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Comparing Mass

In this experiment, we will know how mass affects the movements of objects. Let’s again use the roller
coaster, shall we?
We have two marbles of different mass. Let's put the smaller marble to the test, and put it on the top of
the ride. As we push it, the timer starts. As the marble reaches the end, the timer stops.
Bigger marble, you're next! We're going to do the same thing again. Push- timer start- when it reaches the
end- timer stop.
Now let us see our data. The marble that reached the end of the roller coaster in less time was _____.
That happened because the ___ marble has __ mass.
Now, we’re going to try measuring the velocity of the object. Velocity is the rate of change of an object's
position with respect to a frame of reference and is a function of time. It is the new quantity attained when
direction is associated with speed.
To determine the velocity of the marble, we will have to measure how much distance the marble travels
during a measured time interval. Find a smooth surface along the track and mark the start and end of it.
For this one, the track we made is 0.6 m long. We will mark every 0.1 m of this track to easily see the
distance travelled. Let the marble roll and use a stopwatch to measure the time it takes for the marble to
travel a certain length along the track. 

When two objects collide, we will consider two cases, one where the two objects bounce off each other
(known as an elastic collision) and another where they stick together and travel as a single combined
object (known as an inelastic collision).
To demonstrate elastic collision, place two marbles on the opposite sides of the track then release both
marbles and let them collide in the middle. As you can see, the moment the two marbles meet, they will
bounce away from each other, showing elastic collision.
To demonstrate inelastic collision, place a marble on one side of the track and a ball of clay on the other
side. Release both objects and let them collide in the middle. Notice what happens to the objects once
they meet. Instead of bouncing away from each other, the objects sticked together, showing inelastic
Free Fall
We are done sliding marbles; it's time drop them! We have two objects of different mass. A marble and a
basketball. In this experiment, we will find out which of the two will hit the ground first. The marble, the
basketball, or will it be a tie?
Mr. scientist, drop them! Let's look at the slow-mo replay. Ladies and gentlemen, it's a tie!
Let's try it again, but this time higher. Drop them, Mr. scientist! As we can see, the two objects fell at the
same rate!
All objects free fall at the same rate regardless of their mass for the reason that 9.8 N/kg gravitational
field at Earth's surface causes a 9.8 m/s2 acceleration. So even a toothbrush and grand piano will fall at
the same rate.

Laws of Motion
On a roller coaster, place the marble and push it to make it begin rolling down. Observe as the walls stop
it from moving continuously in one direction. The first law of motion states that a body at rest remains at
rest, and a body in motion remains in motion with a constant velocity unless acted upon by an unbalanced
force. We exert force on the marble to make it begin rolling on the track and walls stop it from moving
continuously in the same direction. This is the Law of Inertia.
The second law of motion is the Law of Acceleration. The acceleration of an object is directly
proportional to the net force acting on the object and inversely proportional to the mass of the object. This
means that the greater force you apply to an object, the faster it will accelerate.
To demonstrate the third law of motion, make sure that at the end of the track, a wall will stop the marble
from rolling.  When the marble hits the walls of the track, it bounces off the walls. This is the Law of
Interaction, and it means every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

Gravity and Friction*

Gravity and Friction can be showed in this one particular experiment using a marble roller coaster.
First, let’s talk about Gravity. Gravity is a force that tries to attract two objects together. Anything with
mass is subject to gravitational attraction. And in the experiment, we will see that the gravity is pulling
the marble down the slope. 
Let’s roll the marble to the less steep up to the steeper slop and observe how it affects the marbles
movement. Will the ball move faster or slower? And after it rolls down, did it go farther compared to
others? It is important to time how long it takes to travel through every slope because we will need it after
the experimentation of friction.
Next is friction. Friction is the force that slows objects down. With the help of the materials such as
bubble wrap, sandpaper, and yarn lining in the tubes. We will see what material will slow down or might
make it go faster if we roll it. We will also need to time how long the marble travels in each material.
After we do the experiment both in gravity and friction, we will compare the results. How does the
material in the tube affects the speed of the marble? Do the materials make it slow or fast?
This experiment is a great way to show how gravity and friction works.
Principle of Kinetic Energy*
In this experiment, we will explore potential and kinetic energy by the means of a marble and a simulated
roller coaster. Now that we have created a 12-inch rollercoaster that is only going down, we will place the
marble on the top where it is at rest.
This is what we called potential energy because the marble hasn’t move down to it path, but it is capable
of doing more work when it starts to move down the rollercoaster.
Now, once we push the marble and it begins to move down, it has now become kinetic energy. Why?
Because the downward direction of the rollercoaster caused the marble to move forward. The marble
started possessing energy due to its motion and on its mass. Considering that the rollercoaster is downhill,
and the marble has its mass, it will definitely move down on its own if we push it.
This experiment shows that potential energy turns into kinetic energy with just simple materials.
This experiment is very exciting to do, and you will see it once we get started. But first let me explain
what momentum is. Momentum is the product of the mass if an object and its velocity. But it is still
difficult to understand by its meaning, that’s why we will conduct this experiment for you to understand it
As you can see, there are 5 marbles aline on the ridge of these two rulers. All marbles stay at the same
place, but what if we move one marble on the left side farther away from the marbles and suddenly let
go? What will happen?
Let’s try it, we will get this reaction. And what happens is it doesn’t move all marbles but only one. Let’s
try 2, 3, and so one.
So, what do we observed? That a certain number of marbles will make the marbles on the other side the
same number of marbles we let go. 1=1, 2=2, 3=3 and so one. This shows the energies of marbles acting
upon each and it affects the overall distance traveled based on the marbles. We can also pertain to this as
low of conservation of momentum because the total momentum of the marbles is the same before and
after we colide a certain number of marbles

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