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Impact of landuse on groundwater quality of Bangladesh

Article  in  Sustainable Water Resources Management · December 2018

DOI: 10.1007/s40899-018-0230-z


11 1,199

4 authors:

Saleem A. Salman Shamsuddin Shahid

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Universiti Teknologi Malaysia


Morteza Mohsenipour Hamid Asgari

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia University of Tehran


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Sustainable Water Resources Management


Impact of landuse on groundwater quality of Bangladesh

Saleem A. Salman1 · Shamsuddin Shahid1 · Morteza Mohsenipour1   · Hamid Asgari1

Received: 20 September 2016 / Accepted: 30 January 2018

© Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018

Groundwater pollution is a major concern in water resources management across the world. The objective of this study is
to characterize groundwater quality and identify the impact of landuse on groundwater quality of Bangladesh. Total of 113
groundwater samples, collected from shallow aquifers at different locations of Bangladesh were analysed to estimate eight
standard groundwater quality indices namely, sodium absorption ratio (SAR), soluble sodium percentage (SSP), residual
sodium bi-carbonate (RSBC), permeability index (PI), total hardness (TH), magnesium adsorption ratio (MAR), Kelly’s
ratio (KR) and total dissolved solids (TDS). The results showed that the SAR in groundwater of Bangladesh varies between
1 and 818, SSP between 9 and 99%, RSBC between − 13 and 719 meq/L, PI between 21 and 112%, TH between 233 and
19400 meq/L, MAR between 5 and 74%, KR between 0.06 and 135 meq/L, and TDS in the range of 51–15200 mg/L. Sig-
nificant differences in groundwater quality indices between agricultural and forest lands were observed. The study revealed
that higher amount of total dissolved salt in groundwater was due to sea water intrusion into the coastal aquifer. Relation
between agriculture and groundwater quality suggests that though the nitrate concentration in groundwater was less than
permissible level, it might increase in future due to extensive use of nitrogen-based chemical fertilizers in agriculture.

Keywords  Groundwater quality · Landuse · Statistical analysis · Water quality indices · Geographical information system ·

Introduction to coastal aquifers due to unsustainable management of

groundwater resources is another major factor of ground-
Groundwater sources provide 43% of total water used for water contamination (Comte et al. 2016). As groundwater
irrigation and 40% of the total drinking water globally (Sie- is the major the source of clean water supply, identification
bert et al. 2010; Shahid et al. 2017). In many countries of the of the causes of groundwater pollution is very important for
world, it is the only source of potable water (Margat and Van protection of this precious resource.
der Gun 2013). In some North African and Middle Eastern Groundwater quality includes the physical, chemical, and
countries, groundwater is sole source of all kinds of water biological qualities of groundwater (Todd and Mays 2005).
supply (NGWA 2013). The present trend in groundwater Temperature, turbidity, colour, taste, and odour are the phys-
use indicates that it will continue to play a crucial role in ical parameters of groundwater quality. Since groundwater
global water security, agro-economy and people’s livelihood is usually colourless, odourless, and without specific taste,
(Shahid et al. 2014; Singh et al. 2015). However, there is a the main concern with groundwater is its chemical and bio-
growing concern in the recent years on groundwater con- logical qualities. The pollutants responsible for degradation
tamination due to anthropogenic activities. Rapid popula- of groundwater quality can be classified into two groups
tion growth, economic development and urbanization have based on their source namely, natural pollutants and anthro-
directly or indirectly affected groundwater quality in many pogenic pollutants. Groundwater may be contaminated by
countries of the world (Lutz et al. 2010). Sea water intrusion numerous anthropogenic activities (Thamer and Bujang
2004). Pollutants generated by human activities on the land
surface seep into the earth and contaminate groundwater
* Morteza Mohsenipour resources. Therefore, landuse has a direct link to ground-
water contamination.
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,
Skudai, 81310 Johor Bahru, Malaysia

Sustainable Water Resources Management

Number of studies has been conducted to assess the

impacts of landuse on groundwater quality (Healey 1999;
Chen et al. 2003; Gupta et al. 2005; Kristin and Richard
2005; Zampella et al. 2007; Joarder et al. 2008; Chenini and
Khemiri 2009). Healey (1999) used correlation analysis to
measure the inter-relationship between surface and ground-
water quality. Kristin and Richard (2005) predicted ground-
water nitrate concentration from landuse in Nantucket Island
using samples from 69 wells. They used Tobit and logistic
regressions to estimate the effect of agricultural landuse on
nitrate concentrations in groundwater. Zampella et al. (2007)
assessed the relationships between the chemical properties
of groundwater and landuse patterns in the Mullica river
basin to estimate the thresholds at which significant changes
in water quality occurred.
The major objective of the present study is to assess the
impact of landuse on groundwater quality in Bangladesh.
Agriculture shares a major portion of gross domestic product
(GDP) and plays an important role in economy and liveli-
hood of Bangladesh. The growth of agriculture in recent Fig. 1  Location of groundwater sample collection points
decades has helped the country to achieve food security.
However, excessive use of nitrogen based fertilizes has
increased the risk of groundwater pollution at the same time methods used in the proposed research are described briefly
(Mohsenipour et al. 2015). It is expected that characteriza- in the following section.
tion of groundwater quality and assessment of the impacts Empirical rule was used to assess the quality of groundwa-
of landuse on groundwater quality would help in mitigating ter sample data. The empirical rule states that approximately
planning towards protection of groundwater resources from 95% of the measurements are within the interval of mean ± two
contamination. standard deviation. In the present study, all the groundwater
data were found within this limit.
A total of eight standard water quality indices namely,
sodium absorption ratio (SAR), soluble sodium percentage
Area of the study
(SSP), residual sodium bi-carbonate (RSBC), permeability
index (PI), total hardness (TH), magnesium adsorption ratio
Geographically, Bangladesh is located between latitude:
(MAR), Kelly’s ratio (KR) and total dissolved solids (TDS)
20°34′N–26°38′N and longitude: 88°01′E–92°41′E. Rain-
were calculated from groundwater quality data. Following
fall in Bangladesh varies from 1600 mm in the northwest
equations were used to calculate various groundwater quality
to more than 4400 mm in the northeast. About 75% of rain-
fall occurs during monsoon (Shahid 2010). Groundwater is
mainly recharged by rainwater during monsoon. Therefore, Na+
SAR = (
groundwater table comes very near to surface in the end of Ca2+ +Mg2+
2 (1)
monsoon and makes it highly vulnerable to pollution. 2

Na + K+ × 100
( − )
Data and methodology SSP = (2)
Ca+2 + Mg+2 + Na+ + K+
Groundwater quality data, collected by British Geological
Survey (BGS) at 113 locations distributed over the country RSBC = HCO−3 − Ca+2 (3)
were downloaded from BGS website. Location of data points
in the map of Bangladesh is shown in Fig. 1. The data were Na + HCO−3
( + )
re-arranged for necessary statistical analysis using statistical PI = × 100 (4)
Ca+2 + Mg+2 + Na+
software. Data were compiled in such a way that they could
also be used for producing map of different groundwater qual-
ity indices using geographical information system (GIS). The TH = Ca+2 + Mg+2 × 50 (5)
( )

Sustainable Water Resources Management

Table 1  Summary of groundwater quality indices at 113 locations of

Bangladesh Mg+2 × 100
MAR = (6)
Ca+2 + Mg+2
Parameter Max Min Mean Std. dev
(mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L)
SAR 818 1 19.4 81.7
KR = (7)
Ca+2 + Mg+2
SSP 99 9 45.2 23.2
RSBC 719 − 13 214.5 151.6
TDS = 0.64 × EC × 106 (mmohs/cm) (8)
[ ]
PI 112 21 59.4 23.6
TH 19,400 233 3785.1 3306.1
The inverse distance interpolation method was used for
MAR 73 5 31.1 13.5
the mapping of groundwater quality indices. Geostatistical
KR 134 0.06 2.9 13.1
analysis tool of ArcMap 9.1 (ESRI 2004) was used for this
TDS 15,200 51 764.8 1824.7
purpose. Inverse distance method is a standard approach




Fig. 2  Box plots of different groundwater quality indices in Bangladesh

Sustainable Water Resources Management

which is widely used for preparation of surface map from Impacts of landuse on groundwater quality
point measurements.
Multiple-regression and non-parametric correlation Groundwater samples were divided into three classes
analyses were conducted among various quality parameters namely, urban, agriculture and forest according to their
to identify the influence of different factors on groundwa- location. The Mann–Whitney test was conducted among
ter quality. The aim of those analyses was also to identify two sets of data individually at a time to distinguish if
the causes of groundwater quality hazards. Furthermore, there are any differences in groundwater quality indices
non-parametric Mann–Whitney test was conducted among among different zones. Obtained results are summarized
the sets of groundwater quality data collected from differ- in Table 2. The values in the table indicate the confidence
ent landuse zones to decipher if there are any differences in level of rejection of null hypothesis of similar mean. The
groundwater quality due to landuse. results show significant difference in groundwater quality
indices at 90% level of confidence only between agricul-
ture and forest lands. No significant difference between
Results and discussion urban and agriculture lands was observed. Therefore, it
can be remarked that agricultural activities have changed
Statistical analysis of groundwater quality indices groundwater quality indices in Bangladesh.

The groundwater quality indices were calculated at all the

113 sampling locations. Obtained results are summarized in Multiple regression and correlation analysis
Table 1. It was found that the average TDS in the groundwa-
ter of Bangladesh is very high. Some of other indices like From the box plots, it can be observed that TDS is a major
SAR and TH were also comparatively high in Bangladesh. hazard in groundwater quality of Bangladesh. Therefore,
The box plots of different groundwater quality indices multiple regression and correlation analysis among the
are shown in Fig. 2. The box plots in the figure show that constituents of TDS were carried out to find the major
number of outliers in the positive direction for indices like constituents of TDS and the cause of TDS hazard in
TDS, SAR, RSBC, MAR and KR. This means extreme groundwater quality of Bangladesh. All the constituents
values of these indices in some locations. As the higher of TDS were used to find the best regression equation that
value of an index represents corresponding quality hazard, describes the TDS. The obtained equation is given below:
extreme values of these indices mean presence of corre-
sponding groundwater quality hazards in some locations TDS = 0.131 + 1.168 Cl− + 1.085 HCO3 −
of Bangladesh. + 1.107 SO4 2− + 0.753 Na+ + 0.9687 Ca2+
+ 1.661 K+ (9)

Table 2  Confidence level (%) in Landuse types Groundwater quality indices

the differences of groundwater
quality indices among the TDS SAR SSP PI MAR KR
landuse zones
Agriculture and urban 91.6 – – – – –
Agriculture and forest – 99.4 99.3 98.2 92.8 99.3

Table 3  Correlation coefficients TDS Ca2+ Mg2+ Na+ K+ HCO3− Cl− NO3−–N SO42−
between various constituents
of TDS TDS 1
Ca2+ 0.17 1
Mg2+ 0.68 0.46 1
Na+ 0.99 0.06 0.59 1
K+ 0.73 0.17 0.75 0.69 1
HCO3− 0.07 0.57 0.28 − 0.03 0.09 1
Cl− 0.99 0.09 0.65 0.99 0.71 − 0.05 1
NO3−–N 0.01 0.09 0.07 − 0.02 0.32 0.13 − 0.02 1
SO42− 0.08 0.13 0.21 0.05 0.12 − 0.03 0.11 0.11 1

Bold indicates significant at 95% confidence level

Sustainable Water Resources Management

Fig. 3  Spatial distribution of eight groundwater quality indices in Bangladesh

The regression Eq. (9) revealed that though nitrate is a TDS in groundwater of Bangladesh. The correlation coef-
major constituent of TDS, it is not a major cause of high ficients between different constituents of TDS are given
TDS values in the groundwater of Bangladesh. Nitrate in Table 3. The table shows that N­ a− and C
­ l− are the main
pollution of groundwater in agricultural land is a major constituents of TDS in the groundwater of Bangladesh. As
concern in all over the world (Mohsenipour et al. 2014). origin of NaCl is marine, it can be remarked that sea water
However, agricultural activities have still not changed the

Sustainable Water Resources Management

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