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G. g !d3i:!a3:iJ" Q. is. G ill used as beth the quaand tt:.e p:1~1 fru-m for pw-agr~ 3.. a.

3 .~ tJl, G II fflff; •• ,:n= m fJ;llt. 1 C is lh: seventh lcllItm of the fngUih aipl1abet !l.X~:lt ff&l.!; 1- ~-Bj •

.2 G. ~n m~k,. Ji!; tru: fifth oot¢ im. the seale of C ~or. [.,!faC *~itM'tftt:J!.Efi~

.'3 .11. C is 3. 101 meas~t of :the .r:ame of ~~tioo fib· sun~t!hJ?f £~I ~ . ~ $pilioe .rod:.et. ()ne 0 .~ equivi!!l~nt to thE: earth's piVltalicn&l pUlL .jJ.oo.l!Il~JI •• Ul~- G .. -r •• Q<jI.~ r jJ ). es At r,(J}CI! spt"«b dri~ lIre subject to f~ of ifS'IIIeI"al G ~ the.y 00mer. ~HiJ*~.!l:1iIt. iJtJl.it'II}. i!t ... §; 11 JL l' '0 ~~II:h •. 3. 2 <I .: ~ pouodl. or. do.Iian:,~ ;;l!. Yl:ry u~torm.tJ' 'tR'. maDY in A.tnericau English. [m,:i: ~ ) - -r ~ • = ~ =f-~ k. 00 211.ey stole J oooG of eqtdprnem. IfB mft 7 -a Jj Jl!.:7tfrn'tI}; it.

.. Go.r g is -aiso an .ahbtie-violltion for W<lf."ds begillJlfug w.kh g, s1Ilrn .<'II!i • gr:m:a. j ! gallon.' or • GeUrIW1'. 'J:J gram, gaLloo, Ga-man ~ WA g ~-BJ::1f:±1i: m·~ 00 •••

'pb I ~ I .g--.eb/ '. pbs. pbblng. .~ j an £Dformal ~~ 1 If M")m~'" tbq~k 8: Jm withouf saying anytiQiJDg that :i!l i~tan~ Qf" ~fu1, [it] ~ ~,! m Wi. Ell W1uzt ~ ,YQUt ~me\l:l~bbiii8 :a~t? ~ it] iJiil" 'lA. .tt~gtl"~ ?

:2 If you say that sotneOtJC has lk lift of tt. ph. )IlJU mean tha~ they have ~. a"bUity to:speak ~~y, ,ool"JifJdcnt. Iy. and in a pcrsi.W.l.!rIC way, [fi }(::{ji) U ::tf.";.t:,;.t.

Ii. .u~ /11 L.... ... ~ . ·L.'di·\.....:..- d'. ...._

p.IIJ·ar.~ .1P'U<C.'!t;!I,LL~. ~I,!d' .' m I· ~"''''''''''I'_LQI 'I ga!1..iIO;7'""

~d.m( .~ma~ $ if;!: W ~~ ~. lis a fairly tI:n:c.k. dodlwmch Is med ,.daUy fOT ~ tQaits:" .$tJ!l T ~~.~ Ml·. ro T. , a guYgfJbardi~ wit, ..• -1Jii'~ ~ $;i!w, Nil. .. A ~ ~ a ·cOat made frwn thi<l cloth. • .~ 1!l!1f. ~ •

gab-We /~~; ~bj/.pbb.lt!s, ~, pbNed~ an ~!l~ - fo.rrruaiwOrd. 11f you~. lfO!U. say tlllngs 90· qmclUy that it is difficuilt fbr·people to W'lde:rstandyOu. [1f§]:3t5\ .if'ilim.&iiii. lEG TIu' r~lt btiS that 'IM!!' gaMJILd atd the' a~len:a- ~/d ,OOl'ely henr us. .. iii.;I- ft. -m ~. ~.1g Jill. .~ ,iftllJii jij' A Jt ~ i!!ii ~. iI·1! ;ft in i\# 7 ~ -#' ~ ..• • Look hmt .' he .8tlbbied. • It's about thft HfU~,t FestiViiI + • "~:I. "ft.otli!~M.tQ. ,~l!;l!:fj·:l;fta'1ff~ ••. ~

2: Gabble illV-ery f:&'it t:aik.:i[lg dut is dlifficuh to uJldler~ stairud .tsp:tlal.ly ~!JS(: .0\ tnt of ~c <U'C aU ~i!1!ga~ uru:r. (JI':;m·UF $ A.~.M"ilfaU;J" .aM);1l.. 1Il4':II M ii§. m There. ~ a gabble .of ron Wf"$!l/.iM m lhe pub,1I -II !I!. - J!. ,~ {Ii!::r-: _ ~tIIt ii J!!t •

p. bIe ! l~bJ t \g.eb.ll.~, A ,pille is trhetri~ar part a~ the top oflheend wall of a ltiu.itlding. bet!Ween the t\'!iO ~ng sides of tJ'xo roof. .=.:II.!" JJ. ••

:poWell' /1ge,h!d~ \~Il:td/ is wro' 00 de;eribe ~ tha~ baive a gable or gab.l~ .. If ~:RIlIlfJ ~ 1i ru:!J.~. EG .• " shMiI pbled ~. . .•. A.tf ~JI'J .R!JI"\I'~$T ~

pd. I gttI= gred!, gads. lIJIlddine., pdded. If you gad a!OOut at pdaJl'OtiIld, you go. to ~ Jm of di:it1N-em pJ~ J~ rOJiilflrus;:ment allJ:d entertainment I iUI! infOlimal ~ o.Id· lasbioottd word. [m .IEI ] •• ~ If.ij iii. EG This i:f hard'yrhe ltme ,to be gadding aro~!Id .• lE i1f;r\ I!IUH UJiIi L1t9Mtt ~

gadg.et l'~h ~~tI. ~. A p:Iget .is a sma]~ lThil;clJi~ Or dEvice wmrn d\:Jes ~lhingll§.(i:fuL C •. :&5 ~) 4~B it ,. d~ 3! •• ro " .. ~1ihQkJ gadger~ . .. .,. irM .1'" at ..... NeiYflT' OOlInett tin docu"k ~tto a .light ~~ " mPJJ*"~·It!. ... mJln~MJlL4: .

pII.et.ry /'ged,.trl~ \~tn./oonsists of s.maI~ i:T'il.9.clImes or dc~ilrS tiJar db someili.iug i.i!ll!fuL CIHrjF]"'I\M,._ t ... iJ";, ~.. Bi New de~lopmentJ'will .rnaic£ the ~nt p,geuy look. veryoid-fashiOMd. 11 ~ £ 001 F ,frt:+tf ~ ~ !I!~jjg~·+.fi .. Jtli!,fI~.IIti,f8 •

'GaeHc ! l~b~.lgod- ,'gel.tkJ. 11 Gae~k: .~ Oli ~ spoten by pcop~e in parts ()\f Sootlamd, and lree·land, (t£ $ Mr ~ :m:lf~~.*:l!ii(8:~RI~) !l.JFi!1 •.

.2 Sometbing Irli'l:l :is 'Glellt i.sM.I~ Olt spokt:n in HaI":lic. Of relatt'SID ~lJt woo ~. Giidk .• 1F: m II!I ~ .}f;.:II1J!a • 1E:<3! .. ,an old Gaelic pro<verb·" ·,,-ftfti~I~.ffimHt~.

ptt /F.f~ gaof!. lf~' .Ii!I!.l'w 1M gaftYOIl ~et wt:noone brow 3. secret dUll other people do oot want tht:m.~o know. e;pocial~y bylllistah: or -Wth::n.n meaning to inn. ~l:IiI'oml1lJ ~:;rp~mJJ, [mJc:ii:l:+Jl!.:Mm .. m WDi,f Mrs Weld!, .~~rt when lie Wew the~1f about the ~


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(;d·iJ? .x;.~·~w nil iil~M~.I!t.~ >tr:.~::t::a:~IIII?

pUt' l~f=.~f/, pfies .. A'pff'e ~ sometWBg that you say or do·tha1!: III ~idt:mti' w ~w:aijy ~, andtbar ofF~ or ups.etJi MIt:. (t[:il. ~ _;@" I1.J ) ~ ~~ I ~ if ~ ~ ;6. ~. 1 .had no tde.aof the • whick f ~ c.m»milling .• ~at~ t\m . .:f,"~:lIft ~ f~ :i$fT •

.¢~ rer j'g'efal '~f""/. Fttn;:~ an info.nt:ml word ~ in &illi~h English. 1 Th.ep!ftr ina busint:SS. a. factory., 011 ena OOild:ing :M~e l,.'5i t~ ~ ~!1 clmrg" I1J.r ,e~mple tbe (J'!II'liCrm- a fQC""C'ma.!it" [~fiJI :l: • .. ... BGi YOU 'II ha·~ l6' ask the gf1ff~: 1i1l3·~:rfflI~.

2 Some f.iCQPl!e use per. tOl!efeil" to aIly man,.cialJy an oM man, [~m]" j;.~ ; :t: ,*·lL. m ... an· mdgt.Jffer Mt Jamous/or his tact. ···-+;tt.Ji~!tIMJi~~)I...

pg (ga;.'g~g<egl. gags •• ~. ~. '1 A gag is some~. such as apiece of cloth tbaJ is tied J101illl.d or PUlt m-· side :so.lm~e·5 mouth in order 'ID stop thrnm from speaking at shouting ... ~ .,<MTI:::A ~ ~-j'ltII!:+nw,.ft:litI"IUJIrJ'iHb ~ ~ r , ~ A .~ ~ laptd O·j."t!f his m.outh a1i!d he could Mrdly lireitthe .M!.Am * l\i al!.l: •• m IHfN (£ , Jll. ";II~ i!:t~* .

.2 ~f!lO~ ,gBg5You, they tit; a pit:Qc: of do:tbroond

yq,ur mo~:rh jlfi' order ~o -'ltop ~ from ~»g or SML1tI.n~. :tta .. · ~J 11:. fiClio She ."",,". lied up ,awl ga:cge:d and lelt in a iocbd .mom. " •• 18 * .ail .. , ~ R -.-} .• .& Dfl Dr JijL~ .•

:I If 'fOUN- you choke and Ileam'iy 1"ImlfDil. .9:. ~ i: ~. 1m Dr. fiUlmiN>tm suddenly gagged.' T'oomu:ch k'ine, Forgive me .. ' ~IUlff± J! fk.i! lit .... iDC. T •• ',.IiN ....

4, In i:[JJC6rrtl.1l1 Eng]~ , . .3. N is. a jok.e. ~ci<l!ily ooe~o.ld by aprof~l rom.ed~. (f§- J ~w I • H n *. fG Whu:t do .~ ~t aU· .~.~ gagJ? 1$ .• m. ~ * 1~.:U: ~ • ~'!'

ga.p /g:qp;f'gagaJ. &meofi.e woo is .. i!lS!t'ruJ~j a very inforu ~d. [fa: J ~.t5 ~ ; •• dIJ·. 100 She's Sl'lVMt}""se1l'eR and '(J~,f.r,er gasa. II! rt ~ .e.;M~.tf;T •

pg.gte I'~~ \gqll, ~. 1 A :gaggle Clf ~ is a. grutI,P of geese. .. fJ ..

.2 You om usc· ~. ttl refer to a group of peqplle. muaII~ Iy wbe~rJJ yo~ want to ~ disapprowl 00' oo.lUe.mpt for them. [IE] -M ~ -~.~ m ... a. .~. ql cr.il.iC3. .. . .. - ftli1'J: .oe« fi M i'!:.1*. ••• ". + (I: ~e of diSOTtkdy lil#fl girls .•• , -"~""~1t:~d~:k ••

gW~e. t)'. /rW13tirj.'~! ls <i f~~!lig Ql"att~wdeor ll\i'l;lljmm

and fUIl.«~ ;~~. EO Ihegrim lac.rs which tit be·

hind' lire faauk o/saiely ···IIUIt:::d:Jlk,gli'rH!~· ••

~ ..... .fresh youthf",tt(gai'etr· ·'":iI .. nt1HI1JOOlt~iI· m.

pt.1,y ! 'gc::lh! 'geJ9J .1 If 'rOO dO ~thjj!l.ggaily, yo~do it i:~ a: iively. happy. way, . .\t:foM dRfiM. fG Off we set, wi tk p~m ch4~.t~t',j .• 8fJ'Uy ~n the ~y, " a lfi11b ~ 7,

IUt·_·M..t. ~ .. 3il: !l-'1I +~~ She· gvetigoodbye

...vly gaUy. hu .~rf fl~lteJ'il'llg i" ·· flut 'oVind. iii ;I!e,~ Jil: ~

__ -J-ir~].:&t ~~ I~I .A_,~ .•.

2So~thi!lg that is gaily ooloUJJecl Of" deL'(lfa~ i:!i: mi· ~d Qf deOJfa~ in <Ii br~l,. p1dtyway. IJiiJfi I Mii M .• oo ... ga~ly roimu«i Wf4ppe1'S J"M~tt'~. • •• @

.@~ft~.~&... .

pm (gtln I geN. pim, pfuirag, p:iDIld. 1 iT·yotJI pm sometb~ pcb iI$ arl"l ability Of q~Ia~~ty • yet:! p-aduaUy gM mon: of it. Rtl dl·ftl 3 iI.l. EGi A/lru' a tfel''IKIWi start, t~ speokrbegln to8ftin confi~. .. ~ 1-W:II # ff ~ri;fl/.~Uii!: .• ;g·{fH7hti7m",,····· She has ggirwi Ii ,:e;PUUd~~" 101' to?w~~., "Mif. T 'I1:.::Fit aUf- ~ JI!j ••• 'The ()p~t.icn puny isFim~ ~n ~lari;y .. , ~. m-fte!PJif~l!£·.a;· .. Thi.s;i~ }ml.a·cIw.~ IOlflinexr wie~. l.t~~-1'-ait!!}._. Mm~.

2 ~f .YQ~ _'" fJiom. ~m.elhmg wclil ~ an event Of' !!itua~ IIOU. you get :SO~ aavantaF or- lbem;tl'i: fro:m .. b. ~ U I m :!a. ffi We aU OOpt1 to ~in from t~ COI11:~i8 tooml inro~ . .. !6i; flft $. )A 1i. iij, • :trIil*J 1&.J)] 'P ill il, iJ tt ... ~i ha£Brirm,n .gWmd by oo.i,,€ iii! membu of tlu!

EEC'!" . " .II)II;'J HUlt:ltHt ~ ~ f$ ti9 - 11\ ». • ill W T ft Z, ti-ti ~? ••• .., t~ pleamf1e to be gained from ~ , ···'''~1JfifJjJD1~. o·

3; A gain is 3. 1 an advantage Of .imprl)vel'll(fi~ ttl0l lla5 ~-obtainoo by effOrt or sk.iU, t.Il1lj~;ftJ;§ ~JkftJU:ia ••

NCOUINl' 1'I~Ale " taux~

N~, USV ~. , t;IN .$l/ir;



fill .C(MJN"'f ... f~l~


I si!e!ll>e

v,Nor~. ~ m1'll·

NP"yrr·+_N IN P[l.!R:AI..,

NlI'A!RT't i'l1I>! !"lJ~ lllWlll

AD'V 'WJi'lil[ ·VlI ~'.!'!ftO~.

= ~dy

'I{+ 0.. ell: \1" .. )1. .( j.,)

... POinI< "'~.

"lOR "<$·0, Ul;tT~ A

'" ilfOfit

M'Oil'JN[ = lid\i\!l~.


ro . Unemployment ~ high d~pite l~g(fins of t~· civil rip"s 1JiIOlVIrettt ..• ~tt~~Jiit1tlltitJ j il.lfif,!.t.lt *m", ill)f'""F •.. .. > some MUilble: gains in product.ivity ,

... ~ ~ 11 11 TiI M ~ ~ fL'_ iii. .3. 2 om increase in an ~roTJl'ff ,unOwn of ~thir«, .!Ior example we.ight or price, (11:.'

,,~) Jf hID ~ ( 1ft :+I ~ I~ } .t.W.. 001 The prj(£ ,oj gold f~1I

.loPl. h::Jday Jolla",,,, ,.-.steTdD.ys ,aim - .:1;' fit '" ;t 1111;:

:'Ji;' _t."z{i. ¢-7i.. Jl 00111:. .

4 If you do, so~ for pili, you do it In order to Fl 1'1 ~ some adIvan~ge: or profit foC" y~lrl a rnl:b;:r fOrmal.

~. [~.!it J:fIJ fl.. if.( ~. ea· He did it armuch ow oj

kittdnes.t as /oJ'financiaJ gain - tt.i1.fttta!ill =fit.c,.m

m'T ftri.t.fj 1Jf11l1!i: li ~ ~:~ JJ •

5 ~f somet!h.ing :~ speed. l'ocight. wei.gIlt. etc.. h V OR. V ~ 0

:moves r~tef ,. or ~mes higher • heavier, etc. Jl1III ( • lI'iJlilm:_

II: .... 11 ...... ). 1m The Wi' gained speed 4S U rol.,eA ,. ~t!cr

doWJl the hili. + ,~·*"FwB1J1;1f •• ··· The .cwnpuign

semu 1.0 be gaini,ngmom:eJUurn ... ~.!iii~~'*~ _ ...

JE.lI:* •• ••• Gaining Might, he &QW Miil'KUh!t like Q

reUef map o,n the lVOund .be/o-w him. -, 1S..81. 7t if; zg ,

ofif! •• ffi·~ftiit.ft."'FiI~:~~ml:~~~.*.m ..• He

h:tld~ stoPPtXi smok.. :i'W: and had gtlinai .thirty paumfs. flit

HIi! :r «I.-a: :I: tt:lnt T 3Q ill. '

6 If you pin a platt. 101I t-each h. a;peci~lJ)' afta-a lot v~ 0 of hard wort.:: or dIm, ii. )jttir&ry~. [ft] ct m!li'iJ5

l.n J!J ~'. ro I fi~lIy pined the shore. ft:~ ¥:eJ W: T ~

7 U a dIock or woudu plm, .~l H1O\I'CS lOOWt and sbo-ws a v OR v -t 0 'lime lha~ is later than the· rea.I time_ {f:Ii ~,.}~ •.• lEG My 1l' ~I

... len gtlfm .aboul 1 a minutes ·every day. ft 1Kr;J: M ~"*

~t;II! JO, *}tf.

8 If ml idea, poJitifoati mowment. etc. , pi. grooM. it PHR. \lB. gradtWly ~.more w:i&I.y toown oti accepted, (!t INPLECIS

.. $}.* ... .fj. _.MliJI A fi1Jl1f.~. fa: tam: iIl1.). = !illite ~

*_:ift*. lEG 'Tiuir ideas am gaini.ng gtOUftd,. t1;fI~~

•• *.$ilAA~I:'.

9 If );'01:.1 do .!.iOJmth:ing ill order to pin tune. you dO it in I00I:; VB orderlO 01. - lie voone.·· I· If ........... 1""'.· h tilmt- to think. of an excuse i:NFU!CTS

~. ---0' ~. ikk~

or Ill: way out or.a difficult situatlon_fii'iUi.@.IitIiO~.tf

If.f ~ = •• I!Jf 00 ~ Ell • II l'rIOUld look. niot! " said Judy. to

~in .rime .. , ... l! -1;: • .fi*.~ .1If!I.," *i!I. , fi It*.@

1t.J:. ~... I'~ 'HoW a rweto gl'dn Ii,... :it. -.1+ .·.Ilri r:n:I M

.it. .'

pin ,on. 1f you pm. Oil $O~ or somellUng mat is ~L \I'fi!, moving in fifont of~. you. grad.ual~y catch them up. iI. '1+ PIW"

m , .. ,Ill • 00, You ~ll haw to drive {(UteT - they"re gmn... ; QltdlllpWil11!.

ing on us. .. $.£- flUe *,:ff~ -.~ -fji fH!l jfJt ft frlT

.•. We ~e g4in.ing on him 1O'K\UOO ihe end of the

n'i.Ce - .·il ~.fth.B4 .atHE.t!>'€.tfi.

piD+rw ;·gtmlull "gcnfal!, Something ~hat is galnflnI is .-..1)4 QUAUT.

!iBeCu[ or pmfilbbl.e i a OOr.maJ word, [J£.;&t]::ft!l Ai ,&!II • ~~.:::

~j l.t tstJ I' •• ~·. '00 • , • ga.i:n/'Ul m1piQymnd . .. "'WaM

M1I~.'·'." .aU manner oJprofmOl'l$aml.pinlw pur.

~ui t5 • . .• " ft!,:&.;f;f .a9 lilt .'B.ll • .filJ i3'J1 JIIj ~ m;l. <> pmrw~ (:> AlDV wmJ VB JJy - 'It 1& ii Jt!. ~ ::t it ... lEG Oea'rly iheT'.e lVtlS Mining lN," '" IIldalJy

could gtJinfuilY' be said .. , 51 ~ ,. iI. tt ~ IS tt:jf m T .""

..• gainfully employed" ••• :'t Ii J!A .: •• a *- ~ I ~ .

gain •• , I~n'set;vn"s.!:!. pilllS8)"S. gaimlying. piI!isldd- V+(), U$li'WIlH

If ~tnething .c:annot be pimaidor there is 00 ~ .~~ NRG

it. it is 'l.flr or ~ and CiliIiIOC!ft be denied Of" ~ct·

edl a formaIWQ!"d. I[ jf;r.t:J 1~Hl. E.G; Tt:tKhus haw ex-

perl,ise lkar ('atnwt be gQin.mjd ...• ~ID.A::ft"~iilJ tJi\.

.!1l)~ ft~iR··· This \oI.Ii';i!'$ such· ,!lin ewdent truth thDt. there

KW iW'Wii~yi!iB it. ~::I:-+~:a.5tHT ffv.$!JI.~.

lidt 19:1tl ge(/ • PQ- A Pit ~ iii partiaJi.ar W<liy of walk· J,lI( ... UtJNT~ stJl'i>,

ing; a formal word. rJ[~JtlJ.li, ~tl ~ EO ••• hu habii"- uru $.IiIlO· .

ua-t gait, ... _ts fl!\PJtI~~~

phtt(' '!g:Jt<;li1 \gt:I."3oo/ •. piten- 'Gaikr$ ;i!J1Cooveri.ngs made ~ C04.,.INT, lJ'$U of cloil.h. leather, ,or other materia] foryonr legs bekmJ Pi. Y9Urkn~. Gaiters wert commonly womin ro:rlti!rr

times. but are now mainly W'Ilm by cI:imbs.n and skkfil or

a.. .. part of an old-- f"Mhioned uniform - JJ.. EG ••• a fat

rilMii in ~ ~nd sail,m .. ···~\tt1:9.~. ,ff.".

~,,*JiIA. ..

pl/g:d~ga:i'l. _. Gaj is . .00 ltil writt.etl EngJ'ilsh Ito R- NCO~I VOC' preseht tk wwd pi proIlounO!!d th~ way to a paniruJar ~~. a~t i compare ad. tE 4S ]If if ~ .~ ~ fiIl2t • ~~, ~J -

iii:J j #: .. pi ~ 00, Since she 's' bwwn ~'Us.he·s ,adigeTmJ

812/- -. il!.!UHUAiR~·,JJJJlUi.1-~~-.~*.T

"{.n .... a velY nia. lad.,tike. -gal - ••.. -til. ~~ ... ~ ~ ..

W •• ll9t"UI. .

pl. or pis, abo .spelled plI_ or :_. are wri.ne:n abhl'"e-

viatiQ!!15 fw ~gal~' or "gaUoE'. ~ Mno: galL .d:: ga.ils. 'JJ ga]!oo it gaJ~ ~ .. iii. m, .. Iud t(l_ ,capacity, '1

gals .•••• f.1 ••• : 7' !nl~'~ .


p.la ll~~.lgnljl 'ge.b/.pIas_ A gala is a. special publie NOOUtfi, AI.50· celebrate. entertainment, Or pcr:lio.r.mance. for example IN NAMES

a caJ".mi ..... al or festiva]. 'WEI IIX!:« 8i.: ftj.ijb i""ii 0, :114::: •• Ifl ~ 0

es ••. .rite special guest em ,ill gala occasioo. •• .. .• :w a m

• .1 MtIf.tiHt~··· ... , Ch4nty Gol4 Mgh~ al the Ro}1a1

Opem House". ·+·~'itit.WJ5t"fil~ •• "JlJM~ Z

a: .... , . a Mmmi:"Ig gala., .... ~~*~ ~ •• ~ •..

~-Ja(! •. ~ 19a'l;;rl:;nk, 8"l''\I~tJl! means COIIo.".lrlW! wi.ili OJ' Mll Cl.i'i..'lSIFI

relating to the Galaxy or 1:0 galaxies in space .• fIiJ ( :f.)o U!lU JoilI"i'RlB

~l.jC;fiiJ~l ~ m~I~.

pII.·ax.·,. /I!J'I=-1:.lks"n~ \~]aIw!. RBi un , 1 A pIQy is a III eoust huge group of stars ami plllllCW that extend; OYer many ~. ~MI' milJions or miles- .m.... EG _ , • distant SUlI'.S and galax-

ies, "'ili&1rIJ Ji ~ iftl.m.Ji.

2 The ~ :~ the huge group of .stali'S and planets to N l'IKl~itl.rlo!! +N whicli the Earth.and the Sol3Jr SystMl beliong. -fil< J.).

3 If you talk aixlut a gflJa,JO' of 'peopli! from a partirnbr N SJiN'GWllH prolessi.on. you me.an a group of them. who <life dlim"K'lus 001''' .fJ/'

II: alTzr

Oii jmpurtaru. -m {*.::t ~ ~ WI eg' A If}. m rd M~

before seen such a galaxy 01 aclMJ' and actre.sses. ". a M.;*.li!\.,t 3t ~ - D ~ :/( fl, iil M .••... ,a gglruy of t., w:lelli .... -.fIt1! At A :t.

pI!c I g:1I.; geJ;, pks, 1 A gale. is a very sttung wind. *- III 000,," PII. ; a.~ lii~. eo. There Sl!emed too be a gQle btoHiing All

t~ t!me.:". -itt.Sf- -.fU£ fl ;::Jil! .... .., ,a fUrce ni_ cole,

· .. ;JUI.:kJil.

2 ApJe of La~W is 'IDe loud ooisel'llo1.de by a 10"1: of people when they alll!augh 4lI: the san<e tim.e~a Taiw:rllt~ (jracy .~, [ft ] - '*. rea I!' s wtmtluJur to' set 8f&li1 gales of ltrughter' when you tell a joke:. fi': Vf ~ 1i§ II: 'j·I. fI;. A ~~~- •.• ;Ii T -'f'@.

p. Ig;xi: g;>IJ. galb .• pJJ:ing. piled, a. rather old-fash ...

iooed Of" ]ite'Fary worn. [W.,,].l If)"OO lilly that ~- N 1JN('QI.1N1r.,QfI,

i.._~ __ u ..J<~ 1'4'

one .lilI:> the 8"'""" to uu ~ ~ .• risky. '00' dis;~ UI'D)U']'rf "1l>U4F"

honest. you l1J1eall. ~t tbty ha.¥t the 'OOW'_age:·w LoWness ~ iil!;iM!

t-o do it. often U!iIerl showing d~roI.<IaJ. (EI:k. ,,,.::f

lIt~ lEG TlMyhaPm·t· the gall to 81M/. nor I.hi!- stabii.ity tnwork. *'fJlIlmwfiS _Mil •• &5.I~ ft!Iit Aft.

2lf somedwing:lJllk you. itQ~ JOIII. 'll) tee] 'very angry V~· 0

00" ~ .IU,~,.·Mill. Ell It gaff.tdh:im W Ml'e t'O " ~

ask ~ion to 10' into' town. !Io It :fiE _ ~, • ;:t II: :Ii "irk

•• 3M iIJ: i~U.·JllSi:k ~

gaI~btIt l'gdantJ 't<claml j if!; 2 ." .ii. '~I .!II U:. ;!J)< .. f1"

I ¥bEnt, hlFlwJi: j:ffjJ' liEllt. \~ooV • 11 Sorm:one. who is AlIi Oi,iALIT gAII!aDt iii vewy brave and honourable when they af\e in ~1i1,pIiIi$, .danger or great difficuilty - (mAJ.jIJ.l'1lI,i JutOO ., .(lU9 ~

lEG ~y are·one. .0J tht. mmt dmi.i~ anJmosl

gallant peoples .in .&rope. II ffJ • It MI. * i~, :fl ••. fIt

ftSl~. Z. ~. .. Ustrl of peopJe's behaviour and arti.om.

mu HrJt • A f.) fi ". ro TheyhaMJ' put up a gaJJant

fight /01' pe~s over the }Mrs" ~. *~rl !Ii:.§!~

:a:;f i! 0- T JUt ~ lj. $. 0 gdlautt)·. 1Ii JUs. m,(]al ~ 0 AlW wrrn VII

l(lntly t.hey battled on. .. fJ JU,. «II; -4 "f" ~ • "' 'I'<lll;o;li~~

2 A :rmiln woo is pUant. is kind •. pcli~e. and ,~dente AflI otIAi.JT towwds.oilier people. e5~",,; .. uly· wortICiiIi, C1tmmAJilft:l = ~imWI'.t~"

.........- ~

jt}.111 B:IJ. lEG 4· Allow nit.' said the gal/am police.,

ma~, "iJl:lt~ ,"1.II.«£.1Il fJ •• it. It UBed of people's

awr:m:s a.OO b;havJQ;uf. m ll.I: _4 ~ A .~ff ~.I$ ... (!.

gallant bow, , ...... M - •. R ~ <> ~, lit I!Hl. ~Q <> iWV W1TI:I\t!Il

Hegaltandy o/Je.r<ed to CiJ.JT.y her ~ ,t·o the ca.r. fi1.!I: = ~Pw.1r<:mlf

M.~ •• mre.~AR.~*~R ••.

e=d ·lant· t)'. ! II9'f'Jantrll '~Janrn; ill 11 bra .... ery dmt is shown fI! lINOX.JNT by SO«IeCIi.1e wbJ L"i in d.angt:r. ~ci.al]y when tbeyare

6ghti.ng lD a WaIf_ (JeIfl'Eli;4 'P· •• ,W!¥) M it 'M M)'.

ro He. lo"M!lS awarded. the MUit'tIfy Cr:a.tf for compit'U~

gal/am,y il~ aJmbal. ,w =f t£ Mli -4 .p ~ II :# Jt .. ~ it.!f!i

~ ~J +~ ". 0:'.

2 polite and C(I[l!Iidcrate bebaviourr l:ow.ardspeople. espe'. N UNCOUNT

claI1y women. o(::It:ji::ij'.t:I j{ M ) Ii •. " ± K Ll. lai .. _ {I pVlilE._ old4iUhirmedgallant,.y.. ···;t:iteolJ" ± Mlt' ~

p1!Il bIacIdtot-. pli bladders I •. .mo spelled with a hyphen,t;1 OOl!JJ'IIiT ~iij Jm if * -If • Your plJ ~ is the OTgan. inyoru

Iilody whi.cb OOt.itai~ hlle and is rJa<1t ItO )'Our liw.f"_ m •. ~

EG •• , i~ti€)lt 01 lire sail bI.Qtidn. ···1I.:jJ;.

gal • Ie .. on 11ge-!J;n ~ ~g;el:!ian! ,. pmeom; .. A 8df.oo is a saiJin.g N COUNT ikip with dvee tl'IDSt$, -GaJlrons W'l!!rt ~ fl:WnJJy illi the

fiifteernb to iieventeen~ omturl.es. (15 M 17 tit tell'Ji in ~ .jtI!.C~ ro ... Spanish gpllmns .•..••• 3f ~~-*.II.

H. .

p1.l\n'.y ItgeJ3II1I~\.~Joo'. ~. 11 A pII\a'y is 11. 1 a ~COlII\Il, i\LS(I platt. that has perrnaoem exhibitions of \!Yorks of art ~n it, IN NAMES ("t;;tff>dlh¥OltJlJ''';**illj.' •• m I'd iJ/a!.g job re-

slon,. pktW'tS in aU! Natiomd ,(]QUery. ;JI; It a: mg ~ ~

;J:.m; •• :I: C: Ii f1": ~ ~II 'fli .1 " :2~ a ~ n:on in. a ~ N C:OIJI'fr, .AJ..'j().

N !'ART, usu I'.L.UML-+N UINC01.INf l't.fIi.iII.lliln:I "'~11i'iiI


urn OI! ar.!: ~leiy lbal:coota:iru a partiruXar eooiliJ1rlon or d~ay. (ttll li!UJ Ip tfJ) t: ;$:./l'L • Ii ff C~ I!IU'fJ ~). 100 The m1ljn 8iUleries. /(J!' uhtbWa..I1', l.i.e u.p lhe .grand .£'lajr~y" 1:: ~!! JiL + ,. fi m: T.IE jiij *' I:! • .t Ifi ~ '1.3 a

placeratla- I.~ 3:. shop when!'worics of an are dbpbyod and saki. ofi~ .a mrl~ctWn of worts of art by the same artist. t(.~Uf.I:fl •• -£* .• ~iBa,~}~.m. Ita ~ galter;es in .L:md<tn apt him gafn/uUy (JrCCupied. ·D1ft:

T8B.:iEmlt:Wil:I!i.IM*~ilJi5.·I[f{.:A.!II,*,. 1." a rab:d area .<Itt the bad. 'Of at the ~esoofa bu-ge room. or baH. PwpJe .oHm stand I¥ :sit in t.hc ga]lca'y ro~t a .. ~ \liew of wn.)t m happening. (.* tr r!'; M ) II RII .S. :roWe U$Iid. t{]l ~ inllO the public glUtcryal ~(JrlitJment to Us/,m. ,(,o.the ddu~~. afl:it,*.mm.:r.IIH~IW~JVli" '* ~ :Q it .1,5_ !Illderground .~ in 0l1lU1le or (ave:. iII,·T ~iI ! ('ff .,.. ft:CJ ) ~ •• Bilk/orf!. )i.JU9.~'re.~c~ a .r.oog .. gQl1~y '"""( "*,h ~ .than, arnefre hi:gh, iii. ••• ~~~-4A.~ •• M* ••.

.2 TIE .~ III a tbeatee er OODrNt haltisa raised ar.ea jib: a lar~ bah:ony ~t .~~y contai., tht:: ·abeape:sl &eats, (If ti :Ii .. ~ tr " If ·ffr·.' M: t9) II fill @.ro .He JMed. to see: AispJays fro;n t_WlUery fl.! His MajMly's 1"h.eatl'e .• ~*.tE a iklJ'&; Oli m.~ _t •.• 3. 2.1iij. ti'lJl ~.. used .tQ refer to t.ixJ~kwho sit ~ the gaUery, m m Ii.llt~· ~. ~ Ii &! .11 r® »: EO 11te ,8(Jiluy aiwa.~ appLautkd celebriti~ IiVltenfhey ar,h1ed. 1J~.IIM. A.B~ •• ~m •• ~.n •• *~.D. • U~ pby to tile· plIa:y.you db some:tbi:ng in puhltc in <Ii way wliticl! ~. hope willi impre$~. ~it.t:.l .• m If a:n~ )One' ~ playing Ii) #ie f/JUety. U :m:u t~ ~~me Mmislt!r, JiJl ~ ~ 'IIIJ!I! IJr. Ilk. .. ItIJii§ •• I::it lJ m •

.pt. ~ I !p I \pJl/. gdJeyt" It. GJ1lie)r to La !;hlp ~ ~!l forme:r rirres, nalleJr.l.had sails and nuny OMS· aOOi were of1Im1l rowed by :sla.~ or~. (U31 iH '* Eb il. At m).. :t!I. ~) #; tI.» JI **:11' 0 m . , . guJ/~y sla~. ... (11; 'Uf I~t~,* It.t ) JIJ&rtll •••

2 ithe: kitc:he!l! of a swp or an aitr:r:dt (Jll'jf;1!.-tnL~})1f m. m I ~II:( tkrough ta tIM ti.nY.gtd:I'ty It) ~h up. ·ft .ll i1 *: j;] '{\1lJ Dl! . .!I! 4H.lti' A •

Gal-lie I fg:il'Chk,'phk/" Scmletmflg toor is GIlIIk btl.Ongs tom ill ~.ated with ffim.re Of" the iFn!l1ich ~, ~ fairly fO£"mal wOf'cl, [iIf.~J i. ~ 1'I!11 • JF" A iRIJ. sa, . , . flu:

GaUit natirm. ···.P it ...

rpJ. II· YaIIt I !~I'\o1M~ ~ 'piP'1 vamrt!., pNi1!tWis,. "Iban~ dog,. pdl1Wkd, If yoot 8Idih'lult<lJfxmrt oc~¥aDt al'0l!.I00, you gp. tu ,iii ktt;of dilI~!pIaO!S 1.ook:I~ roc af:i'l!uselUtll;t .atW.elU:tli"l:.alNt:nent, a ratih« ok1-~ w.utdl. [llSJmlhlnJ 0 ~ You"re here todoa }~, ~. gvpJli'vmtting MOUM olllhoseoormtr'Y club$'. j;*~ !I.e •.• ". ~1.i-ii .~~ n.~.~.

pl. Ion l~kln~ "p!:~. gtdidm. A IlJdjQg ~ 1 ir.! Britatl1 'and rrwly CQ~~~COU!lIrie!!. a .~.t of w]u_me

rklt ise~1d to.ciS. hit pints. Oli 4, 55 [itrts. m ~ ( .• :1" fIl.,.::r1E.IIlJ!1fIli:If~ •• "ltII.$it g uil\!Q:d 4, S5 tl). ro

Thr~ g<fll~ oj hM ~tu, , .. :1 mit. *" ... fk 80' Q

gal',on jar a1i!d fllltd i ( K"ith "titer'. •• JJ T --1'- 3.

1.r 1 JltI ~ ~ :II T ~ Je 1Z II .. T -* The Wtlte rni ·car

would dQ fifty miles per gal.km. :it."'.~ 1!}j:l. ~ *_ bm-e i'Ifl~,1fj.50 .:!I!"

2 ill A.nwi'i~. .~.lill1t ofl{Ql!l!It'ae 11:ba( i::s: ~I fllCight .Ame!l'lcan plllts. or 3.11 .utres. fm1!:(~~ill* 3. 7~ 7iI').

--.1), .I!n.... JI I ....... ' ... ",,11 ~.! ,_'I1io.m.. _11InnlI_.-11'......... .. ,~'-r . ~,,?I &-,Oiip .• , SOH--.ovpt. 8"'"~' ~. I,

Whe<n a .hnrse~. it runs wry f~ SQ' thatodl fQI,II' i!;V a:re mr t~ growtdat 1:M same: ti~ .1mTh eacll. S'triik,

( l; }""t. I_ii. 00 1'he hmSl! gallopwJ dOl<'Im th£ ~ with l:iisml'¥fiat to his head, .~~fI:IJ!j!:"~.,i9'*.

rJll!. ijij ~. .

:2 U yPu gallop. 2: .'you !fide a ~~ that isga!lop1ng. ,. ~ ••• lEG 1 gaU'optdbcJrebud:, . T ft •• Q •• ~1JlJ ~ ..... We galloped t~ horses ~p "00 au lI'i'tOOr, fttfn' .~fJjJl1rt!lffJU'jjjj~. 2"2 you il'un rsol'l:leWhere v.ery fast:l a!!I. ~Ditormal use. [mJ "l,~M.. EO The· doctor t,M~ him ~fJici~y aM~.IQped.~ the slalrs .• .m:;lr;;~ ~*~f'f1&t«Jl1;jl7 ••• li':iM15ttU$_ 'f.~. 2.3 yoti do ~ing mum mort qlllli.cldy tfwl. mtla!l ~milnfQ.nnal QI;:, [ftiJ1JJI~tlW:. m Thue~ !'to hurry, .00 ~ to gaUop duoogh the rnming., ~m:l.,tF~;tJJiY~1::iI~. .$ A pDof 15 3" 1 <1 :f~ @ .~ ~ trn..t !!S~WpiDg ... Ji ~ .. ~ 00, ... tl brisk m.arntJW'l ga#op .... q; .. sr~ WM It! IAq • ~ ~.... 3. 2 a ve.ry fast rate a~ wbich you dii':iI ~Ulif;lg • .or at whi.ch WfI~;thing de~!aps:Gr P~l an jn:~~, ({§].ilJXI ""\i&:~ ~ WI!! had a qukk gaJl,(Jl'rh~gh BrW~h history. ~·ftJ1J .• i'I~T*OOJ!;.

4, At iii pliotmeam"!i, 4,. 11 ridiingil. 00ne !iliat. 18 p1[opiJQg,

N U'JoU!'f[~,. AlSO Irij 1NAMJ:!S

r« .C01JJ'l'I ~I~y

II! OOUMl" USU ~i!w .. N lIN SING .= I!I'l<iI

• I'HK, VII! lJNl'UiG.I'S,

v+ .1\.

• ga.cI aiJart

N co:u:m, l15lJ N\JM+ N

N o:JlIm', I:J'S{f' t'f'lJ.M+ N

V, unlf' A ~fIIQ

VOR \'+.0, tw+A

V+ 1\ ,. .1:O!t


~. i'!!IIt! .

= .,_





M~~, •• m They Mffle up .!~' iliUm a full WJ.llop. ~l" glistentng (tit their C()a.ts ,ft~. ~ l:l.,...t U!JI .:H-';;:

J::.ifUiF. !Ii ~~:ft;. ~t.2 ~g'i{l:';'1" f3.!>t. l!.;lIt.~ l!..Jf!l,. fG J>Fm"USlU') AS The ,d~ ~utd follow ·1lI1 a: gaUo<p, )iIJ.ppmg and yd~ AN A

pi~, 11 ~ ~. U ft~.~ .. "ll. to?; _ m t£ Ii .[fi • 4.:3 tlappcn- PH~,. {!SED A'> ing or de",e~opi~ at a very fast r~1 an ~t'lfOl'~ use". AN' A

[ m J a :illit. Ell MM. htJs.. rno.uned the e~,u.r.iona.ry

~addf!f«t a tpJlop .A!t: .tH! Jl!!f _t Jiif 1t 1191 M" ••

p.q,.mg 1'~lap1:l::H '~1~1QI is .~ to dllSo.ilibe SOITlC'- AD.'I0USMr',

thing [bail is increasing or developing ala v,ety f.~ rate ~iiil <iIl'!1is dtiffLCUlt OJ' ]~ble ~(]QIltroL ~ il!IJI:m ~ t~ i.! .

1t .. fI9. ~ T~ ail crisis of'~ s.emruw brolighf .,Uo-

pi~g in:jilliio.rI on W1- ~tUl~,i~omd scalI!:. .. 70. ft m.ti litIl~BL$."1 ~#M,!I t'l.8 RII~ B!:I.iiIi:lt .g ... ," . dy-

ingol tplJoping CC1LfUmplion. '.'M; ¥Jf!:l! ••

gal-lows! r'!}ltIOlJU; \~lol ,. Gallows ti1'J both dlt; siq~ ~ N 'COUNT

I.,..~L al I' fa· lIiI A _11--··· . o.,......L = !!~

~no;; [l>J01' wmm,..:I: • I~~ 1iI"... ~~ ts <l! ~i[l

frame used to e~te crhn..~.!l ·b¥iBugUlg. mm •.

pH.DOIIIe' ig.:clJ~~ 'gtilJ:s.ton.I,~. A plWone IS Nl'~

a 8~1 andpain.f:Ld htm4' w"hlch tiUi de-v.d'op ji'i! yoot gall~

b~. 1f!.1i. •

GaJi.hJp, pun /~:l:ci!pIFlJl, 'IFlap'po1/. Gadup poIf:s" A f!t10l)[!l\l1'. ·OR.

GlIiIllIlP pOI!Il ill a SUl'vty ill whiclJ a group of ptoplt:.!!pt- hoy,t N rially ehesento repreiellt .a]l the pr.cp1c iJili :Ii mIQ/try. are

ask..ed fort~1r opirOOn on~, Gallup f:!'OUS Me espxjaJty ased toMIJ:: j:o:lpkbow l!hey JWiU vote in 00 etec-

~ioo, in orru;l" to pfeC!:ict tbe I"I:SWt:. • e .. ~ •••.

1JIi-JQn: IW1o;, p~kw! ~c~~tiin.g m very Wgelilll:im- M1~NW bers.; an infoc~.<Uld ~li_gbUYQld:-f~~~, [ii. ~L~~

18 J 1c. 00, ::;; * 1&':1 0 00 There aNl!11.lpl y ~ gaJ:Uf:l:.

many of them, a~' by the roundl, .. **. ~~. m

T .;lt~ iAF !t ".:ll\ 11 ~ ~ ~ W'" 'T ,. friendly .brlr.s, res~

tmrants, aM ni.r,ht clttf>.f salore , ...• ~~ .. jI ag ¥fll! ••

m-fi!1f.~{to· -

P:"~ 19'il.nr~·;~'I.QfIY .0I€e waterproof ~ .• ~ly :N' PWRAL."JioU) made of :rubhc!r. w~ch ycI\I ~ Q""cr your ordmary .~ pair cf + ~ sboes ro preve!lll~m. gttting well·. II II!( •••. ~ He .~ wear~nggaJ~ tlndan absurd Mt .f:E!'I ••••••

- IlIl1.iiiI~MM1T.

pt- m· rum ! 'lgtd~rlulzJ'gathi;ilrmu! , PllI'Bldzts, g:alYIIDi- 'If + 0, USU"'.A


JliQc. pI~~ !i); tIf ~ _~. 10 .~ SOrrill'l- ~ ~

o.th: 1fi000lls to ,rn,use Iilit:m ~ do ~r.n,.e,thing s~ru:y, .101" ~ _.o".:lI-g~

tx:amp[e by ma:hllJig tihem feel ex.ci~ed .afraid, or ~, fl

51§- I (t.$ ,.~. ~ i R. 100, !'he "eclUl"i!!! .Jl'w~ .Y~-

era/os 'hen in·to !1'c.r~on , .. J! t);;.~rJt;ttJtI!Jt1" J..:ti g;;t_

fi~"'" She· bsciJ.me gaJlhJmud. Slit'suir.ttrl.to ,.u,n, .. AI 1fff.jjltil.*.H!ti~.·" ... ~_ung .sUPJXIrI lora

wttl'Jfh (.ax. "·U.It.i"=t!iI;.I~+A • .a~.:i:lf.

gBI·.·nIRd !,n:;t'I~na!Ul(1; ~Lv,~/ruuzdJ. iJ); m ~~- AW CLU.W',

fT~ us.u A.:I"I'Rm

Di$gJI. G1d~ is ~ ~·deserik rm:tal. ~y

inllQ and s~ee]., '..,..dl b ·bcat oowrro. w:i~ zmc in ,~

00 protea ill,. cspeciaUy from :1'1!2S1. ifif8!l. m ll' $.I7'tI:I.U

gal vanill1d inm shed·. .. • ... _ (iU •• M.A... . •. ggJ-

VQnimi steel ~.n:, .•••• M~.

pm,.bit /rgzemblt, ~bl.tj, pnbil$. A ~, ~ .~ 00 N1COUN'T,~ll'

f . . . . MttH.N

a..ctlon or 5t'l 0, aW~ in Oil! sitwuw or~ ... ·moo ~:,.", whi.ch "'""' .... ] . ,_~

~- .. ~ .r .~~ Ii: :1l''''':.!'II!II.!Il<IICtI~1'e

do ira o:rditt to try t'o ~ ~. ~~'t<lge. b~l whicl! often

~.'r.iVOJves.· ... ~.~ ...... Tin. <.;f. '" ~ ~ .lRaII.o .. ... w".'." a good: gamhi 1 /w at I~tl~ ~lItntu:m. ". .,. U:Sj ~.1S

Ii"'~.·" We discrmedth variou.r optm~ gambits Wi&'J in chess... ft 111 i'1it T Wi$ 'Ut IF $.4f,", ~ tJjJ tHf ~ittll~··· ffts bask gwnbit ill' .to give tlwn prestmU a ,couple of ~·befQfeIulM. flu tit. *. 1& ~}t 1Il11in: .. ~;!, ~fllm,*L. • .

2 sometbing yo'Il say to ~. in ,oMe. ]l) SlU'!i: a (00- NI 'C!(I!J1OIT I US!I.I ~tionwi!th ~. arlEn wben .you .are uying to pin ~ ~

5JOIi"ile ad\'a.tl~agt from :~. Jf 11 B f ( :If td ~ )ij II.. I~

• &.en, sk.k.?~ .1asua" & a ~WTsat~l~t it

l~dM. .someth'liB ... "« T ?".fiiJ •. ~~ .1i!1Xo1 Jf5 ~,

~·ltl ~ M T Ii.·ft ~ ..• . .. mit.11k op;ml:ns ~ts: jQr

,di"nef JXlJ·~ie;g" ·····IR, • .t.'*il t!l ;Jfti a, • .

~~bIe;r.~~hl,~.'.....,..~ ~ •• ~. ~ooum, mlJ l A ... ~ JJii 3 risky ~ or ~ .~ 'Vn1J takt· In

19""'- '~'S.ING

d~ bopt of gait .. ~)', SIlCCeS5. (l!!' an advantage. II: z tiJ!1I:. d.bil!rlg

et I " M:. S!Gi W~.r:mnt; .., .ad«isiM. loQ/( tJ. gnmh'ie.

(lOO last ... ft.frJ~· 7 •. ~, • T~· T 1.-' !i. 5t; II! 7"·

. , . ,a gamble ,_f paid offffJf .!a" .. • •• tIt;ft;:1TI. If·JIlt m

M -lik I M: ••. . •. ~ logiC(lr~ m~~ lhan a wild'

8dI1Wl,e. ···R* •• M."ifIj::'::.~.IB.IIi.

2 If yotl pmbk. 2, '1 )!OO takc·a.rWky action or dii:ci.~ IV OR v? '0',

ill th.e • of ;ga1rung JliW'J!ey. mettSs;,or an advantage. : -I- ,mEl' 1HE"H ft~" I' j!j.~ k)l •• , " ... B: ~ '.1 ... ,1'1'; M. eG The oomptmy .~ filii;

gamMed ,aU ~ the ffeWfoc·t~y .• , ~j!~j]iJlm-tn.·"

.t£ T.:il ~ifiI.r .t .. , ". gambl.in8 on: the ~wmpUon tim the file .had been 10$$. ····(;:·1fA* •• :li!.*e.~

if:. ~ .• 2. ,2 you bet ~ ina ~1JI,1;' ~1tdt ·as cards or 00 v OR v .. 'Oi,

the R5ui~ of a rare Of'"OOIDpetitloll, espeda.l~y as <I regular Hi" "" PREI' l'fm'!l aa:ivky_ n~···)tr.J.1If. m, Fred gambled hi~' profits, r ~

QWi'ly. _. ",,1I.I!.~I&:tt ••• T ,"" Theu"WO$ little

tQ do exap1 §flmbleand drink beer., . [II; T M"~ "I"

.Z~r .fL-"! m::fl. ijJ •••• Ik .gambi'r,d Iwlvily on the

hm--Jt!S. M. tEl!)\ PJ;, ~ 1:.r 7 .xM j4: •

gam.bIer /1'lP=mbla, 'ga::mbl",.;. pmIJJ:en_ A pmbIer:is NCO'LJil.rf ~e ""':00 pmbJes regtlllarly... ik.rei'GlllTIple inl eard 1l ~~~r

~ = pu:!j!~f

g<1!ITle!:i or ~radi..!lg. 11 .. ::11 M ihM fij. lEG 1 In not a

gambier -. bm 1 ,did have a fejVpou~ (Vi the Derby .. + ~~B..~,ma.l;.ttl.lt~. T'l' 7 }tJ'ffjlB'tltl: .,. l1e had lire ~m~ ~ J(l,~ a/a prof~'onm gambler. ••• -M.~ •• ~~ft.~~5~~

_·lbIiD1lr~b1ltl; \~mbl1ljJ{ Is tk a.ot ~ habit of bet- r.,' UNOOUN'il' dng .mMCy, fOr E':xampie ~!l ~ ~. ~,_cmg.

etc .. '" ••. lEG He ussl. the firm'~. ~y .,() paya[f

gamhJi~ debls.." , •. mil¥ftl~JlJ..*.:m •• ,,· He r, .. na

gamWi~ CiMino, 1im.ff 7 ~ if M ~ . -

_~I!d !1~b1i~ 'p.m..bll· ~. ~. 'pm~ v, m:U+A - 00Ikd~ i!·ftl~iji\".~.,~ ~ng: ~. jf'peo- !~:p

pQe or ani:m.als pDllboi. they tWli or jtl:l11p :about lin a p~aJy" fiil way. itlii;:,. ~. EGo ., • wi thki5 d~ gt1mooUing rou~hi~''''lIltllJL*~ I[I ••• I.I'&M. .

:pmIl !~~:m;gem/., pmes, ~ A game i.s; L 1 an <l/cti'Vlity or NOOlJHT spm ~Q~~ ... jl1g :s.kiiH., htowoledge, or ciwnre, wn whiclil you foll'owlffii~rlJl,es .and try to win. agaiJl!St an opponent or

~o solve 3. pU:Z4le -lIlt.1 :I! iJI. HOi You .r;aud nm peop:l<e

to play t.his .'8Qm.e",. W. •• :fl:~Hf'· A;;tflluiJ.a:.Mtm·a···

In a game like ,t,~ntW. the sron is kept by t~ um~

pfr:e ... a~i1-~mr;li~~.~1tmfU41ttJr·" ... ~

fP!1W. ,. • •• MI' * { Jt ., * , 1l '* ) • ~... . .. oomptder ~.···ttJJm.~. 1..2 a particular occasion. ~lJIaJ]y NlOOurq MFangmI in adV\1II.Cie. QI] wiI~ich a gan'lC is played. I:t!!lf. ;;; m.um EI3 On .~he hocJc.e, pifc.n Mrs:s- Cad~n. ..ms. umpir1IWa

gflmfl ••• _"~.Jj\tIliE:lE IIlrIlIJ'Ltmll-'JjlItW-M 8:M

••. Jk pia ~ in. a §Ill'" ofr:riCkel tl8i2hut Q t,mm /rrJIn

St MlJTY'S. , .•• 111 T 00* Ei :¥;~iiiI ~~l'l~i1IJjBSl~J.j; .fiflll.It.··· Th~ KW ow t(};,ft ~me, whJch .~ lost 6·3 " ltAft1nOO.·~- :wJtW, aun ~fi-3 .~t. 1.' ill part of NctJo!lNTl a matdl, for exa:li1lpJe in tennlis or bt.idg~, ~1Ming of.1I ~lJN'[ fil'red!nm'be .. ofpojnts, (:H:;.«'~ ISI(I ) - ~ , - • • 00, •••

Game .to BecktN' _- &ch!.i" lemJsby fou.l'sa~$ to Om! •. ,

• ,., tQ Jt 11ft ~~ ••• , m 1£.$ B :a: JiQ I'Ll::. IU 1M tI'. -~ fI! ~ ...

, .. game. ~~ tilndmalch" ••• Jt .. ~ Jti.' . .4 the d~ N S]JoK;, IIJSU of sJ;iJ] or tM .ny~e toot ~e<>ne lRS when playing ill pi1!r~ ~!.w ..... ticWM' game- Jl It :R ~ , .It" tt :r;s; I It W; 11' ;it;. m ''f'&e

~ lJu,dley'$ ~ 8Ot. the mt)I'e m$ $Mtrwch

ached ... :iii •. :f.fJ~.tl1!.lt;i.U::~:.I!~fI'/HIIL •• :ft!··· Could

.ccmpul~f'£ t'W1l' p/4ya tkcetu· gal1U of ~? .• it ••

tIl"F itilf Nl'f. .I~'?'" There i$(I rulhJttS.f~ arou,r his

gJlmt':, •. ~.i:.*.1' Mit. 1.5' tlK: eqt.lJ.ipme!lt tMlyou N(l4)iWoIT n.eeci to pl<l!Y apru10cum jndoor. game. for elUlmplea:spe:--

oialliiy nw-ked ~nl, dk'e.or special ~, li F'1 m~ U

lL too A ,~oftoys. ga~, books .. , -:I'-1-,iiJ\.iI

~. A '" ~. :$ ,.. 1k:d have 8'lmlll! to ploy a4.rh in t.hE

IU!Ilrsery. fl~UE:JLYJ~:Wj"$tI:Q*,Aiil]I~. 1. 6:.in ac· N(,'OVJIH tbtjty that chl:i.dlren do. fOf example: ~ooliQg to be

S(lII]JlOOI1e or 1i.!5Wlg ~oys, ()L:ii: ~ .Ii I¥J II ~ ~m "0 ~ The

tlVim- ~re playing Q .game with ,r,(}'y oU tanbrs, ..• ~l

fit.ll8 00 liE a "H,i Ailli • :$ •• ~... Other ~.nuti"~ ... ( lookingin5Mp wi~ and maki"8la~ .,;K.jJ a9:«P

~ BzilIfli.li§' lill:ft:Jlt _.tiL 1[" 7 a s.h~atioll tru.t[ you 00 om N' COUNt, IJ~I,J treat striow;~Y... fi~· .. EG The\.! tmnk Ii f.. ,e i:UJ 0;'). me...·t.h " .. N" trSUI M (;

J J" 10'" 111:1 rt jo:l1G

lff1lJ..'-JA~"- .•. m~· .. Htt uJld himsdfit ~ onJ.ya .. ~

-game. alitd'e re~ .. 1tBIffIliIIlfIUh3 ,ll~n:l:+Ji.~.

-1- JfrviJ~ ~J m.l:. 1.·8 a: ~y of betJavhag in whi.oo, 31. per" 111 100!JN1',

SOl,!! ~~a pa:rltj~.." plow., (l$~~y In .~ ~ pin,.~ llSilJ+ Sl!lP.f'

adll<m~_ •• dt iI. EGo ."' I~ ~ lMt po.lit'-

CMi'I$. play. . ., .. Ja 3: fI1 fi SlJi it: ~ ;em·,· 1,"s il ridicul()U.$

tyllneoJ Muf! and wJmtf!r~bluff.,. %t .. - 1"- MIIF ~ !i mJFfl<JliiJ~tt.··, ... , lR.rower game. ,·,;p:jJltft.

.2' 11te word :game is, alliso, '1.ISaI in the fo.l1mwng eXp«:S!T

b';',iom: , ;# JII.y:. "f III mil. 2, f If you 5ay U's aU pIiII1 .,J ~1Ie ~oo p:IIX. yoY awek:.IUmg SQmoofie IlOt to '~sW'pf'm .m- up~

sd by sameJ!:hill1g, .~ it ~ a normal .part oJ the S'ihla~

tioolhat tM'jt atJ1.~ In. lit J!1.',,;.;;':;: ~ :1iitl .• 2. 2 Ir yoo ND,,1J&m AS

beat ~ .t, tbrit OWB.~, you w.e tk' ~ :rw::w. N\i' A

,od's thoIt they nave ~. but 1l1OOC suocessrwily. so (.hat

you gain an ~tage over tbem. .tt.it (.it I1X1t "" ) I

k'..l ( Jt A) Z. • iii is { ;it A Z ;!lr ). Ell The J{J;~ Wf'1'e" trattnci.mg lhe W~l a~ iu ~ gan:r.e. EI::$ Aili·~ tt .it


_lfIl rI ill .ti ii!Jj "j; ~ :2. 3, UYOI) say the ~ is iIlP 00 ffI!f'o'EN1iiIUfri" $OlneOI:le':s.·~ 1$ up. you mem mat their secret ptms or ,~VB 3CII~\O'i.ti~ have been revealed arui tlJerefore .~t S1:op be-

muse tlrey~' suc:cttcl_ (if 'u·.II •• j'Ui)~. T; ~

*g T , 1\ iii 1i: . .Iit;.~ T. [00 H~ glanct4 at Mtifianl1e.

• Gam:e~s up. lo'Wi ". .. til. .. 7 - .. Jq, III ~ • iI.;·~ - to'm

~ T ,~.~~, •• The /Jr,ash rellliudrha~ thepJ'il1.t'i l'.W

up .• OOAtJ..jtJlJlitB~B;g*!I!! T. 2." If SIIlfIiilet'ing JiKR, VB or so~t:gi'va file gamr.away, tky rtv.eall~ secret of r~

1td~~ a pW:t..puzz]e., trick, etc, and prevent it !being sll.octss;fu~

or enjoyab[(:. • ~ JhilIrUlHt:., lEG 1 tUKUYS gi'l"e !.Ire

1Mit!!!'! a~tl- .. ·'IJe qIIJ'- _.- - t .... ~'~Lf ---y I'a_' "" 0"'1.

I!:>"". ,r;!~~ . ',0-- -'" -~. a. m $!."' ..... 'PI:,.I!/o

~. !f!~" * - tlHr!l" ft ~ Ii It :m :itT ... The key lVOras MM been omi ttedbecause tl!eyMKJJ.dd Hi vs' the gam.e a~y, ~,. M iI'l ~~. 4i:: • m )!J 1?:1tJ; iii *, • .M m: II¥:J •

2.5 .II ~are DeW toapartindOi!r plll!ti' 'fOU ha,v·emot Pjiffi, ~Ao'l.C

done a partiroi2!f actl.vity or been iea p<nn:iroiar SllualLOI') ~ ine~J'C'lio::rJW;ll

!xfiw;:, :trt··'~J!I,a(;~lii:f.I'~in. ro ]'m tl mt ~w ,'0

this gtlfl'U' m~Jf. :Jfri,t - tr It I~E!. :&;:f:: ~ •.•• 2:.6 If I>lm;, VB

II'WLECIS YOll s.aythalt ~ is pJayiqg !~ at playmg slItl, "= _ ",I:o;u

ganws.YOl1 mea~ that they are not tf1eating a sJitwu:ioo.st'"

riDll.'ilyOliild tfua!t youan:' ~d 'With diem.~.fi !~ il

,. j;f f;¥. fG S~ofJ playing games. Joemy!. .. JtlIIMJ T •

~M*! ',. All slu e"l'U d~s is play s.t:ly gan'les. MJt

4ilr1ua:~f,iJ ~ :2,:; .nr yni 5<1y that somronc iI:!: 11m iPlaYiDK the PHR, VII g;BIilt, )l0bi1 mean tkait mer are .not bclla.ving in ~ fa~F oc ~~Ni=r te~bj~ _y ina pa:c~JC\lJM Si;~Yatlgn. It. (~) itt iI

if d\! )iJ;;r;;)~!l1E*. ,2, 8 ~f SOl~ ab roo • WlaiIt's ~ your ga:mt'!'. they sre s'EpiJciaus of ~beha",iour .and.

'I'oW'ilt 1'0 Jti)(;oW wlut your iIwOC:rwtm am'eF :lUI infOrnul ex-

pression. [ff;iJ1$tF.M1Tt A.?

.HArne is 3. 11 Wlild a.n1.flI1~.ils or biniS Wt are htmtod Of (\Hjl'KX)lJNT

blJed for' ~po.rt and! ~times coo.k¢d and eaten. •• ~.

_. Ee, The .11M\! Ju:Jd StlNe U' ~nt'wiJd' ~ . ,. JJ A in

nti~* T , ••.•. ,mmt •. 8U1I'l1f!! and pamt!'}' •.. ···III.1f

• :ftJ ir" ... .., gilnr.e:: restTiVeS. .. •• ., B IX .ai .. 2 a..~ Ni UNCOUNT •

who .....,.. IL!lliDLkcan be tricked. nw:k: w look roolJisb. oe usu ~,. N

;-- = pR'Y

p;:rliuadm to do what you want ~m to .•• Hit.~)I~

~Ml. !;(i l look tQJy gam.e. . .. ,ft. _t.:li: til. Jj J:. ~ ::tlllili ••• ''!'he daughter of agneml !omS' after ,bigger .game - :tIF ~ ®*Att~~m*oo~~.-

4i If you say that ~E.tIOe is _or _ f« stmlething.

you Mean tha.t Me)!' are wining to 00 sotfiCmi.ng new. WIusuaio[ r~dy_ .f1;i:It:~MH",.,~!kH:M~$H'M H~djM .11 ~. EGIhMW CW'iaimy ga~, Jput hin; 0IiI tlre hI:lil'J1t .md ht,. didn'l 10rfJk a.~ aU :Klttta .. _ fill. ft{J1 til • .!It .'

ft£ftE:JIl1t!&'W L i~ • .it 1;; ~:h. .~!'- M ... I'm game

/'01' anythi~g'! ftft.f.. .... It~! • tJlI;.Jt. pJrAy.

:5.~. am 5. 1M ~. ev~ [IiI which oo;mpt:t]- NPJ.U~,

." I '*'~ b. ~+ N. AUlD .~.

nons rnn st:ver"u sports tale p ~. ~: ~'4;'1 ~ 1,!1,~. ro . , . ..'

1.._ _,l •..• L.:_Li:..~ L._I'-i !'lAMES

h-,~ grounq ·an ,_,.:wr, tr;iC8llwes H.Ete ~'Q" + ' .••• '* fi:i&

;IJ~M.a_,·· .... rhe H:ghlllM Ga~ .... ··-:m;.~.iIB :ili~ ~ "', .. a gold' m«MJ .wnn.e,' jn .the Olympic

Gdmes ., ..• .,.:ft; ~ !l ~ ijIl oft 8{J: :&: " 11 !E. !5. 2 i:l'lJ .Brit~h N l'LllM'l Engliis.h, or~n_~ ~. adi vities t~~ ehildN:n do at

:school l~] ( !j'.l'jl :ff :W. tf{ IfIIlJ ) fit: 11 ffl::iI. IE!!! You ~e

aJ~ ~ho.fJll1I~(1t SJlI1W ~I sdwoJ·. ,. :H: ~ if'2 iI!I·lllJ ~

~ l' a:; ~ J!:.tI ~ .t!1. e;:r;: it- ••• ... a 8Qmt!.f mistreJ:S. ... j(

*".lfiII~ -

G 1J::!i!. bRlIl pme, fair game. 'waiting gwnr. .~ aIM:: name

of 'lIbe ~ j Jil B!Ime. • filii _ game:s; d\1.fnn.

game·teep·er !~~m.~; 'ge~kifi3'!. ~_ A N OOVIlfU

..... -..l._ ~ Iil~r

$"" • ......-.¥"" is a JIei!mIll woo l:tkm otafe of thew:iW ani-

mals or bjl:'d!: that a!fIe ~t an mrueone's ]and for &bixIrif.lg OF hlWlting, mJ;i~·tif A. Iffi Slr Mauhew'sgarnekuper rai.S«i pheasanJ~, ~ •• ±o<J.I!i.~ A. T -~. ~'.

game.~y j1g:J1mh~ \gemhl ffieaJilS dOOll.e bravely or wjth ef~ AID\!' lIV!l1'! '!.'B

fort. JI:U Q ~ .. ~ .Ii!1; ; ~ liI!i ~. m .:II!. ,EG, The vicar rrue = ~~j

garncl'y to l'he chaUenge. _, I'tB.8..,M ill:llt!.~.* @:t-ti:l&

~ ... '1M book ~t_r trie:1l~Q q~d ~i~"8. n *'

~·m.i1 ill ~i! ifTi21!t ~

~ .pIan.11UIJe' p1W~ ~. ft; ~pIlIuil. 1 In ~l., OJ! NGO!lJNlT,

~en:rn 's :p:me plan is their plM ftw wi:mtio.g .3. nli'I!lcJl" it. .,.. 110"1 !'II a¥tOOlit.lIIil.

:2 ~·s .~. plaDis thcadiions they intend ~o tab I'IIJ((Ili~l\ and tb;. polici,e;; [they ~te.MI[ to adopt iIw ardI;r In achicv.e a or~ :[iI!l'l$ 1'1 .p.aIi~iru~:ar thing-_ff :ilJitN1J ixt •• EG If he hi;u a game

plan for winning lhethai .omy he widerstands it : _ .«

wfB.fi •• tttlt.3::!1 ~ " .•• iii Jl W·.Ill[ 6 9,E.iJIj.,. He i3

u:nJikely to a'Uer' his ga.rne pian. fi·;;;t;:i!JilJ!t!lli'lt; EI9:fii!tr

tJ"iIJ •

jpIIIe5o:nm,.Sbip I'fFl~d]p~ \ge~JliP/ D the art III tlNCOUNT

(W pr,~~cc of ~ a ~ by .~ tbat ~ JlIOl • ~~~

.a,gail'lSt _ niles but mit VIWY ·clost· l() cheating. !t.!f!~

iIDJCl.,II;.M] I' , UKl'rRiID,

~F~ PIW'~ for

.ffl~.iE.~m.1f~·fIHJ.Jj 1; 1* (fgl~!t .. It * ~ If'. (t IJi I Ill> ijtI -fl!. IEels Lf ga~lWh:ip to make a loud noi!le wh~ll!

your cppone... nt i.spJayjng. ~~~tr»B\t*~QI.IiIiHi-tt IM!U11,J .. :t;N.

pm.:1Dg li!J!lml~I"~ is the same· .:;L~ ~ing. ,~. N ~ cian)! at cards er rolut~e:ata. rOf'~1 Of oIdJrfas!hl~

wom. [.if ~;1t; ~B :II Mit. m ., , wunins dUM. . .. .. III.

m ~ tf!; ••• .., lheBeuill8 arrd Gflm:ing Act of 1~6·Q. • .•

196(1 Q;t]i.II'I1MMJAfM···

pnli.ma ! ''€Fmal ~rni1j,,;, :~, f'~ i!!;; the thitti ~(1)'1J1tn'l Jeuer:' of t~ Grett aJlphabc~,som:etmlJle!lllSed as i'!i .maJi"1: or ~. grade given roc .'31 I>ll.tdn.t's wad:. :I:.iI~1I}~.=-f¥

'I1J:(:Na.r JI*~.¥i.1:;m:!l!~tf.).

...... nys are a type of dectmt:llTla~i.c Fiadiaii.orl thai ~ .~ has a sherter wavelteDgth andI higher ene.rgy ~ X~raysL

r :tJ~;{.~Iit ••

ggm.tmn I'~manl\~~jl med n:taJf.I~y in .Br-i.tislh. Eng- r>I ~

Ii&h, (4Ji!glnam i!> ~ !from t~ bad!; leg oe the side ora ~. JI<If.i

pig. C~ is us<uaI~y fried or grlUed ]Ike baro~, ~~:

can also be !Jmoked Of salleCl l:ilebml, [iI: ~J II J§ lIIJ'~h

.. M JlJ ; .·ft d" ill. E:G;, , " i!1 piewf)fgq~rI;nL .. ."-;!:iIl:

.M··· .. ' gammon ,rashers. ···.Jtfof Mil ~ ..

j;am.ut /I~a,t. \p·rnOilt!. The :pmmof $Ornrlhing is the NSJNGWI'm wide variety of thin~ ~hat can 'Ix .ifDcludcd i;Wi it, .1'" ~ :~E[', U'Su"'o{


!Hi 2 $ .. ~ , " . the e,u~u gamul of lorJdoo poll ties .. ,

••• -& It at; ~ i.1Iitt ;<IHl§ :ijIji... . .,a rich~mut of facjala~ ~~Wm. , .•• ~ ¥ .. I¥JI iii M! • it . ~ If'YOU run the gl!mlP~ or SQmedti~g. you (!xperienct or espress d~ wide V<\:ri.l:'ty of things that can. ~. indOOed in ilL ·1fB: .... i!rll~fI! '1ri,!i1 ~ I~ She men ~he ~muJ DIal) .aut .m~ ,ha, babies atP'il haw'" '" .Jlt,. fl M .~ B li;E I'll' ••• Y ..• Its

$MIls ran .the ~mut from ~in: to tmot. E B'!l ~ ~q JA

~1I~1l!.~ !iVJ~ •. ~Ili'u~: .w1!il ~* .

pm.,dee /I~ooa! \~ndi3'O!. pncItr.g. A ~ i.sa male N C()1JN'T gcosc, •••

'gong !~i ~. pD@"J. pnuing. pmgedL When pog is

used .. as ... ooun till the ~.~]at. it coo. be 'll5Cd w.ilb 11 sin-

gvw nr a p.~t.1r<1,l VO'b'~ll.g mif1;;lJl·l!45 @J~ .;it.:rjJiii11lT1;l ~.:Mt.m.~l,:l:ll .. It .. A png iI;. ~ a gwo.wp of ttim:iruds: N!'ooum w.m work t~ther to· commit ,(:tL~, (e m,. R<.r)~", ~-

i; ~ Ef3 Highry o.rganiud PIliP ·Qf cr.i~n.al$ ~ Nt~

O:p"mting the" !{Jr,mr-J ... m~JI!!i.MJ:meWltBH.

!Ilj'~ ~ if; if.... , .. a gang .oj terrorisU.". • •• -;ft §'iItf 1f-

T'" .. , gang bcwes,···.~~TC1.

;2 a group ofpeaplc,~dally yow'Ig ~!::;. who usually N ~

g:oOU"OufLd together and ofiierl ddi.hernttlY ca~ Inroub~e~ '" piIoL\Ii

( 'I ~ ~ ~ ) - it. E<il: They s.tood ar:ound in g;Jn~. f'i'l:lue.7ti:.~e am .im1a1d~ wi~M .. , M; 111 Mt fff liM*_W1~UiS •• §JFA,tnllJ? n •••• figJu~ wUh rl=

l.ra~' ~~ , " .'" .~ ~ j'L '" :if tr If .... . .. woJm~ $U;eel

ga~. ··"fi~.tt.

3, a ~JI o-f~ who <IiI'E~m:I iIll SlmK:WliIY,w N'IXl!.JNT info:rma] ~. [m]l Cfir ;J,.JIII ·IPL'I: ~) ~. A.. lEG •• ,his .. «mpany gang of dedicated ~'V fellow pianists, ••• ·ftU, .. ali'

.:!t.~IQg.~II~;t. -

"' <! grarp of f.lendi who frequentJy meet ~ociaUYI aIl~· N ,COUJ:rIT' formaJ use. [m] (& *'. ~ Ii!ll ) - i*:J1IJ R. I":'G 171lf' whole = .~. gatl:8~.i t!tere-SU2Je,IacJ:,. Karen, 11 1V] - M;;: :D 11E IJIi !I!-

iI.·~· ,~)tftl~~ ~

S <t gJ'm!p of WOli"keno woo W'Qfl qet!her. (9i 1lJ :;f i'tll )- N OOUf'llT

III - ;!D. EG .". 4 Ptt8 of $~ illOOurerB dearing • ~ weds .. , .,.1I .... ~. tIJ .. - ~.:t,: 1'- § I ... • Lorr,res. pjcUd

the.ml'k grmgs up .as ,d:tUJ;. if.Ft Jt:W -f' *:m~.:ijj ~ R;J

):...:1: Tlf-~

pug up. U' pxIpl!e ...... ' they IIllni.te ~t someo:ru: Pi'lRASALVIIi,

dse :llna {ightOl' ar~IlJt Qfllur apartl,ooar p~! ; ~~. usu· A. lL~d' ~n i:niifnntliliJ fugl'ish. [mJ.~.~-fk.~ _il:- .&*. EG

They are w;mging up' against you, .. -flI!!f1 iiE :a:·.hiti*:tJ

1';j t!f; •. , N(},tiomJ~' groups ,are ga~ng up to claim thei,.

ri,gl:is , lL-t- ~*:E3( HH~ jf ~~.*i.i* J_[.I;fil1n ~tt,flJ' 0

1lMg •• lI!ind j"gqJ,l<tllcl •• ]:aod.F \_ga:lJ!OXId/ ~ ursed w describe MlJ ~JF,

~ activities or pt:Qplc ·Walt ;lin: invQlved ~no:rg<miwJI crime.,,, I:il]~

l'! iIt ~ ~I. 5GI They KWt ali gangland killers .. , .fI!i. tn.

;Ii. it: ~ ~J ~ .f.... ." a New York gmtgl(J'lidOOss.. • •• tIl

.~~ae~~. -

ean·gliDI I Jg!f!rniLm '~1Iij! ill used' 00 de!lcc.ibe .a yml[llg A!:lJI ~f prFSOnl, especiaUy llI.~, who is taI~. thin. and clumsy in ."- WWo.1'

thrir mO'l/t'ffienlti, .~(Ji."tl-*J I Jtiil X.tI;tr.ft;~ttII,iflJ. EG

.. ,a tali. slender, ga.~ling Jt1Iung man with big

feet." -1"~:'- X. ,.& .• - J!.*"', :ijltJfF·~·rd:l: ~. &A

::~':'1-~~f~\i;;~: .. ~~~.the ~ a/Pyle.

:gang.p)aIIk I'~pl<l!gl::~ \~p!i~J .~.. PI. ri OOUI'n'

h .. f'c-_ k_· = ~1.l1!I~.

'ga,n;gI!Wk isa ~. Oft br1dge orplatliiNm~hat c;ttL ''-'e' pbl.~

• ~.ViI!I .l~.

[f .. :I?iREl" nmN G1! ~ .. M

eed between d~ side ora ship Of ~t and the· shore. so ~hat peop.l~ ru;n g,etoO! Q£ off. (M.!j:i~~zoo'n~"h. Ii. EG The g(mgpitJnk kW' again lCillilerM tmd I;heywel"'e put ashor;e. ".R-*1&:TT*.flr]TR-..t 7~o

game. ntp.!. IJIIIIe ~. p1I!I~, p:na: ~j :Jli'Mftl VB:WIl

p:Dg-~~ If a ~ is gmg raped, several men fo.rre pa5lSi~ her to .00:l'C ~![ widil them. :I: ff .OGanl: ~ .is abo a ¢ N ·(.'()UNT IlOUn, ~'t!f.

gan.~ / l~i;n~ 'gzugrin/ is the· decay t.bat can oeeer ~ ~T t!:l Ol! part: of aper!lOO·~ b:dly if the blPlld s. flowiog to

h. for ellample as O!! . .feS!I.I.IDt ~f:lnllleSS Of ltljU.ry. :t:f;fI. lEG

It ~ ,~lyinft;ICtM', bId she had .ipcrcd it, $0 ~11:-

gremdwl set ilL t;':llt JJ.P. 5: ~. OUt .. Ii 't , :liJJ!: IS /.O! fti fl 7 il:f:m •

p.:P'!~~ J i~liQ!l1 '~1l<IW is ~ lO descri'bea A1ll' 'Qli'AiJ1"

part ofa. pe.rson's. body lhat h3.'l been affeotM by g:;m~ Ilrotltimi!:

grene. :!::tf1I ~. €a They had W 6m:p.t1lat.e .the gungu~

11Q.~ ieg. fM·m_I~AJre_::M::i;J;f;:!Jl!og.,'Ii$.

~.ster Il~~al \g;:rg:>ta-!, ~. .A pngster is a r.1 COlIJIoIiT

member of an Q.rganizod group (If vio.l.etU.cdrniruW ,. . ( ,. " Cftpjmt!l

!f},.m ~ i9 ) Ji!t, ,If la:. EG .,. ~s. ~hie~. and

8fJ~rel's .. ,'" fi ~ ~.f;ij:if ,Jt. .. 'filII ~... . .. 1Il gtIttgSler

fUm. ····- •• ffkltlll! ~.Ift.

pqg~way /1~GiweI~'1g;:eG-lMI:e/. ~, A ~ ill ~ NCOUNT

= ~~ a ~ l'eftOet:weeI1J :I"OW'S Qfseats. {ill example iln a

theatre or' aircraft. for ~J.e ~(i walk aJollg= used mainly

10 3d ~i.sb English, [.i: ~}( ... , ~. m .111 ® ) J!Il fill .iI. if •

nll. W In a Jairiyempty bus, .he ka8. ~n a &lUng.

.my seal .... il-ffIlB~.~1}#tR*.t ·,flk:t; T-1"R

ill if ~ ~ m·· ... " sitU~ .betmv the gpng;w1in. lhe

H~ QICt;memo1i!$, ... ~ tE"F i)!, IHi:ll IF 11' ~ ~ 1ft J: •

2 a gangplanl; .Ieadiqg OOtO a ship, ttM!:; :tlHfi.. lEG ••• NCQi,r.IIiT

HNilking down the GtlntfWtly to t:ke whiz,f. ... JtIl! ••• r


g.m.lry I',~m: 'grentr:r! ,. gantnes .. /\ pmry is a h.igh ~OOmIT metal S~rtiClMC tha:~ sup~ a cra:ne. ill st:'tuf RIad iligru.

rai].,VOl!.y ~~s. 01" IJthereqlljp:ment (~~g •••. ,iI.

r.i ~ ~ 8Ti.l ) if·r,w + !:;t;i Theu· WW' onLy one melalladdu .~p

to .ihe fPr4ry. .. R;ff - re ~ 1I: .~ 7 .... ~ ~ !lJ! ..• '1'he

841ii1ry .~ (:f(i~ w4th photographic l~ts. & • .t

i'A1~ •• :t1i.

gauJ /dY;JJ: d!3;eI/, gaols. ~. pokdl~1 mainly ]]']1

.Br~l~h En_g]isih, 1 A gaol is the same all. a ja;iL [~;I;l!;;j H~! j<dl ~~ ro fk ~pm.t t»u m:onl~ in gtWL., I£l'I!ilI:itm ~~. 'M':'k 7 ~+ R .. , , .. th'e roof oJ the .pm .. " ... ~ 1» Ill.

ll .. · She·M'mrQgo.vl j{)T assa~lt + :Id m A!t.fe.iii A:II •

2 If you gaol. som~. ~jail tb~m. [.:i::~]e···;lI::.;ilc v .. 0 .~!l •. EG TheJudgegooleti Jut,. 1m t~numths. f!: g~t&AJ.tJJIt=1'"J.l.

poIi~{it' I·~llal\~!a-!. ~, A poIeri8 t!he. same ,M a NOOUN'[" j;;lUeof' ~ used rnai!nJly Jr:l .B.rilish &~.ish. [~j!: J ~ jailer Iil. = ~ !;G He: ~ped from his gooier's. ,ft:I!.hl.,"¥'~'JI·iE: •.

gap 1gep.g<ep/.pps, A gap u; 1 anl!lI:rlpty space or hole NO')t!m.

!!1! d!!>e Il.!!o\:l!e ·(If OO.medUllg soUd w: bel~n two things or ~ t A

people. 11:-; ~ r:l ; .lbI. ro ... a narrow t:4pin t~ m.QWU'ldn.:'I. ". , •• iIt 1lJ:.t: fEil' PIJI. if_.w: ... She .h4dpps in

M tauh" .• W~Z~;fi.t1··· "., the I}aP bet~

t;re' two coveri,*~. , .. .• JIl' ,R .. q-: Z: Ji!IJ tt!l.~ .. •• • "HI in

lite· gaps on the dlagram .• ~m. ~IQ:!I~M.

2 a' pcTiOO .(if ,tilU'le when }lUU are {lot busy Of" wfJen you stop· doJing SIllImeiliiJug tba~ ¥Dill: Il(ltr.~]y ®, Ii.] I. , lfii] R. m Afler a ~P<7Jt~ or thRe years. she~nt 1xwk. lO ccUege.,. !fiT iii =: ~ Ir)t M .. 1m Ji!. jij '* 1: * ~ 7 •.• . .. t h4~ fi ~ ytm. gap wheti ~ dldn'~ .fing. ,. ..·.m 1i' fii( I!IIS!lf.:E¥I'iiJ··· This·!ea,.,"'f$ ~n awk~d gap,in ~'Iu af~ IWTUXm. jt~Jp&MT-m·¥{I;fllmlM1urOO.

3 tile absttlce of iilOrt.il:Jthing ill O!! !iitWJt.iontbatpre~ i.~ N CO'!)NT from OOiDS ~tisfaotary (If rompkt¢. ~. a. EG This book .~ ~rli!;iO:~ !iUs (l majm' gap, .. is:*~ .~~ 7 ~ *~ B"· ./1; ~pil,e

of these gaps. the SlOt')' remait:lS .dw .... ¥.;ffi?!~~

B .i!t&.~J! •• ~1·" You rtuly Mt !}et.a pemion if

(here ,are gaps In yoiI,r m:ord,' .im.t;; ~ am ~ if -~ ~

.l!it.~ .. ~itlU1JnJ!:>F:tIj:ll"~.

4 ~ great difiiertnce betwttn '!,-wei. things. t...ro group; of NCO:uNT; poofiJc. (W twO sets Qfid~. (,e*®)~m;?t«. m The~~r""11oiII!Efi gap befween rich a_pool' ~ tVi~ ...•• :Iflt

~ !iIJ'II!l:§Jeli *- T···· .,. bri4ging ,~ gap be,tween pro-

government and pro-union. ~~ ... "·fir;g.Jt:t+~

"$iI~>NtI~;I'.;;t~~ft«··· .. , (li I.m.diegap oJrmly .i 450 million, "·lR.fi ~. £ ·5(!OO 7i*.~Jf.~ ::I if. • ~ !il ~Mrpp.

pPe Igtlp, ~p. pp/, ppes. ~, gapt:d, 1 If}loti! V. i".1'REP ga;pe. you lcokal ~e or someiliing in smpr~. ~ ~~j


a:aUywiith an oprn nroum. ~ 1110 ¥ HI. tI.. EG J~ ft loT!' gapedfn astonishment at the result, .. ?t;; Jt ti ~ ~ -t;li = ~ ~ftWf' ~I. 1:1 ~ ••• McPhm;oitgQ'ped. • You talked to

lhe Chairman,!' It1.Ut •• 1!!f It '***-., "'f4!; fn ~ 3;

II -& T~'" <> gaptn;. II!UII=lI!li!: it. ill". 193; - - - g,api~() 1\I:!I~f", touris,rs, . .. • .... il21lfit; B'!l. ~. ... They IPlimwl .round usc ~.

him Klish ,gllpJng e~ .. ·flBm.*.II ••• ~fB.flL

2 If :!iIIlnmethring .ppe!l. It epeE wkJe or eomes a]J.illrt.~. \I'

jf. til! 7J- ~EG, ne {TOfU df)Q1'ppeil open . .• if!' n 1l11f ..

... Her li'ps gaped infaughJer., .fIItl. 3tf :ff '* ~ tI .... -

. T~ shi,t ,tJIlrw to rewa'" .hi$ c~st, fi m:. w ~ •• !fl T

'1'4'.0 ppIiIC. fM:W~~.:JfI~. EO Th8 Jres.dng gown <> AI¥~f, hmJ a ;moin.·". Iiole in il .... "-R.1:.,.·fi .. -'1' . .nt:::ttKlJl-'" Hit usU.1I1':mJB

_re' iO .= c:a:n:mom

stomach ~ IJ gaping ""'tiM. " . ..fIB~. N ..1fi ~ 1'- m:;ll;;; ~J ft.t=J ••• . .. pouTed tMtte:r dO-Min their gaping throats. ... tE;};:. it it, fntElif ~. lit.

W·py ;Igtplr ~_Jis .lfiedto d~aik SO'lnelhing that .ADJ' CLASSIF '00Pta1ns a Iot ofpp;, ~ciaUy people wh'il- .M\i!C Pp5 in

l.beifl' tmth. '$ iii: PI diJ ~ (Jf iW') 'Ii II: II: tI!J, ~ 00, ~, plunged

brill"' IUlh jnro ,it. .. .)I.;1f &: ~ II E e ifl tt ...

HM sptt«h 'MlJ' IPPW. ttl!; IKI i# 11 Ii: .tIl~ ~

gap -b:dbed. App-iooIIwd pe;rsoP has wD:k sp!CCll, bc·~ ADJ ~, tween ~Ii teeth. 0r1i1 •• ·*~ljfW1i;M:.If':t:tr!I .• lEG ••• a 1l')11 MlltIB genialgllP"' foothed IPSn •.. '''-1'1iii ft ® .... H #i"Ii.aUI

A .. ·· ... 1lI 8fJ.p".too/hed grin" ···.Ifl, •• W.~M:"-~.

•• rBF. /Ig;ero. _ - =5. - nds~ g;iI\ ro.Y. -~- A.~ is '1 <Ii '!'4i.00l.INTr

-'"e"""'''''''''''''' 1't iJuiioti'1.

buildIDg in whkh you lreepa CIU', often built HQ:I; to or as w

part of a hlOuse. ?'t$Ii1I$iff. Eli It ~ ,Iyjn, in t*ces

(1.; kame in ,r,m: ga~' .. ,. iii It ~ A:$ :at H: ~ '~'.$]I¥: m .. ,

He jumped aut ~r lhe WI' W1.ll·opelMi l.,hE ~

dooi'l, it; fll±Ut 1f. • n:1f. -* $lJ ~

2 Oli place Wft.el:"e' you can get your cat repaired. buy a car,. or buy petrol. ( ••• " ft *' ~.r) ~ $.ft r • :bJU'dI Ni. E.G, It MIS Sunday and lhe gIrage k«lis d-a.1itd, .. jjt J:: ~ m

MJ.: •• $r *n tpnZ8t mulumie$. ···tJlJttI.

;~ _, ~ ~. If you ha.ve a .~ we. you NCOllNT

sell t~ such as dbtIha •. toys and home.bolid items tmt

you do flO!: want. ma.lalJy il!t your page. [~~J (iEt:JID

.it;XU!:f. '* .!IH! IT R~O .~~" W fIi .• . .

1I\IIl'b' /gn;b,gom'b(. Apel':iilDil.':s, prb ill the 5('1; (If clotbelO lba.t t:hey ~wea:ti~. e5p0cialty dotfu:s that ~. i:1ii ap-t~ou.· .Iar styJG: QJ' ar~ purl of a uniJo.rm. (~;MII ) IU!l j ••• lEG ... a conwcf in, slripea' priSiO:n garb .. + ••• !'I Jitlt: [ZI1(. I~ m. J... dO .,. his habitual winlergarb 0{ dook and

gloves'. .. ·k •• M (t • : JI-" fO 1f. if .•. . .. lhe sl41Ulmd

garb of peasanlS ....~. e<J fII*'Uk.

gar- bIge /'!Jl:bld5~\pb}d.v is 1 in Ameriam English. I'l UN(::01ft!lT .ru.bhish. cspe-cia:lly ~ fmm.a ihlrtmM. [ ~J it. ~ ,( ill ~

Jt!. D1J) :tt • " Ii. E~ In ,her ,home. gar~ .~ fed 10'

,the pis •• ,el:luIUIl,IItW'i*t$1i:M.f.lJ*IIJ1-·· " .. ,~he.

garf:u~ in I ~ JitfUJS. • ••• .1: Itl!iHi: ••

:2 :in infOfl'mal Emgaoo ,i.de~;md '~m that <we of IlIO N U:NCOliJNI'

value oc :impo.r~. [§]m:Q:fir::II~i!$m •• 00, He talked .. ulpe

,6 /01 QffUrrher pr~ on l.hesubject. ft;atlit-t-rE!lIIX

m 7fl=S;1Ii§.. .

~ am, .~ alliS. A~ ~ is a. OJNtai~.r NOOUN't that you pcu,t rubbish intol anAme.rican Wm_ [j!J iii" ;; dIm.bin. fI' ~ EG Ik ,rhr~w Itjs ,beer bottle .into tlu garbage QrJl,. 1*mllJ!mJlmm 7~ ••.

pro·bItd / I'gldild! \pbld/ is WiCd to ck:saibc: somethlQg Am OU!\UT ~ sa)'li OFWir:t:tes jn whiCh the d.etai~ Ol...f\e tmJ.fwed 1'1 dktorle!i!

<" .... ~Io. t..~ .~.~ • = ~.~

Qf VIIfOOg·,· ~o.r 'exmllt"" m;COit.llioe· mJ<-1' are ~ oF III ·a

m~rry, mit + it 00 J~ a.x. * t1.km lit. J;: 00 o· 00, . , . a garbled w,r.rion 6J f~r low affairs. .. • •• XIf f* f1.liQ. it ..

" ~- .M til lIL :+ M gg l.l t!: . " ... IhegDrbl'td teltfhme ~8f. "'1lM:;f:iim "ifM •.

..... ,elm !I~*\garon!. giiI'deo.!J,. ~_ 1 A pnku .r.ooum

is a piece of land next to ~SOrnt.'Olle's h.oosc wlliln:: tooy

grow flowers. vegetables or other plants. and which oRen

ioclud~ a [awn, .1l1~;tEfI~ •• ~.,I!!CI'lr;!CIT. 00, •. hay·

ing teQ one afternoon in tlw .back ,~nk~ ..... ·-7tt~

it: lili 4.11 m. til: * ... ". .J~~ri:. 0'I1f:1" the fence i,Ua the neighbour's ga.tdm. .. . .... ,..'.l!§ R ~ Ii ~ 1t lilI m _ ...

. . , the .,aMe ramen. . .... ta. • ,~or p-

_I Jl:!. COIbPDJ~ • ~.ll!. market ptden.

t If you 8ft ~. you are dbil1g WOIik in yoW' gw-.. v, USUCnN't

den SUcDl Wi, wmng CIt" pJamtlng- hl.1iiI Z 1.-"fE*~ EGo 'Nlti~ate

Vila is busY8Prdming. • tltt'f H!i'ifj 4 •. 0 .prdm- Q ~ ~ ..... IIIII!:. EO -It is tao hot ,to.do any gmkn1ns.. .. ;I:~

*t.t9,ii~!lHt4~"T~7··· He Mm~ D.t gMder;...

ing.. .. M M T lit: ... ., - Jeisure ptJS'lime.r .rib- ~rrhn-

.i"'S .wood'M.l(Jr:k. ,m.usk - _. • •. Ill:; ~ * T .ft :If.; ~ ~ It!i !&.

.11 ... · .. ,~milii8 glo;.a. ···TBl£met. ~~ •.

:3 ~ somc:ti~ r,efen· to a place ]£k.c: 3i par:k thatt h.i:rs NC01IJm, AlID


It IiIo:iiMlll

N ~~9U1'f' 1'1. (iiDIhiD.s

= ~t:!~. d'_,

areas of plants, trees, and grass" and whicl1 peopl(' can INi NAMES. 51[1;'(. visit and w;:IIk aroend. ~ ~. EG ••. Kensington Gar- "I>,l_

aelu. _. ···Ii *" 2' II·· ..... Ike m.u,nicipai gan:lnu - - .

•.• fI:i' it * jill··, .. - ,rN ,botanical ,prdeM. - ... U" Sl •

.. Gardlinsis .allso used .<15 part of the name of a street. {m N ~N ~ fJ' fji[~ 1$ :® ~ fi ':it , •.. iii. m Ik MU.t our nal-door

neighbour jilt OIrltol'il. Gtlf(iens... -ftl,. it fi1 tt tE -F m :If

Ii: If;fi 1&:1 All g ¥ Jii} ••• _ •• S~ Gardens. just ,up ll:i:e

Edgware Rood. M'Dr Padd- . . ... s- .31:. ~ .. It ~

.~. ~ • ..t.ft •• i!f.WtT . •

g.anJlenam~. pnJen. a!II.tra. A pI'deD ~ is aplaee i'I ('.(JIIJN:f

where you can buy t~ for your ~ such as ptinnts. ~ ~

r:~= ~~~P~;:';~J:;;~': ill.~ If ,",'T, II z I

pr._.e.r l'gJCdnaa 'garodOO'/. ~. A pnImer is 1 I'iI COlmTr

aperson who is paid lo WOI'k ]0 someone ellse's gardro_ ,m 1Ii~~

T * 1iE Iii.. m We had a l;(KJk,ai'tda811,de1l£'. -. ft: il1 :fj' -

'till T lID ~ 1'" ~ m: •

2 501'Jl.eOl1e who Uiljoyli worti.ng in their ~ as a bobby N OO!.Jirfr asd growing fl'ow,ers or vqeta!lb]rM>. :I:.mt;« I •• *: • .M

.tt::*I~A. ro He ~. not a keen. tpnlNWj_ .:r.tIl:tt,M

.;Wl";t_1!t.. .

1JIII".,de.n:Ia /,goc'd~:m:J~gw.\dirna,l.prdeIIiu_ A pnkIda i& a .N'0CM...rriT lar~ white or .Y'f"llbw fI'owu that has. a va"y ,*,~t

smell ~ used aI$o of tilt btnh on whidlit grows. I! ~.tt: I

'Ff •

~ptdei\ party, gard£o ~ A ~ pBl1y is. a formal .!'iI'COUNT .party that is hd.d out of doors, especially in a luge' pri- ~ Jlii;l~iiim \l'ategarden. du:r~n.g me ilIfterrn:tn. •• i.il ft ••• ~ It f,f 4lr •

ro ... WI!lJrin'g oolo.uiful MIS. as. r.1wugh they wut ":ta

'" sarden fJfll'ty· ·ft.f1M- •• :MiUI'I-f'.Uf •• (£.m.

J::ffl~ ~ a gQrdenptmy at the cornmaruJ~rn:'s

house. . .•• H: iiJ +1r 1M. 8* fi ~JI- ~;m ~ m #i -Q •

gur"po·tu·ag /g:.:lgmtJU€!n1 gor'pmJuao/. Something AW QUALIT

.= !IIai!'IiII!!!C

that is garg!IDWan is Y~ry large:; a formal orli!ler:ary

wo:rdi, [JiE.il!iP!.J •. j;;, i!J1 B;': Bl). EGo ••• a ,8ilt'g~uitWJn

meal. u_:f- lUg -1ft ~ .

gu.gIe ;tg::ilQl; 'gnrgtt. pJ"gks. ~. ~. Whetl VOlt V+O .

~ NII.I:oO

you ~. yoo ~ your mouth by fiUing itWiith ~iq"

uid , tiJting YOW' head ba.dt ,. and breartlWng otI.t thrwgh your IDDlIth. maJWug 11 b.!bb~.ing l'IOisc. 'll"* ~_( 01 •• ).

p·.goyl@ 11~i 'gotp~!, gueoyb. A gargoyle i'i a N COUNT

deoora1i'Ve sLone ,carving on old buiJdings. It ~ iitll.Li'Iny fI ~JI'tp;liIi

shaped like the head or a stnmge and. ·ugtycre.ature. and

wail.er drains ltu.-oogb jt from thel'llOf of the Iruilding. (it

:tIlJt·. JtI'JSt HI8«.* II.

pr··ish l'~b~J/ _ Someiliiog Ithat is prfsb' i!; very AnI QVALTI'

bright ardrnmlt. and not pleasant or restful to look :at~ = oaJIarint

wai showipg disappnwal. [It].,. ($1 it~.M MI if jjj

~ I :£ Ilfftt!J1 ~ EG, ••• the pim ,gWw of iIl!IM • . •• , .••

fl:nm .. [tIi!llr,~jt~··· .,. {l: gariM yellow .tie .••.•• a1l

!M:." ~ <> :garishl,.. • It M. ~ ;5t :it-. *I !C 'I •. ii ;fJ. 'I 4. « ¢.ID¥

Jt~ <>~ .• 11 .• Ii. ~MM. <> N lINXIUNT

p'.1a.nd ;'g:dand. ~ggrkndl. ~. ~. prIan.~ tkd. 1 A .(iIiIiaDd ls 4! demratioo in tht: shape of acirdc made· of flbwers and. ieaVl!S. which is: 'IIiUIlrOund the ooc]: or head .. :tt·~i;f,EiE. Eel '!'he KVmi!'R put ,Q 8flI'IaJtd ro.und her rieCk ... .JL~1Sk~- RitJ'F.¥£~1XIr'tT.t ....• , a pidUTe oj lhe god Gtmesh., ,~ttd wilh a tUlle. g;zr~

lund ofiQSmi,ru:. • ..• _>Ii' ltr,·!t5 Ji"'#;;1iI~ •• :1" •••

2[fyou ~.~.'yoQ p~t 3 ~ of~ V"'O •. IF~PlitEP or k.-aves armmd thekllOCl. t':i ... · • .t4~. EG Aftu the ~IJI show. young gj,r:ls wlll gar-1m.' tfft: suest oj honour

and lite Qrtiste5 .~liUbZ,5.- ~ .~ttJ»i •• ~ :l!ttt.ft

~ fIll:;;t!:. ~ 11.1: lE ~ 0 0 plaDded. tfrH!UE JF ~. EG O,lJ.[l CJ.M!6lr·,

Jack. rninud and ,,onrl(JMt!dwim crimson jl'.'01!W!Tl' ,. LI'SoU !>Rm+ ..,1rll

r-' - It Ikmniml

sal thert! lih ,UI idol .~~!~J.~.Ht;:tk •• J:tittllM-lEJW;

B.~ .... ~.*.«. .

pro.1ie ji'9iJ:.b.k, 'garkkJ is the smalLtvund white EluI.b or an N UNCOIJN1"

mtioo~]lk.c pbmt 'Whicl! has a very stmng smdl anrl tMtif: fllic:rb

and is ust:d in SlIrnl!Il quantnles in cooking to adti flavour.

~ .;ell: ;,C:k)~!':. m .. , (J' ,crusW do~ of garlic ..•• ffiIJM-.::k.:iI§; •

gar. meti.t /I'g::.:moot, pm.;;Jfl1i!. prmmts. A p:rmntt ill a N' C01.,JJ(]" piece of clothing. for example s, shirt. dress" C03Jt •. skirt.

ill' pair of rro~1 a fair~r fOli:l'l.:'i1 wtlt"d. [1EJt],C -H:'J;ti. .,i~M~, •• C .JI>*.IIT. Wr if>. E<i, She ware a

.sm.ock-Uke garment in salrl~t l'int~. :iIk.fUr-IUI n, iEIU\'i:K~fI!I.tiit*;t. ••

pr-ner /~,."garna-/,~, ~.~. "'''0 If you IIJIlIUU somethirng suclil asinrormation. you roIlect ~ ~ .ilt. often with ~ diffiCI.IJt)' or by maJkinS an ,,,,ffOO1 ~ a

forma1 word_ [iE:t:J.Iit •• lEG A certa.i"a-moW'il1 ,m-n:be garnered from IheBril,ish prw. hl Jf III ~'m flJ.t ~ .Itllf[

]\I COUNT. ALSO, N'" {I/" ~ -_.




l! 11- ~1t.~J!lt4 0

:gar. net / r~3I[li \gW'm~!. igarnets. A gamet i:,; a hard sbi~l)' ~ CQ1JI\I1l-

:&W!let~t i!1! ~ if! ~i~ Jif;:wellery _ lIM.g. It pi!

pr,.m~ IlgJmIJ j \gmm;lJ/, ~" gambhing, gar-

oiShWI_ 11 A p.nIIi5b is a small ,iUncl,Ul~, of food. t~t you i'iI COOI\HI

use tQ dooor~t~ coo.k~ lilT p~epattd food" ~.;«. EO . , • !II ~~~

~nish()J pm'sJe"l and t'r:eom, ••• ff .t1Jli. ft!J1- ;AA i'!i ~ JF

:fCNhlD. "

2' I f you, pnish food. you decorate it with :M"naU ~~ v .. 0, jFv 1'fW>

of different 0CI0dI, :00 i$::I T" lEG Garnish ,rife fish lIYilh ~ '~iI!

,{;f,I:c~bfT shcer, :a:"f!J:.~JLRitm.. "

P"~ ret / Igttlt, 'ga:nV. gtII"ftts. If you refer to .lIi room ~ j'\I ~I a pn"et I you 1:tleaIl, ~t ~tis iii. very s,llIJaI] romn, at the top "nl~ of a ~. usua:lly a mom that a [od~!I' "li\i\i!S 1:[1 for \'Ny

I:i~tleren~, ]JU'. I £ij :JJ ,j]\ 00 •• EG •• ,S-Huknt ,~"e~s in

utMkm. Of' Paris. .. . .. -m" It u ~, Ii m j;;~" ~_ :m {t ~ ![fi

fl. llou'ld him ~~" II gun;el in BrixWn, fttl;;:N 11! ~"Wir tIiIt!J-(ijJ1lim .t~,~ r f2~

pr.ri.~ !~~I"'gzfi!SW. ~, ~ng, garrisootd _ 1 A garrison is a g[1QlaP of !5OldJers whose job i$, to ~ ~ town or building whkh they live in, :I!E¥: I Eft iJ; ~ ~ •• ~'il RIl i!,.. EGi Maize ~ grown here' 10 feed

are garriso,rL j~JL.,ift.Ji '* LU it!1. ~ ... }t. ",u,_'1;8d of the ., N COO!-.lT

L "Jd' ~~p

1,1101· lP~ which lh~ sokleo live in, ffl k'..l rnm ~ ± ~ m ~ .


2 To ~ a pJaoe lifi'lIe3il!i ilo> pult soldierS the.i:;~ ]liarde.r V + 0

to ~l.··~ ct iJt. W:*"-<J'l¥:ijB).oo The .Duke. leaving a ~ ~~ SnMl "Jarot!w garriron t~ Mwn. set aut al first light , :xRtI~.£: .. 00 r -/l'>jt.AAdl£~ii,l.·JSIOO.tjt T.

gu·f!lM1e !9'ljrot~getrot.·\!'Qi!/" ~. ~Ung. gat'rottuh #Mf!; ~.e' it~te.l1b~if!. ~"" .. 00 means to kill them by *angHiilg them or b~g their

neck, ~Dg ill devi.Cte stroll as 21 ptt'C't of wire 00- a metal

coiJar, .~~.~., -

2 A :garroIte is a pje(;C (If win: or a I1lt'la~. (;Ollar used to N COUNT ga!!ffioUe somoo.rtC. tJ * 11' itl]' •• (:gi; tl; JiF) •

pc- fiU·lIam _l1!JCrul;J;;~ \~as/" ~nr:: who is gm:nJ~ ions talks a gKalt dea], Cllf!Cci:ai]y aJOOwt dung:;. 'thalt m-e:: not i.m.portant, ta 1!' ~ • J: .Ii I~" ~ ,. - hls f_'lJ.t. gartutO"U$ wife .. , .. ,. l' II & ~ 7i ~jD;t;t···, " . a crowd 0/ garrulous \!Wll. wi3'hets: " .•• - " •• ;;J\ ~ ~ m iii :'f. <> prtlJ- 0 MN W'ilTI'ii Vibl ~, m*~~.~$,+

gru"·te~ igll·ta. 'gruta-/. glItten, A pttet is" a piece oJ NCO'Ulfl ,elO'!!ltic thal w:;u wOI!n mainly in rorm.er t~mt;:S rooml t~ 1'1 ~PJl'OO'l ~0ilP' of a sux:klng Of soel in order to prevent it sbpping

down .• if ~ ~;V;1t.

gas. /ga!S; ~/, gIlSII:S; .• ~.. pM.Wg. gused! ,lb::' form

• gaw;s i~ Utt p~ll!fa] of·tiliK; nooJl~ ~ i!l the ltd person s.ingular. pl'~l1t '~]1]6!ll of the verb., . .fi ~:J: Ii JJ .gases ~ ~I

~ ~. :=; A ~ .f: ti: • -t£ jI';;:'!.! gasses. 1 Gas· is 1. 1 a sub- N·~

sta!nre ]ole air ~t is oe~ther liJquid .!tO€ sotid andI OOIDS ill ~I

eas.iJy. It is 1l!S>ed as a. fuel [m f1.l'eS. ~n •. and cen~ai hea,u[lg in people's nornt."S, ;1:9.. ~ Today iIM1"',l'!going

W ha~ atOlJk a,~ gas. cool. aM ,0'11. the S<J-calleti fos·

sir fuels." ~:It ,:m fn ~;Wi;:V ~. 1I'o!f. ,{I iQl15 t!lI !f!!i" ~ ft,.tim.tl··· He remembered lotutn tke gas of! before .leaving hcome·. ff!.'/Jil; iff IRfJ ft If ~ iC ~ • ·tI·~ ••• • i;r- fil.

l"OIlI .~. matwcaI gas., 1.:2 :;liny s!llIbstanre that 15. l1tt:it!futer Ncouml

HCiuWI n~r !"OD]id .rar e>i:3imf1e oxygeno.r hydlrlJgCD. 'i!!t (:$ • UNOOUNT

EJJ. .0/ course hei~um .i:f aps at r~.tempemtur.e'. .:

[l: ~ .:\lflJ' r ~ t£i D. '9:. f$. 1. 3.. poiSQOOL1S gas tllait can N fI{~ be !BOd as a "wc!lPO!\l" "~.EG'fheT,e lm 1;':i" btel1 many repo,rtsa! gas be.iJ18 used in.mr ZQIW •• , :Ji i# ~ HI ~ at

~Jlj[n Iilm: fl!ffl.~.··· ... deadly .r\elf .gIlSeS, "'ti:JI;tt

~~ 11 ~. .. ~ M!l leu p. ~. 4a ga.<; used [Or ~j.{,:l\l N lfNID1:Jm

pu~s. for e~!mp!e to r.na1..e patients rer~. ~j Leis ",,!!IIIli5lMfli;) pilin, OF go to :S;]eep diifiii1ig an operaliorH MI ififCir:mal IliSt.

[m JgUlil ~ ~ ~ ~. 00, 1 used 1~J' hate having gas ar the

dentlst. fi,!bt~- ~H9E~!f ,EtJIHIUt.m •• 9:,. OJ iJiF; E.I!~nggas •

. 2 IGas i~ also the soune as pctro:~~ wed. ~n~y in ~rican Jrl ultcoom E1:l~]i~lh, [l;, iW! J ~ petwol Wiif" 00 Sorry I'm late .. 1 had· to ~ ~'1It stop foJ'.gtiS. fit~iti: .'ftiB llJ T ~ftJ1M;t~~;Y;fJ*:tfilM.

;; .~f }'ml step •.• IPS wmet!. 1M Me driv~ a Wli~ch~", • PHR, VB

]'01lJJ go jfas~E!F; an inf.:wmal {lX"""""',<tOfi. [mJ(.~~~ r11 J~S

".-"- 11 ,"""",,"_',"I~

t1 ):JJJi tIIl:@!I. ~ JMsh t.hi$ 8uyrn Jr:am !1)(Juld SlftP on • ~ up

the gas. ft i- iflt1J iii ~ :!]l:+ i!i* ft.ff itJ, ~ ~ J.i • -

3 To. IJIS a penon or animal' meata.'> W .kiU them. bymak" v + 0 U/G! f'H'L} Ing them hreaithe poiSli)f!O~ m.~.JE. lEG She took

,a flat in Q.cheap sl4burb Q .aml tried to gas .~~

self· . ~f:E E. .$ft"@i.I~-~~B;m J~.£ijfiill.]tll m • ~ !i1:I ~ ••• About 10'0.0·00 ;nen. htlt;ten ,and ch~ldrm

were gassed, x~;tj" 10 J.i ;t ~ 3f ill J~" •• ~ ~* T •

4 f f yOu gas, you talk a k:It,~ci,aUy:alli;Jom tihlings tha~ v

!)H;:(I1)Ji!'.rJ. I:F S!N"G., VB (:jIJ.,r BilE :MNG ('.1ft Pl. =" troo~

I\t\I QUAin it· !i!!.b!~M:

= 'i'Ol!lb.lc

~ !~~~iII


are nut irnpOTUiwntl .6U:lI. o}drf&hi~, infQtUlllilI" expression. "lflIlIbil

[n!j ,lffi]PQ.fit .• '~ ~ 0 EG c'!!'Vybt;xiy d~:jnj,( ~~ lhe #m~

to sit. around and gas all d4y the my ",101 de" Illm&::ft'

Bt fRJ IH6; II! t.lF. ~ ~. X. f . :R ~~ 4:- •

5 It P is. a v~ryl~vely. ammin,g,".aruI enjoyabJc (:\>lent or N SHlNG, .~ ~ N,

Sltillatro!l~ . used 11lOlilniy Jrl inIDfo.rmal .Amtr.l(3l1 Enrg!ljlD_ [~ ~~ ~ c

~ mJflUi • ;ij" .lUA ... 4' A t~ ... :I: <:ilIt IlH10 ~I:-'. EG "a:tElJi1.

YOU SMl.lid haVl!!' .seen bis first l~. it WQj' ll· t€1l1

gas'. ~ 'iJ: ~ IW iI! ~1.-:liI EJ(J • ttl ••• :. T •

.ga5.biIg 11~lba'9~ \~i=g!. ~. If ytru odl some- N~T

one a gMDag, ym,J !llean that they til~ a ~. 'especiaUy = wdl!.d~

about t.hi.!'n!gi> that are ootimportant, an i~frumal and Qf·

fens! ve "WOrd, [m. {If }!9Il1§'::W ~ «tlii! .99 A,.. ro .1 JJipeNI

tnree hours -wifn the .cdt1 POOs tJ'M I oouldn't get a

~ in: . ~ys. ft •• ,l'dl.~fl;;B'!l:t'A-&*TE

-tllj,at, IUt 1::. -~ ••

~ ~. gas dIam'bers * also spelled! with aJ hyphcl1t. NrotJIoIT

~~J\1flit:jl~. A_ ~ ~ a; f'OIJ['Ji'l tfuu !w 1'Jem.

~cialIy lhuJilt w tha1i it 'CatDJ be filled w1lth poisonous gas in

,rnClN ro k:il1 people 0. alliniials. (m!~ .JEA!t~'l'I't~),.


ps.e'0 ~ ! ~ges~35:. "las,. Jias .. ~!JN"" j \qZSli>lS/ is .WlBd ro de~ ADI~F •

scribe ~Li~tan.~ like air whi.cl-J. aee neit~f' solid !lGf liq- AI"alUiB

• _j :i+ . ... . - * !'OIi!j. l~ioiI

uid. ~"' a'lh~ ( ~~) ~ M. 100 ••• gm:eow: ru:~1J," ••• 9,

~... .

gas. rue. gas :n~ t • sp;.~Jed wiili a hypmn and ssose N ffiUNT MJ{td _ $1'i)' m:i!¥ ~:« MfF -1' 'jIIj1. A P'l (In; is a fire M

;. :::ulty; ~ ~~'f:r :. ~~~V3r(::i~~

g,A611i /g;eJ ~gref!. psIles, ~ing.~" 1 A gad! i~a Nco.uN'l, Jon,g-: and deeocut :i[l thesurfaoe of SIl)!']J£th;in,(W _.' for exam" US1J+ A

-~r -'t:> ~ W(Io.Ifj;(l

p~e rn sorneone'~ s.lkin, t~Wfl!IXIDrIlHiU1.U:n. ro Zeieikn W a large gash" in IvtF htmJ. f-lii.!J; ~ Gl'iJ!k J: f.I T- ii :t;IJ"'f ..

2 .[fyou gash :sQt1Ii.eth:ilig, you ~ a ll:xl,g andl deep (u~ in "'+Q

"its $Lirfa~. (tll" exanlpl.!e ~fi :s,o~.' ~ skin" *' • ~ i!Ji ;If. EG ~ J~

.Ik psMtihis arm on- ,Ii ~.tldow la.rt night. ~:X a: m·tfl!!I

1¥.Jf- tni 'IIH;§::QIli IfiR T ~

ga'l< pr.lJer. WtS~rs. lIJ; m ft; gu-~. If you say r<I COtINI thar <li eM is a gas ~ .you I'I1t!.UI t]mt it uses a. 1m of

f~e~ ;;md is lfJot ,dteap to I'1!lD_ [~,m}"H1If.*asR*.

ps,.hoM.,e:r J ~~~J~d9~ .... p;ho1da-;. ~_ A foil ccmN"r

" = 1JI:!iI'Ii'"'1et", 8!I.!i

gashoIde.r !sa vtIl)' large rne~,at OOfltruner 11:-18! is ·thesize 1'a~~

'OIf OJ! hliLilthng.wfuich s~ p a.nd ~Ii sl:.Ippmie5 i.'I! tluougb pipes to bwk]iEgs wliiliich ha.V!t' gas rlir~, -~:rs,

e'~C, .{ ~}~l! ~:I;I.!t.~ lEG The ~ew ~uJd be aU Tight illrwtren'r for the gaslwJdet, :':B:t5tfl~1')tI.!tH! ,.~ ft~fiil4' ••

gas.ket /'I~lut.\ga:s,lut/ ,~Cs, A psilet is a nat picce N~

of so.l1t mllbia:l! thatYOl!llp1i~ ~lweettl two joined, su.rfaces, 1'I1Cl1!l

lna. piJl'C are~ne .in ordH WI .make :5~ that gas. oU.

etc, • ,cannot escape- ~.hm)t.

ga5 ligll. ps Ii:gbb; .~$ii]':!lIil_i!:~~. A gas light .is a bnp NO~ .. !Nl. 00 wac p..oouoes U<g]urt. by bumil!lg gao:" • ";. .tJ. ~,She Py ~ III tu:rMd up t~ gas light - :t!m.~.n~~-~~

~.man /~g;e:,llrll'I!!n*"~J~i, :gasJDm. A ~ is,a NCOONT

~ WCilie .r.rulJl1. whose job iJ,; to ill)S1iaU a:nd repair ps3pplh~lna:s,.

no.ad gas metefS, etc" ~ an jllfbfmal W(',li'd" [It J 11 ~ i&!:';'

i&l. ~ ( ~ ":lI ) I :1:iS 9:. fP .fi]t. Eel .fkm, 't tut:11: the gas on

again unUI tht! gas.man. telis you u is safe w do sO, ~"~

~ .. I.fi.~.~ .. 3~.~n~o .

gu-,mrMk ,g:D"~.a.lro .'l.peJJed wjtMlut a hjl'pben" g); N 00100

liT 1111T ii.::ft 1ft. A ps ~ is a devjce you wear O"iiief )'@Wi

fare in order toP.J1()1:t;Cl you from breaU'il"i['ii'; po&!nQU!; g<l!'

~!;, Ai ~ jjjj A~ ro Ewr~ &ad to 00'1)' gas ~ tll"OJ.mtiatJ the time. fij;~1- A~jfli&1.J!.i!f .lit ••


gars·o·U~ /~I]i;~.~"~ltj!11 .~ t~ ~ ~ ~twQl, ~ mainly ill A.rnericall .!EngJ~., [ ,;E ~ J -"3 Jl'C'l'ro] fiij. 50 ... ,

stXJt:ll1g gmoJi.ne pric:e:.L ···.IifV;i1"l:jl:lrYi"M. gtts.'QDloe·h~1i" 1!JlI::S,IQITI]~I~~';J>/ .~- A P5" (imder .is the sa:ne ~ a ~" ~ gashoJder [illi.

~p i~p ;~pl , ~" gaspi:Iig.pspai. 1 AP'ip is a sh~rt qiU~ck buacllJ of air tMJt )'tl1JJ mAe In tlirouglb your ·motlth,~ciai.ly ~n yo~ a:re surpnsm, ~hook.td. Ot i~. pili]], 11-9:, ~.IQ,m.. ro ne list:fmed to himmfbreathing in

sh:m.r gasps lt~. m Bl:. ~~:I!lF 9:M.1I B1fi •.•. ,"

~ §(lSp of horr.ijied surprise. .. . ••. ri!iI &"iFi1ii 1ft,t. 00:1I11···

. -~ " gasps of amazement. . .. III fi~ j'ij It d;l ~ 'IIi .It. 0

:2 Whon )I01.l, gasp, roo ta!ke a sbort quid;; wurth tbrougb your ~t11. cspecia!Ily w.he1!I yoY are sll_rprised. sihoch-d. or ju p,i!il" 'I ~. EG He I.WJ$ £flS¢rt&1orai,. attd ~ dose 101 e.x.haUSI~QH" •. MIII • .oI!t .1'£!J11it!~.!UJ. §m Fanny gasped and ~w1l€d 'oIi'hite. ". fiJl.LIIiI:I'''t .8@. D


!f + ~I> -!"HEN oJ

v 00. Vt Q..FC'ITV RUOJ(T"CLi 0 ,It~" •

~ ~p

1f t':I 'f . '('..all,he d;QClClr!' sht., gasped'. •• ~ 11:*: * * !~

M!.~J.t'Pf~J&m~ -

:3: ~l you 3.R ggpLqg far a drim. yo~ arc extremel y lhlrsty =, an informal expression, [11 J Q • $ •. es Would ,_ttlu Ute d ,cup of tm? Yoo must be gaspirrg. t; :tI1I8:fr*~? -t$:m~~'Ul7"F5.

gas ring. gas 1',1ngs ,~ al~' speUedi with ill: hwmll!l,· dFP1frui!: if- ~. A gas !l'ililJll is a cirOL!]aJI)" gas pipe ana, eoeker , wmch has stva"ai holes i:i~ ~t and d~d1.e names under SliJl]tt~ pans, ~rtl:e!; .~tc. (1f if: ~ '" .* !k ao'~n:ll ~ f;i •

p:>sta.ti.0II:I.. :ga.!i. ilbiI~.oos.. A glIS. ,m.I;iun i,$, a place where WdSOiI~ is so,td ~ an Amerjcan Emg~isill term. [~]Jm!'ili jJ!j'. 8(3 I ,tpottm _Wi( stiJ'lrrdi,~ by }txl.iI" car ~,rrhe ~ £UJ..~,~*~~~~W ••• ~~"* •.

pll.sy ig,;I:\sq 'Fill, ~~.gassiest:. Drii,[Iks t.hat are gassy nave- 0\ 1m of l:nJlhb.les, (tt M ) 1M' "'l. f$: ~ • if!l; tt if; IS'\!. 00 TItis beer"s d ;hit. teo gassy lor my NlSle" :tJ,.0I1 1:11 ijf *- i$i!. • JZ f+ .. j'If 1lIJ~;t 1@, T lJi e-

~.Itric ('g<es~nk.1 ~~tr!kiis ,used to ooO'illf' ~. pain, or inn~ ttm!t OOCUt in the. srornach of a person or anjmal'. ~ ( iBfI) ti<J ~ ffi _ •. gaslr~c u.pset.~, .. . .• W ~,;;r:; :!J£' ••• •• ,Ill: ,htlirri-lt'Orldns ,lI'nf.l:n with a gastrk uloor, ... I ftlfJ a,!!!1r ~ t!II'~f(f A.

. gas,. too ""eI!I. ter· i.1is ! ~g<tSrrdUl.ent.ha'!ltlS i 'g:::t'Sh''''' ,LIlt;). \'aJ:~lsl is an iJ]ness in: whiclnl yotl!J' stomaeh and! intestines helY'~ !i.Wi'lll~11I ii!iXlI p31ii.lfllil ~ a teclv.iita] term in med~~ eine. :[ rLl!F}Ai W jf. B'iI .•. !'lit aU,f,1,c!r.; of 'PStt(}·.e;~re'riJis. ·"5 Iii 1tl: j;: fI; •

lIiQ.tli'(l,.nom·k 11gal:~'riI01'l1[k; ~tra'oo_nuk_j. Some~L1ing truu. is gflSlronomi.c II1!blCS~O er is eoneerned with good ClXId that ~ 'bo::n prepared by 110 alpert t it f(J!"mal ~. [:nE~]~.( iO~ ~:!::fif:c;;fn tR. ro . ,.the ga.JU(J~

"""":"'" t"'rn'~"'iAO:OQ'f iI:l~......... ",~,1"OlI M:;!J1;;,&$'!I!I!"." ..

io!Mr!'''",r'!<nr ..... iI"'"'-~-~~ ~I~ ,F'f't;o!',I"IIII,-'~. I r ~ ~ J:!1:J;1'i::. ~ ~ [III(" I " •

delicious gaSl'ron:omicf:q>er.ie.rn':a .'" iill" 0 {t(J~. " •

FJB!l.t~.III'my 1~'I~.i ~\t~! ill t1.e~~vity allId knowledge involved tn preparing anda~jting good roodl= a fotmaJI word, [lE.it ] .Y;fuE ~ = :t: 1t ~. EO But above aU'. Frana 1$ lfUled .forrts gGSlrQl'l.&ffl:y. m lUi. ~ It .il liH1:X 1I-tit ~ ffff liII:8 •

gw;·'WflIib !!g'l~!i[,wlllh= ~grs/~lW. Tbro:plural fOrm is .ahn· gM~ ... ft:;ff%(;~iij~gaswoj'ks. A gaswOl'ks is a. factory where coal is made into gas that run be used ILb poopie's hoffiCS for he.adn,g .andcooking. II; ~ r. lEG Thet:ctht d ty'$ .gaJ'~rkl' blew up, and the fire hqan.

•• ltT1ifBU'~r.~T .1cjl(Jft:nil~. -

~fp ;~Il~g:etl. ~, ~ A pte i~ 1. ~ a! dbor-,Jilke sln,u::ture Il&Pd outdOOfll at t~, entfOl1llct' tQ a field. a garden, or d~' ~nds, of a building. Oates uswUy ~iM of str:ips: .of wocd orrnetal on OJ; frammo: d'U0l $w:i[l1Jl!i on hinge>, (;tf ltiJl , iii. f';1f JIrIl1 )I n I jc n. I:;G T4e pr.iS<m cat,es dosed behind him.,. JI[l(~*nH:{I~Jii~_t 7'" We te(J!Mea ,(j: l:t/-

de gale i~ the J:md#. ttl; fJ * fi -I! IJ~ i'r!i .' @; n tiJi. .' used ·ofa:f11 entrance ~leK 1!:be.re is a pte. m 1bl.Jti' 11 1i ~ n jtlj A. r:I. cM:. ~ ~C). Th£. laxi SiVUJig ,in llu~h. the gates of the vf,C(Jltlg£. mil *.J3:J! T a rg ~;o; ft ~ ~* n. 1. 2M official exJt ]11 .a largtaiilfiGrt which p3SSCl1gen go throu~h on the:irWdY to theru:roplane. (tIlll 00 } if 11~ n . EO, Pmsengt1'TS all j1igJu nA.205 .shauld proceed t0811te fmJ,r. BA205 ~iHJl.®.:3&I~ 4 f5:nD·m.

;2 Gak i1; .1lI5Cd ~n (fiG:: [la~In.eli of sl:reelS tlta~ sWld' QffiII rhe Sll,e of an Qld pile iWl!t:o <l! city .... n*fIij(m TltiltD. EG ". OuRn, Anne's Gate, "·~.Il*3En*Jj.

s, The gaUiat l3JspoFtWg 'i!l~nl s~ as .i'I. foodlal] ntat!l:his (be. total. n~r lif poopJe wbo attend h ~ O'IJl infofl'llal use. [MJ(JUflt •• RlJ}~;(I;; •• sa; Th£ 1ti~t ga~e lJf the day Km" at Anfield, where 48.000 saw Uve.rpocil draw (Ide ,ali. Q:X\I,l1A.ti:.,~ OO~~ It ~.fI;Ji, UJ!

.ff ~.8 jlJ4Ii~~W'''flJIJMlII..Jl7~lf.

gar- ~e8)1Jj ! i'EF~~h \g~tj)y', pb.:anl;, A. pteau III a vc.ry rich and e~aborat!l ca;llre tbal ~ cream. or fresh fruil in it:. N) i11!I (gj;JkJIDiR ~ 0 EG •. , ~ crmm, go:~'e4U " . _ ••• -t*: mtilli ilft··· .. , sw,iIte chocolate gat~,~ .. "-~fj~.:hB!::m.

p·'(:J1!IL'ilh./\]C'lllkrzf, \gc~b-~I!, ptecrn.4tes. ~ ing. ~ ,Wl :K/J:l1eQIle ptOO'aSbe5 a partyot 'OoWT 5:C!Cia! evea:TI1, they f!P' ttl, it, eveIIIJ tbOLlgh mey ~ave nol been i.tlvited l all ~.l'lIfhrnw W'OOO" [1ii ] { * til. 41: • ifili} • tl tt, * ~ r&l A., E~.J ha Wl'n't galecrasiwd .a pony si'i'lCe I' 'i1m e.ig/!leen ,,18 Y j:!:t.l& ,,:fU'~ ,pJ.;f:~:It. Ufj ~..oo II': ~7 .

gate.~.@I' 1!~t"lt~f31\grn:,.kt.;ef"'I, ~I!'S, A gat~ i~ <t ~Ili who ~ w ... patty or ot.h:or :social evel1t Witll:IDi1!l ~ving i~n invited ~ ,an inf~rltW WOJid, UU.rmili~WL;l:;.~Aff •. 00 1'he par~y 1HtlS'.5'0 borhlg • even the gil'tec:f-a:Men leJtft(J,rly. 3r! 1'" • .ft * •• £

V" A(j.w]o"ONILV cosr

ill cousr ;;; IblJrou

~' 00l!N"I'

e ;p:;trol s.tIIlio.rJ.

AN QUALI,lI' ~ bi.[!ibl!l'

~ t~

.AlU' OIASS,W, .ATI'ltm

N u:N'.O')IJNT ~~~t

Am CL'ISS~.f, AlTklI'l


N 00lJiN".r, !Jill,)"' I'IUM

.N cumn, w;u riJ<!+.f\I ~~t~

V'OR \l'f (;I ~ ~1lc1~~


~ ,.~ ~iIii~~it;;t~-tlt.!i!Jt!~ 1nr 0

ga.fL'tll commillilit)' ,gated oommunitie5.. A ~~rt.r is. all! area of bouses 8100 ooffi(ltimes sOOp!> diat is SUP.'tOlU'l<hi by a wall (if fence <YOOI bas all entrance that is guarded. [.:t~~ !H'M.l!t/N~.

pre·bOOlse /,ge:ttlhm.liS=\gt.:~/hlOlJW .pte~. Ap~~ NOO!!J.NiI'

~ iIIoo!it U~ <.iJ l>mal] l~ ~e);:t to <I, ga~e ~nllf,) <i!fI'oMk 01" e;tatt .usu~

anyone !n which the ,park·kecpe:r lives. (.1' rl AI¥.! )nM. I~Tlfey usedtode!iWI'J)(lTcels oJ /()f)(j roth/! .wan who

Hved in rile gllteh.ou$e. fdl fl'];yJ; 4i ~ 4iE IN;fY. d:~ M .. M !l1:

~ t+: tE f1l% fij !tHl~ -t- A •

pte-keep"er 19:.:rt1k,i;p;:i.'get,tipl. ~, A gfI~,e.. NOOUNT

k· I._.. i..~.~ f __ ~ 1.. __ I 1'1 "l:I~tG)'Ce

'ee;per15 i9i person WU.1.f IS 1:11. CiI<Jl.iW: (I' a g.aw' 41W Wuv 41'

~oW'S. peopJE tl1rougl] ill 3!1l oll:Hilsihirn:Jro word, [rilnn 9J ,


gartemone)' is dle '!.'OW ;m1OIllmt of IIlOOC}' t_~ is paid by 1\1 UI!f.(iQUNli

the S:pr:Ct1ltD~ who .auendll sponi.rng event such asa foot·

baJl l'li1il:u::h, .trI infbsmal ~.errn, [f§J(JfJillt!ilf. _ GriJ) n J'Ji&:

A. I:i!$Gate trn:mt')' acmu,MS for om, lllKlrhi,rds (}f tire dub's lIWonte .1"*li:At=lf Ja~(Il~JIl·I6I:AI~:=?;t;;!.=.

pte ..... r /~Itll~t~ \~trpost!. ga~~ OlISO!1pdkd NOO!JNT

r,~. with a hyphcliI, ~'EJ~n~¥~. A gatep0s4 is a PJ:5t in the

groundl wruC'ha gate .is at~oclled to, or which it is fa!l'~J'led

t(i when it is closed. n:~ 0 ~, We twMti beil'~n two biggareposls into what looked ,like (i'n exteml~park, ~m~~m*nK~.~m~T~~.l •• £-~m*

tfJ:l~~ ~~ -);. • You sa.)' bel!.wtm )\Ml. me. and. the .PHIR, ffi!iJj)M

Ar.:P" !lEN

ptepo$r "",hen you are tetiing someoee SIl)lW:lmng' dw;tYQtll ::. roJtfi.dl::!tli:im~

want them to keep secret, used ~r.I inr'OlirnaL ~ Eng-

lish. [I:r ~ , m ] ftl: 'It fto.r 11: 11 iiI' ~ ~ i!r fi M~! A. 100 Be-

t~en. you. ,rnt' and the gatepos.t ,. rm"~v~1t8 at ~.he.

e.rn:I .oj O:tober. iIl!.'F:;f ~ iIf ~A .:Jl + JJ Im!@ Jt T •

g,me.W1',iJ' /lgel~~weI~ 'get/we!, gartewa,fs, l A ~ is 03.'-1 NCOlJm'

='~[;l entrance thI"<X.Igh a fenre. wall. hedge" ere .• w!l:lere dlewe

is a gate. :k.na .~A q if.li}. EG They ~. through an

arihed gatetm:y, ft!!;{il:q:i1-*~.lIil!.

2 A pteway ,to oom..ewhere ['ii, a pl~ wflK.h: }'U.I go N'OOUN[" '"

tmoo.ghlbet:a!LlSe 1t leads you to a muell ~iaIrget place. (lil 1'1 ""''I

rtl J!' :h r fi .:tm.1i at)) 1Ii :iI ~. n P. EG The. ~w ai.rport ler·

mlm:d at She.,entt!t)!e~. the 8l'teooy to Masro~,. .m

ril~j •• ~ M:Ii:m;!ij It ~ tii, II ft _Iii*," MI n p ••• II ~.!ll .narumlporl, the 11l!OiS't conven~iltt gateilmY to the ConUnenl , .ta;li: ~ 1'" 7:,' ~tt 'm . m:l: f£.[9;: ~I* Ml:A1f (I ,001'1" •

3 A ga~Jro someth~!l.g is an a.cti.v~~y ur q~lification i!'!I ootJt-n'+ !&

du,a~ gilve5 you the opportunity to p!1ogTes.s ~nl:O a mor:c im· ~ :;::

.I~nt profess:ion. career. OJ' '01iher act~vity. U~:. m: JI

~ ) fl • ~ .. Hi· • EG •• ,a 1!+'Q!ld in which em.mllma&U

me the. Wlteq.m:~ lO someprofasimu" ..• -1" JIi it ~ fit

* n il filJ ¥~'blt ~J tit If.

pdJ.~f" I·~j \~/,. ptbe.rs. ~ng,pthe.red.! V·EJlG, US!) ~ A

If people (J!" aruilIllab.gather, th~y Oilffie togetffiler ~n aJ ~=~. grQUP' It. l • ;%.EG Thedtildren gathertd tl,o.l;1M

(heir teachtl"." .• T m _ .:EEII'.!IiIi M!I!II'" 10 proteer

lhem:sel~. clW' WJt~r upgerher in EaJ!'lgt! herds" '-.J T ~

tFiIiI Co .1!l •• j;;.fi*" ••• l£--1l. .• Opthering.. 0 ~~p, .tE-jfg!IJ!j. w The gat.kerirq: c-fo'K'd of vi:U~ SUg/~ AITEl]1.l

ed to murm.ura:ngiiy. • iIi:o: - ~ I~ ~ til H Ii:lt iii: thU\~;

:!I!1M;,'~ 1l::tI" <> gatben:d ... :II J!J - fi, M. 100 All the 0 AD:! OA&';[F, /anU!., wer~ pt~ I~ h&zrtlu! s,01id t'Ol' rBHi· .~he ~.

~U.**A •• -~~.~x.m.~

:2 ID r you pt~ra rU,nnber of thllings. fOf 'e;tampl~ ai~'nclr YOIII v + O,us,ll + A have spread them. OUif[ or dis1i:riibltlted 1ikm. you bring I't d~

them togethn 3.g31m, i&: ~. ~ .. it ! !lB tt. lEG 1 ga,rhered my

m8ps. la.pther tJnd r,~(;ked ,them ifl~O flU! fOlder " ," it m

ft ~ A ~ i& 00 II\fl1i&iI: *:.f!I; 1" ,x 14 ~ ••• He ga,the:t:ed hi."

ptlptJ'S 11M I.lipped qu'M,tly away, .11((Il~.xf!F.·ttHt!liil!!.

*1' .

3 ~ f you ptbel" somt:t]ting. yDlll OIiIiA:d a: number of things v + 0 from diffc;rcnt places tha:t aJ't far apart, ~pecW]y 00 tihat

yo~ can u.~ lllem, !lit. ~ ~. ~ 600 I gaj~rm riu: egss

and foo flw pigs ... .ft.:lf_it2.:~.·.··· They pth,

ere¥1 berri,e£. lI'Wts Clmd fruit jar food ...• {rJ*ajJ ~ >

II: J!; fII#" f'j:: 'JiJ.II ·..Whett J1..1i! wer:&'! g.al,hoing ~.,

~. $B.W' Q squirrel .fl!311:l£~*m~It.t~,.·lIJ~.fJ:.fi:: I..

>4 If you gd!Ierw,fwmatJioo or ev:idenre. yooooLLect it. \ITO iCSpodil]~y OVCF apt'rioo of time ali'II.d a'fier ]w:d wwk. *11:= ~ #1·,11 tH tlW .!i.~ I~J).. m T.his waula' giFe histrxian;s.

and aJ'r:}!MQlogis,'s an OptJOl'lum ty to gather ,evirktl« of

r his. .. ;i!:,c#J M lJi ~ ~ j!: ~ ~i:I !!Jt i!: _.1-:Ijt. n: 1F J;j ~ Ii ~ mit'·' , .. new infar~tton gat.MrM ,by' obMrVlUio.~ or e;{perimern' ... ·"liI;Ilt .... .d ~ •• iU{ •• ~ I~J Ii Jf 'M"" .Th:e team KWketi j'or aboul a year ,and ,6 half to gather

ddta. :iZ 1'"~"mtt T :t!'ll!-~4q!t!188'raJ * l&.nUh

5 rn.r you pIher oonueoneln ytIQt anm. you 1!ake. IloJd of PIm, 'II'fI rhernaad put y.out ~ at'cWi.d them, ~ly ~~ .1~WGnl

= ,embtaDt.

you OOIfl! strong protective or 5t:k.ua1 f«-I.logs roc them, a

faidy formal eltpre:siOfL [IEit]eC:l.A.Hf!A'~!f!.

6 If you say that .something Is .gaUinirIg dtld. you. mean PHlR, VB lhat it .is not bd~ 1l8Cd~ly. tt.:W¥HJOO. EO, My ~ f:,riefct;J~ KW.~. _al~y btginttin,gto gtl#ritT d~l. ~ M ~ x~e.1FM.it.g;:~7 •

"J Ir somedu:iflg gatb@n spew • rnomeatum, [Mere. etc_ • it v .. 0

graduaUy beoo .... mes faster at nwre eowerful. ilUIlI11IItiil . jJlH}rcaIlt

r- = pilli

jf ~ )-. m ~ train §llthered' ~peed (U ;1 18ft the

tUH!fl:.,,, :k *' ~ ... Jfi.t • at iI M.lIn .. 1'it. It . ··Th:ts tn<!wment· tfJt~' nwmen,tu.rn - it ;I;fj'E :@!j,tIr!}_*jl:MY iMl.

8 When you p.the:f YDIllif strength, rout~, thoushts. v'. 0

etc, • you make an t::ffOl1. toprepare yoontlf to do or deal = ~r'~ wi:t.h SIlm'Jctning' .•. ~ {If tJ ~ 8"!$) ,ltlli (JJ. ~)-!. ft!.

~" ~ )'. EG SfteguthtmxJ strength and ~i.ked' on

thmwgh ~'.he gate. " .ii·fl·g.:M. - .:~ '4il Jl i! T !! il1c

r1 ... Dan. .1 '~b«" t,,.)'ins to I}flihel' ,c~",:rage all week

lo ring you,. ;;t. ftll1'"&II--JJ;f£~ •• tgJJ~*!t.f*

tTli i~L

9 If yw .~. som~th:illg., you obtain k:oowb:-d~ or ideas by not~ciglll thimgs about tin .sih;rat!:OI1 )'01JI3R" in_ lit." ,.~ tI:l(fIJ • .':~H df·m. m She did I'W"~ gainer a very dear imprem.on of him." .• J4'f&t!l:flf-S ~ -.f~~ tlJlltllltIJ Ili' a .. · Hb wife had been m. I sather .lar some lime .. , ft !J.el! fmM.-r B f:!: '" T -~8f .• T'" I ptheretl' thai

they tMfU .n.tlJ ,expec,ltd 1;0 eat -with us. It. MHPJ A.-1\ ~

~~~ma~R~-Bm.. ..-

1'() U you pther fabric·w- 00th. yoo make a .I""QW of vexy v" 0 smaH plea.ts· in it by sewing a :thread thrOUgh i.t ,amll the.1'1 1't PQt ~il'lg the thread tjpt. 1@"·nM',; ro I've neo,ly fin·

i~ ~thel':ilig the 5~on .my d.rtru. a e ~~ £ I!

'«.!I ~MTtr:tf;. 7 .0 pl~i. tIM 09. EC ••. a long o .A.:!LI' Ct..ASSrF white dress gllthemi under thl!~. ···-"JiI.~r n.~.B@.~j!.:R ••

11 Gathen are very!Jmall plC3its in a piece of clodIDing. N"n.URAli..

<1.'(IUl'iJP·.. .

12 If you gather OJ. I~ p;iere of clothing to yooor about v + 1)+ II

YOIl!. you, pull it d~ w yo!.1r bod}'. !i.,.!tr::il!i. lEG She ~ <Irr;ii.o'

gJJt~ he $kQwl about her shoulder$. tilt •• Ir!1 ,m

'E: • iU1' _t •

p.her ~ If you. ptber somethingm. you bring a group, of tlhung5 Of people saCeiytogether iirrto OOe p1~ _ :11 ••. plber~. If yoo WI~ lIP' a. group. of thrings, y(l1,lW-Uitg tbem together i.ntoa group $0 tb;lic they <:an :be mo~nr lwndledaU toget.her. IB'. ~ '* tIt:. 00 Sliewtltciud WUU<: gather up thepaf1t!!'S and &tuff rMm car.elusl), in his

pocket. ~:If • .It '1 !I:t. 8l.:t ?t . !I::f.:. ~ ,t·itBIJ -gin .' itt· f-l


;pth·er·lAg It~:o~ \~l.lJ/. ga~. 1 A pIller- NCOl.INr jiQg ~ <t meetillg of peopk. whO' hart ·come wge;tber in the ~. =~I:l' same piatt.,. ~!;.~ny for,a. par1lrul;u- p~, a ~ ,j.~.

£G ... a rather e.xeltuive ga.1hu.ing of top ~~n

and Jhci, wj ~ ... ... JL -f- .H Ri T If( iHHl: B: ;;It -* )drl a9

- ~ •. .:t ,.. .,. p;dit.k4J and s«ial ga1hn~~. • ••• ~ Jttt~.~.

2 If YOIl! ~all. about the ptbni .. rl.w.k, Ihtkness,. or gloom. yuu. mean lhatthe I.igbli. isgrnduall:y ~itng .• \lljually beca.Jl.JSC,it is~~)' night. ( w: e,. ) • tBl!J' ! •• it:tu ~. mWe ~lked up !ife toms MSin: Stnei in .rhe ga,rhering dt4k. eft. .fI1i£ Iftt tf;l. a f! 'f1 mw * *- itiJ * 1'J Jt

*~ -

ga.llK':bi! /Qi!tlJ; goJl, Someone who is .-odIe is awkward and un(Otnfl:X'lalb1e in tIE rompany of oth.er people. :+. ~1~~,¥!JiJI'~ •• llfItifJ~ ro, .•. trying to acl like a 1'M}!'. bw, failing utt«(y. being 3~UI.NkiMYlTnd gs~he .. .' ••

jHIHI1ft * A ~ " fi' •• fi :t ;$ t5I:;fiI .lit ~ dffi Rdi lJi'. i! T

~ .11 IF " J:: Iij; ... Emerin! poJi.tics ~. ,an ,~bru"d

goal for one so'o~.£ied and gauche. ~ T ~ 1'-M tt

iI'f T·~ ~ .. ::F" ~ ij; B'!J A* \I ,M!t. ff{;l . .If;l: -1"" it •. I'J!J r.J til.. 0, p.lldJeDr!:!lS. :*. \!Il1.fIt •

• Iid· y II~I \p:b/" gaUiJiler·. p~t, Sc.mf:ll:b.ing ci:Jal is pq has -,"00 nliifty btrigbt ool~~ ·used showitng disatp .. !JlfO"al. [!MfJ;tE 1111 il'hil}iii ~. lEG .... ;oung .mel'll in gaudy shirrsQnd jeans. .;,. ". i€ III. If # fIl *' 'Iff. tJ!J if;.~ A. '<) galli!lity .• ~$.di!f •• 6,(; ••• gaudi,{,) fX4Jn~'ed $4'ltues. ··• •• w\fit.!f'a)'It d!lJlI·. 0

. .-. 19:K!3; ~. : ... p.upng. ga1tpid. ~ If you PUie 1IlPamount or quantity. you mea.m1e or aUculate i_. ,.:riaily a«Ul'3tcly by means ofsome de .... itt. Ct. .m •• tl •••• ) •• n .. ~ l.tU. EG With: a modera

rnQ,€.rn,ne.j .)'OU csn tJauge ~·ke ""~ of stiu;ife:s , . - iI

JeII.it·il:;,~ tJ;L It " -fl;, II tiW ,1ft .. It fI ..... M4 was· tWk '"

ou .... .....;,_,.. ~~U-&I


~j!::r. CL.OII P.!!.ON" v, \.lIS'ED AS 1lD'V Sf:J;l -O'~

PHRASAL VB, v~ ()+A1)V

1l «Ilkoe.· P~\r8,. 'V+ 0+ AD\!' ·I·~ "'._hl<!

AJl,T~II', ATI."RIB 11-jl!l~

~. t;rowi~-

.i\D.I Ql.iAUT ,,~~. ~:rM

o IiDV

'V;f 01


.gause thu.i.iS!(JJICt to'!inirn:h . . . • •• fI. *t!! ilI~' tlllt t1iif.· .. They K'tJ.iled t ttyf.Rg sa S'lUfP! whether it !mS tJDrlr; tJWUgh. tt.1'f1 ••• 1i!.~~i£H;tF~ff. r,

2.11' you 'puge peopJc':;: (t:'e~~, actiops, or intetttiom ill V. Of

a particular s! hl!lll(lf] t youcaref~l!,. ~'-. and j-udge ~~~-CL the·m_ ffl it * ~'~. lEG ; •• a method /07 tlui t&rellef" to

.gauge ~,t ihe chUd' is'dm~,., ••• •• ffl*~~~' .. ~

tt tt.t;. 1i'fJ = .fit 11 ~ •.. , .. ,ga~gil'iB what ,the psopJtof

America "'alUm ... ···~.:€;}}IfJA.~1tz.'·" I couldn't

ga'~ hoit' itlwmJd a/Jul me... 'it #i. 4i> W i3 lit • ~

w- $- *' 1;:. ~ ••• The TJmq se1Jt r~pai'lerot Oll.l to gauge

support lor the ,new ptJny- «.JIi ±M).:1l reM ~t.Ji#

.it l' JJi.ft ~ \ff j1j$;.I;: Ml i j;J. ~

3.A gauge is 3. 1 a device that mta-ura the amount or N'COI".l}ff, lJS.U' qua.nti.ty of someth~fig and sho'INS the OiIll'iOUI1t rneas.m~, M(!D+ i'ol

It. (i • ~ it. H. m The '~elgaugej tl'roppe.d $wi/f'·Y

:to~,ds zero, .. tI.MfE fJ f.Ht m. Ji r R)j. -& •.. &nd

m.ui lhe speed gauge... n.· tt 7 .. it tt tt .. ' A 8'1~

stuck, giving a wrong nading. -:R#.ft~t£T .Il~

llii§ll'k~it; .... 3.2 a parti-cL!.lilar fact or event that emile I'IOOONT"'~UPP used to judge; asituation or a person's fi"eelings, (W,M'.M !!i~

III M1 ) ~ I! • .R II. SO The increase in .alle~;tt;e wru

u.red as a gauge' of j u m~ ,. ~ '* Alt M :111111 • .11 t'j;.1tl

11Ii;Jt:l:i!if Jb; ~ MI ti;:rt. 3;.!3 the dis~!x:i!.ween dx two Ni CQUNT raills on a rail way [hue. ( ".iI fig ) t\ Ii. EG. .0" the mil

~.fem "Within the WarMw Pact.. gauges· Iuu1 brten J~andtm;ttzed. :(E~tt'~~m1fl,F'3IIi<)t1i:A ¥tt .• lI!e §l.lf.

l'l {t T. 3. ,4, the thl~ of SGfIIledlling. ~aUy rJ1eIt.al N (:"()lJM'" or wire., (1i:'.iII ,'Ii !J D~n .. .I:: ~ (trlIN ¥ ~J D: ~. 'EG, •••

~vy gauge ~taJ. ···:;t_';,t.t:trIUi.

ga.ort Ig;>int; g;m.t/, 1 Som.rom:: who is punt is so tbio Ail! 'QUAUl' that you tan. see the bones under their stJo., usull.tJy be- b:~-N· cause tbe:y are m. old. or YU)' tired - 011 A IS !: fIi ••

ftd ~~".!lJ 111 J •• jtJJM ",. ;1·tIIlfll ~ I • if fJ. 00 S~~ lookedl-le'ry K'eak. ~t' bltJck lace ,'g!lunt 4n4

,drawn-. .. .:if 1: ~m II til .... 11 .Jl. II: Jl. tI W .•• " .

his gau.r: r , s-l.ighrly stoopin.g figun - '. • •• oft, ."'!If W

~ ,.Il1$11! (ff] 11 $f .•• - .. a C!Zunt unsmiUng1:nd:Yf!.

"·00".1$ ,~t:i~~~~*.

.2 SDmdlhin~' tha~ is puIlt Jook.!: wen ui1iiHraCt~ve. ~ AOJI QuALI:T jt:j'f!tMItJ.il:l#.,i'1!l. EO ••• the gtJ,~ QUtlinn qllhe ~ =' !It:Ir~ oppoqil.e. . ., .• Jitjlf - ~ D;f".~ ~ ~~ .• "" TMwS.n-

dcw.t Hr\!l're gaMt and nattow. _*_ T X '!J .'2. •••

ga~t·1d jlg:mt]l!lt.j \g;,.nl:.lrt/, pmdlll!ls_ ~ ~ D~ NOOUNT, usu Jong, ~hick. g1.oves thal .a~ wm"b fOF pro.t.ecti.on, r~ eli" :PL

.;u:np!1e by faCiory wt1:tkrs or .aIii part of arutiform:_ (.:r. r

.p:r..A, •• J!I'IJ ) ;11;; ~. ~ a ~ 'f- ••. £G •. , • lit .rnoJQI'c)ciist

~ri"8' ~t,ted-studd«l gau.n.I.ldS, ... •• .. -:t •• tl:litl"~Sf-

... &'!l. *: * :J. ••• .." lreavily- padded flying gaunlielS .. ,

. "'llIlf ~ ~ f.I ~ fi;" \I .. , The poiieenrelJ pull'ed on their

whi,r,e ga~i!el$, l:t ~ ...... .t. T 8 ¥:e, •

. 2 The word .purr_det .is abo '!.!:!itd in the foUOwmg exptt:S.

siom. #ffl T if "J ~ 15.. 2. 1 I f you throw dmm the: PHR. VIi

. r~

gIUIIitId to $O~. '(QLll sayot d.o S(l~ that ,ciDJ.· {J ClUJacnfl"

lenges, tkrn to;u-guc. compete. or fight with yw. < ~l¥

A}M ~, •. mHe sJwuted angrily p • y()fl Mve thrown

l~ ,r:lUntiel down .. ' ... fte~lI ,"f);E;.:t:Jtm TMat."

• ,. The. assembly threw dOWfl; Ike ,gaunittez .to lhe 'ltt:rr .

!j it W ~J tIi' ~ £ a:, 7 .art. 2 - 2 If}'OI.Ii pick ~ or Udc.e up PHR, VB thtpuMlet.. you accept the m.aJkngt: ~liait someone ~ ~I!.}'. made _ ft ~ m ,M!.. ~. Wendy IIOW had ,f,0' pick u.pr Ii€

,gauntlet ~hro~ down by her ,nw"'~,... .:IJ!.1It Ilt ~." ~.~*I~.~ ~i!!11 W ~ ., •••• He ~y.ed pi,ckingup

t~ gaul'ttleU throMm down b;yl}:e",ino ~tUI Mit/otT. • ill

~:tt.~.~ "!I!.. iI ~ * I'J ~1:J; &t. 2 . .3 If ~u run itt ffJR, VB gJ!lImtId. }lOil go througb DInlfI~ exper.ienc.e in J!'WLEC'fS, wllicll ;jill 1m: of people criticiZe: oratmd you, :i: ... N ttl: if (t ~re (it" ~ll\t tb}. -lEG $luxus of • /tlSci8t pigs' greelm lhose

rUMi~g t.he C#r(.n.tlel. .. -.If" tJ;. D ... " .. tg: Pit." fit A

i'Jfj; ~ ~ :$ 1; • ~ JI: ~... 'TIrey now had M ruif ,he

S:;:~;;1e,;:r. t~ cliJJr. f*·f1pt.M3'Jr_*

pUR fg;:;u;lg.::W ilil .:I. light. safi: oo~ w~tb ti.IlY hole!! in it. wed ~a~ly ,as a barl~. 8tt ~ t Jtnt m ftl!lffB9) it .$. ,EG J taped (J g(lll..U stpulre o~ bi$ cuts, .. fit£ f*.9!l

~ 0 .l::#1ii1E1E".Ml:. ~:tl!!~:$ ••. Thee ~e' CUl'tains

of gauze . . . 1f .it •• ttIlUi1··· ... Elld. wnJ.rl,ng {1 .mac

·CIiUZlt· nYJ'r/ .. - .•..•••• e _ tit;J; J'fJ ~.~ •••• • ••

tplP.e nappies. ... it ~ Jl:$ .•

poy i{P2ll "pI mC'.tm l~ht. softt aod thin, so that you Call' see· through It.. .. ~ 101 D!I , Q .. it IJjI t$., EG • , • tJ

i.rPa.zy nJBhld,~ ,. . •• ' -**.10 •• t9 • .«... . .. a Nw

of gauzy M4nss. . IHfd, 8!J1 •••

gltl'e !9'!'Vj.,gev! .Is ~ past tense o.f gin-, give ,&II.1t-i;j!';.

.ADJ~fJ ~

" f"uw


:i/i8V'ct !I~vl,; \~v~! ,.~. A Pl'll!~ is a small, ~~ Nooum ,~mlner th.n you iJang' 01':1 l3I talbJclo get aHCl:ltiOll when ~ ~tJ.!!l"'l yo.uarenfficiaBy in ck.v~ of a tgr!]'13] evenr such as a

mt'eJ~i~" <ff ~.-1It !JJB~ It itt ~ ~ r @.t:!: I: 1a'9 ) .1]. * m,. EG

The C~lrman rapped slmrply lilitl! his gtJl-leJ" .. !t'* m

)J ... *11 Ii • ~ • n .. ... .. .. tht banging cf the j,wJge's

ftl~! .···f'ii'.m:,"~*.{j!Hl':wJff.

Gawd (~;gOO!is used, in Minefl &g~ish [0 represent the £.It(;LA/I'! wo.rd God. f!f'Onounced this w<'!y jnapan:i,cu~,M'acttnt or

tone' of ¥o:Uce; cspeci<clly in ,hnu;.es expressing boredom.

irrl!tatron., orsbeek such a:s'Qh,Gawd. he!!"e ~ go agam'

or 'Oh myGilwd~. J:if,(;t.I'B'f·OhOawd. her:: we go

ag;lln'. 'OITh my Gawrl'.*?F~~,.~,.tl~mm~,

;&;»iI~ God ~=JS:ij ID~).

gawk /g.xt.,p!. pw,ks. :p,wkina::., :gawbd. lfso..neooe B: \,I, rF" FIW'

.:ng, J~yarestari:t1:g at ~ M oomtthing m a ~ oir f'-. 5tul:"""" Ofmthi:nlifl~ way: an i.ilformal wacd. [m] ~ ~P'

~ '!II: I, Iii Jjj JtUlt.. EG Co.,. (lEong. girl.! ,Dcm, 't JUJU

sumd .~ ,~wJdng! , ... *1'l.,:MM'! JJ.R~~~BJL:!f;

!I' I'··· They 'WOUld r:ema~n qualm viJ.l~ to be

,gawked at . jdn~:t3 J!'JtJi ... t! r.r iHlli5't!MI~~'

pwk·)' jlgK.\;,a I '~, lP.wIder. pwkien .. ~Ofn...e wbo .is Am (,IUALrr gawiky s~ and move.sawtwaJ[d~'1 and dlllmSLly.~ ~d ~ ~.::= tspecia.ll y o·f taU p:op]e. :if:·fIb M ~ eG Hf!1' 'ali, gawky

,colleague MIllS at the de.sk ,.. tI! lIIIl~ tt ¥¥JIIIIII'li iffi -1" -1'.~

.:n: b:. '* J.:. fl:. ".. . .. a ,gaKlky )Vlfflg MU:ft'llllt 'Wirh large

grey t)t§. • •. ~m. ~ .iJ(!..x_ •. 11.l$fJ.Jt1 &.'11. ¥:a"k.

g;aMIP. ! go:p !~/ •••• pM"piDg., pM'ped. .l f ~. p-wp.. v, If! f PH"?

.. ' ~ n~' ,_ j l..~_~ ~. ii!'

you gaw..:, """M,. ~ LJVn ,r slan;u t,lIO~ 8!lwpi~. ~

awsy.. .. IJ ~ ~ .. JL~:§l T • .m Ie, ••• She heard ihepli:a:

and gaw;pred .in siwek.. :tilllJi JIJ. 1- ft •• ~ fJ £ 1i T •

gay 1ge1!gc/ •. gays:~ :IfO'tt. P,Yt$t.l A P:;f'KlU who is .py is MJq~~f, hor.llrec.Xual < used C!;peciaUy by @Q'.I9'1ie~ua1:5i dl.e~J~ VlU PREP ot by poorple who :suJIPDFt tbem, ~,tl!l;:l ~. lEG I've told

~htm· I'm :fJf!' y. ft e. & w -fiUn t2 ::i;:il!l it il0.it. .. I,.I$oOd gf ~ ADII ~F, organization!:: and· magari.ReS IUr flo.tnO'itXu.d!:. .II~. moo usu A:I"I1UtI 'ii~ C ~ m :f~ :fiT ~ .t;. EG 'They haw an ac~i~ Gay

Group. ~m;:Fj; -11' 1i V( !f.I1iiJ tt; ~ HI '1* ... used as a .. N CQLlI'I([" noen, ~ f1s ~ tii]1 ..00 i •• tI' ~ida.y s(XJ.r fot gays.. .. . •• ~

tt~.:", rJ! lR ~ •.. ~)' .gays ~reWOf7'ied «hOld the

MW sy.r.tetn. i't ~ ~I i't :® .. ~ • "R :!II!IJ -II."'. 0 py- 0 N I..INC'OI!JNT ness. f,ii)~~. EG H~ M.mM"t ru~ ,f)j hisga:;me.rs. ft ~ ~y It 1m a. ~HPl1 t'£ j: 1f:;:f\ IUIUf IU •

21n s~jgMy mare o!d-fa~nimled English. Ii per:sonwM is

gay ]s.2.1 l:i~ly and euj~bJr:: toO be with. [113]1 O~ A)« WJ QUAUl ~!t=} ; ll!J.Fi,if.I'• I:Gi •.• 8f).}I, i1ilWCe/Jt AnltQbd. '" ··.,~lIt ~'ILaPP!Il

[Iii Jt 3:: .• 1ii'\1 ~ • M ~ : ••. Sonny K!'Ils gayer. more ~~.

f;ul... «JIB J! 1JII It ~ •. 1I!:J:o iliII ~ T'·· -Weil. }uls no" th£'

..... Ul't,' 0' ,oomntJl1l~"""HP ... 1Ih:if'- -r .iii. el m., ~ ,_ :mil,HI u; ~ JJ.

~-J~-. .~ ,."".r- _~kJI ~ ~ 'i1D.7r""J:""'~_ l:J[A~~~ ~1.~ ,i;[.:;!i!iIJ\

'I1l + 2.2 fll"(;e rrom aill.1 worrks.and fean. [1131 j (m A j jE llt .AW CL.ASSlF, jt~ll(J. EG " , , ~he i~ of the gay bachelor, ..... *~ J\TI1uI8·

~i:~:~&1t*':fj~C:~~ .~ng ~lL , ..• -

3 A pmr:eiliat i!l py .h!u a liJvcly at~phel'emd is: fujI uf JOI~AU']"

jl1Jtere;l(~ng dlil~ (0 domd poop,ieenjQ}'utgme.m8dW':!j, =iM'f!;l'

(MS JIl1i)o 1;. AIt Mtb ti<J , + A • til tI'!l .• 00, W1llJ'~ say a~JiJd ,U·

cWng place are.)lOU r~i. me to? .... ~m:ft.!elJ-1'"

tr z.. W M ., A ~ Wi1lii 3tfli It IlCJi .:811 £il!? .", .. mou

o~tljr ~fie$. &r~thle.r aO'ad 8!l .. ~ _ streets. at niglu, ...

2E~ ~.:;It« ... A. ~ n ~1!:h 1fl ~ ,J{ !fi~ .ioCib tfJ I~ m

iI. to ~ of theaccivities or people tnvol ve~L m.~ m .lit

~ m.1tJl III J.... EO You had a &Qfer UmeM'lh jVIU panie.f amidiscuss{'r;m.s .•. .e.-.1l1.~$Hr.e; •• .;1J!,:~"m.ff~

T ... -". st...-mmti18 001 ib gay fam#y portier .to the

mmJ ... .... ~ ~ Iil ~ - 1:)1: - *=ft .. iiiifil:jfj .'!Il, ~., •. ~ •

4 So~~ ~t i5 P1 i5 ibEi~t1yookmtroed Wld ~reny to Am QUAUT loolaL!'* M 1M M, f! iii I~. ~ Her d~K4:lS gay~nd "b!ilgb~ .~rfL!l fl{)~.· - "M~:5!~.a#Mtf!j. ijI;yr;etlfll*'" Most

oj the gay {UiJ:l.t ~'crumbledoff." "*f{f:f.t_t@~~.

e~.Jt. T ,., ., . gay ,eoord ,CQIW1:lJ. "'Jii.~+@.al],~Jt ••

5 Mus;ic that is gay is ,i'~vely and pleas.all'U to listen Of dMlO:: AW QUWT to, em it :~F:):tt,~ It!i I '~'!HI_ $; ~~. Bill .. - QI/f!Ty 86Y N!~

cold, foulaRd "":tba lo,1 Qfrhylhm. ,··-;m~~.«tI!l:ii'lJ1

III It , ~ .. ~ •. tt.!: i!cn-I';fiil ••

6 if]; l(l!.piety and gaUy.

gay Ubo:i-. m, more focn"Ja] Eng i Ish •. Pf .Elbi:n.Iioo !sa po... N WCOON]'

!~ttCJd fIlOi'!Iemtn'l: org;mi~ by ho~lJ.I3Js that tri!:S 00 1'1 mJll1~~

ITIllk o:thc.rfX:lOPleiill mlrity aornft them amld. tre<JiJt them

mon:: {aWl~y_ (ftjfJ(M'~iI~ gay Itibemt.l(Nil:) •• ~:tt~

.ft:f1ji,faiiA] ~ ~ tE~.:&t iE ljIJ ~ ro. f,'w~uals . gay

liberatiml dQleS no! Just n:I!flaR rej'01m.s. .. :i't T ~ t:f:,$:# *&··Mft~.:ttjg~#-~ R •••• jfUi-~i\t.···

+ • , ~n 's Ubtroti(Jn and guy lib groups - .. ,. 1Itz:.:1W tt

~~ Jl ~t!f;.:flt:e@lli!l~.


~ !!J:ll:gcz!, gBK8. pirlng. gazed_ 1 If yoopze. you \1+";'

look s:~t'".l!tdily .!li~ OOJTIfDlle or SOllJCtluil1g (Or a kmg time ,be:" -=WI~

cause 'YOU filiKl 1i:bem 3iuractiw: or surpr.ising., or hecause

you ~awe·~hi:l:lkAng:aW!.l11; 5Qme~hing else ,- (M., ,., ) .... 'it:tl.

ro SIie t"~ $.0 sam admJt1ltgly at her husbaNd. . . 3

tt rJ;.!t '* , m ... \I: ~ II 1t Ii. {I :I gjl ,2, tit] ;t.:k:, .•• He 8F1m1

d(Ywn jnJ;() the IIi¥.Itt'!r... .. fi ~ ~ '* 'PII til •.. I spent

mml of my lime ,l§QZ~ng out of lM wj.mioW'. :Jt::;l;: ill?} u:.t fiilll·!lmw'Iil'# •.

2 Someeae's 'I8K iill {in: ]oug atld s~)eady waf tlley <lin:: NCOUlTI, IDiU

loolin,g at semeoae or oomeU]c1ng •• :. i ii:w,., ECllJ .fl.~ s.ENl3

• . ~ look

sa~ I1)Uko,ut shJltJI1g li$~lf' from .,he television ...

f!l:~~m:Jt ~.+ ff III .... i!l!." ... The man met his

gd.:re dn,d smiled pat~en.t1y .. - ~+ Ai!lI!!.1d!.M~ ,I§.! jt.iMi~iIf!!:lI.-~"· " .. the indifferent gaze. oj the

an studenu .. ,'" ~ '* I~ tt * ~ ~.liI9a ..... His

gaze t u.rneti to .t.hl!. field below. ffB If .. ~. ~ * "* I'I>J T

TOO.~.. .

p. zek ! g<l1;r.c:[; ga':!'El/. gazelles- A gue'tk is a sma]~ JJl1te- N 00llJ1N'T

lope w[th J:rrgt: t:!~ ~t ~ very qJlIJddy and grace-

fuUy and ][ YfS iIlI Africa andA$w_ II,., (~~ ~'-'II ~ ~ 1~1-

~ if" M' * . II M;t. ;rri'l= IHI1lIi tt J! ) ~

p.~ jg1il1..i'i.lVlll~ ga\~pJ. plllDllpS, pzumping..... 'II" I), USII.I p,.w .DIII!~. I r you .1'U'e. gRlWIjp!d. by OOIJlrol'iLe, they agr~ to rt 1)oli;!1/clIId

.SIC.I~ their Ii:JmJse to you • but th.erl~l~ it to !'!OOle(itle else

who OiT~I'8 to PlY a .hig~ p.ri1Ce~ used I:"I"Ia.lnJr iR ktfotmal

BritMl .•...•.. .EngJ~h .. ,.Sbo'wi ... _ .... ng.' .. ~pprovaJl, [£~m .1f](&5.

@fm« iil ~ ) _'lJI'Hlt II 1'.

GB is, all abb«:vl.alioo (01:'" Great &iilaln', Qircal Britalliii 1e<J •••

GC:E /d3i:si:~ i ; cty,si'i/, GC:Es. 1 GCE is an aMJ.r.eviatL'OIiI. N' Uf'ffiO\.!NT fOO' 'Gelleiral Certifica~e of EdUOl'l:ioo ... ~a s~ [If ex-

~tium; jn Brlt1!i~ whim are usually talb:n <li~ Ordirutry

level whe.rn Jeaving schooland at Adlv-anttd. ~(:m befo.roe

goit'ig to Utlive.rsity : (Gtlm.nrl'Cm1i:fkatt of Edurnl~l .. .:tt.'iolE.1Hl1H.~n.~~ A level.fa 0 ~)o 56 ... ~

grtLde.s in GeE subjects. .. • ... B I: .. 1m -#:& :H .. ~j\l.

!!If e.:tt ... Wait until you gel to GCE startd4rd - "f*::iii

II] GeE liE * ~1k lfili· ill .

2 A GCEis a ~ in an Ordlj~y level GeE l:~liOlilion N cOJ!1'I1"

for a pMtL'llular :stilbject~ an iu[Olrmlll use, [~JGCE:IT-il '" 0 1e~11 ift!il""~.R.I3-. SG He"s got ejgkt GCEi - f!kB.a;;:t TAn

OCE •• il8l~i3t.

GCSE Jd3ii:si~~ i: ~ d.5i!iij~V is i.lllDi ,a.bfb.re",~at:io!ll for 1i1}~Nl1f • Ge!~eraf. O!;rrJfi~te of Se-co~.dOity Ed'ucaW:tnt J a !!Y$'-'

te:m of «xamJnat:i(!!n5 ill BritaJlI1 ifl~rOOu.ced to r-epJace

GeE OrdinMY level an.d atE eXo1minatlooolin [9'88."

1I,*, .. tl.IiE::IU.~ Ge.~aIi Cemifi£aw of SeOOfidar'y Edu-

cation 1'jg •• ".I't~Ii!!IT 1988 ~ .. ft GCE :ftI CS!E I~-"

iii IJ ~liti!iut} •

gcjlD i~ aW'm".iJttm abb.r~!i:ion .lbc ;~n', ~ eIOpodaliy in advert~meIIltswthen &scr.ilbi.[Igbo~ w:hidl .~ .fOc we_ ~n ~4ii_(1em-r.1;.tiJIU<;rr-~,~}.

Gdm is .i!I. mlltE:[1 abhrf:vi3JtiOli!L fur' 'GardI:~'1 ~ in !II [N t<I_AMES. rliilllt:!l of stttt1S. ~y ifiad~ and. on .mps OJ'

signs, Garderns IBCJ ... ( .!'Oft;. til iI ~ .. t jt m T :ii, fa 11k hl ,

ili.m .~lHf JW._t). E;G ••• 56 Amcia Odns, HockingOOm.

Surrey_ ···P.1I!l1l:&:~.-;tr~.IIMfi 56 iI'.

GnP is an abhrev1ation fnr ~ g<liS cWfIOeSUC prOOlXi '. the N tINC'.CIUNT 10tru "..llw:: iOf~. Mid iSelyj.ceslJOOdUo:G w~nw.a OOWJ:-

try !n OJ: year:. a ~<ilimicat ~m!. m: ,ooot:lOl11ia. C!!:itl'iJm~

~,." ,~iI( ~ ~ do~tie .~. liJJ •• ).

:JeII!T 191a.glrI, gears. garing. patred, 1 A gear .. in 3J m...a~hineQt" vebjdeis 1. 1 a device Of system whi.ch N'COUiNl" eolluro~s tne .r3iteat whl~h tbe cut::rgy bei.ng ·1Iied .is oon~n~d i!lito motioo. and often whether the mmion

is In .i partjnliac diroctioo Oil" in the feve.l1le dirtctrol'l.

Ce~r1!i ,ofi.eJ]J corls.isn ,Oof w.liJtt.I!i, with teeth .alI'OUlflil:J tbe ir

edg'e~ th:llJt: raJ h'iIIt.Q ~be 1!eelb of anotheif whed (I. tl1to

tile hQ~.'C.S 'Of 8. chain_ -&I!:; ff·ii ••• I:G "" , ~"'il:e7Io(::~

ki,~cogs gild gears!. .. • •• i! It it !:ii fI··1; • * .. , John

cHecked the. g,ttll' oiil frutcycie. ... ~ • tit. T $:...t. &lIW

~."' .. I.h;e~"indin.g ,of geargwhUI! Q!.!'Ytaking IOf"~

ri~s. ... 1[:11: -F *~Ii' •. ~,~ ~ '...... L 2Ute r.:mge of .Iit~! !ipecd ,OJ' power wbkhiil: has Whell apan:i~ ~. is ~~' USC'd_ {.}ft. sa Wt! slow,dolloin t(J /irr.t gM.r arid ten:

m.i'~ aft Mur, . .iJ! fl. ill!:i8 -~ •• Il~·~ 10 .1. ...

.A. car wUh a reai,lykiogh. /(Jf/geM .. ~M;ij".lf].if~rfJ


2 Dlf a vduclc is iD p:'. a gear ~ ro:tmecting the tngInt! rn I'HIk, USED A'!l

the whec!b. aoo tlhe' \!',cill.tk wiJ~ ~ ifili~ ~ is: tIN A wvrttltg and ~hc bEMa M.I!!' not an. B II 1::. W tR. .~

Lmw the ,car in gear. it::i:i Iliff;, * - :iI.'." It i3' ..

3[f )'00 ,~y t~ a person. S}!':SitClt}.. (If ~ Is in,) par- iI'I1~,

ti.olii.ar pr, you.ilT!C talking aoo~ me ~. oo.evgy. ar Ui'lV'" SiIlJPi" .!;fficl.ency whh whi.ch tiley a:m:. work:.ing at:" fUridmng.:tt iii ~

~, I i'l:R. lEO It look time to shift bad· ImQ JWrmcd

gear fm boring l'ouiti1f4 leks. .. ~ .. JIl :if 1tM :tl~. ,I'll.

~:M. ~ a ." I $ All. M IiJ ,R'I9" •. She kntwlwww dw~geat;~ ()J'tJe, to achie!.'e lhe ,rignt result ... ft!!~ jJ:b~~l!$";<t!;Ulj.,,,~.~aiM/H"" T/tui; Ameri,MI1

~concmy will be in high gear . ~ G!il:If,:tf~.lI"" ••

4 lbJ;: aeu invol.vod ill ,Il piIlrdculw a,wviity is the equip- N Ull\[00UN1!, mcnt. ~cialJ dlJithes.etc, t_t YOIl use W~Il'YOU d,Q. it. ~~i;!)~ lit*mll~it",Jll.~)"~,, .. w,rnpi.~ ~,r, .. ···IJ§

*11 ... We took off ow ,iding 1JM1". ... ~1l] M IF T • ~

.... .I pIckM my gear and W(llked oui. JIt ff~ H Ii: .;if!:


:5 If 8Ornront: m-somed'llingis'·...w to. 0:~. ('If' (OJ' OJ! 'If ~ 0 + Mu;>) forI

pa.rdc~liar pu~, . !hey Me Of',ganized Qf ~~d ~_ f<j'!!II;lom)', t:&J

. " • PASS

cia!l.y in order ma("li<levc dut~ .• *.~~hii.!lltNJ~n'I)i:"'''''''~'''''''

ro They .,e net gM"~ '0 armedoomb:u . .. filii) ~.~ il'::t'iI~:it~m4 ., .. ,. a polky gear:edtowardY rehabU~

Ualion ...•.• _lJ[ :s:e:1i .. *fl;:,. .. IIW •• ••• " •• plantll.

ti{iN gwred for o.port ...• Ji1iW: ru ll!'l<Jtt:fr! :fII!.Mti.

gear up. I f someone is .• ~ IlIP lQ iii. powtiwlac ac::aiyity. o:r i;5. ~ up W .h;, d1el .. ;ln. PJf~pi.ng to do.it. W f.tif ••• ~J It '". ~ .Many jOOJbaU t,eti:itiJS ~. not ~ up ,fO

at tack .. . fA': is· ~. ~ U. tl:.:fi ~. ~. :d: !MIlt: * ... They arce. COO,·t"g ~Ii' ~a' (I' d vU iKQ',,., .• t~ jJl iE 1m: ".h R &t ~ .9: .... MitrUn ami Li2; ~. ~ri:.Jhemni~up to a full~

amt: jtib. ~ Tfjilfla.iE.a:i1.1JII:t:~J[fl':~IIA.

:gear·box f'g,aLbob, 'gg:t~/, ~. A ~ ,rs: .f'f.~

nbon tile a.y~tem of :gc.m;i[l an engine or VChlck, tt§'itt'lli ;~iI

Ii. II!G GMrbol: whflling. OLIT ;eep labournd up (J nW .. side.,. ~.If •• M.,".ftj'ij~i!r.$.:bil!!:*l:w.,,· Replace the oil i~ lheflMrbax, !I!.~Il.II'.!I~filjlfiltlo

pr ~ .... ~ I oiliospdJed wfth a hyphen. 1$. ffl JllJiI Ni·oot.i!N'f

if *·If 0 A.gear ~ is the lever tha.t you ~ tt11 change '" FBmmi~t

~.~ .ill! aear 0 ... 1". O1hee. r. ~eh .•.• icl.ej .used ~.I1.i~"..in JBritmh .. ' .. [~g".

lish. [J;:~J~:l.ff j!.l§*f. fiG The .traffic nun,!t3 fl8Ilm.

.HOil'lU.rdpw.~ t~ gear tet!l'r in. :!::. Jl. ij.® ~ T. •

~ are :1lit:tfa.t ~

Fftr'"mtft !'g,'4!iIJ!ft~ "glf'/jiJft/,. :~flts, ~&Osp::ned as tllOOUN'F tW'O~, !Ij; jif. fj;:jlJj1-t5J .• ' A ~n is the same a6 ai.

~¥ 1~~!J"~. ~m@~y ~ hnc:r:imn iEngl:i$h" [;£~. J .!lJ

:gea;f leve F 1Pl.

~ Id.li:,~. Some peopll!!~y:gee m gee wlIu in on1er' EXCl.AJ>f to ~ltp:r~ 3. strong uactiotl t05.Ol1'1ethiing j used mainly in = ~ intOrmaI Amr;ri(:3[1 ~g]i!ln. [,E!@1§]. ~ lit I '" ~ m1 C1! ff-: -fi.~&!r&m). ~ Gee. what fun~,., ~. iJ~ IIlr

'" Gee. Ed. that ~. bad luck. " •••••.•• 1 ••

~ 19i~;gisf IS dl('p..Iurai ·of~. go:Ee 00 •••

~.zer ;tgi;:zai \giz;;).j.. geezen •. Some r.,eop.le: use'~ to 1Ii~;r ref>erto a n'Ia:iil ~ a ,,:ery mf«mal andl J'atrier okJ. fashkmed '" I>]I!IIk; wont [11, rbl] A, a .~. ,00 TlrJ;s Qt}ret ~ .CQmeS

,along and takc€!J hlB .f~t. ~~+2~jft.;,t*.~Y3~Jift.

c;:ei. PI' 'O!IUDW I i~'bm:wl \gaxp 'b,ml,~! .' 't'}ejiJii'f' '1\1 mum ~, .A ~ ~ is a ~tt w.il:iith dams and

m~~ rooiooctJvity. (.l!k.MtIt~H'I:~ttIUI~

gd •• 1'~liO},,\gc:l;g/. ~. A ~ is. a Japanese 1\i,00Ul'0'T woman '!Who is sp'lciaJ1y mtill'ledi in .mm:ic. &nci:~. and

the awl!Jl.f mn ... er.sado'!l.. 3:l1dw]oose job is ~Q elJ~~rtmn

mep, f B *I9lH!;:U:.. .

,gd !d;;ehd~!, .ls.~:,~ed; alsc spelled jdl ~Of Vdfagt~. 1 to 3, 1"be: tlO1.ItI ]n paragraph 41$ 'pro.nounced !~~: gE:1i .l£. ] 1i8. ri 3, 1l ~] za:;m;fF: jet]. !J 1 i'\i

~ 1Xl,g~.f'!:;. /~hgdl.1 If a hquicli!i,'d$. it change; inw v a mid¢[. fi~ lI~b:!l~ rather Hire jeUy, .IlI; ... :tt ~!'l


:2 Ir a ,\!,~1X sihmpe, ~ghrt. or idea gelS. yffill can. see· OC\i tmd'e~1Sltaocil i.tt .mofl: dear]y and defini.tcly. (mtt,.ilM,.w: =0 (O!;ti!: f! '" ) 11!: M J!! .. :M.~ II: ($. {to m After' talking to yow tJd~tealf)'~" logei ... fm'A:.i1z~ •• N.~JF

Ml ~ if !Jli fll ~f ••. GfadWlUy. tmy gelled into· rleft~ite

f(Hmfj, II II Wl. • '(:; m •• rla T .

3 Q.I is ~ thid o]~y su:hu,antt. ~dal:iy Olle ~ 00' tecp N ldASS ),001" .Mit ~n a~ti~i1iU' styJ~, •. 1I'l ( ](;: rn.$Il: 10. €a 11 ~s

KWih uperimentl. Hit.th diffm:~t Cml'nt,j! I)f' §eJs.~

~H •• ~ ••••••• mM. .

.4 Gel is: ~ .in written EngJ~h to ~~n:t IDe 'WOff'd girl MCOtJNT/ 'i,lOC

proROYDctd jn a pa!iILi~ way .•• (;I!:R:.M gjIr] ~i."t'5 .. ,e;ir~

li'w.Jt)~ E(; " •• a ,M~ gd .. , ···~m.15·.~ft'IJ.

Iii! .... "Whel'e:s the poo,rol' gel '0 U~? ~ l' mtrt 1e9

;(; ti!i .fIH')L ~ 1t w.?

gtt.a·Unt /'~l~ti:n~\d3tI~/. pliI:inM;. ;i(f:Wf1: platin. titMSS 'GdMiI!!e is a dear! tastele!1.SslJi~. uomaJJy in th!!:

~VB, V+AV/ Oft. V • o (flPFJ,! "

)YO} -t- 1'Il1W, l!,/SU ~T/J!Il,4;S!l


....,._I,nu1J ,~~~.

form olapowder, that is u~ to meke Hqwci1, ~ firm. Gd<ild~ i,50ft~ 1lI~ in cookinE·, fo:re~pte llQ make jelly. ~ lit; ft e. ro .Pmu dIe mitetinlO Q m~pan. ,aM SFl~lf! in t~ gd~line, ... ~*.A"¥Jti:fiM.~

~.Ltl!!J1l !ll:'" V~\table gtl:alines ar:e wnl.for thiiCk#!#1,ing S(}ups:, :;: •• ml ~{!ii:i:J& •

• '.IIlt~i .. 1lOII'S 1d:9~I1C1~1 ~~l<'etl)~ is mail to descrj(i!e AiD!' c~w wbslaru:e that are .I:ike a" ve.ry tmck I[qwn and afle[jj "~f' .~~ sticky, fl.tt.~ ,m~t»!.iI'tBo 00, He put hiB jork i~t(Jo

something gd14tinor.{J on his piate:. , . MleX -rnii!fti"'

1I ~fIr It ,,*i!iIJ it@ '*",.. , .. egp' laid w.ithi:n gd,ati1Wft.j.

rna.r.re.r, .,. F tE: - ,!lilt." If! !ill ••

gJ!lI.fd.ilng !~g:Jdir.lJ! 'gcldiijl. ~. A .gddiog i& .:1 ~ NC01JNl

fuorsewhich .JiM been ~t.!'ated jn Of1kr.tO 'make j~!esll, aggressive Of to ~ei] jump, htltEr ;]JJ racesor competi-

t'i011l';, .~; ~.(KI ll.

~~;g. nlt't I ~d~b!Jruut; 'd5d1&,fW1! is an e:cp:loo~ve suba N i.lNC(.I!.iNJI s;tance ~rut is slmHar ~o dryuumitc. :em ~ ~ ~ i1 ••. lEO

We mJI!d a hit ,~f gelia- re or (f dtto~lor . .. fiffrlil-Ri~.~- .'IIt'l"' •..... rlte ~pons .• ,rile ~/ignife

!!Zild $0 .r,m. ···it ••••• 11$' l'J".

~ I d~m! dI-JRrl1 • ~. A :p.m is 1 a j;~wd or slloDe that r>!' 00iJN'T is medl iJil jt"lwen~.['f' ~. ~l. Ell ... ,a bT(J~let (Jf :ro1id

gold. ~rllddeti with gems .. , ..•• :fi ~ {i' ~ ~.!&~.'"

..• t.Jle~I!;,le.". of llite staien .mom:y lUad tpnS. • .• ~ 'a- d9 aft~1iMfitm .

2: SQ!]iir¢One or SQ[!1(idtingtnat ~ JtIi1inl is e:spodaJ!y gM N 0QI.I\'I1'F Qr pie~mg. :ill !IIi: illt i6!l ),.( at .) , .. ~ ,: f$r &: jr ". fG "t_~ ... lhis gem of 'wisdom ,.. • •. ~ 'M: " .. ll. ... .,' a gem

like Bar:bam.,. • ••• ~1I·:f}!:.iS: 4ftft A .... MI •• ~ t:f, A····

This ~. is a ~m. iUI!iJ!TM.~It~

Ifml·~ J·,d;y:m~~i"'~jSliO]IDl. ganstooes. Apt'" NCOUN'[ sI:oo!' isa jewel Of" Stolle used in jeweiUe~. ~ Q'.

IeJII J~.d3mJ •.... gemtim;£. pIlIed~ used morinly!in NI Ul'ICI)t!Nf,

jmJOf"ltL1Il .Bt.itisb Eoglish. If}mt:S<!l.y ~ has the :FQ ~~+ N'" .(>iIi 00 something. you .meoo tOOt. 'IDq ho!.ve ~lihl; ~pfw~-

t~o!lalhlou,t it, U::,1Hi J C::Q ~. #; •. ~J~ liD •• rtl tt. ES

u! me haw thegen .000rhe deal .by l~~time. '¥fin

iI~~.~~ m~"l1'~ ",,~.;.

RfO up. ff yuu :FD up OIl stl:lmcthing, you .find OUf a::s: .~ VB"

ll'Illu:;h ~fgrmation.as ~"Lbie :.lIbour it .•• (W~"".OO)11 V".~. tum"" <!IiI

.. ~ ii~~

m. ~ He 's getm,~ up·on ,lJe· le,pJ .posititJm; be/(nt he

signs tr. 1£.W \::z·1W • it. JE.lE 7 .... fJd' • m ~ ~ ~ Ii!. ~tipo

GeP. ,P1;: a written OlIl;ibre'Yihatfun fOil' ~Gener..,!l/ ~ used 00, mdj. 1\1 I til ~

~.:e ~ perw.n's rrul!»: m ilie. aMJed ~. general (1&~) ~N~

~~iU'." 1[6 ••• Gen. i1eGa:ulle ...•• ~.~.~,.

p.~ I'~~ ~,~, ~. A gaI- ti'CO'JNf &:nne is a 1:l1e.m.kr of the FrmclJ,poli« m«. i"}m... 11' iPOIiWuIJ, ffG 'I"h.£ SflCOndau' was dr,inn by a Fl'liJarme " m ~ .• i~,

*w~m •• uut.

RtD·drr j'ld~: 'd3W.da-/.~, 1 l:I1JJ furn::W Eng- N~f ]ish. .~. is it!be. fad of belling 1:'Ilale: or fetJ:laJe! m.ed of OOUNT peopic;llld ml:m.ats. eiE Jt;Jft d! it m .... diffmtnct:iS .. ~

,of ~em:~mi!'l1ent. muorgerukr.,... "'9;,& .. ". i2 t:ll; ill

9'fJ:f: foiJ ••• . , .. ~ of :Ike male gentkr. • •.• ;; 11 ti.

2 III gram...nnar, ~.i!! !Bd ~'refCf to ·iliedass.ific.iiltioo N ~! of nQ~ jn same h:lit'lgua,gs as ~ne and f~_'. 01 ~

,. t:.. __ .:I '1JI'j;_~ _ .... _~ f it eI~!Im'

as: ~l!'le., ~emJ!J]jlne ~JY nc:~ler, .II J,lC' ge~~.':'. a noun

aiflld£l tlae tm.m Dfdetermi~. adjectives. and some-

times verbs .1lISOOI 'Withri, it, ODr!J:i'itIl}f'j; ..

gene ! d.¥;n dl3i'N ,~. A .. is :8i ~ of ciI. cell .in a Ii'!!!'- NI C01J'NT

irag th:iing which a;mtrol!s~, physimJ. ~.a.cr,e:r~tics, growth,3i!id. dewloprnti1L '~am ~ and .repro-

dl;lC( tbelTL~]~ and ~ ~ .. Qn f['()rn ~ gtimrt'iI.tloo to

<UOCltber. ['(')I; example fl'Q]lil, ~. part:-fl~ m their thi~-

cll'£Jl. &~ ;.WilT.

ge. ne" Qj. ~.j .• ,~ ! Id5i'ru~']m:,JH j ,.d3ttU~~!od3Ji:I. ;dsiru-! ADl C1MSIF, me~ ~fJl~ng ·the ~ Qff:mUlres, ::IIi .~. wor.d.A::r'fflltji

_ ~. liliI.t!I"ictIl,

L if it: :it f;; II!J ~ ~ it Dtl. EG ••• ewd~nceof ~Qgical tdatiUIL5hips., ...• jt&~:f. OO~.··· ... 4ru'~8 W 8ft.

1WU.Wgtca.l {}utJ'Us •• •• :w itil raJ II ~mrr#. .

ge., •• a..Q.o:gy ! 1d;si:nlrreLoo31I ~'ret.;d3[. "d,]m!-!. ~

aIogies~ 1iI fonmJ 'OVOI'd. 1 ~ is me s.twy of the N'~ history of f1lfl:l!i[iES. csp:cia!Hy studying his1D.ricm: ,doct!-

roetU;S to find 00II: the" Ii"ttations.DI:p;. be::twee[)J pan:icWalf

people ODd fami.JU:es. [if..~l~.~ ~j!i.*'~~iI •.

:c! A, ~ is .~ .bIstory of ,\11. patrt~ family ·O'VM' I'll rovm

sc~.ai ~rkru:tlmts •.• ~bitJg ~ each ~ mwrJ'lea

andwibo their duiWroo ~(;. [.iE.~J*iI~ &:i The fDmi~ iygeNa$ogy ~elJ$ hew· ~ De Campo! W~~ftcld

married A)u!(J' R~m, I:bt! doJ«h.t~1' 01" ~ ~r~

cham. ~itillJj =f'§ »i «UJL~t • t1I.l!f • •• ~. jn ~~

T 4t~jf(~:f.dtj;:. + ·IIZ !\E~ •• 0 ~ •• ~ gists - }f.. ~ 1!: ~ II: 1I¥:.. !;G" •• ajl1; arnaJftut gen;e.a[o·

EU .... • t eue ... mptin.s. IO."rtme. ,·.~.he. Jflml. "Jyafhh wife .... -~ ~JI:ft;lt.~ ¥. ft!I.ft,*,*.~#.

gen.·er ... ! ~dyn~,~;3f';3f ill ~e p1J.llT~ of FI-., gerJllJ8

-,!l'IIJ... - -

ft~ f'<ilm.--~ . 'I.;I,.........."J \.:1. .1/ . __ il.. ~ Gen-

:gtooer·w ·~IE!ro;;OJ.. ~ .. """ ",~J • ~_, '1 __ . __

-em ~ ~ oo5ummarize 1. 11 a$i'h..lli;'iltto:n Of i.dea. wi,~hout cormder:ing del!ailsor ,~ptions. ~ Tti tiJ ~ .. :iIj agl Ail ,~ • EG Their 00$'£ rose tkspi&e a general decline ll1theil' quality. .. g ..... _, .. T " •. 'E m ~ tit' *I ~ 1: if: T .., The genemlf,t,andtlrd. of edu,aHion :there i$ I-'I!l'ry high" ..• )L,~·~'U'*if;fI.·" I'm ~ he'll 8ft the sene7:al idea .•• '~.~7.;l;.t1'",'IHi:.~~. 0 ~~ Rilly. -. iIIl. I •• :II. I :§ ::$: J:. ; *- -f.*. J:. ,00, .flis QC'COUm ~ ,g;'!rrefflily accurale. .. is eq • ~ -};;; .. :lE\ .. " ,~ • ,. Wool s.nd COUanblllWlS ,atE!' gerntraUy cheapest... :e tI:fIl M1, .. - & :I: aM ~. ~ .•• The fault ~rnl,ly lies with the ~L ._rijliffiE-AttIff:ll'lfJlfl< 1.2 the a1p~litre ~ bcha.viour of sO'JlUOOflc er samcthi:oog. i!l!>WllIiy aneroo,~~de.ri!1.g paniOJ~N details 'OF eve;Ms. II. iJ(]'. 00. ...a ~n with a 'Wrinkled face.. humped sJwulders and a ~M7Ql (Jrfhriti;c .ap'J'!'&lro.na " .. • .. - 1"fllfMl\t~ .'«JPl9 18 .;t.~:t!:M1 ~:aA •.. " .. :Sl,airs. co~rrtd with ,c,OOcwem aM a ~I1UaJ mating (1/ dust .• , , .... f.i .1 1.~:m •• -~jt~I¥J8!.,'" His ~'tteral tmUude $1'1,8:'. gesi«i that he f~rded me asa fOOl" ft] e. tI'!I ~ m. ~ ~ eft. ~ -1'. I! Jl. <> per1dJy. ;t! ar':I ,*:t ~ EO They smUe. touch, aM ,g.e,urroily .btha w mare intimoteJy. ~fnM~: •. Ii 11- .i!il.ll ~'J *-& •• ill!!:OO ~.m~ 1" 3 several items or aetivities, when. there are too many ·of them or they are nm ~mpoctomt ewJ!uPto meilttiM ~. r<ll!tl;[y., ~ H -I- '*' ~ I - • M. EO. .'Ad down ~eleplwue calls (l;f pvrt 01 y:mr ~nernJ b~~ ~pt~, m ~ i!

.~T *.fl:i '" 1\.- It :!tf Jf::t~ -. *. (;> geomdJy. -.i!.* I ~~.*. EG She's ~f'UJ fQT' infornm·· ~ior:l on things genn:tllly" Ji.Ilf!Htilt •• :f£T.fi.~1I~,1i i§ii~~"1 ~:S.

it ~ is WJOO ~o ~ttibe 2- ~ ~mg that invol~ or affer:t<> most people. 'oF most people .ina partiwliar goop.r'""t!iI!l" •• OO. m TheI'i! .~. a ~,(Ji mo~~ ~t to ieBVf' t~ table at ,thLfpoinr . .. 1ft rt.t .,.1::: iltiH! .il:!f" .. 00 £-... We mi!t3t mo~ 1Q~ • ge:neJ'Q1 IJnd complett diSl1r.ma.mem' , . - W;f]I!0!lJifli'1k"~W'tr(!llNf;. ¥..... - -, a wpi.c Qjgeneml ,nlefesl, , •• ' -1- .. 1i1 jlbl~" ~i8.~ 0 ~1·· •• J$;·jffJ&. 100 •• Ii generolly oo;li':pteddefin~,ri()J1." .. • •• -1- ••• ~ BI!I ::t j1.. ••• 'When wtrl thiS' rn,a~er~1 ~ generoily Q.w'iltlhle? ft&:'lIfft :i!~ttt4I! ••. ~~? 2.2.1i s:tatt'met1:t that' .itlvoJ~ only the maio. [t:.aItW"tS ·of !iIOmetrung ;md not :its det .. i!~s. ~M:, IW ~.: :M!'t;Jo ro Fortun.€ tdle,.~ar:eso lft'mem1 in tlvtir jJ,a$emen~. • • !if, A •• ~ A it g II!i .Ill .;J~ .. _. ~ M ... Ptilidples ha~ to 'be ~eated iR~ry geru:rat terms. ". 1!i.

!iN &HJ! 1ft '1~ 'it. M IltlU':tf ~... In a~ry ge~.ral .se~

i1 is OOstdon Ram4n law. })'~~*'~tt~ •• ~..t.i!t. 'E';t: !;1,J' ~ il '"' ~li.'IIl'r!I. 0 ~y. ~ •• ~. m.!tID. lEG P.t.rhaps he td .'Jay a few ~ ~UyO.!1! g,ronts ..m. itF ~~.~ .. mr::ilt: 1lIl •• ai&&~ Jt 'UJ.2, 3 ... sltatc:rne~t or opilrajoo tmtb true Of' suitable m I1lO!>t sit~tWns. iiI.II")·: -.itl~. I~ As a ~rai role, co~lr tire ,doctor if the baby has a temptFlature" ". ~~ .• tlre.T .~JLll:ll: ~:fIiW*~~rr,·· .My ~(JJ ,uj:riol: .wc>uJ.d be t.o !&lpe him alone. =ltil.OO~~;I;~!lI! •• <> :~_ • ~. ro You mustn't kifl,r;erhisM:wn ,Mi! it was gener~

ally .rrue ... ~~iiJ J!U mit""'~r * ,g;·~'E:lI* •• .IE'iI RlJ'" Gennally sptilki~. there (;Ire uniiOt\l instro£limls aOOut s1.Ich J'lfWlJ'i'oM. -M*'jjI.."J:i$;:~Mif.m;W.*m

jJ; .2:. 4. a:I1l organizatiolll or bwi[IeSS mu. onm ~ var:ir:ty or servi.res or goods. not jllst one particular .!dnd- {~.ffI. ~l,'!fi'::ii':)~~+:!.~. 00, 1'heyspenllK'O ~ ala ~w:r-

at hmplaland .rwo< al ,~ps~hil'ltricU1lit ... Mflll'!:;-if!:.

~ ~ tt·fZ m; tf,j; R JfIf , \it. - it· til .fIfli fi It 11: .~. '" Jjij ..••. .. a genertll gl'lX:ery $l'OA! •••• -~!tm. ~1fJh., 2.5 a. pcrnoo's joo. muaUy as pan of cllE::im- ~:itk. to indiCi!~ that they haVl!! ,rompi~itt! fl:!Sp:!illiihddy {Of the!l~nwtnl!ti-an of an. Ufgaillizalion or bw:i~. 1l. M j :fq ~ • I'tfJ. Iro .•. the ~Q:i tnaMger oJ the hote~ ... ··, •• M ~ ~~ .•• SIJe M13 MSMla~1 Ull:hit Gowm~ Secma'y .,,_. .J!!:M'~IH~m ~ ••... , .the Con.n.d Getreml. ... s.« ... 2.6 a ~ w~o d~ .:it varl¢ty of jobs which ~uire IlD speci.aJ skill or tra.i:~irig. (J.':.fti A.M~' ~ •• IM. -.rttCJ ~ ~~ 't.:ft. M. 00 .... u~kiUedgel'lie1'aJlnOOurers. . .. •• "'" it *tt: Bl!I- :fit ~

.I:. ,.. Th.ey~nt a ~NUfJld',udge aOOu,~ the place. fj), ft1 Hi! 1r Jt!lJ Jr. ~ ~ 4'; ~'Ii •. 2. 7 ape~$On. who has

AD.I~I". AI"]1Rm


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.AD.il <:I.AS:SJ:F. .(!~

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ADJI~, ~ .,,~~

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J!ruQ'UAUr ·~Wd

<) A[)V '" wideI\!'


= '\la.g\JI:" ""-


AO:I~, ~ ~~

<) MJV+ ADJ' = ~",",11y


AIDClJJ.S!lliF , A1TR[B,ALSQ m nTiI...ES

AIDJ'C~I~, A'ITl1t!Ill

.~ Il11!lIi:ilIlld


!In a'i"erage!lm(l'!JIllt of knowledge or interest in!! partieuler 8uibjlt'Ct. (~~:lit::w. ~ ~ tP,..d: #:; • ) -& P1I 0 100 The ro.rnmentaries mfl"il'!! not Ii»' t~ ~l .rmd.u but .for lhe sp«i~iiu" J!~W~.::t\ "~-.[liliIii~'~~j!.~ ~ ,3 You say lin ge.~. 3. 11 to- indicate tNt Y01i.la.re

S:liitlmlllrjzjrtga ISJ uJatron. $. (!!l il * r M .rl. ':1$ _t ... oW' They want .sJwrl~r shiJ~s. aoo Sh(J7t',~',. work',ilg h,()l~I".:$in: 8€.nera.l ..... a.~I*iI, ~n# .m.1I~19~ •. .Iff. M ,~1"~... ThJt .~l~ at UJe t~ ,gelKr~J ~Ild Otto ir:, particular ... J.t*~,\i.,,*.t.~Jil:A~ .ft:IIJI::l-Ifl~.:tt ... l~ will mab th,em i7.l, ,8'#-nf.'roJ les~ ~ti.y~ fled' and mo,rrt en V·;Q\U9. i.l:M I!: :f!I! fn * ~ • A 1!! .+ 'lJI •• J!::fm ~ .g;. 3.2: toindicare that yOlu ~u'E!'refening to most people Or things in aparrieular grDUp. ,a~ *~~ C:~, , . his c,ontemp'!uotU ,~uitud'e .to sm.;,ie.ryin. generul" ". .., fi z.:t H. ~ tif 'M- I~ S. I» .~ 11 ~ ... ,. The P"l~~ are oampo.roiJie with th~ for l'h'rJ. World prod u.crs t~ ceM!'al. .~. ~ m-li ~ :fIF ~ •• =:111: ft. ~.'F CA· t:J 1ft -M .3 MI * 11 ;;I! !iT lit 00' ~3, 3; to jnd~cate that a srarement is true in most cases. iI •. ~tE*~.1tli

f. !E'G The industrial prOCt;S5eS, in gene.l'al. are OOsedon ma.n.madepI'OC'fJ83t:S, I .jl:i!t@i! .. 'l"1k'..!. J... ,,; II'\)' i1i1!il j;J *~.

4 A genenI M; a person who ~Idsa tMg;b officu's rank 111

the armed forcd. muallly in tbe army .• ~. £:G No ,one umkr the ramcajf}mn'(J! can do {/wt." tlf~lffijlU l' f:I A 5I:.ff'1II 'if § T i':t "'... . .. Gmend Rart~~ . . .' .. 1lixWij;;~~~:#f$'" ., ~ m ()(h.er mtitary titles .. m T X III ~ 8i\ ,00 ... ~j'Of G.t:netaJ,.. . •• ji. ~ ••• . .. Lieu~ena'n~ General. • •. if! " •

gmem deIiNery. If you S(lOO a l.elll:l!r" ~ de.Livery.you send i~ to a. particular .P"JSt office. wbt!n;ltbe ,pe~ who in .is addressed to can ulIlcct. i~1 :i!IiI AIncrican term. [1t!J iIIf!t.# ~ tliHI:it '.

~- e~. ~ e~. Age~ ,ekdlon is, af,I

-election at which. a:.I[ thecitu.e.m or :a 1L'OU1iItry vote far people to represens them intbe mticlf.a1 parilli.atlmnt. X ~: .. it. e:;, T~ isme.s domiMlm the 1984 Genetal EJection." -. ~~fijJ II~ 1964 ~.* .. EJ:!.-li 7 ii'~ * f!l. •• " .. dl catiId,idale In. the general df,Clion of J9'14" .• ,. 19 7~ ~,];;:i& ~IJ RlI - ;:gil ii A .•• A gt.neraJ e1ecsion KIQS called" Eil:fll1*H*:l!o •

gm.er.aI.ise l~d~Ja.I:.l:; ~1,a17.J. ~ ...... ize.

....er.aI. iI;.,sj. biO I !dlstnali'a'li!ll~moo, , ~ I, ( dzmar~~Isa,mo!. ~_ A ~lssUm is a s~ ~dcr gf WPlb~ mil~tanr.lJiava:1. and air farCC:!l. esp::dal~y ~e wb9 wiehk F,ditig.l i!l:8Wl;:U 0)$. mi1itiU)' power_ (.=. ~} .;. iij. ~ *- jF. JijJ ~ ( .... ~ It *' tIZ.l~ ) :8 •• ftll I! .aUf.

... ·ilT.aII .. ~·ty· rid~l.nrlhb!,~na"rre:I~/; genera'litiesl :a rratWiler (~WoO.t'd. ~ A ~ is 1. 1 3. Matemctlit of a p!"']ndp!e w!!lldl. is wue lll-ml'6t s:iruatiom aool:'Otl'ctrtrullDh,e ina!!) -Fea~urer; of ~bng rather dlatl I!.be: ~. [.:DE :!tJ.ml.tlM~iti - •• w.:lllI. EG, fk ftx~ ~/y ,O/j; specifics. no,tJarge gmeroJlJief. .. f! f.L •• T A:If:: fHlII 1i , iIil' ;r,; ~ - 1ft tF.l *.~Jt ... 1ry MItt£) gel lost in 8ener~ ,dines. ~:h ~ Jf M A ~ lZ ii!ii *. 1 •. 2 ~staJI.eilnent aootJIt St')me(i;l;jjng of CIilI'll!tlID.l!l iinD"£St su:dt as die w.~ther. whioh is mot l,ITIp1f'1ta!1lt bum is usm to begin ao:mvenatica or dis· CU&'iion I .a ratb.er titu,ary we - [RJ < Jf !Dil ~ ~ i\\:H' ~:t til -~ ..£;1tI1,w aln .. ~. m .After (J l.ew nerwus ggNUali~ 'ieu 400ul t~ .~y mt)f'ni~ she ~n her slory. • •• ~.HAM~~.~.*.mA~Z$ .• ~*~T ~ll'\Iil:it •

2 y Q~ say iii • ~11, 'W~ you tbimkyoUi are giv. ing ~. rr~blll .wmii'lal)' ,of a s:i~~. [IE ~]-If ~ '* ;.k 4$.Jt.. EO Other peopl;e ctln.l'Wt, ~n tht! senemht y ., bet. akm .... as mOOd.s of MW .toUW!. = I't&* ,~ ftt!:fB ~ f\ttA W:h :m1i!Ji!t~.&tl ~ M •

gen. a-. a]1·.ii··Z!IJ·tioo, ! id~~~ lz.!foo. ,d3~mr~~.iII\zeJenJ.

genenJ_~ioosl ~.m-i'f' ~_u.. A ~1ioq IS aSlail.eimem wl!:l£~ r.ays ~ .. ~trnQg 1 .. ~ i~. ~~ s;ituacions ,CHi" 1r0'.!' 11'lCM people. especiaHywben irt is Ibaser;I 00 vewyl~lt1~ ev~nrn. (1t m .tUG. Jl rBlJ HI:fi ~ .... il! ~ -It iII.WIJ. m It .i8 easy to 1NJikit ~pi!J8 genemlJ- _ .wtiatrs aOOUl ~ dsejsproblems ... JifJ!tAI®'f~1I f1F: W U T !l:tlHI'!HI fll: R- '1'.- ,. We ,an know ~who d.i.~lR7lfi._ ·th.j.'$qen~nd~lkm. a fie T If. ~if. i!:-.;.llUI..Mt~* "

'alii ~-- ;IA---. ~~. ,,.,.]~.~._.f _.i .......

..... ,L·er"_ .",H,E ~1I111Q1J'i:J11~1,~ ~~.blIJI"i:nJLilU£I "!l ~GII~.

~bimg. ~, ~ m- w ~Ue. 1 If you ~raI~. you say that something III Uut:!: lin ~t situa~ l~.o1lS OF far Il'l[Stpeople" espedaJJy w~ yo~ have very liuk: evid~flltt f(l[" it. .(jlEn HIi2: ~:m.$.(~.·.~l-H:I(:;t+


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~I 1 dOf1,'t think }VU cali g.;znerallu oilOOU.t: IhtU. fl:iJiJIJ ~x~ ~:~#.i! fUtlflf.

2 Ii you ~ ~[bing. 'you ~ a putiOl!lJ!!lID" examj'le 2!_5 ~he ~ iffif' saying that scunai.IMfng' is tli~' in most sltuatktru or fN" molltpoopre. ~ ... .fJ; ili IU~ ~ a ~ !!I:l ~!1li" jjJ 0 EGThI!.y ~t to be the w~rdol t~ ....wking €:ltw '. 8tnr.~I~l!ing i ts uPf'rle~. it. f] :I. »t ..I. A"'.~i!;.:i!fi.M ,d~1t.:Yc'M M.

p"et>.af. fT.ed ! '~~I\aJziI ~ ~ta:izd/ ~ $ j;p. na:

~.Ge~IIl1eJUlS i i!l1voJ"".i~g .. ]~ num· ber 'O.F ~lle Of' thi~. ..:Ii eft: )tf~ di"ft r- ~. 1m The problem is ,GmIL'! oJ~roiized human .needS" .. ii.!1t' IiIlI B oM: ),A~.I® ~fiI!":8 ,. •. ,.. Thesickrussbemmlf ger:£rol~ "zOO • ". l! ~ jl~~.:!itf! ~ T ••• Ther:e~~r be WllifiUJil,ttl ,,~raltredgroW¥h. ~ ~ Iliff iIi'£ m. iIM !fj' Bill :II tE:.

2app]ying to. Ot\lwid:y of situ .. ;~im.l,'j. Of sl."bj~cts, - Me t'i.) ~ .. EG •• " one ,rJj ,~ ,~Jtsed but .m·~r:emark.!i: about ike lutUUy oltQ~ .. < ••• ~.;txi;i~.~-:Ufi: ml4ll·.nit<Jwre:~__:'H'''· I-li.f~IS ,no langet· apply te s~ifi,cpojnts' bur. Ira ve , be;co_m£generaiizeri, ;(£,

~We~~~M~2®A.,~.e~~B* •• ~tX 7 ~ .

genentllilwwLa¥ ~ in(ofTIUn~.CIn about rIlWly slIJbjectlO. or ~r:lls which yM. ~I ill <I, C3SlJi.iIl w~y. iI'~m; readJing. tele~j!!~. or ~~L~ilngjlo pcgpl~, a!1d oot by ~tOOyiflg ~.~ub-, J~ct 1:11i Ilr:tail, _.:ft9fllill: ~ "'UL ~, Hel" ~f(1:1 kno'Wied,ge ls ama.z~ng .. , • ~J • i,ig '* I' _ :@ A .. · .He"s bet tera: ftuJding aMi ge~alk1WWiedg,e t but aWT:agf in arl thme.dc, .. ~ ~ it '" 'I ~.:i! if • mJJ j:: tjIIlJ' v- •

~ pnldial., gmmd practices. General p-adice b the work of ill. docl.DI:' witol!.lSua1lly u'eats skk ~~ at a. surgery or irn their homes, Im~in a hospital. ::mel who does m)t ~cia:lize .~ par.joLiJl1ar il'JlldliCS ur methcds of ~m:ltmelll! ~ used lIl!.<I!inly in Br.itim ~glisln._ [~*- ~ J «Ii ~ ~) •• 1Ii:1iIii'f;J~J-. 00 If Jw.'s gmrt! imo genefaipntC.r~oe; he mwt ha~ furlher tmlRing. ~~.1t!rtli.hU.ft ~ '1* fr. of:&. ~ ~ .~ ~ it - tI1lmt.l illl.~ '. ~ wed. of the place where such. a dOI!.'iW wor.kil_ m ~:Jia~fl~r:i: I"'" ~i1M. I~ ~ hospl~Q,l ,doctors are aiM] attached to gene-mJ

{mlCtict!J. if ~ .~ft:iln ~ M!*~&~)I -r~:M1$:,Ijlf •

~ praefIM~. gmend prad!i~, }.ll GP. general pgbIk. n.e ~ pubJk is OI!J~ thle' 'poop:~e illl <l!SOa ,ciet.y~ 'Qed especiAllY by :romeo:1\Iie' in an orgmiza~io.ll ora ilipedoilll.L iln "" particlIila!l' subject, to refer to ev'efytme who. is fiO! _ "*.{I;., ~ iJ;.. 1m The ltroru.re wUi iN.lerest: both musicians and member'S of t~ gtll#jTal' ./If.(blic, ., J!.1- m gg:#f •• fli ifiJ;fJ ~jtfi.iiJ~ ... · A Tat oj /ius could be prevented it thegenemJ public were beuer inf()~" ~1l1~"Ei!.§tl!l!~.M. T.l~ *~iR,Wf$Jk~B: ii\f~Bt~~.

ge:oe.nd strike. ~st~ .. A gttteral .~ is tbe refUsal tu~k by aU OF most ~ ~n a country OF state, .9 !II. ro . " tlemand$ for .(;1 gene'al stri;k£ I,() J'01'ce. the gQ~Tntne1il,1 ,to cooa:de, · .. *fi ,~> ~ I Wl m ~ @: Jfif U iiF ~J~*.

uall.·er·ak 1'd3e[l~l'ei~; ~~ooln:l/" .Mra.tcs, I,\ener;ill.-

thtg, ~led. 11 To ~t- a sit,U0tion or feeling means tQ C!'!~ h ~o 1reg~r1. e>pedaUy wbe~ tt d~n oontiu, ut:S (n cxmn Of" de~1.op by itself ~ a farma:~ use. [iE" Jt] 'jii iIil:l.l.Q! Ji:' •. 100· ThcJuwiogy .by it!Wlf does not gel'W'ale iP'Ilf'W ideaJi ... , Jlt ~tf * * ~ It: ~ F ~ lidJ ~ ,.. Thi~ book wUi continue to' genera~e eEi.t~, f(Jl"a IQ~8 li~ ... a:<fi: -~ Jill m .1,;2. Ill' fiij JIl ~I.i: .• :iW ••• 'Thuri$nl wiU getterw

.ale new j'Ofut. ~ta'T Jk ~r:~.vr-~iffiijI.iF.

,2' Thgenerate' <I proo'u.CI!. ocafin;;wciai piirr ~ ira c:liuse i~ to be produred by a pa:nku!ru~ PI'~ Of' ()VCr ::I, period of tll~~a formaJ use, [J.E.i\JF~. EG The: g:oll~ e:rtm1enl alone ~rot,es 100 i 000 reports &;Jdt. yt(3r., . _H:i& IR 'Iij ~ ~ fl. 01'. m nm;Jill 1*'" ... oomp,utefJ' tnatgeflter(J.Ntoonk slanmurnts. . .. •.•. :!iIJ W ft ~ il RlJ' '~l .fL··· Investmel:u ~/!i£ra:te£ higher ,i~ .!lI:I:~ F :St~~I~\fkA: •

l Tn ~te 3: form of eneJ"€f1 or ~ meruils lltlptO~ dure it from fue] of;wQ\her SQtI!rce of power sUiCh as - W<!i~ tt:[. I" ~ (I~ , ~., A .:h '" ). m - - - improved methods of ge.ne7fJling electricity from 1(}$$j l lild$, •. , •• ii.Mi & itt 1M! .mr"f!M1tl1lo',Y1H! .,. The ~t energy ~h.clt's 1Je'fJer· moo in the relJCI& is ex.lmc~ed and used elsewhene. .tt ••• ~~~" ••• ~~*m~~~.~.

~.u"JI.t.ion Ijdllcn~'n::lSM,.rg~r:eli1n!, gene~ .. ~I

A ~tQl is. 11. taU the .ptqJl~ in. a ,woup or ,cmmtry who are of a ~11niJ31I' age, especia]~y when they are OOll~ ~idb1ed asha'\!'1ng dl:e :;.arne cxpcriC:~la:s or OIiuitucles.tt 1-

ft A lliiJ 0:1 ft A. 1m! •• " anoldergenemticm of iru,ellBf:lu,..

JliD.i OOAUT =~~

AD.! WAU'T = M'~tf.! #<~~

NmiUrof',"l]' i1'.k.f!6~~

" N 00UNiT ~,~

N SING; n!.i!" N. VB C>!<N liE SIN£:


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V-t(! '~ll~'

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I-! 001lJt'li'T+ SliPI'


also , .'.' ~ - '" ~:m loR#- =f'" Few Q,c.trem:.s of he" ~ft· era,tioncouJd play.tlle; po,r~ well" . ,"··~fJ-ttSrllj:.~ ~:m p;g J..Ni: ~j.t 1" m 1! !it tf ... . -, the ,(m:(ywriler 10' win the iw1ru of.rhe new ,~nnllltion - , -". '" -.W:l'f -ftA~~,ftllffl!:'~' .. "a ge.ru!t'dtion that ,MJ; luM'!no u~ per.ieJUe of hWf' .". :m: :g N: m Xlt &II. $ H9 - it . ~. 2 mIlle g!'oopof ~~in yotlf ramify wbo s~ tilt: sa~ ~idOIlli in its ~Iii.o;;t.ory and Stl"m1IJ1'e. fur eumple 'you.rpar .. ents. aunt.~. and Mdes beJotlg!Q ·onc·ge~ati()tl and yoo, ·youtbrotmn; and siiirers, .and your oomim belong 10 an()lber. {j! ~ 'P !l9) - ft. ~. flu hrotlrer Fred. the youngest of ,haf~~mtion, ·tmS also ,a teacher.... :6t! ft!J M m ...... -ft:}.. ~~. fFg 8<]--1"-, /@.1B;a!ttlJi .. ·· !+(JJperty is hiJ.nded ,rim from ~ne,.milJ!n to gentrolion , Itt" tttlftm{t. 1.3 the .jOOriOd of 10Il00. I.ISllaEly considered t(ll !be abnllll t~rtryyean ,. that it t*es. 'I!o€ ,~i1dfen to UOW' I!llfl andbecome adults. and ha.\I\e children or their own.. - ~,t ( ·Ifi lijljii] • lit ~ iJI;) 30. ~ ) e- e\ii We have had a genera" lion of peace in Iiwope. . . ;ft 111' a. ~ e §: ~;ff T - it A It.!fm® lli ''If .,. They ha~ ~advocan~ tms for g€nuali()n$. It ItrWlm ill'B -fl itIt AftA b!J B\f Iii]: T. 1.4 a :;;l~ of deVl"J~nl~i]H in 1:be design and man~faotUR o:t machines or eqlllipmel'lt. (.tI::lI; it .. 89m: 1+ tIl·~ ia. tMr }it; -tit. 00, • ". tlu!~Mll&J filth ,~dQn;t)f ~~ pm,us' ..... ··'Mill~.lif~it;Jt::m··· .. _ the new generdtioJt of miuiles ,. . .. 1Ji- ft ~ ••

2. (~ru.u 1;: used' to iookale how 1w.rg mernbcr.'l of yow brnily have had a plf1!cu!;lJ...f naliooali·ty. For exampie. if yo:u Me' a semJiidl generation Ali.!Sttalhm, yOW' ])00"ent:,;we.re also, Aus.walirul. bul. not your ~)arenlS, (it. .-'~M;ij¥m~.~Ht.

3: ~tkIP ~ also the p!1od'ucti.o!) ofa fOrm ·of e!l!!fg)' or power (rom Cuci OJ' anmber sotIf'(JE; of '~~L!ch as w;;t,. {tt. r ~ ~ ~ ~. ro EJeClric p:rwer geMrtJtir:m had ~. e~If.1!;;.!i:~.

~tkln iIJIp •. A ~tWo gap i:;; a diJf~Ire[lo:i:n anitr~l:l and. behs V.bOIlll'"~iI:. ...... ~ ol.clt:r pcop[e and younger prop1e:, whi.dJl often ea~. them to ru:gueorbe I1h(tie:ndly WmiC .another. .jjt m 0 !;G Tht>re is no gRMratian gap im tlUs' family .. , i'S:l'j!;_mnlHt.~··· In this ~Y!N!}' ore brUl,gin,€ the ~m!r.l1tien gap .• iJ.i8:n.n:Jt:7~ft~·.

geQ·er.a:,·(jve /'d-3C~I{; \~l"'l ~Qi ~t: of pro:;h.l.ri.1IDg oomething;<l, formal word. [iEjf;]fi.! ~F1I.iI

tJlJ.oo .•. gtneral~W :PQW'el'S •••••.• ,Mi;iJ:I:l .. · g£:neflZ"

live fOrces - .. ···~F jJ •••.•• ~rotiw rules ~.r&m.

IJJ!] •••

~.~r.a.·.totr ldy{l~reU"a~ 'rl5tna,ret"",j, ,geoe:raaon. A ~kIr is a rmdline wlii:ch pr.od:uces dectFiciry. ~ lEI! !Iil.. m ~el:oclrid ty gt.'M.mtOf JwiJ broken. down" .. .J;. '" mi¥' 7 ,.. " .. d~esel genermors, ••.. ~ ~ jt ~ m .•

Kf:,ner.:k jdsl'lX.nki~\m:.fll/ meall!'l-refc[f'mg to.sharc:d by. or t\yp:i~. of .ill whok: group or 8iln:iLM things. <.li fop mm \',!'Qfd. [iiE.lt]-fiM ; •• 00 ~)im f». Ea. SofSW!l1"e is a generic term for the ~~ of ~ms whif;h control 4 CQmPUl€", .. ~+tJik~tWit.m,J!r!l4t~.ft11tr!l3f#·" .. ' genuit faults in pblo.'iJel' pia1Jtt. ... 2t I~r Jf'I ~ - .. ~ .••

gen. fr.os.~·,ty J ld30n~'.ItIS.~tjJ: J ,.d5m~hus;nl! is 'rJ:r.e q,ua~it'l of b!:'ing gerlercu,l.<; in your charaU:er or beha.viour, ell~11I'

ill._ doing or. gi. VI. 'n.!l:, mo. ' .. '.11; than, .' ~,' 1iS. ual, '" _ ,ore. x~~tiI. 'ttl •.. j

:* 1i. m Yow. siwutdn t 14ke odvamage oj hts ~io'lerOJ".

ty., . fftl'lJiiA*]JI~iroll.··· The~' ~ acquired throwgh lire ~iry of Dr Mlliard. .. ~ T·.~jt it M ± IrtJ 'II f« • ~.Il' 1ti T ~ • .s rH• .., Ike gore:rosl,ty wi 11;, which she had shared he iaf(JS. . .• ~ ~ ,Ej' e. ~!!l! ~ ~ W mA~IWfil!l •••

g.m;.'eit.~ I~d~, td~1 \d~~!" ~ Stl~ woo is gmerous 1. ~ gl\!\es or offers to give mOrl:! of sometmng, especially mooey. dmn. is llJsual Ol" ell;;pecc-

-..,I &I -+- -1:;..... .' 1'1-' .;it.'" ::r,t!;;t ".'

~.~.~""",,~., J>,.)1 IT"J. EGo ._ au: eu. ,gJiIe me, '_.J you a7(J

lee/ing genB~ .•. tIllIft·a.:. J!itf *11 ,. ~ 1iJ' ~ ~m-~ .•. ThQ.t"s very gemo,PUs ()f ,Wu . .. ~_ ~:J'r'" .1 MU a

hi t 1.00 gtner()U$ Kii'th the whis:ky .. , fill It ~ ~ 7 - )~

J6. ± ,'i'" You \It! ~nmst ~n.e~ with )'Oi.i.r dint. f$,-1[:~ft*ltl€atOO,. 0 :~'" .tI~i*1i •. Ell She ~ ~:id generously W· look atrer ,rhe~hiJdre1t.,. 1I!i ~1f!l1 •• it ~ If(~"f ~ m,.11 =f; .. ...... Sapporters il:tave g,etufr~ owly gi ~n us fh'.rU tho.u:Jud pour:tds. .R.: ~ ~ It]I e •• ;If:! ~ T fi! fJ :3 000 ~.'. ~ . .2 is frjrn:ld]y • ~p:lw • aM ""'II !~1l8 to~e u~ ~ 1ljuMi1ries in ~ QO SQflK:thing. I: ,,~·o ro S~ mIS' iJ ki:nd and .vneFousfou~ . . .1t::l!1't:.!lX [[J I'¥J A· .. .He ~u~~edly gt~ra!lS in his oomiments &tithe Ilrtic.I'e... flI.)flit it .. Jt •. B;j ,1£1".

1M Jm Ii ~, 1:. :& •• , The tn031 generofU interpretat.i,(m i.s that he didn", know .... ~!ld;:.M'.i"~!!dl!sm~.1'~jJ .

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o llliVW"mt VB =!i~_'"

AJ)J OU.'.UT 1'1 br,i:jO_'>'O'~ ~ .:.lia-,rl!8!Jk


o ~~~~,., '.«Jt.Jtfl.., lEG .Mrs Hu.u:hl,n:$ .hQ:.S' gener(]U51y agreed to be withw today. *f.(1Pi~.*e..IEJ(~tfm 4>. xlill~1'flllE~~.

.2 ~h~ng that is ~. is much ~ger in quamity or ''I.mnulll than i." ~11aI~ or nea...."'IS<I£}'_ J;;::lf8fl ~ $.,00 0 m Stev« l'I'ti1tie ,rl Sf'Mrous donaliOfl: to 001., ~m.fU,i,gr~ fund ,. - - .~.* rliJ ft fI1 Mlftiilt~m4lnlt -{ =»: ~1tI\." . -a gc.iJerow measure of cognac" ... *1: J:: 1$ tI. ~ ff!. 0- ~!!eI'JlMJly, "* jlJ;i!!;. m He ~ providing for them ~nellGfis!Y in his HliU, .. 1m~iI.1! .».fMrHf{lt: T *-:i:~~' !!II"" ... 17 gt!11!!T"ffllSly iUustrated book, ..•• ~ *1f~.Il;¥;m

i¥1~4J;+ - .

~.~. $~ Ii ct;y:rnso]so ~ \d~!rJ)i;l;Jl;j. 'fI1t gmes.is Qf :io~m;~bingi:;; lt5: bo..-ginrlil1g. birth, 0.1"' Gl'eatioQI .~ IDJrmal wwd. [:iiE A] ( .. t! 8tJ } Si :t: ;;g iIIl!. lEG I explai}'rM, the ,gene.'fit of my iamas W'ell (1S I could. f!! ~ Jt81' im1tl!..i'illf 7ft ~"1!::i! ~nW*lafl.

~ t~. ~. ~ :ls tfut: ose 'Dr geru:hc mater.lal to treat disease. 41!11f' l! ~

~'-_I.k !d..'iJ!lnen:k~~'ll~uk!, ~1:iC$:, 1 ~~Q i5 the study of bel1edit}' and !:row qualities aodI charaeeeristics are pu~ 00 from one generation to. aJiilltlthcr by means of gen~. iI'fflc $0 I;;€i; .,. amazit1!8 d;ew:/opmenU in biochemi;f,U"Y and 8ern:,r~~j' .... ~tJtt~$Ililft~1i j1ij ~.t& A j,tM.

2 Something mat lis: ..-tic is ron.t!emoo w.iith~.ell::ics or W.ilh ~1!'lE'io-1I i1t ~. EG, " . gilP1elJc deJecUi . .. . ..• :51: fit l'I'lJ tilHrft ..... ".the g€1le.riema/(e.,wp of the imiiwicir,u;d', "'1- ~.~~~~:tliI 0 ~Ogrooil~lY.lI ~ -}$ 00, MHllI*~. lEG .... gt'rwllcaUy profff.~beho vlt;;trH, "·li.1!l{~#~ ~ 12~P-\lH~'~

;~tiadly ImCtifiim, GmttkaEly modiJfLOO p.lan:~ andaninUllIs frIa~ [wi Grit: or I:I""IOrt gr::!W; changed. fOli Il:xamp&e !;O thailt they resist pesss and di!!eal(:$ bener. GmetlcaiU,. modified f~ omtilm iflgtf",.dje!ll:-<> m~ frmn gel1ellrel]y modi.fiedl plants .o"r a,ni.=I$. Theabbreviatio» GM. ffi often !J18t:d, ~~ilHfK*,m!iiiQ:mi\ GM}.~, Thps,upeJ'rna7' kets are WMIi m.any gtm!'iooiiy n'lCldifled food~. ltj;:

&/, n ~ i.i ~:«f. Ii:.tb 8~ ~ m -tt ~ • .

gmetit ~D8 ~tht: science of cluang~ng the· ge~etj;c strw::lUff; of a living t1l'gIll'Ji!iim Jill ,~t tu ~ it s;U1cx~ger

oc..IrlIOJ' .. -e~uita._ ble fi.OO' a.' partlrn~ pu~ - .. 11* I ~Il (~.). EG Aren't then @!p!:ge7sa$SOC.ratcd with ~1~c engi-

neering? ~iI ~N;ff ~ifl:~ :tft~ *~Jf@;ftitllij?

~" ne1: - •• ag / d,p r net[SlSh cl,3IO'~rJ£.t~5tJ, gmdici:sts, Ap .. neliidrt is .. JlCrs!lfI who :ltudiJcs or 8[pCdalizesvn genetiCll. iI-ffl--$ :it. 100 .. _.12 pi(Jn.l g.ttu;ttid$.r, ... .11: U'l~ f~ ~ fl 0

Wiln-jall !p~sCl~~,.~I; ~~;;l!/ .. SomeQ!le woo fs ~niaI. is k.irnil and li~epd~.y il) 3ip~r~ or 'lllttitM.d~- fIlI.~ .$'11 ~ ~.~I. m ... (J ~tJ~(Ji but iMffectulIl ,;non, .... ·-,m tri. ~ ~@ £p 9: ff' i~ 'IiM a1M A + •• Sznee a~ el!l€.m~ .~ at an end, he lelf quite genial" I:t 1.1: IR ~ e ~~.!I:t • It .NnHIlI~1tI':. l~'~ Or50~'S behavDtr_ AH~J:~. A~~~:fl"J. 00 .. " a geni.al.~J". - "'1i§®~' ~ •• ~ - ... a g:n;al .fmJ.le, •.•• j\llwttl'll:~'" 0 g,e.nW.ly. 1ft W Jill. m He '~'vffl g(.N!lJly ~o seve/:gl prople as the'y ~ ,~Ml JL 1- A ~ M: EI;f ., t1. fH:r.l j@ [ij ... f']l ~ ;p-. <> ;~ w ·at·i oily ! lid~rul.rlltl ~ I dJitu\~Ja(r/. Ii t!l ; M: ... 1m He

smUed I1r them 'with geniaJi.t)'. ."" 'Ii 111 it Jli) ft ff] t1:J!: •

•• Die / 'd3i;m; \d31~ID!/. gemies- Ape .. i$ <l rmrgical . bei!1.g._ i~ MOT"te5 [rom Ali<l!bia and .Puaia, that obe)'l'.! the enders of ~Ile peil"w.r11 wfuooonitr;J}is it, 0( r.iiIt1!:fS U ~ ~'Miii i'it .I~ R;I)< Jl1~ ;.~. 9G, He hM dhappoord ()~fmghl. ina pull of dust. like a ge-nf,t:" it it f1i: - JR ~:III ., •• j1- *' ~1$

~~~.T. .

gun-i.tal I'd~O"ItlF\(tsmatl!.ge:nigj;s..l Someone's ~'lab; OI!fe tht::ir S~1(u:aI org~m. fi)r exa~~ tJh.i:' pell]].S (If Oil nlall' o.rtw! v<bg:ina of 11 WOl'J1IMl., 04) ~ it M +

,2: IGmiitaI means ·oonttlrrredw:itil, a per5(ln's (;xtl':ll'laJ s:ellual otg'Ill!'i. ( *" ) ~t. M ft IX! •

p .. '.ta .. ]la h~:y.'rilIEltelllil,,_IIu:[ljl"" Jdp\rt:e]j~! _ $omeQpe's

~alJlia arc 1~ir ~niiital!li .<:1. farmalwo._rd_ [JEJt]O~):i:


Fn.i,.l!in /'dJerullv j \d~'!i' /.. In th.e gramITlru l[If ,Ul~

ia!l~, ~be· gen:i~i¥e case L" :i~·,;e' used f~oot..lllS. pM' I)('JUIU. and other wOilds dut indical;eS·a rcb.t:io:mib.iip of oW.ilL'nmip, ~On. or association b:twttl'll on:!l: ~i~ and! .anoth,e:r. !a .M~ ~ If -Mr ~ ~ ~ w.edas :3i now. mw ~, i.!il ~ EG. Both She adj~liW;! and the nQ,un (jfe .rn the .ge'niti!Jt<!. 18: +~ "'fiiJtH~ 1':t~ 1P·;f! m If'' . .,

gen.ius /dJi:rll;jlli".lljai~ \dz.i]-~as!. pl1tJeS, t CeniU!i ~!> 1. 1 very F<I~ al;)ijj,t'jl' O\f .diU jn a. particular ~ubjtct O.fiif.· t~viW- ,X.;t j. -J2; .'&{ ~ :IE:. It. lEG T:fre ru~ie.f$ .tnlik)Vl!:W.,-y ge",iu~ of (In isla~ .race. ()/advenJW'f'f',f. , ' ... ': !t.i1ij.l! ~ :Mi.w ~.~ ~fn 7k:f.i*;itBIJ16tT=J.-.M •. , , tM ik~tt£h 8tlJ-

o Affii Willi ViI =kitiday

A[)J! QUAlH 111~,,,~i:.

= han~

Q AID"" "''ITt! .""W) - l!1<ilmli;lllmdy

r"n'INl;h V$1I wrri!j[~"

= ",n~i!i:

IN lJll'I{'()t)NT ~~(I~

rN'C01J:r.r ~ !!dtoMlR

AD.! WAUl' 1'1 p.l"auioJU

= affB.ble.. oorrlial ,., ~r

<> ADY WI'Y.IJ VB '" .,m.bly

<> Nl'NiClOU~ c::: ~.r;onjil,

N~ ~ q>iri~

.:: d.ji!!!B

N i!?liIJRAi.. " FiJita!lil

ADJ Cl,.ASSrf, ~


.= ~U15

NuNCOtJN" " flillr


ius for compromise. ... 5l'Ht1I A JtiJ :JI tif:};: M. L.2 an {lMlstarwlil]g q!.l<llit Y or ,~ha!!~.I;1" whki1l 1!1<1J;(:"!1>i :><;.lm~hir.!~ ~is· tinct fromeV:'I';Iryt:hi~gebe. ~ fiE. m That tS tJ!€~nJ itS of the .ca-pitai.i;st sys'tem, .AYi*j:_)i{,M.!I~D:liL

.2 A wm!tl.S t>2 .. ~ a p:non wh~ ~ ~t'y great tlll,I!J.I'al .<:Iibilitv and willf1l11. ,esp!lciaJ]y roran" liteeatere. mUSQic. or in ~i~n!ific research. ~:tct.A.)o EG, That !Ran .~ a genius ... _ jiji> A ;!El: ,t- x :;;t" " •• He I1.!a8 one of are very g_fit!tlte.'l .rcie~u i/ie and mJilhematimJ gen.'~, it! H: M. 11 f'#fj;;;Ml«:¢ flitt'$ ~::t;t - 0 ,2'. 2 ~pe,ll'SIfl~ who 1_'1: 'V~y clever and successful al. a particull'llW activity. (~~ tf; i]:b M ) ~ ~ ; • -f-. 00 The prinei pal ~ a yo#l1g man and a genius itl Jf~ ~y he handled .us. - - ~;f;;: 11·1'- -If::@ J... :Lt1iiJ.l!. fiTBft n-_';iiI)$·" He 'm.<IS a geniH.fwi~'h flower!;. {@~ 11 ~. ~ /Ai -l'. 2. 3 a person wllI-.I has a leu of i.nllueare over a. ~atJlP of peop~e, Mi4A1\f §:*:!f; ifi MA.

geLIIt'd IIIP / Id:v:nd1 A!Pf~ndl\~. I r .YQ~ are .ge.m.medl ~p.

YOUI ha ve all '!tie dclaHs or inf(WITI<;Itiun ahcut ~"Jrncl:llling that ymll ~d! ~ IT!::iit:dy i~. irlrO!:.ma~ BrilishEn.glish. [ *- ~ 11 JI\ 'l:Ii 11 ~ ~ ; rtf _ ~itllii'1. ~·to gen. UP:·.!l& gffl.

gen·g· cidl!- I'dynaflsarrd! '~J~"smd/ is rhe deliberate rnw-d.cr of awt.~o.lc covru:mmity Of race J a forITll.J~ VII'Ord. l.i!E:i'tJ:Ji:II.xM·,~M:fIJ!:Mi:I¥J*JI:;J;. aJ Htf ~a ~yrant and guilty ofge.nodde. fflit-1".B ,;m~fsf!~1Xt!I~' -lfIilfi.

gem.!!JJne ! Idy~; \d~mm! • ~ .. ~n birilogyOlnd genetics, a ~if>~h~patll,(JJjJ!ar flum!Je,f_ and! w~m-atlot:l 'of tt:nain Lhr( .. ~.e:s. IlCttss:ary to Form the smg1.e ]'lJUdeLL'i of iii 11.viQg cell. iI:~.t!~

genre ! ~~Ill"OIT ~~!. ~. A .gtQnl: is a typ! of li~eraIUFC. art, !TItlS~C, etc, , whidlp¢Qpl>e oom:ider to-have the same style OF Slll~ert, ::lI f'brmil ward, [.lI~J( _:t~. £"# > it .q;; .• f1'i !til fJ:J ) .f;$. U;= ~ :m. ; IJ jf;' • ttl .. , tJ W'iroie new gt:lJ.fe of scntimc:.ntai fidion, .".,., -ttl }'~ ... ~.ac;r ~. fi 1l: Ii.f;f ;a: 0

g,nt !d~ntld~n~(, ~ts. '1 A pDt. is tb¢ ~rrn at: a ~!lnle~~ an. rnfarrnai and okHashIDAed use. r ~ , I~ J !!j gent1eflWlll ~ • EO They'll behaw like .r:eai gents" :' 1t!!iffl ifIJ·.Ai if: ~ !1I' ± IJ.l n: fillJ -,.. They f1r-eW!'l'}' l.ough p>.n.lS indeed. i& {11 Jt;l-- ~ $" ij'f'ilI 00 a: -(;{ .

Z A geJ!I.s or~!hc .-ms is a ptlbl~L wilet for !TIemL; used ma~hl:y :in. :i!nfonna1 B:u-itim English. [1: ~ -mJ:ft III .@i. ro. 1l~ had JUSl 8f)t back from lire .~ts. ~ ~I !IloIllSlff oon * .

ge.n·tm /d~fiIrtd.! tf&:.f1\tilha rathe:r ii~·.mal ,or literMy . w;oro. Scifneoflie who .ls ~ ~ Its .rapettaibk. wen~ brud, and refined_ [iE~~·B.JftHfl:li*L~jti"$~J. E13 He C{jme from one of .~'I¥~ genl'eel' Ca1cuUlJ. Jwni. l~ej' .. , It M:l ~T ~~·m ~ 3-:5:t n 4~' .... , . a ge~!ed «ee1!tuk. a;t1 ,amusing oddi~y. ···-1'--Il·fIt~:fLil:Ait ~~t!A •. ., ~ o(~k's Ibr;havi()!;lr_ mVj4iit:!fl:AUll IT 'h. ':G.s~ lived a ~r~r. &.lrejul, jm.gal tife, :W!~ .~JI .if. rm'~ ffifr~~ ~ ... ~ pmee1 rd~ .to ~~e wb.).aJCe pree[, J;. tt;lt ~ l~ A. lEG _ .' • t~ rich, . th£g,emeel. lh£. paJ.Verfu~. . .• ~ ~ ~ A '1f !t 51 t!J J,. • :«

~ni¥JA.. .

:2 p[~tep.ck to be of a .]Ugbe:r .KJ!I::li!.lcllISS than they a.otua]~y 2In". espef.'jally j]],wdcr to impresspecpe, [.iI ;it!1t.] ~ tl= il'U!t\l$ ~ IQtJI ; tHJ'jI ± _ ~ elL lEG Olt. she ~ W'l'I'Y gen.reel, $he said • e.t.CUSl!' me r ilYhell1e!.JtfS~ burped, 1Ill, :!I!! m ~[; ~ Wi Jt . iij .. ~ n ... i. 'I' ita - 'II ".tot ~,g.". ~ wed. of ptupLe's bdmvimrr. 10 ~ ott ~~ A tl'ii fi~. !jjto, .. - • her sup~JYg!!ntee/~nl _ •..• lIlI!i:};I f'J! ... ;Il ~ It· * D9 Wi .::t!HIl. Ogenttdly- &fl;Ai.~ ~1I!:!i J::~. 100 .~ was ,gen~~Uy s~,ring_ i!&~lli-,IM'Mi_~fFftE~! •.

gen· Ibn id~IJOO'f \~IlI;;;mJ. gent__ A gemlum .. I:; a ~r.ruaI] pla:n~ with a bhln Qf" pl1lIJIlt! fl~r &h!lJlitd li~~. a ~rompct which pmw h~ mmi:i!1trun ugicm. ~m! II:. '" ~ :fElL

gm. tiile (ld3erlta.d ;~~tatll/, If:mtiJt:S- AFmiJe 6 a per· = w.1ID is nnotJewish: a tedrni.c:al term, r$:ijtJt~I';*A. CG s:Jre seem«i to' r~ me. an EJ1gJishnra.n and a Getu#e, -with some sm"pjcion . .Mffl:lJ J:t'l! ;g+~~ A, -+~~!:\!:::t: A.# ijf~Q ~ ]Ii> 'usecl as 3;n1 adjttt:iw. m fl!ID W~ ~ ro . , _.flU! gem.i.le Mr»'id. ···'ip.JtJ.:A·tit~.

gm.m.i.ty !dI:¥[I·tt~mj dJPI't:lbr/i a furmal! or literary word, GentUlltyisl the n;sp!'l=1abiJity~. high ~ia] Mit" ius of t&e ~ppN da~- [j[ ~.!t:B.Jl!l tt!Pi jt r;q: MfJJi 6t. 8l TM jamiryhad made a s~ft descent f~1n gen!H~ty to nmr"~ny, ~f-~.*hl.:gnm~.-t~.·!ilI

~ti.m~~.. . . _

2poli~ and wc[b-~r'ed OOhamur, [.iEJtlllft](~lI:J x:ftC l ~ :m fl fL. 00 ". the rouriesy and~ntWfy of t.hest beaut~ful &i:r/s, ... i!~ m. t&"j$! it=J if$fl::rrL~ilUJ jiI.~ •

gtm.Ue !'Idy:m~~\dgo:llitV, gmtftt- ..... tlm_ T Sumeoj~ who



:II lhei:l.llty

N COUJ1,<,. , USlJ + $1)11'1> = ",J:","~~

f!o!I OOUNT ~ $UFP = ~n~

I\[liIIQUALI."if • .. RED

" \lllCl!-jll'O:r.medI

t!llINC~Tl' n iilil1i"ll,Il

Ncomrr " d~·

1'1 '0D1Ji'rIT - 1n'.l!!Jf)'

)0 NlPI.UJtA!l..., lilt. +. N

I"i 001J!I"IT oF klw

II> Arn(1i:~" "" It"Wt$h

NtmCOtJNT 1'1 II'a"~k

N Ul',rcouJ':ol,[ =f!tlf~j


aSg@.utIe- is lind. rruiJd. ~d pb'lanJlti:y rnrm ~n clnar.ader = ~I

or tJebav:iour. (tt '*I it "'- Ji: } -. :ftI. ~ .~ cfClI OOiRll: I~. ro 1" too* •• wlld . , . a gentle t SW'aei man ... " ~ T tllJfi is ~ ®. iiJ .¥ Ii!i III

To·,· The )Vungwo.m.an 1ImS' .gentle and reiigic.!!iJ" ., Q!i. 1i'"~~i:·J...@:MSJ! .• nl~a!l:·-· _ .. .a sentle. 5en$ia1l'€

nature, ···iII fill ii!Ij •• dS ft _'. .It' used' of S!ll_1l~' s ~- 1.= (~gquj. havieur. m~lm.,A.~J:iX~fi~~ m Her wn:tJemanner

\WS romJ.()Tti~,o ,It!f!l.I~:1;;lItrlfA!BilI~!(1:,''. 0 g,tm'Uy, o AD\' WniJ;l, VK

. "'('!I . J 1. " ~f)'

III, ~ ~ I :*it'll ill! ~ lEG, She .wn.iled ~nt y at nim. ,. l$ ffl t'IJ

:I$. ~ ~iI~ ..... ~ You h:a:w '1{)lhi~ to liiVOlry about .' he·

SIlid gelttJy, "{f; ti:fi ff$, ,p i1,l.. 00'" ,. & jiW.lI '~,;iI. 0 C> N l!NcmJN'r gemt~, .~; * m.

2 If $Omt:Of)e'~. voitt or exp!\eS.!lioo is gentk:,i~ is '~m. ,AJJli! O'UA:L:!T quiiet. and kind. -( JB if I« S; 11 ) :t: III!tlJ ~ ~ ill' O:I,J. fG He .. ~ft peeled I'M ~ th Q wry gtnde ~ia.,. 11 -"'HI' * ~ \W la1l

fI'i -a j'il;J' ft 11 M JPf... She, had li'e'ry ~Jle. bilH eye~. @ ~

-lW'* .'jI.fti ~H 1111111.

a Mo~.ernents tmt aee ... Me even and calm. and do AD.! QUA!..FT not haJrm I:lf damage 1t.bIQg!l ]n .yMli,y. (.:ij!Jf1!n~ ~ ~. • !>$l!It

!la" • " tlu! gtmile' rocki .• of his ttWlhe,.''s chair .···fiII. fii:

1J§1~m.T M~Q.~. Oii;Cntl)', ~~~. EG, 1h paued 0 t.PV WITt! VI! my hand Vt'ry genriy,," ft,~~"@;f:Ji~7 Mift~-¥ .•. 1 '" r<lIiI.H!hLy shoOk .her ~'I1t.1y mw she opensl ~7' e)~s. .. fi~:e:li!!!

Il T:t!t - 'f • !1m ~" 7 ~ AI 0 She sal aent,l)' tlJressing ,the

baby in h£r lap, .~H.ijl .. m_~Q~.«"._tM.jt. o Q!l'OtIeDe!iS. G ~ . '

.. ~r weather is desa-ibed as gemle. it i~ p~~til1lDldc;ilJlm ;,[:iJ)' 0iJJ\UT

.and Dot. :hw:sh o. vialent, CRt, fill ~} ifi!l ~I ! ::F Klll. ~ • E.G = IiiM

There Hm {j .g;C1ule breeze, .. ll!i;:'u-,,*jI,M;··· The rain

.bemmtl· gentler. .n m .1' T -* T .0 gmtIy, Wdl :1111:. 00, 0 AW ~"mI Vii

lttlaintd §eiuty. • •• m"'f ft +;1;;;: • =5IIIl1LY

5 Sccoory {!r~:;mdllca~ that at"(! @!!IIlJe. have soft. soot~~ AD:lI WAUl' i~shap:!i aad .mL:mrs that peopJe find ple<lWl~, relax- ~ P-ie& jng. and calm.ilng, C.@.,w.J;.)~~Ia-:h •• M. ~ , ..

a .~#e little .l~$CQpt, .. ···- .. e:VJJfir~J!hf',\ftill

•.• T'he, Kel1Uy ~geR..lJtr. near.~ "ant.i~e mckted

timn tU hrPne, ., It.e 1t;111~~JE~ijf .J!:"M' ,Etfi1i

::ffB··· The .beach st.mcktd aij.UY ~f(jn thlem ina p-

ae wave .•• ~ tI:: M:iII'.:(f M fI1 Jti n w :ti: M: Wi fill. 0 <) AD" WITH VB gendy. If.!tIl.. EG ••• gen~ly siopiM8 hills, "'.!r '¥!J.


€I !Grlllile jokt:!i. J:H~ni, pandiCii.l:tC. • <liI'Cql1!it¢ ,kind ~. not ~ici~ or tTI1:;n!I! tu lThl.W~ :prop~.e. (~M ,.!II ~ , .. iW' tf ) .. :« ~ ~ ;fIiI " ~I. -=a. ..• a ~,.y gentle paroo:y of AtnUkwl life .. ' ., •• Zfi. S A!E~:;J~* ~. oo~ .. ,·· , ..

a gel:!.lle h~nl,. _ .,. '" ;I: BtJI Ii jf,; .". When ColOl'lie.I Dainll"Ys ntlrJil!. al'OU he poked gMlle jU!it;ll /1i'm. ~ Il~

i\J •• mJ:tl!'~t'i.~ .li:t<Jtft!!.Jf T -+ •• tJ!J ~~.

~.h. fOlk, ! ld5tntl~ fruk, ~d~dilfokJ Ml:: people wm .~ II'LJ1"J;RM.. =~!f)' ,rome from the middUc 'm' upper ~ J an. okiHas:h.iOJ1led

vrord. [UJ]&:!i:8. n M.A ; 1: ii:A ±. ~G .. , a rest ho~

fitn' I'etinil gfnde/rAk .... ;g ;!l6iOSiJHf:,~:.~"#.EJi.

~.tle· man ! I~ntl~* '~t.~mcilIi!, gmtlanm. 1./1..

geotlemiul is ~ .1a .man who rom~ fro.m a fi'tlflrliily .of ih~gh NI ,001:JNIf.

mal ~tanwng.fj:"!f6;lrI¥JA~~±. eG ... a rorm.try ~

. t/,wwn _ . .',,1;, !If .,' City nu-I'chanl banks still pmjfxt

lM: imase of 0 _gentlmltln's dllb ... M:ili''-Jli.tllfi1fi*1I. ~ -Iill. ±tt~ .. t'i'!~"'" ", the highe£t dass zyf genr ,r l'eman farmers. . •••. .t. m MI ~J g:; it:ll.. 'j;J ·iff • ~I ~ fJ1I.

1'..2 ~ n1il!!1'OVoo ~ W'¢H beh;!ved'. e(.h,,!c;;l!~ed •. ~ ~fi!ned!~ N oou~; IiSU

U • _LI UJSI;[) Me

his manm.ers. * W-tr -M. a1I AI ... It "" [IiIJ' A. 0 £G,ue IS!A:t.! ~.~

eoo~h [,0. behaW'l m.mself Wee' ,a genae-man, .. .fIIl. e. ~ • .IF

£1'-Ii::r. ,6 ~ • .1I:.f1l.il •• +~ft~~ AT··· ... the pe.r-

J~r gent1etnan. " .". ut:Jf It ~ ~ A H'e \\\W' £i tett.ibly

n~~ tn(j;m - a mzJ .~nllieman. ·fm* --1'" $:I'll m A -

-1" ,. .i!E ~ 8 ~.' A sentlenlllll's 8#,eemmt ora • PHR, ~ M

- .. - ~~eDll'O's '---,.' .'~.~.. ''is <lItI-in€Ormal::l"....".;~~l in whiclbc

~,~. ~...,.,..- .. " -.~~ ~ ~~~!lm,a:

peopl~ trust (][If; anm:her to db w.haJt they mvepromristd.

'11:Ioe ~nt is. not wnttenl d~ andd.ocsl'lOt_ hl.'lve any l~'- forGe. {::F ~ _.. ~ ,~ ) .aT ~ ~. 00 It H'aS a 8en.tlemo;r! 'S' agrumenr. K.~rl djd not have .W Jign. any. thing. j$ ;iU:t ~~~. , * $ *Ii::F f!1. ~ ff- ~ -* D JI:. ~ .

.2 y~ can also usc ~wheQ yoo want 1I(iJ! reFer po-' NOO1!JN1T

Iltdy to.O}' man. rot:" e'xallI'lpJe a rna!!'! whose ~. ~. dO ~ ,-~

PDf b(N"', or ~ when yoti3!l'e ad.dlressing .a. gwoup

of mall. .S'i.!t. ( - M lit A.:tL .. ~ $11!!Jli )., 00 la-.....w J)jdUngu.mUaa' lhem;d gt1!:tle.rn.ar.'s "Will. " .iIII:Mftt'fi ffJili :iritY.&~51;~OO:il.-'· l/youl¥ill.~ tnt. gen-

tlemen .. , ~ ~~ • ~ !I=. fl ... .". ,ke ~nt.I,fJ'1'lm of she

.Press ",. .,' If" If- R!1;'c!E. :tn ••. . .. ill: .ronUnenca1 ~4tir'-

RWn ... , .,' - {tt S::!IiI A Mi"liI9 ~ ~ ••• • •• he.r many 8MtJe~ menfr.iends, .' •• tJi R!Ji:f ~~.:;,&: •

FII" •• DIIII!I·1y I'dsen'IJ~n "dJ!En'ti~lll, a r.aJ!:horf[]l'r

~ or lilicrary word. 1 If.a man is ~, he- b.ilB AOfQUAUT

~Q1JAUT,. A1"['ItJB;

~ ~iil.d

= mniJd

"" JPl~L<.!


pr;neor manner:; and IS \<et}' W'e.:J.~- bd'J'llv.ed. used shV'Wing approval [jjE:il::~U!L.J:fi"#~;1i*~.~. ~ Arnold' had aJIo\,~}'S been so re.suW!d and ~"tlemarn)' aM hait lU!'1."et called her by .he first nllml!. ~iI •. ~ Iil • .ff -"tMfI!I W *fj fi'~, 1<f ~)}. * ;oj;;: n III n: 1ii!I,. to used of a mom's behavlour. fIU~,il m .J} A a<).i!~ fj:'1i. £G .. "(l!l:iOUr~ trows • gentlemanly gt'5tu.re. . .. if 3\;ff 1l tIJ f} ~ •

2 I r -a liJJanlI 18 ofgent~ .r:ulk: '. statm • arp::!!Oim:iO!U. he beloIl~ to a ndb,le famHy.owrn:; p-operty.<md ~ ctlQ~:gh n~ so th~H be does. not ha~ to wo:rk butcmplO)'1l ethen to W'Of"k (Ol:" him. jJI ± M .• ~ Hi~ genfielW.lJ'lly ... latus 1-mS' i~ em~rely.\ft!!J.OO.±_m.;:t:;i:.5.T.

~.lIe.'W'OOt!·aJiI. /~,~~thwurnar:l,. 'd.:)tIl.rtt,wlumIlli/ .~~ ~I!!I :an .0!d-f~ wri AIJ!~ i~ I ,a ~a_n of high social st$ndi:ng. [~a J Jt Ja A. ~ Skill: a"ilh lhe Me.dlt~$ .oonsitif'J'ma ~ry quali.ty ,ala gent.l:~n In the eal'ly n';.~t,tientk am.ury, .:e::·,19 it fe.m *, tI rj: sr Mil 'R ~«fE! A ~ ~ A ii· ~ -,,;t 1;.

2 a ~m<Ilfl who fsrul~~QjI. ed~tm,. andl refilled jl'l her

manners, [181fiIUfjJ9 !!I3:j:",ilMi::.

~. til' / ld3tntl1. 'drsmtll/, The gmky ase poop1'e of bligIil bim1tb and high soc13l SouurE, rankillgjl.lStbeklw the lM"kJli· tv; a fo.rrnllilowd oId- fmonroWll'td. LiE::1.t;, ~El}(;It; itt. , ~ !t,j)1,~T.,!i~) ~.tM-mA±. ro He WI'lS a/t tx~'tnu! Tiglu winger from a 111mUy oj landed ~1ury. ,. M.:@--i'!fl :!t TR :n. ± lilt i±I'!l '¥ J: Mt ~ w: ~ Mit ;t; • {l;t :;F'" The

powt!f of t~ gen-lry has goM, if'!_t,lfItml~l~ jJ B~'tA~ •

.... u.1'Iect tdy:itlju.nekct:'~3Enju,fldU!. ~~. gmn~ fIectimg.geII~ .. If you gmufkd. )iOO bend. OfleOf brJ(h knees. especiellyin ('..burdl. ~ a. sID...gwL of r~pool. far son'le~ or sornet~n8) a. ro.rmai word. [iE5lt]<::t.-n:tt ... ) 6 g.1F ... IE..'G ~y .both genufl'fi;ted and crossed tJ:wmsehtfS. it. ff] »!.~ .. T , M· tE fill Ml1 t:!j + *. Oge:n· g.

.iI'I__ I~ ..... I .4"'-."~. ·i 1',f.L'L]C,....,. ..iI."""'- ... ,i,,~f1 .. lb .rrl~ ! ~. -- -- , .. ::;....., , . Io:tn::·!I;IIA..ID .. .l1~J.~i~ J:re.Pl,; ~.I~', ... ~~:l!"" .l~I~IIII- 'I! P=U"~~.

(Jt~ln'£ tUI:.!l B'lJ'}l1i! ,,: T RL

gt:n.g .. ine' i'dJ,eujUln: 'dzwjml1!. 11&mrerh~[lg that ill :geauioe l8. .real .anrl ,eXlllctly what it O1i'p'~to be:. lUId is no~ rut' arM imi~tion.. ..iE GrlI * ~:IE tt=J. I ~~ 'l1Ji Ii tatl. ro The exprtt-fS ded,ded rhat Ow j1I'JinfJ~ "Wr"JJ .~ ~gJnt: ~-

stable, ,. ~~fl']J.lfE;at !!*M t4'~ ~ l~ .

gem~i7lJt U'UJ.;idan/lXld • • .1Ellt!J'~T~'*~. ¢ gam--

jndy .• lE!II. 00 , .• ~uineJydemtX1'Otic cm4,unes. •• ,.1f8'!J,~i:~* .. <>~, • .lE.

Z A feE'l:ing ,emotICIlil., «reaction tbat is gemdtie is. ruI~y and u-uJy'd.t by ~ .and. b mJt sirrlply diispbyed in order ~[) dl:reivt:~ .•• ~ ~.~It!l, .. IE S~ looked tit me if/. genuine Q.Stonishmem .. ,. M""~, X~" m ~ft .. · "._~rm.in.c IQ~, ·"A";~ •• ¢ ~y" • 1'- *M' •• !;G 1 ~ gemdneiy (In,v, with hi:m. ~.Iij'j1f 11.~'" l' 0 O~- :a. •• ilIa.

3 [f you de>er.ibe a pe~ ~ gen~. you mean that they Me hQlleu,!n!~hfiid, and smcoe 1[1 til£, way lliey live and in their relatioruhii.Fi!S with other people, used showiEg apr pr.ovaI. [.J.'lIit~I,otA-1t~~ .• m '1"hey~ nite. ~m~.iM ftll~~. 1iBff].*.~-~"'::ti'lJl'#~'jf,A.

~.n_ /dy;rl~~ \d~Il9Il! ..... eJ". a /1,~[Id1ii11 ~~!.

A .~1I!i: 1;. :lI d~ or gwoup of s!imilar~hL~ ,~cial]y g goup' of animals or pl~t:s¢hat ·oonta:!n sevtraJ ,closely relared speries~ .a tedl1lii.caJ~l!Im'l. [*" ilJ~ .. f!!'~ I{ :ltMii1l. :ht ftI 00 ) ,tI •

ge·o.g·ra·pkr Id3l'!~fa: d;9~agrn'f3"!. #ogr:a~. A .~ is a penon who ~udies ~aply OF ism 'f.x.pert in ~t. tllI:$ ~ .

ge·o·graJh·ic Ildg""19'.~lftk~ ,dYii\grddu rneruns tile ~ as geograpml;al, ;3 formal a»cl! rathe:r o]t:i- f~.mrnd "WOtd, [!iEjf; ,lla].Ji!t B. ( 11 ), gg. ,!EG _" geographic and poIi iiml boundtJ,iu, ··'J@BJ: fila ffl: J:: 1H)'Ji.! 110

It· ... • grapb. i· r:aI ! ~di9.:1lg:refdtl.; A'9~~gra::fDkl!. Some!:hililg thaL is ~. is: oo~'CC11Kd with Df r,dartes, to grog. ,,'phy, ~jI)](:f.:)a9. m ... lhechtuac/'U'ts/Jcr of alil)'~· ographicalre;gkm. .., fflfij~ 1-:Im JI., K 69 ~ n. () geo~))i. .1£ IA!l }J 1: 0 ;00 ' •• geag;:aphimJJy .feFP'tUoo· s~. ···~JI.tjflIliHI~lJIfjI.

gt·og·ra·phy 1d:91~,'d.3i~fV. 11 ~ is me ~tudy of th.e ,oownries of tM 'MltJd and 'Of such th:i~ as landlAorrmarJ:iollS. Sie:U. t:lliinarte, to"\lw'ls ~ popUilatioo. :II! .$ ..

:2 l1te~QFa place is t~e 'OM'll ~. €eatllU"eS 8UOh. as fivers;" moU!~_w. ~. 8!tr~jts·, de .• ' are 3flillllgcd, wimin it . .*m ~ ••. 100 ••• thegwgro.1Jhy of.~h.e Um.t-

ed SJQj:ll:S' , ···~llili~_~·,.

..o .... i".ctd/j~J:Dl.iJllil.1~\,~.kJ) ~i:l'ans tda1ing

to groi'qgy" jtt~ (~HI!!!. PSi •• , an inlemtins geologiMI

AD) ·CLASS,[F • .IIT'D:m

NCOUl\I1' = lad)'

J\lCOl!J1J'jI'J' = rady

1\1 ~[<fU, t.~ + N'. 0i:.N~, \".il; CAN .Bt S]N{O ($1'1. di.~

ON~J .~

.AD.T~IF iii· ~'~iE ~ &rI~~. imil&OOt:l.

o !II IJNOI)U]'!l]' AnI Ol.A.SS'IlF iin:ld

"~D!Xl!:. puI1~ ¢pft;llOrnii

'0 NUNOOUN'f 4D!) OOiUoIl

.!II.CQUNT ~nmiliJ

oI\!DJ' c~~, !JnJ. JiJ'TllIBi


AN c~ ... ",s:!;aF, 1JiJU' A'I"fRJB k~~ ..

¢ .ADIV 00 A];jV ~

AfiI CI.A'mF, ustIllITfNi8


site, ···-1't£$m~_t.1f.)(..'ulk.~. <>~. tE ~8U:.

gt'·,IiJI,-o·cy· 1d]r'clO!d$1ld3l'oladll!· 'l'GeoIoIJ is the scil:!l1r' tifi.c: study of !Il,~ sueh as rOCk and soil m order to filru:I 0lJII: .abou)t t~ origin. structure. and hilltoryllf the earth. jUlf~~ <.) ~. gooIogis~. tiAt~j{.

2 TIle gOOIogr or .aII) area ~ tl1:e 81TllCllJI'\e of its ~d. togeibu with the types orr rucl.:s and mim:tals di:alt a.i:,;~ within it. (.1tI!,1x: i!rfj )!8.m1iI!..

.·00 IIiIid • ric I.dgw-' mcm; ,d5ia\nt£:lnk/. So:mtthing that is '~m: ~ of ~ Shapes, and l.ina. suclru as &qWlfCS, and c-ircles, 1l..1iJi IINSIJ _ EG ••• geometric bl~ o!cmu;reJ,e •.. ···jlJLf.iiJmlSD!lnUf±4,'!!i:···· •.. IM,geomerric SlClUS of ,rhelang mnals. .., - ~ * il: fIi tE::Ie .. ..t ~:~ W IJJLMm m.

~.1iJ'o .met. rI·r:aI I d~1 rneif:rlk[ * .d3i.hlJiI£tn!k:JJ. 1 Somet~ that Is ~ rda;~Q to or ~llvo1~ the prmdpk$ of ~try. JLf1i11=.~. EG ••• a purely ~tri>wJ probWn. • •• -1" ~)l. {i]'.1iij •• <> laJlIlelrieaUy. • * 1;1. :fl_ BG 'l'he fowr ~n c/w.~rs ~ ~rroli8ed ~triadly rtJt'.md fM JqlUlre ook tabU. it. RY re.* * III 7 II: iii: 1f1fJil,ttIHjJ" _*11 • ilC.rm;M "

2 ~ c:a:n also mean the same as ~1lIri.c. ~ ~ic Iiil" Kio ••• ,absr,ae~ g.eometriool dmgns. ..,' lilt • DlJ JL fiiI III JJ 11:# ~

• • .. ·e·vy Id3I'otni!tf'U d3i~/. 1 ~ is a mathematica.'l scil:nre morer.ned with the s,tud.y and measw;ement o.f ~i.ne;,. ~~, and ~.and with ~. s~pes, wmCh are f~ when; sevesal lines are joined klgelher. JLfiJ~ .w, ... the ,la~ of ~trp. ···JtMtt~I:E •• 21fte .~ of a.n. object: ill the way tllat it filS tageth· er , C\l~al~y wM it has a, very regu]3F shape. or pattern ra liormd use. [if.:;i(; ] Jt {iii !II'm. I ~ ~. Ell . , . the C'lnm:h's geometry. . .. It '* M -YJ[ JIQ •

ge· ... ptrys,.i·ai 1,,~'fi71kh A5io'fiZ!ki1 ~ relad"g to 01" ~rMd with.gropbysks.. 18." i:lI!" Mr •

.... o·~. j,. em I ~'i fi2lSl.S:~~ ,.d,$i,o' fi:zIS.JSt/. ~.si-

cisas. A ~ ~ oomoone who ~es (IT ~~ in goopbysics....Jt: 1J)1~ 11: .•

·ge'·a.,phys.D / 1.~:iJJ"fiDbl ,dlL'O\fmul is die branch ,of

~logy dl.a:t Y:leS ph~iQ> toe~~ l~ e<l!ft!ll'~ structure, d~ma~. oceans. etc, :fi1~J'·.'nl ~ .,

:ge·"'IfIG"lit+i·QJ /id3i~r~itlkl.1 ~\bbkl! m.eaI\1l, re-

btoingl:O·or mno:med 'Nidi ~itics. * .... *~Ili'!I·o ro ... t~ problemB an' po.lili(lQ1 ,in natun.not gwpol.itimt. • .•• ~ fIii,. ~ lit _t~ •• #l1qJ II. irJj 4> ;It:: .... #r '*~ •.

p. (Ii> ... ·1·1ks / .d$:a,JlpDhtr1:.s ~ ;d&'O\p;ml~1 is ~ study

·ur the effect ddt tbe gwgrnpbj~ ~~ti(l!l ,!Ifid r~~~ ,of a CDWltry have 00 hs poiiticsaml, i1l'srelations with. omer OCIWltr.ies:, •• aM ••

Geor'giIMJ II~~~ "d~ is used in Brlwn to de· saibe tk· eighteenth century and dE style (If Mchittc~, HtCntUl'e'. etc. that was popuLac at the tim: , (lUll, jt ~ • ) :Jf ffl: E ifti It ·ft ( 1Iill .. ) '1iI1l. 100 .". a ·1arHe lale ~ house. ·,,-,.lfrr:E,"m.A.M'*m~.

......... _ Id3'l·rrt:ml;;l[n~~1-cc'1I~/. ~. A ge-

ranium is ap]ant 'that isgro-wn in gardens QC :in po¢:S. in~ siikpeople':i; 'bou!oes and has smaillred. pink. (J.F whit,e f1owen. :J;;JD'.C ••• ).

ger.bU I~'! ~d!. ~, A prlNI is asi:11alii, furry animalI with 1.oJli;g bad legs that :is of:tm kpt ou a. pelt. ~IJl.

." ..... ri /..1 .... !_._ ... <1_\ 1/· ..... ..,t _. 1 r" • ..-Il

F"' •• '_" .It 'II"";)'-rl a;<!:~i ~.L ann ..• I!li"""-'~' . .._,.-

.Ilb!ie i.iS ·used to dl!scrii~ very old peOple. their iUl:leSSeS., and their treat~nt ~ a,. tedmiicalterm. inm!::dicine. [I'-l~] ~'!f: A.'M; .q:_Aii~ ac;. ro ... ,0 yeTuuric 1Rlfd ..... ~4jJ "'liS .• us;ed as a . .l1Otm. mfl'4!;~. 00 ..• lhe 11't'iJ/~ ment of "iatricsin RiQ. . .. II '!i • I~ ". $" tit A IiIJ tfi· fl'.

2 r~ i$ de ~tudy of the m~ that ,alTect old

W. and lilt methocbl 'or ~dlig them ... ~:If$iii~ ;.t;*

gena.ld~l~ • gtnnS. A germ isl a '\I'By s~ liv· ing thW., in f«d. otlK:r sumtanctS. Of in )i'lXIf body tha~, .~ d~: .•• ~j; •• lEG .; .• a fl~ germ, , .••••• ' R •... The prm.s ·an easUy ~ from ptrSQn to p£r~ son. it~1Ii":flf1.»JA~1"- Ai't:t2;M-1- A.

2 the begimrirlg of an idea 'Oi'reelir.ag wbidl may ~me iti;[)i':C tmpor1al1t .. e •• , •• $I'l~P.lI'. lEG II eonlllins ~ht gum of an i.de.d which might saw us. .. 1?: ~ it.~ & ~ ft a« .. fl BI1 m .. ~M IF •• ; Thrs~m of a'~rm ~to spread. lS::ft§M •• W $.~:Jf* .

Ger. -. I'~!~!, Gennansi. 11 Som.ethiiqg .l!:utt


NLlN~ .~


'N' U"NOOlIJNrr 1 USU W1l111i. I"OIl!i.

JirroC.1.ASS1f" , U1H,I tIIl"llWj: -~rQL

AnI CI.AS.'lIIf!, 'OSU AirTIUB 1'1 m.a.~Pl'I*tLeBI

¢ !iOV

fl JqOOIil1y

NUNO)IJ.NT 1'1 ma.tl!.&1IIIIIia;

N U!.'«XJlfIIIT. USlV wrrn l"Oss " la,)rwl


.N 'COL,JNrl' l'IKtc!:lI~

AD1~fr UlSU ATfRIIH rI p!.lI,I'BPlili~r

I'IUNo;nnfr n,~I¥l\.J


MCOU!'>'],. usu SING* #

, IW'l

= ;;mJ


i:.GermaiD belollgs Or relates to Germ.a!il)' their peor ple , or theirlangu:a:ge .• ~'CA,l!H'!J. ea She's G~r~ man. .. 'III!!: I!tll!!I A··· ... l he ,German ,cC(.Jno.m y. • •. • f~HN ii: 'ilL

2: A Gtrman .iii a person who eomes froom Gerrrl>lnY. till' N em rNT A. ffi The Germans ,o/lereJ to help. " .~, A. jf. II.

"lb·" .... a Frenchmo:n or a Gt:r"lIll~, ····t;iI)1!lA§\t.M


S GeIi"R1i¥O is thr.J language ~t is; s,pob:o in Germany. and N 1IJNCffiIm

parts of AI.ISlr'la and Si,wi.tzeda.nd .• it~ SG TlMy spoke

takJm in {aultku German ... Itfrl'JJJ!@,iEOO'iI'ltltil

... . .. GerlmlR lessom. . .. II ia tI.

..-' •• Q.WK Id;p:'mctll; ~\Il'ICn/. Some~ !that ~. ~- .I'\P,! Q'UJ\!l..fTr miIIIie to a situation or idea .is connected with it man .lm- iR.ID'" so

'" ri'ffyg:1II

porta:lltway; a formal wom. [if ~] ( .!:j ••• ) ·W. tlJ ~ ""

d9 e- 00, It is dearly net ,FnDlUt to presenHiQyt:DI1dltlo.iU' •.. I!B.~~ ~ ntiCJ.~~*··· , .. igS,!.rIe;Hn(l,f.~ ger~ moM i~ SI()daJbt policy. ., • .l;j U ~ .:I::K« •• W .fi ~ ~ -~liPJllI.

(kfj·mam.·i(: (d.~!~!'lIl. dJlr'ma=ml:/, ~ If you. d-::ti~ AnJ (lUAU,], someone or sornethifig as Cemamc.. you ~J1Iiiu1 ,uliilf dri

~arance or behaviour is typic:d of Oermanpeeple 'Ofj

th~lIgs .• f!ll A ~ d. Pi! A; MI. £9 hirGermanic ila ..

lure. .. "'f& •• f.!I A trlItltl •.• v.ery Gumanic in

ever!ftking "hey did. W1E\bfI1 @f .. ttHij~. ~ ~~* A!U mJII .. _ ~A 1Tit: •

:2 Gcnnimiic i$ also used to describe the ancient culture .;\ill CLMSIF a:OO people of nortbern Eumpe. aDdl tbe Jangua,gf: thry

sp:1\e. from wbiclru the ~.iJi ~via.ril .~

.a.~ El1gJhh. Ger!'l!Wl, and Du1tch derive. A .Jlm.(!(J'!;

El1J • iti 1M. EGi • , .• a QrmQtUc tribe. .. • .• ' El -.q:.". fS

... ' .• Germanic .mythol'agy. . .. ~ .. §J If i! •

'Gemma ~ ios a a~ wh~cb l:'!ai.N.'.$ )'li1~ ~o nave a N~'

h 1.._ --~ ~ _lc:_· '" ;v.~1iI

coug • a SOJ1C throat, <W!i]i rec spilUOD yow ~~. A,..

ger.lJIj.l!a11 l"d,p.·mmJ, '~J. Something '!hod is 1lT- ADJCI..I'!SS1if' minaI is il:! <In earl)' !litage of i'lS de\l\i!!.lopmr;m. oris ,cwsi.ng "remcr~l~ somothin:g else to deveLop; OJ. f~ word, [1E:JtJm it iff'

• it1, it T ii Jf #: ;5 M ~ ft 1=. .it "h ~MJ. EG ••• Q germinal

Irxce. in r&r&f,r,flb1:i$hilW ,i,Mw.try.. •••.. I~ MI." iVJ'1J •

F.nti.oa~ /u~.ne[tl~tpe'y.~. ~~ n:ilnatialg, .~. 1 ~f a seed :gmnillate$ or you ger- v.~

~~rt miQltfe ~l, 1:1 st3.'rts 00 grow " a technical UK:. [:+:: ijj; J (iin ~ o,k..,;r..:.p

111 ~ ~ (to Jf ~!i. tH jUt,,}. ~aY Ott .~ (j'Q()j • moist·

weather far lhe. seed to 8f1mi'lUi~e'. M T li :W" V ?I: ••

.,.ifij M 'Jf:~ .. (} .... :ad.pa. tioa !ldp:mJ.onc;I[Oln., <} ~ ~

,d:.vmiOl"neJoo/. ~ 3¥ • Ji:J! 11F i& ~ ~ •

2 If,~.i&a, plaiD, or ~ ~Ces',OI" ~~ oc VfI":

SOflIif:thlng .~ n. ~t Q;}mi(:$ LUto e~.!$~ru:e .apr)~. ~ oriiJlIi.~

gi~ tiQ ~Iop; <iI. fan'!"laJl or .literary 1lJSie. [JJLi'!i:.iUI];Jii:

iI.; F ~. EGo nrs ~ '~Jfg~ to gu~,t,e ~'b ,guilt

whJch had lain dormr»d for' year.!., .•• R; IUfr·.~H

.t. if! !J .~. ~I •••• J: It" ... New «MCepts germ.inate

before ~r eyt.$ .• 1Hr.*.,F~tEM:I'i!l.1l1.

gc:rm 'WlU"f1ft is. the: ~ of gef'nlS ia a. war til order ~(Io c3.nse NI f.J'NC(M'JNr ~ in ell~my troops 0Jj' to ,des.troy 'O"OpS that t.hey 3 ~ ......,f ...... might IJ;SIt! as food. .. ,.ItJ.. EG This l:teoty bo:ns germ

t'II'(l.rfare. litt- *,~".!if: •• 1« •

.... ·(D~h:iI·o·gy 11~'roJ~f ~Qi1\taJ.oo3r/ i.1. tbe 'NI UlI(.'(Il)II>ft

s:[ooy of the pl'loo:s!! by which WI,': .gd ,old. how our bod!ies.

c~, IiIld 'the- prob!mu 'thait. old peop1e haV¢'1 :t: A,. ~

•• geril'mcs.O~. ~,. ~A. ·(>NOOI.INI" ~.

ger. r.y.IDIUI:. _. big I td;¥l1j~d~~ 'get1 ... ~aMlJ. ~ I is the <lttQf a!iter~-g poIlitical bOlmdarics in order W W~ an !mfaif' ad'l"~ to '01Ie political pu1y oc group of people·, used. sbow~ di5app&,(M\). [~] ('h 8 it z. 'J jn. f! i1U1Hii,l.K ..

FOund ;idserand; '~f.. gt'I'IIIIds. In grammar. a gerund is a. noon formed from a verb.md expressing ,an ac:tlQJI at: st.U1:. ID .&,gIoib. ~ ,end in ~:i~. iiifI::t;: iiij (<<jUI41 ~J. .ing MJI).

.·:stall Jga'J~hl' g.NIt«Ifl/. A ~ is scmelihing 1lMl you ~ or ·dUnk of thaJt has .PartiO.daF qualitil:S whca you IDJll'iideil" it as a wimDe which ~ WWI: ~n.twlDil you. COO5ider QD)y d~ ~ ~ ·of d* USiCd especiaJly ·as a technical. terltlin ps~. [.t, .]~ m ; _.:d:1I. eo ... pnttems .fromdiUertJJtedition.J • the .g£Yt.Q1I c1mT • but shilting, ii'! :size. , .... m T;f<:'~H~tIt=Jft3t'~.nl.;a~Jfi* 11 :i!atJ • m:)l;: .d~ 1f it ~ ~ ... , ... Gultdt psy;hol,ogy. ". ~ m {jJ; .. :if:: IM') 'U j,I ••

p.ta.iilOil. I dse!stelJ~;~\tejanJ is 1 dw pr~ io human beI.ngs and some ~ ~Ii whidlJ ,babies .grow' ins:idc the:Ur mG~r.'s~y before they Me bixn" 01 'lh~ per:iod of

N lJNClOlJtU • d!;:;aliq

~51~ wm-r nEf

,~ .-liNII.

N~ " piili;8'lIiImGf

time cdurin;g 'l'i'mch this ~ happens. I a reehnieal term in bioi\;Jgy" (~" ]firl):, fFljk!PI. ~, - . + the sNJrit!tt FS.t(lti('J1! period in an)' mamma.' , ..• fiPI 1III:¥t.:ij1j·" Jf! ••

i[~fl''':.I~ .

.2 tl:m process in whim an .ldea: oovc--JQps .Of" a pJm .is CM~ N UI'I!I(.'1JIt1m ried out; a fm~ or Litmu:y use- [lfJt it 11] ( J!tlt, W::bI Idcw:~ M )_2J1f; lfiilll •. m The .wad· hIuJ' been .-ri.l!Y)'I'lQ,rs .f:n ges-

umem, it.*.II9' •• B~.1E.7 60 ~7·.

~·tt~· !i!'~ !d.y'I~!1kjudmt., d&s'i1kja ... Ie-l/ ,~. v gcdh:.':tdatfpg. gest. . kuIated.. If YOlli picuhtte. ""'.:-]11 ~ ll-.n

. .r-- = :~lIrJt

RID~mer:lts MI:bYOrn'._.tnS O'f .~. ~fltNl, wh.Heyou are

t:aUm),g. fJUt exam,p.lle ibtcaLkSe you .Olf'e' exci~ed or des.cirjlb~!1..g SOl1lerhiJug that is d~mruh to express In Wi!Jffk1 Ol rather formal or Jite.rary word. [iEjI;;it.J(~SJltH!H;'~= Rii ~ If1:: ;iF: t. 8l We ~til1il§ ,8tSlicut(,zteewn when r,aikitlgon the t,e/:e:pM1le •• ' =tV; 11l:.f!j W1l! It R tv ~ii ~ 1l!. lilt "F.II-'" S.t.ii:tITtges_ti.c.watm angr#y .• II!I I M'1:; A:( i:!B t1

.-¥- •• O ps.tic.u.Ja.tiolii 1~lstI[kju'~t:[Jan) Id:!Pi,ukja- ¢ N ~COI1N'r/ \ ~fiJ3I1! T pftldalliom. ¥ ~ ~ j;; :.I·iJ .~ 0 00, _ .•. rhe _$. 'OIJ4.JtIT

.1 - 0- =~UJt~

t~cu(Jl;om IMI a~ny oo,i~.!lQtion, .. ···lA~ IItf'M

:M ~ =f- ~ ••• T~tt., IiR!Te ~-9JwJ:'ngs and~ticula~

Iiom'. ](. i!: ••• ~ • X ~ •• lif!~"'. - -

~'~~'!d /ds~t.Jiil!fiil.ll '~!t§~! meaas o:;OliMrn,g of or AIL\I C!".AS.SIF, !'elatmg WI gtst,~. ¥*~. 100 W:t .mare. the ~. kJnd ~IB

.OI.~,iUriJJ .l~F· afflf!mlRl-fi'."m-. .

~·tm"e i'~tJ:e.~ \~~lJ~!. ~. 1f51:~. ees-

trIiRd. '1 A pUR ~ 1.1alfLOiV('ment that: you ma!ke with N COUNrr a part. of your body, ~pocial~y yow" l:lli:1lIE M )'lJ1!IT head ,. ~1!.!liB

ID e.~rtSS ·etn()tion (]I" ~nrOrn"Jati.on + ~i1iber inste.ad of

:6.~:i[Jg or w~le you Ul!! spcaling. -¥. j m: _ i.b fI;. 00

Sh£ mWealt angry gtt11ture with he, fist ...• m.~f1;.

m -1-t!l.SR!l 'f§"" He held.oml' himd Q'I!'f1' his ,eyes in a ge,sUi.fe ()lpg~n.! -Il,e - .R ¥.:fE. IN J: ~A ~ 11 ..1 .. 2 ~~~~ that.you say or do in order to ,ex.]lI1~'ymitr att\t.ude ot' ml!trit!JiXIS. oH:en. SOlm:'thltng that ymII ikni:Iw wi]] Mt have mucill ,effect. J;t::i-,:am. Ea, The onty~iUrl! he.~ ~ to' ehange ju name.,. tt.-.M~rt!UI-.$

.1!,&~ gg.t;:I< , •• The demomrl.mtion is a~ture of defiaRa!aglil181 the government. +. i!,~::iF;.;I: •••

1tf ~ ~ :til .'& m ... ,ShethMked him /0(" his Ihc~g'htful

8t1'S.tute. "Mldl~j M: M H •• jj:8 It.

2' Cfywgesture. you use .~"int:n,ts of yow hmds or V~.RmJ.RT.Q.

head in ,OrdeT {!,), ~.][ ~ ~lhing 00 ,dcaiw their Ol!t~ V .. ".CiR \1"'0'",

It:tttKm to sornetn~. fl ¥!lH i!!!: ~ )1 m ~ fI! m _. EGo He .~. ~ioo

gn.t~fifd at ~ of the larger sui/cases.. .. MIi' T m- R

~::Ie O!J ~ • if .. , FU<y .ges.ru.rmwi th his head w~

the dcKd door. .. .. .I~ 111.:11 !Je: 1:' Iat!j n t#. -r A·~ ••• He

g£ .. stltre4' to me to t~ dOiI.1i: .. +. fl!j, ~ .• J.! ft. ~ ... The

opuato.r 8tStr:.lr:ed t&.e F~hmD" "0 a cabin .• -W:1i\~

• it MJ 1'"" r:H!!l A iJJ- (Ii] 4'. 11. ~ • .

get /g:[I.~!/ • .,s. ~. got w- goItm. Gottm.is dJe Arrt~i,tan form of ~Ih.e paslpa.rtkipJe or~he verb. []]I £nO!)( of its ~ p' .is .. 9o fairly infonnaf wud.., .~~ ".~ m ~ :iI~~i1*~~1JA. If: ~ M*#_rlfjJfii~,"EIJl£+

IfG ~ii, it ~J ~" '1 [f ~ ~ ~tWng .pts wid, aQ~ V·'C

gry, 00ted" etc: "tbey be~ cold. angry. bored. e~t, : ~ :1:3. ~ ~: go.~' .~ vely Jrd. +. .*!l!l it .. iii ti!i a,;' .• +

~SUfIJ s~ and I gm wry brown., .. ;tRl.!!ftIll. ,ft:

~ ~ IlIt J: • 7 .. • She bt,gan to gtlsusp!:imtS." tlUf ~

ff.S -* ... 1 was setdng quhti'! hu~ry. , - ft 'Ulti • .IIi *

T .,' 11 I hings get anyl!<'mn:t": }t:lu ~U just have to' rome

heme, ... iJ!I~fI~. ~:fI !! :fl. -tt; it R» IIEl ~ "1 ..• Boring

alOJ'ite gctlJ'w./u,l'Y ,boti~ .,rom.til'jR:bt~, ::fl P;f .. -1' . .A.. r.t ..

{If $I: ft Ii: " X Ql.

:2 If you .-r ym.ndf. SlIlmoone.OO' sofflfthing into a pani· ""of (I (l'\IUf

.ooar sta;lle. you. t:ilJl!J9l::yourself or them to be in that SUlte. aEFiU ~. c I ...

«!.'.' M A dl U T C~ f+ . .tit: ~ ). E9 lh got hirnsdf imc

fr.tghtf,!cll troub.le rtX'£,uly., ,. ~.l!(f I1J ~If6ATt!i*~

*~.++ 1 ~1'gen~ns dr~nk eM'"y night ... a1f~I}!tl:. fiaaMIJ!.~~+·· My father talkd a.OOut geuhtg in

'lmch wuhhu la:wyer. "- ft 11. ~.tI. ~ ~."" fIi •• ~ ~

.... SMuldr:ehgious.letUl:e/s ge.~ in..wved in polil.kS?.,

~ ••• ~ .- 4& A « IE!, 1Il\l,! ••.• The gir.l liMUy got llu!

door open. + _. III 1"- j; II • fi il.nn * T ... He go~ her

~r. ftl.t!Jr!fi'..t. TB:T.

3 ~f yD1(l. get ~. t.o 00 ooinetlmng. you ~ them to v'" ,0," ~ ~ .. ~Nr dQ it by astill1g. pt;n!,Jad~.ng, or ~!;lllmg~. 1! (¥ A.. "ptn15lollO :¥.). EO, She geu SIWJTl to help .~l"dMn .... lii1MIl

~ M" ttl *1:1=1,... WemQ'Mged to geJ htm UI' talk. .about

Brigh~un, .. ,ftJlI1$;~ •• it.M: TiitiIUJ·" T rou/d ~t

~ else.to ,00 .it, fi;iIT~~llIJA.jg." -

04 If you .1 rometflling dooe. yo~ cawe~t 1'0 be ,done - fl VtOl'~T.~ •••• ~ .. "_ m .1 BOt saf~'tybdu .Pllftl , .. 'ft. L 7';j( :¥: ~

... R~.has W ~1 a tap t~n out... ftm.1f -1'11:-1-

NOOU!fl'; iiJS't.I+ ~l\JI'1' l~ "~II

. 801


.~* ... It~j_._in:!pot!a~-! t(lge.~t~r,i~etlde:rs ~u o~ Mol .• ~99R:.itJJ~jil, ~~.JlJ.m.

5 If you get sorrt(lwht.[';e. 5. lyoo Mrive ~. JlJ:l;!:;'. as 'II' f A ~n we gt)l to Pirie &aoon 'M"! hmla .bUof a rest .' . "r_ • .1f;fl~:t!ifk •... J!t *,a #·8 T ~ ~.J!. ••. My ~'Y:pewri~er

ht:J.d. been. st,oIenbtff([Jre I got .r,o lhe C:USt,~ .. , -it tt IIJ,

. J±1t*zlliJ.ttl'l!Jn¥mue;~ ••• T .•. 'What !i~ .do theyggt baci'!, ... !if[Jft1.IJ;j-'M!l!l*? •.. 19o.r there

aoo~t .1/ ,oH«k. a 1>. ~ A iii: ,~4ijI JJ it .. m ft!J'. 5.2 you v. A

move 1!l a pawti,~ dirootion Of" ~. ctt!f!f~:m1r~ aSQ

Ji£.eI ~.'@ ~ 15 3t ) ~I • ~. EG F'tJnk.ie .!2nd· Ciiw ~"t! lrylng to gel l~gh. .rJr,e ~nd~w ... ~IH'ftj'Ul:*; iE

i:itll!l •• jlijj]! •• ~ NObody can ~t jK1St ••• ft·:flr A !fi::lt·i!l!·

it: ••. We &01 along tlu? :JtfUl as bea ~. could, .. a·m

f1. ilJIMHlMD .... *m .It ..• They had' a terrible jab set~ t~'\'~own rhe gtJngpla~. t'ilfh;t7~*W.fiJ:t~1fU"J:-

6 If yoo get ~:meooe (J{' somethi!llg Jl'IItO aplace or pesi-

l~on, fL 11 'fO"lJ. eause them to ffiOVE dltre, {t¥.A..J!t~tI!J} \1'+ 0+ A flJ.¥~. 00 1 gOI Alleninw W$ bunk. ~, ;re ~ .. ::tt it:m fll "mI9!1tl$i"'", ~I~.fil.l::*··· 1 have been .tr}:i~ to ge,t him Qvtr ~

fo~ foU!' ;m;rs, .. m~* ,a-':i«iII ::IJ:.fi::lBf&lf IJ ii'tJL

*... He .~ Iryi~'(.i get hiJ Jace in {ronr(})l Ole gerwars., tI..lI:«lI: #J& jjji Jl ••• 6.2: you br.iIilg (~lem tJx:'te. :JIll .•••• * (:fit ~ Jill ~). 100 ru JUS! g.et it f&I' you, , . -1i!:,it,4:~E~ft;:.*·'·Pte.ase ge.r .me th£ documen.t;.! MW, - -11ft ~ re _ ~ Jt ff ~. a .. *,.. Marrl,s hurrieaof1 eag<1.ly to Ft a cab., "'mlia.~w~N~~


7 Ge~ is o1len ~ .in piau: of" • k ~ as an auxiliary vf!'rb to form passives. .. mD.iIIIliJ'iii.I •• tt~be't(~$..i'J~~. EG /ge.r a;;ktd to $0 mifny .rhi~ .. , ,ft •• ;f: .IH~ it M.··· SupflOi'M~ §els kiNeil_ - .m:JlillAJt:IA*' 7 .. · He failed to get re~eleded ... fiEif:tUHk ~S ..• .If

~u have t:hi~ on the jloQJ'. they 8t~' .t,odtien on ....

kJl M If;:~. ~ ft. t£ _'!Ii J;; • 'E ro~· ••• Jij .,. 'The diffi·

culties U:nd to get~lm by the mM~ + mJln~

~.·ffr •• ,*~Jc. .- _.-

8 I r yDl!lJ .1 MIfIlIttlWug tt.at you. w.;wl er need, 8. 1 yOIii obl:.aiill it as a ~ or as~bing dmtyou. are going to use, . ~~iI ,f1f ill. ~1lI Hi's trying to &eta Pat. .. 11; iE;(li~Jt.J<iJ~.~.moo",Y{lu am ~l a dog from a pet shop. ...$ iii)' ct." ~ • fti J;!L:J'i1J ~ * fIiJ··· He hod

managed to get him.ftll a l~rge armchair .• ~ 'j) I1Jl a ~

~T -:Je1c B'!l ~ _~ •• It 2:'YOU obtaitn advire. medical V·G.V·O(~ tuatment, ·edLiCation. etc_ fllJ<5~.tl:1T,.W~). EG ~~~~'f~ You mi1y ~re t~)ge~ help .... ~d~~jJ4.JfJ.JIIJ···

Get wJ~lcf: fro.m ~r lOM1 hmlti.h. Mps.rsm:ttnt., , ~~

~.M1l •• n ~ tsu •.• You C4n ge~ fm: dem:al ~ua:J'"

tne'..nJ. • • ~ iiJ r1 ~ ... ~ !if... Jbeir fi"~priorUy is to gez

an edua:ulon , .. HI. ili1li;t;, W ~ J!: 1Hl1 .•• ~:ft If ... I u}ld

him to get ,(Jj good. lawyu. fl; ~ iff m * It - '1'- .tf • ff •

S.3"jUU obtain :$Otm"lhing slK'has sleep -or ex.er-ci£e that v~ '0\ OR"'''' C YO::~l need i!l ,~ to l:et;p your bod.y hea]thy. R" ( ;JJ:. -1*( REJ1!U .,. 0 •• biN.IM- i& _._ til •• ). EGi Try tea ~ some reft, •.

~. {l..@.. - "F .•.. T1wchiJdrm gel aU If!e tn"rci:se .(key

~. ,. ~Tff1l€ tt !D.lft ffHJi If rlm":fI! • •• ..... It

will Jo,)U-u pod~o IJ€t a ~th q./frevh t)if' .• IIJ_. ~ ~ lit $ B::;ft flf n 9lJ. !!;. ~ ~ obtain a. j;oo. a p]aa: a,t a. schoo] or oolk:ge. or a part m a.play or 6bn. «~, ft JIj ( :,I,;:fi!; ,ill '~!if > "m, He~~ her a job Mih .tM lele-phone oom.oony + .. - • liE !l i~H1- fi] :» trUt 11]- ~ .:u: t'F... George .Far, might set rhe ed,rt01"shi" '. ~~" t!;ff,;&iilflll:UJiu

,[j;1"-iQ •.• t6l ... I em' :JM pill" of Ophelia .• "'ill T"

ft :fIjl.it 1"1li1 13. S. 5, you obtain a quaJ~6cadQn- !ti1 (!II v + 0, NO ~A'lS #I, ). E.G Af'f" }'m( gp.{,rlg. u) um:h .French. ~.YOU 1,Pt

J"J:,Ir dllt7~ 1 .. , I': ~ :J8. ~·fll Ji ff. :It ~~ la: ~, ? .... T.he

i':n~'; ~~;iT1.~::'·:; l! my ce,.t,ifl~·t~. ft

9I~~1I get SQ]l:Je~~ <as a reswt of.;m orneia] oti k~ v+o,V'+O(~O! dt:CI!;;IOOtYO~ oomin tl,( IEIlI "flEjf;,~m ~~ ~'" TliP 3 ~ ~ '~ .. o.. OR

y~ CH ~ (fg.<)

E!G 1 am going to ge' a dh.I'OT~ • ". ft u •••... Defi:ree

mlS ~te. tp -get {;u.jltod~ '!ltJoth chil~n. He ,go.f ,fen

~rs m lUll" " • Ii m.-ii •• !iJJI J'.f f'ij 1" Ii: ~ a<J .!tll:.:1fI fll:.

ft,.~ ~ -~. ~» ... ~y ,dDn't Iww togt!tplanning

p!!'rnusswn fOl·U. .. ,,*1Ii1;r; ~ 1,] £ a: *' II :'It vt: i]J... We

had to'8f!t .~ tetnportJ'y fi ~.}Wlr Ucence .. , .ifil; m !I.' 'lJi.1ft:

if~ ~"JW 5; ~ ~ Ii Iij .11\ II·.. He msna~ W gel a

week~s leal'e In A~l- Id!Tl1iJI~AJl ;{tjtM:~A-m

M. . . ... .1

111(!1 U you pnllOl1'letblng as a gift t'W prize. ~ .. recrive it, v .. 0, ~ iNPflR. • ': ~:m it< 1L ,. , J'; 11; .. ). EO, I go,~ the anorak fo, I'!IO P~ Chr.iS'lmtlS. ,- fl; "" *- if: .fl. ... It 14 JI.l 7' .. f'f' 5li .R -it •..

EJ.1efybod;€ geu a priM i.n this school',~ ~!Ii$!: :N ~ lit

l' ).._~~.

".. .. O. v ~ (I (.Nli]/ RlE:FL.) +'0. Gl'l V-tO+A '(/GI')

~ frtc]1,

AJUX "'PAS'll" F~T, fCifUot'> PA.'IS

." be

l/+ 0...",+,0 eNG! ~+(),,0..ii; \1+0+1\ 'fiN)'

= iKIl:l~rcJ

v~·,o..V* O'(NG/ REf'L) + O. OR Vil-Cl+A U~r)

K boo

11 [f you ~ a kuer, ~ .. t-..bonc C2J1. at" res.·. pon:;;e. '.. f:rom v H)!I tKIi,~,

"""""'y OOI"~

;s01MOi'!It:. you r«e~~ jt. g, J!i ( m ttf , It!. ii , ~ :I: !!f ~ ,', ~

SIre gol t"nue I~'tters ewry day. .. .tI!J.*.~ i1J •• 'm

.•• fgof,~ oaU [nJm {he Pruit.kl'l;l ... ~.im •• ~n*

~ -1" It!. jl'" Nat MY 1 got tIn, ,aw:wer /tcfHn h~m. I Jhould~l an apology .• --:~ft~.iWJ*",-M'IiOO;'1ii~ fi@ . ~lIiIlftjJlt.

U! If you 8ft. a pa!rtiCl1!lar ~Ytm, of ~,e'Y' 'YU!.l! reeeive it V+ 0, ~ PAS;:; mgul3if~y as yOUF .~ OF sal31"j aras an aIIlowa!Ore.. = be: p.id

if,"flflf*·.l. EG He l'.US~dns a Vtlpr /i() ..... S'a/a-

ry. ,. ·~II\t\lt.~.*fli'i1!i,··· They 8(J.t L1 hundred pound:s

a wteA:... ·fidl;m 46 1'- M IUt 1QO ~ 11 ... sm: get.s a stt~'re retiremec/l:tpel'Uion. M fi & ~:t U ~JJ3i #;!Ii: •

13 If you ·Ft a~. g.r~t. etc, ? y~~' gi~o (!:If' Jf;nt.!~ \1+0, NI)~AM

-he = ~f1

Wo.a parnicu~ purpose, 9::fJfJlII:,nJIIJ;t_) •. ~ T. .y

Jourtd it. i~iWet() set a funk loon. .. Jm·lIl,~. ~ Il'.

i'HIHI iT ~.J;: ll::f: "ji]i • 1M) ... I ,COttkiM't tIer agrQ~t un-

less I had' five ~I$'~ t~ng eA;f,'!el'ifflCt!.ft."" lI.l :tor

IJ :i;,,!'t$ • .ff 5 4>M It ~ ~ 1fi •

l~4 If ~ get .!lJ ~t~~~ ~h • you Qb~1l h from :some Y +Q,La 'II' *0 -o, adWn tiMt yoo taJl«!:. or from. a ca'lc:wa:tiooot ~JPCci. ~~~t"cJor)'

meer. • W lit :JI: I±l.. ~ ,It 'K!OUld ,~ake~lr.ne I£W get re- ~ ~ a!

:suits •. , ~$.I!;.1Iij: j'Iij';t (I _ W M" ••• "' How did ~a ,get

th.m arumu, Ian 1'... fI'~, -1$ )I ;!:; -2;. :fI ttiJ· III 1-' !5 ~ M?

•.. Yw can get this e:fJec" qwlt:easjly. i$~i3B.fIt,iSi

~.i!1'" •• ~

U.i If you ~. a povtiOl.l]ar price pr sum of mm'ley fOF v~ O. If~ Plit_eI' oolTidmng. YOll ohn:ai!n t~.t iSiUIII by selling' j~. :Jl;: M", EG =S'

S~ -mtgIu ro get at Jeast ei~1 poumls fOr it. :MB I~ It 1" ~ rH'Ci"l'

));; fi ~ ~~ dl. jt:6 :ff ••

16 If.an Gbjro: ~ <li~t~G~!w p.rice Qr ~ of mQDe,}" i~ v .. (I, l"Q PA'S.S is ,dd for rtha:t aJ!l:Qim.tt uff"!lClOey, II !IIi ~ ,~ ... ti. ~~ His = t"1l'I.cl!J

old teapot got r~ hund#d doltat'$. fi.1» JiB ~ ~. ~ 1"

200 M:iit.

f7 I f you get: focd OF dr-j~. you ear or drill'd::. it. Itt, III. V '1" 0, ~·PASS 00 1'~ghl p.I! 'd get ~ nice fn~jl:l$J{d the dub, ..

• 5 •• ~~.* •• ~~-.~oM •• ~ ~

slcppeiltdcmg the~y ~'i,? get a drink ,r)/ lmter, ft m t£:

.. X W r *1"h~L+:'.

li8 II you _ a ~., you p~ i1, it: .. (ti .. ). W V"I Q, ;I\IOPAS.'l,

K(U~/$ juslgeni~ thedinru:t, mM-.iEt£il4H'S.

t9~l yw .gtt ~ ~at. flight, room, e~c,. you :>lll:xeed in VfQ,Y+OoQ,(& mak~ng :it r~tva:ti:o:!} ~a theatft';·, pl ..... ho.te[., etc. R ill ~ i" ~ A ',,",,) (II III , $ fij]1 ~ ). 100, 1 ru'ng up t,(i' ~. ~f 1 oo~ld set

~IS.". =&fl fI! 'Ii E fjiJ.~'. Ii 'ij" JLf.&m •.. I'll try

,and ga .a ftiPl l;oor,orrow. $);. ill ti; Sf ff ~' X 9Sf a». 20 If .you .pt tht: ti.m.e, cl1ance '. Of opporhm.iJty 10 do $O~tW!1g. yo~. m.ve IDe time ocopportunity to do it. :fi < :It ••• !'iCJ ~.!iJ , R if). ro We ge,t ,'~Ule ~jme JWK..-4ng .. , ftfnJ1.1'-tIJI;:f!iB;J'ral .. fh .. I1··· 1 didli.~t ~l a chance to i:~tM~ m:pdf. IUI::lim~.w.: I~P. * tiL

:211 If YOLli _ an idea.im~ioo. feeli~,g. etc, • 'f"OU begin, to' lbave an idea ~t someth"ing is ~ue Of' to m:\!\e ln~ 1M Ii.U1derstaru:i:ing Qfso~. iIf:llD:ff{!j!.9i:·_ ~.~. :it ~.) 0 W .1 goL lheint~imt he"d .had a

.tdt:eplt!£S night ... " Jt. JlJ ~ 1El!J. .11, • hkll: u T .~ +.~ Ifi. Z if··, You set t~ fedjng thalli co.wZd eosUy happen

hen .. , ·~1;; •• Jit.m.!I.~·tF.:ltJl!2't~··· You run

ge~mt idM what it's ali ,about, .. i!t jjijf.I:J: ';k ,. Y.~·:D

::I!-."I ~I!!ll ••• , We spent the lime t~'JkiIf8 to people' aI'!Ui

VM~ally geHb~, U~ ful,of the ploee" fi; ffJmlilit jil] ~ A. fll.:l! •• .*;: 8; 7. - "F.i!f'" J:d!1i •

22 If you @dOl p;vti~11tr physical or~moti~ feeli~

ff'~ ,an e-y.ctl!l~ '0.' ~xpeoence, the' e'Olr;nl ,D:I' ~)j'~r~em:e; ptO-. dlli.o::s that f:ed!rtg m. you..§!: ~J ~ E~I She p1la lot of fWi 001: of sweeping tlu frant porch .,. ,.ITt=!:iif n ... ~Hl-fF ,I:" ••• .1 ,!f4!!~. 8: nM'l tk'f~il. wht.n 1 read d piea of

h,{s". ~·.~JJ .... l<:i§1IJit.i!.I'r!i!lfIJtl.iJJ··· Poor John, "Will g,et a su,rprise", ift{l-I~ " rUG ~ ;.: 1ft. ~ ~ ••• Whtm /.optned t:~ tWo.r I 8Ql ~. Iiruty.$.hQd(. .. ~ Jt n 1fnst.,~.:m.:1Y •• ··· rm ge.t.ting a ,i;Wn Zn. .my M,rJg ,ft 8li:1 !IHiII ff fl.

MIT you get a nook. view. or glhnp.s:c of oome!:hrnig,,'YOU ... ··0,. rvtl'!'oMS ha yt. a vttW of ~t..:JJJ .. ~ Coii'nt back hue SO yo«. can ",~tl;1'I

get a heUer look ... ~fiI:lit.!l!* .,~.ff~1t.3J!iW'. , ..

A delivery boymir,hl ~r a gUm~of hi;n. ilDlAmV'f


24 U you SOlly iliait a pla!ct: .geb $!lOW,. mill·, s..mslhine. V+ 0, NO PAM.

Ot(;., , }lOY mean d'lat h~,ua]~y t!as,that ~ of~!f .~.o ~~1'9t {ore::t<ilmp!e ~t !i p<Y1~(:ular ti.rneof yat. ~( ... ,*.!!::\.}. 00,

We ~ a .wJ uf.sun 00 the ,wid"h ,(;-oast .•• .iJ!ilfl1:E~lII!·~

W-.'N :re .Il i«J1 mit··· Sco1land will be sen-ing fain shis

~m1. $ •. ~.3:!>l"jflt* 11 - lit' PJi •

25 I f ~I. gd lli f:'I:"Wk or &wade. .~ Me g]ven .it [[I ... lest. V + o~ NO, "M!;,

,-- ii'lfO~

or examinaltion. iI· (., '·f} I: }. ro,.I 8m an A ,minus. .. ~

,I.., 0" .

USiU ~ iQ.1NF. 011. [fir .. -lOO, NO PA$&f I~ a:JINT

'!I + 0, ·U$l.J·~T· (LI' qf, NO !"AM, NO ThIl'EIi: i'f""",,",

~ pi~ up

'\1"+ 0, ~I'+ I"RE!? TI:IF.N /7QMJ .".~. of. NO' pASS. NO' ~;~


1"" T -1"" A - ... You .hai'ole J:Ose' 1 ZO milrb w'.PUS. $;

4S<3L.ilJ 120 ~;tlrlii~~ .

26 If )'(liLlg.et to do solttt!hlng .26. 1 yoograduaUyrea.cll a stage in whiClhi. you db it, 01 irJI which yo~.il!Sive .iii. pactiOJ~ lar~<!<fio.::, ftt]i.Itl:g. or k,lmr. iI· 81" .1!;. Jij ( :.lit l' M'it ~). 100 The kids ~Jd haloi'f' achatwf to gel to ktww him ... J:3;~. if: ~ A ~.,fi m ~ il. Ui. 4b ~... The .Prime U~n.ist~.,. WI w Jw~r Qlt~ r~~ •.. 1t:il1ftitlJi'M? ~~iI ~ ;.. £wry Ctlptud city in tIM world i3. gettingJ" look like every (;!'1lM" .. ttI::JI...t..- + ifi8.iiE4.': •• J:. ~.Ilt..H!ft[ .•.• J go.r 1,0 lIkerhe w1tolefdea... .!&'1f i* ~a «J:.i!.-1"-B1HJ~ 7' ." 1 got to' hatt! mrprise;s .• Jf!I~H~ ~ ;& M- 00'." T e, 2EI. 2' you eventual]y 51i1~ in doing J~. ~ ~ (JiltlJjJjtMf:"·). Ea We never gm te ~ )UIii. ptay, " , ft'Il1}}.*5t"·'1llli~:t(t:8i··· T.~y all SOJ topiay "md'i~ roles, It!1J.ru3tIUt.7~;ffl.

271f y@ll get tore ~~g.you be.oo:mea parti:cu]M k:ind of pernvn (If t~.,!j£'-'(.f!lI!'Aiit'J). 100 rm 8ft~ ling ~o ,be an old ~n. ~vis .. , •• Ii. ft .ilE. R iil:t! ,.~ l' :€*.++ You may get to l¥ a Cabi~,~ officer. ". ft;;jiT fill ~ m.» -:ti P31111lit. &: ,.. Pegler's manMtrrs W't W be· 1l mliiOMI SCQndal ..••• I~J!-fi 'h.il7 i!.1~ft~ Jilllili. 28 If JOYKd morvm;g. go:ing.wo.rling. de. , you· begin roovj[lg. PIg. working. etc, :ff t:. eG We: .(4tfl ~ ,~,(\l ~I movins:" " , .;& in 'Itt 'f i! ~ Ii ijJ ~.... Get digsi1l8! jft!Hf~! .

:29 If you ~ ~.oa.pHrti,a.lbr s. iili )'OW' nrc. ~r. or [:Irtioo.yoili :ra4 tI:~:IJt: ~t.age. JJ:it ( A ~ , • .!it , f.i f$[l ~ a'!I ;J,-M-m). E:(;I You ha~ 801 to ,an !mp.tan~ :stage iii yoorcanD. . . 1$ Eo@. T fj): ~ 11 '1*'119 - -t. JHA.··· 1 gm. U$ ja!".(J$ di.muln&ling "he P/J#;" •• flGK¥IfHI1J1mfi • T .. • .I had Mped this c.(JtivtrsaliQ,n ~.ldn·t even, get this Jar , .. " ft ' ••• :IX if);: _ il§' ;J: ~bI:: :jf l! ~ ;li; .. " fl gm to thlt poim where we Rtl'rtl: ha.WililS 10 ,skare desks , .fI~ ~ JJ 7 fi {f] ~ ft~;ttIJ ~ ;~U~}!IE~. We'd only Bo,r u.pto su~ge. three.. a ~ ~..If:. ifIJ'lf ='» .

30~fit gd!l. to a part.nc:WaII'" .Im.e. it is dta~ time. jJ { ... ~ 1m). ro If golto ji'llt: ·0 'dock .,. e ~ 5 .~ .• , T ..• It.htJd sot 1.0 Christmas mOl'l'li1t8, , . .. B;I2R-:£;!@ 1S'.f.. T ...• Ifs geUing kue. IB~:m1!t 7.

31 If you get a jok:e or tlIf' ~i;n'i: of SWil'ltltmng tharl:is said, yw i.lr.ndeotatlclit, ft. ~ IflliJ A (~. w at aM ~ ~ Ji. .. ) •. 00, I tried 10 l'tll.r~bady you; Joke tmd they didn,'l get. it, .. ft$t.re~m:I~~ii&~~~JAIlJf~-m;@:flf.i.::F.·+·l don"t really get tJu.poinlo/ the stwy ... !UIi:Jii .• j[~ 'II i41":t(( • Ie<) J:. n ... 'I don 'l~t y.rJU. j he $IlJki. .. ft:::w; ~ B~~.~i..,"M!tt~

32 If you get ~~o:r ~fQ,rrnatiQfl. 32. 1 yoo oot;up h, ~~ly by ~ some: ,deliberateadWn m. 0fi'W itoob~ I:a]tl i.l.~~(m.~.). 00, Harry switmed on t.he' ,ad.iQ< t(}~l lhe il'ueJ't .iIleWS •• " lJ# .!~IHJ:3T~ifm.~:~ .lilA&. .". I'Ji try ond get the infi~iOl!, fW ,VI'm. • .. JJ jJ 1.;' i:: n.I!i'T m .m,. 32. 2 you .rocdve h,. espociaJ!ly by hawng It bf01.lght to yotj. by .aoothe.r pe:rsc:m, C~~ A.~ ) -~J Qll8. ~) ~ 00 He ~. with ~ ~n Wfl' gm (M 1iIe~, ~tHf !ruiS:+m.1Ut,8~:Jm~m1f~g.

33 If)l!iJUI get an ~U~, or ~.ase, yP4!I. be(.'(]ffJC ill with it. ffI- L ~ iff ('fij1). a"O S.k£' got chidwl pox. tiI!.'II 7" *- t!J. 0

M If you gel a traio.bl!.llS.. ~~tt:", youle,a:""e' a p~ ot:I a. p:nticular tFoJ..i~, hm. ,etc .• (!k.*")~ eiWe .KWkMw /pslWich: and gm' the train to cmc~ter :~' .m fllt ill. .M .... ~!tHt~.1c$iI3·M~W·M* .. • ~ do ~ ha w:w go kJ ~'l .the pla~,! ~.:ff:ru _ JI~* _t is M .,

315 If yoy ~~a P:J'l;,(l!) Qt-;yurn.a1. ~. ~:ed iii!! GAAcl"l· mg, bJilllg. or W(t.ilJg tl'tem, MIE ~ e~;;lm. ~ [W. haps thePQlkegat·him in dwe.tul. ... "tt!,if'F ••• ~iE~ fei\i!l. mt f:t 1"" Do )Ow think t~ shark gm&n?ft: \.l~ B~.l:iiJe*M:~T ~?

96 If sornetwtlg Fbi to ~ ,i~ <:aves you to S1i,:!~er phf$i· ~Jly Qr me@~Jy. :mr ... ~ 5E ~ ". ,00 Thg f~t~ ~!id ba~che(J;te ~U~f;g etl! me,' tt(.lkI' ••• fiailiE.~.~ #11 ... 'What go.t 1(1 them tJOO~,. or/tile' ~ an ~Mbil~,iy to t:ecmu:Ue: t h:e..o:e t MJO thi¥" !j! IIll ~ ft. ru fti 1IiJ. It] ~ .x.11rM ,f1I3! M' ftf *11 +

3:7 If som'CO.'lllt's. !:dm:v1our ~ytru, itMWOYSYOO. «:Ii' M .l!m:e. 00i It's the htmilitm that gets them ... «ft!!!. If] ~ J!.I tl'i ~~J ::@: ~ •• iI·,· What ~u moe' is .rhe \My i:arWl imtiie.f tim; Pm foscifllttea by Jw h~M. jf; p; ~mM •••• Q~ft~kTm~*M.fi2.~

38 If yougei O!!rn;~roo !TlI!l!g3Zinc. you. n:gw<ildy byyill;, C~:EJPJ) Iil. 0 e.G I wm to gel • The TImes ~ but MW I get ~Theqi:.101diatt'" 'Jil:;i;t * § $" ~ « •. 9II§i ±:fR ~. , U~H~Z4J~(J!:lIIt ~.

3'9 If)'On caU get a. p:artiC!.IJar radiio or tdev.isioo ~~, you are able l(l !l"eCC.ive broa.d~1.S (rom it 00 YUUJ" f<1ldro

V .. ro-rNlf


V.,; "," •. IllIW. NO JIMP.ER. =~

V"'f .lliG! = I1I.iln

'!l, i!. y + toll 'i~1j


v +0. V 0000, OR "I"~ Ot "" (jQ<')

V.' O,NI) lMPER. NC'P~

v ~ 0" NO !IMPER. NOfN!S

= .;:.mt~

\U Q, 00,!'AS'!> ml"!/[(tt" ~

"V·tOO 1l~0

.= ~,r!!io!"

V+A(I .... } 1't .. ~

v ~ 0. J\IO 0iJI:4T I PASS! J.MI"BIlI: flaJlMl'

~ lM!S

v·o,~~! fAS.'l

= .rli!l;~

\i'-f '01 ~!"l!SSt JMff.R

orr ~devi,si(J1!l. 1I!i, .. ijlj[Jlh,!&.fiJ!J~"oo, ,We con't. '(W',I BBC t, '~

0'" :;; PIC" "P


.wI If you get ~1TIe01'lt ,~ or to ~U' ,yoti mJ~ pHR, ViI

]!I'I meeli[!g' the:r11 without at1)"Oll'e e.heboeil')l" ~nt.". [N~

0' ~- ~~ ~ ,~Ib.:,

~ Jt ( ;Ill; J..). as She was nat a cory per&:Jn. UfJ~'Pt wfwn )'IOU could gu her alOM ~DJ1Ill1y , .. tIP,;,l';Ill;:~

l":fJ! W:S ti 11 ® A • 1'* ~~ • fili ~ a 00 j!i !J: 8i 1£ -ii, ... 1/ only I (~d ge.r )tJU. U) mFtJ~I" ellift.iII!l ~*,H-

.®ttRT. .

.t 1 You aIJ1I I!J&e yon eel :iruread of • mere i!l' or • there art:' I't.GI+ N<i

to say rhat SQmu::t!mng exists, happens. or taR be ~K.peri~ ~.,~ ~

weed'. WI wIlE. eEl YQU g,r ~ ffl.!hercu.rlOUf

,e/fects .•. ~.~,. ~ "'.I~ ••... In I~ Finale. ytm

8f'~ ~',rW gtQ"ndal ,~'ody ~mU' SibdhlS e~r w,,~e. * it

~'if !il.»i ~ ;t tlJ .:tI: IE ~ .. qt.

42 The ......arrd F is abo usedin the ro.l1bwing e:xp-essiom-

.$ m T 'F JiJ:lj m: 9P. -+.2:. 1 II fu.t.l say tfu:at 'you :weget1h!1 ~,VI! SOIIiJeWherc., gdtiDg ~ • etc •• YOUiIiI",{,; taJi:iil1g about m!'~ d~ ~,-or the bck '~fp~ tJltatyoo are li'it"I.3Jcing, (8!):ti{m~):l!fi. w NowM~re getting somewhere ... I!T.m..i!E« •• '-~:i!.···Yo.u"e IW'! getting aNy""

.... e wi'~'h this plan . ~~Jt+ttilrif;;~*~.!it;U. 42,2 i'W(, VB .If )'001 say to ~thal a particular type ofbe.haviour OO~ 'I'iI11 get them ~. WOOI~t~. tkm atJ,JWJJere, etc .•

you are expr~ll1: d~ppro""a1 .aN1 .ad\!~i!1g ilienm. !'KIt to

:beoove i.n that way,. I<1" ••• ;r; ~ iff it ~ :flUtE •. m Rudtmeas.

Kill ger )"Junawhere .mlf:£;f{.~·\$~ili:fi" ft~~-ti 1$.

42.3 If you get It kit oot or w.WII.ethliug. ~ lim:k out. of PiIfR. VB sometru~,. etc. • you expertenee dlat amount of pleasill~. I~ S<lJtisfactm. or 5timmatiWII from :It. h\' .. + *:.ma Cd;)t

~ j[;!Jll m ). IfKi Children gel !1 lot owt ,()/ these l'i-sits .. ,

• 7fJiirl~J!JA1!: ~~Pil.lIH*fl@fl;:.~ .•• Hejs .not #[~

ling the ,most aIoiIt of' /iisr;el'ati,ooships, fliJN-1i3E:ft.ft.ffl'

fi ~ .l! ~ }l:: .¥ .42. ,4 .If Y0l!l say 'HmovllJdo! (:IID)'OO PHIR

g!!t11'. 'Ifuw sbllpid Qil.yot,t gd1 ~.ett., 'jI"OU1 a!J'eexpr~

j[ig your- surpise that anyon.eoould ~ as: Iud'll' stupid.

ere. as tbe pem:lQ lbat }'Oil .~ talking about. cj!l!:ti 2. @; i! £..m:rtl;C~ •.• )? E(ii·.How da:ft mn~uget? 16>:lL~,~U:

"*- .. '? .42. 5j,,u .1101. as .Y'OO call g,:;t it, as ~ • JOII. PHRI 1).H) AS C

.Ci!m get n, ere. m.ca~~ ·~·ll!A or as accurate mit is ~~

bJ!!: to ~.c: it. ill n:tMU'D fi: 1'. EO The fluid is as bar

~ }IOU can set it. ~.:f$~,:tI T. 42.6 'Gd~lumd, pt PHIl:, OI'lLY ku.otted. s:etl!o6t. etc., arre V'i'"<t"V (J!lfil'im~VC' wavo: {Ilf e,,~ IlMI.'ER

-- r ~- = 00 yoIir I'!~

~i:ng COIl~mpt [Of .someone, disagreemern wi·th SOlTle-

me, OJ' rEfusal lD &0 wmetWin.g, II! .Jfl ~ Ii; mJ ~

.u TIile WOld _ is also used ~j'] the foJl~owiJmg' ErX~ffiIil. wrudl Me expJaineda-u ot~.cr platts ~n thflil. mttioflail¥_ &f j'fFf"fjI'J~ia~, :K~~ID.*@JA;M; Mlf ~ ~:*. '" to get DO ~ Q~~t (If ~boOOy: ~~. ~ t(1 ~~ ~-

fug~ Jf!. a-add~." to ;getso:meone's ~t= Jl!.P~. • In

!DDl -.t a kIOk. .~.' ~l .~~~~- ,... .-t '~~R m~- - - _-. ICI

___ . p. __ . __ ,g.~ ;~ -...;"_00. ,'0 ~~ !!H!I; ~. x.

~o .. to-. ~' 10 get, !K!. piIJy. • ~o.1Ift ~ In

sol1Lti!:hing~ .m. nstdl•• ~ogel in the way: :l. way. '"to ge~OIJt of the way ~ J@. waY. ~. to gd ¥OIIU' ..ay: j!, way 0

.. oo'_~: JIJL ~WO 4.4J M: 9!. gdI... got.

get abovt. ~ It you get ~, you go to' a lot of diff(:'rent .PH:RASAL VB,

piaces ~ part of ym,IIrway of life, i!rlM: ~:iih dli :lIJ:::tfH!" 0 v-!- ~v

It ,t.." " :w;t '1I:I0J0d

m . ,ean t ge.~' 4wUt·a;s much asl used to. ft;;r;M: .. M

~iI!#IfJ~I8-r. .

2' If~WSigeti ~r.. hixOOJilleS weJ~ knoJ!Nn.as a rcCSiu~t of ocing ~ald~.I] lo~ of peopk. "lWWdfH. I~G S~a'rI:,l.ing "u· mours bqpn to ~t aOOut in .'m!Xt .to .M time" 'fj:A ~. I[ ;flI;.tJtl:.fHf T •

pi 8Cl'l1SS. WhE1iJ ~,t!f1:ing gets ~ ,or W.hml you.soltJe'[nil1ig ~. you suocmr;l .in I:I"lJ3Jki[lg otlhler peop~:e unde:m:and h _ ( t!);1( •.• ~ m. ' ··tJ!;M 'fI!. ~.G We ma_.

to gei OUr ~ i!llC1'CiSS, ~. ffiI,g. ;I: re f.t fi1 fJ • 50 M .1'.

.get af:ter. To grt .after· !iC.1l1OOPE"1!le0l1ilB to .rr-y' to catch I'HRASAL "VB,

, ·_U L_ ' v .. PREiP'

tlhem. e'SPf'C1.t.ny Wu:;1iI they m~ commuted a ,CI!"i.m.c. is! "]lQ~

·M. 00, 11 if their job to gel aileT tire 1!inalns as /a.It as

poss.ible, g tk':iB 4ftI!Ii § RJ.;I! fit 'Ill; ® ~ *.

~ ahead. If you Rid .~. 'yoY are· ~uOOC3l)ful .i~)'lJut NilRoASAl ,"",

c.aJl"t:er. 1I1.:m.r! ~ + ~ The brjj)~f:""c"no... rnan can: ......, 'Ii' -+ .IDV

" ;- ~ 0"" ~ ~

ahead quickly' in industry. IJI 1- 1m ~ ~,. *-E A •• 11. ~ "ild'!!~

I:ikJ!- iUI.!i1;~J.

get aklng,1 I r you g!t1. aIoog with somoone, you haw .11 rrie.ndly .rci<i:tLOfl8hi.p with dlcm. C!:;j· .. } .ft1 II: .fD k.L 00, They just can't gel· toge,the, ...• it.«1.;1'!~~*'·· 1 .USed tO~l(l.long 'N!il.. y ~ "With ,my boss .'lllii.l:~ M .... g.II ott

:t:tst 8'!IJ:: .. :J..::f'm.

2 If ']'O\l, 3rt pUlps, :aIq. w:iili~~lng sucll a.~ :it t33k P}~ VBI

..1_ v .. AD'i/+- A

o.r a ma.dlUne. you are being SI1'ClJeSSful in l.n)i~g it (If = r;!lIE

liSiliJg ~t. ~*~~)mN. EO. How art!: you. geui.~ aJa1lgwUh

!'fllRASAL VB, V.,AJ)V. OR V+Afj\/ .. ~"j'. CL


it~~~ '" gl'il~r

P.~VI!, V-fAOY+A

C u.twl 0!Iir,~); neu'


rite ,mow phot(>-copier? i!ii.Jjlil:l;tEj!Jmt;fiHI.¥~?

..1 amllDd.. 11 1'0 get ~a problem ,O!t diffkuhy PFmA.1lAL. 'I!Vi!:;

]lle,an.s tClillYEr-rott.Jci'l.. ~.IR ( W :lI: .~ i. ro TQ help .gr!1 ~~ PlUl!', HAS

arQund thisprobie:m. some tailiare now equiP'{lftd ~ .~0U1I!I with roLla'. ~ 7.&!1"·i*i!- •• ,~~1Hj[J:.:f:.J:.

Tilt!: •

2' ~f VOl!.! .get ~a rui~ or law. you ijnd a way of 00- fig SlJ.metlilling thana rule or mw is, i:ntt:ruied to pn:vem. w.itho{Jtaaually b:rna!]ng tbe !rule at Jaw .•• ~ •• :1f (iI'! ••• ft~)~

3 1f rn:'I'!I'S plll'Ollllit!J., i'i. Ibccom:s. W!I!U known asa remh. of b¢wg told w· rots of~, <mj,){Wff -e, Qi The: ~ S'taned' to get aroulUi dbout the.' awJliI/ 8£',r.plS lor I~ n:ew lhow. *rJiT1it rn .*Ilt;l;~~,,1IiJ B g.:;t3f.

-t. If you ~~, yw visi~.,., Jo~ o:fdi:IT~rent pJ~ as " ... ~ "ll, part of .~. _y of rni.fe, iI] ~ ~ :iil! * ~ ta fi .. lEG She ~"~'?~~I must ,be .~~e Mget .m'Qund, .-~It"*ta.tUl:fi,.

.. arnmndl to.rnfyon .1II'lMIDd to slJmeth~ng. you everu· PHRASAL VB, lua.lly do· somt:t~ng that )'OlI.lwould M.vc lib:d to avoid v ~ ADV. Ii'itE.P

doio,g Q..rlha1t ywwtfflmiable ~o do bdore becawe Y{IY

wert: too' bl.!$Y. 1m Ifl iI1fP.1li. EI], I only £01. around U'I tfk, •

ins this a few daJ!Y ,ago. Ji[.~ Mlft;t. !fl,t>t[ii] It T ~f!t;


get'". 1 To get at somctilirillg m.eam 1.1 i:o !I~ in ft11~ \liB,

J1eaclJing it, .~.=.~.o 00, The goats bent dmI.m on ;~REP' lIM t~if knee8 to ,get ,at the short ~. lliI4t1iE •• Tl1l1lt

It~ •• ~ .... L2l0 Sll.cceec;l in ~rirJg·tbe b"uth ~VB, ;ioo-ut .somdilinf._ :I: 'W ,m '!II. lEG 1 m~st set at the :.:.sp:.:; JeUo'w's seerer: ft;·~~:it: M".+:i!:1f* ~i& \I.. = fi~ ~

2 ~f you get :ilt someone, you ~p crrti.cizin,g or teasing rt~VEI.

"b~' ""~1"'~_j • ~ ~.~I • [.fIIi.'] ttl ""';'1'm:J'", 1W

tnern man 'wi&Uw, waYj aIll[UiorTI!I.:i!J ex~- 'm. rill 1'A.'i5

!ill! ; .ft •• w Yau ·,eal..mys: g.euing at ,me - @:: .... ~ ~ ... fiE =1Iit'1i .~ .


!: If you ask OCI.lI!Wt".Itbe whi!it t~y ,iIft getting at t )i'IDl!i. iIU' il'K~ W.

askjgg tbtm to ~m what .,._.~, l.i!!ua1I.'ii ~ rRa'

">OJ)," :t in5.imll,uc

youthirdi thae they are iDeiHg W1¢~t or am Siiggsti~ft.

SIl1nlethling that i!J; WJ.llrue or Uf.I~2!i:r , ::Ill. EG 1 del'! t kl'W'W what j4:l~. are ge.Uing ,!Ilt, ft~ • .ft:Ui!.·;l!iit~ft:P. it

.110 .

~ a~. 1 If you get.away .. ~ .1yot.!l' sueeeed ill i.eav.iflg a .J"HRA£AI.. VB,

p.~ace or a ~1l'Si oo~y. 'S1f~ lEG You've got QM!a'" "'''MY,

_. usu .. JP"QII'li

from home ... !t> B § *n it T ;.. I KW' itching to ~'t

oMI'Uy. ~JHI.it. \.2. ymJ. g))awayl7or a period oftilme PI~WI, i.n ordc,r ttl·l:tave a boliday _ ~~!:lll i( Mil). EGi Is the",,~y v ~ AOV (jM:~ of}'O'U geuing a~y thiS' ~mmh? <tifIxil'tlf

m.~#Hl'dr iP1 w.q,? '"' if~!JJ get ~ from. It aU. you • rna,V!!

!lave a ~o.liday mn a platt that is ~ry d.Hfea;04 from ~ ]f!!"'FLIlCT:$ platt where roll I1iJt.maJJy H\oIt': and. worik:., Mme.",) Ct.

• q;JA. !,:liIi.;g ,8 .~~i'iliM-i'l. EGi Get a~, from it all

- fly to ike !il.m.shine! mllit~M-m:j'j,'U'if - "l.,IlIIlil:!t

~.~~~*~M~! .

,2' Wk-n rom,eone or~h.i~ '~ ~" 0Ii W~!l)'01..! P.EmASAL VB,

geE tht'm ilW8)'. thly ~" .1I,;Ift; a. ~g They got V.,~ -!- Al!>V a~y thro.ugh M"n Barnett ·tgani.€n" ,. -1id!.f!il1ij!: ~ 19 Ie *'

j:: jJ;: lI<.I ~ 1if;I';lN. T ••• George Wl:llin (pi a'lom)' andis'

presURltd ,to be 1~1I'lng ,n ~in. 1fti'!' • tUf.jJ;t T.liiM Jlll>G:.wi§Jf2. "$J\:Jl, .-.y.

3 If }'Oil get away from something. you do liI, job or ;1i ta"k ~ VB, dlffen;:m!y (rom the Woly t...b.ail .i~ 'has been, done befQre,m JH:. m They 1KU1U',ed ~() gef g:l4Vyfr-om the rigid j~meta& bias of the {XU'" iIi:fmm.a~~.tf+ P:-M#:~lii]'~f1' It ~:t:~.

4, If JOU :s.'iJy you f:8D"t .get .way from .it or therets DO get- l"HlIt ring ,away fmI!II smm':tiDui!JJg. yau arc cmpbasi2lins the £act

that :something is trLr<e; ~i~fm:tllai~, o;;~_ [fii] li M:

£1!: ~"" !Xi. OO! T~rf! 's nq W!uinga'HoQ}' from t~ lac!

dun Jheyare beu8fO"rgani:zeri zha.n: W'I;!' (pe" fdi;,llllltftff1 m:mffl,Jtf .il!:m~ttlWilWli.~.

5 PeopJe 5()ilX:'I:i:nrae5M'1iy·,Get IIWBJ" 01" • Gel a,way wU.h ~

, b.._ 'k...., 'L.._ iJ..~~ ",""",00

,YOUI to say w SUffiO!lJfie t~l.ilI.t t .... ,. c;at'IJ]O:i: f!:t'rnp.tww!id ["'" ~~

JI,I!;;~ ~, ~rud bQ~~l;_l1ey t~lt ~J~~ i~ jE.; fwJ~ or 1Jfl·

true. ~ff;~lnel! :tUUI;! 00 Get a~y! Wemn't kaye

tbtl! ,~i1i a1Iltl '! ftm+*i~.Jt.Mt •.

ge~ =-M1IY wi~!h. U' you ge~ ~ witb ~wmg. )'Qu <U'e ~ \IJ!"

not iPU[I~hed for OOID:g ~tMl you should not do. \i+.ADV+ P!iI£P

~ T ."1' ~ It {J!H" ji'ij ;P: ~ ~l:d'.il J;iI.IJ 1!lllL 00; N"Obotly~l:S

d'HUJi' wi..th teal'Ittg my COQ,' • - - iP:IIUt:.fl; ~ *" .. -& l* m is

mmlf\l··, fie mighl ~·ve bribed mr - (lad got ami,}.'

with ~{" irfHi!. W e; M :ii~rn- Til - ar Cd it ;q 12:: iIJ sm. "W

_ ~ ~th munkt·; .!ill ldltl1:la-"

~t back.. 1 I f you get bad!. t.o ~th~n:g. T" l }'Q~I an ~Ii PH~ VB, l~ same srnt.e. oondi~iOIl. ,000lit_tioo~Ml)'Ol..l 'W'II!ft!. itl, V+ ADV~i'<:!

= J!:O bod ..

'befou; ..j;J; J!. ( [6i;.!tHt!rtt :!i ~ ). EG &ldie· M'nua to g£t~

back to sleep, .. ~:l!! ~ ~. - "F •..• Things would SQmi.

§t~. bad U) Mrmai .• & $!.~ ~ 1E'Ii J: mE ;t • ,. 2YOIil. PHiRI\MIL 'Iffi,


,... y PR!;i1'. .HA!!


• b~

PHIUiIiAL VB. V ~ J!,I)V e : (:Ift

"II * JI!!:N"' ~CL

'" FI W!!!l!i

v .. ·.AD'V,. 11"+ PR:.(;;p !HEN'


• ~k aWil.f


start taUcing ag,ain aoout 80r0e'l.hin,g tbat Jot! were t .. lJkiir.l,g aJbol1,l~bJfir\l:. .IHJ lJJ (Jij\ ~ 'J fa U). Hi Let ts j,rJ~t get back to ,are a~m . .. it ft; fI1l! Ii :1f Ml' j.-f ~ ~ .« , Shegolback to ~lfm had rMily ~ lor. JI:.J1. m ±t" • .iIi M; ill ~ JL *- '&\1 • iE 61 MJ '. 1 - 3 you s;~rt ooi~g sometfl]!1g ~n after you have s~oppcd dOing ic .l;1i:1f M .,. it H' T ~ .I. flo 1$). a. He e1Mn.r~llygol bad: 'to' workapht - .. - f;i, i!f T • lIrW Mir T. fI; 7 a.e a. .lHay.be· ~ co,uld get back ,r,uo jou.rnalism. Iitfi$"lif.~. ,Ii liE II] IT II!m~

2 If you .sumetbing [bIICk. you havt: i.t again after you iavel .. t itt ,ooaftel!" ~nc Iw taken it ~:rom you_ ~.1lI ~ Ii! 1m ~!MI: 00 • 00 He W()!'U.ld get wd:; "!ilis. (')[4 job , .. fjg~': :IT ~ liJ J![* I'i'll ]I: -w .... AU .he lWiI:I1U '£I' de is get his girl f~iend bad;, ,fSRI!. •• lI.lUfBMj1: Ma: ~

3 If·you gd back. you m~ away ftroma~1l Of a plao;. ;if *'. m [lyou ,oonte ttMJ' me. l'J1~ream. Get bacJr.. ! -i:~;IH~i!i .",fi!J;;_P.~~ .. .i.E:ff !

'"by. If you F1i by,YOIl jusl ~ In survive and ~Ol.VC a fa~rly :salisf~ life .•• i[~'i!ht!Ji.li~H;fi. 'E!il,H:e had ,na~ W gel. by withouf 1nUl!:h readir:J8Or wri~· ins, ". fiR1i'LIH~:'P*.i!!!i .*S:fl~i1~j.~*iN ,@~'Ii ~~"~'f"J::!B~:"1 ···TIrey slide through life. ~ning by as besl .d'tll'Y oon" 'it. f] II: 1t5t ~ :II\:l: m .. ,fi;. Jt 8f ttl::IIZ. fii'J: cUT.

igd dIwm. 1 If :somedling gels. you do.wn. it .~k.es yuu unhappy. I! m. * i I!: 'It. U.. lOG The quiet . fPl them down.", _fi~il"'II!#I!.tn.§.JI!:ffl!"'· Ifisn't jmt the .KJQf:k llull gels .her dol-tft. -+. Jt-M m -1:. [!JJ ~ 1& -OC.ll I 1t..

2: If yOl!l get ,down, you .Ioweil'" yQut hcdy wlti[ you.iilfC sitti~ or lying 00 ~tl-re· groWld, If F ~. 00 They gQt ,down on. ,rMr knees.", it flll! l' "F *' .... We gorwwn ,on ihe ground, fiHn ~{£ 7)1@i .L •

3 If you pt sonxt:hirog dowm. )il0liI wlite ilt. especially oomething that has jilSt. beel) !iaiid. li""f; ~ 1" ~

4 .~ f yc:ru gtt foed Of" medicine dowm.. yoo sw-.tIklw .i.1. G· peciall Y with d1i Aimlt., ~ all! ~!lfQlimal ,e:~,PI'esl>Qj- [-m] .[ It }) $) :W ""f f·1I "f. m J ew~umlly ~ to geltht. tab2'cts down. ft!lf =f If; i!i }t. if 7'1' $; .•

get ~ to. .m.r)!1;H.l F dowit! :to ~t~ng. yool;qi:ri1 dbing .~~. especjaUy 'When it ~.sorol";~hing thatreql,l!.rns a lot (j(M~lon_ Jfiltll.'"tt.:.d .t.~. SG I got down to Iot-Qrk _ . , ft *:1- .. r .C~ *:r:.flt." u.r's .ge:r down to bus; ..

ness - II f({lHf frir iA ;CIft; -e •

pt in. 1 If a political~y or a p;l1i¢~~ Itb m., they are elwted. ~ .ia;.. m ·Wha.~· ~ld Ltilx)Ur ,do if they €OJ In ?".. WLI: J: 1t _t £;r a-tlfIi§ .• HI fi1i'l< ffF: ~ ft ~ ~.? •.. She 8m ;n by .moJ"ii'!. i~n 5 • ooo....otes. i*'! ~ ~ 000 $, It ~ ii.

2 n you gilt SOO'lerhing hi, .YOU~ 1rO do it at a l]1]}C wihl:n you are very busy doing other things. m o'ij, !I;f ~ • {Mil}. ru The idea .hW' tQ' get j'n a Uuiego,~f. ., • .:1:: ;«~·M"Wit~~n-'~J!:..~~N1··· l'h;e'l~t i~~lJ the Iro,.k t key,gn. .i1kff1 Ji. ~. ~ a.jlra:l ~ SIr:fl JC. '" .-Ii: ~ .

:3 To ~t 'm..1p or tbe ~t in ITIMm w gatbu tt.ern f"(1~ ~. land :mcl .~. tht:m. to a p:a.ru.ruW- p1att_ I&:MI ( n:".) . !EGo They mtnrl'Jd to get tMOO,wtSt. in. fII1i,fn II! Ilk 11£ ••

4 WnJ;:n ~B>. ~. ~" etc, .or the ~Ie tr.!!vcl- 1.i11.g in "I:~m._ in. tlMy arrive. (~:$ .• $:Jt1'UI~., "'-til, ~ d 1:. W IrI«J. ~) III ~. m What lil!'l1e ~ l.he coach ~r In,M .wu kmJMoi? . , -B::.~;J:t1't *·#$.lItlJ!l. f*~ it 1f!.1 •.. We get inc a'l fiw. a:,'f.] .5,~ .nll •.

S ~f }'Oil gri so~ng in,. ~ eVCiNUilHy ~ to· succeoo [I'll saying somd:tilirug. wul1y beca~ a lot. of people Me ookJng at the ~e ~irn~ QI" ~ ~f! .iI;; Ulling ~ stop. • (~ ) ~ Hi ~ ~t /lomnl,M to sa}' • ~ I fiMll Y 801 in. "[sthat r~ ~ set of tM1!rn~li,om i!~ home" " , ."'. 1iJ;t;!I! iR: II=JI ~ • u,ft ~ Till! * it •.. ~.t£ * m w -lii' m ~ it Ij1jI • ~. ". Tinker had [0 get in .thti: i(J;S/ Kmd. l!jl,;;:;:m:;;rr;:

fdi 14:6 n$ ~ iij iI!. • U]I get a word in ~ys; !W..ways.

~i iii 00. If you .,t. il.nm~lbii'ig. YOU.~ pru'ti~ an activity that otht!r peop.I~ .are already involved lIh aJlI ifllfot~i ex~ioo!- [Ill] t.f- Jm ,; !/Ii ~. 00 He!f'lIo't'n #ts in an the pho'(~phy MoWJ' ._g :§!!: ~ .. J; m" E: R it:. ~ into. 1 If you .pt into $OlI!it':tning 3uclla .. a COIlVl.T.S3- lion" argunrent, or fl~t. yo~bt:gU~ ~t ;with ano"t.her per-. :ron or grOIJfl of people. 7f M ~ ., 1'- d.!l:}". 00 h usua.lly took ~ha,r ~on8 to get i:~w 112 sertOil'!l ,oo!!!,wrsalion .•. :1.1. .~.;e;.ftl1i_ * if1111d'!1iJ *ftt:illn -*F. ~ ~., .. ral~ H.!U)'S f)et inw al'~nU ~rh ptnplt;, !ft!.:t:.:IHiii! !ij4J,..~",* ,,~o

2' i fYOWlI ~ iMI) iI partiruLac babit ox- .i:\I. ~yof dQi:ng

V.I\PV" .",. = f~[llJf1o

p~Vfl" v'" A!W .• ,qllltlet

'" sa i!wi~

PHVi.'>Al W'i, v~ O"-AfJIof = ~m

i>HRAS.AJ:..vll" V'i"MYY

r~.'IIB, Vf~V.USU+A = <lI¥

~V1I, 01tl)f:R V40"'NriV ,,~

fHRASAl va,

v + )®,V J. US!IJ + oi .. ~~~

Pl'~Vi!, V;oO".i\D'V

l'~V8, OR[lU

!,'+ O"".AJ[)V

~Vi!, V •. ADV" IE'R[ItJ'



~1-lR.ASAl. VlIi, V+O+AVV

iiii 1i. ~I!

P~VB, v+o"·AIl!V

C bo"i:n$.ln

iI"~\I"8, Vi ADV


V + 0+ .ADV·,OR. "'"1" AP'V·+ 'QU(Jftl ! 1I.Ei'OR'I...aI..

'" eIU~ ill!

PJ'!!V&'I.L Vi![I, yt· M>V4 .ma-

n joJn i~


somedlllng. Y01:.!l b('gj.n to have that habit or begin to do \iT i',RU

that thJ:~ ill. t:hesarfl.e way every time, m Ii:\ , _'.1:. ~ [;;; -=dc!l'(;Liop

She 'J go.t into the habit .of sulkil!g . .. it e !I. !fit ih ~

~ It~ ~ laI!I·~ tI··, We tend ~·o' get into a CltrMlin 1NIi!I}' of

thinking_ ;&fntt=.a<ft*iJi!t¥~'5"nj\.

3 If you 9!! mto SOiT!ethi!lg' • .3. 1 ¥W wl/e lit ~ ~ an ~n~ ~ 'VB, terest .oF a. hobby • an mfo:rmal exprt'£'i:ioo- [f§]W .•• 1t~ v+PR8> ~. 0 E.G She go,~ imOo ht"alth foods and a:j',rroZogy, iUt

~II" ~ 'M .!!I :it 'itt;l1;, 7' :«. _. :3, 2 ytniJ berolttinvdl ved PI-IE!.i\&ii.l.. vB,

in apawli.cul.at k.ind. of ;;orotk ora.ct~vity" -'If- ~ , it};! 'T .• EO Y t .ma'.

Ht': .~ df'Mrmi.ntd to g.el .into Fttde:mli.st poli~i'CS, ft!~

,to "t~. n;.:E !l.« 1ft $= •

4 If you get mroil.:sdioolI, ro.~lege, 'or ~va1>ity" }'lJU are 1I'H_Rh...~ 'lID. aeeepted there as a pupil or stud!eli" ,. ~ ~]! A (~&) I • ~::!:a'

• .IC( 0 00 There has bee« a de.lliJ(Jrni '0 get into .riaw

sdwols ... :t:;~;ffT _t3:fi1!~:ffOO.j~:-·· fJanAn Jailtt/

to ~I illUJ mediroi schoal Qt Combridge. ~ %- J:: * ill'i!

A ~Jifl! ~ 11::;: R. .

5 If ]'011 ask wmt: has got. ·iJruo iCIDleooc. .YO~ meiW ~t dxy are be.ooyUtt.giil'il W WK!iJle~ed Wil'iy*~,wfor.mm exp~"Ofi. [-ItO •••• lEG Wkat:lSg'<J1 lnto 1titT"{ Jltr-t-fl! :MUr7.!1?

~t hi. with. If ')lOll pt bJ. With ,~, you. oo(.'Ol-ne' P~VIiI. fl'ioo.d1y w~lh thel'll. ofmm becaLL~ you tbilnilk tI:I.Ol!It ~ ~ ~~~7r~!' help you bem!l.lSe~y are ri:oo. or .1~1, ;iiJ".I!:_t~

~ ; ~ .,,~;R:. lila Slu:.tabs.~ care to' ~I in with the

people "*0 mauer .• mtt.1WJtR.~ •• A".

_J@ttoft1 If you gHOCf a bus. lraliu. etc .• )'OUi lleave it. ~ \l1li" "'F ~ 1};It R:$ , !k * ") + m When the tw,n fi,Wpped. he ~ ;;:'::1 AD'''' 8Q;r '~ff - _- .* If- 'if l' ~ • tl"F T :$ .... Gel. olf at Mayfield

Church,. f£.~~.It:l:r$.

2: If YOI;!' wt .~. ~Wg. you m~ yot.1f ·body from an f'tlM.SAL. l1l:, ~ien dUll: .yooo haivebeeo standing. ~tt:ing. or ~yil;lg on. v .. rREP

~ 1f. EGI Shes,f4ttta to gdl)D lite tabl~".. • * M __ 7f

.. T··· .He 801 ill! his blcyclt. (f! u: •• ,$..1: r: *.

:;: If YOIl gd off a. piece of .Iand., you leave a .pl1tce 'wflere P.NRA.'iAL VB" yo~ should net be. lit 1t (~i.l:Vi ~ i!\'!ll.ML1.0 ~ [ffi I !,old ~.!a.!tfl"~ them to gel oJf ~he uni~j'U)' ptayilt8 ftdds. ft 1I),j.fit!. n .1f*~lImiJJJiJ •

~·If you~t off'. 4.11 you 1,e;l\!\i>!lCIiI11!t"""ll!tEu_ ~1f~_. 00 !I'~ W, I ha ve to be' geW'WoJJ JWW. :lI 1'£ ft 1it ~ 7. ..·to gd v + iJ)V

off m .. ~ \mlU;g loot: £ looto·tIO get .!IM to. flying

:start: _oo. tIyiQg. -4,2 )'Q!.I ·are .IKJ;C •. ptmi$~d f1)jf ~J'J:g it ~~, ktw 00 rule. or Me given o.ruy a very smaUpUl1lishmrutt, ~-:t" :,''''' )!.(Fmi¥.:l)~f1L lEG Hego,f of/with. a 150fl·~·,·.- ftI.

R ~ !llna [00 ~.M':u::a-- .. · He ~p"~rg'~~1 ~hat he

hod ... got of! ~, ligh,ly. fIk 'J R.:i'l1i IS 4. ~ Ji. ft, 1tii:ft 7 -1:::I"'*t"

5 IfYOll set so.memmg off Sl!J(rJilcrhtF'g e12. you mmove it, ~cially when it .is stud. re .... J:A ••• 34:: ( .!Iii ;li:_ ) .00, , ... s.ralns you ~n. 'tgf!J off)tlUf skin .. , .... 1'1> tR: ~ JA1)t AA J: Ii: l: ~ 5. ,.. .I aa·n 't S,d the lOp off. fi; n::F:lfit 1- ll~.

6 lEyoy ~·a !et~ oc par¢[ off. yw .post jt.ifm(IIft:~ ~ \/j, -§. '$)" EG He e'ventWl!Uy got his'~ue"off .. · M. ~ .:r ~ ADV ~ li:3f T ~ '1i: .... Try to eet tkcu pd.rc:eJoff early so' it

rMChl!! them tonuHTOW, m1J.~elJi:Mf!1f.A\.W ~.m

t! (jJB2. jlJ f!!HI1.if IiL

7 .wr YCMlI .. get <11. ~ af dO'~g 0«. you .~mo-\le h. 1t~. !,,~_!, \l!!iI, (~. iti). EG O~t )'QUT smrt {,If I and ,let's .ha vt'! a look at ~",q,v that fJrm r-ight a~y. e~~:n~~T*t·liE~1n ~_LW

Wif:lNI"IH§ ••.

8 If)o"OO get oR -or &et oft to skep. you suco:::ed. iliii .I:lilli!lg I'.~WI, :ilSkepin Sfi~e ofoornetl:ling that rnafk:s it clifficu.lr IDr-rou .~+r:"~:: + ~ w sleep. ASI., fa 1 j,~~C(jI~'d",~~ ~t f)cflwt n,ipu. ~ aftIIHllqFf;;" •

9 If·you Cd off 00 ~. you bo!L:ome \!Iety excited p~ ~, by it j a very IiofOr'mal d(P'~Wn" [-m- J. fI.] ~ it ( lilt ~ ";:~ oM TJJ}. ffi Hereo.lly ett,j{)~ broMdng people ,up - Ju: rwJ~y

getS ,off on i~. fE&,$9 D " «Jf III: A - 1:t,. Mr - W; J!f A


mo YG~ can say 'Get(dl'. "Get y ..... bands off'. etc. ,to FIlm., ONLY

td.ls.oi:llroDe not to oollCh S()lmthins . .For ~~t.a, ~\fPER W'OITI:ID might say th.i.s to a .man who is lto~clw.ing her_ re

iIit: a9 ~.*. m Get }'O!:!It ha~ off. Ami don,tt call me

• love', th6:tU:)t'iU _'. 1f; 8: JJ of- $: ff • m.M Il~ ·ft .. ~ •

JtlJ'~ •• W" T n. Gel )lQlitr gr~'Y htln.ds off ,that cake,

it's jor' t~uw. >$l!!n'it.reg!J.~*iIf.i!k· ••••

~EJ.I~IItIi. .

111' n ~u WJ' $O~ ~ :l\O .~ .f!IIf. yon teJJ 8I!l'!l'lrotw .PHIl,VB

wbois lxhaving m m ,~1i~Y Ik<il they are IlOt as lI'Wuoc:TIi impo-rtant as· tbey think that dl.ey :;u;ej.atI: lihf~ ex~

pE~i:on. [-mJ~~ C~).j"'. ~ 1!ii:'-1: T 'f'~. €G f.slwuld

teUrhem where wgetoff. ,if.fwere }'JU.. IUf:~;$.1II:

it In~ flI!.fIl jJ Ell L;1 ~:fi •

PJiOVISlIL '1/8, V"'I'REP. NO· COIfl'J fMt'eRJ ~ASS

II'.~VB, v~ (h ADV/ PREP

~ .emo\Ol:


god oR' with. I f )IIOY~: on wiCih oom;eene. YOll Ibc;gin OJ: r.!'IRASAL'o'B,

t - . "_II iC,t' I ' '.o. t.il. Iii3 ~ H, i= V 4 A!)V 4 :P!n:1'

roITt.<l:Il]C or seXum n: ~ ',UIU~.I1'!P ,W'hu l~e'l:tL I~'~ .,. m i.mo • ~J '" mall;~ il ".q~h

, •• i&:: 1::t1 ~ f,. 0 00 Mike thinks I"m tty/Iig ta .get oil wri,th .his,r.rifri~" .m ~ j.'A ~. ft a: ·lit III ~. it·ljo:j y: U 1£. ~ tt.

~t '!ilft. 1 Jf)!'Qu get O!l 'W~lb .~. you havna friendly ~eJIIM(lQo;J:iip willI:! them _ ~ .••• :{(II II! mti. EG M!;)t/terlJnd I gel ,0'11 very weU, .' ~*~~iI:"1ij"f ... ~ two .communili,e,s are IfIQt pRfl!IJred EO get on l~ther. ". W:M 1"tt IX :f:1I:.1- fi [Ill it!! ti.... 1 ha~ newr been ablE .to get on with CyrU. !!J!tIUJW ":$:M.*.~;f:*.

.2 U )'fiM. ~ on witb sornetliiilllg, yotl oon:l:liMle w.llh:some· PHRASAL 'WI, thillg tll<'lt you mave started doing OCytDll :StMt wmething ~;1lI~~~ thalt }'Ull W"Cf'(;' abo\Jt w· 'do- ,. iI< J!l;1f Ii HI:!!··' ,m; r~.rcm ~ ~ "Ii wilh my m7:rk mq,s{ ~Nb. -" *$It~.*~0m.

.:t,.ff ... !Whop' »t\'. Cilngel on with .the meeljns', :ftfJ1:§1t

iftf jif J;;l * ~ 7 III!!L

J If you get ,00. 3.'1 you ba'l,i\e a parti,cu~:atr degree of~lI.t..,_, I'~ \IB, cess w]th sOl'llelhing tha!i. yell. ~ lfyi~ to do, I(!l ~:if Ill: ~ Yf- .... Ollf + A..1'ioICl

1 r L /1 ]~~

fi Aii@. 0 ~ I aJM'!}5 gel an Jar ileuer i . oon drti! w a .I: manage

dia~m;,., ~J!I~ •• ~ ~1I,~~lfi .ftA4.~ T ilff.fJ~

···How·s he gettirtg on,? .m :r.ua:m!~JH'iIJ? 3.2 yoY.~ :rURM04i1. VB.,

SlIOt."'eSS[U[ ~n your career. 11!:~ 1~.ilitJ.ti ~ ~ She'5 ,got to ~~v. 00 study to' get M.,. M.Jit.ro.iII~'3'.

4 IF you get 00 a bus:. tr~in •. ere. .• you get inw it..1: i"H~LYll, cz:ittn.$ .***). m She got em .rhe bus ewry mont. ~ ... ~~) ADV ing ..• .Il.~¥J:."&;ft~ :t.: ••• SaIne new pwseri[Jel's

~,.e ~UltJg Q/L-~.lfJ*.H_t.*.

:5 If )'Oil • a piece of cloth~[I_g Ob, yo\lp!.iltit !J11, if Jt ( ~ ~ ~, lit). e:G G,et )'ifmr ~l on. .. :g:..Ii: *' ftlJl ~r I;: •.• She told ~<\pv '~m to' gel .rheir J'Ci!U~ and gto~ on. tm.~ f&fl1.L


SIr :5Ol:I:I.eO:lile is geltii-. ,_. ~y .iU"( old, 1;,.~ ... II€G N<I<H;' PHJI.ASAL VilI.

Pm _seulng on I find the.~' ~ain a liule difJkult Jar v~ N)IV

.me, :fUI.:tr.t. -:rq::re;.Wi I-'An.1¥!M!·itt~.:tI:R ~,ii.~ 7 ~

7 If you: say thAlit ~ h gettinc 6iI], you ;mean tbattkre pm., AUX

, I~

rs not mllCh time lien oofOl't wmttlW:lg w:iJiJ MpP'!ln. Qf~

~:en ~his isa way of saying d]ill~ romemitw s.1old IDe dI::ln£

quicltJy - iii! rnu {[,r"f l::f: .$ T •

get. on 10.1 ~ f YOli get (III, to· a topil:;. you ~ to' it f.1-liRASJ![. VII, dur.in .. <lI.ledw-e, CQn~oo. ct(:_ tRW. ,jiii'+-)$fA V·4 AUV+FruiP

'" =_~I!J'

(~-;fi'8) ~ E~ That's some~hi~~'ll .fJf:t .04 toQ Ul the

future." It-.!/ii;~ilifti\*~.flJl~''· Somehow we gc.1 .on togramlXfn!'nu.ft, m:.f::m:w: a :M.~.~ Ii 5e 'di * J •

2: I IT you Itt 00 to oomro:lle, y.oo. rontacl: ~ in oroew IW PHRA£AL\IlI,

1I£k them to do som.etIWtg or to givt mcm. MiI~ lll.ronna.~ 'If" ADV -I I'ro::r tiol'!, rM •••• ,. 0 'EG, ru t¥{ ,on to he,. right tllimy. ~.];j 1:.

ft~iMlJl,l; •

.get. ,oot,J If ya~ Ifl outQf sollle'Where, ~I. 1 you n.ve .01. "'eh~.de. room. buildm,g. ~11C. ». f:$ f"'i}lF * ~l!ll(!JJ ffll. *~!j) ,11::1 ~ ~ EO; We gor aut of the au, .. ftfnlT T"-$ r" I tp!out lJnt1 examined .the .right rear whed" . .a l' :$ ~. T ti ~ I! ... lJrody go~ muo! bed·.-. $ .$l'll1I. T T

$: ... Get 001 oj here 'I • ~:lt~ ~ l'. 2you leave Oli p1!a,C1l be- ~~AL Vial,

ttl -t I..~ ~ --'_ V-.~fi" .ADY

cawe ',tlJU wan. (Ie _eave 1 , Of:" ~l!Se you .i:IJ1C rna""" ~o =.~ ~

~eave ~t ,..;If. roo Pm roing to 1Ji21 out 01 New York, ..

ll,tr •• 'Jf~~"· They told me,to get out. ftWI}J,Jil.tt

.:Ji: • • w .get Old wIdIe· tbe going ~ ~: jJ, goiD,g.

2' If you *' ·out· of irOInetbing5uch as an Qf\~l.llitiDl1, you withdraw f.rlQlJ'l k .iM II (m :fI .. ). foG Tht. ,Cnmm.on Market ?T1re.roo.!1e.r ~ se,JmII,t ,the be~ ~er, :;tt IliiI m .? ;&tfil.,!JI.m.~*.n.

3< If you ptoot" YOUgD WI pta,m.and I:rJ.eet ~,usual- r.HRASAL ViII, Iy i[l(ill1d/;r to ha'li'c a .~ ~b1e OJ' iJilll:eTes,tmg life,.~ V+ AlN.li'S1Lt+ it ~ { :j;:DIlI t1::3E ~ ~I.). m Get Old and enjoy }'Ourself. _ = ~ rul, ilJ*i!ii_lIttl1:fi*~··· You"we 80'1 W gee OIoIt and ~

fr$¢nxh ,~iiwli;.~~Mk. -

4: If you get someohing Old, you take rt our: ·of acupboarcl, I'HItMAl:. VI;I, pockeL bag. etc, {hl~f<O".}$!m. ~. Jk /pI ~t !~::?~RWI a book aM read... M ... 'Po -* ~., T ;IL*·n AJur (J

~:~~~*~,:~~l~;~€:ari~t md. YLffl'ltz

" ~ f y:Q1l!; ada, ~ta:]tl out .YOIl remG'Vt: it: from a slIll'facc' or PiEJRA.SAL ~. a. fawic_ li;iH~It.). m loouldn"t ~'tM staii!1 out 'if" o. ltDV ,of your ~ dr~; .. oft xM;ft!·fl;:Q:II:r J:'~:R _1l:J4l

, .. le~ .got sluff ~ptll Oil! i.t )ml can't gel DUL IfLt iilimi R.t~~tf~*WY .

6 Ie yoo gd out a It:iplIT. Of .l :!Ht3ternent, yo;tt prodtlal i~l I'~AI!. .... 11, fm:-prupk! ro n:.m, *:ip'~R~. ~;'The Amt7imn Cancer " .. o+.mv Society got aut ZI8 first TeptJll't ,in 1~54 .. _, "N.~~*

1E ] 954 .It ~ l' t:' ~;p. - 5Hi ~ ... .P1udllCl~on sdu!d~

ul.es Jradlo be go.f Old" ~pm)J1~.:&~ &~.

7 l fyoo 8d oot of something, }'Oi!iI ~wx:ttd. in avoiding !'l'!~ ~.

do:in,g SQrncith~ ~t ~ do p want to' do. :i8.. !m.lR. ~:~v"'r# ~ She a.r._~lPl ow", ofllKl$hil1ig Up' .. , iI,t1.~:iliI:a

~~, '\'+ AnV ~ v+ATtV+ ..... (~! liI'Iil~), Rf.C1i1'

= ~ ....... s

.. J!l. ••• We~Jl do .anything 10.geJ Gut of wrk. 'J".:I II I f1;1 ft fIJ, 11-1. ;I: f' 3 .t, *

8 If yoo get something ..-t, you m3Ji~ ro say StJ:ir:iIC~ PH~L VJ:i,

thiJng. often with diffic~dt.ybeal:lSe,. for example ,~, are v .. Q-+ AD\!' out of breath. <ft fj Jt) liIt.'t. ro, She couldn!l gel a

WQ.I'd OUI Jor the nwm.e1l! . .. ftt Jlt: .• - iiTI ~ Ill· ill.tF ill :W;,

." 1 had baret y go,t out my name. ft :lHi~ ttl T ~ a Mr


9 If oeM or ii;if<!.rfir.:ukln CdS.out. i~bc:tomts k~QWJ(i. (~ PI-lRA'lAL 'WI,

.@, ~ ~ 11!:.. Iroi 'f1ie I'l'.eM gat lMt~· in 1 he emJ', , . ~. mg. v + ADV.OR


~it~;W.~ * T··· The wtml gor ma rMt he 'lU'Jf.tld CL. NO.

go ahmd, • frtff!l "'";t;ft - it' 0 c:ot<IT

10 If you .gd oot !ilf .<1. habit or parltiicuilarartiJvity. you I'l'IRIIS_A.1. 'II!lI!

stop doing it. :;!&:#: •• #( ~tI, I!iib~ ~ 0 \1'+ .AD'V1' oJ

~ t)Wr.1 I r }'('JO get ~ an ul1ple~nt Of' I)....mrppyex.· PHRA.W. w,

V~mEf' perience OF an mliess. you IreooVl!t from i~_ (y..;:f~ .fim

~ 1$ Hl J[ iSt *=. SG Haw )lOU gDf o~,. ~fu! .$htxh? -', if; R!I~ift.~!fI •• :tt* TI~? ~se did'!WI Fl over kif] Jwm£sickness for somt: time.. , , 1ii f/Hf W6ltfii1!~ d1..j!,

;r:; TEla. ~;~,~ Iii·'· She's just ;puing ow:r mum.fAf. it ~e.iti:thH-T •

:2 If you .gd m'ruI'3, problem er diffic~llY. you Ova'IDlYie PHRASAL Viii

.it. ~IH.IU!~L mOM mIOither go, O\i!ei" dIU probIem~+~~ by IMvlng her mb;}' with .wmeone else, ~ W. 'H1; ~ 1l1~ e

t:J Ih ~ ~rEi!t TD! A • IA [lint lilY ~ - II. e

3 I r you ge~ yOllllr meamFlg ~ • people Undei."$tand Wibal ~ \i'll, you we s.a;yjng.m··· _. It ~ ~ If {I .• 000 He g9t his .~: ~~~N fhMning <W'i'r M.Io ,at the ./t>ttrth time of (rying - & fl.] ,n i'tl

i.ff719m4·re.,l.m •• ~ . _ ~ ~-

gee: .~ with. If yotl get SOlOOtiring IWtr mtb" YOiJ do 1i'tW!.'W.\I1I, spme~hjj]g u~easaln ,Qti:edjo~that~l be ,~"i.;1I. ~~~+PRU ( _';t'I'-~ 1Il1~mL~ ~~ ~M ~JI. h.~. En ,CaN we JUSl

gel !Jtij qut$tiom~ over wi 11J? ft fn.;Je llt·~ 'ill fIJ],tt ~ •


get 1"OOlld. ~ ~f yoo.geI ~ a problem or dimcul~y. ~.VB, yw 'OvefOOM'Je ]~. j£.(~.¥). 00 Irvillg go~~twi t.ht. ~~~.HI!!$ prob.'~rn in a1lOveJ ~y. It X 11- ff IiHt IrJiIJ 1filMlR: y.. ~~ over i!>i"-.cM ..

:2 If you get muad a f~.e ncl:aw. ytm 6ncl a W3)' Df doi~.g !tOmcth·in_g ~b.at .:i .l1!.Ilt, or bw its im'UdUrded l.O pn:vtnt. witl~., out i!ctuallly ~ that fl.l!le oc law, tt ( ... ,1E: f;I. ~ ) ~. f'. 1;1l She bleW them:f:~ to gel tmlM the r-ules co ttl!. mil ~{dJ1t1i~~ •• I~I~f.

3 If news ~geb~. i~ boeo::JmeS. wen koo .... ou;. a re-;YI~ of ltJei:ng wldi no I.o:t!;. oif~le. ( mI.. )~* 0 ro 1'he. word K(J/ roumi thaI M_mris MfS· gcingto England, ifim·g·~. JtI! • .:jIJi~~m.

'" l( YCl.l ~r ~ ~ne, you pen;wde tbem to aJ!iow 'roo to 00 Of to ha .. ~ ~mi'ng by pl.t:aSilrJ,g .~ OJ" by .UaUet!ng tllili!):I], )ij~1Ii1(. *' #;.):;ja@l: 1\lS (#, A). lEG .SIu! cou~ti.ar.l'rQ~ gel roul1d kim ~'!l a~~, •• m.~ .~IIftB;fUQ ~l a.

~ nxwdto. If you I1Iri iI'OUIId to sorrnelrung. 'YQ~ e~u.t· ~VIi,

alii d h;' I:luJ ld !ilIia Hal' i:d do- Y" ADV + i'tu;:i>

-' 'Y 0 sometLng . ~ you w01l ,vt ~, ,to a.vo" ~ gl!t ~d !!;o

ing or thMt ycru. were Wl3!i:de to do eM.liier bec3Jilll: you

~r't' busy d\:)jng (J~her thi~, i1t:i\II't{iiJ~ ••.. m /{. took

Jtlu sLt ~b to get rouna Ie ttl#1W me a:btmt Mt1a~

nit - ,_ ff>:i1 T it l'm¥!i' * I! .• t.t. tr1i. fI~ ~;ft ... I

did!? 't gel round to taAinglhc Ullminalion. .!IIlI;r:; m,

il"ffflJ * #jJU~llt;.

~t throogb. 1 rn f you gel: t~ so-nmetmng s~, as a task. you rol'i1iple~ it,. especially when it requires a. lo~ of effort, -f' ~ ( I fii1 :;, ). m 1,J is dffn~',~ to gel Owo.ugh lhLranwunJ ,cr! MKRk in: ~. ,a short dme;.. ::jJ. 'l£ 51 1. IE I!t!J ~t ff1J ~ =f ~. ~ 1.;. S RlJI T ft· .. • W( ,tried to get

thmugh, the_ wharIJpiay iii tw Mutl,,~ f.] If. jl. wi f"i

1'.1~ !W1p!J tr §ie: E ,U::~ .• ,

2' If yoU! _ ;l~ .it ~riod "ft;me dur~Whilch ~. p~ ~,

.iL '!I.' il'ftEF. HAS

~lliflg unplea.saJ:ll is li!llIPF'J'J'in,g .ym~ .Illlma,ge to Ii ve YMS

Wougl1 It. ttl:;! (- if ~ •• P'll,~~]). '00 ~y h!elJWd=~rvI\i'I:

me I!o~i ~hrough that lime,.. t'd!; 111. WJ fii ·Ite! l' fi· m

Dt ~... J/ow do Jakn a~ Syhiae:ver get lh.riO~ Min-

netOUl: wlnrerS?". '" ~ $, III R :IJ!&l;tf, • ~ rJII 1& J::.:l$ ~


3 If you .,t Ulnmgh .<1. large arnoU!liru, of sometili.ng. 'you ()I;)1ji]rJe~~ly 11';(:' it ~p" m ~. EG,Rt had go.t I.~ aN his nwney - ... lI! e&:!f ¥II M'~.~:!. T •• : lIP' through about six poumb ~th old.,ink. ;ftiIC_7-:;t~ 6~~" JACJtt~*

4 If you pt ~ ttl ~ .... l you. suo~ in

1~ldng dlt:m iL.U:lderstanrl. ~ fiat you ~,trying to ten t~. t1····lt:fl ~ e·· ·~II:M. ro f1ol<'flQrn, hew do 1 W!t through ["you.? • !Ii. ,. ~ ~ ~ :til ftfi: IJ)I!;l ft~ ..

mOO.14.2 you sl!1CCt'6d ill contacting thmt on. t'!J£ tlllLe- p:jiIRA&U VB,

:pbooe.m @ 18 CftH,Ud Vi X _t. m I jiml'ly gmrh,r;oogh l!'+ ,»d)'Y

at .rwemy past ten. ft~=f.tt ItO./!:. 2~ .,a.. ill. T _ ill 0



~~\i1!j v "I"Pm-.I'. ~1AS f'AS'>

= 11;ry~.~~ WfW11!!l

:t'~VWI, V''i' Al!)V. OR

V t~ tREf'OITCl.

= .Ft !iboo.t

.~YIlJ V' <It f1nl'. .HN> fAiSS

~, I"'rIouI~ ';;~~'

pjiI~.A]_, VB, "If + :!'aEJ'. HAS Y~

.: wao:I$ Il'!,oo.gll

.PIDA:SAL YB, v. PkE.n' •. 1-I:AS P~

= Itlm~

~VB.I V+Al>V+ iI!i ·~rtKl.

.. ~

5 If you gJ'l through Of· ,get I~' an e~im!tJmnl' you ~ ~.L :II M Pt iiit;$). ~G 1'hey hali'f!n 't got ,f,1 chance (jJ geUi,'8 t~ .... ftma*'''!lI.ilit;fiit···1k tpmUf~ If he., geu thrtl._u;&H. h. '.s t'oVO .... ' .' s!,f:bj:ec~thi£ yetJr. 4 ¥ iII1:

:iii~3!:i'tn~±'fi:I-~il,* • .g.M T.

6 If a law Of:' ~. geb tbrough" it is off!clall,y .appl'O¥ed by $Cffiiewi:llg such as <!Ii .. ~HlImeIH 'OO"mNl1t1~tt~, C{~H~*~)t.:ii;±_ roo 1f thi.s n:ew loWtU,e Paper g.et5 ,rhrough. theM wii.l.be no s:u.l:mdW!d ,m,mls • .. ~.:it it Ii~' B ,it '1$ .... :Ct. It 51: .f!j' tt fr ~~ I!i 7 ... The biU

not have ,bun able; ~(iI g.t!t lhmugh. ~~ • .ilt~

. *~iJt~IiJt£I~I~&.1!J:.

get~. 1 ~ people pt .. Iter, iliey ~~ u.. ,~ to dilSOllSS; ~thJing 01" (l) ~peOOl time t~theli", 1;f .go I ~~i it ~ • ~ 0 m Workers ondsuper .... imr.r gel tor

gethe,' to discuss .fhei:r gri;t;~~ , .. I A :fO. 'If .. ).. - .® ff~i.'·~"tn~'liIIf·"· Do YQ'U ~.hink '~.oou1d getro .. gerho $11 Chtistm:as"!, .. ~:lt.~fl.aiidll1J~-lt. ~ ~? • ,. ,(An you gtJ together wid!: Ht.wy to arrange

the weddi"8 m;epl.ion? ~'lIifn -'1IlJiI~ ~.-l' •• ~ .I~? • ~1lL pf-1¥'br.

2' If you iFf w.methitrg ~. ~ assemble it frDm! several pam. for ~e yuu bWLda machine er you form .<1[1. £M'ganizali.OO. !'DB ( In..); $!;il:<!;HUH. ,~ He'S spent a wh.oi:e after~ trying f,Q ~'l t~ lhil'lg t.rh~ er ... ·fI!m 1" •• --"tTLfIt!llt!,2:1.,*l!f!fl.g*·· .. It oIWW~J't~~ to gtttke comfQny ,t~J';" JI~ .ftlJ t:re~ 'iij m S'l. :8 *:7.. ttl:get 'fOUr lid togdhe!' ~ !iL


:9 If you ,.t ~y togd~. ~, RU(Jreed in gettin.g ,alii. tN: money that you need in ocdcr ~(l pay foc somelhirag. iii' *. 00 Al'nuut all of a~ children, ,1wt;I go" lhe ~y tage.~hw IhemseJveJ,.,. JL.;tM.R=JlfIj;=r •• ~ce:iX. ftlt'Et::~··· ~~ JoYe OOlle I,Q gd the lees.togelh~ er, l'ft;2.1:W-iJJ.lIi'H'.1f.lrt,c.m 0

get up. 1. If)ri!)I.lJ·1d up.. 1 , 1 ~ riseto a s,tatndi.~ jJ!OSilirnlw:JRfI ytN.l. fla,ve bsen sitcl.ng or 1ying do1W1l, lili!il.; ~. ®*. ~, .1 had to get up jr-om my ~r(}()i -,. JtmAJI!:-r J:: ~/iL* ···Het got- upolJ tIM /ZQ()t' -,. f@».:lE1ii. 1:.~ Il:l * ... Pl~, Don't getup. iW~~:ij'i:l*. 1.2YOli gd {,lut of bed, j§:!t! ~ '*. EO You'~ gm ,(;oge,t up at eigh~ o~dock, .. ~"~j\~>MA!:!W'" He ~ a'l+UJ'i!: the'last to' get up. f&~;I! • .rE--.i'jfj*~

2 If you get s@,fflE,thin.gup. you 'Of"~U SGITile1.ning such asa pub]~c e\!ienl. ~!J;i:dly witb va-y little puparatiOO! a rathcr ddlf~io:Ed ex~ioo, i[113]~.~m~. ~(3, An impromptu. da.na: wus 8m ,up in JW n..onow' ". ltiIi lit :h t'd!. m.~7-."~.

:3 If yoo get yourself up imt something, you dnss ~Ila par-

tjCI,JIlar kind of clothing. n i1lg :. :fiII.~. EG •• > .r.4iJ,. d!"C€n .,t up in spa~n outfiu., . . ..• _;t;:t~.1R. M Ii: =ifl", He Jw:d go~' JNm:J€l1 up l~ke aU. S. ~rine. I!m ~ a n ~ ill. -1'" .1I.$MutUk ~.~ ~ ,~ m- mgeC-up. get 'lip Eio. .1 f lfOU sa)'tha;~ somc.ot'Jc: cas .u;p &0, some.tIDng , you meom. lhat they 00 thiugs t~ ~ d:u~ ~'~vt: of :r ( if. ~ ••• ). I~ He got up to 8# sortfsof (hings., •• ~g 7tt:.·-- ~n ljound out what they .W'&i' w get up .to I W'!'IS tlibMlu:~ctly horrified. ~ l! A'. J!ftHiJitii MTrH9.~:q;.~ .fl;.i1HJl:tJ.~ 0

gd+;!Ii·Wllf ; r'!F~wel, '\ptJ~wt!. ~. If someone mates a getaway,lhl:y leave .a place in a.lmTry.cspco.Ia[ly alter committing aqime .• 1f '1<.:t:l:!UE .ii\~ ) lilt = ;Djj§. ~G J ~ busy padd~ ,r;,p 10 ~ m, geMrvay., , .ft:£ .• ,lt'lrt ff *1I.1lw tt ... They leapt abotlrd rhic getaooy car:J. ,.'{O • .1: 7 jI,i!tll * * .

get.tmg 1'Ig:t!~II\~W' '1 'Get_ is lhe PT'Olelltp<l1I1:icipll: of Rd, get .IfJJJH!1it'l.

2ln illi~ .lEnglish.,gut_, 00 fOt means the $Il!fQe @Sneady _ [It J ~ ]!!cM.ly ~ .• 00 They M ~ gttt.in8OO fot a nuwtr£d s'['(w:e£ In· Engfuna" .. It ff] m.Irl!I,.fi ;i.!it a * * 'iii fli··· The 'pl~ct. mu:!il begetsln.g on far Jou,. hrmdrtJ .,.mrs, old. it1'-JG1r-~:fjilIJ!Y"«.e9m~ T.

.t-ib:Jgetber •• gd .... ~ A .get .. t¥1ber ~ ,an :informal tJfJeeting or povty, usua!Uy arramtged fQ[" a parti'JlljIlarpUF~ pose_ (~~.iE:Jt¥}ti:~).~. 100, We're :ha~1ig CI Uule ge.t~ t~the{" '0 celelmlte Helen's promcllcm .. ft:fJ*atitfi ~.~ IJ. tl]:IIl ~ ~ ~:1 ~ tIG" 'Ie' rt!J' B ft·,

F~" .~"'llJIS.. A getmlrp il; .a s!range OF Wlll'im] M!:t oJ clothe!: warn by ~ on a, partiwlm' occaooion. t( f;f:lii!: ti~,;t~;1J·ft'og.[!.it~ ~ if ®) ••• EG" •• AlbenNmte:l ,ina Mwcan ge,~-up smq/(ing a ,cigar - •• ':9'. En Jfllll ~ .1111" '1UiI:II ~::t -i~ti'" ~JIE: ..•

~W' pW igj;u'lP. ~9l!"- ~ \gjIU,g:a!. :pwpws.. A FWP'WI:; <w attH.ct]¥eand' br]g]lltL}'~rul~ Qfi~t Of pje~ of j~"""

P:.H.P..t!$Al \1'1., v ... ADY I PiREP 1'l~

m'RASAl. VB, V:J;:.R:G + AJJVI liRa" ~It'!iI>~

PI1~VII, 'I!'.rut6+ AlJJV. Ji1~ v + ADV·~ v ~ .MN .~. A ( ""'{it), ~p ~_'~r

~·.lh v+Q+.q)V

" a.5IiCInbIt

1'1~1ViSA1. ~, V*O* AIJ,V ;,~",b~

~l!.AShl vB. V+ iI:Il¥.lJi;'tJ+ A :. !II&Dd IJI;l

r~·V{I.I v + NJ'!/. (!Ill V+Qw Atlv

=- ri6c.

f~Vl!'L ",·f-O".,u,v

~ ilr.rlllil.F

~V'EI, \1'+0 (~t~t' ttl! ~

:. tic ""I.

~VB, V+A£i1'!i'+ PREf' ~~

N' ()(Jt!'1NT, m:u SING




'V ~ Am)V" PREP


" ~!J;Efi!J.!!


,= oo!rjl. fit

NOO1UN'T ~ !:riro!'!U


eUery that ]s of ]itdevalue. used showing disappw<vaL [If.JM.f~::f'fi@~fIrri.C~.:i:). m .. ,.0 bag of fancy ge~~ ..... ~~'~ •. rtJ.m1Ql •.•

gey·ser /lgiij..3~\pi3./. gqsml, A F:ysa" is 1 a hole .in the f.ar~h·s Sil!Jlfface from whic~ hot· ~~T a:nd steam oome .out forttfllUy. mrLl.i:lltyat inregulaI' imervals of time. Ii) It. *'. EG _ ~ • S,~eilm geysers ,ad hoE' 1IMJit'1!I" spri~ , .. • ..• ~,OO.i~lU!f[lIHi': .... ,. volcan.oes' and ~ysus. "'KW ;fII (iii Itll!fl! j; ...

:2uli BriJt~ Eaglish, a device [or providing bot water', 1lt!i1lllliUy a large metal cotlJtaJint:r witl1W3!ler p~ and II, Ps i:lurne'f ~rmde. fixed to ~ wall of a bathroom. Of ItitWl!:f.I, [J!:](~!l T fill. lim ".Ifr\J I.*a,·~ * ~'. Ki, ~, mIS' a geyser aoo~ rI~ bruh .t§;IrJ: i!ii:f!i 1- ~ *.'.

GIIa·Mi... 19a:']lel;;,nJgrn"~.1 Somettim1g (hat ill· ~ bckl!"l~ or rda'lIQ; tQG~or to its ~Ie. 1m !;PI (.A) ~ •. ij(J • , • G~iaJ; ~ciat!S. !mWJlI:!lif}lta.

2 A GIianRi!m is a f'!C'fSOf.iI who ~ from OMna. :m:ll'j' A.

ghwt.lf 19:f~dll! \g!'I!Stb! 11 .If yolt s.ay ~hatso~ IE gbMtl" 'you mean that YlDl) do lOOt Imke thetnatd. dlpea ciany be~ll'ie of die way thqfbeha~. (ti' A). A ;;f: ~ BI!J ; 11 £It M. 1m .. , t~ g;ha.'ldy /h'tlt8(Jn.- Sman;s.. (lind ~hd1' idk;n ~tJ:, ..•••• ~.+ A iflJf.l1t.i#:JIl - »i!:!it¥~~ iii.! ~'A VA FJ.li f'l ai JjI Ii 00 fi: A ...... Gh4$.tly,~ 't :flu!:?' '" tI!:ftln J!: ., :;III!J?"

2 If you say thli.t ~11ihing jg. gb:atlJ. ,2. '1 you dlliinlt m;at irisvulgar .and poor il!1l aJ'Witi(:st.yk. (1;;;t M.tI ).1' m IfiH~ ;i;M, .1I~L ro, ..• ghastly 3CQT,ret Ci.ptft.;'ck, . .". fi ~ MI jt n.. ... '" gha$tly clfia blocks. . •..•• 11: Hi ~ #.I> ~ *_. 2. :2 yoo~ thar it is Vt'ryt~e.OI9MJt to bIllte" smeU. hear. (if' klOk at, P!l II ~ )0 ~),. i~ JlIt (a li di· HJIJ.

-"" 'ru._ n.. ...r- -_ ---'I f-. U :"~J. t-\M1' dU '" a:t.,.-tiy'

E", I T...,- nr'" j5.a;:~'_" 0_ .JU .. , u.'Ff'~, '"_''''' .. _ . w' .ril~

s.ighr - "" ~::i!' iI9 JI-M'il •• 00 iJll!( ••• J: -ii: ~ A i~ ~ ... - -. a ghndy bowl of Dtp. ··'-'UI .. Btlti~

3 A~ye~i~~ or sltUllJt}onis ~ tha~ }\'l11 6m1 very unpka:rutl:.t, .oorex.ru:npJc bc:ruusc ~l makes roo unhappy or embarrassed, .til~h~·.It!i'·. 00 .liM a ghas!lY mQltU!fU f thDught she .H.t'U ,going to mk ,.ta nay, ..

•• A- •• ~m.~.~~ .. ~«OO~*"·~ wa Jan'·, l-IR thi- "''''"«l-''~- i/'-- had h'" ·-ui~

,Jot ...• "'" . _.!;f 19''''''''' .y ,, __ 'S. .JUU- -.1". qt

tl . ,. ~ ill ~ 1.l:r JUUIUf:!i:Ita<J1 iii! ,.I!; fn It jJ;: ~*- T .is: ~ 4' A1i!tl &lJ~!'L T. ' .. ghastly lo.~g ul'gumenrs .••• -i- J.fII: :iii ,tl~m TlaI;I$if1;.

,4 If sometrung Is ~, lint atJ.pear.aru::e. it m.ales you f(let af'tiaid. becalK ducre ~ 50liletbing $tr~. wunatlll"al, ($ tt:v.~t .aOOHt l!, z·tIIl ~I iiiJ ~I ili'lJ. ~ The .gtmt Janp gleamed a ghmtly whi~e. , " .!l1: '* ~ !of ~'~.l!i[ 0;1 ~ IS jt .,' They j€rk€ti thrmtgh rheir ghatLydeince. r he

prieJL the _n and t.~' CQfl viet.. • ± . ~ T '" lU m

~~ifr.A'TMl ~'i$I~J.H!j,.

5 If SOmeone mb~" they took 'vory iU 0:1' IDilLhaippy, ~ @.+M fBCJ : 00 iIf II w: m ~ ro Sire lU1S crying. blowiTlg he .nru:e ami t . simply ghmtiy .. ~~m_·", -mm JiM.4I.ltiC·f:j... A-.~

6 If youd!:'SCfibe o(:veJIlih,slltl]aJiffllS, or nc~ ,as ghwtI_y, you

mea!l!l t~l tl~y wvolvt sufrtt.ing oc deo:l!t:b, <.~J.~."M # ~+ti}dl'~ I 4'- A.(t~. m , .. the ghastly ~(}llhe

mur:der x'f'i!6W:J: M.E Am s. 1'he 5t:efte a!te,

ehe bau/e MoW ,drasl.ly. 1\t;£I.,z~~ ••• ;;r;~ •• 1'~tlring IDalt is gtIastb' is 1:::d~Del~ seVttC lin irs eITeas- (~. )8t:1t'-.1~. m They.ruuJ made a ghastly Mstake. .. M IU]' T -1' Ii 1c iII« 'N .,. . ... a new and

ghasdy ~c slWl1l .• "-~.D!1I.~.M1!!&Hfil.

gber.tim, i~k.Ul!~'~.~. A'~ mil small green wcumber whLkh ~.~Ii pickJ~ in vim::gru andIis ~cn· as part of a snack or mea]. '.!j .. !It JI1 ; • .M JIL E)3 . '" ,crisps .~rki1U". '~._ .. C(ilCktail ,Mia~. . .. il!.t1# ± 2. it .• ~!IIA~ •. JUfIll7f IIIIft!JJj,~i$J!.,

gbd40 !1!J:tou~ 'gtl:O!. ghettos •• ~- 'The plruraJ ClIIi be either ~ or Por~, • It'"' p~tai iI g:hctWf;:li. Aghdto, i!ii aptit uf a town or city ill which mam:y ]»Jl" ~e or !'ll.Mly poopl!! il!)f a parci~ rll.Q.;i. rdigroo.o.r ~tiooali;ly live; m ~cion from the. majpr.i.t!{ grot!-p iD the WW.11I or city; ~. PowiIlg disaWn::w.affi" (ft JM' ~ tK I $' 1:1j!,:J!~)~I!6: 0 ~, ft'~ !.l~t this blade kid ~wi:ng up in die ghetto .. , €~rIDi/;.it.l' 11: $t ~ {K * ::*: 111:) .• II; ~ R!J * "., .. ghetto tife in &.irQ~i'! ciritU •. , ••• ~ iftt" iff ~ pf( ~1£. ~.~ a:ti~ffl··· - .. slums alild gJw.u.0& ...•• ~ ~ ~ $!I1-"ft ~JI.: .• & g.

gbrrrt ! ~JSh gostJ, gOOds, gbosi.i:ng., gbo6ted., 1 A gbost ill, a dead .~ OOat ~ pt'Qf~c tJf!,j.u lbey ~ ~ fed tk preli.l:!r!~ of. ~ ~mrl ~y ~uaI1y find f['.iKlI1u:n~ll8. Jt,~~ .il,. 100 ... · t.he ~1 otMrs Dowel, ••..•• JI$;X i:,~

~.~ .~~~.

Ii iXll}NTIr :Ij- .aoprl P.l1lCI';

AD.1QU.MJT "i?iLi.~.~ ~~I

AIIlj OUAUT '"' tr'~lrJ'

Aru Qj._!IALif .~ rc:p!l~vt:


.~ ~."wt~!

AW· ,QUMJT 1'1 fr.ishtu!l~



ADJ QUlAffi11'li'i :fiRED

= ~,,,,,~Lill


= I)mliifymg. pm

ADiI 0UALIT. M:I1l:lB J!J"~_

" Klrm.

f,lOOiJfm: 1'1,,_

tl OOI,!lm:

11 iiIIi!'Il'8J1i1iio~


t: jl... Il-er ghmt '1MJuld' .haunt me ,(~U my tife" .. :It IQ!lJ .. ~*'"~ ~ ~''$! •• ...J: .•. I M\':t't belie'wi", ,ghasu ... ft: 4'~lli:ft ... • l:kl,}IOU kMW any'}lO(lId ~: stones: I;

til iI ft -t..,I: P'll;fl, it!t .1I!iJ? • tI'.Ii!. '~y Ghost. ., If you ~ PHR:: AUX

'Say tbiM: wrneo:ne kdts Ub 'they hwe':K1ea iIil ghost, ,you mPLF.CTs mean dJa~ they l.ootvery sboeked or fr,igilt'tlxxt .. _t * Iff"mWJE.I-IJ~JFl- ••• £ 7 !«IOO"T.

.2 A ~. of sometJiuiing Isa faid!:: trace of 'it I a Fat~r lif- 1>1 ~ * "",

!:!r;Iif)' wam, [.)-ttl- ,ti; li. 00, ••• a glwst ,old smile . 1"ll3UJ5~NG

., .. - ttil:~ ~

3 U ,¥OO~ say that SQ~ has not got the ~ of a PHil; WilTii ~ of doilllgS!Ome'li:Ung, you m.eal'lJ that they haee v«y :OM ~' I]~,IC' chance of Sl,u:ooeding 1111 doing jt= an il'.lfOtmaj ex-

p:rt:SS;ioo. (m]{ 5I;4!i) - B (!v;~I'Kl,) ii]f~. !§G, We have not

lhe gho,n of a manu a/changing F'(1thtr';f wiN. ~U1~

11 iN 1f R * ~ .11, .' .

4 If you say tOO!, sam~ '_gi~ ~p ~~ goon. ~ P,H!E:, ViS mcaJl11!:hat they have died = an i~fo.nna] exP:fe:s5i.oli, (itt J ~

n:. .= die

50 If'Jl'OU say tl\i~t .a madul]c has :gi,ve:g uplhe ~t\ ,YOUMR,VIl

'- • L~_ .......,.'I I.: "_-'I 'L_ ~f\W]Rn

me'rultl,lat Itlli;Ri Stop.....-wDJ'lUng propel:"~y a_!I!dj' C3a:mot LII:;' _ dIii:;. ~k (lI!!1

rnpairnt (,m .. ~):t. s.:;f:,.:JIJ ill" i!:M= ,mlJ;. Ell TIre ear ,r.oak u;s across wrope. ollify giving up the g1u)S.l in tlte last st~sof hv joorwey. 3K"H'!t1f· ... J1tff.HIJ!t1!\\ tit! i fJ;.l!~!l:m~.E,!ii"m;t1l-'f~T.

16 U y(m i~ta boot or ot~,er piece of wr~ting;YOliil w.riJtr "If 0[1

It tar .~. woo ttlen puts tbei:r naree 01:1. :it, lc'i!;a ( k " ~;m~

.,,) ~ lEG •• , a famous pl(J.,Y. amJ e~nthqt ~1w.lf

ghmttd .. , ..• ~ w,~.t 61)* .Me JlH¥ W ~.&:fl-.J!!-!h

A;J! JJ ft:!1 RS •..• He published his ghosted fflenwll'S ina

Sunday neh6'~JW. M~ - j! ,1; .: '" 19 ~«. 1: 'ftJ If T «t

~,1'Il IIJ!A 1\:,_ M EiJ ~f;.it •

post •. 1y /"!PlSdn 'gostl!l. &methllilg that is gh!Ist.I~ is Am@-'J.JT stigildy frighr~n:ing iin it!; Oli~~' or effect,. because It "'=m',!:l~~1:iI

dQe$ not ~m rt-' Qf Mturnll, fI R , tf II A ) ~. lEO He

$!'lW' them far Q!fefhwd. ghostiy ~nthe nux:ml;ght ,.. iii

tLJ: IfIi il!Ujh: ., JlJ it iIIil·, n ~ ~ 'f IHI tJi Rolf A ... , .. a

,ghostly laugh.,. .' .. iiI 'fa 1M If ~ .. , ... ghmdy rumbUIig ~.···ilYMi¥Ji.g:~ •

~t. town, ~ tow.M, A gbo5t ·Wwo is a ·ruwn which NWtmT W,<IS .(D(Xi.bw;y omdpnWlperou!! bU'~ wruc.li. [pOOp][; no Inngu

l.ive in i~dall.y .~. wh.e.re d[( buildings Me sci]i iitaru::l-

!eng .• _~( - ••• ~)'!UI 1!'.tf!Jw. •• ~'" (J g;wsf

to'l!ln in New Mexico. ···Ii.lli.:Hi ti'=J'-&!&!:d; .•

........ ·-wribl, • .. ...._. ... wri~- ,~'-~- ,-=.~... "+ ,~.

~. '" ~... .' ~~ ,&I!!~IV"""~"''''u.~ ~~W.l·'t..~'1I Y I.,,;!'

ghosI:"wriUm I alro ii~iIm as one W'!IJlfd" ~. iiJ· m f1' ~ .1' ~'~ If you gIlost-Wili'iite an uti.de. :spoow. otI" book. you w.fi.te it. €ar another jlf'r.(!Oll.€DI'e.!Wmlple a po~Jddim or ~~. woo ·~bM pOOl~ or 1i1iCll. tit all· W at" her own W'Oti"k. ft A 1'j $ •. !;G Tlu! speech ~j' in jdi;,' mQ$# Y ghost - wri tie,.; by SJ,od(",tan" iZ •• ~.~j: *- _Jt)l: iii

lO1ft:jt. ft~· !'IIJ. 0 ~wtU_. ft.A~ #$:. ,~ ... a -0 N rul'lCOmtt plea of ghmt.lAHiting on MaiJ,t;r's Plrl. "'1.1 •• fit ~ fl ~writim::

- • .:t •...

ghMt""wnkr, gjIo$t-wri~ • .w.o.~~,~ M~~, ~iiF l'llOOt),.-r Illt-fl': - -i'"'jij. A gbo$t-Writer iii, S>O!"!'teO.I1t: wOOw1t.iJtcs afIIi-

cll;S. ~hes., N ~ for other proptt. -tt J,.~. W:W = V!


.gbou1/'!Jrl~gtlJ/ ,. gIoa&. 1 A gbOiuI .lsI aJ] lmagi:oomy evil N~

sjJi:r]~. cspeciaUy nne whiCh eats clead bodi.es ... P .~ ~ tll:lJil

,2 r f )lQU sa.y that ~ne liSa :ghoo], you rne3111 tEl tliey NOOUNT

an: jnterest!il in diu]gS tint ~ually s.!roek 100" ~t other

ptupk. sL!lidJ .llIS tonJllWe. death • and dead bodle'll used

soowlng strn:ng d~pp!,lJVld. [!Il.JIi)P:I; 1i.;f,1U tld$

~~)t) fiJiilltr A.

gMuilo isb ! "gJ.;Jlj I ~gtIhf!. Sotnething that i~ g'huoIII__sh i!s ADJ QUA!UT

fI_~~, .~

oo[l(:ernedi wit.h torture. suneilj~g,. Of death! l.I!iled SfaOW- _ mac&1t1u

~ng , . rovaJI. [ iMf ] Jl ~ pg. ~ Ai: ft ftj: .r£t 1Hl·. ffi

G ,-u.mows .raoo throu,gh tke c<Ji!tilmuni.ty. ~ fa

Irtlfi'am, ~ft iI 7!1 Tt.l:: I~. to I,J!JiICd of~le woo are ~ ~ iIi~

illteres\ed inru!I:h tb~ngs.. fIij. T :t\t ,lit. ~ • I1.~ .• ·MlA. 00.,

... l~'ghoulish desire fm' grisly delaNs, .. • •.. ftA fit] Ii! T.~·"'.~~ft~S.··· ... ag/wulish smUt! ...• ~ A

~ it it R .&fj :Wi. OgbooJb'.hIly" Jl JgJt j; ~ ,., :ill. FG She (.>;,vv 'WfJfiI ~ l,~dced he, lips g;WulishJY . .MI iiJ fllii ••• "'.

GH(,t i!O an ilbbrev.ia~i.o:f!I for 'General HtadqQften;' :~he N'lJ'N'C',()tr:N'[ place WD:re the poopIe WOl"k woo Of'garu:re mH~t¥y forces

Of a military ope.ratimi!lIa oo~it<l!!:y term. [~J~ ~ ••

Wtmrnl HeadqW!ft.en Ii!l' •• >. !;G She a,greed to ~.r

.kim at GHQ. at four- tmrty. ~ ~ • i" 4 :t£. 30 '.if ;a ~ iii

.. i:l ~ ftk.w. ill. , •. ~ of the poorl~ whQ worli:: th.;.;e, m ., ~ UN'OOUI'4F1L

.~ m 1jE . .a fiJ 4" • .I fli d'!l A. 00 GlfQ m:JUldnot oller ,an: .~ ~ aE Sl~

o/fi'C.ialf3€Jmate. ~ .iij. 4-.~'::r. f1! A.M, ~ 1¥!I fIt"t1f t!"iI fli


Gl . 'Id ··~a:I~J"";\m· GIs. A CI is a· '. \1ilnt~ ill C ..

_ ! · .. ·51. ~ ~j, - - . - - . .!jL)Lew. __ _ mted NcmJJ\IT


Sta~ ~j("my. ~ I!II..N. ,EG ·TheGl hadn't remowd his cap.: .• +~I!l~l1II:'lI·.IIJGI··· Eigiuy Gls' W diM in combat. @O$31~±~~L7.

gi.;m~ /I,d,pIJatlt :'dgaJ~t/ ,pants. 1 A giant is an im3gi~ N'IOlXJNT

nary person 0:1" grealt~ize a.:ds,'tmtlgtb, especially one 1'1 --... mentioned in myths and dhiklrto's storIes. (Xm,",~f(I)L

::aM:: " '1" ,~ ) §: A. EG ••• storiesrJ/ cnlt!igiants and

wi,d,~d wi,tt;:~... • •• ~ Tft .• ~J !§i:, A fI! fi;5 tltI' ~ :I trJ ~

•.••. , . one-eyed gi~,~'sin Greek J~ ...•.. ;tltf.tt

~ ~~ 100 It III E A f(],... .." like. apQIU 'sarmcMiT, .... :I.

,1'2 A ~ ~J ~m~ :¥Mi "

2 A very ,ia.rg:e business rnITIJWly OJ' or,gar.U2.altioo is o:iien N (]OOJ\jI'f + SiI./.I'P referred toas a gl'ant:ill ~wspapers. m.ag,~hleS, a:nd, eOO~

nom.i~ jQUII",na)~L *, ~ UI ~ *- ~ Ak. m .. " (~ eilX(T'Qfnit;:.'S

giant, Hitachi,.. + •• @ T ~ §: fk a 1l: f} 8]' ••• • '. cr:»npe-

mion from the ,Am.eriCU'R gimlls. . .. * B 9l! ~ Jl. :ir '* ~

jjij I~ '!Il ~ ,., III ~I asouladj,ecri¥e, JIj' fi:1 m f1 ~. re .. , "AD! CL.<\S$U~,

l,h:e gillnt chemical €onarn, H~t,·,··It:* mJ'.:Ii ,Wf A:rntII),

t'fit, ~~;ra! ~ ffl.

3: Anythin.g that is mum larger lilian tbe usualsize can ~ N 00tiI~ referred to as a gWU. §. A = Ie e. EG, ••• a gf,a,u of a =,~ man wi th ~iVy whi It ktli,. · .. ·-tiL:t ... OO 8.11( 119 11, ft

ti-M fP!iA ... wed 3.5 alu(jJjecti~. mWJE:@~ 0' ,EO." gi- "AW ClA'lSJIi', ani Christmas tree«. .. ." ~ j;: Et!l ~ 11!: M •.. .,. 1m giant ~~ Post Office cmnputef'. • •• * *- B9i1i1! lmm. 'Tit. If.

.. Gia!ni' is used as PW"l of tbe J'J.I.VI]e ofsome species of ani- ADJ ~j¥, ~$ tfilat are dliffc:~Jl~ from siimillar s;peci~~ in s:ize and MI1(J!1I otht<Ji clwadc.ilj,stiCl~ a ttcbni01I term in~. [~t!lJ

'* 00 ( m fti' ~":li ~ 00 -.:Sf ). m ... tkegianl anlt(l,t-

er . •• .., *- • .tl; •••• ., • .the gi,an:t psTidt,u.. m Ji;:iII Ii •

5 Giant is ~. used toO dOO"ibe CVOO.tll ,00' s.itfi:t~ that Am ClAS5!r.:, art· tmIs±de:rOO ~o be very ilDl'port:arU •. ~Iy WDellltliey Al'Tru'

fI~~I, U'C part ofil. ~iUi~r pr~.(.*~}Iij;;,MI. m ... gi~ ~ ,~r

ant steps. in .the Cort.qlUSl Qf ad~,.". ···AtM~.:Rit!ril

_*!W W .. , ... , gil'll:i:t OOItSpi~ to ,defmuii ma'Rll:ge~

men«, "·'*"if1i~I§:*mil.

glib· ber ildg:loo~ \~IJa../ , 'gilJlJe.n. gi~. gJI~. ~ f v OR \' .. QUO"I'E you .!J1Ikr. you talk very fa~ and .iri a. C(l(!ft!f..ed ~r. ~ Wibh!;!.

often because or fdlir Of ~. :i, ill Ii.:£ 'lie ~ i!. m •

1m ... ~ me~ gibbering i:n,thtir 'error. ,. . ..•••

,iI~8m::r:: if 00 JL + ~ :fl'. 'If ~ II A",· -t shouldn't

haw .told you;~ £~g.bNred. " •• .l=Jt~fi~,""o

m ;t;i1:IIIHli!.. '0 giWW1l11· ilx&"ltl~. EG" • 4ribber~ <> MIT ~lW,

ins i'liiot. "'~1r~~ .• ~{I m~ B!Ii. AlTRIII

gih- be:r. isb ! 'c31bcinf.1 ~'*'nr! :is W'OI'dli: or ideas ttu~ do !'iI lllNOOlJI.t-lif

oo~ rmIu: mly .~ J ofirn ~s.bowing d.:is.ipprova] , r; ~

[fi]!It t ;It~Htr\1 ~ <lit m rR }. EG fI;e .W!U ~~lki. gibbe,r~

i$h . .. ~ a~: lJtAm ~ Corndd the themy be ~heergibbe,.-

ish7 ~~~jtit~~iIri' ••• ~ 1

cib.l:w;t f r dsm100t .~ 'dJlblrti. glbbe£$., A gUJbet. is ii, gaIDlows~· an " C'alJNff dId-- rashiml'ed worcl, [lB J!lUf!J J! .

~b. bon /191'00 = \g:a:banj. Fhbilll!!L Agibhon lis IllIiIl:miITW N' 'C'Q'UliI']'

that HVl:!ii.il'D: wlnlx,HI .Asl:a mld kobo J~ke O!! ~ but {I.pc

has [WU)iJl, ii ... (1'" Til jf J. '

gibe /.:!(siub;d3'Ub/, libes, A gibe ill a j]oc. ~ jibe: ~. NOlUNT

gil). lets ! ~d$lblClts~ \d3rbfutsl m:e the 'pa:nll. ·~uch 0liS the bei!lrt Nl'L'URM..

and ~i¥Cf rnal f!lU refllD'VC fmm :imide <! d:d~ 'or .other 1l jifilWtli

bllid! be fore yell a;d!; ;;md >e<l!t i~., .$wrn: ~\:; .~ the

,giblets. separately ItOo nwJo.e SOOP 'OF a S3!uU. ( _I" .. MI iff

~lItJij I» )f'1Jl~i¥.

gid.dy jl9ld!r ~ 'Igocb/ • :giddia". :~. 11 1 r)'OO. f~l Pkly. At\! OOALIT,


~~ feel ~nstead'Y and think that you art·aboI:J.,t to, r.ll! = d~. f£!jlll

over. rnul.lty OOC3J\Uie you aft) oot Wei] or are "ery tired,

:ike !f!l'I[~ Q i!i'!l .• , fG He hnd a ~ and fell gJd-,

ely, .. fll~.:Ii * II iIJ 1£ .• +.. Ht tried 10 ~1 up arul

faUm. f'eeling {OO gitldy.. • lit II tJi,~ * . m ~ ~. ~ i: mtl.~:;r;:iE*~ .,·uSoo of {be feel:illg or ~he ca~ of the ~. AnI! QlJI:AtJ'r,

[edi~. mTlt#,!~jf;:9;.A1fR" ~ It gp'~ him !1. giddy ·~:ill& je£li"W w.rnrn ~',rtXIlad .Qtd of' the wi,~w ... fl!!:1!t'II#I-

ti81.l!4·j!J:fii ~~ ••••.. , she giddy ke(u of the garage.

•• , ~ :$:,$: m 4" A~,rHi'!liI!I~. ~ 0 ai.ddi_. !t. ~ Iii; •• 'EG (> N lJNCQUNT

... giddiness and' sm-sickne:s.r. .".* .. w.m . ., d~

2 If :so:me[.tling ~. you .~, you fed 2, 11 s[lgbt~y J!i[ll' QUA-UT', worded and ·OOflf~. ~ you. aR trunk:ling b.1J;d or ~~~ ~;WDtu~tand lit ~,Iy. 1>-A:J:iil>~~M,~+A,it.;r:.

~. 100 l.t made nte ,giddy .to' hw.r :so ~ mlulie «naly-

sis. xt 0,. ~ ~ ",~, »t1i1l!l ft l:!liJ! III 7 •• u:s>edl of tbecause [110 ",,0.:1' QUAltrl of the reeli~. .m T :;t. ~ !Ii 11: mJi ~.I!. .15Il • "" thE giddy AFIiMI ~ights ojr;tSp:RlSibiUJY. • ,. -<t- A. '1111 :::F ~ ~J • -:k • .f!: •

2.2 hawy a:nod fuJI of~, ;'l:#~ It:IJ d' .!I.:IiH~nY:l'. 00, ADJI QlJ'AUT

The. Mwsmnde me giddy wUh en;Uonenf. :1i~La:t'~

Itli.! if ~ .!J;ll :WI,. II!- usa'i. of I:ht:: [m:.I~ng or me peliod of ,.;,nr QUAL!]', tirme tlw.t tl lasts. flHlliJ:!:lt. 'IIi'< Jt ~ til ill ~" !Ii]., 00, !~~~

. .. the atmo.sphet;e.of giddy joy ~.~1'l.~lt~ ~


.. n •• '. afltr those first giddy ~ at IWiiUL , .. a ii. 1¥ .• fJ.lI!IJL1'~.~~U9.mz~ 0

3, 1[1 old· f.a!;hKmed EngJis.b. SOffiI:;ooe woo is :Iddd;y :15 mainJyintercstlil in bav.iJng fun and not in serious matte,FSI used sbo'wing ~aJ. [11iJI, ft] ~ n ~ .. m ." ,ker h~'s ,giddy wu.rin. ···.j;;t.-1-ttft(!g'.»n.

gUl j'91fiig,JI:fV. gifts, ~ A Rift ~ iQmett.iog~bat: you gi'vc so:m.oowe a .... a peesenr. *L" + !:G, Gil-<\.': her d ,scarf as a till. ,. i! .II - ilk III Ij'il f); -"1 ~ . ., '... . .. buyj~ a gill fw his. lwisless .. ,. "'i:lHtlHtf]1e .:E.A~1$;N.#JI'" ... lhe gift of ,a handful ()Jpr.t~ ... ···.li!M···jJ •• 4··· ... iI gJft from lhe R~n ,ambassatlo" to Charles 11. .. • •• • ~ ;.f;;;.tIM :lUI.:: [:!tlJ-f*:ftNi ... ; .... ,a parling gift .• ;; -1i!f:-II6i~J.fi~ ...

2 If !;Cmeo~ has: a gift ror doing !IO:Iillethirlg. tbey hsve a natur.a!ahility fo.r dOing it, 3Ji:;.t1 JE.1.t. .[G Johnltas a J'CiUil ,gift fm ca.n.tal oonwfsatiun . . .~ •• ~ li1'f 1M! II:::l ~ ili:atJ'*fI ... RudolfW ,~hegil' ojbdng ii.kBi by ever)'"' one he .rifel •••• 1IJleAlt .AmAiI~.I1:··· .... htl gift3 w: a: $~oryul'ler, ••. fB~:'!J.'IAM~.;.

:3 In inforrn.a~ f.mgl..isb, if you say t:lw so,fflJ":thing is til gU't. YOIl mean that it is much cheap=r or mueh easier to do thoo. uw.aJ. c-mJ II it. fr I'l!ll * ft , • iHiH'e $; acn. 0; ro, A~ £ so U was a gift... _* ~ .R ~ 50 11 A fI Ji. ... Hmt exam .qUtSli,on- .i',W' a gill to Q,nyoM. who~d ~ the

book. -'HAiitB'X;ifOO'ili;lJ.;t *·'1ttIJAiIHtm:;t.3. T.

4 111 informalilEngl.isb. ~f you say that $Q~ tbi~ that t.h.ey are ,God's lift· to ~o:r s.omtwing, 'fOUlueaD dJat )'QU be-Jicve tha~· they a:r;e very .vrogaru ilIl'ld eeneeirm ~ used s:Joowillig stroBg ilisapproval. [fii.lt] G" III j(~' Ai e h if' JlL ~, A. 00 He. tlunks he is God'£ gift W MJtnm. ftS liHl '" ida:k 110 ~ t? ~ (t ~ •

gift.·ed /!~1i.1d. 'gdbd/. Srn:n.oone who iii· gliftOO:! has, a natural amliry to do something well. ::IE;;t ~I ;.;;r;:!ill Jt ~ Bg. EO She lM:lS a ,gmed ac~ru$ .. ,. ..- S x:t '9: !"if M ... He Km gifted ~with extraonlina.,.y po~r.'!i Qf,mmnory ... -

~Jt.§'~~A~iat~h··· ... tiw most gifr.td of all living

musirians '."f£"fIt .. ~ 1« ifJ .• ~ul:l M - m··· She ,is

~'Y gift,eLi ill .F~. ii if Nt. 1:. .. .a ~ fij •

2 is. more :illtelligent dlwI a.ver~ i .00 of d'tt;itdrtl"l. (;f,fi )[''');ft 5I(;;t tfk1U~. I~. ro Evt"I'iI. gifled chUdr:e:h, faU 10 progfe.s.s tt!lthoul gc;od teaching. N fl A j(J tJfJ :M. ~ • " 1!;J;;;;t )~. & ;i;itiIH' ~

gi~~ ~ wrapp:d fn prettY' paper in order to be gi'\len as a pn:sem. "HfJi".~ = @l'II1.~eJlJ ~

gig /~*gJg!. ;gIg!I, 1 A gig is, a pewf(l{]IllUlO::. especiaI:ly OIl!?: by pop It'1IUIlicians* an informal ~ _ [m] C:t·fij II- t *'


They sumtd ou.~ ,dar", {Tee gil' ~n bars. ,fBfl3f.M:n:1f. 11If!f;B]$tlt.IB'll.+~ •• ~.

,2 A iii: w • .ill SInai]. open mer. that ha.d tWO WlIetlll, a!IUl was pUlled. by one· hm':se, Q« fijI!' ~ $:. EG A. ff}.('m~ er OO'~ ill, hb gig. -trL*:\i.:t~Jf~fJ!~~·~**7.

gi. p. byte i'd3l.gi'lbau;~ 'dlngil,baxt/, .gabytts. III ~ti:ng ,agigab,-te iis one tholll8all.d and, twenty· f'OUf megabytC':S. [tt.tl1t.J~¥~:jf-~K*-W.

!dogan-tic jd3l'll1~Idsa:l'ga:ntlk/. Smm:thing ma;t is gi@:fUItb: is unusuaUy and w.rprisingly laf'gl;: in size, amount or dp.gn::e. I§: *- ~ I Ii: *-~. ea, The emire area looked like eI glgantk rubliish heap ... tt-t-:III![lVI.t &""-.\1 ~ jl;;:M ~i!lfl'" , .. mtBlaka on a tru.ly gitpl'nli,c mile .. , ••• t!JT ». tim' .. ~ ;fIr- ~ -~ if ilil:... . .. gigantk am:OU/U'S of nlOm!}'., .•••• § ....... ,.a ;gi,gumk e:florr" ··;~:k.OO:l': :iJ. Ogj~Y. e * it. EG .' ., lhe smooth sida of thi!. mvulZlain Tiring . ntically from the plain, . ···.1iI I!Mi;;': _:.hl1'-.I.I.E.· iii Ii: BCJ III t$ rrg-ttJJl.

gi,l.gk /lgtgl;'g;J_gI/. ~, tP8IUnth ;gtggkd. 1 If you gialr. yOu mate qJUlet andrepeat,td Ja'llIgb~ng noises .. ; be-C8.I.I!>e you ap;' happy Oi" ~Jy because you .are ner-vOIlS. ('1l emhur~. i!& ~ < .~.It·1t ) _ J; J • ~. EG The ,absurd sorm.d.1'Mde Iw' giggle." .• 1'- •• iir~M1Iffit1l cilf. .lItllt,JI!,~ T ...' Ok dear.' she 81'ggled • • [fd quile JorgDtte:n. J , ........ , ~ il;tI!g, "'~."~Jt. iI."~ ~~.~

l' . ..... ,. ,. giggJing helpiesJi/y at her own. jok£. . .. )Ii. e a. #tfiC.J~ijf~ i1HtI-]E;Il."1iI1I:~. I., used "'~·'U:lm.m. JOn;: :t;, ~.oo . , . (J netmuJ giggle _ .•. ,. MI ~m ~.~ .... We

hM {J' good giggl~ aoorJ.t thaI. ~ fJ1"'." ~"jI1;J;;: ~ -[ ~~.:r. " ~f~ ha:s'd)e giggk$. they,caJmOt stop

giggling~ an inforImlil i.C'oe. [tit HI ~ tF 1t.. ffi T:hi-s save Lynntht: giggles .. ,.. l'Ut #: e {I ~::t: J!.I: ••• ' .. (I fit of ,rhe

gjggles, "'-IIl¥.~o _

.2 [f you say that ~thing is :IIi. liggleor if you 00 wme· tliLing rot' a gtgJe. you mea!f.I that you tllrunl that it ~ fun

~·OOAl...r[ ." fl(ituJ

N COON'f, USU SfNQ" t""~ oj


NSlHG, 011 + N a 3i"",;o>n1

Am QUAU"f 11 It~DI<!d

.."ru QUAUT - 1»taaa!

,; :I'H1I,USw,AS, (l'

I'HB"I)SEI) ~ C! A,

to do and will not do any harm to anyone ,lin infonnal. expression, [tiJm~s •••

glg.gty /lggJt;'Wgb/. IfpeopJeac-e ~.thcy <Vc happy and il1nusOO or ~shghtfty rn:rvoos. If [iii: '* ~ lilI9, jJ .. *" [$9 • 1m Tlu!y rrrturnt:d, ra~he, Bigl)y. f*ff] •• ilk '_.IKI·* 7. '" us;cd also of ~e>s bcih:a:vio:trf. ,$R:I ~~ mlt*A~ fi1iJ. [EG • , • ,11 giggly $h~ - - •. --,ft .~I!.1.±a1! ••.

• ... • ',1- I P,d '1· - \...t,.". " i_I 1iiI....Jln", A ,..;:....J"" is 3 fIDrI

gIi8, Q .tv 3'9i"I . .au, ""3'K'l1 WI· • ""'l5"'"""'" -'- 'I!i'i!i"""'"

who Is paid 00 be the lover aad .compan~Ofl of a :rjch <Uld ust"d]y oldt:twoman;, 1lISed sbow.ing disapproval. [ftl~;, -r ~ # piJ it A.. w She had a drunken r<>w wWt hu gig..~~~~ •• 2M~~.A_7-~ .

gild /!1ld,gtld/. ~. giIdiDg. gikIaJ.1 If you ~d at surfact, you oo'o'tl!" II i.iiI,3. thin layer of gold or gnl!d paint !'i\ .. ·il $;. 0 gilded. ·iI ~ &9" EG The pri~t chants before gilded (J.lwrs ..... ~H.~fl'JB:.n; Rlt 111,·" ... the m~ M,re giltWd mirror, ...•• ~. tUI:i; 111 T. 0 gUdilQg. Wit:. EGThe gil:dJng is titi!'lnttl'tliM he exp«~«l .• OO ~ It~JU!"' ....

2 Ifs:om~thi~ Is gilded" it appears go:I.del:l~ a li~rary wnni. [ftJfl1&;Q::'@.. EG ~ Iw/ges were 8ildul by the sun, .. ,. ... :t: II _It 1" :i: e ".. . .. hi., Jacegilded in IN glo'KI from the. SIOve. ."1£". *- IIU! r fl!JJ ~ n JtH},l· aII~.

:3 IF y()us.ay that someone :is ~, tlIe lily. you mean that they are spoiling so.melh.i.ng tlw is aiJ1eady lleautif uJI or perfect by tJry.ing to improve l'[ or by praising it too hig}lJl .. 1 y. ~lftil*%~(il:jjJI.n~.)i'itM~.itfi ~~ I iiIi.bI·~,!i •

gild.cd I [gllWdp \gddtd/. If you descdbe soeneone as slided. )i0l.l. ilileaifl that ~bey ~ rlcili. andbclOlrig 10 a high social clow. a::tf M,h .II ~ Q9. EGo • '. the gilded' ar,iSlocNllic auti,tenee . .. .".. [ i!I9" .01.9:; •.• I IKU at~ he;r~u in my gilded ~),ulh. ~.ft •• B:IJ.~llJlfrft'UI-~ j;(.~. A.

gUll •• 1IJIs.. gUl.n:. 1 itl~ 2 'W~.-n> I91W!;gJlI .a~3 it q.itfFi Jd$tt,d::soJf.. 1 Gills· are the Q[~ on d'H: ~ides of fl$h and O!ther water creatures through whirl. they ibuaiJx. by ta1:in,g o)l:ygttJ from the water. (lit '!f fti'J, )1. ~

2 If you say that oomeooe is pale 00 peen Uout ·tbt "Us. you mean th:u they bl ~ick and. i]l. often because of ~}.()(:k. or {ear. an informal expr~. [MJO,:lUkllf!fiffii) lteIt8~L •• ~~aIJ.

3 A gill is a unit of measuremem f,O.r liq[Uikk thaI. is equal to iii. ql!la!rti:r ofa pint or' o. U2bitres,. * It (lit -'Il& ,if T I(mJtZ~~.). EG ••• a.gill ()frum.,,---t:~~JlJlI.

gjlt f.!JIh;gllt/. ;JJUIs, 1 ~hing th:u i:!cpU is rover,&] with a thnnlayeli of gold or gold paint .• ~ tf9. Rli .. ,. .r:hra srmrJI gilt choirs ... ",~re.:tA"'.·-- ... painl-

~ng'> i.n dark gilr frwnt$ .. , ... il¥la.~Mi!m.M Ii .. ·· .

g.U~ I;j'!t~erin~. " ... _,-.i;¥. t u:scd ou o'iI. 1iCitUl. 11 fl': t, .~ 100

ike gUt Md ·been ckip~. .. ;£; e" Ji!..!fl. e 4.t" .. , -" adorru:dwi~h gi:lt, ... ~.HH!,~miIlH·!.I~!!t.~.

2 GUib aJ1e gil.t-ed~ s<toobor S(§ciirilies.aJ.!1lt. (~ 'liE #-). EG, Gilts. stocks and' shtJJ;es .. - §& jlJ, iE ... lilt 1t:fQ lit

gill-edged. GU'-~ s~ or ~~ties ~c;: issuM by the government fOr :peopi.e to i.nvest in !for a fix·ed penoo of time .at a fiKed rate of jntermt, With :gilN~dp sltOOb ~ is very l.itt~e r~k of inveswnkisirlg their money. ( •• ,'tif#)~it.[M.~ •. ~1ij.~.,

tdm,,&:ndiI !idJlmi~f "4'sr.IllI,;~. IG~ 'iliil¥ look attractive but ar:eI:wUy .made and so are of liiu_1le we m' val.~; used :stmwj[lg disapplvvall. [1f)$iI'if::F3t tt'I. 00 , , , $(ItM fla$hygjmcrodc boat. .... _ .• ;tr .. ~ !f! ,II B9

IJr... I" used .aJl5o of id~. ~.J;q .kJ. ••. :11.11. ... .EG .". ginu.:rtu1c .them-ies. • .• ~ ft'ij ~ ~ Ilg: ~'ie .'

'~m~.el 1'S1mJu~ 'g1.ml(t/, gimlets, t A gimlIet isa small sharp 1:l:)O1 used for making small boles in WIlOd. ~Uf ,. fHI.

:2 If yous.ay tMl WmemK: has Pnlet eyes. you mr::arl ~t l he)' 1.00·1; at d1ill]~ veryCM'~~wh' .md. ootic:e·every de!:aii(.:IQf) «-"I M. m H# liimkt e~ blitt.bd at he.1'. f&fl JtlIt'JI~ •• (iJJ·~Bl7~ •

p. midi i gtrm-k ~ 'g:llllI.kj. ~, A glQllllkk is, an unuw.a1 action. object. oc d~ ... ke mat fs 00( realily l\IIttt8r-sary or' important. but whoot main pwp:l'ie is to an:ract atrention, inttr'est or publicity. ( }J 'JI A tt I~ 1iIJ • 6!l' , 'J', fit ~ IJI ~ • IiOGThe ,nil.~fip:.iUl'er ~ a m!W sales Jim.mid .. , a. iii: lUi ••• - Wi Ii B*HflI. W:tE m .. · ... fancy gi:mm.icks (iit lhe ",reerlng colu.mn. , .... ("i'II:*)~ I1i1tt . ..t e9~iJIlA~.tit..··- .• , gn election gimmick .. "':ii •• Jijj.

gilm.,miC'k .• ry !·Qlmtk_Il~ \g!mJ.hIl .is actiofL'; or o~eclS iliit .are· not ~y ()[" implrtml but whoseilWll p~ is



iPHllittVB rNFUiCts B IlIImIld (I'

= ·Iplil

Ai:'IJI~p, usu MTRIB· fttomJllIIte

" 'fl!il~~

1II'0i)lIN't t us.u PL

.~ 1lfP__II

l'HiIl:" 1U$El) AS e '" ~~J

l'IiI'ART+N ~

ADJCL..i\$S'Jf , I)SU AnlUI!

.~ bed

= 1:Il*l:I

.. NI I.JNOOUNT 1l'l'lMti'll5:

iii cm . .INT. lISlJ Fi.


A»J Ci.Ac'>SlF il-'"

APJ CI..A.'lS! F., ATmJiII 1'I11'lII1iP' =~n:s;


11 ~ir(YIWI!:

to attract attentiM. intl!!rest. or puMicl~y, :rs: it I~} Jj~ ~ * )L l1tm I ¥-m ~ m No legal 8i~(/k..!'y mill .wve ike [u,U· mals - .. tz'j'Uf li'Si: ~ 3f.mBl'mUi I'H'ot ~ ~·Ir·" .. _ com ~ puters j,mde.d with gimm~dcr'y. .. •• R: Ih II :I! :1:, ~ 'It:l= til.

gim. midt •. ,. / 'gRl!lIb:f tgumd:J'/. If you :say t~¢ S'l}~iliiflg fu ..u;u'(1JAL1T

gimrmtdq. you ~ l~t in q;ll!~~~ ~(lt of d!!~ d~t t i!ilJp:;rf~cW are i!'i(lt IiiC~ or:.i~ lhut :an: i.[IdudNl n;aiEtly to

attract JlUellJUOO., nlit.trat '. or pubJ!lrnty~ an mforrn.ai

ward, [«JJlII.ik.rrr:;h:!m::ll;:IItI9. ~G The prodUJNiolt ~

rather gim.mid:y .. , it fit! r M! ill :l§ 4f lilt ~ ••• ,Good ideas

be.eoJ14': slarldard. gimmicky ,00000dte quidly.Jf ~ j:_ iI!lS;.M,liA ~fi,.)L~Jfl~2 ••

gin h::!51H = d~fi,! . gins. Gin is a ro1ourl~ ,aJjcoholic drink N ~ msde from gmll'] omdl j uni,pe'I" berrie'll. Gin s wuaHy

drWlk, with ~ooic water Of fi'uiit jwl!:t. ;ft tl7111. 00 • A

gin ,an4Jonk, pI~. ~ ... ".*-f!'ft~fM.JI~mo '", .,.

- .. , a daZM empty ginooul£s_ +··-b~IJUttkTitUfi.

gin ... l~d3!nd~~ ~~pl. 11 GiDIU IS the root of.a eer- N u~ t.a;il'l rn;da:!i1t~. a]so seld in ~he ftrrm ora pnwcfuw. web ~, ...

spi,cy hot flavmIT and ~ ~i~ cooJtiDg. !I-. 00, 1 add~

,jj dwpped Q.won and a little ginfeT, .. ~;!m T -1' ~ I¥ ®~.:filIPi--'F1:~···", a gi~w~ .• "'~U-~

2 GiDp't' is ~ a bd'".lino:range-bro1l'm ooJo.wr. ~.'@';M AD.! OD:WI)R,

l!' OR.N~

~:ii:.J€§. ,t:G . - • a mati ~Ihg,in~ hair and ner~ blue

eytls •. , ••• ~ l' :fir". ~ ~ ~ fa! lItl §: 11 :I; II. II iE1 ;fj A···

, .. his ginger' niOWlache .,. ,. • •• fdI. m: !Ii « ~ ~ IJ' m i"~ ...

. , .a young girtge, eet .... - .R~.@,IR<J~'JIti.

gI~1' a.e. AI_Dger ala, Gingu a1(: :i!8 a fl:1.ZY. sweet • nor! " 1'01 MA..~ 3~rnbolIic d!riM tJlI::it is fb\l'QUfllid whh giJrlgn" !i-Ttt'i:,-*.

gI:nge:r .~. ginge~ bttni._ CWgu .... is a mink that js .N' ~ rnrn.de from sYTllIPand ginger md is SJ.llt'letinn Slfglllitly al-

ooI:wJ:ic., ~ it i.m .

gin.ger. ~ ! I~ bred ~ \dsJ[ld~lbr5d/ ils. a, SWre1! .N iU\l>fCOlJ.i"f;f

cake or bis';:llit. dlli1.t ill :!laVOl.lll"ed wi.th ginger. 'TtE biscuies

are o&n maclt: in the ~pe of a man or om a:nwlal, ~ if •


gi~ gtOOp. ~~,A ginger gmup ie: a group of NQOVPIIl

p«tpl!c-ww ~ve iiLm:ilM ideas and wort ~og.elhef' ,esp;~ '" F~~re ~

<:Wly w,ith:in ala:rger otgani~tIDn. t.o try to persuade oth-

en! to aoeept or Olppl'O'VC or dId.: .idMli.. (:£Ii :~r$ 9I?1 ~) f.l :fi

~ I f,k~ ~ f .. ,w. ,00 - , _ an buiependenlginger group

intire !.inion - •.• .I ~ '$'-1" g,:it m milt'. [if! •

:gin.ger-.ly lld3!ru:l~rll ~1l~JI/ .. U yOu db srune~hilng gingerly. you d.o ~t .~ a ~refuil, h~ta:!l'~ rrlanl11i!:'ir. u'J,1Illi,Hy bern:use you ~pect j~w ~ da:n.ge[1lJl.lS. unpb::asant; or painful. 1fr1,,[;.iltiilll: &ttl •••• 00 They wailed gin .. gerly ow.r l.h.t: totten J100t'boar:ds. •. 1* frltw, Mt lUi;lj; ;t'

ill!!:f.I ~ ~ '* Iii, ,.. .. T holding it gi~Jy by its ClJir-

n£T, •• "'If" ,~, £ tit· - 1" RJI •• , Gi~/y $he

.rubhed I~ 1-mlf.tM.ed spm, .lJ~Jt.' •• JRit: ... ~~~

gIin. ger·y i i,clynd.~ j \~nJ means slIl_g_hdy gingm- ~'Il AW 9QLOUR

oolO1..lf, ~.f!! 1fJ. m " .. his curlY8instry loc:b _ -, ., -fl.

:ft11lll~J-- ••• ~5Ii;~ .. • .,' ill gi.R~ry tweed ia~t .... -ff~~'Hnt~Tmr;l~~

gimg. hm .. ! I~f \~fi$dQth mad!:: fJ}( rolllOO "i!i'hkh N WOOIJN'T has .IiIi pauetn of ~lsq~ or Sltripes. woolly .in whi~

aI11d ,0Ilr other rolour. *tt:$ I 1i II .$. m She ~

dremd ,n he,bri.glu~'t gi~m. "" @.~ ••• t! II!J'J;

• ' ~ ~« ... . .. ,(I pinktiilgham shirt - . . • ..• lit[@..it ..

~i .f:j. ,. . .. gingham ,ched;s ."'0. T m!E.

gin- sem; j'd3ln~~ 'dg~ i~ the root of a IPJan:!: [Oilll.d .i]1L 'N !,.JNOOJm China. K.orea.a~ America! 'W'h~c.h some ~ believe Q

good for yom Ixalth. A#. gi[p. ~ I 'd$lpi', ~d-31~/- i!. ~" gi'faff-e IdS!! ,,·a:f •• ~f~ ~'r:<Cf/. giraffil:5. A ~e'is a, N lXl!J!'ll largt Alr~can an~maJ with a v-e.ry lo_wg ned:. loog ]e~.

aill.d da:rl patcbes 00 ilS yd.low1s.h run, 1tf: ~II.

gLli'd 19a'tl·=gJ-dV, gI"., ginlin,g:. girded~ .an, cld-fasi'llioned

wordl, 'I If you gllrd YOW"Se]fw:ithwrneth~!l.g surn ~a v+ (I (~ beh. yo~ fasten itaroundyo.u, [.IS J (ffltlT::f ~)o ~ (II). REFU i' A,. (..irJi)

~. " . ,thl! .oords with Mlhich ~hLy girdtlMmfld!Je.J .• '.1l!l:

111m * Jt!.~,*-T ~

.2. lfyoug;ird ~if fm- a {j~l or' comes!, }'Ql! ptie~ voo v + 0

- - . ( RHI.~ I lJSU ~ I!

}"i1uifil.tl.lf for iL [la].~iHl". ~ We girded oUI'st':ives

fa, the. It-ay" ft; fn is ~ "'~ff:tIIl. '* . · U ~ ~r tJl<It SOJ:1IleOne is girding Ithcir him Of girdlug II1P their I~. you mean that thtiy arepr~paring to' do ~50melhing diffi-, c~tlJr ,dange.rous, lit ,'it fi i;!i. ~~ Bath scidC-$ in $Ire argu .. mw:nt wer;e. girnr~ thW' iaiW:,"~il1i!1f:fti,1£i'IJ;fIlf~iII!


a lr~!m:d1i;ng' is "rded by somet~ else. it is !jI.l'.lTrJU!~ "'+O"~Y PASS

1· _-J_.J I!. ;;; 11¢ Cil~i'cl~1

cd by il, [,rB].lI1~~ • ..gm. lEG _. _ I\U j" gi~ ,~y an

invisibJoe MUll. • .. ~f. Ir- itIl'.:t: Ji! ~I.~ II •.

AD\! wnu VD ~ ~trU¥lly

;; 1~ta.!i"L)'. d(:1~1\Il,1C!Ly


• mit .. VII! INW.lEro ~.~ =!I!~~f



,giri -er i'ga:d"," \~'I, ,gilrden!, A~!i is a JOOlg'. thick N ClOUl'I'T ~ctl of :swd or iron that .i~ .~ ill t~.e Jj-~WOI"k 0:1 1l ~ brui]d]ogsaroci Nid~_ *.; 1:: ~ •

:gir·dJe j'fPldli 'pdV, girdles. girdling.giFdIledl"1 A Gi.r-

die is 1. 11 a l"Ii~ of d'Otll!in.'" dllli£. :liliS t', ..... )~~I'" aIlJum'i. the ~ OOll:NT

r-- ~ """, , r,;~gj

s~omaOh~d hip :and lis \I'II'Om by \!Yl)!W.;n tmd:e_mea,th oth- ~ ~

er cloWes so t..I'J.IO!t tlwyIOOksJ~, (t:I i:: tiI).I: .' •• ffi

She d'idn'J Mdr aginJle 6rily nwrt: ••. il.f: W~ •. !t.1'

.,' "., bros aM gird,u<. ···Iii .. :n .. ::f m. 11 •. 2 a oon!: or ~ COONT hdl ih.i.lt you wear aruund yowt waL"i~,. :so.meumes lino:n::lt:ir

to fasten .::ll. lPicD::ofdomm,g -III.. I~a ... a. rtibe,. tied

round tIM ~i".r .by t:l!girdle_.,.- ¥11 ffl."ll!llfiiJ it f;E M


2: if yo~ girdle SCJ.IT.Ietruflg. )lIOO SiI:.lfl\LM;IDd I:t wi~h a circle: v ~ 0-

f,! literary WIOf'd'_ [ftJilSl. frG • , • t~ ri~ which gi'r:dle ,,~

,ScinulI;"6 i.ful'foce ....•• i!lll iI.I'.± .m ~ iti I® J{f;:It ....•.. a

maltsi()1'!, girdled by a hlad: pajh - .. , lit - * .-Ir,i M'/t- m m~.O'IJ'~II:.

:girl IggtiP poll ,gi_r.b, 1 A gid is 1, 13. lemale child. jl:a; N COUNT tIi •• m ... a ,gin . .,,/ ,eJewn.." .••. ~+ 11 ~ OOj(Il~'"

The bo~ dnd gir,ls chafed,. + .JHI-rfl]lj;iJ:rffHtIrfS

, ••... wkenyo.u wereaUule girl.,. · .. .!§.,:IE;Il-l'i ...

:kM' I'r!llili ... ,' ,." (J .~rl's' :school. . .• :k 1f :F tt. 11,:2: iN rov,f'ff

wmeone's daugfll~cr. Whe:toor they are a chUd' Of' a

W'Oman, k JL. iEG She Mf ,~. girls .alid a .00,. ,. :1611' jIji

-t' Y: JI.. tJ -1'- JL -f- •. ' • .My liute girl .....w: coJlad ldil... ft

1¥:l.J1J.k JL IlIlfJtiE'" .,' tlu! Talbot girl, ·,·11 m.·!It iiLe91

9."JI.. 1.3 a young W~, mually a ta::na_gq, (iI"'~ Nco:LJN]" t~JL!1lttr)~jl:. 00. , •. a girl ,oJ ~i1t('!tem"., .. , ~'t- 19 j:

~&k'" .... wlendars showing ~ girls.,. '''~1i.

~·~'R"I~HJ m ...... a workiJl8 girl .... 111 ~* L~ 1. 4 a i';i'C"Qt)NT, l!JiS:lJ ~'so gid ri~eoo; a rat.kt- old:-. fashioned W'O'I"d. (11:1 J:f.dJ,~ =: ~ N m ti. 00 ... the soldier and his gir.l... • •• ~--t-" ±~ lIl' 1fiI!: S9

j(Jl12i." J hod a girl in CmT.l~U. tt::tr -1-~M~f£.


f Y Oil:[ calli Rfef ~ a '\oV!:i1l"l.<l:llJ! of <l11.y age. as a girl. t::;p¢- K o:)t.1t'oi'ir, usu

c;ial.ly w~ yw alit:': mlikllng Oiib.x!t <I WOIlD1 'f4I.o is 1f1'Un- $I~

ger than you or when you .. am'e in a pos:i~m ef autho.r:i:iy

over !mel'"; all informal use. [t§J(i!' 8 a.~,9:ii1t_-«Z:::F=tl1

III c.. 99 ) t:l1l:. 00, •• " 1M girl behind ~Iu ba," . . ... ft t!!!l Ii!

:t11'.f§ OO&'!llkttl.i.· .. .H~ ,marri«i II SJtinish gifL, - 1£.

y ~1'i!i:w!.fj( .. ~ ... ' .. $~/eplwne aJ.rlS' ···*ll~.m ~

J. "V 00i mig)!: ~a. gir,1 OF WOJ:fWl <liS girl or my gin H voc

L__ ." '~~

whetn she 1$ ~'f tll~1 )'Q1J0l when )'QI!!I Me· Uil a pas1I~

tion of ;i1lL1Jtbority O'l.IIe.r her - M ItH .II l"" q tit ~ a~!ti.:i 1131 a.®.M .• ~j(.A,J. ~ YOU'll' got spoUetJ in your MU~, my girl. _, I>e. ~ a OOJliJif1:lWi::»~!il7 • liN •••• . & more .mntfu.l, girl!',.. • ~ 1iU 11, ~t:, :;t ~. tJi II! ••• My dear &irl. what don i.tmnt £e.r? ft i¥BJiHi B9:Ni ••. " lfft~JUlj

4 WOJ:iX'.!iJ !lay gil-Is .11 they Me· taJ.1illtg t~, o.rtalkiing N .f1.,T,JRAL, about a group of dose ~ friends or WOOlen whom ~~~.U!I \¢ t.bey work Mth ~ U'iOd s.howing aUb:1ioo., ".·frl ( N. T !lit

Ell a GriJ -M MI1i ~ f;1:: ~ •• ~ I;.IF.f). Iff(';; ,COme .on. girls,

,do.n't be rJjraid - .• -* ~ .Ifi.tt fl. :8IJ w: 11 .•• .., the ather

girl's at MW'K ...• iEt£lFm~x:itf! •. tUlo

5 rn f you. rrderw a ~WlJ~ as 41 Rlrt Fmfay. y()~ Noom;r,~· mean that s.ht is empjO'yM ld:ry. >ill ~in~ iMn WWQIlJU3]!I. s~o

to be thdr petwrm[ assisw1t1 and to do gEooral: o.ffim

W'Ofl. :!t:m JJ( 3! jt ~ =fn •

6 ztF!it liIfad glil. old girt.

....rl·rriend 11 ...... I.f~, '....:I-~/f~nd! .jirIf'mllCk" 1 A N COlJl\IT, usu

!!l" ~ &......... KiI'>!S + N

mm1'S or boy's girlfrimdis .a girl Or-wo:m.:iJiI with whom ~. ~t he is, haviNg OJ! ro!TIl!lJll~1l: Of' sex~Il(~latioosh:ip. :f.clJJllt ~. A~ftj3.m ffls gtrlfriem walk«J OUf an him .• &!Ii( M~I!~mT.

:2 j\ gIt!Ir~ i'> abo aJ female f:i'imd_ .:k:1¥ dt: .N' • EG, She I'iI COONIT Mo'e'ltt to tlu? movit!$ with some girlfrieM.5. !Ii! Ii1IJ n 1- ~ ·~rlilil!od 1f.~I*~T .

prJ guitk. girl :~ ~I 'I'beGiirI Guida i~ -'in organw.,~ N.I'IOP'ER "J... i'I, nion lor girls wh~m teadles ilicm to berome discipFiood. i:~ lIE SiNe praot:ical. and sdf~sumc.i[:[u. 3i:::IIT~.

;2 A gjrl guhk ;$ a g:irJ who be~ to ·tbe Cir] Gll~des_ * ~ OOUNT iii'!J.!itM. 00 The: method I J4..Ulf. t(),~l .qzme· from (l glr,/guide, ftM'~IBlH:t"1nt. dl-i!jf:jt; aT:iJ~ IiI * M •

girl~hood /9";:Ii,lrud,l~JhOOJ 1$. tIhc time dimWg' wmchil. !<l1!.J:I'I'oCO!.!NT

~ fWlb ~~~e It'Um<Ul beil1g ,i!!! i.l girl.bet[OHi'~he t.e~ all

ad~t. .:Y k ,131 it ~ 00 The sis/en had both ~ spon·

SOted .1" their ,r.rJIwod by lrltin-gan.t:J 1!11~n '&"1 -il'ijg .a~*.«.~~~%~~ •. ~m.~.~m~ft~


gij'~'·ie .I I..-..r.ll~ '~hj. In in~O.rmaJ! Eng]~. :girJlie ~i!leS ADJ· ~'\iiIF,

U"'" ATflitIIB

M ca.let:Kbrs ilK .~ t~ s._how plwtogrn",,"~ of na!k:eo' or" ~.

r'" ,~p~L¢

.almoslMll:d 'i!o'()ffiep flla,way ""b.i,ch is in~~nded to pka.5e

men bUll wbich 15 offewi ve ~o many women, em] ( ~ ~ • lEi ffJi '" YRJ •• 1* ~ $. ~ j: T 1!t it Bq. I;~, He iHU') read,ing ~' girUt: ,magaz{:ne ,', flUE W - * flf itt. #,j; AmUt IltlJ ~ ~.

girl-. Ir:~M I \~hl! m~m behaviEgo:r r~ Jike a girl. especially show,ins: sucliL qualities as pJayful~. liveliness, Or S~!Ul.eS!i •• :f(PTtfJ, :1;';k1tl~. EG •• , girlish: giggles ... • •• j( a -r ~,.I'l!;r 4"~}a;··· She .m:dde,.ly feh ,OJ $~rge Qfgi"li~h ~~ .• ~~,,!nJj-.p~·ftlP<J. ~.

girl soom.. girl, sooutJ., 1 In Am.eurica, the Girl SC!oots are ami! otganmtioo sin:tiJair to the 0][',1 GumO;,_ ('l!iII~ )Jt. -f-if •

:2 Agj'" ~ i:s ,11 p~ who belongs w the Gilfl SoJ,~_ j( :& -r !f: p. $I, •

gi.:ro !!d3'U~'~!. 1ir'06:1 'lISed in &It:i5h ,EngI1sh. 7 ('.1m is. a !:',f-uem JP whmma hatnll. Q( ~'I: @ffiee tearsfees mOllley from oneaccount to another when ilhcy' Ko:'!iVl;: in~ structions to do &0- [1£J.fiC~.)I,i3I)nJJUt&"H!'.

:2 If so:mro:oo has a ;1m acooul11, they have an <lI(Jt.'Olillt at <I postotlilire wbid1 t~y G\IiIi use i~, ~m~lar way:;w a CW",ref.lt iliCCDi.ant a~ .Ii bank, [jIg]:M.~ ~ •

.3 A gi:t'1) ma, gIror.looqoeis a ,eh¢qUl: fOt a «namammlmt .of money duu, is given by the gu""e:rmnelltro poop~!!; who Me unemployed or m, 'Gir,os may 00 cashed ata bank OF

~!t office. [.]ft'1I: x:li. .

giJ1b 1!P1l= ~1, girtlIs. 1 The :girllb of so.mct;tiu.ing is l~~ measurement arouad it: a f3ii:rly roc.!llii wocd. [:lEtt;] ( ¥ *,~H!K.

:2 A glrib is a leather strap which is f.as.tened fi!r.mly aJ:'O!J1Mi. tbe mi.dlileof a hornte to. keep the saddJjtS or load un t~ right p~att. {~a9HHIF.

gist ! d.3rc~l j d5rst!. The _ cfs.ome~rng is the ge:n.e~a.l meaning or (he most i.~nt points of a llmg·piea of writing,:i speech. ora tIO:l:lJ'llersatioo, Ct: lit , ~ ijg <$ M ) ~ ~~ :fj~. ~ I missedrhi!, lecture ~ can }'Ol.! give .mf· ,r Nt gis~ ofil? amlflfi~*if.~ftJ~-!II;.~,~~IilJ£.Pir31@i?

p 19!v:gIvr, :pvtS, giYiI1(!:. pvt, gi.vm, 1 'GiR is one of (hem09,t OOrnrtlolil verbs m EngIL">.b, Ie: .is· Qftt:o ,~ m ¢J!:" p~iQas where it doesnor have 3i very dilitinct meaniog ,of ~ts O'Wfi, but wkre most. of the meaning is in the 00_ that follows it _ So, for e:x.ample. ·.We gaJv-e a s.mile' mearu~most the ~..ame a~' s,k. smiled._' giw ;Ii! _ iJt·l~ • t: ffll~~ iiU Z ~ • E'I m -=t - ~ *' ~ R:JiT m IlJUli!1 ~ • ~Hi tS ~" .t! ~ iji llt Dgi ~~ * :« ~r!ill'[ give fti iiHi'~ ~ iPJ • M ~, She g<iYe <31, smit.c ftfi S!l'ie smiled it.rf iIiJ Jr. This structure iis Onellc~ in Qroer w. emphasile tha~ iUl i!lC" tioru or~veRt. has a defini~ebegi:!lr.IiI:inr or end. or i.fJI order to be able tDadlJ ~ iNfOrmation O!fuollll~ the KlDn. itElJ¥J ~*.~~ •• ~T~W .• ~~ ••. M.~~_.~ *, llt~'" T.IL~1'-;t iiililllll! ~ rJHa- B. The ro:JiQw~ ing paragraph shows live used joth:is way. l' oo:i:t -1i. I!ff give a9 i!.fitlFfHi: •. ~. 1 with OOUm t!hat express pJiysk.aJ acllons _ ~ ~ ~ !li" iJ f1': HIJ· S~il! .m .. Ei3 Jill gu\i!elln~m~ m.ense sigh .. , ili JI.t .~. II}!, 7-" ... .lle .8'l1!e a. short laugh. . . {I ,Ii" * ~ ~ T - ~ •.. Shltga:ve Etta (J' quick, shNwd gMnce, .. Iml~.," ~ f;I ~.~ tlii:M" 7 ~:tI-1R .... Judy gave Bal's hand a sqlU"&e ... ;kif!i ••• T-:F a ~ M~· ,., She gave .ine door ,Il .J1USh.M. If! -r - tn. 1.2 with IlDUIl.I: -[hart expcss ~ch actioru_ JlJylJ!i]ng

• gri. vt: ' you taln .ili.void sa.yingw'hac. lhe report .,accoullt. ~tI;. • .~ actuaUy aOOu.'t. lij,. .ffi; 'itt il1i ~ li!JI,a· .~Ji. m • tf ffl give :um-lk~U!l!:!t..I:IHR*~IOOj:~ ~". ro 'They §U-W! mr btu! news Qf t~ IWspit~ ... tt,fl1tEli~lIllmij;rn.Q. , -tfw T • ... My /al/ter save tnt aU t.he i.tif~mllt.ian I needed, ..• £.i8lre~.~mJJf~Js\y~.R iJJ;tftW y .•. He. gave ,Q h~ dOOClUm of hfs iou."~y .. - fttlfft! ~:IlflffF: T - •• 1.~:fM1£ ... I d.m!.', u~I'andwhy I oouldn't hD~been gfltfl'n .ron:a.eMGrnJtlg, ,. ifI!:~1jq 8 ~ Wfl;!;*ltf.·~tlJ'IlHIE".~··· ~ Foreign 'O/fi<:e said U liM(U'- uMble .to gj m' an inam.ediate ans.wr - #:i: fti·~ ~ ~.fl. .~.ftl i!:Hl~ •• 1.:3 with n~ thalt e:l!fW~ 'opOODIlll. thoughts. dcciJ!lirJOS. eOC. .!j ~ '* .. ~, ,~t! • *:i'::. r'r!l,g: ~ .:i!ffl. Iffi That's t,~, bt!st ad'woe 1 can pc.MUJiy gilJt'! ... , • :IIH~iif.1I m ~. iW ~ 1lf ••• S1u! hadn:! bo.~lw~ to p~ ~t p;J'rtil;~l.ar tbgh~ " . .M & ~ Jf ,(" ~M ~ ~ JI; - r it 1-' IRJ III··· 'pdiUt~ pre~M her mother from giving the real ~." .'iI TlLa,.ttI • .il·5t:ffiiltll.l. iE If(J J!I! Eb .,. 11. -4. with VUiOU5 swe.;lF words to express il'ldi[~

f~rt~c¢. dis!il~>e .etc. * al1ii jnform,d iIR" em J~ ";fif! II. ~ 611 ~~m~,ij:;;F:ft:,,·.~·a:t\::~. E~ & dear,ly didn'J gh't' a .,an, abDul ms; passeng.en, f6; a ~ - ~S;f: *.(.. i!l ~J

,$: '¥. 1. 5 with 00I.limi that ilH1': relatedl to spcaking<1l rer-fin'rnlng ~[1 public, Eji :RI~M.& .• ~i'!iI.fIT ~.IOO~ii!I:iI

J\CI.I' OUAl.iT iI )'Dliotlrl'!l1

INP~, 1Iw'" [!,1. VlIC'Il'\! lIE.'llNG C. f't. = Gjffil~


N~' alilmll!il:J:'1f'I!-

N'~, l~fN. USU+ at n~mm!,l:}'

" ,ilnfi;

'11'10. V.O·00,CR v+ o~, "'", (!OJ'

V <0. V+O+O.OB. V4- (14,.", r 1,»

V+Oi IIE'*'fJUEP' l'flSI!!Ii ~,vsv W1m'~ Nl.G

n]. 1m He ~rdW!to gi~' a Jer.lur:e at the. Pol y.techriic tlw, eWl'ning -" fIR; Bi :e:. _ R ·IE • I ~. &'Ii ~ m: .. ... He docs!' 't ,ofleR, gi w ,ime.rviem, ." tal.i= 'l"tl1f* \ilj"" No one gave a~.y !tpe«Jres at .the dinner lus,' rugh" ... 1I!/I'j;: ., M .. '* 1: m ;ft- J. f1;: if {cJ .. ~ til" ••• I think Roger .Rees

8l.\'t8 .... a r:ema ... rktJ.··. hie .. pe.,formarn:ein: .·Hatn .. ·kt' .. " N .. ·il. ..... 'b ~~ • l!_~iE( P8 •• tI\i)- iI1'* W. 7~!1 'I" m @ Ii!) w_ M ... The .film is a record oJ .Sf!vt:rai i;.iOOCU't;$ gi re.~ .by aw

grouprn New Y&k. ;!.tM ~IHg~ -( ~ .d_l m am~ '* ffRIJJtJjjif~~.

2 If you Ii.ve st1rn!i:lh~ng m S!1Jm>eone. 2. 1 ~ offer it to diem as ... present. i! ffl" ~ • -r. ru I ga~Ca~rkll1l1' rhe silver chain I ~ wtIlr.il18. -. ft~ft. ~~*'.lIJ!!@ i!: th -r -fi;~ .!It~ •••• 'What we' }'OU gj'vlng Rachel f'at her birthday'!' :ft;·i'I.i1MlIiJJF;fj-,},.:'!t a ~~'n o gi'rilq;" .• "f. M OlwngaM slmr,lrlg are .rp'.nta~ expressions of J.rJ'!i€, .. 7111~.* If. ® ~ :It •••. :2.2 ]®U hi«ld i.t OvCI: tl;l lh.cm. J.i @ ~ ~.f$. eGJoe. sive dTe Colonal another martini .,. .ff. i8 J::: .~ -3 .. - ;fi:. ~ T Ji! II •.. He: ga've her f(J·~hu ~ .~y . •. jI. fS 1" :Dl!;.:'lt *-- ~ ft , ..

The ~~ngaWl IRe Iii JoUar tip .• m.~*tiilft-~ xM*R.

3 If you give someone a .piece of mform.atkm or a rnes-

sage, Y@l!Ji ieH it eo ~1h~T1'1'00- lWl"ilte it down for tlilem, '5';m , • m Ci:ude gave rheporle! the ~~ . .. -¥ If $: fE tlil ftti T :V t1 A'·' Giv.e my re;wuds to your dtlug4te:r. Mrs,Dono'van . .. ;j: iI·:;j j;; i&.: •• ft ft .IPJM! ~ ~i: JL ><. MQ,~ ,gaw her naii"te... ~ _ ij:i. W, T El' .~ i!I'!I ;tI * .... Rudc.Jph gt;iw hn hJ1e's numl:iu ..11 ;~J!utflifJ.ij§' -!}~,i!rW Til!.

4 IfYOlli gjftsomeool;: som.ething tholI! th£y WPl or need. 4.1 you providethen» w:itb ~t. tt~; {It:!t'. 00 We'd love to giw: you (l pay rise, ,b,u,t ~ anru>.r maktr~g e~ PI,oft! jusi yet. . - ft, frmtWJ~H$tl,h lIl.·~ ~~ 1l~ 'JJ!tE if i'lI:~.il..l.~*,~"· 1 vow' givtJ1. a:ia~ bedrooma: the Taj Mslwl, . - tE.lIUtUl'mfl!H1J tt T lil-' ~ m:k:tr!l It~· .. Sht!went witlwut giving me' li~ to profttSl'. , , .;f~=Bl:.~miJlit.iE T ... .Hoe &a.1lt! her a tifl bod., (0 ~ • •• ~ jJ: '* :lI tl iG· :$ :001 «:l: ••..• • •• atut,or who C!2Me lQ gi ~ l~ tQ mysolt. • •• - -f!* ~ Wi)L -T' .t. ilM liJIJ ~@ ti J41. 4,:2 yoU! help dlelTi by ptDVidlj~ money. t[rru!. Ciift. ~c_ . fOr tm-m, (a:~tJjc>llf.J'tnlI~tiijjj)~T" nb. ~G, " _ pe.opie whout'e abl:e .ta gi.1;'.tl ~y t~ rite chil.ri Uesof their choke, .. • ·'If·1'I ii ~ ~!ffl ~ .• rt<J! ... m~ml~lMJ'A··· He prornUed to give her any lrelp he CQ.uld. " f8~·Hi • .M.mtJ @iiftAm fl.'·· Much oj the ~Jd gh~jll .~)' ~~14ully ~ ... .@iIHJ!i~fR;J tfWJeitWUUip: 1"'" They ~'t ~ to give the .':~$t {)l.thei~ iiw.s~OMring for the.i7. el~'I, rda.aons. ft;ffJ -l',I!U!m I@: C lil,*"~m T .•• i!IIfi1~tE,fl'IJ~ ••

S, H ~itrnng :giws you a particul!iUf p.h~~~1 or emotion~ a~ feeling. it PrOOu~that r~ling':in )'OIl .• li!f'"1:. (#i"fi

i.<I< .... JIL""" ~,"I"'J.~. rd'M .M....~.... ",r..,..." .. ..-n. ~ ±- '*' } I"~ liO ":;!i'I!X.:V'/,,, ~ t.tf~ .~. __ . I~lr.",. .'~ ..... p~~I"", T r ,~~,_~

ft Ii ~ ... I t~ rd give you GS.Wf J1'ise, •. ft * l;l ~ t\\!. -£:it ~:*: 1£ - 'iIIi.Ill'" Work;ing on ,~ car Ms' Ii !!'en me an (JPfi"Zri Ie:, "" tE :Jiiltllt *' Jt I $ oft ft 1a 007 ...... TlMt I'I.CIiM givr;.r mea ht!adache .• ".1f1l:JtJ: •.

'6, If sometrhiI1lglirW1S you a particular :ideam imp:ressifi[j, It C3US(:S youro mvt: tlial icltd orirnpttSSC:on_ 11." ~ { ¥ f+itfH!~.~.). EG What guve ~ thai idea'! __ . Jdt-z.. fl ~.,..- ~ Till '" m 'fi I~j? ••• U ~ HurQ/d w1w gfll!e' ~. the due., , .1* JlI.~ 7 ~ ;it - ti; • •.. They t,W 1,0'

gl 'ole' the irn~oo of being tk~{jch«J. ft!.mTit 11l1~ A m £: .iE~ leillt • .~. If ~'I!ggiW8 you'~ beI~!Ie or to undenl:am!d a particular tIlliDg. II .~ you w tblnk or loo~iEve it . .00 film dil!lIM. lEG Tht: ~ys lose out through being gf. WfiI. to under:strmd .that t.h£ir mwtiOlU mwt never be Mown, _ .. 'M liT-rum =r- •• '* T jj<.HtI!tF.IM::ft .I!ill n 511' tl!l ,~ !Ii. ., fill iIi1 ~ It T ···We are gi W~~O be-lie~thQ.t th£r:e 'lrill be qn decllon ~. ~fn{f!fi!WJ·:+n -trni~A._.fi~* ..

7 ~f SO!lllOO£Ie gt~ theJr Ufe, d!J;Y die·Qf ~ kiliN:a fmrnal or ~.iterM'V 'USe, [.iEit.UiJllt:w~lI •. m People.~ given. their U!te.f to save their fdlow .men - Am:trJ! it !liI1 ~ ~ fiiJl8 11: I'll,] ~ 1ij! •

:e If you say th,at .yoo WOI!iid giry,e ~ right atm. gIr'O'f your eye tee •.. or give ~ to Milt CI!i to do sonredung ':YOll are !:mplw.i2iAg ]oo.wvery keen you :rure~ ~ have- or to do it •• ' .. , f.;;jr a 1c (i'(;if?JHt ~ a m She $Il.ld .she woul:dgiw anytmng to ~tay in China". t!!l. il ~JlM-mftflttUlM'lE~I~··· . .,o1 ammatis.r m:;I.Uld gi·ve his righ.t arm to haW! l..a~te~ Qlil)ier ad In one of h,s P/flYS., "T it. &:WJi ~ "·fHfI U: FI .c; ~ - fl)j =* .p M ill, _:_ +* f!:; ir. 'I't ,4.1. -* ft; fI't •

9 ~f yOIl :giR apart)', 'show, etc. • y.ou.org;m:i~ it MId .an;

v'!, 0" 0.00, V+CHA(",,)

v~ 0+0,. Q

~ "".O+.A (.r.» 'Il~!

"'''0. VtQ-I().,OR \1'+ 0.'" A C:Ml) 1l'.",,,"""""~

. v"'o~o.·oo 'II+O~ A(I~'~

'\1'+0. \,,' .• o-o.os V+O+AU(» 1'Ip" ..... '

V"'O.V"O'i'O j?,_

lItO,OIl Y'<O+O ,,~.

• ftI~, VI:! I~

P'HR! VII ANiD N 1l'\fFw:::i

* rile

J'tIiR, VB ~.

;~v" ferl !iD-fl'iF Q. W,;ii'!!

wua]iy the hoot. at it. ~fii"(.~.). 19Si They ~'I!e,(l V+IO+A((..,)

Janwell Fly lor ~ ... fttfl1 "~mU~:fi T ..... m.~Jl .. 4l;." ~ Wli

EW!1"Y JlMr he gI Wl' a Junch i:n his gmden. for' his family

,aruJ. frleMJ. fIil4ij·:if; ~ ffil e ,1~HUlJ m :!& I: A ~ III~.:¥ n-~.lf.~.

1[G .~f sorr:tL .... ing gl~ yoo a pwti~ powrlF, right,~. v-o.v- G' (hGR

1...- .:1.._ '~1:..' ~_I- ill' f .Ib \1+ 0+ A. (10)

etc, • ~ Juve!i.l~rt power. rl~.t. oc r<ilru;;. as a.~ .t Q U)I1; '" ~-.:I[. ~;

offidal ~ri.on ililit yotlJ hoJdor the: si.RI3llan that you Me

in, (1J $littNiMl:lIJl {ll> (!I! (It A ) A 'Ii ( ¥ '" tl.fl ,. t'l ;f1J ,J:I §ft,

"). ffi His l~fsitip gzli'tlS him tbe Fight ta com ~

mlmLl 1IIUfiMtMtI*_mtt;ft1{;JfNjla:,·. Dmth gaw

/)gvist:Z Idltd of Sla'Urtl. .. :Jt t::I:. ~ If i;!! ifJ 7 .flt~ III R~JM::r..".· .. This saw 1,1rem, siQml:rng i~ flit ~~. ty, it!'f: it j!tllUil!!: +':ft 7Mb.{tt •

111 If 'lfOU gtve S!Il~ a pa:rri~ar .ri,ght.r.upon~ib:iUIty, V J. o.v- 0' O.OR. ,OJ' 'p' r;ivi.leW!·, ymtJI ~Iow t~. thae righ~. ~ib:ility, or v ~ 0 i' A { ~)

~ I!"'M

priviJegt: becal..lSe: yDtil 3!fe in a poiition of audIOJ]ty, It-"f

(N;fl!. ,11 f!:"). 00 Odldre,t ,il'! large fami,ria atie ofien gi~'m. reapa"ulbUity when the, aN yo,ung ... *:Ir.G 'f~1 T* •• R~~at.it, •• :f§.U··· His pemtis,i~~.f gi ~i!\i • •• ilI!* ~ T raJ it ... ThiS' i3 a .~neralimt ..wuch ex.pe<:.t.s women tl;) be' ;8i\i!t!11 t;qtUJioppDTtwtit.i,es wilh men ... it~~~:fi.l!.fI~JJ T~.m~~-11't··· The rowt g1l~ them I,~ custody oJ 1M child. ~.Q:i:!X\jmf ~m~t!l¥!1~?filff1.

1[,2 If yo~p ~mlI:~ irn~a.. am:mi.oo. ere .. roo V* 00" O.OR tr~l ii, with dE :i1nJpO!f!.auU': Of' ar~lelui(pn that ~l ~1IV(j$,. ~~;!;" AU .. ) 7' 'jjJ!!f.t ,tt..I:;$) 0 ~ PriorilYMo'fit have' 10 be' g1've1J to u~mpl~nt . .. £\.;{I[ ,M,;tc;",.. II ~..a. 00 g... ~ are

more tdttron.t ~han litey are .a/tai gi lim ,uedit lor be~

itlg" .. • ~ m It; A Ih' j'l *' Ii1 '"' ~ J! ~ .11··· ~ rl!ptJTl

~~~~§~~~~:t~~$J:l. itrqJOf~Qna .. tie ~

IDS ~ f you giJve ~ as a rn~ OF ~, yffiI. say tMt V fO. V -o +{J.Clt it is the cause ()f r~ for .a parri:ouw sitwrioo, iAtl!l iii ,,-~::::;:?~j 0:>1) !¥l (~~Il. [IO'G 13% guw bad ~n.g (l$.~he'r ma,in $Iliimt'

,of mlrry.a JrZ + ::::: ti'!l J..& 1£ 8 ~ld4= ~ ~ id1;1'Iil ~ :£ ;¥ tt

~. .

'~4 If you gi,V@' :'mJaffiOm1.t, Iti~. or vaillle,yott esmmte tt V -o,v +OfO.CiR

(\!f offer I.t !based on cailwllitiJJm that have been made, fl!i' ...... U" A (.to'

it ~ •• tm ~ lEG I gh~ mrn a .,.k btlfJU he ~Il .tl€rrou.'1

brmkWiJwn ,., ft;~*.fl-:IM Z ~ ii4=~. W •• o •• The

poi1.3 Nlt1 gili'en .~he .~t j]' JO 10 1,5' poinl lead ... ' ~

:I. lilt ifI.iU~"~. 10 ~ J;;; iJ;. ••• Judging by ,rhe ~M,

lM maj'()f gaw tM9Utrm ~'hne nUlIJd£$ before U

,reu~ ~. fl. ~ 1" :P f2: fi5 it. JIij" m l£ 3 ?tif"~ jJJ _.t; T :&1I1~JL.,

15 To gjw ,;} j~ .~ to (Onnaiily .iifUlOIJJl.I:e a. I~ v +0, V l1[l+().,IDH decision .. &dI("lA'~. ~ lie had' btel't siwn ,tm~ in V"O"A(lI':ll prtscm. ... Hl.M::lf!1J ]0 ,,"g •••• ~ train ~7$ MImi'l,giV'"

tii ~;u~ ranging ,t4pr.o 30 ~lI'$ ••• U~~:I1-*:+199K

.IHlt:j}j!J'4~ .••• ~ 3~) 4 .. ·lud..gt:MIJn:tlM'lS given (1-

galNfmm. with costs. "" {i: e M' lfl;' _:!; !L ~;iJ;:f!I iJj:·it·_ ".,

The u~re .~ ~ tr:i gf ve the bli:l$.I'I"Wn out - .JIIl ~ ~i!iJt¥wMA.\lMl'~ -

l6 R SVIT.lt".Olr gjws. they yield and. ~.1: that they may be v

·WTDIlg. it~nJ,'~nlil). EO So~s lOt to giw, ()T = ~~

the miners wjU be an -$trikie {M el.'lN'. :ft A.;ff~ :fl, iJ::ilf .1!i

~V Ifrilff- «~IT If.

17 If s!Jmcthing :giTes, itro.lLa.p:;a or breW. esp:cially 'II

whcn~I~_orPUt ~~ ~e.:ftJlj !~~~ ~.~.~qiE~ "~~wali ~ Hi$. etP 8(md>ene.tl_. _. "". f@ it'H~nil.3t f): l' The

catch ~'«Jderdy galJie' ,!lP'W' a ku~ aM fiity xwn en.tp-

~'1 oo~tla tumDledQllto the floor. ..~:f.ti:1I1f 1" .151 ~ ~

M T IJl {Jj.1H!.~ x.. .

le If <Jj. ~. gf~ he~~fw ~ ~. :!!~ aJlows him. to v .. Q (klfn),

m .. hll.·~ (./,.,..7..)'" e.={ ill 'Z:) Ii" of !'IW'T!Ii'..N

_c.'.Ye sex WlJ1: __ .~~r. ......T~:!:"!I' ~~~ J!1-r. tll

~9 Gi~ ~ the abi]ity tti8!t 50nlething !135 ~o bend or stitttcl!l .... b;n !t is puUe.d ~ put: ~ prnssUl"C_ "* ~.t':!:.~ iij'~ft. 00 Be $Ute #latrhit neck ope-lUng ha,y suffiden.r gi I"e to get thel-'t'St over' the baby's)lt"tId: -lE; ~Ht 'W(., MI IH:::iI.fii ~. HIJ 11 ft; • ~ f( •• i!fl!" JL,i£rCJ~.

201k WT.rtJI gIiw ~ un!! ][1 tI:~ ~ Iinf~ ~ ~. JfJ"f'fJW;fip·:iE:JtIH!'fi. :20.1 You ~gi'tlt 1m' lo say tmt you. 'WQU].'d rather ba~ ooe thmg. t:h;;m, ~. ape" daI~y when .yot,l! !have jl1'lt: ~iiooed the tllimlg thru: '}OO. dO I:lCIt ~t_ .ft 1" if! •• w 1 Mn't ta~ too much: reality. Giw me pw;sion. romance ... , **JI'H.~:ft~'~T,fi!'T· .R· •••••• ·•· Gh'e.nJt MJJjoroa Wil}' M}J'l ~ 'i"JI:ff - .x&~.~.'-F • ..t *'! .20·.2 If you 8.'l:y too ~ ~Don~t glNt: me that ~ • yoo meaniliat }PlIOO [lOt bdje~ *m or ma:!: you. do net aoctpt ·what they ,are ~yjng. M U;Jt ~ {l t~N~)'" :2(11.3 Y>ou say "I'll Kinl YQC!. that' to indica'k' that: you admJit that ~mc lw ill Ft~dw.acti'(ristjjc OF ability, ~ven If you 100 not lite]t very muc1i1 .. ft~iA.~ €GI

'N'1lI~ 1l'llI!isIldry

~, U~l


Yow 're a bloody good lim, I'll give' ~ that! 1ftt;f!--1"

orf";'11 'f.II:M! A • ft~ 'iJ. ~ - A ~ 20, -4 If 0ClJ'De0Il!!' gives as VlID,'vm

lJN'R£CT goOOI ss they get, !.be-ylig_.kt or :a;rgue as we.M as the ptnorJ n ~

they auf.ig]llIUng Of ~ with, .::F.ffl: iii:llll; Ii iii {it: .Ii

ijl}. EO 17I.ey iIilltif! .. ~ng e~ tQ give ·as .good as lkey

grnin n.:tgby practioo. ,*i(1.~ jJ:M: • ~ •• Jt ~JJ ~ ••

:+ ~ JI.l!ft li ib.

2~1 ne >MJIids give WB,f 3tt1llSed in the f:olIDwing ex:pre'l" sioas. givt:way JfFf 'F lUi m I~ •. 21. 1 JL~nnleth:ing giRs ~lO oomethiingehc. It is replaced by i:l:, especially 00- cause it is oM· fashioned or- ~M:: new thiing ill f1'l(If'C ID!port;mt. iJ:&-F .... ·D.it.·~ ~ old ~d ~8i~~ m'ly $() ~h(I new.,. In II: i!f .EE U:. ~ =f Ii ,&' B ... Her lOt:lk ,0/ jCl'Y

.'\JlW ~y to om' of misery., .. iIl-M;J.ft:t.:Ja TWiIl.·@

... 1lre ~ where he pida!d blackbe.",i'tS m.w' §iwng

KttytiQ n.ewbrici.. ~" ffAfi,H'B<J[;wj·;ff.iE .. :aOOftM8f

$. ft .21. 2' If :5JiJ.mIetmng pwsway. it rolIIap;tS, m,.. ffi mRr VII In an old Jww:e themill~ might bt1Uior ihe ~giVle ~. fmy ... t£-~~li~ mJlff 1iiJ!ltl~m .iItI1;.fiiij'ftl~iI" ..•

My e~ widened in hvrror as lw.vofthe brid8ft3 gd'~

wy ,. ~~~.!II1J!1i1lif .·ftlfF. ~ 1ft 11J;Ji\ .. • 21. 3lf 1iOOP FHR; VIi ~ l'OSIJ.I'l'leODe a:' ~ • you evttll'GJi.l[y ~ to al- ~.

~.ow sornecoe 00 dO ~1tWng. ~W;[J. ~ .ymtl. rna[ly disa- '" ii.~ i.,

gw-ce (lI' di~~. 'IJ: $. 8."i In t.he ,lOng run j, proved

eo.."Ikr to gh'-'t' May 10 .his ,~, though hi~ molher MfYUndlydislilred doing s(). J~VIfHlfi*'~ • .ltl!;W-., tl!.~~~ ,,bl i.(.iii*_. ~ ma<JJi$:i1' W, tt *. :tr((~.

21.4, ]f ymI·Pl'e ~ ttl i!!fI e~, }'OIl .alIow~lf¢O f'l:fi!;,VEI soow mw yw fed about ~lilmg.espedaUy by bing~:' oon~ of ~If. .:::r:!:h:li~;r;I;( ru -2.). lEG lk mzt .,. ~~'1i'L angry m:th hinut'l! lor girl" nay ta teat:S.lli!il£::r:M:Ji

T nili'IiJ ~_ fil ~ t=) ""t. ,21.5 If 'yvy. gi'¥t "¥ .~ ')'00 ~ !"mI"~ VI!

dlriv!n,g a car '01" other vehicle. you iOlO'W down~~top in or- ~. 'I1'Il'!N

der to2l11.ow ,o«her tra:ffic to go m ffOflt ofyoo... it.. E.G to

GiV!l!ooy to' tffl/ficooming {rt?m Ike" riglu, ~::tii:l.lit*~1


22: The word .w is also u;;ed lEu, the· following C~C!R>. wh.id:. <I!re ~~ at I~ p~ .Up this di~imwry. jl}:1B :Y'l' J!J 1'a 11 ~' ,. X:.)t m *~. ~tI:ff ~. iiil!- 6 • to gi~ :~ W: ,i!, bdJ. • til ght: 1IIlItb: R~.. .. w :gift :~: 8, 1I'iiIII: ~rinI~"to gi~ .. W~iliing: .m. l"i!ilr. ~ to .gpe WIlt: JQ, _.

giw away. 1 U)'M. live ~iliing aHf. 1fOO give jt to .~\'B, ~, eiitlx:r beause you do not: 'lWlm'Il itO!' ~}UJ ~t;.;: ~ w .. vu to give ~m a ~l. Mil. 00 She ~ ,gimn tlm:ly jnletiery~/krn;iiiiCIU of pounds ..• _,B .• QIHftml'tN

]j ~"~.~;il!B mJ A 1··· I could .i!Wldecide w,1ter to

;ej~~:;eJ~~/=1~~R- .. ~i,~~}" ~.~m:£.

2 If you. gift ,MIIiY inr~ that :shoI!.Ild be kqrt ~l, yw ~ it Ibr.rnm to ~ people. SCIfTIfltimcs by~ miatak. o(.x if ~ ) tm •• i .. •• 00, Idi-dn 'I Jed lik gili"l8' !1~Y more ,i:nformaiUm than 1 htNi to ... ,*Tft;V;:ii::;fi:m~.!J; ::Fmit. J!;; tAlMl5i .•• The~' ~n'l give ~·hit plot

!lhtil}'. JKi:& •• i'IVffilfll1lIl.I£l*o .. Ir)'~ gi .. 'lIIfl • "fffi.·ViBI gaD"E IOOIY. you 00t prople Mow ~ 1tfI181 shoukI be ~ kep: secret. ali j • ~ mr ~ rt. Milo ,00 W'hot an tlig

duM that ,giiw .flu? Bilnte a~y?ltfl·¢.~~tI!!M!.1fI!;.H:


:3 \!'wben ~ gliws3 ~ .. ~. ~y aifilclallll" pres~ I'HRA'lA!n.. WI,

eM a brd;. to hef busbw:d al[ me ~ ttrtmMI.'Y, :H .• ' V+ 0" AlJi\I fU:.fe (M. ) ~tft.lf •• '001 She askw1. hu .Wide 10 gi'Pe'

lin aHY, ~irIJ*~~1aJ.t.«II1t..t.I!M,~MMf.AI! 0

'aiwe IJacl(, Ify(lll Pft oo~lg Iiiftck, you .retw:TI. ~ to its ~ VB,

he m -jt;;;!_,:% B!Z' \1+ Q-o ~v

~ or. to L_ pe~ w g;lYe It W you, ",,:~ ~:;><,;~. m

If 1 dJdJJ: " need 1M ~y, I hUUld gh~it bad!'. .r~ ". aW:i;4'·. D it •• ft ~!l,€~a;!ill ~ R!l[ .••• U .... . mine. Gi loe .it lm:k" m;l;:ft!I!J .1Ie'E: Hif#!; ft. ~

_lie m. 1 If you :give m. 'fOUI admilJt tha~ ~ au· defeated p~ VB,

L_ ...!II_ ~h:",.. .L~. "'_.!~·I b__ d_ Vif AJDV .•

'Of tu;olil )'QUI c;mnoI. ~ SOftIiI:l...: .... io,e; or u..:il yma. ""'.IiI.. fldvc tow !IF+ ~ ~

~ng ~ did 00>t WMt to 00, JtiI.~..m»',·dtiF. [ffi .r41

We rnus'tn', gh<'e' i.n ,ro threats .. , Min:;;r: Ifill.III. T .,!IJ. ~ ~.,;p. ~ ... 1·7esolwtllW.~ ,rog[\\It1! in. . .ft:~~::W;;.Im ••

.2 Ir yoo. p a bo:Ik Of .~ In. )'!I)U bld it to ~ PJiJl.w.L VB.

woohasilSJ1ed f(llf it Ofwbo ~ ~tluity ,ova" 1iOJ ,''' ~ 4 ~ ~

cialIy a 1reaCher or ~ lotrroioiL tl!l. I~ + •• .:Uudtmrs gjwng jnd~t(jliiDm. . .. Ii! ~~Q~:t: iMl'~SE.

~yt oft'. If·~ ;f:iWS Qff a S'UbsWl:c:e su~ .as Mat. ~ lIB, I;..ht •. ~IDfIk. de" .,. k p.-rOO.i.Kej,it .-dl se.nds lit out inw·the V+01' ADV

~.'. fI~

air. ~ ru ( 9.!.,.~ '" >1. 1£1, ( :1111. ). m .. . the tumendous

hall givmoff by the fi~e" ... f' -*!llt ICJi g :;Icll ••

gJft onto. Ua ~ (II:" wmdow .~ onto <l! ~wW i11_~ "o"Di,

ht 'It" PREJl'

~. i:~ ha3 oOI! view of thou ~. Of' iit .goes strnighl to I' , "flOO! 1l!!1Ib!!

place. (iI"J,") :11", R ,ii ~ "' lEG The nan'OW c.cdtpit Steps

gi~ onto St. Jgmes~ Park, M),a.:Jl}~5.all"'.£

PHR, VIiI, II'iIJIUCIS. !.Au+ jq -~

~'I.IR, V+O+/IDV ~.~

= ~wJa!'

gi.ve-aRd-take .iOWi£;,2fl1~

gir~ out. 11 If youGiw oot :;I.. Ill!ilTl~ ofthgiPgS, YOUI distribute them to a n~ of d:ifteren~ pOOpie. 7}~.OO Ho~ aM gaw Old drinks to his gwsrs .• :~.re\t:M?t~~fIK ~;t'A1D.

2~ n :so~thipg giVl':'S out. 2. 1 ~ ttops W'QI'kiing. wual~y bem~ it is ver)'Qld .~ ~~t kn: ~ mown. n.'!lI!fy.,_ ~!li$iffi\H'JLt~.tt. roo The f~ wi~kin a pl~ will give' out ~lY;.:i:ld~:f\lWJtHg;$~IIi"~ 2. 2 ~t [s ~ly r~ot mOO. up" m~~fAft;~.I~ TWill aU the laps·OII: untilt#MM.t'Jter gi ~ oot.. 1!8f:f lM1:1eiik ff:1f ,. 111111£*&%.

3, If news·~ infQm:la,tion 1$. gi~ Old, h .is ~ known to

pwplt:. :#* ,11;*. eG n .~ giwn out t~~ .the Pri~ kU$ apt!Cling a ~by .• a11lM~ .•. ,£:j;:tf.T.

g:i:\'t (ItWlr. 1 If ~ is Ihm !l'I!Ver toa .part~ooila:r thingr lIm p!t .aside tfOl" a paniw1!ar purpose' or me, :re···M' ~"'·~,'Z.JI •• EGo •.. Jmrd gh..en ~ ta ~jctthure ... , .. II fl: ti. _Iff IIJ ± .,.. 1'h res~ mu ~ groJl that .a

=~~~~~;I.W:;ffl. ;f.r;;*~~lttr;f. li~

2 10 mf:ocmal EngWistiaJ, if yotl~'lIf' 0\iEf', you mop, d(li~ so:metfuing. especiallyS<m1ethLng l_~ is a!'tooyiog ether people, [(iJW . .1I::.,tittF .. lEG 11 jUU' don', Hive OWl'. nl

~k ~u .f:j; .•• .::t\ ~ .shl: asked me

'0 ~.~ .oI)f'T .humming. :it::t; ft ::f: •• Jf III i"7 .•

3 ~f you gi~ ~t~1i'Ig M'a' '~'~ne ,. you rum.d iii: over to tkm for them ttl kD.t aft8 it or ave n:sponswbil~ty for It. 1Ef.t. IiGi rm qw~e t.hankful .torJw the busi" m.:_.s.J a~ to' Ib girls nQ'W. JI.~tf..itflll.fEMfl'.~~:rt r . D,S Jl!HI,ft It •

gi",~.gj. 1 ~f yw P ~ something, you Simp caing lit or be]i.~ng m it, rt.1f ~.". ~, It's unr:eahsric to gi w up sm.olid.",to ~~ money now ... JI.a" 7 it. ifiL,«mA ::>F:I].;t iii .. · I don~' hQ'!.l!! arty j,u.e.nrion af giving up polt,rics. , . ·ft. X :;Ill 1f:.6: fft I~ tJ ,.: .... SN nt1'm- com .. pltt"ly ga~ up MptL :DtI:.!A* R.:Jii %~ 1tt:1f' ftl!.. .. If ;'Oil] gh'e ~ up fDr Ik:ad. 'you believe t~l tb::~ .are dead - .to m ... Bi:iJE t:'. m His bro/her hr:ui been ~ w,n, up Jor de.t1Jd ,..ears agp. )l.,1f. 'lID II; ~.£ ... 1A.1i: ;;r: ~ Am T. ~ ~f yo~ glvtO! up yow Ute. yw die ,~riallylN a pa:rtiruliU" eaase. iill W~ •• 1m l11:ey~e uad y UJ gI~ up fheir Jives jfR thdrMUf7.(ry_ 1!Una,'l'iiJf".II.IN. ttl Q a. ii!rtI ~ •• ~to give ~. the 1,IDit.: ~ :gIDi~. ~ tOo P somd:hiJlijJ or somro~ IIIp a."i • b&d j:®, Ji!, .job.

:2 If ylJiU gi~ up. )'Q~ adm:it dlllll!: you ~t sQl...eapf'oble.m. pu1lllle. Q!'" j~ .. ct£ •• ,B i! .,~,)~ VI. ~.ti < ~ 5!fj • "" tJ) .00, I don: ~t know. I ~.Ii't ,up, WtJaI is it ? ~ l' Qii. ft.~.i:I .• ~,ft'*'? .

3 Ef YOUllr¥eup your job. you .res.ign (rom it, . if *" ( I fin. Hoi Sht.~d· hIrd t~, gi w: up her job" ". til H §" * ~ Ie. Mr,fI;·,· She WQ$ reqmmi to gllA!! up.1urr lht~ ~ the ta,~ (1/ 1o~ .• m~.MI.I!Mifij •• *.1f£f9:.

.. If you giWQiUi objreot, you allow SiO~ e~ to ha'l!<\I!!~1t I a raidy old. famiona!: expr~Oll. [ 18 j 3t til. EG • Giw UPfMl .book I" .she h~. 'Giw U up. ''';jiB. *~'$f m*! ... ~JkIl~II.. "ff.E~W*~"

5 Ifyougiive Oil persQ!:! up, you lot the ponce lX' o~r people ;t:J'!Ow wb~['it diat peroon .is bidin.g, ~ H"l, ~ ~ •• 0 eCii They tat'lwed he. butstUl she .l+Oj;ildn~t .stve me u,p. fA fJ" tr- . m .. i1i oJ! l' I'*" :Jl'~ ftl" ~

,11ft 1Ip'1Ln If }l'hJghe 'up 00 ~rhing ,. you ~ a!It

hop: o:(,OOiIlg hor'@fill!!lde~d~ it:. ,....,.:W;iffi:f@:!I. 00 ..... a IdmJ ,oJ... . Y IMt ~ .~vt!3' up on. . .. A in *-ti :;t.t=JJ.m-~ •.

gift up to, ~f -}'1]U gift' YOlililseU OF your life up to a pani·calar thing. you deVOf~ ,al! your time •. t.l:Kmght .• .omdcQUgy to ii. ~··'.mdi·~.M~·$. m ~ ,ga~ ~ifiUP

. ,~·.IL_· ~_=.~~.~_ .to an UUf« mJon oJ ""pptl1.US ••• ~3!""U:Z;JJWi _op~

....... ., ll,fflgiwnup to ~l .~. . .. mM T -"II it'! :ttll. M~M ~

~aud-'" * also !lpelled widtou~ hypfreru, 'If. iii!' .'f\ ;1m :if

* •. aw-aJIII..bIle is 11 ~ will~ by <lI' tk. ~e involved in t;'lxne-thffig to 1i.~1lJ to oilier people':s 'opiltions oud to ~misewho!'e .~~. Ji_ ex ll:. 100 ••. iii bdin't'( jJ':J She Ii~rilnd·tab of ~~y., . ·····m. ~ :i:.~*Jril:~A· .. , .. a fne-and·,~y •. give--IlM"t.aU re.ltlrd;OlUhi, ... -- "~jtJl.x3fi!: . .!i i\ill]i U: Iirn ~.j, •

:2 ~-~blli:/ nOw~eX~~' of ~iU:l' a COI'I~~tioo. with. ewty-ooe ]istening .ami joinimg In. (¥iIl!p M 1.~. iI: ~. rEG •• ~ 1M gire and .tak.~ oj Ih£ ~l .~ha~. . .... o~~.*~.-

D¥I:"l¥l1lJ ,1!:iYe'-8r~ ~abo ~]I,ed ~. OIlJ:!wm-d. ~ iiI !If ~ -1- $:II. A p.WlI)' is ~ something that. .1JlJows pla:_I'jS, i>e~, .~ ln~cnti.om 00' berome 1I:.l'lOWtI .. m.<#tlJ .•• ,

P.HRiIS!I!..t.w, v .. 0+ AfJV

'" iiMKlI (gj;


= e.!I!ji.(AlI

~~'R.IiSN... ViB [ V+ADV

:~\111, V+O'tADVOO v fOf-A!N+R!FO itTCL


V 4· O,·,mv .USU f'i!!$+ w' (t·~

~~VB" 'Ii + !I!!)V, 00 V *. /lDV' •.• 1l'FQ '" iI!!!l .... !!f~

P~VR,. V"'O"'.ADV.

~F + .~ -mEli'! !,jo


~V9;. ~-!I, V+J.J!N"O . ~.

•. 1'I-1l1:r VII ~

• P.l:fll. VIi: AND N INFllcT

= 4!~

I'!~VD, VtAO'"

". ~'fe ill

~."!1.""", V + rO+ .iY)iV


= RIlnii;I.~

r.~V1I, '!I + 0+ /IoD'V

.I!!I .t.an.i~.

~w, v+o (tKiJ! RD'L) ... I\D'ri

- bel!Q':f

.~V9". VH)U,,1Gf ~+A,'l;N+~. USU'r~

N8100 WITt! PIT

:Mm$~JHJ@J. 00 ." • The fflre (JII~ Sel:!en~,er' £xhibl:tl,OIt - the dt.le!s aft! giw~(Jooy,"" ••• ~.t; +¥ft.8'liiii' .w"M1!a;~ - • .1!~ ~a~:1I.Jg420~j,~ ~ 7··· .... a gi ve-.a ~ y rttMr.k. , .. m: _ ~ lIiI, ~"f6 to

:2 something lIiliit ~ given fr~. espodaMy Willen you billilt somethirtg else. (JI¥I Ibl fi ~ ~ I!J: ~ ·e<J)1I a, m WhtlP't I OOugkt .fJf!Tfume )'ater:day. 1 gat ,(J li[Afl.kk as a gt ve-a~}', •• ftWj;;.;r:* *-at.ilW~ •• m tm ~ ;lB.··· ... gi~~y Sunday c%W' .~M1. ···aalEl! .~ •• I l!iIJ\ll~&~~.

ghom /IQlVD.; \g<~/.l Given is the past patt:j~ or :gi¥e, gtive Illl'~~~·~.

:2 A p-ven ~e Q't time ~ OJ)!! tha,t has ~ fu:ed·o,r deckl .•

,00 of. prcvUousJy .• ~IIMI. Hi.A1 Q g,h"tl'n mom.eni eaU ~. H!_.:ilOOlliifrlnt1f]1£;3t(lItiS*.

air you. talk OiiOOul 811f.Pvm~Y'. ~ gi'~ time. etc, • }'Q1I: !~ tbe partioul!aE :soael.y ,tune • etc , ~t)'Oll! ~. di!lCl!SSiIDg _ .:Ii! JIg ~ 1001 0'Itt! wll:;iQl J:Q(i.k attire ~ Itf'n$ of any giiVen jl(J(;iety il~' isolation from the re.ft of tM~d .. ; AIl~.JI.ItJnlitl@..~.l'.1Ett4l; tr\j ~] M .•• A. rtmJon.J)! of fhen~~OTl:ue (U any PVfl1 time is ronar'f1t!4 ~.~ht~ pt'f!';.Se.I"M):tion of lire status quo .. , "'i1E-~~it.1JijJ ~ M 1t-ikii, ~ .~.t, _-* .~ ... Ojien poopk d014I't kiIWW Wihat1s happer#ng ~t ~,nJi' gf:li'en mo:men~. Aft'] *t:;r.; ~;II a -f! - M:1! IJ 1iil1f1i g tE.:t ~ tij*.,

.. rnn fc~ F~li!iih,gift!JII the Chance • liven the optX!fll,g,~

nit)". etc- means if)"ll;l'lJ ha~ tfuc ch~.cc, the. 0fIfi'C'M.1.IiIljt.y. etc, [jDtJW • .ff(m<i<~·) .• EO lily husband IoNS a hard ll¥QF.~r gi ~~ t~oPlD't~nity" .. fl.:'fIT til. ~ •.• : t:: :#tit; i!~1'-lfjlfrW~A"- SiM cmt~d Im'~ iione Jwt~· well as)OO ha~, given thec.hanu .... .w.:fjim~~M~~~ 1"-:m fIil1t: - M: 1tf •• , Remember Ifl:aJOIiI radiv, .gi~ i~ .•.. _·n.at~on, anything.is JnfSibie. • te -tl: • Jt" ;ffl! •

:JJ .ftz.t;;-mii •• J:~"@~ ,

5 If you say giw.:!l ~ Ft~~gg iihing. ·QfPftii tmt semething is true, 'yP!lII Ii:'ie:Ml ~f w.Mt Is WiCntiooed i1!, .~ into aoootInt, ~_eJw. OOi This IWS the 001 place to suwy.

;;~;V~~=,:~::a:~'m,~.~a:t;Jl=~;~ t =

FJ.f... It seems, churUsh to .SMd· hi .. a ~y -. gi ven t.hal he ~ntedto gftt photographs of A~igiMls' a:r W'O!k.' ~~.~~~.W.~.*.~±.~~~.gk ... ffi: fdli€ m -f-lf 1f!j, .5f..tl ~

'6, I.f }'OM. are· gi¥D1 to liiilmI;;rthing. 'J,I'O'iJh<lr",~a.pru1:iCl:l.iar habi.' or tentkncy. 1r.JEt.6hflMJliJli~J. eG.He wa.:~ .S'l~'M to claiming that he ~ n.imed w the@leen . '.' ~~ §: ~ .• '~lj: .:.E .fi Jt.!" ~.J: ... . .. a 14ndl'l~i 1/lZii, 10 lxm:tfoj melam::hnlj(J.. • .•. --t-.@.£ - ~ ~ f,t~tf.IiE.(tC;I~ •.•

givtlil naJIle. gI\'m.1IlilIDlS. A :giveD JttaIIlI:. is a peroon':s. fot rnI!me, .mi!(;h they are given at bjrtb In addit~ ~. thdc s.!.IJ"ooml:' I ~~peciallf .in Ameri.aw lEnIdP.. [:;t~]:t *1;1:«0

p ot' tab .. If you say lift or ta:ke <Ii few. livelli" bdIe - teu ,etc_ .aC]el' you. MVf:' nu::ntklned 1I panicul~qllllf1t~tf or arnu:rnmt, 'youareindi:calilflg: that thI;; .amount y<lU iJte :~!Tci'Oniing ~ ootcompletely aCOUfa:t.'e. ;II,~.:t= ~i"· ~ Irll A .£.!J ••.• EG ll's' thTu kundm:l ,rules .tQ EdinbJirgh ,gire qr take l,en, .. J:lt.!EJJI§TiI:ft 300 li:~.mit$:l:Jfi':S tt 1 @ ~ 11!. ,_.. T~ ru,r.dis t·,jjjrntdar,.u ,JO be ,exactly l~ $tIntI!. giwe ,M 1m mte ~l, .~. 'IE f!iII ~ :t:-.w, i\' ~;;r;:fi.M:WjtZ -.

gJa.OO /gI~~glz~/. Glace fruits are~ thau ba'I!'C~n - pre8fi['i,!\tXJ .in a thla s.u,gacy syt'U~ OiIIJd tbm dJiled. (*'.) Mil ~J;.ll.fl. 1;.6 " •. gI~ che-"i~. . ...• 111. M 0

...... ..L.. /.I.,t.."' ..... 1 Ir__;' \.-.111 IF-'II ~ .r>"_~'1 . . !\at' to

~;.UIIII .' ~,d;JJ •• ~dJl~ -i5 .. e~~ , ~ I~ ~ Iie_'_. !!Pg

gladern .Q!f i~ - ~.I'ij iJli , $ EJ!l. !i:~, , .a .glacial IfJrnb"Wlpe, .. ··!I$tplltll. ...

2 .~f yoo desCJl"ibe .!l person .:as l,IadaI.yOlil mm:n ~ha~ they ~!ill1Jffiendly and hostile tow~you, ltBl~, ~W*. ~ .00, $he M sdj-s,wjficimt. wmpooed. "ned also JUg/uly gllfICiaJ, 1m M: 7- ~ffl .M" it ·D. ms fi -l<~ ~ ~ ~ •• • wed of :ap:noo's I:dJ.gvimw, m ~ Ii: lt~ A 6CJ IT ~. m ... glacia.Lllta:~. • .. :It iI &11 •••

gJa.der J'gl~l~h 'g1eli!i'r-1 \glefa-/. ~. A ~ ill· :a . i1uge mlW; of ~ccw:hkh lJf.!O'o"!I!S 'lfCry OODW]Y. often dbwn :a Inmmtain vaUcy,*~ ;*JII~.

glad /91a:dh gl;:cd/ ,. ~ .1Iad*d _1 If yoo are_glad

1-._ .. ,. - .-- .. <~: -.- iln'" "" l..-nnv ~'-'_'I ... 11,.,~~",,;II "11-.... .. ( n. _

<lIi ..... :ruIL sorn),cUlJng. il~" ". ~'li·Tr.l i:UlQ r~ ~- ... I!!'Q'

~MJ. Et) rm ~ sJoo lhn.t ~urmo!Oe ~$ aWe .to ~ t&e .rickets., .. J!,!.1I a ~ II: Rlj ft: fr: ~ (t m f1 ~ .iiiE.···Rfllr~ was gJad of a c'lumt:i:to em. l~ sul1j«t , tll.JF> slem _ jlI; :fi m. ~ iJ.: §f:1III 131. <) p..uy. ,,~ it!!. 11m He gl·adlyaa:.epi«J their i~vfta#oo to dinner .• '_~Ji.1I:

NOOUN'I' r,' ~iI!

= f_~i!;


= ~icd

Pm:!., USED AS :r.t(i£I


i>REP, OO·C(IN:! ~'IJOOl1W' =~Iii!l~

Am clASS~f, PiREI).+ 11:1 -=~'E'


~ C!:!ri&tJ!III'l1 ~1ImC


= ~Ol':mi!=

ADJ CUl:!lSiF. .:"t1fmU1l l!O\Pmd

AI:J:aloU!:SSaF. ~u !>1TItIB

ADJ QUAl.Tf '" iit,., OOOIdI

~QUALlT, 1'1!S:I, usv"r~l !G>-lNff ~T.CL

~ <1~i~bo..t

~7td1,nlJ.ll&.N1:.m.w. c» ~, .~.EG, His heQ,.t ~ filled with joy ,and gladness. ft..,C~:«:-8.

2 ~J }"QU ia'f. thou you are :111" to do $O;~lthing. you :meNI. tna[ you a!1'F. wlll~og and .t:aget tQ dO it. >f:;« if.) ••.• ~ 0 Wi Theft: are $t.veml people comh18 up to .r:efi,rememwho would be ~ry glad ';0 work ""If I~me .•. :;I" JILl' .. iltfi; jt!JA:lH~:mJF::I:~·1I3 I\f1;··· LexingtG'lt MiW' emfy ,iOO glad to ablise .• Jt "". 4~ "11 •• tt. (>gIadly. ~. J$. ,00 To se.t you fr« 1 would gladly adnUt IV tM murder

mys.eJ/. ?:J TiI:.~·a".*.JI~·v.. ~ a m 7.~ •..

gbd.dm jfgmnj \g~mJl-/, :gidJms. ~.gIad~. If sOmething ~ 'y<H:i. it makes YaI.l feel .very happy .and pleased. it!" ~. E6 1J'e wt'nJ to _ rdl hu Ju.»v mtllCh he IuId mWul 1M, a,nd IwW it gJ~ him to

behOl7W •. , .ftt!~ Mill illEl eo:fl: S ~ !lILt: •• [~ ilJ g m

*;I@~~ itft¥f!I. ~ ... The sight of u Irould have

glQdde~.' PkU;.~p ... · ~~llO'W'j'hetJrt. .. :ilIJI il't" ~ *' :I! 41! tl 1m Jiljl. - M~M.IlJ 'r..,~ellt RlJ.

glade /gleld~ gkd/. efade$, a Jiter.aryword_ A.pie is a grassy ~ wi,~ trees jin a,'WlIJI)t) or fQJ;"e!I[. [It]#M !:!:id1.. m . - . a f~t Blade .• '''-~#I'iiil ~.f&.

gI8d.i .• a.tor 11g1~lj~t~'1 '~ret3'/. ~, A g1adt~ alot wasa tl13D who. in, t:h~ time of dl,c RDi:naD Empire. used 00 Jlavt to lig,ht against otha' men '0£ wild aruInaiS in

oroeli fo entertain jI]i) aodlenee. ( i!i!r ~(jIinjJJ4 ± 0

"rag;. Your glad-rap are s:J1I'lUt clothes which yo\!I wear foc ~cia] oa:a.s.roru such asperties ,. • ~ 'U~I~ II. I ~~, •• es Go and put ~ glad ~ an!' 4ire~.""!1l ~.tilHJI.t-e !

'gIam. 01' /i~af 'g1!'£1'I'l.ao'/, .w.:gIanioor.

~·,or·iR II~bll.iIl1'a]Z' 'ghml.ao:lalZ/ '~" ~ , ,Ilriding. ~I ~m-,ff .~. if)'lJI!g ~

som.e'!hing, you md:e jt Jool ,()t seem more au:ractill/'e than it ~l:Iy is. fl>rMJ:I; ~{t.. lEG The fruth: is ~'timu

g$flrnmisea. J(JJl;fj"IfIit •• 1t T + ,

sIam· .. · .. · ! ~,~ ~ ~g~/: SoD'J.t(JIk! oc . .some.tbillgthal is ~ has ,f!:lamour. I';fj. jJ 00 f ~ A 00 .m, , ' ,a pholograph of a gJ(f~ .modt!i. ,. . •• ~

m I' =Ii "n a<J ,II *' )L iB«1- Dl: M :Ff ••• : .. :g;lanwro.!UpQru

of the world , ••• m: "'.1: - !!:I! A IEt~HIIl1i' " '

gIam.our/lgl'refl'la; 'pma-! I !I! I!I: ~ if ~ lI' m- ff< ~.

Glamour is the ~ andexcitement ~Jua;t so:lrtlS to surround ilJIlI i~tin.g. f:a.mionable.:and IlIttri.lctive perw.n, piace;'OI' job, i!Az~l~tlb. m Acapulco luis i03t much

.0/ Us gltmwU'T ... JIiT -F "~.fl-B ~ * T E' 1lIi4J;.liJJ •••

glaaoe·/gl~lg~. ~~ ,~. ~,1 If you ~ at ~th:it'lg. you 100I:I. a~ it very q'lliclly aM that Iwl: a..wa.y again hnmediatdy, - '. i ~ 31 It ., - [III. EGo

Jacque};.ne gl~a~ ather mll~h , ... ~ fF •• T ~a ....

I kept glanaP1g U1,he mlI ...... wew mUnR' to.~ if we'

~n being followed. , . a;::t=~ ~ ~" •• l: -E ••• 1i

&:fi All:IIIUttn·"R,udolpii BJancM4rnund '0 make

.JuI"tt nobody was watching. • ilii t:r,l' W Mli IIi T - r • JU .'

1I¥j[;AtE~... .

:2 U yDY gbmw tM:Jughor at a newspaper. ,~poT1., m book., }')iIi spend a short dn~ looting ail it MlOOYlt .rt.ro"

·illlig j1 very ,catdw~y, J8 ~ .,ro., Dwina' ~Jasi' m' reads Jib tt'IlUS aM gJana.s thror.l.gh I~ morm~ prJ"

per , .•• IJif~.fi1i #~I~-T All.

1 A giBllcli!' is a quid:: hJol; aJ!: ~(1hinl;' - •• m He CIJ3{ kOOIJNT,

a ,quick gFana a.' his oM lrif;lld . .• ff!1I til •• T - "f' fill! :-.. i'1REP usu

i.¥I ~ WI ~ ••• The ~n ,f:XCitang,ed glanrer.. .. B ~ 1" jI:

A AI X .. T - II •.. He figncd t.he lette.rs with: only a c~rSQry gf~~ at what I had writ't'f'fl. ,'1, ..... 1'r.~ __ MJlHffi11!tE.t.IlI1T9!.

4 [f yoo see. teU. re~. ,etc .• something _, ._~. you seeOJ' notice it imlTll!diately. and witbout haviing to thi:n~ or 0001: Glr.efiJUy, -.111:(.,~). SG He could tell

at a glance t~.r she m:JS "Fe' '. . . 'It -Ill. ft .. dI. It:;. 11H:1It ••• She recogm.ud at a glamx .rhe impliau.too ,of

his $talemenr. ~ - if T:it ~ ~ 7lt.1~ if ,..,:;t:B ~

:5 If yotI say tha.t SQm(:,thing was trQe'ot' sccmm lO be ~ at rmn ~. you mean that i'l sa:-:med wbe t:ruewlh.CfI yoo first saw it Of'thougbt about jt. but. thalt your first impressiOfil was probatily 'M"()!l!,. "It - .. ;, 'F 'It, 1:. 11.. EG, They looked lhe ~a,t first ,gJOMe OU_{ in. fact they

were .diJjerent . Ii {jrJ 'Ji ~.-tl~ n .i!~ Iij.t .fi!.Jjf lI8:!lJ RfJI. 6 I r the SIJil'i. gI~ on someth~ng !iliiay Of'W'tf. it &bmes on it aOO: ,n:takcs it !>FI'k.le~ a ~Itu.ary 'WOrd. [a: JPi111; I P11 • + 00 TIw .sun oulsNh the ~ndo~ ,glfmcm on the ktdVd and forl;:s.. '111 * QCJ Rlit.:tl :n JL g f4 PH~ .it :/G .• glJIDa1:' off. U somethIDg gIan:es, • aootlht:li ~ect:, it hits i.t at an angle and' bi:xmms .a!way ~n a[Wther direction.

ON~ .. liaJiipfl_

AD!T ·QUAILrr". I"Ra:I + 1001"" - ~"I. ~

o .i\lJV WIDI VII • ·...rni'fltil'l'

V+O ~~

~ <bc:et

N(.QOl'<r '" dcariq;

.NlCOUN"f :It ;fJtb:t~r

\I'+(). fI,I~~ ;" !!I'r:e&1IP.

.ADI QlJA!JT .~ ,Jt~,~l'!Ol:-

N LlJ'II;lOLINT Battb'K1~ 4 t).hiu

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iI'HR, USED ~ M ..... ~~b'


PUJt. ~"'"' ANA


" .1 flnt

\I" USlll" 1\ , ~~fI.~

~ &I.~

PHIV!SAL VB. 'v,. AD'Vj P1l:!W.,.


.fl. Ell 1'he IMlI glant:eil off hi.5 fOOl into the. ~l .• I!l;iJN&6rlJi8lII •• A p;«j[Pt •

gI.aDc.mg j'gLclIX!.¥UJI; \gla:~·. It ;gllnli_ngihfow ~ one t~t hiilS .S(;ulJediing at an mgk rather than from din;aJy Ji"l froot. **00 J II f.r. EG The glas.JhJf him (J glancing blow on 1M JORhead' •..... M.f£'fil,~ •• Jt.

glandi 19)a-ndJgbtndJ. glands. A Il~ is .~ organ in the body which makes cfle,rnic.d!ll&~ tor rhe bOOy w use, or that allnws substanees to ~ ~ (Yut of the body, .. 0 00 . , . tlw. lhyr:aid sland .. < ••• if! :tt 11:... .., SMom,j' glands. • •• * •.

glaD. du. Jar I !gbndjUb; 'gI~/. Sometldng- tbat is gtamular J1!'jatE m. otaO"OOfll, }'OW" glrul<h. 1l11!l. EG ••• glandular leva. . ...• ~ .

gIan! Iglea,gJ&r/. glam, .g1aring. g,blted- 1 If you glatt at someone Of St.lfIicthi:ng. you look, at. them with ~ hard 0Ii .angry !:.xprts.'l.IOI1 on your face. ®: if nlf., 11... fG, T-Jrey stopped arguing' and glared al tacholhel' • ". ill tJ, W 11=:

T$II').~ l3l1tfFJ.· .. He j~"l $.t,ood ;.here .glar.ing and bmJrhfng heavily. is.R ~~~VJt. ,'II"Wf~. -J;. ~ Jll.iW .. ~ + 0 _1Ilimg. .~,~ fflj. ~.. ro .. ' &lanng ~fitmt ,~ .... ~a 00 fjUt'1!1'!H3 :t.

2: A 'gJare. is an angry. lw-dl and unfriendly lOok or exprCSi:ioo 011 someones fact. f: tI •••. lEG He shot a: suspldaus glme llt me ,.. 1* ~ •• III.·ft·.. ., .. a glare

of hastUiiy, ···.1Glltt*~i\iH!t. '.

3 'GbR; iB very brmgbt ligbt that is dliflicuhw Irl..n, • .. ~ * *§ it ,. eo TM'~mroW$ 11-'Ui' hm:vUy tinted' /;(1 ,rw$ua,he glaTe. .. 1ft. ~.""J: T .... MI·. f! ~ ill iff" II m:1t '" - .. the giw;e of t~ SI.fJ'l. • •••• MI I'll ~ •

4 U' the sun or OIl Jight ~. it sbint:s wlitb 3 vtry brilgtlt light whilch is di.lffOt;ll!t ~ !ooka;t, jt m .11. ~ *. m ... lhe low SWiI IMt glared Dwr the hill .. , .. ,. ~ •• j)IJ:W. .. Ail •• 111 * RCJI 11: a ... A harsh thin light glartd th70U8h fiw wi~. - rI. ff :!¥J ft ~ .:l4 7 • ~'. 0 pibg. •• fl. ,00 ., • t-Iu! gla,i1;8 sun" ..... II9 Rl% • 5 • f 1lOfI1ieOIlC' is ill dl£: gIIII'e of p1i.lbiicity. pubJk aUeilltion. dc_, tlley are romWlily hc:ijng w.atthOO and talked about by a 1m !:)C people. D. [. di: ti. 8(3, AJ Iumre .fre' can relax Once he', flWaY ft.Oim tIlL gltueolP!lblid I)!_. - a J!H T :Q: ~ •• At} if. .. ii'iii 00 JlJ it • fail!iJ .11 S::f! T *.

g]ar·ing /1g.e;;M:10i 'gkn.nl, 1 If you refer ill sometltiing as ~. Ya~ mean. ~·hart it is very oovUms and ,~as:i~ seen orpo:tked~ used ~. dlisapprovaJ. [If] Ji • WiJ ~ .,1 A :tt Ej:~ .• E.G ••• 81ar.ing inequalit,ies of wealth, .. ·· .. ·It B Mlla~:\i$J ...•.. she gtafi'Rg we4~ oJ ail tluMe ,(Jr .. gu~n.~s. "'!Ii«. ~ Jet ~ 00' M ,,;F Ii. ¢ gIariDgIy. ~ Jut. EG Jt had ~ ,guu';ngly ob'WOjiiS I,hul he had

no idea M'Mr ~ KDS dci~·. • _IEl ~ ~J; .. iJI Jl. ff. .. *' ~~HIIi1l BtE~fl',z..

2 01.ler meaniDgli {If gI\vmg c:an be found at dJe entry furpare, ghu:ing ~JI,;f,&"J~J\!. gt&re it ..

gIiass: Jgl~; gbr.s!, ~. 1 G_is a banIl tr~t ~tmce tOOt ~ ~l ybJoolai, It is usro to .~ Wlndmvs" bottles,. bowk"etc.. ... ,EG He sweeps !'I'Mif the fmoken gIa.n ul1th, the ·wi'ndow .•. &t2ltJli8 'fMWIlW

••.• The.. Y. €npifJP to lhe glQM d(')(}l"S i120'1d.' ;:;eepetJrnride. Mn •••• ~~~ •• n.a •••.

,2 A gbtA is a COi.It.aim:r made from ,glass. whid:! you can drink from andl wDic;b dQes; not haw a handle, It .• ,*"". 00, lpu. down my gla$$ .and .ft()(;Jtj up. ft :al',itlJl,fi -; M 1" ilil*. • Grass is ~ ·used (0 refer to the drl.nk iriSide it Q( th~ amount of drink .it rontaim. ;Jt; .. ~:I1.; - .. 11 ~ '*" ... EO We'll jft3t have one Il~ Qnd' go' a]it.lUy, .• ~fIi1.R-C -.ff It ~ ... ,lie pa~ EUcn ,(.II gla.rs (jf wine. l'hm

fillNl hi.s own. "M*:mM T -.A; •• ilf.1l iiiia' tl a _ J:T-~.

3 G1asol: is also wed 1:0 I1l.t:ruIi objects ma.deof gWs. for tx.ample drinking contai~rs· aJiJdI. bowls:. • II 1M Mi •. 00, •• , a hause uammeJwi,h beDul.ifuJ furnitwe. glass' and china ...... 7.~*.~ •• BJll.JiI..rfJJ$T.

.. Gl~ Me ;4. 1 two ~rar!Sp<Vellt Imses in a metal or p:iastit flr~. tlut ~ with bad eyesight wean JU frorilf: of tbeir eyes in OIf'det to help them _ Dci;t4" 11: ft. m He wa-re thick gI~. .. 1\ .::1" -II"" ~ ..... "

, . - ,a rather seriouS gin with ~ ,al14 long ha#". .' .. -1' •••• , ... t£:11.iH ... ",jiit*®:tcIi:-=f. 4.2 b~llOCUbn.. :a fillfiil. ro When he lowered the 81tlS$~ tIS. he ,oolfld ~,.d)' .set- "M boat. ~ "fiBlit T. n _ B;f .• ft {t:n-f.~Jt.*!f'MT •

5 A ,gJim is &'iO,5, 1 it miirrot-; a r;-atber oJd..fashlooed~ . [IElJ.~. 00 ~ man do~ 1M baT Olflgh.t hi.ft')'e in the glilSS and smilfd. ffml! €r • .l!!iI!l'jI.1" JJ A R'1I f--". -'j f.l~~ i3' *_ iI tint. - ~. 5., 2 ... baromctcr. .!i(lE fl' .Ii

HAS !l'ASSlf l"Ra'

'll i:ui~ oM

AnI CLAS$fF, Al"nI:I8:

~ tluliip..s;

'N 0XI'Nli', lfS1U ·MCI)"N

.;oW C1ASSJP,. usu In''IrRUI

v, n:,. "1U1:F 'fiIai Q~

.. ~

N COIlNrr, lJ'W+ijjlII"'" 1l~~

~~, usu ~, supp

v, USU"I'I 1'1~~

• I;>I.o.;m>

<> AW QlfM1f. MtlUB,

l'l SU«:i" ~ .. N =~,slll

ADI (lUALrf, USU ~J'I1(!_1I! 1'1 Ck>Ir .,~

<> ,AD'Y, m;.v"J\DJ ='~u,

.,..NOO!Jl)la'[", AUO N" "". N ~


i'IIlfI\;ICO\JII11' - ~",are'

[>[I~ •• ,~J.S() d' pii'" ", .. I'll


gI_ ceiling

m •• EG T;1u. glass' is risi~" ill ill ~M·*>iI,":Q:..tfl. 6, .a'J\Ji diJq tJ-. a.gm~ gla&oi.

gI8M'diag.gIMs 'cdiop,\oVh::n p::qple refer It!; agllL'iiS celllng,. they Metalling' aooutthe !J!tti~udl;s. <IDd traditions: lrJI a society tw"t pr~ven:tw®mcn frum ris.iIDlgID the top jobs .•• xiU!iftitl: ~'_tJR ~t:lKlE~!k;J m..t:Fr if ~ :.t*""). ea, b~ ~ ctcrrou ro/;t she br~ thr.~ the gJM$ eeiUng as IN. first ~n to ,ea€;f!; $e:~iqr

ma~~l'tt.le'iJelin lhe ~ny. - .1E JI :tiE M til 1.tI! J:. $ •• 7»a~ ••.• ~.~~.~~*~~.~m~ ~ j{ t!t .•• ~y're .'IOW sain,g ,rheir daughlenhUtl~ the g~ ~iUng .atd /heyare har'.iJi~ m thlt ,efJ~ts" it m _ •• ~ Jt fll! ill 7 fi' iEf ••• ;tr :'iii! ;lU~ ~~H. JlIIUit •

glass. ~ is a doth made frum 9!11.nrt ~hi~ threads ,of~.

It is used to· keep htiu in or W st~m pbstic. ,. .~ !t.

.... ~ L-.... IrJ L. -, ~I' lim,._ I ..... Hbouseri A~-

eo-'.~- ! ~~I'l~1 g lies, u ....... I......... ,'.. ~

boase· is iii large ~ .. !iI. j!; ., '" II: ~., ,EG _ , _12 tropllca/ plant in a glasshowe. ···l1f.III$I~ M-fUMf


gW:s:·wate I !gI~I.WCQ! "gl<el;,wu/ is oq]:eds made of gJass.

b' ~pkOOwls,dr.inl:jng ootl!aimts. and wmrnmllS_ •• HlIl.

IgIass·, / ~gk!:sI i \gI~!1 ' ~ Sc:tnletm!"l_g' that is ~ lis \It.tt'Y s:m.ootb ,and .sbiny. ~ik.e glass, •• mM dt.l~ ;1t:HiTiii!

JM®. €G., _snwDth. gltlJSy lI4iI!/t'r ®*i'i\1.

.2 If you ,~1;::Je ~'s eyes m~he l.ook intlheiir ~ as ~ •. 'you mean' that they .:dloW flO ftt]j~. ~]M, oc ~I'!i~irug i:I1! ~elCpr~iofl. <Ml.!A ~ ;it) ~. ~ 1;i;:Wtr~,. ,EG - .. Q' gkuy!1lare. .. ... ~.~ ff ~ lUI .,' He gazed at tJu st~'l with dtJ'fi • glassy ,eyes'. .fI!l.!:i:Jlt'; ~.~ ••• JijjJ~

"1I.OOo'~aJI; 19b:i~l. g~d;\Irotna{ is om eye diseasc whiCh SItilille~im\'S ~.!II ~ to gogr:adual]y bli!ml. it*_ ~ Y:IJ'J !!it.

.. !9erz~gl-ezJ, gIaaln.giMiDl. gIft:ud, l If you Rlm.li p.lea: of pottery. you rover It w:it~ a thin !ao yu of a s:pe~ cia:! tiquid and dlefl pul .it ~il a very 001 Ottn so that its sm-face .~ shiny andnun-pornus_ !fi ..• J: lII!. <) :gIa:raI, _t. .,f1.J. m " ... giazed c!aY/XJ.fs. • •• 1:: ll!r 00'.:m . 2 Wh~ you gIge F~ such a.s. bread Of" pastry. you spread a layer of bc.1t~eilegg, milk, or ather- .Iiqui.d Ol'l~O it bt:lQn: you ~ it .in orner to ~ l!l::Ssu.rf.ace mine and Jiook ... tl!l:aa~we" ~ •• !Jr(1t_)!l!Si':l'£tiI. ro She gJawl th.t pi!!' w'i~'h esg atulQ sprinkling <'I/sugiU, M:!£I!iUM: _t ~ T DI.I!J ~ At ••

:3 A glue is :3. 11 a. thin b.yu of rui!Jjwd lha~ ill: put on aJ PIce:;(' of p;ottcry' ami dJalt ii dt'ied in .it ~ oot oven so dial it ~~ ~-d <Y'ld smrry, M*4. 00 There-are hurtdrdrQJ d:iffent~1 gJ4za .• ltlf,f!,q;:~M:M$j.~3 .. 2 afbiJJl b~ .of ~teD egg. mii[k ,Of' other' liquid tJl<li! you spread Ol.it(Q f'OOd lin 0f'iJet fO lMlrt" * surfatt' .shim: w 100k ail· itrllicth,t:.(ill:I*&_tf!.~~B'!l)1I¥. fiG Use milk or . egg WI eel gllJu.for fJfJ£IT),. JiG iF :f]~~.~~.a~ tIl:M-.

4 Ifyo~ .~ awIDdow. you. f~ a sheet of ~. ~nto a

wtOOow ft<lme, .~.".

~ ,ova-. If ~'s eyes ~ ovett. die'ji' become

duli il':i3!~~, lWlaUy becaust llie .persoo: is 00 Joog· er init~ted ill w~ they are Looking at or beii1lg to]d, (II! .):¥:~ •. 00 lam !iN' propies t'}M!f stan to' glaze (;IVf'f 4t theWl!tltiono/ Qromrky - =& .. ff. m §.~J.!Jf:ll ~.,il"\I!tof·~,A fJlWI,~ ~.:1F:fti~.&* <

~ j~zdl; gkzdj - if you dcocribe OOmetlPC's eyes '00 th~ look iIn tbeir ~yes as~. f~ meow t~t their toXpttMioo is dull oc dr'eamy, especially whentbey are tired or l:utw diff'KUhy ~tI.~rnt.ing anSOmedl'!fig, (IUf~. "')iil:1I ~ lX,. ~~. a;;; H!s eyes loak .(m a ;~1ighdy gla:mi. di,!;tafU look. ·ft9l.r ••• ti:I-1'P#I.A;!!~!¥Il1t. M F.I* ..

GLC £5: .OW a;f:.Jxevia1iJon [OF Gt·~.er l.oodmrl, QOl.lf.lciJ ~ an

organi2a.lltliiL w:hJicb .• wwtil 1986;·, was ~~b~ fo[" local govNnrnem in the l..ofxIoo.area. (]98B ~ m: ~IKI) :;!em .• m ft ~ ('-1 G.!'~t:e'1 .~ emmdl i'I!l!tii .. )..

:gIftun. J~i:rrh g][Dl/ ....... ~, liClaJDIlcl , I:f an object OJ' 3: ~mfa1l;Xl"". it Fd1iE:ds~]ghHJe~use .it is sll~ny.\IDei clC&l. jl:.tt*I~~~ m H~ poJislwd Ike gold urr.til i 19JeJJ,mM . ,. ft. ~ • 'fF It • _ ". if I~ 00. ~ * ... Thepol.ished red wI" gletlmed in the dim J,igkt. • re *t!J~~ 1!l.:*filf ~ l!in~.ti'II'*~ T Ip:;j~. O~. ~ :JE MI. lEa, - " the~'mming l:!.ra.fsoo ike altar. . .. It Ii _t ~~~ ... n ..

.2 .~f alight or the sWl; (l[' lIrlOOil .~. i~ sli~rteS faintly t a failJ'!Y li:~e:f.ru-y ~.. (.]( El, 1m ~ ) ~. fl.irf. ~.IEG The man)' UghtooWlt;S of tM i:slanas g$eamand WInk above iM

HCOLJrff.l usu s[N'G

t'fCOU.t-!1T 11' b\!iitdin~

N~ = IJI-

Am CUi$1F ~ ~indIDi!i

J!!I)j QIJAlJT .. IJlllnk

v+o '~~J:


V" (I, :Df" PRE!" 'IMBN JOi\lJl


.= funub

~OO1lJl~ ~~in!!

NI·COtJNrf ft ¢f!oJ1in6

i'fliRASAL'I'5, v .. AD'll

= !W b111J1i1i:

AD.! QuAL1T =~

'"' 1IIcn:

N~;lf~'''''N ft~~

v C'.1\~

• 51~

O.Arn~F' = grlsle:rrini!l.


~utf ·a.t. ~ W ~ n JI ~ iStm M J: "Jf - ~ - FJ Jl ~ mM1l;.

3< A gk:am is a.. 1 a pale • clear' ]~]:, .;1\;. p;J ;!'t.. EO" There M;JOe ,00' l~ghts on outside",", l'here was " gkam from a wittld.ow ,dinmstaits. "'ilIii~~r~. ,mJ!!l.lff Bti1l? m ~'l!'1:I:l T ~ ~ ~ :;l'i;.3. 2 me way that w:nootlruing rdl'rus ]~J)( or shi.ile$ in Hglh.t, & *. 00, •• , a gleam of Miler. , . ····*WI~li1t··· ,,_iii glmm. ofwhil'~ silk, •.. sit.nglli. *. 3- 3 a ~u~ok ~. t~l }i'QIII g,e brileny 'm:!i someone's fare, p;JJ.lI. @" ~- It. 00, A gJ,~ Q'j triuntph crossed the o.ideT~n is fd'C£ , ,. .~. ~ i£ t:r!I. m ~* I'¥J ~ _t ~ :U:. - ~ .It ~ iJIJ' • fl····· ... a JleQn1 of pride" ",' •• -!!; m * 5'" '" - a mti#c.~gltam in his eye .,··ilI.rfi ~~g ~jfj.

:4 T r yfll:lit face or Cy~lkaml., they !'IOO''''''' a parttiruLar ,~~~t;J~. .Ham. EG 'Her J;a,~ glM.med' M,h OM Qf her Farce, $!Oft Jmiles ... :I!Il!;M:..t ••. ffl:I7 • .m.-.oo, ~'.f$ .~ •. , .. His e~ glMmeti wUh plem'Ut~ . .m~I!.PJ ... ttt1i!:~~ :;lie.

gleim. Igli:.:n., glint, g'I£Bm.~, giI 1 If you

fIkaD .. mJOl1:tI:.'tItlon. aoou[ something. you find it out slowly aru:i with iliffitulry - tltl.Ji!ltl.1 ( *' i5':I!Ik). _ { iIlt :« ~ ) • ro Muc.h. oj the in!ortmui".n he gJe{Jnea Was 0/ no practil~i .W'e_ .M •• ~W~ft".~~mfltm'4

.2 If l"i)~.gktm grain or glean Ol.li.eM. you ·roIJecl the s.na.H a.morut'lS of grain ItIha:t are left IIlehiind on a , Ji~:Bd after the crop ~ been lw~sledL It IH 11 11" h 1;1:' R'H IEEI Ll!HrHi ... EG '. ,bo~ of mj~ j;y~J aild 00$$ l4'hid~ ~he. had ~ped ~(J g$etJM nMrly 11: year (Jg('J. • •• J& -,. tID.It m • ff.I' ~ *= BtJ lL •• :&: -IgIMl:J~ ~ ® ~J! •

~. tgli:, gIl! is a feeling of 1'0)' and t!xdtement. often caused by ~ else's foolishfltlS." (If' faiilll"e ;~etimes used showiIIIg disaJppI.'o'val. [.e;]I ( .. ~ .. :liJ Am fI ~. § Ii iiU ~Jl Ii} *f}} It ~ ~ $w.Jt; fH. EG " •• ~he gl.eewith ~~ch !he metl.ia repor~ .sdelit.rfic Ct'll"~,mtie,$ - ..••• *.Q::;fr(r' •• #:fIl~~1tIr~.IIJ;fi~I:If!"$~$\ fiI··· Res;nUes ..w.tha him of gJ« .+i~ J¥;·~~$MJt!il~ ••

·gIee·full ! 'gH:fiJl; \glifru/. ~e wllo is :gleeful. ls. fu~] of joy and cxciw~t·. ·Oft~il ~me of OOIlfiloooe elise's £001- ~ or ~:ailure. 11* .. '!if.I.~ if:;:II; J% J! iIt!.i. w ~ Per1:JlIlps e'n> lost , , ctitd Liz. g1,e,eful at. t Iv t1w.ughl - "It m tI! i'fitllT • ".flttMie:. ~-~ilj.lIt: .• frl!.~I.~. O· gleefll1.iIy. ~~:I:I!;i;fl:!: • .Ii:. ~G Ih glufnlly rubbtd }U,<; hlmds. ii1f·,t~.ft!Iil1t~.J 0

glen 19lwigkul. Igkmi. A glen .is a: d~ •. lW'row'lr".tl~~, ~pecidy in the !:'n(jyn~ ·(ilf Sm~1mld or Irebnd ,. <;.t:f:ti ;i:.~~§JJi; ~ m.JaJ ttIl·).,*·~ !11#~

glib / gjlb~ gh 'oj. glibber. gli~. oornoone ""bois gUll. talb too ql~tddy and COIJliikndr" oJ1en ma;king dHIicuh s:i~uati.o:~JIj sound ellSy. sO tlw:t you fed thalt you cannot tm,1l~ dlem t ·used snowjng disa!pp1Ovall, [.] Iii il ~ jJ 1M! ~ ~.1fi3i RlJ' 0 IE(; MPs an: a rnt glib. ,aMUm.in.g tJuu ,riley @I!/,: fure all, -, "f R :j.)!.jl, ffltJi'l!. *If Jt M • !3! 'iA, ifJ'''' ID 1m ~» - m ... He 'MUl' Diuer and' gUb, .ft~ iii!k;q • ill -~ • :II ... used. of ~':!l .i:dea! {!f', whM they say . .m l;.llil! ~A8!J.w.m!!£.!lFi'iA~ii. ro MacIver ~ al~y.f ready with .~Ub ~es, it"MI.e*MilMllMAiif.l!. <> :Bli~ 11- .I'!itm. ,1m ·OhlWU. dw.t's ~ife, r sirem~d glibly_ ..... 3!itJ!1: fi!i •· .. /!I!HiI'i~a~.iIlto .

"I~ nI .d n_ .• .J 1 ...... ~ ... ~ .... ~ 1 ~oi' ,'.d~ ~ !":;I'ffi .• g~U!J" .l~, !~~.,.-..... . ~~ Y01.l! ......-,.

you IDO'\'(: s.i~tJy a.rxf ~I} Ii: .s.rnoo!bandl efFotdcss way, trf ~h·!IHr~tH~ ,,:i!. ro TM snakecUdes smoo~hl'}' ~',(i'i~rds Us- pMy, .. ~.:t[:Q~.~ EacJ.tU8~··· The ca~ glided by. .. Jl. H It * f!j ~ 8 II! it ... TIm glid'Rl to the dom and' doiWi! the stotrs" •• II:;f-.ftllt!~jij n ~ ."F T tI~ . ." used asa ~l. mfl':~t:i.l., EG •• , .. (j Jast glide, ···~affn.

.2 When birdls. or ae:rqailal!!!e$ Slifk. they float QQl rul!" aJr." ~. tit 11 0 ~ ••• an()w/ fPiilirlf siJellt.Iy f);~1' I.he fid~.-am.~M~.M~.~ •.

glid!.er 1"9J:alld"~ 'gJ~!. g1hka1.A. gtWcr. is a!IiI ~rct'Ol:~ (!hal doe:oi. [JOl have m:ltnC;im bur fli:es by (looting C!fI aiir CUrI't;lIlts. m:m.m~

gIid·bmg {'gllwQ!'glauhw is the :sport OF aotlvilty of tlyilng' in aglidei~. tf·"H e ~) .

gLim • .ner !tg1][na~\glm'@oI., IIht'llnL@l'S. gUmmniDJ, gIlim- 1I"Ief'M_ 1 A :gtbiJlmer lis a 1"i1im. gende. oftelli WllI~ ~ Igh~ _ tI:~. RlJ ~ .it •• .'It ~ EG· ••• d1e jrJitt' , Jar-off gUmnv;ef of the da'wn . • .:81i .'It ~ 1111 tt ..... .,' gi.imTJP!TS (II lighL ... n jl;;.IPlJI. :lie 0

2[[ 'too. ~ a ~in1Iner !i){ lfiterest or eIU1!i1:iOIii i~ someo:ne or fli::imething:, '1'00 .!'i:eea fa.ifi'l5:lgn of it iil1l them. jf" ~ j) ~l 0 co, He showat "",glimmer of i':Hut!S' ~in l~.m, . - ~ m1l?:f1.:f:.~."· ... wUbt ,(I glimmr.r of tl stnUtt ... , f!tfi - ~J['L


]P'" rut£p'llffiNi of

N COllNiT, US\! Slt'!O

~. cOON>, usu SleiG. I~~ PREll' l1t!IEN <4

~ n~~~

V, ]1' t 1'IR.f_J> ll-It'I;! ~,rh .::I:~tIE'

v .. (I, I], T FREE' ~f·<tm ~~

~ tlJII.

f'l~ 1lp.~~

= do:~"1

MlIlI QUlA.LIT 1l~

= ~M!lrnt·

o NJ·'" WlrliH VB ~eJ;lIjU~1rt1iy


.,IIDJ QU~ ~~k

= ~tit:tl:

'0 M;JV wtnf\':!'l .. ~~

V, USU'~A ~ $lip • .slid!!!

I~ NCOUt'l[ fi IIIOO!:mIiIlt

.... , WU~.A ~ !l"

Nrol)NT·, IF'''mEi''~ "f

= IBid,,,,, of'

~ :[lid;<

N a;)Iocn"'" sow, U'!>u· <#

::::I ~gor

31.0 ~ .~ 10 ~UI(;(: or refiect. a faint. gentle, \I

{lfico llOOI~ady Ug.ltt. 11: ru VI :IIi tr9 .. jf; + ,lEG The prarJ lhllLtK!

glimmered faintly as she .moved" .. i!!-~dll.JiUt{l(:g ~~, .Iil.k···· Du~ glimmered ,tM~ the b,litrds, 1.:Ii Bft1flti".ttJT.i!*· 0 ~ 4JI*~ ~

ihe-eJi~'ffg !I..igli, ;S/(.y •• "N.~ft:'~~ - .. .,.. 0 Ani ~F

gliJm.mL'I". b:tg / Ig~~~ \ghwarr.u' ,giimmeriligil, A 14 OO1JINT+ ~i5UPP gIlIItlmelU;g of an icka or emotion is a faint sign of it." "!I):"lmnIIcr

" a<l iI at. 00 ... a gJimmeri.of foretlwught - .. ..

~~!!- ... , . t~ fim~l~t~ of hcpe, '

M.rJ.f1!I'3!:. . .

gUl1Ip5e Ighmps. 'glunpil , ~. ;gI~, •. gIirnp8ed. 1. A. 'KliimpR uf something or SO~ ~ 1. 1,," very brief Slght of them. in whithyou do pO~ SEe ~ very well. ~ •• E:G • , , lhe .fi,s, glimpse 1 Cjilught o{.Fanny. , - ···:ft • ilI:n: .. RtJPR -.... .,. 1M .jleeli,ng giimp$e af afigur:e hurrying by. .. • •• J;jj:OO ~1 J1'i it M: ~ -t- !t ~ ~ 11. it _. I., ''"

. . . a glimpse of the morn.ing· paper. '" 1t. m i'¥J ~J ~ lilt n.. 11. 2 a hldef ~pcri~' of them or sn idea lIbout them ihat he!lps )'OtJ! :j!J1!f.ient:<tnll {J1j" ~rociatellR::m ~r. .. iIll ~ lA ~(dill::l!: )'. 00: .•. glimpresoJ N;s kiMndS".. . ..• jiHlkl¥}."'AIl.~.§··· " .. gllmpres of' t~ fu!.ure.". ... M:fL~!KI1l .W .. i.R'" ••• Q glimpse inso hi~ YOUlh. . .• i>tflB"",atft·R'lJiUt 7 ••

2 If you g1~ :&r;l'I'l1ething, you' SCf it very briefl.y and v .. 0

not V(:ry welt ..• ,!£. m ... ,(tviUagr I,key htJd glim~ "J:&tcrn $ig:ll! iii" throu,gh the (rem, .. . •. IBtn lI.otM 4\ • .!4!: B!I-i'- # lE: •..

She.~impsed. ,him.out of the tx1f'n.er of he,. eyes .'t!IM.

M~7.~.. .

3 ~f yrn;I ~ .<m ldea w ~hot.,ght. '~' brieilr ~peri- 'II~. 0 enee :it or learn ~trullg aOOu1 it 00 that yoo wmentan:d "~'<C orappr_«ia:tt iJtbet~. l*«; as;ll. !rui She glimpses -~Im1'lUng()f 'What {,Ie o.ugfu ro l'>e(Jbout • . . It1=: m 1ii i$::liH!i4,1t~ "iI!:n' T -~,*~ .•• [glimpsed a bkd: fu-

lurt .•• 1It.iJJiRiHllII.~

ginn I glJnt = ghmV • gtmtl. gUnti_ng. gIbded. 1 I r somedllin'" v

.. l~""'" ' "'~ ~ ~ .shi~

~"iI~. It F:",lIO!S or reUe.CiS a quick flasb of HghJt, ID\I~ '"' ~

1l~. ro HJS spectacles glinted in ,rite sunJi.ghr ... ;ftll.~

II 11 t£ m :W; T ~ Pi B: 1t. The; sun gUnted Qn ~,ke

'<f'011.r '," m ~~Jil1± T .II.t ffi$, pen glinted 4$ it {eU.

f&i\KI."1\'i:r*Bt~J.t- .i!'iI~. 0 glintmg. Jl;li_Itl!'. 00 0 ~ CI.I\SSIf'

, - . I.~ gJ.imJ.ng :~ler. ,., i&qJ ~ 00 * jfii ~

fIr somront.:s eyes PDt, they s.hi1H: and, e~~ a p!Vi:i~ V

udal'" emotion. (Ii. HII16.iIi • W¥ ... iI. .ea· .flu = ,.....t.]k:1!:. small green era glimed with mtJC/(gy .. , M.:$f!l9JM~J

.1 ... tt;.ll:l-~,.jJ~-MiI·" Hisey&' 'Mlet:e glinting

at Mr. alld a uo-w smJl~ ,c~ his Ia«. ·tlJflil .,If. II

M ;1JQ.t.ltft.ttI-~.~.

:3 Allint is a quid.: [lam of jight. ()q;t; * V\l1ffr. ,00 •.• 0 !II OOlll'IT few gl'ims o{ Wf'8.k. yellow light, .., ..•• If -*tl1r JL It ~ = $Lcam

••.•... ~he glinl of wafer, .... 1k iii~tq:lfl'=. .. .

4" ~m. ~'s eyes (s Ol! ~igb(ne!';S, ihwr c::x~a N'COHlNl'

parti.~br emmi.on. - fQ 11 ! - tti; + Ia;; T1utte ~ tv;) glin.t ~ ~.

of 'H~l1'f.I.:IUr :n ,,~, I'Mn.tg eyes ...• A.M .::If.~R''-!'t

-It,·, ... a glint of aggre.s.fi'on •• ".-tt •• ~"'lI.

81is.teD J~gIIlsn~ 'glliW .gUstems. glWtemnc:. ~. 1 If v something 1flslm5. it. sbines or !iJlafIHes: ~ua!lly bemuse = slor.Im it L'i smooth. Wl'."t. or oj]}!, (1t fa-ilIlUSI:$; l§') (;q tq it:lt.

1m H1s face glistened wiShsMWtJ . .. flI ~ .. !l!il m ff iN ~

j1;J 2t ~ •• , ... ¢lden ;J!Ovt:~ign:s glistening in the sun-

light. ... i'f m]l';"F Ir;q eq it ~ ~ ~ m .• <>~, ~ [,q. it 0 .i\1l,I cu.ssip, 1I6MIWrqtt~~+ ro,; .,g;I,inen.ing t~F-···~~t!!l':tt.. ~~

2 If~JrrteOm:'i5 eye:> ~D. they are bri~t:and: ~ It v

pi!lftICUI.ar emob. ( .. If ) B • ~ (;l.W 11 .. }.ro His = 11ll1!.e1l

eyes 8lisren mthCJ:miernpt .. 1:&,tI')iilfjill1m..,t8ti.~fIi-e..

glShfer !,gl1lili~ 'glilta>-/. gti,t.ta:"!i.dl.tterio:g. ati~, 11 me v

somel:bing gltiJtter5. ~t shipes ~l:Ia ~ing way. (Of" ex- - 5Jl'I!Jtk:,fWj!t~lc:

ample wkn .l.igbt)s :reflected orr maIiIy smallL pieces. 'of

~taJ, ,p:J~. :M- Her jewe:lIet"y gUU-ered ,amdet the spol-

lIght, .. ilt: •• S9.~H' •. *~lrp;JJJil.£'*"·· SI(U'S gUt.

term in ,a denT sky. .1: .. H' III ~·r~ ~.. .(> glit1eribg. PlI. <) AJllC'lA'>S'JF

~ j;.m 00 •. lEG • " gliueI',ing ChrisllftWi tree.s. . .. p;j ~-m.

M ?;;:ii:W 0 '" If you say aU bi: glUJas :Is ,liElt pbll,'YOU • FI-I~

ar'~ warning ~.e that SOR'lethlng whid:l; seems attr.K-

tive or- e:Kicitillg .31 fm;l imY flCt lbe as gt:!Od as they tt.dtlik,

l(;q PUt 1& •• "* ~ ~ .:ii:.

2: Ifsomeotle's eyes. glitter, they are bright ami' (l"Pf('Sll a v

parti.ClJl-<\ternotion. ( •• "11 $ i •• (¥ ~ ... ). 00 Her ~ glint

eyes ,gi.iuettea as she thscribed tltest. ~. ~~.~

i.t ~ 'Ulioft.J,iIS tr!I Jq; 1111 rJ;UtJi;:.fi ",'. 0 ~ltring, 11.:¥: ff OAW QUALIT,

~t.I~" 1m,. _ ,.hbgliu,erJlw.e:yts wJde 'with alarm .•.. ff!, J\l11UJI

::8Ul~.~ffiIi.*I~IIUIr. = ,PIll6)' 3 I~ so:m.eone or~e~hing:gUtten;,. they im:pr~ .~ by v

Ultll'" appea.r!U"!.Ce. $~. or "lx:haviallT~ ai~t!l:rarry use. = m.~


If + .1'1U'.P 'IliFiIr 4 . - -



nIlU~IA.tt{§l dt:IJ{f ~. es Mrs Todd ~Ultued at the t!/egfJRl table. 1E.:kA~lE-il"~IXr.·f"*itlB.;M+

Jt ~ A 0 o gtittcriDg, til aft; ;It, :e~ ~ ,fl. ~G + • .o slit· o AOJ Q1JA!Lfl', lenng CQ.reD ••••••• " ~ .1k ... The glil.tel'ing pt'ize ATIIUB . 'r\!aJ'.Q ho1~y j,1t Hawaii" .. AM·. a;·JtfiJ&~".Il"1lF

B-*,. . ?'I:~

4 Gtlt.ter i5 "', 1 a s:pad;lq right. ~ly one llhatis fie- .N' ~ Oected,~ jt, ~.& _ft. ro .. , . i'M gliner of the st4 . ... • .• *' "gJillt

te·~ tq;)t .•• , .. rht1 glintr of wirM'. ··,-M.m 00 tq ~. 4.2. i\I ~i'>fr

~ • I • 1...... __ I] L_' f .. ~.I - ttllSiil

~liclll'n attract, veness, ruw actuow 'I ~llflg 0 pOOl: qwu~

i.ty 01: of little real. me 00 value. Mi' iiil ~ $!.1Jii ;r:. it. SG, • , .. cheapn;ess, ~'8UUeT", .. ···m;.itif!"· ... t.he gtittO' of CO/LfUmt'f gadgetry. • .•• & .. WI fl1"!/HiaJI.. F$ $ Ii *.11.

4.3 d)C excit&IOCIItand glamour that asitu:tion or life- tll.Jt4COOHT sly}e has .. ::)t~·;. iii; •• ~ Mlttt. lEG • , . Jhe gliller 0/

t,,": election, .. ···ii$.oo .. lI:fi··· .,. his life of bJ~ter.

g/lttt;!r ~nd power. ···".1f;"'·Yl!ltI ,*!.tmttJ' M1i:.fi •

4.4 tile br-ightt:lt$'l; U:i S¢i'lfI~'~ eyes dmt shows a paeucu- III !i.U«.) , VSU

JM' ei:~"lDlion, (;;.MlI;.I\"'!PS.~ii .•• m ... ,~ asnger" fibtit N

OIlS 8# Iter in her ,t'~ ... .ftt. II '*' tQ •• ti!Ul!.Ill!~i::lt: .. (III>,

gElt. W· y I r9.]t~ ~l gJn~ . &:nnethlng thlatis gliittery .MlJI Otl.~JJ'l" silil""ies, whba s:pa.rrJing 'igflt. M P1·1t::ltrlli\l. EG, •• "gliJutry

je'Mitery" ... .ft, • .q. [~ 1J(J".3E: • .

glitz-,. /'gll1!S4;'glnsl/. glitDtr" :gIltzksl. Soll'l.etiling that is A!IlM:itWl'ID glilzyis t:xciti.ngand auna.iv,e in a showy way', n ~ ~ •

iJ!iiiM,. - "I· ""P ..

gloom,. bItI ! 'lgI<lWllllJ'; ~ glC1ml~i. Thl;!' ~: is the duD N SJI'«3. ... :-l

light .in the !!~Ilg Whell it. iJS begirrmihg to gt'l ,dart. a : <WBigtL~ Sooots 0.1" liJi:cI'aF)' l;\!\I;Ird. [~ .. !!!. ~ ,. J •. ~. I:Cii .DusA is

faUi1l£ (lM.~ ,are '{¥imine in l.m' gi()(il!m:J.,ng, :1'1 *

,~ ,ttZtf.e"l1 ••.

gbli f91\luhgl~oU.~.~. ~I. Uyou gbd. Vi jF"fi!W> ~ ~howgt1eat pk.a!S~ at ~ own S~ Or at other ~~people's faJilun in an arrogant Of' 'l.lfl.'QU'ing way, !&d

mowmg dfsapprovaJ. [COM~' i3 irn.fit;lJJUJ. .,,~ I RtJljA IIKI';;II:k*~*m,. m ~y M're gloo.ting eve,. my bttnk~

rupley .... flkfrl iE.:tt :J.t &!J it.".:fi:1t ~ M ••. ' Hi h4dn. '[

,oorne therero gloor, fl S:::::U :E" m. *- ~ !k M,. <>~t.. O. AIlJ Gi..iliSl>Jif' ing.N •. ~~.~ ~ if! ~ ~ III ~ 0 00 " .. , ,gl:oo:ti"W sdl-Sat"~.

faction, .".~,.~~ 1~':Ii!ii F-I ••

,~ IglDb~ ~bj , pms. A. JkIb is. ill: ''I,Io;ery illformal! Eng- N' PART, USlJ ... ~ l~;_j;b. a si'i'L.1lll amount mf .Ql1t'1hil1g soft or Uqui.d tMt lw. a ~ J"ounded .share, [m ]-._. ·EGo •• , 0. gWb of mJik. .. • •• -

•. m .. , ... ". gjobsoflOam.. ...l@~ m.

gJOb·aI ,'gJarlbl'i 'globll IW-~ 1 oonrerl1ing or Including /ill.I C1.ASG1'f,

dlit whole 'W01ld, ..t: 1:1 tt1.1it iii .. tlJ. lEG ••• the gl<JhtJl USll ~8

energy ,output • .. ···:ftt1i"I19. Ii ~.... , .. pnJfes.ts .m-

e:! . 81~J ,~te, .•• ~Jt1it 8I1i!'J It it:. 0 gIOOfdly., .:t. MI 0 AD'" W!.1fl \'II' 1!:1!!;ft.JII. EGI'., Mlflhe ~t scld g/~lly .••• :i:-mJr.

tiff ~~.Jj~*.

2 jn\\l)l\i'~ or 1\elatii'i:g to aU the piU'"~ or aspects of a situ· .AW CI..Ji.S!lI"F,

ali.on. ~{jjla1ldi." ff!J~ m ~ ~ giVft a globo.l WlU ATI'1:IIil;

picture oj Umr progr~ .. " :mt ~ 1t.ft::t:. ifi Ji, li M: t -'IlfiI "(Ift,.l1 MI]I ~.... .. Ilglobal" judgmmt. . .• .ij; I~if «t. <> ~- 0 .AllV

.,. . -!i: iii ill! ~ .~ • .l!& ~ EG •. , globally atupted ideasQJ

beauly. ··•· ••• ~ti9M tJgN;t. .

gIG. bal,· ize·/l~.; \gloIJa..rJalZ/,.~, ...... V-ERG

iziDg. ~lfJFm~~. WhenindU$try gIo- :.. v +0 I~ oris gIOOaibed. mmpaui.es from one OOUIiItry Hid"

with oompanats from ~t omm.tryifil on:i.I<!r to 00 I:mili·

n~ with them .. (·{l@),1t.tt. ~ Ow m:ry ,to JO'~ COJ'U

M-illl be to fm~ fJlli.tmas with foreign oom_.mnies ()!f .to

expand ii'uernatw'''ltl!~'ly through (J:ppmprime t~ketwe,.s

- in s#rar,t , . to • Sl.obalfu~·. .~.II; *' IfW - fill' 11 tt·:ft.;@: ~*~~~~.dM •• 6m~~M.*_F~-~.

..... "'" JB_" A. .... ' 11# .,. 0 ..I.nI..nU_~ifl_ r

..r;. ,-M .JI">.X ~ 1:11.. / ~ ........ ll~. zctIiiiJI~ l'oi l.Il'iCOLl'i'f.'r

.ll'z./. ~J!t~ .. eo, neRd.; wwatd the globalization of

indiUtT)I ha~ dl'arna.,ically ,~food. pri!Jduc.fion iil

'i!lif<mdtt. J: ~4:. ~M ... e ~*IHJJJm MI trIl" it! ~

, -JIlt.

~. wi ••. gkIbd'~ PeopJe :IIOffieti_me.s :OOref to ~. ~ ti1INO woririlas a ~~wben they WMt: to ,empbas:i~

thaJl" aJ~ tk dltferC'nt ~' of tbe~Jd form one .m.l'I'm'W.~

rut.)' Jink.ed. together by electronic wmll'j.ll,m~catiCQh es~·

cia,ily the lltluliet, 1ti:If#(talS-f"JlffHt;f:ft !i:iJ .. Jt!i~

if! •• II. tltfUt.Pn-f'f). e.G! Now Ina/we ·ar,e .«11 part

of the 8iobal ",illage. (!veT~ beromes: ,a nelghlimr. .~a(i1.Ji1ft.H~-.;t.4IJ1" A 'IHtJtlf7411m- •

~ .~. ('~~, 1$ the gr-.ufual ~. w the N UNCOIJNT earth's tempe.ratill"e ca,U!led by Ill:gb level!! Qf OU'bon di-ox.-

ide ;md other gases in the .atl'OOS"phere., '~Jf~.~ ••

~ I~ ~glob/. ~.' The ;JiIobe. is, used to r-~~'~w WN SJNO, j~ ~ tlI" dre Eart_b. ~-pecially wbe~ yo~ are ell11phasirillg how hig =._~

i.~ is or!ha~ something :is true ~nmany diffN~t pal'1l.S or i[t. ~lI: l m- !Ir-. EG " ., te.lt .... M,[on pIoctfUitS sun ali owr the globe, .. ,.,~m- "" •• jJ 00 l! .• m .. ... '". oowlUrlaon thE far side of 11M gldbt:.···ti!·:;(£ilkQ'!IlJ~HCJ-~PI:i::,.

Z A gfohe .is 2. 1 a -~iOl! moclICt of the .EanI1. thar is iN COON'1f IIsuodly fixoo(JrlI <it sltalrd .~I bali <li m:il.p of the wmW

drawn 00 ~t. fttliJ1: fi:... EG ., • rmJ.p$. chan;s .tJ!nd' globes.

.. ·~m ,"" 1I";f1i!.ftI!l # tz.. 2.2;}ny ohject th~t is round iw NCOlI'NT,

~bap; ~ik~ a ba]~., Jf:tt.,; Jt: ij::. 00 ' , . ". Siems 01 gtobes • 'f':~~Pif ,(1m' inside aMI Mr. .. ,., .. - -1"- if - 1" tI9 - m., t$. ••• . ..

the cman,g.e globe off he .sun .'.' ;l: I~I :i:t P.:. II: am ~. t* •

grobe"lnM.tl'.r Itglaub!triJtal\glob}tro~/ • globetrotters., If N,rotJI'lT )lIo.J refer to ~ooe as a gIobelN1tff'.)'(II;I~an 1t!lllllJt

dw( SpCOO.3 b of time ViS~lintg place; a]1 OV'C[ the world. ~lt.~" dij IU!; 3;1.

_"i!1·lar IdglobjU~;;J.I\gla~gt..,./, $ornC:iI!i:u:illg that is g'lobtI- ADJ C~rf',

1:;-- "_~il ~ ~-, .....,J I!" . J USU Mm:IIB

tar .is .l'Omlid in shil,pE t-awu~.'" ~otll~ WOI~U. LJEj\; ¥: "'ipbc~1

~ I~. E.G; ... ag/,obula.r helmer... ···:i;fN~ Ii: .... .. the

globular frmlt .{Jf1rt 01 ~he umpole., ...• ~.~ iJ:tI:: IIIJ jt ..

~.1d~ (igm~~:~ I \~~iul!, ~ .. A ~e is a tiny N i'AAT" N'

UNQJ1JI'IT round pmid>l!i of.iI 8!fJootantt. ILI~;(aanya. lliqillkl * a Cmifii:il = droplet

ward. [if ~J .. ~ ~ (~.) j .. f'Mi. 00, .,. a globule of

bl~ , .. • •• - IF- • .I!II •• , ••• tiny BlQtxule.J oj pd. . .. )j'


gloom ! 91u:m; glum/. ·1 GJoom is Oli. state of p<H1ial darl::oes.:!i N $~, ~li!'+ N

i~ which lhere l!i. :!;:tm a little I ighL i!I'lIlIGl ~ at. ffi.He "~111

~ $hfough #:e gloom fJ/ the dhn figure. .. 1& l!:li

1-111 IUl W • ~ .I'ltj..~' ~ • ... .. . the gloom of their

ciU ..... Mf(DI~1'-jh.ll!tll!JJd 0

:2 Glmm b~ a~w a. f~ling of ~i~ or d~, it tJ: Nl.1NCOlJN'T :W:;{$I. Iffi 1kv.il'KIt'd the futu.re ~th gloom. , ,. it ff .. tt ! ~=tIOjj fi ~.(" M .. M * * ,.. Valentina: Km p/u:n;gm iruo mrp

~lomn, R·fBT.MA TaHI~;Wmz~~ .. ~ Qf!l

ph.a: or it!; atmosphere that eauses this If¢eii~, 1m 1.;t:Jjj ~II

iii i:t ~ M:!t ~ '* 11 ~~. ~ !;G, ••• ihepervad~ng gloom of

I.he plllM .,··!3:.T •• m ~ • ..,,:m..

gloom.)! I ~gJu;.mJ!~ 'gI:umJ/, ~, ~,1 ~r a

p]~ is .~gbmy. it ls ailiiOt'l!: dark so that you c:moot see AiN QUJ'!i.lJT 'Very ~n, (m:l1. Ii} ;'Illd "'.00 .. , Ou MI~'KUYS ~ mys.rerioW'ana gloomy, ... JJI ~;it: ... f;' (6 X· .. · ra •

:2 If t11c wea:ther is ~, tbe sky is ,oo~rro by ,doodo;; 1\nlI' QlJIlILlT

Clod I;be ~tght is very dul!I,. (.m:7:. ~)~.rIl~'L~l m We ,dro'J!e = I~~:

umier (:IgJ~ysky. ~P'~' ~nd~n8rQ(l:(/ .• , tEmmMl'3i:

S!"F .,ft {('] ta" • - *' fB:., ~ aa ~ :iIU! !lIVi: I'IiJ ·lW ... Th£day ~sgl,~y. iltlx;x tlJU:iil.tJiL R9.

3 If propl.!!· art! ~, dJeyau:· ulilhappy and have flO ADJl o.;t.w.T

h...r- ~. :ll' ~~~f._~.J ,.,,1 = ~

• our . (Ii' A)f;t * R!11 U • ~. 00, lJe n.~:.,",e;U ;S.oom,y

,again .. , fl!1;" _t ~ Jt ~ if. Mi T .• , Th:e jishi.rIg. indWJ~"Y is gloomy about lM E. E.: C. it ft [#}l~ Ii: JII ~m A rill·~

iNJJl:jJIi .• II' 1.ISied ,of peopIe>s behavrour, m!,:.tl'l~.~)dtHi "'" diimlll ~. e13! There MUa glomr~y l1:ienx;e, .Ii!" T - ~·lJ.In,~

m _ 0 0 ~" ott til ~ 0 Iffi • ~ubl.e .' Rwlolph 0 AIN wmr \lB saidgJoomUy. "' ••.•. "'.:iI*ttiU~, •.

4 Ir a ~i~Ula!~~on is .~. :it d.bes not gi V€ you Mu.u::h hope AI!)J qUAUT

~f success Of happillef4. <tAtuJE!J;J ,.-;t A!R II 1Xf. [1[0 He ¢ ~=:i::: could .omy see· #ie gloomy possi.Nlhies of modern sci-

ence. i';tk;H ft.i!J.R*~~ A~.!l1! oo.'8ti ...

gh. ri. fled / ~gJJ~rh fialld ~ ~glor<l~ [aid! Ul€'lI.m .very orni[lary in .AllI· ~F •

.Al"TRIIi I'cality, but hawng a !1am~ Of' titte that s~ somt- .,. jImlpca.~1?

t~Lin~ of high...er qUla!!h:y or gn;at:e.r imp::~n:a.:[Icq med ~w·

in®" disappf\ovaJ. [If]~'1lI: ilI!!J ~.~ }t.~. i~, The • yacht'

HoW agimlped ta:ihng boat. !I]~~.®J'" &!j"!fI."~ ~-ft

f; ~M!lh~ filllii'ilB.

:gI(Nii.r-~ /,gI;xfI~fal!. "l!l:·l~,fal!/. gforif'lt'S, Ilorlfymg. ~

[r1ifiled.l If yotJl ~f)' rorr:JeoJ:1ie or SiJl1ltthimg. ·YOllprais~ V4Q,ORV·O· .....


th~ or ma!kJe tlR:rn seem jmporlMt. 1jti,.1t.. m .H'ts = '."m>i,.I1~

ne~9I»per$ glori.fi;ed his ,chari!a.ble dot*tuiQI:I.S ... flZo<J'li

:m:t!tJJ1l!!. ~ §. m •... , .. a group titor g/m'i/itUi Ow

values af law i order, and .tradition. . .. qrj ~ .1Jr;. ,~J'ij!

.itI~~Z flit Ii IflCJ[ , - If A. O~o.1iii. fl,. ,ca-lion ! 19J!;rnI] ikei- 0 f' S!~ wm~

J L~ ut."'[+ af

Jan: .gmFO'I\kf~/. ~ iii r.' ~. m ... ut'no~n.drw Inc

glmfjIca.ri.ono! wur. ····it:Ilr::(iJ'l&~ f'I'!I:8i!6.

2 ~ f )lOll! glorify God. you t:xp~. IUs greatness. by speech v + <>

or ac~wn. for examph:; by singing hy~. of pliaise, ;ij1; Jf 1l wl:IPlliip CJ: -m).

gIo.ri.ws II'gl~; \gIOO1:;:1S/. m Som~~~ngi:haJ is ~.

1. 1 i's W:J''1beautifu~ aM lmprt':SS~ve in a~an;oe and .:>.DJ. QIlALIT oftt:t.l "",rv.· ooloorful (!If hii":Vl". :tt .. M l!t$ a<J. I~ ... the 11' ,~.did

'-1' -o~ '" mqnifii1>rn1

~t glmiaus flowers e~ .wen, ..•.. .m. 1I..il'l1ftlJ.~.

w* It IX! ~ No ••• . .• vi.ltages in tm g~Of.ioUS ~,UeJ!f ... "·~~]f'fRfJ III *""I"!irfJ W!L , .. 'W1.wt a glor.ious amour!

gg:.f,;, 1Ji:if ~I a fj.l' 0 ~ty. tI:: iii :It. .' m .,. g~or.iO'US~ 0 /wv

ly ,embroider:eiJ piJc~,~rt.S, •••• ~I ~tt I§I ~, II ~. II .1.2 ADJ QUArni


makes youree! '¥err haJppy. 4'A MfR:I~J dIAU·lj'. ~G • • • ll\lMl!1de~

(j gJar:o.w:s alTi~free feeUng of "fo;J, A M~ ,;i;it5t =~I~

lIIii ~R:li:a:M'" We have glorious me1W!'Jfies of th.uho1i ..

day. $l ff1 lin, 1"'" " :ff .• ,ti ~ !ij: M 1m ffl. <> ~y. c AI)!!! iilfJR. 159 ••• arriving gloria.r;tSly d·Jr.', and t~rtJd ...• ;f!J

~ BIt M: !f X It R • .1. 3 !u\!QI¥l;:& great fame !OO" sueeess. AOJi {JlJALl1

~t'iB.M ;lIe·@"~dt~~. m •.. a great aM 8)0- =mu.slr.i«I.!

rj.Q«$ Empire. .. • •. ;ttl * ~. ~ M .'!W I~ ••• ",.: the gtoriom

f~t.~re opening before them, •·· •• :tEff;fTilifing~.I~

flifW. 0 gIoriomly. ;lieNiJ@,. [00 1M soidi,m had Jii:ileiJ o oWN

=~~::gM~: swaeed&i. Hlt/,liU~!lfift.H!I!tt

2 If you describe tbe w~,the.r as ~., you mean it ~. QUALli

is. hot ancl wnny,. <*"l.).:ij-~'!hl.l~tr!L 00 We had glo- .. ~

,jow sunshine., ,. a fnil _t T llil ~:Ui ~ IfIJ S x 't,.. The wea~kel"·H4U' ~ori(Jus. x~:ij-. T. O~y· mM- (>,wv

~ mll~li~1 Jtf! ;.!rf:lt. EG The. firs'l Jlf.W days 1+'U~ gtoTio.~fJy kot,

jf~ JLj;;~. T.

~"~ i'gl<D!J1~ 'gLm!. glories. glwyiD!l. lhied. 1 GJwy

i$ 11. 11 the f~.e .~ ou;!Irn:irnt~ th.tt you .~3in by·doing N UNC'CI!JNT

- , . T'''~·· l··~ ... i iI"IPIf'"""",1

somcthmg. JIf:; ~ ~ ~ •• ~ .. IM;W'tlUU:)1'$ M~,.wi~ .5.Qty 0; rf;i;$'!~

.andhoI'MUr .aoow life itself.,. It ± 11"1 :e _ ••. W It 1:.

• $:;!}5;E ~;I; Jj .... 1 did U faT tire theatre. .ilWt for .my

mw1 per~l glary. -it .. 1$ •. ;M: 1'J T ~ IIJ .. !It mJi 4" ~ ."JJ

T ft 1- A IHJ m •.. 1,2 the greamesso€ GOO, .t. fcf I~ ~. ~ N lINCOUNT

2 1 r·you talk alxnwl die glory of somcming t }'QUart refer"

['jog ~o.2.1 i1s great kaut:yor irnp.re!:l<;ivcDeS1O, :tt ii ~;ff:~. }II

EG The glary 1md .g0tf4. from fhe ,~ftenwon .. , "F "'f.:t1J JEi ~I!'IT" &W!'

.~ft.y a a. • ••• Ehe giory o:J the play. "'IX ~ «8llItt

1li. 2. 2 die most be.!uuf1id Q[' ~mpr~a. ve part Of leature H

of it .• ~ (ilitta' A flJIl! •• ) tr1I B * (ifi,*,,~,}. BaThe ~~ .. ~l"IW


great glory of lire emtle is the: mlif(Jt/{J'.ffl ailing. • •.•

.ii1I;;MOO*tfl!".fj~~:n; ••

3 1'he ~ of a ~. o:J!.I!'Itry. etc. ue· 3, 1 th! oeea- N KtI'k...r. f snm SJ~" on wrudil iley have ~ ~ f3iIII'JIB 0Ii' adtni- ~~. rnlbl'e. ;'ilt •• It~ ~*. EG ....• a wine 10 the ~ of dw

French kmy, .. . .... ~ N ~ P. iI.a .:111'19 ;J; iIA •• , 1k .b£-

ca.mt1' JlfJ·u.imental and ta.Jked about p:lSl g/,oria .. M!E"

$fj~jPl: •• .til. 7 ~ EllS{) ~ -it:. 3, 2 the thing:;tllat people N .PWRAL. wnili

r-:i mos'I Jlttracti.ve about tbem.~11,;1 ;l:!§M ••• 93;, • • ~1!:,1lCb.l!J;

rhe glories 6f Venice ...••.• '@If~'Ii·.··· ... the tJ(Jf~

af Fr.ench l~ ami Ii temture" ••. i! iHI'if ifU:t:. M


4 If yoo say that :someone 1s bathing in J'deded glory. ffiliI:,.Wj

yQtI~, that they .are gaini~ f~ i[J:[' ad:mirati.oo.f'IlI:X [MFII!.BCTS

oocausc: of any ~lacltievelt'itrllt. but :because (If tile

, S!Il.I!:'Ct8S of iO~ or J;Ot'l1emj~ tha:lmey ,~ (()flDOOled wit.h. f:!f 'JI J..OO ~ i'If:f ,m .g. fro &rn,es barlmi in 1M rt-

fleered giory of Rolls Rop's .~numph, t5.l'i:tB.M'Wi' .MM~~ }tJi:;IJI!T ~ TZ ,.

S [f 'f!lU say tiI1atsumt::lbing is done to t_ greatoft' gIIwy of !p~1. ~ !IS ~e or 5(JlilC"th~ng, you me-an t~ ~~ is 0.01'1(: in order AN A.

~ I!g!KlOMi~

to Faist: d'lertl arlO ~hUease lbeir fame."J.J T': Ii f ~. T

·lIII0 im ..... AA ~ • c· • t .. ,,!.~ -,: - 'tf!'r "w{}fY- ",I tfu! Farhv~

>!If,mll IWJI7I" .• ~ ••• Q .,""" grea_ - 6"-· "-:'.1'.. .... '

land, .. . .. :!fit T II l!'il; £ * ~ ~.. ... The Q,rfteth;al 'lft)gJd be"ebuilt. to thtgrM.t,er 81m}' .01 GOd, * T ..tfili 00 J! ** •. *It:##iII'rr ••• -

~ in. If ya,ueh';v 1.1!1. oomcthiil1!g. you yery much eIlI:joy PHRASAL WI,

do.i[lg [t or. being .in.a p;lU"urum situation. 1FJ ,." lEI. t ", .• ,. ~~I!EF' filM

l!iilJl ~.~H(.. EC The ~n U!'el\t: glorying in thi£ ~ = re'l'Cl j~ .found j~am, t:l:{( if] '-r JX -.Jii:it. M ~ ~ iIii. J1JI ~ ~ •

gIms !gl05~gl:;)Sf. ~. glgiH~. ~.. '1 A gIoriti is a ~G Wl,rn bri:ght shineo~ tk !ruTface of somE:duog suclias f~u:ni - '" ~bmoi lW'e. j(jr.J; @.tf 0 ffi The ~ hm:t'.iI hJgh gloss .... ~fi

;f;;::!k I~.I~. ~ • Wi i!IIi ••• , •• the ImrM gjcw of the ro~i~

h.1~e hat .···~:I:.&.fUIJ M~.~~ ..

2 Gloss is 2, 11a.n appear.ana of a:tb'at1!:ivtness or gocd .N UNCOUN]'

"poJis~ qual ~t·y which SQ!'!"l(!ci!11(S lhid~ les.!l a~.tract:ive fea!l:ures (If

poor' (jiWlHty, JlillDH1' •. ~·II!.~ m ... .rkt: glass and gliHero{ am.j'untt'f~ry. •. , •. m • m ~. fi. fi! !J~.:§( I:

JLUilJI. iM ~ II ~ ®; ···CilOM: .fwd added· ~·0iD. pt;J.Ce • ·~fid CQ!CI~r toO Bi.ll':~ play, :i;J' fC .r:t1fi: ~JjltLii iii:t1J T ~M

~, , 'Ti j}:fil M •• 2. 2· ~k ability 10 behave in mil ;attep~aJhl\:: NS!NO W'j'rJ-! m1dpdli.te way in ~f!ty. •• oBG, ••• thai mMd.l~clQ8S ~~i;;~1iT glosS..,. ., ... fi ~W! F r6t. !XI. #: ..• . .. the social gloss

dun SiooJr£ .~. ···1Ii I!I ~iI!z f$ ti:~. -#.

;3. [f ')lOU. ~ OJ! diiffil):.llt word. Of' someooe's ideas·. you V·t,O provide an, explamu;iQ,p 'ofilicllliL .• * ;~~. ro .... I~f "~L!oi!i!llw: micJdie~clasJi oo.ckgrou~ (HQWKJrdm:ll gjQ&S ~·ku 1rJr'

}lQU), ···r §;!·'~Frt81~ ",:J;(_* ."!ifi *,·M ~lS;.-

~) ... I.l1Sed 3.5. "noofll, m * ~ iiI). m .,. Carmody's .. t'HDUNT glO$$ of nin.ett'4!nih~CMtW')' toowg;u . .,.~!Jt:il!l J;} Him = dooidadoo ~.,I!H~.I,M •• · •

4 G_ i.saJso gJoos ~i.:tn. .w:"lt .. :PI-. N \l1'il:OHf'ff

glM, ,~. Ir)!Ql..! g101!1:!l ova' a probJ~m.a mistalie. 'OIl" an 1'.1:IRASAL VB,

,embarr(lS.jjl:ng~Qmem, you try and make It seem unimportant by ignoring it or by' dealing wirth it ..-eryqwcl:1y. tt S. It Ii. lEG • I KWS' leavi,,.,, t'" ,VIiIlY.' 1 J'tlid. to glasJ over the 1eJ1.Se ~ .•• "xli!; :imW!tILif:T • '''a ~.~ '(11 ~ .]!. ~ ''I ~ at M • m ~ * ... TTu{faut gl~ Ollei' such: contrtUiictiam. fiB lift ••• :i:!~*.I'.

gIos.sa.ry I. ~. A ~ is &n ,a!lphabcltiOO list of ~ (li' e>ipres$iOilS and the spt:ci;i Qt; '~~ ~. iJ'lig!> that they haw Irll a. parti.OOac boot. su.bject" or aetivity. ~ tr. a: ~ * 11 ~ II ~ en GltMSanf'.i.f Mo't're pt"~ in F,en.d!~i1d Spanish. .. • _:fii ~ ifi;fa, l!f";f 11 t1I 'lS.I £ * ... .' . a DiCfi'onary and Glossary of lheKoran. . .. iii ~ ~~., fIl;;ft1!i( fill ~

gloss p.dat is paint ·that fQfP'lS; a shiny $!.Irface w~n .i:t

dries. fi 1t.1ii ~ I }!f;tfti'" ~

~. y /g!ltI>11 'pI!. \ &::mlethillg tlfuat ~ ~ is 1. 1 :~fl'IOOOIh aPd ~~him;J,y. ItJIt It!J ,*" ~" ~. [G She Iwd gio&:y ,tm.?~ ha.tt. .. it;ff - * ;it fJ • ~ MI :«fi £ ... .'. 8108$)1 bla:ck raiUnp. • •. ie.i\!i H«JIIII @,. ~. ~.:2 ,iilUrad:iVll! in .\lIp~ pcar.a.m;;e but of poor qua!ity or Uttle real U'!le or value, lllSed s'l¥Jwing ~.yO!ii. I[ If. J iii __ ~ ~ 'fI. ~ B9. ro ..•. glossy but ~nsatis.fyjng siolb$,tiC Ules foT' "I hit fell'//) ~nied. ?··,.ft T ft.19i'.1E.~~ ~lll~-f!.iifi .:t:~t;eJ' ~.)L.<> gkI8S:i1f· •• l@.~ fa •.. a glassily prriJzged'

prod~c,(. ·"i!l.$.I~F~. .

:2 Glossy is i!JSiedwdesa':ibe ~, magazines. and photographs dut are produced Qn expensive. ·shinypap:r; muaUy :in rulOur. ('Ii •• ~;®:.!III it _Jffl:R itM~'''Ie9. EG .... a. gkmy ,booklet . .. . .. -* m:.ft 1,t ~ lilI tit ~ 4" If -1.,.

... ",r~~"y """"!Mm;, , .. ,. -""- :>iii' - ~ .... , t·I~.. '''~'''''''U

.. I n'li_II- ~~. !::iI'~l~£~-:._ Il, ~ ~ .I1l..!,,1iBIl "a;i"i;:Jli," ~ ~. '.~ ~~)

~ of Co.s'mopl!lilita·n ..... ( dM:-':J;; .)~ ~@;lIt II.Jl' +

~"~. ~~nes. A'gIo8sy~lsa magazine printed 00 a.pt:ti.Si~. shiny paJX1F wi!th OJLour photographs. ~ly of fashionable clothes. fil!rnOl.E peoplc.t:xpemivc ~ • etc . .m;ff1t.EpI~Him~.l::. EG , .. rhe ,aski,f)n ,modris yo« !lEt! in glr;xr.ry magarines ....••• ff:: fF-Jfi:ff~. $ III Mlil fIi ~:i: l:'UU t$'111 ~««F JlL ... Tkt ;gl()s,$y~i~ (;;(lrried tkta.iEtd pictures of the. Ro}ttt Wedd:,~ . B~ iUl ~~'J\! T.it: .-1tI~itfJ! It It .

glove )gMV;g1<!v! • ghwes. 1 A glove, is a pi,e« -of d!r}th.i~ whicb Oi)~ your hand. aM wrist and has.jnd]vid'llill sections for each rmger. YOlil l!i8U!.i1Uy 'oYeM gloves to ~. your hal'lds WMm or dry or to pmtJed: thf::m. (:n .• ~}If' ,~ ).f-". 00 He puUed hi.s glows on . •. ft. _t l' .f- •.... Wear rubber glow,s or you may sC41d YOU'T~f- _.1:. •. it -'FlIff • ~~ it. '$.j~ ~ If! ~ e .MUi MI.. .. If !1oCmething flu like a ;giow. it fill; exadJy. ]E.~ 1i. EG, I triM it. Thl! ,(!lWrnww .thing filled Wee if Blow. ~ ~ ,,€.!it T it .JJ II:

~~WE... .

2 t1f; ~ ·boxhw ~. • hand.ln gIcwe I Ji.. bmd.

81,,",e ~, gJow: ~lbDeDb; also spdlbi with a h)lpbe<n . .$ iiJJII1I:!¥9 ., A ~ ~m ls a s.ma:U ~~ OJ" shelf ~!lSide a caJ" below the front wir.d·· s·etee'lli. {1"t. '* '& * Ii 1; "fi • ,t> J;f .. 1'9 ) fii· ,11 Ii ., :EO " •• a: sa-e...m-hw in. ~ glo'W romparil'l11mt. ···l'1f$tinll.11fi ~1.~J1~

p:wedl 19iAvdl.glAvdJ is used tD describe a person's band when t~y ~ ~ir:Ig ;;li glove .• f.. Ml. EO He. gripped it wJJi1ms gJo'l-W1 hands ... ftml •• ,~.ttlJ:«'f.iR. ~ .. ~.'-; ... ,~, benl.MT. glO'~ fi'WUs over H. tIltE1;:l::_ii _.!II;il ..... ~.fJ~m .

gloW l~~gk>!. pnu,,~. gl~. 1 A glow is 1.. '1 a d'ti~i • .steady lig~t, fOr exampJe the Ught produood by II fi!rC when: there an no fltamts. a~~" EG ~ gJowinc~ ,aNi the bronch took fire. " ···;sA 1\;;lttB 'I,M

. (t .. *- 7 ." I~ blue gJ'ow 01 a poljce $~'ati(l'lt

l~gJt.t . .. ,.,., tr .* ~ .a * ... ..' t~, delicate pink

gll)w along 1hz· horizon. . ..• ~til J: ~ M I1R I'} tI e JIi *' ~ 1.2 .a rOO wQour 00 a pe:rsoo's face when they are: excited about somethi.I1_g •. Of" <iller pbf.$ica!l c:xcrt:ist. (MJ: 00) n Jt; .• tra. e:.il The~verJiUion ,br:oughr ,0. glbW to neT dU!ehanaa smile 10' her I,j~ •• li~ •• Mtf ti .~. 6. l." a .strung f~g of pl~ 00' satisfactiofD. ·of. tell1, c.ausirtg <l!.ptl'slim i!'O have a brjgh~, cber.dull expres~ sio'B. t:1l1.{ilti'llll)OO.t>fIIr •. lEG His gJow a/pleasure gaw him G'lo1iUy •••• ~1Ii*"H11, ••• ll:I Tb.I'I!l'."·~; Jk got ClCl!..rtQ.ltt glow ou:t of btdng helpful. 11M DA ~ W. II]:AUt • .@.

2 If $O.nrething sJotws. 2. , it produces a dull. s't~y light 8#;Jt. m A dune,. 0/ SItIi·S gJo~aboW! us ... - :I: m m if it 111m J. M L ~ tQ. 'iI:. ••• The bedside lighu were ,gio~n.8 beside he,.. ~:l-Ir f'£ I!t! fl'I). itl;:t .. It. 2.:2 it prodUU!S hrdt alId ~ cluJ! ;reddish light by burning skJwly. .If ~ •. tl:i!tr. m Only ,em-bers gI:olII't.d in t.ke fire. ; ..


= t.mO!l!Ih 0'I!Cr

AWQUlAUT " lui;trol:ll'

. .wJOO~

- dide. $iiU4ii1e

. ADl QUALIT, ",.rtA:J!B

ill OOUNI1r., U!iiU I't.

• I':HIR, VB r.N~

;.ru CUSS!F 1? dOI'1!ed

lilOOJNr, USliJ !!11Nl1


N :SU~Ci WITH DlE:T, l:rSU a'* N

NSlNiJ Willi !Jt3T ,1,JSV + S'lJ'I't" .. dum

",OR v.oc ( ADfJ ""~I.



jP r iii!. H:fl * *- *!$. ~.!R: tE .... ·· ... three cigarelles

g/l)'wi1t8' in the dark. • ••. H. Iliff '$' j:q£ t\1. ~ tt ••• <> o Am cr.I\SStF glowing. 11JHl'&.I19. 00 ... gtnMng ooals .···IU~ IYY:II i'l:.

2.3 it IorJb bright by reflecting Light. for ,example fIlUm v ,OJ! v-c CIol){) the suoo:r a: lamp. BJt. ,EG •.. ,.children ~s laces ~fl!.g i ·au"",·

in tM I.gllt oj lhe mmpJire ..... ·mit Jk..~ "F.~iIn

lItt.~.fi"· Ji:SMnda'WS gloRd ~lO'W~nd red . -e:~.

,... M: I£l.:tr e. ~I * ~O~. $: ~ ti'!J. EG, ••• ~Iu gltJw. (> MlJ CL.tIii&Slf

'118' kitchen:. • .. ·IIUI' .:k1tI~"lf,i;:., i." it is bright. attrac- v, OR. \1'1' C h~. 3ind roloillrJ'lI.Il oe full 'of (ol'oorful~. "'*I!Iq.l:1. ~ rx. riOCL.n1 I3G The Chll,rch g1ow«l w,irh~'fJW Afrietm pi:trtflTS

and /abriC6. . •• ft: 11: IlJiM:t;; 18la:9 ~~ Mil iii! * tJ ~,'rifii''' M

<rr EI. <> ;~. II KHi 151 6!J. EG ••• the' gl<»Ving coI- OAW ~:P. ourofi.ts pink fr,wi.ts .•• ,~trUtne*JIHI~.jj'f!.. ATnmI

3 If SllJl'lIC:'CIQe ,g,kIws,.3. 1 dle.ir fate loob red Dr hot he- v, Il'+ pRJEf

·cause .,lu.;., are i!!lIi.cited {:If have been doi:llWiI'.·""bVJi.c:ai ~lr:~- T.tIE.!'" .... 'M

.. o..r ""l:> r J~ '" ~

rise. (m f"" ~il ti!i ~ !$1iJ" ) it m. EG AJ'u hP' ,e;w',~;cm. her ftJJJe 81o~ wi.rk ~ helli,hy rn:1 ~~.1£ iSml

J1::t!&; M ,00 .. .t. il. & J" •• f.I n Mi~ 3" 2~y .ba.Y,C iI v, ~f+:j'>Q.p

11i!N ~~ IJrjght; cactrful expressiOlil! because Qr a pleasante.motioil

whiOO .they f~J. 11 1ti li ~~ m By eyes 81'0'«4 Mlh a. pmidtuite.' fU'jI()Ur ..... mJlJ IWPi:ll.~. tJ\J ~~ ••• Aunr

Agner giowedKi,h jvy. Pi.·~ittJil!J;.~~ ff.Q:l:.

4 Ii' Jll. gImmtg.

p.el' I~~ 'glaua-/. ~, .~. :~. Y, 'US'II) .....

. = ~C'

ff you cIowa",. you look omgrily at SIJ:!1OO[Jm'! or som.o1hing .

••• M l-te glowered ruer:l/ully ,(1J .Ash .. ". H! 11 1I:M11: ~ 1\.1iii ft·.. Site fXlUMd. ~glQlt.JUing(Jf4i tlCN.'J.ISthe pkJ.ygro.UJM .M *,7 T * .11 ta .. Ijij.~ }ji.9'lJ1!: * II if .

pnv. lAg ! ·Watll.1) I ~gro.l)/. A gIowtq description oc opm.ion' .MliJ1 (ll!I:ALlT is (loe that praUies so~ or OOlnedHng h.igNy Ql' mJp"" ! r:=: ports them sU'~~y. A ~ •• ' !1!1 , •• ]1; ill». f;G ... the

book .of whtch I Md' mJd.' such. glOwins rqJOrts .• , •••

ft.itilJftJif'€ti'U' •• $Illl.*~··· ... al1 aaxmruo!

l.hmt: in glOM"" l,ennr, .. • .... JttE"'1IW~~.i'!·.~&tDSrfi

~ . ,. .. .. gl(l'wing I,,i,p.des. • •• B· M' ~ It 1!l9 Jt ~ • ~ r1I' ~


~WfH'IJl, gIow-'WOCID5 ~ abo spelled as (lt~ 'lM'Jrd. ~'ill" NCQUNT . fit f\1;! -1'- Ii!]. A giow-wwm is ..: typeoC beetle. The fc~ ~ ~l ~ and young ,gkl.,..,... wor~ i:JaVl! special ~ on, .!:bciJ:-

bodn wbid1 produce a greenish ~ig1l1.. • ~m. .

glll"OO!Se I ~~Ili~ •• ~ I ~ukosl is a tYlJM': of fiu.gaf ~.hat I'll ~T tx~1S in plams and which a!lIintah omd prop!e :IlIake un

their bodic5 (rom tbe iiol they eat. G,luca;;e provides

your body witbenergy and OUt also lbe 1:ndg1.h i!n the

form of <'Ii powder or tabltts. " •• ' ~

put I glu:: g,lllj •. tJ\iQeS. ..... ' JIWIR, gI". The fCll"lm ,l)Iuemx <mdglitdlWl are both .-d. ·as .!ht present parti:ciple of the v;erb. gluem,g fiI gluing ,~iq 1O·f1a:;;$: f!fJ1'~ dCJl •• V: ;t

~., '1 'GJiue is a ~~idi;;y $l[iIbs~ ~. for joining things t'o~ N :MI&'i

.,. Miflo§io't.:

FtJ::u~.II".llfl~o for upamng broken dlimugs. It ~ • dt., m

~ hilt Si!i!OO .fa be stuck onW:ith sJ'~., . .itlli.1FiJ. -!J.M:»*.MJ.:-*.ag··· ... mDidt"B thi;tp with glue ..... , m_* ... t-fOI.

Z If you gille ,oneo~IC1.'1. to ~ ... you $ti.(k them too, v+ 0'+"

gethcr usillg glue. m tt~ •. a:; ,.; gl',uil18 ~. on·

.to cal'tb ... ··'te1i1:M:tE~ Jt J: ... A new ~. 'KU$ glutti

inlO place and re.pajnt«J ... B:tl!i...t.T -~JT~# ••• .t

T •••• Glue/he· l:8ut.r- .. 'l~. a!:lt,~A"'~:M*.Ufi .•. • • Am ClA.'iiS:lP,

.-:!:O~ ~IW)-j- iO

If yvu .say ~hIlIit ~ is 3111Jed to, something ,else by a It IWd ,~

SLd:;8~m d1l1l .is root gJUi:!. you. :rnr.an ,that it is frrmly

.frx;ed. • Ii . SG ... lJ dwp gi.ued .t" ,he Jila.le .by ~. thick

sauce ... ···,uatttJiaA-1_t~- ••• ··, , .... his luzir

tJr«d~o his h$d wi,h hDir (,eo,". ···Ii lKI JfUUt fJJ2 tE ~l:.R!Hk~ •

J U' you u)' that someone· is glued to IlOrMtmng. you ADJ1 CIl.M&'F, ~ th~u: they 2ft giving it .aU their attmtion. ~.JtB:. r::i>o:lo T. EG T1¥J' ~Il!. glued ',0 too,. 1V ~u l\IIl,rching tM

latest nt'~. fiHflllf.,l(!am ... IiMJiI'l.

4 If ytlilll say fhat ;'iOrneone's '~yes .are 81_ ~ !iQmetbing. ...w CUlSSll", 'you mean that the'}' ate wa~cl1_tng it with .all iliciv atttn- !'lUi!J)-o m/M tim. a ::r:.*n, f1IJ. SCi Their ~ ~gJued "I) ,he $('.I'IU!!

below ...• f1 M',. i.:aIT. ~ m tn ••...... , .ktqJing'

hii e~ glu«l ,onl~' baJ~'. . .. ,I ~ ••• ,ff •• :R .• ~

pOi! SDifrillg is tbe ~ f'racti'ce of H.d!iIHlg dx NI ~ vapour ~~m .~ .. ' ue in 0000- l'I) DeOJ!lle intodca .. m .•••

( Idll{U8 i! "~. > +

gtOt· Y I !gllIl ~ "'gl'tu/ . Something that .is II..,. is very sticky. ADII' QUALIT

'-1IIl: ~ I .1'I!l. 'EG + •• gluey SM!et$. .. ......

glum. J.giAm~gLfUnl, gt~ •. ~. 1 ~m:'who .AVJ QVAUT

is ghnU is ~ and qukt. ~Uy '!:x:causc they Me d~. ;- fOiflom

~[Itoo or baV'C lost hope rin a paccicu.lii!!' siruai'ioo .• ~m

fi;[ M i ~ * .kt.'~. aa ~ ", look so ,gJum ... " JI:I MI·:;&' ~

~;f\~ ..• She fttlt a/J'mte and gl.um". JSJ8JlAJ!ijfiji·ftljtlt n • .H.is glum faw brig~. flk.¥"i!rI~J&.t.ru y.e.

.. used of peopre's Iileba....rour. .m ~ m a ~ A 00 fj ;;. ~ EG .. = dD1r:f1d

" ,.a glu.m CDnW!'na.titm. .. • •• 1> A. til. itt M :1.1: J.i§" ,.. .,' a

:slum nniJ.e. , ... i§fI!l.~" <) limy, tt$:FiII! ,I rq Jij;r;~ 0 ADV WUTII VI!:

:tm. m ~ It's 1W use.' Eddie sa.id glumJy... "it. fI1: ;fl' = ~ly

m . ;'jt i:!I, .IiiiI1~ If:~. iI··· Ht} .Jt;a,,~tl. glumly at the. Mn~

dow. ~ltril;;F 1IJ&IIIr.WiI!Jil'IJT"

2: A placethat is glum, looks duJl and urlauf!l!niw:: and has. .AJru (lUAU]'

a sad. atmosphere. JE '9: tIL m ~1 ~ m in ~ j: • lfI: tcJ. EG ,., = ~

endle.ssglum, s,tnels. .. • .. it fl ty. ~ tfJ.JE Ait m ilL iir!J i1j::iI ..•

,., agium /ronlW wll~. ···-+Jf*~lbfj.fiJ".

gem Igl_1\hgLu/. ~. glntu., glutted, 11 A glut is 1. 11 a 1"1 COUI'ff, situation m which there i5 too much of so.m.et.hin( .espea ~~,; ~JWf' mEN ciaUy'gooru or .raw materials. so that not all of it can he 1'1,,_,

sold or ~(L >( 1t. If" A·. Rt ,Pf ~ ) mitT ;J dl!!i.lii:1!t " • = .11IJl1 ...

k: ff T rJf. EG The oU glut Ims {WeM price cuts, .. ~.

tlt6ti:E .. :e ~·if fl'trfl -rlt ... , .. the glu:t in ,Iw· French

!<ViM market ..•. t!li!lll"ltim m .~#"ii •. ~. 2.a lJarge N OOUNTr,

itv of hi I.._. ha _.ll .IIH PImP 'I'Hm

q1Jan~n:y o. ~met .. mg tl ... r IS ITI!Jti'C 1· . n you neee or of

want. lie 1* ' •. Eel , •• Ifle eriOr'1l'Wusghu of derail. = t<:HiT.,.

••• i'1 $. ftC] ftIIl 1'. +

2 lf sornctl:llllg hi gluIkd with good... raw materials. elc.. V + O. l.!SU PASS.

II. is pmv.k1ed with too great a qu.an~i;ty ,of them. M: ... 1& ~~t PREJ> 1'HEN n. 00, The market ,~, begl~It~, if.i:l5if.E.~.:ftl~ 3: If )'100. Glut you~lr. you eat or drink :1'tIG!rt of 1oOmelhin,lo:' than YOIU r~ly need or want, if lit ( ~ ii, ) ;pJ it ~ . 00 . " watchingt/wn rlu,' .,hemselw.Joo ~, .. ·,··fi

• fila; ft1!1. tf ~ lVil JI! ~ It ." ... , Glutted~~h b~' ,. hi' = IfPOH<

(~w.rnni., f1m.ilt T;l]t ~IOO iII'-9ml[!!il,* T ..

gIIu.tIi.DOa!i /glu:un.as; ~glUtlinas; • Sonred1i:inR that is gluti.. Ail! Qt.!AL1T nous is \IIe'.ry sticky, tl ffl ~= M ~, eo" •. glUliJ1(lU$

caw, .... 'IU! ... 'I'he leaves are fairly glu.til'i.OUS, , . l!

~11t r·;tIj ~ •• ". .. , baRks O'f glulincus .mud ,." 'IIi tI@.~ If.

~ut.lm (I9IAm;\,~IAU)!. glmtoos.l A _pHon:i.s s~ I\iOOlJNT

wbo eats tOO rnsch in a ~y way. :itP:t~.A..~ .•• roo ~ PcII'IIiIII He is a g/u;uoo and a drinker. " f&:R. +. _:fi!I\W -* ....

, , ,asquidc/y as a glUtlOn swallows /()()(i, ··,.fa fi if! IJi-W~.

2 If YOUI 5aly IIllJl·somOOnt' is a gllU_ far ~ethif!g.}'IDU Nooom~ {OJ!! mean that they eqliny Of' need it vcwy much. iIi§·· .. IMA~

EO 1he British must bt, gluuuru for sadre. J!!: iii A 5 £,

Jl! e. ~J!J ~ A. .. If yuu say thaI .~ .1$ a gluttw r Fm, tlWl_

for ~. roo Ille<liO ~.~t they se~m to onj,OY-'I'IiOfk. ~,~C'l":i", USw

iog very bard ('j£ doi.~ IiOmething that yo~ th~rik. is uli- = __ • plea:sar-.t, 1I •• .I:·f!; ~ J.. ~fflilt -if ~ .A •

glut.Im.~ /1g1A'Ina>, 'glAtr,tQs/. AgJutromus rr.nooo 15. AD) QUAUT

r-· .. p.iu;iih

one """'0 ~b tbO much ii'l .9l. ~y way. 1£ II't RIl ! • It QIJ •

lEG •• ,CJlW'-/ed ~n and their gI!.Irt~f hu~bantb.

• .. IIt*l:Ot jJ a<Jj( A:.lO.1fl .. ·• fJ)I:: ~ 0 I" med of poopll!'~ ibelliav.iOlilr. m I;..l Ii' i! ~ A. ~ ff 1J. ..:c: •. , a' g.I.J;iuo:P'iIOU.~

bi~ on meal. ···:f;1fIlM:ItI!itvt;.~. -

glut·tm·y I'gJAtalU, \gL\ll!}:I/ is tM ad or habit of eati~ NUNOXJNT too mu.ch. 1l ~ j,."" .

gtyc.·er., t. / ~g]~ln; IgI~r r.i:n; 'glJJsrm •• sa,..rjrl/ ; also, l'i!l}!lCOOVNT

spel.led "!y~Q :in .AIner.iam E~ish. ~ !J€. i; 'if ~ if; fl:

gty,cerin. Gl~riIi:!e is It thiCk. 5Wt:C't, ru4ousb.. lil{u1d

tba:t is used ·~oiallyin miling med:icine. explooy.es.,

arnd ootifi'ee:re for .~.. "It hilI Pi =:".

GM !.d3i.~rem;;·d'y~ .. ] GM crop have had one·O'( milii'€ IkPJ1

gett'D.e<; cllain;ged. roti eltampJ!e in o:rder to make drem resist

~ts beU.cr, GM Food oontaim i~i.rn1:s mad~ (tom

GM a-ops. GM is an abbJ'tviatWtI For" generically modi~

lied'. [1:: J'U"~Ii!Hr~ (genetically modified 00 !II.). EiG Many o{w may be eal~ng food ,amrlli"ning OM ingre··

,diems without reaUdng it. an ~ ag i.'iF ::f A i!i]' n if tit. R~~.~~*mk ••• ~*#ft* ••

tlnBriltai[J. G.M Khools .rw:::ive money d~y from the Am govemlJ:l;elllil. nnJ~ d~1l from a local authority. GM is an abbreviation fot"~ gran.Hnaintained:!. [ lit] ( m • trl ) ii: •

~ $ 51! .. F{f '. J!I ® (griUiit~ mainrtained e!JI. II ) •

pl. piS. lin iR an abbr:tviatlon for ° gf'OlIl11 " • 1£ o(.JIiI gr<'illii N D'ART. usu

iXI." ). lEG . , ,250 gms of sugar. ... 250 ~.. NILIM + N

GMT is abbrevjatlon fur • Greenwich M.eanTime; p the Nl1HO::)LIloIT. standalid lil!l£ ~DGrea1i .Brita.in wh~cb lis used to tal.ouiiate 1"I1J'MlmIl+ N the dme in the reit of the wocJd. Greenw.ich Me.m Tjmt;

(fa.#: l;, ffr.,.;t i») 9!lS lI:. Ell .. ,cd .J0120 hours

GMT, ,. ···M #.)IE!. ffl' ~ * It 10 iii. 20 ft .... , .. thpar.ts

Bermuda 12142 -GMI' J 7th ,Jan. ···1 1:1 11 B .#J.EH-afi

1IU1' 12.Jj., 4Z *"-11'8.;;:. ..

gJUlJ'led J nO!.ld l OOii'ldJ. 11 A ~ree or pan of a troc il:bat i5 MlJ QlJAUI :pried 1l; twIsted and rough as a result ·of ol.d .age, (:W ~

fq'f);t: 1lJ.111.I ~lIlitriITIi •• ~l. EG • ,. $~ ~,,'~ trunks

v .j. o ( R.E1L ) , IF + !"REI' nn:'>l (WI (oo:Illi

Ii' illl


of Scoots pine ...... i$f& ~f'kj:~.IOOWT .. ·· ... gnarled branches. ···:f:H.Dh ~~4it.

2.A pttso:iior apert of their body that is :gnarled ims ~ OVAl-IT

NlUgh sl:in tlmt. ~odb sW'O'lIen Md knotty. w:u.aUy because :(I1"",istcd

of old .age or from dOing ItJaJrd pbysicaJ work.. (A, ~ '!it )

Ii. 11 ~ ~ .. :!2 ~, .. Et1J 0 lEG .,. huge • gnarled peasan.l"s

kilnds .. , "':N, ~I~ X ••• I~H if- .•.. She ~ 'is ~r~

aJd, wrinJdfd.aM gN1.fled. M, 75 'JJ • ., fl •• ~ .~ ¥ ...


paSh I~j ~ n~§/, .~. paslli....~. ]r you. V+ o, OR. V

gnash your teeth. you rub t.hom together forcefuUy. usu- ",find

aJlJy because you are 3Jlgry. frustrated; Of m pain. qSm

g . ., W JJ ) ~ ( }f). 00 I lay gnashing my ue.th ,in de-

spair. ift.!E.m .. ·~.:ltM~.3f.<) gm$hieg, ~!f.IEG O.NIDKlOUNT, . , . amid much """,Wnggnd gntlshlng of teeth. . .. 11 " tlSU.; of lfitlib~'.ffI~UfW~jU~. '

gnal I n~t ~ I]a:t/ • gnats. A p1 :15 a very small ~yjng iil!iCct NC01J'.NT

thlat ibitC5 people .aw:I! ,U!;ually rni:ves :1l£3JI' warkr. .( 1fT A iW ) /J... = ~ge


~. /n;x. no!. gnaws. PM", gnawed. 11 ~f ~ (if' "'+0. 00. v,

hi . L tlSIJ-t A

,ani.malsi gnaw somet· .mg oc- p"'a~ It. (bey bite ill re- = dIO:W

pcam:lly. 1ft j I!Z. m ... KUtch.i'lg her puppy ,gnaw a

rorle'. , , .... ,:It., ti oeJ~h ~ tE. it ~ .. , 1'h£rats Mt1 .begun

fa gntl'wat his body .. , ~. it B Jf IS IPIt fIl~ J. J+; T ... Be

rsr.e/uJ t.hat the baby (/..o;!;m "gnaw lire paim off jumlrn~.~.~.ft.~.£m.R~~.*~.

.2 If .ani.mails pwtllirougb .~thitngOf &JIIlW a bole in, v ~ ;... OR v + 0

L •• _ t i,JOllO

somethin,g, ilieylk.eep bi:t~ it Ili"liliJ jt .~. or Wllil a ." eih_

oole is. madP. in it. ~ ~ ~ '!!ll''' j i!!!J:. eo ' .. gnawing tun~

.nels i~ ~ . .. :;t!£ '* Jd(!~!It m 111n.~ ... 'f'he aRf triM to

8J'UI tv through the ei1nad. 11.10( Ji.)§! jJ~ ~ Iif m,tI!'il.

3 If a ~cdlng gnaw'i; at )'01il or guam away at )'W" it. ¢;a1!lJ- V + A (Qr.1 1I!!f.II'1l')'

ses YQU to worry O£ sl!l.ffu ami, is hardto get rid Qf! <I .I]l~ = ""¥

if'fM¥ word, CltJi1T.d!l!+:I(,{@a ••. EG·~desiru

8J'Ulw'lJ'MUYat usconslan.dy.,. l8:.,itJl~".$f.,.:ft

m···· .. , a sorrow and longing 8JUl'wing III him. • .. iii .. .fS~-'"!t!Uitn.1'-. O'pa_, I!AW~IXIJfiJlA 0 AQI ,CIA';srr,

l'KI .• lEG., . gnawing ~Ut .. , ... <t .A iii ~ fI9 W ~ ••• ". .mlI.li'!

gnaRling doubts .aOOut t1u: !uJwt. • .. ~ * * ... A. ali M


g:DOfDl! I ['iamu IllOm/, panes. A goome is 1 an i:~n:ary N mum. erearure .in chi:klu[J's !>·l.Orieslhat is Hk:e a \'Ny small o:~d

man. with a bc~ W-!cl pointed hat. Gr:lOITleS mual,ly Jives lJIlIderground in t.be!;e :5Wf~·. (jL.toc. if'.!t, fi;([J& TIM)

~M I±J&"~

2 a small $tahle in the shape of a gnome that. somepeopJ.t NOOVNr

put in their gardem flX d~cor-d.tion, ".it iii ~ m 1); ,all DI1 )

($M •• I±_·" •• ffi, .,6 garden gntJme, ···ttpa.l~

ft11i" ••

:gDO" mk; iwaonulc: ,. ~nl)m- j ~~, Something thai!: is. gna- AfiiCLI\S5.IFi

mk ~ to be .... ery ~ but is .aho slightly pW'.ZJing, a .. ~rli.pnilii: .I:ite.raty word. [3J" ~ fJ:;. iff t!J, j "M: ~.'m , .. ms

mim and gnomic faa'. .. . .. II. K: ~.I¥J [I~ A Ii • .f: III

OOA •••.. , . gnmnic questioru, "·4'A. •• d<1-~'I'iilIl.

GNP is an abbrevi.nioo !Qr • Grr:6."> N.ati:ooal Product' ~ the III llN'(:01JNT! total value ·ofa]l tM; .gooru produo:d and .servittsprovid- <::.(:llJNT

ed by a country In one year. a teclmicaJ ~e.r!D in ecoti.om~

i,~. [ft~1FJi[3iJ ~,~ F 4 •• ~ ~iHt 1"'= li\. m: ()l] Gross Na-

tio.nal Ptwoot: "J. 111)0. EC ' , . 22 peT cem of-GNP. .. • ..

~ ~ 1=: Jri' 13. • MZ2 %... .,. a GNP per head .oj

s: 11 .000. ''''Ii A U 000 Jl:ftRCJP!1~§:F ,12111" .

;liB ! ~A:I: I nul. gDlISl. A pill is a largt: M.ri.Qn a:n~eJope" ifli N 00lINi'f ~ ~4·~(r T~Utn.

g.!I !WlU~ go!., goes •• 1JIinf!:. WHIt .... See also sepi1r.liJt!'l: en;tries at ~DI amlI ~. *.!f.. goin.g ~ goflf' ~~.!Jl]" _)( ~ In Ill.alit ·cases tile past participle· of &0 is • gone:' • but occasiooa]lyyou use "heen1 ~ sec ..... , a:*_Il .. li F. go ~;tt it: jt ij] 'hgone • @ ilII ;ff:. til!. JillOOCIl ~.lit been. 1 in this paragraph ... wually ex~ physiQj mDYl!nttllt ,away from you or from the place where )'QU aJf~now .. tE *~+. go ~"~$R1*.~I~ ifI@rtif@;;ti~~~. If

you go. 1.11 you:~ rrom am platt to another., often in \I, U!lU".A Ofi':!er ~:o do solTlCthi:ng.i!ii=., m 1 ·MIm~ to StocklwEm: .. ,

.Jl~ TIi.IJ~"··' SM· wen" i,uo tire sitting-room ... "

.:ii iI:®li:i: n,· He wen,tto gt:t some fresh. milk. .1;;.

$- ~ Ii. tf m + ~. 2 )'00 tt:a:ve somewhere. illJf Lit. m v

• J m-USI' get. I .sht SlJid, ,. "lM':t 7" • ;;1* iJ. ••• Our ttrUn

'We'nt at Z~t5. afl'lttg**R. 2 II. 25 ;iH"7fi~. O~. <> iii lffl'OO!l..lNT ~ t .. fF. EG lIeU sad a.t his gC1ing. l!f fi. 09. tf~.IlJI6i

'e. •• 1.:3 you movt illl .a ~cular dir'tctioo. or H'IO\!t a v+ A

ft ~i;t¥iil

partiruJar dislaJJ1te, {OO:¥-1ifjjJ)ffi!I~(-.mI!.). m

A car ""m by .. , - fi "' :$ •. n .... He I>W'nt down an~ othu Slrfet ... II m- _ !;ij -lA: fij ;t 7 ... We~Vf80m

a,ootU t!Uny milm. 'It fJ e m T * ~ 30 I.i: m. t. 4 .yotII. v + .JNCj I frw t~ave a plaa. apecia.l]y .your ~. ,and tale ·pruit in an


activl.ty. i& ( .. ;lnE¥~ iai'gJ). '00, Let's ca {l:Mitrg. " ~'m ~ i1J' ~ ~ .•.• ,. ShL~ going for ,Ii :swim. • n .. ~ m if;: •

• In )nfurmal EnglIi.sh.ifyo~ say tll3t ~ gpts do- • VO".IlI!'(; ing somtt]OOr.ug. or if you advise them ]loOt to go OO]llg

SQC:n,et:!;tWg, you llU'e ~i~ d~ro....u(lf tht; kind of

be~taviout tm:t }i'QI:i: mef]ci<m.tE;fj:1Eit~ii.p .m& some-

one ~ doing ~~ng .!I;VJ A UO!; to gp d(lUag:l:Ot'rie~

tlting , . .Ilf~: m J;f IlJr filtJJ, ~ :it ~ f1' :% ~ .15'l. I~, lJon.' t go

hiding in the au:~c. .. 1\ •• l'E ,IJ:I. 1:. ••• • .. rhe. ~n

. ~ ~ chafing after. ···fl!.M'mJl~:t}dlTJ,.

2 If you ., .dl do a pai!'t.iru$l.fthi:n;g'. you move from one \1'+ ~U ~ '!./iI, NO platt to aBu(lu Jll 4I'der ~ 00 the t~, and you do i~. ,~

Ji( MM.). m ni' go and St:e him in (,k n:uwnmc, a

J: ¥. ~ .. til • ~. [liIillil{Orma~ f).gliM, if)OO. say .ut·Pi:m, WI SQm.IIDIle has ~ :andI ,d<J.rU: iI!iJ:tI1t.thing. )lIT!.! sre express- ~Nifl~ ~ .i'm~r


!ng-aMO)'Ulicea:t ~mtthing foolish that they ha'IR: do:Ii.t.

1I$i!E3t3lj;J'''P. tlill ~I\e has gone and. dboe some-

~illg, :iIVr.lit fS~ i!Utl' ••• il.ll'li:e.oo T1rtn idic)'t An~

w!tiQ . has wmeand locked ,our ,door, J{"* ~ ... 1'E1i1 jlfj!!f,t1'l1d'!1tltl!.t 7.

3 If you • to school'. ch:~. ~k:, iItf(: •• yoti .:u,~d ~tv~'J\Ci<l) ",~lar]y ~ 'pa:m of "!{O\JIr !lCJFmaJl~fe.~ Ct~ ), * ( ... L

f.i) ~ *( .t.Sl}. ~~ 1ti:.48i·}. lEG S~wt'm to Lowion Um-

~rsi ly.,. ...t T ·&:ft *. .~. ... "., whether peoplt!go to

rchutch oe nar., •. ..,;:f" AffJ ;Ii!: ~ 11 ... *L n··· Having

the creche eW)bles .me to go 10 .~. iii' 71EJL8f ,··!tit

II ~1:J41' ,.

4 In dili£~~, &0 is: U8WIUy fWlowed by all a.dj~(:tiv,e v .. c that describes the suut: Oli' oot1l.dirOOnl (lfa ptrso.o:OF thi~.

,;=i;t. R~~~ ~~fI\~'Wft~~ f f(;JiIiiJ~

4.1 If $Ol11C{lfte goes. naw. ,~rmed,. ete, , they ·dloose t.o be in th.l ,PMti:'(lum stale. tiT<.¥M.trl:*). E:G WMt wcmJd silelMnk if people. went. MiUd? wJl!J..ft}nif::fI

.ff. til: {f- .. w; -k:l: II:? "".2 If ~thing ~ unbi:.ar:dl, 00" V + c

$eli:iI1 .. , etc, i~ remains in that particularstai._~ ;1:J,ecaw:e.~ .~ _Iiooe

It ~ ~-- = ~rnain

p.L<; do notootia:: it. or try ~o Waoge" 1(, ,( M?:tm '91 T I iIfl: f,f

q~;, :tI! ft· li: ) .00, Haflida:y~s absmce had ~ untto· ti:ced , '" Pil' ifiJ jJJJ .~ • ", . ., fl. J.. i:t • ill ,.. Her decision

~m urteJraU~ .• fJ~:l*.~~&~ilL4. 3: If !~me'· ..... 'e

'One 0]' :!!iCn:m~thin.g goes crazy, bankrupt. _vey. etl::., d.rey ~ ~

clw;ogc u) that p;<Wti:ouiar SIr3:~, rnad.itiori. (Jf'ooi'out, Jf:

1!f f ,a ~. E.G! 'l'he vUla,ge l'/wwg/u 'we htld go.tutctaty, .. ~H~A.iJ.~;ftfl1Ut7··· They' fe,t firms.':go oonk-

,,,,pi, ,. J8ftl:l.!1:ii~-+1-lI'!..1"'··· Herhdir ~ goi.ng

grey. M ~ A- ilt if 1£ 3f1l2~ a.

5: fl1 thi.sp.tr3~raph. go is usuaUy followed b,y &n ad.verb "",.hid! ioolC:<!ite> dx: W'laM.e1i iii which OOf!1l;trung oil!pptWl or oper-a~. JlICW h ~es, or tb;:. ~ 'Of sll.J.oee5$il~ has. a*"., ~. go .a.'I'Jit •• j~ •. ~ ;iF*1J :& 1;,[£ ii ft a-!l

j;:it : It ¥ -it ~ .J! .;1J l!tll. II. S" 11 U a p:ri.a. nllJl]!b«. Q.r v + II. nrea.'luren:R:.m ,JOfS up or down. h:chang,es byoooo.~ ~ .,illll'$ higbr:r ~ bwer. ~ it,. ro The price of/Dod will go

~p. . . *~" flit •• _t jJ;... T'Iu a~ og olfartmr8:

hru ~ do~ .. ::ti!:.~~"~ •• "f~,[. 5.,2 [f)'Qu~'f v ...... tball a period ,ofdme .goes Gl,llrickily"sl.o-w,iy. etc .• 'you

lW!;il[l !!h.or!t it set::I'J:'IS to pass i~ that ffiiUIDf::a.'". (1I'ji ra] list:*".

ffi Tbedo~ wmlqujckJy. lEI -r;i!l fI~l_ ~ .. JJJ work.en • mil, 'VII

IM'I..:ECfS g,l~. they dl.G.!fbe.ra.te]ywori sbw]y ~a fOl'tIil. o.f pro-

les.!:. in.~:r to ~ probJems for t,h.ejr employenf ~

lill BdtisQ F..ngl~ .. [JtUt .I.~ • ~ ~ g9"slIDwo 5.;).lf vu ..

you li3y that. all evcil1t or &I!t;uatiollwmt We]l or 1bru:i!1.y. Of' .. WQf~ ow

J f yotIallk. how it lis ~., ~. an: ta1king about. 1li:te de~

gret. of :S~. ~. cir dJimD!.!lty will. whtch it ~e'i!

p~. cspecial'ly' wne.m tt w.as ]:rl3:mlcd1 befm-ehand. ( •• )

il:l:fi=~ •• I2G ,Evuything went pre~',t'f~Ih1y,. , .. ~ -WUillffmm~.:M··· Ho-W' did JiCfwoI t:rH~.~.f.#

,,? .. You s,au'libe way tbi~ .fIr!e. <IiIlim'" before Vim' • niR, UI!!I:D AS

7 ..._ - ~ ~~ M;)V seN

gi'Ole yom Gpii:[!ioll ofbow"sitll.!~,Itkmwi][ c:ndl .an. inf.armall

expres!liali". U§ ]IfJR-lEit 1"':f1!-:F 0 f"G Tk ~y thi~{J:'l!

going, l1't"U be very lale, ·ft~· + it. I.: .fi:fI1. ::;I( *- l! JlJ

T. • yo~ t;;ll1 say ~ ~~i5 U go:iDg?' in infQlmal oog- . ~ON Hsh. as a frit@.d.ly :greeting lOStead of .. How .ill"e' )'0\11'.

[-m"J~JfI~? j[[*~*,~ (timlll'i~illll~T How are

yoa?' }. ~S. 4 If you say that a In1'Ilcbi.ne tlr d!evi~ ~. am'lg. v OR V+ A

. " .-.-'1.-"" . ......:1..... = tI'I.j~iooI>

t.'l.~ ... n • D not ~"eI' etc. .• you ~ saying whoiihtr

it is W'Od::inlg ~ly or .nut ,g ft ~ :@:fll :1: f1;". EO Haw

is yow cargoi.~1 ...• ~.M ~"* ~-fl· 2! ~ t$'? .,., 'The

dock iI«m't grJ" ,M-:;f;: it: T + 5.5; [(you say that il. PU¢lou- V 'I' A

larkind (If podu~ is gotllg '!,¥Cll, bad!ly"t:tI:;, • y.u.u mean :r i!i:~'

t~lyoU ~ :!5'ielHug a l~ of thc:~ ,\lery fc:w of them • ,etc,

m ft. .~. Tm brielGtJSt'S au 80lrw wd}'. 1.:- ft: ~li! til m •

'6 Go i~ l:tSed 'With~, :such as" far> .! further'. • ~

yond' and <!tX:p"~lollS s"IlCh M" !'oOmeway • • • a: I{)p.g


way', ere. ~o lndkail'e mat poop.le's actions , dai!t'llS. or S~ Me st.It:'ptis.lng. e,itre.ffie. Oil'" dlat t!hey readl, 'at pass tbe k:'W::~ mcf!tiooed. See.:d.'lO .far, h!n~. befoad· and was· . go 1:j far ,nJfll~r. beyood. SlOmt" WOlf. a lOng way ~~m .*mA«ni'1Jfi~,.*SltJit~~J T ~ AtJ}$-ita. ~1il;1l,·~ii2iDJ.ilit7A.&ili¥.J*iI:.~Ji fM,. fhrtEr,. bc~ yond ;r;p. way. 6. 1 If you .00 far as to dosoIT)~t~. ·yot.Joo fIDhJeilii.ng sucprisi:~ or ex~" ;il:i 111 ( t\t ~ . .w liD. fS The direct,!Ns enl lD .faT Itt to stage act,uel kim~ .. , ~iKnl:1; t!:ml: JJ •• iPIJ iA A • .l:~T. g " . How .far should.any of ~ 80 te get'~l ·1Vt ~N? ',:1 Tilll.f~jfU!!~ It!Ij;;JI Tai1ilMA.!ii:tt.Jlff1i..lltl~1 6. :2 If 'JIOU .go beyond a, partk'l1illarltiocl of aot:ioP, yw.oo ~th.ing ITlOI"t extreme. .:i:il:. 00 'l"liMYWIJnte4 M go .OO}'!QM o.u-d'!l)' slribis .. fi f] ~ .. fi -'~ ~~ . .t ~J ~ .:r.. 6, 3, Ifan action lOt j.:ka.~ .~ sometlh_ing. i~ iSbetlt,T or It:IOii"t: :im~tom~ lilml. tlJa:t thing. )Ii r ... m ~. 5~ a precision tMt goe;t b!t~ mtJN; deverlUtiSS. .:N 11 tI:; -:Mr tt.«-&,Q. 'EI! ~ • .:'I ~'Ulllt!. 6. -4 Uya;u say you would. so far, fmtbe.r • etc .• }'Q\l .MC· ~~(lg how mum },()ii ~tw1tfi ~e Of," sU'p~' an idea, . DiJe (~j:

M}.fJ.J (tsf~.!t) .00, J Mo'OUldn ,f gt:Hhar Jar... til; ~ ~ .it:w 4 :iij... 1 sholl go/Uri he,. and :14y that La is a fool. It ia:i J!: Jl JlI:- it' 1& ~ ,j! ;i! 1"" fI! .m..6. 5 U you say ~t someone wli .1 tar OJ' wm gil' ~ ,'_ tl!\'lJJ'. you meaf.! that they win .!x;. WIlY :5;u~f\lI ,. *-.ff ItfJ • ~ *- 11 .lit It:, 6. 6 I fyo.u say thaJtsoIl'ledti~ .(p15 :~ 'Wai)' or .~ a .Iong: way li!)wards doiilg so.mtitftUng., you Olean that it S'!J.c~ ocedsin acllir:ving it ,pardy N to a gt'eat extent. $:Q- H!. ( it.:m. *- oW j!f • ) { it JlJ! }. ,fiG TJw<t goes aloJif lMDY'l(_}.. _rds ,aplailfingwk}/O pm~e dj.,vlikthe old rectmy. i.t •• *W.L.~T~**An~.*.S~« ••• fiJi.

7' You ~ go in informal £n@ril;h~o i$ru~md:Uce !'>OI'I'l~thing }i'CM.l are quoting. imitating. o.r descr-UOOlg. a!ffl:iiE j( • it '~JIHl ijll '" ~H£,. m ~ Mil ~* iN .e, 7. 1 You say 'ot \!fJI'j~1O • tile sto.ry .-'.. "as the sayill.g ~~'. • How doe$ the prnverb F1 J (,~!';. Jl;.IS~ before }"GIll qUOte it Of lIel~OIi pai~t Ckf0l5Um.ffl.lilr)' of ilL (~m$) m.", a fij},J!;it. EG' As l'M s.m!8 8Df'cN; I fell ,itl, .~Qlve 'wil'1Jf!'~of blue. ". It 'I: II:: ~ !Ii !16. 01Ji ~ . .ft, • ..t T ~ ~ li .. • . ..Very rouglUy.· ker t.hec7y PJ Uke this .• 8!J.~A.l:..i\tM-B!i·~ 1,2 You S<liy !(be ~~'. • the song goes~, etc. justbcftJofi! .~ h~m. w~II~. OJ' sing !i~ oc ~ pMt ?f ill. ('If ~.) tl1 ~ .ftpt~. ~ it.~ IDmelhmglikcthk ~IIIS**"'.k. Aa ~ ~ .·7 . .3 YOll lU go jus¢ 'oofa"-e ~ 'Wlm or" ~1lC~ that ~nta no:ise ~t ~ or sometJhlilg nules. ~¥:f!f ~ it. ro, Anltt,rc:an siremKi'hich i~Mad of goiM;8 ,. Ow - WOHo' ~ go • Whoop -whoop'~.". I!f!!& :.1:~;Ii .. ~- ~"~Ji""" - If"~'* 100. II .•.. ~ It went < spia.t • in t.he ~tt'r. E-lf*1J!.".'~"-J!ii".

8lra betl oraliM"m gQe5. it mtiikes a: ,~, muaUyas a ~ for you to 00 ~ng. (oM,VI!~) 1iiI·~. 00 When tm Mll:rm gJ>eS, Ire has' to ltave his ~. .111 -iIfi!I.ftlr.fI~ -r r..f1:; ~

9 If you :s.:ay ttuu: ~e'f .~ ill. m:ro.OJ' all ~lhin,g. you ~n that ~l. :is ~ [QIf d1i<l!tt panicl.l.lar ~, (6) Itm ( T-'. I5G Mo.s'Joj the aid ~ gone jnw ~ pY<t-

jeer!!, .. ;k. "117t' •• e ffl! ~ .. rtf ~. ~ .. ,. .4.1.1"% of hi;, jn-

~ goes on rent. 1ft;~)"M'aj}z~+,m~;tM".

1«}1 If 13il"l.d, bu'ld~ns:s. ·Of ~y • 00 5Ome0li'k!.il; 00- 'Wm.es illl.eiir prtJpCrty" for example when die p.revlous 'l"lWI1Cf d.ies. {±:!II!. , II ft, •• ) it: 81 ~ ~ .!l::ll T. ooi The ,anch .W¥' gr;fug' 110 t~ ~rb. .. tt.;lJj '. II JL l' :* )L ... £I-\'!ry penny shtxdd gg W chari;],. !T;fjl Mft.~Ift$tI

•• l'H!.. . .

n If you say dUll :50l"Mthlng IWS[O ~. you .mean that it is gJi~!I:l or shoo.ld 00 g1Vffi to l~bIm1. ,.!It i'" : £ill.~ -"f. roo Some of l~cr:edi ( slwuid go J!O ~~CQnwu· .man ...• ~~~:J~di!i:i =:r.m: •.•• , .. The job i.'i to ~

.to a prbl(#t (:()RiMCt(J.r, ll.:t.fP ... ~WI"-+,ft:,A.@. .;!fit 0 '.

~2 I1:l3. !!!cture. dl'll:USS.ion. or bo.":idi, if you say that you Mt IJOiog to a particubr' poJ\fU .m i~. roo ~ U~l yoo waf]t to d~ dJ!iiltpo.ir1t. Ci£.~. i'1l1t nt 'tS l' H;; iiij {iiJ ~.-~[\ila). ~ Om KIfl gQ lO' Quesl.{on, Six.? ... ft~f1l,1 tEi-i ~ ~"1" I'iij, II jJ PJi1 .,. , .• ~~ had to your p.lin~. ···~l1!t*_;ti.~itA 0

13 If 8O~hil:"lg goeswililll. :sorneming ~1Si!. or if t\i,I'Q d1ii~gt go lOged:rer. 13. , they baW!' :a p~ dfect wlw.! Uiey arc piacOO ~ogettJer" :M Ilk !.~ .... ,~ J 1&1 the.~ '6 ;go 'HoIitft my ,~(IIlt " .. .:& J;' ~ .:([ 1ft :fil.ft IMI **1B ~ ... me coIQurs .go SO' YerYMIi .~Ul£r. :U!: §i. Hlli!.~«""':' It ~ 'I' m \Ill. 1'. ~ ~y;l!fC;, Q!;' ~coonsid~red ro be, the 00.1'(tel: thitHgs to ba\l\e toge~r. ~ :If .• m ... the hat tha~


= "'e-nwu

V+A(~~) tp-

v ... At. dle.'!!l'."f)·; l'IO CQto,"l" ~~. .=~.

I'.HR, AlJlX ~TS+VI!

!!'Ul!l;,~ rNFLEC'JS ~.~~.

II .' QUO'l'E!I A ( ~Ib)

V'~~A ( l"rli!')


'\i'~~ JU3JPO.ltT·c!.J ,. [1j~}

'V.' AU!l>~ - kJ,dl

= turn

V "'·.A (l6It§M"-/ """~~~ ,!I;.b;:~l". N!) (."(lrr. NO'i!Ml'!"JI

wem with the .Iilnljorm.,. . .. ,1ilJ ~ Ii! .ffl ,~ ,81 M T .... oo.r.~r

MIh~,e' wiJ!l£ [peS ~th fish. !It 1!.:iiJ! ilIJj, ~ Ii • IlL 1'1 <'(II"~~...m

14 A. go ~ an aHempt a( doing so.fl'leo!hillg, ~ i(. oo.He N"COVNT

pa:ssetl. .fh'R l~t first Ct'J' .. , "f:f!l~ -~;I A:li T i1Ui"'" Fel'.' = 'III1'I1o:~

authors write a book at one go. ~,!lPlllfF::it-IJI.!t~~

-*-~. · U yullt II:ne :III go at &O!'!1I:'l:hi:!Wg. y<lu try to do • PHR, VJ:l:

it;.aJI:iI. mroc~1 cxp~_ [ii]bHil~wt. ffi n{ /wile ~LlSC'!'8

,(l fp at r.neJildi,. u., ..... fit.'m t::nM··· GQ on -

~1!ea gtJ'.tltA!.-tit1;it1i·liJI. • U you .~ iii 1Ii'.~ • pllM, VB

, ,. • ~.~ .L . __ ~ __ Il' h ]N~

~'1;Cjrne:<l~, ')IOu cntmle 0:1" .attau. uiem, lAiIi&uy In s~c! "wle

01'" wrJt:ing, .awinrotllW1~ el(pt~-<i!O['i ~ in British Eng-

lUsh. [~tiJ~m~:ft •• ro R'!'Jherty ~nts to italo!l:"la .~

Qt the lJri.~ish, JI'i.rn:'IH!!'UI~'t.\..

15 J f i~ is ynlJif gO' i~a ~e; i~is yo:ur turn to dD some- N 00JN1', wmtI ~billg, [(If eumpIe ttl pJay acard ormove a pj(;cc, {Sf I'OOS

~ ."f Jt.p )' *'t f!J tUq, ~. 00 It's PaniJ' go. .. BhM:18 T •

16 Yw Si!¥"Go' qUlckJIy and. Joudly as a signa] fOT p!?Qpl.e \1', Of'lbY fMJ'G.lit

to ,h,eglli J'lmr.llng" aJ ram. (W • .rtJ·~i8l!") u '-$'HS, 1f~.~G

Cl1t )'OWl nuzrb - GtU set. GO! :& It I- «l: 0 Bi '* 0 a!

'" If you say tMl~lihing ~ppened (root the word • iml,!JSffl'~

L.._ • ~_ d r: ~ J'ill'I' A

go. you meant. .. d: ]t U;:l.PJXm: :.mM. the very begJinnilllg

of a s.:it.!;lilltkm. .M. ~ ;If ~o ~ She· com.p!(J,'iMd from the

'WOI'd gc, ~ hi.. ~ 1FldUt iS~.

17 If yt;ill say that: ~e is NldiDg • go of S®.IllCthmg. :F'tm., VB

yoo ~n thou. they .~. being ~fw. ~Uy tn a lniSr ~~+ fi.I/'

i~ or a :reladnn&hip, Mil. !Informal e:xpttssicn, [m] Yi: ~

1lJ!JJ •

Hil hilS Ito.,. ha!!i. got to gp. ~8.1 If you S<II.y that SIilrl'lO!il."nC' rl"m:. R~T \'11

has til) • ., Q!, ~ got '~ 8'i!'. y~ rrteain tM~ they must iIx: l~

(mad to ~1!.a."'e a place er joll., ~':l>l ~o 00 The 1(JJJt'~'!l! be

h~red had to he the first to' go .• ~-1"IUim~~!lI

fJ-l'9G;to 18,2~ If you say-that somethi.wg bas m lI'lI or rtrnt,F!RsTVB has gtJI! togo, yrm mean, tku you mli,l!J( sell ir, gel rid o.f ~

it, or Ktop W]llglt, !0Ali Jt '* di}ijUI.IIl C~.UU~· h ~ m ~

..It frJ!.m. €".GI It Jostthree million dollars Jas1 JIl!Qr and it

has 10 8Q .1f.:~'E ~ 7 300 Ji3R.x. ,.!lfIL;A£,~:W~~~~"

19 t9go'. '9, 1 I( yQY :s:ay tMt dltre are a nmnoclr of I'JIK,M.JM"' I'HR

lhLn_gs to i.. you !'Ile,Mj that they !!t]U r~~n ~o ~. CI.~h '" kft

with. ~.fierj'<)u ~ve fmlshed with otihers in tm same

group_ 1ft T = li ~ 7il tl.. ooEigkr down a~ tw,o H; .~.

I!I't iF ~ 8>11'. ii f!J :2 + 0 Ut.2 .If you $.3'1 that tben:is a per PNn, U~A.$ r-iod of 1tinm.e ~ ., you ~ that this time mlEll. pass be~ Atf ....

&: _~.b.;_ ...... 1 .. [I.:(l[ ~!i)re SOU~lIJlI.ILlg SilI,o,.ill .as al1I exam Or a rontractt ,el'l!i:h or lie·

fI:~re Silinethill.tl: ~m. (.ili.jij)" p;'. ro Thae are ;stUi

I~}WJ'~ lO.80· ~ "llF iiP.li ~ If iiiJl. Ut'3, I Fyou say trutl: !'HR, Usm.1IS

there is a p.Mt.iooa:r disitaJllCl:': to go. ~! .mean ~l you ~ b~

mU!J:t traJve.l that distaru:ebeflfHiC 3iJ'Fivi;p,g ~mewhr.'n;; Of

fir!~ng a ra:re_ (<<fnr~.,il(U'i'~:i!aH.rf. roi We Jwd

less .rha" three milts u;~ go ,. ;ft fi11 ii;fi ,~il, J Jf m ~I. ill •.

19".:1 .~f }!'O'I!I. sal.)!' dual :lI1lJ ftem of rood' is,~,." you m.eillll. Ftm,!:J!l.m AS C that it is intendP.(])] llO be taken away and not eat:m1I ill the

·caf.: or r-e!lW~M!iJt you are !:f!!1 .. ~i!1A1:ne£.i.can &lgi~h,

[~] (*g Hif !±l,.mM-1t;1!tlJ 11rf;tiJ;J.

ZO' Co ill. the ql..l3~ity of ~i.ng i!ctive~nd 'en~rg~rt:ic. :WJ~; t'oIlJINcoo:m

-M .711 !i!: '9: .• , lEG ' •• m.en lj'k,e Northclfffe. men ,oj go. • ..

.~M~'j:1i:.JJ"mk.1!J~-Hl~Ao .. Ifyou-.siy ttJ:iiit • I'HR,lJ"SEP .......

~"iOffioollieis 00 U.e ." you rnoean d:lat tbey are hU8)' MId ~ A

':'u_1:i.\lq am i!nfocmal ocpril;iSliKm - [-ii J it 1" 7fr\ tf·. ~,

T:heyW be ~Jl tM 8'P wuU lheydJe" ftiJiJ*~~ It ••

i\I JE jiJ li:. ~ If you $.'))1 • rea •• '.]'00 fl!1CWl. lbiil y~i • PUR, A.l~X have ~y tb~n.gs: to do andl 00 dme 10 rest J a:r.i! mJbrma.J~NI'~ ex~cm., [m]tt41~iiJn;i',:.

21 ~f ~~~s !light QJ;'OOtrwng lfs gor;ng •. il! is gett]1l,g v

won;e. and th"J" !:'my beOJi"i'ie blillid oW' deaf. c-.:ti .,!Jj?n) = bi:!

:«11. 00 His hea,i~8 is begirwin:g to 80, .. $~![If fJ:t!£

7f MT *1 ii,'" ... people who.se eyesight is going. .,. ;l1].:n:

•. 1IIlt1A. . .

;22' I r $()!utlhin_g such a; .<I, ligM bulbar a pan ·of an c:ngim: y

• GOing, .ills :00 lQflgt;rworiki:mg: puperiy and wil~ SQrnl ",gi~ !:I!MI

need lobe repl3iced~ an irnfQITflaI I:IS!:. I: m ] < :tJ:II , j ~ ,. .. ~4.rl;;lt-N!m ; •• JI2*'. m The .bauery~s gmns- ~M

J9:t!te.'J ~

Zl I r MlITlWOC ~. on tdev.i.si.on 01' !I'adio, they take part v,," ,;,. ( ..... ) til .0) te1~v15iioJ1! or :radio progf~, ~W( ~"~. ~ .~ 1l

l§i ). lEG 11re prbu:ess .~' io gpon lelmsion .. " ~:±

1ii);I' 1:. ~ ill··· The pr:esjdenf Wil!'nt on the aJr tha.t l"Ye-

,uR8, .,9, l'1f :Ill J:" .t w ]" r. iii iII: •.

24 If some(hing i~ ina p;w¢to!:lla:rpiace. 241, 1 .i:t !s ~t V~A.

t!ru!F(l, M1.&:. T. ~Gi Th,e. somee~~ gon r.nlo~he lieW = l;!II! p,i! Th'fbat 'liJ,goNJ.. ~*'Itli~f.tI:!.~tBlm;ifUJiaq"*{afi •

:II1f~"~ ... L 201.2 i1 fits i~ that pliWt! bocausei,t is due v, USll' A right si.:e or sjlapt:, * 111 m , M tlJ·:il!f. ISS The,fi~r = fJt

"'o''tlU Q,l'l,tas,uy .. , meiUI~iUt~1:.-:i:T··· Her SRit~

case' only ju::# !Went in: the boo!, :tI!1:1~r¥.fIllii!~ :I!:f~m.R


If..ra:8li~B* •• 24.3 h: bc10l':1g:S ~htlre.becal!lSe thatis v ~.A

where yotl DOO'maHy keep i~" .!:ill •• 1':' « ~ iI;. ). EG = brltooe

TJw:t 8ott.f In there, aRiJ this goes on fOp of it, • -t- ~

1/l1l~.m .Mi"[ifIU'£'E..t EIif.

25 I fa; .road Of path ~ iW.m(:wher;e. i'l .leads to. from ,. v i A

or tl!i'Dlrg:ha pmi!il!Jbr~. (iI.}-lIfI'J ,* ~ ~iI!!!;a{¥ ~~" ~

$l ). ro Off {hi! north $ide .go Burlington Street and

Ca'* Srree,r,". iltE.:lt:lt.! ~·;fID,M#.It*·1i il:R~*Ii""

TMt.road ~ bode .t~ ,t/itt dtyamtrtl,itJl.:l-Riifru

00 fIJJ jJ ~'(.'.

2ti Ifyuu say d'laJr one mlIlmbcr ~ moo aootho .. !:lumber', v,

you .~. dividing tile !!ICO)ud lliUhlbor by the: flnt. ,II:. m Kl.lw;;.l~

C':~ "I.:_ k ~ Il !.li.~~

,')M gpes ~t"'~ Irm-ty l~ wlima . ... m '0 Ii: .3:0 11 5 ••• Six

itN'q th;rtY"t~ soafive ~lh h'tlf) I~ftowt, m' 5 ,*32:

it 5 ~. 2 .•

27 If you :§3.y that ~, is :gwing orba!i ~, yoo v

.1l'leailliL t~t dwyon-e dyjng or' .~;. but you do ootw.mll~O w pag~' usethese WW'& beeasse ~ney IIilfGEt you or i!hey mu;iglu up-

set tint.: per:sQ(l. you ate. ~ eo. If 11 ~ *: iJib ill iI.

28 ~r y(m go om bellter. you do ~ttcing better ibm it had beel~ ~ before, or' ~. s.otJXll:l~betta trum. YOnl _d before Of ~n 8Q~ el!oe has, Jl!l-.~IBt Jt~(!j:t:~lIJ A) iIf!] ••• EGiGO .Qne beu.t,f .and use dec· .frame I>'i1J ~. • .m, i!j;. ~:JI; • ttm ~ -r I' ... .Father went

one mller and gQ~'a roIour TV. :'i:.* J! It -~-:8 • ~ T -

tt .t5~ ~tJ1.

29 You ~y ':beftgoes" ,o:r I~ w.e go' jUlit fuefor.l:: you CON\'B'ITION i'ltMl ,lO 00 svmethmg. ~Jy ~t.hi!l1'g new. cxcilt··

ing. or danw;:mus.~ ,!l!ninfiJF~ ~ioo, r~] ( m T?T

)\i.'¥:~.iff till, + A It ~ ~ i2" 1ll; It ~).tf Z iii" Hl1f ~ C !

.. ft~. .....

30 ¥ml say l.here ~ some~h~ng w express d..isappoj!'u~ PlfR" NG mem whcn!>OIOeI:illng happ::tlll to' ~(!'''ii'E:nt }'Q1!.Q geu~: ~ Il:.iillg ~ !iOlnethj.ng~ an .il'l~ma.i E"XpKSSiou. [§J( II T _.~.Jt~ 1"

.t!Hi!): ~lI~ .IM." 1M' t!{r~ flit_ ) .. til' ~ T . 00 T:iu!re

~ my chJJ,~ £II "Winml!8 tM allmM" ~ T • .ft tf.:F T ~

r. -

31 You ~y • t~ yml! go' m inforM ¥dJ 31. 1 '00 .E'MR

a.~ .annoy~<lJt ~ who oontllm,o to do some-

rliling lb. they know yoo drisl:ike or tihat you tIOJd· them .no(

t.o 00_ [if XI'll'f:$: ~ ~ It A Ii :fi M ::r; fA Ht'll - & Jut

.., .I:GJ'herf! .wu go ~in. How ~.)QU ~ lark. ~tly"

1::iS - If x * T. 1~.fjJ t! ;fill: 1'o,.!l!\J • :t ;ft:;t; ;t~ ~ 31..2 Vf!1l after giving ~ wm.et.liOOg ordo~!l.g sometbJng for

toom •. for exa:m.ple <l!fto!:!f~!!"'v]1J8. them ina .. siop, [f§J M (e~QJ'!$7 ¥J..~:'I:J;l:A.TJ;* ,iD~ 1fIiJi§1l.#t~-

iii: ltJ::fJ JG.t:. RBI). E.Oi The.rt. ~f4: W', .3P .pe~ ,dw"W'.

~ !tJ: ,.20 11 ± M·~1l:: .31. a a~t.e:[" so.m.alru! t~U~yoo about a ~I-m

s.ltuatioo 0]' e!lt:n~. .in ardtr' to .~~ the opinion that the ;= tok!l )'<1111 ~

~ituation cannoli: be ckmged and lnl.!lit k accepted. or dJIat

th~ event is; not surpris:ing. 00fa1lU ~ had ~ it,

[ ft:t ] ~ ~ ali ~ ~ ~ ;.J! ft -%t;tt m *I, JIJ T ~ lEG 1hrre ygu

go" wha, did I u!ll ~: :i:t ~1i!.It. fi IIJ "7 ,. ~ l~HIlJl :I¥

.ffA*.?· ~. ..

32 l f Stlmeo<ie ash ~. ~'OO' we • from he.re-? '. tihey PHIt

mean ~ ~t shan we dO next?' .~ua!llyboc.u.w: a prob~

1£It1i has 11m been $l(d~' SilrisfOlC'f:Orily. fIHi11'" -~.~-A


33 If somoome S<'I)'l> ·anyl!hlng~"., d'ley rne.an ~hat. any- Plm. thira,g that pecpl~ &ay 'OF 00 j;s, ~~ <l!~! lIlfI inJonmi ex~, ,often '1lSeC! s:hcwmg ~ppr"Ovai.

[ m- • !III J vrt « d:. T ) fir 4;. 111ft '. 00 Today aJnwsr .anything

goGJ. 4-'"-~JVF-~Ttr~#fl.

3.t If you say, fOIl' eltartlplc .• • Wllat 1 say. ~',or ~Il 'WhatneJ: I.". goes ~. you ~. lbatYOlli .have toUl,l a.uthorhy and ffiml be ,~ or a,~. wiltth~ _ illtor~ ]nalex~i.on. [mJfil.iR;l!":J:2i!.ft~ 00 Martin lml1t&i

lhe .oo.lhroom paintM and~ wha, Martin sa~, .goes. ~

T wre 1i'li: nUl - l' . W flHllij ifi~:e)1Ili JtI ~ ~ ~ -

35 U ~. do sufl'lelt:hillg as .~ go aIoQs. yotIt doh w:it!hoot I'mI.. USED N> p1'Eparirng it beiorelllWd; .om jBrotmal ,e!Lp.ressioo. [1ilJ& :~ ~.*,_WIt.I.M:I., •• ~X.ZLt' •. ~ 1 ~ mti.l'dns it

up as' I wenlalong.,. jHI: :~!frli·re'e.aHf'(;M··· 11£. de-

.JlroynJ lheewderice IS heH;.ll!;'.I:l:t along, I!jf;M ~ IfI.Jf

T~~. .

3'8 I f you say tha:t SOItl!'rthlng ~ to meww ~ WPH~ + R:E.l"On'j.

prove ootnt:tl:ling~., j'CillIme1l!t1. that h SOO1i\i'& ml"!~ [1, es~ CL

[" '" ·~filJ1!l

peciaUywhen .i~ agrees wi.th ·~tJE ptoeVJIJ!i!jrllpill_OOns or

thoories bUit surpri!D otne.rpeopie _ _. "-ll ~WE ~ 0 EG, .AU ,of which .goes W' sJww ~har JJf!t'ple M'w,,", dwngeJ. :it-IjJYE'I!ilIA{(]~e:;Jf ~.

3:7 ¥O~. UI!C • as t.llIingsp'· when desa~b.i[1gone d]~1Ilg mid Pl:I!R"USED AS comparing l1 w.itb othef" things or the same k~lId* an in~ AN A

fonna~ expressioo.. [-m.].!';J' jal #!; ~ 11: ~ '* f!i' til±: ~ _ ',. *

:i~~~~~.n~u:~sjij1t,:ft~:,~ickY. ~r metals CO', to

~. vII ~:NFUcfS" 1JSIiJI.o, QI'!d! ~IO


3:8 ~'f ym.IJ go aIIl out for !!iCime~rung. )'QU male dle' ~te:l!t ]'HJl,\'II ,~b1e ellfOil to ge[ it M achi.eve iljiLl1i :iinfoc,lliI:lIi.I, ~KFres" ~ sinn. [I!t ]j} .•• jij~l1~:ft ,1ir". iiUBJl r~,.

39 If yotIi, say your htart ~ _to ~,yP\lII" ~,VB ~tI go oot 'tD someurn: .Iltc_. yo!) n:'!t.aItl that you are ~ [runk.ing in a :SYmpi:liI1H:ti:c way ,~bau.tS(jlj')leGoe. foc ,p.:om·

pJc OOltiill8e tII]!':y 3l\e .suffering Gr' doing liOOlf;'thilJ!,g very

brave I used III [Ulima! Engllish. [Ii]~ (¥ 11.)< am ~ 1t ~

4.0 • "NbiI, p!eS theni:?' is ~d by ,~th OF OO]llilflcs as an C'O!'ri~W omda~ I\v.airningw:b¢fl t~ ~' OF hear .w.me-lhLiIlg. to !in-

dieate ¢bat anyone ~ is there rnllS~, say who t~y are, oilier'W'me~bey lll:."iJy be $OO~ or arrested. {,~ ~ ~ l~ n i" }


-41l'he word go is a~!IO used, i~l the fol1Qwi,l)g expressinns, wluch ,au e:tplatacd a!lt other places !!iIi thiS dK:tlQ~'Y _ ~~ M T l' J!J ~ 1ft . )11;., X ~*, jiJJ" if'!1 § ~ii!J '* ~ .. ,$'!l taF ,11$ !';Ornt'!lhilng gtti~ ro. flU". ~' baDg WOOS: _oo,hang~ 01; ~

e01D!. ~ • ~ m. 'l'iR$Y. .. touoli, and gO': ~lllM1. • to .. easy.~ !l easy. .. to go nymg~ 1l! i.I~. • to. go hliW"' Kt)'l «!. bgngry .. ··00. ill,~: _lii!. touu.

'litO .. hut. 11 mf}"'W • :dIout Ot, task or PfiObiem. ~ begi!:l f'~ VII,

eo deal with it. 11 1'- -f' dl: ~ oEG She tda me hew ,to GO' v + .E'~ abawt i" • _. tl1;'fri1Fl!;~#."'.lIt f4$: ..•.. ,Q: ~nsib1e ,;;;; r.el <i~~ wa,YCI'f gni~g abr;!ut ~'hings,···-"W~iJf~ag,iIt.~Nl. 2. If you :gll aoom3.t<tgll3iiactDvity 5iucll: as '~ur job. you !iX)(lunue dOing liL ~*. lEa, He 'iiR'ltUi!!d ,JO lJI!1 left alo#e ro go aoout .his bu.ti:~.. it ... It 'fIt If * .. ~. a {J(JI ••

.~ ~1i!. .,~.

:110 dw. If)l'Q!..! ~.e!j sanedl.!ing,. you try to get ll.;iIl f~ \(11,

:iI ~ iI*. EGo .My hw~nd ~. ~ I),ll~r Q jQb. , Co ft ~ ~':!~P

:t ~ '. i!l4lf!1!!\R:i;· ··GoQjtf!1 a bef-Mf d~i. w* it~· "try~gt"

• IM9!I~ ••

gIl_l' .."u1l5t. TI If f>Qnm:;t~[lg coes· a;a:in:rt 3f!J. idea. 3. person's ~,. ete. , it cootilds fJ€ dlsagtef;:l wilO it. ;iJ ",~.!i ~ aM. ~G Whefl t1d~ go 1l8f1'~1 my .~, I l./uttQ.len lO rw,sn, -. •• ~ ~ 'JIl; IGrfJ ::I 'i fUt 1l1tJ.. JIll!){ ..• The. teacldng of the Bibl'£ clearly.~ against tt, J1; ~ ~ It,s..l\~; ~JIt 51i ,.

j If f"J'U go .~ other poople'sad.v:iitt Or wishes, y<JlI .. ~ •• VIII,

do SQme~d:iffcrtnt f~o:m wnat yoo. hav.e ibeen wil'd OC" ~ ~~~:~

,ad,...ised to do .. 1=M. lEG She ~~~ (?go.illS.f {/'W. advice of

~f Cabinet and allied a ~~le-lt!ttion. 1* -1\ 6i ~ "* ~~(r:jI.'f,.~,fi"!lI!fff*~.

3, ~f ill. decisiu!lI or j~ge!l1ttoJt :goes :wOrm SQ~. for FH~ ViII, e~mID,' .Je in <I. wut of La.w" i~ it; WJ!favoU!falWe to them, \1+ PREF

.. ;oi 1\i!'o'iil!IJ~

<l-n<!! drey !00t: tru: ~. lYf ... l';ffj. Ell The verdi.ct wen:t

agfii;ul his· brother ,it lk l1 ~ 00' 5t ~ ::f. :tIJ ... 00 ~

.apllaU me gnUD~. JA1. pm.

~.ahead. 11 U someone goes.~ wi:!h ~dwJ,g. thq b:gillliW do, i'l or!l~' Jt, ~]I}'a.f~N ~.MJItirlg, promi!lci:og;. or asking pe.r.miWoo -to do i,I.. .'f. i :ff fiB. Eo TIrey art! going Qheadwirh ~m mi.Wie:, .' fli!:fn jf"~iIi !'W~.~ .•.. • Would jOU like TO' .'he!H it?~ _, Go aNl11i. • "~:!.~'~?" - .... iJt;~ • .,

2 ~f a.~, !Of o'.I.tI. Qrg.<lll~ event aoes· dead, jt tahs p.la.ct' Ol'" is carrJed (lIoJil. 1£ fj 000 The unlaJding had ~ a~ lIUy bridly." .~J! n~IM,* I);X .. , The M1ZY day 111CUC];es CQUld 8<" a~ . "1i - "I'}:rr iii]' ~'i iI' fr. 3 if ~ .~ .~ or ~ (III' ~I. !bey go In front ,of someone eb;e woo m gping ~!fi die same di:n;:diQll or ~iJ 'fbe. sam¢ place, .!t~. ~ Jt: - !t' ~ 5'i"; ~. SGi ¥:ou go ahead tlUs time. " it ~ «;: JE ~... The 'min'uJUSHm ahead!]! w" , it ~ ~ ± ::If tf '8 ~fij Jb' ii!I ••• Amhony .htul gone on altMd - 'J( *@ e §:~ jf!: 7 . .. ~. Jii!. lJFaIIad. gO aioog. i U'you Wi! along. I, I you move (i1D.ffl aoe plareto another, wUi3!.lly in oOO.crrul db something. [lli] , .. ~~. e.o. I ~nt ~long fO the '&XJTdil~g r-()Om, " ,ft; Ifill Ii .~ ~ if.: •..• 1(;0 along a~ talk tl'l' n roticUor. ~ iii[ - ill

"!IiIi it!: it ~ 11.2 you rrlOW: m a patniCtli.laJr' w.ay, IIl:ft. E.G PliRASAL \11,

They @' along '!fery &fowl y. ftff] ilUl18tJUI: • y. ,ADV"""

,2~ [r you desQ"j~ bow ~.~thillg is .~ aIoog. you lk· PFIiRA1>AL VB,

'be ... ~".. . ',-"'Ie... 11 . 1 V+ A.DV+.A..

sen> uVn- Jl IS plI~~:rJJg. l!!;!;m'". m .. KUsgolnga ong ~ p;r.~

nicely, nt • i! 1iIffmJ.l.:J!j +

• aklmg wi~liI. llf YlRl! go along wUh a rVile, d~dsiQll.,or ~\!Ii,

. .....-.!l. . .. __ .:II i...... ' ,. ..,.. v -...,;..i V + I-J>V • F!lJejf

r~Kf' }'QI!.! ruca:pt ,~ ... ~. 0......::')' II, ~'l-o .00; .IQu ~,~, ~ ,~by

u> go akm:g wHit the ded~l)n. tt<~:t: .. 'q~lJI;!:I;!:1.E S"J.

.2 II you .. along l'1itba ~ Of" ml i&a. .yvu ~ P"~~ VII, w.idl lihe person ~ idc--aor a~ ~h..ll what IMy.a!"t' say,. v + AnY + .1'1lI:EP

iug is true, .. 11il'I. m 1 am. w,iUi~ to lJO'~long wilh

eem. a • lUI ~ t,lJ"l a<J ilt ~ . .

go W1KIIId. l' if yo~ g@ .mJIIDdI or ~ about ill :H, patticub:- ffl~ '\'13, \!Vall" you behave Of' ~ in~h4lt way ,o~ $ J?¥t of :~

ylJlIT oorl:nil!!i life,~" •.• m T~ kids go a:tOund OOft- - 5<>--

foor.ll' Tm~" jJ;" .

Z If}!lOtI ., ~. SO muDd, or· 80 aliloo.t doi.rug ~ ~ 'W,

~'o1i', v" pel'


., ~! oo..mll

I'I-IlQA'>A.iIL VB" v+ PRPJ>. H_~ PASS

= ro:nfIiJ:! ,,,.-flliI

* ~gMrb

l'iinJl:ASA:L VB, '11-1 .,I\IlV, ~f+~/OON TIe:<! ~ I ,oW =~

ftllitAWIl. VB, V+ !.J[J'V

~tqjn "'~

.~VB, v+ AJ)iV'. OR.

\! "AniV' "AVIV, tF+~~ of


~'I!'JiI, v~ ADV.

]Pi" ~j COJ'oJJ -.ltIElN f<.i/ .~J'jjj'


dung_ allen S()3]'ICth:ing thad! Q(1'ler pcopil: disaJppr&.i'c of. V+ AO\"+ .!l'f!ij

YQ1.1 have the babil~f'dorng it. ;lj.T"(.~~I]A-f:'.S; ~ "ltd;o!"~ hilbUd ~ .. ) ~ fGj 1 .don/t .co· tll'tlU!lddelibemtely hUT/~ng

~e's feel •... ft~ J3 ~ f::ft;l ~ * A tnlt'ii ••....

~{~ft~~~r;~ round sticKiNg posters on 'KlQUs.

3 If you go~, go round. or go alOOvt wirh a, person Or gruup of people::. .yoo regularly meet them. and .go. 00

,d~fferen~ phKres with!'.he,m . .!j(MAJ ~f! ~ 4i (At.A.) ~ 'iI

~ if M- !l:. EO. lkm'; go around with them ., ,. ;f: ~ It fdI "o..xi..b.

W1 * tt ... They SO rowui wilh their fellow oountryrn.en.

1if!. ill ~ .,~ e ,6 ~ ~ .Il.1*~ .!il .•

4: If 01 piece of 1!le'WS or a jok...e is pllg aooumd. guiibg rlffiASAlWl, niUDd. 01;' go(ug .~. it is beilng to"ld by many peopJeull ¥ ... oIWVi ~

. L~ ~ ~IJ!!~

tho! same perfud of r!lne. (it'll ,.it ,1t~ .>ilC/(f. 00 ", I,,*,

g(l1lSlP thtH ~nl lU·Ou:nd years ago. _. '" J1I..~11HilHt-~:w· .li' ffi W M ~ ··.Some jdw' 80 round y&lrafulT yt.(J/. + , -~~iBiF.':~.it.*.··· , .. 90 ~nJ' swril!f BPiMB abo~,r ,'··iIfi~$i91rM:,.*.ft.

5 If 3. qlli<l!fltity of somet.hhlg will go ~ or •• 1'UmId, l.1iem ii:s ellQ"Llgh Qf.ft t:o be shared' ~g agro;up ,of pro" pk. Or t{l do all ths thinp fOJ' wJwichili. is~. *.i!:. ~jH'J d";!! *' ~Jt~ 11 ~+ lEG '/'hen ~·t:Jevei' etW~ f,exl~ lO'go arott.l'ild_ - . .M.*fi:::ff&.ag.#~.4ij-.

1'" A .. , TIw money just won'~ :so round .' - it _,;f;:_*

:I: Jt ~... 'l"hoe ·ww Q;lwa,f« ~gh fOod to go mwl'id . -~Ufl*~*IA- • ..@.*jnt~ •• "

go at, U you. • at ill tru.k or activit.y. yo:u.start do.ing i.1t!;ilJ ~ VEl,

aI'.I etlcnlietk. ,eilthusiii.M.k: Way., .. "¥T" nt~ n T. ~,T'he y, PRE'

.1:> = ~t!;'!fl~

brmkfa;s,t arrivtlti and Ire KII'!.!'U' at. it .iike asttlrwns' n!,fu~

~ - Jit.-*, fS~#!-t-."' M'lIil ~ ~",u ~ 1I1G.~.~. T s,* .

.. ~~. if )I1Ql!Wl' ~, ~ yQU leave a pJare ora. l'I:II\!"ISAL VB, p:itsOjliJ/soompany,. iJIi;.n. eG She went Q~'y to dunk "''''AJ)V

aOOu,t it. _, :mE~**~'III1 •• ~.+ .. Go t!:tM'ly! ::iE*'!

2 ~ Iavl: a place .am:ii spelilClll .8ipe.rKd of t~[J];B ~wb!!~ IE'FIRASAL '\lB. eke'. especially as a hcl.iday. M-W Ut Ii: II M). I:S; She v+ ADV

had gone aMiY Jor a few Jays. ~ i3 :rt ti:l ~!f JL:x lI. •

go ~1 I [ sornd;hiJr~ I'JC' IbIKj;. to a particular tlimc in .~ \'111,

tl1epa..o;:t •. it w~ m~, hp.ih.or $i~ ~t d13t tlme_ lEI .... '" .A. (~)

- ~~ from

IlI.ro, The shop gves biack M ]:1'01. ~,i!: iii m ;Jf it T

1101 ¥~

2' If someone ~ ~. to ;1 t irne .~n [he past, they begin !'.HRM.Al VB;,

d' 'de· iliat mappened ~. V!'AIDV.

: .~~rl~:F ~~n~ ~~~__c .•.. - L_- aJt t_ t~~~ Jf" pRJ:!' 'nIf'.J'I

),!:;I ($'JJ. 1000 trace us ongu'u'" we rw:W:O ,'Q 80 ~ w

~~ lhi1'1y minia!t ."WIi!7J' •. :'-1]f1I.i#SiI .IHlHI IE J!Jj;;; • <m-

'~ .=: T Jl-!f-~J~.

10· IBrk on. If you go bQ,dk. OIl a pro.mis;e ot:""agreernen,t, ~ \Ill,

r;'-t ~ ;) ~haif rou promised .~ agreed ~o do. i!'W ~~='1 .PREl>

go bad. to. If yo-up ~ b!Ii\l:l!Sk O!l actl!.'~ty. yoo Stm'f ~ w,

doing ~tagai[l after lfO~ nave st~ ldoing jt for a.paiod \"t M/V+!'REi'


,of tim.e, . M 11 I I.'i!1 :11... ,~, She Md ~.!'U' back ,to.5itarir.;g

O,l4tq{ lhew:iwWW. :ItIl X. mMng !I~* ? .

., Wore. 1 Somed:ting dlal has goor .~r(nane'o"ti:~~ or ~ l;J')i;J sub"iea. has ]~ ..... or lx:aiI. d~. llIl an, earlier lime, v ... Affii'

:.0 't't"""'~~ ~~

(iJt~ l:..}JIi!.. f! ~T. ro The~li~~· di/fe'fm~ ftom,

a~y'hat Md gmre.bejare .... ~~~lk.~It.!€l:a{iiJ-zt~

U::F ~ •... -. 4 iOpj( whkh h:ad 1Wthi~ to do with

w*at .hmJ. ,80!WbefO'u. ····ljil '* ftI' Il!i Ii ~ •. 5t. *- :i. M -1-

1!!~ •

2: Wen ~. ~rrul. or ,~ go IJe.fIlM"e ajtdge. tn, ~ W.

bll~, Olf COttrill of law. -="".' are "'~""" .. bt 011' ~ V+·PRBP

, l ... ~ " «me' ~'ooe

there as pan 'of .aJJi. ofiricial or regal process. :so thtt a aDd·

s.iCll.Q CiUl ·be· m.uJ.c ilbo~~ tl:mm., <A, :~IB.~*,'!n •• 1': 'if !!I. ( .~ ~ ). lEG The tnattt!r hm,. ~ bEl/Qffa .sra~ jury. ~.Bw~*m.iI.~.

go lIy~ 1 If you $lIIyt!tat 0'1 pe:riod of ti.me ~ .iJO!lM!·lby. you fKiV.SAJ...VB,

IDtaIl that it has .~, (11M l(li]) ni:l • ~. m Ei,~J ~+~= }'rlarsM-'El'nt by, ,. A~.:i1~ Ji ••.• As !i17k'!.goes by nwr.e

tk~ ~ on to the morbI .• "!I:jI!ii'l·~If:lil!l!.jI!$M

ii;'ji!:A Tilft1i+ ~ If you say "in. days ... by~ or "ip'PmI.,mED,I\S

~ , .-,~: ~-- ~~

yeat5 :gone vI', yot] ewe LOUr..img OliUl;i;ul e'l,lBIlt5 tlia!t have

~ p~~ iiniL ·Ilhe pa$~ ,QIi~n long ago. (tn.hl. iMI'; ~:{it:: ..

2: If)'U1!il go by <i .p¢rson. Itx!ok, :ruje'. etc-, YOl~~ ~ !!,'g •. Ii'E~ V'I!I, f~ti,O]1lJ or ad'l.1i.ce that ilIlC': perwn. book, or lillie gives ! "r:

~ in Qr'der tt) dQ~[hi~_-iltIif =.g. EO .1 try to go

by,~ (J.J Jor aJJ ,pru.~jble, .. ft:hi!Jg iiflllfd\~.I':;ij

•.. ,. l)o/t j't §O'by what he M~. ~ ~ 1m fII & ftiJ * •.

II If ~ IfIeS by tbt book, they .Qibty nLlcs vcry- ffUit, VEl

l.lNi'L.BCTS str.ict!yomdl jru;ist on otbeJi" people doing $0 as wen, ,I!I •• ::IJ.


eo cIowiL. 11 I f }'\'Xl ~ down. to a platt. 'yol.!I 'Walt.: Ofi trn vd mlY,sAL vA,

there foc a snon period Df rilll')e ~ o:fien ~. of piOWi!!S Itlhnat v .. -'ID..... ,.,.

awe rl!rilier SO"!J~h than you or fW"c.her SOt.l:lh In die 0i)U[l.-

~VB, '\!+AI)'V'l>A, {.IIrDJ 'OiJiji\i) , Jm,::!J1'

fH~VB. V+~!!'~. NO 'CONT. !>IQ !~



iIl'y, ~ { ... * '" "Jr.,"). EG 1 haw. to ,~ ,down, 1.0 ,Brighton. +. ~:fI, 'if ~ • • •.• I'm going down to t.he

shops'. IUl"," 4; if! ~.J; Ai D.

2 '~f yo~ go_l'I'b, you gp f~ one fJoor of a biIli1di~ to a I!owa' ~. dpeciaUy tolhe ground floor - -f", t ~ . lEG 1 must ,go' dOMim and' put on mY' IMCklace. .. &HJff .~ • .l:".,.

31f'')'miI RQ down 00 yowt knees of 00 all fmlni, you JO'Wi:':r yoo,r body until it is sUPPOJ't,,ed by your knees, or by your !wxk and knees. IfF ~ IIl.T •

-4, Whetl ~t.udcr'it:s go, down. they leave their cull~ or ~ven'.ify at the md of a term or at tIE eooof the academic year I used ~n British English. [~}( 1c~ ~ - ~ m a ~ 9-

• ~ :IF! r;jt) :ti'11I1. .

5 111 sport, it 31 [peFSOtil Of ~m 1OO'd!).wn, 5. 1 tbey <lII'e deff'.aJled in .. itiatclio.rContm. (i*'nt.~)lUl!ti. lEG Lendl wenl d'own by lhue sets to fflIe. ttiiJJt J!ij - J;t = rljl~. 5.:2 they move down to a l.ower- positwn in an officiallist. or to a 10WC'Ii divis:iO:lil .in a league, tt 4"F • F "


16 Wben a re,m.;uk:. :spetth ,. OC a:!!1:.i.s.t.ic ~rforman«: goa

dmm. i.B a. particular way. ~t gets apwtlicuJar kipd of reaction from a person or group of people. ... ~I §- ~lQ! + eG T~ a<:l -didn'i gQ do~ .fO'rj:biy well. iX1"m""P H#

~41i:«BJI. .

7 I f you ~y that ~th~nrg has lOOt dowiD. you mean th.a~ it!!l qualtty O:i" s.tandard. has beromL'l~_ r",. w II'S' gone daM!. a lat. the food. ft Mt liM! fir 8l "F Ff;. T i"f g;;.

8 If you talk ab:::ll!lJt fM or M~D .1Oi'I:tI down Wl;:U; you. mean that h Ws calm or drunk with ,enjoyment; an informal use. c.mJlkw"f Iller'.; EG A. cup of .tea liiIOuJd get doW1il niaiY. 1ilJ1:. - .... * ~fIIlf II .•.

9' When dJe sun IIJOI!S dowA. it sets, (::t:: II ) • T ~ro, The :sun ~ ,down ,behind she mm.r.ntains. x.llIld.! T •

10' If a shi£ ~ drMo. i~ sinks. <Ii) 1''lX, mN:. EG They' ~ll ,gat. 011 beforl! ~he boa:t ~'u down. t£ M m. ft.:t:n • ,(t. i'I1 :i:·C r * 1.

l11f'!he level of somethiqg. tor example watM' .In a tafik.

~ do'ffg, iit becomes lo'wu. l' .'''.1>' .

112 If a computer .. dorIm, it s~.ops functi(lflJng ~m1pDTa.~

ri~y, a l.edmiica[tenn in wrnp!.ltlng, [it" m] :IH!iUJ i ft {fIfl'.

go down as. If an event, M:tioo. prOOi!.l.ct. etc ... ~ dow.I:I .as :!o:netbing, it is ttgUdi!d. ~be.red. ()['reo:l.[\dei! in a parlittda:r way by Someone_ .iA.'-:I ~ it i2tl. ~ ; • -Ii'! ~ jJ;J. EO Ht:lping yaur neighbour Ctlili: go down in flu teadw'SW£WQl'c:healing. :Wll!.~ ¥.Q:tI9-:A. BJ 10 1i.:lt.l&1l .n: JI.fi'''!'J • " to. down !!U hirtory ~ jJ. hiritoIr)'.

go ,down 1riUt. If yoo go ,down wilth an illness or a dis-.

case. YOUI cat:dhiJt.1 om iinfocmal expess1on. [if JiJ ,.'. J:.. EG • ~ OO'Wil'l with flu. ,,*,8 T •••

gtlJ. rot, 1 If fOIIl •. 'or a particular type of product .orway of doing !;Om~th~ng. you ~ it. i& •• lEG Odldrm 8D /01' t &e b.r,{gh.,l },-COJDUT:td OntS. - -f« -rID ii;J!f'i" @..ttlM ,.. - .. a tendeltiCy to go for ev.m grantkr pwjec,ts. • •• -:fit ilUf: J!!t f$ ~ tl'U ~ .'~J •

,2 If)l'01:I 3D fur sOn1OOlIe or ~thir;g. y:t.J1l 1iketbem: very mlUch ~I an inrfu§fMLLWC. [m J « «. 00, 1 really go Jar him. , .:&,X.jdHfI "~ft; .,. J don't 8P IOTta.lk lib t/w.,r . ft,JF:A: lUJr.(if a{liiU!l •

3 If}lOlIlI ., for oome:one or something, you attack t1lem.ftj). 00 .He~m /Oi'W with rnt ,fm~.,kni/e .. , If;-=F m1lf~7JIfiJ.~~*··· 'TIMy go for thE e')1eS. H!fn'~ n:t mEM.

'* If you say that 3J SWfl::n::tent' yoo nave nlade amut aM:' penot:[ 01 thing ~I f0!" anothe.r pemm or d:u.:Ilg. yoo mean that die state:tnen. j;s;aJ!!iI) trut of tlti5 ot!x .. pe:1CSOJI or thing. JiJH!f .,00 The $(lmi! ~ for Bardolph.. '. ~. lil*ilJFFfB~$*··· ... and tltat ~10l' India 100'. ",·.di.mmTWBf +

:5, If you ~y to at. penon or group of people • uP' fill' it'. you Me em::ot.raging t~m t:(l< !IlCll"e'aSeI.bdr efforts to aroiev·t 0.'" win SOil'iCthing, .an :iJm~ !:N.pr~~. [m' J j(M! it. utlif. •

go m.l .If the sun gors in, il gpe:!l. behmd a clol!ld and C3l'1 fKI 19n9u be iieeU- ( * lIP ).~ fi • ,fl.

2' If you go Ill, YOJJ mk:r Oil building, ~ciaJ~y yom own bouse. J!A d! A Iit.p ..

go ttl ,." If you • in 'wa pu1iadar adidl). YOI1 decide to do i~ ~ your job. Ol!' ,a'!! a bobby or mterest. .hl •• I~i,'- I t~ of going' in lOr tMelring .• 1.' ilJI*tl:.~· '.

g@ into. 1 If you .. 1m!) &omething. I. 1 you. describe it fuWly'Of in detail. ttit I,iut. ~ l'~gone im<O' this t.X~ ample. in ~det(lU .. + .ltt!tW.lIl!.itl!Tl!1"iliIT'"

~W, '114 AfYV.

Il' ., f'1IEI'/'COW ~W·,!!N4·

1"HlftASA!l... ve. V-I ADV+ <lOll •. tJ!il.~

J>U1W,M. VB, v,~ ADV

I'.~_VB, Y*l"Jmf'

" be Kl.t«I'

f'~VIl·, V+ Al!)VT A

... !:I!C' mo:cii!!cd

PHJiJ!II.SAL 'WI, V.,./illV =am~ic

t~ALVl:I, V .. I\VV


ptlRllSAl. VII" V"AElV

:PHiIUoS:/U. 'IIl8!, V"ADV

I'~VI!, Y*AJ)V4PREP = bc;.~~,!!$

P8!ItASAL VB" v f· AD,\/, f P'l!UJ> ,,~

~~r V .. PREP

;: t;i.'iOOi"

PH""RItSI!.L \II'" VfP~

= dig

r~VBI v·+·:~

P'H1R:ASAt:I_ w, V'i'lfiREP

= ap,,1y Iii!i

CONVEI'fl1.OH ~ !ty

~~_VII .• V+ADV

NrI!.t'li$;\L VB, V"ADV

PHIftA,.~VB. V.· I'J)V + PREP = ~'up

NIRA'iAl \Ill. V • PREP. HtiiS PASS


I K\Jn:"t 80 into what l'iI;.'it suffered. .,;f: .i'U~ ft !Ii ~ 100 *. 1. 2 you examine OIl' im,lestigate it iii detai.I' _ iIII. J iRi '1l. Ei:3, My solkil(ffS(1re ping iW,Q lM(ji.UStion of my

jewellery .. " ftR!JI1J!liJcfl1.iE tEBf1t8: R9.:£ fiil.··· . - . as Q.ne goes' mtde dreply iNO 'Il mbju~ _ ,,·:tl;A.illl.A~ elf 12:- + e fI ~lJtfj. I. 3 you decide to dO it as YQUf job or career. »-$(#;q!J:$ ,.;lIi: $) •. ea EI.Iet' t~t of going t.nto jO:Ui'~lism? en bl".if N ". W ~?

2 If som.OOIle got'!il inroa long speech or Itttute. tbey begi.ill iti often used showing diisapprovaL [1!]W:OttH9it1 ~.). €(;; He ~t into a long monologue. fEm:mlf=M JfltWT .fi;*~

3 If time, ·elJort, or I'iiOoey ~ intosomeiliililg. ['0: is spent Of used to 00 it, F1i it, or make iit. (JIlt f,fiJ •• :n ... _) • .Ii' f. i:\G Thru .~ of ~ W'im.t into ,he

maki~ ,af ,riwSl! jilms .. :1J T .*.~~., .~.tE -1'=:~ 1I;j:J1ij.afj'~~.

4, ~ f a vthklt: or its ,driver goes mllil' a pan:indar kind of movemear •. it stMts moving' in the way menuooed. *:IItr It (Atf!f ijIj-itn. iro The plane ~J infO a ~ dive. - . '·VlJf:9i!lM·IIf!···' 1 went imoaskiJ._ 'I1!,flT~l'.

5 ~f a veh:ic.le· or its driver goes IDOOI, mlOtflff veMde. ~t hilS the othcr,..t,.b.i.cle _ • H·'· .t. + EO 1'hr.« 'OO1'S'~nl in~ to me + •• ~ "'I ~;$'" • 'j ft ~ :$ Jc. .•. I wern intO' tM' mini in frtmt. ft •• l' liiifl1tl:ifH*$1:.

.. oft. 1 [f you .IJ) off :~,. you .IQlie a pb~'; oouaUy maIder to do :so~g. 1II&:ff1 W ~. 00 He had gprte off toM.JOTk • .. fB IE: ~ fi .t. r·.. She wentoJf to' look at t~ flowe:rs. .~ fUt=; T .,

2 IT you 8P qf( ::IDmCODe 01" SIJ.ti'iOtllliug .)Ut' ,sIlClp mHI'lIg them;. an infonrm lAlC. [ti]X;ii··'~"'!I*.i'f'N..~. 00; He's80~offthe ~.,. fiXf~+:£.~9;;:.:J;:T~. , .... llki1lk she-os gmng 011 him ,a bit .•••• * ~::Fi:: lUitf\P.7.

31r yoo go off. you faU asieep, an informal use. Em lA, •• EG Ue went ofJ,Q.t soon. as .lds.htad touched the pit~ l.ow. ftk~-.'J;tt:f. •• 1i.7.

4 If SOO'iethUig ~ off. II. 1 it exp]odes .• J$. lEG I cl.lUJd' hear the bombs ,W'f,1fg' oIl 0Ii: lite ot~r side of the. city-. ft.' ~ m. ill J!f M ~ ~ $. ~.:I$ M _,. ... -t.2: lit makes a :!!lldi:kn bid ~. .:1 I:J!. B iIFi. ffi ~ aiarm wen! off buJ Mlried to ignore u, IIIf11!lfi1T .m1@iltlfl .. z.:FJI. 4.3: it srops ap:,....it~. ff.ll:. ~ 11IE. Ell T'h,e' tigh1 only .~()ff at night. t:r 1':. ~ a;l. * 1;1 ~ ..

5 I f an ~ tven'l ~ ,off .in a parliCll~M >o!r.\y.it takes pl.a~ in that way. 1I:fi. e.G The nwl,ltlg ~nt off _11. ~':JH':fiItl;JL

6 .Food Dr drink 1!J'mt has ROOt off' lw lilewmt :stale. oou.r. or rotten. (1r •• ).~;1£m1',Jl: ••

go orr wiCb. t If somrooc ~ off wWI. ~rperson. ttl.ey kave dKilt h.us:ba.ntlI. wife. w lowr wd ha'YC a .r'Cla~ tim:l.5hip wi.tb that pe~- :f4 fif. .. ~ My boyJ.,..tMd w.nt of/with my best friend. fI!~!8Mil •• :lUHfl®JIl~ ~fij7 •

2: If ~ IiFJIIiS 0lf wid! ~tlliing tlilat ~1:ortgs to. :someone-clsc. thq Leave a place and take it with 'thtm_ *' •.. , itt ~. fiG Slut: ~ let h.im go olf with he! papers. .:itl!.· .• ~~.HiEFl= • .f:"{ •

.... 1 If you go 00 doing !1;Omtthing.(I!I' gill on with ;m a.ct1vity. }Iou COIirinue to do h - •• ( it;l;ti. ) ~ e:a I weru OJII. wrhing .. _ ft. fl1J f1;: .+. They can't 80 on 'With lhi-!r ~mlti~. ~fn~I!: •• ;;f~ T ~

2 If you ,go on m 00 ~g. ~lil do~t a.~yQlt MVl;: flnisilr;d doir!g ~ing dK. (.~-.iiH!ifiH.:J).). EG Ht'I<WIl' Of!: toge'lhisdegree ... fiH'ii'iii~iJ*fll. ". These. ~ go on to M.~ cm:fdren" it * y:" A .• t 4l:1I\.~mTT +

3, If yOlJ go 00. in a pa:rlicW!M directioq ,. you uni't.BIUC W walk. dri\i\!:' , ett:- in tllat di!l'ed:ion. :U: til :it. ~ 1 K!eftton wp the hill - .. ft iii ~ ~.l.lliI.t..it ... You c:a~'r !fJ on, there'!; a ,di~<erSion+ -{IlI;;f:Il"'f!litliE T·, Itt_all T.

,4 IF you • on to .3. pJaOi.you gp to it frarn the place tbat you ~ve reached. •• D £!E. m We had ~. 011 Ie ClQ.re';s ~. . .ft 111 x. .'1;; 7 1l • $ ~ * ... Go on flame. • r ~dij:a:.

5 If you' #!p' 00:. you OOll'tirwe saying' something O€ talkiog abouit something .•• m (it.) T 4;:- EG • ¥au la:!cw. ~ .he !W'nt en. • is"s extr(U)lid.iMry .. ;, . , - .... ~iI .... it:. i;t ... ]t·m . .!it .... ... • Sounds ger,Wus. J I B(l.id. ~ go on ,,' "~J:*fMJII'.·,Wa&,"\l"f~. ".

6 .ll'f}"'OO,JOOD about ocu:nethilrJ,g. or ... at ~. yoo. OOIltmue milling 00 them ,about the sa:me tih:ing. oneil ilil an anno}'Iing way,. an infonna] us.e. [it) 9: ~ ill T:It. tit;. IJ!IJ. ro I M1I1I on at my falher to haw' so./efy bdts fit- 1m. .. Ii; If'W • 'Hi; )I! iJHes:~ ... :ldm.* ••• lkm.',r go . .mt

PHRASAI_ VB, \H;P~.~ !'i'I.)lS

• iklv~ in II)

PlHI Ri\.SAL VII". v+ r:llIB'

,. ~.tI~· up

~.VB:,· V~PREP

= llWild1. jl1l.o

*,HRA..~V~, V + J'IlU'..P

rHMS""J. Vlh V". PItEP

~ 'I!e.gii~

PH~ve, 1/ .. JlREp

= !:llI5li, 11110

~V1I1 v·. AIJI/, 'U8,,1.- A

LPRiRA."'>AJ.. VB, OItDfiR

V" A[lIV+ 0

P~\IJ), V+~·

!'~~, Y"/IoPV


PHM~vel, V"ADV

J'HRJISAL VB, VTA[I:Ii{·<i.A =-p

1I'~1;i'B, V" Ali)V

P~VB. V+JII!)\t'+ ~ = JWlI ~r 1!ri,1:!

P~'VB, 1/+ AtIv .. rlltEP = maR oR w.ilib

1'mu.sAJ.. VlI, v~1!PV +. ,!I'IG / ooir'h


r:H~ 'l!'B1, VtAD\l'.,fJ!O.INl'

P,liili,,"iSAL VB"

V t IiiJ.V ,I,l'ru -t ."'" K ~.try' 011

PHIlAS.I\L \III, V+ AJi)v+ A jl'~dl

PH.RA5AL VII, 'il-+'AIN'''~ / ~t-.i


p~.W, V"IJN"'~f!l1l. (]a. 'V ~ A/!'N

~ Gcpoo. 'Mt

abOld it. "J ~19J ~ fit. T .

7 If.1l IP~ or atitutioo .• goes on. h. oonrtil1n.les~1I) take pjace or to exist. ofit:n for apMtloWJ~ period of time. it • i!£. n (ij£ .r; a }. 00 Thefig)utng .fuIdgo~' ,on all rh~~ tht night, . . at 4 id: ~T 7 -!li«'" W.e wan: ,ate thnJtret,~ gQ On "l!;·m*i!!~II:tf:a:"'f"*.

8 If }'Qtl ,'1.ay fh.a~ a particuhU' type of .arti~ty .is ~ ,0lIl. )i'l)Y mean tilil.at it is takliQg pl~- .!t~ di IT. Ell There's a hig (l~nr goi~ ,on .. " ~.*.I¥.I.ie:ji[;(fi!f:fl"" A lot oj chmUrtg. gQt'3 ,~. ~., as: ~ * ~ At .. 17 -:h ~ .. ~i m gOL.-oo.

9 If yoo:say tlBt ai, pcmioo Qif timE: ~0IlI. yoo mean that it .~" 0( ~ Jill }m :til ~ .• I!'l, :tit 'h. t:G I get more de,. . pressed. as I':i~ ~ an" I •• 1iJ;f fEll· Mit: ••. ~ -ilfl Jl!ift fir.

~o III informal Engllish. yOI!DJ say "Co on' 'lO ~ 1 (1.1 ~- w.

mpen;uadl1: or- ,el1ioourag~ iliern!L ro. 00 SOt:l!lething,. [m J U V • .w'v, om.y

. G IMmR

lh*J.!l (}~"'JI1Ii!C ••• Aililt.). I::GO ,M. have

(J biS!(;!,dt.,. fill: , Ipt~JtToGo on, }':Ju'll 1lIi\'\I!e1" know

,~ntU' )tlu try., •.. * IJIf. ., -I: ~ l' Jj- 411 :ml )lIas. 10.:2 to mdi- PHRASALVlI; cate dlil!i( yQu do not bel'ieve what they have said, [mJ(~ :~~!., ~1F9}:ffT ~,ttT. 00 Goon .- you~,'t. kiddt"'!8_ tiT .:


1 'f If·yt;lt,I .. 'liD a .~ ·of lnfor~. you 00t.e<W. opW. I'iliRASALVB, rnn ocjOOFotOIliL •• ' .• ~~~rrr!~ ... ~~t.!ll.M.fI;; ~~ImMIAS It. 5G I. $ nc,r ml4('h to .80 an... it;:f:·..Ii '"' ~... t_

oniy 8tnng ,Olt. what l'~ see'" t.!,rM, GJlJdme.JJ·s. (tl; R 1).1

ft •• b ••• *~.~~.~~~ .. ~

12 If a dCnct or ma,.dUiine .goes 00, it:bcgim op-..r,Ollring, I".~ Vll,

(til. , iV: .;. " ) iii ff(, :Ii WI 1f i5!J. ro The U.§hs gr.HJS art ~t!!,vam

automatically. JltT~· til ~ .• jjrlJ • - ~

go (1ft ~ !ll. 80' IIIix:8d J.

golllUt. 1~f you :GI1I ·DIJt· wiih ~ .. , you spend time witil them :soci.aI~y~d ofrre~ baw: it [UJJ]gl~(: or se~ rdatl(U]!i:!llp witb OOt:m.~·" -.®.:WU~ilii1J~~·'·~. (d:~if). ~ Myparenls ~Wn.·1 Je.t me .gaou,~ with boys, .. 1l~X'/ij.l' ij:.~ 1ilII" {ltTf].ti:! ~l.i, ... J ~ii1t D!.Il kI'l fh him a tentg tbne ago. ~1!A Aft Ii\ll. i* ~e •..

:2 If you • out to do someffiiEg. ymn.make apractiealef- Pl'I_AASAL ViII, forrto achieve itt by !:p1lig to diffePerJIl places or by!OOD~ v .. A:fN ~ .w!~

= ~<lIlt

ta.diog poople, Wlm n I ~ !i:! =Jf. EG TlMy~nl QUE ai!1d

.inquired into n'IQ,tters lhe~ves, "" ~ 111 ;iSt .':tl "* ~ I';l .~ :1fi:t~* ••.. Chrldu msat .~out and M};se money'. •• ml1'*£>m;jt !±I~ •••

3 U 1l.1~ght :1f)eS out. wt SlOps shining, ( :tr ) :iI ~. ,EG The: NJtJiSAl. \18, Jigltl~ ~lOUt in the big .tent" :*: •• m IlI9 ft, .:IU1.!Jl \1+ Apy

T. "' to go .0IIl .I~ alr,ttt~ jtllilhl.

-4 If SOi:JK~hing il:.hat 1$. burning ~ out, h SID.pili bunmJg, p~ VB, (.::IiI ~ ) :If; 1)1{. ss 1'he fire ~ru: QUt. • .1r. fJ( T ".My v T ADV

cigar"s ~. (JUl. :ft~:MlI~ 7. .

5 If !nformaHOiIl. goal: -oot. from somewhere, it :iI> ,m· PmIJISAI. \IB, IIlrnJnNrl Or' P'JMished. often officially .• r-.; it-g. $.. ~ r ~.t.'Su~ II litG 'f"he M~ ~r end f~Washinglon flu'll M ~

dmd, _. $11" Ii * M 4 ·iI-1*.I£ 7 ••• Word' went o~t

tlmt he~d arrived. ~lIa~fI;E.,!nlJT •

6 Ua te-levision Of radi.opr~a;ntrne ~ tlIOt,. it ils b.,oad!· J'fiMSAL ~I

~¢. ( •. 11 ,r. 'W iii HI d:j; 0 ~ 'l'M grin .goes QUI (JR v+ ADV+ A

Tuesday .eveni~ of;i BBC z" :Iit ••• ~ •• j;fjmm= ..

J:.t± BBC .tl.::&.re.

'1 UsonH':tm~g goau. It ~ to Ilmr or b:: used. ~u~!'~ VBI .1li[ly kcamt it .is n:pla.ad by something d,~_ £I: IFf !;ffIJit :+'II~';~

;fT 0 m SJeam wt.Il!J ,out ,aM djeu:ll+Wi·~'u~,~ced, .tt

iIL~~T .mJt7~.:tJL

iii If aquaJijl)' ot feeling ~ out (Jf !ID.rneooe oc iiOl'ne- ~ ViB, ttbing. tbey o[) longer have it. m ~ ; ~ -:!:. EG Smne of ~*~-:n~ + cI tm $~P has (§OI'fe CUi!: (;/ the markel, .. ffl:ljj llYiJ g:b B :Q

$.1"}:ff! * ... AU ,[he heart seemed w M.1!f: gone awt of

him, tf!m"¥B!l!P:5i;~4:..1( •••

9 Whe~ the l~de P'$ out. the WOUi.e1f in the seaw in <Ii. rjv- r!'~YlI.

er gracl~l'f fal.ls ~Q ;.l, l~~eve]~ti] ·~be tide o:;I~ .in ag-J'lin. {II *- ).iI!./!; ~

en twft'. "If yal:l :~ ova' to ;om~ or ~~~. you ~ ~a'W3J1ds them .amlreach the:m_ m:it ~. 100 • Ma· bd.' M, ,mid, going ,!WeI" ~o he" .. ":i3;m_ a:. "ft!&-1I ~

fIt!~.;!: - ~.~ .•• - Go OlW .arm help him. .if; u * •. f,b-


2: If you go m;;,~ sorrtetEili~. you examine.. Wsct!!l5 • or :m1't.tIiSAI. ~, thi:mk aJOOtltt it 'i.1~ry tartful1y .amI.!;j'l'iil1'!ma~itallly"". ~.. Vof 1'Ra'

,u""'"' L, .... J:~' . ~ re,,;i¢w'

:i!1 ~ M~ .~ A!j. ;:f. Ri. n<i ~:;...:... meCJ)' Olvel' .my btJrcJcs" ..

fIJ!" ftfHtUlt ~ T -1':ftHI'~ 1::... He ~nt ,Olili!!'r t.hi$ .rn hi$ mind _ fI H: ,r., m • '. T - if JS ~ • 0 Ii 1f!OO.·gomg.


., over tG. 1 Ir someonc or ~med:li:iiIg ~ Qyg-. tl)·a dif· rerel1i~ way of·dbJing thin.gli;lhey dha~ to it, iIUIK~.M;j} r! ). I::G We~l&W' te tie Arner.ieon . .r)il!ltem - • "

PiHIl:ASAL VB, 'V .• AlrW.OS1J' A '~ mIill'l!m =lu!:

J-~W, v+A[lV 'il'!l!t!JPCll ~.~~

~ViB;, V-fADV

~. ~.tIJuJc:.

.=. ~~

Ptl~Vil:l; "-t. h.PV'" A

(~( ~~), ~p


v··oov =.[~.


~Vlj:I' v~m"Nw/w

1'HPA£A.l. \15, .... + .~'iI"" i!'1UiU' .. ~~j; m

J(; WI ~ IIilI ~J ~ ~ .. ;1i!j ". Tke Sfjhoo]. wm go. over ,ro mixed ahHi 'YO teaching. it SlT ~ rt:ff iff Hhli! il' IitLtiUJi ~ :It $.

2 If yuu ., '!mT'hil, a gr'oop of ]XVp1~. " JXllici~ p;Ifly. !"~ V!l,

etc.; you join thern anew prt:vi..()us]y Ibdooging to a groUf ~. r =~ PiU!f' OJ" party with vt~ ·dHTerent airm or id~i:L'S, &. ( l111. tf\J

- )IJ) ~ ft!til ( Jj - ~ .t; ,.). EG WlW .KaY l,o)Ui'ai!1d .Kl'ho.

had .sune over 1'0 the mh:er ~fn . .. it:!! ~. ~] • ilii it

X m JIi] T~}:1i'r •••

.gD n:lWId. 1 If YOLI • t'OIIhd !n SOI1Jleone's hous.c:. you go ~:M\IlI, t:o visit them :at ~ir I:wwtse, n 1Iti; • ~.. m W~ ~t V +~.IJSU 'l:A TUJoI:nd o.rz..ern.ght but tliell'oWl!: aut _ 1i-:X • .l.ftfl'l~

#~{f;f]. ~1I:ii'1 W"* T •

2 If SQItlEtlhing ~ l"OIDI. it tlUrt!liiron!limruom~y Hire a p~ ViiI, ~L Ji.",~"~. EGo 1h taP'! is ll.ill going JnUM." ~+~~

'(lla:$f~. .

:3 11< ~80' around 2.,3.4.

eo ~1 If yOu .go t~ an c-ver.l .0( a ~rioo of ~ VB, time. ,~ri;aUy3Jl, ~t om. yottJ, ~lt~f!ce ito. fi ~~i<[~ 6i1~~. m N(jJ oJl girls SO· t~ lhis' S,1aw' ••• jf~~

J!jf :K m' jr;1I ~ • @ m j! ~, Nt Ii ... J"m too QId to &D'

tkro~ rml ~~n. :ft;t~1' .iIJ&~~~BnI".T.

2 If yoo .. through ,aim or thl~ sud! iI.S ptpea. i'~ VlI, dotbes. ,!;u: .• YQIiI foot· "n: ~m .• llSUaUy !11 ~ Wi SifIlt. ~~mEP. liM

them" into group;o:r to seMclID ffir a.parti.ru~aritJ:m, WI::It. =~1i:

ffi They ~n:ttkfOUgh he llij~ ... 'MfJm.~*l§1i: 1fT-II.'·' Go t~. I,IM' fd~ap~ft. Wte.f!l*lf-


:3 U}i'lltl go IiI'mM!gb .a llit. story, or plml. YOlllimy 1~ OC &:sa~bc it from begimti~ wcOO. !t*fiMitCG;;:t). 00 ¥cu·._i' better go through l.ke noame& .. , ff;.!lfnl.:II!~-f!i ¥.bi.l.:ft~ ~ -is''' Could ~go !~h ,roughly wmt's requited. itmJJf •• M*li*~\l-.It .•

;4 If someone goes UmMJch a ser:i~ of <1IctLarJS ~ muv~~ IJlI:rnts. (MY perfunn t~m •. mwlly as.a pv.ad.IDt or a ~L II J.: •. !:5 ;;J 0 ffi They ~ldudPaI 8"ing throQh ~ ,~1 th£ .mov.emenl'J' sk W tf,lilrntd. ~f:i" *,!WI.:I:': • tIE m ~ it m1F -~, i9J f'1;. ,. 10 gQ' tbrollgb ·lbe motiom ~ ~


!Ei Ira ~;lIW. agreement, 'Ill" olJiciilll do::is!Q:n: ~ tIIruQgh, ~ VJ).r .it ~ approved by the f!O'PI~ wiro have 'tMl'li!"I!Ner ,OF au- v + ww ~

'""- ~ bc~lJ..-cdi

thothy to dow_ (~.)'UI~~{M,il(.,iE.'I;];~J~).m ••

l~ The adop,#un· tll'ertt through. tv:#.:y.,~ •• .ftf"1' • :plhrooab wiCh. If you 'ga' through. 'wilb 3i deciliiotlOf an ,:lcri(m.you Q!mtin~ to do what 1. ~ in order to aclricYl: :it or -rompk:tc it. o'wo c:ven though it liIlVOlves, IUnpk:-~ e~r;:em:es, 11m I ~.rt, ~ ff. lEG 1 did·n't go through wolin lheQbor~ion. fi&:fi~M' .. rlii..

80 towa:rdS. U an amDWlIl of mo:~"ji' goes. tGwuds ~- I"m!.AVt!l.VB I iliiing. it is l.ksI:ti a:!i; ~t of t!Iue o:lSt afttiat ~_ (_ _ V+P'ltEP

til>}fi',W""&;!m:,,.m,. ,EG II will.SO 1~'.tJ dtpaNit

011 t~ ji.a:t,." :It:ll •• mfF •• i! .• ~*I~ift''t~~···

£ 54rn ~nt l~rdS in~l~t _ .5 4(10 ]j"iI.m~R

SU;·81f-&.. . .

go 1l!OOe1i'.. 1[f a 'bmi~ .01' pmjC1.1: .uoes PD4er, It fails. .~ VIII C~H7'$Hl,n:kSl:::M. lEG 'fen ~howr.tJnd small b,~~ V"M!"V

" 'DId

ha ~ gon.t utifhr - e.::g 1 Ji i!lR'> ~ Ak:.lr;iJ "J •

21faboat. s.Ilip. OF ~iD a.!Jea O!'fivcF 1J)e$. ,~, !'R~ '\1131,

it sinh Wow ~ surfatt: of ml:":waltt, (~~) tlN. m v + ~v

He thrashal about f()f" s.om.e tir:ne be/ore he~tl:in· der.I!H:*~'~HTT=;~·&~T"'f£;.

gou.p.' If YOI:1 CO up m aphu:e., }'W walk_ OfF rr8'1i\cl ~ VII,

thEre. often ll1l order ~o do ~thing.. * jjl Ole; I:: } '. Eli v ~ AD'II"·I A

We ,~l'l Mnt up II> tk pub" ft fI11't ~ 7 .. Nt.. = P~~i

2 If you ~ up in a. buildiog. you. golD :I. ~ghcj' n~ ttl ~ 'itB, i~. ,especial.iy from. the groundnOt')l", _l. •• 100 She· ~n! :. 'l'~~ A. up .w her hedroam. _ .M,IIJ II J: 111. a MI' 1ft:§!: .w... We CiU1i.

go up In the elevator. l!;{flI~m.~._t_.~

3 If a bwldifilg. wa]l. or ~I! :lItrllLdll!U .KM8 up, ~t iiI PllRASAL 'WI, buih O;!" fixoo ~D pJInoe_ {.'JI:.} •••• *~ EG Small V+~,tIS1!.I'+A blocks of {l(JU. are ~rtg up." 1fr>11l'i.r.z.: •• iE:$~.=*

.... BUlbocuck Ktll'UUP all oW-t ,town, ,.-t, jJ:it ~ iI§ -r r


4 !f s,olnethi~ pM!S ..,. i.:I: nplooL'lS Of' S:mrQOO burn. m'l]~ "'H~ VB,

aUy sudderuy .udw:itll geatt inllellS:iry .• :j$ ~:I: •. €(I • , • v" ~v

if QIU. of l,hoM p$ tankn"s ~ .. up .. , ·"mi. ~ ~1I"t

• $: $ ;;g - •• M< ••• In ~ ~[ ~. ,gone up In

j1.amRS _ -~JL]Jb*'EH~; 1l:~:k ~ t:;~ $It 1$. ·"to go up,

ill! .SDWIke~ Jji!.~.

5< If SiPmething .goes .... fore~l.e dlC ~[[i in .3. 1Ih!:ii~ r~V1I, U'e. ~~ is r~.:t em'.M ~ • *'} 1: flo. 00 Thee, ww a ~:~v burslof.appiause as !htt(;Wlarr. ~.t up. .~ji;f • .J::!J::i

-~.~ .

·6 W!1e.11I muclmts .' up to a oo.ll~ 'Of" unl.v~rslty. t~y be- fHRASAL ·VB

!I'HFI;;IJ.'lAL!o'ifI, V .. PR8', IiIA.S PA..'lS

" RIIIIo tl!iOOl<\Ib

~VB, v* 1'.19',. Iil4S PAS."!


ml!.AS.A.L \!1!.; v·, ADV ... ·PR!ll'

11.~ "~.wil!1

;gill studlying there. OJ" returst tnere alt: the beginning (If an 'i/-+ AmI'. aademlic year or tarn I used in ~kitM Engtisb. [:fiJ 1: * !li"-i jiOfW> TmJ'II

~ " (!Jt M7f iD![lt.l} is 1£1 j;;.fJ!j; • @

1 II' a shout, a chc:et-. etc, JOtS up., jt is made· by Ii lot oJ ~I\L v.B,

p!lop1e togetber. (It,jfI.*!p¥~ ).InS. v ... AD,V

8: In spo!i'"~. ira,person or team K'JI!S up. they ~m ... e m_li l'~ YB.. • 'r posidOOlJi i:l1itbc- offioalli&h OIl" I1:I:'()Ve tID a. ~her di- ~+:~ visioY.!ir! a: Jeague, (.i§!1fijm ~:;ii;~I!Iw.)it«.t.fl- r ••• EG, I

thiM: Stoke 'Mlill go up this ~. itfiJllifE;1&l!1'-W*


• lritJt I If ,1iBlC thing gDIISwitJi:l arodllt1' thing. 1. 1[ the j>~VB,

two ~omciaJly' bctong togctEt". SO dIal if ~ get ~~.~ one. }'ll~ also get the other. ~ '''-ilii:#~. ro 11te JwuM' wto'1t with the. jOb. 1i I ft;: tt ::ff .w T. 1.:2 jt is mually foond or- ,t:xpC'riw-c::m togethtr with the OitIhcr thin,g_ f¥". m '" . lke sigh of satisfaction. dUll goes wi lh, pleasont iiTednas. . .. ~ tfi.· "!Itl,_ ~JlJI{ I¥} "t. - DY •

2 If 3OmC'OfiI'e pei!li with ano:the1l' PCl'$(lQ. ,bey have sex .iI'HR,~, VII,

with thaI ~I an infOf'maJ tie. [mJ~"'"'·;fi'tt*&. eG, ~';'~it.

He .1V'll'tY Kent wi,ril other Wl:»nen. M }A ~ .. BllIij k A:!:


"" Ri""i~ If you •• ¥ril&out smmmjrlg. often oonx- I'HRASAL w"

thi 11..- ..1,_ ,- d . Vof PREP! Al>V

'U'g that )'Qu ~l><IIve 01" w regularly, )101(1 ,I) oot get It or 1l ~

do it - liI:::fii.' • [Ij., it. Kif H. et.i, 'f'he, family went with- '" do:>-...iiIhwt

out JoodoJI day. .• it:f!.A -" ~ it It * m If I 8fJ II ~~.

day l\VirhQulproc,tice. Jrmtice it . .. :m ~ .R +!l;S •

tUt.1tqru* .. · If I,hey rouJdn'l gel cool. they had ~o 10 wil,hout. iliI!IIId:l8fn~-1'ilHl • .fiff1 fHI:tIfU-"F 7 •

• to IP ~ sp;ymg* ~ .Y.

~. ;'QiUlI~ ..... .-jlll!'. ~.1 If YQU lJIftd· mllleOD!:. you aroese .stroog frnJillgS of anger. irr:ita'tion. ete ... in l~iITl. onencausing them to ,l'dId by dmng somet:h~. ~., ~ (t , III I! .' [EG ~. waf beinggood«l jnlo deJWu.ncing and' mtJCking ~r bed friend, .. tilE .'Ift ii!

~ Ii: I' ftll'LJi" l!! .M R!J'1lJ ;&:, ••• Mobs., goaded by bUnd

4attedand l~ en friar. ttm t,~ fhe city. l'hfir Cf

,a9 ~ilUK flCF ,.jIJ tDJt;c.tt:'JlI 'if) • ellliHn iI. II! III it ., iift

.R~. ' .

2. A goad is <I sharp. pomkd stick. that is used rot driving N C01.fir oltJUe. (li.~IR:9) ft~ ••

.-11m. 1~}'(IlI"'~' m; }W e!l~..J"'agt them. Ii! FHRAS.A!LVlB,

=iJ;~k~ - ¥:t.:~==~ him on. _, ET:~,!j

~l 1 If you gtvt: SQ~ the ~. Of' wve me N SJlI'IQ, 1iM!"

~ ~o a pJaROI" project. you ~ve pcrmis5i.oo, at ap- = grmo I>gIu

prmr31 to sotllOOno tu !Start doing .~tbiQg. i~ ~ I, 11 itt •

SG Regave lhe. go-ah.md lOr flie ManJilatta~ Pr'Oject ...

flflt. 1. 'i\ IHt if .. , You ha~ t.he go.a~ from tlu

Prime Mitlisu,.. ft:R1I7 tUIlIMlIt-ll. '

2: A ~ pNSOii 0Ii" Of'pnlzation is; am.b~ttoYs <imrl. tries, AC1 QLJhUT

lbafd eo :succeed. ofum by !;ISiNg new rnetbod.s. 1i':l! 1t oG' "CIlte!p.rili.ng

(lIlJl'tli.~ H19. m ". its gt;.o.head ~Mi ,se.ae:tary .. ,

... 12:. ~iI" ,t, tf!J ~Q. '1$... ". promising ,u" ,dynamic

and ~ Bri.~ain ',- ". Jl~.$"i;f(-q."~m.:t!ItL I: ~*mfl!f"~JfM" •

pi I ~d'l goll. pb. ~ A goal ia. mm.c: _ga.mell ~ll.cll as

fooibolJl .~ hockey is 1.1 the spam .Uwto whid:l. the playen NCOON1I" try ~'O.~ U..e baJ] in Of'de.r, 1:0 soor~ .a. pnin.t fw t~i.r kam, (&.~~).n. EO The ba-tJ missIed the.pi by a few

inchf'!s _ • ~ Jt.~ 't* ' •• n. L 2aninstantt in which:a N <DUNT pia-yell" gets tibi! bal'J :in~o tile .goaI. oc the poinrmaris

s~d In,.· doing thB. .( ~~ $ ):i1J;. ~ ~ it + ElS T1u:.y beat

us ", JiJur gfXlbro ,flu«. ftUt]I,;Ullut::;:,rI17 iUl.

2 Som~dung that .ir;;. ywr .goaI is !iOllleth:ing tha!I. you hopeNC(}lJ}1'i'

to adlie'lfe. especiaUy wheJ;lmucb i'ime ,;md ,effort is nee~ .. ~~'MIrI'I ded in Oi:'tkr 'k> a.cbi~vt! it. ~ ti;. ~ MI + lEG TIrey h:(ul at

tastachieved r-iltir goof of landing amtmcn lhe

~ ... 'N&m~=f~.r8!A§..t)UU9:·IH;j ...... so-

dill and ,!OC.01Wmic goal$'. ., •• ff ~ 10 Q m lja fi:. '

goaI·it /1pb,: 'gob/. pdIIa. A Pie ill a p1hqlerl an NOOUNT inform:.l.l word, [m]{£.ti:ij[J~li'-I,)'<l'tiJl:.

pI!.~« /t""'~]lkbpa"·,, 'gp.Ii"'~1 i ~;. A ... J- N 00lJl0IT

;r-, .... I:"""'" ; pllil

~ ful; lthe pla.yt:r in a iSpotiIE t~ ~ job, is togl.Wd the .goa] ,and sJtop the ot.tw team. (rom getting the ba)l m~ ax- goal. {Jl.i;;~(~Ug)~nM.

pllbt .. :pllIliies ; abo sp!'JU~ with 3. hypbm_ l$iifiJll INOOUNT it ~ "'. A _ 1_ J:sooe of the liiES at 'ea.cb ~ of tM-

pitch Ui ga~ ~.ih footbalJ and hockey. an whidl tbe'

, goaJp:Jiltil sllitKL (Jl •• ji ~ 1Kr) J!I! n ~ .

pt:.pust l'gool,p.u'h 'go:~PDst/ ,pJpo6tsl also spelled NoCOtil'ff witb ,01; byphm. ~ PJ 111, •• ~. A _post is one of the

twv' upright '.lVOCldeupa>ts thatWFC ronnecu:d hya q~-

tm anrl,~ tbe~in.games ~ik fOOtlWl am. hoclley.

(Jljf!, ~ji.iI ~ H"fllt +

·~~1 II'J-m:AS.i!I1. 'VII, V+ P.REP, !'V() '(:(iNT·.fIO lMl't_)JI. "'~~)'

V OO'tA( !PW:l·).OR VTO:I'ICli RE'U, USU*A


= dri....


pt I~Jh gat!. ~.1 A gt'IWt is an animal Wlith a NI(;:(Ivm besrd, herns, ,and a sbJ;t.rt tall,. whicltis fOl..ln.d in mom"

tain areas 01' on fHIlli - JllJ ¥'- •

2 Api is oilio an iiftpk:asm:d and [bacf;.t-t.mpettd' oM pel'~ _t!f,toUNr. 1[)Slij} SOl}; an in fOlinlal 1lB~ _ [§] JI!. AI( tJ; 00 ~ ~. [EG The, old Am ~ Ii

gooJ could wall fifty mites to my,ren. jtj;@ 10 :l:mJi • .+tt""~~;t:gf,l(.fIj~ 50' _ ••

3 If :something ;gefs your pat • it' makes you ~lji' ana :I'HR, VB

INiI'ilE!CTS no~! an informal e;;c~ion. [m ] it ( It s: } ii!i !!;. EG

Dim"tld l,hem ~I your goal. ;r:JutfI!J.iflil-f$~t.:r. •

-4 lfsolIlalIJe is acting Of' plating rUle pr.thcy art bdl>1V~ l'HiJi, VB

ing III. a limy ......ay,:tI1 inr~m<J1 t"Xptes'l'ion. [{§]iJJ{llh'f'... I~ '00iI 00, S,r(l~p' .(JiCli.ng lite goat and sit ,down ,r -'H11111l T • ~ if' *- ~

,,. to .separate ~.be sbecp from tbf: .. ts;, m. sheeP.

pt··ee 19'1Illi:~ go'til. goatees. A ptee lis. a vt1)' :sobon 1'1 COUNT p;!iDtedi beard that a mall wears on h~s chin bun, nut o~ his.

cheeks. 0 .. iI!,J'}llp'jt i*II-r •

gmt. herd' Ijg;'l!(:n.~~~, \gotr~/. goatherds. A gOiUlIeni is N<;roIJI'IlT aJ persan who i.s respom.:ibk: fiorloolcing aftera gfiOillp of

gOats. 4t~A.$fil.

goat .• skIn 11'~lskmr '~~n/ . .-bkim'. Goat,ddp is NlJNC"OIJNT/ COUNT leather made from the skin of a goal_Ill $.lt •

_, !gnb~ga'b!. RObS. 11 A person's p is. thcir lTIIJ.1Jih~ <l! N COUNT, LGU

very iI1Ifon:na& use rn British Englim, [M:m]. ~ EG 'You P.lttl'OSiS ... N shut j!Qur gob! 1* MI" f

2 Atpb, -of Slfimething is a mass ·of SOIl"iietbing thi.tk and ]~qwd. espocialmy saliv.iiJ~ all i:udbtfll!all ~. [1IWN'tttfft OO',,~. 1- if. Eel Ht.' :fJIQI ~l a b<ig ,p eif spit. M,'i!± m -j;;, ~:Ultto

goh·bef / IgDbrh 'gabJt/ ,.~. A :gobbet Ilfsometh.ing ,~ son. especially food. isa small Jump oc ple,oe of it jan in- = di!Jnt focmal w;.xd., [M]{tt ... B9) -* i - (illI,- .It. EG,Most

tmimttls simply bolt' t'lu.i,. fix1d' in-gobbets, *,. It ifi.

fi·ft;&Ue •• -tIi!-.itIlil!6#T ~

p.We I~gobl; '~bll.~. gPbblmg. gobIlHd'. 1 If V'f 0 Y0l!l goi.bIe some' food. you eat it' very qLli.cldy and ~i _ ..._If

IYI an illfOJ'f'fW usc. [11]* t1~. = a:.,:lltftl.#!fl

III. lEG. Still hu'Wy, .1 f(Jbbled a st.oond sandwich. ft ffl

~., T~·)!.~del9J:ltilt 'fM::* ~iIJI:!lttr, •

2 W'ena ~mkey ~. iilt utlton a .loud sound. ,:*, #4 ) 11

•• IIij.

goibbk dOwn. J fyou gobNe some food c:kirw.q or ~ it up; you eat a]~ of it vory q1!rickl!y j ilIn inrimnal expression. (m ],i!lW: lIP;!i1l $tt;re. 00, He gobbled dQ'Wn tne t14(ll re-

maining ittrsHa.egp with satisfaction ftA:. •• tJ!_

*r:lIlZ:.T.rMIMR#;(f~"~.Ji··· truck driv-

ers gobbling u.p hot.~ :dnppl,ng wifh muslam. _··le lit •• *:;Ktt ~ f'l' ~ ~. $: ro in (110 -

_~bIe·'dy.gook l·gnbl.d!Jj~; 'gob1ldlJ.lguk/ ~ m> l'f .fJ; •. 1OO- N UNCOIJNT

~ r~' . ..:L h_ = :MI.!!J!~.~

~ .. -..:1'.....- m a spttu:m oF :S.ti~,eme.m., O~i,O;;:Il

'in very official. forl1l<lJ. Jruuguagc.wWch ~1!118 Ule non.-

SCml: to you beOlluse you amoot u_ntkrstaod it at ,alii .<In

informal WQrd. Cm]:n::* iiij it. ~tM iij< it,. Ifi h 'il:tf:t

$ ", ,EG, A. '.' he ,did MD",gi,~ us, ',. ,a:/oad.'. QQ.! gobble.dygtXiA;. f®!R.~ftiniA T -:;I(JlJl~J1:~~.g~

gob> bier I' gOOJa= \gab.b./. ~en. A gQbbI'er is a 'turk~'y~ 1\1' 00'lJN'[" an informal wocd. C{fi·l!k ••

... between. gn-betwems. A pbrtwem is a ~ woo 1\1 OOUNT takes messages b=twoon people who .ate 'lIMbic: or unwilJ- ~ ==~ iflg tQ meet eam other. 4qi!IA;,MSIIlA. m Forlu-

nately Pi.ero iim:$ there to m:l as: a go. between , of-:iifill:


gob. hi j jgublll ~ 'gab1nJ • gOOIets. A &obikt 1satype of cup :N COUiN1i

- '1lQ1liBiiIlCf'

made of mew. pottery. Of ,gIOlS$. wirtbol,gt handles and

usually wi~h til long Sl(:m. which you me far drinking <111- cohol mit of. J6.:Jif.

guI!;i*lin / 'gDbLm; 'gablJn/ • guhliM. A goblin lis a !i1Jll!lJU ~Iy ~. ~ creature in f:aLry st.o.r-ies. which m.ua1Ify t!njoys (3l!1Slng

llroUhle W I1¥m_ .(:ali! 'iI=' ~) It-:tt ...

pfM"t .go.-au1s. A go-C3I1 is a sJmllJ ¥ehicle 'that: ,c.hlkiren 1.'<' WUNT

ride lin Q(" PU]l :Mang. _* J't>JL.~~*.

... IP; godIJ • .,.. 1 '1lie Ilit.iifit 'God, ~ givel!i. ro i:i.e. N PRO!'ER!'I!OC

gpiJrit or being wb;), [is 'liW'il'S.hlpped .1I!l the ~ .IljOd rllikr

of·the world; especia111y by Christians •. Jews. and Mus~

Ijnu . ...t.:m: ~ ~ .:E. lEG • Our responsibility ,is S.o God

alene'.; dtdamJ lhe Rabbi. . . "'It in .R 1(ffJ J:"~, iI!! "~' ..

'* tut ± iC!. ••• Good' luck /0 )1014 I' my bay, tiM Oed

biess )t)u. .W;.j;.;t j5 • a 1M B T •• J:.ijf ti.fti '$.

2 PropIt $Olnetim.es use ,God in e-~lions W, emphasize EXCI.AIot sor:nethi~ that they are uymg. -OJ" 'to eitp:res.!i s.iJJ"pt"~, =go\I!lfear.Wock ,I;xci~emel'ill. rtc_; an mfon:na!i use· that SOJ'nt!

palplc fwd! offensiVE. [if J "Ilf !: ,;;Eq! :X. 'I (:fit ~ .• i!f •

~tI,.~ ." m;tf A1I,Lft;Jfj·fllt ••• ) 6E'.G My God;.

NCOUNT, USI.! 11l'i<' oft N l,.".fII{UJ~

~ bhb


- !!oIt dQlMl

~tOA. PHii-t-~T' a

'" !Kol~Il&~


lOJAde box

~/ed at ehe drazdful SUiL .• ~IIO.fi.tiIl".I; •. il:i!fJi :ti:.Jii ,.. 11fue KVS rw Qn.m..'er .from him, He jmt gag~

81m'aJ Mr., fiti;ffl!!llflo 'I't8;;!,::IIIIf*IIII.fi.~" - 2·~ are IJaa;;ge gbsse:s that fit closely rto )'Qur face ilWUJldI your eyes tu protect them ftoriJ1 such thi:ngs aswarer, WJnd. d;t!!St.. or spark!!. .~. r!il ., .00. 'Ii. E:G She ~ Ml'E'.aring big gremr.Untm snow goggles" it; •• - iU (i *: ,~:tIe ~M.tp I~ ••

... lbox, The .Ne· ,box is the t:e.levis[on~ an. :Il'lftlf'truiLI

e'x~i~, [fiO. a lrn. 0 m 1I€ s;.ts KWtchins the I}08gIt bOX all diJy .•• ~~.¥.t1.

_~. If you are ~~. ·yow·eyes .M'(:widt!:

~n in wfiPIi:se~ an inrnrnull word. [m.JIi*ll:llIIiKJ .•

:go-go ~s used to ~ihe a ~)'Ipe' of danciQg performedto .PCP m~c i~ pulbs. dubs. etc. by young womfin ~ng very I"ew clbtlle'l>. a •• fJ .c1l::.Jt£iE:i!I tfI' •. 1[ a ~ .. t!: 1:131 *'.~ li! tl-Illi •• fl if fihM tlJ - fi .11 ) ~ 100 ••.. ~.gr;J dttndl1,g." ····.It" .... Thost ~§O girls haw gotya~ .aU exdted. 1I.'HIUt"LEr!lj:;Ml*.lijtrJ,~tif J§* 'J.

10" big II~~ 'gmgI. 11 YQU 5ayiliat ~tlil!ing .!1s. ~ 1O mpp:n. or that you iiR .~ m dbsometh:ing .1. 1 when you .au: talJdn,g :aboute~niI:'S. that will b~n ~il the· fu~. ~ally vny !iOOn. I!P~Ot1!}. EOI 1'"" gmf'i;~ to haw a ,ooiby., .• a"~B:-=fT'" rmgoing t,o take a look a,' lhe Wiater/ail. .. ft.·~.~ T.~ "., fie isgo~ i-Jl8 10 slar.t an tlmpioymem .agt!'.ncy, .. fIlll!~. 5If ~-1j': ~n!ll:km'fff'" SJu· told hIm she ~ going to leaw hu job. RlfrWf6t&·.~.* Ell a ~.:If1l ~H~CL 1.2 when

you au ITil'ilit1g a preru.otiOOI about whatyoo bodieve :w:iU happen i~ the future. ~:Iy ve'Fy soon. ca~BtW H!,IJ • ~ 00, TM Democmts are going to' take a beIldng. ,. ~ ~~.A •• ffiM:··" This w:ar was mn goirv8 to JaJ( very Joo;g ... i!t~~1t:ff;;f.~.M:fI;"'" He i:~ gmng to have to PR'vt his in~nce.. tIE:I-.$ 1$ ;r:: :n I~ I~ Q. ~ .~. B • 1. 3 to say that roo <V'einkmHn,K to do SQ!'lli::thmg. or than somron.e Jtlse is intEnding~:o' 00 ~thlng. (fl;iji;;" [II}W1.( ••• ) .U.C ••• ·). m He Ktlj. Mt,golngr:o :be ~a $Cilptgoat, fB~n.M~.~1jF.o

2 If you :.:rt IJIing •. 2. 1 yo~ SWJt1 dQi[lg so:me~!hil1g;. ~. clallyafi:eli a delay, (ft mit. • ~ ) JIf Mi. m I'm really get llng anxious to get goi~. it '. 3t. ~ T :w-1if .:ra.. :2.2 you staJ!"¢ to move ~w ... y (r'Qma p! ... ~ ~f!~f ~Q go !iiUmc·

I...--~ Il.._ .:.I> 1It" . oLJ. !;B - I··· ~~ ~ .. ~.J if· , weld ewr-l

W.llCI1;; eillioC. "lilI~ ~ iIl.,....!;G ~""t;q.. . _ .- _ . _ 0-- ..

.8fJing.JIl~~HI.ftif1~t; ~ $(~!£l.'ti(.

3, If yoo I~ going, fOO rontiinUf' doing Sii)fl'Jie1hing. itut T T £;. 100 This heljlf!d him w· keep' gcing, J! N R!I ft!li .~T"'F~+

4 Tbe coDI is d:t<:~))~Kilitil)~ dJaJt affeot. your abmly toO do wrn.etltillg. o.fh::n WKIl tlx:seO'JflJ:Utm are [~ri!.¥QI!,ljf<l!-bl~. ~ ff 1112 ~;ill;..ro ~n tm ,going gels tm4h. we 'fUll bad IC aur pgrou;s, .. 4i ~ 11 & 1f: tIJ tiI,~ ,"4" , ll!. ffllt 18 ril*!PJ~li;JU1'·· n KrlS Mnl going at first. ~tFiiI.i! • lIm.+ ,., If you. pi out .1dIe tlJegO~ is :good. yuu go. a.wa.y 01' wiltihd:raw from somcthingwhen i.t is!litiJ] )X!!!>s.vb1e. while ID~ M~ ,goIng '.vdt .iU1Id befo.re oonditions berorne diffi(lu.iil. aft R 'Ii .\fiJI Ff.f. Yf ( at m till).. m Dr}7:,/.'t you t'd~ K\f!' ough,t ,to get aut whU'e 'tM 8Oil18's ,~? I\:;:r::U;»IHnJli:iIC ••. a.(i.ii!:WitJUf-Il!}? '" Yoo say ~hat oot:ntthitlg is pod ~ ()[' .Mt, ·bJId ~ w.he[l you want to say tbM it liM beeti. ,done ~qwcl:[yor I:nc!fi! ~'lJccessfl!Il.ly than lJSIJaIar d:I3:ll1 etp!ded ~ ~ m !.nformal Eng~i8.hL CmJm ila::Hi •• 100 1"ha,'s quite gcod going .. Jail JM lfl ~ iB it .

5 The :~ rat-e Q[" l~.e pmg salm:y is tile us~l aI11Qmt of m.oo1ey tbal }!IOU expect ltO PlY or rn~ve .lfit someth:ing suciJJ as a serv:ioe. l.ll:ff ~ ~.w:fl tteh m fil!i(J. EG The going role ,is about £ 1 ,000 a· head ...• ~~ flUI'ltil:_:*:i'CJi! <liA 1 000 •• , .. They had s,rud out far twice the goi.ng salary, «II in 11 W .~JI: ft I It I"Hl!.-ffl; •

6 If you delcrilbe someil:bi~ .asa IPmK COIliCem. you mea_1'l that .it .lsi! bus:i~.wl1iofJ:1 is ~ralimlgs.a!tisfactorily and doi!ng ~n mrl wb~ch ·ffiiIlI be expected! W lD!1~jr!l.Je ill d-.c same w-ay. ,~. ~1.I1Ir*J ft fi .

1 If you have mmething ~r(1I' )!QU. or b!lVli! $O~thiillg ~k! ~ fp::.......youl haw: <! part~ouJ!M OOVafllblige. ~poe¢i:lilly wMr!. you are ltWyJng tJl'ilCmt'iV(; soml!!dullg OF do better ~lwl ~~~, .(¥~);fjj,fIJ~tt. ffi She.had :ro much goin$ fot her in rheway ofMlaUh and :'iUC~ cess. i!lE IT. ;p~m1fiii6lll~WI~$1f:fW~14.

8 Y£riJ[ say that somediuing is ,enough to, be :IPmg _ witillo

i[i].diiali~t': ~JIl'lt it is Siltisfactory for presem p~, b~t. rrhat it Wliill be oor.ess.a.ry for more 10 be dbnc or providied .in the· rUU,Irf!. IR r v.~ . lEG Thai '1I.d,o, to be ~f\l8 on

~c~n~ ftjig_~

AnI(;'~f7, Arm!~

FIlm. 6.; INfIJECr.)

PHIF!:. I>r !N!'~~

= b;.~~.~

·~UiR,VI! l~

!:'tIR" VI![I! ~ ~ k:.a,,~

P1'iIR, vtl ]f\WLEC"iS

1N!51NO, lilt" t'i. Oil N UN(UJJNT, Mill + N

• I'HRr VB r~f$,

= bid; "",t

• !'HR., l!lf.rn A,I; C


.. ,~i)OI4i!y

PHil, ¥!Tm[l!;f!:, ti r.N]l'[£C'fS

PHIl, ·Vll !N~

!"MR, uSIill.AS ANA

;: I<;>/·gtfi.fltn


Klirh. ~'mril!:#itn7.

:9 .~ f;'0I!1 S;t.y that so~ is KOiDlil 00 a partic:ular a:ge. I"tn;L., USlf.F) .A'J, u« ..•. -lOU .rnea~. lllat thev,. are IriC'.al"lv 1i:OO~ 1II~_ lli[E!\t-.I't); ANI A

rr>: I .,- "' p.!I!!:!i:r!&

tJ.!"'~'. eo, H,/s going on fifry" & ~ 5(1 ~. T •

110 jilt go. • ~ ... andl ~t m ,oomiJn,go

_~ is added. ttl JIi:OWM;. such as .• IDt;a!l«' ' " ·mlllf·d!l ~ • .crn.m, mllMS N

, film j tOle .• to refer t'O the <!Ietivit.,.. of going to apaetieu- ~;~:k lac l~ ,of plaoo M event. :lilT theaU"e,·~hW'Ch.·:lUm ~m

;;tIS ,fi$*~lUl:»...¥.fItill:jJIZ •• ~a It happeiWl

during.cme of out periods of mvvie-~1I!8. -, :tt. jt~ :tE~U1j""*.'~.I~Bt • .z- .. · His ~tC'h-goilil8 PJ~'-

tUm appmr orlfwdc.t. ,.ilift:l:.t~:J1f tr!i1i.5t:lf J::-*m

IE.,. .. i:lJ'J\!. ,~1""_":, ~gnlng.

~,~fWCI": an ill[ormalli word. A ~

is m an examination tbat)'Q~ ~ell)f ~.etmng in order tlOO~ to ma.ke sure dial 1~ ls a:1I~. .rigm.. [ Ii J .. :I. j *' if. EO f '~~.eQ~

, ....... I.~n"':·· - tL_"'" ... .d;, ~nG.ow,r ~~""' . .I;1I,'>Ii;7-

e"'w • .rK e.'O,·n;e" _r_~". ~"'. 0 . • ~w'!~'11!1!:;!;!,. '


:2 a v.!o!eni physical artaeken somoooe,. ~ciaI!y-as a NCO!Ji'Q' ~~t or a~. [~J. f1 ~.n . m 'lht. hoyt

ga.~. him. ,Iii goi"to'I'U. JJ B:T'ii1ifAe •• 7 - •.•

~oo. ¥QIU m.e the word ~ to refer ~ activities NI nuuu.:L that you think iU~ str;an.~ Of l1Imus.iqg Q[ that ~ 00 not ." ~~ approve of. ~:ilE#(lt~JE*.H'I!!I*~j.~~mij:lJ. EG ...

an am:uslng Slm), aoow1' goi~,on at Harry's fur. • .. ~ ~*Ta~~.~~.~M •• ~+Aa~~~ •.

~.IR /gmta., ~8P':t<l!.';. goIb:':es. Goitre is a d~ of the NILIN'COUNT thyroid. gbnd uut lll8!kes- a, pmlOOI':s oed 'Vf:fy swoJlle!'!. '¥ ~ ~.dliIq;

:tt.M. ...USi':dI to refer. ~,o th.etbyroid ghnd ~lXif. m * "N G'OUNT ~ ~ .i'::" *~. ~ She hM aw.i')' ia'l'.8P goi filit'. -lit iFI:tR::.

I;l :*: j.311 :tiJ 1! •

p'kart ! 'g;ujkal'l; \,gotkart/ • ~btb, A go-kalt is a vtry ~ COUNT ~JJmotot vtihideW1id~ fQl!lT w.heellB.. medfbrracirng _ it: ~I.:a:.*.

eo"'kBrt., ilil(!: l'fPUJku:tI~h \go/bJrtlm/ is the !l.p:::wt of racing or 1\1 lJN!JOtrNt

ridlu!g on ~ ka:ru. {I !I! '" gjl!( *- 5Uf..

gold !gau:~d~grud! , ~. 11 GoJdlis.a valuable, yeUow-oo.I- N UNCCIDNIT

o:ured metal t:ti~l lli used: for making jewellery .and as <li!l ilm.tCITl.ill;t.l'Ol:laIOl.!lJren:cy. ~.~.~. ~ •••. g,oJd bmQ?/,e·M ...

... :lI£ *' •... . .. a fi:mJexchanse rase for lhedaUar

agairut: gold. ·+·j!jf;~fi~~ ~~3tM:*.

,2 Gold I:s. also 2. 1 )e'W'eUeiiy and o~ber ~bi>r~ tha~. Me N UNCOONT made of gold, J1;i$#h.~:$JIJL EG 1'iI:ley stale an eJti-

nuued .12 miUio.n pounds J1.I'Oll.h o/,ami jewel5. f& mtlY-M"i-tmill)';} 1 200 n~tI(t:j1 •• ~li ••• 2.2

a hr.igl1.tydow ooJawi, ~.!.,:$1:. e. ffi 'l"here are K~ld·'t:' N 1J~·t( fInd gold dairier .among lhe~ .. , . .o£~p;ifi"EI'I!.fil::ii ~R GRAm • if!. ~!I •.. , .... EttgUsh autumnal h~ a~ golds.

,., * ~ '* ~ R=J'.@.'1I1&:.@. •

:3 Somt:thing lha:t ~. pM :is s]rumy ~d yeiJow~rolollf\oo. ~ C~!IF

and ~.CJOb ]rke guM, &~~+ ~ ... Q cap wit.h8Of:4 bn#d ,,~[)

all .Q~r t t . .. • .. _. JiJt IIDiI m. if :iti &.' ttf ~ 'm-f' .. . The

s,,gn ~wtiUen in gold leUf!1"J, Milt ;@Jij ~ * ~ tfJ •

4 A gold :is a .!"OM I"lI.edaI i m.·· i[1:rormai.1!ISe. [if.· ']:&:_: 1i!: .!.I N OOIjlN'[

~-.. n""""

~ •• I[G; He W()ll. the.i:O :'d at Nnsferdam i.P'iI- 1928. .. T


5~ word goId' JS abo ~ in the fol~ lI';~om, J'J'.fflTr1lJJHi~.S, ~ JfSQ~ ac something ns worib PHR, USIIDMC

d1eLr !!¥eight m gold, lbeyiIfi' SQ ~ful, hdpfu.l. or \I,,"]u- ,. iD'fiJ.1!W:>Ie

able ~t you red you couM not matrlage wiithatl'~ tlH:m ..t;!l XglfW:Jdilii«:tm iJ!hll:::fi m ~oEG, The ai1Claft ~

goin.g lObe ~'tW"th its weigh~ in gold. ~ ~mlt Ii :\I;rff

m.; :5 . .2 (f you 8!l!y ilia~ ~~ has :II IKart .11If AOkI. you PHIl,·UJSJW AS [) meaJ'I toot they llfi: very good. kind. MId Olltlslm:tlI'a~~. (;I'O-tli:i:T.ns.r.~'{!t(::'I~.(,'). 5.3 [f YOl!1 say thaI a i'im.,~, As. C

.......Jlr:I Ib. • ~~~

childOf' m ilIIllmal ;.; as ~ iW ~. YOIll. mean hlli'f It

~l!mves vNy cwdrn aIm dots. not cause .you .any pmhlciTIS;

usa:), s]wW1ug a~proval. PI] ( ,.Ij\ ~ • ~ " ) ·.JPtIBCJ ~ jJ1 ~ •

EG H(!f' .fM.i1S .tiiewoMwful mm&', lhey'n (l!j good as

gokl! .~~ _l,t ~~M.Mj\ij1i'-iJ~~ .~~'I"~!'

gOld amI:,:pkI1 carm:\ A ~ ,card i~ a ~PrXiaI: type of caiedlt i'iCOUI'fT caro.~lhatgi.'IIes yooex:tn ~fits :su'Ob. as a hi:ghc.r s:pend~

:~n.g .iimit.. :it~.

gold d~ l aloo ~pel:l-ed w.ifh, 11 hypkn. JIr: iiiJlwn ~ ~.iIJ. If m:R, iLiS£I).AS yoU! say that SQ~tihil1g ~ like", dtIsIi, ~I meuu llla,t .it fr!

.is very difficult to OOtaitl,~cl.aJ]y beCll.USe' everyc:me

wants it; m iif~tOrllUil t2lpress:fon .. [tt](mltll'~.}18:.fiOO =

M :!i! ~ ~.lH ~ fq. BJI RlJ + 00, JRros are like grAd .d~tin lkts

office. ~~ 1'-~~~m tl.a 111111 •••

pt. en II',~~, 'goJd~ _ 11 Sumeilii[lg' 'that bl, golden is

1, 11 made of goM.. it:: m9 .~ 4: ~ I®I *:. tt IBIJ. m She ;vcre d . AmI CUSSI~ .~iny golden acss. :!dB." -1'- :tI/J,·I¥J ~ + ~.,.1. 2 MU COlOUR brigh~ ~now ~n a,l'101llf and! .ioo..ks rather li:k~ gold. 'i; e.

!'i)! ; ~ •. (! Ml ~ ~G[ , •. ·11 'beaLuifuJ girl' wUh. btfs/U ggWen

golden age

hair ..•. _ +~iiM.jt* l$.

:2: I f you describe srn:netbing ~ g,okkn. '%Ill fed: that. it i:l AnI" Oll>loMT

wvnderfui ~use rt i!! l:ikdyw be .s!1~fni and rnwoU"d- ~ [=t:~1I;

tng. orbeeaase ill is the' best of its li;i:oo. :!It:l: 00 IttOf' ~ ;

ii :flfljl tr!J1 :f Ii: II o:.~. ro .. > a WJllden opportwdry. " ..

... ~ m··· We feel sure ~r jim.(Fe h«e is widen . ". ,~ m.~.HilrJtilf1 .. tI MI·· ..... the gcildfn girt of Brilish

athletk ... s. · ... rgD:;r.m*Ilr.~I~rt. .

~ age. goJdItn ages. A ~ age isa period of tt~ ~ CQ!)N:r, dar-iriS: whi~ a ·ve;ryhlgll level .ofadiie~lli isreaehed IF.''' PlU'.P l11EM ]n a particula:r subjed.espeoo!liIy in art 01' ~itera~_ (Z; oI/

"* , :t ~ " &\I rll1il: IJ;f ftl ~ tlBf ft. lEG .". t~ golden. agr

Qf jazz. • .. ··11 ±JJ-i d'!l. :QB;Jft.

,-.!I.t-. ~1.-~. ~ bandS ....... · A' ,~.!I&' I._-A~ """"""'''''",f

~~.,~ _...es" ~Iil 1_ """"""'"',

SWt, is~ OJ! [ar~ .1iIJtIl, gf moo.ey that aoompany give·s; to an ~pt emp~(lyee when i1u:' Of she 1tctite5. as a iewMd fi)r Il"lf1g service or ~ ~. (:k@):i,8-'!;&-dfH+::il.

~jgbl~. ~JliJbiI:tes. A golden jubib is the ~CQUtIT,

50th <l:nni,\lCfsaJry' of an ~rtlnt or ~cial evetu. ]1, + mJl [F +Ptif TIIEl'oI

.2.. ~r ~

goIdenli!Ml~, :pldim oIClie9" Pwple soJmti~'lle$ r~i~ to ri OO~~ ii.Dffi.e~hing that is st~[I sueeessf ... l ocpoptl;ar even tllimugl'1! it

is quite old! as a ..... oldiLe. (itiltll"'A •• I~~$.g.

~.fIIle. goJlIen ndes. A goWen rule is ail jmporWJflt NCOlJiNT thing to fe'm.cmbcr w do ilo or<b'" to be successful at some. ~ ~dcil[1D.(: ,ming·. 1!.rA*!JtIJ~;&:"I.~.!fim.IOO" .. Ihegolaen rules

Clf time management. ",w~j(m:m~j(jJ.

igoJdm: .syrup .is asWa-:i. stlicky. yellOw Jk;wd Iilat is made .t'lUl'i'OOUi'iT f:rornsuS~ - ~.1! ••.

gGIdeD .: wedding, jIIIdm wedd~ ./\ ~ wedding or.a H 001JI0;11l gMHa w~ mn.i'W9'5iIII'Y is the fiC~it:t.h ~~ of

a ~ddi.ng_ ~ .,~ *( ~MBi i· .:iJt te. ~) •

.gold' nm 1~g.;iU.Ldi,flt! 'goIJ:L!I1J!. ~ is. !both the a:LI'lSU· NotJ.VNl'

]!at and. the pl.~ form. •• II til] .Je.. A goIdrlllh is a Il" lM small gold .Qf Of'"Mge.cotmJrffl fISh wbidIJ. is ·of" .kep;ta.~

a pel. jn a bowl ora pdm pond. ~~ ~

~ ~I, .~~. If you wiml a gokI, PI!daI.. you Ni'C(IU!I\!T eome lint in a rnI\lpctitlon. ~ciaUy <i. S-pJrlS consest ,

and you. Me given a,n:te&J:J of gold .0(" go!d-~ U'Jie~

as your pr:izt·. GoJd medals a!le alloo· awarded in some ac-

th1d~. such as d.Mcing. too people woo have reached a pa;rtic:!liIarl:y high ~d - ~ iii ~~. i :i:. ~

P'd.~ j '~_dd\rrt1aUll. ~kI;ma.:nIl/ ,~" If you N ff.!l.JN"r. uso


·QIJ a bus.iness OJ" 3.C$i.vity :a,.~ •. you mIean t!hat it ils 1t ~

very sUilJr;essfl,lland ~uCe'> ar ]s .~~ke]y to produce largt .. 1KlU!!IJ przyfits. 1;:, Jt lI. I *' t1. .w! .1l t,t.. lEG The camp:!.ny' iwJ;

baught C&mt:Jpalitan, (J /i.#u.re goJdmine. .. .. z" ... 'jjJ e ~r"*fiIi"Jjff l! -=" *-* MlM ~ $if ••• ~rs of ,urbanpr:ope.r.ry.are cashing in on,tht: gm'dmJlreproduc,td by

i.~ rural exodus .• m.II¥H~l:lll!.F=.:D:£.iE.~MA ~:r ~*

_··iI A *~ .. It. »l'.miIw:.

~;pbted. ~lDing tha:l is IJI!N-plQted I!s ooveredl with .AD.I cu.:s:m' a 'V1:l)' thin La~r of gok:L •• it I~. ro .... ill ruth with ~..-ti!>':! gold·.pit1t«itaps;. • .... «.~ * 1t ~ f!r!J miL •

g61.d-~ is used to ,cb.a:lbe oo:mecl1.ing t_t has it WlI CLl\5SIF

golden edge or .~. especiailily a ~'!li glasses dUiO!!t ledpdl

have a fr",m:e of gnld or gmd.miou£re.d m.etaL ctm •• ) ,.&~~. ~~ ... II prJi, of goJd.rimmed nmiing gJiml-

e£ • ..• •• -.:..IIJ. *- ~ ti'H~at Jfi it :;Ie •••• - •• a~ ,~!mou'f gold·ri~ c,up" ... - R.~IW ~*-~-T.

gold. rn!ih. Pd' ... ~. A lOkI' m$.h is a s.i~illatiM when a rot N CPUNT. . of JX'OP~.e suddenJy go to a. plaQl'; where .~Id has been ·dlis~

OiJ'IItrm:L iQ it:P.1.

pM.smith ; 'gooM.:sm,9 I "gold;srDJJ .~Jt~. A goId- N~ 1'1 cr:aftsmaJI mdl!b J5; a ~Il whose jo:bi:s :ntakiin.g j~'Wtnery and' other

~eus U£iiag gold.. :3;[i j ~ .• iii •

go!If J.~f I gruff is a game in wr:l1iro yuu usc loog ~,1i:iru tn.~ cal1bi1 . .clubs tu hit a small, ham 00[1' illito boles t!laiJt 3!f1e

spreadCIMt 0"0"« a ~rse area !!;If 8If~Y ~Jd'- ~ ~=*;ifM

~ 0 roWe pJapedgdJ at .lea.~l Iwi~ a wek ~m 4j

fi'l.i~jl;,ni!n.t,iWi iF~JJ'" ... ago.rf'balL ffi;1tlt:.

golf ~ .~r baJb.~ .a.JOO. spelled with a ~ OJ!' as one ~. ~ word. especially for ~r.a.ph t"'tJ. !JI.~w:il~"'i&:M-]1j

~-1' ~ • JtJt ~1E. 2 'itr r.t-. 1 A gJIIr bail is it sma'll.

hard wh.]n:: baH whicliL pcurl'C WlCwhcn they Me playing

~I.~~~.· -

'2 A ~trt~n (:If .~ t~m- is 4lfl el~ic typewm'"Jt" N 0)UN1f em- in which the ktlen; and symbob ~. 00 .a roond p:iett

OIf n'il;:wlhatt I'IkWe!l a~ tke ]l<!!peT 'When you type. (*

!k "liJ J!jtW; Ml) ~ Ifi1 ff ~ M. • It> This rooru:i: piece of rne~' is

.alw iilt1femn:d 1:1[1 jI5 ... gOIrhdl. (~~tr*m.J:!'Jg).lW*~o

golf dub,. golf ,clllbs t -aoo spe:lkd witt; it hypben. $!ifJm

II ¥-.". AgOtr diw is 1 a loo:g, dnn, metal Slld with a. N C01ft<T


pKiO'!: or wood '00" metal at one end that you use to hi~ the baiJ11 .in gdf. I. ~ J.: • .n= ..

2 anoopnizali'on w~ .~ play gdf. ~1IIi ~ :'R:1!I.. IN" C(IUN!: liM.

S: a pJare when: people pta}" goJf. 1.1 ~:X.;Io • II'! rout"[

golf ~" golf ~; also !lpelkdl widn a hyphen. ilF 0]'. 1'1 COlfm

:W.il ~ Jij: • A goU' ~ ls a Jarge aw~ of gt~'1Ia:nd tha.t = [i~h

is; speci.aHy prtpaKd for pLaying gtl!f O!il. h llSually has

nine or dgb~«11 holes, clJearlY' rrw'ked ro!i1eS to reach tktJia,am.L de]iherately areated ~tacles sum as .sand bunkers, .:Il' 1.:._, .

goIIf.@t /!gnlf;;'j \galf~/. goIfm. A goiter IS a p:::n;rnwoo NCOlIl'\IT plays grn (" f(!lf p~~ .0( as. a profess.ioo .. ~ :$.*.;IE ~ M..

goIf.lOR I'lgJllfiQ!\galfQJ /. '1 G61:fing is LLKd to descrik N 00f0RE. ~ things thalt invQlve ·the playillng of golf IllIftbat are IlSOOI

wMe playing golf 1.~:R.~ij!J. es " .. ago/fing h(JN~

day: . - ... n iii ::'J'L~ ¥ ~l m a··· ... d' piir of golfing

slack .. , ..• - ~ iii ~. ;IC.I$ •••

2: GoIIfin;g i.!l t.Ireactivity of p]a1i'i~ gniLfl" Z::~ if. ro ~ UN«NNT 1m 4_ml eke Major were QUI gtllfing. X'lZ:;Jl:!prNll~n-

rt~*ttT .

:goI.]j. WOS /'g!:lIW"/I!:9;\ga]IJ wagl .gollll~1 m: £ltrFgoUy- N c:otJNT wog. Ago'I!Ii'MJI is it rnikfs .toy thai looks [ii<~ OJ. [!tHe IJ'Ia;[l

with a bJacl face •. !Mg~white e~. and :spiky hlarl! hair. ~~~,;:~":':,ml.IY made o~n of 5Qrt. Il'Wt~fla!l., W; =fii"

FI.lf igoll~ \ga~l/. ~11es. 1 People say 'ply' eo [fidi.cak': ~ that d'iey ;are vt'l)' surprised by ~lhing~ an :in~l. .. ~ sl.ightly old-f.9iShioned. use. [.m, IIEI] ell~. tfUnx _ I' II'iII

IlJf ~ ~, 'Gally! J crLtd lJol. • Ha~ pJu wtn the

Jime '!'" .. ".xII ."~".iI. "\$.~{i] T ~ r",.r' CkJ··

J,.,.. I did. n ". knew.he m:u. f,lnexptr.t . ' "~ •• ft il1::t: mil f*.1'~~."

2: People say '11}y ~. to ermpli.:as:ize (l!uat snmcdung did K'otCt..Uf ha;ppe-.n Of" s.hool!d W!ppc:n~ om -inrbr~. rnthff eld-fash- .~ "'m~~~

!~ed use. [~,113 ](:~!<Uf>; 31 :i'E". '" ~ Jt!t.~~ ifl1t!;t_ ).'

~ ,@:tt:. ~Gi, Ik scdd h:e~a dQ i~. .atildb-y gnlly he~s .sUCr

C«.ded. ~ ~ til, ~.:it I¥J • iti 1i. iHI!Jr.1£ T •

~ A gPJ1y is the $llIme 3,!;,agolli.......og. ~ gpliLi ..... og .Iiillo N CQlIt\!I1f

p.ckJ..la /~~!'g~<.'l!.~, A ~a is a t<lootFI'fr l.an.g narrow boat ·that. Is woies:pcciaUy in Veoice, It.~

a na~ OOMOiTi andCW'Vt'lS up~ <l;l .both.ends_ ApeJ'SilllllJ

~lands at one end of dle go:~::lI and uses .8i km:g .pc:1le to

melle and steer 1.1. jij,M~(jt; •• *~,I&,~:II ~- .lit'" .Hm~Jilii"l.

p~ •• }Jer !~gorJ.di?~J~El~!gmib\hl'i. ~mi. A JOOdIir H,CQ[.!NT

lier isa ~[IIJ wl:Jose job is to take peopk from one pllatt 1'1 ~WiIl'l lQ a!ll.Oli:te[ ~n agoodi:J.liI..N,M.:Il:iG~.

1flIIC. I., goo.: . - .~ pl/. 1 Gooe is the: put patticipl.e of lO- go I~J it-idt~.

:2 :5oomrooe ~ SQ~ ~l is .~ is!lO~Qnger. ~t J4lIc_i...AiSlF, or m longer- exists. it -"E, M, :f: :I: H 3m. ES He turned ~ro!

the ~ff.fff (i-gd ~gone ... ti~i~,Hij"(j!~~ T ••• T.he htrlialemh~.tSiMm. .Ji..VaS toM. " .. iE fJ ~ '" M ~ ~ 1""

:;;;ys;':.r;~fti _~;:;~ lor .halJ /XJY.

.3 I f fOUl say it is ;1OfiIe a pa.rtiruJOU" time, yoo mean it.1.!; PREP

later than that t:lime. (m: ft;f ;fii] ) .t:.lt. B::i If'$ gQn.e lea~ =.~ t~mtL ... if e;,j T ~~ ~ &1J at 00 ... II ~ .gotit eighl

(J,:dock wht'n .I @t horne. ailJ*Jfte:~ 13· la.

~,·et' /~j \~J ;. .~. If yous.ay thai! someone ill N COUINTt

'"'dwI~ II g,lIiler. yo~ ~ ~ldwy aJ'~ about tow"", OF ~Il ~ru::h

dan~ dlat lltJbod.yCUil$a;v¢~m.. .anwformm, oi[d.. f~mmdword. [m. '~J 'I: J& ~ A ~ ;t "ijf • it ~ A •. ~

• Thaw for~Uling m,t .. 1_ ,< J t'1wught .You ~re a

sour,' ~·iIJjt~{t;"Tft.,'" - "~~IlU~ •• ~m7~."

geng /grnJ~go:lJ/. ~_ A· ... Is a fl.'lit.circillu piece ofNl<xw.-rt metal~ lha'! }'au hit with a ha~t in orner ~o make aJ

:soood lite a IPtid bdl. fQf '~)Cillmple as 3i It.-ignsd. Gongs are sometimes used. ruJ mn5iC:'!! Wtr1i.!!meDlS. ,,~ •••

p. 011 tgl)O<l<~ 'g'I'lIl;;lf :U; lMd. eipecia:l[y inw.r(tten ~ri~ v + ~J'Iff CiiIfit Erqrli1;h, to .re~Jt t~ 1fiI'Ofd!i: .~ fD proooun~d


goittlg to ,. I5G ' WhalCite we ~ de?'"'' fHI! :I" IHt

1';.~?" .

goo 19ac~guj isa lbid. sti'cly S"ubs~ lib: mud or ~te; N UNCQUN1( a:riI j~fQ1"~~ word. [1'§]em,It •• ,.fteJJ:. £(3,.,; lhe "" ~ i}rXI ~I Ike lxmcm Q'J the sin ... , _ .. :. ~ ~115 M Wi" ....

... w'?el'edi~ .WJ'C, .. ·.JJ;:lI.:a.MI ~

gOOd I g.Id ,gudi ..beiWr, be:st! goods. Set· also sepMaJtcen~ tri.es at be~ aOO~. W\ £ 1M".t:fer ifij. best .~ * 0 1

SQ.mcthing ~hat is goo6.is '.1 plc"-L'~;1I'Dt and O1iI.j:oyabl~ - it AW QUALIT

11:! a:!J.~ fi :5);:. ~', .~ .A. tl!. ~ ~. ~ They ~ a gt>Qd. ,,~!

time fftfnfiJl,mMitte··· a naUy good book .

-$iI ~tfltf~ 15 •.. That's good 1U!'WS •••• ;I;:tfm.~ .•. •. , tJ WJOd feeling ... " "'1AtI! ~ st'.·,. HelIQ! f('.s ga.od

to see you. lift· ~! :Wi JlJ if: UljIj ~.. 11. 2: ofa h!Jgb qua~ity Am)J QIIJAl .. :n

or st~d, often ~hootnpatr:OOl:l to ~kT $imi~.ar tbllillgS_ ~ Il!a.d., po!!Of

.~ ft1!t .(It 9'11, . ..". Ii: ~.~! if I~" lEG •.• f1i lIi!:1'ry' ~

sc/u;J!I;Jf, ". • •• ~- fJii :m.1f m ~ t:i; ••• ,., ~ QlgriiCW~U1"1i1

lalI4... . ... *;!Ik m !l rEEl ••• She pur m.t goad' sh!w On ....

iil1f..t T:tllrl!Xi!.~t;lW"· r~., IIf!fYgoM.marks ... ft :@.ffJUflUl~H:tlt····· Sh€ speaks.good E1lgUsh. @ilt-

11J.~~jt]l. -

2' Someone woo ~ good. ~ 2 .. l !!;,ind to .peopkami<l.lway.> AfiI Q'lJAU't '~hi:illks: Oftbei:r f~illWi and needs. :tl}-,~'~)~C.Mh~I!rA ~ ~~II!;I';II! 9<3. IOOHt 's abw:ys bun good w me.. . 11 - - fi ~ II! :filUlf

••.. How simple am good hw gesum;r ~.". :tII!Rt.tli!;

ffi ~ ..I:: .:h ~ -2.#£*" . $. 2. ~. Jti .,.,. lI.·s good of ycm ta

come·. .. ft It * • J;;:t: • T ..• ~Vould )ou be ~

e.~: to .ask him. ilP1i. fRJ It -"f ;if ~? 2. :2 moraUy AII)J QUAUT q]m~ct !~ their I~baviwr and chanu:tc.r. roo- ,eiuunpi'e ;, ~n:: nevc;r ~yji1g or S1lt:a1~flg. ::f!r:il:,. ~ .~ .. It I~J" ro The.re. was

no 1l'£Ji'.l! ofeviJ in her - she ~ ~. illi1t J:N::fi'- ~

fUill: ~ ~ it - ilH61l •• i.t •

l Someone who is in a good f11tCIO!!:!. io; ci1;ecrM and pJ.r;;as;oull AWQUM.nr:

LD be wid'!. (,l",! H.*~ oZ· ~~mh· in (J.good nwod ..... ~ f:!~1e :ft~UI~·" ... nisootura .~ . umo.W. ···ftx~IMlP1


4 Semeene 'wluo has aI. ~ ~wre i.£ pllea:sant and. kmd, .Am QUALIT,

( ftft hll .!itL lEG Wf took full admntage .of hb goal ~B mNure. ft1l11f:Jt~Jm 7 ft!1fi.ftl~ft ••

5 A cl:il\::!l or ;,lIflimJ tOOt !!! ~ ~ IiV('Jl~ behaved a:.w ebe- AIlJIQUAL.l"l" client. {4". iV; ~ " ) ;lIE ~ , I!Jf if 1tlJ1.. 001 Were the kJds .ot.~l:J 1JCOd?· .. m-r1i1*~1 ... ' ,Good dog. • - .. ·~i!lIfgiXIif~H·"

••• Therre/s, a.good ooYT 1l~.:tl·.1f1

IB, If )lUll say that a siltmtloo or ]d~.a is geod.you third:. ]t is ADJQUAU'li'

des~l'<Ib!e, ~ptahle, OF fJght. ~ A". 00 :::ft. i!iI!lfll ! :tit e umir.d!lc

~ 0 ffi II'S!}QQd that there aU' plQW ,like fhLI ... fi - * '!'Iraq ~ !f.llfl:lt.!I! - *' • ;ld,. ~ .y... They en' .t.Qugh~ lCJ

shar~. and that Oil'lI.cm:iy be EJOOd ... 11 A.~fII!,m~l;:i

.~ A~:':*~ • .i!".;:t·;lIItI¥J··· WE were fi,uing j1J7'.(J

.good aJU$l'. ~ in;fE1g 1'E 5l. i!!J • lit ffi Ail. ~ If yo~ saty it • P'Hnl:,

is 8J ~ thing ill it kii· Ii good JHtktt somethillng hili~1l.!l lIlS;U + ~.

CL. ViE!

or is the~. you mean. i.t lis fOrumate that it Ilapperu: or l~

.is the: ~. :p:f:;: f $ .~ 19!J '*. ~GI It's a good t.hing ./11 rOl1lill&l~)' wwn't rhu.e. :if i1 'ft ~ f,J ;f: «.J~ ~

7 Good is what is coruldated to!) be rigbt and desirabLe .a.o· N ~.OR oontiir.lg to l1rlOrajl S<~ 03r ]'\dwgiclI1s bdiiefs. and is of_~1NG wrm leI'! th~t of as <!:Iixre or powtt .• i,*I!l,!I!: .•• m .... " ... _

,rhe conflk/br;!t~I'l' gp«iaNi .evil, ....• (II! .. z jIij 8'!I.i'jI ;:i!: '*' ,~I!IJI

•.... To him" ,fUOCt!SS' ~ the. highe.st moral .good. Jit . .ft

* a . "1it.!Ij "I!::I: '$I!'r!l J! •• " [f yo~ say that :somoo:mc is • M-flI;, USED AS • 10 .DO iflocll. you ~ tf.mt dKY are ,daing .()f'. plarm.i~g· ,.

to dbs.omething msl'lon.esi: or jI~l +ff:~.II! .• JI.

8: Good mlll!li,l:, art •. litenlJtlJC:C:. et(;- is con.sidered t'O· be of AllJ CLASSJP, h{ghrzw.!1ty ::mdse:riamratber than JWht-heanm or pop.. ~ ular.. (if'}k, Z * ~::t: :i:f:" ). • fl eg. j F- •• ug. 00. . . Kti'n~

deriltg t~k lhe West End in uo.rdt of good theat.'N!.

.. ·.~.g.~tt.ftl~l~fM. -

9 A person'"" ~ Mm. leg. eye. e~c. is the one t~t is /!J;IiJ' (Ui~lF, ~ ~ h d .1 L __ .\_- .AliTIUB ,.!!':aut. 't .i11lstrollg, I1!IlIti w ... ;;u iure mhc'f one ~. weak. in· '" 1iit,1<:

jlYweti., or di!seased. ( •• 11. IJl! ., " ) • -ID: I¥J •. if. '.t Ir':l. Ell

QatiS h~ng ·00 to him lVith his g<x)darm. It.9i iii )!flf& ~.RD!~~H~· ••• ~.{tM.

HI If oomeo:ne or so~~ing ~~. a :!;ODd rtpijt.a:lioo. 11ilt1'i1'i" .....m CUALil~

etc .. , GIller peop)e C¢!lpect them QF think hjgh~y of tlle.m. ! ':;rr:ilbli£ .( :t pi' ) »00, ~.II: M. ro .He hadn ~t gm a we.ry good repu~

tat.i'QIl .. _ -ftl~j.:tF;f;:*~··· ... ~rn for .rhe ftmtily

lJJM its good i!!.Il~. ···M.i!+j[.uHJtif.:t"MJ~~.

l111[ f you descrilbe a ~ or re~ as ~. you iliinl. Am QLIAlJT

it jiS s.tron~ or vaJid . ..a. Jikely w sucoeed or be belkved. ~ ~n'u!!

.". pqc.

( if·tIt tl~·}~ 1M .~ {:IIIffil").~ jlli. ECi They ~ a pod

c~ of wilWing-lhe~lecti'{m •.• ft f] ~ ~m iiI ••• il!:~.:* ... Tht!· Secntary heuJ' st~J good r~ns fOt his conduct. _. lit:!: '*.~ iff ~ ~ 1f;:St R!JJM IE13 "fi. Rllfi :1fJ ..• rhe.~ wus a ll'6y good. ~JOI' int.rodw:ing a .degree

in the s«bj«t - Ji1:i! fl~M~Jt:':{il_.111E1tfi1i1l m 0

12 Somwne who is ~ ata pti~icul:ar activity .is skilful AnI OOAruT and ll!Ll~f\.l~ a1 doklg it.JOti=Iii'h;jl>Keg. 00 Alex is a = ~~,

.~ • tII:. 3 ~. Wi _L.~ pl'Ql'i8em

.i!j,....v.;. $Mtnmer. ... ~ m: 3ll :I¥iI ;1:. "t :. ~ if T ... , .a:... .l'K:r

being a ~ mother 1. ,. • it 1- _q.:l!J !!i M Af·I~? •.•• He I<RU ~ good. at talking me out <>!l}dntP. .. 11M. 'f m.. _ :lit .~ - ~. • .. ••• MtJ7CUS was gQQd wilh his hawis _ ~JJM~ .mlit15 ... &:Cd of_peop1t:'sacti(Jl]lJl. m r.

J1HfiJlt_AMft:ifl. EGo Good .rJW:J, .HUgIU~. jf,j,f.. ff;: ~ fiip;l.r:II~

15. • If SOmooru: Ls DO pKI oc ruI! •. !mY ·p:Id.i:lit a par- • ~tLI5WA5


~~~a!i <l!u!vii~y.~!:!ey are 00 r a 1: all ~!o1j~f~l ~ ~~fpoJ .cIt do~ it . .;f:.>~. 1m You .~ ,~ 4ny goad at Luin.... ~ M *.,f: j1- ~ til T X RU4 ••• I'd be no· .gOM as· a tiocUJf. a::F:J!i!.:~iI~8'lI:M .•

~s yo~ ilL'>oE guJd: wilth a mgativt or an implied ~gativ.e to ADlI QUAl-n, say ~hat Slnfl1ir.thing win I'Klt succeed or be of my use. es- ~I BROAD :fJecial'jy '!iVhe.U!I you are g,lviflg adl'ice to oomeone. Qt"wtren ,,"*'

you Kaili:z,:; tEmaft.er tryin.g foe a per\iod of time_ Jflti ~AF

M. 100 l,,'j' no.8QOd K!l;Wrying any mo.t'iI;! s,~'8hr.. .. 4-@ N-St¥:d:UJHi}fl;'" .AI jaJ ./at olwxxi tIM1 would beJ ....

!IJI!:".{;\iJrUf il!I:*.* T! ···E~i!1 jf I ctJmR.. what good

Mluld i.t do,! INH~'JIl*· •• .Jltftt~m? .

14 ;000 for. 14. 1 If a sltU.ilitivfI ~ :goodf':IN' stJ~ or iLQI~" fr;r sm11t"thlng. i~ i~ 1i.kc]y 1:0 be of he~p •. use. or ad~-e to ! ~(tci.lo!I ¢~m., .m···1r.WJ1; li···1j'M ~ M···:t tJ. m ..... a d.imate

of '~fideli'Cewhich ~.:gpod for mme... . .. l;f M Jj :w

.f1.IJij'-.MfEt if ~.It .. · She takes on nwn1' "tiI!GJ'k than is

good 1M htr. .. tI&:;j,m_ ~J I.f15 :t: :* ., lS: ~tIItl.~ .fl... It is

Illso ~ 101' cleQning jBinrbrushes. lIZ 12. ~ 00 !fair"

'is!. ~~. ~4 .. 2 A personor place dn~ is good lDl' some- IWf QJI!!d.IT ~ fu thIng is ~.ik€ly·to uvc it and pWVIDe you withi~. 4:1am ~

ii'i 1'" :'£. 00 The rhl'£r ~. (dWS}!f ,~ lor ,a ,(roul or

tM? ..• 1!fl!.Mm:l~, .W~fi'-Fij:*"·& ... Sh¢ mwl be

good fol' a few poum:b.M.-w~n.wJt:liU''i!. 14.3· If i\llJ1~~ fur' you say t~ ~.2 .O-l" somei!hing is goodI f'Or a period of 11 ~bio time, )'00 mean that they are lJkleJy to j!j\l't: or last for iliiu

period. ltM'ti· .. ·a;}lllil,.8ffl .. ·:5':tt. lEG 11I:e old carts

.good f01 a~f:ht, f~w }'t4fS ~f. .Jt '. ~a 1'\ ,*:Bii •. ~ m JL

•• ·~·4.4 ~e ~y • GoodII'Of' ~~. • Good r-Q[' kr" ..~ON etc- W~len tih.ey .ate·exp~l:ngaprovaJl of or· support for

someone's acti.ons_ .yq:tf! oo'lw .told .hj:m I~.~l do

it:' = • 0000 f'.or you. ~ ":JI!. B ~1I:W:·Mft.~~·T I'f!j"-

"i!illtlT' 14.5, You can say "Good 00 100' wiliK:[1 you

mean •• ~ ror YOU"! an ilnforM expression. [iiJIGood ~'Vl'NTI~ a~ YOI!JJ ~ 'Good Wr .you ~.

lS If you ilaJt about. .si4:lI~'S @OOd '00 k good' o(iiOJJ'I¢- H Sl1'ifI'J, wrrn ~]Ilg, you are '~IDg w.Wu Mil be of b:ne[lt ·or 00- ~

= _1[_.

vantage to the:mt .iiTI a partirular .sitmtioo, _~ ~b fi.a.. EG Casty$OOuJd quit lor IWtegr>oJ·.of tkea~y ... :% T* fit JJ] fi ~ ~ It • lft m 'I.It! il: i§f .IJ{... I t ~ jOt ker QM1:

good. .w Ji ~ 7 • if." [r ~otI. say ~t sO.I1lCtoo.g· w~~] .PH:k, VII .do somwnc DE .wmething .,oo.youm.e.an tMt i~ wilJi~.. IM'LF.C'B prove. help, '00 bemfit them. lit ... ;& :q. ~.. !ffi, A ml

WJwge will do her htahb, gcod ...• l:!tfi:M:ft~T.

~!.. ... Jt!U do yau. g«xJJ 10 gd .~ bil oj !re:s~ .airl' !If

!Jl-B .. IlT·,,~~.xt~·ti:lfM: !.

16 If YOIll. des.cr.iibe a sJ.tUtioo. Umt, slgn. dc. as goodl.

you rIlI!>tfl li:lat 16. 1 1t does .00(. iillvoive any pro'bkms or .Afi1i OOAl.!''!'

difficulties amI i!; Hkl" .... · tOI"e:MJlt in beneflltutsuCf.E:3s. (~. = rll!ro,gra~k

, III" .,!l. bao:'I

~. iij jiij: AllE J~ '$ Hf ~I ifloIh fi IHt!l' I ~ :fiJI ~. EI3 ThepicUJ.re .is Jar {tom ~ . .. it i2 :t:.M.i!]" .... W:lllhis ,be a good . ~r for ·~Y'! ... 4f4- ••• rro.$.rtiAf!l!i? ...• He may be .aQ ""m.y offiw (no$ ill .good ~gn)" fl ilfll:'& 1- ~ 'if

( i::! 1iJ.:f::f;"1" !tf ~~ ~ ). 16,. 2 it is :5Ultab'Je fer a partiruJ.a!' Am QU~I' fl'~. ~;ii.~ l.1rf!e\r. EG This is a .good holiday fur !"'=~Il. people who ~nL to CO expIorlng. .. it l'j I!* It M: Q!JI A *i~Jil'1"*" ~ ...... This is Q$ good a ~i:meas any l()

find out. it ,l.&flltt ~!5" ,g.'.Ji ,~~,IlfJ T •

17 Y 00 use ..... before a 00UJJi t7. 11 to indicatf the pa;:ii~ AOJi ·~.JId"i.T

tive ,desirable, or !i1ll()tt;SSfuI aspects of·thI;: .1XlUJ].. tf .at'iI. ;;<! IbM. JIOClr

mDe~lop~· ~reJa#~p "rfIi.Jh i~ sM/f ... ~.

PiJ1P,.:r.~il!il-3fi:.~···· Ed (lna· J became good friends .

X.i1Ift J! T~ M 1t ... It"s good fun ..... :as: m ~ ..

.fbrh paUcies make good sense. :i$~f+ •• iilHIIHril:l!IL

n . 2 to iifid](;;l!te a. great degret. of so.t'lile~hiing derir.tlblie, AJ)J (J!!JAt!..r!'1

ciI1jayah]I;, OF th,u you 3.pp:IlJIW of .. ~ xM~ :tft§:'J eg.. :-::

EG Take goOOC'4rif of it. ~Jt you? .. .lHfJ!lBi1e;~

~1 a gQQd .rdnge olbeiaHiM ~pi~ ···H'J:!:fII

!!j. ~ M *" 1'0 -*If r.' .,. a goad~.3Jzed I.fving raom .. .• m. ~*ME~~o .

fS YOUIlI5e .1J(IQd. kl e.mpiUlS.ize tt!a'~a ~~ d'egnt:. ,ex" AOl QUMIT, ~eJ1Irt .• or arriOUlmt ,of tJ~ foUaWliQg 'M:IInlt. or t::qllrmioo is .in~ ~~ valved. 111 ~ iiiJ~l!~: T .M. ~" leG .lJ'nc' good shake of my

head and it would faU off. ..It R JlII •• =-r ;l- ._*

j!§ M{l;·~t * ... H~ look 12 good i'ong look (u it, .. , I!ftT

*' t! 11 T !if ti:; - ~ );[.... He musil' OM them a good ,t~~

buck bY' now. •. JJ .~, .,M. - ~ ~ ~;.1C "F M·«1 li.!F J Q Y!.

tir1 ... it wooJd .btt g' good btl c1wapei'. .. ;ii ~'1!::r:1I~

... -. - a gpod whik a:80 ... ···UAllUilO· .. ldr4!8 it good

ond deep. ~mt;Il!:mIl~ ••

19 You IS: ~ Ill. thellollowilng ways .t.o e~ yotIC rea <lJC'liOOID !:!()Wclhin.,g_ m T T )':11 'It (2 * 7ii: ~- ... RCJ'[ji_ JIii •

19,11 You ~.y'('~j or ~1hat':!lpodJ to V(f!FC$ pl~ I!OO:J,AM

~n (iIf ::!atisfactiQU alx:tu( ~nle!h:illg !that 1Jw. beef.! S<!!id or =lpIem£l~

c, !A;U~· ~ = ~~~.II!I:~ Ier.:5


done - c3l; ~ iQ" ~.d flIUO M ,F ilHi R. EG • How ish€' ~ f - , He's fine.' ~, Good .". ., ~iIB;&: ~ M:l" ~"fS 1'1 ~ 0" - "H /' .,. 'Ei!'er,,:me's ~nvited.' ~)tf HOl'M.'lrd. • On that's gocd. ~M).'I tJU! girl .. , ,,. .fflfit1T A ••• T ..... ~ • ifi1.. "1.1iJ ,:mfl:1!Jf, "!II •• W. •• , 0 J ~ked .' said' Dail'Y. • Good, ~. Co.mtill_' Mil;@- ~;t, is! " ",lUll if. .' "if. If. l.!E*If!." ~91.2 YOU say : Good ~ or'V,er)' .good'~ to Slijrn£tifu: ill order u) praiisc; ~, (()[" am;wermg (lC clkldng SI'ml.etbiing w£rectl:y OJ" wdl. ( •• »t:iffiil~iEilit'_1Ist;r. f",~:H»(mW. etJ,"That's where we had the rtrotdu_ t - 'Very~', ¥ou'n 'ii'ery o.mer'W1l1!. • ''is: • .li-ft:illlM ~UUFf;flit t:J $ ti ." - "11Uf o~ :f!UI T ~. ~.. 119. 3 PropI~ say 'Good'~ r inI erder jo praise sofIXthing oJ.e,..tt or funny that S(I~ b jiust said Of!' dooe! an ~[I{Dn[lai e);pression. Uft ] ., :11.19. -4 Peqpn~ say • 'Ibat'5 a ,wood q)IIdtioll: or ~Good~j ]n f!eply to a question w.hich t~e)' riQ !mOl know t~ ,aruwer roo or whl:n then:: an: proh" ~em:s inVCIhrcd in the3llJilSweT. x:9DiI. !St3, • Wha.es that?' -' GtXJd q~lion. I'm not quit.e sure. " .. .. ¥ :i: fir ~ '?" -" ~ ~li:I. A fi: ~ :.t M fl... ,..... • When will tt ,be TeIlay?} - ~ Tha,(s a good q.ruslion. lArry" We're doing aJ.lwe ca~. i ;<ff~Durc:tt.?'· - "'.* ~:iI.jI:JIL, 'Bl; fl.i'E I'!' fl. :h ilii :'-1." 19. 5 ~f !;l[)'.mrone in authorrty s81ys 'Vft'J' good', they <Iif,e g;.ving ~rrmsskjOJor e!Cpr~ing agrrt:.rw:lIllj:i forma!l U'ie. [lIE ~J U::" Aw 1F:J1t. iIf It ~ .HI:Rf. 00, ·.He'1J ,~ aJri,gJu now. ~ - • Very gotJd.' Jayne ,sam, • Let him ,c,' "ft..~j9:lfiiJ. Y .. " - "~i if , "';t;: .. ~ ... i.t:. fit ~ IIIB ~" 119'. 6 PwpJe iIll authoriiy say • Go!iQ ~ in a 'OOflivtfi"SatlOf.l or ~.m to indi.ca~ thaJt ~ W'<!!R[ mend I!:~ ~op:ic: andIiiarldaing Of talhug ~rt somethi,ngehe_ {:ft~dl~Aff~'iii!l;HitJf:l~m~' tliJk = 1-i!fI.~ A!ij =, i;§1Ijj;.¥ ill '* 6~' ~ m 11 )"r-;» ~I!:l .. 813, • Bu l .f am su~tWow. • ~ • fJood, Let's mollie on. to afW~hu ~#on. j ";r; J3l :ft ffllfi • ~.. -" if T ~ '*Ifili1*l:91-1'-fiiil.aIila ....

20 ]f you do somelhmri,g or oomethillg ooppem: for good .• yoo do ~!:. 'Of i:~ h.a~ foethe I&t time or oompte£e1y ann penrnme!lt[y,Jk~liGl~' ~ ;;t:,iI JIk. roo She reri:rm from rke kiitdlfn for .good; leavi~ hIm in charge. , . .;i!t ~ * EM Hi T Illfi , i!r. {lZ 'Ii: m *' "]I ... T~' tluatrre eluted down fOr good. i!itIt5j:,JgM,:J;.-rJ T.

21 You !lISe: as good. as before au.adliecthle or Jj verb in order wimHcate th.u the statem.enrt )1100 Me maki:rog is DDt quite tn!e but is reasooable in d~' prhc~a:.ri:itl!l!iJJlioo. s:untt d'J.'e ·effect is aI~ die same tIS if the iU.atcl'l:lCIUlt ·was. UI.Je- :li." JL"'-"t~~.t~r. 00 WWiout her· gI~ she H.'II.f (JS good.a5 bUnd, .. lfl!~:.i.".id! .• 1t:l:;:I:"i" d T' ,. Jle hDij as good as abdfcated. t1; ~1!iLt t$ T a III

T. '

:22 make ·KOOd. ,22, 1 If sotneO'Jle maI!:es eood. they 00- come s!.ux:cssf:ul. i.!np::trtmt. or f.ich. g: if .d,m ~ tl'tIH'tt tI. E'Gi Hft had .made ~, ~. had .~ ,a mg ~., . lii£1t;fl T ,lit T -1'-.ti]l.'" The Treasury chief ~f a to-, C(ll ,~ymadegood."" !O.iI:.*,.-1<.jt_t.M7.d~ ,~*~A-·· .Ht'had ;nade grx;dand gone ,to t1M SJ\tUes'. l& eo f,i\t;lJlj@.~ "1 ~!i1I. Zt 2 If you male good~thing tlhat YOiJ mve fO.1tid yCM!.l wil1oo.yOl!.a: do i.e, .ff(illr). m AI(ls. :ik nf'li't[f' m(likgpoti 'her. thFeat. 1I!t!l;tf • jI.hI. *:frJ, .1l.l:.ltntA R!J. 22.3 If you mMkt g.MItdI ~hjng, tmt you ha VII; damagedar hilltlllM, you 'rryto ~ jt Of refl'l.Ovtr the ~mrm (::ITecti;" ... ; Jl;l:. m T~ years KW: a sMrtrime iii which to ma:~ IJOOd the deficiencies. ~1:.fHt.~~.~ •• 1-a.~iI>f!ij+

23Somoo;n.e might &<!'f '(;oOO.f''e1Jow'or' • Good map; to you ill. order to perwadeyou to 00' som.rtlllm.g OF to· em.~ p~ia tUt ~. are of a lower social clO:lSS man.l:h.t:m ~ ~ ir! rather olde. r .... oned Bl']ti&h EngtlIsh. [jg lEI] (m ~ ;IJt.;ij' ~ It ••• d: iI:i1ll xt 1i It ~ e. :Jtft Mi;: fi ) ~ Ittt ~ EO You .may ieaw .me. ,I';IOW, my.good fe1low.".tE~ !iT 1.;L:iE T . 8!. 00 ,1J~1* it··· Powm,ud1W.ther whisky,lle.r· cy •. there's d good .amp. fi.-~IIl±.~, JtiIW .}H«Jt ~ 24 You LI'SC pod, .. with the :U1nle of a person, p~ar;e. Qf thing whc:n ycm Ol!f(; I'Cfc!'T.im'Ig to wm. in anafTlOctinnate way·OJ praising them., (Wr At! ,Jt!!,f; i!!t".¥Jii fi" .*;if; .~':M"li)o ~.I::~. EGGooti old &me, .. *.I~ m if!!i •.•. ' .• a .I£t ler from .~. did Washington. . .. m •• A9 ~

•• ~*~m. '

, :2.5 Goods ace things that Me' ~, ~Q be SQ.ld~ used 'Of tb.I~ tOOl mn 'br:' movml rather t~ things lik wi,Id.· ir.g;:>, it"l It! ~.o fG ... a ~e .~~ 0/ ~lec!rkal goods . .. . .. ". ft & If 00 It ~ ill 3J& ••• We,~t prooU«! .~ at rompt.titi 1I-!e' prices, .. II!: 1'i] ~ ~ m ft •• jJ tJ9 ff( -I8!tF ill ~ ... , .. tNt ~Mf()f ~and str~,~_ .,. l;fJ(.i®It§9!l_*.

.26 You say dW' ~ tu ~cfcrro what is, expected Of' re-


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qt:!.!red in a pM~~qd;i!T si.~u:iition ~ a fa.idy ltlfOflirW I!..I.Se - 1'1 ~III

[mJ~*.d:f.g.!I;;fil:.OOmmL EO, S~(;h Q:I'!u.nMeldy bank-

ing SJ!YJem is un.abl:e $,0 deliver l~ goods _., " it"~ 1':i~ ff..:F{!R!Jmii .fHt.mN:f},:~ J!J_* ~ ... Yem can dr~ys

rely o.n.hH to come up wirh thegoodr- 3iij'IL~bkiHIi • M,ilfjJJfit1il« M*5 •

27 (~ is ~ witlfu. ~ otbeF WOIi'ds in e~iom of sw-prise oOC shocik.for C!Xli!!lip!t"(l;Qodj rP:md~Good kayern/ ,![ :~. grieC.beH:81H.!Iord. ~lt~~ii!m"ftl:$ ~~ ,.~~~Il~!f! • iii Gocd gt"t.ef:ftl GtttI. K3Veli3.

as. 'The ~ :!JIOlI i" r..1!l:D ti!Oecl in the fallowing expressions., which are e):p1ai.oed at otbcr places ~Il t.his d1iCti.OHMY. ~ }ijTJ.t,rF;!l;i.,~,.~£*iij.~&m~~4~ ~ l!J p:!Odl 'dlealdil1 deal. '" Il ~ few: !Ii!. few. • II. &OOd sailor: .ll saiki!'. + good deed fmr the day:.Ii!. ~. .. ~ ~~ .. ~ .m. :sb;Iw. • .,00. tlnl: ~Wm .... lie good old .~: .rt -.f. • as ~ as goId,~ ,!i!. :&UkI1• .", 1IS.P!Jd.M .yom .!IlOfid. ~ ~ !IrnI!'d. ... fGr.1POd ~ ~ !t UIItOSlIft.

~ sor8ll' _ good~ .!tlar. .. -in goodr:alt!b~ Ji& taJilb. ~ jngood fa*:: .00. lute.. .. in ~ timf:: ]1. time. ~w, be In, someone's ~. ~, ~ bcMI;. ~. oo~: out .ttile me ~'s ~.~ 1[ :gomg.

~ afi~ ~k say 'Qood afiemooo' in theaf!rer- ~~ IlO!I)!]j when 'ilit!y meet someone. speak to tI:!ml 00 the ~_ t h~

~oo. or introo.!Il.re a tek:v1sion progtrOO1me OF Otll!!';['

eVC"~t~ :Ill polite. fairly formal ~Ofi. [.llEit) cM~m

jj) l' 'f' M". EQ Good ,afternoon. CaILJd.1 speak w Mr

Duff, please'. Tlf.tf. ilfi1IIft'ifl;.tfil~-*:~~ail~?

:~. bye flgJdrbaJ1 gud'b<u/ ,lfOOdbyes~ :'Illij:l: iI! 9? n: M11=

gooriIhy j also ~llEd 'W:itl1iabyp.hen. ,ill' if i!Ili·ll ~ "*.1 'OON~Oti YOIl say' Loodbye' to sot:IlMnewnen ·youor ~. De = toyl:

leaving. at the end ofa td_q}haDt conve.rsa:lioll, OJ' .at the

end of a TV or radiI) broad~. PI-,!ilI.. m • ~bye 1

dear.' .Miss SDumknsaid. , . ".fIJ II • ~.-® ." II. »i fJ.

~" ~,~ .,.. W; .. iii ... .....,.,...l-b~·· t .'. ....L~r1lE and IiH1I.kM

:R!!, 1;0<0 e jU. 6"""""~ (I ~ .. - ~ ... -- .' --'. _.

lxwk, , . .11( ffi I" if ~.:iI JIJ fa It ~ T lei * ... 'It's gc.a:jb:;t: fr:am me, Alex Larie),. until nut ~k', .. nm R:Ii • tI1$~. 1F~!l".

,2 A goOO,._~is tM .. aot. 0. r 5aYi~!§' ....• socd.-b ye w .. hen someone ~ WiJ'J"T

goes away. ~ lill, ;51: I~. !;G AJtersa~ an a l¥khW"d = (_~II

goodbye to Helen, 1 left. . . • .tt .. ~.mfi' j~ IE 11.

1fT .. · TheYJ'ay·l1wi,'r ~byes .. ft;i1~~'T.

31fYOLlJ .saygood~ to ~thin;g that you ~t 0.1" USI;.I- i"HR, V8

any ~ave, y;ou .iorept. tEat yoUi ate oot ~o.in,g to gtt it, /d{ IN:ff.OCT'S

,;Ii ill * .1R •• r;;a; I had to.say goodUJII! toplam whole~

some Jc.rod ... ~~1I>F. ~.1.1, •• tr!I ~.tl T ... J

MW. gaodbye t,C) the whde bu;sirr,e$$. ftB~.,l-4"~.

iii n: S: T."' tv IdS!li OO'medruing good.lJye:~ m kiss.

good] day .. Ptoplt;: say 'Go0d ...,' ~oeadl omer diuring the ~(»i day when taey ~t 'OF ~ti~ inst.aad of; ,Goodbye' •

when they want to .irudiCilite that t~'f 'iIiIilfit to go away I .a

'w:ry fornl<l;l. oW·funicned~:tpf~imL [_lli~ ,[r;Ol:jf,~

fl:ijo ( R x Ji!. fist m!B I!f mil) ~:fIJ ~ ( IS ~ 1t IJ at JI'1'. ). ro,

'I see·. 'he said. • The!'t ~'UlirdeI'3J(Jnd ~h mku'.

·Good day. MOiuiewGoossens.', . ." ft !I·S 7" , .. it iI;.

.. :l.t./I&~(nli::to 1'. T", Wj1.iltMWi~~."··· .N he

Milalked ii! hi! noddedgmvely, and mid .as he' l1.>'em ~ntQ

his ,office, "Good day U,I }IlU-' fSA1:fl*wt;m.M./,i; T

J1; '!k ; if:;if II ~ a tt:l. m.1&-.:t: lit. '!1!il 'f._ Ji!i • "I> n:g • "

good~. People say ~ Good eYeDiDg' lin dle e~it'lg c:oN'YENTION

wbe;il d~m¢et. when itnttoditlcIDgd 1V prtlgTarru:ne '01" lllWLG

oilier event, '011 so.meltimesit!$tl$<'Ld .of • GOodlbye '; a po-

li~e. fairJy formal ~iQ]lJ, []E~.;tL.mfiJ"J:ilf,~

jff • ~ MUfC!Jt 1;, !i!iIIi iM*B Jt1JiJiIJ I 1!!lLt iT • "" ff1 :i1 ( ~Hi II!

·tI'W fill ~m If) ~ III ~ (,Ilt 1: Jt illll't mm ).. 00, ,Good e~-

ni~. l'Mi&ht myguesls (i;r:e, ' " 1!I..t:tf., 4- .. fl. ~ 'Ii

.... Gax1e~tdl'l!' Mr Casde". Pm sorry I"m so' latt:. I.l J:~.-FM$.9a~ ,-1tll:MM •• T.

gooId-r ..... ootIlim;g. good!.ffOl"'DOIIJings, A .... r ..... ~ WC(H"Ili,\ USli

is a llazy Of i:rr~pomibk~; mOO ~ho· .. ' .•• v-' ~:J:!;

aI. L~l~.mz.AdIAlh --:itflft ••• m' . i ~ jor-,oo.rnins ! 'muuend Liz" .. "itkt-ti Hi'!".ft .111(1,. jI'iij

•••. - ;h.is'~fot~ oo.thingwn," ·,·· •• + ••• .JL:r.

Good. Frida:r is 'me my 00 which Christians umrunbeir ~ N ~ !tlrucifixioo of Jesm CIlrlist, h.is the Friday bef(:lH! Ea.sttr

Sunday _ :U.IJ§::. Ei ,e. m '"W AmI m:ll11 ).

~b;~; ~bmnMnd. .~ who fro gQOd- ADJ·QU,o!I.llT

i._.~ - ... 1--~ L_~_~'~' ';i..~!_ • d , __ .:I '= - .• :'~lWItll~

~~~-"'!!I i1/!· l""ea.'I<IJn OI!!," CU!i:i;'~'ilU~ ]0 u~ 'U:ttl:ll .. ~· ~N ..........

be.h.<!,Vl.oU.f. ,It.,1IM. P!J'.I R· ""C~ I~J. EG The crmt.dt~re

p1tient arul:good~Iui;oo.W'ed ... ~-*"A;;f:g.;lJ' •• :fl

~ i1H. 'L-··· ... good.hunwund'. frifM.ly rhwlry" ••• ., tk:

itli$:tf~~q.. .

~. lie /"g.x:l! 1 ~gudlI! - !1! goody.

g!lJIJd-~Qg. heKer-~.lbtst,_.Iooking, Sof:llmtle who is· .uu OIJALotr good-W.:.Wg has ,m ~t:t:racti.vt: faa;, •• IM~:q.I~j. EG He • ~

gofiI, looks

was tall andw:xd- iookf,rtg • ,. ~1'"T~ ~a-:J .~ ijo~~ lIP "'t; ... '". a gpod-1ookin8 girl like ~u,"·-1'-.i$~1f. ~OO:~!HlT.

JOOd Joob., ff you tall .8ibou~!'itImoone~s, good brib. 'f"Ou are n::Ft:rlt,ing to the attractive alppea.ntlila or tlle]l' face_ it! ,. • if ,~ M * ell. EG .,. hb s6,rUcing good iook.s and charm, ,. • •• is til :{Il;; ~W Ii! ~ • j] ••• SIre S«m$' 10 64'r!It;: everything. im.eJJi~na:., ,good looks ,!it romfoFtabie 1w~ - :rtii'P1-f·:m;ff -W: Q~' .$YtiR ,-f-ffJlfilll.

good~1y I'g;db~ \g:tIdi~/_ A ~ a:rr:!(ll;IDt Of" part of something is· a fa]dy l3Pgt amoll!f~t 'ur pwrl of irr •. o:ft~ "llJft! than was expected, .a formal word. [:iiE.~J:ftr~~tk Jt:.l dti~ :fl; ~ 0 EG A goodly parI of her inromel1.Mt on tsa iii· d; •• ~:m ~-.1}atfJ!I:!l;.A4m~ T :tJ£U&lLB:'" .. , a 8PfJdiy number of ,he all~ .apia" , ..•• .KJ ~ ~'I'rll.!iiJ' ill II U: !i3 ," Ik $01l1it JQi' ~' goodly sum. -ft!m 'E',ilT fIl~' g:: ~- ~ i£.

~ lIiIOI'J'Iing. ~e say ·Good ~. in. ~hem.om.in.g when t~e"y Iflrn"!: see each ot.b:'r or when t~y ge~ to ~k. and stmiehlIlCS asa way IOf sayjng • Gocldbye ". ~.t:a (...t ~ .!m. ii' II'J ~ tif II ~) f"'.m. ( ;(if p;f fI: _t 'IF- ~ .JIl B;F 00 m'~ ). E(l; G«Xi mo.ming. darUng. Aoothe.r bea.uii/rd dQ}'" - - Ji!. J.:M- ., ••. ~. ;z, It - 1- IIIRJJ X A IJ:} a 7'-". Good 1l1OI'nr ing, d()(;/or. I hope ~ W Jlt!' _p;.;u agaif,!; S'<JrO".n, •• ~ j2, , m 4. .11 fi; «JiIlt~ It ~ J\t fJJ~. ..... ~kissed him good morning. '!nit ~ T ~ - -F • Jl 1& "".t w-.

,~JiI8tgreilt A JiC'fflOI! or 0Uil~m.aJ rlMt ~ s good-na~:lltOO is naturall y fri.etl.dllyud does not ,easiJy g(it angry ,tiE: ifill frill ~ ~ tltf tl¥.l. m .. ' , Q.UI' good.-na:lweJ policemen., ,. ... fi fJJ i1: ff :ill fti ~. • • .•. .. a wry ~-na.luud'(JniI /oolj,fh oo~in, ... -+~~ .. ~. ,flfii.lI~.~~*lJf •• 'used of bellav~our ,a.II aC"~jtJ.lD. in m :m JJt Jt A 00 ff '" 0 eG .. " a g.ood~MtUnti complaint ... '" ;f.,IIi.16: MMm ••• The s&uM of ~=niCU.uf€d rewirY/llied tht hotel ,-;k. fj_ J!lIM if 1I.fi •• e!\L~ Ji!' ~ m •

good.~~, /I!J.IdMlilS; 'gudnl!i/, lPeopl.e say • My ~'. '~'. esc, ~ express surpr.i~. C~jfi'lllnJ} ~.It" IIJf c EGi My goodness. this is a ,difficwt ~'. + • ~ .. ! At iiJ ~ftt.~~ ... · Goodness . look at that! .. - ~1!Jf, lI,jJJl 1'- ! ... GoodIUSS 1I1e f YO!.!! 1001< Q couP/eof mi2rleS! *",! Jt;.fi 1: !JHlifi; r .~ bUIk~, J,[ thanko

.2 'Gooillei!l Ii!! the quality of beill1;g kind, ~id~;)'a~e. and !refpfi,d. -tr'fiJ. ~ -[~ ... B3 ,., a beitel. in the garxil1t'.fS of h,ui!'1'tOn Mwre - _ .. ''':Ii A tl '" @f fm fa" fQI ... Is 'his /W'W you rt;'IXlY my ~~JS? f,fft~-.»..(;,.$ .• ~~~~. ~;;IltMt~;

3 ~f y,~ ~k so:meone to' havt 'die ~ to 00 SiDIii.e, thing, you ask tbem in a poliu: way to do h ~ :iJ vtty fm·· ff.Ia~ expt~O';Iii.. [JE ,J!:; ] .. ( .. ¥: •• ) ~ .:ti ... M if #:. Ea. Would y.:m Jw VIe tlWgoodnlru to .pass .r.ne t~ StJ'lt?" , . ilreilt ,Ill it m a ~ ~ '? ••• Rer-i~im Jw:J tM g<KJd11~ W slarr a ,fire,., tta~Jrtf.iIE~8 -r:k.

lPJd·night ;tgXIt.l1ia.H~ 'gud'FiaM/ '. goOO;Wghtll~ .akl spelled with a hyphen OJ' a ... lW'{l W'OI"ds. :lFP[:bmit~~~.~fI'iUii 1'" fi!J. ~ Yali say • Good.oJgh~' to :!iO~m.e ~<lil;<:iifi the everlin.g. w~, yoo -or tMya:r~ g<l1. ~me, ~!t1g to bed t 'UI' going 1)0 s.ieep. Of a.t the end of a telephone GmWversa:l:icm or aJ, TV or .adia b~~t, {a: !li.H:rJ!J1 ,1.:.. ~ Iii • , IKli rI. fTl@ iii~iUt, Ebtt:itr- iI'W ~ ft.~~ ~lIJm).~ IWm.~ 00, - 'Goodnighl Jow • • ,raJ'S Floro. • shut tins her door., '. ~ftSE, f1;i.:I: ~." Jt,~ 'a:' - i;ll1,l -,:it.I. ~ 1: Tn···

We all st<Jtr!Jld up, mid (pOd lIight.~nd I«m to ()IJlf' rooms_,. ft,fr]8JlJ.tS*.:iI T ~R:&; ,[fiIImSlrnJ 7 ..• ~ I haw M 80 twW - G.ood mgh1 -' HI! hung up. "lUlil,:8l: 11 $t T . WJn."fI!l.tiLt 1 tEl! ti ,.

:2 A gpodnietn iii tbfl .3.ct ,of saying~igh~ to ~_ II"~' ~ i}~J. EO, They jusl left. No! eJ.l!en a goodnigJu or (f thank y&U lOT Ike tn£t1J.,. 8fl1 •• ~;t: Y. :i!-

jfi 1ll1i £,& & "tit llHf lIt,.hl itt> n i'tlH,a; ti t'i... .,. a ,gaod~ 1il~hj kiss...· .,II.~ lit ~ 11$ •

.goods.tratlD. ~ trains. A .,.. train i~ a train lbatt traruparts g£iOds andoot people, if'iii H:$ •

goods ~, goods ~ A.~. 'w:llJOO is: acarli'.iage on at.ra!n Ilhat C<lf.fles go:ds and. oo~ ])eqlle- (:k. * ~n 11 *.$.IIi.

AOOd-t~.. Somwme who is goocHempen:d i5 clxerf1icl Md does 1l0l ,easiJy ,get ,Migryor 1Jp<e't. IJ"t,1l:T M i ;fui4:, dgl. 5Gi ••• an tldomMe baby, ,chubby aNi gpt;d·lt#i·· perm .,. . ,,_ -t-1ij 'I; i!tftj. JL.";if. "" ~ Jiil ffl M··· ,cal Kt7S 'u.rualiy l'4J)'-gotll8' and good-rempered. '~~;r;; 11 'J" 111. :iO.M- "~J1 ..

good.willl 1.g.nIW]~,:(gud\W!V ~ alsos,p!rJled witJru a hypocn

arlO. a~ lIWO'lNOrds. ~iijjJw:ii'¥..,.§:m·~fIIHfj~PJ. (io0dw1D j,~ 11 kiilld reeli~ or .hrJpf~,!i1 behavi.our towards oilier pooph::, ~~.*ft·~* •. E:aHe beilmmwifth suchgoodwii.l

ADIl CJLAS:'lf.F, ~

= SIi·b:!.ismt 1aJ.

AnI QUM.IIT ~ plt=riJIt

.= ~i~.dl.'f



NC01Jl\l1' ~'~e


:::E !l'fiSilShl IJj'~D

NVN~NIf ~~iJl!;]~ "Cot~


- .. -Ul:.l':filmf.f~tl1~~fl"·, ,. the good~ll and ~ opemtion of aU who ~T;e in,vol ~ .. ,'" If =1f fl *A ffll¥} ti:M1;ji;tff'l;: ..• ,,_ a goodwill geslu,rte "···;t1;WH~U~~.

,2 the pop~la:rlty a:nd good fep!tatOOin of a SUCCC!!5f~! b"miness that fMITIS pw-t or its fina:n.cQ worth. iIIf!!k S. ~ iff *. &-6 Was goodwill taken imO' ~dertUi.:m in arranging tire salt? :i'if: m "!l81"ii 1!i::.'l111 T •• ?

goodi.y ; I~:: 'gudW. ~! iiF M'fl: goodk~ <tmiI infilrtl'Jat ~,1 People.~ly chHdrm. say goody to exp:ess ~irp.l~ure or approval' of 5OJ:i1edw:g" [fI](:;tffl'r J~ iff) nllt~· ,,~~ ~ * ,it.'~ ). 00, Qh. goad." t.kere'$ ~ cake! IGJ .MII!: ,:a;:ff ~ml!~ !

2' A ~ is 2- ~ a ~ in a s.ituation. es;pecia.1Jy ll') ~mm m- book. who works OF fighlll for pecpt ~ ~ tlul ym.! a;~ ,O,f. [m J <jt 11 ~ 'fod =M '$' ~J).EE.iiI A IJ'~ M- A • .2 .. 2 ~tl:ui~ p]~, ~ciUng.atlnl.Cli~, .~ ~r,tf*lf~ Ji;flt:.~' m H t- 9t §: I A ~ '* ft. eo; She qpmed rlr mg of gQOdies ... i!ij'7F::r.U<lI'aal:!Jt;:!i"· lJsMUi~ oomalrlS 8cme real ~i~, 11;~.fF~'fi"~.:ilE"~IIA~*'jlji.

~. ~~. A ~~ is 1<1 penon whokhavai eltrrJ1c:me.lywel] in ,~ ~. please peop1ein amoorjty: an informal wurd .ed showi~ dlliapproval, [m ,I!J~",f'.~#T.

goo-ey I tgo~\jliUI/ • goojcr.~~iIlI mf~ ~ used iI!I. ~!.tis:]~ Eqgl~h, 1 A ~ 5U~ is, 'very :son .and. may_ [~fiJ.t'!I1\I. 00 .. , a gooey ~ ..••••• ti-j'- ...

2 ,I\. ~y cake or dessell"~ L<:: 'Il~y stidy ,OJ' '~ and us~ly Vf".E)' sweet, [.§]{ ••. fiI*)ltifiil'i~. Ell ' ..

~\J ',~I~."''''''' j'-_·.,.-·.,.1.,.es· ., •• SII·m;;;_, ........ ~"""' •. ':£~.

~'!..~J ,luuc· .... --~. - 'I' ~r;lll',.If:,I':I;f.~~,~~ _. ~·~JI

3, If you, d~crjbe a film Of ~De'S behaVtioor as gooey. you mean~!hat they ~ihowOf ~ rov.e in a vorysmti" J:I'K!l!ta1 way, [~m ] ;ii' ,m' :lJ ill ti9': M T ,f;\' ~ Il'l' ~ Ell The song made M,r go all ~y .• 1t .• 1!.~~.ffi •.

pt !~:f.gt!f/. WMf",~, goof'ed'illl.informaJ word usedespecial ~y in J.me.r.i:mI1Ii Eng~isl. 11.~ f 'youpl'. ~ make a foolish mm~ and ofi.en f:.til ~D ,ach~ve what yot1! wanted. [Jt.t!:m]{ ~ •• )i!e~ ~jf. ~ EO, J1wy lwii their chalWf'. and tkey gaoled. iIlill ~ :ittm~ .m:.l·~iI T •

:2 W f you pf iQ('" ..or 00", ~ spend time i[l ~, raq' 'OC fooJ~ ish w;;I_y, often when 'you. Me S~I.O be 'MJf'hmg. [:t. ~ 1§ Jim. ;.ti El T- • it •. IE'GlIe' ne~ gw'/edqlfim'Q U$~ taumtus '''t:I hie ,~ on po.tral. .. it!.ff: ;lfltl! 1Ir.!ih!,.,.1\' •• _ JJ •• m ~. ... We SpEmt~t of August sa~lins ana

COOling, A J'l a+:j ;-kJll;&1I<J fliJ ftmfi"M.~utlii ••

.') A ~ i.s .3. 1 .11 f~ pEI~. ~ci.aJJy 00;:' 'Who i5 ~ily dttciVl;<d. [:it ~m] 11 •• ._ Ii. ffi "IhtJt p«JT goof ~ldn '.I: kIlO..... .1" AT ttOOUl! JIII.:If'§";m.ilI~. 3i • .2.;11, fiooii&h nmtik, often Q[JC tM4 pn:vcob)'mI adlleviog what you w.vJiled. [ftlH~ ] CI: •• .II, I~I'!D • ;\jl:. it 11. mWh4t a ,goof~ iJ~ •• ~.\lJ

gIld.y Il'~fi:~SUfi/, ~, gooI'jaI. ~' mat is pry ,is :>lIDy or ridiooQul., oI~h ina Mran,gt Ofl!musL1i3:1 '!Yay: atnnnfCirrnal word ,usa:I ~Iy ~!l American. Enig~ ]ish, [x.!@mJ •• it!ll ii1 ~ ~ * B. OO~ 00, ••. ~i!'i~ .:l plir (if pfyQl,w:aUs .. , ••• JIl. --. ~ ~ ~J .I1i\!..... It's t.hI! sort .af g(XJ/y ideafhtlt z.oe. ~id MW, iil.:m-t£.~ VF~:tiI A'lJ.fifi§*~.

:&OOk I g.t:. ~; gukI. g.ks. A pdI;, _i$. ;a very olffilSive

_. ~~ "~~., - -~ . ~. ~, . ....,..,"',..,..,. - ~F Fasi __ -'I in

WUITU, .l!:lFa penon !rom. ,;I. ---, ~ " ~ J"_'.

Arrflkari~" [j/n~JlHti*1$~(~*IA~ •• ).

.goon / ~ igumtl • ...-. an infonm!! word, A 'goon is '~ ifll British Engilism!L, a persoiilwho bd:ia'l.'"CS, om. a sillily or huJTlOtl'· 01..6 wary, [~,ftiJ"~ ,,,t"B.

2 ~ftIAme:rican Eugll:sn,,:iI, 'pasoo wbo I$paJd' to 1IW"~ Of'" Mreate-ffilpeople. [:{t, fl:i] ( ~ .. 'rn a ttl ff-¥ ~ EG Pimps mY€' sh.oi, ~ Mo.t!n? ~m.. ,. It M$W 111 •••• n -f-mitllt ~ «t-.Jf ••• .. _ or'pmizing goon. ~ ,to in~ t~mida:'e plnyrJ/lidah, •••• ~ ff ~ ~ ,~~ m rIf:.t R'ilS !il.

~. !9JlI~;g!I!-'ll/ '~Pcse: postS. goos:In;. ~. Getst is (~I:C pJ'tHaI of tille i:lOtm •• It 1fJ j{;~' ~. ~. ,rs 'the dWtl pefS!Xi. :>.Ulgular, prese;llt tell&!:. of die lIcLb. ~l~. ':=:-.A~."lIl::tl:~'"' gOOses. 1 A·.-e is 1, , :a liaFg.e bird ihat has a. ·Jffilg .lIieckMklI webbed .ret:'I. and nW:t:s !I. Jood !lU~, Ge~ e:~( as wild bird!. bPl au ,also orten kept on farms for their ;mealI, !!lgs:s. and featRirS ... ~II. EG A flock of ~ hoi1k~ ,a('~a~ sky. ~Wg $(mtl.! .. ,

·-.j;,._!i~.'l!.~72~,I~*lS~··' '/1w: mrn ra~ wi in' the cri~s of ~ and I~. tt it' _!EtlM lIil, 7 M·l1!r .*.. HI:! _, ~~ jIi. 11, ,2 a fM::1'fWe gwse. 'ntc mal!e goooe is called 21.g<md<:\r •• ~.(. •• :I: g.;m.der).

2 ('~ i:'J !i)f.; :r:n.eat. f.roOm ,i'l goose that I:Ias been rooked. ( 11,) ,. 1ilI. lEG • ..rOlJSt goase wiTh red Ct,l,bm.ge and dumpli:np. ..." I!!lJio £U.1:f if iJ! ~ fiti 1m.

~ ,. ""00:ipa:

N 00lJN[.I U511J PL

~ Nd~)'


- ~t~~

toil 00"Ur.tT ;!I'~ ... ,~'

AilJ'QUAUT = sIwk~

V ~ilI\JZidio. = 'boo!;

Y,.LMJiI J>. '(.O/JI """",;;d~


= '*l~

NOJlI'N"'"l" :; Iio!i<!f

API'QuAUJ' t=I~~

= 1OOnr)<


= OOw-B

f;I"{)JUNf " ~,

NCmTh'iT' Q. r'_l


:3 I r you c;liU someone <'I goose, 'fou meantbat you~hink N CO'UNTi \'1)::: they are fooliish, used aJff~cti.ot:tateJy in. JnfoJ'mai;, rather ~ '=

old-, fashioned English. [ftl, il3i ] {t, Jii. m. ffi ;, You

,goose! I .• ,"{4{,:i!. M '!"". He lhoughl her a silly goo~'"

tt.lA j;]:Ali.1- .VIi"

~,If Vf1II1I ,oooit semeene's :~. you prevcnt ~irr plansNm. IfIi

r r: jNPlJECIS

(rom s~~ng~ anililforrna] expression, [m]" ,t-f,: (¥ 11 hilnQ~t

A) ~ it tJI. EG Wl'li fie §til a Ca,biiK'tp05t., or has he'

coo.ked his own goose~ tt~f~H;lJI-+~J'fil,IOH1L~.iE.;ljH!,

~.!IT G a a1Iif::tll?

5 If SOr.t'lCO'JlC :ldllS 'Iihe : __ that .11Iie ~ @8lIIl. "HR, VB


they Mi-m 01" destroy the ptrson or tlh;inf!; that gi Yes them

their money, ~. Of advantage, ~ •• JII. ~ SiIl)'''

to, a g.ooR. _I;i! boo. • df. !ilwikl-goose .::hase+

6 If you ;fIOO!M! so~. youpoi,e them playfulJy between v + 0 their buttocb .kO order to stw-de d:temi a va-y informal ~~ion used lin ~ri~n !Eng~ ish. L!IIlfnJ {~·fi!A 1fFItmf;n:fi~:IIl! ).~ .,Ai!W}4tIilt.

~.ber.ry l""""~].·br11 'gus/ilxn!. ~. 1 A NOOVNT

f:j""""""" ~ I1'flfllLt

goosebtny i'i ,~ !ltn:ill grem, berry that grnws ona bush.

has a sharp taste, and i5 covered with tiny lliatrs, Yo':1 can

eat goose'OCrro.cs ,or usc themto ~ pies and puddings.


:2 I f you say that .";OInecm: is pkl,yiog: ~~.)'Olil .E'fIIR, VI'!

mean that. they are an mwelmtJlle third pe~ in the ~ company of two people who ,iU'"(: in love wjdll eaes other

and woo "",ant to be alone together. fI! 31!: tE M -t-1I." millE -~~ilffg~IIWJ·. m I'd hate t(l play' gtlKMberry to' ~w

mw ymu ooyfriend, fit. nr 'f' .• 3fj; l1E~ f1il fj;;!lt!i JJ Nt~ z ffll.

gooI'Ie.Oem I 'gn;.fleI ~ ~g\niOE:JI; also spelled with a hy- N tfNOO1.J.NlT

f .~~

phcn. )/fiij" 1IJ it q:: ~. Goosef1c5E1is a ,ooooitlO]lj 0 your

skin when you are oo~d or seared, 1be hairs on the skin

stand up SO that it :£5 covered with tiny bump, (*~ .••

• ~! £ til) _ Ill. IE. ,,~ EGI The .fudden €hm rsJsed

8uosefiesh Qii lh~ gjl'i's arms, .. ~ tll Jt * ti!)' * ~ I!: tJi

.. ~ ~ .' .t iii. T :1$ Bi ~ • "', •. lhe goose-flesh WhliCh

come when R:1wdo lout:iuJ him .. ·'·~'iSlitft,IlilM~.I!rIJ.,

Si:~'" .

gooIie pimples ,~ also ~lIod with H, hyphen. 1:lJ:: iiJ .tim ~ ~ N ~

~. Goose· pimples are the same as ~nesh. ~ goose-

nASh FJ + 00, lW/d irritation ·was bringl,ng IMr mtt in

goose pimples. :fflM~'I!!-~"B T __ :I2.. . _

'" It_ ,., ---......I If

~5_. ~i-r" 1JiOiIiit"""' ~ .......... _ •. ,.

soldiers gmse-step. they march in ~uch a way d:~ they v lin thdr ]qgs h~gh Wld do not bend fht:ir kn~. .iE i!F it!: •

E.G 1Wo sentrIes with 'it'hit(! glows MWt ~SMppi~'

«p 4114 down. jq 1-.,I~I1j'i& ~ lIA~iE:j[* 00'l iE:!i-ill:.

GcDr.dj.im1 kDot 11~~ll]otJt'F \~'""":'\nat/. Go.rdiaP. NCOUNT, [ISH

~ 15""' ..... ~. SINO

kools., i\ Cord1an. kPoI is a very d~fficllllt and rompUcated ~ ditf;i;:lIlty

pmblcrn or s1tuatim, a fm':m31 expresrion. [jf.~]Jl~~

fiiJl iii (~ .IiilJ iii] h .$.11. lira PJannt!I's wert b!lJ'Y' bY-'piU.nng

the ,Gordiali knot. m ~ it :1!JJI ~ A . .iI. K: T • Jf ]g - ,... g .

• If you cui ,or unller:l1e Gordilm Iwot ill a partll[!.!lac s.it~ • Pim; VB

uation. you solve a difficuh proble.m by taking b9kl or INJilECIS (ortd~d ,,,,I;1Kms, ~}l M aM; II *- n M 1r D!I' ,",~ • ~ •

111:. ;:~ A ~ner,G'us syJu!m of ~kild ,fx!,nefits """"'tieJ'

tMs Gcmiio:tt k.not .• 11: i!f9)1L, •• m ;tii:MR. (/J;_ 7 it -.


gere /~:Jgur/. ~~. ping. gcirtd. Ufa:rnmirna] ~ ~:.:!oo

oom~ _ it wounds thenI. badly w~th LIS ihorps or 'l:WlD. ; 'Wi~

,II :filM ~ m. 5f jill. ~, " , if a Iml'l g,:nu ,som«me I,Q

dea.fh .. , .. ,. j~.- :Jd:~4 m ~ Ie A& n .... _. gprM in

thl!bdl y by a ww!s /wm, .•• ali IF ~ 1rJ.41f; f1j 7 R. =f .•

2 Gore is tinpleasant~I()Clk.ing blood from a per.;orl ,or am- N UNC(l(JNf mat, :fUr example after they bav.e been invo1vedJ lil an a£-

cident. (ftj r:J .W, it!I),I'IL i III N'. EGo ••• lie dyin;g in apooJ

,of bJac}( p:e ... ···itt-_ •• a.iiU[ a'!J mM If'" ". a

horr-or film fuJi ,oJgore. ..• ·iJlt1e"1i.m~oo~~1fg~E.

~ 1~;g.xd31. ~; ~ng. gorgedl. 'A gorgcis a dttp. ruJJ1"OW valley ,witb veil" :s't«p sides. iLiSlliIJJy where:; ,H. rtver pa.sses ilir1Jugh .mountains CNC ,an area of

., "I..~~~ l.A r" _,I '" rav[1i'!I

hwd r'Odk .• ~. [EG • , • the to~ ~ ~ 1M 1 ;[Jul-

;ado R;'li'e'r runs ...••• :N ~ ~ $1i!! .~ ~ m. _ tt The

de~'t road winds through rocky goT8f!S aM hills. j$ 4J: rtll Jij' ilUUt n:S 1i ..... JJ .. ~ "llllJ filiI.

:2 I f you gorge or '~ yoursel f, you eat very gteedily VOR v + 0 wlii you .arc :50 fuU that you camrot p;i&!iLbly ea[ anry <;ru;:W mar!!:. mfill.~,It,.a: .. ~pt;,,* !:l·w ...... m They

gvrg¢d tMml'tJves 00, rich flJlOd . .. ftf1~. T - .. @ #

* j' ~ -a .' ... The h:unr,er.;f go,rged and tmm rested. m

A {f] .. 1ft Tit T« u.:j. T .0 ~, .rut T. 1ft 03'. roo O,.U!I CL'iSSlf

flour.! later. go:.. ~,wrepJetion. he. awoke" JL !j~ 1M' ~;J = !Il1~rrcd

1i$. frUUli1t·fI.M _ e.1'.

:gil!I'.~ ! I~i ~pd,~. '1 liT you !lay ~~ is..... ;IIJI_)I OOA-Ln

N'COUNiT, ,AViIQ IJ\!N~ .AFffiR,,.



~. yw .mam that it gj ~ 'YOU a l.oi of pleasliJTe' or enjoyme'llrr! an illlro.r.mru ~. ["]1')1... -t"t}-MtAlBIJ ~."1~1. !G • Look. vmal' David gave me for Christmtl$. ' - • Oh: j t '$ absolutely go!geous. ' ... "III ••• fft a~ if iii! fl •• ··"Lti!I •• H:~fI: ( ..... ,.. We stayed ,(j/ that gortpow houd Qf~

Nob HiiJ . fi!;fIll;",.atlf.tJ..ljJ:.i~~.:ldl~L.till!. 2~, weather is very 'lir.'lfm and sum.}!' aed cxtrem!cly p~nt. (~~) ii: A~J ~ 1I.ft!1; 1IIlJ. 100 I$n.'t ;1 a IPf1!eOUs day? .. ~~j::~~.g:.~? _.- WeMd three ~oJgo"geous lftlfJlher. fttIlfi ~i!tillH:~·ng*~.

:3 Son-tctking tha!I. is '~ i!; very all1r'active wed: bright to look at. ~ iilRlJr~ili£rl\j .Ml['~W::tiaril~ FiG! ••• r.uby neck~ laces, shimmering and gorgeous on beds of ~n ~iWi. .. . .. H~ ~ 1f!J. ~j;J;,* m..t. tq rAJ ~ Jt: .• til If) it w: fi'ill tI 1r 11 lM fit ..• 'l1te night sky I1Q.S now,~ mth bilUons of stars, :£ I!r a ll.!l JJIll'£ re if ~ ~ Ii. N §i ~ $ *. o ...... r-Jiy, $PiI,ft!!dllJ[~.:illd!.- 00 ... ~~)' Wloured fancy ,mderwear ,'.' @'11i.~ 1Ill.1!!l; R;t{ •

.4 If you say that ~ is ~. yot!.II mcaJn duatyou, think they.are extn!mely attr.llctive or iEautifUlh,an loftiJr· mal me, [f§](:II' A )l!t;ff!!R. 5Ln a9 "Il.J! OS. EG ••. rite hero

~J.~_ .,'1,." '. -., - !b!.,I,_ . 'HI! .... _ ..... - I!>. a- ""iii<

e'nlt",",Clttg rdJ' gtJIgJi'iOUS ffl'_, .•••. "",.]i.I. Vol! rnI-tI' "" JllJ'TCo

Ii~MJ~.··· " Hdlo, ~.' "4,,~Ajl~."

go..riII.1a !ga'rd,~, IP'rtI;;M/, pih, Agori'IIa, isan animal

"' ,..L.,~ ~b I."":L- !'1._ " ',' 1"'...... - 'h,'1"'V rot L~~ JI........... a

W,llI!';U ,fI.!Ilni.:> I"...!l v.ery ~'r:;.~' rr.ruJIWlO .. r : .t [JalI """''6 ,' "", "

black fare. 0U'lId Wack fUt. Gorilla.~ live OIl the g:rmmd it! African forests. ::kg it.

!P'W.k-ss j~,g:xmifiS= '<~mltV. ~f you sa:y that OO~ is ~,you ·mink thai t!hcy Me :!Itupid beca!JJlSI!' they do oot UIiltlers1::rnd thingl;. very quickly = an, informal 'M'Jt1d ~ in Bcilish~. [*. m:; ~~tll , ... B'!I. rolle is $(fIr and vulnerable" .though not ~4r .. Mv§J~.mll;fi. @.ilFfJFf ••

~ l~,p! is a dark green iJlIl5ilt 'mal has smaU yellow flowers and sharp prickles. It gro'\<W wild in me ~~ .0{' on waste larld. m:!H -;f!p7f'i .... '~,;fi*l t1J •• @'.;f;:). [EG ••• ,rhe ferns, tne gw,seand lJut bracken ... '''!f.~ • .. ,JUHll.liItiI.··· ... gorse b~. ···JfRM*.%.

.... y !"EPln/'gonJ. ~, goriest. YaLI u.x .PY to describe sltPtifimlij or faCb tllat. ~nvdve fiCOPk 5Y.rferiliIg., bei,n;g injured. or dywg ]11 a OOrribie' "Koly. *M:m:IMl·! <t A~ tfillHlt a-9 ·;l1.!lJ •• A[1l}f JllIi!lI~ ro,. , . rhe gory dtuails ,(If the poliee ondality" .. . .. '.:1; • fi- '*' i> A¥l1t". P9:~

p n~ confronted wlth.gory ,oper~ions such as

limb ,j'l!mpu ~iH ion. .. ··"·:im m:. _,Mi:;t ~ .6L m 1# :p At 1l!J. tp ± 111 ••• The film romairu 00 8O'Y wolem;;e'. It •• }t ~ l'!t;Jf I'll i#.. j$ 91:1. jJ.~.

g.lJ!jib 19oJ.goI (. Yoo say "Gada; to iow'lJ;i\l(:' hQ ..... ~urp:riscd }'QU are n.r how l>i.rO:ilgly )100 feda,oolJ.'1 something, an iroforlmJ. s..iighrtiy okl".w,hloned v.ron:I. [If, j!8] * .'. ~ JJ;!f • EG' Thin:e:en fXJWUl3'!~ ,Gam tlw,~j9 a /()t j'"." 0413 ~iI! 7i::

.,.3t·ii!~_;:f;1-"tlPIiJ'"'··· "G:dt. ["m hrm.!P'Y. Are ~?' "I!tllf .:ft. T. '$,~y"

~ .• nng 1"9JZb:u~ 'gnt.IIl.J/. g!Il!iIlo,gs. A ~ a baby g~. IJ~l~ht}J •• EG .;<Q.,new/yh(dchtdgmi'ng .. ".HIT" ru * ir.JtJ-'II.

go-s.lo.w, :p-s11i.1:ws. A .-slow is a p:rotes~ by workers in

which they deljbrua~Jy'WOS'k :sloWly nil Oi'ider to CiIIuse pHlblem; for their emplo)lers . .II.

:gtl!li. pel: / !91Epl ~ 'guspll .~. l' A ~ ,lis 'OJl( of tilt; fow- b!x:lb of the m.ibJ~ whi,cliJ d~be the· Uf~ andlCamillgS of J esus ClHU!I:. iii 'II- ~ ( 1i! j£ iii. ~ .. $I It ii, M :I'~. Bi~ a'lJ~ ~ @ ~ - ) .. m .,. the Grupel aa:ordJng to St Mitfle. • •• l:lt ar tliT! •

,:2 A ~ is alwa pardcuW- way of dl.ink.i!lS or ,8. set of i.de.as 'that <I, petSW"ilOI" group believes in very strongly and that dJey urge o:t!I"tt:n to' aa:ept It Jit. ~m ,It. !;G, ". xpreadi1:g the Pd'dfm grupel' . .. ··-ft. ftl" I Ji. f.J 'Milk ••• They COJUinue to preach their gQlSpd 0/ stlf-reUmlVf. fIU1 •• fI.ij! B1ttliJfoHI.

3 If yCYI,!! take something Ii!! :~ or ppd ,tntlh. YOIl Ix:licve that h ~ wmptel.cly true. IE ••. ~ fF:!@ }if'. II ;, ~ n. ~ffl::F •• EG You can· tak'e it III gospd 'nd'" that he is busy. tm~ltt .ii-IM,f$~'~ iliI' 1U.:tat'Ji.

" Go!iJJd rrIl!Eic li!i a style of f'tl:igioos music tha~ ll...~ swong :rhythms and 'peopk' singing in WflDlY. II:. n ~y popular among Mad ChristiilllS in the ~dlem United Stale;;. (jt;Jl;tE!J! ii'lIJI :til, ,II A ... ~ r.:P' fil fi ~i ~ HI ~ (fif :m ') .. 00 . " gospel songs, ••.• _ .. db •

p.ga.mer !'~. ;,~, 1 ~ R. the very light. fine t!lu'eild that spiders It'le Ito ~. tobwtlbs, J( is ol1t-n fOund [looting iin 'the air c:r lying 00 plaJi"U!:;, .:t!.oo: ~. co. ... mining endsqf flyilIlJ ~mu ... ' .• ,,®I.:a

m~~H~. .

IIV(I QI)Al_1T n~

~ I!iol:'ii:m

AnI'OUAllT = b.rillism

<> .-.ov+ ADJ - brul~~~)'

...ru QIJJ.A!LIIT, M.$O voe

AI[)JI QUALIT = 'lfttle!l!l

~ .,.,~

l'/,IIJ'N'COUII,'T .~b

I\tl;lQUALlT "b~:l'

EXCLA/l.f. = ,goodlRSS


N COU!\Ii!'''' SiI,.fI'l' = idOC1ri:nc

I'HR, lID U'lf:U£CII:s


2 ~ IS ,tNttI to '"~tN so ,doth dlaf if.,; very thhn fmd· , clelrca~ .• tp. 1m •• ,a ~mu ,haw:Jkerchie/. .. · ... tt "lIB," ... ~i!"n:f'r .curuzim '. • •• lii5 m-m •

p.sjp J\:PIPI, \~p ~.. ~piDg. ~, 11

GosMp is ,infQi'maJ OlIJver:o.ati~or inf.or,(Wtion 8lbout other poop!e Of'tneir aoti.Qm" often ipduding unkiindl _' ."... IDg~nts aboutr~p.riV3Jt:e aff~_ [fl'fJ.~ ~dllJ ,It. ,E:G~.:8 nlel!, ~lIY. tet~". ,ftii.,.'1 O,J]neM a.,w gass....)P. __ "'-~1f.. T!fi ~I ~ :il1~ :ilwt. iB..,. ii i'lJ~. ~jt ~~ ...

. -....,...A-_, .. , ........ _J~I and IY>wrip ... hatli:t thaT ooJ~

" •• S""'~.d",(> __ ~ - b""'~."'· . .. ..

l~s. .. .., ttalt;fili.@IEI!" ~H! ~,:tlil;1$:it it ... (;0$., .sip'-kad U that sl~ lWUJiJ mQ"Y' Granby. fi,vNi\:M'N'w !'t.~Jt.

2: A ~ is 2. 1 a ,pMIOIl w1l~~W ta!lking inir~~y to peopJ!':" es:peda1iyabou~ the pnwte amm-s, of otOOtpwpk. ~ sOOMl1g d~vaJ" [iE]::IftMI; S,K1fI1!1AI,§ln A j:ij~ ~ AI W I • .:;r, W i'f *. m (Jw:s.ipti: hare in$t$'ted ilhat he's, nwrerMn jus~ ll'Iu:Jther ;/mnd. - .• :~ ,&:£1:& IiI'li Am~~ilJ!J,p~::F1:5!.ldg--1'-MRi'ijB"" 1$"11:'1 ~ a bit oj a 8f»Sip himself? _A!3~B:mS*#.ratlJl,lAAHii~llI!&? 2.:2 an ill1foonal ,~~tion. ~ly Olilxu 0the.r' people or Jo.caI evellts. ,m _. 100 ~l he ,really-enjoys is a gtxXl gpssip ... ftl,Aj[.;«,~,«t:JiHf1.--:lI··· . - . friendly goMips over OUT ggfflengatt-f .,. ···lil.'l' :)lI!,(fJ:n: rfft;l\: n ~ ~ :rfMr. 0

3 If you PiP, .!fOU talkinf.tnJ:WI.y wittl~ ~. especi3illly ll~t otmr peq:deoo local events, ff:IIUhlll:X. 1e3

Well. let W'.n(}J IJOSSip .abo-tit lfle [X1S1 .. - if Y .am.:ulIf m -II;Ii:E &!I. 7 .,. J rnuJlo'l't .S/iClygruri:ping MIh wu any J~j', ,. ~,";f>ft"M'H;i!)Lj"l14>ftn!ll T··· Some ~,iping old MJmQIl Md· seen thml n:et. ~+.~.I!~ptJ';t-j;:_ 'I'. ~iEfj'.,m~* ••

. • ....-11'- owMc-....i ... -''''''''''' .A _~ , .... I.~ -. ...,.<rI' .. f

~p ~_I!11'...a..., ~ ..,.. ....... _ ,110, .,........._p ",,-,!!.~g III a 1~" (Ii

a ne~oo ~ where the act:Dvit!i.es MId prjvilite alJairs of ram:ms people .om: di5.c~. oftEn in a cr~tital w.ily, {~!lUf~rg~H.I~~:l2:~:mi;liiM~. ffi.~~ffll pea" pte. m(liJe s~deJending his pnfornwl"tU. The fPSS~p

ooJunms 'M!re lull of i,L .. tiJt1'- A$;:W;i#j:iji~~a<J&t W ~lF. it 'iJl: t~J~.1U' l' il~ \lH&··· A week .Iater. thisaJF ptrured ~R his f10JSip oolrunt~- -m»l.;!,j§ .i!t!THf~ft!l8'!J tEi!1.1i_~ + T.

p. sip· Y I 'gBJlIl~gos<Ipl/, 1 A g.m1.-w penon enjoys ~ lUg~ USEd ~.howb.1,g d.isapprovall. [~]. ~ *iI~.a<J; .Wti SlIi! ~. EG • ,.fJ 1(1(0/ ~pyoLd~n. "'~!~i~~

*:aA. .. -

:2 Speern or wrir~ dut E .~ .. is fl!.lll of l'ICV;'1;.;md in~ formatmnil a:brJlJt your. Q'W'il all:w or !iiOOut other p:::ople, and 'Wf'ju~~ or spoken iID ,<:I vN)' mfurmal :srylt:, jic'.tJ'3lIUl'l ~ (~r.f;rlUJi' liliiP E'i'lJ, m .:(; In. ro Mlnin'5 lone bemme more gosl'lpy. cru,gl. .. ~ TiIj'~M~~!f1JJSH@ "fi:.t£ ~ !UJ - :6:... Tlmir observatif1l1S wrl'f' slightly ma"lici(jU$ and gms;py _ ., Jl n!VJ ,8 ~m $'- R. ,-I: :1:. 1Ifi ..EI..~.:1f:;;r;; & jJ\ ilUj,@+·< ••. kb rather ~py l!ook, · .. ftSJlVl*.G·1tfJi';Il t!.~~-M.,

~ I~.! gut! - 11 OM is lhe paitt ii£!1B!'t .M.Id p;:l5l particip!.e of gri, ~. ~a~Jtft:M:~7.ttij.

:2 ~ ~ Oneil ·~.in ~poken E~~ af~F ilic verb '!Iiia.ve~ 111 tbe~jon !Jaw got. when "!:lave' alfflK' ~Id Ir O".)("reCl but ~ Ibrm<d. lh! word ~. ]tse~f adds. oothi:l1g w th! meaning or • mvc', 'Ibt IIorm haw got ~ooks as if h is, ·the auxliary • ha:ve' follbwcd by tEre pil&t pru1i.dple of the verb 'get t. ibm: 11 is n.1.'l£cl wltl] fk5.aimf' rneaOOl~ as tb!e ,ttlarn verb '.mve j, in tbe ~ of owning 1JIf~,iil(g Ithings: J[ .harve. ::II: O"ilt~' ,got ., m:W-i$lJ·~ ha.'\I'C Zm~.mt -w:~ have go'h ~:itift1lt~rf J¥i.fflh;l,vc ~f.f IE. ·.If!1!ltfll!.iE ~. got *!;tJH2;ft~ have :lfthDUJilJS;)(.+ M\IoI; gpt. ~-m ~. _t ~ICH'-JiIl'eh~~ve 2:.15 hil ~~1 ge~ I~JJJ[ Z;:'lt.~. f.!ill1::'~JijJ::."~±~~·~ have 1t\1:t5l..IJ ~. !!JI~7i"!113 :«' .. ~. .. ,A1 ;'If "2. :I. EG We hln'it.n ~t 801 tl cor. .. iii fi m- fl lit:$ •• , I've gel .l~ .of friends. .. !J;;ij. ilt-i~ ~ ;J NJ 11'·· /fa ~ _rou go~ any brochure$ on Holland, plfWe '!. .. ilIiIiH~\ >1f ~fi ~ T ,jIIj ~ I~JI Jj~ IFf?" '" r~ got no regre.fS about wmu f dfa' . .. ~ ~ 8 a 8T it tr,(IIJ • ;f:fI.? ". I've gal oorhJng to hick .. , !(, 5I::fl ft z. ¥HI.l, 8: ~J ···That d,'oor's got Q lodr.cm it .. ,Q,ljHl bMew .. · !Q~'~ f'.t al~ of ilKJfk to .dQ, .. iF1H~ j;: I~~.·'" Rehssr,f, I got tl1J1t

t,p do .Omr ,'>Ort of lhing. .. fEl :R .'If Ii"t. fiij :iI:: :IIJl.f+ .11' ... The}I'H! gat. pMnlyoJ ~y ... fI!!! ff'J.fii 1l! ~ti. ... She's~,t a' IJl;'fy.~ job, . iIIl. -'aHR ~ a1 I tiE •

J CII'IM is aOO usa:lill We cx~"~.io.nb!m:',goj W', which .1$ atlI ]nfooOOll way of saying • have t)i)f oc ~ m~t'. h is used nWruy ~o U:idica.lle th.uit i5 ne~ that jJ()llli:~ sOOuM!

~ d\)~~ .9l. ""Ve'. PUISt. [m ].!t'·!JJl:1 :<F1f;;f., m We'reall' wn to ~t up emly tomorrow., ,a1111lJi ;5I;;fi';:ft-!f:e .,. If yow »'atlt chU:dren ,W'U 've' got .to accept t1w.~poIi$fbili~


N UNCOUJ'olI'f ,Oft !!if 1!NO, lor T N =~


M·couwr '" d!uil

V, USU+A = na!iIa"

.1'iIIIi Qtl.ur;r ~ ulbti..e

m OlJIAI...n = ~·f


'ill 4'-,1NJ'"


tv, - -ff'jIl NHI! ¥ aT'· tt.1{·5.N j J3l it If··· Yo,u. 'w:" goJro ,admit tmu he did it ~I".v well, . _ ~1t :iJ.-M.I$*,.itjl fli1-··· ~r~'s gqt to' be fOme motiW', .. -~;Efl¥H;tI :tIL ... Jenny"s .80t to beh:ere! ... $1t£-~lI.iltJU ... If DoNy ha.~ go,r to tit>!!. I m:rnl 10 Ix with her. tB m: !fl. ;ft ~~Je .ftit ~i~Uf~- ii.

'GoIb"['C ! 1~k.1 "',ga6l.k) .. 1 A bui.lrling such as a catOO:lraJ that is ~!Mc has. a ~tyk of atdtfloct:ure tb:t ll; dilstin· ,g;ui.~ hy tall pillns, , high va.ubed reililiilgs. owd. pointed an::Dts. (:;I;;;I{ tt ~ @MIJ) If.j\; ~ I, ~ m.1t fl '. 00, '., Citl,w;d Gothic door~~ ...' .~.~m. lktft ~·lIf •• ~n m. ,. Usild as <Ill tmoorowll1Q! .. U}, m1$~1lJIt:tiii!l. ~, " .. ~hiU~(msfti Go,rrnc ~'()' Renni~m;e .••.. JA IHII:a:; ..~.~X ~.~ •••.• ~ ••.

,2: Gotbk is IJlS.Cd to desa-it.e :2, 11 :Um-la ill whkh S'~r~g~, mY:S:!l:T!mlS adventures happen .in dark .and ]ooely places sud r . 1'iS the .ruins of a ,casde. (.l;.!. M fj , -II J£ ~ If! D:t JIlr'N: iE WJ ). ••• ( ,oil' m.1f.tt) 00. 00. _ - se!.leR Gothic 'Ial£s" .... t 1- i8::.~tl •• 2 . .2 a sty1'e ofprintin,g or 'Writing iiii' wMch t!1e le]lors Me very ornate. ,ud wmch is me1 .cial~y in sj~, bed ti~b. I:iH:. (~141."" ~ *f*tflllt.-I* ~htt~. MI'. Elj, 'Ho.r,d MetropoJ,e' 'M"Ilj' inscr,fOOd in Gmhic liet~

ters "oow the dour, t'E·n ~_t7t mIlUI!~~H:;M."*., ~.t1I .. JL1'"¥.

got- ta I'g,m~, 'gotd'! is used in w.ii.inen :!English to. repre!lerilt an in fowm:1ll1 p~diIlIJIlICi;l!~iOl1l of • got: ,~j. It 1:S an informal way orsay~ng "have tot or ·UlIllstt; c:specialw ~ y in AmeliieallEngHsb r l!. M,-e ,000IU15t. I[::t IIJ &> 1.1 J ~ t5 ~(m T ~H!ii'. tf" .:w;m gOI: to, ~ ;jj;·.M~if). Ea f go.rta get dressed, .. ~m~"~.T··· l'l'£'gott(.l gt."l bade. ,ft f@1 ~ ~ T •

goa-1m / 19otn, \gjJ~1 is the past p.art:icip.le or gdin Amt:ri ~ can JE:ngli~h. [j!: Jvt ~;j ~ 1ft ~. .' ~ m U1-gpaen.

~ /~3~ g:a~. goIIIfS,~,~, .~ U' you googe. !lQ.J:i1ething·. you rt"i.B1t a ho.It ~n ~t with a poi:ilJll.al object ,onrn widlOUt beiJli.!l very (3fefulalOOtlrt how you do it ... ,ff. !!.a, You'w ~ a hole in tile ~ll with lhl!: end of that pole! f~ E ~mU\~ tf~~-:!k«IIj;_ lit LI:l T - 1'-MI~!

::i A .. isa big 00k: lilut has b«!1J !:naclti in. Sl'}l'tltthing., Mt !&; i'jg n (.!it.} + leG The notice boorl'hh$d ga~ ~vemJ ffft lons. ~@~ ~~_t 1i 1L* .n~R. ~,tJi1J.. - p.tge!!Qt. If you .1P9 SOfllcth:ir~ (lUI, you RiIf',(lt it out of a OO1c UliEg your n_~. or a shru'p ins~t. <m'¥;Jt:lit .fiJlIfnb't.lJ, ~tl,';h. ~ 1, MW' ,ewrl''f&'~ he,~ Q.W his e~! "i1: A.tl li",ii,t:,- ; ~.te-i;.!t'Jll ~'_ w,~ 7 f

gotri !~j, gQrdf, ~, A ~ ~ 1 ~ type of J~ fruit ~l .is :;;U:nilat- to a marrrow· {ll' a o.rcurnheF! also ~ of the plant thaI :pro:I~ this r~it Ii,. tif!Jl!i'j} •••

:2 a 'COflitainer ~t is ~. [forn t.he hard. dry skin. of 'iliLs f~lIill, {Mj P ).~ ~, " . ill goUM fuil of mille .. , •• ~. tfM.

~, . ..1 '\ ~I .......... A

~.U_IIU / ~1",1 ""' ','._ ........ ,' .....,..iMI&IS. .,...~

~ ~S1'! :p.eNon ·who eojo~ ~~' <md d!,i;~~, ~p;ci3!h1y ill! wgI="m3l!lnI1!i, lI~IJtIIll;Bt'A ,1tIlt~.A. ro 1k Hm' .an, enormous go.ur1"MruJ aM ~,er as ~lIQS a :splendid actor, II!~« ~ t5Z 7 ~ iZ MM iQ.. if -I!; -1":jJ. :'% jflllt , 'I" m!.If1JA.

l!l(JW'·me~ / I~I.I \gW'ID:":/,~, A ·gommetis .a p!rSoiOO:"l who Jrnom aJ Iotabout ~ ttdc:ing .and wint. and who elljQ'}'S eati:ng high quality .tD-.!d, ~. *" ( ~ if ) I!:. EG first. fOr t~ p'nnel, Ike minbow'rau.t .. , tim;t:l:9;.1~"i::i'.a~!tt ••.•... - d gourmet rt8tau:rnnt .•... _j:. #N~;\Hr:H'm •

pd. 1~~gaW. :~. 1 Gout is adirease whim Cl!1lilES !lO.me:onc's joims [0 slNt~~paillfu[Jy. especially in ilieiliftf'fi, '*~o m GioNJ £s a jormo! t)r1,hr~IU. :Ii . .t:d..J! -.JII! 51!:


2A .... of~~ soft ~ ~l!is, a~] ~t ofit~

a f~ 1"I8e, [IE A] -1IIt.~ - Jot .~ - Jt. EG, •• gouts 0/ blood. • ... n.. ItI; •

gooh y I~~ = \~utI!/. ~ who Is :goWy suiffews· (rom gout -iw' MllfiJI"fi 00i •

GoY. is ani mbh-eviati.on .ror!Qo,¥tI:11Clr'. Go¥eifiIlOji M1.II. ro .. - 'Gov. Hugh 1.... C.ar:eya!New Yorlt-. . .. W~,ItI~ ~ # • .n... m •.

gov·em !!!)'I.VIl;~gA~. ~, ~. ~, 1 Sorneoru: ~ .~. or wbt:-J .~ a ~oo a ~ of pe.apk. ru2es the· <:Our:Itry by making ~ rni~;l\g tbe llaws, .~ . .m ecooomy ,~U:ing pub]k &erv· ices" ett. tifta' j~:m ~ roMony cl vU :llttmnts are sutethat they can go~n belt« liuJ'R the politicians .. , j:!f:~x!{Sl. A_5UUi~f]lfttl:;~~tt;J~1Il~J!!~I .. · 0 ~,fit.~; m-J!I!. EG The (l"C'IIita'l WJ'Vfilningof the town. ~ dtme. by

"""·0, US"llJ. A '~.di!

P'HRA'>AIL ~, \1+ O' AnY

HC'.OC!1"ff ~ eifp.!<1


N PARTt N ~r


trw;tltd ,ootmjellO!s" Jt: 1- Wi tI ~ ($i. 1: .m iii Jt ~. iij 8 M .. Irl1]jlf R.:I!~.

2 Something that .~an evmt OF sit!J.lation lw ,eootrol <lind In:llllJeDtt CliVe!" it .. B.~ l: II! •• Ifi. EG. Pol-W'.t)' gov. ,emm OW'·U·ws and behtzl4:Oar· .. ,.lIj:t:U.fi~1Eil. R:JJ ... 11tue !I'~ strict tWtU tpV(!1'mng the kming .(lnd o~:Jld. ~l·ka~· ... WF:f!f).)t1!M.~.IIlIHr.~~

~* a banie 1m thltri&hts of ~'o ~thtdr

.~ ,destinies. •· .. - ..... AIi!; t:1E 8 5i1lit1i.tt:flJIKI4'ft 6

3 Something dDt ~ tbe way ~thing~. hap.

)lI!m;, Of' develop; CCIIltrobl.and d:e~ tk ~ W?-y

thal it 'WOI:'IIcs. bapp:1'lS. Oil' ~ ••• ~;~~. EO 1'lII!

/arK{f thtU8fJverrt tNt behaviour oJlisht aFt: unlW!1'!Jlli .•.

t:~ tl:1! •• AW ••• .Jt ••• Do.8ffleS ~ ,all dwr~ actertsli:cs .of an irulividual1 .eH.il;)l""'i*·~F.lffl*'t!k~:

p"·em·lI!$!i; liQA~~\gA'~. fI'M'Il-, A ..,eme!iS is OJ. woman ~ 1£ employedl by a {ami.! f tQl~ve with tb:m

-~~ ~.;I .• l-..~."_·L.!I'''~._.:I ,.,., -& .. ~ """' .. kiltd .f .<u"!I.l! !l:lI.Ioca.te u.,;;.lt ~I.. .......~ .... ~ "I!'. ""'" ..... ' .. _. ·Ol

un'l»id.,~ and ~pe,.. ·"-"~M.~~jf "f;; ti tIP If i: '1'« •

~ ~y. ~ .• bodies, A ~ body is. a <;mnmil~ that ~ ~ble' for maki.mg amd cnf~ ilic· ruk;s which. oon~ ~ .~blk ~i~~icn 01' group .c? pAl-

fm.ional p!Opl~, .Jlt;ll.4tI. ro lk s dIrectly .r.aJ1QMiMe 1:0

lhe 8Ovmtil'l8 bodie& of the tm:i~sity. ftUI.J:ZIJa*~

M •• JI.m"fQJt.

p·erp·ntent 1'gA:~t, '9!lvam:aoCJ 'gA~¢/. goy~.lA~u·tbe~,of~twhoate l'd;p!"Kl!iihk «<. ~ming a ·OOl\Wtry or s.1ate at a pat"ti~ rime, lcltf ~ ~ lIJi. Ea, 11ze Wi~ C~~t came to PJH€r .in .1964 ••••• $itf'jIllT 1964 ¥1f.*i'!l'" ... thL gowrnml!m of Mako'... • ••• W • Ii. Rf ••• 'fhe~·\!em-

tilfnJ has' h4i1. to ,rn~ ~. on ptlbUc expmdUuu. D1lM eo ~·4rf~ltlj_,~lHf ~ •.

.2' ~b 2. 11 d':le ~fIlIi$.. lIlinistries, oollP:mhtees, etc. that ~t the Sta.'e .a.!iId that au-ry ·out tt)E- decisions of the political .~ of a ID.ifItry'. .iJ+B f1I). EG,

... a cut in go~t sptw/:irtg. - .···aBH- i~ iI'}J.""

He hml ~ p,.h.r,ut! money besides his gowrnm.tJU grant. fl!Ml T ~ wnH'!J~;t*. fA A.~::fi· ~ •• 2.:2 the activities <1Ind ~ invOlved in ~ a .~try or stare. lS J.I (11 .it )~. lI. EO Gcwemmenl has bt:come

~h ~. diJ1kuli ,odsy, ... .H1i!! ~ *JJ!ti=: e 31:11 HUI ~

T ,." Milfl' ()f his ;mnJ.5:tm' had no pr:e.vious experiM« of

gtlWTltI1'tenJ, td!.1;lJ .',. I'-J *-.:St .at M •• if :fj- ... lIl. M ~ ii. 2.;3; a partiailMmethod •. style, or system of ~ a oountry or sta:re _ (tft4* _. 00 ... the pri.i1dpk of gt.'Wernmou by the ma;or,iry .. - • .. ·,fb*$ttAJ£n ... 8~1.w.~1 •.. .., clenux:raticGo~. , .. l£ .:i::ltt' ••

gw.u .... i§'l.~a~ 'gJI.~/.~, t.A ~ ~ 1.1 a F-rsOn wbois~ tdfUIlSihlt: for tlLcpolliliciJ admi:Dli· I.stratioo or ·iI TeYon, ,especially of;lil state. In the United States of AmeriCa., (* M}1f:I if. ':G ., - - f'Of'mef' Gow.'I'nm John Co1iNllly o/1b:as . .. . .. ~ }t ,.. ~ ~ !If. ~ *- i'l.

•.• QiiMl;f(J·" I-frs mother beggm [ot an cJudJeiW.'! Mth

l'~ g.owrn.or ... fi-Jt * ill * ~ Ji!. t.II '& , .. , .. the. Gover~ NOr of New York. . "1lI '*'II*! :fit *. 1.:2 t~ chief polioticaJ administrator of a. wlooy, (II~. 1& acJ ) 11 ... ro: .. " t~ Govtrnor's .PaIQct _ ... A 'IV 8. 1.:3 a .PCI'S'OO who is OIl a oommiuet, whiich cootrohi th:e conduct and gW'tdiu1cB of an .Imtitu!tkm sudl as a ~,. In-pjta]. uuiven.lty-, etc, (~tc. m ~ .jr..il!:-if a'll > •••• Iffi .LWng.~ School Gover~

nor tiDeS .rm:an J':ea'inuoi~t ... fi;: 1'J -.tI ¥ ~ .t:.I.

". ~ .~.« alE!r A· ..... the /Jo(jrd cf Gower •.

not$. r ••• · -: ~. 1'. 41 the· ·p!::'l'son who is jn ch.1li.!'.Qoeof N 00lJNI'

.". Il> 1'I:1Kad

tbi! adrniniMrat:ian of ai, prison, Ant * .. EO. - - • t~t .is

~he view <4 t.v .gtJwrhmo/ .81"lxu:m Priscm. Miduid

Selby. .. •. :it." ~ !1£ Wi .. !1~UIt •• ~.ili: flffi • II m It M'


2 Your ~. is a man woo is :in a position of authority OVI!X you, fIlf' example yGl!.I.r employer or yom. father, <Ill. iaCo.rma1 .~ jp Ilriti.dl Englisb,. us:oo.Uy mOO Ol!1:1y by me~ . [ ;t , Ii J . .t;:Ii ~ *:'t, ••. ro .1 had to accept .el.!tr,a

thing my go~ Mid Ie me. aJltl1t-1UIlJ.'if":Jtill'lMi -f4.'-

~Gmend, ~~. ~Geoerds.

Tht phrralcan be e-ithef ~Caimi.I or ~ Geneioals, ':.Jg1t~ G-werrD"S--~ ~ Q).vMlJi)f~Ge:il-

er:a!I:s • .A ~ is a penon who Is st.l'i!! tv a far-

mer w1ooy.as the Chief representative of the: CUlDJilrywhidu

wed. to control. '!hat <om"),. (iittt1u! ~.J@ at) ,I. ... lEG Ill.· stt,ucticms had been ~(!Qted to the ~ •.

.0ew:mJ .• m e, ft~ti a •.

p; ~ an abbrev~.1Or • gcve.rnmenl'. pver!"lill'rnt WJ


N OO!!.PNT, VB ~ M S1I'II:i (jfI. I'll..

~~ . ~ !Vliq:

N .~~SUl'P


N C01.n'l1', ALSO Uli lrrLJ;:


N"00um-/ ~R


flo iIdpliJJBf"£Q(

N CQlJN""lt V·OC. U5i.i" POIiSl" f.I 1t~Jil!!;

N cot,JNJ'/ ~

- ...

~ l!JWn~gtu:m! ,. gowns. A ~ is 18: knlg dress 'whim

women wear 001 forl1lili O«aSions, .( ~*:9' ~ ) -1i.=::JL .. " 00 YOii're gol1t8 to get /lour aU qwr ihat foncy ~. , . Jt:;tfrell5{4 m,. ~ * ,~. {lfft M;& iIi.m r ••• '." a wed-

diltg gown •.. ~ •• a9!i!l'.1t.JI. .

.2 aloose piece of clotltiQg ptber Li~a loo..g Cloak.; w~ieh ill, woLla.IJy bia(;k in co1'our and is worn on formal oc;msxon .. by peoPle snob <IS judgt;&, hlwycrs.. anduniversi:ty stude-tits a:rKlI.staff'. (ti;tr ,.Wi~lf .:iE3it. ft'!l B!l }"t.., (~@..),* :Hl: .• m 1M Spetlker !omS ~ng bI'ock.~reed:I:Q, SOWl! ~ndM-i8· ., "F l~ i$t -~." •. ,I," -=f . .fII *M " •• 'M! ;'I. ••• . .. a student's ~ .•.. *.:!:t t-J-tE:M.

Op, GPs ,A GP i!la: doci;m woo ,doi:s DOts:priaJ:izt: D.D ;my

panicubr area of medicine, but who has a medliCid prn.c~ tiel! ~11. whi.cll he or she treats aU tYJIOli of mnm:;aiit <libb~vj.uj'on for • ~neca~ pr;act~tiooej' r. ~.# I!'HW , ".lSi.5.tIlJ (~ general prill.ctit~~ it iltP. ·EG ... the 'GP"s $ur~7'l· ···~fq.1i firi~*M¥* ~

Vall /gfli~lbl gr.EIb/, gnWs,. ,,~, ~. 1 If y?u p sorn~ihij]g, 100 :tab·. it Of pkk it upsmidemyand r-ooghly. 1JlUfi!.dIRl •. ~ .~, grabbed .my.arm.,. iI.$ti.it T fiRIJ~.·" I grabbed ,~ hy .rhe WJulders ... 8!,~ft T :tItJ~~M·" .He grabbed lh£ br:tu.ie. ·fI&M·f! 7 .. R Ii T.

2 If you ~ at ~hing .)'0" lil'Iale ao attempt to 'take it. or pick it up. bur you do om ailways sua:eed. iI. ( 1£ ) ~ Qi (JIi;!:) .EG .$he feilon. her kJws~o ~b m:. lhe ;none, . :m II "F i;-·m ti ""

3 If you gtab oof1l(iliing such. <u fto:I. drink., sleep. etc. •

you bal((:: h: or get it qcicldy, ellpecia1lly wher!' you are in a hurry. ti.~ it: ~ •• eG 1 think nl ~b,~ sandwich. , . fiUJJI,!~If.lIIt--1'- ~IJI ~ ••• Hit haptd to grab, a few hours· s.1n" at.' t~ n.irwr.t. it :g-!II! fE tn t; It 'lilt .t n.1' tiI'"l't •

-4 I r you grab somethi~ s:udt as a cltaril:r or opportunity.

or pb at it. )"QU tail! .wvrul!,~e of h e<l:.yrJy, ~«:(fL* ,.). CGI Whyditln·'t ~ t?(lb the' l~ to go M .New Y.:07k?." ·f$:'-!·ft..A ~~~:t!1'- •• *-.m~.'J ... ' - .. andld ~ .gmbbing a~' )Ull~h. ,. '-1'".11. it" WOO'~_6gA •

5 If sQITrethingsuch as. anexpa'Lentt:. Ld\ea. ¢an.. etc. grabs you. ill 1i:.l:ihs you feel excited and int.f:restedi, an inforr:rud~. [ItJ*f····l\liJlfE. a3I No, rheideaJoem't grab me - ~ .it1'-j;:.~~;f:fi,J!tp!H~ •. ,

'6 A a,ndJ, .:!lIt or :1Dt: $. ·objoct isa sudden attemp1! liO hol'd ~t tighdy Or pid it up. .: f :ft.. .00 Ht made a .$a ""lge

grtlb 1m ,(~ knife, fIIW8Ji1: •• IeJJ. .

., A grab at or for ~ sudl as; po·wer" fame·. etc. is an attempt to g;1in it, .It ~ ~ It iIl.q •. m 'fhe.irgrab lor rcml pO'i'.'tr In rhis KJl!R"id ~' ,d~ro !dilurt.. ~ ti'l MM:1'"it W.OO~ttZ 'ltttit.~".

8 If 3OIT.IC1!!h:ingis up for p'b!5. it is .gmr:raUyava'Lablt: to anyone wbo is llltaC5<ted, om jnfocmal expression_ [1ti- J. M ", I' ii!.:rt ~ • ~ .qM!. ~ Hi$ job tj: up Jm· .gniw. fUJ 1-11R 'fY: A.A EJ L~ 1t." .

~. 1~lgresl • ~, ~. gramd- ~ Gr:lce is 1.1 a way of moving whim ~ ~h. rolltrolk-d, and atU'3C~ thlt: kl watch. it .. d't 11. ~ Slut .mowd with ,an ,a· f"aoni~'.nQry spomartei.' 'Y aM ~ . .. .!Ii 00 ill iF t~.' m M ,ft~ >-' ••• Ie-ruty'l 5implidty and sma - ..... j@ BC1. tIE toft .. ~ 11. 2: ~ FQJI~te W ~t 'Way of d!::dllg t~ that r.n.akes ~eadmire you Mld be glad tn worlwith .YOU OJ' be Vtr.ith you. .." gg.M. •• I~ .fk' iJrough~ 10 the negotiations hu .m,m. poatptions,. 1JJs own grtlue. ffDl·~

~e!W:m.$, t1B·t,{J •• ""lf •• Tilnif*. 1.3 the .1I.bility !JO beha~ ill 3Jpoiitc and ~rous way even though 1f01.l. ·aR· !.!l*t '0i:I" ao:noyed <liOOwl ~thlllg_ • #0 ~ iii ,*.00 1 ~ not Ittmdling r~ e.qJerit!1fC( with any

mare grote lMJi the. test.·.- . Q.1.t.ht! .. ··.dd.-: •. ·:.· dt:m.hrJd." .ft~W


2: If you do sor.nething wl1I'I gpod ~ or ".11 ..,00 pace;, you do- i~ c:hee.rfuJJy and ovidx)Ut comp!aimng, Cl .. pt:ciaUy w.lIe!] .it ill some~ tha~ you db Mt liI:..e dmng. rt:P.i_. If YQU dO ~ng wttb bid ~ or ~ :11. bad grace. you are unwilling to do it and romp1ain about

1.(. ,especiaUy bec-alH roo. think you dlGuld DOt have to do it,l'Ji'ld{L 00 .Us,UW 10 whatewr he: $Q)IS! Mth .~ ~. gr:ace. .. ~tfft ilfht •••• _ ~~.~)f... They ~pt unhappiifl;';S$ with ;stoic good grace. M.f] »J".:F ~!!Ift. il ~,.tIi!d;t.

3lf· you lIaw 1m ~ or have the gpod .~ to do SIIlmt:thing. you behave in away which s-OO\iiIS th.ait ~LI are SQIIT}" fQl" doing SIIl:I"tiedtin.g wrong or for ~ttiog someone. iii 11 it. (:ItIt~ ••• ),.:« ( ••• Ia<)). a· • lEG

N 'CO{,IN']' I'tp:nmt

~ WliJlIIiT ,~.~



"ii+ o

= IfI:D

V".f,. (~,") " ~idi.

"""0 =I~""

v+OI,ORV".A ("u

y .. o nmrm

NCOUNt =. bid!

PHR, .. U1H:I.-.s ~A

= r:~cc


NtJNCOilJm n olI!liRlJirItY

• l'l'f" IIXIDI:iIJ¢




PHR, VJI 1NJ'I.l(;I'S, t iO.1N1 "'Ilallttho:~


At leas,i ~ IuJd ~he go.rxI grace 10 dtop hiS' !rnUe and look (Jwtl1 from me. . .,.~~ ••• .12PI:It.ljJS ~ ¥» £ lSi· ~ M;ft !l'1:. .. :flF ••• Her rifJ.ughter didn't e~ M'lIe' the ~ to tryw mrh it .• M~JLK~~.ffl1i~ii:f! ~i: •• -r.

4, The gnlCtS are tbt:ways or behaiving' and doing thlr:gs w!:!icl1 ,a!fC ~i~: JiOOtc \.lfIlO!.1gllt ~t~d;asspeop1te,

." .,.,.{'\!,,~ ~, ... ~...:r .. I .. t'L~ ~. ..' .1 . - ... ' ....,.j'

"""~. oo, .... ~ _,r_ttl ,~_a.{:e _""",,~ Qj mo:re~'-

ished ~. .. ill! j1l1l.-($ J!W.# A fj[ pg ~ 11 .. · 'f'iwy I:mrn the sodal gr~. fl!.fIJ!fr3J »'~~.!l.

'5 Gr:a.oo m n,fUSID the p!Cdoo of lirncwhi,rn. t¢tll.3.ins OF an extra period wh~.ch yoo are aJkJ.wed tJefIDtCoo.rnt:thiog happens or befOH: 'j{Ol!J. are expeeted ro do :sot:llC:1J.Ung slK'h ~. -rhU5b .,. job Ofiplil,y ~ Iltr.!n. • At (11). En We ~ve Q~'Y ,G f~w brs' grace· be/we. the. f!l)ldiet~ Come. •. R;' ± ~ fH~ JjJlz fi , ft; 1'fl P.l' JIt-i- .lJ"- O;f ~ Jij (ij] 't ... The graJCe perIod 'Will t'.M ~001'1, .m. •• ,tf;!,MJf¥!lT.

6 If sometmng ~ a: platt, ~t makes dlott plaee morn ptea"lantora~tmC"l ive ~ a fhrmall use. [If:rt;J1I!-f:t.!@ li!llll t!.~ Mi. m ... pi(ll;IU tho.t gro.cce: 0,1.1, C<mSer'Vataries .. , •• -~.!f:Il; 1'Jr]11ftJ1lI [;lj'EJH,HI" ..... ,the row ,oJ bdls which ~ ,macegrll~ the portiro. ···.'8i; •. ~.tltt)fj~.ifl~.JjlI.

]' If You say that ~ ]mportaolt ~ aneve~h you ll'IfaIl that tWut!y .kfu.d1y .agr:u to be p:rtSeii\t at it 13. liorrm.!l. use. [iE~]~···jfJ:t~ EG1 HeW~. inwted ,logn1cea functional .Ine e~nr ,ooUege ... -ftI!,.~.'j;Jllj(.JfI:..a:lJ ::.... .~ " It 1s:.; Ji .•. ]hoQ. MgUsh d,i:r:«:tors grtlr:ai I he hoard 0/ tkeoom~flY. jJj!4! #H!I*. ~,tt .~* ~ ~.;: •

• ~ilT~. "-

:8 I r you 81i'ie in th~ ~ or a 'person Of arg~tioo. you are J~ and U1.lS:ted by rilc;,,"" (it JiJ ¥ A~~;Ut m~ lil'!I ) Jt J:(!l •• ). lEG, .. a Jamou", tde~lon, rftporlo's fall fram offld~l grt:ICl! , .•• - -& 1Ef!. ill1Hc:l;~ ~ ~ @:1i'. .

9 ~!l OJu"istiaruity ,and SlJmeotiler Iit:~igjoru + ~ .is. dle ,krurdOO'>!; l..h<lil G.rJd ~. to hwnai:! bei:rrugs became He kr~ them, (k if D'lJ ) .. ... 100, TM .suuigl~ ctI'n.i'iIo!)t be undertakM witht:ru! d'i'l!l~ fTflCf., RflJt~M •• ,iK. 41!-M:1'IH!fi. ·io If you sayj'l1lert: but iiOr' tht ~ of God •• 1) • 'you ·ilK ·ta!b.kinga'bom ~ who is lIP .3111 unfoctWla.tt :$iit~twQ. and .admilituug tH~ ~ ~d .haw ~i~ll -t.Jy s;une s.itll.1ation if the ciro,Jl1'I8t!mQ!;S h:td been d~ffeFen~, 'fIIi~;r::.J: ."'$ .~1!2~.M:~".

10 Grace i!O alliso· ... prayer which au-.ist~ say Of s.i~ be,· fore it meaill. or smne>tirrtes alhr it. i~ ~ro t.mm1: God Im- the food .andw asi: f~"jrn w bI~ H. (1i.i'UiJiHI~')" ••• -&. 9Gi The f~l~' ~mtd· .to 00 sayi~ ,gra~. far the ,children bo~ l'bel' ~f , ., :1:. ~ 1W." if ••.• It t;, ~ :'-1 Jt. +. T fI!l f.i .. :iIk ••• .., a l...tltin gmce, ••• /j. T

~ ••• fi. -

11 .~ ils ll~ 10 address or refe.r to a d~e. duo'hess ,o:r . ~shop. :k.A .~A (Jt~ ... ~ I;~A it.:tlt: tU,.). 100 His Grace will rereiW! }IOU liIOW... ~ .• *)... s: .ft fiJi!.Q;;··· May.1 ~I yo'U, }\our Gr:ooe? .,JI;,.Sl~t 1m;.;iCi;;A?

12 tJJ;.!l. coup ,de' gl"Ik'e. :Silring gnK.e. • ;Urs am gnca:: ~ air.

~.fld l'I~lsfi:Jl: ~gll:'SfaV, 1 ~ or sol1ldJllimugthart. ~. ~tdJmo'VO! ~!la. ~mooth omd COf!ltroH.ed way whidll ~ a.ttractiv.c to watch. tt,~f:I. lEG Thelrel!'erY gr(JJJ~f.wl ani~'l$ , ,. 't;'1 ~ ~ ~ + jt. it ~. tri.i ~r @I. , ... graceful M~S . , , .••• .'1. tot JI!: IIlI ".m ,.. Jli' ,.. S)d;ney ~ tall and ~fuJ" .,Ji~ Jt:tJ *" *- .. ~ fF: tt:ilCf, ~. used Qr their movements, M LM::i'i it ;I; ~ ~. ro $he_. tulU" up ~'m st~lrs KoIith her Ught gNJCie;fUl step. "8>' ~Q.tt!l!.iIl!;.J: T II!. <>~, it • .It!:. m Le11.m how 1.0 mo~ groceft~Jly 00 ,fil st •... $'~JllP1t(.€:i'.ttt~*1t~··· Th:t: yach~ $/Jd gpot:e/uUy iluo the ~/U, •• ft3'tl!JtUt


2 Somedli~i@.; mtt Is !JI"lD!flll is aufl"aruve ~mlilSe iJ~ l:"Iasa

very plell!!>i~ sba.~ Oli' myl'e. tt!llPlJ't~A~. Ell , .. lhe gracefulltule ;whJte HVGden building ... ·"".E.~~ S@.iJ"*1i ... , .. gmce/il,/curllWi . " . . ..• ~. S!l1lll8. ..... . ,

grarefu.l ;wrWM8. .,.:tot .. M fl U; •

3 !f <11. pernoo's f:¢M'Io'iO-"W" .!il ~1lIi1. L]; ~ poi:l~, kirKI. and pl~Jt. ~ciaJ]y in. a dil!liwJt or embarrassing sit· lI3!tiOOI..f;t e lBl!h fI "* I~. eG, sm· lurnM' with gracefu.l so· hcitude to Anthm, .. ** •• *WIItiJ-*ft'ft~YJjJ(ftl!l"·

There is no g,aaful wayQ{r:ejusing. 11!Uiftif:Mm.M!1I ~. 0 ~. it":W!.. EG, He ,acaptm ~~fuliy wgrutefully, ., •. 1* j'ij MII:I::Ji1l ~ T •

.,.act.ks,9; i~lJh\gresbs.l, 1 So:lUf'iliiIug that i!!li g.I"B(lelfss is wmt"tr.1cth.!\t and has .00 aUcTot or ~, ;y;; tf;J!! ~ ~,. • ~. 100, 1hed~ ~ gracdm .~n4 ,~nsiW'. , ... it G ~ lit ~.iJ'. ,W .Ii ••.. ,. ., ,Q large. gm.aless. ~ndUf-

ti :1'lJ1.lRA.]., the".r-r ama,,~

N UI'>I'COI..fP'fi"" =f(;~"

'1,'0 limPt'~ " ,!I<km:I

""TO rl'BAk;!!4

.. !\OIi,IIi!r

N l)NOOJ.NiI.", tm.l-fSlWF a~!!I'i'.II

= f.&WIW'·

IN UNOLillNT 1'1 tav,l:01f

. ~


= 1lM!D«!iP!!ni!J

N(;(!i!)NT ! D~'!"N • u.sEO IN TI1'U!..Bl;


1'1 M.l!1!"Ii'ilil

= CIcp"1 *.;~.~

ADJIQlJAlff = E~lil

~QI;.M.UT ¢~I!:_~. wlkn

o !tifJN w-rThI \I'll: ~ ~"mp1


.~ 1Igl:r



trial ci.e y. ." - !ljdlnj 11. II~! Ijk~ 11J •.

.2 If )'QU :soay that SOI'JjlWn£ is~, yw m~ that t~y behave im.politely. ~ciallywhEn SO~ has been tmd ~l) ~hem, ~ .. ~ II: i'rlJ, ti!lf D'!l ~ lEG He 'MiII1S $0 gr:emrless .w eagP .1'0 shock. . . 1ft.!!.",;f: .1'L Ii! ., jJ;Ri It T~IIiF.) .... ·· It 'WW' (j bit grar:eJess oj luI C01tSiderw - ~_ ap€ftre rd htcwrrerii on her ~htJlr ~Jt!;Jjlft~

.lJ:f Mi,t!! et·._~a-*~ •• T •

:gra.cious ! l~lJasl \~ilitJ~/. 1 If ~!.! sa'y thai.t sooneone is ~. You meari tha,t lhey' Bt: very poliu:udpleMa!fiIt .~p!!!clalJ'Y· in til'le way that they.~II'; people woo have a lower :social pcEi~:io.t'l tba;oIDe:nil = a fOrmal me, LiE it) (Jt.~.:tt U ~ ~'m ~-T ~ e. MJ A) fill. Ji] §l.IQI} ~ lifl\ I~ I ;fi" it f.i!fJ. IF.G She multi ,dID be tIIl'tty. 'l"el"y ladylike and gra~

dow tte;1iIMt&m~ •• m _ R.:m fII.iiIf my

b' f' "'-;llt~-" iWitt., •. I.~ ........... "'''.~. '~..i·tJ """'M.1I ·ww .....

1:' , I~~. ,HIfJ l.'.i n ~,~ ,C)'I·iW.\rj~'I"J.\~1 ,~". nl'~ . .., ..... r'"

ago ·~tf:IItr!fl;~·:a;i2J'M-M_5t;;;AI~Hii.~~ ... used ,of

~'s ad~om and behaviour. m 1'J.f.lliii~ A.18'!Jff '"'" ~ EG " , . a gmr;;.~ous smUe, ·'<I:Mtft<).~.O ~;y, :ftHI iii' Iii Jd!J i:li 41.ttk I ::ij"*lJl!JJ 0 00 Slt£. aa;e.pled ~he lrib.wte' gra~ (;il~fly. , , ~ ~ .1; lif a Jt. • ~. T ·n ·II .. ~ H~r I.Qdyship grildC4Sly i~iVi1ud .ft1l!' I,,, conK'!. i", :J&;:A.1tJ& •• 'ftil ~.O :grac~. ~.iI]"*.

2. Gradowi is 1lKd to &il.cribe tile way of llif@ of W'tll~hy ~e, npeCiiaJ1y ill] flOtIX.r times, rrrfaring U) ilS luxwy and leisuee. ttllahm .• GrtI. EG ••• pllfJCfS of reae:al.km and gra'Ct"o.ru living .. ,. . .... * \ftI ~ Wi ~ tli ~ • M ••.. .., the ~aciow IMNld t)f 1M Fwzyits ... am.a:llBttt 8: tit JJ "., .. ~he. last 1'f!~'S oj tl mote gracJ;~ era . --~ ••• ~.ft •• ~.a. .

3 Peopie use ~~~ s:~dJ as 'Gfiod~! ~ ,"Good ~; mel' ~. "Goodness~! I. ~tc.... in. il'lfOfma~ and :digh.dy old·fasbWoe>dl £ng]ish,;lI. 1!.Qelt~ SWJ· pni:;e, In'kroest ,. or annoyanre, [-fff., faJ;t'; .. ; q:'IRif (* ~ W i!f ~.~. ,~ ... ):. lEG' Good groci:ous! 1 1'N!'II't:l" Jcovw t.hat ,. ~ . . . "1IF"4Dl-! .:i1lI: £ !l. *' ~ :l1 :JJ: ;x 11 .~... • Gf.'Jifld graciQUJ rnlf'." he said. • How absoltueiy f~tbrg. I "x •. "f&~. ";J~:ltAIM." 3.2 ~:o~. wham'they we saymg,.b.I!'.'uaUy when tlley m-etx:pttMUtgagrternent Of d~ceJ]1E~ wWth what &O.1nOOI1E .bas jwt Wd, .I~ ~ ~. .~ {*mTit.J.~~~ •• m rsJi.!4~I~:.}. lOG: • YOu ,boW' Jad, oon!t }VU ?"- • Good graciO".lU. yes. " .. "fa; il m~·1t ,.;ilj' ~?" _. ""'.:I!' 911."··· • y~'1l! $hoT"[ oli!'l'1OlUy?~ ~ • ~graciou:s 00 ! ~ ... "'-$ •. ft~? .. - ~·IM,.l' f"" Goodgmd~. I,M sclJoo1 he goes to cWesn't TrU1IW .. ;R •• ft....t.IKJ.J@i-¥f(.;t;;~~tlf, •

.-.II' /·........ll • .......ll j ............. Jt. ---'I • ~ .... ft, [ .... """ EI>]

8"-' ~~fg.. ... cw ·~9!'!'111ii. n~_ IS· a !I;'! __ ._ • .;;!;~.1:If


ara·da.rtion /SfO'd_eilIdDj ge'cle:fao/ ....... 1ioQl:, A grada~ dOll is .8. sm.aI~ or' slow ~. or ~ of"lk: slagesim. tbe ~ of cha:r1ge, ••• 8 !I: it. ·If ~ F (~it !ttl.) ,Ii lR'. ~ ~. EG ••• rhe£l.ibHe col(J.~,padtu.i.mu.,. ".lj!JIj{ltB:IJ.t! ~ .. ~ ... .,' whit,ebread aniiwlwlemtnl bread. .rInd ma,~y gr_IJmi;$ /J.e,r we.en tlu thO. '. • •• B III -8.$:i ~ iii S.~1tr1'i.Z_'jJmw~~'"lI"··· .,. "ada/iON qf pow-er .••• m.;IJ t!lUil:~.

~ I~Ld; Wed!. ~. grad1ng.~, 11 If yotil. gra* somt:tftting. yOOJ j1!Klge -or measure IIDe ~lIa]ilY of it and! gi Vt: ita wmnber, tJ:D:1e. de" tthat. iilt:Dl£ates ~w good or had i.t is" ••• · (~. m.) 1t ~ ~ Jt fi !£. lEa •• , quntimu abo.l.ll tilt! uvy wheat K!U:f graded, , ...••• * */j~. _fi.# ~ £i9 j; it ~ II·" Ali wri tlen· wurk .Ms t,O be matked and graded, " Bf ~ 'iH iii1 ;f1; :I!t • iii rr~ ;If- ~ ,. ..... The rt" pt;Jr'f~ gl'~ '8T~~ 1 i() Cj:, .-& It 7t ;% - ~.:>"<> ~ ." iff !i!. .~.

2 The ~ of a pcmluct is its quaJihy, tsproiaUy WMn tms hll:5 ileellofficiaUy judglXl 01'" IMas"W'"-«l ••• , A (1:. fGi I 'ri~ uHn:g the orJ:ia:ry grade petrcol .. "ift:lit. m • iii. ~.I!J t'\iIIi,,, ... J.(}W gmJe energy... • •. A ~"Mil • '""" .. diffefen.t grades 0/ paper .• '.1'=~l~L&:IOOm~.

3 Y Oill" p:adein 3!il e~troll ot' prete Qr wriu~!:l \l!!'Qr!k i$ t!he rn.;wk. yO!;! gt,t.usWiilJ.y in. the Form or a Jetter oc I1Jl1lmbcl",. rtha:t mdiea~ your reVt:] of .a.ch.i.evef)tCl'iit, (m .:¥ ~ !t.~~ma<JH&~~iff~~. dtlt. ~ ~ pmsed Ike t!.tQm$ wi,rh vuy t1JOd gr:adts. , , JitHtR~IJt1Jii i:l Y

'.t- f1I~lI!t •... I 801 g,:ade .8. " ft. ilJ M fl •• B· ... ,. the A hlvd grlldes~ req~ired It") enter un:i~l'.fily. • •.• i! *' ~!8(.:;):M •• :1' ••• +

.. Y QI.lt gr:ade ill acompan.y arQtpni~JI:iM ~ your It!vd ·of i~ce' ·oryour rnnk. (~,.M. ~)~. ~ •• Ill. EG " • separ.fill.rt dining tOOl:l'ilS Ji(ffdilferem: .~. ,(11 slall, . ~

... ;r;: ~ .!lI'l9I{~.1i j;tJlJJti. 00. ff ~ ... recruits from. all

s'oci(;d gradesal1lr:3! ,ew:ry political parly, ..•.• *~I4f1-tt §-M~~@iti':ij'{:I;IBlJIHIti"i\ ...... a ju~ior ~live

~QUAU'.I' 1'1~

;; ~~wli:!b ¢' gncirm

AD,! QlJAUT "~f~i!)1I;

-0 APVWInlW * ~i!!I!l&IY

<) N t1NOOllil'IT Am QUAU.T, USU~I! "~!;g~~'


= .rood ~-cnr;

~ "'~O'!e!f!i


v.;. 0, US!JI PA..<.'$ = dilmity

N OOlff'll\ tii'll] ~';N

N COVf\lT I VllIJ ~+N,'OR ~!HI'~

! A.,!i.e. D. E 1'l~1

a/,a {ai.rly low grade .... ~ .tki't ,.gj.jiH6HII~fiilAM.

5 A i~ ~'n /ill;} ~ri~ ~ooi is a classor ~ ~IJ;P of ~ COl!'flir, il!!'lV classes in whioo aU the childre_~ are of a si:rrniiar ~. ~(ji'4: til:.&!' WMn you are five yars oM you go intI) the fJrst ~

and you ~ea ve ochoolJartw ~b; tWleI €ill grade, (:¥Xl: f!; ~ Q

[!I ~) ~. 0 [G SIre .~ 'm/ered t~ sixth grade (u .e/.eVL

en .. , ill 11 ;p lit _t T:f.;;~ti,·· ... a boy in the ~

grade. -···=~.~-£M:iS;.

,6 A grade' .iis i:!, dOJl'C1 UiOd~pccidI.y i:11I .Anr .. .lCUli ~, N a)!..Im

[.ft. ~ J:M;IJI[. 00 IOn ilj' steep 8T~ llound mysdf behind

a tna"tic truck.,: IE ~ 1'"111 S 1: • ~:tt « e ~ it -11*

~ $1§ {Ii ,.. We' dimbeii long grades and relied dO'wn~

hili agilln. ,ft tn II!! J: -& Jl. -& * ~ &!J t& •. , !!Ii.IE .~ ;if "F

W -k •.

7 U ~~~ ~i 'fhe, ~. ~. ~~. ¢!:!peda!~y fHR. VI! by n= ... .d!ing a part!.ouw :s~d, .an infocmai eXpre!iL JI'tF'I.EC'nl sIDu. [~J$,.lf'b. ea, You'U make the grade, den't ~-

'Y, I'Jm·e,. ,$~.!l!nbla«L

''-.~ •. ~~\ Agntde'~isal!ev· NCOlINf dCf'(;U]ng~ 'use(! i:rJi~rlran fn.g]ISJJJ. [~]d';.,1!;.:l$

~)~iii~X;~~ilC. -

gtalkd !'~[du:i, 'gr<edldj isosedl to des:ct'ibc somrlhi:ng mart ADJ: CUOSSJIF,

is ge~tJy ~d graduaUy slOpi:l'ig occhw.igliilg. :ft. II at! , • ~

~ ~. !OO _ •• a maJy grad,ed curw, ,. . ..••• til t!j iIIl~

•... ..• a graded .suits ,aJ .tronsfOmttHiom ••... _ :JJiJlIfi


~ ~. gr.We $dtoob. A .grade. sdMIOI isa primary r:.!C01JNfJ

school in tire United State;;, (~III Mt) j~" ~ • ~

gn..di. tnt /Ig:rer~t~ \gwemoot/. ~, 1 A ~ r<lOOUl'li' is aslopc OF the d~ of steepness af a s:lope J used espe-

(;ualll yw'~. rm:asuring the :!:~ ·of:3J. road. Of' railway

JUlf::. (;It m~Jii£tt.tietJ) I'!I', ."'J!l\ff,I. jij. ro The

floor btu.1l mirn"_~ gmdient 01' 1 in 5. .. :1$" t¥JltJ,.

!l'1! :::PH - U:..li •••. The t.umrel. t~ mil~ ,long. is on a

gmdien:t .•. , ~.M;l:J! *' M EliIJ± lI-1"-tt jjj .t ..... ,

,oads wil:h .rp be:t.!d$·{JM '~yi'W gr!'idJtAt;s, •• <.:iji j."f

$ ~ ~ JJ fI!t;f. ~;it II' M~ ••

.2 The gradimt of a gr~ Of' series of rneasaremems is NCC).'l,.lNT+ :SUP!> the rate at wruch 'OOf: SIet ofamounll.S changes in rdatim 11:0= - atmtm-Jf, ~ it *. m .. ~ 11 stable Ulw,fJIN'aturf: gradieru

in the lank. ···.~.~M·.!I~'it •.

grad.~.~ !1~~jwJF\~l~~. Som.etmn,g t.hat .i:lgradu- A!D.! QUA:I;IT id harppeMo:r ~ ~ a IQOg per.i~ of~ime rather ! .~, t.h.ain suddenly .• If Mh ;iI ~ bSi. EG: .1l~ a proctt.H of mddMJ, gmdualdewlopmem . . .it::l: -+~ it' !t ft ag. Ai 'W •.• In.

other ~ thi! progress is much .more gl'Mua·l. H: Jt ~

11'~ l' .1!!. fl •• ill '*. 0 ~, ilif ('lI!!) ~ lEG 0 A!f!N WIl1'H ViE!

'7"11. • cha ---...J = roit ~ Ib:it

.(;~"S5 ..... ~ 15,_uallyin ,mgi~ring ... ;l(Im:1Jmi.

• iii tE illI:1f: {t .... Women iJre .takingo~, ~,WJ.Uy •

.a * 1[.illi ~ • .3; ~.ftm.

gr:adI-U-:l"'., ~. eradtlll~, gnduatM. ~

~ilffl.~ I'wredjmh\.~V ~i,;1.J·~.$·/r~j~le.M, 'gra:d3U/ei!/. 11 A g:radoate is 1 .. 1: a :stJooeDt whO ]m !!ue~ NcmJN"r1

W"'P'REP ~ ~flll]y completoo .a flJ'St d~gree <t·t a. Wli~trotcotlsg¢ q

oum oo.s reaiivM .~. ot.l1:ifi.rnte t!:w.iI: sOO~ tfm, .± .....

jf.:3 : :k:~ ~.ft.~. lEG" •• a psycJwlogy gra6Uflte of SUl."·

ford University .. " ····Mm~I*. pg ~Q'& 1I~.±·i!J:W: !If • Wi··· .,' ,a pt.riod of high .gt;ad,~'e unem:Pfu'y~ mt"IIL " ••• *~.:!It~~ ~*. M-.~ •.... ,., e~ incr:ea.U7lg n.um~ of grildwJJes ,' •. A. It oM *'. :it a!!I-}::.

~$ :ik >t:. 1 ,2 i!\l ilm United S~. a st1ld~!lt who has N COUINJ"'rupp' su~fuillly OJmPkted mgElli ~cboo] .and ~. rto:iwd arer-

duca.tt! '01" dip.hmJa, (*: PI ~ " .p $ • .!l. ~. EG, •• 11 w'gh

school grmiuo..te,.,. + ~ $; ik:IE.

:2 Gl"aduak: also ~tftJ~ f;;UIm' all :pq>lgradua1JC. !gi past· N~ II<i gndw~e ffiil ~ IlG .••• graduate stwdei!:UN irt the philo.wphy = IIO!tV.lJiIWlIio depanm.en;l .. " ... fj * ¥ OOilif !1t ~... ... th£ gradua.te

p!'(}3pt;cl~. ···Bf:1[~~ifIj'fr. .

3 When a ~.mm~, they have S:1J~'U]~y com~ \',lJS!)+,t

pl.ettd 3i dtgrtt ~ <Ita llmivemty ·OJ oollegem<il reo (I' ~.

ceivt a ttrtJ.fi~tc Ilhat Jihrrws tllliis.lBlJa!Ilyat a special ceremony. tii~~~ •• ::t:~1lfi*-. EG She.h.ad '~tiy gradu-

~Jt:d from law schooi .•. iIt.fi.»'fl~R • .'It··· .He wiU grooimte ~.Il wmim:i engineer ... ft.M lIR.iI{t~Ift"

ill. &,.. TIM ~J:I1i!8' .m41t htui gmdwat~ a .wuple oj

~r$' f.R'vi~I.v .• 1'".QAJL~ ~.I1JItIE'. ~:;fc'$.1jk -r 0

·4 In ;ilie Unit.ed States. when somM'JICl' gnd~ or when V·MO, U$U* A a. person gnd~ Wem, they M 11£ sltCl:E3Sfuny cpm-

p.l!!it-ed .b]gh is'CNcdI and mooivf' ~ certHlcatc: or d~plOllli'll.

that slIDws thiis, usual1y ;III: <l!ip!!cia.l oeremony. (d ~ Ii )

+~. ~. EG Gre~'Chen grad'uateJ fl'Qm high sdwol, M

•• '~ •• )!t7. .. .

5 .~fyou graduate f:rtJH-! me: Wing'to ~r,.you go from v, trsU·j· !tUot fl. less im:?lrt_t job or :pos.i,1;ioo to, amoc-eimp:HU!nu one, J~)



m!p' ~ B1t. ffi Start ana jocgJ paper. t:md ther; t?gd,w~ (t ti!t<

ateto Q pro'llJnci~1 paw, .. }}..It!! 1; fi ~:Ff ;iii , ,M fS 11' ~JI = ~

"'~. ~ •.. lAter' they ~}d paduale tv miNy Impor-

tant work. t.(1§".-rD8'§3l:J_f!JUE •• 'OOIfil'::o

~.u·:at·ed /fg'a;:dJjullt!mclr \W~tcttd/ J8 used 'to de-

~uhe 1 ~me-thillg that i!rl.ttl;!~ byre_gu]ar amounts or M.IJ CI.A%iI', grades. f1i.JI'M .• EG, ..• grooUined pentiom, .. . •••• if UID Af"fRm 1m ~ ill \~ ~..., , . (l 'CW'l1JUipof ;graduated viio/,e~. . .. it~fHi!W.tr·~ljJJ.

a~tbing that Is rmt~~ with ~i:~ and numbers. wtci:ch ;.ID.I ~FJ show pankuJaJf ~mrnts, .ijt 1f ~ i!r W.l 0 00 'T. a US!) >U7iWli graduated ftask. . .. ~ 1i ~ s: ~.!!Ii. ~

graduate~. gradllllle KhooIs. A graduate sdIooI is. a .~ ~f d~~!'tH:n. in a NOO'1ih A!<iIl':ri·~[1 mi.v!'::.rsityot rolfegt: 00lJfIiT wru:l!"epostgrad~te s~ude!lt:s are uught, iff':1l ~ Iil;. 00 I

~P.l.tended to study philosophy i!'! gr~W!lle school . .. .ft JHJ;!!!E:i1f-'t!tR.w~ti~··, ... tkt:. GrodUQt,e Sdwal of

Busi~~ at McGill Urn I}t1rsity, •••• 1f J;; *- ~ IBIJitII!!J. :rft


gmduate student, gndUlllestlllieots. In. t.iW: UI1I!ited Stat~. a ~1.Iate ~I: i!; a st~~ with ai. first degree from <ll umV(;rsiJty who is stlld.ying: 01" ooi.ug reeeareh .n a more advana=d :Ievtt [~]if~~.

grad ·1II.oa·WDD. ! 1!J'.n!jry!leJ§m, ~jlI~~oo./., ~ .

1 Grradma.tioo is 1" ] the~~f~d compi~iM ora'~ N~'

of snJdy at .a ~J!ivers.ii!:y.!ll\IJege. etc .• {or :wrn£h yol!Ile- ~. f~!1!J,t

~ve adepee Qf.d~~. (*~)~jklll~~.«t{~liE

=:IS ). ao 1 m hopeng to get a .~ job aj1erwat/UQllon.

!II; ~ m ~ .:n:.J~Hm: tt H - &:ij: .I ff1. 1.:2;i speil;ia] ceremo- J4 SiNOI ~ l'iIy a>!: univeli5it·y • .college. etc, • lU whkh degrttS and! t<l,.~~ .. N diplomas areg~'!tm eo st.udents who ha.v,esuoo~fun y

comple ted their swdies. • ~ A 1~. ,EG He .~. jU.1.f at-

tei'ltkdhis dal'.(gkre:r's graduation. {t1l.:IJtl· T jt; JL i±I'lll.~


,2 A!!P'8d:'natioo! is ~ [imM: or ~l.IIIlber 00 .<1 ,oo~~wo;r I'I,~

nreasuring .it\S~nr ~ !ttaIba. particular mea;.s~r

rl1e.!lt. lUI •.

~. n· ~ ig;;ej rl!.;t!;: ~ ,gra:;~f]cil, Gtafllti is wlb die singular N ~·.OR

and. the plm~, form. .. it: It '!ill ffl·. GrilfRU is words Of .~:~

pictures that afl;' wr~lml}or d.ra\iWil. oowalb. sigl'lS .. , post·

ers. etc. In public places, It ill usuaUy r~, frumy. or

ronlIairu a p1jh~(al~. (ilE._t~tf:i1i'V.'h1t~!

» II. E.G • _. ~ vulgar graffiti about him in the

100 .. , ···MJiBi~-~*:ij'.fl!~rtUlft··· .'. mi.lfs: 001,1'-

ered wi ~h Sfaffi# •. , ••. i*' til' 'ill ~ * III "J JI M ... . ..

fJfdffiti a,tjsts. • •. ti;" 't ** 0

p:tl: /~fl~~:ft!, .pf"U!, grdtma:. gnfttdi. 1 A JI1I!R NWl.INiT,U!iU

i_<;a piece of kalthy sk.ia QT bone. ora healtby ocgal'iL, ft"'~nJ whidJi if:!; ana.ched t.o a ~ pan (j.f your body by :it

medirn..l ~Iarma i:m order 00 uplace it, ••• ~ •.• Ji a

.00 l.i;z'Wt}1'.M hm1 ~ to C&imgo j'fN skin grafts an hu

thighs, tl!JIH~ B *:£.:iJlI·IHI* ••. !t~;;tt T •• used.as .. v, ~F~' Pm!]> OJ: v.e.rb.JI ft' :II iffl 0 Hi " . the ~. wim grafted so 1W l}I~i t<.1! (iOifo IJ&lrt. ··· •• FJfIl,,[;. • ...t~ ... 'i'.

2 U you pan a part ·of·one p.bwit Qf t;r.~ on to .a:oolher w D., '.f' "!lImP pliant 1M t~. youj~~ Ilhe~ l~~r $Ottmli they win be- ntEH (Wt> rorn:o.~ [pIaat ar~ftt, aJ'rcn m ·order to ~ a Dew

varie'l.y ~ •••••• ( T •.• ). EG y~ alngrajt /)tI!4f.S 0IiI to

WhiM thorn at mo.y treu. .. -{4; ~f Ci;fll! jij:W1i.tE IS ••

~ ~ aM _t •.••. ~ fJr:e eu.Wly grajttd .••• M va

t.iAI. .

3 If'YOU graft QIlCidca or $}'$te:m 'I;jg to ~ .)'(Ill Wy V + 0, 1Ft f1tEp wjorn. i:lne to the ~j. o~~[J USl!l!d!1oo~ -dJs.a:~. 'fHEi'!I{.Vi! &1.1(>/ [If].*'··· iJ. {=f .... ) :,·ft •••• it (T ..• ) ~ EG " •• ~e.n1;:J!'IM ~ fwh~l $tt,ItC!U~ graftedM tilJ< .ancient €.wtwal di'lli·

siems, ., ···.a~iS"xltro* £A!J.+t.1i.~:Ml!··· ... an.

intl'iQd,uc,tion gnl/,tld upon ideM ~a ~y .rijjfUtNlt

s.oUI'iOe. '''1m T .* .• ~ ~.~ fl!l, ~ .. m~ -.* iii ..

4 'Giratt meanr; hard: work" an :in~1 use· ~n Brit~h N UlKUlINT, .Engllis:b, C±I; • m]fi. '" I W .,. f&. ro ... the Jwd gralt '';'~ M(lD+ N qlt~ ~kjR8~T_.'··IArJ;~~.fii··· In his wn~

1.tit~y .r\ae .~ noted tOT &is .htmJ .graft . #fik MH:I!i ~ m"

tI!~I..w~ .• jiji'iilti. ~ Il!lle:d.·as a vorb,m~~]ij~ ro ... .. '!I

a!~er a {uUday a/grafting .. ···lE!'1r 1 •• - ~ zli.

5 C.nlit is :also ~ actor obtaining ~ dlidJO!l($'lIy by N' ~

lISUog your positm of POOli\i'Cl". tspeci.aIIIypdiJti.alI powel" ~ ~~t'lioo.

used. io .Arn:ritan ~h. [~J·it ~ ~ :§; 111. EG ••• gtYlft

and CQrtypdol'il. •• ·1tifii." 1:..

gnhl/grem~gru1!. ~.1 A graiDof wheat •. ritt. oc N "AR~* til O1~er oer~ ~ is ,a. :!!oted fmm. ~t. :§ ft. lEG ' , ~ no bi~lJNO:)UN[

lb'1. 8f~Jmof .rtoe .. II ... ~ It -'* ti: "* ... ...a .1Ium

pecking aJ'OUM for gralw "'corn. . .. - ,P- j!~ ~ tt:* ~ Ii 1B:!JI*_.

:2 Gra:iin ~ a ot:.rmi. crop. especialJy wlle3it oroorll. that has beenhsrvestedand ~ ~SOOI for food or ~f! i!:r~dll;;, ~ IJ • EG We had nw'~y and surplus grrain. ,. .ft f] fl -6,.fD $ ~M'~ Il".+ .. , (l rece1U US d«mcm to Ii/i the groin emtJ(H'gtJ .. , ••• 11. 61. iff .ff. & 9<Ji Mil*: fi " $' e 100 ~ . .ij! ..•

WOrld grain prices .may sUlrt rising ,~in . •• tit iff:tt" 1t" iiij • ~ i4 lX _t _"', ". nce '. oorle:y and mJu,. groitU. ." j;;: * ,XR fI!I.Jt1tIHf" •

;3 A pn of :s.omrtb~ such .as sand Of salt isa dny hard piece of jt. fimft;~.a. m Fm:h grain 0/ mndis drfferem, , .• -# tt T •. Ii;:r.: - if ~ ... . .. #ny groins of gold""':II!J\ OO:Q'U.

~ A pill is atIso .~ small~t lu.mt of ~ight in. ~era] systerns of ~ursmsnt * ~ ,~cially in mooicioe . itt 4- ( .. aW!J !l:1iJ''1/fi m.. ;t..m T .EU§' ~ ) ~ 00 Each tabl~t oont'aLns on.e and a quaner'gniim .tuJtif.-X gg1tz-f&~~

5 A. po of aqi.iaillity isa very small amount of it. - ii..f ~ •• !Hi Ht; d'ill .j\Jt)t !';!Min ,to have a grain of hur:I1:Q~" . .• f@ l\ ~ - i!. .lI:ift:~ li' ... Might there be I!l .tiny 8Min o[logic in my lheary?,." dl,Jlf:fF.:JliI],~.ffr,~il':I:fi"-

J;1;A(:m.ftl!!%? a groin o/fruth:. '··-A\.1I.

61"h£ :~ of a pk« of w.ood is 6,1 tk ll<U'I.wai pa;t~r:ll of Jines on i~ surface. {* M • jIj' Rll' ) ~ Itt tt tt ~ Eli He took the pi.pe ,~nd ~ned the grain on the bowi ... fi .•• ~'Pr . ff!1li if.' -* .t ~ ~. lit :it ~... T/u. panelling' htJ!> (I: finis:h In 'I.i'i:l!,i:ow· graim" •••• I{ fi fi..., ;e fJl:1! tt ii:IJ • i'Ii'. ".2 the dkecti.on of due fibres .in h. It is easier to rut the wood. j['iJ tbe same direction as the gram. ('* :M l®) ttll.

." If yotJ5aY tmt an id'ea oeaetion ~. apinst tile grain, yuu nr.w:1 tllH4i~ is; vt:ty dlffiOl.l]t FOil' you to aiJOept it OJ" do i'~, because it oonfljictsw1~b yoM prevj01J.lS; idea.,. beO]id~. OJ pri:odph. ,rPJ···MI!t::f:A J:illi '*tl (~t •. !J:JtlJ.).

. SG Ho'Wtli'el' .m!tdi it WI'fSagairul the grain. K:oe(Jr~ (}oltlJJtrlld !O oonc.tde that .tlw'!'r methods may s,ucaea . ~ •• m •• ~ ••. ~mn~~~~R.V~~~.~ It:JIl!l;,~ •

graimdI !~ndl~d/ is '~aner aclject:i1;>\es. and adverbs to describe ~ub;:~ceg; t~t ~~ or part:ides ·of a putleular size jnenrieaed. .It !II! tt #: i!'li9. Bel •• ; Q COQ.tS£ grairwl clay .. ,,' •• ti • :It III iii ±. .•• .,. a rrwu /i.net)! gro~ned :.W..!bstance l1tQnl~m .••• ~:M:!lf.:G1I MftM.

gra:!g"Y 1'~.I[ji! ,. ~grenrj. 1 A piDypbotogr.amili looks <'Ii.~ ]f It i£ rnade u.p Qf Ms· of s~of wlot;y:. wmoo ~t;: dl¢ ~.i~ or sh.~ in Iii" dliffiOOl to see. (m.)IUfRl]. lEG, , • the vainy bJQck~(Jnd~whir.e a/old movies .. , •... m ... III GI9~OO III ~:II; # .. ,. The reprodW::liemKW'wo grainy to see any detail. D:+t_ t!I il1I 11111' * ...... ;or; lIK.fiiJ :l1II 11:.

:2 ~thting that is.gn;iQy has·,.. fOO,g_h swface or tl'lxlW'e. •• aglo 100 .•. the liard, dry. grarny.~.,. ···eM, Til 00 ~ II f·' ..• the grain,. piuet1: .*-i.R. .. ·,·11 .. ~ * .·t:ifJij:!iI;··· .,. lhe scrubbed gainy wood of the .M-

,Me ....•• T!;,Ut:tt;W .lfll.~**. .

gram ! £'"i.t!m I;gr:!'l:.mj , rams~. df. M-fl: .p1IIDDt. A psi .ila very :smalli. mu:it of wt:ig,ht ... Qne t~1 .~ M.e cquaJ to one li.iogram. 1£ < •• if! m. ). lEG •• " s.oogr~" of flour .,' .. $(){I :lit ii" 5.

@:111m. mar ! 19ra!m9 I 'gra::rrta"/. ~. 1 Grammar :is 1, 1 th;e rui:es of a ]~. oonrernjn.g d~ w~y jr! wbidl )0'001 ca~ put \oVOr:ds togtth.G:.F jJ1 ,order to m.ake sentenctS, j:~~if~l!. 100 I nM4 ~ books.' wbe ,able to look up the grammar. ,. ~.c JL*Ilt:l:~Mt! I!YJ ~ ••• Is tlMre enQugh gram~' .~aught in. schools? . " . ~ fl M m ~ Ii: # .$~? ,., I hed'r JOU·~jJ'b.:zndrnwl. tM'Ching,g,rmrmar ,ltf.MO!tS .:JI!1lJi' 11 fI; B :fit JfJ: «til: ~iI 'f • 1.:2 the way sotme:· 0lK t:itbcTdbeys Or does not o~y the' rwe!.! of grammar when they Wl"ll.e or speak a bnguage. (W1r1'riJ )mIWa!IJ I Xli. Ell I'm comtandy havill:8' ,to ~l t~t grammar .. , .;J:M;r:~.~IIE.1URgI.t! n. Ta~ off a full poim ler any ~ il'1. gt'6mm1lr. f£:fijili:~.iI;.~!J] ~5t.

2 A. p1lIIIIIIIU'. 1$ :2. 1 .30 book ~tdesa-.ibes the iJ'ules of a language. iI ~ { ~) ~m, •.. an .old Fre~ grammar, ... - * lEi !J:J~X.t!<J;. 2.2 a tihtlorythail: ~~ttlliO ,ex:~ plain the r:We!> ora ]~, ilU!JJ~. EO ••• '1M '1heotyoJ ~ Gr~m~r. ···.iI~.:le'.

..-m·mar~l·an 1~1me;lf:!~1 ~'mmiln/. ~, A .~ .is II peroon who ~ciai.i:u:s in stt!dyirBg a.nd writJing·~ ahnut~. j(~utillt)$: •.

~ __ r ~. pnnar'SChodI,. .A grammar' ~ is a. Hhoo!I m, Sr~tain forclii:il~1iII ~ bet'io'.'eeiil. eJeveil1l and ~ghtClen who have a mgba.cad\::miic ability. (~II ~ HIl&

~' :r;I' • m There ar:e 'Iil!ry few ,vammi.;r schoo.Is leI'

NPART~ N ~"11 = p;sootiolll

N .ff!UNT, lJISU

Illi I mJM· ~

N l'AiR.T7 !>I UNdOlIINlT ~ d:m_lfi~

!'fiR, VB 1NFl.lF.C'JS 1l'~.

AIM CL.A.'ilS]f ·~~awI

....mqu .... j.ii' ~WKli;4n

= fwzy

AJ)jiC~iF, MJru~


1N'1)N0)tJNT ~ map

.~00'I,JN'['1 ~

NOOUNf ~.~


()frM~ lype. m:-~M'i~h':t:~ifi.ef.Ji-"xJL T •

p1UiIio ~~ .• il.eal / ~r m~tli:I~. gr.il'mzukJ!. ~ 'GnmunatiCid hi used. 10' desc.rlbe ~!~g th~l rd:aics to grammar. .~ i'i;(.It:.) R!l'. EG, This J'enlelUt' is txt:rt~ly complex in Us gt:(Jmnrtlti'CfJi sU'uct ur«, .. m; 'iil iii]-r f:¥J II f.HS~ ~ It wt l! ~ .... ". gran'l11ullicuJ e~. ···~ttiii ~ .0 ~icall!)" ~ft:.t. EG His English MIil:'i usually gra'~ti~ calfy correCI. f1EB'=J~Jt~mm_tiR"UEiE.§:l.

2 ] f someone 's !anWmgc lis grw:nmatical.i~ l:s COf'N!ct·. esptti.ally bemuse II obeys t:he i.'i!.lJ.les Qr grammar. it.ilrt: ~ .•. EGi He sprnh jlIfrffft.~y grammaUal! FnrJish. 11k lIf=

~~Jt~~~ 'P-i#~. .

~ g-!l'm ~ Wl'lt"lTll . 00: 1flHII.

grarn.;O,.phont l'ft<i."iTI.:lll~1 ~ \~~1i1la(ron/ ,.~, A NlUIUi'iT

....... ~-..... • IId-' I" L" - _! f ~.~~~, ~ "" 1'1 ~~,

.5- .;.;-.:..;.y.;,.;;.;;;.,;; .~ lm 0". a."II!Qn~ type or rtCfuOJp~.ayti:', I!!I

~ l!L IE:G • , ,cm old ,Ponal:ile granw¢Wne .. , •.. - _IPI fI:CJ

.f. :m:~ ffI :;*f m ,.. . .... iramoplioTl£ .ra:vnis , .... m J'OtI1!. PIlIJt •

gran I ~.'" ".' gram . gran:s, YOW' ~ is 0JnW' <1'. ralfidmoth· N II'II:O!'fJl: '\ICC,

<r _. ... - ~ - to Al.M), 1\1 COIJl<I1I'

~!f ~ 3111. informal W'llro used ]hBd[i!;h E]~ish, [:#£ fi J ~

"~ ~~'II'""!fI"¥

ID = ,~ !I : ~ iCf. EO l i!t'f'nt to stay M(h my OranD've.r

Christmas. ft oJ;; t11~. Jut ~ i11J . .

gr&!Il·.a·ry !I'~Z[Qfh\gF~art!. gnmarie:5.1 AwanarY is

1', 1 a blJlildi.rug wh~ch is .mt;:d :for (uor,itlg gr.a~1l ,. * i;. ~ N" C'OU.NT

1, .2 a .f'I::'giou where a large 3:tll()thrlll of·rom is growrl. 1" N ~OONli~ S~)I>PII... EO The Ukraine was the. grana'ry of Russia. ~ 3'l

~ :IiHl m !VJ ill {to

,2 Granary bread is bread wWid. c:onJla:iru;.wihoJe grairn of MlI Cl,M5~f. wheat, used .in BriJtu Eng]i.sh. [:I± l1it oIL IIMJ 0 I;~. T~ ATllUI!I granary loaves, please. ii *; pj R.£: E ifi it .

grand Igro:eoo; ~1I. ~. grandest. 1 Buildingli ~ QI,JAl,!T ~.hat <lire gnoI are splendfd OJ:' .impf'e!'i,'!ii. ve in sire and ap- ;r jJ!lpgs'''II fC<ll"a!I1ce~ used sIJow.rng approval. [ 11 J ~ 'ftiJ: 100 • .'If: ~ •

lEO •• ' graml .ar:chitecIUr:e:, , ••. , ~ B ti!l. II $t ,.... .., I,M' gl'o'ndoou,ury" house :Me liVfiJ In , ,. .m M ~ H 11 jji MI'.

~.'$ Sf:jIli' jij]1 ~ U·"· ... a arond ~. ptJJaa ..... ~

.~flj ~J ~.M J!jf;·~·It. 0 ~y. ~ 1$ •• , ttlill :1t!!J .• m O.ADIY lis .rnteriar is .one ojll:telt:l(l$r gr4lndl y elegan.t in Eu~

r:op:, f::;~J:~ •• 1. II T M: *I. J;":ft. !filII' • 6lJ' •

:2 PliI:mIS1tnd. acu!JtiIIll tml art;. gnmd are ambftiOllS ,and i~" .wi! QUALIT,

tended to achieve import;i!lI1t Usl1llui. (iT.tiJ .. ) ~ ~ tr1, ~ 111M ....:rmuB

*- ~. m . ,. a,val'id desi.p thilt pu'rpor,rs 10 . ..,ni.,.1I'l dtf·

fXlrate eiemJ!nlS ••• ···Ii1tIl.*;;t: OOIBC)_J::&i!i*'®'* M

-:l!If lim titt··· WUh ,rids I'IMlhal WI'! ,ootdd opeTa:tt: on orrea!l ygnrnd ~re. m;i1" j] fA: , fi 1rlllILtUI A jE ~ ;Ie JIl!lff.~*o

3i hopic. jobs.~.arlces. etc. ,. tkl <!;!'Ie gnmd seem Am Ol!JA.UF important 0Ii ~I.y superior, • Jt t;ll; .9 .• ~. ro .. , all Z.pcHi set/so! grond people ... , •. fr"&:t!F ao:Jt2::!t s. ~ .... The

jOb isn't 4S grand .u it StitUnds" .. :ilIf$ ;r;;illlJi .t~!f!

z..~.,. She Md. n:o gNm c.Jat~ mu1 did nol giw:

f-U,rlies .are)! nwu, M fllili ~ ... MI ~ .... tr( .fi -iii ~ #J. it I[

~. 0 grandly. ~:N.fjjJ,.F •• EGo She KUw:d 1kr haM <> AD'" gtUMly ... :tIl.r ••• ~ ... He (Jnrwunadgnmdly = ~.:ally

,rMt Ike • IwJ M' ti.rne for ·l1I!i.lme,~.· Il;. '. Jfljff" i~ a

"-t'Il~jI::- A."

4 Gmnd I!rlilllmf:nts. i!icdvitDcs.etc, halve veal hnpGrtaru:e ..wJ QWI!Ltr, ~n n;1~ti.'I);n toa ~i¢i,ll;£r slllhject Or £Jr.ea of 2ictl.V:ity . .i:* ~ PI:1. EGo Fil:lDliy . the ~,f.Id" ~tU conteS· when you

make )t!W" first MA'o Jtjgn! .. .W fl; 1UIO'·4!. ~ fi &\I. *"

~ ~Jtt T * IlJ T r" You miut not jorge.t t hat a~ farm ..

e,.s do gr-aMiM;)r:k .0J mu:iomdimp:J!'U1~ .. ttfn;l'!::F ii1

;g.~,*-~~ flMm':.I:Il:ff:i:~ :.f!5tM'.' IW.

is Ir roo clescr~be all al;~iv:ity OF ex~["~rn::e as :vand.roo AHl'I <:!UMJT

mean that .it ill ",<cry pleasant .a.:.d ifijoyaN.e" $I!: >R mJ ; li'F,c, " ~l. 'l\!D.lld:;lfill

:Il.m1.J'''~. ro, We'w h4d ~ gr(U'td old tinu!i togel~.

!lawn ~t lW? •. .m H: -I: lr:Ct T ~ Il!$." til 00 lat:l!f: ,

.if':l! ~ ? .,... It M!V.uld h12' ,il grana ad~l'Uure .;i!:~~ .- ~


6 YOla. me gnnd.in .imfmr.ml spikeD &!s\Lish to ind~ll:ate ADJ1 ·QtJiALIT that .~ admil"e or .~ of ~ ~ .somdmng. [~ -1J'£!I1.~.tfUi

mJ T AF i!! ~ ; II :tf 1Hl'+ EG' Oh tha.r's graoo, fhat"S

fm£ , • .. , "1M." T ;f::8 • ,.;J: fA .. .. ••• • Grand girl, Flo-

ra .' ~w Henry. ,Il Jew mi~UIC'!S hiler. ~ Y .::t':;il, 00 .M ••

~.lt ," JL*.~fi9fi!it •.

7 A 'p:iWd ·~OtraI ~ ·ooe that is ~ fimual.anfMi)W1t of some" Aru aLl!SYF, thil;'l"" or the Cm,a!. !reSult of a cal~:tarion. ~ 1i Ia'\! 0 00 In .~.

'~ ;;o~te

1886 Le~J'. lhe soap' /i1m. spenr a grond' total 0/ 5'0 ':;!!ijt!!

pou~ on ,ad~dsi~. ]8&6 '~,"I JII ;IJ\·lIIrJ~·* iiJ1:fEr i!r J:.~#t~T &0:1.;*.,

S 'The word Grand Isoftm used !in the IilaI1leS of bUliI.dings. hotds. nc. , ~peciany when. 'they .;U't' very large. (.mtF.* •••. ;:tll ... IW.& Itfn:*: Ji!L ~ .. "' ,!'&e' bri,ghdy lii Grtmd ,Gallery. .. • •• ~ 1< til • B!I ~ Ii ...... lh .useU t()l'.rome up ana JMy ,fnthe. Grand Holel. I!:ij:

AN CLAS5lF, An'R ftm~N;~uI1lJ'

o AD\!

~ '!lutllif.!ll:lf

AWC~J!"J. flIlTJiUB. IN NAMIlS 11'~t


$;~*"J!., T.-T*.i6lIi~

9 A vahd is 9. l' iI, tlwQ.IBaod doUar;s 1)1" iJlOI!IlfHil. avery fnrOfmali P$~, [m J -~ T ~ j(; • - =f ~ i1 0 I:G Y"ou'WiJ.1 find 1 hal ten graM h:m been transferred' intQ your ~~ COlin' , ... it-ii'l-~~~ti-7i~%ettBJ -r-M>BI;! • .1:. _ We st iN need aw, her ooupleoj8'tJM. fi; t] m ... Wi =: -=f!Ia! j.[.. '9.:2 a grand piano. ;:t iM,!f' +

enm·,dad ;Igr<etlildied., \~l.tdail/. gnmdads, P)\ m w graoddad~ YOW' ~ ~~ yoo.r' gmn.d'fai:hcr.1 an Informal won:! usedin Brilu, ~jB~l. [~t ,#f }';f "'6 ; 9r. ~ • gnw ...... cb' /ljJirIl1da!:dJ'1 'gran,dredIi • ~Jes~ 11f. m n ~Y. Yow-~' is YUilli' grandfather; an 10- fo.,..-.al word' used in Am.eli.ican EJigJi"'lh, [~,f§:]~~~M-1.\.,

gnwd'.,miIl1 Ij~j~Jadd; 'gr:<eBJtJmidJ, gnmdlfalMr;m.

Someone's grandIdilld is the chJI.d of thdr son or daugh· ter. ft.T,~kntBh*Jj'):t'. eGi Several of tIS an married (1M .1iIa ~"tchildrefl a:na grand{:hJldren. ft il, rf':fii :f(f A~e~7.*~.TA*~*¥8*.

grand .daugh+te:r I'gr~nld~a, 'grren;dmao-I. gnmddaugbtt:nJ;, oornocl!le's gnmdda.ughwo is: the daugllter of their son or daughter. *j:.1t-Jt.,j(-.

gra:n+Oee Iga:ni'db gl"zll'dU-. ,~, A·pDdee is a Spanfsh prince of the highest rank: I. an old- Cashi.oned word. nHJ*~(m.!fM.~II&).

ann·dear ) L,~nd.3ii'~'gr3Ml.d3i;"-I is 1 the q'L-Why tn something f for example ina bl!l!il!diBg OJ' ill smn~ry. which makes II. sum i.mpusslve and often ek:gai'd and extravagaOil. ~ -1j j :tt Ii, i •• ~ .1:. Ell ••. tlw deiiea!.1; re.r;tMinui grandeur of .Roben Adam's Larudrn-mt House. .. . ... ~.*·~~~*M~~ •• * •• *~WW_M.~. ll .. • ... Old' lJtlhi with ltse:$pian{laes ,of crumbliug

g:f'(uui~.u.r. ... la MElt.:I!' -ft ~"' iE am !k I'l'tI I" :11.

:2 g[,eat :importanCf! and~1 status dm.t a ~ has. .t;( J,lo ( :d; • fIl) .:t a M:. EG, His wea/fh sa Ii'(" him gran-

de,~r." ···ftkOOll' .. M-fllt1f* T j(.~.Jt!1.m. ... , .. del'll" .ri-on.5 fYjgTiClruieur. .-,. ~ * ~:lIt!. •

grand.·:{'a·t.her llgr<rrlifoc6a, l!TZfId~'1 \gr8!::~fot'Jeo./. grantif8th.eir.6. Your gnwdr • .dlI:r is the. father of your father Qr mother. II. X , ~, 11.1£ ~

grandf'adw ,c.ktck. paodtat.her clodIs. A p1lIICIfadwdodi. is an Q!d- fM-hlQ~~d. i ypc' of clod;. ina tall' woodell ~ which stands ~ight on the f1Q01r. (Il tEA·*.m. -4' 1iItlI) MitI!,~ :1>:.# ~ * ~tt ~

gnm.dil·o-q,uent 1S"~lllrul~.k~tJ g:rren\daJakwant{. Lang~ or beha vioi.W that isgrandtlUqllMt IRS W'O.rds that are lmtlce~j]y eornplicared and d!ftl:£uh to :utitd.'ent'l1l:d. ore.x.ag;ger-.uedly impiCS5lvc g<:5"t11JffS;I3. for.r:nal word. .[ iEE

AJ1§ 31 R!J d~i~ ~~ E;G a grandilaqu.enJ al'UiQlU'ICe-

fltefU . , ••••• if*: M ;lI & ... a gr4nd.i'·Oiqueni" gesture:

agttin.rl lm. s"ttrn of edUCSIiUm. . ".& %j-;it - a W Ill( .It ~ ~iif~l!l-fl' • il9 .. ~oO""'_DoqIltDIIy. ·ft· *-:Ii! ~ It flO:" • 513 ••• geslUrins grondilDqUltnll'y. ,,'.**_ •• "'f},.

:~.d:i.ose /t'!J'~mh,,~~ ~gr~Dd!t051 is: 'uedto de.sar.~ ~melh'ing which!L:s bigga- orlRO!'e~taborate 'thaD neo:s~ sary OiIOO therefore sa:tnl, r.idiclliO:USI !.Ned showing disap]JrOv.a1. [~JM~$IIllBCJ j: ~~ M= 'Mift®; •• -f¥Mt 00. EG .~ ,~(}O'm$in.jit:ie the 10'l'lln halt M!'rf' asr;rt!fXJ$t~y grandiose as tM exl~,.j.q;· .. " fIi .ff,Pi.I~.~!fHiJ fIiI't: !W# ~ -- *,H~ if ff" oW ii] ~ •.. , He was 411;.tt._ys m4ki"'g: gra'ndiMep14~ to seJJOi' mmt~ his hm.lse. fi!s.::I:~ IT-aww~~~ •• ~~.~~~~*~.

grand jury. grapd Jl!II'Xs, A 1DfId! ilJl1l' is a jury. U!:UI3,Uy In the United Starns" which w.m;WeJ"s a crimina! casc' jn ·order tiD d.cci.de if SQIlilifOIi:e sho:ukl be u.riitd Il'II ,jI (.'Ourt of law. :;it iii. m '. i:(i , , •. ~ ,hearing bef~ iii ,;grand jury, ... ~.:;I.;m.Wi1l:f1~-JX1rm..

gr:md·ma i'g'oel')flruJ.:.II~~. 'pmw~ '~/, gnmd~ mas. y(lUf ~ .is your gf.imdmmh~r~ 3iIl mJilrl'l'l!al. 'WOrd. [fii J»i W j *' •. ro J got this stWtller jr.om my grandma. ft Mti'3' 113.·_ ~ jlj T iX (1=ji; ~ ~.

gmnd. mh. er /lgra:.npITll!.d!a". 1~d_ f 'q~ mAw--/ , ~. YOilF :~her is the I'IlCio1:Jritt of your t .. !the, or- liOOlher.. •• I * II. tG- •

gra.od.pa jrg-omlpo.:. I~a, Ig"~m-! \gn:mpol. :gnmIi_ pas •. ¥otl!J' grandpa. ~ YOWl' gralldfatOOr~ an illfOlimal Word. [·mJ1f~I*ft}.

grand. par-tot li~.pc:'flfiInt,. '[p:fld_ ~ "~PQ"~.!1Jt!. ~. Yom ~ Me the parents of )'(lUI" f~ or mot:be't, II!:J..': ( .. ) ~ ij-@ ::r.t::(1t ) ~ iE'G My grand ~ parents 00 my fat her~.t .vide 'were both: Polish., it I'fJ fi 1t.

'G} IU'HFi ~ A •

grand pillOO. graIl'id piQOO!!l. A gnmd pjW s a large flat


,.,. ,c:::oul'(!['",' voc =.~

til 'COUN1'_I vee ;; giUlAd

N COI.JJ'!rr 1l1!e.11It~

NCOWiT 1l~1'JM

Ni'COrn.'T Il'rI~

NU!iOOON'i n 1IlIIgIIdf~ .. _lid1M"'

I'll COUNf, ALSO "'~"'oc


~ lo)!It! '¢Me eil)!;k

AWQUAUT 1l pompous:

<) ADV wrri-t VII

.-'_rn! OVAUl' '~imJ!'~'i'It

!\oi PlI:O:l'E;l/VOC. AI..5O N ooum

~OOlJlNl'lf. ALSO N!1"lli~VOC • sralldl'&~!

[>i~vr::c, AUOIliOOu:m

III Oll!JNT, usu f'L

·n .ml.a!iJlljlI


piano that has horizontal! strings <md li:lat is used especial ~ I}' fOlf' giving concerts, mliking rttOrding;;; etc, *m~: .. 13::!HIil'~.

,Gr:and Prix I~Qici Ipri:~ '"Q \pYi/. 1::1: m ~f\: -G1'MIIh Prix, G.raad Prix ,. Grand Prixs. ~Grtmd Prht$, it ~

/t£1'<1 'p..i:; ~grdi 'pcJ/ d j'g-ct:l Ipri:z. ~grQ 'prizl. A Q-and Prix is one of a series of races for I,!t:ry ~.I'f W racing cars; also lISedl sometimes m the names, of Wi'rlJliClj, ttom .in othe.r spo.rt~. ~ liti'\:$ j;:_.J'; .• ~ (:tiB1 •••. ($. ~ i31.~ ) * ~ .. 0 EG II rwdndtd nile of grimling braka .(md screec.· hint lyres (l,t a Grand h~. it! ~«m.' it 7 Pl .~tt$ *~.+ ,,:q:MM1fjlftnlj:'i.w~'MlttIlHI!t5F! 0

~ sJaml. grand sJlIII"iS, A grand .sJiml is the achievemrlll of w]nniD1ig a1~ the matches or major tmunaf1"l!e'filJ:S iI"~1 a seasen in a pa:rtknhu- sport. flOC ;example ill tennis. rugby. etc. (l£-T.*itflJJ:;tW.;pDl;')~j!!b*.tt~ EG lI/ho. was t.he kut I,erm pla,er to do the grand' $Iant ? .~-~.~*.m~M~~ ••• -~7

gnmd .. son /lgrz,.IilShn, ipnd-, \g:ra:nJAn/, ~.

~'::; p.lid..'IQg is the 50U of theis- son Of" daughter, ;t.~=~UJ.+

~·stand ll~l,stznd. !gr.re'I'J.d-, \,gntmJSt<lMld/, gmnd~. A gnmd5bmd is a mv~r~d~(i with several rows of seat~ whi£h ptO~ a goa:! ~w <!it raceeoerses, foot·· ball grounds. etc. (.~. *' ~ .li!!Jt' Ji. ~ MI ) .iE 00 ;:: W' a. ~~ .... a slleeply .rnbd grumbldnd. ..,. *M1t,~ iE. ,iii" if •

grand' tour. grand touB.. 1 A vand hIuris Oil journey rOUlld the main dli~ of F..\.I4"opt that)'O\i:fi@ Il1eF.I fTom rid~ farm· Iks ~. to meke :in Ilbn-ncr ~~1JlC:!; ~. pi;iY"t of their mum.don, * i?l fi (~ hi!. lint a -T- M .ft; '-' § It .. ;t - • :Sf tJI\I Jj I\: !tI1 :£ W .. ijJ .J,l I'J: m; i. Hi Part o.f his education ~·tM traJitlol1wIG1'.(;nuJ Tow;, 'i1IItich he ,math wi.th IIW tur~ .•• ~ft.~-6~~3 •• ~m~e.~~g~ rft:~ttm:fII*.fj ..

~' if '.rOY Me- gi Yen a &randl to...- uf a p!a~. }'(lU are taken a.IJ rutmd it and itiwM1 e-verytln:ing. ftc. ~ R It Sk fi. EG. Come round and -we~ll give you 11 graM tour of the hou..-.e! .ff*-IF~ '·~lff1.iI'f$ •• ~,.mf!

~ /~~inds~ grauI.3I, ~, A ~ i<s a farmMuse. ~ciaJly one :that has several ot:.heiI" buildin~ atlached to it. ~Jt;.a:!!i+

gnn.;.te· /fJ1mI:t; \g:nlUi:/is a very hard roci.,1.lsuaJJy ]lgh:n .iin colour, which :i!s often 1L-!8ied .in bwLdi:ng.:re.~-1S .;tt;~i~. 'EG .•. a '!J',l!tlf block oj granbe .• "'-*»!::?:E,Fi!l1t. p-an.D1/'b'i.,P.f:ll; 'grreml t ~, ~·mtr- ~:e. 'Your~ is )f01Jll" gtandmoth:r; an .informal W'Ofii. [{J]tll Mdl!l.

grant, Igru,nl: gra:.nt/. llJiIIIb, gnwtilDg. :granted. 1 A grant i.s an aITlClYntor money that theguvemment giVeili to an Wdlividualm tIl' anw~l:an {or a.partirndar pW"* pose such as cdiLU;:.~nioo.wel hwe, home jmprovetncn~, etc. • H!l ~; ~ !f: :a. [$ They gel a pan,t from the COWlt.il " .. f& fl hi. 1fii. ~ ~" j]J - \I; ~f-1Il' :it .... You mD'}' f'wn be· eligible Jar a ptmt to help }tlLi. 3'truly. .• ~ It ~ i!J·fIti-1i~HfH'JlJ-.~~~·'·· ... student gralltS •••• ~~ M~~.

2' I f you grant a swn of money toll. p!tr:liOO or ~~-,

lioli, you Wlo'e itlO them f'Or a .partioullar p~. liT·' ~.,... m PrQ~S hd'~ been. mtlde .to .srmu each ,dlJptaad JamUy £ 25 • oem. e:fl ~ .J.. II ~ ftt.1" 'W # • ~

J!9li:i!!t 25 0-00 :11: ••

:3 J f you I"QI)t so:rnethin.gto someone. you allt1W thr:-·m to have it. c;peci:llIHy wben you ha:v:c author:ity. pow« ,. or rerpomibUi.ty Oilt1" them. jjIJ. J!f.ffi1: dl!-'f. lOO.He. KW' fi~ noU y 1]ra1u.ed an aU I wSQ... #d!.. T • J1J T & •• 1iiE···

UnJ~1 now 'WOIlJ(!:R have ,Mil ganled a ym,'s matemJiy lea~ ajtergiliing b;r-th, .. jij filaUi'-t.I.t.t:J:fc.H!l::lft:Ji -s: $1lf -If-:OO ,... ••• Tha~.you I-'f'ry mu.ch 10f' granting meso much ofyotu vq,lU4bte ~~. ~~;;t-dl.tH~~4t tt;Jt is: -.a j;!i:" 00 SUfi] •

4 take rOl' wanted. .4" ~ If you taM, it fOl" gnntaI: that 5Om.t:mi[lg is true, you he.lie\!e tbal h is b'"ue- wit.l!mutt th..illkiilg alxrut. it very mum IOf kokipg tfut:' pl'oof."-:tr ..• :I:JI m ~ M-1JtJ. 100 II is take-n for granted titid ,every child should JeQ.f14 m4them.atics. , . @+ J~.lJJ1I!j1i ~M Jt1i.~.:;iJ.~.' .. We ,take. it j'Gr granJetJ.'that knowir edge adva!Wts Fapidly. ~~R.~.~U{l'!Mi&.J!B!M' ~ t.:!t .M 04, 2 I f you take· SilJIllet')IH: or somethhlg for grantedI. you be'Hcfi1t from a. person or s.ituation without. !lIMwl[lg that. you are 8i'".liII!efui. {.rB" f1i: ~ mjij ) Ji' ... ;v:..:p. a. ~,

1 met:m he ju,}:t t4kes me abs41uldy Jm granted . .a ~ ..

.~ ~ i$l.f& _1i.1t;r: m ft tf{ :G: II!! ~

5 I r yoo grant ,bait wm.eth.:iog is tflUt;!, youadnut ~o S()fiJE' Olle dial il js:tl'tie • especiany when it as embarrassing to


Ii O)1,j'"rr ~i'~

toij·OOUNT ~~ikI

NI COUNT ~"11<!l!!I


~ illml

.N~IVOC, N.$O N OOVl'olT "- (IU.OOIa.


\1''1'0'''0. OR \1"'1' 0+ A {",} =.,j~

v ... 0"0. OR v~ 0" .... 1111>

PWl, VB INFl.KTS. mu·-j,~TClL

;; ~t prc:AiID:


\'+01 ~.

you. For .rulTIple w]hen h indi.CilteS that a previeusstate- OL rnem of yours :w. 11m oo:mm;tletely .~.ide. ..ilL 00, Bur I = ~ ... gra,~.t thai $,irn:eri t y Jwa its ai.VkKm'd 11Wmeni!>. , . m. Jl;,

"iA, • ". A ;« WH~ ::ff ;It .• 1lt ~ ~ ~... '11uJt joy ride. I

gtlllil you.~ QtiUy .stunt" ftlfil~*,v..IJJ:'C $~JilI,;S

-~I,*.1l:.!IIk:flit!l •• *~ ... You use ~ted or gratII.- • 00l'!i~

Ung. ttl say d'nat something is true. bi:fon:: you nuk a = ,gl'ioem .ru,1.

rumrnaU aoout .i~ ta fwd.y fDl'nW .1,JSe, [iE~J:I!Jl' "J t.Nll'r.

lEG Grontetj' !l:UH he's i.n Nx;pl.tal • he. Cdtl:', do liM much

harm ... Q] l!'fElI1lL$ B;; ~:R!l1,_., itS@. ~ R1.KU.dfilj~\Hit S =*

ft.~ ••• Gfflnli~that childhood ,rs playhood. fww'do

.M,4l' adulu gfneraUy ~,rto th:i~' fact? § ~ • ~ R: fiji;

• iJ1J ft'J M . *' a;fI1J1Jl:1fP'A~. 4i 1tii~·" 3t1J (iif Iff..@ iii?

gr:;m·u·J!u !lgt!iElljuI01!!"'gt,ilttIj<il!~/_ ~tttillg ~l jg gn\IlF t\DI'C~

• lis romp::Kd of a .Iot of gl"imw.es, or has the ,[CX~~ ,. 1J1i!:i~

arappeMlInOO of ooiDg OON:!ipo.'>&l of 0lI ~O[ of gmnwes.;<1

fulrJy fQl"IroJWOfd. [.a:; A:' J,m "ftmAl; ($·f k IU'~M1 dl6:

V;:~hA:utJt. j'ijO~~~) + 00" .. ill granular whi.te :su.,~ faa. · ... 81it •• .ttM.iIJ.

gnm:.u.lat.al !1~~~lt':llid,\gr~nj;),letId(, 'Gruillllilkd AOlI eJ.A'SSIF.

usu ATI'1tllEli sugtar is sup wlhlch YOIl1 buy i:Q tir form of ~ g.rai.m 1't SJ'oorull

rather thana fine po~"($; .. :ft~RU~ •• eGo .. ' I~

le'Jllel tl!Upomlfuis of granulated ru,~",··· il'li'lfo:l!;~. 0

gt'8ll'lnJh~ l''Wznjl;d~ \gn;~nuV, ~, A~' ~<:,a Nroum

s:mal~roond. p:iectl of S!iJJTlethi~. U'Ilually ooH~thing fairly ~ ~aim

hard, ;:I •• ~;.t!Lo Ea ... ,.poiystyrerw gralmlltS, •••• *

z, ~ Ifi til; •

gni!pe ! gtclp. grtp!. ~, A. grapemii :fma!~ ,swcel!, ,1'1' c:ouNr, VSllJ

!'Ql:.!p.L! fruit ,gtee_'I1. Of' ~l purpl.t: in rob.!!', whidJ .: ~ ~Jt- ~

ell raw. used FOli matking wine. oc drriedro makeraisins, S!lI.~.ams.Of currants. Ijl,j ~ 00 ... a bun.ch of , grapes . - ~,,,,,. " !10m gnpest Ji!. sou.

:P1IfJtl·fmit /gm;~~rn:ct; 'Igr>ep.rfrlltl. ~pll:rWt!L G~ NCOUNil

- it [mil

iftuiit cat!. abo be t60d as the p]iJrdl fwm, ~·armtF:if.~

A ~!1d~ is O'! ~Ol!fge. roend [~it" ::;il]lllru' toa:.!iI o.raIggc,

that hM. a th~d;: yeUow skin and.. sharp. sl~g_t:lt[y biner

ta.~ite . Jj Wi fBll •

~.viDe J !goPIV3iIfI~~gt:P, Valin!. 1Jr.i'pl."I~.1 A ~ N OO[JNT!' vine is a climbing plant on w'fulcb grapes grow .......

2 ThE· .~ is a way of passing on news or inf(lrma~ 1\1 SJI~G:' 11Ie' ~ N

tiaf.i froIll OOiIe person. ~.o <m(l~ber, ejd1t:r in Ol1iaa1COJlycr~ 1'I..t;~11'1e'!

saticm Of inoocrt:1, (if.ji.Q..it lIil ~ tR!J1) ~ T ffl'. J7&G .. Ea,

• How dM ~ know abou, ~Mt? ~- • Ok, I hmrd it on lhegrap,ntine " .U ~.: );l. 'I$.:ll:1'! f.. :m m: ~ 1" -" 11ft • a Ii:

rii1;fhlF .~ ffi * ~ ...

grapl j !JUf''!J'~f~ gri'tt/. ~. A graph ils a rnatl:ieInat- I'll COlJffi[' .. cal! diagram. lLIl!iua[l,,/ a .~illC or curve, wil:t:ich shows haw = cl\;uI twum mort: sets. ofrmmbcn. 01' measlm::~~ atc reiat~

ed, OOfi·, Iri!li. lIB. ~Af the from of theadru there's a

gria ~/8fl'l;pks ... #.~,m.I~jJj'!if-W - jI Jl:! III ill{ •• , • -,uemperaluJ'1e graph. ···Btflll!i ~(mL

~.jc ; 'grrefdt. , 'grocJrk!, ~. 1 .Desctipt.i()]ls. a.1I:" AWOO..urr

COtU!t!;. e'l!C-, tl~t are ~hh; an: vcrycku. d..-;tail-ecl. .. 'lim

and easy to UI1iden<um:h used cspeaailly 011 oocriiptiom

that OOJuam unpleasant deta:il!s- ~ ijfJ ~ I ~·1l1~1. s;; , ..

his: graphic: llaneS-Oil pel"J'eC'utlon -"' ·"li'I!!.m:IB If .!it) 1:. ~,

1'1 idi: '" Seldom Mlle f rtad 4 more graphic .oold~

Maode.d ci.escrl"tionola kiUlngrhan lhis, :&:m yllifl

i:1lt~J!5t~, ,J!:~II~;pf~~ A~jUi' 7'. 0 paplUmJ- .o.'\DY Wrni\lil b. :1:.~~.itI!! iJll!M.. m The hJstoryof the ~c life = de .. ,ty

of. Mo ... n .. gr. .... 'tJ~ .....•. 'CI1.U .. '.·· ... itlus,·. troles my poifU. A~So\I!2:m§!:

• ~ ftUI! JltllJ! T fS! ~ it ~ .

2 SoflfJ.O!hiillg tI1t:IJt is: graphi(: t" ,oomcemed w!th drawing., A!tIJ CLNlSIIF, especi,dl.y ~.he ~ of S'!roI1~ bold Une~ lIIDd colOD'S. Mi i!i ~~.

( 1:: ;f; )~. ~ ~ ii'ii':It 11 t;;f. rttr • EG •• , sraphic (Am itildustrl ~

oj design." .... iBl ~ittt;fIJI Jk tiff .. · The grtlpkic work awes a ~ detll "() Go~. JS; .. iSi fl;: M:?t m~' ~ Ii

t1"iI$Iit$. .

:3 ~phk:s .~. dFililwiFl~ iUiId picture:;; that <life rom~d N .. w~_

. • .)' _. L 1'I."'-1'I!~!i<ln!l

usi:ng 8i~rnple [~, and. ~hmcs , .. lroug oo.ruurs_ "ffii Ii: 11 , .... ~

~ *'; -:8. iii ~ fin 1;; ~I ~ iI!Il 1::* ~ m ~. 00, ••• exh'bj~kms

,()f graphf~' {r;om all over fhe KVl'id . . ."'. ~ 11!.w. ~ .,.. Uii

ii!il:lll:::tt ~ ~ ..• " .. oompu,fl!,r geMroteil "gfaphiC$" ... it JJmt)JH!lo

~b.ik: /~!Jr..efaJJt= ~.\!l:{an/ is a.hard bladl :s~bslarUJCl d1::3it N U'NCOlINT is a. form of cathon. It is m.ed to ~ tJle' oontre p,vt of

.a peocH •. used instead .(lfoH jn~· mac.hllleS, and is· also

~ ~[I !IQOleoocl~ar reflOWN. ii II '.

,grnpJNIII·o·gy /~lroJ~., grOE"[W~J is the science of ri 1JNC<)1IJro'-T ~mii[l~ng peapl.e's ih;;nx]w:rriing in ~!!" to ,d~r what

:!>ON Q[pt:IiNUJJIa1Jty tiler havc, ~ ilfl~. ¢~. ..,. rooOOU\NT

gra~. _~~.iI: ~ ~i]Iot<:ia~

graph ~ : a100 !';pd1edi with a h~'ll!., t$ iif.:Ii ~ ~ . N!JI!(Q!)UNT




Graph pipei' is p;ilpt:it th<lil has srna]l.sqlllUes printed 'OIl i~ so that you can use It for dr,<I.wi.t1g graphs, (~~ ill $!~n 1.it;.!8;dil:~m •

grap.~ !Ig:~nl ~ ~gr~V .~_ A~' is a ,cIe~ NOOU/IIT

vice whicli, oomislS of seve:ra1 houb 'il~t Ml:! jajned t:o~

ge~r and anaclu:dl i~' me emil of a rop:, Grnpnelsare

used IlSpetiaily ini<liiling, ~ Jj\ til F jijJ.. E'G Tfu gra'jJl1£l

~ wUSh./ bitt ~ft rock'f mw we had (0 cut lfut rope.

~ Jit. -F. R.~.ii if!]fD] 7. F.Ji I;;t!ft f1:::t:lI.:Fm. ~ Ii: Ii: '.

gnp.pte 11f10Ep~ ;'gr!iepi/. grappiet!, grappu ... , grappled ..

11 ~fyo~ ~ wilth so~, you ~ hold of tIx:;rn V,ustI~ .. U1!<iI]lj)

_~_" I - J,. .1.- - d. ~

~"'" s'trugg e wun b~m, .al! .~~ ora f~.t, Ilnl.M4. lEG

We . ... .... r~.J wilL. hI· .·nd :~~1. '. "".~.. .- fin .... him I#>

t1 ~~tlni*.i.~;~~!fT ~Jif:: .. om .. '_. R

21f you ~e ~, )i'OlJ ~ ~km ·and bold ~m Vi' 0 d[~to, }'Dill wiitl a strmag gmp~ ~ i[)American Eng.

Hsh _ [J!] M $ ~ ( If .. ).. ~. EG She grappled me asain-

~X •• I11t.G: ra,

J, I f you ~ with a problem or Cl!i ffi,pJhy. you try \i''' . .1\ ( ooiJlI ~

hard to soJc'l/e it.§J jJ iii fR:{ raJfI} ! '9f jJ 1£ .. ( ffi:« ). EG, J ... ~

gl'! ,,ed 'With. Ihis 111(ll'f)1dJ,l£mmtJ. ft :jf"l!.m.:iS:~

11 am~"It!l'Ii •.

~ u-.an. gnpplipg iroQs. A grappling lmm, Is ths M COl!}.N:'f

same M a ~plleL .!;g gra~l IijJ cO

grasp !,~Cl;llp~~!. grasPSi, ~Qg. ~,1UyQLli YOOOi!V~Ahtt

grasp somethmg,YOLl tate it 'Wi.~h }'OlI!lF hand .and hold .~t ~""~J?

very fll:nl.ly. 1m. l$; " :1:. lEG EdmudWasped (Asii!:,le's

arm" •. :lH'~'R.~:1!t: T~M~R!l,g.~·· 1 sl{);(yj q,l<Iite

still, my hamk grasping t~ ~ of the table ..... ~ ~

1it;r;.;!J ~.~ •• j!:I'j ~ $i$ ~ .h.1iI: • T ra<J Jij.. ... He' raised

his Mnda abo'W! his hW, graspi"g attN esmpe'

hatch. tIl!.;{"! ~* l1:!k .. 'I. tl!!. ft T ;iI.JJitl r:l • 6~ng, 0 A~ ~al,

A1TIi.111 :tUUm.!!tLlltr. t:G • - • Imtg g«sping tentade3. , .. ~ ~lXIi111

* W IJ;J .. ~ ~ ., 1$ ~ :gr.asping.

:2 A gras,p is a Yer)' nnn M:ld ,or gt.ip_ :I W. ~ :I W;. 1m; The N' :sJr."fji wlTf:I

animal .~ ,apowerju.i grwp. ~ ~ Il' ~ ~M:* ~:II 'h " LtiIT" .SIIf'l'

:3: U'yuu grasp ~thi.hg tOOl is oomp1jjru~ed or di,ffiruit "t'oO 01 tO~.derst<md. you W'l.d'.entaml :iL 1M. j :f:.. lEG The RErou;(;JL. cr:mcep:ts were d,iificf.lh 10 grasp- " g~.~:::f':fIfIUJ"·"

lrhhJ! I _ped quite.~ .1 W!'U gcing on. til; M!

ft11i~tt 7liE.lE il1; ~*.

4, A grup of &amethiQg lis a~ tlllde~tuldi.1ilg ofit, 11.". lEG He lMd a wl:O'ldgt'aSp OfUlic·tra . •.. M ~ /& '* fji' ~ j'} 00 3i ... ,' . Yo.lo! ~d he! terse! a ~~p(JiJ'~ tec1mjq,u~. .. afT' !i' ••• ~ tl-* .

5 If you :say Walt .wme:tbifl,g is wlithin YOWl' grasp. you Ili'HR, USED mean <llttt it ~ very Hkdr1h.at you wHJ .!lJchie'W'.' it.- tfE t1t /!$.>\N A

).. } .fltjtlf: .J!I ali! 1/i. ~.::t ~!; 'Ji ( ;I: A) );J f'f 1m li: ~. ern. Success

~ il':IOW with~n his gJ'aSp" Mftl'EJlRW1EI!..

6 If $Qfnething is m your ~. you hOld i~ OF ()I)J!trol ~I;_ ll'tOiI:, ~JSfID

If sometthing esca:pes '!!JI sJ~ frilmi your ~ Ofool of NO ~ A. yom grasp. you no loogtl!l" ~Id h o.r mEllooJit_ R···.l!f

Z + (.j£ JiQ M z + ) ~ '" .... ~ I~ 11 It. EG The "bing I .had

mQ:!~1 longed fOr ~ .in thtt wasp of Alitif': M~Whir't ~

er .. , =ft iUIUI {f J8 M *"C~:tE:i Nitti • ~.;\t ~ tf ~I ~ .. z

~.,. '11rey re:gret.ua .telling her slip from lMi" .gmsp.

f& fliJFP: ~it9!!JA f&1i1a.'J'.j. Jf=I iii. T •

~·ing /~pt~ \~p1&'. SoIDl::O:newho l!S gnIqIigg AnI QUAHT


W'UUl.;, tu get and. keep as mudl. money M,~bieaod is = ~nbbl.fi~

~.mw;ning to spmd ih used sloow.mg dl~pprovaJ. 1t1l'1il'J ~ -,*_Jl(!¥.J! :&.M. ,~ ... a ~p;'n8 ~.n ..... -1-i!ir

.~Hl;A •. ~ liJ;Ji!. jVMp'.

~ !groJ:S~woes/. ~. GmWns. :~. I G:ta55. is·

1. 1 a-vet')' ooP'lmoo ~ri p1an~ with long. lIii]1t, ~pilky I'd ~ lea.ves. Grass is e.\liten by&heqJ. CO'M,etc, .uld Is ortel~

pl!ant.ed OWr l~ .areil!l, in pocks • ~m. and playing

Jidds '. , ft. + lEG Up do#ws :l'l.!f!'ndiJmp from Mitilking

in long grQ$' - at~~iQj. OO.!h + N;t .•. ~ ~~lnffUI

Y. i" - :2 . apaTciwlaJn' ~peclC8 of gr<L"l'1l. llSLmnlY(ln}C that N ~ gtt'O\o'!'li wild _ !if $: ~ ~ .. ~ ECi .• _ prairie ~$. • •• *_11: ~ p!l;m~

1: frliJ JUi ..1.3in ililfor~nal English. ~.~ual~. [liJ 7: N UNIi'Xl'UNiI' .. 0 11;(\1 ., • silUngaro.und smoking .gt'i'JS$. , .. ~«It(:* fi.

:2' If }100 Wk abol!t t'h.f.. ~. yoo .arerefel1"j~g to an aJI'(!:ll NSiI~i~~ f N' of gI'CMdnd lhat is oovered' w~d~ grms:s, (.(I]' eJUH1!i:pJe in 'yatJr ~ ~ .. i'! ~tk.1lJ ,.:Ii&~ 100 Keep oJ! the grass. 11 ~ 1\.!t'JIi .

J ffyou say tR sornrom:; .~ grass it!; .~!iPaneI! on II'HR the CItlin' 5ide oltbelieoot" , you awe remlodiJag them that

othfO.f propne's slllUatlom ahroys~m. bener Or mace at~ tr"u:t~ve' lr.h,a,l your own, but rnay [1Ot FmUy be 00. :i3 w :I! .RlLJA.

'" If you say t~l ~:meooe is be.ing put .... to ~. YOL! PHil:, VB

1"Ile;alt1 they .3r(. 00 lon~er oc~ng ,empJ~yOO bec.ause tmy art. r~

(OWimud no· be tt'O oid oc ooi~r l6:":hd~ it fairly Jli'i~ ~ !l'=1ISio1I~

fo:r~ ~xJN'ession.- C.mJ.lIh •• E'AJ.,oo You ,~'.n't put

, I

N SlfNG wr:m .DET"· 5uPiP,

'Of • .. JeEP THE:N ~

_ ....... ljllVilr ;~,~~,.

a s2"!ft'4,,-old r?Ut to gr4P. 0:-* •• jJ-1'- 3;2 11 mAo

S If you. ~ on SOI'mW!:e. yoogi''Ve jrl[iorrm!twa to the police or otlleW ~opj\:! jn at.il~ho:rjty about~thiQg a-jn:ti." nal. or ~ which I~:bat perscrtl: bs dmlel an i'nf'onnal use. [ffi}(~ IHJ>tI-i' (. Ah d:l?i: (. A). m ... the rumaur toot I hm:1 gr£mtd on flJem .• , ••• ltjlmfiltlfJ

l¥JiCit. .

6 A ~ is SO~!le ~g~ OIl someo..ne eJses all m~ .N L:Ol}m

f~ use, [Mt Jfi" iii :if 0 100, lltNt. 't Irtut him: - M'E Q' = i~ro;r~~

~, .JIj/e;1l fil - if! ~li IU, .

gnLSS. O'¥H. To pa!l5 'O'fa" OUI areca. o.fgrr.m:td' meznsw fil~ Vll,

pw.t grass a[1 O'lottllt, :ffi",fiftlil.. - v .. o- AM'

grus.bop.per /1g'o::i!"htiJpa,'gr,,::sA:Klp0'-/. ~n. A iNCiOUNT ~ is alll irsect wftrich b .kmg back lew:, and om

jump inro the: air" Grass~n; makea sound by rubbing

thdr bad: h::gs apirn5t tbeir WJnS3' i¥!&F '1I.!k ~

~.]JQ)d !I~,i<md, \gn::s"l~" ~. G~ HCO'l1:Nl:/

It.fNOO!J~~r-r 'a_lid is land whJd:! ~ eevered with g1ias.~. 'rspccia!ly gr~

tihatwo~ natm":;;Illly aed has JXltbee!ll pJ.an~ed by ~.

11.tIR'1 -'·lfl.. m 1"he (J'J';e(J aroumilM cave KltLj' open

grassland, .. fA .1\' ~ ~ ml. ~ tW' * M D!i'. iIW. ••• • _ . tTP~-

cal ~ands ."' ••• ~.

gmss mob'! ofren used before OlJlOtber IlOOI'I and .speJJoo .N J1iiL..tJ(R.,o,L,Ii,ISU

, , ~.N.~

'l!V:idl :iI. hyphen. .. II 'F _1l- fl. iltjl SII • :#' ~ :In :it ~ .iIJ.. The PREP -t 1\1

~ roob or anorpnJla¢illfl or !1lO'\Iefl"Kmt ar:e. the oniJi-·

I"U)' poopileWloofOnn tht:' main part. 0'[ it. ra~ dlOlf! it-~

leaden. {#;: -t- iiI ~, i5 iJ ~') ,. .m "iJ.. 00 ,_. U)

strengthe't1. d.emocracy t)t t~ grasJ' f<'JIt»S, ••••• w •• ~

~ ~ :;1::... You 'we got to start ,at tire ~oot.s ".. .~ fff

1J" a m ~ ~ It & •.• . .. gras8~rootS suppon for lhe t.Ill'w

f!Q1''ly - ••• ,. gil!:#: *f it 1- ti it ~J .t~.

~. y I·~I ~ "'girzsl1, ~. ~_. An area. of A,O}CJljAU'] ]attld that Is grassy is tove:rro iII! grass, *- tI JriI ~, II fi.,

111: ~l. e.a We rode Lip agr:assy .rlope. 1&:{IU!@l:.-1'r*_

•• ~fiJl~ ...

gt'8.k: I g-~c~, W'Cl1 • ple$. 'grating. ~, 1 A pte- is Iii. N OOON]'

fra~wotk ofmertal han ~n a fireplace, wh:i.d. bolds tlile

eeal Of ~. F:.I:IP.(~). m A .fire' ~ burni~ j;t:I

,ke groU! .*7ff! •. i(.~.

2 I r you gm1:t 1000 sum as ebeese or ~,youruba v~· 0 piece of it·over a tlletalrooJ 00 dmt the: food isshurlded = sl!Hd inlO very s:mJal]pjeres , .• I)!t:t !iii ••• f'!$) '" 00, •• ~ grared

J~J!lQn. peel .. , ..•• lJifJtJ' • .t··- , .. spinach Ml.k utQm

and gra:Jt!d ,~,tt·n.t8 ., .• * milt iJO.WI~·~ :Ii. Mi •••.

3 Wht;n somcthitng ~ 'ilr whm: )'00 ~ it, h: ~kd;, V.E!lO a har1ih. unpJt'4W!!I1~ SIl!lmd Ibe~ two Sowfau:s· rulb bant

and roug'1i!ly agWostl:arn o:tl1u'.. HI ~._. ~ ( ~ ) 11: tH 1"-

J!I,~ •• :Fb'. EO lhcmJ1d hm, her shoes grming en ~kt

.steps .. .. 1* '!Ii ft J\I.. 09D =F .tl.~.j;!i: :b Jtr'!l •• ~ ~ •••

He SI'at.m illS t:ee'i:h. MIl.;ftliIl3".i1H.

4 If <i l~O.t sQinO!:me~s behavjDllll!l' .~ 00 you, It \I, IF'!" fP£P makes you feel irdtamd. .:11. J ~ ~ M a ffi That shrill ~'::

Jau_gh grated an he nwlker ... .-Mfillt OOft;~~~fJ;Iij ~.;til ~ ~ ... ~ Go .and lind he. J she orde,ed. 011&

her ,'rJanJiler grae6l. .. -l;; Ie it:.tf; * ."'II!~ 5. *~ li.

:5 Jf 1.[., gtBtUag.

gn,te,.fiuI !!~1tfuJ:~ \~tr~I!. U' you a..re poolul b Sl'Joillf'- .o\IM ·OUhUT

thing p1e'~lll or UIiie{UiI that~neone ha,o; dbnc Or g]~ .=pp~~::' you. yo~ bave warm. fr.iend]y f~lings ~owards matland:

.W'i.i..h to thank them. • It CJ(J , Mill! fJ' <0 W 1 am e..e:rso

grateful W ~ for talking"o ny, .. ~~~*.i1-$m:ft

~ * ~.. rd he gf(J,tejul if you could do lIuu . .. i:Jt~;I!~

illifl .. ft3;;f:!t .... • He wasgraleful too., he ~

stUJ alive" m.!j($ ~ E.D)ii" • .., lllSt:di of peopl~'s ~lm'",..

hDlM, .~;Ff If t! ~ A 5'r!J ft ffi..t 0 5131,." grateful' ki~'I'.., •..•

!I. ~ ~ ~"" .. , gr:ati~f4lk:~ te:rs; ···.It m '. 0 grate- 0 AD\' 'wm:i ... 1tI t!Il1.y, iSlt~. lEG ff..e (./)Ci(ep:t.etl lhe .moJteYvafef~lly, " .

Mm •• .t!!l i&"f l' G··· 'It's Juch a MIl'. , she said

gnatfifufly. "n".'.:J;:,." •••• tl.

~H!I' I rwer!~. \wet;r./,~. A gra~ ~ ... !m~ tool N' a)'I!JlIT

witb sharp" r:a.i5td pai'tson i~ ~£ace whk:h is us.ffl fm-- n w;-~il

grating ftnd, (*"'.9lH1IWm d*¥:fi J.T.

grat.,.ty !~p1.]~fa!, ~grret\)/ra!/. plii~. gJ'8til'yipg.

gmU.f"tftl; a fairly fo.rrn..aI\oVOn::l. 1 If yo~ arepilioo by som.eth:irlg, it gh!'d.yotI p.leasun: of sa~is:fartioo. []E~]{iI!. -.: _f.l: ~{t '.:1. 001 'K!(lS g'fa.fiped te find ,hat I'd had rome efiect. .. ifUZ~M!~. ~ ~_@ T ~ -ft;:m ••• He ~ gJ'a(,lfud lhar hi;f ~ had ~. pro..m ri'ghl, ft,;II ii5 )¥; , m ICo trMI .ltiiE'~Jtli!dE .l~. Optified. ..Iflr. ro 0 MIDl QJAUf

A watift:ed murmur arose /r:.rmt the cro~. A If; If ~ ru

1t1:1M11iiaJ!li'. 0 gratif,q, ~ JdIWJI'l j ~ A tt~~ ~ 0 ihElJ QUALIT

a3 1'~ new plan ~y be gm,l'ilyJllg to ,he ~dtJU . . . ~. !i'I~J1g

• it ~& jIf ~ 4> .•• 1:. fl.. ... It .~·kes avatJjyirtg

Y; IF l' J'i"REP t:IfaI (IIlI

f.l i!Jeir.ay

~ ~~f':>rm

VtO'~~'[" C!.. 1 ID-1.NF.!J;!i1!J ii';'i!S8


= ddill~


cliange, ... J!~1"'~ -it'4'AJAl:fJ3I?:1t,·· l~ II 8rdrifY~ lng that '~, do noll llcce.pl this. '*' A • ~ Ii;ll. ~ * _::f;:iI :r: J;3; -t- '" 0 gmt ~ • • fi: • (::!!I ·U .. hpufJJ~k.e~f~; /gnNaf..,'kejan; .. 1I ~ ;.,. 'il~ 00 Du~'l, repemive i<!X)f/t ,gi~j'IW' gro:tijkaUtm, .. z.:Q.ft t¥J' .. ;I:r: ~ =-F ~. A iii ~ ; .. . .. .:reXualgta"ijimtim,. ,. . .• ~ • .i. •. , To my immense g:rat~fi.cal,km. he fell lnlO J/w trep, ~. a:.$ -;t ;Ii: ~,oo~.,&·itiA 7'lIIa~

2 If yo;ti·pilj> y<l'tJr' 0WI1 or a:JlO1!:]~rpenon':s desire. you db, what i~ .~'¢Q .~ ~Jf or them. II J! (it :II ) ~ I':'CI, Was ~ mndy gratifying huowrn .(Jppe~ ti te '"1 •• ,~ ,R M tE " Ii ~ a I¥.I it· m ~? ••• Hi.$ ,$tI1tJIJ.tlS't wish n'lUSt be ,gratified· .. fE.1"./~~~'JlS!!I.~H_lt"f!li • .1E ... Do, smr{/Y (WI' curi{\wUy •• '§ ~ " Ji ~·IO tIJ M ~ b ~ OgrQifkatm, • At ~ 100 •.. ac,tion dIrected tolmr:dl rhtgrat~fimtfoo of ,deyire ....• 1' -iEtJIt.:i.It!1 Qtlifii~.,

:gnU.irBg i9'elhlJ= 'gu:lI]J/., ggtblg8. 1 A gratln;g is a Oae metal frarru:: witlirilWS of mrs. acI"O$ i~.'WIIti(h is ras~ned ovt:r awmdow or O¥a .<1 hole ina walr eethe ~. <1M 7- "" ati H'~-T',. @. EG T~ gr:~#fi8pro.tected awipdow in the met!, S room. ..:tP .. ~ .. Jf IR\lI- .$I •. -.J' 0

2: A ~~!cl is i'.wsh and unpltblltll:..(,. if ) 1111= M. lEG , , ,a repul~ive 'WOmQ.!i! wi rn Q 8TQlfng mlice. • ...• -+ •• ~I lif· l' AmM:~:t-A.

grat.is /1i1l;~ns. ~~. I~j 'grett.v _ If ~elhing :is dent er provided ~. iit. d0e5~t have to be paid for. jt.~o m He worC i;rallsfar his cred~lor, •. 'Iita"Jfth~ filfl:"'I; __ .I$··, h is~. gM'u, la'1!~lftIJ .1k.Jt UlJ.

gnrt. i·~1Ilde / '~htil.l:d: \gr.~\r~IOOJ is·me fttliu@: of b:i.~ gra~fu~.or dJe expressfoo of l:his reeling. .:IIh::~::1i). EG PropJe ,vi.rh to .rhowtmir gmtitrlde 1M .tM help' Ju hru gi~ .them ... A 111#mXitflR&~Tftt;M("Jlj;W jj;l!8it1: ..•• .1 mus~ ,expHSS my gm#l,wk .~Qtfw' BlJC ... 1!:..0jjj~ .~. f'""fI z..: iii]. N Iii,jl!' (IJ It '& •.• DaJJy ~ Qvuwlvlrturd by grolitUik aM .~. $J])?; tit T s.~ .1itt,;t«"

1J'8I" tu· HOIJ;!li !,~I t] tQ~; gr<I"tiUi;l.t;;lS/. MocUOO Qt be· fllivimu- that is gratw~ is wme~y in a p<lfticulms:itlUatlO'"I1J. and lJSUaily mu-mfutiOF '[JpslI::t¢ilrlg¥ .!I. f~~ 'Ward ~d shoMng cl~p:p.ID'iIal [if Jt ~ l!] ~ ~ .. !'I'Ih l:; 11 jj;;iji ~ oro .. ·va~ui.taw: acts ,f}/ rvandal.tmt. .. • •• :t .::t;iIt~ if'!W·.·:tf'fll1·" ... gratuitous O'u.eUy, ... ", ~ .DC.JJliiJio 0 gnrtWw.Jy,. X:"!iUl~:. m Sk had no wish, too ~U~ m.s !eelings ,graulito,lLfiy .• ,. !I!I!~m:!f!ll.:iMw. .~.tIt··· - , . a gratuitously e~l act ..•• £. ~iIt~J.¥II ;!i:q~.

gra.tu4·~ 19"a,ttj~I~''ij~1 ,gnrtuitiai, .1\. pUliny is 1 a gUI; ,of .rIDJlIlCy to ~ who has ·done :somnetmh,g rot ymI. 1},!It ~ .. ti:. 00, Is Om! aUowedro ofJe' grat ... itl,e.1' to the guitks? iifll!A:ii _."~.Il!l\?

~ in -lk.iHsb English. ~ Wge gi~ of ~ gi.",e:n ~o~"

one w.h!:::n trn:y leave the~rEmploymernt '. e;pociam~.y w\hen they'l'eave the ar:med (orces. [~Junml~Hj{J~d~A IJ'!lJ ) lH it ~. ~ .. He 'f.!S~' from th12 St!, .... ice ar:r.d applied for a g7afu.uy i nslmd oj r.I:P£'l$iQJt _ tta:il:ft T • ~ ••• II m:t iliF~ Ilt# ~;It •

graiye .lJ"B"\i\l':Ii ~. p8'tW, 'gra_. gnrV('! a.:;m 1 ~. 5 li$

it It- I ~el'i.i S gf"'-v /, 1£~. 6 1'i 'fill ~ I Sfillv, !Pl:V~. grev , gfilV/ .J A grpe !sa p.I.att whcn:a d~ penool is bur~ ied. !i. ,I .. R _ B3 Amy oonts 1:0 ga.' and see her mQ1,h#!rs ,grave, .. .:W;1tl .• R ~·:Ili;M1 .to it ... FJtTiYltffl had been pm. lm 1he gran. ~lJIT~if •. :tUt.

:2 Y 00 mt1: refu to ~'.s ,&.a!tb .as. theilr _gmve Of W db.un as me~.~]y in ex~mo 5uch as '.~ n..lis gra:ve 'an:d • from me grali'-I! ~.. Jt r. roo leffa$(}lll, iWi'tt to his graw: ,~nt I~t he· WtlSright ..• ~,¥jI !Ji:m-M.M1~~' a ~.:iE.iKI··· He drank: himself imG an ~ttJl graw. . . ,ilK ~ I!I: iffm J!i "" Me :l1:: 11 T ..• . .. gJr,oj'!S $raki"'B theiT daims from beJlO'Ui l~ gra~. -··If fij ['Ii] m ~.jf X.ti: *1~· - ~ 1I.;\\l.

3: 'I1k: 'W(Jm FliI~ is .~~ ~ m me 100loW"ing faLr.ly .inlformal ,e.l'(~aOOii r-c:hifuJg m deaUt Q€ diow1er. ~.M' T""f JJ1·~!i!)!f'Jet:: -'I1;~.~lIi'm~m:t.i:iJI~p •. 3. ~ U y:ou !'iaylhat ~m,eo~' b: digging tkir ~ gnw .. you m=.aJ'I dJa~ t~t}' <l!!'C 1doin.s so.medDlj!lgfoo.lWl o.r cbn,gcrOi.~ d~t W.m cJ,t!i,SC lock OWIil faiJ!,Il'"Ii!:, I~.~" l; tJ ·IE 3Iit t: 0 ,3. 2 If yrn;' say Uw.'~SQ~ I1as 1JDt tPH:in the gnIW. roo mean ~;bat tbey a:re :i!Q oid or iill dla:t they will pl'Obably diti soon. - H*" e, _:II #':CIi ~7IiS;I1l;.:w:: ;Ii I fi' ... *. ,3.3 U YQl,.I :5<iY '¢h!;;l( someone: w'ho is ,deacI '\I!I'QUld totm; in theirgn,w. }lOll me.an Wat thee)' ~[d be very ~ (f; upet. hy oom.e~ tbillg that i& hajJ. " .. ', IDW .iftiley werot al:i~, ('Ji,' 1tt ~

!l! I: 2t:i. M.,,. jJ;r:!i: in E:Iit.- ~ •• tt .• ' ~ Of

fit; ) ~ ~ .,T: ~ l~ • Ell My 1M't~ffl.us1 be lurn;,ingin her

v .. o

'" .IoaIIiif:l'.iJldijj~ ""';;i!;")"

o NUNOot.!m =' in!hll~_

NCOUNT 1'Itrid

A4:iiJ (\[ASSliF. MED. Q!I_ JIDV =f~

AnI QU.o.!,_IT

= ~~_m!ltc.l!!. Wi!.Il"t[m

NOOUfrfl" " tip

N (J0liJ'0(]', USU IPJIEP' + M!)[H N

PfliR., "WI !:~.


grave ... fttt.*i-m:l: tl;: :fJ.!l!~ "FS jlj;;r.; ~ l' .... CrelW Mtn~;rd tum in his .grave if trw! building .~. down. ~ .. *~ ~ •• AI ~,iti, It • .(±:tn.. Z "f m ~.1\iJl; 00 .3.4 frnm. l'I'adiJeto ae gra¥@~j1 aadi@.

.4. A situation (wCver!ll that is P'f'{: ~ very serious, imp:!rtanr, <lind ~y.ing. F:i:~; 'I: *- ~. ea ... grave mis~ 1~e..!L .. ." JE. Mi 11 ii.... , .. a~ry grave. decislo~. . .... \l~ #::1: JJ M (.II; :5,'l... .1 Md ale va~·' JI<uspicimvJ al'xnM the.wkoI.t; en,Jerpri~" ~ ~.1";& jJ1 mx if. il!:. <> graveJiy .. Fa •• ro His lather Km: gravely Uf, .. "tI;1l ~m-:iI ~.Ii ... Their ptilici~ had gra'l!dy d{J~ indU:'i,ria,l ridatr·cmS'. '11. tJl e<J6:. e F •. JdHQ. T ~ fi 1.: ~ •

5 A PCI'8O!J who·.~ ,graYfi' .is q.wiel and seJjjmlS lin a:ppearanDe or beha,yOOr. J&. ~·o I~ ••• l181'lU1t', wurlOO'US maR ... ···-+F.;tj.$1i·R.IIJ~· TO ••. ,. the J!(1Je fcCi. so grrlYe and·serene .. , ...• ~:~ 8 ~ •.• lf.fI. .f!I T I" ... Sire rellt.~. looking Cil'81.1 grtlwtF, .00-* T. .'J:~J(JmjD'1I7. 0 ~. rr-ItJ£. EG Roger un~

aersloM mfd.rwddtd gravely.,. J# ~ 'lis T ·.Mf!PlIIiP..iil

.~~ l/i'k 0 •

6;.A gnw aat'l1t i.s a symool d:tat ~~. placed over liI vowell in .:.'Ii word it) WfI1oe. latr~, ~uch as lfttloncih. to shoo""" how rhe ....-owel Jspn:m.owlca1'. ~'6,( ~m:i!f )-tI1~.

gnw.,dig.ger !1~e~"'ldi!:p~ 'gm-~'I!'tdIp!i' FtYelll1~, A p~is ai. person. whose job is to dig holes. {Of dr.:.ad ~J!:to ~ burieclJ [III. in a ce'm.erery or dU.lfdly.ar-cl. • ;lA.

;gr:av.~ /g'ievl; \gti.::ev~1 oo:ns~1S of \I·ery smaU stones ~hat. are [ol!t[ld., fohr example. •. il'll river beds and are .~ to cover p;i;lhs ,ifi!iit,!lli .. co, . , . the. SOUM 0/ hia f~d ·on. l~ grovel.,. ... flIllR H ~ • .t.IW!II ~ ~ •.. . .. an, a:bci~doned gra vel pi. r ... • •• -1'- .. !If: itUJ Ii ~ ... . .. th!e ,uneven surf,(K.I! of the gm:vel ,oad .• ,. :;t;:lf'-mmi$E •• iii.

ua".elkd /grev.ldl., \~iclh .aIso sp:l~~d poawLIM in AJTU:t.i.c.u-u. &igl~l!.. tE. ~ ;Ii ~ If' ~ !If fi15: grilive1t::d • A gra:reJJed path or roo.d is. CIne wkh a ~f<l!ce made of graveL .. .1:: 1J!S:ri I~. E~ A gr:(lvelJed(erMa SWTOUmled the ~., . , !if f' ltIJ'ml JIJ;I! ~ it"' 1i ¥-£l'.' .... the ~l"etlMrood. ieadi~aM:lY from t~ hlghway, ..• hl £-- • .t tt HJ42 OO'jfi;;5 Ii .

grav.el·ly ! ~ga:va]1 ~ ~w:h/. 11 .AlIl area of [and tll.:H is ·gn.wJiy" :is rn~ i]UJ !lm.al~ sl:OfIe!;; ... .fl W6!t"J I ,*,MLlj I~. E.'S ... gr:o. ve1Jy :soU. .. .+. & ±... . .. bi,ds th4 ~ 1i \If on graveIlY~· ··'·~~Hm-·6J;j!1:.~4~~

:2 A. ~y 'iOIice Ls low .imd.radiCT roug11l1 md ~W'l;h. {jIi Ii } tt'1fi. M •

grav·m ;l,\1\eIWJ.F \gr-e~. A gJ'D~ i~ is OIX that has been. ~. e:sp!!cially for liSt: ~n. re][g,im:1lS '\i0;'QJ"5ruPF a Liil:erary~, caJ. •.• ug.

:pw' si*~ ! 1!J't![v.sald I ',gre'fl<Sa1d/, The ~ is the area .:u~ a grave ~ ~ especi<llly W~fl taJlk.~g a~ the lime 'When a dead .pecson. is be~ buried!. J.t&:iti. rei At the gr:a~ide ~ mtJde tl liHle: speech ":fI! •• $o". Mlwt T n.1lJI~.

.grate·~ lipV!SIi<Ul~ \grev t ~:I.If1I~i, Apw"~ ~ a large pkceolr S1on.e f.hat is p]aooCl above or Ilear :a ga.~ and W:LS.I~y.hou lrilfllJ'iIl1;1ilkJa 00 it a~ thepr;l'~ S!I'l[l burled thel'e. arid ~i~ .;l p~, _ ••

pve+yatd Ij~el.'!Iljwd!.\gwev I jgrdf. ~- 1 A graveyard is.Ol[l. ar'Cal. ,of &.nd. 5Ornoti~ near a clt1lficl1l. wbcr,t: dead peopl!e <U~ bYfi~, (if! .it.l J1::.'M f.>. ~

2: If yoo ,C<I,l]a p]aoe ~ ~. 2. 1 you .~ttmt lber!; an'; Flan,,! br~tli:! or- I..Illwao~dlrungsllieli'(; or dlBt mlmy dll~ mve been destroyat t.here, .• fl. ~ ~ i:lltl • ~ EG ., . dia:t dre.w1'edgnt'lI'ffyard 0/ ships . the Berm~· aa 1'riflng# ' ...•• 1if.~ =- • ., •• -t-,*, A.:ti: .1®.~m;N Zlt!.··· . , ".6 grol.o!l'!}Urd of stolen .cars:., '''IH¥- "-* ~mlj!I{$ at ijj If. 2 . .2 yotl ~ thai ~t is very dlllJ and Wring, with very f~w f<l:£ili:ti.es f'of 't':m[;.rtairnmem, an informal ~,cmJff.~mii.a9.if.1t. B:i Old .here III pract.icaUy Q gro W'/JU;r:d . ~~ 1li J.tM J;IIiiLt:l;--tJt~«m M .. 1i 0

3 ~f}'lJ1i:I call MI. e\i'en~ or pla-Oe 'IDe~JllI'dC!f~k {)_f ~hci. ~.. you. m:eom, toot .peopk h'ile C!~:e[! wkd m suc.h. events .OJ' In that pfuJre; a.. Ut\erary use'. [.]ilt:::EIf1t; r&:~.f!:§,Jt!!.j!ji • EG Elecd:on:.J"'u ~,he ,wu·t't:yam oj the poii,'iml pr(iphe'l. .. ii. ;liUi ia Jj li ~ I~ .. #: ti.. . .. BrnadtMl,Y t Gra'!le}l'lr:d al a ,toowrand hopes. B::tit:~! £i;.:(f:: ii II koJ .~ ~.It. •

gnt,".i .• ·~· /1~lten~ "grilt:'iKI(tel/, .~, ggviltatilng .grnVii:t.ated, I f you gnI;:viibte tow~a. particWM pJf.I.(X; ,I:.blflg ,oractJiv~ty, you Mtal!!tr.aotcd. by ~t ~ gp 00' .it, use· h, ot:' gel invclJved ill itc, a fQ(rrnailvror<L [:iiEJf;;J~ ~i1j ~.M. ,~ The bt.rt reporttTS .~ai.tila~'t towutd..t lite

ALlI WAUT ~'~I"'mi!

o AD'" ~~~


01\0"" "~.rnIlllf

NOOU.t>OJr, mu ~fNG


N'UN~ ;'hI'.OJ~

AruQUAU"[ i1' .. ",,"'I'


NCl!:)t.J-~, usu ~iv ~ N~N S,NG

N 'CIOT,.!NT t'~1 =~OR

I\iI,CQUN"r = ~If)'

t-rQolJm, usu 4' SUJ'ii'


lSU UIiED AS C ;;.~

N"OOUNfI"o# ioliid

= ~~

v~· .r~i w ~-

'" 1;0: d!;I."",


centres of p''Wef •• , .. tt ~ I'fJ 'l2 :# D 8 If;] it jj ,~ ~, .• , People gm~ft<tte to'lMard.foods tfwr are chMper." , .AJi1 .I~ Ojl ~ Ii ~ ~ tI i: !'r!l." .... He gro viuued muuraily to Newrnarket. fE (it ~ilij:P!.i •• ~iJl* Tm~·~~·.

gr:av·j· b!i'~. 1~V1~tc[J::m.; /groew:'tr.eIat'l!j is . the' force whlch ~ objiOCi!S ~o beau.!fac~ towMds eaea other Occa~ ~hey have IDll$j. Oil technical term hl! p.bys~e:;. [~ Bl~J}J • m ... ~h:e Jaws of gm ... Uati'f.J1t .•• ,;;l(::b Jl ••

gnll'.j.ta·.,tiw.!.al li~V!lltel$~j Jgnrw:-'k:'l~! »lerulS re= lati:rlg to or. ttSwti[1g from the foro:: of gravity. ij I JJ { 11 it:) 00 ; ~ ~ i :h fif' ::r;:: M. ffi .. , {ifeea.rlh 'S' gra~UltkmtrJ fOJ',r£ , '.' •..• ~¥ ~ I fl··· ... a I,ClWgJuvi tatio.ool field. . ... 1ll: <} 1.71 .fi •

ga."..·i-ty !'~v""tI.;\~!. ~vi'tk!i.1 GnPfty b t. 1 the fOl'~ whiw causes tblings ro f<tlf to the grot.:!f.KlI Wilu:n you drop them. and ~o remaill on the ;ground Instead of floati:rtJg ]Il theair, :lIl,t-<;I1 n i :;ij:fj'iJl ;!')I !.i.I .e, m ., . the law of gravity. r" Jr·fl ~I.h:il.~ .. also ~ ttl reft:i' 'loa Sbni]af fQlf~ of dHrertn~ silUngth .on ano1h:r planet ora. rnQ(m.if;m'fm~·MS¥~J1.~~ljl'. mil .... tiln (U~er"' ,oid captured by Jup;. ter '.fge4.~ gravity ..•••• *' II Uli g "* '31 jJ MrllJ31 00 -- .A"fi !i... 1. 2 tihe ~e as gravii:~t:~, ~ gta viration Jiij. ~!Jl':jL ~ of ~9 .spedrl'k c.ranty:2 The gravity of a jiill'lliatOO 'ott e~ll't is irs extreme impot, IMltt a-nd seclowlileS!i, <41 ~,.{If fJ tr:J).~ IF .(tt} 0 EG, .. the anr'l.i'iry oj t~ fuw,nd.al pmWo.n .... ···It~#:

RzjK-liI!I!." .. _ ~.fre ~wty of l~ ~bn:l:ail'.in.e £h~r U) smppng ,··-m*_j}'It.e]k ~FJi:JlB~

~,TIlte grarlty (1~·$Qm.wM·~ beOO:v~ ofspecrn i~ ~. ("11\lttmdy Slttjoull Way in whi~~ d~ey ~havt Ot :~' .. ( fl' J!,;t c, ii if!J HCJ ) fI *' , EE ;1:. se . .. tfu!odd 8"awJyo!Ur.r1e girls.,. ·"f~' j( lUIl;1f- Hi ~ 1.f.~ @. •• , • A~}'inttN'es!."

i ngqueSCii()ll'l • ', Ju. said with mockgrawty. .~ -1- *- .. ;;r lAIr tll,i[.i} U 1'~ ilAt#! Fjff:* jjt.

grn.1-'Y jlgroet\l'H 'gI'(i!:vI!, gnlWls. Gravy is alhilill. S<i!Jltt nlade from the jlJj~ :~t rom!!oo .. l'l of .meat when ).iIOO O!lIOk it. I1l'iI tt ~ ~i I§ •

graty ha$t .gr.a"'YboaU:~ ;n;iif;l.roii~~.A ,gnliV)' ,bolt is a ~hl)tt .. n«row jllJg used for s.e:rvillg gra.vy, lIlm·~!i ••

pvy t~D. gnny tn:.iDs. I r·~ desU'~Le a job.. busi!':!!;8j, 'Oir method of(lb~nll!1.s:nmoney ~ a ,gravy ~gW, 'yoo ITIean tha~ you gtta b~tlf ~f ff:'Wll itwlidlOut IV.IiJcheff<H~t, an i!1lfotrnal ~.orlJ. ['!iJ {.+:fJUfH! I •• :X M n!J'} ~1i: I fI! ~. EQ. •• , a private gm1O'y trail! !iU&idi~ ~ pub'" /i,e l~nds,". "'--1- .i.I..il'A.:it,~ "h+ A 11· lfil it *' ®~ !\\ •.. Pve ~ r' thegral'Y Imin ail my life. fit~ -11: I ft': Q rq ifUIi it )1:.

:~ /~~.gr~/, £ ~.

graze l[fel2.~gl1ez/. gnI:lC:!l. :graD1I3,. gnmd,1 w.~ a:p allimal .~ C!C ymtll 'p1II!. it, it eats ~ ~ (If' Cllb¢F pJams that .a:!'C growm.g m..a particulliar pJ!a.ce. <iIt()(4-'" )!If. trt ... ~ :;6': :tt ~ 00 'I'M 1wr$i!:.f graupeaufu11y .. , . .~~:€I~ •• 1It. ... We ust.d .~o ua~ sIw!.p'tm the fieWs ~u $heGo7R J;J now.. ... ft fli:t ~'I''' (£ 31. tt H' • "* •. ~ Rli.m!t. $ .. , ' .. la~ grwzd by shtiep dna ~'" !If:. ... t6;,iI; tt. ~.~ ~ ~ •

.2 If you ~ a pan of yOIllI'body. YO!Il.i!I'.ljur~ m:he skim!. by ~1n.,g ~t somethi!rig .• t'H.~.tj). ~ I Wazed my 1~1J8 M puUm me up.trlilUUi!*~.ft ~W(. • ft·. 8) T • 0 ~grw.ed..fj s«J. Ea .•. his, gmud k-flU"

····f*IU.ftjM •• ~ "

:3 A- ~ l$a s~. ~ caw>ed by W!apm:g~t something. .. tl1 ~ro There waj' a IWS1Y .gra:Zie on his ik~, .. fltU!l1ll 811 ~. ag It m ... , .. cuts am ~"

'''IfIH~i flI. f.t. .

-4. If ~thing a:razes you. it wudl!es you HgJnly as it ~ rati .• i1 •. roJona'J.JlwlonlygrazeJ him ..... Wi MI." .R "})..~ :f J: • :ii ...So,mellu,.g .hard grazed the back &/ hu head, :ftftz.'~*li •• 7 tt~lilti1'i:.

graz .. lDg j 1'~IZlIJ; ~. ~or gnDng laud .. 1:.. bNIon wm~h <mi1~grllZf! IQI' .1R .gt~, • ti ~ ti: ;I- • 00, , •• the lack of good gtaz~ng. . .. tit:~.tf M fI!:II •

CRE ! .dsiJ:o:'i: f !~Qr'1/. TItle GRE lis ~ <2lUmll!'l.:'l:tlar;! whicl1i you mvew pass to be . .mie to join most graduate ~ 'course!> mtk United Statts. GU mall abbl'~via" tJoi1 [Of· GradLuate &0J!rd lE:owl!ina1IiO:lil ~. cm JiF fl ~ A $ ~ iit {-'1 Gradwrl:e ·Rerord Examination ~ .. 1&) •

~ /fT!:<l. VCI ,grw. ~, ~. ~ .. 1 Grease is 1. 1 .a tni.ck.oilywbstlm.tt wmcll i5; pm on rbe moving p.;ms. or am: and oilier maclli:l1rs in -mdet .w make them WO£k srn.oo:tihlly. till Ii .~ W JII ~. ~ll 11Ie gl18ll1le .WW' row.nd ,in; vease - .. '.n. J::. ~fI T ~ .. m .... .... ~ SUl!ned mecrnznl!CS. • •• n- _t ~ .. fit'" lib ~ m m: .• , ,. 2 .om

AIDI C!..AS$If',· VSI.i! .A.TJ:R[B

.. ~COUN:[! :m.rOOVJ';1T

N 1..!iNOOUN"E, ~f" (IU!>'FJ~ oj

N~m F 1iQI~~:!,

i'if ·OOl!l'.'1T.u.ru S]NG

= ~i®i~

'!I~iIll.G,ae. V+ 0 j't .. ~

V '1"0( NG/ Rfi,R..) . ~~.

v·'·.o ,,~1tI

" ibil\!liJ,

N 'UI"JJOUNT .. if'*R\I{I;.

.['oI~r iii ~l:Ili.1am =ru

oH'y $~li.tiranor that ,is piOOured by yoW' mn.fiJ D. 00, Hi;f hair looked shinywilh ~ ... M. ~ ~_t 1;"tm ... 1:. /i; Jf. jt:; :t: Irf!! ••• '."~ marks on Sl)la ,bach alfd arm.:'; _ .. , tt:llt i41 'tllI1:~J: ~mlEjdflt. 11. 3 ~mam fat that isp«:duetd hyc:ooJiingmea:t or whidtyou -me !for ,oook-

=~::::li,;'. Try cooki~oii or greast. ,fit~ T~~

2 If yati grusea pan of a car. ma<'llb~, Of.' devke, YOUI pm grease 00 it if! order to ~' t~ W'Otl:: s:m.QQt~Jy. !'l:li ... !\IlJ;i!t tali. m Ciean a,1id ~e OM ml ~ thma~hly_

fl.!!ii1'-t8 n 1WJIl •• T~'J'f·bw .;I:~ttt l1li.

:Ufyou ~ ~'s pIiIm. you bribe them, an inIirrn1lll expression. [m J ~ ... fi M. E:G The gal,ek,upers

.;:~/.~ln~~~$.r~~,:,;~~lm.'J. 1j' ri A

4:/ll'lll. dbow~.

~ gIlD, gnmstl' g1IIW. A ~ gull is a device for rOlC· ing gl'f~ase i[lOO ~pe:ciaJ~lxlJes !l1i madhim~ so th.at (!Jeir ,ITWv,ing .~.WOl'k, s!fl'lf.lO"tthly. (.tm ,~ ~. jt1J1 ~ ) tf 1BI M; l it ~ti


grease.paIint i'!Ti:!>!pt:mt; 'gri:,;,p:nt/ i~ an ojly slibstai:la:: IN UNca!}NT ~. by actors as n]!,alk~ l~p. (li~ ittt ffll~ hll fi; •

grease- pnd' pa" per I !Wi::sIPl'~II:r.pe~pg,~ \gru\>p''iiJ ['Ipe~Ji$ N Ul'«..m.'t.·IT a special kind of papEif W.n:idl do.::s not aJrow grease or oil

to pass tihcmugh 11 and is '~ ~pe-c]aMy in CDIlkillg or to

wrap food. i&"'iWi1e.

~·Y /Wi:;zr .. s]~ wis.I/. ~eF, gnaskM. Sotneth~ng AfiI QUALIT thaI is~ .is. OO'Vetloow1ru gre.aseoi'oonl:a:ins a bt of ~ .,ily g~'I.C - !t:R'~ Iii ~. ~.1'IIl jij ~. j iIIl·!1i .ill: ~ ~. leG • , • greasy

r·aoJ'~ . - - ••• i1lr ~ tt.J. I .R. ••• .., hu Jal grmf)' hmW. .. , ., ...

jt. t5 tI T #J N jij D f.... . .. gr;easy kam~rs. :." ·1lII.

~&.4: I~tl'.

pmt !ph~(, grater., gralest. ;~ts _ f You tile

great to d~IIJe ;SOl:prtbing tMl is 11. l v~ty~D# .i:rnJ. s~. AbIr <lU"'U"I j Ot" ort~R~My l:.o:-, G.rat.is rnat~ .b;.ma:l thlm "b],u'. and WU AT'fltJ1l

--...I!:I..... e. l!f ~e ..

is ~. ifUtiead of • large 1 when )'uu arepat'liculm]y 1m- 1DIm::~

praozdl by the size. (:IliD*OO:~*~~ !liG A81mr I~

11M lmlin. tlCrO$$ lll'le Cf!JI'n£T. - •• .. -.::Ie PI" T ""IF * . II

IE - + IHI! _t .•• ., ,. a great black ,a(}ur1. oj smoke" ... -

*- II J! m.l. :2 largt in nl!l~r or amutIflt, cspeciaJily AO.I(,!uM.n

1llQ~ d~ til'nc ... 'V(:~ nI!lmlx:r O.f ~lO\mt. (It.) 7::. ~ ~ = CQ.mdr:r!l!1rI1t

iijR~. EGo ••• lhe gmt maion!,., O/lUfWjObs., .•.. ::k_

It i!f'!.Ji.:tJI I fI; •.• TlMn is a ~i'am:oruu ofcmifUc.r

about.it" , .;g.2It~ T*.;+~·" The beat KW so

groat 1 uKik y j'~r,".. t@: W~ ~ .R M If; ~ ~JR. T • l..3~mpcrtmrt'- fal1"\Qm,or eXidting~ _.x$k'l:gl ~ ,"A AI:)i CllA'is:~f~ .~ I&!J. m ." ,~he gr;M'l ,dtiJes:qf .rile Rhineland _., •• ,., mu ATnitm I'Hlij fi" iII:II. jg ~ .:t ~ _ ij1..., " . the flWlt .i$u.es l;fj t.he

&ly. . .. ~ ·ft I~ .. :1;: !iii] II. <:> gJ'amess. • *' ; • Jf ~ m .;;) N IJNC(;MJ,NT,

:!..~ ,,' .... ~ - oW USl[} WI'Il1 ~

, ." frR;~'tlU!SS 01 ut:t""w.ny ..•. _~ OCJ'.:~ (it).

2 A p:!tsoll wb), is ldesa.ibed as wmrl: is ~fU!i .omd t:a- AW QUAU1\

i!': L _. , . }-ll· AL$O N'

mou-'i ~or ~iw.nf".ctl:ons. bmw oJge, or sikill. I'fj :;Ie 1M: 31::t ~ +f~ ~Af!I

M 0 lEG ••• a great actor .. ,,'.' .. .g .l/I ... . , . Ale:mnder

she Grea~' _ .. - ... ~ m ~IJ! j,jl;;:iiif. .. ,Ctre of' the ~jut en-

gi1f(el$ of /i,his cent,uty - ••• :$ m: ~ •. m "* $'fJ :r: ~iI JIIii 2. - •

(>greatlleSS" ~* i.~. ea; " " • &U~nn.'s grenlm:.9$ tJs <) ~ ~, ap/lysicist ... ·~~til!lfi'F::lIti- i'-t!!lJl~~Mr:m*. mu WlrFH· :P05.'O. :s Tbe grealiS i[lJ .a particwu subject O'r ficld 011 activ:i~y <lfe N i'WRAL, 'lL51lJ

lbi:- people who ha V~ beep flXJSt successfutlor famous bll I~, j~iI!.!:;:' !" StIPP

j;:AI'! ~ .. ~ A 0 00, • , ,~ 0/ ,~he aN~.tinre greaJs _ ...••• ~

lliJ !fIJ'#) A..;G. - .,' , ..• most of the golfing greo..ts, ••• jot

fUUr..*~~. . -

4 You U~· graf in inJormal English ,4.1 to eltJ1ress ap.p:ro'Val. admintlon, 'm ex.cit,emenll., [ffn~:ij< &'r!l ; ilBl ~ ~ 100 It's a greal idea."" :i8;:;lIt: 1'- ti jf IJ1JI =t:: :t , .. He was greG!., .l really like him:" • .ffi!illl T + $I 'P ~ II ~FI ~ idl'" • Great." sa~ Howard" • TMI '.1 ~rveUous . '''if.

y .~. $ ,,~ , .. ";i'!! ;:t tilt 7 ." 4. 2' to exp.ress rotiJ.k.IJ[iJpt. .A.DJQllA!UT OR

srom. or bi [1>e!TIt'ss. by (l$i.~ a snc:a-irtg tm~ of wire _ .~. EXCl..AM

( ~ ;;r.~ til!: 8:" jjj;; "!II i!i" ~ ). 00 ! Oh veal.' .t thought.

'Jus~ ~J I rw.m. ~. .. .. JI9: .," ft Ii. ".0 IE ::I ft .ffi .. ~

1M. "" ... If t.kfJt '$ what they ~ If!! beUew i~. grea~'.

tII;J l:t ltuHurrll: i! ffl ~ Jl;l ii[!j, :3 •. ~ X Ifli * (' . 4.:3 ali D:OAM pM!: ()<fexp.r~dDm ofs"W'p:risc, shock, O!t dlslbelid such as

• GrealHeavens 'iWd'Grea~ Soott'. ~.fit Gltml Hca.ve.M

l! Oreat Soott .;JI,iji; till! q: , • "Il1.I~ •• 0 EG • Great

HM"~~ p s~ cried, see,i~g ~. '~:X.!" iii - .. J!JI 1ft.-

•. !I~ .

5 If ~::ml.eone [t:e:i~ grato they fed very ~:tby.!l:ncrF" ~1c:,~d~n~usWtlc_ ~~ '*' ill. ~ . :II i.J Hi M" tI'!iJ. ea My ~fe isn't !"RU,. so· .gRa:t .a.~JiMI.N ff·~ 11:.... . 151 You ~.~ for ~mp~:is in the foJ}l)win(l; wa.ys l 11 T tJ.1' 1f;( l,1 :bIHI 18~: 6. 1 'WJith aiWthe.t adjecti \!"t', ttl I:m~ ADi ... " API •. !iJR

Am ,CI...ASSlF', pl'lia&im dt[; smlt 'ot quality of i!IOlIle:tfttill.g or fOiI)II]~. at

Y~'Q " o.il

.PlrliR., VB .1""~u:c1'$



= re;rrif:ic

~QU'AUr, PRE![)


.. Mil


your Opl!'iilon liIboLlt them j an infunnaillSC, [~J + J! 00 • Ea, • _ ., agreat bi'g' gaping hme , ." ... ~ a:k I~ - 1""831 'Dl'·· - - ,tin tJnm'trI.iJ!U$ great 8"ll1. ,. • .. iii. !if liN !II' ~J "* ~ ... are(J_~· fat cia ,COW! M ~ ~J ~ ~ .f:'-N.tf- ! IS.:2 to emJiimi~

a .. , noun t~lail:. refers .... w.4I: ctt:ia1i1:y,e. rnrJt.ioo ... I'.Ot. probJ.·.ern .. tI.· •. '·'8'90 EG Hl! swildred {rc:Jrn one task to ,another with

grea.J .diJfi:cuUy. .. fE_X 8111 Jt 1A ~.!lJ{ .ff: *':M' ""' T ~ ~ Jj,f f.f1f , •• ritis is 01 weal hnportJmc;e .... :itm.Jt:.:. .... Thid.r lOll(!; of !m~Jingis so great tha,r tht.yare' hardly f:VU at /wnw. , , 1t!dll::li'- 'I: ~ 1i T :Mila ., tOi: 'f ~ ~ t! i': ••• The.grcaler the threat. .rht! l~ I.~erotl(',e' ~.I:we: ,c'l'ln be" _ibM:*: .~ •• #~., (k 3, with 111 [lQI!J1il that :I'"di'~rs to a person w]th a paniCllllar !l:'~C'lt!r~iiC, :~n:ts:r~1l.qri.l.1.i'ifY1 etc, ,[o€mphasize th;J,toUr.t.Cltermic _ ~ Ili:llt ~ ~. lEG Hi! hm·11 grefu friend a/Huxley .. , fff;M .••• ,~ .. ;X ".,. He m1S a great ~nJser" fS1! -1'::g IIlK~ ftlJif e.z vt •

'J G~ • .is also iLlMd 1. 1 as put of tbe wmc of a (ity or roocl Rilff'~iji.!!llJlI:~.t.~-av;;&. ~. , .. Grent: Yarnwu I h. ,. . .. }.:.II :fIji ,.. , .. Grea: Marlbor:ough S~'r«! . ... ;Ie g, fr-fiflltiW. 7,.2 as part of the name {!If <Ii species of piPIt er anirr\l,d wl:!eotthere is Mlm:..be!speci~ or tk ~ pliant oranisnal which is amallerartd ha, other clifrerenllil chat.dCl..Nrntics.. JfH" ~ tlU~lI .:t f:J; ~J - filH}. Ell ". the great apes. ". . .. ;:tMl·· .. • " "« great tit ..•.. * til 'It! •

III ~~ pealer.

great= is Lisedl before flOODS; that refer torda:li;tt;S, soeh as 'a~rlit' Of • g.rafl!dson I. W. ~ndjCllw thalt ,iI relative is one generation flli_!'t~er away riban the one the noun ~efe!T"$ ~(I< y OUl.!" gre1l!~. 3J!J:t1t is the aunt ·of yo"Urrnother Of f3!ther • and your gf"eat~ gnmilion :Is the gTOi!IildOO.n of }'0"lU' 50fl ur daughter - :hll' 1£ ~ ~ ~ •• ~ i\; II!J 4!i tiij ;;t .. $: ;if. " flil fl' ;~ 1'1;, t':)"·z;i. ~ ... William's .yeaHmcle.,,, • ... I1~Utm 5(: ...... ' Great Aunt Aiice.r ru-ipe. " •.. t.!:~ 1!jI;jt .. it &tt! tf t! ... "" , 001' gnal guttt gl:tmtJpt'Jr£nr.s. • •• flHll i!ffii .lAXBJ-.

Great .Britain i:; HlC W);md WtJ:iilis1jng Qf~~aoo. ~t-

lJood. and Wal¢$,. whioh togetrler with Nart~em ·h~IM.d makes .. ' ... ' . up.... the. United Kingdom. ;:k: ~.J!J iii ('m M~. ~ . ~ ._~~ld.~±).

grml.Mlt f'fP""llhbltt ~lur!. peat~. A gJ'Nkm! ~ <'I kAlSthick DVe'Ji'looat that is worn aop;ciaJ~y as p;wt of a uni(o.rm _ {'" I!'!} ) if;k a. 00 ., . tin tumy gnateotJ,t. . •• -

~~*;fi.. -

greal.er 1'·~n"'J '~J is med with mas pa:rt of the ~ gf .Iwge citJ:eil, whailyou ~C; flcfaTlDg W lhe wbolc chy lodu.d~ngthe s~~bY.voo.;md~Ol j!.!!>t It~,tbe o:nmJ ~, 1c ~ (:ftl ]c·lJl m t;J ~ @;~ m ~ . .m fl5.tt .6 • ~ -.71. lie: tit ~. [it t£. ~I P!JI •• 1" .ti m). 1001 .," Grml,fr .LoruJlJ1t, ." •.. ::;t-fe:.'" '. - tlte eight milliOn people lngreatef Calcutta" ···:*;oo;trl;:fi.:JJM 8Qo]f A IJI •

great .. l,. JIg-eiI'd!.~ \gretJr/ is: ~, in EornuJ F:.ng'Jisb, to emphasii<'1:: the degree or extent OfOOlil'lf:t~. [.IE.;tJ~~*.! *- "* JI. .. E'GO 1 .~ greatly infiue.nud. by SuWmn . ... ft~ ~'& ~t~~) ~~I'" fk admi~ his fat.her ~dy" '" it ~~'.t~.m 2. ~J)t~." He Km" nor gteatlysurprised. 1'& #f;;r: S~ + *~.~ .

Gn·dan !·grijO!n~\grij~j it<; u...oo. to- describe ~lhiflg W~CI05>e styile j~ l • .ke tlla(oftbi.rntgS· mad.eo.r used .il1 a~t:it Greece. {ii)~lhta1l. 00 ••• h~ Omclan oolum~ .. ,

;;~~;::~:~;.'~;!r~~ G,«i{N~ nmic. ....

~ !gi;:d~grid! Is. an ~r desire for s:tJmething" t,0rr" example fi)J)cll, ~. OF power. especially fm more than is: necessary o.r t3ii:r ~or you '[0 have; ustd slowIng diia.'p~ p.m·v<d .. [~J ~ Ir. ~ j; ,('. CG, lrtequa#r y .fms .s.timuialM e~vy t a.mbilion:a~.grmJ - •. 'f' ~ ~ e _ ® T !f§il fJP .If'" t1:l" •.... , .. the glint ojgreed in Itl:s e_ws - ... 1Ml1I: ~ A ~.RIJ !Jr4!¥.J j/f;~.

gremd.y /'gt!:rlJ.~~gtid.lj. greedier .• ~ .. Someone .v.fuo is ~ WamS oo;medlLB,g ~gt:dy. l'ocexamplc food. tnOJileY, or pi)Y>'er. especialJ)!'l1i'lOfte of It than they need or than: .~~ [air for them. to h~¥e! used !ih:ow1ing disapprowJ,

[IE: ] 1J!: tr i¥} ~ t( ·Cr' iMI. 100 fut 't .~ gr;e&ly. •. ;;r;: If 1t •...

, , . .the ambitions ,a/greedy lawyers, , ..•• 1.t_ ~ •• 'fI1 M",.(;. ••• People gat .r~cher and arso .~ier. A lfliH!;m JIJ:m.~, d!. J!" 00 it. To ,~ used of~ie's be.halO'ifiifiiT_

m i"m lit ~ A 00 fi 'J. ro The ring excbeii ./utr grceedy gaze, ii!tJ5Hill.la T_7itJ}M1 ~Jt .. 0 ~. $'" .Jt!!.o lEG He ;$Iur~ the .wup greedily. itI~.~w;trI!!l. iio

Grtdt l~i;k,grik/, G~.l Son;r.ething that.IS 'Gnti: be·, kmp or reIDare;; tOil GreeC(', irspeopll: ,pQIi~ whure. :$" rht-MJ..M i •• ;:t1t.~. e.G Ai. Greek./amilylrwd next door .- *- ftM).. -1t ~ IUL

AnlI 'OOMJ't

::." e~tJrcmc

Am QUAU.l', AlTnj~

.. 1!:rrilio!;

!ioQI CUiSSIlf" :IN" ~ IIilI"OltL N

A!)JI <:iU':._'i5IJ!'; A;TTR.lB

N~ f1~

~CI~f'l ~.


" YUY ,1BIclI. 1:0 __ 1·7

Afil~F, USU .A.l"rn.l"EI ·~G_!O:

N UN.coiJN'T ~dcsi~ =a'!l!ll'\:oii::

= 1I',BiJ!<iflg. 8",*' :~icillJoA,,~"(;~

() AJI)'llWI'm'VH " r.a~III"j"'!r

2 Gruk .. is the ~anguagt that Es: splke.o 1<111 Greece;. used ttl ref tit both to the ~NI ]aguage and me ~gu.agc wh!.dh WlI:l used ill ~l times. •• 1i: .•

:3 A Grd. fs a person wOO .c.o.mes f~ G~ .#. A •.

~!II! /gr~1 grlJl;I/. pemer'.~! ~, 1 Some~hillg .lha~ i!l ~ is tbe ,tololliT o:fgFMs Of ~ves. *e ~I. m - .. We;l!~ and ~IJow ~lriptS . ,. . .• q @,II fit f! aq *tt··· She hdd' blontk hai, a,m ~ o!ytS .• fl~@.1!tJ ~·1i.:tl!I.@'GFJ ..... lD5d.:i:!l. a noun. mfF.g.~. EG ••• a deep~. ··,At.<@!..

2. ~ s.ipls are uted tv indicate d:i<tt tbete js ood.<ttiget., oc ~hat a pc~ or vehicler:uy ~. C1ii~Hj: 'JjJi!.tJ!J1, iifiil ffpIJ. EG Acalefiu;e a1!!H.l1 from ~'he' tfi'lf~

fie lighcsKihm t.lmy g4l' gran. ,. ~.:iI.O ~ Jittf@.1M ,1I:Ql. •• i:J: ••. The· ~rd· ~'K4 his :grail fia.g. :J~:$ *. Atl 7 •• ~ .. [f ·~w 3!1.1;tIK!ci~.y ;gi.ves ycm a ~ lijId. ~y give YOO pel"mission ttl do ~(hi!qg. :!:it n!·lIl ~ ~ 5(3. 11u: limlM States gave tlwm a green #gh1 to ,SJO· iA •. , *I~UIIH~ Ii 'U! A. ••• rm omy ~j~,i:~ fOr I~ ~n, li:ght from you. a: • .R!Ja *,,~* 7 .

3, A place that is ItMlR is. a::nremd with grass, pilants. and til'ttS .iWd IWt wlth ~ or faCltOrl'esi ~ ~hoW'ing alP" proval- C.]dl.@.4tI •• ag, ••• ~ .• ell ... the green DewmOO'«tUr$ide. '. • ..•••• ~. j: M # M ••.. .. J.l.AAh green~. ···M$.~.~. 0 ~ .• •• ~ ~ '" iu er~ •. !rof .IfMk Qfi;,ad~tri!lriUltion.. ... 1:: S9.", £ ~.x- iiX-ikft~J.iI.

4· A .gTMII is 4. 1 warea of latnd ,~cd wilvn gwas:!i. .cspe. diaUy in a tlJ""ffll or in the middle (If a.vill3!gt. 1iJ MS. ; {::t. ... ~ H EE ~ t& a!p f} ;Jt ... ~ EiG •.•• I:he church, the vJU. gr«:n. '. . .. J! II Ii: ~ • JJ·fUfr $ ,~~f.I **UI: ~ .. , .&twee:n 1 he road and lhe ,i ~ .tf a sltip ,of ~. ;EE-& • :tm~lik{d]::fif - ~"* IKI ~W! .• 4.2 .81 smo::Jm. lbt area: of ;gta.§ around a bole 00 <'I. g91 f .COlII"2. (. jJ;: ~ •• J.il 'f!

~ ) If iii! Ii!. iEt1 He missed his pu.us .on t~ first four grMm. ~ ~d!y 1'. 'H~;: .dt.1li tlUe!." '@ ~ A " • .. ifl\!V. bowUag ~. puftiJl8~.

5 Green is ~~ in ~ Dame'; o:fp~aces. "'. J! ( ffli T .. 4!;, ). E.G ' •• Wi~n Gran Prison - ,. . .. j::"" if ;Il1I M .• , ... Hatter!! (Jl'ettnin ~. • •• JUt :rt WiIJ ~ l~ "Ii


a (ifftm'aGC ehc green rea'W:Sof vege~W~ ;s.~ as :s.pin-

adJ. Of cabbage ~ha:l are cooked and 'l;\alten_ iiJ:!!t. ftt •• EO Get rum to ,eat Jresh~y ~ lJQUdOleS and ~ru . ~.~-~m~.~± .. Y~ •• ~

7 Fr'Ults t~ll:n .~. plI .. awelmlfi:pc and .n!:!;1;. n:ady to be cat~

ell. {* ±I } ~ 18l\l = =* M! ~. I:.G -'!'he green. frui,s Here ,~ htlra f!lS rocks. Itl: ~* I!\ 1i¥1 .. jdJ ilit· • .E" ~-" ~

8 J f .. person Jook!i greeD • they look pale i!!I:d ill, as ~f tky .'"11;. gQing ~Q b!!t 'OLd. lrfi:f1I~ ;flf!.~. ~J. 00 .110- gan wt.nt ~'ighdy green .•• 1!!l@;4.a*~T •

9: If .:1. peFSOril il: peenw:ith envy. they are'!ler)!' !':OVlom i~. (m.~iij} .. a1t"~lj.lIPrKll. l'lGi rm gran with en vy whenl go 10 Bristol amii!« their lacWtit'.S.. ~ ~ ~~ Jl_»iif~ .• JH*.mtrUll::lllM ,~._w.it.1!.BW T •

10 I fyet:! say ilb.ait someooe: is green. )I'OIlI. IfIdi!ml t~t t1ie:y MVe .had very ]i:uk ex,perienre of life til" a piU1rirulat job. ~~ ~.~ .;:I:ftfl ag ~ lEG He K\'aS wry~, ,. he thoug/:u fW rouTd do· it ,emHy ... lIl;fll'Q8; •• t1:h 11I·~iij'kAQilla • _fat ilJ JJJ .; ••. . .. green recruits. ~w to lire trodi ~ ti~. • .. *~ji~.&'!l'HIi:,l'tfttl-XM~··· O~.1lC!ilS. _m~~ ii .I:~". lEG, . ~ '. a~n .of ~. ~'ci\i. '!-Inderl~rw .~~, ••• - ~~Hi .-:1+-:1£ ~.;t~.

1 ru Fir ·You~y that ~~e _ grem ·~.or .i[1 ~r1ctm E~)~, Ii '1II'fJM tIIlmlb,. you mean that tile}' an: _vet .. ~. Y ~ .. ' . a~. ~ ...•. ~i[Jg aoiI 11H:m: pili1l;~ growweU. [~JifUI eJJ[(ii1.:~~.

12 ~. is ~. us.ed Qf ptdirt~m! IT!Ql;I\elntil;ls, w~ members Me part~cUlla!i'ly CCIOoe::rpecl about pr.mecdng the ellvimnm.ent, and of the mel1'lhe.rs thttnsel~ .aMdthei:r pol:icia:. •• @. fll-"m~ M. ro .. " gr«n ,(Xtil1islt" ••• ;II @:m ~ m·tP,. !ijm. .. .;r.::f. ,. 1l!Sed ao; a 1lOl!IIl. to reb kJ·rnembtrs of such InOi."Cmen~. JiIl.fI; f! .~ .. m J!~ M m ~J .II: .M. roo .,. Jhe sw:cas of f.he Grreru ~n G'£l"many. . ..• ~ltth~,:;U;lf iBtRlit M.fnl~*~.

~. ~ 1'!J'~f!(~k,'gri:n.ba:l!. ~~. A ~gback is an .Am.em-ican bru:aJ:!l(Ile ~cl:l ~ .. ,000lar biJl ~ 1,JSCd. !p.~!'!~m<l1 Am~i.QUll &gi!i:;~]. [~.liiJ iI ~ •

. ~ btlt. ~ belits. A greeD helt is an aI\ea of ~ancl Wtith freJd!; or .parks aro!.hfU::]1 Oi! tOWU1i M dry. where people &I'll not allowed to build bol!lles « facrocics by law. (J$;ili fflllll!'t!J}~it~$.

Grftn Bent '. G~ Be~l$. A Green Beret is a Br1ltish or AmeflG.'lil:) conunando; anunlOnrutI use. [fiJ"~ @.!il! ... C"( :Mi~,f,iJ~mltl.'_M ~~ ~#,"'MI~J!!1ll:).


• ft(R, ~ ASQ

.. plir-..:!


" iu(y,~! .*(l~

N J!iJ01JiNiI'! U!'4OOUNT

N ,CO\JiNT, ~u I~··N

~ (~J~_UT, U3U PRIED =~ilii:ilJj;:

AD.:I~I'., Ii'RED+ ""!~

ADli OOAll.1T (lw.:tpt~ • ru.1'ioc •• raw

I"Hf.i:,U:'l!ID' AS 0 1l6k~11

i!l» ·C':i-M$IF I LISt!' A11'MJ1

., [Ii (_UJNTIW) !'in..

!'4oomn h.oo~


.grem t'anI, IJ'ftn CiIII1b~ .A:peeI!·t!lnI ~ <iJ. dOCLII:nen1!: :shQw" mg. d~f~~ who .~. nod a. citm:f.I fjf the lJnit!!d1 .s~~ has pet'~oo wli~ aodi'!tvc)tk ~,(:ft, Mf M- .I:!!l.~ .. !l!.:(£

.* *"" ~ ift iflC[·fl; M Hi: ~ ~

iU1·.1'N~r·y /~~Nl'!j. 'grimlln! censists ,of plants ,Of" bves ~t m<l!ke. a thUngor pLitt look attrarti~. (c:tf!i Ji. fI'tI) iii ~ .• H:.. EG, , •• \.'tl.SeS spilling ~tk biCJSsoms and 1?U~ .try __ , ... ,. ;5!!if:tl::: fQ " It • m- M! :it. • ... - -. lb 1,IJ;d~

gMtnL:ry o.rtiJ lang white bMche6" ••••• "". *:fP ~ * jij

B@i. •••

lftHD·fidd ;lgcl<!lJlIi:M; 'grmriLdij. ~ lis; used to ,.;.m refer to ]omd ilihat. has· not beep b~t OIl ~f~ - (. ±:et! )

* 1f ~ iJll. ro,The Go~t has Fuled out the building of ill 1U'W airp~ ORd F€et!ft~ld' sile,« ~g:.

T iii: * ~lt:IE.iltJrtliLJ;ii¥rilT.tl •

~.fty !'!1'~:.r.ttflal.j "grirIr.flw/. grunl1~. ~ em also be t&d .a$ t~pl.~ COrm. M; PI JI fI;:.II!:. ~

are s..m.aU • green. Mngedi~:ots tbat damage pbnts. If @;.~.

~~I'V JI,~j,Oil'i~; \grin,lg~~. ~. A gmn~ 15; a ~'lfi.ytll.ow c:01our.eclplum with a

sweet taste. i§iif*T. -

groon·WU·~ i'!7iml~" 'gtin,.~/. ~. A ~ is 411. shopkeeper woo sdlls fNit and vtl.get:a-

hits, ~ in BTitkh &-..gful!i. [~J •• '* ••. ,I:G • - • ~t tocal ~w ... , i:: fIl ~ :ii I~" ¥ * •. ~. ~ The: ~ ·or IDe ~I'S Is ~. to refer' lQ a srnp wm:1fe frni.~ md vcgttali>l~ M,t sold .• _*JUl ~ lEG • •• .:lJ.~:I1 (I:' lhe ~(}I(;er '$ that 1:I:1OtW,"III.. ···It;K.

""- -t« .. #' *-. ft!i _m M'-.ti t:I *.

green.bum. l'g'inlhiMlF'grin/h;;Jf!l/, ~~ an inror[jjfI;;i~wnro. A ~ n ] in Americm EngJlsh, stlmt" one wm has FCce:~ly o;lIJlt to Liv~ in Ama-Ica.. b.~, m J Ii .. irSI¥ Ii!.. EG They mule him Jee1 a for.t!ign.er .a .~nhm"n. tlHnff ieS fIJ Q ~ Jl: 1- ~r ~ A .Jt 1'11* HIJi·.!l! .•.

.2 a pe'fSIillJI who bas had 'Va)' Ut.tle experieaceof life or of a partti.oular job- ~~ ~.~.

:grem.bouse !·~i:n~~.; "grin/ham!. [~.A ~ is a buildmng .in a gardeo or pack which has ~ ........ 11ls ~ a g~. roof ud in w.hicbyou grow plJoots

that. need (0 b!= kept wann. or prnlrotCd f'wm wm 'Or

frost:.1B :i: ." tlJo

~ Idled. The ~ ekE ill tk poblem of

t~ ~Llai r~ .m tempe.rature ill. the EarMl's atmosphere because heat .~ .absud:B:I from the sun butaumotluve

the al~rrlO5pher~. ;u'~":l!i:{.lf7c~~ .!&.;t~ttt jiij 5111 :iI * ftI- tWi trrt\' * [{j!!J:t; ~ ~g) ~

gretQ.~ / II~J ~ \griru:)j mea~ :!iOLightIJy .. gt"·ew ~!l coJ.1;lUL .'IUte ftl!J I a.a ~ . lEG .•••. a jacket 0/ a greenish col ~

.~ miJ.@ ir.l iii ;Ii... . a. grt;enJsh blue .• , :!IJ&.

GmnPaper. GM.n Papers, A ,GnAm_ ~. is,. £n Britain. a dCl{1.lIJnellt O)OJrainingudeas ~.ta )W1icuLar s!Llb~ ject dta:tis puMi&hed by ~ Oove.r-m:nern - SI[I tba~ people

mIl discuss them befare omy dewions al"'C !!Twill'::. <;I; ml frlJ }

it: it ~". EfJI til. ~.t.m:#~ m m -I: 1I;t H=) •

GRai ~. The Gno.em Party is a fdftk:al patty ·that i8

pm1~lyrn.lK:t.rned a~prot~i~l!he f;llv.ironJnent. Y::rt ( :!t£,. 11 ~ ~;!I~ ~l'ltlJ':m ~) •

~ ~. gnen peppers. A gnm peppu i1i ow. Wliri:pe: ~p:r twill :isl~ j;n ~fi'g .Q!" ~~1lJJ r'ilW in Sia~la&.."1

green I'!I!\!OIdon. The ~ ~~ is 1rhc ~!l~easc jll qrkuitw<lIl prodUction i!iI!4:velop~o.g ~lrie:!i tmt .~ ken made p!lIS8iWe by the 'Ul>¢ ·of i!l!:iW typ;::sl;)f aops and!

WieW f~n.g mel-hocl$. .:!!ih!.:¥ ~(fI ilUI: I~I II it "dt iJIi ~ :!It F" ffii *m •• w •• &Ut ft IT ~ •. ~ 1if!: f$ fi iI:I) •

~.1'IOOD1I jiPII'!iI:rIiI.-i'rutn~ 'grinJrumj. ~I ~ !lp:I.I&1 as t'WQ words. 1tJf;ilJm~~1"iiJ. Agraorocm

i8 arrorn ]11 a. tMstre. t~DeyisiOOlliitudio. lete, where per~ fOrt':ru!n em 1:"eSt. (1lI •• 1lI9: J • .! {f: i.. i: ..

~ sabd.gJftD SIlIa&. A green. salad is a. salad ~. - l'WIir.dy w.ilth 1f:UiI!Itt .aM. othirgrem vegetables .•• d!~ . ~.Iit:ufif / Igmlsu.f~ ~grID{5tAfj ~. g;rttR vcgeta!1li.es.

that Me used .fulrfocd •• !it.ilJR ~

G.un··wilOEi .Mean 'J"iime I ~~rods, .uf. !g"t!D- I'!'!!i!n talIm = ~gtI1ru.d~1IlWmj, :ll. 'GMT.

~~ y ! i9"i!ru; 'grimJ m:e.!IDS slightly .gn:en ~n rolour, • ~ • i!ll¥ll ~. f.l if @. 00· ~

wet f ~i:t ~ grit! : greets. ~l...IJftdtd· fWheril ft1I,I gr:eet SOffil:on~, you leKpre$S frien{l.ljncss <;m-pil.~ when fOll rnc;d·!:hem •. or whenl:be'}i M!II"jve sml"lf:wim.en::. fot ~Kamp.le b,y SRy1f!g 'He~lo' Q.T shalliTig ~dll with them. :«

ill! d!li.R:. B3 Sarah ·cam.e~utto p~t him ... t;Ii.:tll ~ *

I'l~ ~~tioo .~ follaF

.,N SINC,.I'h.!·'N 11'~~.



i!I! t@fl'" 1k hurried to' greet hI!; ,g,mMts, if! If. ft .j:il:. s»:

2 If you: jgn:e'i: g(J!l1dh:i~ 0( ~ :in <II ~cujar way. v .. 0, usu .~. A

you '~es:s your ~,'lictiMfO d>em Jn Idla~ way. M .•• f1: W ,,~

12: !tt. 1m, They wU/ begu;eted woith shock tmd J'U'~

prise. .. fin·" II iJ. t: ~:I ~ ... The all~U~r ~fgrceeui1 tJ<y s~ts. iii ii' ~Jl $ ,Afl1ll1 •• ~ ~* 0

.3 If S{iIfl)eth~ng greeIs you, ]( is the fJrS,t trung [you] .ootiD! ~ '\,~ in a par~:lwl'dl!"' ;lJit~liQfh a ra~f Ji~~)' ~ .. ft:~lJI;.tE

,··1Ilr J.',··lff .,:ilI. EG The ~tmell ofooffee k.Ould ,greet ,lAS

.(lJ H,.Iij entered. ftf]-a:it .ilt~1Ii:1 ill-MI!III¥~"IB$.

gteet. mg ! I,."".j:tl~~ ~gdtll¥. gredi_, 1 A greeting is N COUNt. OR

"l;l!" i~ ~.#

som.c::t:hing you say «do that espresses ywr frie:ncl!.inSMi ~ ~1Irn.l;""

,ar pl~n:: w.hetft yo!.! meet OOtnPOnC. r"l.·, Jill '!If .. ro . " . tI /riendiygreeUng. .. • •• 1.i If 00 ~ *.... SIre smUed In

greedng. .. tJI MJt. ff ffflPf ••. Art! swppnJal lJreir :ra~

bl,e to exc~nge greetings. fjHI! if!E: fl!ffH¥} «!» W"}t * ~f@l 1'f]]i_8Wflili.

Z You. can &a:y ·IGTftti. ~ when 'j'Oli meet S()I'Iii£ooe, 3S a: CClNVi\NllON for[i(1a!\!iIa¥ of sayin.K • Hdl.o~. Jt~ .. EG '~Greeti~, ntt-dlo:. .Revel"ietW " he mid rapecfJ~.lly. "~l!!. 'fjl. ~, * A ," 1&

:$ ~ 'iUt.~ijl..

p-eetjngs CIIl'd. ~~ tAtds. A grwt_ ea:rd is :11. .~ ~

foidOO card with a rictll!l'e on die front Ml.d gwectings ma

side ~t YOll. giw or So:::oo to~, for exan:rpl.e 00

rrheir hirthday, 0( ~ S ".iJj ). til! -I': • EO, .11aanJi; you for the a1mi~rsary greetings card. ItW~~JN~f;a;ik'M ~.

gI"t'giW.&.~ JW~~~~ ~~ge.nas/.. 1 ~ who t;,; AW QUAll],

~. ellioys beitlg with other poopJeJ a fairly f'(ltl'mal .~ ~~~nt;

use, [.m:;i!:;) ( A)"*. trill .2 lW 9IJ. E'Gi .". a charmittg. flndw-:egarious man .~. d~nlti!tt /Xl,rtie.s ~fe ai~y.r

U~~y .. ···-l'atiBJJ~. ~jIJ,Ij ~ IX! gI),.. fE ,E¥) 11 ~ la.

P.:! ~ i'tl'l ~.

:2 ~ <Ini~ or ads MfmaUy ~i'llt ia larg.: AlliI CM3S]:F ~p:l. (~*~)IIf~bIJ.= i!lIlGi~

g;mn·lm 1~!J"t'mbn,"gnm;W~. ~. A ~n,.isa ti- ~OOJ..I!HT, '1,JS1i,JI

iP-L ny ima~ evil sp:Uiit th:n:peopJ.l:tsay is :tJle muse of a

pr<.lhltm, e:speciai'Jy in a :madltint. whidli they IAlIOOtex:& pl'ru.n prvpe.r]y or- lool~. cm-aftJ~m.:t::Sl!::FIJI·.i!t.B9) ~,ttM ~OO ~lfUrfj have CO!tfJ.rrerea tirltvemii11S lhat ha~~d fron/~wh«id"ive ·cars, :m •• ne ~4f:.

T mtuuiI;·!Ii ~.~:$ 9!Pf\l1UU •.•

gre'.R!i!de /gtlne!d, gn'ned!. ~, Ii. gn.'QIde .is: OlI!'>ICOL!~ sJl'li.a!~.1 mm!:! ,cO:I':uail'liDg exploojvt: (It' ~ .g<W lilM; ,~ be

tlltrown by hand or fiJrnd from agon. .:f- __ ,·ft .. " !.

~. ~ .• ~ He k"iiJed t W(;l·po!icemen wi Ih a grenade, .. <1;.

Jlfi-lI¥.'.j'fJl; T iJj,t a hlJrlld ~."

·•· •• :Mt···, " . an anti-laM grenade l~ .•..• I[;!;fl 1e:.~£,"."

,grew /!1'U!!" ~ g:r;uJ iI> tk past tol1lSe of ~. ~w '~:i:<1 ~ ~ • gRy j.!J'e[~ gre/, ~, .~l .~, .~~. ,abo speilltd 'gray lin &-nerican En8!ffih" :Jl: m #i; iI'~ 1$ M fl;

gray. ~ So:I'netrung thai' i~ grey is tm oo}~ of ~o:r of tIDJ~R dOl..ld5 on a Ii'".doLny day. light:« paI.e grey is sJf[t~l~ to

whit'!;:, :ilnd dark !'!fey ~siJmilar to bUd. ~ & M .i;~i . , •

pie1i:il\8 g,ay eya., .... B ~ trI.;fi.l tIC1~. III .... , .. acny

jJa.m'U!i su,it. • ... - ¥ ~ @; [I'! ~.!lRl!ii E. .. .~3S a l'IOflil1l. ,. N ~

II fI;:.«Jilji ~ (;;l!;i ••• subt./i'- grays and si.l veTS. .'", •• ~;.( fill tI'!l

):'!.!f1ilil f!..

:2 CRY.is u.";(iI ~deMl"jbe Iilc· ookruc of pccpJe':;; hair ~[I .1'oDi QUALIY

it clJi;l~ fl1CI1il'n :Ii:!.: or.iginal colOUT. I!aSUlaUy .iI:!!. tlrey gel ilI.~~,·fuBiiit>lll old. <U!d befou i~ .~ white. ( m ::t- .lJ( ) 11< a atJ. 00

" .. the gre.y.hIii,red d,rl~. ". • •• ~ ~ In] M fUI~'" ...

a smaU gre:y~,d""lE8~!)~f'~'" ~ I(If~!~, nFffrj.!lt~A. m ., . ,elderly males. grey ~nd bolding.

...• jt r;!::Jc ® Jl~ -r . ~ ~ 1£ B # 7T t!:ti fill ~ • If SOI1le(lI1e • !':IU!, VEl

ill their hair.goes grey or turns::!J")'. t!lleir ~~r- :;tarl$ lie- .ll!Or-1.JECU mming gN:Y,· IJSwUy & tbcy ge~. old. (§k 2t } 1E ~ ~'. 83i

S'Iu- wem8rry in a.OOUI a year , " . .t:I!!~ ~ jt: ~ ~ 1J. f!;:"f.,~.iij(s y ... '.' ~th tMl'k ho.rr juslbet;imtr~ t<J

,um greY' .... 11 #- ~~'fftiHf ~[rf,p.I!.2t.

31 If Sm1:1lCi.'Ulf!or ~he:~r:' .ha:i" ill: ~., ,their hair is ibewm.~ v, Q!o.IlL'{ 0Jf.i!1i jng greey. llSuaily !because the-y a.tn!: gett'~f!g !lid, (;4.l(:) ~

~ S. ~G Her hair ~ gr:eying, ill ~ * ;It iE::(£ :l:.:f1.:9(. a .

o ~YiIng, -i: ~ a' a) ~. !E.G ••• a smtJU , /lore '. gre)'~ <> ~ ~~f,

ing mar;". , .. - 1"" MI m ~ ,~ 1t jf ttt1f fl, MlJh-t f M J... ••• J!TI'RU!I

, .. ,grey,tng hair. , .. if. tl.lfCi ~.~ i!t •

.. [froIJloone [l:A1b ~.tb:eir fad: l~ ~c .~iy be- .IIDJ ,~ cause t~ are l~. iU., or wonierl. iII'lI! 11 ~I !\$. 00 "'!!W.n Orro was ,5rW lookJ"'8 guy .::.nd 'w,:y tired .. , JI;f:E Wi 1:.

:&iVl~· Tfia 11: 8 • + ~.;6 .", CowaM lIKlih1d ht Mth a

grey face. snyins iJ was l~rible. M tk •• @;~ so J!ljfi 1"

m:* ,·il M\. x iiJ M T ~ 0 grepI!SS, • -e ~ s , :£ .. s. (> PI UNODlJm [<;6 ••• ,Q' 81'e~!lboul his !tJC'.<,'. • •• .fI. J: 00. ;l;lIh@..

5; If thewea.dlel!" is grey. tt\er<: a:n:: lI'OOlIoy dOi~ i!:'! 1l!~ $..ky ~ ~\AU--l'

and til,.; Ligbi :~$ dulm. (J:.~) l'ilI jij ; PlrFU'jit'~j. [!;G -- • + guy = ~~ skies .. " ,., ~.~ ~~'." .,. a~y April ,(lf~~~ ••••

mu~: ~ -1-'ilI:jjit,m:I't~(f if. 0 '~" IlJnl ~ t1Im~. e.G o N ~NT

••• ,(1 day of ,uniform ,gn:}'1JeSS. • •• ~ :DJI m.m 1'fJ' ~ 'J2. • " ~R~

6lf you describe a ~itl-latioo ali: .pe)'. yn:~ IlilMl tbat it is An!' OOWT dull. llnpJ.easaIilt .,or difficult. rtJU ti.I ~.~ m j~. Ml. ,ro -= !wik

, ... ~iIl8 only gr~y days ahead ... __ • P.. .JIJ~ iim m ~ a1I

13 T ... ..' .. a grey puti:icld,bk' routine, ..• ~ .. M ,":1'-

!tm..f.J; ~ :lI~~

7 [f 'j'1]'U dt:5il"'fibe~n:g or someone IDl ~ .}'Cill' AW QIJIA.LIT mean tt13;~ ttu::)' 2!1f,e borin.g a~ ~H!I'<l!ctive. ruldvery ":iO,,~ simili\lt to other lMngs or other peop~t:. :f;!l\lli!. Bill ~ X f"il

i'ifiE'~ 0 50 o.",ey mol,. ~ In vaphs explaili ,rhe NeW vot·

ilig $Pieffl., ·~-~W.!lH')t.l:~~.~~~lAlnJ'

lI1rMlIii* IM.· .. ,· . this grjm,wey €ity ..... :i.t+ ~ i1ili!I'tP .xti!f~~)~m "

'gre)' ~. gnzy lU'l'a1!" Ira sJJhlatl00 Ofaspeo!" of wDile~hllQg N' COllN,"): i~ a grej' awa., it j~ not ,rkwt 00'1'0' ~t :ol"lui.dd "Ix: ebh w,it~l

or l.t. .d~. '._l.ot se;enil.'. W Ioc .. ~io!l8.~. ,(II a. ~ " .'-t.},~~ _~ .• ~~8~.:1f}'.' ;j(

f6_{ m :f:'~W:(j'HPj~:§11~''''~*Jf\'', :r1l- ~q~.!t9J} .

lfeY.botmd !1:~·el"hawKi~ 'y,e/haU'fld/ .~y~.A N,O{)UN]' gmyb@und is a .tmg t h--at JlQS a ~h.in btrxilyalild long j,hinitg.s

a!!ld t~t em rl!lWi V(:~ ~-ast" Ore-yholllw sometinn.es run ][,

ra(Xl$ and people bet Of! them, ~ MH - ",,'f;$: •• ~. ~. m~~lf&JL

grq+ish I'gr,el[r~ \WeJJ! I aliso spelJod ~; llliAmer.ican >Wi! oot:.OlJFt Englli'!~L ~~':ri'~ ~ ~ ill ft1 gr.ayi:;~.Greyidi raeans

sliglldV wer inc:olm.:rf. 13 iIIf j( e ~ , ll~ ~ MI. EO ... flu! rhin.greyish.b,-own liquid. '···MN!'iJ.~~&_*,.

grid l!J1ldO!~Tfd!. ~,1 A gmIis ap.uu:m ';o,'~1:i Wtl,... NOOum

_.1.. . F: Ii llMlti!;;'

sists of Mfai~t ~mes that cress Ol.!'er each <l<l.Ik:l' 2000 ml"m a

.~.ries: of squares;;. .ilia usm. of lIIlytmng huih. (J[' ~. in

~lli~ pat~m. tao T. [[G .,. arutracJ ifnJgru' - }JI'lmlle~

li.nes. J'~r€'$. .griilU... "·M. tI: ~ it it - ;lif n d. .lE

11:ij;)·. Ii ~ ... , __ . tlrepid'of $MtJt/ ,UrtterlC. ". .. .• it'ltlYtl

Ii- #j.... , ... t~ w1rc:grid ~1"Id' the 1.e~S cou,,~, .... :~ ~a'~ml~Jj:.~M~ .. ~!!. Wt~pid:.

;2 'I'Ile gr:&d or thelEi~cirty g,idin fltitaiii ~ tbe lX~worli. N $.Ii'!G,tlV + NI

0<1 wiT€S aad calbks by wmc!l. tltrtricity mmstribuMd.

thr"{Jughoul the country, OJ'ia .pan. of t~ m:1!v.m'k.. (.llil

~ ) •. ~ ~. lEG '1"/My draw tlmricity from t~ Nll.f:o.11l:t!

grid. .. Lfm m M:i;- ~ fJ" • ~ Ii .. ~ 7J -", .. the failure of .the ncrJheas,';;vwugritJ. ... ·<~jiHil.ml®·m!b illi.

:a: Grki! ~ li~ve lines drawn 00 t~em f.rom t'Opto bot- N ~ 1\1

110m and side ~o si&':. lbeliDes are IlUDlbcud. so tiha1 }!\lU ~ __ 1:I!m:1I1

can iieli"tr W any pla£e on ·the map by~. ~ numbers

of thli!' lj~s, (ll! IIli ..t [trtr) & M: 1i .M' ~ ro , .. a~Sf',Qie

grid map -.* ItIfR~·~lj1i •• ,[IIJ··' , .. IM

grid. uference. ···~5 •.

grid.die f·gru.d~~ 'gfllJlII. piddIm. A griddle is .1li round, NCQUN1

flal.~vypl~ce (It metaJ! w:mch is pJ3.c8:I mil iii sta~ oc ~ !l!.mIi!

ru["{l:Dld ruscd {or cool:ilfig.. EJ:! 4!: ~V: 8 It .

;rid ... Iocl. /'gld.hol, \gI1ti1lttkJ. .~ Gridlock, is the situatiOn !'01. ~ tha. -t:~ts wlie]lJ all (!he rood~ ]1101 pMtkuIDatr p~ are 5Q'

fu.u of vehiclb· that oooe of them can ;m:ove. ~3i:1i't1li *

If ••

2 You ·can lJ;Ift gridlock to refer ~(1 aslt!Jllj!tioo jll an ,~. ~U'"N(;OUN1: I

-"1_' ,...-............AI .. lKoa.dJo!;ll:

roel'ltOl" dis(p!Jt'e wbelil!nrit1Jt.:rsilk i5 p~.:v-....J wgi'!i\~ in.

r;(} tJo .agroe!11e.rlll:fan be re~.. ~ ...

grief /g.cft grlf/.ptl'l.~a f(!lt"ma] WQ[d. ~ <.IIrH:f· ~elt~ wum;CM,;!NT

IIi! J. 1l" ·d~m!*

tr-tmot:: ~., [.if: A ] It t.i ~ ~ ·fiIl. Eel l'l' e were Jtr~ .. ~i5b

d~mh ~th ,horror '·and grief. . .fifll ~ •• ~ illl:lilli • ~ ~

.tt. ~::F.U'~ *- T ..• H~' Md ruused lijem ,f.e! .. , M{lfl.i1 .frdllliitt··· Tha:t helped 14> ~ his grJej.. •• I!UQli'!M~


~ A :grkf is oor]lething ~ttha.t happt-lli!which i'!i ~ ~ oon'lOOlre gput. ~~. Q:f ~~. [if.~]~h !~~!. .. ,.::t= ~. ffi Ri.s dedd~ wm'i .. !a!gu'-td g!i~f to .Denn, ,. M!

otJ-t:t1t!l! ~:.GE" ~ ~ lilt ••• • .. lhe mis-JO.l'tune$ and grJe/s

of a1her$. . ,. ftm A i'A'f'* lD;it ••

3 H someone or ~illg Il'IDIl:S 1~ wkf. dtty rail or- !PHil;; '!'Il'

ha:rmlbel1"lSetves.~~·o ffi l.ran a~yt;mIX but CQlmt' 10 Itoifl'~~

f L_ .f....,...,.A .= -~-~

grit .... :&ii\Ib.ilt-lk .iIHldl;fJ'IR.;!J··· A nwn~· 'OJ li'""'-""'.

~d~ ,1j:1W'fl)1S ~~~() grief- W.$I1.:l: :B.Ji~.~ iii- 0

.. Sornc ~~I: say • GOOd· Grief~ro e'xprtss. surprise or E:l'."ClAM di$beli~[ ~L1Jf{m 1;1..~~W~*.).

.grief-;tlridl .• ftji ! 'sw-H,iitl1:ita'iI~ 'gmlj'.sM131i/. If mm.eoot is Am Ql}~ pt~~. they are extremely sadaJoo~~ so.r:m"thing !=~m rlu~ has happened, .t fwm.;cl[wotd, (1E:a:; J • Jt $ tl5 ~ •

lID She had' loo/c;sd 110 u.tterly gri~Fslricken . " HI: .. 1:.; ~

it lJi!- 1I;;r: it~ Ii"'" ••• ..,. Ihegt~!·.5trlrlu!n widow...·lUI

Mri@&lI.~ •

:griev.~ j'",i:vrn;; \gri~!. 1Jie~, A~. is


l sometmng that has happenm or ~!11 done whidJ. you fee:] is unfair and oomphiin about.::F 3f::.t. * lie ~§:11. ro 'f1re. oomplai~t may well hare a ~il!.Ui~ Ui,!:,!'I-Q~ . ,.Il+l1n:~A~jf1irftlJ;·~~7~.II,·" "., a wiUi~ to .Jerrie gri.evanrer qulcldy. ···m,~Mtk-:::F.-z.M ••• 2 :a ftt]~ng mat oorIDl::thing that has ~pened OJ' bern clone is ullfaitr.. ~ ~ I @!:il ~::f' iIIf. ~ ... .my famiiis gritV!lnct against Mr Gmm.: " ... ~jLq~ $.~~~Jlmtlit '" Her extramfJ21l1Ce had gJl.It!!l- hrma ~ ,oj grh:~~n.oe., _ :t! ag.Dit~M!IIJ;f ... · (bUn mw-rharbouud a grier."

a1lCE for long. ·n#JA-*·~:m.tlm ~1JtJ'iijJl!!l·f! j;,~~"

stieve l~:v. sri""/. ~, grH-Wlig. grie¥td~ a foemal 'WOrd. 1 I f you IVkve. you r~] ¥elrf sad about someclai~ that has b.app:nroJ, I[ jE ~] If!UII i1!! II ; f% '1Il-. e:s She MlS griewng Jor the dead baby .. " .~:).IJ U 1" J[ :Ii: 100. JL Oi'r.••• It is ME rl~ghl to' gril'!'w Q!Jt!:r one~$ mis.t~., ,. 1.1' ~ e ~.~ml~'(":fi::~Jit 00·'· I lay lhere grlewn:g_ ~;{1ji<t, :!t.1i 1;' m )I~ ~

2 If sC!:in£thtin!!; :grin'es :;Qlneone, it causes them to feel very sad, [jj£.li:Ji¥!mJ1.j~. ~t@fl:j.(.,. IE:G It ~1>'e.S meto say this. but ~" millS! lealo'e 1tCL\li', _ - .,~~l!iIl;lJ (," f!! {Ai .• :(£ ~ :@i .. if·.. Her diSiappmnt.;nents grieved: mm. , .• :!J~~I!!M!ft!!,~!i!.itt .. • 1 hWS yie'~ 10 hmr t'lwl he had been CfJplured . ~JrI.lM..R-tiJ'ffl!fJ.if~A~W~'. o grieYedI, .Vi '$ ~. m .. ,·an expres.tlon qf gr,ietwi 03- ton:i.ilhnwu . _ ."'. ~'!.!! eJ B{I.~ '11' Wtl . ..' Did he oo.mplair!. ?" Danit.l (I"fJked. in a grieved tone. "M.i8ILi1iiJi?";Ji9-JiEl $ rl.~ ~ 0 ~Iri] iI.

grkY,,(ilIS igrt::v'~I.~gr~~h .1IL f(llfrnal word- T A .~ llIiljUry Ito l((iIlUr body is, one that m~ yoo. grea.t.pa~fI. and suff'Ctlwg_ [jfA;]I]!lI~.h itI:IiWlf tf.Jlo ~, ••• griemU3 inter.nai ~1U!dS t,Mtwould MMr heal" ••. j).t;li;f ~~. ~ F II"ii$. <>~. !MJ1Lft! ,lUI i!-Jili.oo,HeW been grievouslY' MVUMded.fi,S! Tam.

.2: Soxnethlifl__gth.aJt is pvoms is eXU1:TiJ]Cly serious or W'OC. tying ~I'I i:ts effects. [1I it] (m JH.fJ: Jt F .. ~. ea '., a grie·row.s mrstake .. , ... 7;: iI··· Her de{.ui ~ a gTie~ shod< . ,.. :tI!!.liKll ~ '*' A. '}. {g... ~ eco~micposi t,tCli;l. ~ griltiiQU$ -~tIt~ .. :et,~P.:.· <> grie~, m~]E .1ttl.~ EO. Tilt report hm1 been grle~ly distorted .•

~.F·.~A7. .

grie'lllHl'l' tumy ~ If SO'Jl'lCOIle is acc~ ·of ~. 1MU(y b!u'm. nt.eyou--e aJJ~ IDf relllSIDg vay serious physical injw-yw!liOTIleO!1¢1 a Jeg<l!l term, [f!itJ F:I;:M A:!t f'j • i :I: tw. 63, .. assa.u1t with intent to cammr t gr.i,tvour bodily harm _ ···.:liJ$,F·:l:A;S4'fliWlw'Hfiffi.

gUll 1~lrufWl.I!. ptDs. grilUng,griW, 11 w.lwn.you .griU f~. you 000.1: i,t us:iag -.:ery IiIllang beat directly :a~ .or bel!crw ill, jf:iIj. 5G, .1 :U$WZliygntl o.r Irybu:J. ft *~. '* fQ ~ J:!:( '* ttl. 0 grilled. :tL! 100. 00, 1 hmj. a grated cht:Jp and :salad/or ,{u~h. ft¥.~7,",#*Wi!jl:.

2: A grtll is 2:. 11 <li rmrt. ,(If "" ~e[ ~t ~ists of a rJi'lclital shelf 'Whctt food is cook..ed by S<troog lmea'~ ffUmalbove.$ .5;. EG PJltr1(:~ the peppe under a hm S7ill , " "Rl.. ,lI!:lltl H.~ 00:11 .. "f rti "., .k,a. the slias Ol'il the griU ptlll. ;e ViI Jl'fMH tl ft J:. 2. 2a flat frMlle ·of metal bars or a. nat ~l. plate which you p!Jl~ food on atOd heat Q¥N ,11 fin: to wok. the focK:t .• t§M. ro Rw:b .rite grWbots ~,Jh fm II[} pre\¥r~t ~,i sdckjng. 1ft~. $t - F f:t. ~ It:l: !:;l ~. t_ fl!ijl Wi 1£ J:. jfi. 2 _ 3 .1Ii, dish which ,~~ of f~ that has 'bI;eQgrln~. ts~ruy Ine-.t~, - •. :IlIJji:t! { :;tJi :it ~ ) • ro F ~ for a mJ;t!ed,' grill, ctt M T - ft ft. ~ ~ ~ :2 ,4 Ji res~l O!" part 'of <to ra:tamant w.he[le grilled food Is S1;rvm_ ~ •• iIJ<:«.i!). &; .,. ~an'J fiIlr and

OriU - "'fi#tem~_"~* .2.5 ~j), grille.

a, If yml,say the sun grils SO:~ O!" rornethitlg. )'Q1iJ! mean. t:&:at di.e SiWll rnal.-es them very but ~, <II fairly litQ"~ usc. [IlJ ( j(1!8 ) M ~ II )tl! ~ !lflt. ro Tke bl~ lav.a. griUd by the sun, fSPQin/t-d ~'O' Wi:!lk on.,. 1i;t: 1i3~J&~ -e-g _tfi'~.;I!~. ~ rMl •• ,. t~grU.'ing sun, ••• ~ ~ Ii¥nt m •

~. If 'you grliIl ~ ,1Ilxmt SOfl"I£thing'. ~ aU. ~. ttIiiIiny queStions fQfa Jomg. period of thne J .& fairly inf'O!I'I'TIal use. [m JjZ:fJl" P'ikli: pill. 1m At .Ire poUaJ:ta:Uon, Stile mil grilled lor senty-/QUr ho~ •.. iE •• ~!I! ••. .IitPJ Y:;l4 1'""H~"··· She .ha:d U}Vm mmMthe.ropic a/Iw- mot~;-"s bleed~ng stOJ"nac-Jit .• ¥_;r;.~~. JIiI

til m fJ ... ~iiJ ,ft. <> grilling. grl!WrIp. :I: [IIJ. 100 .s.. gave me a grimng aWlolit ~rt'i l"d been, ft!4fDl!il;i\l11jJ. m!;7o

:griUe !!J'ilhgrd/ • grilk:'h ~m:-frF grill. A gtiiUe is a frame· Wl)£k of meta] ~. orw;ln: w~chis p.la.oed in :fi"'O'!'1I1. 011 oomethi.ng such as a. w.indow Of' a! pea of machinery. jn omb-to prottct wt or ~:opro'lect ~pll;:. ell P !f B9)" II ~

1'f«XJJ'fTi DJNOOl,JNT fi~lII~


.... ,If.:+P~ n!E!>l ~t <?..,;T il ... ffir

= 13rnom1'

V+O 8J;!~ ... pJ!!n

(> AD) QUAUT" :;: Ill:i.tt


.=.~. iIl..:re


.. ~rioxJ;Jy


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= ilIr~rLllly

\!.~G "'~I


I'll OOUl'ff1 USV SlING


~~, AL._'iQ [N' NJ!Joei

V+O I't~

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V+O 1!''liiBIioo =I~[~tf!



(~ftifWJ ):ir',a. 100 " "an irongrm~ .. , .•.••••.• , .. the prmecfive gr,utc.' a~ f~ ba!;k ,f)/ are ~.~. -,. ···#::!&triL Iff m iY~ .If'i •.•• The po:il-Q{fio: lady glorwtlred through thegrili. ..PJ ~ :lEi1l * .IRJI •• ". ~ ~.~;tI. ~

pm. /tprn! gnmJ. ~. gtUnmI:st, 1 A sit'U;1;tion or. piere of ililfo t m~tion tha:~ ~ grim Lo; !lnp!~t .pr diJfficult a)md itl1aik.es ~~ fed ltl'lham Of" pess'mi:s:~!C_ fIE- iii 00 .. ro ., , the grim jacr.5 ..... ,,.. fIi~. ~ , .... , 1M grim 11/terffitltn. of World War I . . "M =~ !lit .# :;I( ~ la<.i p; ., ~ ;!l!. 0 ~- "!Ii. CG;, , • " .rht: grimntlMQf l~l" life. ••• ~fil'JEI:; ~ r'jJD!. 0

2/1. plaeethat is grim is Uillattract~vt~ Md. ~o~in 3jppE_:imce _ I~I :iUt:~.J'. es .. , j IS grim KUJlS, its dirty gJJJ~ ters _ ," .. It·:!I~Wl.agill·§!. Eitltt.8I!l •••

3 If a person lJ["~heilr bthavi.oM' is grim,. they ate ve~y sea rklu.~ or stern .•• cWly btlm~ die,! are· 'Vtty'WOJ"ne.q: or 2.llff;ry ;:lOOm oomr.thing _ ~:IE ~ .~.;.r;: i'I I~'~· ~ 11 GtfJ. ffi , , . his grim d~termination MI te cry , , . • •• ft ~ .:F;!J@:. M J£!:. ~.t,... .". gr~m"luced guor.. . ... !Ill .. B' EfflJ • ]!. 0 ~, R.@M!. ~G • Smoke.:I Eddie QMVJIfWtd grirn:~ 1)/. ~':I1Il. ~I£j!~~iII!liA.o

4 If you say thar you fed grim" y<JU. mea!1l that you r5~~ very i.Il~ an :inrormal lJSif:. [1ft ]fii1lJlJJWIOO. ~i lIeU "M'l~ ly grlm .l.ast KUk .J:.1IIl1!:.~:W.~Q.

5 If you Qy dult oomothilng' ts 'pim. you tnean nbat it L.~ awful ~n !>uyle o:r qMl:ity. an i!lforl"tW~. [m] ". 00 • ~ 1"he m~k miS' grim" JJI!-6"~.ilT ~

Eli If YOUI ba_Qg om ·Of bold om. Ub grim dN.Ih, you grip :i<OW!etbing V«}'. It~ghti'y. liISLIlo'lIJy ~ustyou are aft.a1cl, ~JEtI!1~ •

grj.1I'DlJe Igzlm.e15~ gn\mes./ .grimal'a.gri~. gri,mIU'Jd. A grimact: t.. WI c:(prtt'lion you nule by twi~tii1g yoor raoe ~n a:!il. ugly way kcallile you arc displeased, dis~ted. amI1Oyed. in pai~. etc- {$; ffi: ;;r::·tl , ~. E. .1II~ '!i ~}tI·;fti .!I,n. lEG Thomtu .mf.1:de' a JiUEe grimace, Perhaps he ~houghttlu!. ~'M ~ .fOUr. f(;J~HOr ""'JUt 7. m~ .. ~i~~:lttl •• I!i·~ue. ", .. ooed] as a V('J'b" If] fjui! j:ijJ" EG. ~ m.ade ,{J bad' gear~cha,,*{jnd ,gri.tIJt1cai ., ,til 11UH!Uft\l.MT =i'-JIB··· He gnmaced wilh di_~r;t •. tl~gjfk.l-ttl~.

.grime /~llim!gt:armJ is dirt whidh ge.1S inti!) )'OW" sti~ and do!:llt5. OF whicll garhus Oil b~~adjr"igO O\IIU ~ .~rno::I of scvcil'al yc;m;.. 15.;Ijti l ~ #ii ~ IB;; The.to.iMa~ ~re lhick ~tk grlme_ II~ _tf!.7",[J-m~±o

gnm- Y /!JliJ!TII1 \gr<I!I.mil/, ~hing that ~ .grimy' is t;lil'.[y dirty- J1it.l£ltXl ~i'I;l:Rli:iJCj'~ Ii» " , • (J grimy office ... , •• :IIIt It~' ~*:f:. _"' agrjmy .htl~rchief. ' •• .1:. i'JIJ ~ lie 0

;grln lort0.gnlil!. gri:Qs. ~. @rlD:.Ded, 11 ~r yoo grill. you smile broadly., lIJI!IllI(atlll"tiHffili3t. !;G fk grinned at her ~nd laid .hi!! hmu1 on hus. , . :Ml:1IM. W •• ~ ,*e .f.lt1E t!; i¥J ~ 1:. ... JI.e ·1UISgt',11rm.ingpmw:i{y. .lighted Mlh his addei't~"'t. .:::t.i m ~ ilk *1 M'll. it .1I1l*i~ .llf JiJt!~;fIii::t:IiI.'~ 0 griImimg .. M"~®. m I IKmed .tQ ~ ~ 8'iM'!~ fX!r~ hWilCf4d O're'" a ,~I.t~re~ a»d~" a$tit:It*WlIll-1" ••• ~ ~ r ±M':!tiE - t #: it liI: * m JJ:..

2: A grln is ab.rwd ~rni.le. MIIII Il!JI ~~. W Iij'~. m ~

pilar: M1S uMlllrl and d.i:~ a.wJ ~th a drar:fu.l grin.,. j~·l'~fill~.~.ftl.f&.~JiilJll"M;.R!.':!:', TM M··· .. , a little grin of Idumph. • .. 'f£ IfIH¥;I .~. • to wipe nwe .grhl ,000f sameo;ne'~ face .• ~ wipe.

a To grln ~ 'bear i~ ~ t08captt a dim~ OF tin· p~ill SL'Uua'ti.w withoiJ.t OOIlI1pbk.IDg ~. yool kfIDwthtre is DOtmug you lCiW do to ~ rhin,gs btttu. if ~. ~:I! ~Ji *.~" m I'd jusl ,ha ~ ,to grill: and bM:r j~' fOF lh I'feXI IWl!) hoWl's. t£illF 1Hr!i Jili !NW m , 8;,# R fIll ~~~.

-..iIiouil / . _ -fl... ,neil" ~,_., .... '-" __.. 1 If \JinI, so ....... gt'aulIJI~ graiL_", , fi" --. roo .._~. '",-,_, ~;_,.-

.grind. Som~thli'ag .sueh as com or ~F. 'you crwh it. ~-. ~ween t'WO h¥d IIlI1fr~ ~ with. 3i l'IllJdliliac m1rI;i1itl:i¢-· comes a fmepmd[;[ _. ,(·if ,., m They were gtuuU",

whi "e flout for l~ peopk of Nt1rfoEk . ... fdI 111 if t:E "J·if m 3t ~ € ~. a l[fl.··· .. - ffV!£h./Y.ground bl-* pepper - ••• JilUUt ~m ~ • .t&.

:2 If you grind !'.QJl1titbing jmo ~ surfatt. you pm>!> .aC!i.d flLlb i.t hard ]1'Jt.O thesurfuO! IJIiillwg' smaJ]ciroubr ociiid£" ways .m.overnemts_ m JJ., m hIE. m .flee groufJd ms ci8~ (Jre!t~in tire ashtray. fB:A: i' mKi~:fl;.Ii jl{ ill: mo

3 If'YQU !l;rind your teeth. you. rub 'your upPeil" ~ b~ ~eoe1!:h togetht,:r .ailtOOugh 'fO'~ ~ chewing oometltil:lg, .. (;;r .1J1:). Ea, .llooPIIF"S' reeth Mre dtJ1Ched ,andke' 1Y0000M them the way' .40 during il~p. iWm J.'~ 3f-*:.itA filII II; lit. '.- .~ •.• t:1n.

4 Ifyoo pind ~~i_l1g • yo~ ~e i~ srn.ooth or ~harp


,. Il!:mb~



AJil! QT.IlA1JT ~i!~


" R$!l.IlIIfAl· •.. ~II

Am QUlALIT , ilJ8U~

~OOMP "!!~rlll

PHR,VEI INlFU!.CfS Il o:~lo!


=pvlJ 111m

Am QIllAU"T = riJ~iII.1

V ,1lF ~ nIiI' us:u {Mi "'t~

O~QUMH, . ....rtitis·


PHR1• V8S [Nif!I.ECJ'S. fl'iIIfkr

~ 1m y.:w kCI!J.

v~· 0+ A =WD

rftR" VI'!. 1!I)!1-"LE:Cl'S Z.gt'III!III)'!:lWr too:Ill


bly flUlJb:illgit agai~ta h.d SW[iice or m) amacbirrn,e.1I 1'Ioi'i3irpM

it ~. :8 *. m Then PottS a .knife: .being ground on a

wheel - :fl- mAJ\ JJ iE tEittfll: II' ••

5 ~famachine grinds. it makesa ~sh ~ing OO~o;C_ v 1t m II) lit Fr • m TIu!,·I~JI ginds in .rife sJw/t, ~ ~ a: '1t "

tl"1'lI il:1.fiF~. O~ ... :q::~, 1!t~.!!II~IOO. EG (>.uu c~p, Our ~h{iI18 ImfChfne l$ making. a !errjbiegrimii.P18 ~~ mme. :ftJ(l ~tt~tf~:iif.1E£m 1.? Att~I'f:j'~~.!tI,.. •

15 If aVi!lI~de ~almIDg. ~t .mQ"i'e!O .very slowl'y.and V+A noisily- ... ItlJI •••• ;1J. EGo ." _ hea"'YJ~b griwti~g = !I[1l_OO~ downt~ ro;.Jti .••• ... ~, • .ftt!.~fl:tit*~ •• ii':q;::~

7 grind to a hd: ,'/. 11~f .8. veh:icl:e' grimdsto'li haJji, it. nm, W stup> slow!1y, <tI .. Jt,) if. T •. lEG The huge coal run INf'~ ~ldW~nd~Q ~' 1ra1t l!t (I~ JrQnt door. *_*1tiftli:

m i!I{l iJil' n tI .. if ""F *. '1. :2 U tI. (lOllI[\~1F'f • eo:;I]KIIl'lIY. Nf.R" VIl·

Pr~" etc, grilllCh Ito a baJil or :!Ii ~J]; i.'l: ....."riual]y ]!'oic!'iU3C'fS

~...... =. ~!ld_ll

becomes less efficient or JstSact]W !lI1lJt:.ili~ stop. m St,Dp'i

(lmctlonlillg_ <ifr. it )0 W .It. 9J!: ... '100 Why does," ~t tm: whole ~y griNlI,o a aU'!.,. '}Jft40.. T~~ R;fi "Ii 'f *? ... The HiUt'" l!R:l;i pinding to a ;slanastUJ. M

oJ· iE~.fI. fJ T *,. '1.3: If yoo ~ f$Q~~j~ to!ll! PHR, VB


,grfndiDll' :ball or if it ~. 10 a .grlndhw WI, ~t :stops.. '" ~,~ ~

,.ciaJiy befOR: it .'WaS ~t to- (~) W ."F *,. iEG ~ti~U

i~T"~~~:*f~~ hel~ Thur&ooyrug/:t, lIao

8 You can n::f-awroutme WYF.k. w.hioh you have w do "SIOO W;»l and· whkih .~. a 1M orftilme and dfl.'lvt .0lS lbe griIid'. # ~~r .~I,*!li!JI tw:IW:!l: •• m The"y t_n ~It the lllrtS ll1Ul tit~gTind of pte{!(JT:lnc I~Vd lor coll~en~

lranct','f" i!; \f1l1J1l1 *.ijt >JJ li *;fi j( ~ 00 :Ii ft ·~I!JI jfij <)1 .• ~


9 ~f you s;t.y U:~ .. t ~thiqg ill· a grind "yo!} ~ d:mti1';!~ ~ S!\!'K_?'ti .. !'l <I[llloy~ng and InCiJlflvtbefll ~ 4!!ti 111 fomw u:;;c. [\fi'r] 4> A i! Il i:iiii>a!1~

;ii ~.'. ro It"ll. be a real ,grind ,w go on l~bWi .• ~ • biro, ~

~~ff,$.~-*+ AiS'flIi~ ••

W • w ;',w· an axt' to grind, ,~Il1ll:. • ~jl.grillll!Ub;g~

llind away. U)'D1ll grind away" }Ulilwmk.'l.!"ery hard, au ~ VIS. lnfQ!"ma! ~~pf~wn. [m] ~ f ~ if~ .. m We wt7e ,rin.d- :, !~~ 1'tiU tnsQWQ'y·in the library fIR' ~ks - ·~flnlE ~ 451iJ.m:ll::4. ""

iiilf T ~ J1!.1".sm.

grind down. 1U' you. griDd ~1iLC down. you treat PHI'P.!SALW, lhe:m. v~ry h3it'Shly and CftllCUy. with the ft~t tt.al~b£y .,,7 Of- @V

- ....... ~

dill' not have the will to FeliM you. 1I:ff. fi •. EGo Stre how

tke l'iJOI'ki~pro:Ple of Bri,iai"aN: ground .down.W. ~ 00 lI¥.l ~ lft1 A~J!;W ~.:f Eli *'~ ..

.2 U" you grllldrometl:lil~g 00Wn. you mal'it il s.rnooth or. IP~ W, shMp by robbing it~t .a hatdl:!:m"faDl:'l ,(;If ,00 .a mao ~oI-~~ADV thimre_ .~ ,.~.

pJDd M;. If ~thm.g :pind5 .... it onrnllwues to happen PiHRASAL W, iU tm:5Oi1lX oor~n.p'way fOJ' a .lonO' time, C •• ltl~~HI " ... AllIV

~.. 0 1'I~milll!lil .

•• m He gtoamdrm /(JI' alWtha ,hall hour. "" trIZ x, II K te.o.;m

III' 7.1' IJ~Rt ••• The ~r Finds ON. .~ 1] :fE •••

~nd 0111. If a peFSOn or rrnu:bi;ne ~~lru~g oot, !>m!.ASAL VB,

1'1 . r4' - r "i:;h_. rod V+ o·~ AllY

_lor ex.<'lrnp_e m'_orrnat!oo or .a plett 0_ WOf, .• t ...... 7 P . .:.!:Jct· ~ ~I!:t!l 0!!1

il iII a bQf:~n~ Of routine: ~rl <lfair]y infunnalex·

p.r~ion, (~J tIlL :M,ll .Hi:! 0 00 It is a data-pt!Kit:!SSing

,oo.mpu.rftr which &rinds oot!kcisions afler .oomptuiP\lg

{he information. ilS:;i!- ~ Jl~ ;@.i!fFit:Wffffj;i tM~}l f:l.

It m~: JltI·.m"

~ up. If you IJ100 f>Omethi!'l_g u.p. )'OU oomple~e:ly Ii'N~""-',

crtlsh .il belwt:CfI two ~d ~W"raees or w~lh a machipe Ui!~. '11'+ o· .AD ....

11 ,~1...e1lil.C ~il ~t Ix:~, .... finc powder-.If ,lin .. lEG Th:eyW!;)uJd

~ lhe bt;,W€$ Wl1rh a ha·~ urtUI lhey ~re

ground "P~ MfflJtm.T'e?4:§RI.f'tlTfftii'l!.

grind.CI" {'grMnQa, "'gr,illtlXb-j, grtp&n. A grinder i!! a de· NCOWl' . vice "",Weh <:r~liQme-thi_ngimlO $~j pi~ Of" makesi~

illlDiI, p:lwdtr. if If om. ~ ee , .. 1iIl· oolla; grinder" ..... !I.Ii


gnlld·tng IJWaJI.DchQJ\gwaind'.uJ/- You IQSe gri__1ldi. to de" ADJ CLASS~.F,

~R !lcri~ a :sitl!lliJlkm ~t FIl!:vtm" s,ool'tl$ ~D' ~g¢ mend" ~ '" R~iln=

thaI makes roo fee! uwppy. fired. or bofed ,Iff.;", H9 ~

!1M. ~. SQ, "' .grintil,ng po'wny., .•• 11 :I: ~ :M: II. 0 0 AJ!)V'1- AEIJ pindm;gly. .vrr IIi A .1. A".fU g :I' .fd!. EO The 1:autih~

became windt,rlgi), familiar. i:!~ EI *,Ifl:T.~.M4

A31f,;.t(~~. .

grlnd.stone !lgralndl'~.1 'I,gr:aj[~ton! ,~.1 A NCCiiVNT" Iri~ Isa mgt ~. slone th.umrru ]i.kea wiled

andvs wed foc sbarpen!I~' kni.vts and lools_ .iii! ~ ~ .

:2: 'to Hep' your' ... 110 ~be grindstone r=aru to WOii"k PHiR.·!,!]I

very hMd a~] th<: time. - m:t:ffJl&JJjI,~7". . i~

grip /~p*grtp!. ~,. ~. gt1pped-1 1f·}'QU grip voo v~ O)nJSU

SOll"ilething. you ~ hoM of [l with YOM trn:nd and corutin,· ~~~~

IIJe to hold It fiFmilly. 'I: W ; ·vrt~. EG Lomtn. W,ippeLi the

boy's arm. -. M~}tIi •• tm~MliOO •• "· He grlpptd


the Jecter,nwi tl! bmlt hands. Jd!,mi"ii ~-M llt~. $ 0

2 A grip ~ . .2.1i1: :f.i~m, $trong hDJd on oomethlng, •• , !\II (loom, UJSU

~iNi'j tlJ\.!Jl. lEG .1 il,ghtenen my grip Olil the handTllU, ,. 1i!;:1 'I:

tlI\ tt T tIi: '¥ .... 'The ,grIp en Camm: t;Srig'Uwrisl tiM not

SlQfflen:- • .'Ii!lJ'l:O=;~.ti.:s.~fl!il::fj':tit~. 2-2 a pw1lcu- N'~~:JNf,'~

1 f I· -"d'i, ~- fi hi' be r.tClID + l\I

ar way u .:rJu. Ing' ~. W~I,;;;n you are ~~g_JlI~ tl_m ,,~.

or tiry!t"!g too oon,'~ro,! th!:m, .1I!(!I. ~) 9'IJ tfit. eG· This

i:s- the old fashi,{)1iWj JDlicemaJ~ s grip. ;it." iii M ::t'lt

_.J.lt .

3 A grip on so[l1Letmog is powe:r andi(.'Qlltrol ova- .01 siJtua.~ iN S'l!N':G .'NITH ~ion •. acil:ivity.,O!!I' pecfSQ:n. • •• , X II. ; !l M ~ EG. H~ IWW r~ !>lJiI'i"

UK1Ik a firm grip OIl ~Iu: mt.I~m side 0/ t'lre Ml'\IS~ '" II'~

piper. .. ftl. JJI tE$. 2fi ~ iii •. it!I. ~ 11 :!ft "' ••• n .... She

fell .herself inrhe ,Wip afa sad~ .~ (XfUkJ ootwn.de-I'£iaM, .MiilJ-:t!i::FiiJ.,g,$.a'!IJIlUtl!l •• Ill! Co.

4 If sometmng l!JtpilfO'U., 0«1" 1 rnt alIGns fOl! ~ry.s~ ,,~ Q !y. !}i tm JIZ J» 1Ii!.~ ffi The h&l,lbwrt! gr.fpped iH~hc~ agar.n .. , M.f.·-P,}!:-ltJi1. T~t9!· .. Hil ~ to ~ gripped &ya pDwoerful wire to i(Jugh. -Jll:Mi~Jn«;r.~

rJ!JltIHCP1!1!2i1l1iJ T tIk,. 4.2 it. kep.your att.eptioo ~n~ v" o,·VSU p~ t.raud.on rt. ~~I it <il. 1;1> • m nn .no.r realJ)' a golfu IH_inate myself bur. ,a<;HUJ'lly I'm gripped by i,r, ft*A3!t::F. fi

Z. JI; . .iE:~ if{ $ ~3f!.!f. ,Mit ~ .. Mt::il a: T • <> grippilog:, 0 ~'(lUAU'r

11ft 'JI A 890 ECi •• "a pirot of r~ which ~X'.f lO = ...... i"a

b! more grippinglhan mosl.···fi.it.j;;~ltfF~ .. ~

:!J! ~ 51' A ~ ~ :DJHiF :Yl ~I. it . .5 .c:np is tIm ahiJJry to sticl roo oomething or .$!by 6t:i a surfaa withoulSlippiing_ •• jJ. EG The3e new t)lJ"e$ 8iWi ~ muchibtuer grip than tlu!, o.ldO&'.S. .iU!:Ii:m.lt R!ll_'. n Itt UH~Mlx~j:.

6 A :n' lsalso 6" 1; a bag t::h!a.t is smaUer than. ,a suilka_~, t4 COU.NT

and that yOIJl use when you are tlfaveUing, -¥ 'HS ~ .1i Ncourn·

.... 6 2 1._' • .w.... = ~II

-'j'!!:. ' " . a. 1J.fiU"~VJP. LIL·;;oI;;..

J 'The ~d ~p ~. also used ill I~.be following expres:scioos,

grip iJl>ijFf"f JiJ jjj!li. 7-1 If you get or come!» ~ PiIjR, VB wJtII $OillCth~ ~tirn ail a probJt'l1.h you ro.Illlklet .h seri- ~~ ('JUSI)". and! start taking the ne~a.ctkm ee dea~wih

jl- jAJi::tfr It .~ JI.~G 1.i'S Imren, us eightull ~1S: to gel

to gr~'/JS 'Wi thour inadequacies. 6!. m lEitE, 7 18 ~ H1 ~I* nli:ft1i1iBlJ';t:;IE.;tti. 7. 2: w.~. two peoplltget·to IJ1ps. :rtr.R, '1!11 t~y start figl'ltif!g,. :If ltlfl .il·. EG f1~n"t long before fNFL£C':i's they ""'1IW or.iM, ~!A .~(l]ltfl7 ~*. 7.3; If...,-". oIX" .• t P}JR, vI!

6~ .o'.t'"' § -- "'.,., JI'WlECliS

OF .~ a.gnp ooyoundf. you make a dellberater.ffon: m 1'1' ""'1t1fDl ~i l;OfItrol or irnp.r<We your behavinm- or work. rOl:" ~le

after you /I<rve received ~s.lloo:;l or"~r ~~ ila~ b:xro~

~I~ 0Ir lazy ,.!i!1lI ~ lEI iC ) .. :7"" If YQ~ Iot;e. 'ji'DI!It" grip. ffiJt.. VII ~ be~J~ .cfficlen~ ~dltsS confident. ~ less able ~~G11 to deal! with tmng:s- ~ ~fili ,e;. (~:I:.*) ~ ~ ~!!: M. 1m I

OO'fdd set ,aut! .t1wuglu 1 Iot!I1J' l'OI$ing my grip . It .. fI !til,

~fI1 ~. '-1 it;W:6lt ~·ft T' •

gripe ; graltp ,gtMp/. gripes. gri~ .. "griped~. iUII, :ihfonnal

W'O.rd_1 If )'0ilJ! ~, YfIy, keep Qfi oompla.i~ng~lIt .... If" PREP !<OlTIIerthi~. [m]::F •. IUrlU;!bjt~.~ 00 Don1t PlY any ~~{i ~~ aue,ruicn t(J fum.~ he's (l!lllm:~ gr!'pi.n&atxmt ~'hrng'" moan

or o~'h£r, WJJlft .$.,~;IlS:lt •• ~.

2 A;ripe [;s; .1iI ibitll~r 'oumpJaint ~bcut something. or ·me H~ [~asol1 for ilt. [tiJM!.I$W. Ell S~per .... i._WN$ get togetiw' l()d~ t~r gripes. I"@ARtl: -. i~itfd,jfJA!J'.~ ••

3 The gripes at,e 5~ nu.eme pallw. lin .yom Slt~ m ti~, lht~N ooweb. [m] i!jI $f:li!!l !.I1i.~:IiI ~ ... ~:IiiI. lEG rYe go! the

f!1'ipe$. ftU f •.

grip'·l~ / ~galipll'Jl,,\grarpiW. A griptng pain is it sudden. MlI ClASSl!' ,

bll.' •• "- L..... •• ~ ATIm8

stal~mg pall1l .Ih your stm"iU',OIl: 'Dr~Jls;, <lUi ~ ) ~.


gris·l" {jg1Lh; 'gnzltl. SOl'n:u,:dl~ng '1:Mt Js :JPi~ il, ex.. Am QUAI..~]" u'e!mely I1.<lSty anciI ~jbJe. 4" Am . .Il~ ;:W'lilJo ~ ... it US"u ~a "isJyexperimL.tu. ... - ,r,k it M Mr;t" B •

Krist IgrshgruU. If}'OlIli sayttli:!.l ooroe1!.hilJUg iis gris:tw 'the ~t u;u~, m.ilJ. you mt:ruiJ! twU it is ~fw furapaniculw .s~tuatian, AS 'C

Wft ooJJ. 00; You might Q$~' ~ake (.!,nQ.tber ,~m if

youho'lJe' time - iI's,alJ~· 10 th.e mill. ~~.:tH;;j

ri].:w<~~~-lli:: - i!ff.A~.fIJ'!li!J.

WU· tie J 1~[T18t; 'grlJS.]Jis :a ~~h. f'l,aIhb1!vy :su1]Slanm [mmd IN IJNCO!.~!'U

in lTIeait, ~claIly in meat of poor qlLla!lity. w.hiclil is W1.~ = ~i~~

pIea'i3['l~ to eat . (!iI'", if' 00) ,... • -

~i. ~1lY I'~][>h ~ 'grH.lli!. J'deat tl13i1. is tl:liStly has I~ of ADI QUALn gTisU~ !nlL .ltiftft!l!l.

grilt ! glt j gnU • g!tIi:b. gritting. gritted- 1 Grit is t, 1 nf}' I'll UNCOU1'f[ small. P!t'Ct::S or ~~mH: or sandJ dmt are oJ1:en put on fi~ifl

wln;ler to make them .1e:ss,s.Hppcry.. ·it. {I {iifi. 1. 2. tilt! ,de· !'Ii ~

. d . ~~~ L~.~ " ~IJ!

tf:itminauor.l an·. CiOUFage 1:0 I;OIlltio!]e oonillg smnetmng :mcc~

es.~. even tMugh [t ~.~ry ditr~t. '" <!iit;~ •• EG I

admire his gri,f.ft '* •• ~ J!I!"'9:. •

2 If yoU' gri~ a !rnad or pa'th. }'OO throw wiiton, jl jn OI'der v 40


1l hi>Jd =~

~. mallie ~t les,\ slippery .i~ :icy llif!ilaW)' weatht:r., '.0';W: .'f ,. B3i '~lt~tU ~. gritting rift!' rOOllstonigh~. ~, '* ~ -It ff14-Ilt.~ tE~,.M.t. 11 ~.;gt Ii.

3; ~f)'lJll.l grit 'fOOl teeth. 3:. ~ you 'press your u~r omd f"itlR, vn

ro~J' teeth cigJldyklgetk..-, ~ 2': ~ ~. 00 19r1,t,tM my INf.LKTI ,eeth. but she didn ~l notice .my aJIt~r" .'11;, ""I:. it Ij; II 7

Ji. 1IJM.,iJJ;:l;ti1itt" JUt n ~ "9:.. 3.:2 y.o'tl. mah !Up yCJtJt pHlR. VB

mind jo 'carry 01'1 ,even ~f tIfute ~,iti.ill:li(ffi is very d~ffici.jJh:, -F IN~

~~.t·. m We'l[ jw~ Jw:ve to gril our t«fh 1l1,w carry -.ftnR~T •• O •• fT •.

4 Grits aee ~y gru~ ~iw; of corn whiclJ <l.n; eat- N uNOOuNT

en ~ a dish: jn I~~~ Uf!~~ed S~, II _n ,.it fi . ~ "Wl 00.,. a pl(lt~ o.f paJ'k.~ arid grUs ,·++-A.*~tl.:E


~t,., IJ ! II!11n = 'gnLI/, gritoo. arittiest. '~ Something that AD!l' OiJAUT

is ;ritty is m\lle[IC~d with gt'j~ or has, a teJftu.n: thilit is I.~~ ~ r::~ th~I' of wit .• ",g.'iI$iftl] !g.S:lrlti;" lEG ""' lhe grilly rur~

pet, ". ···M 1ij' iF. tr!I. It. Ji. ••. , .. griuy. chew}' Irrsh

,~, ···.~ •• m.~~aw\~·. '

.2 Someone who iIsoiritty ilii &Ot(;lIliiliiQoo. oow~. and Am QuAJ..1T

~01!.!Iglh.. ~.'I~I~;h~.M •. m .,. agriuy upholder ,oJ the

law _ ... ~ .~r!if$.~".

3 A gritty clocr:iDt~ or pxtra.yaJi of .1i pbte sho~ realis- ,~. WAUT ti,rn11y how tough Hfel ~n'.' is, c.it)tt·iii:~3tOO.::!i:1;;~o

:p .. zk: /'!J1:d; 'gnz]/. whzles. g$ZImg,"':aJed:~ a fairly informal word. t If a baby OJ." d~j!d !JiuJC\s, ~t ...

keeps cryingamd whirl~ng. [iii-] f;1~~) Ii!: Jt. ali 1'he baby: "2"hi~~ grizzJ~ dil Rishl .•• JL ••• !JI!"

2. If mmrot:)e ~. !they OOl'.!li]Kiius]y i,)}jTIplai.1~ a!bout v SOIudlMg in a wfttinIDg ma~, [-m] 1!IJi 3! :Q: ifF. '~. clO'hiJK, Rhoda ~ grizzling becatl2 she ~d frur. ~ ~:a: j@m , m~i1.7···

grlz··zltdi I i''9I1zM I \~1"ll.ld/. A. ~ person or .aI. pcrscm ~ C1AS:IfF, whh :(;.'I'iided 1Wr' has halt that is grey 0:1:" Slr~ 'With ust! ,ATIR1B

W1e'y.;4: £;M: a ~h ~ @. BSi , ... jI;: e ~., iG ,..(J gri:::iJed

,bt.a,rd •... ttIBi~T. .

p.:dy /~!J'1zb~ \grizl~/. :griuJies. A gr;lDly otr a ~ MOOm.nbear ~. ,3, iatgc, fi~r~ .~yish. m.oWll bear 'Wlnlcb liW'S ~

W(.':SI:.tJm, Nortb Anneric:;l!, :1I::..w!lH r"' Y' .:It,~ i"i B).

gtOlID ;'~Igron!. ~. ~ng.gt'O&IIed,1 .If you v gmIIII. you nnk; 3. long. ~.CiW somffil beeaese ')i'Oli are jn :;~!! pa:in ocwdtappy. or to ,indiC<dt.e tlfiuyoo disa:ppl'U¥t:· of smmlmng, .. It ~ ~. 1II)i. ~. EO 'The sir,l ,~ lti

pai~,., .*i'l.~:Ii($~ •.. , .He groatred and robbed

his .t~ ... ~fiE - ~ .. It - .Ttl til !~UI"· His pupils alWtl}'3

=$~~~f~~il4~" it ~'.'~ ;lif,~ •• ;f.

.2 A _ h ;;I. OOIlig. Jow souOOl exp«:sring ~,~pp4~ iN OO1)Nir

ness" or di5aWroval. '_'m:WI W~) .. ~ 1M ~ (~:.it::r: _ J4J =I ~

~)!!J:II'. ruJQM fell Jw~rdwith a groan, ,. i!.J otllfi

~'r - ~ff~llIfM TT :J;. •••••• IMWoansoj the ~~di",

M , •. • •• ffj M 001II1II 'at ~'" A dwrruof .~JJ$ gree.ted hrs joU.Ai1l1tfBi#M~~jf~*;jf;:~ ••

3, ffynu _ so!l1dhil!l<g.yoUi say ~t in a 11m ... mllaPM' v.o/ ooam voitt, ",1It.'iJI!.. 1;1(3, • I'm iflck.' .hegroonwl. "ll!J;iif T • ,,= oI'ItIoI!fi M,.".'&,.

4J [f'yoi) ~ abmit, !iOiTII'ith~ng .}'lJ1I rornp.lain abaut it I an iflIf,W'~ use. [.JIIO ,lt$::g.1$ 8m: was groam~ about .mm.t essay whad to Mice. ~ ~;I • .l'4I:;;r;;~ 00 X .im" i!t.

5 lfatr« Of fl~,~' ~. h makes .. , loud c:realilllf:

900!!'KiL I~" fF ... ro J'heM'mi s.dU r:oored. am lite ,rnngroarwi. ~iH'£ gJ~, . M -* ~ 1If1;1fi •

,5 A poBIII is abo .a 1,0001. cre:ding sound made Whelil ~thlling woo;kn is purd:J&J or pressed. ~ III ... ffi E~u,allyl SOf ,1A5M to ,ire cr~ a1ld gtll)tlJ'U of the. ~ne QUJside mywindow.ft1&·n; "ra "':II II fit 1M! I!It tt I. "~.i'iJ.1!.7'.

7 If )'(l!Usay ~,t ~~g such as a tab~t! :poms urnU

OOl1M:tftll1g. you ~ mat the ~. or quantity of tllinr tml ill; on i~ is extremely ~avy <lifld large. (,. ~ ,,; I!li ~. I:

.ffi" ) 'Ii:" .f1;'; IlIif I (.=f " . .t. )11 tIi. 100, Thh.l~ groan under rich ,~jc foorb" ,JIJ. ".T J;,a. T:$. BooM._.i'l.

groom.- Ij~!\gr~/, ~ . .A ~ !sa _pk~PA etwJlIl) seUs focds sudt ag flCIt.W , sup, ,!lind dnned' f~. ~ ~ ~ prQd~ ~ in ~'~~ .• ,5f!r~ ••• m ~. ~ ~w married ~Q' agrooer ;11 ,Ce.dar City. jj • .fU:H. it. i'!; ·MiMI - :g it ~ ~ 1f .-. I., 'I1ie ~ or the ptJII;'I'lr's. ~:.too ~ 1:0 tder m a ~ wlllc:n:: 'thC!le t~ a:r'e sold. '* ~ :~ .. m. ~, l~nt ,orver lhe oo&bkd I'Otld to' thrt groa'!r's, ~ ... ' ifill. Ill] • :lit '* ~ ~ .. W~~.

groo(f!f'.y !~~~ \~I/. ~, 11 A ~' is iii ~'$ shop" wed! il'l Arl1t:.riaui: English. [Jl:]" ,illr ~ jf

V"A(#~n =~

v !I~a'k:

\I, nF~' NIEP 1iliEN ~t ~N. ~~

I~' N SJtotJ, flli!·N' Ih!~


J~ • eG ., . (1 .commnea 1X)5~ offiCi! ,and gtocery. .,.:1: if .~~*~ •• ~- ' , -

:2 'Qrottries me: f~ such as 1l0l;1!f" sugar. and tinned !bods, C rHt ~ Ji. 100 ., • a wicker .shopping· ~ke.~ ,oo~,· i(lin.ing lJf'Oa,;u, .. . •.. \'Ii ~ A' ~ ~ 11 ~.I &: MlIJ :1''''. She ~ add~ng up',1wr ~bills. :tt'JiIjfg a~j*8L~~ •• 1JlIH-iI§~

.grog !~~grogJ is a dJrint made by d~luJtjn.ga s~rong spij''' ~t. such .1L'! rum OJ" wmsky.wililb, W:.lileL «U'l!MItf(mlli. ft' ,d±,i!.~·~ift' Jim1iH&J ..

~.gy JI~t:9f 'grogl/, ~. ~t Someone wOO i:l,~ feeb! 'wcakarJ:d ,i, LlJl;;!bJcw :s.ta!nd OJ' 'waJlk: prop!;;dy, fOOf" example k~ l!:l~y <!!!'e ]~L C5 ~fi~ ji'ij ~ &ljjjj,~jJ' rP\J f •• :Il~9IJ· ~jti"SL~.~. ~G I ~ f~Nng (l

bit .~ ," th the in.jections. ttm'"J JL fiI" z I§:tIHlBiilJ,1i

s.,1li '

grUB, I pn ~gr;]lln/. ~, Yoor PII is till[ pan of your body where your k:g,s. IlKCL RiI~IUt;t:IiI,.

gror,w !gru:rn,~;gnnn/, groIlImi.groomiIIg.~ .. l A gn:tmI i!l. 1. 1 .someone w.1ne job is to. lOOk ,after:' lIE bar", ses [[! <1; !ji:<l~~ ~ to ~ ~m ~. ~Je: .. 1" ,2 a , b[_'~ groo[f!,ilftm. ffi _, " rite wUk a:n.d groom,. ···:iJTM lilYl,,,2 we yo~ ~. an m.!nW. you. cle<I[l i~ fm.ltlsuaill,ly by brushing it. ~(~ ,JIj]'.).~~ roWe KU,lC#led ttl-(!:apes gTOO'Ini~l'4C.Jll Oi.her . an •• ~ R •• i'£]t ,"Ull:.,

j: If you .gI'Q1m a: ,pfltsOliI. you pr~ ~m foc a spccclal joo by If'"..ilicbi.~ them ttit sokills .ey win ~. \N1 ~ l ~ Ii:. I~ J had' ~ c~ to be ~. ,a,5' milar. !!"tit it ii. m,t; fllj 'ijI!I.,. ••

groomed Igru;rnd, ~dt gru.md/. ~ who is 'Nell ~. ixallti:fl!J![ly groomedl. etc, ~ "Ii'ery neal. cLean. and smart inaPJjJ'eil!f,B![u:e. ..il1IUf~h. ~ ~.OO 'Ile ~~,.. Ilttf fJ beautifully ~. young ma,~+ ~.lI! 11 & fft't m t!l.:t; IllJ 'I ~~. T •

~ Jgru:::v,gruv! ,~. A grooYe' .is ~ a w.ide" deep ]i!lle cut ii1Lto ii, ~W'r~. i'ij f (11:!l) •• ~ ,." a s'l~ plate w;.rh~l-'eS ~I;rl'l, it .•.• -.~$!j;;li 1!!I.~iR:II!.

2 a way ~nwhich ~ IbI:!h.aves or J~ves wtWdl ,005 remai~' t:he ~rneIDF:il king lime and is diffJiOOl to cfuin~, ";~.;;J II. ,~u He: lei I himself slippi.ng in.to the groove 0/ camp«bl~' $e.lf-just.~ficat,~ again, ~~,JII ~ aX-.~.~~~.AT~ft ••• ~.2~.

groovedl I~li,vd'i gruvdJ. Sllfi"lething thai is ~ h,a.~ WOO¥~Uml i'!S stlitlfatt. ;fi jq iKJ, W MI'r!J. EG T~~ppet .law is d:.eepiy grooved. J;:.- i:.ll' JI 'lUll ® I!!ll ••.

g:rooN.y l'ff1U:V1~~,grlll!]/, Something tlhat is ~ is at.~ (ractive. fasJ~Jonable, or exci'~jlIg~. <lJ fairly ,aid-fas.~ lNOl'd, (lEI J Ui: ~ I A. 00 : IR •• er:J , ... },..;ijl RlJ .• 1m, Il 's q.lJi~.t,e (J. 8'OO"Y ga~. a<;tUlJlly. .~' .I;t:,i--.fjg 'J I A ~"H: ••

grop: jgr'lop~ gmp/. gropeii;. ~.~. 1 If you eroPt fm SG~"ng 1ha!tYOI!Ii carmo\ see. you uy to 'lid it by nl!Jving yom .I:wlds ~ WI1 Of"dtr 11.0 fee~, :i!I. if.p 11 ; 1*:.. !;G ,I lftoped for t~ t~metable I had in my ~t .. , ~H. Q $i!!( I~. ~. EI;f ilii] it .. · SlY! put the 8~ i,uo PZggyl groping htJ.n.d$" ,_rel •• ~«Et~ltl

Jfltl ~V* 11~"'~·I+'~' .

:2 U 'f'CM,I ... )'Q'W" way (\Q a pla{'t, yw nwve L~i!e. holJding your ~l<l:.n,dg ]0 frorlJt of }1OU .artd. f~ruhtg lh.e wa''1 bcca~ yo"Ll tiIInOOt ~ <myiliitllig .• ~ii'iffi. lEG 1 groped my ~y our of ,bed and aid .1I1l y tnOl"n:~ng ~~ , •.. fi; ••• l' ( li:. ~ ~ tI. ~ .. ... He gropmi into the kikhm and switelwi ,~ tlu: hghl.fB ••• ~ T If!ij, ~.Nf13f.

3 If}'@UJJ ~ ~. yo:tI! IfOucll or gr.aIb t~lir bodiy in a mlligfu.~u;rl way I used in informal English sIOOwing disapproval. [m.Ii.] it {I .n .~ :!it' '* 0 0 gnJpI"ng. .gt'!Op" iogs,. •• i ..... EO Their cl'untS_f ~pingt ~ ntl!tZninglers.tO.hef. i@'nJJl"'.~".I.ri,]'-.mr,.~ •• :f;.'.t. I" ~ ali allOUll, m ~ ii ~ 0 1::6 He ~ ~.wng Q sood grope, ... ~jflAU'Y -M'.

4: IfYQ!.l grope f"" ~tl:!Jing. faT e~~ejn Qfda~? $!'JI~ve a pr,oblem, yQ!lI uy to find or think of so~ng. wh~n yo~ hiil~ OOI'EaI idea what it ow!Icl ~, fl. I ~.:ll,. 100 EcooomiSls $tar~t:d ~o grope cUi"OUW wirh ":ncreasJ"'$ desptmliorr.jor api(l'!8Iw.ru of (he ,~ilm". ~;W~ ~fn :lfMJ!m •• M mlM! 3 tt~m.i! ~f+.H'.,Iit··· 'I nwaR ... "' She groped Jar ww:ds'. ". ~. 11 _ ...... ~ • ~iI~RS1~JI. O~. ~ .•• il! •• sa. .. , &'Jr. i,Y seien, t',iifi.rc gr()pi~ with rtidM ..,., .... JJ1H • i3_. ~j~fi~' •• ~

~ 1!JdUl! g~. ~. ~1lI!:. ~,gtO!iS@r'. ~, The pll!Hai fQr'm of d'le noun liI'1 ~aph 8 i~ gnM. m 8 ~$I~:ke:~~,-, gmss.l ~ is used to de Scribe ~:lITIedli:. u.naa::eptabk @[" unptleaslUilt mat i... '!!'Cry

Nln~ ~J!lI!O"'~

N COI.J\~. [!SUI !;U*EI. ~'fN

N CCi!.JIl:iT NcQU!'f'I'

V fOI. NGI REI'L) I usu·' .... {<til Jo.r) li"rram

A.fJJ Ql.lALrr. lJSU W.lM AD\, = !umo:;! Q\I.!

~ c:ot.INT 1l~UK:

N COllJ]'IIl'h SIIJ'PP ~' habil

ArnQUAj..iT '" t\I~

v ~ lJ':5U' AifiN') " ("ii\htt

v"'<) ~A. 00 'i{~.o'!., "' 1~


<) t4COt.1N'"1'I UNroVl'>Il"

V, ·!)SI,H.", .. JCW;fl

.. r,l!I'1!!tI!e



g-Rlilt in .arnOlllwl. ~~, or lnt~n:s:ity. ~*~ .~:fi®dl. _ tl9. ,~ , .. c:hild~ .wh,rue. parefUs o;reguil.ly oj grm>s

negl:ect _ .. ' •• ~~.~ .• ~ IBtOOJt. .• ·••• •.• !!f'ON.f i~lWru- in. wealth , wwer and pri~l~ •.. ·It •• .:tli! jJ :lM'ftii, !l Ji 100 ago It JI"F:!f .eJi. + (> gntS'JIy. ::I: A ~I ~ JI: J$ ~. tl: ,. .Itt ~oo' " .. gro&ly un!ai" social rendi tJam. . •. ·tIt. 'JJ .~ 1: .. iEOO1t~~~.

2 Speedl Q(" l"w;.baviour tna,t 15 gnm :;M·Wi: lack of tasl(l. oF is very rude or Llrn(.Uptab~e _ (;t.~. fi ~. ) It if iii\! • T if ~ ~ 100 .1* felt he had $aid ~thing gn,.w.. imeatu. M. ~ J!I ~ 'e ij:l T ~:m -m 1'" iii: ~'i5.0 gross1y.. ~iUIl!l. ,00 Ht dJdn 't !1U' ~,t quitt1' as smuly as lhil't. bu,~ he ditJ make his inlemionquiu plain. f& li ~ tllHf if: ~ :EUIT ~~eE~m •. @~.~.~~a~.ma.mM~. ~To

l Sotnelhin.~ dlat is !~ is very large .1Wd p_g]y, :m * ~ . ifR~~'-o I:G , , • the t,r-oss archil«tu.re,(4 Iht: Picctldmy fr;ont,{j~s . .. . .. &: -J :ill! ;fiJI:* 1iIF .IE ~ I~J II :*, 8: a _... SIte

always ~rs :r:eaUy gr(!$$ &lrrl1t8'. ttl! -A •• +?}IJ!. *" Ittr ]I: j;f •

4 A person or llJnlITliiili. that is gross is cxtFCIlildy ra:t III an unattractive way, li! If' .J~ ~. es •. _ Uke jJ gr:B(lt. gros.f be(1S~. ···.-~E*9'!J!J1 ••

5 Gros..s is; abo ~ 1.0 d.t::!:i(.T.ik 1'). TI the rotal amount of !«:l(nething, eJJpecialJy .money. befoee any nece&5&rY dedutt~[ms are made. At 00. '!1 ~ 0 lEG ••• grrm i~ ... •• < •• ~ if:!{ A •• , She t:arns I: .EO • 000 grms. ~..Q. ~:I$ 2 ]f ~

n 0 5" ,2 the tetal amount of so.~,thi[Jg. after all the rele"'<lilt amoll.[li;S ha'lt'e been added ~aget:he!l'. :it 13 D'iI ! ~.tt1 0 E.G • , • "he &rQlsnatio.naipfcdwct. . •• M ~ ~ F ~ ~ " 5. 3 ~h~ :!:otaJ1weigh t of $om~rh llJg'. incl !1dj!]'g iu C'OIJ" tainer or w:rappjnlg. ~:I: 11Ml. flifll, Us gros.s Wt;!'ig1il is 10ti8 ... 'E~~.1ilI ]00 1£ ... lrweiBhs,' l2kg U05S .. 'I! ~11 ]2 {CIT.

6 If yoo. ~anamoumo:f moJi1ICy. }'tm. earn ma~ arnpymn€mooey It!e(occ t.1ix. hasbeen deduOIccL (ffi iii: a ~'l!n,I.;It • .,~· BU~J ... t€. ~1. ffi You could gross mil" l!mu by ;Jpe:lJtJing o"ly i 4100. oo(l, ~.R ~ ::tt:.JC.. 40 ."Ji"!A. &J .Mtt,n~I'J!L lI7ing:t.tlJ ~

. 7nle'__ is d~' wflalle aJlllOlIlll of wmetrung. .cs,pcci,alJy rrLOt:IeY'- .~ II ~.~ •. m ., . ten ptr rent of ,rhe grc:w. • •• .a.'~w?tz +,

SA .~. is .11 gr-oup of U4 things .• <* 144 -r). 00 ., " fl'\I€ gros.sorpe~ik ,'. ···5 .~II··· He' bou~u t.hem by .r:IM grwS'. tt.1' "* fe'Em~m.

gro~._1Ie !g.<J:Jlt~.k.; gro~t'SSk!, Sotneth~ng .~ .is grotesq,De is 11 very exa.ggeramed in .all unpl.eaunl: way $C. th.8it it !,s, rk!iCllilooJS or friglwbming. ~ tf I!l!Ji ; tii@1!i'!J : .iI;'t M iiI J!:

M. I~ The idea ~ simply grotesque, J3-t-.fi~][;Ii'l: 11 .O~_, tIi fi .fl. ; 11: 11 iljf" ~. :E&. EGI .1 knew 1 hud,. been {N.r/ec.tiyridi'Cu./ow' .o'vt:r",aclilW grotes-qu£ly, ft~jJ{ g a. t- ~ia]i~, ~ .1i;-~'Y;;;"~ ••

2 very ugly in appearance'. .ll M ~'. m He W'a$. rather gr.(J/esque to· look (#. It" 1: ti:.fil jl!" .

grot-to I"gotiOlO~ ',grato/. pott.oos. !JI'Ol'tos .. 1\ grotbiI. is a s;mal] caw: with ro)O"UIlld or <lIittra·cti vcly s.hap:d I1"OCh.;G ~ i~A: liM:I::.

grot .• ty ) 19-nt1 ; 'gnu[!. potll.la- .pUest.. If you describe 5OJ!Ileihing: ~ pi),., you mean that you iliinik ~t is tInpleasa~! Ol" of poor qWl]ily~. ani! In!hrm.al 'WOrd. [1#] ~ A H m :~} Fi~ :II:?! ~J. m ... 11 gw.t:l Y ii l#e play .. , '''1-"-}.,_ -t-f~ IJ!J }~~ ,(.E,m ,.. Womt'n '.~ m.t1gtltims gtl 8rolUti' ,(Hi:a gfr>l'tir.r, .l:i ~ ~ ,1;: ~ J!:Ii ~ i'i. fiJ. -F.

.~ !~I~gmutJ/. grollCll@:s •• ~~, ~~ aninfOrrnar wm-d'. 1 ~f you ~h. you complamaootu som:elbi n.g~b1 a bad tempered way, [m JIISJJ .; 7:;: .ltt $" 9j 0 ~ lie is al~j$ grouching ",bout his chil,dren , i:tI!,,e.:\i!:;IifI! g,~c.RH.~T •.

:2 A gr.oudIi it; ~t'!I.lI1cWMi$ always cmnpb;ill~!1.g llli a bad-tcmp:lfccl way, t!fJW'&;:2f'Yfr.')A FM!-~~AH'J'fJ.-~ ... ~ I am <Ii gtoud hifore.my firs.rctfp of colfn. ~~~~ -*@:IlIij;ztJi ,.'*'t;;.RH5!~H.

~.y !tfPIUtl~j\,graU!W. Someo.~ wiho lis ~ is very bad· tt'mpered and. oomp.l.aiU!lli ,3. lht: <Ill infotmal. w.ord!. [m]"~m.·i1fi;~'j*· ••• IflJ. lEG She am be ~ hit gro.wchy whe,n. she Kilk£s up. tIiillll *= !'I!l!J;fi. iij' II .. .!(.;r;. :tJi. 0 ~.;q;;.~~.~.$ ••

. ground Jwauoo;gtatlnd/. grounds. ~. ~. 11 The gruuodw 1.1 Wesw::r:a,ce 0:£ the earth Q1' too :fI.oor of a ~am:I. ~ dfl iii. eo .He set do~, hi~ bundle Ctlreful1y on, the ground .. " 1E~.&HM~~b'JtU,t~:!'Il!..t •... He sei:ze.d

a 1fm11' whr,ch iIitu M a· table dnd threw if to the ground. ft;lIIiS. ~ l:_ 00 ~ '* n '. m 1: .. ~I Till: .~I. :2 th: soil ~ r~ an ~ lbe~ili ~ eanh"~ Silu-face . ±



i!J:lj 0'tJ,0\l.J'l !: W!Sil1

(::0 aD'V flhlml!l~

ADil'OOAU7 = 1~e~

.AJlI GUA..!.n


Afi;I~I", ~ .•. 0fII,JN - !lei


,'I.J)J ·Cl.JW.IF, Kn'R!1I.'[J!i, ,o!!!)\f ;::~

\'+0 ~·p,m


N C(lllIm' ~ 1i)lM~.ilf

.Am ®4I.!T ~ Nikooli

AD.! QUAl.IT ft lba~

V·I f!'''~!, TIlEr-.! ~iI'ooIiI~ ~·;:':"~~i"

JlII)j OOAUT = i!tiwlpy

N:$!~ wm-! DET


II ; ± J:&. 100 ~. gro.umJ 411 ro.tmd K¥l$ \W'y m'!t aM .~I':rhy, mI~IM±:M!!.i-f&" •••

2 :5rn!nt:druiflg diaJl. ~ or is :s..iJlWUed a~ .groood. II'HR,UmD Ail

happens or is sit~ttdoo the surface of tI1i:e. ground,:tF.:iIIt AN A

7A Z 1:. 0 Somethiing that .~ppeM9 or is. .s~lU!.ill~ed IbtIow ground Of ·bdow tile p!Dd happens or is sitltlated be-

w.caln the slirrface of the ground. 1£.;& it:; "f _ EO r~y

~a;x abo~ gnm,ru} ,dw.irw theda., .. , ~ x "'£ Itl 'lE Jt!l J;:

~. •.. '/'hey spend their Jives below ground sucki,ng

sap /r-omrc(>ots, 12 ttl H: Jt!! T Iti~ «UI! 1M! tUi:l1ii .

3 GAJund is 3. 1 land wheJ'{j' d'aere are veil)' few b1..!ildil1!!) N WOO!)N'T

or no bUJiklil'Ji,W> at an, ± Jf!. ~G .,. (I' r-ock y pi~ of ~ ~tr)'

gr:oond. ,. u. - !1,! "$ :0 trfJ . .:it:, .ft! ••• They O'Wli all lire

ground J~frcmr of~u (Jsjara.-r. the nul hUt. f!tif]:MI*

};II"t;·mtii' ltifF -1' IW.f.!:.1f':l Sf::ij .±..1fl. 3, ,2 land """Met!!~ I'!oI

OOl~idered ro be special i~ some way, (:tF.~1tiliMnla:*n ¥~H;1JPr WJ 1r ~. ~ :At" 00 l'he b~ildingi1n questifJrt m1S fW! holy

gmund. .. N"it~·?!J l1, ~ • fiR .. tt ;If Jf; ~ it 1(. :I; . .ti2.:.~

An ~tin.r ,,its iVere con.cet1l.€d to hono!<ii" it ~ neu, ,~i


-4 Agnundl is 4. laa area of ~aoo . sea. or alir wlhich is N UAFl'ff + SUfI', used far a p.ardCIl.~D~. (~",~J'lHiIMJ}1I1.I~o lIS!JMOD+N &G They fu:lve their own bur,ial ground .~ind ,ale

chapel. _ . it in 1£ /J\;It • J§ iliii If ~ ~ ~.:& i!!: ..• This is .~

O/lMworld js be¥l fish,~~g; growuh. it ;liW: »LA AT ~

tmJh;t -" 4; • .2 an area or I~ where sport is pl.ayed, es- NC".O'I.:.Im, peciaUy football OF cridc'[, .i.l: iJJ Jjj ( 1t 11 ~.f$; • il ~_ ~~. N .~ ). a;;; .•. 10m bali gt¥1iUnds arJd (JfJt~4ir 3JX1$'r;scen·

tre«. "'.I! If ~ fn. * .Iti ill ~ .f... 4, 3: a jpb.oe 00" situation N OOl,Jlm I in whid] a pruiirn~ ad.i\iltyhappeffi. :liffl 0 I~ The Ar~ ~~. IN

my had bein ,an excellent l'minif!8 ground .. , I!J I~JHffl M~iIlltl:lhm··· It ~me O!e jumping-offwoJ.tM for

drilli~ ~hrough Namibia. to ,SOuth Afrka, 'E Ji.\t T;;:1f:

~:~ ~ H:l.\liMl1ilM·~~!ij aJ ititS.a •

5Groond is also used tc refer to $. 1 .ill pJowe or situatiou IMI~I

~n whidJ, part~cu1arjdea~". attitudes. ot:gart!iza:ti.ons. etc. ~., SUPP c.aIl. deve.lop 3Jnd be !;.Ut'lte'!SflLil. (li-9F'M.:l'!.!HP..'tCt:J')

JI!! 111 \ilJi. _, 0 100 This is lfDl't.iculariy in/ertUe ~nd .far

tmde: ucmoni:fm .. , .G i!l ~ 1'-» »J:F \flJ 7' I. ilFJl: ~ J( ~ .. !tIJ

.1i ... The Publk ~ o/Fngmnd are ~,~ brMding

grcOUM QJ.s.rwbbery. Ji I!HI!J ~ f:i * >R B!t;fiJ fi :J.r ~'11 ~

;II§.. s.z oil! panicul:ar SL!l<bjoot or- aJle.O'I of C:lFrien.>Ce. ~. ~ N

. U~!'ffHVPf'

i1!~. E.G W.e 4re i~ on da~Q.Wgr:outid... ;fIl; m

~JI III :ti: 1!E ~. M: ~ :1:1- ... 'I"his «turk oo~rJ' the swm·

groUM 0$ the uniiergwdiUJ,',e: degree in: Social Adminu"

tMtlon. :Ii n iII.~*.*:M·I~~§:.l.I.tJU. H tJ!J11~ B


6 Someth!ing ithat ~ a gnII8iI' tar· ~tl1ting elSe OF NOOnJWf!

~ for .something else !.sa. ~Ior ,~t far it ~+,SIJW to emt .01' happen, JJ. iii ~ III .. ~ EG,You hare .no rest

WQunru' fot complaint." '*.~~1ifif-1k.JI ib ji ......

I'm in ftl vow of being In. tb ~.fII. Market.tot 1M

tr'()und$ rw: gf.Wh" '" •• :ft. ru fl9;1I w.·J!.J!' JI.:OO A;lt

liiJm~··· A.duirer, RW a ground fordrmru. ~fl;f!.

.!1i<J ~i: II F.I3 _ .~ y Ol! carl. I.K expres.sm Sl.tdt <!lSOO • .~, ttSU:l AS

.grounds 1id'., oillihe gmunds that. i!irl;'I om. the ~ of ~,~.'_

to iotn:dl.la':: tile lreason or ~ for <li patIlI!mJ.~aJi acilion.

m .!Iii .... ; ~" ... ." 11 II. E(3 H.e. was· alm1}!f deiC./.ini,rq: lhelr

.rn",iJalions on grounds of ill hrolthe .. fl1l,.ftH-J:l •• .::r.:

it 1:J J!Il ~ .~.!1@i; 1& fi1 R!J'. 11 ... They rtfwed toPf#'t kipare

on the .Vo.wu1s .rhatiJrOO(i"u issues .sh<;mld be dis-

mssed .. , ~ffll;1.1l¥:itttl!f~ t£ ~ ~ 1Jj'J;J.:f! iii iUl:ffi:!i!! *,;00

... Uwy refUsed tf) publish the rt.p(.Wl an rMvowrut.s

of rufJ. -fill]; f(1 til. " Ji jj .JI. m iffli frH!! ,m JIB!: 'BifLi! iii- •

'1 GnII'UlIId ill used In eX~iOMSU.dJ as' g.aingJ'oond ' .' N UtiOOU.NT

-.:I J' .~ h' ...A... C: _..]1 ~ ,i!I'iV.ii~.uy:

'I~ gro'l.I.HY' • am. • gi.'Io'e gfOlIo.tlu ~ w. I""u ren:r to an '-'IUA •

",anlage t!:lla!~ ,00 ~~, !In apoMticular sluJati\on, activity.

or argu~n~. 0Ii to the p~ lh,,.. )IOu ~ Illallcing, tt

~ = i! 11. ~ ,Godley's: ~:ews lH'1! §'lining prJ.1.i£irnl

ground, ". ~ • IIJIIIIJ :IIl.1it .if 11 JilJIi!JtL8!! ;lJ ~ Air tP J: 1M ~

.j\¥ ••• He lri,~ loG.~ tO$t grolUfd, ·lilIl,fJ,lt'~~I9(li:~

ft ••

a ·OIit~JOe'li owg. .~. m.eam 8. 1 .a~. 'Ihe plaoc w~re P.HID!; .• USED M

oh- ANA su~li~ or worbaoo Whtn: they feelOOt:lfJdent, tt

a 2.~ ~=tE ~. c I ft! ~ M. 11. Ell You na.d to go mu1

sn peopit! ,em: their o-wnground. ~.JnlJ)vJ1]*I'j:I~.

:l'fSft1. 8.:2 iIt!t a .su'1!j:ecl or an::a of exper~.IX' in whicl!L PFIlIl:, USID.AS ~ is an experll~ tE I1i B lit _ pg. 91. P3'. ro 1 aiso A!'I A inllt:JUhti to OO_al my father·on Jds QW1i ~r.td .• i1~

~:ft 51: H;; A 2: t:J _- fi T Ii it fi.

9 Grounds are an area, oflwd or .3. :gardell w.hlch bd.oug.s Ni "",U1lAL, l1T.1 Sffl'l1QJ[JC .WIId whlclm Ul;lual~y s~ a buil~.. ~~~I,.wf" fJ .00, Th£se all! .pr.ivate: grounds ami you ,an all . Ires

~ng; , .. a: f£ . .I: ~ ;i: fE; ~ ... tn. ~~ t! J!I A y .•• Thue

HiltZS acomnwUon outride ihe school f?(W,~' :f2 Iii n ifi~K.~.,

10 ~ i s used to desc:lrihE '!!Iquip:rncirlil. aod aotJvili.es tM.t. operate ,or tHe pia.«' on the surfaee of the earth. and not in' tbe air.-. ~ .. Ib in the aitr f.orce or. .wrmy., Ji iii ia9 ; If '* j§ J; 1Hl. iEG, My ,air tJ:JU1 g1QUnd crew 'MliU bt sJreiched ,~~ the ltnU,t$,., :fi;tcJ'~IJA.Mf;lJIMIIl'.A~ .~ • 11: • lit .l= .; ••• 1'he piaM was kit by ~.}J'

,,~nd fire. iUI!"\.,.itA.99:IIHijJ'Ijl:.i6~T 0

11' If)lOU ~ an. a:in;nflor pE~, fOti ,ltallSe them to ~ on me ~ and W' ,~ahlc to taL;: orr .• ( "" flit"l.:ti" M )~lii&' ~ttff't. ~ The deJ't.t1CI!3 ~re 10-t.sity groundt:d. Ii"h •. ~::t:. II t£ T J1t@lii'iLt.

11:2 When you wo-d a ship (If boo:t or w~ it ~. it·~ ~.~ of,alakc. tivet. tiI:C, and is IIiiOt able to ~. offili, CRJ.lI. EGo Tiu!' ,ship' 'MoW' groun:dtd $ a S4IId b!Ji'tk " ••• a i!S' •. Jt .• " T ~

13 If ]oW ...-.anarg:umellt Il1(' ,~ on SOIllCtlW:ig, }OW: use ~t tojustify that argume.£lt Of' 0pJruWL 8!{~Jil(ijJ) IJA ••• 'jJ •• ., w 17lcy Nul sroulttkd lheJ, ,appt!fJl on,rhe ,~~w,", fBIflIUIiI.lrI~·.,W T_t~··· The as~plIiM if wtJJ ~ ,in 1M box office~iJ)l~. ~ ~.e~~ •• ~A~.~~~.~~

l4 J[f you an-I ~ ~Il ,0). subject, you. teach them the baSic facts or ~.ofthal subject .. M···U •• i,iIIl S·~ m He MW wal ~. in English a~ JbJths, "" l!l:t$:iI. Ii: ~")r iii ~a It. ~'lIlJ ••

~5·~ ..... in ::iID 'elmiric pJugor piece' of eleclf~ca1 eqU~Ilt: B the w.i~ in it t~Ei1 whkbdb:ll:ricity caI1J; paM Wo dJI; grnundand Wbl.'ch ~Q tm equipm.etilt $OIfe even ftF~' gpe!i. wmngw:ltll!t ]t~ ased in Amer.ican .Eoglim, [~;] M!" ( •• ) dlUI ~

16 G~ ~ ~. tbe smaU bits of rnITee beans whicb an: left at tlhr: OOl:to:In. of a cup Of jU!g whe~you havt dTunk the cnfItt. ( •• iJ~HINil.

1'1 ero-.II m also the ~t tense and pa$[ p;1I'licipLe of piad; .. grind d!1it 4i:~,jtilt~#Iij.

18 'Em 'Mltd ........ is 31150 used in k folrowilng il:Xprn:~ sioes, :n;Jn=fl--Ml,mli"41. ~:lL ~ Ifyot.:!. say that <lJ lOwn rJI" building has been bumt or razed to tbegnMillild.. )'OUI Me empb&izing tMt it bas been ,oo.rnpietdy d'e$tmyed,~ ~ Jt\ * .6 •• ~Utmy 'I'HlapseU' razed t<1l are gJ'tJ1,;nd , " iOlf If, M ,If • " ~ If :Ii!. ••• The sc.hQol M.W1 bur~' down. bJuMd w' the ground. j$a,r~~.ft. T ,.~~.~tRT. 18.2 If 'j\I14!l. driiw or ,1liunIJ8.someone (iJ,[' sor.netrung bXolbe ground. }I'01:1 tmt:at them so seven:']y

'I . '~..:I 0"" '.,' ....... b.". th","" ~ ....-..nnlC1It}'" 0"

OV8 2. J:JO,g [pC1f.11A), ~ ... ,.... '., !<!I.. . ..... ;. ,_'. .",..., 'r ' .r . ~ , .

Ila.umd .Qf' ~at ,~ ... 1/> iII •. if :Ii 81 ,Ir, ... :JIll Ii n .nUI1t). EG Wo'l'~l hive titem ,itU'OtM ~nd as an ad oj ~~. .. fin. g 1* nffii M:JrIlf.~ ~·ftl J[ .•. . He ~~ ~,~ into'~t,round ,and then. bought a new~ .• :e.~ a'H'ff;$1-:I!I'~~:ij:.,.~~ 7-.11 ~o 18.3'1£ ytJUpte:ground. you t.1.d'e some~['l'!' where you ,~easily be fOUfi([ ••• 00 Ail aUt pwP/,f; .in~l'«i ha~.gone ,(0 grmmd in dwap hc,r,els. Yi -if':fi' ~ HtJ A.. a; • tf:t. tI.!I. T B* ~ 16.4 Ifyoo .n..-,someaDe or .somdhmg lQ .~, you find: *m .after .a lOOg ru:Ld diffin~t~. iIlM' ill. m :I ,rll.. Ell It 'H-W' ru" to ground' in ihe nmrby ~, ElitE IIItJi M M ·*'!It.iI MMi~ .liIll.S If ~ :prq.1IIR th: ~I, 'you =tk.t': it eas~ for futur~~. act~vitjes. devel'opIif1eots, etc, ttl ~nJ. n 1F" .Ii .111.. 00. Her M)ji'k prepued ,(he ground for t,he ~nfk IWIJld. ,.BgIf!:~ •• ~ •. ']'.'iIi!.nrT .11 • 18. 6 If YOnD! IJraIl. rre5b .~ or bn!ak ,ne .... 'gnJIIDIl. you male ill.1llf'W dliscuVttY or SWt a n~w at:1Ii.".~~ ~y. 3f. II ~ .; 1f ~ Ii • it.. EO Therre is a poUt.ii~i Ilware.rw:.:u of the: need' 1.0 break /reshgroun4, 11- ~" W:7f§:Ii~.lao!!.$.~. ~8.1Ir ycm pi sometbi~ on ,die :~. you ~ ~ OI".~. iii. :starl fmtcti.otl" ing, :Jftih.···Jif.eWJfllo lEG Theu MrS a ~ryt() .get tlw.' l:MW fUm on ,tM' growui" :i'A:a.Jtil:.it81fI':,Jt 1fM .18. 8 If YQIJ stud )!OUt ~. yo~ dO IJ!Jt. full 3.'Ii!V<!!.y fll'cirl1 a. ~tloo. b~l facre ~l bravdy; ~i'lM'WIng approval.. [. J ¥; ~ •• ! ~ iI ill. ffi As we scrombled out of·ow tents. t~ystaod t.it grouna. ~ Ii, fi.A! l:b lli:;1I 61 •• fJiJ Oi ~ ~ iii M:.~ lB. ~9 If you hold ~ ~. pcont£l1Ir to SiUIPfXlJ1 a parbrul::tr u~ilt or' OpiOLOO whern tithe .. pec1ple 'afit~ing 'you or m-yingto rrlll!1,~ you .~ ytIYr mind, 1Ijf:'iZ.~~;:::r;:iJ:STo 00, Laing hild his 8'~ .. • We suk mdy ,',(lI re~se l.1M dr8CJ"im~ ~mui'Onwhich alnady n.isu:. ' .UJ~:m ~'c. ~'EJJj I"ft n.R ;lfU:lNni.l: ~ ~.lIt n 8 itlE: RtJ lit ~.tt t'IIl.:. 11:1. 10 If you shift '01' 'riIIIIDF your plOd. ~I clla:ll,~the subject of a ooflve:r.sa:llon or tbe .~ on whi;d:I }'01Ll au:MgUin:g

Am ClJ'oS!!rp, A1TIt![II


~ :1I1I11;q;r;mOO

V1()+A,Utru II f In! doll)

= ~

V tQ+:A ( I,,) , lJStI PASS

.Ni OOlJm,. lffiU SllN'G

= ~~li,

":~~ ~~~r:n .. dK~

If HR. ~A!i Nll\,

~.1 V)l. !~~

... fi!!~m, ~I'OY

rflJi;" ~ U;IKa:;T5

F1iIR, Y!)o !NiI'L!~Cl$

= h", t!! .row..

ftiR" \11! !toiI!;l;~C'l:S "~·.I!;e_f

fHll.;VlI ~NifUCTS ftim~

'"'HR., va ~~ " ~t ~rq;

P\!iR, V!3:

It<lfL.ECTS .I't.;l,,!ii ~'tm

1'_., 'VB INl'l.B;l"

'" :11m firm


" w"selL3d:


~etmng, ~1f~.~itJlt~jjIJ. Ea· Th£ uft isr.hrfdng Us ground, .. ~.~MfrJiliE:rl~5f:lt~ ••• ~SutJdgrJy W rllifteli ground, '1 mn',t make out if Nell moo him or Mt.· ~~';U1¥Tii •. Mft ~~.t!~ ~.;@-~ •• ~,." 11;6.11 If you eva. ,sweep. or dill t8e pou:Dd f'r11Im mder wmoone's feet" yw: destroy ~~fcl~'u;e of MJ~, by )'QYC own actkms, ~'(¥A)tIJ ii Itl(¥ A) M.M~ ~ By c.'h4Ue,.,gi. the r-,.ad,iti(J1tdl Mi~fs of mankind we "j." ' , • Y' t to,. """_", '" ~ Gram rinne,. o.UT 0W'n :'eet., .... fin"'"" alg a~ .. fK C''OW-~' P ,... ~ I'" "" }~"'j

),JI~lflJffl:ttfi~.,!%I·M,l\. at:l!:lEfi;JUl ~ Co'~ fi. 118. 112 If 5O.ITIdhil:1g :!<lIl1:h ~ .... j~, lifo. SJtyk:. oc piece or cltldb'ng $lII.l$: ~ down to the poIDI. it isCO!:npie:tely sWt· .albk: or a~te fIX' til)cmj an infQf'1:'rWi !:~pt'~ID!'l. [ ttr] * ~ i! ~. EGWOl'ki~ nwrmnp oJdy milS me do~ to the grouniJ" _t.tF I flji:.Ii ilfi~~i'Htft.

19 ~. to lllave 'yow' farm !be ground. ~ ear.. ~. tIIkii; 00. groond: m. tihidc:.' thin 00 IrI!@ :p:ooDiI: I!. thin.

., 1i'JTh.~.:~ grtIUlId.

grnIDd ·,doII /~I k.!09;.'gr.umdtJ::~oEI/, .gmunddodI5, A grounddotb is the same' as OJ! ~tii U5Gd. in American ~a~b. [~J~ ~httt ~~

~ noor· I of~ ued ~r"Ol"e another OOoo.and spcl]ed with .a byplKn. ... m 'f ~ - ,g il'iJ tr . .# ilD' ism • ~. The ground floor of a buiMing is the· Ikor that .iisi l~~! 0If almost levclwith ~. grourid! rn;Iitside ~ ~d ill Jr~tilsh Eng~ lish .. [~JI{lI.:'JE"I®)Jlg~- •• EGO Tht!l'it'!'s a bathroom on tht:groond ~... $; m ;ff .~ IiI m :!' ... She. hod .l:ahn .!2' bmuaf~lgTQu:n4-flooT filll. M~ T - ••• ~ 1il!;,I'!MlfiiJ 0

ptDI~img 11~~F \gralfJrdzy.A ~. in a subjel;t 1.$ a 00W"St:. of i.m,tructioo l[l the basic fads Of' prineipies of that ~ubject, :&iIi iIIij ~ ~. 4\ ldl.~. EG They would have had a good ,v<mMtng in. literacy. M·ft].OO] *;i£.~' Jr.iJi il; iii IiU1 i±(H! III ~m ~ ti'lJ' •

ground.1eD !!Wa:oodll!s~ \gramu:lillu./, A feat.~lI5pk±oo" eee, thaJtis·~.is 00'1; '00s«! 00 reasoe Of evid~- 11 '" .. j!l (~lIIE1lI)~. eG YOUII'" {mrs grt: gro~ndlest" .. it· II¥J ~ m _ ~ ,1I1\i ••• His al,'*tions. Mlhtn.iltl"l!Stigatul. prow groundless. ~ i!Illl:.1It! ~ Ii' ~. 'i.iE '" ~.tQ: 1i

mM~. ..

~ level ; aL'OO spelled w~i(.h a hyphen, al' ~~ :1m :at ~ ~ • 'GnHmd :Wvd. is ,Ll&ed to refer to 11m," .l1oo.t of Jib1Jlilrlii:lg whkb isae (be same .~eve:las the gI\outld, or tlK: gro!mdl MOUOO ,Ie (.:l:fI; "I~) 1I~· ~. - tI. EG The lifl ~ sJ.ucf (1t C"l1und 1t!'llIli, ~.;t;E- .• -IH!+~T.

:2 tile peopJ:e who have the least stattlS or impo~ iillil. a OOtllpJifly 0[" oEganizaOOIL (~'iiJI, II. m ~ tI!l. ) T 11: ~ M jill!; Mil.M MA" E.G Dissent mIS .occur,rl,.,g in the ,e'xtCtUh!l'l suit,(l tJS IoWl'U QS' ,I'll .aTe ,grow:r.d klvd of #:,e !acUJrY jl,O(ff, -, ~;{lt:«Ir&m. iIii.]§;.:g:l·~. n B1fl JI, TilE! .)t .t.t.,. ,', ground-lervd ttdi~~cianJ'. • ... m; - • !¥Ji!t * .A!i!: •

pvubd.u.t l'warnxlm!l'Uf '~t!'MIVMt/. ~. A ~ is a p;.<m'U.i!, ;f;:i;.

ground plan .• ~ pIas. A pound plan. ~, 1 a plan of the ground .11c.Jr or 3i b~. ( ••• !'19} h! ~ 1f Wi iii. 2a basi(: plan [or futllk action, i( * * fi:ill ~ )~'!11 tt'ilJ ; :tl1 fJ If * .,

......... .......A....,_.. -.-iI. ~. . • ....,..r.s . _1,.-, ' . c~led. whh a,I;'~n,

8" ......... F.,...I., !i/'- ....... - , ~ s:pe ... Ul~-

~ 'iiJ ~it!ifl~. Groond rent is mull which ~, paid: by ~'he owner of a flat w lih.e oWllttr of the land on w.hiich the llilit is bulb. {~:t::M~Ji!F~B'!iUI!!.mo

;&r'(IUDd lrule. gnMIIIId 1'iIIki5 ~ also :s,peililod witlI a h,ypbt:n, - !%f; Qi]" 1iIlii ¥~. tbe ;gr'OODd ... tbr ~1t:Wlg <V'e the bas:i!c prinriplC5 00 whidl fi:!t~ {tll;1:iQfl will be b.a.sai. ~ *!!Jjo 6G, ,An Act of Parlia~t tormaJly lays ,do~' ike ground rulesuPJn; wnic-h such, inluwrtl'iOl:l anooJd tak~place. -~~~iE*iE5t·.~ 7i!fljg~.~tI<J~ *Ii~I.

gromd·Sbeet l'gi'PU'ldI$bt; \~Ji.tI, ~. A grounddIeen is ap:i«:e 'of wattrpiOOf material Wilil:ich you

;~~ ~~,=.*s~ 00 when you Me ~Ilg, (.:

:groIIDds,.DDD /~~~~ \gr .. uOOzrn3r1/.~, A .~ ls a ~~ who is paid ~(iI maintain a 'pwrk orsp(_}~~Llf!d, (1}B .~ij!J.5fm.fH.J.!I!a •

~ 51Mf .OU'C' ~1e who Me .paid itO maimain a ~ gronrnd, (.i!l:.ijfJ;!I1l KgI)" JI M ~ ~ As~l. tM ground s,ta/f .iWvedo~ a mapmOOl:d jab, •• '* - jjf; • ;x !I!. 8!JI .v.~ 'UI m. I j1;. T iff,1M ~ &.

~'SWllD /~~,!s~l; \gr.woorSiV;!E;!J. ~.el1S~ also spel.led with a byphen and as two~, #iiJ Jm~~ .~ g£ 1lf'~ ·ft Wi l' WI]. A poundswd~ is tkrapirl growth and dt:v.elop.lIDellt .of a feeling (I( upiniloo about somethiE1g

:F'.IID; i V1l~

;: I!!!!~~m"ij~

.I'ffR..'WI .~~u~f!l It $U!J

HCOI!.OO t _t

Ii SING WTI'1'I ~+S1)P?,

IF '. !'kEJ' 'Ji1'JHN [II

= f!Jlli!~A~

.w.T QUlALIT, 1L1S'U .1'iRED

~ ~l1fOlilmil!id

~~ = .gl'Ollloolilwr

MI)NOOUNT = ~~·!ikoQr


It l1~t


N ijINOQljN] {00U1;ff

N COUNT, u:m, PL

N'~ ft:i~1

NCOllNT ~'~r

[\l U r;llJ!JU'fi\ V!I! ~;8[SINO~ .pilL

~roJNIl"+ sun, USU SING'

~ """'0;:

i:n, a:ilJCiNyor gtOlq) of pc!I)pJe , (iff.,,, Je:$ ~ ) m.:ii ,R Ii: ~ 00" ..• ~'he groundsweU of ofJttUonugaimt 'efOl'm,

- •• ~$~ •• ®~.... .

~1.worII. !"!7~I~wd~.'grarurtt:tW3'k/ 1s eaf~Y wod:: O:!lIi ~md.hing whi.m forms the basis fot furl"'" WOIi"k er study, _Iff ( .I fl' r, ~ 1"1w pr:eviaus ~b:knl mm al'eDdy prowded the. groundwork lor ecotWmic progress"

PHA~B~~.*~ff?7.~. .

gnmp ;'~;PI' gnp j., pvIIPS"~" goojK:d.' 1 A gnHIP is 1. ~ a. number of ~]e ,OJ' thin;gs w\tlich are 10- get.heili" in ,~ plao: .and at Olie time. ~. ~ ... !;G; • "Q 8rtWU~p o/my sc~~res'. .. ·"I!;IfIl: -/1'>. 1il'I~ ... The)! ~re aU .n!lnding fill an a,uma/,ed group in the centre of lm room, .. ;1!:fnJf'·::a1tRJt.Sl:W.Mii!! m-=f ~p flij '" " .. a group ·qf buildir~, ..... ~·~tf ..•.. , a graup photograph, ···.~fflI. L ,2 it SCI of people who have the ssrne lnl!t;.rests. or ~eeti~, and woo ar,~,ani~ th~mseh."es lOWOO'i( Of act together. .tt ~ ""nlil1*. ,EG A parem:s ~ ti~lkln gr(J~p has acc~tlu local authv.ri,ry ()f b.rmk" :ng the taw. " ~-t i!:~ fi WJ!?Hi*: B;J!l; ~~ 1i ~ flBEt!: ...

, , . OO--(jpe.mtionbel~n srmdl groups &1 (U'tzl'lsu:. ".

ItlI[ 1". tRfI:1f-F ~,,:m Z IiI I~ itfF. CS a se1.- of .'I"II'.tII"l!lc·., OF"

r--F" ;;JCOJNT·· !lUl'I:',

garnzatrom. or ~hings, wmch arf!'oon&idu-oo togt'UlE'.II'" ~- II' :slfo,'.G VBCAN'

came they have some'lhi:mg in oomITlOn. ( :R 1i ;I:.~ #If ~ :t: m; ~!~OR r!:M: I¥J JI.. .I~I } ~n ~ .... EG Childrffl ofhisagt group ,r:J(J1~ ~t

i:tSUtI'iry wrbaii.~ .1J.~ th-is stage .. .. \fI!.l:lt -t- ~ it:!itt ~, )t. "l'F-

E!.-m-m ri 'I';f: ~ m iiil ~ i!;.m. •••• '," the mimJ.!"i.'y

group of nJ!lt1!JritJ. which haw been. throusA the indwr

lrial re....alu.rhm, '. ·"1"".~W l::IF ft iJ. M til, itIHj!I···

. , • t ~ IQ~r i~ grou.Pf,.. • ... 'fi Ilk A A If·.. One

who/ill! grtmp c;f ~'l!-LfCS .~.~ .sl.ngle $hdis" 1!i1'-:IlI::l*ij;fJ

~" • .A:fl' .•. ~ .. 11"'.a n.umber of ~:ak:oommt:tcial NCQUNT, USU'

Or' i:[ldlLlStri.a~. fircll& whiich aU have tht:- same O'Nm::r, (AI. MOO" N

1 .. ~.<lIOtl~~

iI!. HIHft. ro, .. , ~M. .seccmd. bi~l MWSptlpe1' group' In

(he C()~mry. .,' liJ PJ·m -= "* W.:!&':" ,e;!.

2 ":Yhrn you group It [Ii!,nnber of thiJllgs. or peop.leoogrn:h~r v.Q,O, l1SiU +. A.

or when tbtry potq) ~.tfu:F i Uu.t:y al] ~.e row:fhor llli ~. Qrpnm:

~ pl;l!cE: 01'" wit.hiQOIll(· t!r'g;millitioo or system. ~{!)~IA

:til. L~ ~, " ~~n I ~ ... JHl: -~. E.G T~y encouraged

~k£"J!. ,consumers and other sectioM tQgrt>,wp to-

#,I:her." fi!k(fUUlfjJLA., ~ .:f~~Mtt.~M" Jiil' Jii-f*

... You slwui'd be abl'etio gr(Jt(P aU of lhese oonst(:Jms

together.. .. 1\ ~ •• 11. m :ft is: .. ~ 1t 1t.Q « - ® .•• The

party ~ 280~s gtuuped. into dew", b1'f#lC-he.3,

MI::t:.Ji 2!!O .~ 1ti:M.JtJltt It -t--~i1J.

3 A group :is :also :.lI.!Ulwnbcl" of mLlSicians who p:donll'ur N OO'lJN'[' ~fht:.,. .t:SpCci.alJy oot'S who pllay POPU~N' musi,(. ;5J;: IV\.. = t'i .= b.o.cLl ~li.:g' .SJi: •• IN m. ro Tlre{ilmis a rectJrtJ ,()1f re~nd

con.cero- gi~n, by lhe grpup .in: ~w Yark .. , .:l:tiRi ~~k!

:l1!::Tll'" Io\i'tll~.fi ~ lUi. ~ ~ ti-'l ~li: a pop

group. ·"5fi*~.

4 ~ Ji. bIIJIiOdl"JUP. ginger .rup. .~ .IJ'OUP, 'groopWc.

:gruup.ie !~~P[I \grupr/. ~" A groupk .is m~ NC'OUlN"f

..... _ . i. ' _. , ~. ~·otI

W,11iLi ls 'ver-y li!e>em on. :ilIp3n~t:l!JLLar ,pdp' ~'P. s~r:tgtr.Of

otber- famol!L"i: per:son.. and fhllrnv.s; tOOn~d ~OO tt.i.es

to HlI'.:"JI:t. them, ."*.~illlIt~(~«J..) nga.,iS MR~-

p:uoup·1JlI !lgrU:pg~'gW~NP:Il;J1 i. groupings, A ~is,l NOOUNPSUI'1'

a ~~. of peop.~e wt!w, Mve (hc samt tl1iterrests Or objoci:iVCl. =.G,1Qti;Jl

amI who m;gahl7.C thc~l¥1:S WW(liI':k (If" ..wtl"Ogelrn:r. *

iII l m~. sa. 'TIre point of 1M BEG j,fl i.hq.t: Jl'sli't'l'y

Jargely Dltoco1'lOtnic grouping. ~M~t1F~ ~,,*~tJ liS.

~g~ •• +~mm.. ..

:2 ,a !le! of ~-opJe, Of~iZ3!dOM t OF t'.hi]1)~. whi,cliI .ate ((!(I;- N COUNT" SUFI'

sirl.ered together beC<liUSoC: they l'la!ve srn'n,d~ng in rnmmtm, ~ ~p

.l*. ~ Lawyers o.rui govrrnmento/ft,da{s ~ lhe

largest groupilfiifl, .~ftI~.w1f.M :I!"jlJj1r.1;.~"~.,

groop pntd;~ ,group pnK1iil'a., A gI'1IUP pract~~ :~ a N V!OIClDIJi'IT smaHOEg~~mtirl1nof clOCiors w'OO'WIJ.rk. 'i~ in the /cmjNT same plate, (Ii! ~ ),1iJ!"*7Fik.~

gnup therapy is a form of pyci1lai(rJc' lrte1iiitune.n~ in whjd~ N UNOOtw'f'

fiOOPle dlil>~LlSS tbe:~prob~J?ru ,Mth.'~cb otiller .in a gr~. '~i~~i\P)'

~ •• fi.{-m.Aa~" •• $_.M-~~~.fi

ft) •

~!6C / gaJ..l'iF~1f'o\)u.s/ •• ~.ptM1!l1ng .1JVUSIIid1. HI'OIR i.:;; ~b the sillguiar<iln{jl thr.:: pJlIIr~ form ~ftheoooo in pa1',agr~h 1. iE:M 1 "'I'JlJ) ~ ~·li3Jli. GI'iOUiII!S is It:hcptlll:" rat 'orin ·of the 0000. ~!l ~aph 3. and clJt: thWd pci;son. :si~gularr. present tense .oh!be~rb, ,1[ ~ 3 'i 4' .:8 iiiJM

•• ID~ .#,",fJlifJ.l£jI:;~.f(~SA*,.l A~'.is ~OOlJN'[ a: !imali fat bitdl w1!h feathered feel, Gm!.l8e aTe oncn

reued 0!lIl'd dlot fq,r sport and 'cHI be ~. mid e.arlE;lli, ~

~. lEG 1'h£y kept peo~:e ,(!Iff thdr ~ moQ'I'S ..1n~

it A 'ftl • iii 1ft. 11 iI!«.ll t't .. " Ji. • p. ~ oftne fleo!bof a P. N ~

N lJ'NCOlINT, ~Pi'iiU .IJ.. + N, lIH'I'RI";P':~

./or .. .

.~ ,,~iCol

N 0JUN"t, AJ.:'O r\I"q",N IN :!'L.~.F SINe vn CJdol ~ SlfNGOR n

.~ ga!l¥ri~

NQ:)lNf+ WI'I', IF $DNG VIi CAN m:. SilJ>ffl CkPL. r:lqM!Ed~


:gro~ eaeen as, llIiut"ffli-r m ,I.~ ~ IKJI ~. EGI ••• lmrchin,8 attbe ,&n0)' on :sm.oIc:M .m~nw\!! .alid ,grouse, ... l£.", m

.*" ••••• a®~.~. -

2 If yoo~. 'too cQmflain. ~cially regu]ovly er ftp.::.atedEy, ~@ I Jt ~ :g. ro She ~I;!t',. .~blt:d ,(p' groosed .•.• 1:k.~lljl.J:lfi!g· .. "They dalJ', ha'~ to do it every. week •.. , groused Carl, .. ft!.1t!;U;; &; •• M. It ~$, "-F{r;;It~jR. .•

3 A .~. is aM· <iIi.oompJa.iI1~, K!i.;I:;. fJ! g( ~ ) •. EG lib constant gn:JUSl! ww al;.oul Fiees, /t:e:f;l@I:mBSlacil-#J fft.

gnwt !grauv:~! ,~.m A ~ 1501, group Qf trees NCOUfIlT that are ~ ~hor. oftttl. bemuse tkey have been

plamed in this way. M£, ~,,:w#. EGo On W1"O/ #~ 11m

I-mStJ gmlle o/laN. da.rk trus. .. .~~ I[lij .t Jl. ~ ;J'f1' ~ *- .

ti.:If ~ M #"' ... the onmgf' grove. . •• - ~ II*" •

2 ~ i~ oft~1iI. W5ttI as pan of the name of a Slr:c:e~. ffii r iN ~N "'I!!.~ ~(11 m tF·D] JJl ~. ~ - 'II ;7]-). m .,' ~o ,We.r,bourne

Grove. l.Qndoo. ,··ft!l:ltl1ft'fO,!iR: so ~o

,gnwo(1J 11'fJ~J.;~v~!. ~. ~lIUD8' grovell~d; v

tI~so speUed groveling and grovekd il~ }\i~l<:I:i~!, &.I{Hsh. ~. ~!'rb~

~~!€~'~mr:mfi; F~~l1g:flil growred.~fyou grovel,

~I you hdlla.Vf very humb.ly toward$ IDlTIffloe Wid 'try 10

please tbern, because (ru:y arc iWffilOEtMlt.. or you an-

frighl:ened. or )AJJU want 50rndh]ng from lIle:m~ used

showing disapprovoilL [I!]" ~ 1m •• illl!l. Ai. 0 EQThey

are iJf.N,ng to ,,1i6ke )-'?U srove}. IB WV t# .. tt! ~ ~ m All.:~

•. 0 grovel.lllng, "_.IHIUH!t!l, ••• II M •. E~, He re~ 0 M1I C~F ceiwd· a leuer of groil'>!eUing IJp:ll<Jgy ,··+--Ultt ••• v..

.~1i" .

.2 you crawl Oil U'..e n.oor., fm exa..JiIlp~(!' In ,m'deir w find v + A

mmt:lrung. ."1 BiJ m ,.fi. 00, He ~gr:o<wm~g wuier

his desk lor a d'ropped pe.~I. \fi! tE ~'«""f .W 3 tt N.i£ Ml!..t~.:t; •

gro"tV !~~gro/, grows. ~. ~. grown. 1 Wheo v, USllJ"A,

a pi:r-&.On,an amdlt'llal.o.r their body .~. tJneu- !:x:dyi~. it illK'_

creases m. 8m:: and changes ¢U~ca!lly over a periOO. of

time. 1;, .~, ~ ':X. • Jt 1f. lEG BabJes w.\w an: :m;Iall at

binh grow Jaster" .. ,'t:i-:. ·bJ il" ti'lI .. JLt;; f$, Il'; .~. ~ •••

F~ fi'Wy grow eipJ bit'hes long. .. ff." i!.U $: iIJ 8 .~

't ~... As my chiJdrcff. ~w into ,/~gN'S, tkey

==;jl:~:':fl'i!1 f+~ ~.~ ,~i'J -t J[.~ ~', I!

2 When Qneone's hair piPf'!S.it gradllllilillly oocomes l.ong- v, l'SU~A er. ,,~.:l!t) iii M 1t: it. 5(J, My ooirgr:ew' thickly aU o'ver

my $Clllp, ,J! ~ fk Jt :1;{: • ,*"r!ll! ~ .Ii: tF. 'Ii is!l ~ ~ J: •

:3 I [you 'grow your hair. you do not rut had j~ ,gnd'ual- '11+0

Jy beCOUIl'.'$ ~I!!iU, 'lI(lI:J 0 t-' Q!o!

4 If a I1wn .~a [bea_rdoo <'I rnomtiU:he. he does not \1'*0 !Jha\o\e hisfacc. and the beard or moustache gr.ro.1.J.iIJi[y de- # ~~

vdops , jj' (ill') • ~

5 If StlIf!i~ .1JI'OW5 .mentally I theyc.hangc :mdde~ilop in 'V I u.s.]) + A cha.rncteF 01'. atitittide·d·~ j #.... E-G NfW frien.ds aNi 'tJ:perje~ HI~W~{p' child/itn 8'101W ~n undi!I"J'landirt8·, ~~M.ft~5.W~~.¥m_~ •• h~

i Ifa.plant Of lrnc If''OWSin a pan:iictllat p[.a.:e., '6. ~I l·t is v,!J:ruI~ '"

~~",e t~re .. 1£ Ii·,~ ~o m An Oak tree grew at the. ~=~ q..' th@ ia~, , . $ JJJ.1iIl. M .!it ~y •.. . .. Wi open JjX1C:e.'

where br~'ghl j1,&~,.s grew" .,,:.:n:&JfRlJ'-;Ii!~.It.. 6.2: v, 'lJ5U+ A

~l scans to e;l1.ist tlu:we arid inq~ .in sizt' of" spreads over = .ijIRIU!

a pIlI"ticwar ~. iff M ~ ~. lEG .,' an old bride !!mil

IlVith tm"fS growl71'S up'it ...••• ff: ilT *~II¥J-JllI;J;·i!r9

it ... , ... fQ;Sl~growt7l8W«ds. , .• ~ ~iIB"Ef!J ~ .••

"If)'l1lU~ flI partl:~ar typeol!lfpbnt,yotl pl,l~.-m QT ""+0

)'CiIng p~aQ!h~ jli die ~d arnd .:1.00}: .afier il .. heJm]. bomll.JSt "'rull;....u,

you. want thtllowen. frWt.ocvegretabks thait tht:y w][I

pJ\OOUtt, :I;.H; 8 tit. Effi The di9:trid ,grew peilS on a

large sooJe . .. ~ _ .. Jt!!. g 1:;:11.;11; :it!! lJII:! .. II _j, ••• Bat.h are

Mry ,0000S to g-row jr;-cm c·'t.ulin~. ,. Wi.M * l'It 6;w. W 1m tIfIltltfli····· Cotton growing e;tpqndetl In T~. 18%1"

M:flur* flili!1Ut..!t.

8 If sorn:cl"JJ.lf'" or 8I2l1'iettliing ~ .inn.~ a partic~nw ~a~e or II, ursu ... c l.-ondl,itjrnu. they chawug.e wadllJa.Hy 1m!±il-they <l1r.Iein tlhat t _llI'iIiI' tA

:iliilte or 'OO"uclitiW1l. :Jl fff ~ :!E .1M; ~tE At. ~G .~ of hlT ~ beoital'"

min.isters are gromt;g .i:nt,[;l[uient , .' t!fil] JIL ~ $*. "*:lM1£:

W;F iJi .. T •. , T1ut $WI grew so' M.~ thtu they ~ JOrcM tDifWP warking ... * .. m§H'+~.:KA.MfJ.il ff JII=. T j[ fi,:,., I grtwtod.i8.Uke~i~ lOT ,Jut' ci~ . ;1JHiFti1 ;f' ~ •. :t.t .tlH.i *_ II ~ Wi T •

91 If an ide-.<lJ or ~eeLmgKJO'WS. it .~lO ,~t alilld! grad- V

twl.y !xCOfl"'li:S str~rO:f EruKe i~rt<wL .II'Iit!:II!I j ff fI dcO!:kJp

.L.. 11' f.- . .j = .i~

A. 100.' ts J,eara,," his .mte grew sill':!Ul.t'U'llt~ly ... -ftI!:

~~tI,fIl-l:.i1fl ~1l';;Jftt~··· ... a gro~"8 a~~ Qftht

fJTcblem, ,... .. . .1t.rtf' ]iiI. f,i. ~ _ H ~.iR·" nr.ei,i~~

fiuence is ~teadiIYW'D"wing. mlli 09." tE .. ~r* .

V.'II~,QR 'if .. A (M;.;J~n

.= .r:."'ii'<

110 If om: idea. pian. or policy grows out of ~r. it IkvdOjE frum k. ,..~ ;l)dt. ~ Out of this Iif.lWtld 8fOw ()" broad !iOCiaJisl programme. .. m 4 *' 1"- 1;. ttl -lI1It. ~ t1 a<J \fit ~ 3!: )t :I; • '"" My ,awn. ida grew· out of seeing dds ji"'m. .. Tit. mnll' J!t.~ TaD ~J ~UU! •

111 If tJoe number or &mount of aornedung .~. h ~n· a:~.( •• ) JI'W. 00 Jobs ,in indust.ry RiU grow by .11. .per eem .... Il&: :J!f'iiliatrit.~mQ'~JII·hII n % •.•.•• ~ growing bady of evidence. .• • ••• -* • g; ~ fi: • ... f J4.U v,rd, and the al'pl(J.~ grew. ;ft _ T ~;p •• J'Ii ~ 111 ~ . f!! 7 •

12 If a prohlem or $.Ii!l.Jatioo gtOW5. it ~~ i:l'ICIi1; senoll.lJlrn'important. CfJiJlI.~*)~~.·F~.~ Ee, .Refugus ;:;~~~ a growing problem. ita! IE n; ~1il-1'- a ~

113 If a platt. ocgaWl.ation. OJ' tmng grows. it iaereases ln size, we.atth .• Of' im~, !1m ~tt*. Et3 The. British empire s,eM' as a :us:tdl oj ,·he demamJs· of ~ .... :;I;: J! i,f ~!~ =f fi J1i M m !flf ffiHr·j;: T ••• So pporo Ms grown, inJ,o a lru-illi,ng ~ct.uiom centre .. , tt .IB ii.JI .Ii1t'-.i:-l'. *- B!I iIIi ffi. •• IJ. ...... lhe fast~gOMR8 New York inVQlnreljt milk. ·"ilBtV*tf&1kii~lfJURn ..

114 If J[1f'i'M'D.

grow.... t f people wbo have 01. ~ ml4lldl;m!lhiip grow ..,...-t. they gradually start to have- di.frcrtilJt interestsand op.inions from each other, and tmir"rt:lJatio:nBhip. starts: to fait 1J.:. fit ff JIi ~.. m N M trtJ1IleUed together, .IM!" started to grow 4J'I'1r'l - • tl1:a - ,g ... IT ~ 111M: iF jft F :1::

7'1IlIfi'ij. .

IfOW away. If you gtU'W _.y rrom oo:Inet::l'i:le., you grnduany hav!I! fewt.r i:nt~~m ,<U1Id opImom in ,oommoo with them. ~.iii. ro Ozthy grew QMlQy from mmNr. -tii!!i

~~.~ ••• ti7. - .

:grow' ibto. 1 If you grow imo a job or ~luation. you gradually Learn how to do it or ~ with it skil r;1,dly - .lj;ll ~.

2 If someone. ~cially a ffii~d. grows into an item of clothillg. they becometaller or- biJ.ggcr so that it filLs them proper~y .tHfll: it T. EG It '$ 4 tnt big. blid .'ll .wort gTQW j~ro It. It+t--<<11;1; j;; T -Ai .mti~rHIi:.~t::;tI·jiJ lCi~t:: T ..

......... 'Oll. If someone or sometrung If'OW5 MIl you •. you staflt I:Olii~ (~m ~ <lind m~ia fairJy tnfonnal tl\'.~ pmJSion. (fIli· ] .. * .. at .,' tt ~. lEG She Mi'I2.1' santUllU! w.M.se.'cha .. ' .... rm·snw I.IUJ ;flowly on you .• ~--t-jt.h flit •. Jf ~6EJR~~A.

grow _. 1 If yoo. prow- OIIt of a type of behaviour Of' an

imeresl. r:speciidly I1Jile that .people ooriS:iid~r cmldlis.h 01' immature. You il.topbehaving: - in "timt way or having iliat utkmit. lJi*;;IcW~:.jf(M;.ffr-'1U5:,:I:jf?f). i:G l"w'aCh. ,6 ,gNHwt mlU of my taJ',te' for the bimrre - .111 .... ~J II'

f.i:. ,. 'It e it::F N Wi ~ tfJJlI~ * Ii 7.

2 If~ •• ciaJJya. duM. grows. 001 or om item of clothing. they bGmmi: KI tal] o:r big that it nO longer fits ~m properly. ~ 1I!lJ ~ 1:. (.IIi: *- ~Jl ~ III ) •. ,

:!P'OW.. 1 ·When ~. IP'W'S' up. tlry gt"adually dmnge. from bcing a dUld into lxing .an adult.. *' *- ( II. A ) • .lit. _ ,EG, I had grown up in ,the. district. .. ;fIt:li!! liE .1- * Ii: it *' 1R9·" 'They grew. UP' in fhe amy days of ultwision .. ' .in J!IE RHf "'" ;f!i!J RIii fJ • ft 11 tc "* b!l .. ,.

D:··att:ee to 1'Jo'Io"_·U is .. ~"i 01· -.-;tWiJ'l'O' UP' .:: I:!c ~ ... JOlt :news .•.. __ . __ ,,,,,. __ ._ t:l_,. _. G'~ .'~ ...• 19Ii.V;~A""'·

;!! 11* xlJit A 00 ~ 1'- jJ iii •

:2 ~f you t,elJ ~ to' IJ'!IW up. you 0l1I'!l te.Uing them, ~Il • informal alodl fO:l"C(';fu] way. to itop bcbavilo,g in ;:Ii, silly ,Of' dllld:ishway - JU1Ufh I!J a T '*to. EG ,Lally iSllid that ,jt MiW tiMe we' ,rIll grew up ... ttf!H.Ut.i(1ft*~~~~~ r .,. · Grow up., Mother. ~ ielln.me ~ '!lOire KtZS .harsh . ~,Afl7 .J!l~ ... ~.~tI*il.

3 If aptaO!; Oi"pnizatioo, Of' idCil .erowsDp. it. sw-ts to exist and be~· Larger or more irnpo.rtmt. Ij,dt L~:It. ~ .~ .•• 100, CWt'.f,vew up 4:f markets, cenlref of re.ligion or t'roM. .. --1-1- .liflftl;Ji:JttJil:AHi1J •• ~Ut ~ ,t- gt Jt,;. T'(,"" 1M: idta has ~. up that 8ci~ ca·nM,t be' ~" A 1iU!~1A Jj!*,"~:M'«~ ~"':'JtR:~.4;r ••

.t #.lV. ...... .,..

grvrIlf"er II'~I "g:roa-/. ~, A:~ :is a penon who groW'S ku-ge qlWltities ·of a: pa:rti.aJlar plan! or .crop in ,otdcr to SItU them... *-:If ~ :8; ' ..... lEG ••. a British Illy V0Mitr ". • •• - fi:fiP .. ilf* &:;:fi ~ A .. · Growers in tM southern oounliu wtrt nwking large. profits. li8 fi- tiJ ~1"'''#iE~ •• a.'*W.

grow'" ..... liIl't!. UK: tmtpcx'aty ctiffi.outtie:l, and ptd:llern.s

dllal an organization w when tt :!Warts to e:xist. or !iotarts to' ooveICif'- (~. ~:1111 tt)) .. lit Ilut ~ m .. , acornpany's grolo'oli"18 p;rim - "'-i!:~ ~liEJJi!I!;j'iIllil~ ~Inl ..

V.IJS ":M (lUi of.' l'r_)


= ,.,.."j ...


t ~vdll;lll '" io;:rC&llC

V ~<lI'f.~

-= e_~tI


~ ddft{ span

PHlWtU. VII, v .. ~·t .fIlillf!

~VB, v·!' Mt£I"

PI'I!l.AVY... Vb!. V+PIREP

Pim.;.SJU. ViB;, y .. P1tE!'

~VB" v+ Al)V'" oJ· =~.

1'HItJ'!.SAI.. Vli):, V+ ADV+ {)j .~


ft lk'WCkip


V + AD"'. USU lMi1'llR


"' ipI'lngilP

lSI COI.J.l<Iir" Ul'iU MOVITr;i


= tmmi<1g·-"1;J",

powing 5iI!B!ilOO. grmrin& seasom. 1k 1fOWiifW, .~. ill N COUNT. l.1S\I

a particular COlmtry ll£ area i.!; the period in ~ year SING

when the weather and iem_peratur,e is usual1y right foc

planJlS, andI crops to be ab~ to grow, "It. ftlWIl'~}~ *

~~. ~, If .rrtiru are late. the gro¥iling ~ is Cu.t

s/wrt, :mU~Hfij ~ tI is. • tf IJ D!J ~ it $li it iN.IL

~ /graul ,gaul}, ~., ptlwlJr.,.g, ~. 1 When v

a dog or othcr-ai:1l[mal growlS·, h ~ it tow nrmlJfing ~ 5111.JU

no.ise, W!1,laUy beeause .it g. <Yl..gry. (1IiI~Ta:1i:I:: ~.iI~ ;:£:1if

$ j!H" • EGThe dog growkd ·(u me. _.-N »t. ftaiJll:. I~ I~ N COI.R.'fl'

•. ~._..Jl All' .u,. R m'I ,(J ~ Z '!lat •

Il5<O<JJ as a 1'Kl'Ui'l- 1"11 illl"'c; J";j. ,ro ... Q sequ.l!~ .0" ,e.ir'

11.1111 gro·wls, ••• ~ it '.' ~ if:~. fIl.'II!4 •

,2[ ryou say!:haJt a pencm ~ sanethilng. 'fO'll IllCaI"I. V OR v» 0

dun they say it illli a low. mugh, and rat~er alngry \IOi:ttl !000'fl';

a i~ternry use. [.]~-9:*I!P.ilt. !:G' Thue's a 'tisi"tor

here," he gro'wkti. . ." 11::m =If tsL :8 A ,·"11, mit lit ~I_ -& ...

.He gmwhd .ou, a oo.ttVnQnd If), hu to S't()P, ft.~.!t~*:ftk

6~iIti~ (t < II> U!Ui. as a ~. m~ f;ilil. ro' Now~hen F .. ts1 COUNT began Nth"" in. a ,ne.Wng grOMi .•• "1!Iii''' !'"lfB:t!1jUfJ,

~ t!'~Uftm'lflJ.I"· ... a grmd olasstmL .... e.~ j!fI!+ ~ IQ]

ii. .

.3 If you. say that oo-mech··ug ~. you mean that it V

. . . = rwn~1l!

makes iii. deep rumblill1g ~J Oil Literary use, [1l]I!IFlf'F

lIM ~ II ~ ~ 00 The' lltu!i:du s.til.l ,growInJ' in 016 d'stonce... ~:Ot 93' xur jlf .. #I ... ffls s1amm::h :.rUlrftld .to

growl wi tn hwngu.. 1t~";Jf fIflMt,f,f·1Ii!i ~ IllAI T • I" ~ ~ .. N COVI'fT a IlUwl, m'i'F~PiJ. f:G Tht' engjntl"s pil>/i:h r:hanged Jwm = 1'WlJ~~

a low murmur i<l' an urgen.t grow). ~:l. ~1Itft ~.fi;ml¥a

tttt'jir~R! T -r4 .ilQJ~'.'I~r.

.~ Ipm:groo!, A grown mamL or \IVOmarli ~ OM wOO is fully developed and t'lIatLtrt' , ph~cruly and mentaUy_ m.'F~·IIit.,tIg. £"13 It requires.a ,child's spontaneity ,mil Ii grOWfl. ma,,", ~ ,dtci.ri ~. ~iII'lr JL.IW ~ St8 fIl.ll4-

A !!I_lift .

-growD i;. ~1 after adverbs Hice • f!ilU' or • haW" to farmadjectivcs that de-scribe ~he size O!"stage ·of devtl.op~ ment that an aruma! oc pl.IDl has reached. JfJ i"" MI"ilt "half"'~~og·IIJWlzJ&~1R;$ @iPJ. J!;j~. ,. !IiI'~ *- 4'tl

jt.a~ltz •• es 'f'he C4(ef"pillar KtU juUgrown .. , it

~''€. !kH i: 11 1&;,. •... .. , two hmFgJ'Q'Wn Qub$; ••• :i'f :l. *.

*~.i!l~ M*h@l •

2 aner the name of a pl.3tflt. 1.0 fo.rm adjectives t!rutt de~

~r~tM!~t~~ .tit~~~~,l:~: :=~~.~~

., . a ~·grown. wail... • .• t;; •• iftcJ. .... .,. ~

Brown u'races·· .. fi~M!£M.m. .

3: art.era word tha1t mlhl: you t~ mellilod by Which a pJant, ~ta:ble. etc. wali grrown, to fonn adj£!Cl:ives thal de:!K:!fibe the p1J.ant, ~tahfe., de. JI or :ii: me !lfi ..... (t;I,a".:1f~IMi~l~ .ffi!i&NBif;j, ~S •• ·.Ii!l, ••

•• 00. , ... OJ.m,pi:U'r~grown 'vegetables and /rui,' . .. . .. .m

:!l]lJaJ& .. D'tIXUI:ftl.d::. a tub.-8T01oV1'i EM! ...• ae

.. • .., If. JI! I:IaIne-gnnm~

~UP. grown-ups ~ a.bo speUed as one word w:1ren used . as .a OOIU\-- m ff< o:t 'iiilllt Bl' iCJ .. 'IJ ft ~ -+ ijJ.1 A ~IIP 1.-; an adult, used in infOnnaD! Fnglish,. ,~clally by dun-

dun_ [.m ] Ii • A. eG We ootdd SM.. a grown.- up

coming, .. _ ;ftl,1t1 'ill ~ • ill - 1":d;,:£F A .if. 1£ ~ * ... The

boys aM girls chuTed cmtl ;rownups applauded. B-T

in tu~: Ilf ,. J5t ~ AtE it.'.

:2' If y~1.lJ say that ~ i3 gn'ltWD";up. you ~ .2. 1 tihat tlxy ~plh.Ylii.cal~y and m!l:ln.:dl.yml:lltlJlre and no longer dep:::rx:b'firl 00. tih.t:iir ~. Of" ~r adult..,_

ii9 ; S!. ~ Ifro ~ .lit J..I~. lEG ". ,{)Ide, coupiru. with.~

up children of ,tlvi.r· ,own. • ..• JL:W .t. T iFte. SI\I ~:EII:m ~ fI1 e. *. *- .. A R!i =f j( 0 2. 2 that tbey behave Ui a:IiI adul:t wa;y. especiaillywfltn dter a.t'e in fact sdU Of child. 4'A 1& A I~J • .I! ~ (gf. ~ lEG V:our brothu's awfully ,growon-,up for ~

' •. tr:Q(B1HI~i:llt T;&,f! .~MJI!I' •• ~. 1>.. .

3 If you say that. scxnei:hlng i& grown-up. you rI:IeaI] that .it ~. SUlitable for or typitall of adlU~ts;, ~. jf! Infonn",l ~ish, especla]ly by ~n. [iiiJ:iIi T !Ii! A I'J. ro

Ewrrybody <Ctlllt.d me Mdt.t. 1 thought it. Sit1.UNisJ

grown-·l'I.p... it 1'- A Iri~q' ft; !; * . .ft .. :ff;lt1lJi ..If:. *.1'" *A~ ~ ~ .•• Grown-up~siaR$ m.ay be nt(,i,P'\t JO:pki~ti·

cat.ed. «A.~IIi*!i2W 1f81l~~

powth /g~.,grufJ!" ;~ .. Il~ man WdWiry. or olhe.reoonr:mruc at:bllity iii tIH: m~ m the money being spent on it .;md the ir~ iill the ~ it product'S, ~ Ai =Jift ~. EG ~w:re~ ~ ;nIiustritu art.' lcey poi:n1s of growth in the ~y •.. 11jfi.~"'''ilSBCJ'*".::r.jk:.f!~

tJi .li; jf ~ ~ • ••• lIS ~ growth rate is s;m;JM

ord'}' to Japan's- .. a ~ mJl' *- ag it _II« lk!f- Q * .... CrJmputing':~ilT$ a growth al'eQ'. #"" 611f1& fli.' m f1j lit

-R .....

~ aJ!:SSIIF, <*II'TiIlI B

ft ;&111111.


'OOM8,fOO.MS ~CI:..J!o.5SrfS


ADJi (lUALiT =~

N 1JNcouN".f., USU-+ ~UI~.P. OR ~~

" Ik¥c~"'~'



2' 1De IJ'(tWtIl of an organ':z:atioo lis ~ts ooming .into t'xis1~ ence aOOI developmem ill size Of.' im]lOf'lance • with the reIlU~t tl'Ia:t it involves morepeopIe, ~ .. ~.I: Rh. ~. 00, ..• the growth of political ojJJJOJiUon .. , .... a t€i: _t Ii »jJ! 19 ~. ... . .. pha:iiu oJurblm groWlh .. , ".!Til<{ B: • tR JL.1'iVf m·,·· Qo.operatt.w:$· Q"~ of very r~~ grOWl'h, it wn.~:lii!1:'lUI;;i* Dt.,

3 The ,~ in 'the number of ~ Or things m a par. ticwar plan: or 'group. or in the anloutlt or £Ol'I]Ctmn,g. is the ioCl't\il!ieiJi it. :tIK~":fm. I!G • , • India~s population

growth fIlLr A I=i 1I.·l(:···· the slQWU growth of

the labour fora. .. ..,?j.~, h It (!t .... ~ ·fI ~L*. ••• , .•. Il 81'OWlh in research aptndirtlFe ···iJ1EJt mI'l!lIJl.1l!:~

4 The amwth of a partiCll!larattitU<kor r~l:i"g' is ~ gradual dcvd~l1t Df ~t .md jl"l~ JI'l, it. iI* ~.~. EG ••• the growth o/dist;Onten£ ..• ·";:if' ••• Mm*··, ••.• til growt,h, oj moderate Dplnion.. ... . •• II 0" ~ [f.J II "Ii. ••• '., rhe ,~Mh of~tiOMlism .••• !!! • .:tJl~ •.•• , S'I'ik gr:owth of 01 .pernon m theill" c.haractu is ~ pogress and imprown"leIlt. 8:". EG It aiN limit inole.ll«· tWll growth. .. III >2 ••• :h [~ Jt .... MaI"riiIg;e tr.ap$ w groMh. ti!i.III.T.i(j~ •.

6 f'~ in:<li pttson. animal. Of" ¢M1t is the proo::s!l ,of increasing ~n physic:ail size .and development. .~. *- • £ •. lEG .only physiall growth wus ~ry for him. I<)

daim his heritage. ,. .'. '* iI. llliIlt rilt.fl. ~);:.lJ R. II! !If 51 If::!t .. itA BP IT .• , T~.y .s:tumplam growth. and

reduce yMlds. 'Ef]"'iI· •• M~*.I!¥.~".

7 A ~ is ., .1 a plant • apart of a plant. or 3i mass of planl'Swhid1 bao;e ~ly de·~kp:d or wmch developed at the same 'lime. li* "- ..... EG.F..treh ~r the St!'4- ~M growth rerurru and has w,be d,eQ,red, .. ",,4>lf 1I:if l(: m . fJi Vl .• If " •• 11:." .. " dmrinp amid the ./Jut yeo,. ~f growthJ, •.. ;§. ~!:t!: .~ ., ~ (ill B!I ~ 11. '.2 OJ ~ump that gJO'WS imide or on a person, atlttnai. or plant. and !!:hat. is OiiLiS(;d by a diseaseor other abrwnnahty, .~ .. I '" !II. Ell ••. an. ache where agrQWfh KoW:' remowui, .. ." " ~ ." 'ill .. Jt B1l W • ••.• ..• seoomlary grcwth;;' after Qn umuc:ressful ope14lion . .If-tttf.f:E ilUMl jt dgl:ft ~ •• 1.:31 a short beard 00 the face of a. man. who has rot dlavedrocellJt1y. tJJ!i. 00, ••• (J. d:inny malt ~th Q Mek ~ growth 0/ beDr-d on mJ face ,." •. 1: ~'1IJI-r B ~-1lIJ * ~JMJ -+ ft-fS.tI'!I~ A.

grub Igtt.blgll"lIb/. ~. grUbbL..,. :~. 1 A erub is· OJ, yotmg iaseCl which has jU!>t ctlm.! oUt of an egg and looks Hke a short fat wonn. ~ J ( a m. ~1) iii .!k.. m &ch of these ~ ht:u~ha tHd im'Q'.e; tiny grub. , , )g_ • .ftI

+1'f,J.-+.,:f$';"$t;Jl:I-*1"~$··· ... wasp' gruru .••• •• t!lItl.~

2~Gfub iis food F an infonnall lISe. [ff!i ].". EG,Bni it ex·

peel" lara/Ira grub,; IlJ m ..• w ~ ~." fJt@; MJ'"'' .

" If ~ !laYS • em .' ,they meail ,that the food that pevpk have ~ waiting for-is oow ready toeah ;3

veryinform:a1 ~iof!, [m] ti If l' * iiI ~ lit T •

3 If you grub about or Mdmld fOF sorru:duing. you ~d! for H. especiaiUy by ~g ~ or digging. • .. ~ it '3. EG. • grubbing fOr Iwl.m fruit.. , .... ~ tttfe.iiU: a1I* •••. ~. fishi grub$' QrOund on the river bed" .. fI' AitfiJ-,*J:iII~.I.*··· •.. gr~bbi~ about in l'M publ.l~

J'Il..~- ., ..•..• -J' . .Jo-/. ... 4PIlnMJ./joiB 1

,'.CffUry )'(11' ,tIfi!Z,r.en:I1~'; ••• p:. '" ~ .. Pi "liE ~ 3!. ,..." J!" iI"f.

4 U" 'YOO .. somethlng up Oil' .... ~t oilt. you dig it out of'IDe groond.. .i m ~ ;il •• ~. Ea, ••• grubbi1il8 ttp hedgero~.,. ',· ••••• *W •....... ' birds 81ubbins ~.p insects. ".1Ii' .. mJl ,$9.!l.

,gtQb.by p~lrI.bl.~ 'grAbI/ .~. Jl"IIbbied,' A person

, 111._." _hhu' &L_ .;I!~ • . D

or- ottiect hll.d is .;;._,..., JSf'8,u.cr 'U!ll.y [0 ,~re, llI'''

It ~" EO •. ; • ,,~ la~ aJiId grub,hies.r boy,... "'1"" r.

;t;; , ... 1: •• 00 J.Ja: ••• . .. rrubby exercise bot;Ja'. .. • ... W&

II: !¥.!!'JIi; -'J • ,... • - , t~ gntbby L:m.don. straU·. ,··1IIt IE. ~ fe:'Ufi:iI.

2: If you €aU an a;ctiViity or someone'sbeMv'jrjU,t grubby.

you, Jl:)fatOO '!hat it is not p1Qpe1 Of aro:ptabJe ~ used :show~ .~. dis.app:rovru_ [1f] ... ·'.'~,.H51'tt:1. ,~ .,;. t.hrsgrr,lbb'y drcula'do:~ wot.a.mtmg the FUl'MPlJpe1'S .• , ••• tiHz r,B] u #~_f-IRtf!JiJt:ff.··· .,. t.he gTltbbieC3petlS of pdltt~ ,rcal ,l,ile. ···.i~H1t~M of! Je~l 11 s ~ - !IE:Jnif. 0 grubIHDe$S .. *.j 11. 50 100 .•. the grubbinas of lire cam~ PQlgn. ... Ali ~ 1IJ ~ ... 1L~.

.,.../~~,g:t1\dy. ~.~. gndgid. llf you RaVe a ~. apinst ~" you bave very un~ fi"iendly fedin8l'i' towanb them. OOta.use they have lip;et y<lU ocba.rmed yilllJ,~ciall}i' feelings whIab last. fUl:" it . Ianger time t~ is~bJe. ~ ••. f,UI. 13G; , •• ~'Ol'lf wifh atp',udge ,against him., ... , Jifrftn;:I' fl.IHt~#.

N UNOO1JNT,. usu .. SUPP'

ft d&Ye~lIi '" ~lion


UJoollCOmu+ ·SUP.f' =~i:!liilli

.111 SING WIm .IET~ <t

= .1iII!~ni~j

N~., IliJ5U*SUW ~~~

NI.f~, usu '" sliTl'P Itm~~

Ncoum IN U!OiOCJ\IJN'f • UljIl1~ sur ..


N s:lf!OC'I WI.1:11 rer, l.J&lJt stJPI'. .. ~

NCOUNT . ,. .18.1'11.11.

V,USU+ A (otM, I ar!QI!lOO ll~Of)

= roIlI1

Vi(J*A (u.,r a<J j 1'1 dl& I!l!III

= ·uproo.


AIl!JI QU.u.rT.

". _~. SCIdiil



Ill' + I'Rl:;P "'ltF.N' I1(/INM

• ~1iO:


+ ),.... ./ ,hope ~wu ,do,r! 'I ~r me any grudge, .. it. 11 ~)f~ ~ M :fil: Itf fR tf . .(.~ ...• He iWJfl.td hold ,a gru.d" for

years. ~ ~ .. o¥tfll H".f.. • ..

2 If )iIOU ~ !!i(~. $O.rntlhing., or ~ .. ~ng !:ifflnethipg. you give ~t to l~m Of do it very unwdLingly.

" . .. __ AlIi·· r.ilTL---I· . es fi" l'wu::l

:Ill; g .Hi ~ ~ 'I," lIB 1JIiJ.. lEG, '"' e ~_ l()l pay , or - •

(II Which I amd'ge them e~r pemy. .. IltJ ·.'H .5 JiB ¥" Jt .1i'ij ft ~ +. ± #Jf\ .. ;t M M- ffdl··· .NmIMt ;the gr!t4gM .it to him. .. ,. ~ ;I! i! ;f:tI. re if tit ft··· • wilt not gr. doiNg ~ bit ut1(J wht1t ii's really 1Uted,ed. tm •• 1E ••••• ;f'~;f'.1' 6-.-fi..

grurJg.i»g j'g:Mbro, 'gr~, .It ~ fetWing Of S!C~ tiOt:t is mile that iis felt Of' done very I,JIlwUlingly_ ... ~ ; :t''fjIJ'1I. ~I. lOG, .• ; Mrs Pringle ~ grwigr.ng assislatia .. , 1t#4tIfi·J.:.:t."H .-=f.~ 11 JIj ••• Oihers ;stood wtliching ....;d~, Fudri"ll Tt.s:pect , .. ;fit. A •• '. y: ng .... M«., Jlt:l:ll •• ··• " .. the gru4ling~y ln, whidt the 80""-",'"m.e.,u hasroacled . ,,, •• m~ mm: J1l1l'1l. ""'UI 8)'f it 0 () ~ .•• iI., ~ •• J8. m • (}kaY',' he $bid grwd,gingi Y ." I sup{JQSt I KV$ to bJ~ .: ~ "' .. f!r!l '. '''1l!.~ 11 !I_ UUI ,,"jt.w. ~tI it It\ ...

gru. d jl9'U:alJ l8'uaJ/ .is a simp.l.: and cheap food Made by oojJiDg Oalis, or .another eereal with water CX'. milk, .. It Jt


.. -d,.ling Ir~1 'gruodlJJ/. also. s:peUederadlq, ill

~rjQ)n EngJiul. ~ ~llil + !1J.fl: grueJr.ng • Some· tm!]g that is gnJdIliIlg is elCJtremcly dlffi:rull and reqeircs a !.at of ·~lffort~o. do. ~ :l!U9, .. A M ~ 1:- A .1lM ;; ecJ. EG , .. flu! I'n(.U'I grudi,i:ng PfJ.r,~()f my trip. .. • .•• ~. fi:$ 18 :~u. M - m ~.. . .. long lwu.rs of f/'ud1ing ~k.,. • .. *- Iff j'jJ; f1. ~ I fF··· T.~ ptJa' is FeU), gruelling. Jt ..

~.U:A:I"'T. .

~.~ t!TUi:fj;Elm, \~. Sc.meiliing I,bat is: a:mesorue involves or WilO':Tm dead! 01" illjury and 15. 'Vi"ty unJ*~t and shocking. ilJffllW!+A~.Ia<J. EG, ••. gruem SOI1're' tales of child m~. ,. . .. :ii\ 8JL.. iBC.I Tfl to ~ .... , . , . g~ ,fanes' ()f vkdefiCt:.···i> A 15: ... thit • .h iiiili.

.gnill ! 9J ill; grl!.f) .1 If SCIllell:lne' s voice is graff. ~t sounds ]O\!I' omd lrough" 'llI!iUO'IIUyb!:QIlde tky an ugry 01" impa. 1ie!1~. <CJff'f )fil.~ ~ EO •• , his rumplma.ppeal'lfJ:nce and gTlI/IIJtli<te. • .. 1.11! It! "' •• !t MJ m 11:. flUO. !!I~ '" n. 0 gnd'Ib. II. jii .. ~ •• ro Shf: ,mtd gruffly. • ht (In J(HU'

clothes. ' "~aIU':8* ... itIlJl!r.~_iA •

2 J f someol1e ,or their bdmvltiur is tnd'f. tbey.~ ra.itb:;<.r unfrittully ott bad· tempered, ... tIg. I '" ~ iF t$.. EO He MoW Vl!'fy kind i.na gruffrort of wuy . .. II iC.~.&:m j} .@ 1iiuna··· ., . .12 gruff. soldinty~tyte.··· .• rli'lJ~Aff ~ 0 <> gnl~. m. ; 11ft • m Her gru.ffness put me oJ!. ilU11 It a fJ! ft.li ..... ,

lJiUIb·tk I "!¥l.'I.rnb]~ "'uAmh[/. gromIJIe:s,. runNhg. ~. 1 If }'QU ~i yOll c:mmplailil ~bout ~~g m .iii bad-u:~mpemil way, ~~!y iQa Jow ~ .omd not fotttfuUy, &: II ~ .~ * II. EG They will &rumble about having .to.do the Ktri: ... iIUl.~;r;.::t\·.i!I f'l::i'iU&l.fJ"· ~ ~ver grumbltd.,. .y. *~ a *g ... ·/($.aw/uJ.· Parygrumbled ..... T ... i!UJ •• ii. 0 ~,~. t8fJ.tt.II .. 'EGAs~6Sf~' m::w.J' .11;Ut .~~. there liW more gr.fIItIbl'ing asrht Co.-bJ:m!t ~S" dec.fskm. M.I. -It. $" • A 1rI ~ ~ iI ff di:.€ II," flJ!' 1.11.7. ,II' used <15 a noun. fflf'!;$JIl,. EG ~ Rl!re angry ,vumbies JWm I,~ Brl.tirh _nob. ~.I± ~ It m - Jt1Jltf!:I&!ItI_ •

2 If ~fhJ. ~. it .mab;:t;;. iii .bw o:N"I;l'.inwt.lli

rooondh a li~ern.ry usc: . [81." oft: • '. EG The !rain grumbJedintc mt),tian. ".' *:$ .11. ijfJ 1':8* ...•... my gr.umblin~l ,dieestiW1 system. . ..• ~II$ IIt ... 1.:t M1M it. tl. 0 p'~. .. .. J# .. w ... 11 l'ow tJ'U17fbling of rhu.ndu!romthe MLI' wiley. ···R "F~1'-w1!tfV*M ft mfl'!ll!l .•• ;& ... ~ as a notI!n. m:fti':t:ml. EG ... ~he grumble- of a dozeJi (lOInWTSlu,rmu .••• ~i.A~iBll! •. ft't J:HU~ •• ~9

IQ'IolllWl", ;1 . ~...,. \iII1I".' """"'j , _-L...+.

: .... -,..;;, w· ..... ,.-·I ",·······:·r·' .. -- ' ....... , ............

Somoone who is grumpy is bad-t~. often ~l!St thry .aR sl~ghdy angry .~ntoo. 'or pessUnistic. .• ~JiF;IIlI,. ro .Don.', he ~ ffJ'WliPY tmd ,eynJw abo,u1 if .. ,

:;r; ~ 11 Jti! .~ 1;. .~. :It 4.1!1I til m .. · Martha lotJlced 1m grumpy lha.n usUQ,'. J!it~. _t i: It." IJ-"'ttf-JiIl.. 0

\lif I!.. 1:.._ t.J· •

:~, ~~.~ m ~not Jur now," neSllragrumpr""

I .. dI ..... "l;":;:. 7 "'1oh Jg &~"',~iWi 0 -.-...11_ ~,1IiIi f" ~1%:""J'''.Q ,', m~III7'I!Ff"",~-I' . i!j,II ... ,~ .. ./J4J;PP

9:. J ~:!t.a EG • , • his grumpii1eJ3 tomudr his -wife ,···ts M~2=!.~~~ •

g.nmt 1!J'l!.nt ,grAnt!. lJ'1lifl1si. gruntill(, l"llltelil, 11 If fOi.i IfUbt. )'00 ~TJab ilII low .roQgh.~ • ~ciaJ]y .~


v+o I.INO, V.o-" O.OR V .. (H.A.( ..... )

I'~I ~~

All) 'QUALlT ;} ii~..rJIip.;(! '0# ~ .. ~, cllllimiU;l:i!:'

ADJI (lUALIT 11'.~!JI!,

AmQUALIT ". it~:r

AD:I o.1)A['[1[' =~


o !tIN WiIl'H VB "',f~t

A!»QVAUT ""~

v ..

y.~ I!tEPORT·CIJ., 1(JDIE.ClI: W)\ t!i~)


•. ~C9.iNT U'~J]b

.' N S!NG wrrn D£Ti 5UPiIi'

~'Q.1)M.rll' ~·or.u"ir,~:r

"'or,t lit .. 0- !QVOFJ:'E.

'jIOO, m!' ;jU'l!~ (jif' unitd'e,,~ted, 1It!r. ~ .Iit. m Ilis fQ~ thE! looked up and gnm.,ted. then ~! back. ~ohJs ~ . .. fl)t itlD .fB"; * I •• 1 §1.1ijJ, :I; IS Jl_ .:J1 T & m * .... What if.w.rne':Uuuk came ajo~ right IWW?' he ,un:ted. ...~ ::1111::1: &11 il:l Rd'. mit! *!t q.,m.'?"fiB "1111.

i!.. '" ,used as a: DOWt. iii'iiF:t ~. Ell I answered with a "!'II iOOUNT,us,'U grum. ',' B., w,~,.,OO,.\1, ... lIiep~ ,~ scep.r'wJ 8'"U"~. SllN'G

iMttr:JII •• " T -,..

2 When a pj,ggnmbi. it makes a low, rough nill8e. UI)~ v

Gi. ~. m WUd pip grunJed ,rmd S!UJ(lttti. Jf •• i{ jt w*."#IIif~;IIf.'~,. ... .8.. II> ~ <IS~. 1l01oUl. m~ .. t'loou.1'I'['" :t ~ .. 00 litoJW.dft/ lila: SQme;(hi,ng bt:l ~ Q JQX"wrk

ami a pi.rg~!i g,u",~. :W:~-1'~ .ti:.* .. a.!JIlI·,·J;t'.J!.~

otJlJ&'. - . , -,

G-string. G-:st~. A Gcstring is a 1!IaiITOW band 01' ,dotb N1.~

that B worn betwoon a: p:rson's Jeg:;: tcoover IJphis or Jl:CT. 11: ~

se::!;u.d organs. and that is hd\i tI(P by ai. piece of str~ng

f~ ~ ~¢, {~~;lFJWJfja1J)."-$ i C ftf'.

pa~DO I!~i~gwwwl i.st~C}liiCl'enrn:l![llf~mrds, It ~.~

!;S. ,USdl as a rr..rt[~·L iff ti ill (~ fi' ~ "' ). ro .. _ rich, ~,~,

guaM d,e~.r$. ···ifit.* aM.~ •.

glIIll'·M· ke·/I'~ftt:I~~f~iI. ~~. ~fle-

.~. guanm.teedl. 1 If somclbing ~ somethiilllg Vi' 0

else, ,It i.s '~fta:ir'l_~o cause tbat du:ng 'to happen ,00' ITSuh, /.i!:EI'ClfIT-C[".Of!:

.-- v* Q~ Q

m Mi f W 11. 1m Equality does Mt ~',anfet'! happi~= ~_

in love. ,. .. .. ;# .f: •• '~'Ht 111 00 * fl··· Thisrnethod

" ,meQ ~ed pt'«i.xlyatk!pled to tMarea, ~~1i~

iiF HT IL;i;:i:ii fi1l~ ~ J&.~ •

2 Smlil~thing t_t is, apanudeeru SliJmcthm:g else ~ IN COUNT,

~t certain ~ha(' ~t wU'i .. .. Of i!hat it' is trite. m,. ""t. ~ iIJSU ~ KfI'a[T<:L

'W<B(; " __

There Lf no gw:r,m"''Uee t~ are'dii~ the tr:h!l,!:,I't •• , .:ftiii!tiE lim;f! it'w. ~ ···He argued that the ~t guamn:lee of ~ic growth Ki.'QJ" ~. lhe' ,oon,(uJtMeof

the busilU'&~i.tJ ',M!!). ~. ~ ~ ~MaolI.i1.

iII:Ii" fij W R-'l ~ .• t~, ~'. ' ' ,

;3 If )'OY ~we s.runelLhing. 3..1 )'Oll.! promise t_bat sornetking wi]~ defwtely happen, or that YOl!l 'Will do or provide sorneth:irJg far someone. ij; 1l.E( ," •• ,~)jg ~~.:t;); ~ trl ( 'it .•. ). 00 I'm no$ptJraJ1.f,uj~ .~hat IhkJwil.l WIOil"~ , •• • ~ ill Ii if it -~fft¥.. ... Ad'~rtOO$ W'e'te

guQr:ant«d !1 wedly circulation {')If 2S'O. ,000, }'" ~ :&: ~ .fi:IiE1i1lil ff 25 1rMM1tff •• 3.:2 you .nmk.eSlIU"C that:it wiU derln:iteLyhapPe[l, til -w. 00 Yow .should MI.Ie (;U l~t Om! ,e~8 oJJa week, bW,f )OW wn~t guJJr{J1ZU~ u. 0:..~ i.t:1ij II:! ~~,~ ~-1-.J:i* •. m1$X~,.{i.jIJ i! -..:i..

.. If you say that ~b~llg Is ~. lQMppml or VtO+ t.:l.~!N~. ha~apa!l"bCU~<I!f RSWil:, 'you mear.!.l!hat 'you awe Cf!r~ or ()NiL'!' ~~ fairly $t!JteLhat It willi happtnor have t!he rtSul~ .me.1:l~

tion&JJ. It .....• 'i 'II'! • ·,11 'm .. ,' 0 ~ ~ 1!. { It J; • ,.}. EG

'f'he a~' colonilll 4ebat(! ,~ stUl ~ranfetd so

emp,ryt~ ~ of Commam, 3\!f fI.~M,9!J-l!I:ti tit' it 5(; If'fi ~l!ilF!F( M~~ ~.jJ •.

'5, A ~. is ~ 5~ la 'p1Jmis;t: tMt you win do ~- N COt.l'Nl,~ thing, or tha.tsometmng will definitely happen. ~·UE. 00 ~ .. :::-0:. T&rybadWenchtr.! MUm .~ guamnt« #wr an em-

qt~i,ywi.ll be lreld. 5v~IJa J!:U{:ft 1l'*;ur'Xiffi:.:i~Ui

•• ~.ii. 5,2 31. f~ wrinel1l _m~t ii)fwfflCOoc's t-!OOUt'ft,USli jjll~!:'!p'ti.Of'l (,0 do~. OF thEir att.qmmcr of~" flI+ ~.tt s3Jbi.lity in .a partictdarsi.'l:oatiOtt. {'df:j$. m Hit promptly

produced Qf(~ guarantee thaltl I aIlnte to K't>tk /or

him feFa couple of iIl'tDntkf M ~ ca~ tlu: d.eb~ .

£iii,. * ~ T - ~ -=:tf* d<JifliiE1t .," iilii J::i$!..lri ft_*

~.~ fF Jl.1r- PI • It. .:lela.";;' - ~..t]. Wi. S. a ~~ NW!.INT th~llg valiuabi~ iWhlcll you. give kl 3. pers:m ito show th:d

yffilI Wiill dO what '}'DU bve ~ •. especWly as: 'part 'Or

alcg:a1 ~~.ent_ m if ,If I .111 ,.HI. IrtB ~y MIi'e to

providetJ flnam.:i.al ~m~ _ fI! fl ttil: m. ~ ~II m.~

5, 4: a 'Writ~ellp:rolJtisc: by a oom~ ~t if ;;lPfWIlCt H ~ that they M:U Of wolk tihat t_y do ha1l. my fa/uJ1iS within a 1l'~~ particular time. it wiU be ,~~. ropJa:«d.ar ~ ~ _'rgl,

free 00 dlar~. "' •• ," m PQn"~tl!ly it'::f still ro~

by thtt rnanuJac.t,ui'tf'$ .gwil"tl/U,M. $ tf ;i.tiJf.dl! a!J' 1M " r

{i •• ~ *iit.IA. .

6 If <11. oompa.!!lY ~ apn;rluct Qrwork thaI ~ v + 0 dQ.mey gilve a WiTitte~ ~ ~t If ~1I ~ a:ny (aiU]ts

·widlUI1 <'I. poil'tlJCtJJar ¢iinE itwUI be: repa!red. tqd~. Qj'

redm~ free o:[~. ""'ilE;~Jijq.,~>. 00 Is it g#tlrant«d '? 11': til III1lf 'i'

., If you glIIU"3I!I.tDt somoooe. YOli. !'>aythal they an~ ,~ll!i~.. v + 0

:iibJe Of liI!:l.iablt': became' you Jo:Iow Ibem well 1.; •••• ~. ~ .l'I:""~""',' ,', i!:!!I""~"'=""' •. "

m ., . a:!\l &gluhmal1: 'who had ~ ~"~«d to' him

<.1'l.Jt"r t lie ph(me ,by one of hls Jriend.s .. •• m flU~J -1-.iWJ1!i::

~ r@,iti; !:f;i ~f:tIH~~!:.A!9 -1'-~ I~ A •

guaF'.ag.lw i~~t.x, ~philnt2J.;/, .gwtabtots,. A ,~ N OOONT

,\,-;0 J~.:r·C:l. f!!lI"11I'IW,OO \'''0''0

'It .... ~

v~·o !~-c!" n R11~ "~(iI\


antw Iir> a ~~~w.oo g:i\o\esa~~tet Oil" who i~ bound = AIRI·Y by one, ill legal ttf'm, [t!-f4!]8Hlj!:)l dlllA.

pud 1'!JllrlFgonR/. guan!l5. ~. __ ........ , 1 If vnw Vo()(~Rm:.),

~- J- rl'r ~!' THF.H

.~ a "lace. ~, OfOOj:ect, you s,taflcl oear tht.mill ~~ ifrom

oFdi;-r to 'Wll!1DOO and prol.'ert. them, "",Jl! liP:)!. EQ Scot·,

laM Yard detailed an o/fleel' to guanJ' nif ~. ffi«t

•• ff~T-~ •• *~D.~m~.

.2 If }'0lU!. guard ~. ~ ~ them and keep dwm v +0 lin a partimiliu- platt t~ stOp thEm from ~cap]ng, • ~ ~II:

M. m She Mdl¥en locked !in ker :room .tmd m:lJ' ~.~ ~gkr ,aM day, .MIUft. f£ ~ B Ie<} ~ Iii]!lL Ell£:ff

3 A guard is 3. 1 a persen Who, is ~ a particular N ~ ~"pbot,Oli" object JJ'I' order r,~pil'OIlOd tl:iefM. JH~' ~

• J!h!:. 100 AMtku guard KtU' J','andlng by "he fence,

}'} ~~J!JUl.ilt.@:t!;i. 3.2.3 person woo h wal~ a I\r~ priswlell" ro puYent him or htt from e:uap,mg. l&tit:li';;)!:1 ~. w~ ~ ,i! ~ ffi Th"9 brothers wen dwrc-J' with Idtlimg a

priwn. ~rd. f!'L~.M.Ii'jt1i::~ T -:tl M:M..~ .3. 3 <Ii l"fC'OtlNT, IF

~l ~ f ,. . SIINU \'B CJ!g;I BE

~.~.. y .. .;..::' - . groYp I;J ,~!l. $"U~ ;l$ ~~ Of Sf.NO OR iPL

poneemen, ~.DlIt p«ll'OOl 011' w.atg~ ~ (it DIK::tbmg.

(--,IP.) J1 ~ ~ (-, riI\) J3: ±. EG ~y wi'u pw :/Um a~

.armm guatd. flffH1Ht.~.~A.\itfL!!~. 3.4 a per- NCOllm son whose job is 10, trnveJ on <II ~ .irll ortkrw mall!!: :!li~

it arrives.ruxJi Im\!\f?!l.a'l: the ~.lime. ~**. es The

g4tu;d New h,iJ wlJ.iSde dm! 'Hi!a'!i't'd .his ~m pag:. "l:.~

fk*~1II'1l T· .".~ ••

4 If you. !,PlI'd oomemIDg t:lWJ1. you do .not. want to bE: dtis· V+ 0

wveud ta .~, you p.rotSClt or hi&;; it. ~!;}, •••

m The pro/essiOllS, as )t)u mirh~'~.r. guMd 1M'

sec;re,ts dosEly, iE W \'t:.mt. ~ Hi :M, JlJ M ,li: ~ :IT .ft f&:fI ~ ~.~«J*fillk~!@ •.

5 A wall. fence. etc, ~t .~ <I. place or t.hlQg acts 3!S V_" 0

a.prolcetitt ban.lt!r., ei f! ~ 1i;11'! ~ Bi A ,lUgh ~'i'ume MWII ,.uarded the (jp~ to' tire eturance:. A t"l ~ fb -.fIi! .~1i.lllj~ ••

(I A guard is abo 6. '~a dtv.i~ wruC'!i tovers a ~r01.lS kcroUNT pawtof :~thi:lUg. ilF ~ .. j. ~iP.. lEG, When she

g-uar,d' is ld/{.en off ~ke motar fhe mocJz{;M can;t &.larl: .

re~' ~ ¥1A ~ i!J: _r: *- .m.(9!.:f' II ff ijiJ. 6.2: some- Nl.'OUNli

thing tha~ proJects apanktdar part of·}i'QUW oory fifOttl (f .~!eo!'

'bewog hurt. 1;;:tF'Jij~ ~ e3 l'/eJt my C'hi~ u~il:h a~

ci1.j~ gttI)rd of thehel~" ft. J lI.iii .. :iF« Jot. if iii If:!f T

~. '

"1lre GuanH is ithe i'1litllC of.~ mgimetilS in the :tk-it;i:;haHI'l)'. (Jt ~ .p 1a<J } if[ Jt m.. ~ - . '. tlu: hil.h GUIlrdr. .. .• .ffi ~ liD-Htil +

e: Th word ~ ~ <lIoo ~I ~n iliefoJ!~iIoo,!'i~ expl'~' si~, $m T"fJlHi illfi. 8. 1 If you ~ ;gqmI or I'HR. ~ ID)QDt a ~. ynuor~ ~e tJ), wat.tbo:r ptmrot a 1NF'lECTS pm;on fJf ph.m. l:.~,~·j/iM," jSQ·The men. woold orm

themrel!i'£flll'id mount a ~rd. ±·JUi].~.it',a~*

-!; 1:. ~. 8, 2lf roo --I Jimtrd'. you swx!1 fit;'M a pruilj~ nm,VB C1lIiIa:r pen:m Of plao:: DtG3:.Use you ~ uspcmi.b1ic, foc r.NRBC1'S WIl~miClg- .01"' pcml:ldWg jt. iJi i!ij " .. ~.. ro You will be,

exp«~e4 to Stand' 8}UUd oWl' the vir:l'~'. ~f1.jf:tl. .~'1.J:!.+#:r. 8.3lfyo~ Me ~ .gpIJ'd.,yo~ aIt"e. l'HR,'USIDM bei~~. ~····.~Z"F. 00 AU of ,hm:!, ~ J(n. AN' A

do militllrygtmJ'ti.. fI·fl:t • .tb T ~ Po. ... Z. ""F. 8, ,4, mR, U:5E!D ~ SoIl1OOllle wbo :i5 m. ~ is 00. dllJ.ty and ~bk for AN A paiIi~a. part];C~3IIf p1~ or pe.r:son. MIAt j,m:.,.8 .. S[( l'HiR, Ulim' AS .yo'll! are on yw:r ~. jflJ!Ii <l!J)e ~i:nug~ry, ~ruill be~ ~ A

.• ~'.BF1

cause ~tbin_k Oilii~boQ ~gbt hecomediffitWiI: Of' ~.,

~, •• =.'lfj. ItG It .is 'Up U) }'?Ui" .rhi3 ~,r'U4/imt

II) ~ a:"" ~ gwlrd. lEa" •• "f ~.(I.tI.*. 8. '6 PHR, \113,

f 'IN~

I yw.lower·yom·pIBd OF .kIt .~ IJIlilI'd down. you. f\t-

bui v.mn yau should b,o:. wdu!! and a!ctil:. with .the: oosu,h

tharryou ~ DOt propuly ~ed Cor a: ·WWto.dil: 'IK dan·

ge.r~ situatkpjlL .• ~ •• ' •. ~ lit hrMJ: dw,U£h1 ht.wuld

/iWJlly t~ his ~rd .a"lfd .rtftu .••• &iE81Y;iliJ ~

.~. til IF .. ,[; T .• 8. 7' To cakb SID~ off pa:Nl l'HFI:,. ~ ~·00 ~'urpm.:. t.hem by dOOl'lg SQJiIle~ or by .~~ ~ peni:wg when Lhey OU'e .IOQ(. e:!!.pl'.l~ i.t. .. ( ¥:A);;f\ *. lEG

ThtJi plftCe of' .intelligt:na caught ~he AdminiSl'Ntio'n

off gmJtd. it fHilfHi~ ~~Jfij *~~i3.

9';JJ;~ ~, llifcpa:rd., old :guard. puded ..

~.agaimt.. If ~ pvd .ap:iad ~~. ~j are ~ ...... ...til)' ~ful: m6f1ckr to aifoid it happe~. or to avoid ;~ ~.KAS

l::iEilng affected by i'L it I~ 0 ,~ .,. iams which the '" bc'"li!'e g{

tmined.J1;!j#d of III judg, kJ'W~ to ~ agajrl$t. .., iUJ~ .§.~mv.m.~~.DM-~.~~

guard dog, .guatd dogs. A guard ,dog i.s a fl!eftt dog that N COUNT

ha<: ~ _ 'any trainooto putect apou-tiad,;M p~are .•

:n'*==!An •

guard. red I !~dtd ;'ga.«hd/. ~rnB!J]1~ woo is, gua:rdcd. is AID Q\:JAU,',


ii!g ~ N',~ltl ~,


COlIn:ful [rut to slIuow [he~r fee~inF Of giveaway irI(o.rntanon .abcmt &O.1lm.etrnng, (A>iltlIJ!lI/J\ i[,.ttJlI1l:<J. es l~m. being a bilgwrdJ.. / ,!iUPfJWt! . itt.! ,·a,*j;'';~:, H. •• 0 .. used of ~:'s :behavioo,r. mTm11t~Al!I9ff~. [EG His slattmerus wen: ~M£d.. tII·1!I'\l JI!i ~I '" if .. ii':\l'. <) ~y. • •. ~ ~ W • Ii Jt!. ,00 • Do )'flU ,f'~r heQr {'tOm ~ ~sttT?'- ! ~/i~.1 R,udolph. soid gwniedly + "it: I&ft~ ft:; :II ti * f~ Il!l?" - ... t.1. til: !l( fjJ a. ~'.'iI*iI.Ji'~+

guard~.~.aD !1!JL'(ffij;n~ \gard:Iap/. g_nliah~,t A pmIiIm is l' Wll'lro.lle WOO has been J~gariy appo.imcdw kGl aftathe affall"!i of ~ peJ'80n. for· aamplea dU~d or so:meone who is rnetltal~y 111. .!IUPA." [EG 1k bt<:ame the

I, pa.rdian of his brother':Sda~j,g". :!Gil. TiE,my;

: :li!1if!'A"

2 oomrone ~o .IS ttlJJS.idtttd ~l) defend .~IH some-

fhiing~rnl ~r 01' bad t~tmt:nt. W;JrI# ~ eel Their view dUd .~ are thefjQ:turaJ 8~,dians()J mol"ali~ $}' ;$M~ my view.,. itJtrlU.*lJ*:I::iI.~f.lM~]J~:#.

. i.tlt'" Ii. #' :F ;!II: Ift,~) Jl ~ .. ,. We an the. trustees amJ ,~ardi~ ~f tke w!wJepropte. ~ Itl' :1;·111- li'; 111 ~,~ n.; AtH'f!A.

guanlian angei, gwnIfan.a.nwIs. A gnanfian angft ~ a $pirh ~oo is, I:;J"eI:ievcd to ~ect and 1<:1 guid~ ap8rti0Ubr person , ;]I f!' ;"l'i;;: f:I! •

~·I·M·sWp /g;t.'dlOOif!pl \gwdHIn,.{lp/i!s tbe pos.ltkiil·Qf beUlg' a ~Lan. m ~ A.~lit~ 0 EGo She· m1S placed UMer her mol'~r IS grwmianshi p. !Ilk •• r!lJ!ihlll!i'\J 11:1"'2: 'F .

~I"!dl, ~1':QJs, A ~J is aJ. rai]ul,g toot is ~thnes IPlao:d akIng :rilada,.p;ttm •. and s~ ttl pl'ottt:tpeopk. (:iI II , II itt " G$ ) ~ ~.. tro He waUwd JUSt .me tJnd'. /.ooked bl.¥tl'the .!JWinM·uH ..• ,fA ft.R~;iE J1.jffI;Jtp'~* iii. TW.

lUfl.Abomm !.~ ~\gotChmiln!, gaanI.m1tm., A ~. is a soldier who is 3.memller 011 the· Quaart:h:,. ifr Jl! III ± ~ ~ EGi , •• the 3C((r!et ,COQt$ ar:ld ~rsk.iti!.$ oj lhe ~nJsm.m.. . ... fli: ~m ±~ tIJ 11 tt &.t ~:lII. Ji'tI =r.,

~s van.euaHI~:s n:Q!i. 1:'he: guarrd's van of 3J q.,a[n is a . SI:I1aiU car.riagc ~(1 wruch me. guanI·travds~, used. ~1iI British BIlgU.~h, [~J( ~H: •• :!f *.Jii.IJ)WJ! $.11.

goJ!.va: !'gwa'va~ \gwa~/. paVlIS, A pa.~ isa. round yelJow tl'l),pical fruit widl ~.ipi .of wm(e ·Aesband hMd

~em, .~.(~"~"**.).

gDI!t'·riI·1a j¥nJ~lga'f'll~j • ~! !JlI;:AfIo ~Ia. A ~is somOOO!:'i ·woo flglrurs 0llS part Of.iUil ul'101li.cia:I army. ·~lyaga]llSt :om ,nffidaDI army or police force, iI ifi 1;1. ~Ji!. • En He .had ,been held a prisonu by the guu'#ltZS ..... MI •• d!~.a[.··+ . ,. iiW"illa Qllad\$ .••• m:

~... .

~ j~f~/' ~,~, ~, T rr}!OO ~ ~thlng .1. ~ ytnIi gin an answer or .pnwi& an opmion· aboujll &OIl1!!thiJog wheo 'YOU do Iil(It tnowo· ·w1Ietbef it is COfrect .thMM .00; We ctlJ't oJ!dy ~ at lhe number of deaths it .~ cuu.W •.. ftfflR ••• iie.:iiJl2T $.1" A:rG -c ... ~ ~ that she was fifty yaMs· from shor.e. HlllJjilijjf,,:iji50 Ji!l.J!i;.~ 1.2 you s:~funy give ~he COl> f(()'I <mSwer 10a ~km Qt ~1iQt:I when you adwdLy d~.oo1: know· aU the facts or ]nfOltt1llation.M;+~,.'~ .• m How did~u gu,egs?.. 'W. ii: ~ JI ilP·~? I had·gu:es,Md theidentf.t y of ·ker· l;ol.1er. Jt e • .lli "f.1! A~!$,tm •

2' A guess is an aH:empi to .giv:e [he· Olmw.t:'t I:Q something W~YOI;I do lOCll koowaU the f3;C'trS or l!lfonn~tion. m II ~ .~.m I don'l kMW lhe name but rll ,tfl;kt; a guess 0' il .. ,J!;r;~jJit[it~lft~ .:;;f.at.:f!, •• :V ..• n,l giw' _ro!ot lWOg',I.IeJ:SeS. ~ 1f it -M>!II ~ ~ •

a I glMl5 is an tIlJthrmaJ ~Wll w:cd' ¢spo::CIwly in Am~k:ilnr.nglis:b , You. say I ·1JIeSS SO. 11 ~oimJlrnte that you .~upJllClS('. thIDk. 0£" swpect that SOrncthIDh.g .is t~ 01 lI}:eJ'y. [)[;jH~]~jl!latl..jl;!.,m J~ess 1 gat she ~

a ,day or .m 1:(Ju~. .. • ••. Il!l T - ~ ~;,t ~I ilJ j! 1'. m!l. , ..

It ioou a.lmas" like fl'O.f' in MW$i! ftLl'ds. .bl:liC I ~ ~r "f j,ust ,dew ..• ~.~ti.:!IL.· • .ti :fl.~ •. ~ft8.1!

-. nlt.._ .• , l.~ , .('___ . . .• 1.,.1'. -l.r..: _I :I'

)l~. *'. 'rrn:alJrH!l&t? . - .j,wrtA; S(Jrso)' ~a!A'loVllra .,

gues_· .... ft ~? .. ~ ";I:-.ffIll1._ ~., ft~." 3.:2 ~J;l' ~ndJg,~ .~~ .}'Ol!;! ~. !'~~~dy ~e~~ whh $Omeone· ft m:l: MJI. [00 ~ Sune l' - ~ 18~ m. No.thi", eJ$t stems te; mala I'tWch JetJ:1t. I "'"N~IIII!'?" -. "ft;t!!oI-lI!L ~.I'Jg!t! ".~~*:lI"," 3.:3 to indic:a~' wh<u you ~ 'lhlnkiing. ~I.y w~ ymrI h.ii~ just rome to 3: dCicisioo., ~.~ tJ· = ~ It. 100 l.~ 1 ~. thi:'I'lk.ing OLU loud. .. ft:l: a ~ a'f -- itll!.. ~ J;Il :It iCt!ffil l' JI!I .• ,' 1 sugu I moo'~ hUke h~m

up yet ... ft!!ftil""~'41.ffl·" 1.~.l musl be·.w>ing now. a ••• a\tm T •

lleiiiil~ "'~y

<> /'D'if, u;5J1Ul lIVI.llt WI =~

N cQliiNrT, usu WlTIiI I"!JSS (t~_


11" if PReP '1111!N 6/.

fl' .H."!b

NOOUiNT, UI5~! F'OS!l+ N

N m'OOUlN'F., IJISU wn1t ~ .~ a!!fO:

NCOUM = ·06I111'i!.I'

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DI'1- PID'J '[H~ .Ii~ /,rlE-ld

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rijR. ~A'i AD'V S.EN'

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J"HR+ :.oo/~ / Kti'OKToCL '" I""J'i"IIi'

P1'I~ ~ ~f· .(11.


4 If you .~. ~ gnes:slng. you do 10m teLl tD.e1lP what th~y want ('.0 lllO!W. 1:1: ( • .A. ) m _ if' ~ 0 lEG I $o!lg~ giSt thllt ~ knp'v.r~. ~JlMr:f;;:~.;(;UIH'Jfl~ 5 You saly-pess!!1'bM'w draw attention to fQmetbing exdliJ!g.:!i-.;l_rpt~!~.@f ~Iii~llg 1Jut ~.ate ;;I!OOu( eo say; an [1'lI[QmW tx~on. [m J iI ~ iii If; ,', 100 ,Gut'SS .1. YOU"~8Qin;g ~Q' be a ~MYI~··, !!~JiJ'IIf!,.~~~ ~'UJ 7! o«. .Albern ~ wJw~ ~ !Jii. ;3l.'(atf I' II ~ WEd

16 Y 00 say at a~to iMicate that w.1u.t, you are saying u; onrny .ID estilnlJ.~r: OF whlilt. you lltHeve ~o be true', r~r thaml being .ba.sed 00 fact. :St .... 00, .At a gu~. r d .tay Jne mmt ha1ll£ g<u r(J$l.l}ft:M ••• -~R:i!ltJl T •

., If you say ~t oomethi~:r.s an~'s:~oIJf apybod;)":s ~" YQ{I ~!h~ PlJ-QIlC can .. ~. ~~!~ <tbmJi w~t is reaUy the ease ()( W~t is.llwly true I an DlfoctJiJal t'XpFCSsion, [mJJtijl.*~"~ •. 00, Wmt ~ld have ~p.pemtd is .anyon:e~J' guess." . ~*ft£~ft~ •• -&;\l~ll n. /t's or;a~yj gr..w:3' Mw,fcmg '''''is has been going ,on. 11& ~;:fll: .,j! e ~fi TlJ A •

gue:ss.lmf'k !I~~w:d::~ '!f!S;ow)P!k! is the p:ro::ess of tTyi"g to g~ m tiMima,te wJncdung W1ithCJut 1rno~['Ig aU dE faets ocinformadon. ..; ~ II. [EO This ;1 pure pe8SilWrk .m thls £tagt. of cowse, ~.~ ,. ~. ~ II Ji!i!!t$ ;liHi :i!I.

~ ;'~tjW:Sl!. ~ •. pest ... ~. ~ A guest iB 1 . ~I so:lIlEOOe who is :!ila.yi~ .ull'youroome at is ilJtyoW' party Of wedd!i~ ~1;a~ you ha,\I\e ]Pvitr;d t~m, :J: A J ~.:«. EG He opened rhe ooor .a,w wIreI'ed hisBWlSI in~ side .... ~n *n ,re:«:Aim T 11*'·· ... weddi~ ~ts " " ..• 1#.00 M ft I1i9 ~ W -e, ~ • .2 ~ wOO iii Mk.c11 00 a Z"Ota~c. !!'1Uilt. theaere. opera. etc. b¥ <lJ. fricwJrl or re1at~ wibo pays .Iilr the ~ or tickets. ~. It A; ~ •• [m In 1'Q;r;t K1e',e here' as gu.e.m ([)f.tM_ Natiorw'i Thmtrt. .. ,l=Ii:.!: • ;ft f1 ;I; fit JIi1 ~ $t~J l[!it ~ ~ .. * JU ~ .!I, IflJ' •• , r.s m:rJIlIOCI!le who is fita)1in.gim!l. a OO~. (.ml~' ••. m The otM hm.t,iguests sat under Sl'ript!4 ,umbreflDs. ~*~~. tJf 1= A.1t lJ: .1'11:: :tE.1Ia ~ r lIN. 1. 4 so.rll.ern1e \\1.00 visit!> a plaee Of an Gfg<il1i'~za(joo beeaesethey have been irwiwd f:oc <Ii spccia!l. ~ .•• *~. The ~l Spetlker looked Qb.soigteJy e;rha,uated .:I¥ it ~;& M ~ :11 • .t 1l .;1: .+ _ • '.!5 ~ whJ· a~ on a. ~ll O£t~lnision show

oocaU!ie tky hsi.ve DEcn. imvit:ed. to do. so. *_ ia j!q_ ~ Et? 'fO#.igkt's star ~t is '~Kelly. 4'. MJ.MIN Ji.': 9!:F!:t: •. M,ft.

2 If ~ ~ on a rudio Olf ~e.iCvi:sion :lihow. ~.Iilcy tl,~ on We il!~W 'boca-ll!St thcyba.ve ~!l invi!~c.d tu do oo~ a fairly mMma! U&e. [-m]<tEt" •• ' •• 15" lIE! t!"lW $. W. 00 lk"sguating ootani,.t s .show. "'. tf 1- _,"ll rEI '*' •• ,.~.

:} mr yOl!l say 1):0 ~f be my. :ggest'. 'jI'U'U .0If(:. glivjl;lg t~ p::~. to d,Q, :$O~UliiIJR tl:Jam: they ha·veaske(lw do. II {l,. I~ 'May I haW! ~. ~? ~ -'.& my

guut P "'''.N*- Jjll!f'!" - ".l!r"

ptSt bIQ,. Pf$1: ~. A gpest ... is a llook in w,hi.dl.

. ~ts 'III,IT~te thew na:rnes .and: addresses WDeO they have boc:E1 sUllying i!n someone':;; bt:lme orin a gues~. ho.tr;c. 1!~ (9;1!k$)Ilii8J1: •

~t ~. ~ ~. ; also speJJ1ecl wIlth <I hyphen,. ~ i:l"J 1m:ii * ~. Pi pest ~ lis a. t~ of s:maJ] Jw~e.l. ,. ti ~ :g.~.

.~ ot ~.~ mt ~I also spel.ledi ~: ,of 1iIoo!!r:ln A.n.enCilfi f..n.i!l:I~.,«:~~J',i;;i5~t·1f.m-tf.; ~t a€ honor ~ 1'he gw:sl of ~ .is tie ~ jmporUUl,t ~t;

:lilt a dii1.!ntf or O'thtt ~locca.siOh, (I!Mlft'HliJ) __ ~, j;: :8. ~AlOm, ~-1"OIJIIl'l5 * atso sp:!~loci 'Wlirhouta hypbe:!tI. . 2O'·ilj[~miii~~. A 'guert.~ is.:!l. bedrtOOll'Ji in. so~·s .housc li'r;m- gLICSlS amd:vlisitOfliw dOtjpin. W $ •

!!Uf1 fgtl.fl gAf/. If }'O'~ :Say thou ~wmerl]rllllg oot .is u.id: or W1Cutten Is gIlff, YI)I:.lJ TllmlI 1!:ha.tit is ~.e ~ap inf(}['[J:yl] 'WOfd. (it JiI}) flAil; U tlt •

pt.faw r'gA[!a:I.g:tL~tw, .plt~.~. :gulfawJ:d A gWf'8rW ii avery loud. :l\tearty bu.gtL :*~. m Ala.rdn let o,u,r QdeJ.igh~ed guffaw. ~T*~.*~B*. " ·1iStd as a verb, .m fl.: .~ 1i:!l. ~G H~ ~fftnowJ ~nd .thumped his

friend w.rween the s/wu'der blOOes. fll***~ .• $. ·~Mj[R!i·m"''It •

gaid.:IiII!:!Ie / 19I1d!llll'~ "pdr:J!i/, 1 G~ is belp and advim. ~3Uy from ~le who are o.ld'tr ,or matt exprkll£ied thu you ~.tJ ¥ ~ i~U ~ ' •. ~ ~C(I!/l.chnplalon ~ ,alllJiI(1We for hldiwdwd gWd6~ ... ]if tt.;:k:~

m MTftfilii 3!. n+.A m ~"" We would ,lmfch rjp~";ar;e gulddmx f:roman expen i"this fl~l'd .. ,R f],·m lIt!i! ~, +.¥~'HI'HI~··· .A11 Jut OOMld ,do·MW to rq>orl 10 baseQnd aKUit ptti4:na' .'*Hflllit"Uit::l! ~ &t!lIlt.# !ItiUtrm.

PHil:, 'ii'IlI i~

PIDl, 1.iiSH) M ADYSElN·

NUNCOIJt'I'T .., 'lJ(:aJUlioo

tiC(l1J}IT ~ ~ioiIil!ll'

Ni (,,"(){ffl1' 11" ~1KOf!

t<i'C!:MJNT ~ .,iJi~gr

N'OOl!,rNT ~ ~~lfiI'

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CONl~ '" r~·r~~

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:2 G~ is alBo tlsedi ¥lhf:F1 refetFiIllg to t~ {'(!I'lIlroJUog of the C01i.Il"Se of a mmile Of I'Of"J::el, ($ • ,~ it 00 } .", M. ~, - r.he mii£s,i{e's c,uidantt systml., '" "*.", BIll "" Iit.¥.;tt •

gujd@ 19iW.i;grudl. ~ •. ~dbIg. gmi&d" m A pdde Is 1. lsomeone who show:s; planes such as cities IX mU£eums to w~ists. and woo ,expbti~ u.eU-pajl'llts of ime.rat. ~ m .1- 2 S(lmeotle whQ shows .~ d:Jcway to' 2. ptllfil:icular place, cspec~a1~y as 81. job .1Ma: olI. d.lffirul~ {I!j" d;wgcr~Hi,L"" rr,gwn, ~ ~. ,. 3, a guidebJok. .. f'j:fiHfi • 00 ~ , .. an; exhausdll)lf! gu~de to' New Ym-k City,. ···~*w~fr!lm:~HIi errNIttI. 1." a bn! 'which: g~~ you infbnn.al'ion • advi_'n:e. or jru;tru:otirnts to ~i,p yOlll door UlldmWld some[hing. •• ~.fM. lEG This book is meu,u w be' a pmc. tical guWe r.o heiJ'Jthy Ih~n~. *- -H fIj * at Jt fl J& 'j,} - *M.tJ~~fJi:.ffl~1i'. 1.5 S(l~hiQg: to<l!t qm ~ ~ to heJfYOO plan yoor adiOllS_ .",,~.q·I:It~'+ fiG The par~ mt.s C!J'~ keep in mind. ,tIS a ro.~h guide, fl 4~1:to!V' #m.ef.abie, It:ll. ~ iiJ l;l iC 4" ~*1l!J JJ,1J;t ~ Iij Ii) 1i 11': 'J~ -1'"*. MItJIIJI •

. 2 ~f)'Olili I,IIide ~ rflLmd <Ii cit.}? IJu.JSeUIIt. ere. , you, show· ~t .tQ ~hem,~~mng points of interest, !it ... .ij;.~ lEG A }t)ulIg tlt)n1I2nguideid us on. a: lour u/Of.e muse ~ ~m_ -m.~V;tdl • .f'.l'#:.TIt ••• 0 pidfd. 1f@ .~.EQ We W'l!nt on. a guide4Jo.~f a/Paris. i!ff]{E~ Ii'IJliMIIf ~ 1S.·lf.1Y;.

3 To ~ W:~. i;)f" ~~ll;hi[1gf[lc~ 3. 1 to m.<de them meve in .a. parti.rular direction, .~cially bylOOcb· ]r1g at Mlding memo !;t--· ... 8. e:a: He It>>k Julie's arm and' guided her ~hM~ .rIMdool'IWY. ~m{t*fljifJi~ •••• iIlli i:H1Ili ~ 3.2 to smw tJb.eEl me right wayoc dliredJon. .!l't ••• ~ ~I :II., ( it 'Ji [!i] ). ~GI Men cr~ng .~he OCCDIl wrmid use. the starst,o' guide .~h.em , . so thai they lrolJ.id net be .fesl. ,.~i:t.MAit'&1f,ftmm.~ n;m';l1~. a:tf ft.iIl at::t= ~«~)If!ill T •

4IrYO!lll.gukk:~e. 4.1 you direct or innutn.O': their actionshi' dcd.s:iom. :II ¥:jl .••• tri.I iff :~I :f; llf! ••.• ~ ~ ,. .00, PoUtidanl wiUi~ ~,~ enii all\1!1t'.il}lf be guided by ~ngt:f rn: pu:bJic <JPi~IQn, • te jt. it .~ 1f:2 'HI'!; ~ it 00 ~ 1M • <> !;lJidib@;, m" M'. 'm T1w: gt#d'~ng prindple of aU'!

family ~J CatMJicMI?1. ~.:l::.,ItJl.tl1'-j[.Mm¥ It Q:J. -4. 2 VOl! help tbem learn 8Ome1:hing by teamirng them o[~bmYing them 'how to do it .. riI1.@.. lEG Dr ~lra enjoyedgu.iding .mf' through rife infin.itemtiety of Indian. :warllcwt&m. **G:PIi·±tJ iIi;Wi. ~ a -r .. ~ [l ~~$fi:~JH§ •

!5 A guide is also. in British English, a gir] guide. [?J!!:]Y:" • T~DI~.

wD*·bIook /!gillldlookI1;a:ldibllk/. gukle1rlooks, abo speUed W]dli ahWhru1 .amOO! at; one wood .£f'~ .tntil~ -t} ~. AIJIidClbook is a OOnkwhith gives in[orl't.La:tWn fOCl:OUrWS'lS about a town. a:cea" or aJUI'lliITy.i'il tNt M" 00, Tkegurd~ teUs Uif elmt lids ./.1 the ,!~t C4t~Tal .i.nFrmu:e - .. frY ni: • ~iIf I!, fill, it:l: ~ Iil. *" M :J::I: •

....vt..d -......::.~ ~ ..,..~I~ A· ....... ,.IAa.ft .,...,...1'1t... is ;a ~i!s;.

lY~ .• ~~ 5~,·~Ki:Ii! ' i5~.u~ .. - ' "

siJ~ w~ OO!i.!CSe om. be oootm'OU~ while iii. is in dle _" ~il~ijlM •

gJlide ,*w:" guide .,..., ~ also spelled wjm a bypht:»- tIo ijJ :Ill ill ~.t}. A gukk. dog is a dog ~t has 00e1) tr.uned ~~. .bd a bJind person. ~ [ -9. B A. M l!I!I! = Ji.1ff ~ +

guide~ lme /'g;!i!di lai!~1 ~g<Udj]ou.nl .~- Apidebe is a pieCe of official advice abom how ~ do s()mt'tt.~Dg, m· $I 1i .~ ~ Btl "l1u! gm .. f!r~m: pay guicklines iml:o!e! 1}f'i('Jcvai j]' gods:end w indw:t,.y .. " 8:.rtf lilI"Lf. ft;jfi ~ 1.rft:ij' r!'Lt..*ijUIii!!.lttl.#Qg.~.· .. " .. piddj~/or ,the oo~urol oJ drJtgS fill publicpiaCle$. "'ff 1NtJli M. 31~ ~ Hi ijo,~"J.

gJlikl/gkhgJ!Id/, ~. AfIlIUd 1s ~ar;Fiza,tiall ofpeopit woo do the same Job •. 11;»' wll£) ba'!l'e the same inlttn,-sls. 11iil1!!l7} ~ ~. fi ~ i tlJ. .. ~. eGo Jbelong loa fJUild of wint' bu~iers. '" a: II 1" .~ " Mi iJ:l: ;Jl(J1 M t~ ~ ik ~ it!... ,-ToWI'UIWme.r:t 'j,Oullds, •.• it * ~ w..~ .

gun._ igkh;,~ \gI!oo.} , ~. A pilltkTi:s a: unit of .mom::y II:-hat is used i;n ·theNe~I~- tJIi tt. 6 ( 00 ~ ~ 'it fflle,·tv.

guiW.1IaI1 fl91Jdlhod~ \gtld/b~lj • gJ.dIdhall$, A gtlildhalil is a building Il!tar lIB; ·o::.Illrc of a ~o~ or city wbere membe-lS of a gulld ~ to mtm:. U~hll:.~~}~ ••

·gMIte !,~I~g.u!! is dlt; qY<l!~:ity of ooing \!cry ,ournming and goodOlJt deoeill]n,g people~ iI. formai or ~itt:ury wont, LiE A~" ] iLt it- • a·fI. m lh .~{1 tn4n. withou1guUe. .f!l j;--t"JI}...

gmlf;.lm } !"g;uUu. I "g.adb$/" So:mrofit: who is ~ 00- ha\l'Oi. operilyanrl truthfiI.J~l.y and dots· oot. try to decdil'e people i a fait.l)! Gxtnal W(ltd - [l1 .. Jt J ::t: m ii= IlJ I Jt .jf 00 •

NCOOINT .g. I*llier


Lf" r.REf' "t:HE.I'<i ~


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N C(I!IJNi'f, tJSilJ 'f[.

Ni'rotIl'€', ALsO I~N~ AFIEFI.N 1lIi~Rl;iQti

N 0!JllJ'>!T, 1I:iit;i iii /NlUM<. N

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.:. i!Lr1i!c85


guiI.1\ri.o IiDe /grbj,ti:l!li 'gil~ ... dh! ,pU~IiotiDl'lS, pillolm:ing. pdlLotiiJIied_l AguilllotLne is l,t <i! device us«! toex:eCyte p$Opl~ .tS~ciaUy ~riFtalflct; [I] tht: .pa!>L A sharp b~ wa';. raised up 00 a f~ and droppro aarto !he ~J'san s ~cl!., .Hi: il". lEG Nm .rna.ny P-r>t!ruW~~e a.re in la~ m-,ur(Jj u.s!ngtilot guiUoane. 1!I::.fi $1<'~~),,'1' S;~ffllf ';'k ~. 0 1- 2 a device used fot'" (utti~ and. trimm:ing paper, 1l.IiUJit. •

210 gwiUi)t1iDe someonemeans to kiij~hem usmg a gu.illb-

tine. HlIi:slk~ Jt!tt~(.)\). leG! Fany ,propie ~efiUilJorineJ thnt day, m.~~14o-1-A.m_tTIF~f:?

piU fgdll,grlt! is ~ an Wlihappy ftdifllg trulll:Yoo move becaese you thim.. tihut yaJ haw OO~ so.rncth:ing ~. or tha~ you h ..... e failed to do soIIlClh~ which. yo~ slmuld have d01re. :i ~:!!I = ~;lJ £i:.. lffi 1 had. agonizing jaHnp ,f)f sJw:meaoo gullI, ". • m .. tt. fII ~ ~ jilij :/'11:1 • .1''' 3" •.• Many poople sm! letl a .JeItse of ~il.L . , W~A ~'''-t~ ilJ .P3~ •• , The chtldr.en, ,tilt) ~ /6i!:! emit about ~~fic;es the.ir mtJlhets (R' fat~$. m:ab, ~ j;: ~ ji: it II: .'lI1~ It_ll Jf:;r:;diilJ:~t(.

2 tEle fact tk!.rl you have done ~trullg .wrong. Q[" I~vt: fatiledlO do SlOmeth~ng you should ha\i'edone. or ]ll!lJvt: broken al~w~ Jlrtl! ~ ,. fi"d:[.;Ii;;. EG He' ,!Zt las~ ~ a public .admisskm of #tis gutl!. fl!!,~ r~fF:iJ:;IJ, T l~ E; 1(i«JI tII!.i1.

.3 (~ibll:it)' fOr driing ~hlll.gwrol1,g or fa~ling w do OOmedliing which ytlU !ihoulld have done. 011' [1OlJ" mvting broken a liaw. ~Jf .•. ~ The guill .~ IJtlr~~lmUd 10 l;he aeaaattachi"._ .... :f3'f~lmeff.OO(f •• m··· 1ft cave no· acktWwled,8t!~t oj his por'iQn.of pilt for the squandeF.j~ of u~, &::F~il ~ alI •• A"*11iif M.m~Jt.

j;uJltoootpk.x. pUt ~fi'S. AguiJt ~ . .is a fte:JI.ing ofgmh tlw;~ :someone has wbkh tlley ~t geil:. rid of, .alldwh~ch lIIlaJy Ir;venrlillally kad to mental illitlm. m8. ft~ .

guilt.k:ss ! I9Ihm~ 'gddlS/ .Wf someoee iis :~. they hiilve not oOoit 3!nyl:hi'ng ~ or have oot. Wile Si ~ti6 CWaTWI'Ol1g thiJl!tg_ 5t Wi '9 • jf;.~. EG Nor~tegollf'Fnmimts gutl.,it%JS in; this matter. J[l'r~iU.t IN Hit fit" _t &:# ~~&liM,iI.

piU .. rid(J.en. If a person isguiLt-rldden • they fed v~y guj] ~y albo1Jt ~lh~:ng. ~ 1Jh l§i ~I~ •

guiU·yJ'g:IIJ;'glltl!, gmJ .... &Ul11est- ~ Ifyoo feel pitty. 11'00 Fed rumlapp)' be~ you tbi:u ~l you. have done SQ~t.fuii!'!g ~ ,or ha:\ffl !failed too do iSQrnrthmg w~'n1ich yClll s.houid have done- tf.:I:.fil¥a1I ~A[f!:{~. E.G They Joti guilty a.bow~ secin:g iter $0 Uttle. flf];:.'%;fI1r*: .. lIiii. :re.l~'f!\~ I"" used Qrbehavioot Drl. expresm, .mr.jlJft~ fi1iJfIii~tI.oo . ,.(J piEty grin .. ···fl~OOII1l.-~ .• O gmMy, ~I fS;;f!t.. OOi MaMlelne mowd and Ida jumped • guUllly" 'Qh., t"m smry if I ~ )UU. I tried to be qUlrt,!i! •• ~ T - r .. >t il!i ~ fli'::" ~ 11' =r _ T iii * . "1M .~JJSltre~lr. 1". ft*;m,~ ~ "ttl ...

2 GoiIIty is lM!d of allildioo or fOlielIDat .you fee'! guihy abou~ .• il;IB!]. OOi, •. ~. gun,}, secret ., ... ···V-5M'.'@f"··

_.... ,.,J., -.n!:5i ••• - ,."...",,.,.- .

. , , gUh~y l"~. - -, '!II" ~ I.l" Mo. ~ •

3 rnr ;w have a ptIJ ~, you, fE:el~ly .ahout nredi:in:g d_ ~ ,!:m~.~ Ol'.rlOf: clem. ~~. ~ ,SOme children gt'ta guUt, C(.'!Jt$cleflU ~.bou' ooriea/~n8' enough I,~ru - ;ft' GItT~1il'=!1Ji.:J:tt·1\.RT iJiii.lIJ ~fX,. 4 If ~ ill pJlty" .t. 1 lfuey are officially Sibt«ll to have oommi,uedi a crl!~ Of' olJenJ::e. :Je If: ~J J ;ft" ~ 00. 00 Mt, WoodS petukdguilly tl,J camil1g crimiMI tMmcr.~ ~d his ~fe~ts:o home .. , m a 1e:t"_ mil 1£ 5t -BJ' it m l' :IfIl 111 &: ~ -" .••• He ~ /mlnd ,guil ~'}'I of pw;sJng on $SCm' papers wa forei8!~ /IOiWr. .. .ftI!.!M. ~ m·;f$ liD M sm:fil m.mm:t-K-.··· 1'1M·guUty.panyr~ld elm,.,}' haw lO ~y aU the cos.:s, :m.IJ~I_1:i JI~&XH~i5fi~ •. 41.:2 l~my ha.vc: done 5omem.og wrong 'OJ" fa1kd to do ~meth~ng whicb t~e:yslJoWdl .. h!:I.v.e .oo:r.e. if it ~ 00. m

u~ 'r. ·,1· • .... • • .. A,~~_. t.I., ~u·"·

flt:" m7.'l gir.Udy oJ an ,~~lanl mIS'}~ • ..,.."".,. m ..... ~ J

.kHIfi~ ~M.JilU'··· '1'1u!ir ].M'TelitS' (IN? guilty qJ sros~ neglect. abuse. and cruelty'. M.'1r3 ~ :1t Ii m 1i .". .~., Jlff;f41 •• M:lJt~ •

guin.·ea ! i!JnI., "giro!. ~. A:gttIDea lis an. oJd B:rHish unit of IDoIle)' ~l was· wonh 2] smUitQgs" Guinus .~re strnliwmeti:ml:S used, foreKla!f!ilpk [f:! .au.ctiorn:. R. Ii!!! (J!i: !:!!I lEI ~ iji ~ (i. at 21 ~ <t- • 8!i:ft et Hi nA!Ht ~ i'l!J~n • lOG She gra.ciol.tsly iumded' me a cheQ!l£lor hM:l' guin:taJ' .• tJ8 Jfl it ,i'GH'!:- ~ .2 .Jl M,li!II(! 7.: ~ •

~~ flow. .~ a~so spelJed widfl a hyphen. m> iPijf :tnli Jilt ~ ~ • fliLinea fUw~ is OOth the !iinglliar omd' the pi~ fonn.!fI: 1l.1t~~. A piDl'a r!llWl is a .Iarge ~ey Afric;m bird- (mt

11+0 fI·~

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N ~!lN!JO\INli ~ bl~

NCiO'Vl'IT rt"rreoo.';II~iillm

.wi QU ... UT, IF~'P~~ ~buv~. . ~+:~T:CI • ~~

<> ItfR An'T.8 VII .. ~f


ADJ CLA~S]f.', Iii' 'I- ['REi'-mm.l "'lIt.:>

Am ClASSIF, IF + l'Rm>1lmli! o{fw

¢ b1~ .. ,. 'iri~ru

~ OJU'NT I US1J iI. !MUM. If

r~~jtlOOH'L~ •

• ~ pili .• · ~ pjp ~ ~~pelJedwilit!h. a hyphen. 1Jiliif .m:il~-tJ. A ~ * ~ .~ a! ~i. &wry atU~ with<i!ut .NcotiINIir

a lI:.ail. Guinea pigs are' ofb::!"! ~~l as pets. 511 ~ j;; M ... ~. an animal '01' pct'3O£I dUJt .is ·~.in .~. ex;perlime. QI" ~, tIt~.~wlJrW.'J·j;·.M.l~JA,~B.i. E.GI I'm uJ1tig the $ilCOnd yt!41' ,!1$ CU1mM' pigs lOr I'ny iI1IeW JOjXlnest.poeI.ry oourse. 'ft1!E~UiiZ;jJt::::.*.*~,.f!.tlTn.l~ a *~"niJl~

:guise I 'PIZ~ garz/. .~. A guise. iis_ ou~W3fiiappear- I'!I COIJm"+ i>UIl'i' aDOLO or form wl:dch ~ :so~thing seeen new. diffeT-

C;n]Jt:, or attraGti'!o'e. especiiaUy <iI1l -'ilppearaoce wh~c:h .isilll-

H::mkd todeceive p:::opie_ (.11': * iii A ~ HHt; , ,.~ .. d1J ¥ .

EOi They wiU jOl'm new poU,JiCQ1~Uplngs, ()f old ,~

in rtew8tiises .. , 1m ffJ:ff illllt iii ~, ~ fft .. Ij, ~ :# f.! :II Mi

id.l!iINHIi!B ... This p/OYMR tmu all sons oj seem-

ingly #macent guises ... ;gf!tr.":i:H;.b~m'3f11' • .t *w

~ £ W" ~ [fJ ¥ .,. Pro~'nda ts served (JUt to us in the

guise .0J information ., - D: frt tt tI::::(£ fi1l B. ft(} III =f "f}j:l:. fli

ti!m··· A larof~fe MiS ,kllked. ,under the guise

c/phil.QWphy, tttt~~.TTm7~*Jllf1li. -

gu.i4ar /gi "1.'CIi: I ga't,ocl. guitan" A pair.. is ill musical In" NOO'UNT strument tha. 1..0; made of~ and!llSuaily n.as. :six: string,s_

You ~y the g;u:itu by p~~g or s,t1"umming the

strings, ~ fiE! T:.~' ~. 00 Do you pllJ}J the guitar'! .. , itt

~,~ W _~? .... . .. pitar Jlt1I.M'ic. ... t§ \1lI!if * .

QUi.'U!r·tst !1J~kl:i!St.1 gr\~m-Jst/, glIi'l:arists_ A guitarist is !'\IOOUM

SDIT1It:OI'Je who pilays the ~~W", .Ji; ~ Hl: ~ A .j i1f fm=r ~ Il' ~~n

pcb IQI\h(.ig1l.1tJI , ~_ A :~dI is a kmg ruu"I'OW val- N'O(lUlNT, AUO

,'-, 'th '.des -,. has 1'.__ _. [IN ~

.... , WI. S~p!iJ· .. whtid! __ .· ~~ :rnade by 3 sereasn ~ .,,"'''''

I1bwing~hmugb ih~ jll! AMeri!!.'rul ~is.h. [~](m-:ll\lll; M:A·;I..t!i)~:tt. m •.. the GMU' GuJch, .•. *~@.

plr Ig,\[f; gtJf/. !IIll's, 1 A~f is I. 11 .<U"!. importaf'lt or- NOQ(Jl'IT,

s~tl(4Wt diffC1'e1Kie ooh'o'ttn two propie:. ~binw. or :1~!!,TIffiN groups, Ei. -* fj:G ft!1 " ~'. !E.G, •• theMt.i:df\'li~~,'f oo~ z IPP

tween ,the leaders of the party and the O1'd~nar"l ntem~

beTS: -.. • •• :1l M ~.\!) A :m. il1t -Z Iii] EI i¥ :!Jl ~ BIJIIII J'tJ, .••.•

ThI! gulf birhreen thecKlturta !INS' 1:00 ,gT~f to be etm~

ly bt.idged - .. tt ~ 1+ X f;t L i\i] all M ~';{fI. *- . ~ S j'g ii ...

t~ -bUS' a gull oj I,M .wa~ belw~m 1tim tmd his

ya~ngar ;sj$,ter. ,*:fIJM .• A~P!l.**I!:m+~· .1.2 ;<I. ].~ N 00l,lINT,

:-~,o~S:o~~.~;;:~~j~f~J;=':.~S:::~Ung f:lN ~_M!3

2 The GUIlt is w.ed to refer ro ~. Fi::rs.ial'.! Gulf.aMII the N!'ROI'EII. ~,;, 1'1 oountria.uo~ lL i!t •• (..mh .... [IK{~[~~n. ro ill ~~jq:nJ

... t~oU of Saudi Aramaand thearll/. ' .• •• tt~ P1~ f~2iU'Mllla:fl'iijjl··· .. , t#WOul! S,UlteJ. ···.m ••

l§' ••• ~ {;llIJ", 1i1j(.

Gulf Stram. The Cialf ,Stram is ,a warm. ~ ;twT~t .M~, ~*:" N whi(:h H[I'WS from the Guilf of M.ex.iro,ab1g the OOll.lIh-

,cast coast: of t~ Un~ted S~l~, and !lOO'th·'e&';tw.anb iIrl

t.he Atb.i!Jt:ic. ~!l. • iN IJ~IW.

Pll /9Ahgnru/. guI1s. A gul~ i!l Oli [a:irJy ]iliI"ge bilrd whkh ~ roUf'{li le while and grey' Of" bJladc: feather:s.ami w]IDidb Jives, ~M .., =pll the sea.. TIleFlll3f'e se~aIII .Idnds of ~.. (_) '" •

pd·.ret /'g.'!.!~h IgtJ~t/. ~. A. ~'~ ,0( animal's gui- NrotJ'il<IT

. . L- . .= _'h.B,1Ni!

f.e't .is the tUUl; which ~ fromtheirmoolb to meilr siom·

I}ebi, if iI.

guMey 1'9'\1:1 * ~gAh/, ,ID., ~.

pi .. Jj .. hie J 1f1lJ;Jhl; \g..o.k!biJ. Someone woo .is guUibk i~ Am QUAU-.r easUy trick.ed b:~ d:tcy M't too trw:t~ng. :Qm'~~!1 a ;.. :';

:It Ii I'f(JI. EGii .At OWl eat.'y age :slw hm1 been gtt..1U,~.e .ami

int()ltie. H tift 1> :t'!J! lJlI9l!Jt _, :at!:~. ii:@ f!lJ ,A ~ jf "1 • 0 0 iii UNCOI)P!i1'

gull- U· bU.I.1ty /I~1;;!1btl!au J (g .... I~'b'lati/. N'S i Il!lll ~ Ie;; '" ~~'f

The upmt thmlJMS anintUit$li'ltg lign: GW th:eguJUbiH·

tyo! some Wes t. ern politicians. .: III m ~ Wof' ¥ ~ rni 1f1t

M*~WB~.~~ •• T-~*."m~.

~.Iy ; IgrJl,"gAb/. gulUes; iJ.FM-.w ~" ~o A gully NO«JNT

i., a I1mg [l3Vrowvalky whb 5iteep sJides. ;)l,IWHi,.. lEG •• , .~' _'~!M

huty ri~ and d«p-sid£dgullies. ···;G:;f*;:fi:4lUJd .. WfJi

• .,9':J;J>lI!t§.

gulp igA]p; gA]pl. guJpl. !gulpill8. plJped.l Ifyoo gp1p v ... 0 S!f,lm.ed~hlg. ynuea( or ,drink it very fast O,¥ sw:a!Ibwirug .~ ~ large qU<llilitl~:ies arit at OO.re, * r:Ut!!,ll~.J~tt) ~. ff.l! ill.

~, The lhirst y Freochmangul pr 4 hastymi.Jhhake" _ "

• 0 m, at~~I~j;_A:$0.ttfit.@limtt-ttili}1:.··· .A.t panlf'S t~ywoJfed yo~r ca'~pUand 8.u1ped your gif!l.fJS ~ft:lrey htidn't(!(lU!ItJcr~' ~k. li: •• :&.J::..1I.frnlfBll •• r;t .tt;I~J*" rtl:.1'iJ ••• !t-.t'kf" ,.~.1J ~1-*~n~w It.


;2 A gulp is the ,a40f!>~lrowlQg ... llrge qjOOJ1~iuy ·of food or driok at ,~. ;wliillkiitt •. 100 She look,~ satisfyi", :suI, of whisky. ,. •• tt T ~ * r-J11l ± ,9;,.. He drank Mil the ronJt!RIS oJ his gial'Jl i.n one gldp. ft.-1l1t1C1F

l'l 00\JtIT ;US1.! lJ:'lE'D.Ml C 0Jl .AN A


N CQ1.!IN1', .A:~ N* cite N UJ'!,!(lOJN'F 1'!~!o;noI

- """"



3 If you "'p.yo~ swallOw air.onen lTIllIiLing ;a noise in v,OR Vf ~

your throa:[.!iS YOO do so. because }'Uti ru'(:' ~; Of e-'!- ~ .• wallinr

1 .. PiP

cited. ..;:r;;: 119:. *' ;. !I!' ill. roi,rmntie )IOU g~dp once' or

lH4'ce (l',~ tiuer IWrl'O.ll:fJ'y. . . :li ~ 3 ~ :ij' .~ till' 11m !II ~ 12 &(;*.jl*~m~.~jliu* ... °.Ho.,'/s'it ,been tping?' J

guipm. "1!:fj~ ~ z." T ?"IP!I "It' ,liiHI. " used ~ A .. N a)1.JNT

fllll.\DIiI. m ffi: ~iiiiJ. m 'Me"]' .f mid with ,(lgu/p.~ ft. ?" fi:

!!il •• ft.

4 If you gulp air ,you breaItheil'l a: I~ge art'I.OI,Iot of air v '0

qlJicl!Jy tchrough YOill' I:fIQIJth. fi;H' e'Xa:mpk when YJJ~ are

5wjmm~i'lg" *' ~ :!& @l (~ ). m If i'iS'L."i ,e'lIf!'rY now and

lh£:", to gulp ai, from (hI!! .smfa~. "2'.¥ iI't.fdii,", _t"* • jt;, IJ 1If~*iilii1:.!'t!J~",. to· ILJDI.·as a noun .. Ali1'"g~j. EO He II'NU,XJN']',AI.50 swpped at last a~ thankfully brmthOO in g.ulps ,of N~ .,f + N

--'d i~ . U~~

c;:w. . ~tlI0'UaM air. -fMJI. T' if T r * ,.lit _jAJ; '* bI :k !:J Jt!! ~

:Vi!**:1tI *~~~'~.

gWip do\wl. If youlJllp, so:metiring dowD, you CJ,uicl:ly eat ~\'-'If!'1

or dr:ink it an by swallow.iin,!$ large quouu:it[e:; of it at a v+ o~ .uw

= ..nIflilo""!1

time. re .+. ~ rl # (~lII!li) 1" , tf lit. lEG A.fterguipi'ng ,d.oWl!.

his brrokf1L!~ in ate morning. ht., hu.r-ried to ~.~. stat,iol'1 •• , lfll-l: f& ~ J:J' ~ n .f4Jl.1It ~. ii! 'I III ~tt B f! $ Mi'·· TMold rrnlfil. gulptd down his c-offee. B;t J.. re _ ".ttifff e.

:gum 19M~;gilm!,~. ~. gmtmIild. 1 Gum is

1 . b. fair.!)' soft sllbstanm .oftcffi flavoumill. which people ~ Ul\I~T chew _ n fi". E'Gi Hi! ,che'~ BUm. and ~.i'S ,aOOsket·

ball Im.t .. - .m: 0 I. tJ ~ •• ~ -:11 J;t: .. ••• "l1w woman

,rock a piece a/gum out ,of he,. nwu,h. .1' i:l1J:. h!.'II.m

,i:, ru -~ ~ •• ~1. 2 a substaaee used ~o stid; .~. piel."J':' gf ."" ~m paper W' s.ome'tbi:n.gvery light iin weigbm teo ~thi!ng 1'1 ~~'o¢ else. I'l~. ~:MJ. EG The. I~Mi!! K6S f hoiJn'~'gm the

rigM gum. so I rould.rt " ~tick it dawn properly. Iiiilll ;I;~~HnfJlJ{h~Q(J~.:MI,,'.UtS;re't;M'*. L3a Mldy N~

b.~ h~ 1l... ott L.....non;1 r. n~ili,

substance W IC']~ rn:rn,ts ~trnn tee eu~~ tree' or lfirnum

va:ri.otJlS other trees and wubs_ N If IN M .'

2 ~ f yw gum soene ..• t~;iDg: I~ some~hirlf eke, )'C.', ]J .5t~cl; I.t to '1/+0+ A sorne~hmg else, Wt-il:' .. EG f I1Otia.d J()I' the firs,t ti~ I~

false £yel,asIw ~ tOW:1IWby .se~· lumps of

~"ro' - jl;:m -?X t£ •. M m ;I\: tit M III '€; • lUi 'H: - ,. !r!i •


:3 A gum is a sweet whidt f~J:s ~ilc fnn rublJa and N(:(H.uif

Wt.1ichIlllW'lUy t;lstC$ of f:r!.1it. ,II .•• ~ 12 ••• E.G •• " a jiJ:r .. ~

.spoHy girl who giggled and .~a,pm while she l~-

te1't£d. , •• -1" - i!ll 'Jr,. ,- i!l'~ Ilt!t. ~ 'lli • it. ~ J':; W 1f#f~JrUf-*p: •

"' Your :pIIQS lLfie dx .laye~ of fil!:m, .pjuk ncs~insi.de your N OOlllKll', ITI(]Uth., aoo,,",!;: ,l;Il.Ir 'IDp~h .;md. be.1Qw YOI.II' rotwm ~u II'L t~tli. wbiukb ~ dlt! ~·tbt 'your b!dh are [~ in-

ti), iIi.!;r '* 0 00. She· smi.lwi 'l!Mjddy. sho",,~ her

rooJhlw'gJims, :~ ~ J:l!X:lf' ,:. W T.~· 3f.t!f fr1i 3f Jf; • '5 !By' gum, Is .amIii ex.c.iamatioo ~. ·in .rathGt aid·, filL!lh~ Brhish Engl.ish to e:m~ze what you art saying aIm maIk yow" .lisl:eJlelf I'~ali~ mat you l\eaIJl.y mean it. (:1;: 19] ~,,~ • ~J. 00· And by gum. J,~y .• rJj SRi lO il tMt ,here is some' action . .JI·IJIi·, *_. ft§iiE ~W*.f!I! fi;i.l ~ ~

~~. 1 If you ~~!:hilucg up. you puvent ~t£fQln opening. rnovi:ng, or (l!jX!il'atillng by co'VNing it ina :s<1Lieky Siubstrultt whioh dri~hard. :Mfl. m Whm hi! .~ in lhe morning hilsf':}YS' were ,all 8U~ ,tip. fS J¥ J:. i!!!Ut;; IJi;j:' .iI'illfl:M.ffi 7. ;2 'Th pm up. the '~ meaM to !:l'J.akei~ impoosibk for fHR, 'WI

any progress tok made Of' :myt:1lliing wefWl to be ~I MI ~

jnRtrma~ ,ex.~i.on, [m J m" •••. ~G All you do

when )"fJU .. go qJ~g i;tmill ,about a.Rd' pm up the

~m ... ~~!Ii~-'fT~.*,.R9JlJ4tm~·:tl ,:#re •••

.. ~

gum.boot ;1{jAmllbu."U1 'gl!.mtbu:V, ~~ also :!lp<:Ued with a hyphe:n. ~1llr;tJa~~·.G~ :otr~I~ rl,.!~ boots wh~,ch YOUYl"CiU" to k.et:p y-uuT ~-eet dJ)' - •. iI!Ut .• pm .• dmp 1'9AmL~,\gMI1rdropl ,~_ A .~ drop b~ :lI !l .... ~t whiJ!;lhlleels liike fiml nl~r ~Dd wtes (If f~l!Jit. ,. It II ~ i'(. II .

.gum·Dlf /gAmi j \g~. '~. ~Il$'. '1 :S!:mle. thing thatil; ~ :is stidy. • ~ 000., " •• a special g-ummy ~rr-ub.<i-la~. • •• -flt~JIJ I!nA1:Jl. $ .. 2 A ~ smile or gdn sllows .tR glI!TIS of your m.otlth, • ~ .. ~. !SCi She UksJ ro 11ti~ he had' a speciaJgum· my grin 1M M.r .• &~fUd!;m,~ "-~If:!l ir:'iJ.W •. ~


~.~~ ) Ig.'Impr;;ll1~ \g.oopI;;if!! is theqwLi.ty ·of being able to (hinl: what ~t ~tJkI be se~hi:e to do in a par.tkulac SiU.!alion. and l'O 00 it,. an. :illf~ warn'_ [ftl.J:fl5!a IlJJftT 0 EG J"d M'IW' haw had the 8Um,m~ S,o do, !+ihat

EXCL,Ut" OR :!'D,~.AS ADV~

= Ib)o' IQI1y

F1'~\!lI, v +0+ AmI'. Uf;U f~ timJD~Iil:e

= C~Ll,ll

N~,\mU ~

AnI QUALI'i fI.a.dliesi'w:


NI.!lJiiCOONif ~. irl!;~~1J!iC = !ItUi, !Wiil

&it .... --.... ~~I!!!!!g1~

he ffluJ .dane, .. **~it~ ~·,n..lJJJltf- M tI ~ ~.fIitftl .it (JIJ .~.' IW '.

glImlftlf. pm '~. 11 A gwo.1lree is a eucalyptus tree. II

IU,: JtW l1JW .-

.2 .~ f you ~y that ~ is up a .1IUDiI ~. yw .mean that tlh~y ~ in a diffiwh s1t1L1a.tioo whi~ is dliffioulit 00 get DUll cff used in info.rl~Bttjlj:jsb Eng]iI;h. [~i6] Ni A 1l.!~mM ••

po /gMll g/'IJlI!. :guns .~.pmoed. 11/\ pm. is 11- 1 a weapon "",h±c.hCOf!Si~ts of a long ~taJ ®UJfue and. a OOiTJJ~ partMUlnt In wmch bul.lets 2!ffl plaood _ Tbe II:Mialle1!!i are forced out of the ~.l by means of a, !im3.U cxp[osjooomd ([y v.«y quidly mrougo the air-M' •. EG He h!!lu·a.rr~:. €lpn, .,. fB?rf.-tf:m· .. TMY have gu~ ,and wll' no,' itesit(1tt! (0 ,iIJ1'! them. ft.1'IJ8·.:fi,ft .iJijl!~.::F!t.~,f8! mE ffjl. 1-:2 a slItaU de""i~ whlch r~ ~ike a gun and wh.idi w t!:SOO to mal:e a g:ooll!l!O 1000 !lQi'1e asa &ignal to start a rr~ _ .!: +*i. EG The g~n ~t:Jd&j a,rui ,rhe .rate begtJn" 211: 1'- * -" ifIl ••• :JF ttl. l. 3 a device w.rudl you nu wi.~h a: :5!lJbst,ana: such as potilf!i~ Qf ~ <mdI wbicll! IOrreslbe :substance OUI vern')' q:tJ±chly I.J.!l"Kb pl't."5.'luce.. MH 0 00 ... Q ,lUll' gu~ .. , .. iiJftM.

.2 [f )IOU .~ an engi~ oe aJ veai.~. you ~it ~artot:' go fas1tt byp.r~in.g lliI ll1~a.Ctt!~ratoc ~a:l1 used ~n A.rrret.~can. English. E tI!] re ".~ i!:8 *1 ~ ···m j;:_. n i ~ . .. m iii. 1100 J"WIowhi,te--helme!&:io{fia.rs gunJU'd their t':~i~ ,in,tQ Uf(!.. ". i'If 1l[ •• tl ~ 5'.. IPS •• - iF f m ~ I • jt·iiJ.I: =* T··· I:k 8U~ the plan:e. down the ,",n~ way .18 iQ. M,iI.!i 1i tIt:bll * ~I n,

.3 Jf you jlptp Mie pg.. you do somedUDg b¢fwe everyone ~~ or rot:fi.)n! Ilhe proper OF ri:p.t time, an ill1farmail ex· pr~ioo_ [~]JlJil.fi~. 50 N~papers oo.r& at htJm,e. and abr:ood btpn 1.(, jump the gwi amJ utl.1{ aoo.td im-

peachment" Jil·~M-~N .• 7fJ£t~~· . .tII;iil:leii:.$JIiilM.

4 If YOl,lrltkk to ~r ;gtm:S. )i'OY oomi~ue to have your own .m~~1.Ide or QPiru.iIi)n aboYt iI'Q!tletWng even tihoogltl Qth~ I:!!r peIDpk a..rn trying ~o inn~fiot you '01' ~d!1 you that you are Wffiilg,D. inf~ exp~- [11 J~m !§II i3. ® SLfii (i\l: .. ~)o EG Poopk whcr:eally Im'n t,(JIotIQrd$ ~uJetness sJwutd stick to thei,' guns m1d mi2 their c1r.itdu.n, that

mIY" • lfM r'liff P;.,~ * Iirll A Ii :¥; *' m E'. t(J .. AK * III i4 :itln.'t ... ~ e.m~T.

5 • to spibsomeooe's. ~: .l!" spib. co ~!I!. airpa. lI'IBl'iIiDe-gWl., ~, d-DlHdtIn£ guo.

IUD ~ If you gOa SOIlleOJlr ~,~u shoot tbern ard tl1Jmc tlx:m severely or kiM. them, :Jf:f'€!: n t)j ( .it ffM: J. gUn Iur., ~r~· is RJmnJng tor· }W~. they an; try~flg to filnadi a: way to i~ }'Ql1 ,or 'Ca.tDC }'Olil. ~if01JMc, all .lnfo.r:mal el(~iot:l, [m J 1'1 miff_ ( ~ tIi:. •• , I!MII" iii). 001 ldo not woish 1.0 M:~' haJJ at; ~.rm y gun~ng· for me .:fI!;t: '* :I!. ~ ~.I:j~.fi.~ '* A ~ tf!. WiW« •

guo .• ·boat / 19;.'lI1~booI: j\.g1illJbiJt/. puboaU. A pboat ~ a

!iimall shipw\h:tch hiM several nrut'ge ~U:1lS fil«d Oli ilL, ':IIi! I IM1il: ••

~. dog 1'9flnid~1 "gAn/d~, pndop, A~. li5a dOg dw.t ru.s ~f! trainoo w workWiith l'II hilLlnttr l1[" pmtke~· er; es~ly to find and .eMf}' back birds Of' a~ that ha!y;e heen sOOt., m~.

gml"'Ut j!gMfaIt; ~gAn[a[t!. ~~. A ~gbt is a f~~~~belWttnpoople minggum, :It; /I.. ~ ~rlI .. Ogunft&fr~ It ~ •

1JQ1' rife I ~9AD1 fa:J~: '~fa:Jir / fs the ~ sl:oooting ·of gums. ~cian'Y in <II. ba:£t~e, _.* ~ iii ill:. m He. M1Qs praised t(iT his :8Jl!Ua~lry ~~ ~nfiffe ·fB ml.;k"f·~ ~ JH!UJil, fIij~ iUl$i •

PI¥·/gMW:5*~ .r.s Ji soft or sticky ~Cifoom.et~IfigJ ~ in infoIm,dHrirtrisb Eng.IWl. [~ftt] Wift4il.Ufi:. EG It'8 soU .' -'. in~'Q a JOn of broW/il gwtge. 11!£~.~ ~-M. 1.....· -

.g;IIIIg. bo j'S4grhau; \~;Al);'ho! ~ tf..ffi paog-bo • .If you ~y dUll SOiJ~ is 1PIDI!I.IIo,YOIJi I:llear:I t]nat they a:reernhmi." ~i\'~~ qr ~ to' do ~~~t!lg, fu.texampk t.o fight if,! a batl!.~e. [fi ]~'iJ.I&!I ~.e:1l M.

gun.~1IBIi II~I "gMl/~!'I/. ~_ A .pn1IIID.is samecme wlw ·mes <Ii gun t'O cornrnlit a cd.me: such as mUird.tw. & ro-bb:ry .~. ~ Ii f.f&,.. ~ !ffi Hts ~ shot in the heml' bya gulWltltt: JI'f»"n a pa.ui.ngC(lJ". fI. lit·. a n!rf\ if; J:B<J-S tt'fmlf! 7 j.B.

gun.met·a:! I'g/!.J'l.~t1~ 'gM!imaV is a dackgr-cy metal wrudt .is n:wle of ~.r mixrtl with t~n MJd zinc. fi" (. ,_." tlJ '* .i:). lEG ••• OI1£gn;y gimJ1letal ,.ik l~mp. ···~.JI,@!Ji!J.:.arr ~

gmt.oer I~ogt.na!.\g~(. gwHIIIl'Jli,_ A :pIIIDI!I'is !Om~



= ~,y.~

N 001JNT ,'LJSIJ tIoo!:4 N

= ~r;g.plm

II'rut,\i'B ~ f"Iloc~me

l!'HR, V.II. ~~'1li ~·~IX""""" = stand r~

PH~'IIiI, """O .... ADY

~VB, V'" J'RIll' •. ~; PASS

!<II ,C!JDUN[' fI~'


ONOOUNT N UNC01.:J:Nr1' =' fin:·

NU~ Il'~= .• P

N"OOrn.rr ~~

N UNC'OI:JNf flallBy


who is tra:im:d! to maill1ta1n,md ~ g:LIlIlS. espcciailly large gun,';;,DI!1 ;g army. rutvy. or air- 1Or«, M.,,"~

:gm;I"De!i" Y ;i~1 ~ "gA_IlaI"~1 .~ the ~oclmiq!ll.e of Hr1ng large guns. :j@ *. 00, ••• r7 gu.rmvjloifi,Cf!r. ' •• :is ib .Mj M! ® ~ G.

gm.lJIli)i:gf II~jlU"l!poIntl'gAOtp3!nt i . U~ does sometltillg to yo 111 atpPOkll. they are mre.atenwng to 81lmot ~' ,ktH ~ !fyo:~: aQ OOf obey ~h¢m- .tE"* P.'dii"l~.81

He held the ~hree~n at gunpoinr . filM :!f;. tI ~ .. ,. ~


[p. pow.der- ! 1W>1i~pau;b1 \.!f..';JlI",paOO.,.; is an ~:qllosi\l't N ll1NiCOUNiT subGtance wj)i:cliIi!; used especially to maJ,e Jjreworks,

Gunp:'Jwder is made f:r<:l.lil a mJxVl.W'e of potass.iurn ni tra!:e·

and othN sebstanees. ,!Jli:: ~ e,

gmt'"1i"1IIIIIn'. gmFl'1iIlIIlIIli". A IflIIl'"nIIlJlI.'it" is oomro.t1.C woo N ~

takes or sends ~ .i[lto 3J (lOOntry' Sl:CI'!::dy and ilJcgal~y, ~ ~r

e-speci~Uy so t.hait tilt.: guru om IiJe .~ by pecpl~ .~. are

~ to the.ir gove.rrunelili1, ~:li~*~.

[gun-111IlIIing itS the <lCl:iv:ity ofl.:alking' 001' sending gum. into a N IJNCOI,)J~'

1 ~-_j ·-~.......,,·I~ ~. ~~

COIl!l1l!!:ry secret Y dl.UY d~ .... ~!y. *.* itll-,.,

~. sht I ~ gMl-1§iOt [ 'gA!!1~Jat/. ~. 1 CIIftSboI is Wibd N lIlIIC01fNT

to refe.r~o bullas that ~. flired fro:m a gun, ff,~ ~ I!: ••

m The howe H,\W ~ppered w,1,th gumltnt - - - fit. Pi Ii.

fiilltlfH •• § ~ k.·.. He. ditdof gunshot MOUndS. t1;

n:-fMin •

2: A ~ is tfue' firing of a gull or the so~ of a gw1I N courml." bei:mg .fitn!d_ •• !It dr • .f@; :18 1I!i., PIG They .~.rd the ~~ndsof .!JW1rko~g. M. n~ fI.J TltdM~.

:3 If }"mI are 0lIl: ,of ~. 'jroiul .~ bcyood tile maxi,· 1"H.1i., usm AS

musn d1is1ranlCt ail: whicba OOl.1el rued frott! a. .gJlII.Il! ~ hit AN A

you. tlE'lt l!i! Z * e, If you sre wiIbin. guJlSbot.YOI1i owe

Mlhill the mssdruum di.9~ at """hid a bwlct fl!l'e<iI

From. a gun can hii~ you. a ti @z F'3i. EQ, We N.iIi hard

until .M.¥." ~reO#I ojggnsiro.c ft m. ierJtll. ill .11 JlIIi!I tfj,

!lUI z!lL . - . - -

pn.mlillb IlgAll'lI~II.\gMltsrmev. I.JB5IEIIdIs,. A pIlmliJtb NOOUNT ~ p!''-ill someone who mai'iEs .md ~ gum_ ~.I A; ••

m: 0 - -

gop. P1 (r.~ t \gAp.!/. ~_ A guppy is a ;sma]]. til CQ!JNT brightly. col:DUI'llCI tropI.a.I fllih, Poopk sometimes lecp

gJUppjes i:I1JI. aq~i~ms. fIAlllilftI.(-:M.~M-e~'~~

,1Ji\1I .'*,W r *i~U.ln.

~'.!;1e I'M'\~!/. ~. gtItgImg .• ~. 11 When v water ~. ~l ~ II ripp]i:ng. bubboog sound.~d.ally botr,;:ai1l8l!': .ilt is Dc!( floowirlg srnr.oilily. ('*) •• i'iHiltp ff-iEil!3~. ~G We S:t(lrwi imolhe' gJoomyc.-radc where ~!," g-u.rg/,ed bef~n. .rhe ,ocks .. - a1'll.lI.~.IJlIIllR

r-I ~[Jij .,IPJ'!f fl. *,;ft: :t 6 fi!] ~.!FI fj: 1M' ... TIM .~.w:s ..rwepr wck wish a gurgU:ng. ,r,uck~ng WUrM. at m 1J:. I'll ta fa ~'

Rt 1m; ji; M Ja' JI *' .. ., IE.tld a'S .ill OOIlm,_ H W fi .!iiJ.. lEG .l'Mw '" ~ >CoUNT

.ami then K\!i' fwlrd a gurgk tiJf lmter. ft fl1;:;:r;: fIo1' fi BJ iB tEl


:2 When someone gIUj.es, they matte ... bubbl.mg sound jo. vOll v,~ ~

thdr tl~roatW~1efl tbey are bl'l~thlng OF taJJ:~ng. esp;cial~

Iy because ~Mre .iii liquild ~n d'a.eit tN-oat. 2i II!I~ 111. 00, KicJdngandgurs/jng. his liute brol.M,. 1.~loIp ai

him. fI1.® ~J,,~Mo~Jb •• M1t31§ ~ ~. - M.!.M~ ~ *.~+

.. ~ as a Mun, mfF~ ia:I~ EO • , • gurgil!5 ,ofpJtll$Urt;'., .. H (;OON'T

· .. ·.«ff~.~jfI.

gil' ru II~:. 1~:: \guru!. gums. A gwu iI.i: 1 a reLigillw; N OOU.NT ard ~rit1!!!aJ ~ MKI teaciJel'. especi.dly ~!:l Hinduism,

ct m~ !lINi,! ~tlM.IiI; ~U!tifU' •.

2 an adviser Olr iIn~dJ~ctuaJI ~ of iI p!J"1loOO. ,OF group of " COUNT people. If":«- * e YiP. fa She has ~, .tM pru 0:1 .. '1OOIAoJ mamy (l .~ern motherr~tF~. :III! El. $,1J·iff j: .tt* *-RJ ;j.i~m~#~

_ ! nAJ ~ gAJ I. phn I gpsNng. gmIJed. W When Liquid ..... A

OT" ~ run

or ga!I gm~ out Or ~ng.it .~ ~'i!very ql.li.olIy '" [kl!;IdI

.mdl in lMf!:c q~titi.e:s. I. Ill, ~ Mil !l!i. ro Blood ~

{rom ,_ ~nds.... J'[}).. Ii IJ iii II:I '* ... Th.ars ~r:e

gushins I~om her ,dwtd' C}l1SQtlddawn hu cheeks. 1A

tr! II ffl~::«" 4- m *- 11. ifij m .... 6: •• r *.

2: If S()~ gl:l5bes. t~y 'CK.press ~admi.ra4:ion. VOl! v .. ~

• "", ... ~,.....N. ~~~~....,.;I ..... _ ...... ~_ 11 _tJI!~~

~. or-~!.Ue!1l S\lU!, at!;! ~ .... _",,,,! way !.n",,'~ Olil!:'!;l'

peopk thilIDk, tiltty arc oot slnttft_ift m ~M*~ I;C!~ ijt 511 ~ 00 • .4man.dti r' .he gumcd, • How good 1(1 sec .~ .in .t"pj·.iiH "1!;~lfW~IUUt.. '" X. W,1jt;.";1

;:t. ji; *" Y 0" -0 p5bq, ;it~ijIJ II it ~I fiS m .+ • I~. Ell 0 AnI' QUAUT

, .. a large gushing lemaJ4! - , .. -1i'" jid .• .:F if!! ~ "* J#!: ~ fr:: .. d:~

A. ,

3, A·~ of ~ iqUJidor gas. 1:;0 a iooden. rapid flow.of h, Qlf N Slt«i WlTIill.

iI. quantity of ~tlhat suddlenly [bwsom;, •• ! III ,W '" EG ~;"; ~

... a litlle g«$ho/ blood. . .. ~/'" JR .• .IIl..o


4 it. gl!!!!1! or p~·ea\iu~. endl'~ia .. m, I;Qf!J~~!(lIf]j.ct~ .. is: Oil Nj i!l!\NG' YfI'1i'f

,\)~fl {II~lbursl ofspeeeh 'Of ef!l(lti@. .111 M i! J; ( ~ ~ ~rr:~~ ffUill>

~~.) ddm;rr;t!jJ~". roE:Use {fJ;iled 1.0 rltStrobz ',_

Mr.~ 1ToJu.r'so! pI~" JJifJV1 !5tog:!lIf!t:~Jl'

tIf j;:;tf;:: .,r., . ttl a 2( •

~. set. igASlt :\gJiISlV. ~. A'~ isa small strip OF 1'1 <COUNT

tr]a. of doth S<tWIiI mtoa. !fMil:llrllf w .~ if wider. .~ ,=r1 :!'.tI1onger. (1[' more ,oorn.fortabh::. (mr!ll *::1: '* ~ IfJfTJ ~ ) ~ m~",H.ft. lEG, .,. nyl~ ".riel$ M,fh .(J C()Uon .~$.

d;f • tp H.f1r 00 )@ :t..=: fIJ" ..

.~. /!JII.M.;gMt/ ..... gmtinl·,poo. 1 A pst Iks a !iml1. stroog. sudlil:,n, ~ of wi:l'Kl. ~II$ Bi. foil.... EG ••. a sudden gust of wi,g... ... ~ I!* ~I J'i RI;- ~ .ilI ~>.. A

gust of icy (l,rr s,u-,loIck .~. ,~ - M*ft I~J ~ tl ~ ._*.'" 1k wind blew '.re :sha.rp gust;rfltUlsi.de. ifljl'it~*jIiJI,::n~~

jiU',~~". .

2: W'hern!t tilE: wilnd IJIIIb or wilenflllOW 00' ram ~. it v, USU" A

liJOW'S w.ith SiOOt1. ,stfOl'lg, .~ rm~ of wind. _ ~ M: "" fi ~

_ = f]:IJr.C)'

Mi!l~f !I;#~). ~a 1M wiM gusled .and Jell ,a~y ....

- '* ft:~ . .Q Iii . p,l. .. ~ •• $I} .... Snow guutd' ptUI th-e stret1 lamps. '*" *_ •• fJlItt 8. ifiii;lt •

:Hf you feel a gust of an~ •. mtppi~. loogi~. ete. • ~ SjIN'(; w!rn ~. fiCt~ the· e.llWtion nlf:ntiNl~ sudtQ;Jy md in~ly. ~~'t>f

( •• a<J HII: Jt. EG; .•.. a $Uddengu,sl ofangt!r... , .... fJP.i

X ¥: ... A. g,-USi of pure happiMSS $Wept lhrough her. ~

RiHI Mit ffl ~ .. 7 iii; fttJI ~:lit .•

~.~ /'g.utaoi 'l.gM~lls f[Je~tic and enli':UJMOUltjc e<njoy- f'" l'.JNOOVNT, ~nri:. ~ft:ti tIi,*tlJ; fi 141. f S fI 0 Iffi We ate wid~ gU$-~~",,~=;:

10 ... ftfn~ • .ffI,*.,Ilt.···W:tI.1i a.U tllegw'MO{ r.he =_1

novice. locotp,tai the responsimlity. ft 11."" 00 ~.~ :$1iI1Ir T 2:-fi*.

gust.y 119Mh' 'gMta/ is ~ used [0 descr.ibe weather in }.llI OUJ\1:IT

wOlrlHl there are wry :Sitrollg .irreg;ubr whxb. !If 11$' iI.l J!:t '" !J1ut!I:Gi)o

Ill} l jJ:*: .oo.WJ'. Iilli " ., gusty ~',Itd$. .. • .• ~ Ff j;;: R ••.• ,., d

oold gusty.day. * litiJ P!l.1~ ~ T.

pt /g.'I:l_' ~ g,At!. pus. ptfiog. ~.. ~ A ~~ IX N 1f'.!LlJ'R.U

r- "i~,

ru1iimaJ's pl5. are an the organs insi.de thmit. IPl m.. EG

Tht en.rlre Ctlrctm'. hWe. guts and ~. wUlquidcty

be aevoul'm. .1'" fj ii'r. P •• {g, g 1£ •. I~.:II. '!k V- ~ , 2m.~jjg.fit: .

:2 When someone guts a d'e--dd aml:l"l!al or flS~.,lhey fe~ "''''0 aJi the ~ fmm .imide ir, t!Sp:daJlly before; they oook. Il clt.u .and eat ]t.I(it.~ ···lHlrllIB.EO ... the guued ,WJ"CQSJofa pi8····.,ru T I~JI~.~ ~ ~

:3 The gut. is du: tube i~wdc the .,.~!"! uf a pe~ot til SING W1'1i!f

a_~imai~hroug" whi.ch fOO'Jl p<We'l. wh~kit is king di~·· ~~tes,ti~ ed. If.!. Ea RootvetFtahla ar:f! absorbed ~ slowly in

.Ihegut. it IIH;I:!; ¥l.JPffli'.iI I! IJi ~ Jt.!tttil.

4 &~>s gil' .ijs l~iJr sil\!l~cb. ~~Iy wb£n i:t.i.!; fIli $!t'lQWlli'!

very large and st~cbom I lASed in lIit1f~1 Engi~h soow· ~~Uii'

.il~g d~al. [Ji m,.ti]. f. m FIrs but gut .~

popping ~he btiumtS on his shirr.. ft. ~ 1"" 1!8J. iii: T j;: 1:1

•• lfl.w~..t·Gr!lmftl •• T •

'5 CIII1s is tile will and ~~. to d.o~~bi~ difflC1.dtot H II:1N'OO1ilI'iT uf1p~e .. ua.fit or whldi migbt mve ua.~nt results, an in· = ~ fornmlllBt. [ii] M ~ ;/m. ~. ;f.L ,EG .It taJ.esa Jot mme

guts for a. 'I!flJmdnro ,£ri,gtiI than fm a man. .. :fig "!x m

~ ~. ,M:l1t M ~ *_ it ~"9'.' .• SamhDlvt·~ go/the guu

.1:0 leave hifl dad. ~.mll' JI "'t.N·fjjfi!~ ~

,6 GQI is .aJI&o ~d ~ ref~r to l!hc an:a dideyou wwt: .N saNG W1:rnJ your slro~t and deq:!est fe-dings are j~ned to exist. ~~i"PI -C'. m .lIe ww,ti«p dCnvn. in 1M gRt. wha, il

wa:l' like ~o be inlulor ... ft1JA.(.~,$HI!. ;Ull::F:&!JIJAt'*

.1'+-2.. .••

., If yo!.! caU 'Iomt()J1!le ... gub or a grecdygots. you. N' ~'N'!IJ {VOC

me:!l[l th<!t tite), arc very g.rredy and eat a h:~lt of food ~ ~ ~=oo

<lJlIJ infQ:r~1 use. [6'011r*#. i:13 C{Mle' on. 81'e~y

gu is .YO.!\l 'J 1 be hUt lor school. tR: ••• ' ~..t ~ Jf w.

~T. .

:8 The g.ms of;iil macbi:n;e. building, ~tc. 3.l'e tile ~[Jside N PWIMiL, paru: of it~ an infuTIJlll.aluille. [If] em •• Ii]!l ~1E!1!J) WiM ~~r (t"i!i flJ ) ... Ea ... the g.uu fJ'j th.!' de~r~menJ s.IOfe ...

.•• "N 1f .. ~ ~I M iB ••• , .. the l'i ud workbi8 pa,.t~ of II

mechll, njsm. { tlk 8"" ts oj a .tDa$I, e.r. fa',r. b:c.st(l",~e }.

-m ••• ~.4~I~$"(M~.~.M~~.


9' Tb pt a b!liJd~!lg fme~· W. ~)y du; ~!lSidc ofil so V+ 0" ~'!} II'~ tMt only its oot"ide walls rermin. :JM IH@1Ii1.l) ~11"3' iii .

ro Mu;ch 0'1 Do'lfm.i.ru Stfceet ha.f r~Jly ken gulled.

amlenritdy reb~iIt , , .• J!i. 11 T J)j W ~ Ii II P\ll tit m Ie:

M!lI: • M- t:! it 'M, a'lI .... The whv/:e house Ml:.fputd .ijy fire ..•• »-l ~ tiJ ~ M·.;:t JUR T •

10 Gill isstr:ing made from'pan of ~he sW-nuch of an Qii. NW.cOOPIT .mal. 1'1.15 ll>OO ..rspotcia!ly to fI'Uk..e the !>trin,gs of tennl.<:


IF ... PRIl':l' ~


= l!bIIi


racket'so.r d:l~ s:t:tings. of ~lilil:emlU$.ica~ .~n.stnlIiii.em'its such as viJoUns, c)Fft Ttll ~J$$.~ 'll~ ~J),Uiitll:. f;G We oouJd just helJ'!"' t~ t~ng of .ennis balls bouncing olf tJg1nlp-slJ'ul'lg gJu. fll!f].~fl,IijJl'JMlllatlra~...t·~ 100 fJ1.'£ru!!l'\JI!ilJi¥J- ••

1 ~ the 'WOrd .gq:t is also ~d .. tm:: foiJ'owiog jnfbtIIl'lJ' ex-

pr~iQQ$. ~mTr~J.~*itMiijj:'~. n. ~ Ifyo~.bate i'HJt,VH so:meone's~. )'IJi.I. ciisaih lht;:m. veil'}' intemdy. ~ C¥ ~NfI'U>C"I1 j,.)MZA1t. m OK.m.JOU hale" my 8Ut~. !lI.:ii:-A'~

~.l'jt ~»r.z. A" T .11. 2 If you say that 'f~ 3!rC going I"HR,\IB 110 ~ semeone's ~ rOl" garten. 'you mean t.hatyoui~ are gping ~J) punm. them or db something {j~llt to

tbem. es:peciaUy ~use }'alii .¥C annoyed or angry Wlita

~~m. S:r.J (:J;)d. 1 L 3: If YQI!.I. ~. om. or ~ PJIR, \01!1. your guts out. }tOO. wad:. run, or' scream as lwd and!..u I~

.mltlC'h as you JlCtiiii.bly camt tmill you. Me exMusited. mfr:r:. fl1un:l

fI' (~.Ji:. , JW.111!l1" ). B3 Hi! made us flog OUfgulJ' 0«$ ~a'

filTish on #~ .. , Ii! ll: ft 6J tIP •• I fN!1 J! il' at 1e At ft

:I- ••• A man could scrtlam his gl'U OU~ i.n hoe aM

mt~ be .hal:rd. -i"" A ~ ~';HEi1Ug iiU\lhft _ ~.If. ii'iUl:.fi ~~.A~j!..

1Jd·. 1!94th5~ ':gJI.tl.l$/. Sotr.ieooe wbois ptlai:!.:Iliaa AJ)iJ. QU.A.l:!T weak character .Dd IJackslXlUl'Olg,t 01" dcter~t£oo.81i .., rpi~ :I) q: (lit ~ .. ) Q!J : tt:Jf • ;IJ M.ro ..... OUl/yeJJoW. gm-

lessMOm!:. CI,ar..u;k ..•••• 1'-II!~~~ Pi it !lit - JUl ••

~.y /'gAt5l: 'gll.lSIj:art ~nf'Ofma!l ~. ~b~ that II!U w,J.."-l.n'

. .. maAy

LSg;uUy l' exp.r~ .a fDCamng at ir.ka ~ pc1WCJ"fully

and vi\1ldl.y. [ml1f •• MUCJi~.~~~·. oo,Thw: play U$t'd

nxMw.r, gutsy, fou.r~,leftef KUrds .. iI!·m~.~itm7~t-$

Jr. .•• ~ m;m tt !tOO .~.

2 shoW'S orreqeires cour~ or de~erm~~tiCin . [itt];fi' 119:. Am QlJ.AiI.lT

( it. t.J )< a!'J .~ • ~ J.! "'t « 1£ •• 11 } .I¥.I. ~ 1Mt's $0' gulSy, ; .~,_ _~

you \~real!y got M w:lndrelMr Jor .dai:J:Jg it . 'II.... ....... *'~. ~.Wi Pi it:ttHliiJ ~ •• 7 •• ~.IIUI.

gut. 1m" /9A~~ 'gAlia-/. pftmi, ~, pEnal. 1 A-

gutter is 1. 1 the $ of a road h~x:I. to the: pa'llt~iI:. N C()IDff

w11.m: :rain wate.rro!]eru ::m::iI flows away. (tlritlll!l). * Il ":;~'IIi"'[ .tt.I.~ Ii) ~. EG The m:oforbi,1tt illY on its sick in t~ gul~

te«, .. . jj!.~. ·fE. *1111" :« IIIH .~ m. ... '., UsI."am.p- posu •

U, gr,im l1o'aUs', its dirty guttus. . .• E ~ IJtI tt .: e:: ~ m

It ~ •. £ ."£ !tl11t1t til l!J1iQ. i . .2 a plastic or m:.::taJ dwmei H'~ fixed to ~ wwer ~ge of tile iI'OOf of a 1~Ii.l~ng, w!1idt

tain ~ drains into. OJ. ~pM' :+; .•• lEG .•• just a·

~~ ~;~:~t=~ tluttiles wer~ ~. • .•• ·m 1(;#'

2: TIle guttn ~ used. to refer w the dirty emu.v~~JIt alld N s.1:r«:!,rbo: .. N bad S<l'drunlruUtlom which poorpeop!le Uve ill}. ~'IUy

in cities; us.ed. showing disapproval [IfJ(.ltiT1~' ~)'ft' ~

fIJ. lEG The faclrhal tbey an following in Iw fomsu~:ps

aNi have acne lotM gulter should 1'l1(i~' surprbe mit •.•

fl&fn~"'i!r!IFa ~ i: r·ta; ~Rl!-.~~ ~·fl·ft.JlJit!t:if···

... "~ pale little gutta girl. • .. -1- ,i'J1!. ~n: 9: ~ .. ~ ... !i!

M"t-:t'iL .

:3 If a ',candh:: :giIttets, it ~.IlfI1!ltt:adIDly. ofl.'eJiI witb 3i \i

WCak.liruH. (M.)IJ:!l.*~Ji!!.jttM.~. OOi He woJ~ 1l bYm

- OfII'1t41r

down lire fXJth zn the dark, mth l.he candle grd.rer;.liIg

~n the (.(Jndles,tkk. !It Iii l' ft m- .. It-ift, it * . fa fu .t M " 1;I.!Jt:t: ~J6 ~!I.;W;.

!;Wi- kir· in& I ~9AtarItD, \~l'Atantl ! OOl'lSisu of tile p]ast~c QI" NI UNro1J:t<lT

I:IlCtal clur:m.ds fIXed! ('0 the rowe.rcd.ge .of ·the roof of a

bwilding'. whid1 rain wa:tet dr:a!m: illto. (J! .. ,,!KI') 11 '*

1': ..... 00, H£looked a~ at the Kirks 'UIilSlabl,ii!'

~lme"iJ\l8. ftJl.!jjjfft1:Jij:lO'.iiI~.fr\j ••.

gutter pmu.. 'Ibe PIfer i~ .is used W rl[';fer ~o J:ie'M~ ~ 5.ltKh 1M" N

pap:n ~ ~]lei. which ~!li mort s:wri~abm.I,t

~ , 1;\ pri VOi'le ai£Jain:. and s.eanda.b i!lll¥O.i.v£ng.~ ~ Vlo'

knee. fhml a~~irlretnal!ional. pDliHruI. or .~mnor.nic a.f~

faiirs; .lJ.oiIf:d ininfonnal Eng:Ii&h ~ng disapproval. [m,

ftJ«<!!.!l fIJ :"!I:"f!J. eo Theil sart of ~!WtiDi f.e,~

port.ing is .lypi01J. oJ .tm gJ4:Uu pnss .• .MJ:A~OOlWm

ij:~m«:I: 11] fJj ~.~ . .,

pt- 111['· aI I·r~t~j; \gJlUfi.!! is. ~d to clescri~ oo~ . ...ru Q'l.JAUf wruich attprOOuced at t~ bad. 011 a pe1SiOO'S ~t, and ~'~a:~

are' Oft~1l <CG~ to be mlix ... unpleasant. 111+ 1t m ~ ,

11)lItKl~ 00, .... 12 gm;fW'li.ifGertn.a!1,~t, ..••• :ti.~.

~ r:J •••• • •• ast:range. loud, pUurtl'l cry.' .• - '*' Ai ~l! OO:m.I~l1(JZ •• ~ ..

p /9\\!'~g!l.vl is. sometimes ~di]iJJ \!\C'-ry ira.b-mal iBri~]Sb EngJiW ~o ad\l:I1e:s.'Sa man. ~pcciaU)' liI ~~ or ~c~ ·one· :roo ·ruit· dbin:g a! ~rvPx ft>r. [~m] * ~.. E!:l • For ~ , GUll.' he yeUed,~ving a purPle en~lope. "f* RH~ ,;t!t . "ft:k~.JiI. ~ iii ••• ~ Jlt *@..i't.

p. Jl(JI' ! Igti. ~: \8'\ vrlli:JO!. 'gJIiWIIOI'S. ,GII'O'fiOI' is s.omet~~ used ,jnvery i]!IJtmmaul Rri1isb Engli.><i.h 1[0 refcr to OF .ad.

~ll a rnan who is ~r.J a posltloo of 3JLlthor1t.y Oveti you. lix exampk ytill. ~mpl0y8 or father. [*. J ~ .. ; ti'i!i • 00 I had to sit in fronl' of my gu vnoram:i hemsdeme fill (J form in, .. ..R tf j! IE ~ Ii IW 1"; If! it 1Il. - .¥J _.. .fl ..• When! to, guwwr? ~.Jl., ::t*T"!

",." l~~gat/. gap. 1 A:JU,Y :is a man or boy~ aninfo:rmal use, [m] •. ~ I A. j;J'li*. 7'. ro ... lhe guy I4Iho .drc~ thl. school bus... . .. :if fllf: 1'19 .1'" A .. • He's a niu guy. You 'It mally liu him •. - ftJ!1'-tI-A., it._Gr.lf;: M ~ ••. We'i'1! l~ /:or this guy Evans. ft1f]it t£it~.:t Jfm~6.:. ~ $.!e. 'I!t'iIJI! 1l9'.

,2 Ininfarmd Aniltricml English. ~ an a~ a FouP <If poo:pl!~ as (I:U1S or ~ guys. whether t:lH!y ~ ~ ,or female. [~lHtil"«Z'If(tt'fn~ IE(! Iky. ~,u. 8'UYl'11 COme back .here. '.; f*: itf]! If All! Ji~* +

:3 A gay 'Of py rope m a i:"CI}XOI" witt wrn.m ,has one end futtw:d IQa tttlt. 'w pole aAd rlrothe.r r~ to the gliOtilld. so tl'l.lait it ~ .. th:. te:ru,t 0[" pole ~npo!lwtioo_ «:It. .~.)' •• ji:*.

SV·. j'g.u;l,.'gA2V. gll:i':des.~; ~~ a fairly infbrmal W'Of:'d, I'-you :gligt something. you driak or eat it qoidly and grotl(bly. [m JfI tit I. it. EG The Cherry Wim: ·WW 00.- gum;fflliJre ,muJ,~. • Mii'ft • .MK'.

*--ff..-ff:.-~.*"F Bt4:.

mom ldz!mld:?mJ. 810· 11 A om is a. ~wn. f*.

'til, •• !It. lEG IU was alMtl~, at 1M gym. :Ma:litEtI;t $!l.

2: GJ'IH means g)'m~tics. 1*_. eG We did an hour af gym .. , .111.1' - 'J~ It!'Jt '*. ... She Mlm'1e1!2 T-srunand white gym. shmts. til 1# T - fA: T 1Ii. til ~. ;l- a @. :Ii. ~ :Iti:


gyJD.~... /d$lm!kn:rJ.a1 dsun'llana/, ~, A

gymkIIima is an CVl:fat U~ w.l:dih ("Ja1p1e tiding horses (Xm'lpete with one another i.n vari~ o:mIpet:itions and !races. ilor example jumping !iJVC1i" special Fenc::es. ( •• ) Wi !!J •

gym.D8.sj...... !d'$!im'nc:lI3'latn~ dsun'De2i1:am/. gymnasi~ 1lIIIS, A ~ io; a blLilildilflg or brgt room which is , used for physical exercise and 1.ISWIJ1 y ha5 eqwpmcr.it such as bars. mats, and ropes in ~t. f*l!fm dilM- §'.

gym·nast. Jld3l~; \d~ti. ~. A ~ is so~ who I!;, lraIDed '11 gymoas.tics. aJJId Who· usually competes J[I gy~ic oompet1itiOllli, .flji ~ l.Iil! • gym'JI8S.tic: /~rnlmll:Std:; dlrm'fltrSuk/, i~.l ~ir:sare physica1 ,exefc.~. often using 'Eq_uip:m.eot

N .cotJi'!fl= i;t~

~rL~!VOO = ~to&

VCR '\l';O I'r «itIRIIIIC

= bp;d: back

N (.'It!)lJM"

~ ~m.baIJ

!<llCOUN'If B IIllhIitm



. .

such as ban. Mats, and ropes. thait develop your s,trength, co- or"dinaJti(m. and agillity. "* MI. 00, • , ,. (j ,docwr;s certificau' e~ng him fmm gynuwslia at school. • .. ~ fi1JWf" tf~tl'l J! •. L'*'.if~ii1! liE II" •

2 GyInnutk: i5 .i!R!d ~o deseribe things Ifdating to g)!'fI1Il:.'lS- ;WI Cl..IISSlj't, tics. f* II 1~1. EG; lhslw'wed a ~.t~c{Jbility one ATTIUD might nm M~ SWlpecUid. fIB •.• m -fit xA ~. '",II ~


gym·sli,p· I' d.31m isJIIp I· 'd$Im",siJp/,. ~, A I)'msIip ~ a: to' ootJm'

Ii' prmtlfl sleeveless dres s that scboolgirls used W wtar over a blouse

or j!.imper as part of 'l:heiJrfi'cl:ioo'l uniform; I~ rn Briilih

&glish- [~]s.~~f.t;:.~.

1iD'·,rw~eoI·o~gy hgMru:!1:~j ,d$a:!rn'Lka..llidJrJ = m- m W NI UJ«:'OUNT .~. ,~ iis thehnrtdi. or medieal scimre

which deak with diseases and I.lledica!l condiitions that; oa-

~ 't "'*'DmC£I haw* a technical term. J3 ft. • ~. 00 1 hQd

tkcidM duu my lurt,f'~ ~y ,in obstet'~ics a.i'!!d ~/o-

gJ_ ftlBit~«OOtiJ • .Q::a,..·ft.O ~. ~ <> NCO'V,rf'f ooIogists.. ~;flf m::!t ! j::I f:I..,. *., EO •. , .' an omi1tnI~-

Mogm. . .. -lit • .a $fJ' ~ flI!L4:. {:> ~I. fa 0 Am ClA'l:J41i~ 00 I ~flI- 00. EG ••• gyna«ologi,ctJ cancer. • •. .fIHi} ~ra_!!:l


igyp·SUIQ /'dS!p!l<Im: 'd3lp;;;!mf i.1ol a wft white sebstance N ~ wJl1.ch lOOb Hke chalk. and which is mtd to make plaster ft miAl'I1I! of Paris. 6 • .,

gyp'SIY l'd;Jr:PSli \dstpsl r, gypsks, $t!W dPsY. A I!D'PQ' .is l\I,CO!..fl\IT

a Hlen:'De-r of <II Ii<!~ of pq;lll!. who. travel. from place. w ! .~=-!~ platt in carav<ll'lS and .e;u'n lTIOIley m 'Vm"ro.tiS ways,. for

e:x.ample by horse· dealing oc seUi.ng ~- ti~.·A.

ay'nlte /d:ylr-ell. ~-t 'd381rd/.~te$. ~. u- v

raleli. To gyrate means to nern mWlldand· reend in a ci..... or; ~""

de ,.USI:aalJy very fast. It '* =fRUit. lEG _.. Q small gy.

ra.ring plastk adver-lise~ lor,(l bmnd. of tager .' •• 'h -,"fi."tnfi'll~I&,lJ •. ~~ • .M:d")f1; •• ¢ gy·nr c N~I tioo Id3alllteJi§an~d5lU"-r!:$00/, ~ .. _ftJ Jilfi. lEG 'OOUNT. USl!) PL 'fhe,i,. .bodUy gyr:atic:ms a,nd OO;U'orlfolu fascinated hint .

~fi •• ~."~M •• M •• A~.

gy.ro.st'OpI! !I!~I- \d33l~skop/·. gtI~, A [>IOJ(J1r;Il"

~ is a devire ithalomtalm 3. disc rotating Olil <lID

ui" l.b~ am tunt f:reely in Mly direction, SiD that the disc

ma:intairu the- same pa;:itioo. WhateVfi the pasitID.:l 0"lIlO,veIl:'!lf;n_t of the si1li1'OtlDdm,g Sl_fllCtlJR_ ~.« i iI~f1.


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