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Boxe Française Savate

Student’s Manual

Club website

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La Boxe Française Savate


This manual has been collated to give the Boxe Française Savate Student a central
reference source
fascinating with
fighting art.which to build their knowledge and understanding of this truly

History of Savate

The origins of Savate can be traced back to the end of the 18 th century.

It is thought that by the 1800s !"a Savate #as being used as a sim$le street fighting
art that utilised o$en hand strikes and kicks.
There are many articles #hich trace the origins of Savate% but most seem to agree that
the art develo$ed in the tough streets of &arseilles.

It is not kno#n #hat exact influences moulded the style but it is s$eculated that sailors
returning from the orient and the influence of Bas'ue fighting due to the $o$ulation of
Bas'ues in southern France% are the $rinci$le sha$ers.

The first detailed study of these fighting styles that #ere emerging in &arseilles #as
made by &ichel (assuex in about 18)0. *e noted that some of the kicks used% had a very
definite and $recise mechanism and #ere not sim$ly the result of thro#ing a leg out.

(assuex introduced Savate &arseilles% as it #as then kno#n% to +aris. *e o$ened u$ a

Salle or $ractice gym in (ourtille% #hich attracted some interest from the fashionable
elements of society that existed at that time% for exam$le% the ,uke of -rleans is
thought to have trained in the art.

It #as one of (assuexs $u$ils% (harles "ecour% #ho is accredited #ith introducing the
nglish style of closed fist $unches% after he himself #as beaten in a match by the
nglish boxer% -#en S#ift. It is said that (harles #ent to ngland to study !Boxe
/nglais and later returned to +aris. Bruce Tegner accredits *ubert "ecour (harles
"ecours brother #ith this in his book entitled !Savate2 French Foot and Fist Fighting.
But #e #ill go #ith the ma3ority vie# and assume (harles introduced the closed fist
$unch. Thus !"a Boxe Française #as born.

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!"a BoxetoFran
a$$lied çaise incor$orated nglish boxing rules #ithin its mandate% #here these
$unches and the legacy of these rules is found today.

/ number of ex$onents of Savate came onto the scene at this time% such as *ubert
"ecour and "ouis 4igneron. But it #as 5ose$h (harlemont #ho #as to have a lasting
influence on the s$ort.

(harlemont taught Boxe Française alongside "a (anne in +aris% but he had to flee into
exile follo#ing the defeat of the re$ublicans #hom he backed at the hands of the
monarchists. *e settled in Belgium and o$ened boxing schools there #hich became highly
successful% and he $ublished his first book on French Boxing methods.

Follo#ing the establishment of the Third 6e$ublic% (harlemont received an amnesty and
returned to +aris and #ent about setting u$ further schools until French Boxing reached
the height of its $o$ularity 3ust before the outbreak of the First 7orld 7ar.

By this time his son (harles (harlemont% had gained notoriety #ithin the s$ort along #ith
other notables such as 4ictor (astres and 9eorges (ar$entier.

By the end of the 1: th (entury it #as estimated that there #as more than 100%000
$ractitioners of "a Boxe Française. Sadly the t#o intervening 9reat #ars nearly #i$ed
out the s$ort and it is thanks to one man% "a (omte +ierre Baru;y% #hose enthusiasm and
commitment% that ke$t the s$ort going.

Today there are over <0%000 $ractitioners around the #orld and the s$ort is once again%
gaining $o$ularity% es$ecially across uro$e.

The #ord !Savate literally means the slang for !-ld Shoe. Today% in recognition that
Savate develo$ed from a self defence system% the self defence as$ect of the art is
referred to as Savate ,efence% #hereas the ring s$ort is kno#n as "a Boxe Fran çaise in
order to avoid confusion. (ollectively% the title Boxe Française = Savate is used

-rganisation of Savate
Today Savate is an internationally $racticed combat s$ort. The $rinci$al governing body
is Fdration Internationale de Savate F.I.S. This international organisation #as
formally constituted on the )>rd &arch 1:8?.

ach country has its o#n Federation #hich is affiliated to the F.I.S.

In 9reat Britain% this is the 9reat Britain Savate Federation 9BSF. In France it is the
Fdration Fran@aise de Savate% Boxe Fran@aise et ,./ FFSbf A ,/. The initials !,/
stand for ,isci$lines /ssimiles or /ssociated ,isci$lines. 7ithin the French Federation
resides the martial art element of Savate% #hich is re$resented by Savate ,efence%
9rand Baton% "a (anne% and Savate Forme. Similar arrangements exist #ithin other
national federations.

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Savate in 9reat Britain

Today% Savate in 9reat Britain is managed under the careful guidance of the 9reat
Britain Savate Federation 9BSF #hich is a fully affiliated Federation to the F.I.S.

The 9BSF is able to sanction its o#n leagues% such as the !/ssaut league% #hich is
currently held over three events each year. It is also able to grade its members and
train instructors.

The 9BSF $rovides a focus for the $romotion of Savate in this country. It is through
the 9BSF that instructors gain certification and insurance in order to enable them to
o$en clubs and $romote the s$ort regionally.

Students are re'uired to 3oin the 9BSF before they can grade. Such membershi$
carries #ith it member to member insurance and in addition each instructor is re'uired
to have $rofessional indemnity insurance. Through such controls the integrity and
standards of excellence are maintained #hich com$are favourably to other martial
artss$orts associations.


The uniform of a Savateur ty$ically reflects a flamboyant French style.

Savateurs #ear an all in one $olyester intergrale garment that is extremely
comfortable to train and fight in.

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/nother uni'ue $iece of e'ui$ment used by the Savateur is the boot or

(haussure #orn on the feet. Cnlike nglish boxing boots% they have a thicker
sole and edge to them. These boots serve a dual $ur$ose. Firstly to $rotect the
feet so kicks can be delivered #ith force #ithout fear of in3ury and secondly% to
$rovide a $enetrating ti$% slashing edge or stam$ing heel to focus the $o#er and
$recision of the kick itself.

-ther items of e'ui$ment are similar to those found in nglish boxing. Standard
boxing gloves may be used regulated by #eight class in com$etitions or a uni'ue
French Boxing glove may be used #hich have extra $rotection around the cuff to
mitigate the effects of blocking kicks delivered #ith the French boxing boot

Shin $ads% groin and bust guards and gum shield are the same as used in other
fighting s$orts

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Boxe Française "ec#ni!ues

$eneral %ic%in&
'"H CH(SS' 
C#asse kicks are straight line kicks that travel #ith a D$istonE like action%
$ushing out from you to hit a target then returning to a flexed $osition along
the same line or tra3ectory. There are t#o forms of (hasse kick% Frontal and

C#asse Lateral. "ift the knee of the DkickingE foot to#ards its o$$osite
shoulder% left knee to right shoulder or vice versa this motion #ill cause you to
$ivot on the su$$orting leg. Turn the outside edge of the striking leg to#ards
ceiling% calf $ressed against thigh. TheEkickingE foot should no# be $ushed out
to#ards its intended target. /fter hitting target $ull leg back to flex before
either kicking again or D$lacingE the foot do#n.
It is $ossible to 3um$% ski$ or s$in into a (hasse "ateral.
7hen using the left leg to kick #ith% use a strong left arm guard or vice versa
using right leg.

"ar&et area’s for C#asse %ic%s.

Bas) Front face of legs. /bove the knee but belo# groin.
Median) Front of body. Stomach% solar $lexus and sternum.
Fi&ure) Front of head  face.

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This illustration sho#s a fighter delivering a (hasse "ateral to mid section and
head. In all of these illustrations the left arm should be slightly more bent at
the elbo# to create better $rotection for the head

This illustration sho#s a fighter delivering a (hasse "ateral Bas% in the first
$icture his left knee is raised to#ards the right shoulder% #hich causes the
fighter to $ivot u$on his su$$orting leg. *e then $ushes the sole heel of the
striking leg straight at the target area% if kick is aimed at lo# line target as in
this illustration the su$$orting leg is bent to increase reach and lo#er centre of

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This illustration sho#s a chasse marche croise = moving to ad3ust distance

bet#een kicker and o$$onent. ote the right leg crosses behind the kicking leg

before being raised to its o$$osite

atshoulder% in this illustration the kick is aimed
mid section

C#asse Frontal) 7hen delivering this kick% remain Ds'uare onE to o$$onent. 6aise
kicking legs knee to#ards its same shoulder% left knee to left shoulder or vice
versa $ush the heel or sole of the striking foot to#ards $ro$osed target. /fter
hitting target $ull leg back to flex before either kicking again or D$lacingE the
foot do#n. The kicker should kee$ both arms flexed in front of them% elbo#s
touching each other to $rotect against $ossible incoming attacks

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This illustration sho#s the kicker DchamberingE the knee before delivering a
(hasse Frontal to mid section. To increase the efficiency of this kick the
kickers hi$s and shoulders should be in line #ith each other. In order to gain
distance% a Dski$E or for#ard 3um$ can be added from the chambered $osition% as
the su$$orting foot should touches the ground the fully extended kicking leg
hits its target.

In this illustration the kicker has 3um$  ski$$ed into a chasse lateral to the
head% the fully extended kicking leg should contact #ith the target at the same
time as the su$$orting leg touches the floor. The ski$$ing  3um$ing motion
makes this DsauteE kick a very $o#erful techni'ue% if aimed at the mid section it
can create a lot of room bet#een fighters% by $ushing one fighter clear across
the ring.

Sweep %ic%in& '"H C*+, - ,I- B(S' 

This kick has t#o $ur$oses that are different de$ending u$on #hether you use
the front or rear leg to $erform the kick. In both cases the kicking leg $ivots
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from the hi$ and remains fully extended% the foot acting like a match striking
across the floor% lifting from the floor at the last $ossible moment and striking
 3ust above the o$$onents ankle.

Front le& coup pied bas) This kick is used to s#ee$ o$$onents feet a#ay from
beneath them. It travels in a circular motion and the inside% front third of the
foot is used to make contact. It must strike belo# the knee but to be effective
the lo#er the better.

ear le& coup pied bas) This kick is used to attack the shinankle area of an
o$$onent. The foot is DdraggedE across the floor then DflickedE u$ off the
ground at the last moment in a straight line to#ards the target. The inside%
front third of the foot is used to make contactG this is a very effective Dself
defenceE kick and is the only kick effective at Dvery close range.E

In this
$ied basillustration the leg%
using his rear kicker
andstarts from a DstanceE
then returns $osition%
to DstanceE. ote delivers
the chinais(ou$ de
in as kicker strikesG this kick is a close range kick so care must be taken to
ensure the chin is not ex$osed to attack.

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In this illustration the kicker is trying to unbalance his o$$onent #ith a cou$ de
$ied bas kick using the front leg. ote the $endulum motion% as the foot s#ee$s%
the head and shoulders $ull back out of $unching range.

everse %ic%in& '"H /S' 

There are t#o ty$es of revers kick these are DfrontalE and DlateralE H both are
circular motion kicks but use different $arts of the foot to strike the desired
target. To increase $o#er to both revers kicks it is sim$le and effective to
either add a s$inning movement before the kick or to utilise the s$inning motion
of a missed fouette kick

evers frontal) Standing Ds'uare H onE to the o$$onent s#ing the Dfully

extendedE kicking leg across your other leg in a circular% crescent motion from
the hi$. 7hen the desired height is reached $ull the leg side#ays striking the
target #ith the outside edge of the foot gain extra reach by $ointing the toes
to#ards the target (om$lete the full circle and $lace the foot back on the
ground% maintain a Ds'uare H onE stance at all times during the kick.

"ar&et areas for all evers %ic%s)

Bas) Interior or exterior of the legs. /bove knee level but belo# hi$ groin
Median) Sides of the body% $rime target is lo#er or DfloatingE rib. If a sideste$

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or DdecalageE movement is em$loyed 3ust before kicking it is $ossible to hit the

centre front of an o$$onent.
Fi&ure) Sides of head. If a sideste$ or DdecalageE movement is em$loyed 3ust
before kicking it is $ossible to hit an o$$onent full in the face

*ere the kicker $erforms a revers to the head of an o$$onent using his front
legG the o$$onent has blocked the kick using his left glove to $rotect against the
kick. The kicker in the illustration is not #ell organised in his defence% the arms
ought to be flexed and in front of his body

This next illustration sho#s a revers frontal kick to the head using the rear leg.

evers lateral) Standing Ds'uare H onE to the o$$onent s#ing the Dfully

extendedE kicking leg across your other leg in a circular motion from the hi$.
7hen the desired height is reached $ivot on the su$$orting leg so the toes of
this foot $oint a#ay from the o$$onent and turn the outside edge of the kicking
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leg to#ards the ceiling. /t this $oint you #ill be DsideHonE to your o$$onent no#
$ull the kicking leg back to the closed $osition Dsla$$ingE the target #ith the sole
of the foot.
The DfinishE $osition of a revers lateral is the DstartE $osition for a fouette kick
so the t#o kicks can easily be $ut together to form a Dt#o kick combinationE.

*ere the kicker is com$leting a 6evers "ateral bas% the sole of the foot
Dsla$$ingE the inner thigh of his o$$onent.

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*ere the kicker is com$leting a 6evers "ateral to the mid section% the sole of
the foot Dsla$$ingE the side  floating rib of his o$$onent. otice the full
extension of the kicking legG this kee$s the kickers head out of $unch range and
therefore safe.

/ 6evers "ateral to the head% the sole of the foot Dsla$$ingE the side his
o$$onents glove% the fully extended kicking leg kee$s the kickers head out of
$unching range

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In this illustration the kicker has Ds$unE into a revers frontal to mid section% the
s$inning motion is the same for all Ds$inE kicks. The kicker could have aimed at
any height target.

Circular Motion 0ic% '"H F*+""' 

The Fouette kick is a DcircularE motion kick that travels in a hori;ontal arc. To
$erform the kick you raise the striking leg #ith knee bent. /s you do this D$ivotE
on your su$$orting leg and $oint the knee of striking leg% outside edge
u$$ermost% at $ro$osed target. Jour calf muscle should at this $oint be touching
 your thighG this $osition is kno#n as DchamberedE in nglish or DarmeE in French.
Finally D#hi$E o$en the striking leg to fully extended hitting your target.

(. The u$$er toe area of your boot for training or assaut.

B. The ti$ or $oint of the boot for self H defence or full contact com$etitions.

It is im$ortant to $ull the leg back immediately after hitting the target and
either kick again or D$laceE it back on the floor in the $osition re'uired. ,o not
 3ust let the leg dro$ after hitting target% as this #ill leave you Do$enE to be
s#e$t using (ou$ de +ied Bas.

"ar&et areas for t#e fouette %ic%) 

Bas) Interior or exterior of the legs. /bove knee level but belo# hi$ groin
Median) Sides of the body% $rime target is lo#er or DfloatingE rib. If a sideste$
or DdecalageE movement is em$loyed 3ust before kicking it is $ossible to hit the

Fi&ure) Sides of head. If frontorofDdecalageE
a sideste$ an o$$onent.
movement is em$loyed 3ust
before kicking it is $ossible to hit an o$$onent full in the face

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1. This illustration sho#s a kicker in the Dchambered or DarmeE $osition% he

is giving no indication as to #here the kick #ill land. Inex$erienced
fighters #ill look at #here they #ant to kick% an ex$erienced fighter #ill
read this information and move to the best $osition to counter against
the attack

2. This illustration sho#s a DfouetteE bas using the front left leg. ote the
kickers slightly flexed su$$orting leg% #hich lo#ers his centre of balance
and gives him extra reach. *is arms are flexed to guard against a
$ossible counter attack

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3. *ere left the kicker is delivering a fouette median using his front or left
leg. ote $osition of right or Dsu$$ortingE legs foot. It is im$ortant that
this foot $oints a#ay from your o$$onent.

4. *ere right the kicker is delivering a fouette figure  head using his front
or left leg. ote $osition of right or Dsu$$ortingE legs foot. It is
im$ortant that this foot $oints a#ay from your o$$onent. 7hen kicking to
body or head the su$$orting leg should not be bent at the knee.

"#e Savate ,unc#es 

5ab 6 Cross '-IC"' 

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5ab. 7-irect Bras (vant8 

/ straight $unch given #ith the lead arm. 7hen delivering the $unch% the $elvis
and shoulders are utili;ed by the action of $ivoting on the ball of the front foot.
This gives added range and $o#er.

Cross. 7-irect Bras (rriere8 

/nother straight $unch but this time given #ith the rear arm. -nce again% #hen
$unching the $elvis and shoulders are utilised by the action of $ivoting on the
ball of the rear foot.

7ith both $unches% the chin is tucked against the collar bone #ith sight fixed
along the striking arm. The glove of the other arm is held in $rotection to guard
the 3a# line. -nce the target is struck% the striking arm is retracted 'uickly to
reform ones guard.

These t#o longHrange $unches are the most commonly used hand techni'ues in
nearly all fighting arts. The 5ab is an excellent o$ening $unch #hen $utting
together any $unch combinationG it is often thro#n as a dummy or feint to dra#
an o$$onents attention.

This illustration sho#s a 5ab and a (ross to the headG note the $ositioning of the

Competitions in Savate
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In Savate there are three levels of com$etitions$arring

(ssaut or light contact for 6ed 9love and above ormally >x1.>0mins.
In an assaut com$etition there are three 3udges that a#ard $oints for not only% hits to
target areas but also variety% style and control of techni'ues% fighters must #ear
$rotection in the form of groin $rotection and mouth guard% but shin $ads and head
guards are o$tional. The use of uncontrolled $o#er #ill result in dis'ualification.

Combat or full contact for Silver 9love student% uro$ean and 7orld (ham$ionshi$s.
?x)mins. /t this level most fights end #ith a clear #inner but the $oints system is still
used to decide in uncertain bouts. Fighters use full $o#er blo#s and are not allo#ed any
$rotection to the head or legs. 9um shields and groin $rotectors are obligatory. Shin
$ads and a head guard are forbidden

,re9Combat or full contact% but #ith the re'uirement to #ear ShinH$ads and a head

/t $resent% in 9reat Britain% s$arring% club and interHclub com$etitions are in /ssaut
only. /lthough 6ed 9love is re'uired to enter /ssaut com$etitions in uro$e% this is not
 yet a re'uirement in 9reat Britain. S$arring #ithin the club is based u$on the /ssaut
regime and is o$en to all glove grades at the discretion of the (lub (oach

an% Structure in Savate

9rades are re$resented by a $atch #orn on the Integrale or training
clothes of the Savateur.
"ec#nical ran%s) blue% green% red% #hite% yello#% Technical Silver 1%)%> extremely rarely
a#arded. / $ur$le glove is sometime a#arded to individuals less than sixteen years of
age. Those individual have to retake an exam once they reach the age of 18 years of age
in order to be a#arded the silver glove.
Competition ran%s2 Bron;e and (om$etition Silver 1% )% >% <% ?. (om$etition rank are
a#arded based on the number of #ins losses
Honorific an%s)
*onorific ranks have nothing to do #ith technical or com$etitive abilities. ligibility is
based on exce$tional services rendered for the name of Savate. -nly ) honorific rank
can be a#arded% they are the Kvermilion glove and the golden gloveK

/ #ristfrom
andranking there
or a chest is nocan
badge other
be kind
to glove ranking.
designate the corres$onding rank of
an individual. *o#ever% in com$etition or seminar% the badge must be #orn on the left
side of the SavateursL chest.
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Savate an%s in Context

6anks in Savate do not have any formal e'uivalence to 9rades a#arded in &artial /rts%
i.e. Blue 9love 9ant Bleu is not e'uivalent to 7hite Belt. 9love ranking in Savate is an
indication of the Savateurs technical kno#ledge and ability. In other #ords it is an
indication of ho# good the Savateur is. *o#ever% it is #idely regarded that the 6ank of
Jello# 9love 9ant 5aune is broadly e'uivalent to the black belt 1 st ,an of other
fighting arts. In this context% Silver 9love 9ant ,/rgent > ° #ould re$resent a
&asters Black Belt 9rade in other fighting arts and the Silver 9love 9ant ,/rgent 1 °
and )° #ould re$resent the intermediate black belts grades u$ to the level of &aster.

"ec#nical an%s Structure

(wardin& of "ec#nical an%s)
Technical ranks are a#arded by a $anel of instructors at 9BSF sanctioned grading
events. Savateurs can start to com$ete in /ssault com$etitions once they have reached
the red glove level and for (ombat com$etitions yello# glove is the 9BSF recommended
minimum grade

$ant Bleu 7Blue $love8 : Be&inners $rade 1

To be able to touch an o$$onent.

$ant /ert 7$reen $love8 : Be&inners $rade 2

To be able to touch an o$$onent after blocking an attack.
To recognise an attack% to be able to defend and counter it.

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$ant ou&e 7ed $love8 : Intermediate $rade 1

7li&ible to nter (ssaut Competitions8
To be able to touch an o$en target #hilst being attacked.
To be able to antici$ate the attack and choose the most a$$ro$riate defence block%
$arry% sideHste$ etc. in order to reach an un$rotected o$en target

This glove is an im$ortant milestone = allo#s students to commence !Instructor Training%

including the 5udging and 6efereeing course.

$ant Blanc 7;#ite $love8 : Intermediate $rade 2

To be able to touch an o$en target before being touched.
To be able to antici$ate an attack and counter before o$$onent has com$leted his  her
attacking techni'ue.

+reHre'uisite for this grade is com$letion of the 5udging and 6efereeing (ourse

$ant 5aune 7<ellow $love8 : Senior $rade

7li&ible to nter ,re9Combat Competitions8
To be able to create an o$en target and touch it before being touched.
To be able to create an un$rotected target by using a feint or LdummyL and then to
touch that target% #ith an a$$ro$riate techni'ue% #ithout being countered.
(onsidered to be Savates e'uivalent of a Black Belt

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$ant -’(r&ent 7Silver $love8 : xpert $rade

To be able to create o$en targets on an o$$onent and to touch those un$rotected
targets using advanced techni'ues% before being touched or countered.
To be able to Lflo#L #ith a $artner in s$arring assaut.

There are > degrees of Silver 9love

$ant -’(r&ent 9 1= "ec#nical

$ant -’(r&ent 9 2= "ec#nical

$ant -’(r&ent 9 3= "ec#nical

Competition an% Structure

(om$etition rank can only be achieved by com$eting in !(ombat full contact and !+reH
(ombat com$etitions.

Jou may only com$ete in !(ombat if you have a com$etition rank of Bron;e 9love 9ant
,Bron;e or higher.

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7e do not $resently have a com$etition rank structure in 9reat Britain although

members of ranks
com$etition the 9reat Britain Savate Federation have fought in France and hold

(om$etition ranks are delivered by the regional% Federal% or international commission

according to the follo#ing criteria2
M 5ust $artici$ating in an official com$etition allo#s the fighter to earn 1 +oint exce$t
if the fighter has been dis'ualified
M ach victory allo#s the fighter to earn an additional ) $oints to#ard his com$etition
M 4ictory by KforfeitK i.e.2 in case o$$onent doesnLt sho# u$ for the fight allo# the
fighter to only earn an additional $oint i.e.2 ) $oints.

The Bron;e 9love2 This is the first com$etition rank. To achieve the rank of Bron;e
9love the fighter must com$ete in +reH(ombat com$etitions. Successfully achieving
Bron;e 9love allo#s the fighter to access combat com$etition. The fighter must have at
least a yello# glove and be registered by the $rofesseur or the moniteur of hisher club.
If those criteria are com$leted then the fighter needs only to cumulate a total of 10
com$etition $oints #ith at least a minimum of one victory in order to earn the bron;e
glove. The official delegate #ill have to com$lete $age 11 of the $ass$ort at each of the

(om$etition Silver 9loves 1°H?° are delivered at the end of each com$etition season by
a federal commission. To obtain (om$etition Silver 9love 1° the Savateur needs to
achieve a minimum of 10 $oints% using the same $oints system described above. /
minimum of ) victories are re'uired in this $oints tally. For each additional degree% the
fighter needs to gain 10 additional $oints #ith at least ) victories each time.
Follo#ing the ac'uisition of the > ° Silver 9love the com$etitor can enter the national

$ant Bron>e : Competition


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$ant -’(r&ent 9 1= 9 Competition


$ant -’(r&ent 9 2= 9 Competition


$ant -’(r&ent 9 3= 9 Competition


$ant -’(r&ent 9 4= 9 Competition


$ant -’(r&ent 9 ?= 9 Competition


Instructor an% Structure

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Sho#n belo# are the Instructor rank $atches for the Initiateur and &oniteur levels of


In Savate there are four ranks of Instructor% although the grade /rbitre is for 5udges
and 6eferees. Sho#n belo# are the French Federation rank $atches for /rbitre and
+rofesseur. Traditionally% the Initiateur rank is an /ssistant Instructor or +rovisional
Instructor ranking and &oniteur is a club instructor. Instructor ranking is only achieved
after having com$leted an instructor training $rogramme com$rising 8 com$ulsory and )
o$tional units. The rank of 6ed 9love is a mandatory re'uirement for starting instructor

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"H $(-I@$ ,*CSS

It is to the students advantage to $ick a $artner of similar si;e and to $ractice #ith
this $artner regularly before taking a grade.
/ll gradings are carried out before a $anel of three examiners and involve2
Set &oves = /ttack A ,efend $rocedures.
Themed D/ssautE = "ight contact s$arring under a set DthemeE.
Free D/ssautE H "ight contact s$arring.

ST &-4S.

For this section the $air of students are given roughly >0 seconds to demonstrate a Dset
moveE from the syllabus sheets. Both students must sho# the roles of attacker and

T*&, /SS/CT 

-nce again both students are re'uired to demonstrate the roles of attacker and

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$radin& e!uirements

Blue $love testin& re!uirements

xecution of the fundamental blo#s in a situation #ith a $artner in
motion and in a limited area.

Section / = ST &-4S

,erson (

+erson B

18 Move to correct distance and deliver C#asse Frontal bas usin&

front le&

/void by moving leg in#ards left over right

28 Move to t#e correct distance and deliver Fouette median usin&

front le& 

Block by dro$$ing elbo# and covering #ith foreHarm

38 Sidestep 7decala&e8 and deliver Fouette median usin& front le&.

Block using forearms and re$ly #ith (hasse "ateral bas

48 Sidestep 7-ecala&e8 and deliver Fouette median usin& rear le& 

Block or avoid being hit by moving and re$ly using same techni'ue.

?8 Move to correct distance and 5ab to t#e face

Block or $arry and re$ly using same techni'ue.

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A8 Move to t#e correct distance and deliver ri&#t cross to t#e #ead 

/void being touched by moving the body only sli$ and re$ly using the
same techni'ue

8 Move to t#e correct distance and deliver C#asse Lateral or

Frontal bas usin& t#e rear le&. 

/void being touched by moving to side ,ecalage and re$ly #ith Fouette
median either leg

8 Move to t#e correct distance and deliver evers Median 7frontal

or lateral8 usin& front le&.

Block and re$ly #ith fouette bas using rear leg

D8 Move to t#e correct distance and deliver coup de pied bas usin&
rear le& 

/void being touched by lifting leg and re$ly #ith any one of the follo#ing
techni'ues2 Fouette median% (hasse bas or right cross to the head

1E8 Move to correct distance and deliver C#asse Lateral median

+arry and re$ly using Fouette bas using either leg

Section B H T*&, /SS/CT ) x 1 minute rounds

(. Simple attac%s to le& or body tar&ets only

B. /void% block or $arry

Instructors to determine #hich t#o !single techni'ues can be used from

this list2 5ab% cross% fouette% chasse% revers or cou$ de $ied bas

Section ( H F6 /SS/CT ) x 1 minute rounds

(. (ttac% and defend under assaut’ conditions

B. /ttack and defend under !assaut conditions

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Section , = (-&BI/TI-S

1. (hasse "ateral bas N Fouette median Same leg

). Fouette median rear leg N sideste$ Fouette median front leg
>. 6ight cross to the head N left 3ab to the head N Fouette
median using front leg
<. 6evers "ateral median front leg N left 3ab and right cross to
the head
?. (ou$ de $ied bas N sideste$ (hasse bas #ith other leg.

$reen $love testin& re!uirements

/c'uisition of a correct coordination in the sim$le combination in a
situation #ith a $artner in a limited area and mastering a static balance.

Section / = ST &-4S

,erson (
+erson B

18 Move to t#e correct distance and deliver C#asse median 7Lateral

or Frontal8 usin& rear le&

+arry or block N re$ly #ith any singular techni'ue  +unch or Oick

28 Move to correct distance and deliver evers Lateral median usin&

rear le&

+arry or block N re$ly #ith any singular techni'ue +unch or Oick

38 Move to correct distance and deliver Fouette bas usin& rear le&

/void being touched and re$ly #ith same techni'ue

48 Move to correct distance and deliver ri&#t #oo% to #ead

/void being touched using !bob and #eave N re$ly either left hook or
right u$$ercut to the body

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?8 Move to correct distance and deliver evers Lateral bas wit#

front le&
/void being touched by lifting leg N re$ly #ith right cross

A8 Move to correct distance and deliver left Gab to t#e body

+arry using right forearm N re$ly left 3ab to the head

8 Move to correct distance and deliver ri&#t cross to body

+arry using left forearm N re$ly right hook to head

8 Move to correct distance and deliver Coup de pied bas 7sweep

front le&8

/void by lifting leg N re$ly Fouette median using rear leg

D8 Move to correct distance and deliver evers "ournant Lateral

median or fi&ure

+arry in !o$$osition then re$ly #ith hook using other arm

1E8 Move to correct distance and deliver C#asse "ournant Lateral

bas or median

+arry in !o$$osition and re$ly #ith rear hand s#ing

Section B H T*& /SS/CT ) x 1 &inute rounds

ound 1

(  (ttac% usin& any %ic% tec#ni!ue

B P +arry or avoid then re$ly #ith any techni'ue

ound 2

(  (ttac% usin& any punc# tec#ni!ue

B P +arry or avoid then re$ly #ith any techni'ue

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Section ( H F6 /SS/CT ) x 1 &inute rounds

( . (ttac% and defend under assaut’ conditions

B. /ttack and defend under !assaut conditions

 Section , = (-&BI/TI-S

1. (ou$ de $ied bas N double Fouette median using same leg

). 6ight cross to the head N (hasse Frontal median front leg
>. 6evers median rear leg% land for#ard right stance N left 3ab to head
<. Fouette bas N (hasse median same leg
?. "eft 3ab N "eft hook to head N right hook to head
Q. 6evers "ateral bas front leg% sideste$ N (hasse median other leg
R. ,ouble 3ab to head N right cross to body
8. 5ab to head N right hook to head N 3ab to body
:. 5ab to head N (ou$ de $ied bas s#ee$ front leg
10. 6evers "ateral bas N Fouette median same leg

ed $love testin& re!uirements

,emonstrate mastery of dynamic balance in a situation #ith a $artner in
motion and in a limited area

,erson (

+erson B
Section / = ST &-4S

1. Move to correct distance and deliver ri&#t #oo% to #ead

Block using front arm and re$ly #ith same techni'ue

2. Move to correct distance and deliver left #oo% to #ead

/void being touched by moving body only and re$ly left 3ab to head

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3. S%ip’ into C#asse median

/void being touched by moving inside and re$ly #ith (hasse bas using
front leg

4. S%ip’ into Fouette to #ead usin& front le&

Block and at same time deliver (hasse "ateral bas using front leg

?. Move to correct distance and deliver evers Frontal usin& rear


/void being touched by moving body only and re$ly #ith Fouette using
front leg

A. Move to correct distance and deliver ri&#t #oo% to body

Block using front forearm% then decalage and deliver right cross to head

. Move to correct distance and deliver left #oo% to body

Block using rear arm then decalage and deliver left and right hooks to

. -eliver Gumpin&’ Fouette median usin& front le&

Block #ith rear arm and re$ly (ou$ de $ied bas s#ee$ using rear leg

D. S%ip’ into C#asse bas usin& front le&

/void being touched by moving to the outside and then re$ly #ith 3ab and
cross to head

1E. Move to correct distance and deliver evers "ournant bas

/void being touched by moving back#ards then re$ly #ith !ski$ (hasse

Section B H T*& /SS/CT ) x 1.>0 &inute rounds

(  (ttac% usin& any two move combination attac% 7must be 00J

0,J ,0 or ,,8

B P +arry or avoid then re$ly #ith any one move counter attack

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Section ( H F6 /SS/CT > x 1.>0 &inute rounds

( . (ttac% and defend under assaut’ conditions

B. /ttack and defend under !assaut conditions

Section , = (-&BI/TI-S

1. 6ight hook N left hook

). !Ski$ (hasse median front leg N Fouette rear leg
>. !Ski$ Fouette &edian% $lace foot do#n N (hasse tournant median
<. 6evers Frontal front leg N 3abcross N (ou$ de $ied bas
?. (ou$ de $ied bas attack N 3um$ing Fouette to head #ith other leg
Q. "eft hook to head N right u$$ercut to body N left 3ab to head
R. Fouette using front leg N right cross% alter distance N left hook hook
to head
8. Fouette bas using rear leg N 3um$ing Fouette median using front leg
:. 5um$ing (hasse bas using front leg N 3abcross to body
10. 6evers tournant bas% $lace foot to side N Fouette median #ith other
leg N right cross to head.

;#ite $love "estin& e!uirements

Section / = ST &-4S

&astery of distance in all combinations in a situation #ith a $artner% in

motion and in a limited area

,erson (

+erson B

1. 5umpin& C#asse bas usin& front le&  evers Frontal fi&ure usin&
rear le&  GabKcross

Block or avoid kicks then re$ly #ith u$$ercut using rear arm N any other
single techni'ue

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2. i&#t cross to #ead  left Gab to #ead  evers Frontal tournant

usin& rear le&  Coup de pied bas.

/void being touched by moving back#ards% re$ly #ith 3um$ing (hasse bas
using rear leg N any $unch techni'ue

3. @ot specified

4. -eliver Gumpin& evers Lateral to #ead usin& front le&  C#asse

median usin& rear le&

/void the 6evers% $arry the (hasse and then re$ly #ith 6evers "ateral
tournant bas

?. -eliver a C#asse Lateral tournant bas  Fouette median wit#

ot#er le&  double ri&#t cross  Gab to #ead

sca$e from the (hasse% block the Fouette and $unches then re$ly #ith
 3ab to head N (hasse Frontal bas using front leg

A. -eliver a Gumpin& Fouette bas usin& front le&  sidestep  ri&#t

#oo%  Gab to #ead

/void Fouette and block all $unches then re$ly #ith hook to head using
right hand N 6evers figure using front leg

. S%ip’ into Coup de pied bas  deliver Gumpin& Fouette median usin&
ot#er le&  C#asse Lateral bas wit# same le&

/void by 3um$ing back#ards and changing stance then re$ly #ith 3un$ing
Fouette to any target using front leg.

. -eliver a C#asse Frontal median usin& rear le&  Gumpin& Fouette

usin& front le&

/void being touched #ithout moving feet then re$ly #ith 3ab to body
#ith left hand

D. -eliver a GabKcross to #eadJ Fouette bas usin& front le& t#e

Fouette to #ead wit# ot#er le&

Block the $unches then avoid being touched by the kicks% then re$ly #ith
(hasse "ateral to body using front leg N s$inning 6evers "ateral to head
#ith other leg.

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1E.-eliver Gab to body  Fouette bas usin& front le&

+arry the $unch using forearm% avoid the kick by lifting your leg out of
the #ay then deliver Fouette to body using front leg N cross3ab N (hasse
"ateral to body using rear leg.

Section B H T*& /SS/CT ) x ) &inute rounds change !role after 1


ound 1

(  (ttac% usin& any two punc# combination

B P +arry or avoid then re$ly #ith any t#o techni'ues

ound 2

(  (ttac% usin& any two %ic% combination

B P /void being touched and then re$ly #ith any t#o techni'ues

Section ( H F6 /SS/CT > x ) &inute rounds

( . (ttac% and defend under assaut’ conditions

B. /ttack and defend under !assaut conditions

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 <ellow $love testin& re!uirements

The ability to control the body to execute all the blo#s in combination in
a situation #ith ) $eo$le in the ring.

Section / = ST &-4S

,erson (

+erson B

1. 5ump into C#asse Lateral bas usin& rear le&  spinnin& C#asse
median usin& ot#er le&.

Block and counter #ith s$inning 6evers to head using rear leg

2. 5umpin& Fouette bas usin& rear le&  Fouette fi&ure same le&J

#ead foot forward t#en deliver ri&#t uppercut to body  left #oo% to

/void Oicks% block $unch% bob and #eave to avoid hook and counter #ith
right hand u$$ercut to body N right hook to head

3. 5umpin& evers Lateral to #ead usin& rear le&  Gumpin& C#asse

median usin& same le&  ri&#t cross to #ead.

/void kicks% !sli$ the right cross and counter #ith left hook N right hand
u$$ercut to body.

4. C#asse Frontal to #ead usin& front le&  Gumpin& C#asse median

usin& ot#er le&.

+arry the (hasse and counter #ith (hasse "ateral bas using left leg and
right hook to head

?. Left Gab to faceJ ri&#t cross to body  C#asse Frontal to #ead

usin& left le&

/void being touched by the kicks and counter #ith any techni'ue

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A. 5umpin& evers Lateral to #ead usin& left le&  left Gab to #ead 

ri&#t crossle&
wit# rear to body  sidestep and deliver Fouette median 7or fi&ure8

/void first kick N block% $arry or avoid the $unches N $arry kick in
o$$osition and counter #ith (hasse Frontal median or figure using rear

. 5umpin&J spinnin& evers Lateral to body  double Fouette median

usin& ot#er le&.

Block and $arry then counter #ith s$inning (hasse median

. 5ab to #eadJ C#asse Frontal bas usin& rear le&J sidestep t#en
deliver C#asse Lateral to body wit# front le&J wit#out puttin& t#e
foot down use evers Lateral to remove opponents &uardJ deliver
ri&#t cross to #ead

Section B H T*& /SS/CT ) x 1.>0 &inute rounds 

,arry or avoid bein& touc#ed t#en reply

ound 1

(  (ttac% usin& any two %ic% combination

B P +arry or avoid then re$ly #ith any t#o $unch combination

ound 2

(  (ttac% usin& any two punc# combination

B P +arry or avoid being touched and then re$ly #ith any t#o kick

Section ( H F6 /SS/CT < x 1.>0 &inute rounds

( . (ttac% and defend under assaut’ conditions

B. /ttack and defend under !assaut conditions

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/"" H Begin
/6BIT6 H 6eferee
/6& H 6eady $osition before a kick
/66I6 H 6ear% Behind% Back#ard motion
/SS/CT H "ight contact contest em$hasi;ing technical skill
/CT-6IS H /llo#ed% authorised
B/S H "o# level
B/"/( H "eg s#ing
B"-C H Block
B-U H Boxing
B6/S H /rm
(/SC H *ead guard
(*/SS H ,riving or forcing a#ay
(*/SS "/T6/" H Side kick H using the heel of the shoe
to LsmashL
(*/SS ,L/66T H / sto$$ing kick to the body
(*/CSSC6 H Foot#ear
(-I H (orner
(-&B/T H FullH$o#er contest
(-&+T H (ount
(-CI"" H Box +rotector
(-6+S H Body
(-C+ H Blo#
(-C+ , +I, H Oick
(-C+ , +I, B/S H "o# kick H using the inside arch of the
shoe to LcutL or s#ee$
(-C+ , +-I9 H +unch
(6-(*T Bras /vant H *ook $unch #ith the front hand
Bras /rriere H *ook $unch #ith the rear hand
(6-IS H (rossed
,+"/(&T H ,istancing movement or motion H also
,I6(T Bras /vant H "ead hand Straight $unch 5ab H also
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,C 9/C(*
,I6(T Bras /rriere H 6ear hand Straight $unch (ross H
also ,C ,6-IT
,6-IT H 6ight
(IT H 6ing
(*/I&T H Se'uence of blo#s% combination
SCI4 H /voiding techni'ue% such as Lsli$$ingL or Lbob A
FI9C6 H Face
F"/( H Side
F-CTT H 7hi$ H using the toe of the shoe to LstabL #hen
F6/++ H Strike
F6-T/" H Front% or to the front
9/T H 9love% or #ith colour to indicate grade as sho#n
Bleu P blueG 4ert P greenG 6ouge P redG Blanc P #hiteG 5aune P
9/6, H 9uard $osition
9/C(* H "eft
96-C+ H (hambering the leg ready $osition before a kick
*/(* H *i$
*/CT%  */CT H *igh level
*-6S (-&B/T H Onockout O-% or unable to continue
IT96/" H -neH$iece suit
IT6,IT H Forbidden
IT6IC6 H Inside
5/&B H "eg
5/&B T,C H Straight or outstretched leg
5/&BI6 H Shin $ad
"/T6/" H Side#ays
&/6(*H(6-IS H (rossHste$ in front of% or behind% the
lead leg
&,I/ H &iddle level
- (-&B/T H o decision H #here both fighters are
dis'ualified% or the match is abandoned due to s$ectator
behaviour for exam$le
+/6/, H Blocking techni'ue
+S H 7eighing

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+I, H Foot
+-I9 H Fist
+6H(-&B/T H &iddle category contest #ith full contact A
full $rotection
+6-T9H,TS H &outh guard% gum shield
69"&TS H 6ules% regulations
6(-T6 H &atch
6&IS H (ounter #ith the same techni'ue
6+6IS H a 6ound H usually one% one and a half% or t#o
646S F6-T/" H -utside crescent kick% cutting #ith the
outside edge of the shoe H kee$ing the kicking leg straight
646S "/T6/" H Turning s$inning kick% #ith a straight
leg throughout
646S 5ambe Tendue H 6everse #hi$ kick% sla$$ing #ith
the sole of the shoe
6I+-ST H (ounter immediate
S/CT H 5um$
S-I9C6 H Second% ring attendant
S7I9 Bras /vant H / frontHhand thumb do#n longHarm
curving $unch
Bras /rriere H The same $unch delivered #ith the rear hand
T,C H Straight
TC H (ostume
TI6C6% TI6CS f H Boxer
T-C6/T H Turning

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8/17/2019 50472580-Savate-Students-Manual.pdf

9reat Britain Savate Federation 9BSF

+- Box ):
(B1 >*F

&artin 6oss = 9BSF ational ,irector of Techni'ue and ,evelo$ment

-llie Batts = 9BSF +resident

Federation Internationale de Savate

French Federation


&y thanks to &artin 6oss for allo#ing me to use material from his #ebsite =

&y thanks to -llie Batts for allo#ing me to use material from his #ebsite also =

&y thanks to ,r 5ulie 9abriel for $roof reading and advice 41/41

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