Lesson 2.1 Crim 104

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Crim 104: Professional Conduct and Ethical Standard

Lesson 2.1: Philosophy of Ethics

Lesson Summary
This lesson will tackle the philosophy of ethics, morality, standard behavior, values, and
social norms, which is part of the basic ethics concept. The Basic idea of ethics should be
acquired by our students and applied in our real-life situation.

Learning Outcomes
At the end of this lesson, the students will be able to:
1. Know and understand the philosophy of ethics; and
2. Appraise the concept of philosophy of ethics

Motivation Question
How will you interpret this philosophy of Abraham Maslow “In any given moment we have
two options: to step forward into growth or to step back into safety”?. Relate this philosophy
in your personal experiences and how about you, what is your philosophy in life?

Morals could be a portion of logic that addresses the concepts of right and wrong
or tremendous and evil. Morals can be called ethical reasoning. Decent quality implies, more
often than a more viable approach to morals, for illustration questions approximately the
correct and off-base in activities. Descriptive words "moral" and "ethical" can utilized
decently synonymously.

The philosophy of ethics came from the philosophers who are experts in making
our perspective more undeniable. Famous philosophers who contributed to our beliefs and
values in which we apply in today's generations. Generations to generations, our philosophy
in life are considered the continuous process to do good and avoid doing bad.

To understand more about ethics, let us study the origin of the word "ETHICS" for
further information and appreciation. It is also to answer the question, why should a person
consider ethics an essential and integral part of his or her life Ethics is a science of the
morality of human acts.

The word ETHICS derives from the Greek word "ETHOS," which means
characteristics way of acting and "MOS" or "MORES" a Latin name of ethics, which means
tradition or customs, it is also defined as the:
1. Part of philosophy that tries to determine the good and right thing to do.
2. It is the practical science of the normality of human conduct. Ethics should
be in the norms of society, or it is part of the different cultures.
3. It is the normative science of the conduct of human beings living in
societies—science, which judges this conduct to be right or wrong, to be good
or bad. It is part of the different cultures and the diversity of society.

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Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge TP-IMD-02
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and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
Crim 104: Professional Conduct and Ethical Standard
"Ethos" of man revealed in the following aspects (characteristics way of acting.
➢ He can distinguish between good from evil, right from wrong, moral from

Man can think and act what is right and wrong; if he already knows that the
action is improper, he will be liable for his actions and take responsibility for

➢ Man feels within himself an obligation to do what is right and to avoid what
is evil.

A person should know if the actions are good and face the consequences of
the activities are harmful.

➢ He feels accountable for actions expecting a reward or punishment for them.

Every action of a man should be responsible for the actions of what has been

Importance of Ethics

• Indispensable knowledge or knows how to reason out

• Without moral perception, man is only an animal, or he knows what is right and
what is wrong
• Without morality, man as a rational being is a failure, or he cannot do his
actions perfectly

NOTE: The importance of ethics explains how a person is considered as rationale

being: 1. Intellect 2. Freewill/volition 3. Conscience

Intellect, a man knows how to understand things, articulate good from bad, and what
is right from wrong.

Freewill/ volition, man has free will to do the things that are acceptable by society or
the norms of society. He will act according to his/ her desire.

A conscience is an act that is a practical judgment deciding an individual to

performed good and avoid the evil act.

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Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge TP-IMD-02
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