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8/28/2021 Footprinting and Reconnaissance with DNSdumpster.


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 (/osint-network-defenders/)

 (/footprinting-reconnaissance/)

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Get Started; Footprinting and Reconnaissance

Quickly mapping an organisations attack surface is an essential skill for network
attackers (penetration testers, bug bounty hunters or Mr Robot) as well as those
who are defending the network (network security folks, system administrators,
blue teams etc).

A detailed footprint of an organisations Internet facing systems is a tactical

resource that can be used by both attackers and defenders. By developing an
understanding of the attack surface skilled security analysts are able to quickly
identify weak areas in the attack surface.

Discovered assets such as old servers, custom web applications and forgotten
services are often the first crumbs in a trail that leads to a compromise.

Attack Surface Discovery is a Time Critical Process

The Blue Team needs to understand the tactics that penetration testers and bug
bounty hunters are using to map the attack surface. These tactics will often be
also employed by targeted attackers. By quickly identifying weak areas in your
attack surface you will enable prioritisation of mitigation to defend those
systems and applications.

Penetration Testers need to quickly identify the weak spots so that they can gain
access and ensure that the engagement is successful. The nature of a penetration
test is time constrained so the faster areas to attack are identified the more
likely the test will be a success.

Bug Bounty Hunters need to quickly identify weak spots to find the bugs and get
the bounty. Since a hunter is competing against others in the race to find bugs,
being faster can often mean getting paid. This is not to say that more involved
deeper bug discoveries do not take time to develop, but a quick wins give you
time to go for more.

Footprinting a Domain is an Iterative Process 1/6
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After working through the process of footprinting a domain, you will quickly
realise how it is a cyclic process. The output from searching against the domain,
provides new inputs into the same domain search process. This can go on for quite
some time, with both time and scope factors in the value of continuing the

Overview of the Network Discovery Process

Paying Attention to Scope 2/6
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As you discover assets and networks, pivoting to new areas of interest it is very
important that you pay attention to the scope of your engagement. Both
penetration tests and bug bounties often have a defined scope. If you start
active scanning against areas outside of the scope, you may quickly end up
getting into trouble or at the very least appear unprofessional. If you discover
things of Interest outside the scope, take note and include your passive findings
in the report or consult with the program / engagement contact to see if it could
be included.

Secrets of DNSDumpster
The domain search is the most obvious report that users will find useful when
utilising DNSDumpster ( There are a number of not so
obvious features that will rapidly increase the attack surface. Take your
reconnaissance from a quick overview to actionable intelligence.

Pivot to Identify Service Banners of a Netblock

Each discovered host has the an option to search the netblock that the host is
sitting in for banners that have been discovered through Internet wide scans.
Think of this like target focused searches of, censys or shodan.

Banners are available for the following TCP ports. These have been selected as
they are common services, with banners that often reveal operating system and
other useful data.

FTP (21)
SSH (22)
Telnet (23)
HTTP (80)
HTTPS (443)
HTTP/Proxy (8080)

Banner search example

Further discovery will be required further down the assessment process with port
scans ( and other network
based scanning. For now the benefit of these banners is a quick overview to
identify operating system and server role which can reveal the security posture
of the organisation.

The netblock may be a hosted range operated by a third party company where the
other hosts within the range are not of interest. However, if the range is
operated by the target organisation the banners can reveal additional hosts of
interest that are not present in the DNS only reports.

To search for the banners of a network you can simply enter the CIDR notation of
the network in the DNSDumpster search field.

Discover Web Sites Present on a Host 3/6
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A common web hosting feature is the use of virtual hosts. That is hosting
multiple web sites on a single web server, using different A records for the

Using the Reverse IP Search (

ip-lookup/) API the host search button in the record can reveal other web sites
hosted on the server. These may have vulnerabilities or weakness that lead to
compromise of the underlying host.

Reverse IP Search for other Host Names

Shared DNS Servers

If the organisation hosts its own name servers then the attack surface can be
increased significantly by finding all the domains that the organisation is
hosting on those name servers.

This can be done by doing a Reverse DNS Name Server search against a DNS data
set. For example, is the primary server for our
organisation. By searching the data set for all NS records that point to we reveal all the domains that are configured on this

Shared DNS Search example

We can then pivot to search for the newly discovered domains, once again looking
for new IP addresses, host names and web sites to assess.

SPF TXT Records 4/6
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The SPF record is a benefit to anti-spam efforts for an organisation. It

basically is a record of IP addresses that are allowed to send email for the
domain. This can mean that the SPF record may contain IP addresses for netblocks
that are otherwise not found using other DNS reconnaissance.

Perhaps the IP range of the organisations office network. It does not have any
services hosted within the netblock, but there is an internal mail server that
needs to send email outbound so it is listed in the SPF record or maybe there is
a monitoring server that needs to send email notifications.

Wrapping Up
This introduction to footprinting and reconnaissance has barely scratched the
surface of the possibilities in OSINT discovery. If you are just getting started;
get familiar with these DNS focused enumeration techniques and soak up as much
knowledge as you can. It is a great time to get into the field of security
testing; start to play with Capture the Flag (CTF's), then try some Bug Bounties
and get ready to learn. Persistence and creativity will go a long way.

For more information check out the Recon Village (

archived talks from Defcon. Also, keep in touch by signing up the mailing list
below. New additions will be added to this page and
( in the near future.


At (, we have been scanning the

Internet since 2007. Our vulnerability scanners now reach millions of IP
addresses every year. We work to raise awareness of the value in open source
security solutions.

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