Early Detection Technique For Stator Winding Inter-Turn Fault in BLDC Motor Using Input Impedance

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Early Detection Technique for Stator Winding

Inter-Turn Fault in BLDC Motor
Using Input Impedance
Jun-Kyu Park, Chae-Lim Jeong, Seung-Tae Lee, and Jin Hur, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—This paper proposes a diagnosis technique algorithm

for a brushless dc motors under a stator inter-turn fault (ITF) con-
dition using input impedance. The algorithm has early detection
and various speed-range detection advantages. To early and ac-
curately detect the ITF, the rotating speed, input current, voltage,
resistance, and inductance must be analyzed. Therefore, we choose
the input impedance as the detection factor because it includes
all these factors. In this paper, the fault-detection system works
without requiring a fast Fourier transform and the calculation
of the negative-sequence impedance from the comparison of the
measured impedance with the database impedance. The proposed
technique was verified by the simulation and experiment. Fig. 1. ITF occurrence in a single phase.

Index Terms—Brushless dc (BLDC) motors, detection algo- breakdown in the adjacent coil. Moreover, the propagation of
rithm, early detection, input impedance, inter-turn fault. the faults in a single phase could quickly lead to complete
failure or shutdown of the motor. However, the ITF and com-
I. I NTRODUCTION plete failure of the motor do not occur at the same time. Thus,
fast detection of the ITF during motor operation can eliminate

B RUSHLESS DC (BLDC) motors have been widely used

in industrial and electric vehicles owing to their high
torque density and high efficiency. To improve the product
subsequent damage to the adjacent coils and stator core. An
early detection technique can help minimize loss of assets and
reduce repair costs and downtime of motor [5].
performance and ensure securing competitiveness, the develop- In the past, simple techniques such as overcurrent or over-
ment of motors requires much improved stability and reliability. voltage detection were applied in machine fault detection. In
Thus, effective monitoring and accurate fault diagnosis are very addition, it was required to bring the machine offline to clear
important [1], [2]. the fault after the fault diagnosis. However, in life-critical appli-
Fault types can be classified according their locations such cations such as in home and industrial applications, shutdown
as in the stator, rotor, inverter, power circuit, sensor, and other of the motor may not be acceptable. For this reason, developing
mechanical devices [3]. Among these types, the stator winding better fault-detection and remediation strategies is required [6].
inter-turn fault (ITF) is one of the most common faults that Therefore, many studies have been conducted on the diagnosis
occur in BLDC motors [4]. ITF denotes insulation failure of ITF using various methods [7]. Kim [8] used the Fourier
between two coils in the same phase, as shown in Fig. 1. The series to monitor the second-order harmonic component of
heat generated in the short circuit is proportional to the square the q-axis current in a permanent-magnet synchronous motor
of the circulating current if , and therefore, it causes insulation (PMSM) under fault. In [9], robust fault detection was achieved
in closed-loop induction motors by monitoring the change in
the value of negative–positive-sequence impedance. To detect
stator faults in a synchronous machine, the rotor field voltage
Manuscript received November 12, 2013; revised February 28, 2014 and was analyzed in [10]. To increase the sensitivity of the method,
May 22, 2014; accepted May 23, 2014. Date of publication June 10, 2014;
date of current version January 16, 2015. Paper 2013-IDC-896.R2, presented at search coils mounted on the rotor were proposed. Lee and
the 2013 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Denver, CO, USA, Habetler [11] discussed the short-circuit fault detection based
September 16–20, and approved for publication in the IEEE T RANSACTIONS on the reference voltages generated by current controllers of
ON I NDUSTRY A PPLICATIONS by the Industrial Drives Committee of the IEEE
Industry Applications Society. This work was supported by the Energy Effi- an interior-type PMSM. Mohammed et al. [12] used the finite-
ciency and Resources of the Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation element (FE)-based phase-variable model for fault detection.
and Planning (KETEP) Grant funded by the Korea government Ministry of Although these fault-detection schemes were simple and easy,
Knowledge Economy under Grant 20122010100130.
The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, University they were inadequate in detecting initial failure because of the
of Ulsan, Ulsan 680-749, Korea (e-mail: porpoise17@nate.com; love816827@ complex calculation required, such as the fast Fourier trans-
nate.com; forever_air@nate.com; jinhur@ulsan.ac.kr). form (FFT) or the negative-positive-sequence impedance value.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. Therefore, to early diagnose a fault, a simpler diagnosis process
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIA.2014.2330067 is required.
0093-9994 © 2014 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
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Fig. 2. Proposed impedance algorithm.

Fig. 4. Speed change according to ITF. (a) Four-turn fault (Fr = 4.16%).
Fig. 3. Comparison of back electromotive force and input current. (a) Steady (b) Twelve-turn fault (Fr = 16.67%).
state (Fr = 0%). (b) Fault state (Fr = 4.16%).
A. Database Algorithm
The input impedance, which consists of the resistance and
In this paper, we propose an early detection technique using the reactance, can be easily obtained in real time using only the
the input impedance. The winding function theory (WFT) is input current and voltage. In addition, the reactance consists of
applied to calculate the impedance. This impedance is utilized the angular velocity and the inductance, as shown in (1)–(6).
in a database. In addition, this technique does not require the Thus, we select the input impedance as a detection parameter
calculation of the negative-sequence impedance and the appli-
cation of the FFT to the input voltage or current. Therefore, ITF Va
Za = (1)
detection using this approach has received a wide response and Ia
is easier than the previous method. where Va and Ia are true-RMS values of the phase voltage and
current in phase-A.
Under a healthy state,
Za1 = Ra +jXa = Ra2 +(ωa La )2 (2)
In this paper, we propose the impedance algorithm, as shown La = Lself +Lmutual = Laa +Lab , ωa = 2πfsteady state (3)
in Fig. 2. An ITF causes a change in the input current, input
voltage, rotating speed, coil resistance, and stator inductance where Za1 , Ra , Xa , ωa , and La are the input impedance,
[13], [14]. Thus, these factors should be considered to ac- resistance, reactance, angular velocity, and inductance of phase,
curately detect the ITF. In particular, the phase of the input respectively.
current lags because of the decrease in the inductance under Under a faulty state,
an ITF condition, as shown in Fig. 3. As a result, it leads to an 
Za2 = Ras + jXas = Ras 2 + (ω L )2 (4)
as as
increase in the rotating speed, as shown in Fig. 4. Therefore, the Ras = (1 − Ff )Ra (5)
input impedance is selected as a detection parameter because it Las = Lself + Lmutual = Laa + Lab + Laf ,
includes all these factors. ωas = 2πffault state (6)
The impedance algorithm consists of three types, namely,
the database, fault diagnosis (in real time), and comparison where Za2 , Ras , Xas , ωas , and Las are the input impedance,
algorithms. The impedance algorithm can monitor the input resistance, reactance, angular velocity, and inductance of phase,
impedance in real time and compare it with the database. respectively.

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Fig. 6. Inductance values obtained by the WFT and FEA. (a) WFT results.
(b) FEA results.

and (10). The other functions caused by the ITF are listed in
Table I. Thus,
Fig. 5. Turn function ni and winding function Nj . (a) Healthy state. Total number of turns N
(b) Faulty state. t_h = = (9)
Number of slots per phase 3
t_h N
TABLE I T _h = = . (10)
The self-inductance and mutual-inductance can be calculated
using these functions. In particular, the air-gap length of an in-
terior permanent magnet (IPM)-type BLDC motor depends on
the inverse air-gap function because the air gap varies along the
d−q axis [16]. Thus, the stator inductance can be calculated as
⎡ 2π ⎤

Lij = μ0 · r · lst · ⎣ g −1 (θ)ni (θ)Nj (θ)dθ⎦ (11)

where ni (θ) and Nj (θ) are the turn and the winding functions,
The fault fraction ratio is respectively; i, j, r, and lst are the phase of the turn func-
tion, phase of the winding function, rotor radius, and stack
Number of shorted winding length, respectively; and g −1 (θ) is the inverse air-gap function.
Ff = (7)
Number of total winding Fig. 6 shows the inductance results according to Fr using
Fr = Ff × 100. (8) the WFT and FE analysis (FEA). Table II lists the comparison
of the average inductance values obtained from the WFT and
FEA. These inductance values can be utilized to calculate the
The databases of phase-B and phase-C can also be calculated
impedance, which will become the database of the healthy
in the same manner. In this paper, we applied the WFT, which
and fault states. We prefer the WFT because it is relatively
uses a numerical function to the basic geometry and the winding
faster than the FEA. Moreover, the WFT offers considerable
layout of the machine, to calculate the accurate database values.
simplicity and lower computational cost [13], [15].
WFT is not used to calculate in real time but is only used to
However, the WFT cannot realize the magnetic saturation
calculate the inductance of the machine [13], [15].
characteristics because it does not consider the material char-
Fig. 5(a) shows the healthy state of the turn and winding
acteristics. Thus, the ITF is applied in the range where no
functions. Fig. 5(b) shows the change in the turn and the
magnetic saturation occurs. In Fig. 7, we show the variation in
winding functions according to the ITF. The turn function,
the magnetic flux of the stator teeth obtained by the WFT and
which is a distributed function of the turn number at the stator,
FEA simulation to confirm the magnetic characteristics. Here,
is reduced as the turn numbers at the faulted slot decrease. The
the magnetic flux density of the stator teeth can be calculated
winding function, which is a distributed function of the current
using the air-gap flux density
density in the conductor, is reduced at the faulted slot and is
increased at the healthy slot. Bair-gap = g −1 (θm )Nj (θm )iA (12)
The turn and the winding functions of the healthy state are ϕteeth = Bair-gap Aair-gap (13)
calculated by the number of poles per phase and the number of ϕteeth
Bteeth = (14)
turns per phase. These function values can be obtained by (9) Ateeth

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Fig. 9. Real-time and true-RMS values of input current at 3500 r/min.

Fig. 7. Variation in magnetic flux density at the stator. (a) WFT result. (a) Real-time value of input current (Fr = 4.16%). (b) True-RMS value of
(b) Simulation result. input current (Fr = 4.16%).

Fig. 10. Real-time and true-RMS values of input voltage at 600 r/min.
Fig. 8. Real-time and true-RMS values of input voltage at 3500 r/min. (a) Real-time value of input voltage (Fr = 4.16%); (b) True-RMS value of
(a) Real-time value of input voltage (Fr = 4.16%). (b) True-RMS value of input voltage (Fr = 4.16%).
input voltage (Fr = 4.16%).

where Bair-gap is the air-gap flux density, iA is the input current,

ϕteeth is the magnetic flux of the teeth, Aair-gap is the cross-
sectional area of the air gap, Bteeth is the magnetic flux density
of the teeth, and Ateeth is the cross-sectional area of the teeth.
Consequently, the magnetic flux density of the stator teeth at
the faulty phase decreases because the occurrence of ITF results
in reduced inductance, as shown in Fig. 7.

B. Fault Diagnosis Algorithm

Monitoring the real-time input current and voltage is very
important to accurately detect a faulty condition. To compare
the database and real-time impedance values, we measured the
true-RMS values of the real-time input current and voltage.
Then, we obtained the real-time impedance calculated by an
automatic voltage regulator.
Fig. 11. Real-time and true-RMS values of input current at 600 r/min.
Figs. 8–11 show the real-time and true-RMS values of the (a) Real-time value of input current (Fr = 4.16%). (b) True-RMS value of
input voltage and current under a three-turn fault condition and input current (Fr = 4.16%).

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Fig. 12. Fault diagnosis circuit using the proposed algorithm.

two rotating-speed types. The real-time input impedance is not

only calculated using these true-RMS values but also compared
with that of the database. At 3500 r/min, the input voltage and
current values noticeably change. Thus, ITF detection is easy
because the input impedance can be calculated easily. On the
other hand, fault detection is difficult at the 600 r/min condition
compared with the 3500 r/min condition because the variation
in the input voltage and current is very small.
Thus, this fault diagnosis algorithm can detect early the
presence of an ITF under various speed-range conditions.

C. Comparison Algorithm
The comparison algorithm shows how to compare the real- Fig. 13. Experimental setup.
time calculation of the input impedance with that of the
database. This algorithm continuously receives feedback.
In this paper, 4.16% (three-turn fault) was selected as the
database for the fault state. When Fr is larger than 0% and
less than 4.16%, a weak alarm level is designated. When
Fr is greater than 4.16%, a strong alarm level is designated.
Because the input voltage and input current can change under a
variety of situations, Fr can change even under the steady state;
thus, we chose 4.16%. In the same manner, we performed a
comparison under a low-speed (600 r/min) condition to validate
the accuracy of the comparison algorithm.


THE P ROPOSED A LGORITHM Fig. 14. Block diagram of the experimental setup.

The fault diagnosis circuit was developed using the proposed IV. R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSION
impedance algorithm. Then, we verified by the simulation and A. Experimental Setup
experiment whether the diagnosis circuit is fast and accurate.
Fig. 13 shows the experimental setup. Fig. 14 shows the block
Two types of diagnosis circuits that use the proposed algo-
diagram of the experimental setup for detailed explanation. In
rithm are shown in Fig. 12. Fig. 12(a) shows the configuration
this experiment, the inverter used is a current-controlled voltage
of the diagnosis circuit for the simulation. Here, the simulation
source inverter, which considers the speed control. The load part
used Proteus 7.6 developed at Labcenter Electronics. Moreover,
consists of the dynamo set for experiment with a 0.5 N · m load.
the low-priced ATmega128, which is coded as the proposed
algorithm, was utilized instead of the expensive digital signal
processor. In addition, a light-emitting diode is used for the B. Simulation and Experimental Models
fault alarm, and a liquid crystal display shows the motor state Fig. 15 shows the experimental and simulation models. In
(e.g., how many turn faults are generated) in real time. The fault this paper, a six-pole and nine-slot IPM-type BLDC motor is
diagnosis circuit for the experiment was developed on the basis used for the simulation and experiment of the ITF characteris-
of the simulation circuit, as shown in Fig. 12(b). tics. Table III lists the motor specifications.

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Fig. 15. IPM-type BLDC motor for test and simulation. (a) Test motor.
(b) Simulation motor. Fig. 17. Simulation circuit for the dynamic fault.


Fig. 16. Construction of the contactor for the dynamic fault experiment.
(a) Actual structure. (b) Block diagram.

C. Real-Time ITF Generating System

For the dynamic fault experiment, we installed the real-time
ITF generating system using the winding tap, contactor, and
switch, as shown in Fig. 16(a). Here, the cable length of the
faulty teeth should be increased to connect the contactor. Thus,
it could affect the supply balance [17], [18]. However, the
resistance of the contactor is very low (0.006 Ω) to generate
the unbalanced supply condition in the experiment. By using
this system, we can generate an ITF in real time. The winding
Fig. 18. Simulation and experimental results of fault detection at 3500 r/min.
tap, which can generate 1-, 3-, 5-, 7-, 9-, and 12-turn faults, (a) Simulation verification of fault detection (3500 r/min). (b) Experimental
was installed in front of the motor for the ITF characteristics verification of fault detection (3500 r/min).
experiment. Fig. 16(b) shows the block diagram of this system
for detailed explanation. detected in only 7 ms after the occurrence of the ITF, as shown
By using this method, we performed experiments on the in Fig. 18(a). In the experiment, the fault was detected in 18 ms
dynamic failure under a four-turn fault. In addition, we imple- after the ITF occurrence, as shown in Fig. 18(b).
mented the dynamic fault simulation using switches, as shown In addition, Fig. 19 shows the results for the fault detection
in Fig. 17. When the S_H switch functioned, the simulation at 600 r/min. Although the input voltage and current changed
circuit is operated in the steady state. When the S_F switch only slightly, the fault was detected by the simulation (30 ms)
functioned, the simulation circuit operated in the faulty state. and experiment (36 ms).
Here, the S_H and S_F switches were turned off and on at the The period of the input voltage and current waveforms was
same time for the dynamic fault. reduced per unit time under the low-speed condition. Thus, the
fault-detection time at low speed (600 r/min) is longer than that
D. Simulation and Experimental Results of the at the rated speed (3500 r/min).
Proposed Algorithm The time to detect the faults in the experimental result was
Fig. 18 shows the simulation and experimental results for the longer than that of the simulation result. Because ideal switches
fault detection at 3500 r/min. In the simulation, the fault was were used in the simulation, the waveform continuously flowed.

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In this paper, we have proposed an early fault diagnosis
technique for an accurate and rapid detection of the ITF us-
ing the input impedance. In addition, we have simulated and
experimented detection characteristics at 3500 and 600 r/min
to validate the accuracy of the proposed detection algorithm
under various rotating-speed conditions. The proposed fault-
detection technique calculates the input impedance using the
input voltage and input current and compares it with the value
in the database. This technique provides faster and simpler
diagnosis than the previous methods because it does not require
the FFT or complicated formula. The proposed algorithm had
been verified to be suitable for early fault detection using
the fault diagnosis circuit. Therefore, the proposed diagnosis
technique can be advantageously used to reduce the loss of lives
and property damages and to protect the system.

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[16] K. T. Kim, J. Hur, and B. W. Kim, “Calculation of distributed magnetic Seung-Tae Lee was born in Busan, Korea, in 1988.
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Jun-Kyu Park was born in Busan, Korea, in 1986.

He received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical Jin Hur (S’93–M’98–SM’03) received the Ph.D.
engineering in 2011 and 2013, respectively, from the degree in electrical engineering from Hanyang Uni-
University of Ulsan, Ulsan, Korea, where he is cur- versity, Seoul, Korea, in 1999.
rently working toward the Ph.D. degree in electrical From 1999 to 2000, he was with the Department
engineering. of Electric Engineering, Texas A&M University,
His current research interests include motor de- College Station, TX, USA, as a Postdoctoral Re-
sign, motor vibration analysis, and fault diagnosis of search Associate. From 2000 to 2001, he was a Re-
the motor. search Professor of electrical engineering for BK21
projects at Hanyang University. From 2002 to 2007,
he was Director of the Intelligent Mechatronics Re-
search Center, Korea Electronics Technology Insti-
tute (KETI), Puchon, Korea, where he worked on the development of special
Chae-Lim Jeong was born in Ulsan, Korea, in 1989. electric machines and systems. Since 2008, he has been an Associate Professor
She received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical with the School of Electric Engineering, University of Ulsan, Ulsan, Korea. He
engineering in 2012 and 2014, respectively, from is the author of over 140 publications on electric machine design, analysis and
the University of Ulsan, Ulsan, where she is cur- control, and power electronics. He has one granted pending U.S. patent and
rently working toward the Ph.D. degree in electrical 20 granted pending Korean patents. His current research interests include high-
engineering. performance electrical machines, modeling, drives, new concept actuators for
Her current research interests include motor de- special purposes, and numerical analysis of electromagnetic fields.
sign, motor vibration analysis, and fault diagnosis of Dr. Hur was a Technical Program Chair for the 2012 IEEE Vehicle Power
the motor. and Propulsion Conference. He is currently an Associate Editor of the IEEE

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