Practical Research 1 Q2W6

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WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module Practical Research I

Drawing Out Patterns and

Themes from Data
Development Teams

Writer: Richard A. Hapa

Editor: Maria Corazon H. Retutal Vrenie Joy C. Pedro
Reviewer: Adelyn C. Domingo
Illustrator: Wynnelord Rainier E. Tibay

Layout Artist: Wynnelord Rainier E. Tibay

Management Team: Vilma D. Eda Arnel S. Bandiola
Lourdes B. Arucan Juanito V. Labao
Adelyn C. Domingo

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module Practical Research I
What I Need to Know

We get to gather varied world perceptions from different people. Generally, we use a certain
method of collecting and analyzing data. From the diverse opinions which come from different
people, we are able to discover a certain idea or pattern governing the entire data collected.

Geared toward a common theme, idea or pattern, the collected facts and information
are capable of guaranteeing evidence –based conclusions.

Most Essential Learning Competency:

1. Infer and explain patterns and themes from data (CS_RS11-IVd-f-2); and

2. Relate the findings with pertinent literature (CS_RS11-IVd-f-3).

Learning Objectives:

In your journey through the discussions and different tasks, you are expected to:

1. present themes from data;

2. identify the patterns from data; and

3. analyze and draw out patterns and themes from data.

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module Practical Research I
What I Know
Directions: Read and analyze each item or situation carefully. Choose the letter of the correct
answer. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following is not included as a process of analyzing data?

A. understanding facts

B. forming assumptions

C. drawing conclusions

D. collecting data

2. This is the primary aim in analyzing recorded data.

A. find answers to research questions

B. represent subjective data

C. reflect respondents’ thoughts

D. indicate measurement of items

3. The term data matrix is also used to name table of responses that consists of table of cases
and their associated_________.
A. concept

B. matrix

C. themes

D. variables

4. Giving data an orderly appearance is putting them in_________.

A. graphs and tables

B. maps and diagrams

C. infographics

D. paragraphs and essays

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module Practical Research I
5. All the following items are reflected in a qualitative research except:
A. attitudes
B. literature
C. thoughts
D. views

6. These serve as a unit of analysis in a qualitative type of research.

A. concepts
B. graphs
C. tables
D. words

7. The value of data analysis results is determined by their connection with your_________.
A. research method C. research design
B. research title D. research questions

8. A graphical presentation of data analysis results ensures______.

A. privacy of data C. completeness of data
B. genuineness of data D. orderliness of data

9. The results of data analysis are presented as_______.

A. fractions C. percentages
B. literary criticisms D. written discussions

10. Questionnaire is to data collection instrument; observation is to data-collection________.

A. analysis C. process
B. method D. results

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module Practical Research I
Drawing Out Patterns and
1 Themes from Data

Data analysis is a process of understanding data or known facts or assumptions

serving as the basis of any claims or conclusions you have about something. You collect these
data in many ways: observation, interview, documentary analysis, and research instruments
like questionnaires, tests, etc. Your primary aim in analyzing recorded data is to find out if they
exist or operate to give answers to the research questions you raised prior to your acts of
collecting them (Baraceros, 2016).

What’s In

Data Analysis in Research

Data Analysis is the process of systematically applying statistical and/or logical

techniques to describe and illustrate, condense and recap, and evaluate data. Indeed,
researchers generally analyze for patterns in observations through the entire data collection
phase (Savenye, Robinson, 2004).

In analyzing data, you go through coding and collating. Coding is your act of using
symbols like letters or words to represent arbitrary or subjective data (emotions, opinions,
attitudes) to ensure secrecy or privacy of the data. Collating, on the other hand, is your way of
bringing together the coded data. Giving the data an orderly appearance is putting them in a
graph, specifically a table of responses (Baraceros, 2016).

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module Practical Research I
What’s New

Thematic Analysis
A method of analyzing qualitative data. It is usually applied to a set of texts, such as
interview transcripts. The researcher closely examines the data to identify common themes-
topics, ideas and patterns of meaning that come up repeatedly (

Data Matrix

The term “data matrix” is also used to name this table of responses that consists of
table of cases and their associated variables. This data matrix is of two types: the profile matrix
that shows measurements of variables or factors for a set of cases or respondents and the
proximity matrix that indicates measurements of similarities and differences between items.
Under proximity matrix, if the measurements show how alike things are it is called similarity
matrix. If they show how different they are, it is called dissimilarity matrix ( Denzin, 2013).

Qualitative Data Analysis

In a qualitative research, you study or analyze data that reflects the respondents’ thoughts,
feelings, attitudes, or views about something. These are subjective data that are expressed in
words, and these words serve as the unit of analysis in a qualitative type of research. You
examine these subjective data to understand how related or relevant they are to your research
problem or specific research questions (Baraceros, 2016).

These are various approach conducting thematic analysis, but the most common form follows
a six-step process:

1. Familiarization
2. Coding
3. Generating themes
4. Reviewing themes
5. Defining and naming themes
6. Writing Up
This process was originally developed for psychology research by Virginia Braun
and Victoria Clarke. However, thematic analysis is a flexible method that can be adapted
to many different kinds of research (

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module Practical Research I
Activity 1: Healthy Sharing

Directions: Read and analyze the given articles carefully. Summarize the text by using the
fewest possible number of words. Identify the importance of the different sports based from
the themes or main ideas. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.



You like to exercise but you find sit-ups, lunges, and crunches boring. Why not get into sports?
It’s a fun way to sweat and burn calories, besides being packed with health benefitsphysically,
mentally, socially, and emotionally. The running, jumping, and other physical movements
provide great body workout. The laughter, cheers, and camaraderie, on the other hand, are
good for the heart. In fact, Hippocrates said, “Sports is the preserver of health.” So put on your
sportswear and sweat your way to health.

The shuttlecock has a top speed of 201 mph [323 kph]. You have to be physically swift to reach
the shuttlecock and mentally agile to work out where to move to return it and how to hit it to win

Basketball-Cardio Workout
Basketball gets your heart pumping and forces your body to use its lungs to full capacity

Volleyball-Team Building
Volleyball can improve your motivation and ability to succeed.-

Cycling-Pure Fun
When the spirits are low, when the day appears dark, when work becomes monotonous, when
hope hardly seems worth having, just mount a bicycle and go out for a spin down the road,
without thought on anything but the ride you are taking (Arthur Conan Doyle, British writer).

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module Practical Research I
Tennis-Positive Vibes

Tennis players score higher in vigor, optimism, self-esteem, and lower in depression, anger,
confusion, anxiety, and tension than other athletes and non-athletes.-

Football-Mental Sharpness
Soccer provides children with a surprisingly complex set of situations and circumstances
( .

Swimming-Stress Relief
Swimming is a fun way to release stress after a work day.-

Activity 2: Theme that Wins

Directions: Read the questions carefully. Answer these by stating the theme or main idea of
your points of the view. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Why should people need observe health protocols in this time of pandemic?

2. What are the comparative effectiveness of the printed and digital modular distance

3. Why should students develop effective study time management?


WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module Practical Research I
What’s More

Findings from Pertinent Literature

You collect qualitative data through interviews, observations, or content analysis and
subject them to data analysis. In your data collecting activities, you indispensably experience
a lot of things vis-a-vis the sources of data, such as their sizes, shapes, ideas, feelings,
attitudes, and so on. If you record these data through verbal language or graphic means, you
get to immerse yourself in a qualitative data analysis, not quantitative data analysis, for the
latter deals with data expressed in numerical forms (Layder, 2013).

Qualitative data analysis is a time-consuming process. IT makes you deal with data
coming from wide sources of information. It is good if all data you collected from varies sources
of knowledge work favorably for your research study, but ironically, some of these may not
have strong relation to your research questions. Data analysis in a qualitative research is a
rigorous act of a thematic or theoretical organization of ideas or information into a certain
format that is capable of presenting groups of responses. Analyzing the data and synthesizing
them based on one principal idea, theory, or pattern demand a lot of time an effort, let alone,
the methodical ways you have to adhere to in presenting the results as long written discussions
containing verbal or graphical explanations of your findings (Letherby 2012; Silverman 2013;
Litchman 2013).

Activity 3: Kundol Is Cool

Directions: Read the given recipe. Formulate five relevant research questions based from the
article. The answers should come from the article and its related source or literature. Write your
questions on a separate sheet of paper.


WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module Practical Research I
By Patricia G. Silvestre

1-piece medium-sized mature kundol
1 kilo of white sugar
1 tablespoon lime (apog)
3 cups of water
Moist Variety
1. Peel off kundol evenly.
2. Remove the seeds and cut it into matchstick slices.
3. Soak kundol in lime solution for 4-6 hours or overnight.
4. Wash thoroughly with tap water until there’s no more trace of lime.
5. Blanch in boiling water 5 to 10 minutes or until transparent.
Cool in running water. Drain. Set aside.
6. Make syrup by diluting 3 cups of white sugar in 3 cups of water. Bring to a boil, pour
over the kundol, and cook until the syrup is absorbed. Set aside.
7. Boil the remaining white sugar in 2-3 cups of water in a separate bowl until it thickens.
8. Pour the sweetened kundol into the pan and keep stirring over low fire until more syrup
is absorbed.

Dry Variety
1. Follow the first three procedures of making moist candy.
2. Put kundol in a casserole, add water, and bring it to boil for an hour. Drain.
3. Dry under the sun until the kundol slices shrink.
4. Dilute 1 kilo of white sugar in 4 cups of water in a pan. Bring it to boil until it becomes
5. Add the dried kundol and stir while cooking over a low fire until the syrup is absorbed.
(Health and Home, 2018 Edition)

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module Practical Research I
What I Have Learned

Activity 4: Comprehension Check!

Directions: Analyze and answer the question completely. Write your answers on a sheet of

Why is research theme related to the practicalities of life?

What I Can Do
Activity 5: Yes, It’s True!
Directions: Check the sentence that expresses what is true about qualitative data analysis.
Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
________1. It is a time-saving analysis of data.
________2. Its unit of analysis is large structures like paragraphs.
________3. It centers its analysis on opinionated knowledge.
________4. It is prone to examining numbers.
________5. It cannot use data matrices.
________6. It examines verbal language as well as non-verbal language.
________7. It puts into codes abstract qualities of people.
________8. It analyzes data first before it collects them.
________9. Exempted from qualitative-data analysis are prose and non-prose materials.
________10. Coding is not for numerical data.

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module Practical Research I
Activity 6: Reason Out
Directions. On the lines provided, write the number of every unchecked sentence in Activity
5. Then, opposite this number, write your reason for not checking such sentence. Write your
answers on as separate sheet of paper.

Unchecked Sentences Reasons



Directions: Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your
answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1. The results of data analysis are presented as________.

A. fractions
B. literary criticism
C. percentages
D. written discussions.

2. The research activity preceding collating is_______.

A. categorizing
B. coding
C. summarizing
D. synthesizing
3. Qualitative data analysis focuses on examining_______.
A. concepts
B. numbers
C. visions
D. words

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module Practical Research I
4. To show how variables are closely related with one another, you must use______.
A. data matrix
B. profile matrix
C. proximity mark
D. table matrix
5. Questionnaire is to data-collection instrument; observation is to data collection______.
A. analysis
B. method
C. process
D. results
6. Qualitative research has word as its________.
A. analysis of data
B. qualitative data
C. quantitative data
D. unit of analysis
7. You encode or symbolize data that are __________.
A. numerical
B. objective
C. subjective
D. symbolical
8. Symbolizing data is preserving their_________.
A. confidentiality
B. origin
C. significance
D. source
9. The value of data analysis results is determined by their connection with your _____.
A. research method
B. research title
C. research design
D. research questions
10. A graphical presentation of data-analysis results ensures________.
A. privacy of data
B. genuineness of data
C. completeness of data
D. orderliness of data

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module Practical Research I
Additional Activities
Directions: Present the data you have collected for your research proposal using any of the
method in analyzing data that were discussed in this module. Relate your findings with your
related review of literature and studies.

Baraceros, Esther L. 2016. Practical Research I. First Edition. Quezon City: Rex Book
Store, Inc.

Health and Home. 2018 Edition.

Jesson, J. 2011. Doing Your Literature Review: Traditional and Systematic
Techniques. Los Angeles: Sage.

Letherby, G. 2013. Objectivity and Subjectivity in Social Research. Los Angeles:

Note: For the rest of the tasks/activities, the answers may vary depending upon the idea or
perception of the learner.

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module Practical Research I
For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education-Schools Division of Laoag City

Curriculum Implementation Division (CID)

Brgy. 23 San Matias, Laoag City 2900

Contact Number: (077)771-3678

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