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Difference of Two Squares

Name: Kenneth Ian Macky O. Espiña Grade & Section: 8-Generosity

A. Factor the following completely

1. x2 – 121 = (x-11) (x+11)

2. 4x2 – 49 = (2x-7) (2x+7)

3. 16x2 – 81y2 = (4x-9y) (4x+9y)

4. 25x2 – 1 = (5x-1) (5x+1)

5. 256x2 – 400y4 = 16(4x-5y2) (4x+5y2)

6. 49e2 – 81f2 = (7e-9f) (7e+9f)

7. 100g2 – 121h2 = (10g-11h) (10g +11h)

8. 3x2 – 16x8 = x2(3-16x6)

9. 1 – 16x8 = (1-2x2) (1+2x2) (1+4x4)

10. a4 – 625b8 =(a-5b2) (a+5b2) (a2+25b4)

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