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Review Unit 1

A) Listening comprehension Listen to the conversations between people introducing themselves. Check
the statement that correctly paraphrases the main idea.

 She’d like to be addressed by her title and family name.

 She’d like to be addressed by her first name. ✓
 She’d prefer to be called by her first name.
2  She’d prefer to be called by her title and last name. ✓
 It’s customary to call people by their first name there. ✓
3  It’s not customary to call people by their first name there.
 He’s comfortable with the policy about names. ✓
4  He’s not comfortable with the policy about names.
 She prefers to use the title “Mrs.”
5  She prefers to use the title “Dr.” ✓

B) Complete each sentence with a tag question.

1. You’re not from around here, are you?

2. You were in this class last year, weren’t you?
3. They haven’t been here since yesterday, have they?
4. Before the class, she hadn’t yet told them how she wanted to be addressed, had she?
5. I can bring flowers as a gift for the hosts, can’t I?
6. You won’t be back in time for dinner, will you?
7. I met you on the tour in Nepal, didn’t I?
8. We’ll have a chance to discuss this tomorrow, won’t we?
9. They were going to dinner, weren’t they?
10. My friends are going to be surprised to see you, aren’t they?

C)Complete each statement with the correct word or phrase.

1. Offending other people when eating a meal is an example of bad table manners
2. Each country has customs and traditions about how to behave in social situations.
The rules are sometimes called etiquette
3. Each culture has its own sense of punctually. It’s important to understand people’s ideas about
Review Unit 2

A) Listening comprehension Listen to each conversation and complete the statements. Then listen again
to check your answers.

 The patient lost a filling when she was eating candy

 The patient has been sneezing all day. She needs to take an antihistamine
 The patient needs an x-ray of his leg
 The patient would like to try acupuncture for pain in her back

B) Suggest a medication for each person. (Answer will vary.)

1. A painkiller
2. An antihistamine
3. An antacid
4. Eye drops
5. Cold tablets

C)Complete each conversation by drawing your own conclusion with must

1. A: I feel really nauseous. I’ve been vomiting all morning.

B: You must feel terrible
2. A: My dentist can’t fit me in till next month.
B: Your dentist must be busy
3. A: My daughter was sick, but it wasn’t anything serious, thank goodness.
B: You must be happy
4. A: My husband fell down and broke his ankle.
B: He must be in pain

D)On a separate sheet of paper, rewrite each statement, using may (or might) and be able to.

1. Maybe the doctor can see you tomorrow.

The doctor might be able to see you tomorrow
2. Maybe an acupuncturist can help you.
An acupuncturist may be able to help you
3. Maybe the hotel can recommend a good dentist.
The hotel might be able to recommend a good dentist
4. Maybe she can’t come to the office before 6:00.
She may not be able to come to the office before 6:00
5. Maybe you can buy an antihistamine in the hotel gift shop.
You might be able to buy an antihistamine in the hotel gift shop
Review Unit 3

A) Listening comprehension Listen to each conversation. Write a sentence to describe what the
customer needs and when. Listen again if necessary.

Example: He’d like to get his shoes shined by tomorrow morning

1. She needs to get her dress dry-cleaned by Friday

2. He needs to get his pants shortened by Wednesday
3. She needs to get a sing printed by Wednesday
4. He needs to get a picture framed by 4:00

B) Complete each question or request with any noun that makes sense with the passive causative verb.

1. Can I get my suit dry-cleaned by tomorrow?

2. I’d like to have this skirt lengthened.
3. Where can I get this jacket shortened?
4. Can you tell me where I can get some reports copied?
5. Where did she get her pictures framed?
6. How much did he pay to have his shoes repaired?
7. What’s the best place to get some signs printed?
8. Where can I go to get my package delivered quickly?

C)Complete each causative statement in your own way. Remember to use either the base form or the
infinitive form of a verb.

1. At the end of the meal, she had the waiter bring the bill
2. We got then travel agent to reserve a car for us
3. When I was young, my mother always made me clean my room
4. When you arrive, you should get the hotel to make an appointment for you
5. Don’t forget to have the gas station attendant wash the windshield
6. I can never get my friends to come with me
Review Unit 4

A) Listening comprehension Listen to each conversation and write the type of book each person is
discussing. Then decide if the person likes the book. Explain your answer.

Type of book Likes it? Explain yours answer

1 mystery Y N He can’t wait to get to the ending; it’s a cliffhanger
2 travel Y N He can’t get into it; it’s not a fast read
3 romance Y N She can’t put it down; it’s a page-turner
4 autobiography Y N She’s not really into it
B) Write the name of each type of book.

1. A novel about people falling in love: romance love

2. A book about a famous person: biography
3. A book that a famous person writes about his or her own life: autobiography
4. A very exciting novel with people in dangerous situations: thriller
5. Books that are about factual information: non-fiction
6. A strange fictional story about the future: science fiction

C)Use the expressions in the box to change each question to an embedded question. (Use each

expression once.)

1. Where does the story take place?

Could you tell me where the story takes place?
2. Who is the main character in the novel?
I was wondering who the main character in the novel is
3. How much was that newspaper?
I can’t remember how much that newspaper was
4. How do you say this in English?
Would you please tell me how you say this in English?
5. What does this word mean?
I don’t know what this word means
Review Unit 5

A) Listening comprehension Listen to the report. The reporter describes three kinds of disasters. Listen
carefully and check the ones that fall into the categories she describes. Listen again if necessary.

B) Complete each statement with the name of the disaster or emergency.

1. In a landslide, mud and soil cover the houses and can bury entire towns.
2. A widespread event in which many people become sick with the same illness is an epidemic.
3. A flood occurs when water from a river enters houses and roads.
4. A storm with high winds and rain is a hurricane.
5. When there is no rain for a long period of time, a drought is said to occur.
6. In a famine, there is not enough food and many people go hungry.

C)Complete each indirect statement or question with said or told.

1. They told me to call the office in the morning.

2. The students said the best had been very difficult.
3. He said the storm was awful.
4. Who told us to get extra batteries?

D) On a separate sheet of paper, rewrite the following indirect speech statements in direct speech.

1. She said they knew the reason there was so much property damage.
“I know the reason there is so much property damage.”
2. The radio announcer told the people to fill up their cars with gas before the storm.
“Fill your cars with gas before the storm.”
3. I said not to tell children about the storm.
“Don’t tell the children about the storm.”
4. He asked if the epidemic had been severe.
“Has the epidemic been severe?”

E)On a separate sheet of paper, rewrite the following direct speech statements in indirect speech.

1. Robert told Marie, “Don’t wait for the evacuation order.”

Robert told Marie not to wait for the evacuation order
2. Sylvia said, “I think the earthquake occurred during the night.”
Sylvia said she thought the earthquake had occurred during the night
3. The emergency broadcast said, “Buy bottled water before the hurricane.”
The emergency broadcast said to buy bottled water before the hurricane
4. They told Marlene, “Call us the next day.”
They told Marlene to call them the next day

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