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Repubic olthe Phllppines

Tangapan ng Sangguniang Panlungsod

27F Civ Hal Bk力 ,」 M■ 3Pua Ave∽ n Peq,Naga Cw
8472-79‐ 19・ 473‐ 20‐ 51

ORD工 NANCE N0 20■ 7-030



Hon. Nelson S. Legacion, Vice Mayor

Hon. Joselito Del Rosario, Councilor ″ん
Authors 'ん

Bicycies are environment-frt endly and costfefficient

mode of transportation. It should be promoted not onfy for
sports and recreation but also as a primary alternative for:
cars and notorcycfes.
Aside from this, the use of bicycles may
robust equitable and sustainable aaonoai"also stimulate
Bicycle tourism can attract vj.sitors and spur growth. They
can also help decongest traffic and, thus, signlfrcantly
eliminate or, at least, reduce losses in travei time and
opportunity costs.
Wiih th_is, lt is imperatrve that the city promotes the
use of bicycles. ReguLations are also needed tt te laia down
in order to ensure the effective advancenent of tire qoafs of
the city gove.rnment to create a bicycle_frienafy citi. rnus,
!he pas5age of Lh is o.dindnce is necessdry.
j,t ordained, therefore, by the Sangguniang panlungsod
of the City of Naga that:
Arti.cle 1
SECIION 1. Iit].e. Th1s ordinance shall be
"Naga B.i cycle Ordinance,, -
known as the

SECT工 ON 2 Deo■ aration Of P。 ■icy lt is hereby the

declared pOlicy Of the city cOvernment Of Naga to:

a. Recognize the rlght of cycllsts to safe toact

conditions and comfortable blcycling environment ;s
well as the clty,s corresponding obliqation to provide
them thereof including the neCessary tacifiti as lt
does for other load usels;
b- Pronote cycling as a convenient, inexpensive, and
sustainable mode of transportationi and
2/F'City Hall Building, Iuan Miranda Avenue, Concepcion pequena, Naga City
8 473-20-51 . 473-20-49 tl*rr,*
͡ ヘ

_= : 2017-030
__■ es 2 0 1 7

Page -2-

c. Promote cyCling as a neans tO promOte health, S'OrtS′

and reCreatiOn as Well aS 10Ve fOr Mother Earth

Ter05. Eor Purposes or 'Lt'_ 15

SECT工 ON 3. DefinitiOn of
shaII rnean as ro !-Lows '
ordinance′ the f0110Wing terlns

d. Bicycre/Bike a.non-moto.rt"i J;^t:j:.5t;::l::: :l

oowet consisting t",:ri#':;.';;ni.
rLrman unJ n""rnq
wire-sPiked wheels
-iu"aituutt on
for steering' brakes' and two
- or elec!ric btcycle whicn rs also ul:i:-::
b. F-Di(e
"' bjt. tt u bicYcle with an inEegraEed electrrc
ililt"-nt.n-.:"r, be L-rsed for propursaon;
a bicycle;
c. CycList - a person who rides
d. cyclins - als:forcall-::-:;:l:t'}t,";i'#"n
t ransP(
i:'jl:':: '
of bicYcles
kF Lanes al e's des'Lgoated as lanes for

ヽ   ュ
' B-cvcle/Bl ot bjcYcles/bj kes c\aL arert at l- road

:;"' o;;n; portion of a roadway is for the
users that a road or
-"tt excrusive' use bv cvclists
3ii*1t",'- i t

Article 2
use and Protootion of Bicycleg

The follolring shall

SECIION il. Us6 of, Bicyc].es '
a,.raraa-u"a obligations of a cycli'st:

a [[:iSti[ :l=Y≒
ぜ OffiCe′
:isi[:rilCure the necesSary liCense
b Obey all traffiC ruleS and regu■

∝ 1盤 盤 I群
miltt」 甘 駆 ∬脳 Oa譴 だ

d Wear the appropriate bike safety gears,

e Keep at least One hand On the handlebar Of the biCyCle
at all tines,

[i::1 :: L:::留
traffiC On a rOadway
g, Yield the :::it tt enter Or tO CrOSS a
グ whenever eF:ξ li「 ;f:laゝ
Page - 3-

h Exercise proper precautj.ons upon observing any chifd,

person with disability, or senio! citizen upon a road,
especially on pedest.rian crossi ng;
1 Take the designated bike fane at all times except on
Lhe following crrcumsEances:
l.ldhen preparlng for a turn at an intersectlon or
into a private road or dliveway; and
2. When reasonably necessary to feave the bike lane
to avoid debris or hazardous conditions;
Ride as near as practicabfe to the right curb or edge
of the roadway when there is no designated bike fane
except as follows:
1, The is preparlng to turn left at an
intersection or onto a private road or driveway;
A condition on the roadway, including a fixed or
moving object, parked or moving vehicle,
pedestrian, anlmal, or s,.rrface hazard, prevents
the cyclist from safely riding next to the right
curb or edge of Ehe roadway;
3. The cyclist is in a lane in which the
traffic 1s turning right but he/she intends to
go straight through the lntersection-
5. Bike clulr/organj,tation. Any Naga-based bike
ctub/organization in active operation for at least one (1)
year may be r:egistered and accredlted by the Sangguniang
Panlungsod upon compliance with Ordinance No. 95-092.
Said bike club/organlzatlon shalf be classified
according to their primary objective of promoting bicycle
use, to wit:
1. For transport;
2. Eor sports and tourisni and
3- Eor health and wellness.
All bike clubs/organizations are encouraged to organize
lhemselves lnto a federatioo for pulposes beneficial to its

Bourir[. The Arts, Culture, and Tourism

Office (ACTO) and/or such office as the City Mayor may
designate shalf estabfish and implement a program thai wilf
enable the City of Naga to be a Bike Travel Friendly City'
The Bike Program sha11 incl.ude, among others, lhe
f ollo!,,1n9:
2u -1
Page -4

Production and dlstribut.ion of printed, audio-visual

and digital infornation ,naterials that will promote
the safe and habitual use of bicycles;
Conduct of semina!s, competitions and other events
that will raise the awareness and enthusiasm on the
use of bicYcles; and
l. Pallnership with travel and tour operators and other
tourism esiablishments in coming up with bike stations
and bike tours in the CitY of Naga'
The necessary budget for implementation of the program
shalf be incorporated in the office's annual budget'
?. Educational ProgtaD. The same office' tn
coordinatj.on with the Public Safety Office, shalL establish
an edLrcational prograro to increase awareness on bike safety
and road sharing. The program sha11 be designed for traffic
enforcers, .otoij."t", cyclists, and the coNnuting public' The
program shaf 1 incfude:

a. Cycling rules;

b. Benefrts of the use of bicycles;
c. Bicycle maintenance;
Chlldren's bicycle certi ficat ion;
Driver' s education;
f. Limits in National and Local Roads'

SECETON 8. Bik€ to Work ProglaD. To further promote

bicycling, preserve the environment and enhance the psychical
fitness of iity "^ployees, the City Government of Naga shal1
devise and implenent a Bike to Work Program' This program
shal1 inclr-rde: (a) provision of a bicycle loan window for
city government employees, excluding its elective officials'
(b) c;nstruction of shower rooms, and (c) others as may be
conceptualized, adopted and j.mplemented by the office of the
City Mayor or such other office he may designate'
The foans shalf bear zero int6r'st' Payment thereof
shafl be automatically deducted from the monthfy salaries of
the emp.l-oyee-benef iciaries.
Barangays are encouraged to adopt a similar program for
their officials and Per:sonnel '
Private establishnents shall also be urged to estabfish
the same program for their employees' A Naga Memorandum of
eqiu" bet-ween the Clty Govelninent of and sard n


enterprises may be entered into in order to Iay out possible

arrangements and/or incentives to cooperating firns.
SECTIOII 9. Bik€ to School Progra!- To increase access to
education of the poor and marginalized, especialfy those
living in far-flung areas, as weLf as to instill to the future
generation the habit of cycling, the Education, Spor:ts and
Scholarships Office (ESSo) is hereby mandated to forge a close
colLaboration and strategic partnership with the Department
of Education in implementing a Blke to School Piogr:an.
Slrch amount as nay be necessary for the implementation
of the aforesaid program shall be lncluded in ESSO's annual
appropriat ion.
sEcuoN 10. BicycLe Month. November is hereby declared
Blcycle Month when main progr.ams for the promotion and use of
bicycles shal-I be highlighted. For the same purpose, LESS CAR
DAIS sha1l also be implemented in the month of November on │

dates, at streets and in a manner to be identifred, /

recomnended and approved by the Bicycle Board herein created.

Alti.cL€ 3 Iaflastructure
11. Bisyc].e Lanes. There shal l be designated
bicycle lanes for both brke and e-bike of about one and a
half 11.5) meters in a.Il national roads within the territorial
jurisdiction of Naga and in all crty primary and second.rl.'
roads that shaIl:
be clearly distinguished or identified as such by a
stripe, bicyc.le symbol and signage; and
D serve as excl-usive access for cycllsts if they are
separated by physical barrier between pe!sons on
bicycles and moving cars.
The City Engineer, in coordination with the Department
of Publlc Works and Highways insofar as national roads are
concerned and the Public Safety Office as regards city roads,
sha-Il be responsible for the designation and maintenance of
the appropriate bike fanes.
SECIION12, Bici'c1,. P.rtirg. The City sha1l provlde
bicycle parking \^,ith brcycle racks and iron hooks in
appropriate public places, pubfic schools and government
offices within its jurisdiction. To ensure their safety and
to guard against poss.ible theft, bicycle parking shal1 be
located near police stations, police or tanod outposts,
and/or 1n highly visible and weff-fighted areas with duly
instalLed CCTV cameras.
Private schools, rnajor business estab-ILshments,
especiafly ma1l.s, banks, restaurants, hospitals, and the

Page - 5-

1ike, are hlghly urged to provide similar faciLity. A

Memorandum of Agreement between the City Government of Naga
and said private enterprlses may be entered into in order to
set out guidelines and specifications for the bicycle parking
and lay out, if possible, arrangenents to cooperatlng firms.
Bicycle parking area sha11 be in accordance with the
specifications laid out in Ordinance No- 2008-0 68 (Naga Cit y
Bicycle and Motorcycle Area Ordinance) .
SECIION 13. Support In addition to the
bicycte lanes and bicycfe parking areas, support faci.Iities
shaIL be established to ensure that cyclists and their
bicycLes can travef safely aod avoid the possibility of
colLision with pedestrians. These facilrties incl-ude, but are
not Irmited to, the folfowing:
a. Sidewalk improvement s;
b. Pedestrian and bicycle crossing iroprovements;
c. Traffic signages pertaining to bicycles; and

d. Bicycle Boufevards.
SECTION lil Biql,cLe Park A bicycle park shall hereby be
The site development plan of the bike park shall be
presented to and be appr.oved by the Blcycle Board herein
created, !.7ith a representative of the cycling corununity in
actual attendance. Said plan shaff contain, among others, the
cit y-government-owned 1ot whele the park will be constructed
and the routes, slopes and amenities that wifl be built

Alticle {
Bicycl'e Registrauioa
15. R6gistrltion. ALL bicycles acquired in, and
being used by resideots of, Naga City shafl be registered
pursuant to Ordinance No. 2004-123, as atnended.
A cyclist shaf .I present a receipt to prove his/her
ownership of the bicycfe to be registered. In the absence
thereof, he/she shalf submit an Affidavit of oenership
only those aged 12 years ofd and above shall be alfowed
to becom; registered cyclists. But individuals who ale below
18 years of age sha11 present proof of parental consent to
L he Cj r y Treasurer' s office.
Indigent bicycle owners, duly-certifled as such by the
City Social !,ielfare and Developnent office, ane hereby
exe;pted fiom the pa!'nent of the bicycle regis!ration and
othe; fees being collected by the office of the city
The City Treasurer's Office shall keep a bicycle
registration Look and/or computer progr:am indicating therein
,"iatru,",t information of the owners and of the bikes'
SECTION 16. Sticker .nd Road ID. In lieu of a ficense
plate, a Sticker and Road TD shalf be issued by the city
government to a cyclist upoo registration of his bicycle'
The Sticke! shalI be Placed by the owner at the rear ot
his/her blcycle exposed to the public view'
The Road ID shall be worn by the ov'ner on his wrist' It
shall contain, among others, the cyctist's name, sticker
number of his bicycle, hls address and contact infolmation of
person to be reached in case ot emergency'
Designs of the Sticker and Road ID must be presented to
and duly-ipproved by the Bicycfe Board herein created with a"..,tuiirr. of the city's bicycllng community in actual

Article 5
Traffic Regulationa and Penalti6s
SECEION 17. rraffic aanagtdont and P€ace aad or&l '
Tr:affic poLice, deput l zed traffic enforcers and personneL of
the Pubfic safety office shaLL maintain order in the bike
lanes and shall implement this ordinance '
For this pulpose, the Chlef of the Public Safety office
is hereby mandated to ensure that the areas designaied as
bicycle lanes shafl at al-1 times be free of any iflegal
parking or obstruction. Failure to do so shall be deemed prlma
facie evidence of dereliction of duty which shal'I subject the
said chief of office to administrative and criminal
SECIION 18. Prohibitod Acts. The foflo$'ing are acts
prohibited under this ordinance, to wit:
a. operating a bicycle at a speed gr:eater than 30
kilometers per hour within Central Business Districts
l and 2 and in such areas where any app.Iicable Iaw or
regulation so provides, except on the occasion of or
during bike sports or pronotionaf events;
b. Dr.iving a bicycle under the influence of alcohol;

- 8-

Using a celIuIar phone ,,/h:ie drivli; :haa '-heleby

distracts and prejudices the cyclis:'s cr others'
Lives and 1imbs,'
d Carrying more pexsons at a time than the oumbel for
lrhich the blke is designed and equipped;
e Ctinging to another vehicle upon a loadway to hitch a
f Riding a bicycle on the middle of any city or national
roa d;

g Parking in areas other than the designated bicycle

parking areas. If there is no designated bicycle
parking area, no cyclist shal1 park his/her blcycle
in a manner that would obstruct a pathway or
pas sageway.

SECT工 ON Prohibited Act3 on BiCyc■ e LaneS

■9 The
following shall be observed in the bttcycle lanes:
a A person sha.Ll not operate a vehicle on or across a ″

bicycle l-ane, except to entel: or leave adj acent

property or when it is evidentfy clear from a distance

of thirty (30) meters that no cyclist is using the

A person shall not park a vehicle on a bike lane;


C A person shall not create obstruction along the bike

-Iane such as, but not limited to, sidewalk vending,.
dumping of construction mater.ials, and loading and
unloading of goods except in emergency cases;
d A person shall not use the designated blke lanes for
rallies, peaceful concerted activities, or other
similar events, except those expressly permitted by
the city government via an ordinance duly-enacted by
the Sangguniang Panlungsod; provided, that the tern
or period of such activities are clearfy stated Ln
the said fegislative measure.

sEcuoil 20. Safo Distalrce. A driver of a motor vehicle,

while drlving, shall matntain no less than three (3) meters
distance from a bicycfe ln front or at the back and no less
than one and a haff (1.5) metel:s distance beslde it'
SECIION 21. Coastruction of Iraffic RuLes ' In cases of
accidents or viofations of traffic regulations, rules shalI
be liberal-1y construed in favor of cyclist if the incident
happened on bicycfe lanes ol, in the absence thereof, in the
′ right curb of a road. Any person lnvolved other than the
cyclist is presumed at fau1t.

=〕 = 9

city or
:: :ie ::1.:ce:l: :.appe:-red ci the middLe of a shall
r-ational roaq, or very proximate thereto, rules be
liberally construed in favor of motorist'
SECTION 22. Peaalties. (a) Any person who violates
of th; prohibited acts specifi'ed under Sectioo 1Binhereof
pfurra ia least ten (10) trees, donate blood other accordance
form of
,itn an" City's Blood Donation Program, or do
co[ununity service whi-chever is practicable at the option of
the of fender.
Proof of compfiance on the first shaII be a Certification
or in the
from the Puoong Barangay where the offender lesides
l;;".q;y witnii tne city wnere he pLanted blood and a photograph ot
ln. oirlna.t 1n the act of planting' Eor office donation' the
certification of the sponsoring barangay' or agency
n. considered as sufficient compliance' For community
"rr.ii a certification of the concerned Punong Barangay'
;;;';..; Lt .ian.. the citv sociar welfare shall
al so be
oiii." o. Sofid Waste Management Office of such
considered sufficient compliance' No transaction permitted unless
offendet: wi-th the clty government shalI be
such compliance is made '
(b) Any person who viofates any of the prohj'bited acts
,p..tfi"d under Section 19 hereof shall be i'rnposed the
fofloaing Penafties, to wit:
a rirst offense ― A fine Of One Thousand PeSOS (P

, 一

l′ 000 00),
― A fine of Three Thousand Pesos
b Second Offense
(P3.000 00)′

c. Third Offense - A fine of Eive Thousand Pesos (P

c,OOO.00l and'or imprisonmenL of no- lonqer
Lt)in six
mon!hs, subject to the discLetlon of the courL '
1'9 and 22
Provided, that no implementation of Sections desired Cycling
of this Ordinance 1s made untif the
i"f."""" are actually r'ealized as certified bv the
Bicycle Board.
Alticle 7
ProEram IaPle0entation

SECIIOII 23- Bicycle Board ' A Bicycle Board' herean

ensuring the.effective and
created for the primary purpose ofordinance'
;;;;;;;"-.-i6r;.",'t't io'' or this sharl be conposed
C].ty MaYor

Cha r
Co-Cha irman City Vice Mayor

Chairman, Committee on

Membe r s

City Engineer

Public Safety Officer

City Planning and Development
President, Transport Bicycle
Organi zat ion
President, Sports/Tourism Bicycle
Organl zation
President, Health and Wef fnes s
Blcycle Organi zation
The foLlowing shaII be invited to sat as adctltional-
menbers of the Bicycle Board:

Chief, Naga City Police Office


Representat ive, Land Transpor.tation

office; and
Representat ive, 2nd Englneering
District af Camari nes SLtr,
Department of Public works and
Save for the appropriation to impfement the Cycfing
Tnfrastructure provisions of this ordinance which is
consjdered self-executory but lrhich may nonetheless be
submrtted for consideratlon of the Bicycle Board, any and a.LI
actrvltles, events of projects for the pronotion and use of
bicycle or in furtherance of this Ordinance shalf be presented

︺ 滋

to and approved by the Bicycle Board. provided, that decis_ron
on the determination of bicycle lanes under Section 11 shall
be furnished the Sangguniang panlungsod.
SECTION 24. Urban pl.n fnt6gr.tion, The City planning
and Development Offlce sha1l ensure that the Cycling
Infrastructure provislons of this ordinance are taken into
consideration in the fornulation of the city, s 3o-year
Sustainable Urban Development plan mandated by Ordinance No.

ArticLe I
FinaL provisiong
SECIIODI 25. Appropriatiou. Such amount as may be
necessa.y to implement the mandate in this ordinance shall be
alfocated in the city,s yearly budget beginning the next
budget year,
SECIION 26, Repealing C].ause. The penal provisions of
Ordinance No. 91-011, Ordinance No. 93-012, Ordinance No.
2008-068 and Ordinance No. 2AA4-123, as amended, insofar as
the latter pertains to bicycle, are hereby repealed. All other
ordinances, rules, orders, and r.eguLations or parts thereof
contrary to or incons.istent with any of the provisions of
this ordinance are also hereby repeafed.

ORDINANCE N0 2017-030
SerieS 2 0 1 7

Page - 11-

SECIIOII 27. S.perabilily C1aua.. Should any portion or

provision of this ordinance be dec_Iared unconst-it;tiona-L or
inva.lid. the other parts thereof \^,hich are not affected
thereby shall continue to be in full for:ce aod effecr_
SECIION 28. Effectivity Claus.. This ordinance shaft
take effect irunediately upon j.ts approval,
ENACTED: May 76, 2At'7


n EEREBΥ CERT工 FY to the cOrrectness Of the fo rego i ng


Secretary tO the
Sangguniang Pan■ ungsod
Cit Mayor
& P ing Officer

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