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1. General:

Name of the unit

i1) Constitution (i.e., Public/ Private Limited
LLPs Company/Partnership Firm/
Co-operative Society/ Proprietory Concern/HUF etc.) (Copy of
Memorandum Articles of
may be, have to be
Association/Bye-laws/partnership deed as the case
11i) Date of Registration / Incorporation
iv) Date of commencement of business

v) Sector (i.e., Public/Private/Joint/Co-operative)

Vi)In case the unit belongs to a business house/group name of the same and
the list of other companies under that group.
vii) Whether MRTP Act (competition Act)
applicable and if so, necessary
sanction/licence obtained from Government.
viii) Location (Town, District, State) of the unit, Registered Office,
Controlling Office etc.
Whether it is a backward area eligible for concessional finance/Central
ix) Project for which assistance is sought.

x) Brief particulars of the project; whether the project is new/ expansion

modernisation / diversification.

xi) Nature of industry and product

a) Industry
b) Product

C) Licenced capacity (Letter of Intent issued to be obtained and

d) Existing/proposed installed capacity

xii) Details of financial assistance sought for

2. Promoter/s:

i) Complete Bio-data of the promoter/s including name, age, educational

qualifications, past industrial business experience, experience in

the particular industry,
write brief
up on other projectS if ny
promoted by him or with which he is associated, together with a copy of
the Balance Sheet of each of such units.

ii) If the promoter is a limited company, brief write up on the activities and
past períormance of the company and any other expansion programmes

iit) List of Directors along with a complete list of concerns with which
they are connected as Director/ Partner/Proprietor etc. Brief write
ups on such concerns including information on the nature of business,
size, turnover etc.

Existing concerns:
In case of existing concerns, details of borrowing, financial position, working
results etc., to be obtained.

Technical Collaboration:
Technical arrangements made/proposed for implementation of the project.
(Eg: whether promoters themselves have adequate knowledge or

technical persons will be employed in the unit or it is proposed to engage

consultancy services or technical know-how will be purchased or

collaborations entered etc.,).

In case of collaborations, a write up on the collaborator company indicating

its activities, size, turnover etc., is to be obtained. Copy of agreement
should be obtained.

iii) In Case of turnkey project, turnkey performance guarantee and

etc., are t0 be obtained.

turnkey agreements

5. Particulars of the project:

Details of the project for which financial assistance is required,

of a
including whether it relates to expansion/ modernisation/setting up
new plant.

ii) Copy of the project report and feasibility report.

ii) Details like the product, present installed capacity, proposed
capacity, maximum production envisaged etc.

NOTE: Section wise capacities for the major sections of

the plant along
with specifications of major products and bye-products including
weight and its uses.

Process of production:

i) Description of the technical process proposed to be employed and

reasons tor adopting/choosing the Same. (detailed process description
should be obtained)

ii) whether the process had ever been tried and if so, the results.

7. Management:
Proposed arrangement for executive management of the unit both
during the construction period and for regular operations.
ii) Organization Chart showing the above pertaining to both the periods.
3. Location & Land:

i) Town, Taluk and District

ii) Distance from major city/port and from National/State Highways

iii) Location Map

iv) Advantages and disadvantages of the location v) Whether the land is

purchased or leased

vi) If it is to be purchased, cost and basis of valuation. If already purchased,

mode of payment also.

vii) Names of the previous owners of the land and whether they are related to
any of the promoters

viii) Whether the land is industrial or converted as industrial land. (copy

of permission to convert)

ix) Type of soil and its load bearing capacity and water table.

i) Particulars of the proposed building for factory and other purposes furnishing
the details of type of construction, number of floors, length,
breadth, average height, area, estimated cost etc.

ii) Arrangement proposed for constructing the buildings

iii) Particulars of the architects like name, scope of work, fees payable,
past experience, bio-data of key personnel in the architect's firm etc.

10. Plant and Machinery:

Basis of selection of equipment for the project

Oat 2.led list i machety o DE dqulled along with specificaticc
nCudin3 nime of the manufacturcr, whether order placcd r ,
aNDeCted date oi delivery, net piice, basis of valuation etc. in
additional details like country of oriaia
imported nachineries, gir price i
rate applied, port oí landing, FOB value, freight &
oreign currency,

duty etc.
insur ance, iinport
macilnery inaiCating the flow of imaterial
i)Layout of the plant and

11. Utilities:

11.1 Power:

Source of power and supply voltage indicating purchased, own generation

and stand by arrangements separately.

ii) Maximum power demand, Connected load, peak hour

contracted load and power tariff.

annum at max1mum capacity utilisation.

iii) Cost of power per

coPy of agreement with the

iv) Copy of letter of sanction for poOwer,
of electrical layout.
Electricity Board and copy

11.2 Water:

separately for circulating, make up, process, boiler

i) Requirement of water
feed, cleaning, soaping, drinking, cooling

ii) Sources of water arrangement proposed

iii) Capacities of the

iv) Description of the water treatment arrangement proposed.

V) Layout for the water system, copy of letter of sanction of water

by municipal/local authorities wherever applicable, copy of water analysis

report should be obtained.

11.3 Other utilities like fuel, compressed air, steam etc:

i) Requirement, sources, arrangement proposed.

ii) Copies of layout, letter of allotment etc., to be obtained.

12. Transport:

materials, finished goods

i) Arrangements made/proposed for carrying raw


i) Details of own trucks, railway siding etc.

ii)ransport contract agreement if any.

iv) Cost benefit analysis comparing own transport and hired ones.

13. Effluent disposal

i) Details of the nature of atmospheric, soil and water pollution likely to
be created by the project and the measures proposed for control of the

ii) Whether necessary permission for disposal of effluent obtained. ii)

Copies of the approval from concerned authorities.

14. Labour and Manpower:

Detailed list of manpower required alongwith wages payable thereon should

be obtained.

15. Schedule of impiementation(project schedule):

i) Project schedule should be obtained.

ii) At the time of submission of proposal, at what stage each item is.

16. Cost of project and means of finance:

To be obtained as per Appendix-2

17. Market and Selling arrangements:

i) Market survey report

Brief note on the products, their major uses, possible competition,

substitute products etc.
competition from
iii) Special features of the product (like quality, price etc.) compared
Competitive product.

iv) Estimate of the existing and future demand and supply of the products.

Assessment of likely competition in future.

commitment if any.
vi) Export possibilities and export

vii) List of principal customers and selling arrangement/ agreement.

Government control restrictions if any, on the price, distribution, export

of the product.

x) Whether sales would be made directly or
through sole selling agents and details thereon. through distributors or
X) Trend in prices of the product in the past few

18. Profitability statement:

Cost of production
and working resutts Tor the
period covering
(specifying the assumption and basis of calculation). repayment

ii) Based on the above, cash and fund flow statement

iii) Projected Balance Sheets

iv) Breakeven analysis

19. Economic considerations:

i) Price of competing products

ii) Price of import substitutes

iii) Explanation on difference

iv) Write up on economic benefits to the country/ region/ area on account

of the project.

V) How the unit contributes to the establishment of ancillary units in the

20. Distribution of shareholding:

Details of shareholding of promoters, public and lending financial institutions.

21. Government Consents:

i) Letter of intent

ii) industrial licence/DGTD Clearance/MSME Registration

iii) Capital goods clearance

iv) Import licence

v Foreign exchange permission

vi) Approval of technical/financial collaboration

vii) Clearance under Competetion Act, if any,

vii) Consent of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)

ix) Any STDC/ITDC approval in case of Hotel Industry

x) from local authorities

xi) Licence from Drug Controller in case of pharmaceutical industry.

Estimated production and sales

Estimated production and sales statements covering the period of repayment

to be obtained.


Cost oi land

Conversion charges

i1) Premium payable/conveyance charges

iv) Cost of levelling/development

V) Cost of laying roads

a Approach Road

b) Internal Road

Cost of fencing/compound wall

vii) Cost of gate etc.

2) Building:
i) Factory building for main plant and equipment

ii) Factory building for auxilliary services like steam

supply, water supply, laboratory, work shop etc.

iii) Administrative Building

iv) Godown, Warehouses and Open yard building

v Miscellaneous non-factory building like

Canteen, Guest house etc.

vi) Quarters for essential staff

vii) Silos, tanks, walls, chest basin, cistern, hooper,

bins etc., which are necessary

vii) Garages
ix) Cost of sewers, drainage etc.

x) Other civil works not included above (to be specified)

xi Architect's fee (Add EScalation)

3) Plant and N.achinery:

i) Tported
a) F.0.B. value

b) Freight and insurance

d) Inland freight and insurance

ii) Indigenous
F.O.R cost

iii) Machinery stores and spares

iv) Foundation and Installation charges

Technical know-how fees etc., payable to technical


Expenses on foreign technicians and training of

Indian technicians abroad

6. Miscellaneous fixed assets

a) Furniture

Office Machinery and Equipment

Cost of trucks etc.

d) Railway siding
e) Power supply/distribution
f) D.G. set

Air compressor

h) Air Drier systemn

Air Conditioning
D.M. Water System

Hot Soft Water System

Soft Water Cooling System
Line for Water, gas
m) Pipe
n) Workshop for maintenance

Fire fighting camp

P) Pollution Control q) Fork Lift

r) Add escalation on non-firm cost

7. Preliminary and Capital Issued Expenses

i) Brokerage and Commission on Capital

ii) Other Capital issue expenses

(legal, advertisement, printing and stationery etc.)

iii) Other preliminary expenses

(Company flotation and initial expenses)

8 Pre-operative expenses

ii) Rent, rates and taxes

ii) Traveling expenses

iv) Interest and commitment charges on borrowing

v) Insurance during onstruction, including erection insurance

vi) Start up expenses

vii) Interest on deferred payment if any

viii) Consultancy charges

ix) Deposit with Electricity Board

9. Contingencies

10. Margin money for working capital


) ssue of ordinary shares

2 Issue of preference share capitat

3) Issue of secured debentures

4) Secured long and medium term loans

5) Deferred payments (including interest to machinery

suppliers) LESS amount due upto start of production
6) Unsecured loans and deposits

7) Capital subsidy from:

Central Government

State Government

8) Internal cash accruals

9) Any other source (specify)

10) Interest free development loan


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