In Search of A Song Volume 290

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Amalfi Cruz

Amalfi l


C ~ ruz ~


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Richard Spiegel Barbara Fisher codirectors Thomas Perry adminstrative assistant

Ofelia Rodriguez Goldstein Teacher

P9II, Center for Continuing Education Pregnant and Parenting Student Services

Marie Torchia Principal

Stephen E. Phillips Superimenden t

© 1997 Ten Penny Players with funding support from the NY State Council on the Arts


Hoy en dia me siento como una paloma sola ala que a nadie importa.

Nadie pregunta como estoy,

que me due1e,

que me hace falta.

Hayen dia me siento deprirnida al no ser ariorada por aquel arnor que hace afios que paso,

que pena que todo aquello

se olvid6.



I miss my space. Guilt stands by me when he needs me. Though I love him I wish he'd notice

I miss myself.



How can

I handle life

when stress is always by my side do you worry

do you care

can't you see the pain I'm in.



Maldita sea la hora que

inveritaron 10 que se llama Matematica.

Numeros aqui y alia confusion.division, multiplicaci6n, resta, suma.

Perc 10 mas que me molesta

es que siempre esta en todas partes, hasta en mis suefios aparece la maldita.



My mother always told me, "Get home early after school Don It hang around. 11

But I loved

Hanging around

So I didn't listen.

My mother always said, "There are rules in this house


. Which everyone must follow," But I forgot to do so.

My mother often said,

"Don't show your legs too much Because you won't get respect." But my legs always managed

To come outside to breathe freely. My mother always said,

"Don't you dare get an IF'

Because if you do

\Vhen you come home


You are sure to regret it."

But my teachers were so mean They often awarded me this letter. My mother always said,

"Don't let him touch your breasts. II But he begged so desperately

My hormones found it hard to refuse. My mother always said,

"Don't get pregnant without

Having a future."

But my son, Brian, couldn't wait And two years later Tiffany came. Now I'm a mother

I can only regret I didn't listen to mine. The future is still out there

I hope it is still waiting for me Like my mother always said.



I am afraid of falling

And not being able to get up to survive. I am afraid of failing

Of not doing right

Like animals do for their babies. I am afraid I might

Never learn the skills I need to learn. I am afraid of looking

And not seeing nor recognizing What 1 should see.

I am afraid to sleep

And not ever wake up again. I am afraid of crying

And no one would care to know why. I am afraid of hating

The way most enemies do. I am afraid I'll be forgotten Like so many people are.

I am afraid of dying young Before my babies grow old. I am afraid to love

And never be loved back But most of all

I am afraid this fear

WiU corrupt ali of my thoughts.



Damn tiredness

To some it appears as laziness But it is not,

It is the tiredness

Of a youth who became A woman before her time And never enjoyed it. Perhaps she chose it

Or better yet

Had to admit it

When it happened.



Mis Bebes siempre seran mis hijos Son la ala.rma de mi amanecer

EI pafiuelo que seca mis lagrirnas Mi espiritu despierta al1ado

De la inocencia.

Cuando me siento debil Elios son mis fuerzas Mis hijos de mandan

La manana

Se bane en el zumo De gardenias

Y traiga su perfume a mi alma.

Por elios curnplire mi meta. Por elios ba tallare la vida.



Thank you for the wonderful things You brought me last year.

This year I won't ask for much Just love and peace and joy For everyone.

Material things please leave behind. I just want a real Christmas

To remember

In my life.



June andJuly

Are special months.

First day of each month Joy came around

It knocked at my door Physically painful

But full of happiness.

They brought smiles Dreams too

Two months like no other F or they made me a mother.


In Search of a Song Volume 290


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:...4r,a.,t::o...Q '?-; a waterways project publication

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