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Conference Paper · November 2019


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1 author:

Ramya Lakshmi Narayanan

M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering


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L.RAMYA, I MBA, Department of Management,M. Kumarasamy college of Engineering,

Karur, Tamilnadu,

K. KARTHEESWARAN, I MBA, Department of Management,M. Kumarasamy college of

Engineering, Karur, Tamilnadu,


Digital Marketing is the avenue of electronic communication which is used by the

marketers to endorse the goods and the services towards marketplace. Digital Marketing is
moved trending industry around the world. It would give an evergreen trademark place in
2020. The supreme purpose of the digital marketing is concerned with consumers and allows
the consumers to intermingle with the product by virtue of digital media. Mobiles has been a
massive trend in marketing for years now , and makes up over half of web traffic .The
internet of things is a bit newer and or exciting, but it isn’t yet quite clear exactly how it will
affect marketers . Marketers are often seen as struggling to review the effectiveness of their
campaigns. It’s not their fault. It is very hard to uptick their sales. A change of different
handling like messaging on the website and ads on the sites would give a big push by sales
team. This makes sense and it is an admirable objective. Digital Marketer gives proper
analytics and to make conversions for the upstanding of a business. Innovation with Digital
Marketing product is used more, where innovation without Digital Marketing product is out
of stage. There are plenty of opportunities and predictions, but anyone who tells you they
know exactly how the lot will be affecting your marketing in 2020 is either lying or
profoundly misguided.

Keywords: E-Communication, Trademark place in 2020, Innovative ideas, Digital Marketer.


The Economist Intelligence Unit asked 499 (one can't help but think they were aiming
for 500) Chief Marketing Officers and Senior Marketing Excecutives about how they saw
marketing evolving, and also conducted some in-depth, one on one interviews with CMOs
from leading brands such as Unilever and JPMorgan Chase. They were looking to find out
what key technologies and trends will drive change in the marketing industry over the next
four years, and the results make for interesting readingly. A generally new and
groundbreaking technology for marketing that appears here is block-chain technologies, but
again it isn't clear how this will evolve by 2020. The implications for banking, law and
intellectual property are starting to be realized, but how it will prove useful for marketers isn't
yet clear.The chart below is in many ways not all that surprising. Mobile has been a massive
trend in marketing for years now, and makes up over half of web traffic. The internet of
things is a bit newer and more exciting.

Personalization technologies have been around for a while,but with the amount of data now
available at their companies fingertips,CMO’s are starting to realize the opportunity and
personalization is really coming into its own.Geo-targeting is just the start,and shouldn’t be
your objective.Advanced marketers should be building statistical models to ascertain what
signals mean customers are interested in certain products and serving them accordingly. We
live in a rapidly changing world where a tsunami of data is being generated every second.
Platforms such as Snap chat, Facebook, Twitter and Youtube provided the digital
infrastructure to allow billions of human beings to connect share and collaborate like never
before. Web 2.0 provided the infrastructure that enabled creative consumers took the lead and
became the dynamos of this new digital world.


It was decades ago when scholars like Thomas (1998) started researches on the
effectiveness of internet in the field of business and communication. Now, in the twenty first
century, there exists a whole plethora of literature which explores the uses and effectiveness
of electronic channels of communication in different field of business. The current chapter
will explore the literature specifically related to use of e-commerce in electronic marketing
and internet marketing. The literature review will move from general themes involving
research areas under investigation. Major themes discussed with reference to academic
literature include e-commerce, internet marketing, customer centricity, marketing strategies
in the developing horizons of the global business and the factors affecting the success of
these strategies. The first section of the chapter is aimed to explore the above described
general issues in internet marketing and effectiveness of internet marketing in the business
settings while the second section is about the validity and application of classical marketing
theories in the field of e-commerce.


The technical infrastructure of web 2.0 offered a number of benefits to the consumer,
including richer information, a broader section of products and product diversity. On the top
of that, consumers are no longer receivers only in the marketing process. Consumers are
taking increasingly active role in co-creating everything from branding to product design.
They use digital media to reach their products and services, engage the companies they buy
from, as well as other consumers who experienced the products and service before


We believe that marketing is evolving beyond its “pre-modern” era of iconic

advertising and mass media, and its “modern” era focusing on digital, social, mobile, data and
technology. In its “post-modern” phase, marketing will require us to adopt, adapt and
leverage leap-fogging technology with speed and agility. Yet, it will also require a renewed
emphasis on human truths, deeper connection and richer experiences.

Our broad, hybrid strategic, creative and technological capabilities can help you thrive in this
new era of feeling machines.

1. By 2020, More Than 50% of Commercial Content Will Be Created Outside of

Marketing (IDC)

In the future, marketers are not going to be the primary creators of content. As Schaub
explains it, “Content is democratic. The question you’ll have to ask yourself soon will be,
‘How can I adopt user-generated content?'”

2. Events Will Surpass Advertising as the Biggest Spend

Schaub predicts “a shift away from the semi-sterile digital world into the physical
world.” With the increase in the amount of content accessible online, the value of in-person
events will increase.Marketing budgets will reflect this increase, and you can expect to see
event spending surpass advertising in 2017

3. Marketing Will Displace Part of Your Sales Budget

Marketing job growth is outpacing sales, and you will see marketing budgets displace
money that previously went toward sales efforts. Simultaneously, tech marketing budgets are
lifting and further indicate that marketing spend will increase in the coming years.

4. B2B Marketers Will Spend More on Marketing Technology

77.6% of B2B marketers are increasing their marketing technology budgets in 2017.
Budgets are increasing as marketers look to technology to provide data and insights.

5. Brands Will Shift Focus From Acquiring New Customers to Retaining Existing

You will see fewer resources dedicated to early stage customer creation and more
resources and money focused on middle and late stage efforts. The reason for this shift,
Schaub says: “When you have better segmentation and data about your customers, you don’t
have to spend as much money on customer creation.”

6. Brands Will Shift Their Social Marketing Efforts to Private Messaging Apps

You will see companies in the future shift their social marketing focus away from
efforts in the public sphere towards private messaging groups and messaging apps. In other
areas of the world, private messaging groups like WhatsApp and WeChat have already
eclipsed emails as the primary way people communicate. We’re already seeing premium
brands experiment with using these channels as marketing tools.

7. Team Enablement Will Be Crucial for Brands Moving Forward

IDC predicts that by 2020, 50% of digital transformation (DX) initiatives will fail due
to the lack of an end-to-end customer experience orchestration service.

As companies start to think about their digital transformation, in almost every case they will
have to revolutionize their customer experience. Traditional siloed marketing has got to go.
You have to connect your data, your channels, and your teams moving forward.

8. Persona-Based Marketing Will Be Fundamental to Driving Growth

At our MOCCA networking event in New York City, Rishi Dave offered his own
testimonial on the benefits of a persona-based approach.

Artificial Intelligence is affecting Digital Marketing Industry even more in upcoming

years by 3 ways:

1. Impactful Ads:
The creation of better advertisements is one of the biggest ways artificial intelligence
will impact marketing in 2017. The ability for brands to use AI to research and develop
crucial marketing aspects, such as keyword searches empowers marketers to build smarter,
more effective ads that should lead to more conversions.

2. Smarter Search:

Businesses looking to stay competitive need to learn how to integrate Artificial

Intelligence into their marketing campaign, or they will risk being left behind. Digital
consumers of 2017 are able to seek out and find information more quickly and efficiently
than in the past, while brands are continually looking for ways to present their messaging in a
meaningful way to individuals on a 1:1 basis.

Search giant Google is using AI, called Rank Brain, which will improve search results by
providing searchers better answers to their questions, marketers are able to take advantage of
RankBrain by producing higher quality content geared towards voice search.

3. Smarter Sentiment:
AI allows marketers to analyze just what their target customers are thinking and how
they feel about the brand.

 Hence Digital Marketing is evergreen and has a future scope in this information

 Innovation with Digital Marketing of product/service is used more, where Innovation

without Digital Marketer of product/service is used less due to the lack of awareness
of the product/service of a company.
 Therefore Digital Marketer is need in future for any industry.
 Digital Marketing is growing each day. As the number of social media platforms is
increasing so is digital marketing on these platforms. This is with reference to social
media marketing.
 Everyday there are new companies being launched and all these companies try to
market their products and since internet has taken over the world there is no better
way to market the product than over the internet digitally.

 As there are several ways of doing this like email marketing, search engine
optimization, search engine marketing apart from social media marketing. There is
also inbound marketing and affiliate marketing to add on.
 So by 2020 digital marketing is going to be the most popular technique of marketing.
So with each passing day as the number of companies increase digital marketing is
also growing.


The efficiency of Mobile Marketing technique is very effective and essential. It gives
a rapid growth. But the main concept is that to focus the right customers.Through the Digital
Marketing, the target can be reached easily. For the past two years, there is a talk about
dynamic content and its value for the marketing industry. There will be a continuous change
and shaping our perception of informations. Quality is more important than ever and Quantity
is yesterday’s beat.










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