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*Wealth is living the life you desire in abundance and joy (and that can include

having a LOT of money)!

Wealth is not about holding on to a lot of money. Keep in mind (according to your
current belief system) that if you do not give that money to someone in a business
transaction,you will not get the thing you want. You are wanting money and wanting to
give away money at the same time!
“But I am only giving away the money to get what I want!” you say. Then why not stop
spending all your Energy on “getting money” and, instead, put it on “what you want.” You
will save a lot of time that way, I promise.

*You are Energy and you vibrate and attract according to your frequency.(You are also
vibrating and according to your vibrations you are attracting situations in your life)

*The reason we are experiencing our present reality is because it is the one with
which we are currently in vibrational alignment, but ALL realities that you can
imagine exist right now. You literally create their probability with your thoughts. To
experience them,you need to simply “change your frequency.”

*The most important thing you can learn is that “asking” for what you want is
more about BEING that the request is already fulfilled. Many times, when you are asking
for something, you are in a vibrational space of “not having it” – which, of course, is why
you’re making the request in the first place(Universe responds to your feelings but not
your words keep in your mind)

The key is to notice what you want, and then to “be” that you already have it. THIS is
what shifts your vibration into a state that will actually attract what you’re asking for.

You know that you always want to write these statements in the present,
rather than future tense.

For example, instead of:

“I want a new car.”
You would write:
“I have a new car.”

But to really be effective, you want to go further. You need to express EMOTION on
your words, because, in doing so, you will invoke the desired emotion within yourself, thus
shifting your vibration toward BEING that you have that car, rather than being that you want that

“I am exhilarated each time I step into my dream car.”

“I love the smell of the soft, clean leather that fills my senses as I drive.”

Do you see how that evokes much more of an emotional response than, “I want a new
So the longer and more detailed you make your list, the more likely you are to get into
the exact vibrational state you want in order to attract what you are writing about

*Gratitude works in your favor much the way that Giving does. By generating strong
feelings of appreciation for what you have and what you will have, you attract the circumstances
that will facilitate more of those feelings.
So when you are truly grateful – meaning that you bathe in the feelings of being truly
blessed with what you have – you will attract more things for which to be thankful

The manifestation process is always going on in every moment of your life. You never
stop attracting stuff. Shifting more awareness to this fact will allow you to see life in this
- Universe very differently, and eventually, you’ll begin to get very excited about the
possibilities…which are literally endless.
As long as you are keeping your desire in mind – in the moment – you can be sure that
everything you’re experience is part of the process of your desire being manifested in front
Know this at all times and your desire will continue to race toward you, very literally.

If we want to receive anything in our lives – and that can be money, relationships or just
“stuff” – we have to provide value to the Universe. We do that in the form of positive
vibrations.What we are vibrating throughout the course of the day is extremely important,
because it directly influences our moment-to-moment experience.
It is what we are doing “most of the day” that is going to dictate what we are vibrating in
our lives. Remember, the hour or so per day that we spend doing our “wealth consciousness
You wake up in the morning and spend time envisioning your perfect life, you get into
the feeling, and all that stuff that is helping to accelerate fulfillment of those desires. Then you
think, “Okay, back to the real world. Gotta go to work.” For the next 10 hours, your thoughts
aremired in a wholly unsatisfying pattern of thought that simply works to attract more of the
How much of your true value are you really contributing, when so little of the “real you”
is in your work? Not much! Therefore, you are not due much “return,” despite the hours of labor
you are putting in.
The hours are not the value. Value is not gauged by how hard you work. Value comes
from answering this question: What is your contribution to the Universe? This is a more
accurate assessment of value, because the quality of your “contribution,” or your Energy

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