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LDNA Plan Template


I. Background and Rationale:

The Department of Education is mandated to protect and promote the rights of all citizens to quality education
at all levels, and shall take appropriate steps to make such education accessible to all as stipulated in Article 14,
Section 1 of the Philippines Constitution. This is part of DepEd mission in response to its commitment of providing
quality, equitable, culture- based and complete basic education.
No learner left behind even the Learners with Special Educational Needs (LSENs) or disabilities. This is the
guiding principle of Inclusive Education to recognize and value diversity of learners and to recognize and respect
learners’ rights to relevant and responsive to their contexts.
In the Schools Division of Bulacan, there are 1, 508 pupils in elementary and 168 students in secondary schools
with special educational needs based on the records of its planning unit. Currently, there are only 26 recognized
SPED centers in elementary and 4 secondary schools. Another problem is the insufficient number of SPET items
and most of the teachers of these schools are untrained to handle these types of learners.
This Learning and Development Plan is grounded in this premise.

II. LDNA Objective/s

1. To determine the competencies needed by the teachers in handling the leaners with special educational needs in
terms of:
I.1 by exceptionality
I.2 teaching approaches
I.3 assessment of learning

III. Target Start and End of LDNA September 2019 to March 2020

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III. Course Title
(Important Note: Fill up this space only if the LDNA is being done to validate learning needs before the conduct of a learning

IV. Demographics

Target Job Groups Offices (Indicate bureaus/services) Positions

SPED Teachers, Coordinators and School Heads SDO - Bulacan SPED Teachers, Coordinators and School

Total population Female* Male* Persons with Disability*

33School Heads (elem.) 8 1

90 School Heads (sec.) 29 1
156 SPED Teachers
30 SPED Coordinators

*Optional data. Include only if readily available. May also be determined later if purposive sampling method is applied.

V. Methodologies
Sampling Method1 Total population (purposive sampling technique): (Quantitative and Qualitative Data)

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Sample Size2 NA

LDNA Objective/s

VI. LDNA Objective/s

2. To determine the competencies needed by the teachers in handling the leaners with special educational needs in
terms of:
I.4 by exceptionality
I.5 teaching approaches
I.6 assessment of learning

Data Required Data Gathering Methods LDNA Tools Respondents/Sources

LDNA Results summary Survey Method Needs Assessment Tool SPED Coordinators and Teachers

FGD results Interview Interview Guide SPED Coordinators and Teachers

VII. Implementation Details

The use of sampling methods depends on the objective of the LDNA. In most cases, LDNA should cover all of the targeted learners, i.e.., all employees in an office must
have their individual needs assessed through the Development Planning Stage of the RPMS. If this is not available or outdated, and data on competency development
needs of a large number of employees is required for planning purposes, sampling may be used. However, during L&D designing, when specific target learners have been
identified, needs have to be validated and this process will cover all target learners.
To get representative sample of less than a hundred target population, rule of thumb is to get 30 samples. For population size of above 100, apply Slovin’s Basic Formula
to get sample size: n=N/(1+Ne2). Where, n=sample size; N=total population, e=margin of error. Recommended margin of error is .05 to .02 for a confidence level of 95% -
98%. Source: NEAP

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Activities Responsible Timeframe Venue Resources Needed
Planning for LDNA CID September 2-6, SDO Bulacan Laptop
EPS in SPED 2019 3rd Floor LCD Projector
SPED Core Group Bondpaper
Document Review SPEDLearning and Sept. 9-11, 2019 Baliuag North CS Laptop
Development LCD Projector
Team Bondpaper
Crafting, Editing and Finalization of LDNA Tool SPED Learning and Sept. 16 ,2019 Guguinto CS Laptop
Development LCD Projector
Team Bondpaper
Alpha Testing of the LDNA Tool SPED Learning and September 2- Select Central Laptop
Development 6,2019 and Secondary LCD Projector
Team, Select SPED Schools Bondpaper
Coordinators and Printer
Teachers Assessment Tools
Analysis of Results of Alpha Testing and Finalization of LDNA SPED Learning and September 9-13, Plaridel CS Laptop
Tool Development 2019 LCD Projector
Team Bondpaper
Assessment Tools
Printing of the LDNA Tool SPED Learning and September 17, SDO - Bulacan Laptop
Development 2019 LCD Projector
Team Bondpaper
Assessment Tool
Beta Testing of the LDNA Tool SPED Learning and Sept. 25-27, 2019 Select Central Laptop
Development and Secondary LCD Projector
Team Schools Bondpaper

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FGD SPED Learning and October 2-5, 2019 Marilao North CS Interview Guide
Development Tool

Prepared by (Signature, Name and Designation): Date Submitted:


EPS – SPED Div. Focal Person
Approved by (Signature, Name and Designation): Date Approved:


CID - Chief

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