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Web 1.0 (Static Pages) - when WWW most web page are static
STATIC- called as flat page or stationary page and cannot be manipulated by the user

WEB2.0- (Dynamic Pages) - Coined by “DARCY DiNUCCI” - Fragmented Future

- it is the evolution of web 1.0 and the user can manipulate it
- includes social media sites.
1. FOLKSONOMY- allows the user to categorize and classify arrange info usng keywords
2. RICH USE EXPERIENCE- content is dynamis and is responsive to users input (local
3. USER PARTICIPATION- the owner of the website is not the only one who put content.
-others can also put there content on there like Amazon and online store.
4. LONG TAIL- services that are offered on demand rather than one time ourchase. This
synonymous to subscribing to a data plan that charges you for the amount of time you
spent on internet.
5. SOFTWARE AS A SERVICE- users will subscribe to a software only when neeeded
rather than purchasing them.
6. MASS PARTICIPATION- diverse information sharing trough universal web access.
Since most users can use the Internet, web 2.0 content is base on people form various


SEMANTIC WEB- is a movement led by the WWW Consortium (W3C), a component of

WEB 3.0

W3C - encourages web developers to include semantic content on their web pages. It
was coined by WWW inventor, TIM BERNERS-LEE.

WEB 3.0 - is to have machine understand the user’s preference to deliver web content
targeting the user.


1. COMPATIBILITY- HTMI files and current web browser cant supoort web 3.0
2. SECURITY - its also a problem since the machine saves users preference
3. VASTNESS - The WWW already contains billions of web pages.
4. VAGUENESS - Certain words are imprecise. The words “old” and “small” will depend
on the user.
5. LOGIC - Since machines use logic, there are certain limitations for a computer to be
able to predict what the user is reffereing to at a given time.


1. CONVERGE - the synergy of technological advancements to work in similar goal or

2. SOCIAL MEDIA- website or application that enables web users to create , discuss or
modify user-generated content. Types of social media:

- SOCIAL NETWORKS : to connect with other people

- BOOKMARKING SITES: allow to store links
- SOCIAL NEWS- allows user to post their own news
- MEDIA SHARING- allow you to upload media
- MICRO BLOGGING - it focus on short updates
- BLOGS AND FORUMS - it allows user to post their content.

3. MOBILE TECHNOLOGIES - tasks to do that are originally found in computers.

- IOS- used in apple devices

- ANDROID- an open source operating system developed by Google. Being an open
source means several mobile phone
- BLACKBERRY PHONE OS- developed by Blackberry Ltd. Was QNX, a UNIX like real-time
system, discontinued after releasing blackberry 10
- WINDOWS PHONE OS -closed source of propriety operating system developed by
microsoft. Interfaced derived from metro design
- SYMBIAN- original smartphone os; used by nokia, discontinued platform for
-WEBOS - originallyused for smartphones: now used for smart TVs
- WINDOWS MOBILE - discounted family of mobile operating systems and was developed
by Microsoft for smartphones and pocket pcs

4. ASSISTIVE MEDIA - nonprofit service to help people w/ needs, database of audio

recordings is used to read the user.

INTERNET is the information superhighway. Anyone has the access to this highway, can
place information, and can grab that information.


1. MALWARE -stands for Malicious app

A. VIRUS- program loaded into a users computer without the owners knowledge.
B. WORM- stand alone malicious programs that can self-replicate and propagate via
computer net without humans help.
C. TROJAN - disguised as a useful program but once downloaded or installed it helps
hacker to hack your info
1, ROGUE SECURITY SOFTWARE - tricks the user into posing that is a security
D. SPYWARE- program that runs in the background without you knowing.
1, KEYLOGGERS- used to records the key stroke done by the users done to steal
their password or sensitive info.
E. ADWARE- program designed to send you advertisement, mostly pop ups.
2. SPAM - unwanted email, mostly bots.
3. PHISHING- goal is to acquire sensitive personal information like passwords and
1, PHARMING- more complicated way of phishing where it exploits the DNS
( domain name service ) system.

COPYRIGHT- section of the law that states the rights of a person regarding his own
work, and anyone who uses it without consent is punished by the law.

COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT : intelectual property

; create somthing- an idea, an invention, a form of literary.
; include your rights over your work and anyone who uses it.

Tips to aviod copyright infrigement:

A. Understand
B. Be responsible
C. Be Creative
D. Know the Law


A. Have a question in mind.

B. Narrow it down.
C. Advance Search
D. Look for a credible source
E. Give Credit

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