Read The Text Carefully in Each Question. Choose The Best Answer A, B, or C

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Part 1

Questions 1- 8
Read the text carefully in each question. Choose the best answer A, B, or C.
For each questions, mark the correct answer A, B or C your answer sheet.

1. Guest staying at the hotel

A must pay for their newspapers
B will get a discount on all meals
C will have free access to sports facilities

2. The notice tells us

A for breakfast, lunch and tea
B valid daily except on weekends
C valid until the end of December

3. Mega Bookstore is
A moving to a new location
B closing one of its branches
C announcing new opening and closing times

4. Samantha is texting her mother to

A complain that Jeff is always crying
B explain why she will not be at home
C tell her that Jeff is being bullied by his classmate

5. This café is
A offering free accommodation
B rewarding its best employee
C looking to hire new employees

6. This course will teach you how to

A avoid common computer issues
B identify common computer issues and fix them
C prevent common computer issues from happening

7. This email is in response to
A an online purchase
B feedback about a product
C a complaint about a product

8. The holiday camp is for

A adults
B parents
C children
[8 marks]

Part 2
Questions 9- 16
Read the text below and correct the underlined errors.
For each questions, write the correct word in the space provided.

Michael Phelps is considered the (0) great Olympian swimmer of all time.
Everyone thought no (9) swimmers would be able to win eight gold medals in just one
Olympic Games. Michael (10) done just that and he has 19 Olympic medal, 15 of which
are gold. The (11) remarkably thing about him is that as child, he suffered from
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). He was on (12) medicines for some
time. People with ADHD have (13) shorter attention span. But they have an incredible
capacity to remain hyper-focused on an activity they are passionate about. Michael has
been able to use this with enormous success. By (14) channel his energy and focus, he
has been able to exploit the positive side of ADHD. Phelps has (15) show that he can
beat the most disciplined and strongest swimmers. He (16) was an inspiring example to
anyone who suffers from mental disorder. He uses the power of visualising success
before he starts a race.

0 greatest








[8 marks]

Part 3
Read the text below and answer questions 17 to 24.

Polish man invents edible tableware in bid to help reduce waste.

ZAMBROV Poland): Polish inventor and entrepreneur, Jerzy Wysocki, catches a brown plate – still warm – as
it drops out of a machine and he begin to eat the crunchy tableware. ‘A steak will always be more delectable
on this wheat bran plate than on plastic, ‘says Wysocki with a large grin at the Bioterm factory in Zambrov in
northeast Poland.

Taking a bite, the plate does not have much of a flavour. It calls to mind dry cereal flakes or maybe
what you would imagine, cardboard, to taste like. But, Jerzy says what matters is the tableware is
biodegradable. The sexagenarian invented the plate some fifteen years ago, and today Bioterm makes
around 15 million of them a year. That figure would soon skyrocket thanks to a decision to ban plastic plates
and cutlery starting 2021. Jerzy got the idea when he was looking to use up the leftovers of flour production
which take up a lot of space. He is also driven by the desire to help for a good cause: the amount of rubbish
that pollutes oceans is huge and frightening.

To make the plate, we only use wheat bran which we compress at a precise pressure point and
temperature, using a machine made specifically for that purpose. At Euro 0.15(RM 0.70) a pop or 20% more
for exports, wheat bran plates are more expensive than their plastic counterparts. The plates are distributed
to Asia, North America and Australia.

Questions 17 -24
Complete the following table.
Choose no more than three words and/ or a number from the text for each answer. For each
question, write your answer in the space provided on your sheet.

Edible tableware

17. _______________________________________________

Location of factory

It’s taste like

In essence acceptable

Annual production at Bioterm

What inspired the inventor

Price of wheat bran plates 24._______________________________________________

compared to plastic
[8 marks]

Part 4
Read the text below and answer questions 25 to 34.

One of the best things about having your own money is that you get to choose how
to use it. Your first step in handling money is to be financially literate and think about your
short-term and long-term goals. Financially literate is the wisdom or know-how of handling
your money. Everyone knows that money is exchanged for goods and services. However, it
is not infinite and must be earned and well-managed.
Aspects of financial literacy include budgeting, amount to save and spend,
understanding needs and wants and controlling impulse buying. It takes a bit of practice to
master your money. But, once you get the hang of it, you will be ready to manage any
money-related problems. Budgeting is perhaps the most important aspect of money
management. Without proper budgeting, you can run out of money before the next
allowance or next earning. Decide how much you want to save and how much to spend.
Set an incentive-saving plan.
Make a distinction between what you need and what you want. A need is
something necessary while a want is something that you love to have but not immediately
necessary. Put your needs before your wants. Impulse buying or going overboard with
spending is showing irresponsibility. You might want to ask for a raise in your allowance.
Rather than asking for a raise, earn some extra pocket money by offering to do extra
chores within the community. Do not make it a standing order that your parents should
give you extra pocket money for helping around the house.
So, learn to earn, save, budget, spend and help properly and you will be financially

Question 25-34
Answer the questions below.
Choose no more than five words and/ or a number from the text for each answer.
For each question, write your answer in the space provided.

25. When we have our own money to handle, the first step in the wisdom of handling money is
to be
[1 mark]
26. Money must be earned and well-managed because
[1 mark]

27. What is considered as the most important aspect of money management?
Budgeting- amount to ___________________________________________________________.
[1 mark]
28. You can run out of money before the next
[1 mark]

29. What is the different between need and want? Something necessary or
[1 mark]
30. You should always put your _______________________________________ whenever you
decide to spend your money.
[1 mark]
31. We show a sense of irresponsibility when we do impulse buying or going
[1 mark]
32. An alternative to asking for a raise in allowance is to earn
[1 mark]

Question 33-34
Complete the table below with a word from the text.
For each question, write your answer in the space provided.

Meaning Word/Phrase

33.Limitless or unending [1 mark]

[1 mark]
34. Instruction on a regular basis

[10 marks]

Part 5

You are going to read an article about a diving experience in Weh Island.

Six sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences (A-H) to fit each gap
(35-40). There are two extra sentences which you do not need to use. For each question, mark the
correct answer (A-H).

Weh Island in Bandar Acheh, Indonesia is well known for its beautiful dive sites.
The island is surrounded by vibrant and friendly people.
35 So, we went to
look for something to eat.
Once we reach the island, we settled in our comfortable hut. 36

Together with our dive master, Ben, we went to our dive site, about twenty
minutes away by boat. The water was crystal37clear. The underwater
current was strong but still manageable. The dive lasted 15 minutes and I reached
the maximum depth of 25m.
We saw a few moray eels, lion fishes and nudibranch
molluscs, as well as huge rocks that seemed to form a cave. I followed a large
moray ell to take a video of it swimming within the corals. Wonderful! Later that
day, we went out for our third dive, but swimming against the strong undercurrent
was exhausting.

Back on the island, we40rented a scooter to explore the place.

The next day, we experienced drift diving. For our final dive, we went
to the middle of the sea. Here, the dive was done by following the rope attached to
the boat’s anchor.

A The dive equipment went missing on the first dive.

B We drifted about 100m away with the current in just a few minutes.
C We saw many types of fish in various colours, sizes and shapes.
D We arrived at Acheh in the morning in the morning but our ferry to Weh Island was only at
4.00 p.m.
E Our second dive was at another site where the underwater current was great.
F So, we decided to call it quits for the day after just a few minutes.
G The dive took us out of the middle of the ocean.
H The next morning, we woke up early for our dive.

[6 marks]


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