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INTRO: Today's Radio Drama will be a short story entitled "Dead Stars," written by Paz Marquez Benitez. It is a short
story about a bachelor in his early thirties, named Alfredo Salazar, who is about to get married to his long time fiancee
named Esperanza. As the story continue, his love for Esperanza eventually fades away because of his new found love for
Julia Salas.


CARMEN: Papa, did you notice? Alfredo has been quiet lately.

DON JULIAN: Maybe, he has been thinking about his marriage with Esperanza.

CARMEN: I don't seem to understand him. It's not like he's in his twenties for him to think this long. I'm sure Esperanza is
wondering why they haven't pushed the wedding yet.

DON JULIAN: I think they would rather take it slow.

CARMEN: Of course not with Esperanza. Alfredo is as slow as a turtle. For sure, Esperanza is just waiting for him to push
through the wedding. Don't you remember how he was before?

DON JULIAN: I guess it's natural for those who have been together for years. They are much cool with each other rather
than warm. They are allowing each other to spend their remaining time as individuals before they get married.

CARMEN: Well, possibly that was his reason. But, I still think that the turtle is much faster than him.

NARRATOR: Alfredo and Esperanza arrived and the family talked about the couple's plan for their wedding. The two
stated that they had everything covered even to the last detail and that they are getting married in three months. As
they conversed along, Don Julian mentioned that Judge Del Valle is inviting them for dinner the next day.


JUDGE DEL VALLE: Welcome, Don Julian! I'm grateful you accepted my invitation.

DON JULIAN: It's a pleasure to visit you. By the way, these are my children, Carmen and Alfredo.

CARMEN: It's a pleasure to meet you, Judge.

ALFREDO: Thank you for inviting us, Judge. It seems like your house is bigger than ours, I'll probably get lost here.

JUDGE DEL VALLE: (chuckles) Oh, Julia, you're here. Come meet our guests. Everyone, this is Julia Salas, my lovely sister-

JULIA: It is a pleasure to meet you all. My sister is resting upstairs, the long trip from Manila has taken a toll on her so
she wouldn't be able to join us for dinner.

NARRATOR: The family of Don Julian and Judge Del Valle carried on with their dinner and proceeded to talk about their
business matters. As the dinner ended, Julia and Alfredo's paths have crossed once again.

ALFREDO: Care to share your thoughts? I noticed that you were surpressing your laughs during the dinner earlier? Are
you astonished by this man standing in front of you?

JULIA: Nice joke, Alfredo. It seems like you're too fond of yourself.
ALFREDO: I'd rather praise myself than hold a pity party.

JULIA: Whatever. Anyways, to answer your question, you kept calling me Ms. Del Valle earlier. I was gonna correct you
but I remembered a similar experience of mine.

NARRATOR: After their first meeting, Julia and Alfredo had gotten closer to each other. Everytime that Alfredo would
visit Judge Del Valle's house, it seems like he doesn't want to go home to their house anymore. He found a new home
and it was beside Julia.


JULIA: Time flies so fast, it feels like it was just yesterday when you when fell in the drainage. You went home as if you
didn't shower for days.

ALFREDO: Hey, out of all things you can remember about me, why did it have to be that?

JULIA: I'm just joking. I'm trying to light up the mood since this is our last meeting.

ALFREDO: Why is that?

JULIA: Aren't you busy? We have been spending our time for weeks now. I'm not surprised that we look alike already.

ALFREDO: What's the deal, Julia? Why is this our last meeting?

JULIA: I'm going home. Mama and Papa wants me back this coming Holy Week.


JULIA: Tomorrow. I received a letter from my parents yesterday, they want me back home.

ALFREDO: The people here would probably miss you.

JULIA: Eh? Why would they miss such outsider like me? Try to think a better excuse to say you'll miss me, Alfredo.

ALFREDO: Can I send you off?

JULIA: There's no need to.

ALFREDO: I know, but I still want to.

NARRATOR: As the two proceeded on spending time for each other, there is a woman who was left alone. Esperanza has
been wondering why Alfredo is not giving time for her. He had stopped waiting for her whenever she goes to the church.
He's always busy with something which made the woman wonder about his whereabouts.


ESPERANZA: Alfredo, where are you going this early?

ALFREDO: Uh, Judge Del Valle's inviting me to his house. There's an important matter that we must discuss.

ESPERANZA: With whom? Julia Salas? I suppose you two have gotten close.

ALFREDO: Esperanza, I know where this topic is going. What you're thinking is wrong. I'm already engaged to you, don't
feed your mind silly thoughts. You're the only woman in my heart. Well, of course aside from my mom.

ESPERANZA: To make things clear, I am not jealous. Just make sure it won't take long.
ALFREDO: Yes, I won't. I shall leave now.

CARMEN: (short pause) Wow.. shouldn't you be worried?

ESPERANZA: Yeah, I should. I mean I could but why would I want to? Besides, I trust your brother. He's too old to flirt
around anyways.

CARMEN: No one's too old to flirt, my dear.


NARRATOR: A few days had gone by, the day that holds the Patron of the church's procession had came. Everyone was
there to watch it, even the lady who bid her goodbye to Alfredo a few days ago.

ALFREDO: Julia! You're here. I thought you already left.

JULIA: Well, Good evening, Alfredo. I suppose you're too excited to see me here.

ALFREDO: Good evening. My apologies.

JULIA: (chuckles) actually, my sister asked me to stay until they're ready to go...Oh, congratulations by the way.

ALFREDO: ...for what?

JULIA: For your upcoming wedding of course. I just heard the exciting news recently. Oh well, I guess some news spread
together with the wind.

ALFREDO: Will you come?

JULIA: I'll see. When is it going to be?

ALFREDO: ..May...

JULIA: they say that May is the month of happiness.

ALFREDO: yeah.. you'll come, right?

JULIA: I guess I will.


ALFREDO: Say, Julia, did you ever have to make a decision between choosing something you wanted and something you

JULIA: I-I haven't. Why would you ask me that?

ALFREDO: I just thought that you have; maybe you'd understand a man who's in such situation.

JULIA: Even if I have, it is still not my problem. So why bother? Oh, it's getting late, Mr. Salazar. I must go.

ALFREDO: Allow me to escort you then.

JULIA: No! I-I mean, I'll be fine on my own. Good bye, Mr. Salazar.

ALFREDO: Oh, I see... Good bye, Julia. Take care.


NARRATOR: Days have passed, Alfredo and Julia haven't seen each other for a while whilst Esperanza, on the other
hand, had discovered her friend's immoral behavior.
ESPERANZA: I just don't understand, why would Calixta do such a thing?

ALFREDO: Oh Esperanza, you're so affected of what she's done.

ESPERANZA: Really, Alfredo? Do you really approve that kind of behavior?

ALFREDO: Of course not. But I don't think it is that sinful.

ESPERANZA: And why's that? Alfredo, you're sounding like a shameless man.

ALFREDO: I only wish to express my thoughts on your friend's behavior. I didn't hurt anyone, didn't I, Esperanza? If I'm
not mistaken, she's living with a man whom she's not married to. Is that it?

ESPERANZA: That kind of behavior is dishonorable. What has gotten into you, Alfredo?

ALFREDO: That's the problem with you, Esperanza. You are-

ESPERANZA: Oh, so this is about me now? I don't understand you at all. You've changed ever since you've met this Julia. I
am not blind or deaf, Alfredo! I am aware of what a few people are trying to keep from me about you two.

ALFREDO: Don't bring her into this.

ESPERANZA: Why don't you say it now? You can be honest for all I care! Do you not think of me anymore? Or what will
people say?

ALFREDO: Esperanza, what are you-

ESPERANZA: I know I have a lot of shortcomings. It is no doubt that it is all you see in me. No matter what you think of
me, it didn't even cross me to find another man. How could you do this, Alfredo?

ALFREDO: Esperanza, let me explain-

ESPERANZA: If you're tired- just tell me if you're tired of me. You don't need to go this far, Alfredo. I am a woman with
dignity. If you still have some decency left in you, you would've even respected me.


DON JULIAN: You seem to have a lot in your mind lately, son.


DON JULIAN: *sigh* what's the problem?

ALFREDO: I can't tell you, Papa. It's too hard to explain.

DON JULIAN: Does this have something to do with Julia?

ALFREDO: Papa, please. Of course this is not about her. Why does everyone think of that?


ALFREDO: I think I might be in love with her.


ALFREDO: I might be falling out of love with Esperanza.

DON JULIAN: Are you out of your mind, hijo? Falling out of love? Near the day of your wedding? This is unacceptable.
You must marry Esperanza!
ALFREDO: (sigh) I know my duty to her, Papa.

DON JULIAN: And you better do it. Don't be a disgrace to this family. Think about our reputation!


NARRATOR: Alfredo and Esperanza's wedding finally took place. Sooner, they were blessed with a son. After 8 years,
Alfredo returns to Calle Luz for a business meeting and he wants to talk Julia for one last time. He was wandering the
place looking for her and after a long walk, he finally saw the house of Julia Salas.

ALFREDO: Julia, I am so glad to see you again. I've been looking for you and finally, I found you now.

JULIA: I'm so glad that see you here.

ALFREDO: Yes, I'm here for a business meeting. (Short pause) how are you?

JULIA: I'm doing fine, Alfredo.

ALFREDO: Why are you alone? Where's your husband?

JULIA: Oh.. I wasn't able to get married yet.

ALFREDO: I'm sorry, I didn't knew about that.

JULIA: No worries. Would you like to come in?

ALFREDO: No, it's fine, Julia. Thank you for your invitation but I need to go now. I am happy that you are looking fine

JULIA: Me too, Alfredo. I hope to see you once again next time.

ALFREDO: I need to go now Julia, Goodbye.

(Loud noise coming from someone who fell)

JULIA: Alfredo! What happened to you? Are you okay?

ALFREDO: I'm okay, Julia. I guess after 8 years, my clumsiness didn't leave me at all.

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