Instructional Module in Understanding The Self: School of Teacher Education

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CSTC College Bldg. Gen. Luna St. Maharlika Hi-way, Pob. 3, Arellano Sub. Sariaya Province of Quezon R4A
Registrar’s Office: 042 3290850 / 042 7192818
CSTC IT Center: 042 7192805
Atimonan Contact Number: 042 7171420


Instructional Module in Understanding the Self

I. Module Number 3
II. Module Title Managing and Caring the Self
III. Brief Introduction Are you under stress right now? What are the
stressors? How are you going to cope with stress? Life
is not easy as a college student. You need to learn
how to manage your duties. However, learning is not
just about lectures and homework. In fact, we use the
term "learning" in everyday life all the time.
Learning is a lifelong process, and your college years
are just part of the process. How you handle learning
matters, because it will certainly affects the quality of
your future life.
IV. Module Outcomes At the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
1. identify the theoretical underpinnings for how
to manage and care to manage and care for
different aspects of the self
2. determine the characteristics of one who has
reached his/her peak of personal, social and
spiritual development
3. draw up plans and steps in your quest to be
the best that you can become

Lesson Number 2
Lesson Title The Best of Me: Outstanding Awards Day
Brief Introduction of the This lesson focused primarily on examples of effective
Lesson individuals, as well as suggestions about how to
achieve one’s goals. It also provided various tips and
suggestions on how to become a happy and fulfilled
person. One's talents, abilities, expertise, and
resources can be put to good use by serving more of
others, and less of oneself.
The ultimate indicator of an individual's success and
self-realization is his / her expressed and shared goal
of transforming other people and society as a whole.
Lesson Objectives At the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
1. identify the factors that contribute to becoming
the best you can become;
2. describe the characteristics of one who has
reached his/her peak of personal, social,
emotional and spiritual development
3. draws up a goal setting plans and steps in
your quest to be the best that you can
CSTC College Bldg. Gen. Luna St. Maharlika Hi-way, Pob. 3, Arellano Sub. Sariaya Province of Quezon R4A
Registrar’s Office: 042 3290850 / 042 7192818
CSTC IT Center: 042 7192805
Atimonan Contact Number: 042 7171420

Lesson Proper
Getting Started
Directions: Make a list of what you want to achieve in life.

Once you've graduated from college, self-actualization is not guaranteed. In fact,
your quest for self-actualization may start after you have earned an academic degree.
You'll probably still feel that something is missing because you want to get a job and build
a career around it.
Goal-setting is not just about getting to one's destination. It also means going for
another goal after one has been achieved. If you have achieved one goal successfully,
aspire to another. Never stop learning so you're going to keep growing.

Goal-Setting and Success

Success is defined as the stage of achievement or accomplishment resulting from an
endeavor. To King (2004), success is conditional and the concept for different people
means different things. For some, success means having physical possessions like a car
or a house. Some people think of success as having a good family life, a happy home, a
feeling of satisfaction or ease or being always in love.
King further claims that success means not only being able to accomplish or achieve
one's goal but also possessing optimistic feelings of satisfaction, pleasure, affection, peace
of mind, self-respect, greatness, and freedom from fear , anxiety, remorse or
disappointment. He raises three important questions that you may ask yourself to
understand life itself. These are the following:
1. What is my life for? This question needs you to look at yourself in a long and
detailed way, your skills, your attributes, your interest, and your weaknesses.
2. What do I want to happen in my life? This question requires you to have a clear
understanding of both the short-range and the long range of your objectives.
3. How can I achieve it? This question requires you to know how to achieve your
goals. Do you have the resources and support to achieve your objectives?

Personal mission statement expresses one's own personal ideology or belief, which
describes his / her goals in life and how he / she wants to achieve them. It focuses on what
one wants to be and to do, and on the values or principles on which they are based (Covey,
CSTC College Bldg. Gen. Luna St. Maharlika Hi-way, Pob. 3, Arellano Sub. Sariaya Province of Quezon R4A
Registrar’s Office: 042 3290850 / 042 7192818
CSTC IT Center: 042 7192805
Atimonan Contact Number: 042 7171420

King (2004) adds that there are specific goals that when combined together can
make one big goal known as success.
1. Mental/Emotional Success. To have a good grasp of your mind, feelings, and
2. Spiritual Success. Balancing physical and spiritual needs
3. Personal Success. To overcome weakness or disability
4. Career Success. Achieving work objectives
5. Financial Success. Earning enough to meet one 's needs or more
6. Social Success. Getting along well and being respected by others
7. Physical Success. To have a healthy and sound body
8. Family Success. Maintaining harmony and fulfilling oneself as a family.

Advice in Pursuing One’s Goal by William Gracian (2005)

1. Have a clear purpose. It must always be specific for a dream to become a goal.
You've got to write down exactly what you want in your life.
2. Be totally committed. Once you've identified and clarified your goal, make an
emotional commitment to it.
3. Reiterate your goals. Review your goals as often as you can. You might need to
repeat it at times. Talk about your goals so that people can help you achieve them.
4. Write down your goals. Keep journals, though old-fashioned, on which to write and
review your objectives. Journals help you always be aware of or aware of your goals.
5. Record your achievement. Documenting a success makes you feel empowered.
It's a reminder that motivates you to do more than that.
6. Create a well-defined plan. A plan acts as some kind of blueprint to make your
goals a reality. Set dates, devise techniques, formulate habits, and give priority to
your actions.
7. Work on your goal, step by step, day by day. Spend time and energy to achieve
targets on a regular basis. The targets can not be achieved in an instant.
8. Review and evaluate. Set aside to review your accomplishments and
achievements. You can also avoid and anticipate failure by doing this.

Attitude towards learning is one of the factors to success. Here are the guidelines in making
the mind a repository of knowledge:
1. Desire for nothing but knowledge.
2. Assess the information you really need.
3. Know where to get the best information.
4. Create mental databases which you can utilize for pratical recall
5. Recall the specific information periodically
6. Do not spare time on managing your knowledge
7. Develop your writing skills

Guidelines in Developing Positive Attitude towards Learning by King (2004)

1. Always be teachable. Keep your mind open because a closed mind slows down
the process of learning.
2. Self-development, not self-fulfilment. Self-development is a process of trying to
raise yourself to a higher level. Self-fulfilment is always trying to please yourself,
and to be happy and content with what you have achieved.
3. Be a consistent learner. Make a learning experience of each experience. Surround
yourself with learning moments, people, and anything or anyone you can learn from.
4. Developed a plan for growth. This is a list of the constructive things that you can
do that will improve your mental ability.

This is the inability to achieve one's goal. An experience of failure is said to make one
stronger, if he/she knows how to apply the lessons learned from that episode. You should
not avoid failure but rather embrace it and feel as it were an experience of learning.
CSTC College Bldg. Gen. Luna St. Maharlika Hi-way, Pob. 3, Arellano Sub. Sariaya Province of Quezon R4A
Registrar’s Office: 042 3290850 / 042 7192818
CSTC IT Center: 042 7192805
Atimonan Contact Number: 042 7171420

Guidelines on How to Deal with Failure Gracefully by King (2004)

1. Zero in failure. Separate the concepts of failing at a task and failing as a person.
2. Find out where you exactly went wrong.
3. Change your attitude or mindset towards failure.
4. Come up with a failure strategy.
5. Look for good alternatives to what you are doing.
6. Make effective decisions to avoid repeating the same mistakes.
7. Visualize the effects of your decision

The Need for Spirituality

Spirituality refers to a sense of peace and purpose associated with an individual practice.
It is also linked to the process of developing beliefs about the meaning of life. Many people
believe in a greater power called God, Allah, Yahweh, the Enlightened One, the Higher
Being, and so on, but the truth remains that you recognize that it is the primary source of
your inspiration to achieve or succeed.

Faith is a firm belief or belief that is not based on external evidence or proof. It's the trust
that you don't see, but rather feel. When you say faith, you recognize the strength that
guides, motivates, and drives you to achieve your goals.

Guidelines for Spiritual Success by Kind (2004) and Gracian (2005)

1. Minimize materialistic thoughts. Materialist thoughts are related to self-centered
expectations such as pride, wealth, fame, conquest, and the like. Many of those
ideas prevail due to lack of faith.
2. Generate peaceful, serene thoughts. Spend time frequently every day in quiet
moments where you can feel and think more about your purpose in life.
3. Create a spiritual image. Project a happy image without trapping material things
like a house or a car.
4. Face reality with faith. Facing your worst fears will make it easier for you to cope
with challenges and problems.
5. Live for a higher purpose. People need to earn money to eat and sustain
themselves, but it must always be remembered that happiness is the main goal of
6. Find a spiritual role model. Find people that you look up to with attributes that you
idealize and draw inspiration from. Emulate a wonderful person.
7. Think of your world as a battle between good and evil. Your life is designed to
raise the standard of goodness to a higher level.
8. Realize that your presence or influence will outlast your life. Death is a reality.
How would you like others to remember you? Is that because of the good times and
the good things you did?
9. Emphasize rejoicing in life rather than surviving in life. The more meaning you
see in life, the easier it is for you to find good. This advice does not necessarily
require one to be very religious, but simply to believe that there is a plan, point or
purpose of life.
10. Read inspiring literature. Read the stories of achievement, success, and faith.
Watch programs that teach life lessons to you.

The Role of Prayer: Communicating with the Source

The key to successful living is learning to communicate and communicate with the source.
Praying or communicating with the Higher Power is the highest form of channelling power
into one's soul. In prayer, you refresh your body and feel relaxed. Think of prayer not as
speaking to God, but you can conceive Him to be talking to God. It's a company, a walk in
the park, or watching the beautiful sunset.
CSTC College Bldg. Gen. Luna St. Maharlika Hi-way, Pob. 3, Arellano Sub. Sariaya Province of Quezon R4A
Registrar’s Office: 042 3290850 / 042 7192818
CSTC IT Center: 042 7192805
Atimonan Contact Number: 042 7171420

Alata, E.P., Calib, B. N., Jr., Serafica, J.J., & Pawilen, R.A. (2018). Understanding the
self. Quezon City, Philippines: Rex Book Store, Inc.
Brawner, D.G. & Arcega, A.F. (2018). Understanding the self. Quezon City, Philippines:
C & E Publishing, Inc.
Gutierrez-Ang, J. (2018). Understanding the self. Manila, Philippines: Mindshapers Co.,
Otig, V.S., Gallinero W.B., Bataga, N.U., Salado, F.B. & Visande, J.C. (2018.) A holistic
approach in understanding the self. Malabon City, Philippines: Mutya Publishing
House Inc.

Prepared by: Reviewed by:


Instructor Program Head, School of Teacher Education

Validated by: Approved by:

____________________________ JESS JAY M. SAJISE, DBA

Internal Validator Vice President of Academic Affairs External

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