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Readings in Philippine History

Executive Summary

The First Voyage Around the World

By: Antonio Pigafetta


Caperiña, Miszel Rhean A.- World behind the text, World of the text, Artifacts

Mendoza, Roberto III S.- Abstract, Eisegesis, World of the text, brochure, Artifacts

Verzosa, Fabian Miguel IV B. - Editor of trailer, World of the text, Exegesis,


The first circumnavigation around the world was recorded and reported by
Antonio Pigafetta, a great Venetian scholar and explorer. He amalgamated in the
Spanish expedition with Ferdinand Magellan, the first European to cross the Pacific
Ocean. They were searching for the spice island of Moluccas and used his navigable
route of Westward to Eastward or also known as the strait of Magellan. It was started on
September 20, 1519 with 5 ships and 270 crew members. They brought the Catholic
faith and Christianity around the world. Magellan himself was killed in battle on the
voyage, but his pioneering expedition manifested that the globe could be circled by sea
and that the world has different astonishing places and culture.

Keywords: Spanish Expedition, Strait of Magellan, Christianity, Spice Island


Outline of the Person-in-Charge Time Allotment

Report/Flow of

Introduction All 10 seconds

Trailer Fabian Miguel Verzosa 2 minutes

(video operator)

Powerpoint All 45-60 minutes


Conclusion All 10 minutes


Even before the Philippines was colonized, the first inhabitants already had a
culture and a certain way of life that includes their religion or belief system, art and
literature, clothing, and even ideas or principles. However, the written record of the
archipelago only started when the Spaniards came in 1565. After that, according to
history, the colonizers destroyed earlier records for much more successful propagation
of their own belief system and culture. The history of Spanish exploration begins with
the history of Spain itself. During the fifteenth century, Spain hoped to gain an
advantage over its rival, Portugal.

The Spaniards brought along with them their religion, food, language, and also
their clothing and way of trading. During the 15th century, the country was then
introduced to Christianity. Religion played an important role in the relations of the
Spaniards toward the indigenous population. They made sure that those who will be
converted through baptism will be honored, as it is a symbol of allegiance to their
authority. Christianity was then embedded in the Filipino culture as religious
observances were incorporated into social customs. The denomination of Catholicism
can still be seen with the way of life of the Filipinos even now, as Catholic ideas
continue to inform beliefs throughout the society with fiestas of patron saints, Sunday
mass, and other religious activities. Along with this is the usage of the Spanish
language, since all the prayers that serve as the practice of Catholicism was not
translated. Filipinos learned how to speak the Spanish dialect after that. Since the
colonizers also introduced education and schools, spanish numbers and some spanish
words are still being used now.

Filipinos during this period also learned how to dress modestly, especially for the
women. Garments are made as long dresses and long skirts to cover up the skin while
the men wear barong during social gatherings. It was heavily influenced by Western-
European fashion that was introduced during the spanish colonization. However, social
class also played a significant role in the way people dress during this time. There were
social norms prohibiting who was allowed to wear what, and the cost of materials, that is
why there was a vast difference in attire between the classes. There was a barrier
between the rich and the poor, and slaves were not treated equally because of the
importance of social standing in the society. However, some Filipinos were still wearing
the traditional clothes wherein the men’s privies are only the one that is covered with

Because the culture and the way of life of the people were heavily influenced by
religion, principles and ideals came from the teachings of the Bible. People were
expected to be a good, religious citizen. Stereotypes and patriarchy also played a major
role in society during this time, and women were expected to be feminine and
submissive to men.
Spain and Portugal during the 15th century were busy taking over the world, and
so they are at war with one another the whole time. Both practice Roman Catholicism
too, although they do not practice or regularly attend sacraments unlike here in the
Philippines where religion is deeply embedded into the culture of society. In the fifteenth
century, the Portuguese inaugurated the Age of Discovery and for three centuries built
and expanded a seaborne empire. Both Spain and Portugal’s clothing was heavily
influenced by gowns, silk, and other European extravagant designs that could be seen
in movies set during the Renaissance period.

Men wore simpler clothing with a dress shirt, lace collars and cuffs. They would
style it with a doublet, or a fitted top. Same as the ones people wear in movies where
they live in a Kingdom. This was different from the way of clothing of the Filipinos during
the same period, as weather also played a major role in how people dress during this

Philippine cuisine also had similarities with Portugal and Spain. The impact of the
Spanish influence on local cuisine is very much evident during religious feasts,
Christmas, fiesta, and other celebrations. There were a lot of different adaptations of
Spanish dishes like Paella, Embutido, Lechon, Puchero, and other dishes like Leche
Flan that are served during Noche Buena. Filipinos also substitute cheaper local
counterparts for expensive imported ingredients during this time since they just do
adaptations of authentic Spanish dishes. Portugese cuisine was affected by the findings
of the explorers in the 15th century who were sent by Prince Henry the Navigator to find
exotic fruits, nuts and plants from the lands they encountered.

Antonio Pigafetta

Francisco Antonio Pigafetta was born in Vicenza, Italy in the year 1492. He is
also known as Antonio Lambardo. He is the son of Giovanni Pigafetta and Angela Zoga.
He died in 1531. Antonio Pigafetta was an Italian Seafarer and geographer. He was
also a Veteran scholar and explorer.

Pigafetta was one of the witnesses when Ferdinand Magellan died. He joined
Ferdinand Magellan’s expedition to the spice islands. He was also the one who wrote
“The First Voyage Around the World”. His journal is the primary source of the voyage of
Magellan in the Philippines.
Ferdinand Magellan

Ferdinand Magellan was born in Sabrosa, Portugal in the year 1480. He is the
son of Rui de Magalhes and Alda de Mesquita. He has a brother named Fernando de
Magallanes; they serve as pages at Queen Leonora’s court in Lisbon. He died on April
27, 1521 in Mactan, Philippines. He is known as a Portugese explorer. Ferdinand
Magellan was the first person to Circumnavigate the Globe. He was one of the people
who organized the Spanish Expedition.


The voyage

The preparation for the long journey took a year and a half to complete. The careful
checking of provisions and as well as the equipment for the planned circumnavigation
was not easy. Magellan, the captain general faced numerous difficulties in finding the
support from Portugal in financing the journey. However, he was granted the permission
to navigate through Charles V. The expedition started in September 20, 1519 with
around 270 men from different nationalities. Five ships were allowed for Magellan and
Elcano to manage. Their goal was to search for a new path to the spice islands that
would not break Spain's treaty with Portugal.

The first set of islands they anchored on was the now known Canary Islands. The
quick stay was to regain some supplies as well as to run checks on their expedition
layout. They stayed in Teneriphe for 3 and one-half days get flesh, water and food.
They then stopped at Monte Rosso for 2 days for the same reasons. As they continued
on, they sailed along the Coast of Ghinea or Ethiopia, before they reached equinoctial
line, on these regions, there were very strong gusts of wind and waves that were
enough to damage some of their ships. After a while, they then reached the Land of
Verzin. The land of Verzin is now known as Brazil. For 13 days, they remained in the
Island to find that people were ready to trade supplies with them. The people living here
are observed to have no religion, and they decorate their bodies with paint in different
manners. The men here are observed to be groomed in terms of being shaven. They
have no beard and they have piercings on their lower lips. The people from the tribe are
also known to be cannibals. As a part of their tradition, they eat the flesh of their
enemies. Women in these lands cultivate fields. There was also a curious belief that
they were mistaken to come from the skies since it happened to rain as they arrived.
The island was reported to experience no rain for 2 months before. There was also a
notable fresh water river in the land of Verzin.

Winter came as they remained on their ships, traversing 49 degrees towards the
Antarctic pole when they saw a very large naked man on the shore. Getting their
attention by dancing, singing, and throwing dust on his head. The man was described
as well proportioned, and was very tall. After six days, they saw a giant painted and
clothed in the same manner, who were cutting woods and had a bow and arrow in his
hand. This giant remained with them and was baptized and named “Johanni”. Magellan
then gave him equipment such as shirt, caps, a mirror, and was treated like a
companion. Unfortunately, Johanni was not seen again and was foreseen to have been
killed by his companions seeing as he gained peculiar items and clothing. They saw
four giants and the Captain General kept two of them to bring back to Spain as proof
that he saw giants in Patagonia. The giants were given mirrors, clothes, and other
objects to bait them to go with them. However, the giants were not able to survive as
they went on a rampage inside the ship when they realize the situation, they are in.

The next recorded portion of Pigafetta’s account states how they went to a large
island now identified as a part of Guam. Magellan ordered the ships to touch land in
order to regain fresh food, and as well as other provisions. Unfortunately, the
inhabitants of the island were very thievish; they stole every item they can get their
hands on. Because of this, the captain general ordered 40 men ashore and burned
down the houses of the natives, and killed 7 men. The inhabitants were observed to
have red and black teeth, as they view it as beautiful characteristics. They clothe
themselves with only a narrow strip of bark of palm trees to cover their privies. They
also anoint their body and the hair with cocoanut and beneseed oil. Their houses are all
built of wood covered with planks and thatched with leaves of the fig-tree. They use no
weapons, except a kind of a spear pointed with a fishbone at the end. The island was
named the islands of Ladroni [i.e., of thieves].

On March 16, 1521 the Spaniards arrived at Zamal island 300 leagues away from
Ladrones Island. There was a boat with 9 men that approached them. Magellan
prepared food and gave the natives red caps, mirrors, combs, bells, ivory, bocasine and
other things. The natives reciprocated this gesture of goodwill with gifts of their own,
including fish,figs, 2 coconuts, and a jar of palm wine.

Magellan went to Mazauan, Butuaan, Calagan and befriended Rajah Kolambu, and
Rajah Siagu, king of Limasawa, who guided him to Zubu. On March 28, 1521, they had
an exchange of conversation about bringing Catholicism to the Filipinos. The next day,
there was a blood compact between Rajah Kolambu and Magellan, wherein they drank
each other’s blood mixed with the native wine as a sign of great friendship. Then on
March 31, 1521, the First Holy Mass marked the birth of Roman Catholicism in the
Philippines. Rajah Kolambu accepted Christianity and the Filipinos were consequently

On April 26,1521, Ferdinand Magellan convinced Cilapulapu, the chief of the island of
Matan to side with the King of Spain by colonization and conquest of it. Cilapulapu
refused, because of that Magellan threatened him that they would attack them and their
place. The following day Magellan brought 49 men to fight the natives. He thought that if
they burn the houses of the natives, the natives will be frightened but most of the
Cilapulapu’s men are seasoned warriors which means they are brave and will fight.
They are also called the “Mandirigmang Pintados''. It describes the indigenous people
with tattooed bodies. The old Filipino society belief is if the man has a lot of tattoos it
means that he is a veteran of wars.

Unfortunately, some of the troops of Magellan were killed and Magellan was hit by an
arrow on his feet and assumed that it has poison. After that he ordered a frontal assault
but some of his men back-off and there were only 15 men left to fight. He was hoping
that their boats would help them to fire canyons but the distance of the boats was too

Sadly, Magellan had a fatal wound, then the natives took advantage of it and stabbed
him using their iron bamboo spears and that caused Magellan’s death.

Pigafetta and his companion arrived at a large island, the king of that island
made peace with them, in order for him to show that he made peace and would be
friends with them, he drew blood from his left hand and stained with it his breast, face
and the tip of his tongue. They also did what the king did to give respect. They were all
naked, but they had blowpipes with a wooden arrow with harpoon points and others
tipped with a point of bamboo like harpoons and it was poisoned. They also attached
soft woods instead of feathers. After that day they went to another island. On July nine
the king of that island gave them a prau whose bow and stern were worked in gold. Six
days later the king sent again a three praus with great pomp. They continued their
voyage and they reached a city and remained in their prau for two hours. They went to a
governor’s house and stayed there until noon the next day. They went to a king’s palace
and they were restricted to talk to the king directly so they need to talk to the chief and
he will communicate it to the brother of the governor who is assigned to the smaller
room. They told the king that the king of Spagnia desired to make peace with him and
the king answered and he was pleased to be his friend. The king gave them wood and
water to trade at their pleasure.

While they were going to the Maingdanao to get some information about Maluco, they
saw a vessel and one of the people inside it was a brother of a king in Maingdanao who
said that he well knew where Malucho was. They continued their voyage going to the
southeast and they already disregarded the northeast course.

They found shaggy men, who were exceedingly great fighters and archers who used
swords that were one palmo long in length and they only eat human hearts with orange
or lemon juice. They were called Benaian. While they were going to the southeast
course, they found four islands: Ciboco, Birhan Batolach, Sarangani and Candighar.
October twenty-six while they were going to Birhan Batolach they encountered a storm.
St. Elmo, St. Clara and St. Nicholas appeared while they were sailing. They promised a
slave to the three saints that they will give alms to each one. While they were
continuing their voyage, they entered a harbor between Saranghani and Candighar.
They went eastward where the golds and pearls were found.

On November 8, 1521 the people who survived arrived in Moluccas and started to trade
some spices. Trinidad and Victoria are the two ships that were left when they arrived at
Moluccas. After they exchange their spices they went back to Spain. They decided to
leave the Trinidad because of the bad condition of the ship. The people there were
caught by the Portuguese and jailed them. The ship that was commandeered by Juan
Sebastian Elcano continued to go back to Spain. There are 18 men who survived out of
270 troops of Magellan that were successfully arrived in Spain. Later on it increased to
35 because the people who were captured and imprisoned were already released from


Food and container technology:

Arrack- The wine of the filipino natives. It is made by fermenting the nectar of the
coconut. It was said that they bore a hole into the heart of the palm tree at the top called
palmito. The liquor was described as sweet but somewhat tart and gathered in canes as
thick as the leg and thicker.

Oil - The Filipino natives make oil with coconut. They allow the marrowy substance
and water to putrefy. Then they boil it and it becomes oil like butter.

Vinegar- The Filipino natives make vinegar thru water to putrefy and then place it
under the sun and a vinegar results like white wine.

Umay- A Filipino native rice.

Betel, areca, jessamine – these are fruits that they chew continually.

Porcelain dishes - Container/plates of food.

Earthen jar – It is a pot made of baked clay.

Porcelain jar – It is a plum vase and it is used for tableware and decorative objects.

Clothing and accessories:

Palm tree cloth -Filipino natives wearing but one piece of palm-tree cloth about their

Schione- Gold earrings of some Filipino kings.

Turkish fashion - a garment of red and yellow cloth

Pintado - Filipino chieftains and warriors whose bodies were tattooed

Penis ring- The Filipino male natives, large and small, have their penis pierced from one
side to the other near the head, with a gold or tin bolt as large as a goose quill.
Picis – A money that has a pierced in the middle and there are four characters of
chinese letters on the side.

Camphor – A strong smelling white substance used in some medicines.



Catholicism- Tradition and belief of a Churches that was brought in the Spanish

Abba- The early Filipino natives raised their clasped hands and their face to the sky;
and that they called their god “Abba.”

Pater Noster and Ave Maria- Catholic prayer


Weapons like shield and sword were made in the year 1364. A weapon is a
symbol for power and social standing. Weapons like spears symbolize protection, and
authority. It was used by groups like what happened in the story of The first voyage
around the world. These weapons can cause death and injury to a person. Weapons
like shields and swords are being used for self defense, hunting, and warfare.

In the 15th century people from the Philippines were wearing “bahag”. A bahag
and its appearance symbolize as a traditional symbol in the Philippines. For Filipinos it
was normal clothing for men to wear bahag. It was also discussed in the story of
Pigafetta that the men were just covering their privies with cloth, but they have
blowpipes with a wooden arrow on the side.

Tattoos were a symbol for courage and bravery which were earned in a battle
during the 15th century. There was a tradition before that tribal tattoos for men was a
symbol of protection in a battle. It can also express oneself. In the past years tribal
tattoos were important to them because it is a way of showing their art. Women can also
put tattoos in their body and it symbolizes beauty. In the past years a warrior in Visayas
was called Pintados because their whole body was covered with tattoos. In Visayas
they have a tradition wherein they celebrate every year the Pintados Festival in honor
for the Visayan warriors.


The journal of Antonio Pigafetta about the first voyage around the world has many
consequential things to realize and to learn. At that time the geography and cartography
of the world map was not yet complete but because of Magellan’s exploration, it had a
huge important update on the image of the world map.

This also presents the importance of journal writing and historical recording. If Antonio
Pigafetta did not record the first circumnavigation around the world, people would suffer
from false information that might lead into a conflict in the world. There would be no
startling present things if the historical events were not recorded and reported.

The relevance of Catholicism in the Philippines was also one of the important highlights
of the journal. It shows how the Christianity was spread to the early Filpinos. It is a
blessing for all of them because it strengthens their Filipino Catholic Faith.

The journal also underscores the essence of travelling. Ferdinand Magellan’s expedition
is a great example of science. Science is knowledge. Knowledge is power. It
materializes the science of travelling and that involves discovery. A lot of important
things were valued because of the recorded background of different things that had
been discovered.


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