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Experiment No 02.

• Aim: Develop a JavaScript to implement array functionality.

• Practical Questions:
1. Create an Array, find its length, display the original array,
pop one element from the array and display current array.
<h3>Array Pop</h3>
<script type = "text/javaScript">
var array = new Array();
array[i] = i+1;
document.write("Initial Array: <br>"+array+"<br>");
document.write("Length of Array="+array.length+"<br>");
document.write("<br>Array length after Popping
document.write("Lenght of Array="+array.length);
document.write("By 19-Soham Parab")

CSS CO5I(B) 19
2. Array sort Method.
<h2>Array Sort Methods</h2>
<script type = "text/javaScript">
var array = new Array();
array = [8,5,9,4,7,6,2,3,1];
document.write("Initial Array:<br>"+array+"<br>");
document.write("<br>Array Sorted in Ascending
array.sort(function c(a,b){
return b-a;
document.write("<br>Array Sorted in Descending order:<br>"+array);
document.write("By 19-Soham Parab")

CSS CO5I(B) 19
3. Array push, pop, reverse, join, concat method.
<h3>Array Operations</h3>
<script type = text/javaScript>
var array = new Array("AJP","CPP","EST");
document.write("Initial Array: "+array+"<br><br>");

var poppedElement = array.pop();

document.write("Array after popping:

document.write("Array after pushing:

document.write("Array after Reversing:<br>"+array.reverse()+"<br><br>");

var array2 = new Array("CSS","OSY");

var concatedArray = array2.concat(array)
document.write("Array after Concating:<br>"+concatedArray+"<br><br>");

document.write("Array after Joining: <br>"+concatedArray.join(" |

document.write("By 19-Soham Parab")


CSS CO5I(B) 19

CSS CO5I(B) 19
• Exercise
1. Define Array.
Ans: An array is a collection of elements of the same type placed in
contiguous memory locations that can be individually referenced by
using an index to a unique identifier.

2. How to declare array in JavaScript?

Ans: In JavaScript there are three ways to declare an array:
1.Array Literal:
In this method, square brackets “[ ]” are used for declaring an array
with the literals passed in square brackets as elements.
Syntax: var arrayName = [element1,element2,……..];
2.Array Instance:
In this method, we create instance of array class without adding
elements to it. Later, we can add elements in the array using
arrayName[index] = element;
Syntax: var arrayName = new Array();
3.Array Constructor:
In this method, we create object of the array class and use it’s
constructor to pass elements as parameters.
Syntax: var arrayName = new Array(element1,element2,………..);

3. Explain the use of Join Function.

Ans: The join function is used to join i.e. combine the elements in an array
to a String. While joining it adds default separator ‘ , ’ to the string after
each element. If we want to add any different separator then we can pass
it with the function as a parameter.
For e.g.: default separator: arrayName.join();
Passing separator: arrayName.join(*);

CSS CO5I(B) 19

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