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Bhagwad Gita
Understanding Karma, Jnana, Raja & Bhakti Yoga

Prashant Patel
+65 9272 9897

Ancient Yoga Academy 1

Chapter 5
Karm Sanyās Yog
(The Yog of Renunciation)

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Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 18, Verse 700

Chapter 1: 46: Arjun Viṣhād Yog (Lamenting the Consequences of War)
Chapter 2: 72: Sānkhya Yog (The Yog of Analytical Knowledge)
Chapter 3: 43: Karm Yog (The Yog of Action)
Chapter 4: 42: Jñāna Karm Sanyās Yog (The Yog of Knowledge and the Disciplines of Action)
Chapter 5: 29: Karm Sanyās Yog (The Yog of Renunciation)
Chapter 6: 47 Dhyān Yog (The Yog of Meditation)
Chapter 7: 30 Jñāna Vijñāna Yog (Yog through the Realization of Divine Knowledge)
Chapter 8: 28 Akṣhar Brahma Yog (The Yog of the Eternal God)
Chapter 9: 34 Rāja Vidyā Yog (Yog through the King of Sciences)
Chapter 10: 42 Vibhūti Yog (Yog through Appreciating the Infinite Opulences of God)
Chapter 11: 55 Viśhwarūp Darśhan Yog (Yog through Beholding the Cosmic Form of God)
Chapter 12: 20 Bhakti Yog (The Yog of Devotion)
Chapter 13: 35 Kṣhetra Kṣhetrajña Vibhāg Yog (Yog through Distinguishing the Field and the Knower of the Field)
Chapter 14: 27 Guṇa Traya Vibhāg Yog (Yog through Understanding the Three Modes of Material Nature)
Chapter 15: 20 Puruṣhottam Yog (The Yog of the Supreme Divine Personality)
Chapter 16: 24 Daivāsura Sampad Vibhāg Yog (Yog through Discerning the Divine and Demoniac Natures)
Chapter 17: 28 Śhraddhā Traya Vibhāg Yog (Yog through Discerning the Three Divisions of Faith)
Chapter 18: 78 Mokṣha Sanyās Yog (Yog through the Perfection of Renunciation and Surrender)

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Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 4: 42: Jñāna Karm Sanyās Yog

(The Yog of Knowledge and the Disciplines of Action)

Verse 1- 18
The impact of Saguna sentiment and the subject of karma yoga

Verse 19- 23
The Yogi’s moral conduct and his glory

Verse 24 - 32
Falsehood statement of separate Yagya

Verse 33- 42
The glory of knowledge

Transcendental knowledge--the spiritual knowledge of the soul,

God, and of their relationship--is both purifying and liberating. Such
knowledge is the fruit of selfless devotional action (karma yoga)

Every act can be an act of prayer Ancient Yoga Academy 4


Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 4: 42: Jñāna Karm Sanyās Yog Chapter 4, Verse 18
(The Yog of Knowledge and the Disciplines of Action)

Action in inaction.
- Persons look upon their social duties as burdensome, and renounce them out of indolence.
- They give up actions physically, but their mind continues to contemplate upon the objects of the senses.

Inaction in action.
- Execute their social duties without attachment to results, dedicating the fruits of their actions to God.
- Engaged in all kinds of activities, they are not entangled in karmic reactions

( e.g Dhruv, Prahlad, Yudhisthir, Prithu, and Ambarish, The Durvasa & Krishna, )
God and the Saints appear to engage in material activities externally, internally they are always
transcendentally situated. Thus, even while doing all kinds of actions, they are still considered to be

the mystics who work in divine consciousness

- mind is free from attachment and proprietorship,
- every act is performed with the divine intention of pleasing God. (e.g Lord Ram)
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Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 4: 42: Jñāna Karm Sanyās Yog

(The Yog of Knowledge and the Disciplines of Action)

Absorbed in God-consciousness
!"माप&णं !"म ह*व!&"मा,नौ !"मणा हुतम ् |
!"मैव तेन ग5त6यं !"मकम&समा:धना || 24||
One who sees God everywhere and in all beings is the highest spiritualist
The accurate meaning of this mantra is: "A practice of offering is Brahman, the
oblation is Brahman, the device of offering is Brahman, and the fire (hunger) to which
the offering is made, is also Brahman. For such a one, who abides in everything
(Brahman), by him alone Brahman is reached".

Significance: Brahman refers to God himself. This Shloka suggests that god is
everywhere, in the food, inside the devotee and even the hunger is God. So, devotee is
taking the food (God) to the hunger (God). To put succinctly, we always thank god for
his divine grace.
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Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 4: 42: Jñāna Karm Sanyās Yog

(The Yog of Knowledge and the Disciplines of Action)

Learn To LEARN

Knowledge has the power to purify, elevate, liberate, and unite a person with God.

Information Attention Knowledge Wisdom Application

Ancient Yoga Academy 7

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 5: 29:

Karm Sanyās Yog (The Yog of Renunciation)

Verse 1- 6
Decision and the decision of Karma yoga

Verse 7- 12
Symptoms and the glory of Sankhya Yogi and KarmaY ogi

Verse 13 - 26
Topic of Jnana Yoga

Verse 27- 29
Description of meditation Yoga with Devotion

Renounce the ego of individuality & rejoice in the bliss of infinity

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Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 5: 29:

Karm Sanyās Yog (The Yog of Renunciation)

Outwardly performing all actions but inwardly renouncing their fruits,

the wise man, purified by the fire of transcendental knowledge, attains
peace, detachment, forbearance, spiritual vision and bliss.
Arjuna said:
O Krishna, You praise transcendental knowledge
And also performance of unattached action.
Tell me, definitely, which one is better of the two.

Krishna said:
Karma-Samnyasa, (renunciation of actions) and Karma-yoga (work in devotion)
Both lead to the Supreme.
But, of the two, Karma-yoga
Is superior to Karma-Samnyasa.

Ancient Yoga Academy 9

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 5: 29:

Karm Sanyās Yog (The Yog of Renunciation)

What to Choose from?

sānkhya or Karma-Sanyasi (renunciant) OR Karma-yogi (who work with devotion)

1. sānkhya or Karma-Sanyasi (renunciant)

• For elevated souls,
• risen beyond the bodily platform
• Who neither likes nor dislikes
One is easily liberated from bondage.
• Free from the dualities
• Path of renunciation
• One is easily liberated from bondage.

1. phalgu vairāgya is an escapist attitude and is unstable.

2. Yukt vairāgya is where people see the whole world as the energy of God

E.g Lakshman, Kumbh Mela

Ancient Yoga Academy 10


Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 5: 29:

Karm Sanyās Yog (The Yog of Renunciation)

What to Choose from?

2. Karma-yogi (who work with devotion)

• A karm yogi is one who does both, spiritual and social, duties.
• Social duties are done with the body while the mind is attached to God.

• Truly see things as they are

• One who truly mastered one, Gets the benefits of both.
• Karma-yogi also reaches the same goal.

O Arjuna,
A Karma-Sanyasa Is difficult to attain without Karma-yoga.

A Karma-yogi sage quickly attains Brahman (Self-Realization)

Ancient Yoga Academy 11

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 5: 29:

Karm Sanyās Yog (The Yog of Renunciation)

Ugly Wood
our hearts are rough and unfinished because of endless lifetimes of attachment
in the world.

If we wish to become internally beautiful, we must be willing to tolerate pain and

let the world do its job of purifying us.

So karm yogis work with devotion, are equipoised in the results, and practice
attaching their mind to God.

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Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 5: 29:

Karm Sanyās Yog (The Yog of Renunciation)

Karma-Sanyasa Vs. Karma-yoga

• yog yukt (united in consciousness with God).

• 1) viśhuddh ātmā, of purified intellect,

• 2) vijit ātmā, who has conquered the mind, and
3) jitendriya, one who has controlled the senses.

• I am not the doer,” even while engaged in seeing, hearing,

touching, smelling, moving, sleeping, breathing, speaking,
excreting, and grasping, and opening or closing the eyes.

Be like Lotus

Ancient Yoga Academy 13

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 5: 29:

Karm Sanyās Yog (The Yog of Renunciation)

Self-Purification Everything that exists and is

A Karma-yogi performs action
perfect and complete
By body, mind, intellect, and senses, then WHAT can we offer to divine?
Without attachment,
Only for self-purification. Purification of our own
A Karma-yogi, abandoning the fruit of work,
Attains Supreme Bliss while others,
Who are attached to the fruits of work, HOW can we Purify?
Become bound by selfish work.

yukt means “united in consciousness with God !नंदक !नयरे रा*खए, ऑ ंगन कुट1 छवाय,
ayukt means “not united with God in 4बन पानी, साबुन 4बना, !नम:ल करे सुभाय।
If you are desirous of quickly cleansing your heart,
cultivate the company of a critic.

Ancient Yoga Academy 14


Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 5: 29:

Karm Sanyās Yog (The Yog of Renunciation)

City of Nine Gates Verse 13

1. Two ears,
2. Mouth, A person who has subdued the senses
3. Two nostrils, And completely renounced all works,
4. Two eyes, Dwells happily in the City of Nine Gates,
5. Anus, Neither performing nor directing action.
6. Genitals

Verse 14
• controls the entire universe.
• conducts the activities of the universe,
• remains the non-doer.

Sense of doership by Gunas& Ignorance

Ancient Yoga Academy 15

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 5: 29:

Karm Sanyās Yog (The Yog of Renunciation)

• God is not responsible either for anyone’s virtuous
deeds or sinful actions

• The individual soul has the freedom to perform good or

bad actions by the exercise of its own free will

• The knowledge is covered by ignorance,

• Thereby people are deluded.

Why God granted free will to the soul?

• soul is a tiny part of God

• without free will there can be no love
• And Freedom

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Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 5: 29:

Karm Sanyās Yog (The Yog of Renunciation)

Self Knowledge (Jana Yoga) Equality in vision

Ignorance is destroyed by “One who gives up desires

Self-knowledge becomes like God.”

• Ignorance causes one to suffer in samsara (World), or

the perpetual cycle of life and death
• Self-interest lies in giving pleasure to God.
• knowledge has the power to release one from • Surrender to the will of God,
material bondage. • Accept both pleasure and pain as His
. grace.
True / Divine knowledge is that it leads to love for God • This is the symptom of a person situated
in transcendence. (e.g Farmer & Horse)

• prajñā chakṣhu, “with the eyes of knowledge.

• vinaya, “humbleness.”” • Know God to be bliss
• Experience the infinite bliss of God who is
seated within
Ancient Yoga Academy 17

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 5: 29:

Karm Sanyās Yog (The Yog of Renunciation)

Desire and Anger (Master it)

• One who is able to withstand
The impulse of lust and anger before death
Is a yogi, and a happy person.

• Use Power of discrimination

• to restrain the impulses of desire and anger.

“Inner light” ”Internally happy”

Experience the pleasure of God True Welfare is: Unite his or her
within themselves consciousness with God.

Ancient Yoga Academy 18


Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 5: 29:

Karm Sanyās Yog (The Yog of Renunciation)

Meditative Yoga with Devotion

• Renouncing sense enjoyments;

Fixing the eyes and mind at the midbrows;
Equalizing the breath moving through the nostrils

• harmonize the prāṇ (outgoing breath) with the apān (incoming Necessity of devotion
breath), until both become suspended in yogic trance.

• With senses, mind, and intellect under control;

Having liberation as the prime goal;
Free from lust, anger, and fear;
Such a sage is verily liberated.

Ancient Yoga Academy 19

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