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PC Admin Rights


Prerequisite to get admin rights………………………………………………………….....2

To register asset………………….……………………………………………………...….2

To Raise Admin rights request………………………………………………….……….…3

To get approval from Project Manager.................................................................................4

To check the status of the request………………………………………………………….5

To renew the request……………………………………………………………………….6

To withdraw the request……………………………………………………………………7

To revoke the request………………………………………………………………………7

How to check the admin rights?……………………………………………………………8

Prerequisite to get admin rights:

 To register the asset

 To raise admin rights request
 To get approval from Project Manager
 To check the status of the request
 To check whether the admin rights is provided

To register asset:

Before raising the admin rights request, the asset needs to be registered.

Kindly follow the below mentioned navigation to know the asset ID:

1) Kindly right click on “My computer”, choose properties.

2) Please find the PC Name

Kindly follow the below mentioned navigation to register the asset:

1) Login to _

2) Click on App store and search "One NSS" and launch the application (IT Resources).

3) Select asset management tab

4) Select the request field from the drop down

5) Specify the asset id

6) Click on register asset

SLA: 8 business hours

To raise Admin rights request:

Once the asset is registered, kindly follow the below mentioned navigation to raise PC admin rights

1) Please login to

2) Click on "App store"

3) In search box type as "PC Admin Rights" and click on ONENSS and launch the application

4) Click on Raise Request and fill out the required details

5) Click on submit

6) This will go to your PM for the approval

7) Once after your PM approves, you will get the admin rights in 24 hours from the automated SCCM

If you need the admin rights urgently or any issue in admin rights please reach out to GSD team with the
request ID.

To get an approval from Project Manager:

For getting approval, we request you to contact your PM and share the below navigation to approve the

1. Login to

2. Click on App store and search “PC admin rights"

3. Kindly Launch “One NSS” application.

4. Click Pending Request and approve the request

After the PM approval, SCCM server will automatically grant you the admin rights in 24 hours.

If you need the admin rights urgently or if there is any delay in admin rights please reach out to GSD
team with the request ID.

In case of further assistance in raising the request, kindly click here to raise a GSD ticket:

To check the status of the request:

Kindly follow the below mentioned navigation to check the status for the PC admin rights request:

1) Please login to

2) Click on "App store"

3) In search box type as "PC Admin Rights" and click on ONENSS and launch the application

4) Click on Request tab

5) Kindly check the request from My request tab and find the status of the request.

To get the admin rights as soon as possible, kindly Click here to raise a GSD ticket :

To renew the request:

Kindly follow the below mentioned navigation to renew the PC admin rights request:

1) Please login to

2) Click on "App store"

3) In search box type as "PC Admin Rights" and click on ONENSS and launch the application

4) Click on Request tab

5) Select the request from My request tab and click on renew.

Once after renewing the request, the request will be in pending with your PM for approval.

After the PM approval, the admin rights will be renewed within 24 hours.

To withdraw the request:

 The request can be withdrawn only in case if the request is in pending with PM for approval.

Kindly follow the below mentioned navigation to withdraw the PC admin rights request:

1) Please login to

2) Click on "App store”

3) In search box type as "PC Admin Rights" and click on ONENSS and launch the application

4) Click on Request tab

5) Select the request from My Request tab, and click on the withdraw button.

Once after clicking the withdraw button, the request will be withdrawn.

To revoke the request:

 The request can be revoked only in case if the request is completed by GSD team

Kindly follow the below mentioned navigation to revoke the PC admin rights request:

1) Please login to

2) Click on "App store”

3) In search box type as "PC Admin Rights" and click on ONENSS and launch the application

4) Click on Request tab

5) Select the request from My Request tab, and click on the revoke button.

Once after clicking the revoke button, the admin rights will be revoked after 24 hours.

How to check the admin rights?

1. Kindly restart the machine

2. Try to change the date and time settings of the system

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