Methods of Linguistic Research: Term Paper

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Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation

South Ural State University




Supervisor: Associate Professor

Balandina Ekaterina Sergeevna,
Ph.D. in Philology
___________________ 2021

Student: Full name

Group: LM- 180
___________________ 2021

Defended with the grade:

_________________ 2021


Introduction………………………………………………………………. 1
Lexicographic analysis of the concept School ……………..……………. 2
Psycholinguistic analysis of the concept School….……………………... 5
Methods of corpus linguistics …………………………………………… 8
Methods of sociolinguistics ……………………………………………..10
Methods of discourse analysis…………………………………………...14
To highlight such an issue or bring attention to this matter which concerns with
the original of word, we should know the origin of the meaning and sound of words
(etymology) and from where it came and when this happened !! and this can indeed be a
fascinating and rewarding subject. We know that there are several words are Latin,
Greek, Anglo-Saxon, and Germanic origins! Investigating the linguistic root and history
of a word can be an enjoyable pastime or a full-fledged profession to understand why we
say the things we do and why say them in the way we do. It can improve our ability or
enhance our spelling, and give us lots of fun facts about any language, however; we need
to recognize more information, or relevant information with remarkable accuracy so that
we could reach to the logical analysis for word "SCHOOL", and to establish the linguistic
sense and its idiomatic connotation relying on classical development where the term is
the result of associating a linguistic symbol with a notion.
Our purpose of this paper is: not only to reveal a word “ SCHOOL” which consists of a
large set with multiple meanings, but also to go deeper into the root of original of this
word and also to understand the world of lexicography . We want to understand this
linguistics analysis with all it's level and to make essential parts of linguistic units which
consist of different dimensions of idiomatic connotations , but make no mistake, we can
say that this work is a unique of its kind.
Our objective of this research is to analyze or describe the concept of the word
"SCHOOL” which considers very significant in this matter and also to make these
notions clear and to discuss them step by step so that we could increase our
understanding for this analysis.
Our work is not easy as we think, since we've spent a long time to finish this paper. We
adopted many and common linguistic methods, and we engaged with the lexicography
analysis to interpret this word “ SCHOOL” and also to denote a linguistic unit that could
be resulted from set of sounds capacity of a specific linguistic and semantic employment.
We use psycholinguistic analysis and applications of methods of language through
getting the mental reactions aspects of the word " SCHOOL " relying upon some
participants reactions so as to obtain a good result of the analysis as well as carrying out
statistical analysis that could be achieved detailed results in order to investigate a large
collections of written or spoken data based on “corpus linguistic analysis. we use
discourse analysis to understand the needs and effects that the social aspects of
communication and also the ways people use language to attain specific effects through
selecting the content to analyses it. …we are interested in this work because it's
considered one of the most important one in the lexicography, and also to find out
different social contexts in language, and how use specific functions of language to
convey various meaning and for developing our ability to recognize the important aspects
of language in order to apply method of “sociolinguistic analysis” to identify a main
feature in both lexical and grammatical elements within different sentences and
identifying standard language for the same exact sentences. Finally, I'm confident that
this step will lead us to discover a dark secret in the language world which could be
extended such works in the near future .

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