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Practicum Class of 2021

Emcee 1: Joyce Emcee 2: Arlene

Emcee 1: Webinar guidelines, please mute your microphone, turn on your camera, be presentable, and please also
give us your full attention. The PowerPoint presentations of our speakers are for your personal use only, please don’t
print or share it to anybody. Let us now start with the program proper.

Emcee 2: Good morning everyone! May we have your full attention? Let us first start the program with the Invocation.

(Plays audio – Prayer, Anthem, TIP Hymn)

Emcee 1: Again, Good morning, everyone! I am Joyce Reyen Dignadice.

Emcee 2: I am Arlene Santos.

Emcee 1: And it is our pleasure to be the moderators of this seminar.

Emcee 2: We would like to extend a very warm welcome to all of you. We appreciate you taking time off of your busy
schedules to join us today. The title of our event is: “Step Up: Taking Charge To Upskill One’s Great Intellect”. The
Practicum Class invited the best speakers that will share with us some lectures from their field of expertise in order to
give us ideas on different Chemical Engineering careers. For us chemical engineering students, this is a very beneficial
topic to learn so please give us your full attention during the event proper and please don’t hesitate to ask your
questions during the open forum later.

Emcee 1: Now to formally start this event, let us hear a rousing welcome remark from the ChE Department Chair,
Engr. Lorraine Carillo.

(Welcome Remarks)

Emcee 2: Thank you for the wonderful remarks, Engr. Lorraine Carillo. And now, let us call on the President of the
TIP Chemical Engineering practicum class, Mr. John Clyde Bengson, to introduce our guest speaker for this morning.

(Introduce the speaker, credentials)


Emcee 1: Thank you very much, Engr. Arnel N. Cabungcal for the informative talk. I believe we all have learned so
much from you today. For our audience, you may now start typing your questions on the comment box or kindly open
your mic and camera for our short Open Forum with Engr. Cabungcal. For students, please include your year level
upon asking a question.

Emcee 2: While we are waiting for your questions, reminder for the event registration and evaluation you may click
the link or use the QR code that is shown on your screen.

(Open Forum)
Practicum Class of 2021

Emcee 1: Thank you for your questions and thank you again, Engr. Cabungcal.

Emcee 2: May we call on Ms. Cherry Sakay for the awarding of the certificate.

(Awarding and photo ops)

Emcee 1: Thank you everyone for your active participation in this seminar. Before we all part ways, let us cap our
event with closing remarks from the TIP Practicum Class and Society of Chemistry and Environment Adviser. Let us
all welcome, Engr. Efren B. Chavez.

(Closing remarks)

Emcee 2: And that’s it! Again, I am Arlene Santos.

Emcee 1: I am Joyce Reyen Dignadice.

Emcee 2: Thank you for your time and support for this momentous event.

Emcee 1: Goodbye and have a wonderful morning! Let us now all sing the TIP Fight Song.

(TIP Fight Song)


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