Training Design For Barangay Planning & Budgeting

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Training Design for:




The enactment of the Local Government Code of 1991 ensures local autonomy
of local government units. By local autonomy we mean empowering every level
of local government unit up to the smallest which is the barangay.

The empowerment of the LGU means running the day-to-day fiscal affairs of
local government effectively and efficiently. With the main goal of achieving local
autonomy, the barangay should be equipped with the knowledge on how to go
about doing the functions that is effected him to deliver.

For the barangay to be able to deliver on what is expected of him must have the
capability to do things right, thus necessary capacity building like this is needed.


This activity aims to equip barangay officials with the knowledge on barangay
planning and budgeting. However with time constraints due the just concluded
barangay election, the focus or the main goal of this activity is to teach barangay
chairman, barangay treasurer and committee on finance, budget and
appropriation with the knowledge on formulation of Annual Investment Plan
based on the findings/result of the community-based monitoring system, thus
making the planning process evidenced based.


This Barangay Planning & Budgeting is schedule for one- whole day, which is
slated on January 10, 2008 at the Conference Hall of the Municipal Building
starting at 8:00AM to 5:00PM

While the title is barangay planning and budgeting, which means connecting the
barangay plans to budget to operationalize it, the time constraints will not allow
us to observe the full-blown process which will require us, the least is three days,
thus,this activity will focus on the formulation of the barangay Annual Investment
Plan using the results and findings of the community-based monitoring system
(CBMS) as the basis for identifying programs, projects and activities to be funded
out of the 20% development fund of the barangay. However what makes it
unique for the rest of those conducting the same activity is that it will be anchored
on the Millennium Development Goals thus making it responsive.
The resource speakers for this training are primarily the some of the members of
the Local Finance Committee, namely Delia Gomez, the Municipal Accountant
and the OIC of MBO, Marissa Tumalad to discuss on the budgeting side, while
EnP Andy Avorque will discuss on the planning aspect and how to connect it with
budgeting. Likewise, presentation on the CBMS as well as MDG localization will
be presented by the Municipal Planning & Development Office.

The target participants for this activity will be composed of 3 participants each fro
barangays, resource speakers 3, utilities 3,or a total of 75 participants

Each of the barangay will be given the result of the CBMS survey conducted in
2006, from there they will be taught how to analyze and identify problem areas.
Since in most cases problems in barangay are too many to address at once, they
will be taught to prioritize and how to compute for the right budget for specific
program, projects or activities.

The expected outputs for this activity will a draft of the Annual Investment Plan of
the barangay.

Budgetary Requirement:

The estimated amount for this activity is placed at PhP23,000.00 or a total of

P1,000.00 each contribution for each of the 23 barangays.

Food and Refreshments

(2 snacks/1 lunch/others) = 12,000.00
Logistics = 500.00
Honorarium (3 RS) = 10,500.00

Total PhP 23,000.00

Prepared by :

ABC President

Approved by:


Municipal Mayor

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