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Official Gazette (

Arlene C. Mirador
Subject Teacher
Dasmariñas Integrated High School
Introduction to the Course
a. Course Description
This course introduces the students to the basic concepts and vital elements of
politics and governance from a historical-institutional perspective. In particular, it
attempts to explain how the important features of our country’s political structures/
institutions, processes, and relationships developed across time. In the process, the
course help the learners gain a better appreciation of their rights and responsibilities
as individuals and as members of the larger socio-political community to strengthen
their civic competence.
(Source: DepEd K to 12 Curriculum Guide for Philippine Politics and Governance)

b. Content Standard
Demonstrate an understanding of politics and political science, governance, political
ideologies, power, states, nations and globalization.

c. Performance Standard
Clearly identify a specific political phenomenon and how it can be studied

d. Learning Outcomes
Most Essential Learning Competency
Explain the concept, relationship and importance of politics, governance and
government (HUMSS_PG12-Ia-1)

Learning objectives:
After reading the lessons and accomplishing the learning tasks and activities in the
module, you are expected to:
1.define politics, governance and government
2.illustrate the relationship of politics, governance and government; and
3.explain the importance of studying politics and governance.

Welcome to the first lesson of this subject! This topic introduces you to the basic and
key concepts that are essential in your understanding of politics and governance in the
Philippines in the succeeding lessons.

Read each statement carefully. Write T if the statement is true and write F if it is false.
1. Political science deals with the study of politics and governance.
2. Studying politics is a good training ground for democratic citizenship.
3. Politics is a social activity that involves only one person.
4. Governance is the way of exercising power to manage a nation’s affairs.
5. Governance and government are irrelevant to the concept of politics.

According to Aristotle, politics is an integral part of the society we live in. As such, it is
inevitable that politics is present in almost all aspects of our daily activities.

Learning Task 1: Let us now determine how familiar you are with the concept of politics
and governance. List down five (5) concepts that you already know about politics.

Read the lesson on the concepts, relationship and importance of politics, governance
and government. List down five (5) key concepts that you encounter while reading and
compare with the concepts you listed in Learning Task 1.

The Concepts of Politics and Governance

The Emergence of Politics and Governance

The Greeks formulated the word politics during the 4th and 5th century. Politics was
inseparable from the life in the polis or a place or city state shared by a certain group of
people. According to Aristotle and Plato, humans are not self-sufficing so they find the
need to come together as a community. From this union comes the need for politics and
governance to maintain order within a society.
The academic discipline that deals with the key issues and concepts in politics and
governance is called Political Science.

The Meaning of Politics, Governance and Government

Politics is the exercise of power or authority, the science of government, the making of
collective decisions, and the allocations of scarce resources. It is also a means of
organizing collective human activity to promote political interests. Politics could be
viewed as social activity – there is always an interaction between and among the
members of the society to resolve disagreement and conflicts to attain common
Governance refers to the various ways through which social life is coordinated; it deals
with power in government and how this institution exerts power for the benefit of the
society. Government is the agency through which the will of the state is formulated,
expressed, and carried out. It is one of the institutions involved in governance.

The Interplay of Politics, Governance and Government
Politics is always anchored and intertwined with the concept of governance. While
politics deals with power in society in general, governance specifically deals with power
in government and how this institution exerts power for the benefit of the society.

Importance of Studying Politics and Governance

For an individual –studying politics and governance is a good training ground for
democratic citizenship.
For the society – there is no other greater or better contribution toward a progressive
and healthy society that an active and intelligent participation of the people in public
For the world – some measure of learning in politics benefits the world in general since
political science focuses on international relations and harmonious relations.

Learning Task 2:: Reveal the Word

Unscramble the letters in each item to reveal the concept. After which, define each
concept in not more than five words.
Example: w e p r o power– the end value of politics
1. n a g o e r v c e n _____________ ________________________________
2. l i p o i t c s ________________ ________________________________
3. v r e o g n t m n e______________ ________________________________
4. s o p i s l _______________ _____________________________
5. i c p a l o t i l i e n c s c e _______ _________________________________

Learning Task 3: Let’ Get Political!

Make a creative output (poster, editorial cartoon, concept map, creative diagram, etc)
that depicts the relationship or interplay of politics and governance/government.
Explain briefly your output. (For this activity, use a long bond paper. Properly label your output
and do not forget to attach in your activity sheet.)

Having a basic knowledge on politics and governance can be empowering for every
citizen like you, especially in a democratic country like the Philippines. Let’s discover
more about the importance of politics and governance.

Learning Task 4: Home Survey: Why is the study of politics and governance
Interview at least three (3) members of your family/household and inquire on their
insights on the importance of studying politics and governance. You can also
interview respondents outside your household through virtual means only, such as
Facebook messenger and phone calls/text. Make a summary of your survey.

Name of Household Age Insights on the importance of politics and

Member /Respondent governance


Learning Task 5: Assessment/Post-test
Read each statement carefully. Write T if the statement is true and write F if it is
1. Political science deals with the study of politics and governance.
2. Studying politics is a good training ground for democratic citizenship.
3. Politics is a social activity that involves only one person.
4. Governance is the way of exercising power to manage a nation’s affairs.
5. Governance and government are irrelevant to the concept of politics.

Learning Task 6: What have you learned? What can you achieve?

Answer the following questions.

a. Did you gain new concepts that are imperative to your understanding of
politics and governance? What are these?
b. Which among these concepts are you most interested in? Explain.
c. Why do you think the study of politics is important? How can it help you as a
citizen and a student as well?
d. As HUMSS student, how can you help promote the importance of studying
politics and governance?

1. Pawilen, R. A & Pawilen, R. M. Philippine Politics and Governance: Manila: Rex

Bookstore, 2016.

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