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NSTP I - Narrative Report

Name of Members | Course/Block | Date of Submission

Table of Content Page

Introduction …………………………………………

Acknowledgement …………………………………………

Dedication …………………………………………

History of NSTP …………………………………………

Narrative Reports ………………………………………....

Values and Formation …………………………………………

Documented Photos …………………………………………

Leadership …………………………………………

Documented Photos …………………………………………

Health and Safety …………………………………………

Documented Photos …………………………………………

Learnings & Recommendations …………………………………………

Moral Principles & Values …………………………………………

Conclusion …………………………………………


(This part of the narrative report will be of giving an assumption of what is being expected
to gain during NSTP Seminars and Activities. Provide at least some quotations and
thoughts of your team/group about your views or perspective about what is going to


(This part of the narrative report will be of extending gratitude to those persons who help
the team/group in accomplishing this output for the fulfillment of the requirement. This
part also for the person whom you would like to dedicate this report for future needs.)


The National Service Training Program was also known as "An Act
Establishing the National Service Training Program (NSTP) for Tertiary Level
Students, Amending for the Purpose Republic Act No. 7077 and Presidential
Decree no. 1706, and for other Purposes" or Republic Act No. 9163. It was
signed into law in January 23, 2002 amidst the various calls of dissenting
sectors for its abolition or reform.

It invoked the constitutional provision regarding the "duty of the state to

serve and protect its citizens," specifically Article II (Declaration of Principles
and State Policies), Section 2, which states that "The prime duty of the
government is to serve and protect the people. The government may call upon
the people to defend the state, and in fulfillment thereof, all citizens may be
required under conditions provided by law, to render personal military or civil
service" (italics supplied). This is the same principle that created and sustained
the Reserve Officers Training Corps.

The primary objective of the NSTP law is to promote the role of the youth
in nation-building. As such, it aims to encourage the youth to become civic
and/or military leaders and volunteers whom could be called upon by the nation
in cases their services are needed. Compared with the ROTC which specializes
in military training, and the E-ROTC which granted three options for students
yet was limited in implementation, the NSTP law ensured that the three
components - Civic Welfare Service, Literacy Training Service, and Reserve
Officers Training Corps - will be given the same and equal implementation in
educational institutions. Moreover, it defined the different components, the
duration of the training, coverage, etc.  

The Three NSTP Components

The National Service Training Program is composed of three different


Civic Welfare Training Service

is geared towards activities that have social impact through activities

that could contribute to "health, education, environment, entrepreneurship,
safety, recreation and morals of the citizenry", thus the CWTS component of the
NSTP stressed the importance of youth involvement in broad programs or
activities that will benefit the people. While the CWTS focused on programs to
enhance the living conditions of the people, the

Literacy Training Service

Has a more limited yet equally useful objective that is to "train students
to become teachers of literacy and numeracy skills to school children, out of
school youth, and other segments of society in need of their service". LTS thus
specializes in the education of the people, strengthening the education sector to
empower the people through education. Meanwhile,

Reserve Officers' Training Corps

While deemed equally important by the NSTP law (it maintained its
existence and nature mentioned in RA 7077 having the primary objective to
prepare the youth in national defense, became merely a component of the

The NSTP required male and female students to undergo the program
they have chosen for two (2) semesters or one (1) academic year in contrast
with the ROTC which required males to take military training for four (4)
semesters or two (2) academic years. Students taking NSTP will get three (3)
units from taking the program; equivalent of 1.5 units every semester. Thus, in
contrast to the mandatory - yet free - ROTC, students will now have to pay for
their NSTP. This included the former cadets of the ROTC who enjoyed the free
reservist program. Also, the law states that private learning institutions could
offer one of the three options but required state colleges and universities to
maintain their ROTC units together with an alternative unit from the two other

options. The law also limited the existence of the ROTC in private and vocational
institutions requiring it to have 350 cadets for it to be called a unit, otherwise -
and considering other factors such as insufficient cadet number, lack of logistics
to support ROTC program of instruction (POI), etc. - cross-enrolling the
students to other schools for their NSTP is an option.

The goal of the law and of the program is to harness the strength and
capacity of the youth to contribute to nation-building, thus the National Service
Reserve Force was created to enlist CWTS and LTS graduates which is also
equivalent to the Citizen Armed Force of the ROTC. In the event that the state
will need people for its civic and literacy activities, it will merely utilize the
personnel of the reserve force, the student volunteers the NSTP-CWTS and the
NSTP-LTS has produced. As with the need of the Armed Forces for additional
force for its defense campaigns, it can easily use its body of reservists in the
Reserve Command.



There is a define workload,many challenge to overcome and goals to achieved . Who will
you get there ? The performer , he knows where to go and what to do and is really
pushing . He takes full responsibility for his job and thereby helps the organization
tremendously. The highly effective Doer , he has immense willingness to work , learn and
improve, with a correct guidance and training , he will be a future performer. The less
effetive doer, he is somewhat willing to help, however his contribution is not making
difference to the overall result. The person is the potential trouble source , he goes up and
down alternates between helping and destroying , his influence makes work harder and
less predictable for others. The suppressive person , he is actively trying to destroy the
operation but it is often trying to hide his deeds by the use of a nice social mask. It is
esppecially if undetected ,is a very dangerous threat to any organizations. This is how to
precisely differentiate between productive and destructive peple. It helps your team get
more safe, stable and productive . There are five core values we should have courtesy he
showing of politeness in one's attitude and behavior toward others and the conduct
the manner in which a person behaves. The intergrity the quality of being honest and
having strong moral principles, accountability the fact or condition of being accountable
or responsibility. Being a great team member this represent how the member need to act as
a member don’t degrade yourself even your just a member you can do anything just to
prove that you are not just member you are great member and not destructive to the
leader. Being focused all the time especially when you are students you’ve never learn if
you didn’t focus in studied even when you have a goals you’ve never achieve it if you
didn’t focus on what goal you want to do. Making a difference you should start in yourself
you need to make a need changes or differences in yourself like when you are not satisfied
in your grade and you want to make it highest than before so what need to do ? you need
give more attention your studies and you realize put those efforts is such a great
achievement and after all you can share to others, you can be the instrument to have a
difference you can influence her to make difference in herself. The values which an
indicidual or a group deems to be useful , desirable or significant. It is more subjective
than objective. The personality of people around you is multi-faceted . The multi-faceted-
ness or individuals must be recognized for an organization to be more effective an
effecient . There a 3 A’s of Happiness according to Neil Pasricha , The happiness is not a
choice While happiness may not be a choice, considering the arguments given
above, attitude is an individual’s choice. Often people might mess up the meaning
between the two and use them as synonyms, but that is far from reality. You cannot
always pray for life to be gentle and sensitive towards you. Every living soul has to
experiences while embracing the delicate petals in the rose of life. It is your choice to
decide what you want to focus on and keep your attention on .Gratitude is very important
if you want to seek eternal happiness. Maintaining a gratitude journal and noting down
five things you are grateful for will make you feel loved. This will, in turn, boost your
happiness levels because you will learn to appreciate the little things around you.

Happines is an attitude it is an overall attitude, a state of contentment or satisfaction, not
a temporary emotion such as joy or elation. Therefore, we have the ability to be happy
even when we experience these other emotions. In fact, through our full immersion in life
and the emotions life brings, we can learn how to be happy, Therefore, happiness is a
choice to feel the emotions that result from an event, to fully grieve, but also, to recognize
our ability to accept what life offers us rather than remain focused on what is taken from
us. The Authenticity just be yourself , and be cool with that . The Awareness we should be
thankful to little things in life because we never feel satisfaction or contented if we did
not appreciate small things even more or little you get you need to be thankful for that
and give your greatest appreciation. The Attitude you can either be gloomy and feel sorry
for yourself , or you can grieve for a while then face tomorrow with a more sober eyes.
There are eight employability we need to consider , the communication you need to listen
and understand , speaking clearly and directly , write the needs of the audience , use
numeracy effectively, establish and use networks , persuade effectively , negotiate
positively, empathise , be assertive , share information , read independently. The
teamwork contribute to productive working relationship and outcomes , work with
people of different ages, gender, race, religion or political persuasion, know how to define
a role in the team, apply teamwork skills to a rapid situations , identify the strengths of
team member ,coach mentor and give a feedback. The self- management have a
provisional vision and goals , then evaluate and monitor your own performance to have a
knowledge and confifence in your own ideas and vision to take responsibility . Planning
and organizing to understand short term and long term planning , manage time priotities
then set timelines coordinate task, take iniatiative and make decisions and adapt
resources to cope with contigencies , etablish clear project goals and deliverables ,
alloactes people and other resources to task , plan the use of resources including time and
management, participate in continous improvement and planning processes , predict
weigh up risk , evaluate to have alternatves and apply evaluation criteria collect , analyze
and organize information. The technology to have range of basic I.t skills apply IT as a
management tool , use IT to orrganize data and be willing to learn new IT skills , be aware
of the impact of technology on your field and ensure your skills are up to date. The
learning to have enthusiasm for ongoing learning manage your own learning and be open
to new ideas and techniques , be prepared to invest time and effort in learning new skills ,

Acknowledge the need to learn in order to accomodate change . The initiative and
enterprise translate new ideas into action , identify opportunities not obvious to others ,
adapt new situation , develop a strategic , creative long-term vision. The synthesis the
value is a necessary skill, part of which is authentic happiness ., In order to survive the 21 ST
century sustainable skills are not enough , rather a regenerative acquisition of valuesis a
must . Our values are important because they help us to grow and develop. They help us
to create the future we want to experience.Every individual and every organization is

involved in making hundreds of decisions every day. The decisions we make are a
reflection of our values and beliefs, and they are always directed towards a specific

Peace of mind produces right values , right values produce right thoughts . Right thoughts
produce right actions .

“ Mark Richardson”




Leadership is a process of social influence, which maximizes the efforts of others, towards
the achievement of a goal. Notice key elements of this definition: Leadership stems from
social influence, not authority or power. Leadership requires others, and that implies they
don't need to be “direct reports” Leadership should not have much to do with names.
Similar to the above argument, it doesn't automatically make you a "leader" only because
you have a C-level title. I emphasize the fact that you don't need a title to lead in all my
discussions. Actually, in your place of worship, your neighborhood, your family, you can
be a leader, all without having a title. Leadership doesn't have anything to do with
personal attributes. Say the word "leader" and most people think of a charismatic
individual who is dominant, taking charge. We often think of historic icons like General
Patton or President Lincoln. But leadership is not an adjective. We don't need to practice
leadership with extroverted charismatic traits. And those with charisma don't lead
automatically. Leadership is not management. It's the big one. Leadership and governance
are not synonymous. Managers need to plan, measure, monitor, coordinate, resolve, hire,
fire, and so many other things. Typically, managers are managing things. Leaders are
leading people. Leadership derives from social influence, not authority or power.
Leadership requires others and that means they don't need to be "direct reports" There is
no mention of personality traits, attributes, or even a title; there are many styles, many
paths to effective leadership. It includes a goal, not an influence, without any intended
outcome Lastly, the inclusion of "maximizes efforts" is what makes this definition so
different from many of the academic definitions out there. All leaders should be in line
with four main leadership factors: the leader, the leader, the circumstance and
communication. When exercising leadership, all four variables must always be considered,
but they affect each other differently at different times. In one case the main factor might
have little meaning in another. The leaders are the ones you're trying to put together as a
team, the people you're actually responsible for. The group is described as
Interdependence in achieving that goal; that is, they all need one another to be successful.
Knowing and behaving as though they had a common goal; that is, deliberately reacting to
their interdependence. Leader, you’re going to get what you're offering. To keep the team
going forward and together towards the goal, note that not all members of the team
should be led the same way. As a leader, you must have an accurate understanding of who
you are, what you know, and what you can and cannot do; "know your own self." Know
your own strengths and weaknesses, talents and shortcomings. You need to be able to

discipline yourself in order to lead your team efficiently. Look truthful at yourself. If you
have trouble evaluating yourself, ask your leader what he or she would like to see you
improve in the way you lead others. You remember, you're never alone. Set up a 360 so
you're not the only one to collect knowledge that guides action. Situation, all conditions
are different from each other. Leadership practices that work in one case might not
necessarily work in another. Consider all available tools before deciding the appropriate
leadership step to be taken. Mind PET (people, equipment/resources and time) when
defining resources. Consider the level of competence, encouragement and determination
of the team to carry out a project or assignment. You can have to track the team's work
closely in one case. In another, your main task might be to inspire and empower people
who are well qualified to do the job. Often the situation will enable you to do a bit of all of
them. The word micro control typically has a negative connotation to it. But I discovered
from this program that certain team members who might be less qualified really need it.
Communication is an exchange of knowledge and ideas from one person to the next.
Effective communication happens when others understand exactly what you're trying to
tell them and when you understand exactly what they're trying to tell you whether it's
oral, written, or physical, or some combination of them. A leader expresses expectation
through your example, and by what actions you neglect, reward, punish, or advice.
Different circumstances involve different forms of communication. Your tone of voice, use
of words and physical acts combine to affect those you lead. Say the right thing at the
right time and in the right way. You inspire your team to follow you and your instructions
by your communication methods. You have to win their confidence and trust. What and
how you connect, fuel or weaken faith and trust. Exactly express the facts and criteria of
the mission without the added uncertainty of your personal prejudice, regardless of how
difficult it is for you to refrain from doing so. Pay attention to exactly what your team
members say when they're talking to you. Employ all of your active listening skills. Teams
pay attention to leaders who listen to their needs. Emotions are an integral part of
communication, and effective listening is hard work. Look at the person talking to you.
Not just what is said, but also how it is said because feelings are an integral part of
communication. Trait leadership is a leader, and process leadership is where it is taught to
be a leader. Trait leadership is characteristic of a leader, for example, being charismatic,
extrovert, naturally smart, and a great speaker. Process leadership is learning actions
through contact with other leaders. Even though certain leadership characteristics are
learned inside the individual, process leadership often helps to strengthen the leader by
being influenced by other leaders. It is also important to know the distinctions between
the leader and the manager, even though they are both quite similar, leadership is very
different and management needs a lot of maturity to deal with.

Not all managers are made to be managers, and not all managers are made to be leaders.
What is crucial is that both managers and managers are aware of the positions to be
performed in a company and do not cross each other's work, otherwise the business will
not be successful and the issues will occur as a result of the failure of the company.






(This part of will be of the totality of the learnings attained during the whole semester and
some sort of recommendation for its future use.)

In the 3 webinars that we attented , we get a different a knowledge that can help our
acdemic and also ourselves they ive as inspirational words , topics that must be helpful to
have changes and giving a life changes in one individuals. The differnt topic in the
webinar it makes means a lot you ‘ve been trying to ask yourself that if you have that
qualities that the lesson topics. The first webinar which is values formation not only in the
topic makes me amaze also the speaker how he delivered that different wods and topics
that make ourselves laugh because he relate that topic in the situation that we
experienced and we can relate , it is very important as a person the values the webinar
took a different moral principles and values that must everyone need to have . As you
heard that different lesson you are not only learned but also it makes you inspired and
motivated . As we all know that our values is defined who we are , he values is very
important because you will bring it in your last day of your life , you will get a lot of loves
to other if you are values is good and how your values shown them not to make them
proud of you but you make them inspire for that values. Our moral values is not only for
ourselves but it is started in our self it is also adapt in a social influence like family,
friends, religions and etc . They need to adapt a good values in the different
circumstances . As a students , daughter , a human values is important they make what
you action and the different words appering in your mouth we always need to live in the
better life and find our own happiness and be a believer & supporter of own self to
attaining and achieve your dreams . The leadership is the second lesson we learned form
the webinar that being leadership is not making yourself lifting to other mand degrede
others but you must see yourself as a role model to other people and If the you an actions
as leader don’t decide it alone you must consult to youtr members because all of them
their will you working it so all of us will involved don’t degrade others if they a member yu
must think them asa family and all their suggestion need your acceptance to make your
work better and best, and treat them how you they treat you because because all of us
need to treat them well . lastly the health and safety they give a different information in
different disease that we didn’t hear that we are not familiarze but also that webinar give
us a knowledge to how to properly taking ourself despite in this pandemic that we all need
is to have a good condition of health because it is the only weapon we can bring right now.

The words of the speaker and the different person in that webinar all of the give a
inspirational words and make us motivated. , we shared their knowledge and their own
sights and their stories on their life and they give us a wonderful webinar that we can
bring and apply in taking our journey in the near future , despite this pandemic all we
neeed is the help each other and always be a servant with God and no matter what
happens achieve your dreams and making yourself a better version of yourself .


(This part will be of the individual or team touched principles and values/virtues learned
all throughout the semester.)

The lesson and values that I learned are different it is not only for my academic but also
turns into personality and how to be motivated all time . You will never call yourself a
human if you did not know how treat well to others everyone have a different way and
unique qualities as a person always remember always use it in a good way and to make
other inspired to it . The first semester which is entitled values formation that became
reason to knowing ourselves like what are the qualities we have and we need to improve
that sometimes you are curious to yourself you think that you can’t do it but the values
formations teach us and you will discover your qualities and moral aspect you have . this
webinar teach us the importance & essence of one’s life and one’s know the strengths
and weakness of one individual will teach and give a motivation word that make us
proceed to attain a good & better life . Regarding to the topis leadership it is such a
importance lesson that we need to know , we all know that the leadership is making you a
role model to other people that as a leader you didn’t to full over yourself to get other
sympathy you ‘ll need is just beyourself and do your responsibilities and make other
people behind you is not your personnel but you need to treat them as your family , in the
business industry you didn’t make your company became sucessful if you doing it alone , if
the others help you and their ideas your company must better than you think , as a leader
you must a responsible person but you must treat other well. In other words make
yourself being a good and inspring person to others and letting their life better than they
want you must the instrument to other to achieve their dreams. Lastly the health and
safety which is really important to everyone especially right now that we experiences a
different struggles in our life . The webinar teach us to value and importance with our
health ,the saying the health is wealth and that is true we never do anything if we are not
good condition of health everyone must the most tresure and bethakful is not to have sick
or anything else . The learning is a lot especially those disease and how taking ourselves
just to avoid that disease . Always thingking the our safety is above over our necessities .
Right now we must need agive more attention to taking care ourselves and avoid do not
suit to have a healthy habits, we are now in the battle between the virus and our healthy ,
to make healthy is our weapon nowadays no one can help us to make our health became
better except ourselves. Always remember don’t forgot our almighty God our protector ,
saviour that he is the only who can give us the hand the make me feel safe.

This subject not only to gain your knowledge when it comes in academic but it is also
teach you for knowing yourself, what are the abilities you have and need a improvement ,
aspect that you need to bring as a individual and how to be a good leader in one’s life and
lastly to give importance in our health and safety . In the first time I heard this subject it
make me durious what are the different we can learned and out of my curiosity it never
failed to attend this webinar that even its late but it is worth it to hear and learn from that
subject . As a students that we are going to achieve her dreams and goals in her life I am
so thankful that this webinar gives a knowledge a lot . This make helpful to everyone to
their journey especially our course that we take the business administration the in the

near future as a Ceo or leader or her company those lesson , knowledge and different
moral and values we need to bring in the time comes that we are Ceo in our own company
. The summary we need to know the purpose of everyone’s life and how to be good person
and model to other and not to be perfectionist because no one ein this world became
perfect and always being servant in our God in every seconds in our life , we need to more
thankful to our existence in this world . Always remember we need to appreciate little
things and be thankful and give your greatest appreciation. A lot of people in ths world
have a different purpose and uniqueness in carry our life , so our health and safety is so
such as golden and expensive eto everyone because this is our way to our future life and
achieving our dreams and goals thus you will be able to help other people in a different
way. Be yourself and achieve your dreams with one and only almighty God , Fly high and
aim your dreams in life.

(Your final wording about the NSTP and your learnings.)


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