to the traveling block and becket off. This reeving is more commonly used for rope falls (manila), but i is also used for wire rope (cable), 30 < Esvaieauy cui Lams SIX PART FALLS Stationary Block e | WAT e \ \ Using a pair of three sheave blocks a six part reeve is ac- complished, by entering the lead line through the front of the stationary block at sheave ‘B’, then go down in front of traveling block and through at sheave ‘E’, up be- hind stationary block and through at sheave ‘A’, down behind traveling block and through at sheave 'D’, up in front of stationary block and through at sheave ‘C’, down in front of travel- ing block and through at sheave ‘F', up to stationary block and becket off. This reeving is more com- monly used for rope falls (manila), but is also used for wire rope (cable). 31 < Esvaieauy cui vams SEVEN PART FALLS Fig, 12 Stationary Block Travel Block csvareauu vuln Cams SEVEN PART FALLS Using a three and four sheave block, a seven part reeve is accomplished, by entering the lead line through the front of the Stationary block (four sheave) at sheave 'C’, 80 down in front of traveling block and through at sheave ‘F', up behind the stationary block and through at sheave ‘A’, down behind traveling block and through at sheave ‘E’, Up in front of stationary block and through at sheave ‘D’, down in front of traveling block and through at sheave ‘G’, up behind stationary block and through at sheave ‘B’ then down to the traveling block and becket off. 33 cCsvadliicauy Cuil vamsg ~ EIGHT AND NINE PART FALLS 1S Stationary Block - Becket EIGHT AND NINE PART FALLS Using a pair of four sheave blocks, an eight part reeve is accomplished, by entering the lead line through the front of the stationary block at sheave ‘C’, go down in front of traveling block and through at sheave ‘G', up behind the stationary block and through at sheave ‘A’, down behind the traveling block and through at sheave ‘E', up in front of the stationary block and through at sheave ‘D', down in front of the traveling block and through at sheave ‘H’, up behind the stationary block and through at sheave ‘B’, down behind the traveling block and through at sheave ‘F’, then up to the stationary block and becket off for eight parts. For a nine part reeve simply invert the diagram on the opposite page, and add a single block over which the lead line will now go to the new traveling block. Make sure that it fair-leads properly into the traveling block. 35 Esvaiieauy cull ms TEN AND ELEVEN jeez PART FALLS Fig. 14 Stationary Block Traveling “ Block csvareauyu cum vaiil$ TEN AND ELEVEN PART FALLS Using a pair of five sheave blocks, a ten part reeve is accomplished, by entering the lead line through the front of the stationary block at sheave ‘C’, go down behind the traveling block and through at sheave ‘I’, up behind the stationary block and through at sheave ‘D’, down in front of the traveling block and through at sheave ‘G’, up in front of the stationary block and through at sheave ‘B’, down behind the traveling block and through at sheave ‘J’, up behind the stationary block and through at sheave ‘E’, down in front of the traveling block and through at sheave 'F’, up in front of the stationary block and through at sheave ‘A’, down behind the traveling block and through at sheave ‘H', then up to the stationary block and becket off for ten parts. For an eleven part reeve simply invert the diagram on the opposite page, and add a single block over which the lead line will now go to the new traveling block. Make sure that it fair-leads properly into the traveling block. 37 csvaneauu cu Cams TWELVE AND THIRTEEN PART FALLS Using a pair of six sheave blocks, a twelve part reeva is accomplished, by entering the lead tine through the front of the stationary block at sheave 'D', go down in front of the teaveling block and through at sheave ‘TY, up betind the stationary block through at sheave ‘A’, down behind the traveling block and through at sheave ‘G', up in front of the stationary block and through at sheave ‘F', down in front of the traveling block and through at sheave c. up behind the stationary block and through at sheave ‘B’, down behind the traveling block and through at sheave ‘MH’, up in front of the stationary block and through at sheave 'E’, down in front of the traveling block and through at sheave ‘K', up behind the stationary block and through at sheave ‘C’, down behind the traveling block | and through at sheave ‘I’, then up to the stationary block ' and becket off for twelve parts. For a thirteen part reeve simply invert the diagram on the opposite page, and add a single block over which the lead line will now go to the new traveling block. Make sure that it fair-leads properly into the traveling block. 39 Covalicauy Cuil vdms rovanreauy wun vans Uneymmenneaty SYMMETRICAL BOOM POINT REEVING ] csvareauu cu vams 41 Two Pan une Three Pact Une Four Pan Line fmovy ty N04 ou vt aon Auer LM &) &») \ 1 i a ONIATSY LNIOd WOO IWOIlYLAWWAS > aoe Wi csvaneauy cunt vain 42 } FORMULA FOR FIGURING LINE PARTS , FOR FALLS Total load to be lifted in Ibs. $ = Lead line pull in Ibs. RATIO E.G., To find number of parts of line needed where weight of load and lead line pull are established, 84,700 (load) Ibs. Es 10,000-(Iead-Tine pully Tbs. = 847 (RATIO) Refer to 8.47 in table below—11 parts of line. E.G., To find lead tine pull needed when weight of load and number of parts of line are established. 44,000 (load) Ibs. = “39 (Tatio of 5 part tine) = 10,000 Ibs. (lead line pull) TABLE FOR FIGURING LINE PARTS FOR FALLS Number of Ratio for Ratio for parts of bronze bushed ball bearing line sheaves sheaves 1. 0.96 0.98 1,87 1.94 3 2.76 2.88 4 3.59 3.81 5 4.39 4.71 6 5.16 5.60 iG 5.90 6.47 8 6.60 7.32 9 7.27 8.16 10 7.91 8.98 if 8.52 9.79 i2 9.11 10.60 13 9.68 7 1640 43 csvaneauu cuircams RECOMMENDED SAFE WORKING LOADS FOR REEVED FALLS Improved plow ¥% 6x19 steel core 10,000 Ibs. lead tine pull at engine Bronze bushed Ball bearing sheaves in good sheaves in good condition condition Number of parts safe load safe load in falls (ibs.) (ibs.) 1 8300 9120 2 16100 18000 3 23450 26550 4 30350 34900 5 36850 43000 6 42950 50800 = 48650 58400 8 54050 65800 9 59100 72950 10 63850 79900 11 68350 86600 12 72550 93150 13 76700 99550 The above values are based on two fair-lead blocks be- tween the engine and the falls. For each additional fair-lead = —-™ blech add 6% to the lead line pull for bronze bushed sheaves; add 3% to the lead line pull for ball-bearing shoaves. 44 Covdiicauy CUI Ui ims covaneauy wu vain Nigure EFFICIENCY OF WIRE ROPE CONNECTIONS As Compared to Safe Loads on Wire Rope Tyne ol Connection Mfiecwney Wire Powe Wr, forbete ~ Zine Type qwoperly oltached 100%, Wedge Sorbets Wh Chien ~ Crashy Type M Krat and Clip (Contractors nat) Dh Hate Clamp These Bolt Type , 1. fmonth Clamp . 40% Spliced fye and Vhumble “and unaller Ww %" oy" %" 101" 1%" to yy" Me” to 9" 7%" ond larger 45 csvaneauo currcvams covaneauy wu vain 7 3 i i i csvaleauyu cul Lams wa pens [mu -85 oaths ayer Hn aH \ pees 2eaa bt PP 2 SxOOH 73315 | _3IXDVHS M3895 A 340% 341m 639403 «Oud nia NACE | NOB! LHONOWM MIN | a3315 HOT GION eng 46 edoy O14 Jo taxis tNOUDA YHA Poth ag 01 1DeH jo tozIs WaUIUIW pepuoWWorey 4vI9 ONNONVH IWI8slvW Stvength af Stavvlard Alling Hoole al (\ )) 1 AG (Cy Sawt tnly 1M Hyssat ate 0 saul Vane Vag Cnty | Heater Capacity Numi Tivhes Tuy hen Pane a Ob it 00 \ v7 Wa 1a Wy V7 14 a Vy wh 1s 0 1a, AO 31 2 Ay NYY ay hh ga Dag ca MM wy 40 Ma By 10,0 RY) vty 1h0 6 4 200 38 aly 0,0 The above values are for ''Vulean" and slnilarly de signed shindard hooks, The ecapaerty ean be found by the diameter of the hole in Che eye of the hook, Te the Croat opening of any hook exceeds the dimension piven above tor the cotveaponding: diameter ob eve, the hook hax deen overstrained and must nol be used, AT csvaneauu vu Cams ‘ ao . wet ] Cores ] ws ‘ we | ws | | we mS we ROR } aSs ss Re Owe | | AVE & he Ost aL “ Ny wos { ss % = ast | ae oe %. ae St *% = sZt ——<$_____} __} } anu | } PINS a say) Ora ! refuse | ueos | Kean Rh | ATS Srey TS SE wear | ore | —.|. oes } - wm | goss | A _sussomessss S| ee =>) GSE RUESED e i "Ld SYOON SYED NWHO ke | oe | S Gi | cer | | ost | on : | ws 1 | RS \ j } L os bad i pans cafes Bote oes Sa isauou) eee et BOT Boween a1eS Seuesg won eA TSELS ATTY GSSS03 | . §OOs OSNUSOS TYDGAL ~ S { &S > BQUDWS ALSavS! | BBS AOTy GSSe03 SXOON TSAIMS, TSDOOH NAYS “SNOCH 3A3 cCsvadliicauy Cuil vams 48 ic IS oe) oS oO < ° o ° 3 oO oO § 19915 Assy pati05 — 2 uononisucg tsapio%, — (spunog) peor (sus) ‘S¥NN SIAZID FIENCG Burra BES xe IMB INS (©) © 9 19315 Kory po8s04 — \SY EB uonsnasueg sserpian — ©) [T) ts3¢at 11¥) sq3aims = = f ore t | canes coo'se % cco oszet ad | C00 Ss coset se coo’ con's a, mors ook iy Gove ese's ig | cose Oey ne ost lz a | wercery =f (saucy | (spunea) away | | fuuseo | pecyBuruom | uieug se | aes cnuuen | ous aes uruey | sngs04 = : [= | Cn ; = “3 &y = BOLD ¥s 443375) | UP) &= solovs sav} (FD) ES AOT GBSuGs | ee eas sOrw es J) ) Bake ua anv 3a41 saz) SL) | { <= S800H eauCHO Omics L Gaccuare un & (soya opisuy (spunog) p07 Bunporn ayes winwIXeY 1901g Aojry pobsoy — C 1SUO) SSO/pI9AA — =e ‘SMNTT ON3 (spunog) Gurion S wnwiee yy o00'6t oot 007'ot 08'04 09'S H oo2'z weeonoe SUNN O3dVHS Bad (spunog) (soysun (: pe07 Gurion, | sajawerg | saiaueg, ayes wawixey, apisuy (5049u)) 2015 50 csvareauy cu vams Sian ee 1 (seyour) vig WY sayaweig apa episut | eI SPINOVHS JO HLONSHIS ued uid ey) 4) SAjNIEYS UId aids asn you og | soeds 10 2ayseEM aiqeyins Aq uid ay) UO pain Sureq si s@naieun azuesiUusd pasnper AisnoHl -UaWan aq [IM AyIedLS yy asnvreq aj6ur ue qe payind eq oF ayoeys P MOLE JAAN pafonsap aq PINOYs 2a}eWeIP jRUIBUO ay) JO % OF UPYI B10 Aq uid ayi 10 UNIO eu UF WOM SayyoLUS “SaNOBYs UId puNaL ||P UN pasn aq isnw suid 280g ‘payeas Ajajajdiuos aq ysnwi sud Maids |e PUE 1YGIENS eq JsMW Suid Ty “eIqe) GuyMoyio} BY) U! Pars! UEYL 181vaI5 si Sosa OLN usanjaq aourISIp ay) |! APAIEUS & ASN 10A0N nd yy 0} paydde Ay}Pun9U 1 yeu, Gurpuag ay aye1 OF papuau! jou aie silog ‘pasn 8q pinoys uid pany sadord oun 4|Uo Syoq e@ WM Uld a[yseys au) aovjdar 1a,aN “yaais Aoje pabsoj jo aq A\Uo pinous ays ‘921s vid ay) UeUT OUIes UoHIaS s80q 84) U! [@)S ay) Jo Ja}aLULIP ayy Aq pazis aL arempuey BulS6u 18yjo \sow ay ‘sop}oeUS suid punos so suid maios YNIM aIqe|ieAR are Yor 4 Yrog syyoeYs (adA} ,.G,,) UIEYD pu a;yoeys (2dAj mog) soysur ay) ae Ady ‘GurG6u ur pasn. Auowwod sa;4aeys JO Soddy omy a1v OY “SSTMOVHS: cS IS . Covdlicauy CUI 51 am: = 00's - 00°09 - 000'4e 7 00°82 os oor iz 0005 02's 00's 00°01 00'r 02" o00't 02's oszz oos't os" ooz'e. 000"! 002" oz oon oor 00s e GuneH, pug mer jo Jaryanquiny Auy|uoneuiquiog Auy 1S as uonanaisuog Ss9ipI9% — S3TNONENUNL sportuna 9 abeute tote oy rena top non sOunud Pua enranquins 10 Baunseg 52 csvaneauy cunt vain 7 3 i i i Strength of Turnbuckles Vs. Wire Rope D a) Cke Die Eye Jaw TURNBUCKLES: Wire Rope Size Safe Max. Dia. Safe Load D Load for T.B. Guys. Etc. (Incnes) (Tons) (Inches) (Tons) % 22 % 210 % 31 % 3.6 1 41 | 5% 5.5 14 66 uy 79 1% 97 % 10.7 1% Bl 1 14.0 2 17.2 1% 17.6 24 22.5 1% 21.6 2% 28.0 1% 26.1 24% 28.0 14 30.8 234 36.7 1% 36.0 3 41.0 1% 41.3 53 csvareauu vun Cams

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