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According to the Personality Theory of Carl Jung, introversion is a personality type that is characterized
by traits such as calm, passivity, reserve, thoughtfulness, and tend to repress feelings or a preference to
keep their emotional states private. An introverted person may appear to be withdrawn or shy in
socializing with others as they prefer to interact with small groups and more comfortable with one-on-
one relationships, and they also find peace and feel energized by spending time alone (Evans, 2020). For
introverted person, interactions would only just drain their energy whereas being alone energizes them.
This is why they prefer taking part in less stimulating activities such as reading, writing, or meditating
(Evans, 2020). They have their own world of thoughts, dreams and feelings, and they are also visionaries
in which they love fantasies and daydreaming. This is why when introverts read fictional books, they
think deeply, or they dive into their rich inner world of thoughts, which makes them feel fulfilled and
energized (Shrestha, 2017). Wattpad stories are mostly made up of fictional stories in which introvert
readers are more engage to it. It allows them to gain a better understanding of people’s emotion even
though they don’t interact often with others. For introvert readers, reading Wattpad stories helped
them stimulate their minds, filling their imagination with different concepts and experiences, and make
them feel like they are in a far-off adventure even though they were just in their house. When introvert
readers read Wattpad stories, it makes them feel like they are being part of the collective human
experience after reading and it also made them feel recharged after reading good books (White, 2018).


Extraversion refers to a preference for engaging with the outside world and making social contact. The
characteristics of extroverts are opposite to introverts. They prefer to interact with other people rather
being alone. Carl Jung explained in his theory that extraversion is personality type that is often described
as out-going, sociable, talkative, friendly, and enthusiastic (Cherry, 2021). Warmth, positivity,
gregariousness, and a desire for excitement are also one of the characteristics of extroverts (George et.
Al., 2013). An extroverted person directs his or her energy towards other people and gain energy from
such interactions. They are known as sociable beings that gain energy by attending to parties and
engaging with others. Extroverts also tend to be happier than introverts, according to research, and they
are less susceptible to such psychiatric conditions (Cherry, 2021). For extroverts, reading Wattpad
stories aren't necessarily a way to avoid reality or withdraw from social life. It actually helps them to
understand people more and enhanced their communication and social skills. It increases their empathy
because fiction books allow them to feel like they are actually experiencing the story they were reading.
It allows them to gain insight about others’ feelings, understand the minds of others and how they
would think (Gates, 2019). Extroverts, however, do not gain their energy by just reading books, they still
prefer socializing with others or enjoy the chance to talk about a good book with others. They would
also prefer talking the stories they have read in books with others or sharing their insights together after
reading the story. Moreover, extroverts already feel recharged after a short period of reading Wattpad
stories unlike introverts who only feel recharged after a long period of reading Wattpad stories (White,

Nguyen, H., Koo, K., Granato, H., & George, W. (2013). Understanding Individual Variation in Student
Alcohol Use. Science Direct.

Cherry, K. (2021, April 11). 5 Personality Traits of Extroverts. Very Well Mind.

Gates, R. (2019, September 4). Can Reading More Books Males You Less Introverted?. Medium.

Evans, O. (2020, November 9). Introvert and Extrovert Personality Traits. Simply Psychology.

Shrestha, P. (2017, November 17). Carl Jung Personality Theory. Psychestudy.

White, S. (2018, May 13). Are You an Introverted or Extroverted Reader?. Books Rock My World.

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