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'' mask oij«.-.n& INTRODUCTION
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• Hi >7J->bna.. .’> o. Kama and Si;‘a have question: (2) 'Who in the world today is a
become s>_ deep 'embedded in nc minds of great personage endowed with all virtues, who
the !ian n^o- that tl r st< .. has found is courageous, who knows the secret of Dharma,
expression tl Torn of several mayanas. who is grateful, who is ever truthful and who is
Some of ;.iesv are- 'almiki’' vamayana. established in sacred observances; (3) Who
Adhyatma Ramayi asisht , Ramayana, has great family traditions, who has got sym­
Ananda Ramaygn Af' ya Ramayana pathy for all creatues, who is most learned,
in Sanskrit and Kamba R .niayana in Tamil, who is skilful and whose outlook is ever kindly;
fulsidas Ramayana in Hindi, Kin’ivasa Rama- (4) Who is courageous, who has subdued anger,
yana in Bengali and Ezuthachan’s Adb atma who is endowed with splendour, who is free
amayana in Malayalam. For . * _ works, rom jealousy, who when angry in the field of
on the Rama n Valmiki's f?- Sus epic or . ittle is a terror even to the Devas. (5)1
that theme is the basics. But --dung t am interested to know about this. My desire
fundamental objects, which,. p’6et-p is to know is intense. O sage! You have the
who composed the other Ramayanas had in capacity to know the real worth of a man.’
mind, they have introduced many changes
from Valmiki’s conpo^- -n. But all of them (6) “Being greatly pleased at these words of
directly or indirectly pay obeisance to v Valmiki, Narada the sage with the knowledge
gra- d epic, which is called the Adb” -• <c of the past, present and future, said, ‘Listen’,
primeval poem) in Sanskrit, and its author and began to give his reply as follows: (7) ‘O
the Adikavi (the first of poets). sreat sage! The virtues that you have pointed
out are mtjny and very rare to be found in
In an Introduction to the Adhv' Rama- people. So I shall be giving you my reply
--ina, we have necessarily got to make a stuuy in ui&r due deliberation. You now hear from
orief of the main difference between this text me who that person is who is endowed with
and Valmiki’s epic. Valmiki’s object seems to the qualifications mentioned by you. In the
ave been to describe an ideal human .a^. . e of Ikshvakus, there was a prince named
ramely that of Rama, though ' . -cepts Rama Rama who was very famous among men. He as an Incarnation of Mahavishm-. But was possessed of self-control; he was powerful;
the divinity of Rama is kept in t*- ackground, he was endowed with splendour; he was firm
although all through the narrative there is an in his resolve; he had the capacity to bring all
■ ttempt made to refer to that also symbolically under himself and govern. (9) He was highly
is explicated by many interpreters of Vale- intelligent and just; he was an accomplished
Ramayana. The direct object of Valmiki’s speaker and possessor of all wealth. He was
' pic is made plain at the very beginning of that the dread of his enemies; he had sumptuous
;t in verses 1 to 18 of Chapter I of the Bala shoulders, long arms, conch-like neck and
z mda. It reads as follows: (1) “Once in fleshy cheeks. (10) His chest was broad and
1 humility the austere sage Valmiki asked collar bones invisible. He was the most noted.,
*Je Narada, who ever engaged in Tapas of archers and a queller of all his foes. With *
Vedic study and who was the most noted arms extending upto the knees, his head and
• ong the knowers of the Vedas, the following gaze were extremely charming. (11)1: '•

height and attractive limbs were all pro­ description of its hereof J give us a
portionate to one another. All the limbs of picture of human y This is not,
his body were flawless; his complexion was however, to say Joes not recognise
shining; he was regal in his appearance, broad- the divinity ./men a personage is
chested and broad-eyed; he was endowed with directly described as "a^Deity, he fails to be a ft

beauty and all auspicious traits. (12) Establi­ model for human beings to imitate. Man's
shed in Dharma and ever true to his words, tendency with regard to such a personality is
he had the good of all creatures in mind. Far- mainly to worship him. It was perhaps the
famed, learned and pure, he was ever vigilant. recognition of this that made Valmiki propound
He protected those who sought shelter under the divinity of Rama only in subdued tones
him—nay, he even subordinated his own and paint him prominently as a great man.
interests to those of persons who thus sought To make him human, the poet has even attribu­
refuge under him. Possessed of all auspicious ted to him some of the human weaknesses.
traits, he was equal to Brahma himself. He But he takes care to see that Rama transcends
ever protected his subjects and subdued his them all, and teaches symbolically the great
enemies. (13) A shelter to all living beings, spiritual dictum of Saranagati, or resignation
he was the defender of Dharma and was ever to the mercy of God. Vaishnava interpreters
devoted to his duties, always promoting the of the Ramayana have elaborately illustrated
interests of his people. (14) He was interested this teaching from various episodes in the life
in the truth of all the Vedas and their auxiliary and doings of Rama. The most famous of those
subjects. He was not only versed in the science contexts is the episode in the Yuddha Kanda,
of arms, but had also the mastery of all the arts where Vibheeshana takes shelter at the feet of
and sciences. His memory was most powerful Rama. Valmiki presents this teaching in his
and he had great powers of elucidating and famous verse!
explaining any subject. (15) Dear to all people, sakrudeva prapannaya tavasmiti ca yacate |
he was what a good man should be. He was Abhavam sarvabhutebhyo dadamyetat vratant
mama II
given to both deep thought andto skilful action.
It means. “It is my vow to grant
As the ocean is ever accessible to all the rivers,
so was he to all good men. (.16) The worshipful protection to all who take refuge in me
personality that he was, he at the same time saying, ‘1 am thine', even if it be by an
maintained a sense of equality with all, and was enemy in battle.” Thus while describing Rama
endowed with an outlook that cared for the as an ideal human personality, Valmiki has
interests of others. That dear son of Kausalya not, however, forgotten to remind’ his readers
was endowed with every conceivable good that Rama is a divine incarnation and all his
quality. (17) In the gravity and depth of doings are by way of illustration of the great
personality, he was like the ocean. In his teachings of Vedanta. Exponents of Valmiki-
capacity to bear heavy responsibilities, he was Ramayana have discussed this elaborately in
like the Himalayas. In valour and war-like their writings and thus shown that while it is a
qualities he was like Vishnu. In the mellowness great piece of literature, it is as holy and pro­
of his personality he was like the moon. When found as the Vedas and that its study with devo­
tion leads to man'sspiritual and material welfare.
his an«er was roused, he was like the fire at the
time of the world's dissolution. In patience, Coming to the Adhyatma Ramayana, its
he was equal to the earth. In generosity he very name suggests the trend of its contents.
was a match to Kubera. in truthfulness, he While Valmiki’s great epic is mainly a Rama
Saga in respect of its direct meaning, Adhyatma
was verily another Brahmadeva. Ramayana is a direct elaboration of its spiritual
implications. While in the former Rama is a
The object of an epic which begins with such a

great hero, no doubt an incarnation of Vishnu, knowledge of the Self, how can he be a fit
in the latter he is a Deity—Mahavishnu, in a object of adoration, being on a par with all
thinly assumed mask-of a man, held befofe all ignorant creatures? (15) Whatever explanation
for worship. This is made plain in the very you may have got for this difficulty, deign to
first chapter of the text. The whole text is inform me of it and remove my doubt.”
in the form of a report of a conversation
between the Lord Mahadeva and the Goddess Mahadeva said: (16) “Never before have I
Parvati occuring as a part of the Brahmanda been questioned by anyone on the truth con­
Purana, whereas Valimiki Ramayana is recited cerning Rama, which is an esoteric doctrine,
by Lava and Kusa as instructed by sage Valmiki. extremely profound and subtle. (17) I, who have
The Adhyatma begins this way: (6) Once been devotedly questioned and thus propiti­
seated in a pavilion in the heaven of Kailasa ated by you today, shall reply to your question
on a diamond throne, luminous like a hundred after making due salutations to that noblest
suns, the three-eyed Deity Siva—who is the one of Raghu’s line. Rama is the Supreme
Supreme Lord, the bestower of refuge, the Self distinct from Prakriti. He is the one All­
adored of the Siddhas and the abode of Bliss— comprehending Being who is pure Bliss itself
was addressed with devotion by Parvati Devi, and the Spirit, supreme over all entities.
his consort, and the daughter of the mountains, Having projected all this universe by His power
in the following sin-effacing words. Parvati Maya-sakti, He dwells within and without the
said: (7) ....(10) O lotus-eyed one! I have universe like the element sky. Though He is
yet another question to ask about a supremely thus the resident within all beings, He is com­
esoteric matter. Please reply first to me about pletely hidden from their vision, as He is their
that. It is a well-known fact that devotion to innermost self. He is the ultimate Seer and Wit­
Rama, the Essence of all existence, is a secure ness of all this universe of His Maya’s creation.
ship for man to cross the ocean of Samsara. (19) Before Him, the whole universe whirls
It is a well-known teaching that devotion to the as iron filings round a magnet. The unintelli­
Supreme Being is a royal road to liberation gent, with their minds covered by the power
and that no means other than that is so secure of ignorance (Avidya), know this not. On
for its attainment. Yet I have some doubts Him, Rama the Supreme Self, who is of the
in respect of this.......... (12) Rama is said to nature of Pure Consciousness, unaffected
be the Original Being transcending all the by Maya, ignorant Jivas superimpose their
manifestations of the Gunas of Prakriti and own ignorance and see Him as involved in
unaffected by them. Accepting Him to be worldly entanglements like themselves. Attach­
such, men devote themselves day and night ed as they are to their own relatives and
without any laxity to his adoration and thereby worldly assets, and involved in multifarious
they attain to the Supreme State. (13) Some activities, they fail to perceive Rama dwelling
people, however, say that in spite of being the within their hearts, just as they fail to recognise
Supreme One, Rama could not know himself the presence of the golden necklaces adorning
to be the Supreme Self (Brahman) owing to their necks. (21) In the sun, whose nature is
the sway of the power of his own ignorance. luminosity, there can be no darkness. Even so,
When instructed by another (that is, by Brahma, how can ignorance subsist in Rama, who is the
as stated in Valmiki’s Ramayana), he came to condensation of Pure Consciousness and who
tlle truth ab°ut the Transcendent Self. is the transcendent and Supreme Self? A man
.. 116 had known the truth about himself of defective eye sight, whose vision is whirling,
r ’er, how could he, the Supreme Being, sees houses and other objects too as whirling.
be stricken with grief by the loss of Sita and (The whirling movements of objects ou'si t
emoan his fate? If he was thus without the is only an attribution of his own w

vision on them. So also men are deluded by Bliss itself, there is no movement, no trans­
superimposing on the Supreme Self egoistic formation in Him. As He is the substratum
actions of their own I-sense (Ahamkara), of Maya, the changeful Nature of His, He
which in combination with the body and the underlies alp these transformations of the con­
senses assumes the role of the doer.) (23) In stituents of Maya, and for those who cannot
the sun, who is of the nature of unobstructible distinguish the substratum from the consti­
and changeless luminosity, there can be no day tuents of Maya, He seems to get transformed,
and night at any time. In the same way, in whereas it is only the constitutents of Maya
Rama, who is the Supreme Being Hari, who that undergo transformation.”
is the condensation of Pure Consciousness-
how can there be knowledge and ignorance,
the two changing states observed in limited Now this elaborate quotation makes plain
centres of consciousness? (24) Rama, the that the object of Adhyatma Ramayana or the
noblest of the Raghus, is of the nature of Pure ‘spiritual version of the Rama Saga’ is to project
Bliss and Pure Consciousness that has no rise Rama directly as the Supreme Self. But
and fall. That lotus-eyed Lord is the witness while doing so, the text takes care to see that
of Ajnana (ignorance) and not a victim of it. He, who is the non-dual and uninvolved Self, is
Maya, the power of ignorance, is dependent on also the Personal Deity, the Supreme Isvara,
Him and therefore can never cause Him infatua­ who is to be adored and prayed to by all those
tion and ignorance.” who seek the knowledge of Non-duality describ­
ed above. Bhakti of the most intense type is
A few verses after this we get a pointed therefore taught, and it is also stressed that
statement of the above ideas in the following through devotion to Rama alone the saving
knowledge would dawn in the Jiva. It
verse addressed by Sita to Hanuman. Sita
pointedly says in verses 45 to 57 of the first
says: (32) “Know Rama to be the Supreme
chapter of Balakanda, well known as Sri-
Brahman, the Existence-Knowledge-Bliss
Ramahrdaya, ‘‘A devotee of Mine who under­
Absolute and the One without a second. He
stands the Supreme Truth is fit for My Status.
is Pure Existence devoid of all adjuncts, whom
On the other hand, one who ignorantly engrosses
the senses cannot perceive as their object.
himself in the search for this knowledge in the
(33) Know Rama as Pure Bliss, as devoid of
pit of scriptural texts without any devotion to
all impurities, as peace, as changeless substance,
as free from the stain of ignorance, as all- Me, never attains this knowledge of My nature.
They will not have liberation too even in a
pervading Spirit, as devoid of all disvalues and
hundred life spans.” And further it is said,
as the revealing Consciousness. (34) Know me to
“This knowledge, which is superior even to
be the primeval Prakriti, the material and instru­
the attainment of the heaven of Indra, should
mental cause of the creation, sustentation and
not be imparted by you to any conceited man
dissolution of the universe. In the mere pre­
who has no devotion to Me.” (Ch. v. 53).
sence of Rama, the Supreme Brahman, I, His Thus the teaching of the Adhyatma-Ramayana
Prakriti or Power, create the universe unwearied. is only an elaboration of the declaration of the
(35) What I create in His mere presence, the Svetasvatara Upanishad, ‘ It is only in one who
ignorant superimpose on Him. She then has supreme devotion to God and to his spiritual
explains what it is that is thus superimposed, teacher that this Truth (knowledge of the non­
and in doing so narrates in brief the incidents dual Self), when taught, will shine.” Sri
of Rama's life and concludes, saying: (44) Ramakrishna also emphasises this aspect of
‘‘Rama walks not; He sits not; He sorrows not; spiritual life in a beautiful parable. “Suppose
He desires not, He abandons not; there is no a noble man has a big garden which he places
trace of any activity in Him. Being pure under the care of a gardener. The gardener
works hard and produces excellent fruits and status of Rama in the eyes of the devotees. More
vegetables all the year round. The master at of such deviations are listed in the Appendix.
last, in course of time, gets so highly pleased with
him that he keeps him on his own seat and tells Another • feature which distinguishes the
him that he is his own self. In place of seeking Adhyatama-Ramayana is the large number of
that place by the master’s side by pleasing
hymns sung by the various personages entering
him through devotion, if he were to sit on that into the narrative as also the many philosophical
seat out of pride and greed, he will only be
discourses that are spread in various parts of
pushed away from it. Thus through devotion
the text. Besides teaching fervent devotion,
alone this Supreme knowledge is obtained." these give a very simple and non-technical but
The Gita also declares: “Being gracious to profound exposition of the doctrine of non­
those who are thus firmly devoted to Me, I dualism. This is a deviations from Valmiki’s
destroy the darkness of ignorance in them, epic which contains no such hymns and
lighting the lamp of wisdom in them by My discourses.
presence as their very self." (X-l 1).
On the whole the general scheme of the text
Thus to establish Rama’s divine status as an seems to follow the pattern set by the Bhagavata
object of worship and devotion and to teach that Purana in dealing with the life of Sri Krishna
Bhakti and Jnana are not only reconcilable but in its 10th Skandha. The aim of the Bhagavata
always go together—is the prime object of this Purana is declared in its dictum—Krsnastu
great text. In order to achieve this objective, bhagavan svayam—Krishna is really the Bhaga­
the Adhyatma Ramayana, while sticking to the
van Himself. The Adhyatma Ramayana seeks to
main trends and incidents of the Rama Saga provide the followers of the Rama cult with
described in Valmiki’s epic, makes various such an incarnation that is not merely a mani­
deviations here and there in the course of its festation but is identical with the Deity Himself.
extensive narration. To cite a few such This is achieved by Rama revealing himself as
examples: In the Adhyatama Ramayana, Rama the four-handed Mahavishnu at his very birth,
at his very birth, reveals himself as the four- a feature that is not seen in Valmiki. It is
handed Mahavishnu. Rama’s departure to for the achievement of this that many of the
the forest is only of his own making , and deviations from Valmiki are made. In most of
the intrigues of Kaikeyi and Manthara are the deviations, either whatever human imper­
only external pretexts brought about by his fections there might be in Rama are explaind
Maya.. The Sita who is abducted by Ravana
away or are made to be adopted with his
is not the real Sita but an illusory double of previous knowledge in order to hide his divinity
hers. The real Sita is hidden by the Fire-deity. from unregenerate men. For example, the
And finally at the end of the Yuddha Kanda
events leading to Rama's exile were super­
Sita’s entry into fire is only a ruse to take back humanly stage-managed by him. and Kaikeyi
the real Sita from the hands of the Fire-deity. and Manthara were merely instruments he used
Ravana, Kumbhakarna etc., know the spiritual to give the events the form of a court intrigue.
identity of Rama, and are only seeking death The Sita who was abducted by Ravana was
at his hand, as a means for salvation. They only a double and not the real Sita. Rama’s
know that ‘devotion through confrontation’ is
weeping for Sita is expressly declared to be a
a quicker path than that of Bhakti of the ordi­
mere assumption to look human in the eyes of
nary type. These are only a few striking
men. The same object of deification of Rama
deviations: there are many more of this type is achieved by the numerous hymns addressed
scattered all through the text. All these to him by the sages like Vasishtha, Parasurama,
deviations are meant for preserving the Supreme Bharadwaja, Agastya, Atri, Swayamprabha

and others. The example of the Bhagavata text from the devotional point of view,—
Purana is very closely followed in respect of just as counting the number of leaves on a
these hymns. They are couched in highly mango tree is for one going to an orchad for
devotional language and all the attributes of the eating mangoes. Valmiki’s Ramayana was
Supreme Deity are used for adressing Rama. composed by Jhat sage himself on the advice
Many of them are Advaitic in their philosophic of Brahma, 'fhus advised, the sage through
content while their tone is intensely devotional. meditation recovered the whole history of
They again and again establish the doctrine that Rama, composed a great epic on it in the Sloka
non-duality is the Supreme Truth but the way form that he himself had devised, taught Lava
to its realisation is through devotion and divine and Kusa to recite it in a musical manner, and
grace. Without these, mere intellectualism thus publicised it in the world. The traditional
will never bring spiritual illumination. Thus origin of Adhyatma Ramayana is quite different
this great text seeks to reconcile Jnana and from this. It is a part of the Brahmanda Purana
Bhakti as the obverse and reverse of an identical beginning from the 61st Adhyaya (chapter)
spiritual discipline, and. being a text of the Rama of the first part of that text. Of all the Puranas,
Kcult, Rama is held forth as the Deity to be Veda Vyasa is the traditional author, and we
adored by those who seek salvation. can therefore attribute the Adhyatama Rama­
yana to him. There are, however, some mod­
The Adhyatma Ramayana must have power­ ern scholars who guess saint Ramananda of the
fully influenced the Ramayanas that came 14th century to be its author. Excluding the
afterwards in regional languages. Though Uttara Kanda, it consists of six Kandas with
. they all took Valmiki’s great epic as the main 56 Sargas (chapters) comprising about 3643
source, the spiritual turn given to it by Adhya- verses. We have translated only these six
tma-Ramayana is reflected very strongly in the Kandas, excluding the seventh chapter called
Ramayana of Tulsidas. While it is very doubt­ Uttara Kanda, as it seems to be extraneous to
ful whether it influenced Kamban’s well- Ramayana proper. The text is in the form of a
known Ramayana in Tamil,Ezuthachan’sRama­ conversation between Siva and Parvati, which
yana, considered one of the greatest literary is reported by Brahma to Narada. Though
works in Malayalam, is a close translation of it, thus the traditional origins of these two Rama­
with its poetical and devotional excellence yanas are different, and though there are
enhanced by that great literary man and Bhakta, differences in the treatment of the subject, it
giving to it the freshness of an original, inspired should not be supposed that there is any con­
tradiction between these. ’Both of them deal
with the same history of Rama, and what
A word in conclusion about the literary side Adhyatma Ramayana has done is only to make
of the text will not be out of place. Its poetry explicit what Valmiki has taught implicitly and
does not come anywhere near the epic grandeur indirectly in his great epic. As a much smaller
of Valmiki but yet it is a text with considerable text than that of Valmiki and complete in
literary beauty and is couched in easy yet lucid itself, it offers the devotees of Rama a smaller
Sanskrit with a highly devotional tone. Its and directly devotional exposition of Rama s
authorship and date are unknown. It is greatness which they can use in their daily
purposeless to enter into the pure guess­ practice of devotion. In conclusion it may
work that modern scholars indulge in be pointed out that Bhagavan SriRamakrishna
regarding these matters. However relevant refers often to Adhyatma Ramayana in his
it may be for scholarly purposes, it is talks, thus drawing people’s attention to the
of no use for thoSe who approach the devotional importance of this text.
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Introduction .......................... iii-viii


Chanter 1 The Truth about Rama •■ ... •• •• •• •• 1-9

p Salutations to Rama-Quest.on of Parvalt: Was
Ranta engrossed in Worldliness’-Mahadeva on the
Truth about Rama - Sita instructs Hanuman-Sita
on the real Nature of Rama-Srirama-hridayam
chanter 2 Announcerrient of the Incarnation ............................. 9-1.
Cn°P The Vision of Brahma—The Lord condescends to
Chapter 3 The Incarnation of Rama ..................................... 13-2
Dasaratha’s Sacrifice for the sake of Issue—Rama
Incarnates—Kausalya’s Hymn and the Lord’s Response—
Rama’s Infancy and Childhood—Training of the Brothers
Chapter 4 Rama’s Adolescence ....................
Visvamitra’s Arrival seeking Rama—The True object of 20-24
Visvamitra’s mission—Rama goes with Visvamitra—
Destruction of Tataka

Chapter 5 Redemption of Ahalya ............................

Destruction of Subahu—Rama at the Ashrama of Gautama
—Curse on Ahalya & her Redemption—Ahalya’s Hymn •

Chapter 6 Rama’s Marriage with Sita

Journey to Mithila—Breaking of Siva’s Bow—Sita’s Choi 31-39
of Rama—Arrangements for Marriage—The Marria^
Ceremony—Janaka on the Antecedents of Sita—R
Departure to Ayodhya ama s

Chapter 7 The Defeat of Bhargava Rama

Confrontation with Bhargava Rama—The Hymn of Bh
gava Rama—Rama bestows his Grace on Bhareav^ p
—Return to Ayodhya Kama


Chapter 1 Conversation between Rama and Narada

Hymn of Narada—Narada’s Departure

Chapter 2 Proposal of Installing Rama as Yuvaraja .. 50-58

Dasaratha’s Decision to install Rama—Vasishtha’s Hymn—
Fears of Kausalya—Manthara poisoning the Ears of Kaikeyi

Chapter 3 Obstruction of Rama’s Installation ................. 58-65

Kaikeyi in the ‘Chamber of Angry Protest’—Kaikeyi’s
Request for Two Boons—King Dasaratha in Distress—
Rama summoned to Dasaratha's Presence—Kaikeyi dem­
ands Rama’s Exile—Rama’s Reaction to the Demands of
Chapter 4 Rama’s Exile to the Forest ..................................... 66-74
Rama informing Kausalya of his Father’s Order—Rama’s
Advice to Lakshmana—Control your Mind and be calm—
Rama reconciles Kausalya, Lakshmana and Sita to his
Chapter 5 Rama’s Departure to the Forest ............................ 74-8 |
The Reaction of the Citizens—Vamadeva on Rama’s Spiri­
tual Identity—Scenes at Rama’s Departure—Meeting with
Chapter 6 Rama on His Way to Chitrakuta .............................. 81-89
Lakshmana’s advice to Guha—Parting with Guha—Rama
at Bharadwaja’s Ashrama—Rama at Valmiki’s Ashrama—
Valmiki’s previous History
Chapter 7 King Dasaratha’s Demise ....................................... 90-100
Sumantra’s return and after—Muni’s curse on Dasaratha—
Bharata’s Return and confrontation with Kaikeyi—Bharata
seeking Kausalya’s Pardon—Vasishtha’s Advice to Bharata
Chapter 8 Bharata on the Trails of Rama ............................... 100-106
Bharata on the way to the forest to fetch Rama—Meeting
with Guha—Bharata at Bharadwaja’s Ashrama
Chapter 9 Bharata’s Return and After ........................................ 106-115
Performance of Dasaratha’s Funeral—Bharata persuaded
to return—Kaikeyi’s Conversion and Hymn—Bharata after
his Return—Rama at Atri’s Ashrama

Chapter 1 Towards Dandakaranya ....................... 116-120
Redemption of Viradha—Viradha's Hymn
Chapter 2 Visit to the Ashramas of Sarabhanga and Sutikshna 121-126
At Sarabhanga’s Ashrama—Rama vows to extirpate the
Rakshasas—At the Ashrama of Sutikshna

Chapter 3 At the Ashrama of the Sage Agastya ..................... 126-131

Meeting with Sage Agastya—Agastya s Hymn

Chapter 4 Towards Panchavati .............................................. 132-137

Meeting with Jatayu—Rama’s sermon to Lakshmana

Chapter 5 Surpanakha’s Mutilation ..................................... 137-143

Surpanakha’s Arrival—Surpanakha's Mutilation and Des­
truction of Khara—Surpanakha's Representation to Ravana

Chapter 6 The Commissioning of Mareecha .... 143-147

Ravana at Mareecha’s Abode—Conversation between
Ravana and Mareecha—Mareecha assumes the Form of a
golden Deer.

Chapter 7 Abduction of Sita ................................................ 148-154

The Destruction of Mareecha — Sita’s harsh words to
Lakshmana—Ravana abducting Sita
Chapter 8 Salvation of Jatayu ....................................... 154-160
Rama in Search of Sita—Meeting Jatayu—The Hymn of
Chapter 9 Salvation of Kabandha
Ramas confrontation with Kabandha—Kabandh-i’^ I6O-I65
cedents—Kabandha’s Hymn. e’

Chapter 10 The Meeting with Sabari ..................

Sabari and her Antecedents—Rama on the Disciplines of 166-170
Devotion—Sabari on Sita’s Whereabouts


Chapter 1 Alliance with Sugreeva

Hanuman meettng with Rama-Rama’s Alliance' with 171'179
Sugreeva—Sugreeva calls for Tests of Rama’s Strength-
Sugreeva’s Praise of Rama 8

Chapter 2 The Destruction of Vali

Fight between Vali and Sugreeva-Tara’s PIea to Vali2
Death of Vali

Chapter 3 Aftermath of Vali’s Death

Tara distracted at Vali’s Dcath-Rama.s Sermon’ T.
Coronation of Sugreeva 1 ara

Chapter 4 Rama in Retreat at Pravarshana 192-197

Rama instructing Lakshmana on his ritualistic Worship—
Hanuman’s advice to Sugreeva

Chapter 5 Lakshmana’s Ultimatum to Sugreeva .................... 198-203

Rama’s Grief, thinking of Sita—Lakshmana in a threatening
Chapter 6 Search of the Monkeys ............................................. 204-211
Monkeys commissioned on the search—Meeting with
Swayamprabha—Swayamprabha’s Hymn
Chapter 7 Meeting with Sampati ............................................. 212-216
Anxiety of the Monkeys—Hanuman assuages their Fears—
Meeting with Sampati
Chapter 8 Sermon of Chandramas to Sampati ................... 217-222
Sampati’s previous history—Chandramas expounds the
Philosophy of the Atman—Travails of the Jiva—Conclu­
sion of the Sampati Episode
Chapter 9 Emergence of Hanuman the Hero ................... 222-225
The Monkeys confer again—Jambavan’s prompting of

Chapter 1 Hanuman’s Crossing of the Sea ............................ 226-231
Hanuman takes the Leap—Surasa Episode—Mainaka
Episode—Simhika Episode—Confrontation with Lanka-Sri
Chapter 2 Hanuman’s Search ..................................... 232-237
Hanuman sees Sita—Ravana courting Sita—Rakshasis’
threats and Trijata’s Dream
Chapter 3 Hanuman Delivering Rama’s Message to Sita 237-249
Hanuman’s Stratagem to draw Sita’s attention—Hanuman’s
Conversation with Sita—After the presentation of the signet
Ring—Sita gives the Crest-Jewel and narrates the Crow
Incident—Indrajit binds Hanuman
Chapter 4 The Burning of Lanka ..................................... 249-253
Hanuman as Capitve—Hanuman’s Sermon to Ravana—
Sentence of torture by fire on Hanuman
Chapter 5 Hanuman’s Triumphant Return .................... 254-259
Hanuman bids farewell to Sita and returns—Destruction of
Madhuvana—Hanuman’s report to Rama

Chapter 1 The Monkey Army on the March to Lanka .. .. 260-265

Deliberations of Rama with Sugreeva and Hanuman—The
army on the March—-The philosophy behind Rama’s sorrow

Chapter 2 Expulsion of Vibheeshana ...................................... 265-270

Ravana deliberating with his' Ministers—Vibheeshana’s

Chapter 3 Self-surrender of Vibheeshana .................... 270-278

Vibheeshana seeking Shelter at Rama’sFeet—Vibheeshana’s
Hymn—Vibheeshana’s Installation—The Episode of Suka,
the spy of Ravana—Subdual of the Lord of the Ocean

Chapter 4 March to Lanka ...................................................... 278-283

Installation of Rameswara and building of Setu—The
monkey army marches to Lanka—Suka’s report to Ravana
—Suka’s sermon

Chapter 5 The First Assault by Monkey Forces ....................

Antecedents of Suka—Malyavan’s Sermon — The two
forces join battle—Meghanada’s devastating attack—
Hanuman revives the Monkeys—The Rout of the Rakshasas

Chapter 6 Ravana Seeks Kalanemi’s Help

Ravana’s attack and discomfiture—Kalanemi Episode—
Kalanemi’s Sermon

Chapter 7 Hanuman in Quest of the Divine Medicinal Herb

Kalanemi m the guise of an ascetic—' 298-304
—Awakening of Kumbhakarna—Kumbhakarna’s Sennon

Chapter 8 Destruction of Kumbhakarna

Kumbhakarna’s Meeting with Vibheeshana—Narada’s 304-310
Hymn—Indrajit’s Resolve—Vibheeshana’s Advice

Chapter 9 Fall of Indrajit

Interception of the Homa—Fight with Indrajit and his death 311-316

Chapter 10 Obstructing Ravana’s Homa

Ravana’s Fire Sacrifice—Monkeys obstructing the Fire 317-322
Sacrifice—Ravana’s advice to Mandodari—Conversation
between Mandodari and Ravana “

Chapter 11 Destruction of Ravana

Ravana in the Battlefield—Attack on Rama—Fight betwe 323-330
Rama and Ravana—Death of Ravana—Ravana’s salvor
through confrontation ,on

Chapter 12 Events after Ravana’s Death

Lakshmana's sermon to Vibheeshana-Cremation of
Ravana—Vibheeshana’s Installation—Sita’s Ordeal by Fire

Chapter 13 Departure to Ayodhya

The Hymn of Brahma—Sita united with Rama—Hymn of
Indra—Events preceding the Departure to Ayodhya

Chapter 14 Rama’s Return Journey to Ayodhya .................... 346-355

Description of places as seen from above—Hymn of Bharad-
waja—Hanuman’s Mission to Bharata—Bharata goes to
meet Rama

Chapter 15 Rama’s Coronation .......................... 355-363

Rama’$ Entry into Ayodhya—Coronation of Rama—
Hymns of Indra and others

Chapter 16 Conclusion of Ramayana ................................... 364-368

Leave-taking of all allies—Rama’s Rule—Greatness of

Appendix ' The Adhyatma and the Valmiki Ramayanas: .. .. 369-376

Differences and Deviations


7 I JO

*t: tM-wk<hft fcfrt: wfirafaRra sw: iwn^sstn: i
si^rw’^Kt faarT*rai i

3FFF^F3RW fettwi HMI'TW II 2
Tsfo faRiRR^: I
nwi h^iw mhqrn *nfar 11 3
3TW?WiTT^or^ ftetf 9^(^s^§X?3FEr5^r I
H3T w gr^i: 'T’FRtf 11 4

Chapter 1
Salutations to Rama (1-5) is the support of the manifesting power
1. He—the Ligh’t of Consciousness, the known as Maya but is at the same time free
Undecaying One—who, being beseeched by from all its effects; whose form transcends
the Devas, was born on earth in an assumed all mental conceptions; who is a condensation
human form as a scion of the Solar Dynasty; of Bliss and Pure Consciousness—
who, after having effaced the tribe of the Him, the Lord of Sita and the knower of
Rakshasas and established His eternal and Truth, I adore. 3. Those who study or
sin-destroying holy fame all the world over, hear with whole-hearted attention this
assumed again His own original form as Text called the Adhyatma - Ramayana,
Primeval Brahman—Him, the Lord of which has the approval of al* the Puranas,
Janaka’s daughter, 1 adore. 2. He who is are freed from all sins, and they attain to Sn
the sole cause of the origin, the sustentation Hari. 4. One who aspires for Mukti should
and dissolution of the world-systems; who verily study the Adhyatma-Ramayana. He

w^w faftro^n 'hRkhjii snK ^nffri
HW^ c< q^Wtsfc I
wfr 7
«tM q^wrws4 ^hi wts ^sigror: I
^ittsi mtsfa q< ’RS T'W II *

;5<HTW <tf^R W W 3^RT II *

^5lft ’H ^’t ^BI |
mRk€?( SffcgJ || io

who hears its recital every day derives merit whom all Jivas are objects! Thou art also
equal to that gained by making a gift of the Supreme Lord over all beings. May
several crores of cows. 5. This Ganga of Thou, who art the Eternal One too, be
Adhyatma-Ramayana, which originates pleased to impart to me the truth about
from the mountain of Siva, and has its Purushottama, the supreme spiritual Sub­
estuary in the ocean of Rama, purifies all the stance. 8. Lo! Great ones impart to devotees
three worlds. even important spiritual secrets which should
not in the ordinary course be comfnunicated
Question of Parvati: Was Kama
to others. I am Thy devotee and Thou
engrossed in worldliness? (6-15)
art my dear one. So, O Lord, be pleased
6. Once seated in a pavilion in the to answer my question. 9. Impart in brief
heaven of Kailasa, on a diamond throne and simple words, which could be grasped
luminous like a hundred suns, the three­ even by me, an ignorant woman, that
eyed Deity Siva—who is the Supreme knowledge which produces spiritual ex­
Lord, the bestower of refuge, the adored of perience, followed by supreme devotion and
the Siddhas, and the Abode of Bliss—was non-attachment to worldly values.
addressed with devotion by Parvati Devi 10. O Lotus-Eyed One! I have yet
his Consort, the Daughter of the Mountain, another question to ask about a supremely
in the following sin-effacing words: esoteric matter. Please tell (reply) me first
Parvati said-. 7. Salutations to Thee, the about that. It is a well-known fact that
Shining One and the Abode of the world devotion to Rama, the Essence of all
systems'. Thou art the Ultimate Seer to existence, is a well-built ship for man to

hftto arwiftr i

tow II H
WT5^Hl4 I
srafo ^wfrowwn: <rc <w u 12
to ^fftw whrhw^ 1
srofa qWTOtt ’H^T Wtisrat TOcRTO^ II 13

*rft «> fwr: ।

iroftr *rft ^t hrT ft a^kft sftroli: u u
3W^R f% ftftri sn TO^ft U 15

$n ^TrwPritftits< <rc4 faro^ n 16

cross the ocean of Samsara. 11. It is a know the truth about the Transcendent
well-known teaching that devotion (Bhakti) Self. 14. If he had known the truth about
to the Supreme Being is the royal road to himself earlier, how could he, the Supreme
liberation (Moksha), and that no means Being, be stricken with grief by the loss of
other than that is required for its attainment. Sita and bemoan his fate? But if he was
Yet 1 have, some doubts in respect of this. without knowledge of the Self, how can he
It behoves Vhee to dispel such doubts from be a fit object for adoration, being only on
my mind by Thy clear exposition. 12. a par with all the ignorant living creatures?
Rama is said to be the Original Being tran­ 15. Whatever explanation you have for this
scending all the manifestations of the Gunas conundrum, deign to inform me of it and
of Prakriti and is unaffected by them. remove my doubt.
Accepting him to be so, men devote them­
selves day and night without any reservation Mahadeva On the Truth about
to his adoration and thereby they attain to Rama (16-24)
the Supreme State. 13. Some people, 16. Sri Mahadeva said: You are indeed
however, say that in spite of being the fortunate in having got this desire to know
Supreme One, Rama could not know himself the truth concerning the Supreme Self.
as the Spiritual Self (Brahman) owing to You are a devotee. Never before this have
his own Power of Ignorance. When in­ I been questioned by any one on the truth
structed by another (i.e. by Brahma as concerning Rama, which is an esoteric
stated in Valmiki’s Ramayana), he came to doctrine, extremely profound and subtle.

Wf: TO Sl^fW TO g^Rt ft II 17

ft ?nhr^ftnft(ft *r: I
srafo^itsft fan* win ^rtw n is
smRf qftft nnfar =roMt i
tot wrfc ftipfw: ^nftw n 19
WMR& W Wh’Rta I
t ^nftn^r: 1
wifo fen t wtas WN w: 11 20
TOWth n 5 fteft sqtra^FTit w 1
ft^WFR^ ^Rftsfw tokh 11 21
w ft ^iw nnai nstfro swt 1
wi ^tfen^ntiR: 5Rt n 22

17. I, who have been devotedly questioned Pure Consciousness unaffected by Maya—
and thus prompted by you today, shall ignorant Jivas superimpose their own igno­
reply to your question after making due rance and see Him as involved in worldly
salutations to that noblest one of Raghu’s entanglements like themselves. Attached
line. Rama is the Supreme Self, distinct as they are to their own relatives and worldly
from Prakriti. He is the one all-compre­ assets, and involved in multifarious activities,
hending Being, who is pure Bliss itself and they fail to perceive Rama dwelling within
the Spirit Supreme over all entities. 18. their hearts, just as they fail to recognise
Having projected this entire universe by the presence of their golden necklaces
His Power, Maya-sakti, He dwells within adorning their own necks. 21. In the sun
and without the universe like the element whose nature is luminosity, there can be
ether. Though He is thus the resident within no darkness. Even so how can ignorance
all beings, He is completely hidden from subsist in Rama who is the condensation of
their vision, as He is their innermost Self. Pure Consciousness, and who is the tran­
He is the ultimate Seer and Witness of alt scendent and Supreme Self? 22. A man of
this universe of His Maya’s creation. 19. defective eye-sight, whose vision is whirling,
Before Him the whole universe whirls as sees the houses and other objects too as
iron filings round a magnet. The unintelli­ whirling. (The whirling movements of the
gent, with their minds covered by the power objects outside is only an attribution on
of Ignorance (Avidya), know this not. them of one’s own whirling vision). So also
20. On Him, Rama—the Supreme Self, the men are deluded by superimposing on the

W 54 II 23
WRWF5H4 fe|R^ f? felt W I
s^mr^Rfe^Nt MHW*n*i ft ii 24
3H WWlfa T^wft I wrow^fet 4twr^ 11 25

gn wi wit wot w^-K 1 ot otw41 11 26

4fen wri^ra: i 3r4|EWW£Wt u 27
srfqfro ’iftpt wOT^^iwf^: 1 fe[R{t Wn4t»(‘ H 28
__ ? r- ____ • », . _
ron w mssrfe $w: I WOTHW^^HTO W1R1JJI 29
hr: Hfeg^OT? ft TO swit I fro^4ts4wR^m4t ferofem^ao
<\ °x

Supreme Self egoistic actions of their own place between Sita, Rama and Hanuman.
I-sense (Ahankara) which in combination It is concerned with the means for the
with the body and the senses, assumes-the attainment of Moksha—a closely guarded;
role of the doer. 23. In the sun who is of inaccessible secret. (26-27). In days of old
the nature of unobstructible and changeless when the events related in the Ramayana
luminosity, there can be no day and took place, Rama the heroic warrior, after
night at any time. In the same way, in destroying Ravana, the enemy of the Devas,
Rama, the Supreme Being Hari, who is the along with all his sons, army and vehicles,
condensation of Pure Consciousness, how returned to Ayodhya with Sita, accompanied
can there be knowledge and ignorance, the by Lakshmana and Sugriva, and attended
two changing states observed in limited by the monkey leaders headed by Hanuman.
centres of consciousness? 24. Rama, the 28. Anointed king, Rama, who was lumi­
noblest of the Raghus, is of the nature nous like numerous suns, sat on the royal
of Pure Bliss-Consciousness that has throne surrounded by great men like the
no rise and fall. That lotus-eyed Lord is sage Vasishtha. (29-30), There Rama saw
the witness of Ajnana (ignorance) and not Hanuman, who had fulfilled all his duties,
a victim of it. M aya, the power of ignorance, who was desireless, who was an aspirant
is dependent on Him, and can there­ for Knowledge, and who was high-minded,
fore never cause Him infatuation and standing before him with hands held in
ignorance. salutation. Seeing him so standing, Rama
said to Sita, “Impart to Hanuman the
Sita instructs Hanuman (25-31) Knowledge of the Supreme Truth. He
25. In further elaboration of this I shall is without any impurity, and he is ever
narrate to you a conversation that took devoted to us. He is a fit recipient for

3TFF& 5JT? UHFT WI Ufal II 31

UH <TC W uf^H^HIH^I wnfnnnNm n 32

3TFF^ faifer WS HU^H^ I U^nfiHHRHTH ^W4»IJHH4»<r*W( II 33
nt ftf? uuft??^wR^K1 W Uftf&HI^OT ^itfcowfer 11 34
wrfasqFw I 3RTWR^: 3FH II 35

wn^ sa? i WWTCWT UIWT H^W « 36

TFU^UITHI H^TH: I 3FhwH^ nrat w sjcsrtIto: II 37
<V^*Hb<<<wi ftwi U I WHlftWtf HFTRft^ton II 38
HhiMM: h^sihi wr u l wi: ’jsr hhfth: n 39

spiritual illumination.” 31. Sita, who is Prakriti (Power), create the universe un­
the Lord’s Power infatuating the whole wearied.
world with confusion about the true spiritual 35. What 1 create in His mere presence,
Self, agreed to do so, and imparted to the ignorant super-impose on Him. (Now
Hanuman. who was a true spiritual refugee hear about what is thus super-imposed).
at the Lord’s feet, the Truth about Rama He was born in the city of Ayodhya in
in a convincing way. the very pure line of the Raghus. 36. He
helped Visvamitra to conduct the sacrificial
Sita on the real nature of Rama (32-43)
rites safe from the obstruction of Rakshasas.
Sita said'. 32. Know Rama to be the He then terminated the effects of the curse
Supreme Brahman—the Existence-Know­ that was on Ahalya. Next he broke asunder
ledge-Bliss Absolute, the One without a the great bow of Mahesvara at the court
second. He is Pure Existence devoid-of all of Janaka, my father. 37. Thereupon he
adjuncts, whom the senses cannot perceive solemnised his marriage with me, humbled
as their object. 33. Know Rama as pure the pride of Bhargava Rama on his way to
Bliss, as devoid of all impurity, as
Ayodhya after the marriage, and lived with
peace, as changeless Substance, as free me in Ayodhya for twelve years. 38.
from the stain of ignorance, as all­
Then took place his exile to Dandakaranya,
pervading Spirit, as devoid of all followed by the destruction of Viradha,
disvalues, and as self-revealing Conscious­
the slaughter of the demon Maricha who
ness. 34. Know me to be the Primeval came to deceive us in the form of a deer,
Prakriti, the material and instrumental
and the abduction of Maya-Sita by Ravana.
cause of the creation, sustentation and dis­ 39. Next he gave salvation to Jatayu and
solution of the universe. In the mere presence
Kabandha. accepted the worshipful adora­
of Rama the Supreme Brahman, 1. His
tion of the ascetic woman Sabari, and

wsnr Il4o
wro rat agro : I i^ wisw’Kr^ Il 4i
swlwwf i wnn wfa i

WOwfcl II 42
ORt w n^r *r froft ?raft 3t ft»^ I
’rftrafttfr wqi’ynn^iA ft to froft n 43
3ft W ^FT 5ns ^JTO 5RTO& ^fcHHW’KKTO^ U 44
3wnro w Sfift^frat ss^Rt I s^rnnt nwwta ft I
nftfroiwm srot ftfra to u 45
<<M4h>bMMTO^ ^TOW^ I 3TOSWR 'fcn faftt II 46

entered into a treaty with Sugreeva. 40. constituents of Maya, He seems to get trans­
Afterwards took place the destruction of formed, whereas in fact it is only the consti­
Vali, the search for Sita, the spanning of tuents of Maya that undergo transformation.
the ocean with, a bridge of rocks, and the
siege of Lanka. (41-42). Next took place Srirama-hridayam (44-56)
the destruction of the evil-minded Ravana Sri Mahadeva said: 44. Next Rama him-
with all his progeny, the gift of the Kingdom self said to Hanuman who was standing
of Lanka to Vibhishana, the departure near: I shall tell you the truth about Atma,
with me to Ayodhya in the aerial vehicle Anatma (non-Atma) and Paramatma (tran­
called Pushpaka, and finally the crowning scendent Atma). 45. The Akasa (sky) has
of Rama as the King of Ayodhya. All three divisions. There is first of all the
these achievements, though accomplished by all-pervading sky. Then there is the Akasa
me (Prakriti), are superimposed on Rama, or sky in association with (or pervading)
who is really changeless in Himself and is the water receptacles like tanks, lakes,
the soul of all beings. 43. Rama walks water pools etc. This sky cannot at all be
not, He sits not; He sorrows not; He called different from the universal sky in
desires not; He abandonsnot; there is no spite of its association with water receptacles.
trace of any activity in Him. Being Pure Apart from these, there is a third sky,
Bliss itself, there is no movement, no namely, the reflection of the universal sky
transformation in Him. As He is the sub­ seen in the water of the vessel. 46. In the
stratum of Maya, the changeful Nature of same way Consciousness has three aspects
His, He underlies all these transformations First of all there is the all-pervading Pure
of the constituents of Maya, as their sub­ Consciousness. Next there is the Con­
stratum; and for those who cannot dis­ sciousness that is associated with the Buddhi
tinguish the substratum from the changeful (intellect). Thirdly there is the Consciousness
8. BALA KANDAM [Ch. 1 & 2

i snro sftro to Iu?

afniRRS 5T^ I 3{iRI*0»*i 3 d^sfiR H^Mdt || 48
WnW^T WRt: I TOTTO TOT^T H” tfSRT: 11 so
WBT WTRtTORTl W^5 5^^ 1
ST ^R Rh?: RRWt SRRRkft || 51
UraPT *T cTO ^R^sfw^ || 52
snw^r w*—
w i srf^gsRw fffe ’TRifitgsn^ n 53

reflected in the Buddhi. 47. Ignorant Pure Consciousness devoid of the associa­
people with distorted understanding super­ tion of any adjuncts. 50. When by hearing
impose on the partless and unchanging and meditating on the great Vedic Dicta
Witness Consciousness the sense of agency like ‘Tattvamasi' the sense of the unity of
of the Consciousness reflected in the Buddhi, the two Atmans (i.e. the Jivatman and the
whose movements and distortions are all Paramatman) is recognised, then ignorance
assumed by the reflected Consciousness as along with all its offshoots like the I-sense
its own. Along with that, the state of the with regard to the body etc., will perish.
Jiva is also assumed. (For, in order that There is no doubt about it.
the Pure Consciousness may be made 51. A devotee of Mine, who understands
into Witness Consciousness, there must be this Supreme Truth, is fit for my Status.
something outside to be witnessed, and this On the other hand one who ignorantly
is provided by the emergence of the Jiva engrosses himself in the search for this
or Reflection of Consciousness in Buddhi Knowledge in the pit of scriptural Texts,
simultaneously with the assumption of without any devotion to Me, never attains to
witnesshood in Pure Consciousness.) 48. this Knowledge of My nature. He will
The Reflection (Jiva) is a false assumption: not have liberation too, even in a hundred
so also the Buddhi is a product of ignorance. life-spans. 52. O Sinless One! This esoteric
Thus both the Jiva and the Buddhi are false. Truth about Me known as ‘SriRama-hridaya'
Brahman on the other hand is indivisible has been declared by Myself (the Divine
and therefore partless; divisibility in Him Incarnate) to you. This Knowledge, which
is due to adjuncts (which are unreal). 49. is superior even to the attainment of the
The great Vedic doctrines like ‘Thou Art heaven of Indra, should not be imparted
That’ assert the unity of this individual by you to any conceited man who has no
Reflection (Jiva), along with the Collective devotion to Me.
Reflection (avichchinna), with the Full i.e. Sri Mahadeva said: 53. O Devi! I have
47-56 & 1-2] THE TRUTH ABOUT RAMA 9

sft^iTOmgl ^r: towt w^rr g^at to tot: Hs4

W^ife wfr i tof^t ?r ^rw t*h to ii 55
<tsf?raretsfTOft TOTO^S TTOfa^t 3T 1
TOromfaRErirot <t^rorw^
ۥ w
*r: sq^nfaTO qsfa r wto^t w*n
4i4I^to^t srsjRgn 56
«ftq?(STOmm TO«iw4iA' torep?
Mfcra^f to tot: to 11 ? ll

communicated to you this Knowledge study of this—such is the unequivocal

*known as Sri Rama-hridayam which 1 once declaration of Rama Himself. 56. A man
imparted to Hanuman. It is a highly may be an outcaste, a confirmed sinner—
.guarded secret, a panacea for all sins, holy one ever given to the- appropriation of other
and heart-delighting. people’s wealth and women, -a thief, a
54. He who constantly studies with murderer of holy men and one’s parents, a
devotion this exposition given by Rama, persecutor of ascetics—, if even he
the Lord Incarnate Himself, will surely worships Sri Rama and ’ studies this
attain to Moksha (liberation). 55. The effect Sri Rama-hridayam with true devotion,
of heinous sins like Brahmahatya (murder he attains in this very life to a status
of a holy man) committed in numerous lives which is difficult of achievement even
past, will all be dissipated by the devout for great Yogis.



Chapter 2

The Vision of Brahma (1-13) doubt has been cut asunder. 2. O Lord!
Parvati said'. 1. O Lord of the worlds! My mind has not yet reached the limits
I am indeed fortunate and blessed, my of satisfaction by imbibing Thy nectarine
hopes and expectations have been fulfilled words concerning the Truth of Rama, which
by Thy grace. The knot of my complicated is capable of destroying one’s worldly

syn wist w I ^fa^wifa r^jt n

wfr w^rat I wnswinfai Trifofar gn w 11

wr ^fwifa -TJ WHiq«t 1 3-7^ iwflWR 1
m^tFT wnaft <hri^:

’jfiRfcr w

spn flte’HiCi fcrogfasR: 1

______ .__________ £. ___________ ■ ____ •*. g
qffal °Mdri^M1ln ^T®T 5R5
w h^hCaf n

WT &

^rft: gwt^-

bondage. 3. Having heard from Thee the • headed by Ravana, assumed the form of a
life-story of Sri Rama in brief along with the cow, and along with all the great sages and
metaphysical truth about 'him, there has celestials, resorted to the realm of Brahma,
arisen in my mind a desire to hear it in all the Creator, and represented her tragic fate
detail and in a manner easy enough for me to him with tears in her eyes. Being the
to grasp. soul of all, Brahma, by a moment’s reflection,
Sri Mahadeva said: 4. O Devi! Listen to grasped the situation mentally (without
the story of Rama, the resident of the the help of any long narration). 7. Next
innermost soul of all—a supreme secret Brahma, the four-faced Creator, proceeded
that I had heard in days of old from Rama to the Milk Ocean, accompained by a large
himself. 5. I shall narrate it to you now. number of Devas and the Earth-deity.
Listen to this narrative which removes the There, with voice trembling with the fervour
threefold misery of man, which eradicates of devotion and eyes brimming with tears
the great fear of death generated by ignor­ of joy stimulated by the excess of Divine
ance, and which bestows prosperity, longevity love, he began to invoke Hari, the omniscient,
and male progeny. the unaging Resident of the hearts of all
6. The Earth-deity, finding that the earth and the Lord of all, with a hymn couched in
was about to sink due to the load of evil clear words of Vedic import and having the
represented by the host of Rakshasas sanction of the ancient spiritual tradition.

I fWTFT ’HT^hR^ II 9

I ||| 10
^r&t <n<t* 'rfW^R; I II n
Wl4h<tfrr ’RnhnTTR^r =q| fw =3 II 12
^q^R?n TWT Rhj fl^^ll 13

m-^sflfe’TRnfa: I t4
?nw ijw*n R parents I ^i’RtR u is
TO I ^RR^I Wfa HTI ^&WT W l|16
I RTrlffTfl: II 17
«*: T^fe: I swriw^ II «

8. Then did Hari manifest in the eastern 2. The Hymn of Brahma (14-21)
quarter, luminous and brilliant like a Srahma said'. 14. O Lord! Adoration to
thousand suns, dispelling the darkness Thy lotus feet with my entire being—the
everywhere. (9-13). After earnest supplica­ body, vital forces, intellect, senses and
tions, Brahma now got the vision of Hari, mind—, to Thy lotus feet which are medi­
which people without purity of mind can tated upon constantly by those who yearn
never have. The Lord, as He appeared in for liberation from the bonds of Karma.
the Vision, was luminous like the Indranila 15. By virtue of Thy mysterious power
gem (lapis lazuli); having a smiling face Maya, constituted of the three Gunas,
with a pair of lotus-like eyes; adorned with Thou createst, sustainest and destroyest the
a crown, pearl necklaces and ear-pendants; universe. But by these actions Thy nature
shining with the lustre of Srivatsa mark, as the Supreme Bliss-Consciousness is not
Kaustubha jewel etc.; hymned by sages like in the least affected. 16. The sinful mind
Sanaka and others; surrounded by His of men is never purified as efficiently by
attendants; sporting the conch, discus, good deeds like charity and scriptural
mace, and play-lotus in His hands; beautified study, as happens in the case of those who
by a garland of wild flowers; wearing a practise constant devotion to Thy holy fame.
Yajnopavita of gold and a cloth of golden 17. May Thy holy feet, a glimpse of which
yellow; accompanied by His consorts Sri T have had in my heart all of a sudden, and
and Bhu; and seated on His mount Garuda. which devoted sages choose to adore,
Seeing this glorious vision of the Lord eradicate all the evil traits of my mind.
Brahma began to praise Him in words 18. Thy feet which persons like me, the
couched in a voice that was choked with Creator, worship at the outset for the
joyous emotion. achievement of our purposes —say, in my
12 BALA KANDAM [Ch. 2&3

(Hi i win 'K <• ii 19

gg faqtsfspjT 1 20
araroq^^ mWh 1 HTOTOffrot wr wi 3 h 2i
wn4 *r*nq m<wr 5ft: I g for: ^TO^ifaffe 11 22
flfot TO I || 23
faqM qjl^RTiT^ WTf ffoTOOT I ’ifasra TO $tTO ^frTO II 24
3FF^ fofcj fot | 25

fo wrai gtfqfo *r I w s^rro i&w to I

K ^Fft II 26
gw ^ftroro ffo I ^ro^fofo www Il 27

case, for gaining the power of creation—, I he Lord Condescends to

are contemplated in their hearts by knowing Incarnate (22-32)
ones endowed with renunciation for gaining (22-25). To Brahma who was thus hymn­
the direct experience of Thyself. 19. Sri ing, the Supreme Being Hari spoke, enquiring
Devi, Thy Consort and Goddess of Pros­ what He should do for him. Delighted at
perity, though having her residence on this response of the Lord, Brahma said:
Thy chest, is jealous, like a co-wife, of the “O Supreme Lord! A powerful Rakshasa
holy Tulasi wreaths offered by devotees named Ravana, who is the son of Visravas
and occupying Thy feet. (For she fears of the house of Pulastya, getting proud
that, being offered by Thy devotees, Thou and audacious on account of certain boons
art more fond of that humble Tulasi than I had given him, has now become a menace
of herself in spite of her being the Deity to the world at large, an'd is subjecting the
of all beauty, prosperity and all other three worlds and the celestials protecting
glorious features.) 20. Therefore, Thy devo­ them to terrible oppression. O Auspicious
tees of mature wisdom, knowing, as they One! I had decreed that his death could be
thus do, that Thou art more fond of the accomplished by a human being only. So,
genuine devotees than of Sri Devi, ever 0 Lord, deign to take a human embodiment
desire only for Bhakti, the highest form of and destroy this enemy of the celestials.”
devotion (in order that the Lord’s choice
The Supreme Lord said'. 26. The Pra-
may fall on them) 21. May I therefore
japati Kasyapa once propitiated Me by
be blessed with devotion to Thy lotus feet
his austerities. As requested by him, I
ever more. For to one stricken with the
have agreed to be born as his son. That
fever of transmigratory existence, nothing
Kasyapa is now born on earth as King
is as effective a medicament as Bhakti.
Dasaratha. 27.1 shall take a human embodi-

qfawnft srw i nt I scwd <rt msr I

ftwrW ^ipraraiht; u 28

T<t: II 29
^5ts4 snsft wwwi-c 1 fwh wft 1130
wrift n 1 w .mvr fcn: ^in^rn: 11 31
tarra nt sfawfar: fear; n^rnpffawnt 1
wrarr: ntringnrtsR: srftwnr nwmftw^n 32
«ftw?iRwm snratsnwnt
feata: ^ni: Il 2 1J

meat as his son by his wife Kausalya. the tribe of Vanaras (apes) by. fractions of
In his two other wives My Essence itself yourselves, and be the helpers of the Lord
will take birth as three issue (two in one and Vishnu as long as He is on earth for the
one in the other). 28. When I incarnate,
accomplishment of His mission.” 31.
My Yoga-maya (Spiritual Power) will be
Addressing the Devas thus and comforting
bom as Sita, the daughter of Janaka. In Mother-earth, Brahma returned with a peace­
association with Her, I shall accomplish ful heart to his spiritual abode known as
all your purposes. Saying so, the Lord Satyaloka. 32. And the Devas, expecting
Mahavishnu disappeared from the sight of the advent of Hari and the chances of
all. Then Brahma said to the Devas as becoming His helpers in this divine
follows. 29. “Mahavishnu will incarnate mission, got embodied in different places
Himself in a human form in the royal house in the form of apes capable of fighting
of Raghu. 30. All of you take birth among with mountains and trees as their weapons.

3FT w Wi tfliRWWI srilEMlfa'lfiijfc; II I

5^1 ?wrchfifflfty'fy II 2

Chapter 3
Dasaratha’s sacrifice for the Sake of Issue Ayodhya a king named Dasaratha supreme-. . . ..../?'
' ' devoted to truth, heroic and renowned-
Sri Mahadeva said'. (1-2). There was in all the world over. Being worried that he

fli 5«3F U 3
^r: hw^ ^nsi ^rw: Il 4
wrfa: sfh: gsniiftfe iftasnr II s
gfH«i4to ufofa: Hfet: ^jRi: I WeS w^r n 6
w w’Sqra^i *uM4m rwi 7
’jgm qm fcF gsfri ^rfwft^i qF^Rt ’RHRHW $^FT S TO’T! II 8
vg'i'Hi ’R’F ut sts?g$ifsK^r: l afaCTI&ft W gssnRt^: II 9
qsta^n$ 3{^w wss: n 10
’Qs^i 3 MMHUU S5^ gqiPidl ||11
3S^T ’S *?‘ sq?t feFTt q^snfcn 111112
was issueless, he one day addressed Yds possessing the luminosity of gold purified
family preceptor Vasishtha, after making by heating, emerged from the sacrificial
obeisance to him in due form. 3. He said: pit, holding forth a golden vessel containing
“O Master! How can I have worthy Payasa (milk pudding). 8. “Receive this
sons with all auspicious features? My divine Payasa made by the Devas, which is
whole kingdom is only a cause of sorrow productive of issue. It will undoubtedly
to me, as I have no issue to succeed me. help you to obtain Mahavishnu Himself as
4. Thereupon the sage Vasishtha said tc son.” 9. Saying so, that Fire-deity gave
him: “You shall have four worthy sons the Payasa to the king and disappeared
who will be equal to the guardian deities from sight. And the king, having achieved
of the quarters. 5. Without loss of time his object, made obeisance to both the sages,
manage to get here the austere sage Vasishtha and Rishyasringa.
Rishyasringa, the husband of Santa, and
perform Putra-kameshti, a sacrifice to be Rama Incarnates (10-18)
performed by one desiring issue, with
10. Permitted by the sages Vasishtha
him, Rishyasringa, as chief priest.
and Rishyasringa, the king gave half the
He will be assisted bv us, your family
quantity of that Payasa to Queen Kausalya,
and the other half to Kaikeyi. 11. There­
6. Complying with this instruction, King upon Sumitra, the third consort of the
Dasaratha invited the sage Rishyasringa, King, who too was extremely desirous of
and with due observance of preliminary consuming that issue-conferring Payasa,
sacrificial disciplines, commenced the per­ came forward. Kausalya joyfully gave her
formance of the sacrifice assisted by his one half from her own share. 12. Kaikeyi
ministers and sages like Vasishtha. 7. too gave her (Sumitra) one half of her
When holy offerings were made in the sac­ share of the Payasa. All these women who
rificial fire, with great faith, the Fire-deity consumed the Payasa became big with child.

M^fRt $Rt i*t I s=ri^rf^ 3^^ ll
i snfoRffowr: ’K’W w<r: Il
4)<gh^^rwH: I sr^n^fcHR ^wwntor: ll
fcftfr $f^m: i wwFF(H<F<MWfift<tf»e n

^W5R%5<5f gflfcfom: ll
tot 4 'hrfhpt forw?n i ^mwri Hvn snssifosn^ n
Jrwts^ WW^ I ’TWRFs^sh^i 3?fef 3<?$Nh: ||
*TRT I r(t ^nfo: WHtf ^foifo^ II 21
13. In their quarters in the palace, these
moon of grace in His heart; possessing
queens now shone like celestials, and in the
tenth month Kausalya gave birth to a unique lotus-like eyes overflowing with the sentiment
infant. 14-15. The Supreme Spirit, the Eternal of universal love; and adorned with the
Srivatsa, necklace, armlets, anklets and
Being and the Lord of all, incarnated in the
other ornaments—such was the form of the
month of Chaitra (Madhumasa) amidst a Lord when He incarnated Himself as the
shower of flowers, on the ninth day of son of Kausalya.
the bright fortnight, under the constellation
of Punarvasu in the auspicious zodia­ Kausalya’s Hymn and the Lord’s
cal sign of Cancer when the five planets Response (19-34)
(the Sun, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter and Venus) 19. Wonderstruck at the sight of the
were in the ascendant, and the sun was at Divine form of the Lord, Kausalya addressed
the sigh of the Ram (Mesha). (16-18). Him with her hands held in salutation and
Blue in complexion like the petals of a blue
eyes brimming with tears of joy.
lily; draped with a yellow wearing cloth;
Kausalya said'. 20. Salutations to Thee,
sportingfour arms; with the corner of the eyes the Lord over all divinities and the wearer
tinged lotus-red; wearing a pair of shining of divine insignia like conch, discus and
ear-pendants; luminous like a hundred mace! Thou, O Lord, art the Supreme
suns; crowned with a diadem over His head Spirit, the Highest of all beings, eternal,
of curly locks; resplendent with conch, all-pervading and limitless. 21. The know­
discus, mace and lotus in His four arms and ers of the Vedas declare Thee to be indescrib­
a wreath of wild flowers on the chest; able by words, and ungraspable by the
with His face illumined by the lunar light
conceptual process of the intellect. Tran­
of his smile indicative of the presence of the scending the purview of the senses, Thou
Ch. 3

*nw far* gwfc wrar: n 22

53? FT iF^fa * I 1123
wnt wi: ^5 *f*R5i<taJ w u 24
wimwAmhI sto 1 toito 11 25
’RtW^T I W^T T«j II 26
ifenwroft wri 'rf^wnf^ 1 wfa wn <n^ng<wn 11 27
w fa«35 I wJtS Ht foufaiWt || 28

W II 29
nttfW 5TTW II 30

art the Essence of all beings as pure Exis­ abdomen. 26. Following the ways of the
tence, and Thy form is of Pure Conscious­ world, Thou art bom of my womb. O
ness. 22. By Thy Power known as Maya Thou, the noblest one of Raghu’s line!
Thou, in association with the Gunas of Today, by this condescension of Thine, I
Rajas, Sattva and Tamas, createst, sustainest have come to understand how Thou dost
subject Thyself to Thy devotees. 27. Today
and destroyest the universe. But (unaffect­
have I attained to Thy holy feet—I who
ed by all this creative activity) Thou art
am submerged in the ocean of Samsara,
ever the Pure Being, the Fourth transcending the transmigratory cycle, and who am by
the three states of waking, dream and sleep.
Thy illusory Power forced into an infatuating
Though Thou appeaiest to be doing,
Thou art no doer; though Thou appearest involvement with husband, children, wealth
to be moving, Thou art not moving*, though and other worldly concerns. 28. O Lord!
Thou appearest to be hearing, Thou art May this form of Thinfc remain ever impress­
not hearing; and though Thou appearest ed in my mind, and let not Thy Maya, the
t° be seeing, Thou art not seeing. 24. Power that infatuates the whole world, affect
Without Prana, without mind, untainted- and overpower me. 29. Soul of the universe!
such is the declaration of the Vedas about Deign to withdraw this suprahuman form
Thee. Though Thou abidest in all beings of Thine, and reveal Thy charming form
abke as unmodified Being, Thou art outside as an infant that confers bliss on all who
the ken of all. 25. Though thus outside see it. I shall overcome the formidable
the range of persons whose mind is overcast darkness of ignorance by lovingly embrac­
with the darkness of ignorance, those ing and talking with Thee as an infant.
endowed with a pure mind perceive Thee 30. The Lord said: “O mother! Let every
clearly. All the world systems included in thing take place as you wish. It will never
the cosmos are but minute atoms in Thy be otherwise.

g 3iw I snfHt n 31
?ro wnofsra: gn 1 1132
<«i 5RtR W: I RWfcjpT ^Rt It 33
l s *w to^tot it 34
w *rat wt 5 1 n35
wWFtoft qnferariw^r: I snr w tow w 1
JJW H< || 36
Tnf wfarog I 5^n *nwnpr wk h: u 37
ifcft ’gw tow 1 gfwrt to TOf 11 38
w nrnwfa wShtft g^r srofa toh qiw ^pn: 1139
^fTO wr faro 1 3 35: sn? wnsju <?to 11 40

31. “1 have been entreated in the past complexion like the Indra-neela gem, and
by Brahma to relieve the earth of its burdens haying very broad eyes. 36. He shone like
by destroying Ravana. For this purpose the early sun, and all the protecting divinities
I have now assumed a human form. 32. of the quarters rejoiced at his birth. On
Besides, O virtuous lady, you and Dasaratha hearing the gladdening news of a son’s
had in days of old performed austerities, birth, King Dasaratha came running in
praying that you should get Me as your son. great delight to see the infant, accompanied
33. This form of Mine which you have by his family priest Vasishtha. 37. With
seen is a vision vouchsafed to you as the eyes brimming with tears of joy at the sight
fruit of the austerities you have performed of the infant Rama, having eyes resembling
before. It is impossible for any one to lotus petals, Dasaratha performed all the
experience this form otherwise. For, My birth ceremonies for him as directed by his
vision bestows liberation on those who get preceptor. 38. Afterwards handsome
it. 34. Those who stu< : his dialogue Kaikeyi gave birth to Bharata, and Sumitra
between us or even hear it read, will to a set of twins with faces resembling the
have remembrance of Me at the time of full moon.
death and attain Sarupya, liberation con­ 39. Overflowing with delight, Dasaratha
sisting in the attainment of My form. made gifts of numerous villages, auspicious
cows and dresses, besides gold and precious
Rama’s Infancy and Childhood (35-59) gems, to holy men in honour of the birth
35. Saying so to the mother, Rama adop­ of his sons. 40. The preceptor Vasishtha
ted the form of an infant and cried like a gave the name of Rama to Kausalya’s infant,
newly born babe. Even in that infant's meaning the one in whom the sages, whose
form, he was extremely handsome, blue in ignorance has been dispelled by Vidya,
18 BALA KANDAM i<-“- -■

to i stto thu 41
^FRt to^ot SRsft 1 TOsrwn^: « 42
* 41
nro wrw fs^^n^iw 1 wmrt farm n 43
STFrT I ^TOffaTOHST^faTOrfeff^ II 44
wit: ii 45
fe^n^^TOrohwta^ 1 wft HWHFi ?rta^H^l

w ^reit Tran ^ter^n 5^^111 46

^jRat to^k 1 srr<<rwftHS«r iw tow* 1147
s&ftTOTO ^TOfaTO*f^^^HTOTOJ 48
SIOT^RTTOT^ V fa^t<T<(^( SRqf TTOtf II 49

comely with necklaces of precious gems

take delight (ramante). Because he delights having < a leopard claw in the centre; with
(ramanat) all, he was called Rama—this
cheeks illumined by the rays coming from
also can be another meaning of the name. <ear ornaments made of gold and studded
41. The other infants were named as fol- with ■ precious gems; wearing anklets of
lows by the Guru: Kaikeyi’s infant was gold giving out a jingling sound, besides a
named Bharata, because he would come to golden girdle and bracelets; and revealing
have great administrative skill (bharanat), the just sprouting teeth in his mouth—
and of Sumitra’s two infants, one was named Rama of the blue lustre of an Indra-neela
Lakshmana because he was endowed with gem delighted his parents, as they witnessed
all marks indicative of auspiciousness him sporting with the calves in the inner
(laksananvitam), and the other Satrughna,
because he would be a destroyer of all quadrangle of the palace.
(47-48) Dasaratha, at the time of taking
enemies (satruhantdrcun). food, would call Rama with great affection
42. In accordance with the parts of Payasa and joy several times to eat with him.
that Sumitra received from Kausalya and Being absorbed in play he would refuse to
Kaikeyi, these infants moved about in pairs,. respond. So the King, with a smile on his
Lakshmana with Rama, and Satrughna with face, would ask Kausalya to fetch him; but
Bharata. 43. Rama and Lakshmana, even after much chasing, she could never
playing childish pranks, delighted their
get hold of him who could be grasped only
parents by their gestures and artless
by the mind of the Yogi. 49. Afterwards
prattle. (44-46). Bedecked on the fore­
with a smile on his lips, Rama would
head with a golden Tilaka shaped like a
go to the father of his own accord, and
banyan leaf studded in the centre with a pearl
receiving in his mud-smeared hand, a
Spreading its sheen all over the forehead;

wn spRt to urfa i ^hhiPi Rr(^rarf®r nro( llso

faft£TR[ TH0 || 51
«t^c4to Fm to ^r’T^TO^n^i <sw ’T3t inawfar^ ii 52
4rro $ hrh srt ^f’hrarn I to ’N’sifr II 53
w^tft ’mfa 3?sr wr i ^fael rt$ srsiRfa 11 55
o Af

3fmi 31 f^tWT TO TO TOTRfU I U56

^rt4 a^n *nfrfr i ww o 57
»*> (£.

^TH3T W TO?K I Il 58
WNM'is^wr iww i spi ^ni jrfW^ 1159
3q4hn I faro 11 60

ball of rice, run away to play, once Rama. (56-57). Seeing her approaching, all
again. the brothers ran away, with Kausalya pur­
(50-51) Every month His mother Kausalya suing them in spite of her feet. stumbling
used to observe vows and offer worship for against obstructions. She at last caught hold
counteracting all evil influences on the of Rama, the Lord of the Raghus, and hold­
child, whom she would decorate well. She ing him in her hand, that noble lady could
would also make elaborate preparations of only keep on looking at his face without
various sweets and other dainties as offer­ showing anything like anger or annoyance.
ings. (52-53) On account of the prankish But lo! Rama in his childish mood began to
movements of Rama, she would often be weep. (58-59) Embraced by the mother,
required to abandon her household duties- all of them were fondled intensely by her.
One day the boy went to his mother’s side Thus did Rama, the embodiment of bliss
and said, “Oh mother! I am very hungry. and the source of joy for all the worlds,
Give me something to eat.” But being entertain Dasaratha and Kausalya with
absorbed in her work, she did not hear it. chat assumed form of his as a child. In
Extremely angry at this, Rama took a stick this way they passed from the stage of
and with that broke all the vessels. 54. childhood to that of boyhood.
He broke the vessels in which milk and
butter were hung in slings and distributed Training of the Brothers (60-66)
their contents between Lakshmana and 60. Now they were invested with the
Bharata. 55. Afterwards he gave that curd sacred thread by the family preceptor
and milk to Satrughna also. When the Vasishtha and were instructed and made
cook reported this to the mother, she came proficient in arts and sciences, especially in
running and laughing, to catch hold of archery and bowmanship. They were thus
20 BALA KANDAM [Ch. 3 & 4

tot TOtfro i w n 6i
to^T w w I ttwtst^ 3?ftTO(fcm ng: n 62
Wgit BR qifa ^TTO I TOf II 63
urtoft g^rra: ftarofaw w I ’Tteroifa w«r fwnfcR: n 64
Wr ^rt sfcfe<R<^ i ^<w^r u 65
!£<W*n H$TO<TRt ’TS’WfoRW’T H^Xl
wfwft ’rftw'tfr ?r ii 66
TOrari h4: n Il

made competent in the knowledge of all the finishing his ablutions and daily rites, he
Sastras. 61. Though lords of the world, would salute his father and mother in all
they, having assumed human forms in a humility, and then attend to all the affairs
sportive manner, had to undergo all the of State. 65. Every day he would take his
above training. Of the four brothers, food along with all his kith and kin. Then
Lakshmana was always in the habit of he would engage himself in hearing exposi­
reverently following Rama. (62-63). In the tions of scriptural and administrative texts
attitude of a servant towards his master, by learned men and offer his own explana­
Satrughna always followed Bharata. Daily, tions. 66. In this way, incarnated in a
Rama, equipped with bow and arrows, would human body, the Supreme Being, who is
go to the forest on horseback along with immutable and free from all transformations,
Lakshmana to hunt wild animals, and he did everything following the habits and
would bring all the game and present them customs of men. But when the truth about
before his father. him is investigated it would be seen he was
64. Getting up early in the morning and always unaffected by any change.


Chapter 4
Visvamitra’s Arrival, Seeking Rama mitra, possessed of a radiance like that
(Ml) of the fire, having understood that the
Sri Mahadevg said: 1. Once sage Visva- supreme Being had incarnated Himself as
61-66 & 1-12] RAMA’S ADOLESCENCE 21

m w sttgcwnftrfr 31 rjwto T?rfaRr tortst 11 2

arftrera gfa w JFFsrfaiWjRrah 1 wifefc* 11 3
rtffen r?r< ’nfar #qr<: 1 Rswnfcfa R aft <rt 11 4
ftsnft^sft sfta: jk^ir wstaft: 1 arc lift to gnfcra^ 11 5
351 (ri ft^i foro: 1 rOrr g^RFft RigRWRt: ll 6
RWR^SHRTR 5^3 UH WF& I U< wi cR «f<t || 7
wi nft 1 79^. w (toinuto n 8
1% ^tft grt u4 ?t?j to i w iii 9
^r uftsf^ro 1 unftr^h n^ft Rfcnfa u 10
HRHsMlit qft wr ^RRTOTO I TO URt R^HKTOH Rift H II11
sife’sa ^^r—
^5 USF^g^T ’IftjftR TOTO I r Higft w: toto ii n

Rama by assuming His power of Maya, brothers, along with Lakshmana. This will
came to Ayodhya in order to see him. 2. bring great good to you. 8. If this pro­
Seeing that Visvamitra had arrived, King posal is agreeable to you, please take
Dasaratha went in haste along with counsel with Vasishtha and then send them
Vasishtha to receive him and make the with me.” Thinking deeply over the pro­
customary offerings. 3. Bowing down to posal, King Dasaratha approached his pre­
him in great devotion with his palms joined ceptor Vasishtha in solitude and asked him:
together in salutation, the Raja said to the (9-10). “O teacher! What am I to do
sage very respectfully, “O, great sage! now? My mind is very reluctant to send
I have attained the object of my life by this away Rama. It was after several thousand
visit of your holiness. 4. Wherever sages years of my life that I got these four sons.
like you go, those houses attain to great They are equal to celestials. Among them
prosperity. Whatever might be the Rama is the dearest to me. If Rama goes
object with which you have come, I offer away from here, it is impossible for me to
in truth to fulfil the same.” sustain my life any longer. 11. But if I refuse
(5-6). Greatly pleased with the king’s hos­ to send him at Visvamitra’s request, that
pitality, the high-souled Visvamitra said in sage is sure to curse me. What course shall I
reply, “Whenever on the fourteenth day take in this situation, consistent with my
of the fortnight I offer special worship to good? It is also impossible for me to
Devas and Pitris, two Rakshasas named speak an untruth.”
Maricha and Subahu along with their
followers obstruct my rites. 7. Therefore The true object of Visvamitra’s mission
- in order to destroy these Rakshasas. please (12-19)
send with me Rama, the eldest of the Vasishtha thereupon said: 12. “O King!

wii snfe i h ns wra n n

r 3 wrft: <nf wi: aa: I ?&hw !?nftft^w <h wfcpft n 14
<\ °\
war 3<t 3^’ t i
I ^1 W II 15
*O «K

I’ftw, R ^T *W I <ft RST WO^WR: II16

5^ anft tr: h ns ft i n^s wt^hrwi ll li7
*W ww Siwq^ ^FJrf: I qtaWTlfa WIT W^FTf^fr II 18
ftwratsft thus at ^rf^gwra: i ns^ra4 ttwt w®4 ii 19
W iftfa SHHT MWTRIM« i&fw^ I WTW W Il 20
afaQd4HxtK$ TFn 3^rwj i ^a^sfwwi nsftmw: ll 21
sn<s iiwrft wwft wf^I softr?H^^WT5&ftFOT^nT^ll22

Hear the esoteric truth about Rama. It is born as your offspring. 17. Having agreed
in every way to be guarded from publicity. to your request, He the Lord is now born
Rama is not a human being. He is the as your son Rama. O King! Lakshxnana
Eternal and Supreme Spirit incarnated. who is none but Sesha would always be
accompanying Rama. 18. The conch and
13. In order to relieve the earth of its
the discus of Mahavishnu, the wielder of
burdens, Brahma, the creator prayed to
Him to be incarnated as man. O pious the mace, are incarnated as Bharata and
one’ It is He, the Supreme Being, that Satrughna. The Lord’s Power, Yogamaya,
has been born in your house to Kausalya as has been bom as Sita, the daughter of
Rama. 14. In your previous embodiment, Janaka. 19. To unite her with Rama is
you were Kasyapa Prajapati, the off­ the real object of Visvamitra’s arrival.
spring' of Brahma. This renowned lady, This is a very closely guarded secret which
Kausalya was Aditi, the mother of celestials. you should not reveal to any one.”
15. Observing continence, you two engaged
yourselves in the worship of, and medita­ Rama Goes with Visvamitra (20-25)
tion on, Mahavishnu, and performed severe 20. Afterwards the king in a very happy
austerities. The Lord, who is noted as the mood resolved to send Rama, the consort
lover of His devotees and bestower of of Lakshmi, along with Lakshmana under
boons on them, became pleased with you. the care of Visvamitra, whom he duly
16. The Lord appeared to you and asked worshipped and honoured. 21. Hearing the
you to choose any boon you wanted. words of Vasishtha, King Dasaratha was
Thereupon, O sinless one, you wanted overjoyed and considered himself to have
Him, the protector of the world, to be attained the greatest aim of his life. 22.

srarnRi i nw^n i
n(teiT ,^rni?ftw>rawsKT 23
iw 1 ^t ^rf ^ifmr IW f ^fifikl 11 24
’^m'X’wsnr w^T’nfe. * n 25

?n 3xft^ w | fwfasrw 5ff^ TW II 26

3PTW wft ^KTOfaft I shwferer sn| n 27

ET3WT 1 SF^mw^nv'il 28
^^?wpn srw qftslW 1 ssmqf^r wtfa^r II 29
mrfer <nsw 1 wr fWt 3ln n 30
<ratsw^t 1 wifanqtf sr^n ww h 31
^4 ’jftw *rn wn 11 32

Calling Rama and Lakshmana to his side He said, “O Rama! Here dwells a Rakshasa
and smelling the, crown of their heads woman called Tataka who is capable of
with affection and embracing them, he taking any form she likes. She is a curse
entrusted them to the care of Visvamitra. to. all creatures passing this way. Kill
23. The powerful sage Visvamitra was im­ her without any hesitation.” 28. Agreeing
mensely pleased at this and expressed his joy to do so, Rama, the scion of Raghu’s family,
by bestowing his unreserved blessings on all. strung his bow and twanged it, filling the
Then accompanied by Rama and Laksh­ whole forest with that sound. 29. Hearing
mana, who approached him fully equipped that sound and disturbed beyond measure
with bow, quiver, sword etc, he started from by it, the fierce -looking Tataka rushed at
Ayodhya. (24-25). After travelling -some Rama in a fit of terrible anger, like a rain
distance, he called Rama With great affection cloud with a torrent of rain. 30. Being struck
and imparted to him two Vidyas, Bala by Rama with a single arrow on the chest,
and Atibala which were of celestial origin. that terrible, creature fell down, vomiting a
Those who know these two Vidyas will be torrent of blood. 31. Then came out from
free from hunger and exhaustion. her the form of an extremely lovely
Yakshi bedecked with all kinds of beautiful
Destruction of Tataka (26-33) ornaments. By Rama's grace this Yakshi,
26. Then, after crossing the Ganga, they who out of a curse had become this ogress,
entered the region called the forest of was thus liberated. 32. Saluting Rama and
Tataka. Visvamitra thereupon said as circumambulating him, she, as ordered
follows to Rama, who was endowed by Rama, went back to her divine
with the true quality of heroism. 27. abode.
24 BALA KANDAM [Ch. 4 & 5

srrferw sn^wnnrr ^r 3^: 11 33

w*efs ^4: ^f: 11 « ii

33. The Rishi Visvamitra was very much he imparted to him with immense
delighted at this and embraced Rama pleasure all the great divine missiles
and smelt the crown of his head out along with the Mantras relating to
of affection. Then thinking for a while, them.


1 sfw tsrIW srfw: sr: II 1

f^pjw «ran nq 1 fcnftR’JT u 2
<rat =q ’qsp «ftw:s^^snqwRji 3

1 ** 11 4
rwi ww 1 Mtfhrar gq^ q’Hr sfsrofwfr 11 5
TOtsfq srjJfl^FT qjiift ssft* I <Rt: "TOi U 6

Chapter 5

Destruction of Subahu (1-9) holy one! Be pleased to start the dis­

1. After spending one night in a forest
ciplines connected with your sacrificial rite.
Ashrama of that place known as Kamashram
4. And show me the direction from which
and inhabited by a large group of Rishis and
those heinous Rakshasas come to distress
providing a charming scenery, the party
you.” The sage Visvamitra agreed to do
stowly proceeded on their journey in the
so and began the sacrificial rite along with
early morning. (2-3). On their reaching
the other ascetics of the place. 5. Towards
Siddhashrama, a resort of Siddhas and
noon appeared those two Rakshasas, Mari-
Charanas, the ascetics living there gave a
cha and Subahu, who were capable of taking
cordial reception to Rama and Lakshmana
any form they liked. Approaching the Ash­
at the instance of Visvamitra. Afterwards
rama, they sent down a rain of blood and
Rama requested the sage Visvamitra, “O bones. 6. Thereupon Rama ofmighty intellect,

I TOTOIS srasn n^nlnMIM^^ II 7

to: I Wlfcrcg WWiGw H «
w ^Rl ^^5: ifrsrh^iu II 9
fwfimg tfro wt tof^i 3^;f^r^^rf^w^TOn^ro:io
Wl TO TOWffclW I JUTORr^^&TO II / 11
^s<fa TOTO<^ I TO TO JfTO^ wrat II 12
f^nront wto: i uri^re TOifa frnfw n 13
g^rf^ c4 qtu«4 to^t 1
304 w^rorfw Wl ^sro^ftriTO^: n 15
wfro^ 1 tvwtro ’sJpto; to! i6
*miw wfsot 1 qfafef^ n n
Mr srft g^ra: 11 is
drawing his bowstring to his ear, released 12. On the fourth day, the sage said to
two arrows at the Rakshasas. 7. Wonder Rama: “O Rama! Let us go and see a
of wonders’ One of those arrows, striking great sacrifice that is about to take place.
Maricha, hurled him away to a distance of 13. In the palace of the great king
a hundred Yojanas into the sea. 8. The Janaka situated in the city of Videha,
second arrow, which was a fiery missile, there is a divine bow deposited there by
struck Subahu dead, while his Rakshasa Maheswara. (14-16). You can have a look
following was all destroyed by Lakshmana. at that mighty bow. King Janaka too
9. The Devas now showered a rain of will welcome you with honours.” Saying
flowers on Rama and Lakshmana. Their so, Viswamitra started with some other
kettle drums began to sound, and the Munis as well as Raifta and Lakshmana,
Siddhas and Charanas sang songs of praise. and went towards the Ganga to reach the
place where the holy Ashrama of Gautama
Rama at the ashrama of Gautama (10-18)
stood and where the lady Ahalya was
(10-11). Viswamitra bestowed all honours engaged in austerities. The place was full of
on Rama, which he richly deserved. Moved trees laden with celestial flowers and
by respect and love, he seated Rama on his fruits, but devoid of any birds or animals.
lap, and with his eyes brimming with tears, Seeing the place so lifeless, the lotus­
embraced him. He kept Rama along with eyed Rama now asked the Muni as
the brother Lakshmana in his Ashrama follows: (17-18). “Whose Ashrama is
for three days, feeding them with ripe fruits this? It looks like a very holy and extremely
and other edibles, and entertaining charming place. I find it full of trees
them with ancient stories and anecdotes. with flowers and fruits, but without any
26 BALA K.ANDAM [Ch. 5

twjw to ’rtant sfajfoyr: I ii !<►

to w TOiw^t 1 s^R^for wrow^ II 20
w msHwTO^j&TOR’ar I ar snf^roK II 21
^ll^^RlW0! I srcirow troika gfrorro; u 22
*TO M^T 5^ ’KH’hlM'i: I ^TO^TO.’W ^’JSRtSSR; ||23
wjs =r $fwfa * m I Hts8Rl(M<i*hs£ <nft ar tor^ 1124
^sfcra ^4 w $faj<Aw I rftaa: sftsraiw snro RPmiIwi; 1125
^F-mvu ^wwiwn i ^toi a ^hhm sifro rto 5^ 1126
TOTO^t ^WRt srorf^ <Wts»R^ | r fro ftrafrowt wa 11 27

living creatures. It gives me great delight Ahalya in the disguise of Gautama and
to be here. All these look wonderful. after gratifying his passion was departing
O great sage! Please tell me all the facts thence in haste when the sage Gautama
about this place and its peculiarities.” returned. 23. Seeing Indra going away
disguised in his own (the sage’s) form,
Curse on Ahalya & her Redemption (19-42) Gautama was terribly angry, and he
Viswamitra said: 19. “O Rama! Listen asked Indra, “Sirrah! You miscreant! Who
to what I say about the old traditions of this are you that have assumed my form?
place. There was a great ascetic named 24. Tell the truth. Otherwise I shall cert­
Gautama, noblest among the observers of ainly reduce you to ashes by a curse!”
Dharma and famous all over the world. Thereupon Indra replied: “I am Indra,
He adored Sri Hari with the austerities he the chief of the celestials. I have been a
was given to practising. 20. Highly pleased slave to Cupid, the god of love. I seek your
with him for the very strict way in which he pardon and protection. 25. I have done a
observed Brahmacharya, Brahma bestowed despicable act, the evil-natured fellow that I
upon him his own daughter Ahalya, the am.” Thereupon Gautama, with eyes red
most handsome girl of her times, noted also with anger, pronounced a curse upon
for her devotion to the discipline of service. him. (26-27). Gautama cursed in great
21. That great ascetic Gautama was staying wrath: “O evil one! You who revel in the
with Ahalya in this place. Now Indra female genitals! I curse you to be
developed a great passion for this girl deformed with a thousaud female genitals
Ahalya, and was on the look out for an on your body.” After thus cursing Indra,
opportunity to enjoy her by deception. the chief of celestials, he entered his
22. An opportung moment came for him hermitage, and there saw Ahalya standing,
when the sage had gone out of the Ashrama trembling in fear and with palms joined in
for some time. Indra then approached salutation. Gautama said to her: “O

faron farora’ n'r: ’rewfarn I wnfaroifaafe^ ll 28

MWfrEHFFrcn <fa nfara^i ’tfrofa ll 29
tows <fate *fas 1 nfa ^nrcfa: tawiWa m^sr: 1130
to rTOSFTfarsrt ’TOwrofa^rfa 1 ^m’n w W’t 11 31
qftro hh^ wnfafawt 1 ^pwt totoh 11 32
^ro< wfa?<TO ^tMh^i ww’n ^nnn^’n TO«fa 1133
<tos(rw wt mmhihhi I sn^wfr nfa ^^ifawi 11 34
toto aWnfwnr 5<w sro 1 ^3TOi to BiW ll 35
=wwfa <N*n (toi^i faro To st ^ITO1^|ERIH36
nro TOfas^fqt TOtS^fafa TO^ I rifa STOI II 37
fararo <nfasf 1 5ffarmStorirt iforo frot ll 39

degenerate one! You will be converted into mountains, the Himalayas. From that day,
a rock in this Ashrama. (28-29). Without any O Rama, unseen by any living being, Ahalya
food and drink day and night, and subjected has been till this present moment observing
to all the inclemencies of weather like rain, severe penance eschewing all food, and ever
sun, wind etc., you will be stationed here in awaiting the holy contact of the dust of
the practice of severe austerity, meditating your feet. Now deign to purify Ahalya,
on the Supreme Being Rama dwelling in the the daughter of Brahma and the wife of
hearts of all. This place, which has been Gautama.” Saying so, Viswamitra took
my hermitage, will hereafter be without any Rama by the hand to the place where Ahalya
living creature. (30-32). After you have was standing as a stone and observing
spent several thousand years in this con­ the most rigorous penance. On Rama
dition, Sri Rama, the son of Dasaratha, placing his feet on the stone, he saw Ahalya
along with his brother Lakshmana will be coming out of it and standing before him.
coming to this place. When he places his (37-39). Rama of Raghu's line thereupon
feet on the rock, with which you will now saluted Ahalya, and announced himself to
gain identity by my curse, you will be her. Then did Ahalya see Rama, the best of
freed from sin. You will then adore Rama Raghu's line, along with Lakshmana, in his
with great devotion, circumambulating him form as Mahavishnu—wearing a yellow
and prostrating before him. Liberated from silk, sporting in His four arms the conch,
the effects of the curse, you will again have discus, mace and lotus; equipped with
opportunity to serve me.” bow and arrows; revealing a face with
(33-36). Saying so, Gautama went away lotus-like eyes and a comely smile playing
and took his residence on that greatest of on it; bearing the Srivatsa mark on His

W wn4 I ’TRW SRI SWT ^TRT •tHI’W ^11 40

Sfl'j’T fMsRWWTfM’TSfa^W I W^FRI II 41

wr w nn I SR^nt^r^™ «h<i<<i<m ii 42
3(tr Wife SmftRW ’TKFSRRFWJ^iTOC 1
wfa w 11 «
3T& ftfcr sr sw W£r wgwnrrtR fWtftsr sr^ 1
WWW* wpS w-witefiMifa*: ll 44
^wtwwMwiwt wtaft ’T^rWwsRt^nfsr 1
snw RR W w^t ’R II 45
wfaraft wf^r wfcftlfru 1
W^’Hrf^wrahwr wfa fw <nFRfa^ 11
chest; and illumining the ten quarters with minds, but which I have now been fortunate
the lustre of his blue emerald-like splendour.
to contact even with the physical body.
Such was the form of Rama that Ahalya 44. Everything about Thee is wonderful indeed
now saw. (40-42). Seeing Rama, the consort O Rama! Thy human form only deludes
ofRama, Ahalya shed tears ofjoy. Remem­ the world. For, Thou, the super-magician
bering the words of Gautama, she recog­ immersed in the plenitude of Bliss and in­
nised Rama to be Narayana Himself. That filling the whole universe with Thy presence,
holy lady, with her eyes brimming with art without any particular form (having
tears, worshipped Rama in due form with hands and feet; but yet as the Incarnate Thou
Arghya and other ingredients. Then art none the less moving about as a man
falling before him in full prostration with a particular form. 45. He the dust
and getting up, she saw the lotus-eyed of whose lotus-feet rendered the waters of
Rama once again, and with horripilations the Ganga sacred enough to sanctify even
all over her body, and voice choking with great beings like Brahma, even He is now
emotion, began to praise him with a hymn. present here for my corporeal eyes to see. This
indeed is a rare good fortune, indescribable
Ahalya’s Hymn (43-65)
by words, arising from some meritorious
Ahalya said: 43. O Thou Indweller of deeds of mine in the past. 46. To none
the whole universe! Blessed am I with else is the adoration of my heart directed
contact I have had with the particles of than to Sri Hari now embodied in a human
dust adhering to Thy lotus-feet—the form in His incarnation as Rama revealing
feet which form only an object of quest for a body of exquisite beauty, having broad
rahma and Sankara with concentrated eyes like lotus-petals and holding a bow in

qMlfiwsm: I
qqiWKfaifr wrFgnfw w«nfa 11 47
wddinfiarfa ftftftRft; nrcfor wn wwn: 1
3FF5^<rft(wMHKftm wtwt wi w?T n 48
Sfs4 TORT gw: gw w4^fa<5RI 3WJI
HHIcFT TOJ3I5 Tf w: II 49

spf ft ^mig«(ftfaA ’r: 1
ftftftrf<TOftww^w sn^w 11 so
jRts^ a w wRrfiRt^ ftpn 1
3nsi5FaWf w^i gn gjfr&fasFRfH: 11 51

wmnft*j3w shm *nrw I ^na wro 11 52

w winftw: gm< 1 wi^Riw^r ww: 11 53

hand. 47. He whose lotus-feet.are always and dissolution of the universe. The free
the object of quest for the Srutis, He and the perfect being that He is, He assumes
whose navel-lotus is the birth place of the different names of Brahma, Vishnu and
Brahma the Creator; He whose holy name Maheswara when He reflects Himself in
of Rama is the dearest among His thousand the three Gunas of His Maya, namely
names to Lord Siva, the destroyer of cities— Rajas, Sattva and Tamas, respectively. 51.
on that Sri Ramachandra I contemplate Obeisance to Thee, O Rama! Thy Lotus
in my heart. 48. He whose deeds in His feet are ever held by Sri on her breast and
incarnations are glorified in Brahma-loka fondled. It was with a single one of those
by sages like Narada and Divinities like feet that Thou didst measure the three
Bhava (Siva) and the lotus-born Brahma, worlds in ancient times. Again those feet
as also by Saraswati the goddess of learning are holy enough to be contemplated upon
with outbursts of bliss-inspired streams of by sages who have abandoned identification
tears, wetting her breasts—in that Sri Rama with the narrow self. 52. Thou art the
I take refuge. 49. Rama, the adorable, origin of all the worlds, nay, Thou art the
is the supreme Self; He is the eternal and world itself, in its totality, and the support
all-pervading Being, the Self-luminous Con­ of the worlds as well. Unrelated to any
sciousness by whom everything is revealed. second existence, Thou art the transcendent
He is the First Cause who is without an and unitary Being. 53. O Rama! Thou
end. For the blessing of the world He art denoted by the sound symbol Om,
has now assumed a form of heart-ravishing but Thou art also the all-pervading Being
beauty. 50. He is the One Being that transcending the scope of any verbal descrip­
forms the cause of the creation, sustentation tion. Thou who dost comprehend the
30 BALA KANDAM [Ch. 5&6

i frofa to witot qgwn il 54

rTOTTOtWsRTOf * wfc TORI: I W* <F^R^ II 55
towto I TOtfrTOsfr faR: II56
TO *n*t TO fTOt I Wl^ TOjfr TO TO^TOT’RFTOt: II 57
i^nfq farot stfa ^ki I ^roro^r tot tor§ ’t H 58
TOTO^hK Rg^tferona iawroro qn^nroroj
. wwftww’ TOWTOiTO TOarftro^f TOJfti II 60
W Wtr <pa: fera^ I qfctro to*toj Wl q^ n 6i
3«^w to qi^(^4^d: i qrh qi sranfarosfa ||61

totality of existence in Thyself, art both I have unobstructed devotion to Thy lotus
the object and the idea. 54. By Thy feet. 59. Salutations to Thee, the Supreme
Power of Maya which is capable of project­ Spirit directing all! Salutations to Thee,
ing this multiplicity, Thou, the Unitary the lover of all devotees! Salutations to
Being, seemest to be manifested as the all— Thee, the master of all the senses! Saluta­
Prakriti the Root Cause, its evolutes known tions to Thee, who dwellest in all Jivas.
as the categories, the worlds forming their 60. Adoration to Rama in the company
' products, sufferings and enjoyments forming of his brother Lakshmana—Rama who is
the fruits of creative activity, and the the saviour of the Jivas from the cycle of
various types of rites and deeds that yield births and deaths (Samsara), who is the
such, fruits. 55. Those who are deluded by One without a second, who is brilliant like a
Thy Maya do not recognise Thy identity with
million suns, who sports a bow and an
the Supreme Lord of Maya, and consider ■
arrow in his hands, who has the lustre of a
Thee only 'to be a human being. 56. Like
blue cloud, who is dressed in a cloth of
the sky Thou art all-pervading, being both
bewitching golden colour, who bears ear­
within and without and everywhere. Pure,
pendants studded with precious gems
unattached and unchanging, Thou art the and who has eyes broad and beautiful
eternal, immaculate, and Undecaying Being like the petals of the lotus flower.
who can be described only as Pure Con­ 61. In this way praising, circumambulating
sciousness and Pure Existence. 57. O All- and prostrating before Rama, the Eternal
pervading One! The senseless and ignorant Being embodied as a scion of the Raghu’s
woman that I am, how can I know Thee in line, she stood before him; and on being
truth and in reality? So, O Rama, I permitted by him, she went away to join her
salute Thee a hundred times with whole­
husband, the sage Gautama. 62. He who
hearted devotion. 58. O Lord! Wherever studies with devotion this hymn of Ahalya
I might be and at all times, may will be free from all sins. He will attain to

groW i srrr Il 63
g^HTtsft ^ftgOTlsft
wr I
STO^ft^tfa ft gTOT ^T^xSt II 65
^H^TOTOm 4TO^W<$
TO W<: h4: II ML II

the Supreme Brahman. 63. By studying in immorality, theft and drink, of cruel
this hymn with a mind concentrated on conduct towards parents and brothers,
Rama, a woman, even if she be unfit for of indulgence in sensuous enjoyments
bearing children, will have an issue within always—even such a one will attain to
one year. 64. By the grace of Rama liberation if he recites this hymn every day
all one’s desires will be fulfilled. 65. Even concentrating his mind on Rama,* and
a person who is guilty of various sinful meditating upon him with devotion. |What
acts like murder of holy men, indulgence then to speak of a man of good conduct!

a sn< tfr sR^niwftrai^i i

i n 2

wrmft crf to ftro^i

Chapter 6

Journey to Mithila (1-5) being performed there, we shall return to

1. Afterwards Viswamitra said to Rama Ayodhya. Saying so, he. along with Rama
and Lakshmana, “O Darlings! Let us and Lakshmana. set off for crossing
now go to the country of Mithila the river Ganga. But the boatman there
governed by King Janaka. 2. After refused to take Rama into the boat
witnessing the great sacrifice that is The boatman said: 3. “O Lord! I would like

ftte ft qiRW flW ?Hlft 5

fttett gsrrat uftsr ftfe adwift: n 4
siftral <n^ <rat ’wk i slftrft irote aftft ftftet *wt 11 s
ft^l 3IF5ptfW | sira $tfaiwiw»4 ^rateftrofte: 11 «
Wrofa ft’rosw. ww I ^wflfaqwro qawnra €tftr^ 11 7
R3FB wft ^rai I ftsr: 11 8
wift TOcftMt 1 wftftTO ter TOirawfra ill 9
W*H sft: ftft *R
5R TO I sw^t wft ’orarcMr 11 10
’BraWrt’fa Wftit ft$ srras^ ’raftfti’f aratf ftOTifttf^iiii
^sftftspi: 1 rar rawi rao ra ’wftftro^ Il 12
^nsftsftro^ 1 4irawri 11 13
*TO ra ftiraro ftrai 1 qKWwrotai 11 m

to wash and cleanse your feet first. What and took his station there. Hearing that
is the difference between a stone and wooden
Viswamitra had come to his city. King
things? The news has spread that the Janaka was rejoiced, and gathering all the
dust of your feet can transform anything necessary ingredients for worship, came
into a human being. (It happened with along with his preceptor in great joy to
Ahalya.') 4. Therefore I shall clean your the sage, prostrated before him and adored
feet of ah the dust on it and then take you
him in the proper way. 8. Seeing the two
to the other shore. If this is not done, princes of Raghu’s line, illumining all the
there is the danger of my boat being
quarters by their brilliance like another sun
converted into a young woman. In that case,O
and moon, and possessed of all auspicious
Master, the livelihood of my family will be
marks on their body, Janaka asked: 9.
endangered.” 5. Saying so, he washed the
“Who are these two heroic boys resembling
feet of Rama and then took the party to
the children of celestials? Whose sons are
the other side of the river. Then Viswa- they? My mind is filled with joy on seeing
mitra along with Rama, the leader of
them, just like the experience one gets on
Raghu’s line, proceeded to the kingdom of
seeing Nara and Narayana.” 10. Pleased
at these words, the sage Viswamitra said
Breaking of Siva’s Bow (6-27) to Janaka, delighting him, “These are two
brothers—Rama and Lakshmana. They are
(6-7). By morning they reached Mithila— sons of King Dasaratha.
the Kingdom of Janaka-Videha. Viswa- (11-16). “In order to protect my Yajna
mitra went to the quarters of the Rishis (sacrificial rites) from the depredations of

W I SIS* II 15
<rfai wftr: I
srar ^rw^l c’xWi^Mt (snifes: ftrR j^dFyfa ll 16
SRxfr gpRT TT^I W^fftft WH I 'IWH Spfjt ftftl^r ^IT II 17
~ <=s ' <\
3I«H» ^1W—
CRT: WRlflTR HF^T I sfrlHFR WOT H 18
<ratiRt np5f^ tfu s&fo^Hwi^i *rft Tint srgtfWr Ui9
nwu tftai wr ft i n^^ftr^s^KW^nnftra^ U20
itfcf wnifw^ 1 n nft *rft$r snwww: ll 21
nffar nftm: 1 11 22
33HIW trr n^ irwtf nT: 1 nn: si^Rm n^r nfW 1123
nrn^w ^ri $3: । auhwnrc g°i ’nnrHfe^nsig 11 24

Rakshasas, I brought them from the palace 17. Hearing these words of the sage,
of their father. On the way this heroic Rama King Janaka, who was a knower of Dharma,
of Raghu’s line killed with a single arrow understood that these princes deserved all
Tataka—the terror of the world. After­ respectful reception. Therefore he extended
wards, arriving at my Ashrama, he killed to them honours with rites prescribed by
Subahu and other Rakshasas, who were the Sastras. 18. Then the king sent for his
obstructing the sacrificial rites there; and highly accomplished minister and said to
hurled away Maricha, their associate, into him, “Let the bow of Parameswara be
the sea. Reaching the banks of the holy brought here soon to be shown to Rama”.
river Ganga and the Ashrama of Gautama (19-20) After the minister- had departed,
situated there, he by the touch of his King Janaka said to Viswamitra, “If
feet redeemed Ahalya, the wife of Gautama, Rama is able to lift and string this bow,
converted into a stone as the result of a I shall certainly bestow my daughter Sita
curse. He restored her to her human form. on him.” At this, Viswamitra looking at
After himself honouring Ahalya, he was Rama with a smile, said: 21. “Let it be so.
adored by her. Now he has come over to Without delay do please show this noble
your palace. He wants to see the great bow to Rama of unlimited prowess.” While
bow of Siva that is in your possession. It the sage was uttering these words, the bow
is well known that royalties from all places was brought there by a set of carriers.
have been coming to see it. Therefore, 22. Five thousand men of strong build
O great king, be pleased to show him that were carrying that boW studded with innu­
bow. After seeing it, his idea is to go merable gems -and diamonds and having on
back to Ayodhya to join his father.” it numerous mini bells. (23-24) That highly
A -3

tomtoms 'Twn i to ’H’HJI 25

ck r< Q ____
to n 26
IT7TT3 I^TT^q 1
n 27
WT to- ?to^n n^iftor^ I to# ton: 11 28
#MT tow Tiftrn TRJ'T 3R I tomr Fitori 11 29
gxtir^F: WJ^J WwHJil I II 30
Tiwto fafto it w l Oto TWTT: 11 31
^sn toton?: 11 32
^r ^tto iR^^S TT #qT Hr-R^ I Trrfl STim: II 33
<-. ? _ . <- r-
RW ^Hwnn I || 34
competent minister exhibited the bow before Then arrived Sita on the scene in all her
Rama. Glad on seeing it, Rama tightened his natural splendour enhanced by her decora­
wearing cloth, and as in sport, lifted the tions. She was adorned with various kinds
bow with his left hand and, in the presence of ornaments like pearl necklaces and ear­
of all the assembled rulers, strung it. 25. pendants. On her feet she had anklets
Holding the bow in his left hand and pulling that produced a delightful tinkling sound.
the string by the right. Rama, who embodied Dressed in a silken wearing-cloth and in a
in himself the energy of the whole universe, thin upper cloth that faintly revealed the
broke the bow producing a tremendous contours of her breasts, the golden-hued
sound that resounded from all the quarters. Sita advanced towards Rama with a smiling
26. That sound penetrated into all the face, and put on his neck a golden
worlds those of celestials, of men, and of necklace which she held in her right hand-
the Titans. With wonder, the celestials,
Her face, wreathed in smiles, revealed the
stationing themselves in the sky, looked at
supreme joy of her heart. Viewing through
the scene. 27. They covered the earth
the windows of the galleries, the ladies of
with a rain of flowers, recited songs and
the royal household saw with great delight
panegyrics in praise of Rama and sounded
the forms of Rama and Sita whose exquisite
theii kettle-drums, while the celestial artistes
beauty charmed the whole world. Now
danced in joy.
King Janaka, versed in all scriptures, said
Sita’s Choice of Rama (28-32) to sage Viswamitra as follows:

28. Seeing the bow broken, King Janaka Arrangements for Marriage (33-44)
embraced Rama—the noblest of Raghu’s
33. The King said, “O great sage Viswa­
me, while the womenfolk, stationing them.
mitra! Send letters soon announcing this
se/ves in the courtyards of their quarters,
news to King Dasaratha, so that he may go
looked on in great amazement. 29-32. over here soon with his sons. 34. Let him

«n?n w tot <frr n 35

fafawiroFifa frtoto hw°t: I tob^ fafrot tounwtto: ii 36
ttoito sfrf ht I *n§ TOK aftdTslfcffa: 1137
Tnwra: tokft 5^: I TO toito TOfi^^r ii 38
wn toJwt i 3TTO w tot ^row: II 39

TOJ*TOW SFW: I *4’£hb’i*Hi T^T ’JjstMUTO II 40

W3 fa$ I ddt TOK$t TO || 41
R*£*n iroift to s^jF^ilro^ I ^3M<RTO TOFT TO STtTO^ U 42

^wnsrc । sro wnf^t 5rto^ qar w u 43

TOt <HWhH *wta I shmt mbRTOTO tor: sgd: srt 1144

be pleased to come with his wives and filling the mind of that Rajarshi with
ministers to attend the marriage ceremony great joy.
of the princes.” Accordingly speedy messen­ 40. Accompanied by his preceptoj Sat-
gers were despatched immediately. 35. ananda, King Janaka hurried to receive the
Reaching Ayodhya quickly, they com­ august guest, and arranged for a reception
municated the news of Rama’s great success ceremony according to the programmes
to the valiant King Dasaratha, who received prescribed by custom and scriptural texts for
the news with overwhelming joy. (36-39). such occasions. 41. Then Rama and Lak.
He ordered his ministers to make quick shmana prostrated at the feet of their father
preparations for going to Mithila. He in salutation. Dasaratha who was all joy
said, “Let army divisions consisting of now spoke to Rama. 42. He said, “6
elephant regiments, cavalry and chariots Rama! I am fortunate to see your lotus­
be ordered to proceed to that city of Mithila like face again. Due to the grace of the
in advance. Order my chariot to be made sage Viswamitra, all circumstances have
ready so that I may start even today. Let turned in our favour, bringing great good
there be no delay on any account. Arrange fortune to us.” 43. With these words he
for my preceptor Vasishtha to proceed in embraced Rama and smelt the crown of
advance with his consort and his sacred his head again and again, and thereby
fires. So also let the queens, the mothers of attained to the acme of joy like one
Rama, proceed in advance.” Thus, after enjoying the bliss of Brahman. 44. Next.
arranging for the journey of all others, Dasa­ Dasaratha with his wives and sons was
ratha got into his great chariot, and accompa­ provided accommodation by Janaka in a
nied by a grand army proceeded to Mithila spacious palace which had arrangements
in all haste. The news of his arrival at for every form of comfort and enjoy­
Mithila reached the ears of King Janaka, ment.

33: 3jft Rft sift armrare swt tw hw w » 45

§fanft I srhhRR^ wftft 11 46
§wft w®r: ^hjf'ra: I 11 47
f^KRlfa^ ift «ftW( II 48
ftfw 4< srara^: sjfe i wr ’f3rfft??n TR^hrqqnift: 11 49
wmAmi 33ifft wwaRirh wfilft I tfhrwtfft sh’nRt iiso

’sro: snwft <n^ sr^ra* fafcra^ft ijs*fcn<:^ 151

*n hsi ^fcc sft’ir sRcon uftfft: l 33: nrat srr wiwita II 52
4» Ox
w’T sR^t 'ntad^ra: I ft3i ^trarawt 11 53
sfhft ft sm fttt *ra ^rr i H3H1 wftsfa^ II 54
jflhr sraft ^rcftt ft<i(*ufa f^ft i sfcrr ^cft 3F3t wrrc <<r w Uss
*$k sifeftft’ w# *(<13^ I wr iira^nwr 11 56
>0 o

The Marriage Ceremony (45-57) mitra with all due ceremony and seated them
(45-48). Soon after, on an auspicious day on either side of Rama. He then lighted the
at an auspicious hour, King Janaka, who sacred fire before which the marriage cere­
was well acquainted with Dharma, led mony was to be performed. Now Sita, res­
Rama and his brothers to a specially erected plendent with all jewellery and other deco­
marriage pavilion, which was supported by rations, was ushered into the marriage pavi­
columns studded with precious gems. The lion. Next, King Janaka with his consort went
hall was spacious, splendorous, and well­ near Rama, washed his feet, and sprinkled
decorated with festoons, flags and canopies that water on their own heads. (52-56).
and a profusion of pearl strings, fruits and That water from the feet of Rama the
flowers. Crowds of Brahmanas, learned Incarnate is identical with the water with
in Vedas and wearing golden ornaments, which Mahavishnu’s feet were washed
were present there, while womenfolk, dressed and which Brahma and Siva consider holy
in their best attire, and adorned with shining enough to bear on their heads. Next,
jewels, stood on all sides. Dancing, holding Sita’s hand Janaka gifted her
music and playing on percussion instruments to Rama along with offerings of water and
added to the holiday atmosphere. Into Akshata (unbroken grains of rice), accor­
such a splendid marriage pavilion Rama ding to the rites of Panigrahana (marriage
was brought and seated on a golden pedestal symbolised by the holding of the spouse’s
embellished with every kind of rare jewels. hand by the bridegroom). He said: “With
(49-51)- The preceptor Satananda now this I am handing over to you my daughter
honoured the sages Vasishtha and Viswa- Sita, lotus-eyed and bedecked with pearls

wr: 5wn:l ftH* mr ^twi ll 57

TrarssrftifasFr farcrfwr wfirar: i ll s»
>i TtarsmWHn ^jwn 11 59
sftt’H g&remi'IMlA'IHl I 3{fW ftottrt || 60
Q^T Ufa Tffeft I Twtot 4W ww frgw 11 6i
qfor: ^nf^r: I
to gg w^rsr^ 11
wh 62
<hw W?wni tonWftto trw wr ll 63
snft tw<Rrar i s{Rl ?nu<ftto ^sn tow: 11 m

’Siwnfir w t <r toft i 3K5FR TRIFR Htat 1RWI: || 65

to^i 'RW W3 ’KHR’H: l toft tofaw 11 66
and gold. O Rama, the greatest of the one of the furrows in the field (Slta-mukh&f).
Raghus! May you be pleased with this 60. Looking lovingly upon that moon-like
offering.” Uttering these words, Janaka infant as my own daughter, I handed her
now placed the hand of Sita in Rama’s to over to the care of my consort. (61-62). One
symbolise his having given her over, to him day while I had withdrawn myself into
with a heart over-flowing with joy, just like solitude, there came sage Narada, singing to
that of the deity of the milk-ocean when he the accompaniment of his noted Vina, hymns
gave away Lakshmi in marriage to Maha- in praise of the all-pervading Narayana.
vishnu. On this occasion Janaka gave After he was duly honoured and seated on
away his own daughter Urmila in marriage a comfortable seat, the sage Narada said
to Lakshmana, and his brother’s daughters to me: “Hear from me a secret that will
Srutikirti and Mandavi to Bharata and lead to your welfare. (63-64). For the
Satrughna respectively. 57. United with blessing of devotees, for the destruction of
their wives, the handsome princes shone Ravana and for the .achievement of the
resplendent like another set of Lokapalas purposes of the celestials, the Supreme
(the celestial guardians of the quarters). Lord, the director and master of the senses,
has incarnated Himself in a human body,
Janaka on the Antecedents of Sita (58-75) which he has assumed by the power of His
58. Now that the marriage ceremony Maya. He is bom as the son of
was over, Janaka narrated to the sages King Dasaratha as the world-famous
Vasishtha and Viswamitra, an account Sri Rama. In this incarnation the
about Sita’s past, which he happened to Lord has taken a fourfold form. 65.
hear from Narada. 59. Janaka said: His spiritual counterpart, Yoga-maya, has
“While I was once ploughing a field with manifested Herself in your house. Strive
the idea of making it into a holy site for a in every way to give her in marriage to
sacrifice, I got a beautiful female child from Rama and Rama alone. 66. For, being
38 BALA KANDAM [Ch. 6 & 7

w tften l w wr snrot n 67
h^hhih^? i g Rrar^rftR gg: u <®
W fw i sr^rmw II 69
^WfW’TFT flW I cfrMm<I^Ptefrs nqt <l4)4<3hW II 70
sTTOter sra^z qsferar Sr *Rtai: i w if w sfh tw tffan ii?i
Twfr ^thrh Tft w ii 72
wt gfe/wrrfe l ^rg^nnfOT: 11 73
^wra: I *&s*wr%sfsnf|m H74
*TC*R faawd-'l*?: I
tfK C X.
’F^UbhKri'RI X4W3*H Wl II 75
w wsciwr i ^fegra ii 76
] akshmi, the eternal consort of Rama the (73-74). “Because he bears on his head
Paramatman, she has never been the wife the washings of Thy feet, Brahma the
of anyone else before.” Instructing me thus creator has gained the power to start and
that celestial sage departed to his divine regulate the creative cycle. Bali, the king
abode. of the Asuras, became Indra, the king of
(67-72). “Ever since that time I have the celestials, by sprinkling on himself
been looking upon Sita as Mahavishnu’s the holy water of Thy feet. And today,
consort Lakshmi, and planning how I O Supreme Saviour, the dust of Thy feet
could arrange to give her, my auspicious has liberated Ahalya from the effects of the
daughter, in marriage to Rama. In my curse of her husband. 75. He, by intense
ancestral palace there was in safe keeping devotion to the dust of whose lotus feet
this bow, which was deposited by Maheswara great Yogis overcome the wheel of Time
in times gone by after he destroyed the
and transcend the fear of transmigratory
Tripuras. I resolved to make the stringing
life, He, by absorption in the hymns and
of this bow, which would humble the pride
praises of whose sacred name the celestials
of any one attempting to do so, the wager
overcome their woes and sorrows—in Him
for one aspiring to marry her. O great
alone I seek refuge for ever more.”
sage! By your grace Rama has come
here to see this bow, and my long-standing Rama’s Departure to Ayodhya (76-82)
desire has been fulfilled. Today, O Rama,
(76-78). After having praised Rama in
I am fortunate to see Thee seated together
this way, King Janaka gave valuable presents
with Sita on the same seat as husband and
to that high-souled one of Raghu’s line.
wife. Indeed the purpose of my life has
He presented him with a hundred crores
thus been fulfilled. of gold coins (dinara), a thousand chariots,

siwri tort to i M'itai M^ld II 77

flfaFT 5TO?jfk^l sfcjTO^ II 78
3TOTTRHT Jjqt WFT I HRwf^Fi HRF: HTSFfrro: || so
fro i 'nfrfFWR fTO TO I tel

w^r’s to h4: ii ii

ten thousand horses, six hundred elephants, of the king embraced their weeping daughter
a lakh of foot-soldiers and three hundred Sita, and advised her: 81. “O dear one, be
female attendants. Besides he gave Sita, devoted to the father and mother of your
his dear daughter, valuable clothes and husband. Be with Rama wherever he is.
jewellery, resplendent with gems and pearls. Observing the duties of a chaste wife
(79-80). After honouring the sages like (pativrata), live in happiness.”
Vasishtha, the princes Bharata and Laksh- 82. Loud and awe-inspiring was the tum­
mana, as also King Dasaratha according ultuous sound produced by the orchestra
to protocol, King Janaka bade farewell to of drums and other percussion instruments
the Lord of the Raghus. Thereupon, of men and celestials, signalling the depar­
with tears in their eyes the wives ture of Rama from Mithila to Ayodhya.

3Tsr i tofto ii i

i H 2

Chapter 7
Confrontation with Bhargava Rama (1-20) omens causing terror in the mind. 2.
1. When Rama and party had proceeded Saluting the preceptor Vasishtha, he said
about three Yojanas from Mithila, King to him, “Venerable Sir! How is it that
Dasaratha was taken aback to see various portents foreboding evil are seen on

sns wm । tfteiirr *n^w n 3

w <taRtsfa^: II 4
a€t *<aK^ri£ 11 5
itfMMflHiri fa^?gs5R(wre I <n^4 wftr; ii 6

S(h£ Erg: 41 hf ir^kslfa^kd^ 117

TW I sn^r ^wk TOrgcgffcn'Kg ll 8

W W^^KI I ^ift ^n(tfd 119

?wiw^ s^rw i ^ra 5^ ^RFHRT^R
5H^j II 10
trot stenrofeRtRFi: l cff TR HT^n 3 ^TRT !H^W II 11
3t3^' 5<W^ ^JTOtsfa t | 5Sn ||12
srftc ^t^ sn^rrfa ^JF^i tot mi ^tfn Twm H 13
3t ^roi«ifa*nfa Sra rrirow ^gsn giag n 14
all sides?” (3-4). To him, Vasishtha replied: was in great fright and forgetting even
“There are no doubt some indications to rnake the customary offerings at the
showing that some terrible events are going reception of a great personage, he beseeched
to take place. But there are also simul­ him, saying, “Save us, O mighty one! Save
taneous indications to the effect that their, us! (10-14). May you be pleased to spare
effects will be short-lived. Don’t you see the lives of my sons." With these words
how auspicious animals are circumambu­ King Dasaratha made prostrations to him.
lating you?” While they were thus But spurning him contemptuously, he (Jama-
conversing, a terrific wind began to blow. dagni’s son Rama) turned towards Sri Rama,
(5-8) It blinded the vision of all by raising and with body trembling in anger, said the
clouds of dust. Proceeding a little further following ominous words: “Sirrah, you.
they came across a luminous mass, brilliant
scum of the Kshatriya race! You have the
like numerous suns or an assemblage of
temerity to go about the earth, bearing
flashing streaks of lightning. Closing
my name. If you are really a Kshatriya,
nearer, Dasaratha saw therein the awe-ins­
take up my challenge for a duel. Breaking
piring form of Rama, the son of Jamadagni,
an old and flimsy bow, you go about boasting
the terror of Kshatriyas, and the destroyer
about your prowess, If you are able
of Karthavirya. Tall and blue like a rain­
to string this bow of Vishnu that is
cloud in complexion, he with his matted
in my possession, 1 shall consider you
locks and weapons consisting of a formi­
as one born in Raghu’s line and
dable bow and a battle axe, looked like the
i therefore worthy of a fight, If you
god of death embodied.
fail, I shall kill the whole lot of
9. Confronted by him, King Dasaratha you. For, know me to be Jamadagni's

inf <i!U<MRr 4t^r <i *rnM ctf ii is

sFwrct wn^i
agqRw sswcrcM cgftWiW^ ^W <h^R: ll 16
wfa in w^t ctI ct^t 3FCT1 *h *nw ii 17
*nft sfcf i 3R <?Tfa: ’Ft «CT rCTT *Fj •T
ctrr 1118
CTr ft ct tfW wni CT CTft Mtrft MI<Rt FRCTCT1 II 19
TCTCT^I nn th ctfctI ii 20

gqqgjR fw wt$4 wn ^FCTirrsr^CTSRn n 21


^4 *w wn fcwCT^i 3RtCT H^FCTf RWFFFrat: U 22

CT: srcrat ttw w^^:l CTR MT s£>

SWJ<CT<5f: || 23

afire wt ctfr^rt ctt I ^CT$R $w< ^rfc H 24
faCTtf CT* ctw w I ll 25

son Rama,, the destroyer of the whole Bhrigu’s line became distorted out of a
tribe of Kshatriyas.” As he spoke these sense of humiliation. Suddenly the memory
violently threatening words, there arose of past incidents flashed in his mind, and
severe tremors of the earth. (15-17). A he began to speak as follows :
blinding darkness now came upon the eyes
of all. Rama, the heroic son of Dasaratha, The Hymn of Bhargava Rama (21-45)
now looked angrily at Rama of Bhrigu’s (21-23). “O Rama, Thou great hero'. I
elan and snatched away the bow from the have now understood Thee to be the Sup­
latter’s hand. Possessed as he was of reme Lord Mahavishnu, who creates, preser­
great prowess, he easily strung it, and fix­ ves and dissolves the universe—the Eternal
ing to it an arrow that he took from the Being residing in the hearts of all. In my
quiver, addressed the scion of Bhrigu’s boyhood I sought to adore Mahavishnu
clan thus: “O great Brahmana! Hark unto through the practice of austerities at the
me. Show the target for my arrow. For holy spot known as Chakratirtha. Through
an arrow shot by me shall never go in vain. austere living and unwavering concentration
(18-20). Reply quickly to my command. day after day, I propitiated the great
Shall I with this arrow destroy all your Narayana, the indweller in all as their
prospects in the worlds to come, or those essence. Then, O great prince of Raghu’s
in this? Retribution so severe shall fall line, Mahavishnu, the Supreme Divinity
on you that you would have no place here of lotus-like face, appeared to me sporting
or in the hereafter.” When Sri Rama the conch, discus, mace and other emblems
demanded in this way, the face of Rama of in His hands, and said: (24-29). ‘O holy

frHT ^Pf TOT I <TO^ ^nTTOf^I TOtSTOTO: II 26

w*n TO
tot ’ri । TOhr: JTOKI^ rTO TO w SO II 27
TO d4!btvn$)^ I'K’iH. I ^[TOF^ ^TO TO TOT II 28
b to to sngjsfe write I tot TOd s ^Rtaroro groi^. n 29
3W # HW 5FH sri^sfSr To 5Rt | wfetelTOTO ste ’TOt TO: II 30
tto TOiterror h tototototot: i Hterctsfa wro qrorRtero: 11 31
TOI ^TOW TOt TO rrfa I wn tot to grott 1132
’WTORITO H ftTOft I srtete^nte fwfaitte 11 33
3te^rite^ sroRfiroi i R^RdAJiWro; sfa TOMtoa 34

one! Now stop your austere practices, for have now come within the purview of Thy
they have come to their fruition. You are remembrance. It is difficult for Brahma
endowed with a part of My divine power. and other divinities to attain to Thee. The
By virtue of it, you will be able to destroy scriptures declare that Thou transcendest
Kartavirya of Hehaya dynasty, the slayer Prakriti, the matrix of this universe. 31. The
of your father, and thus achieve the purpose six states of ignorance like birth, growth,
for which you have been performing these etc., are not in Thee. For Thou art ever
austerities. After that you shall destroy the full and the changeless, devoid of all
movements (which are characteristic only
the tribe of Kshatriyas in twenty-
of adjuncts which ignorant beings attribute
one campaigns, and then give as gift t
to Thee). 32. Just as there is foam in
whole of the earth you have conquere
water and smoke in fire, so the whole of
from them to Kasyapa. I, the eterna
Being, will be incarnated on earth as the objective world is projected in Thee by
Dasaratha’s son in the Treta-yuga. You Thy Maya (Power), who has her seat and
wilt meet me then, and on that occa­ support in Thee and who has no inde­
sion,' you will remit to Me the power pendent existence apart from being Thy
that I have endowed you with earlier. After object. 33. As long as the Jivas are en­
that you will remain on earth till the end shrouded in Maya, they do not know Thee.
of Brahma’s current day, performing aus­ In the individual, Maya functions as Avidya,
terities.’ The Lord disappeared after com­ ignorance, obstructing Vidya or Enlighten­
manding me thus. I have finished -the ment. This Avidya or Ignorance, experienced
mission entrusted to me. O Rama! Thou
as a positive entity opposed to Vidya, is pre­
art verily that Mahavishnu. Implored by sent in the absence of discriminative intelli­
Brahma, Thou hast incarnated Thyself. Thou
gence (avicaritasiddha). 34. What is called Jiva
hast now taken back that divine power
is the reflection of the power of Pure Con­
that Thou hadst endowed me with.
sciousness (cicchakti) in the complex aggre­
30. My life has today become fruitful. I
gate of a body-mind generated by Ignorance

i srft^n^r.^^r wfrft smft n 36

hKHMI^IlR'l'^ s^nF^RtOTT I ft SRn’F^tffeFT ’Mf II 37
qhMkqiCHyiiqt TOohs’T ft’W I ^R*Rn^:<3taW( fw^TC ^T II 38
<R3WFW wn r*t I rT^l HFTT 3FH sjftqg^ j| 39
srsg^r ^r wt i *TWFf sW*^! ^rkuss^ n 40
g^wgrafttawt ^TOifcni^ft 1 ifcW ft^rartr ^n 11 41
3|d^eu^*l$l 3RI 3FKFT I ^h'KRW^i qfW FFFFlft U
I 3^ F5 3T. ||43

(Avidya). 35. As long as one feels the life brought about by the above-described
‘1-sense’ in relation to the complex aggre­ state of Ignorance until he gets the good
gate of body-mind, Prana, Buddhi, etc., so fortune of association with Thy ardent de­
long one is subject to the experience of votees. 39. When man adores Thee with
agency and cnjoyership, of happiness and devotion fostered by association with holy
misery. 36. The Atman' in himself has no men, then Maya (Ignorance) both recedes
transmigratory involvement. Nor has the and gets attenuated. 40. When this state
Buddhi in itself consciousness or sentiency. of mental purity is attained, an aspirant
When these two, the Atman and the Buddhi will get an authentic teacher who is endowed
unite into one through imaginary identifi­ with knowledge derived from the reali­
cation arising from lack of discriminative sation of Thee. Gaining, through such a
reflection, then we get that complex entity teacher, the knowledge of the true meaning
called the Jiva (the individualised and of the scriptural dicta, he will attain liber­
embodied Atman). 37. The insentient body­ ation by Thy grace. 41. Therefore for these
mind complex, by identification with the who have no devotion to Thee, there is
pure sentiency that is the Atman, assumes not the slightest chance, even in the course
sentiency. So also the Atman, who is of a myriad cosmic cycles, of gaining
pure sentiency, assumes insentiency by identi­ enlightenment and liberation. Thus he
fication with the insentient body-mind com­ will not have happiness even in
plex. It is just like the mutual superimposi­ life. 42. Therefore bless me, so that in
tion of the properties of fire and water in the life after life I am bom with devotion to
phenomenon of lightning in which water Thee and with opportunities for association
(cloud) and fire with opposite properties with Thy devotees; for, that is the only
get a unified presentation as the brilliant means for the dispelling of Ignorance.
and fiery lightning. 38. Never shall man 43. Men who have true devotion to Thee,
be free from that enormous body of miseries and who by their life and words propagate
arising from involvement in transmigratory the path of devotion, purify the whole

Wft JfR ^RWFR I TO W^EPFff IR^ Ws^ II 44

$nj qqf I cr mpr =Rts^ it 45
33: SRRT Wl^ **RR: WIW I JRRtsfa ’HR II 46
^sr *n I w sffar wi wfct nwr<h( ll 47
’jft iteSJlfr tr ^nfei ’C^ft I ^ST *(fa>: *t 1148
R^( I II 49
^Rl <rft^T 5pjpy | ll 50
^R Mdfa^RdK I ^nfwnfWJ^W ^1^5^5^5(^1151
W *FTt 1 TR^»RC(W^M<dl II 52
wn^ |
WftTRT W. 4taKNP*lt I fw W <R: || 53

world. What then to speak of the redeem­ Thou the destroyer of the demon Madhu!
ing effect of their life on their own kith If Thou art gracious to me, grant unto me
and kin, including their ancestors' 44. communion with Thy devotees as also firm
Salutations to Thee, O Lord of the universe! and constant devotion to Thee. 49. May Thou
Salutations to Thee, the generator and be pleased to grant also that even a person
augmentator of devotion in aspirants! Salu­ without devotion, if he recites and studies
tation to Thee the embodiment of mercy this hymn regularly, comes to develop love
and the Existence without end! To Thee, and knowledge of Thee! And what is more,
Ramachandra, my salutations! 45. O Lord! may he have the blessing of remembering
Whatever meritorious deeds I have per­ Thee at the time of death!” 50. Rama, the
formed for the attainment of higher realms scion of Raghu’s line, granted these prayers
in the hereafter, may all those be the target of his. Then Rama of Bhrigu's clan, adored
for Thy arrow. With salutations, I dedi­ Sri Rama, circumambulated him and, per­
cate them to Thee, O Rama!” mitted by him, departed to Mount Mahendra.

Rama Bestows bis Grace on Bhar- Return to Ayodhya (51-57)

gava Rama (46-50) 51. With his heart overflowing with joy
(46-48). Sri Rama, the embodiment of King Dasaratha embraced Rama again
mercy, now graciously said to Rama of and again, as if he had got him back from
Bhrigu’s line: “I am much pleased with the jaws of death, and his surging delight
you, O holy one. Whatever you desire, welled up from his eyes as tears. (52-53).
1 shall grant without any hesitation.” Then Then with a mind elated and peaceful,
in a highly elated mood, that scion of King Dasaratha resumed his journey to
Bhrigu’s line said to Sri Rama: “O Rama! his city of Ayodhya. Reaching Ayodhya,

tori^; i to u 54
RWW TO nsn I ^TTT II 55
tftan I wMt 7P*n ^ir srtro use

^R^rrftfcr^ frofafaw htthkthto

TORror^rot tot ^tsfe%sr: u 57


TOf$pi TOW: to: II ll

Rama, Lakshmana, Bharata and Satrughna in the company of her son Indra and his
lived happily with their wives in their res­ consort Indrani.
pective palaces. Rejoicing with his parents,
Rama spent his days with Sita at Ayodhya 57. Rama is the most distinguished among
in heavenly bliss like Mahavishnu with the Divinities on account of his numerous
Sri Devi in Vaikuntha. 54. At that time excellences. His fame is sung about in
one day, the brother of Kaikeyi and uncle of all the spheres. He is, as it were, an em­
Bharata named Yudhajit, came to Ayodhya bodiment of the totality of joy in the whole
in order to take Bharata on a visit to his universe. His glory is eternal and his
kingdom. 55. The loving and heroic King being undecaying. Devoid of the ignorance-
Dasaratha received Yudhajit with all generating film of Maya, He is the change­
honours, and permitted Bharata along with less One and the Lord of all. Yet, Sri
Satrughna to go with him. 56. Kausalya Rama resided in Ayodhya with Sita, as if
in the company of Rama and Sita shone he were a human being following the ways
just as Aditi, the mother of the Devas, does of the life of Ignorance.

y. SRlNAG/yi^x
5tw H’T:

mwi TRfwft renuji i

h^wk^wh WW^ । ll 2
fantaMrtf 1 iphj n 3
^nw I ^^f^pqwi ‘ ii 4
<T TW« fc<h»*»wU I ^RR Rii^l <*JHt 4td*U Ml'tdHI’^ II 5
^flft W sn^n TO §3: I
{talk'll! ?F^ I -^talta iM^ itt*td^d{ll i*trta 5^ II 6
3hrt if i wrfwft ft 5^ hww: ii 7

Chapter 1

Hymn of Narada (1-31) crystal and pure like the autumnal moon
the divine-looking Narada presented him­
(1-3). One day Narada. the divine sage, self all of a sudden before Rama. 5. Seeing
descended from the skies to the presence him, Rama got up from his seat immediately.
of Rama, who was decorated with varieties With palms joined in salutation and moved
of ornaments, who was seated on a gem- by great devotion, he along with Sita pros­
studded throne, who had the complexion trated himself before the sage. 6. Highly
resembling the colour of a blue lily, who gratified, Rama said to the sage. O
was wearing on his neck the jewel called great sage! For one caught in the cycle
Kaustubha, who was being fanned with of transmigratory life (Samsara), it is indeed
ornamental Chouries, and who was sitting a rare blessing to get your company. Much
at leisure chewing betels in the inner apart­ more is it so, O sage, for us who are immersed
ment of his palace. 4. Shining like a white in worldliness. 7. O holy one! The blessing

ft^rO w^riaft SHfriifc 4t: || s

3HI 3 WtS<*TK W I ft nt^rft w ^RW^nftft:|ii 9
wnmft^n *n *n rftt nftoft n io
cMttlRl’h'1 <RIT sfSl’VJ! ST5TC I w’nfa’pnfrwii n
^tS3^’ w: I II 12
ftwrafajl ^RFft: ftlTFrl SfR^t fw I W r4 srpftt 8&R3R^ SRT 1113
*rr; W flw 3 ^tft°ft 1 Tterfeft Htm wprart iiu
wr ^wnr^ dm ^rfinft snit i fWft^4 wi ^wrat His
kw ^tnt snrot <^r • tr tfrai 3 frffliftft&ftw ll 16
TR star gstwsfttfw I Wft W tol 1117
’efam wth? ^nfafr i mh^hh ft w ll is
WR^rhR^ ?nfa ft^ n w
that 1 have now got must be the result of of beings—those that are Sattvika (Sukla
some very meritorious deeds I have done or white), Rajasa (Lohita or red) and Tamasa
in the past; for, such meritorious deeds (Krishna or black). In this huge house­
alone can help a worldly person to have the hold of these three worlds, Thou art truly
contact of a holy man. 8. Therefore I the master-householder. (13-19). Thou art
have derived very great satisfaction by Vishnu; and Sita, Lakshmi Devi. Thou art
seeing you, O great sage! Is there anything Siva; and Sita, Parvati. Thou art Brahma;
that 1 can do for you? If so, tell me, what and Sita, Saraswati. Thou art the Sun­
it is. And I shall try to accomplish it.” deity; and Sita, Prabha (luminosity). Thou
9. Thereupon Narada said to Rama, the art the moon-deity; and Sita, auspicious
lover of all devotees-- “O Rama! Why art Rohini. Thou art Indra; and Sita, Indrani.
Thou trying to misguide me by such words, Thou art the Fire-Deity, and Sita, Svaha.
as if Thou wert just a worldly man? 10. Thou art Yama, the all-destroying Time
O’All-pervading One! Thy statement that (Kala) ; and Sita, his consort, Sam-
Thou art one involved m Samsara is true, yamini. Thou. O Lord of the worlds, art
indeed, in a way. For, is not Maya, the Nirriti; and Sita, his consort Tamasi.
First Cause of the whole universe, Thy Thou art Varuna; and Sita, his consort
Consort? 11. It is by Thy mere presence Bhargavi. Thou art Vayu the wind-deity;
that she generates Brahma and the other and Sita, Sadagati. Thou art Kubera,
offspring of hers. It is with Thee as her O Rama; and Sita. prosperity. Thou art
support that Maya, constituted of the three Rudra the destroyer; and Sita, Rudrani.
Gunas, subsists. 12. It is by Thy support To put it briefly, whatever female form is
that she constantly gives birth to three types there in this universe, that the auspicious

WR^tera: fwi a?i: 1120

fere«ifatg^ 1121
h sftwr^ w w*w i 3ffl«TRKlfa^ SKofrnfsre^t ’ll 22

OTTHFTS’nfEriwr nt: I sfa: wfa^Fi: 'fftw:: || 23

4BlttW^qi<s4t JRtt I ^n fawn sraft ffa*nw4 nwu 24

• r' <? rs rs w wnr 1125
^wfepWRHH sftj ^flrn «t4 I ’rcwsfafa w^r ^airfai^t 11 26
w. h^5 53?r: I cW ’JinnrTOWt STOW 3<h Wfl|27
w^> <4s$Fn<t<!ftat 28

Sita is. And whatever mate form there is, ciousness reflects. 23. Pure Consciousness
that Thou art, O scion of the Raghu’s line’. has three adjuncts—gross, subtle and causal.
Therefore in these three worlds, there is When identified with these. Pure Conscious­
none but you two. 20. What is called the ness is called Jiva, Cosmic or individual.
Undifferentiated (avyakritd) is verily the Devoid of them He is the Supreme Lord.
category of Ignorance arising from Thy 24. O the noblest of Raghu’s line! Thou
reflection, (abhasoditam). Out of it has art the Pure Consciousness, the Witness—
come Mahat-tattva (the great element); from what is the opposite of the transmigratory
that the Sutratman (the cosmic I-sense); life characterised by these three states of
and from that, the cosmic subtle body waking (Jagrat) dream (Svapna) and sleep
(Linga). 21. It is the complex constituted (Sushupti). 25. The whole universe has
of I-sense, Buddhi (intellect), the five vital originated from Thee; it remains established
energies (Prana) and the five Indriyas in Thee; and it dissolves in Thee. There­
(senses) that undergo birth, death, joy and fore Thou art verily the cause of all mani­
sorrow. It is what learned men call the Linga festations. 26. By misunderstanding the
-sarira (subtle body of the individual). 22. Pure Consciousness (Alma) to be an indi­
Verily, it is He (the reflection of conscious, vidual Self (Jiva), fear arises, just as
ness in the above-mentioned complex called when a rope is mistaken for a
Linga) that is called the Jiva. It is the same snake. So knowing the ‘1’ (the Self
complex formation in the cosmic sense in its true nature) to be the Supreme Self
that manifests as Hiranyagarbha, having one is rid of all fear and misery. 27. Thou
the universe as his body (Jaganmaya). while art the self of all. because Thou who art
in the individual sense it is the Jiva with the light of Pure Consciousness illuminest
the individual physical body. The inde­ the Buddhi associated with all bodies. 28.
scribable and beginningless Avidya (Maya) Just as out of ignorance one superimposes
is what is called the causal Adjunct (Karano- a snake on a rope, so are all entities super­
padhi), the medium in which Pure Cons­ imposed upon Thee. When Thou, the sub-

fWT# I gftww qx ft 1129

aft I 3fft 5T HT JRt II 39
W srs: 5H?t I Wft ^sftf <nft O*R ||31
«i§x7l 5R^T t4M*<l^’Tft^d: I CTf WHT || 32
WIR Wl snftsfa 1 WR faff RWRrtv^ft II 33
*rft TR”! * 1 jrftsn ct w 111 34
^FT ft I ^^JffftcT 5TR5 HR || 35
W *t fijfefcftsftftd I 3<ftCT W II 36
ICT towsrrrr; I 11 37
Xrct fanw£ «ct WR. 1 ^rr ct^ri a fan 11 38
^uMil a HCT I srfwft sigft^ 5 n 39

stratum, art perceived, all these super- one of Rahgu's clan, hast been born in this
impositions dissolve in Thee. Therefore world for the destruction of Ravana. Now
one should always practise this discipline
Thy father is going to install Thee as the
of knowledge. 29. In those who are en­ ruler for the protection of the country.
dowed with true devotion to Thee If Thou dost get busy with the affairs of
this knowledge as an experience dawns State, the destruction of Ravana may not
by stages. Therefore it is only those whotake place. But Thou hast taken the vow
of relieving the world of its burdens. May
have devotion to Thee that attain to libe­
ration (Mukti). 30. I am the servant of Thou be pleased to fulfil that vow; for
Thy devotees and of those who are devotedThou art devoted to truth.” Hearing these
to Thy devotees. Therefore, deign to bless
words, Rama said to Narada with a smile:
me, O lord! and let not Thy Maya delude (36-39). “O Narada! Listen to me.
me. 31. I am, O Lord! the offspring of There is nothing that is not within my
Brahma who was generated from Thy knowledge. What I had promised to do
navel-lotus, and hence Thy grandchild. earlier, shall certainly be fulfilled. There
Therefore, 0 Rama! Deign to save me who need be no doubt about it. I shall be des­
am Thy devotee.” troying the whole tribe of these Rakshasas
and thus be relieving the earth of its burden.
Narada’s Departure (32-41)
Only gradually, according as their Prarabdha
(32-35). Saying so, Narada prostrated (operating Karma), which takes effect only
himself several times before Rama and with the passage of time, would I be doing
with tears of joy flowing from his eyes, this. For the destruction of Ravana, I
■continued, “O Rama! I have been sent shall be starting for the forest of Danda-
here by Brahma. Thou, O the noblest karanya tomorrow itself. I shall be staying
50 AYODHYA KANDAM [Ch. 1 & 2


faShi n 41

there for fourteen years in the garb of a with his permission, towards his divine
Muni(sage). M aking the semblance of Sita the abode. 41. Whoever studies or hears or
occasion, k 4-t£hall destroy that evil fellow remembers this conversation between Rama
of* a Ravana with all his kith and kin.” and sage Narada with i constant devotion
40. Thereupon the sage Narada, after every day, shall be blessed with renun-
circumambulating Rama three times • and ciation'Tollowed by liberation, which is
making a full prostrationto-him^ departed rarely obtained even by celestials.

inR xwPd ggfe i qknr*r faw w fWra: u 2

Wt *3F| <ra: I II 4
wra I ’fHR’ri: w^ra: ll 5

1 ' Chapter 2


Dasaratha’s Decision to install Rama (1-16) who is the eldest of my sons, as my successor.
(1-2) One of those days, King Dasaratha I am after all getting aged. 4. Bharata
called his preceptor Vasishtha to his side and Satrughna have gone to their uncle’s
privately and said to him, “O great sage! home. It is necessary that we should do
Rama is receiving the repeated and unani­ this installation quickly tomorrow itself.
mous praise of the citizens, learned Please give your permission for this with
men, the elders and above all the your full heart. 5. And get together all the
ministers. 3. Therefore, O sage, I desire
necessary ingredients for installation cere­
to install Rama, the lotus-eyed, who is mony. Give information to Rama about this.
endowed with all the great qualities and Let banners and flags of various colours be

snfq nftrof nsn g^’ uftrcnnr^ ll 6

qrro^sfwFnfa ^f^ II 7
^fer gft ft I spH W^n Mrot ^RT TO II 8
tofT ^=w: I ft®?g qtor w: gjw: ll 9
wng w^?3:1 ^Fn^Wkt: Tjni: ^<ww s^rer: 1110
sRtwwfft sfW ^fft I T^cF^r mw g’MiHSiRFifira^ 1111
wft M^nft i gro: W^reR WTFRt 11 12
qiw I ^HRTf^Wt WF3 n 13
WMWkll HW!I *nfa faafc wrt n 14
^5 whir TTHT^rf^nr^n i tfsih: sftwiFg 11 15
gft: MtaR g^* gwPsfim I Wl WT W«lfa5tl)lR< II 16
wnw gfawr:i sftfa WWW || 17
hoisted on all sides. (6-7). Let canopies and with gems is also required. 12. There should
other decorations inlaid with gold and be kept ready fragrant garlands, costly
pearls be put up.” Then calling his chief garments and exquisite jewellery. Let holy
minister Sumantra, he said to him, “What­ men,well-honoured and holding Kusa grass
ever the sage Vasishtha asks you to collect, in handle stationed at the proper place. 13.
gather them; for tomorrow I am going to In the palace there must be assembled artistes
install Rama as my successor.” of several kind, dancing girls, musi­
8. In obedience to the King’s command, cians, flutists, and experts in the use of
Sumantra in great joy enquired of the sage various kinds of musical instruments. (14-16).
Vasishtha what he should do in this con­ Outside the palace regiments of elephants,
nection. Thereupon Vasishtha, the great­ horses and foot soldiers should stand atten­
est among men of knowledge, replied to tion with their arms. The Deities of all
him.- 9. “Tomorrow early morning, the temples in the city should be worshipped
station at the main gate sixteen virgins with ample offerings. Let vassal kings
adorned with ornaments of gold and an assemble with various articles of presen­
elephant also with decorations of gold tation.” Having given these directions to
studded with gems. 10. A four-tusked the king’s chief minister, Vasishtha him.
elephant of the breed of Airavata has to be self went to the resplendent palace of
got for this, besides numerous golden Rama.
Pots filled with the waters of holy rivers. Vasishtha’s Hymn (17-36)
11. You must collect three fresh tiger 17. Then proceeding to Rama’s palace in
skins. a ceremonial white umbrella a chariot, the great sage Vasishtha crossed
with pearl pendants and a handle studded three gates, and then got down from the

to: srfro to tottottohsk I sapsife: II is

TOTO l 11 19
^rra$t TO^FT MT w^r i M’T: TOT $TO M TO: II

TOt^ftfTOteRTO ’MF^TW^ I II 21

cckWtffW 1 wfa HFTO ?r ft <’ 22

^rff w ^roi’T^W^ I TOTfa Rt WHM ^TOT«<dRHftW^23


wfa wS to R MTW RW wt ITO^T II 25

wn^rai^s? y5»w(^ * frort R ffbm: II 20

3{<pinft I II 27
jjgar %nfe R I Ttrfcw fW II 28

w ’ttor I W to wit 11 29
^sswn ^nr m ww^R I W qfhufa II 30

chariot. (18-21). Being the family preceptor, he ed on earth along with Thy consort Lakshmi.
was allowed to enter the palace unobstruc­ 24. I know, O Rama, that Thou art born
ted. Seeing the preceptor coming, Rama on earth for the achievement of certain
immediately went to receive him with palms purposes of the Devas, namely, the destruc­
joined in salutation, and made a full pros­ tion of Ravana and for generating devotion
tration before him. Sita now brought in the minds of Thy votaries. (25-26).
water in a golden vessel, and seating Vasishtha Though the facts are such, secrecy has to be
on a bejewelled pedestal, washed his feet maintained about the purpose of the Devas,
ceremonially. Then Rama, along with Sita, so I am not revealing anything more pre­
sprinkled that water on their heads, saying, maturely. As Thou wishest to do things in
“We are indeed blessed to bear your foot­ Thy own mysterious way, let it happen in the
washings on our head.” To Rama who fullness of time. [ shall therefore continue
spoke thus the sage said smiling: 22. to assume the pose of the preceptor, and
“Bearing the Ganga, which is the water Thou that of a disciple. But, O Lord,
flowing from Thy feet, on his head, Parame- Thou art in truth the Teacher of all teachers,
swara became great. That same sacred and the Progenitor of all fathers. (27-30).
water destroyed all the demerits of my Though imperceptible to the senses. Thou
father, Brahma. 23. What Thou hast said art the inner pervader of all, and the One
now about the washings of my feet purifying who regulates and sustains the progress
Thee, is only for the instruction of the of the world of Becoming. Thou who art
world at large. For Thou, verily, art the born only out of Thy own accord, hast
Supreme Being and the Lord of all, incarnat- assumed a body of pure Sattva and hast

Eft Eftrft ’riftft *ee«ee I vffifcn ewei it 3i

Et w ft^E tesxi Eft W^ftE II 32
EEfREftrW * i W Eftftsfa *ese ii 33
rEIEIE^EfEE EftsfaftFEft ^EE I am ra ftEEi ftshrrara wftfEr u 34
$rar ee tie i E^ifa ^mnftsE ||35
eiww EEgs^i Tlftsft qTVHui TOK II 36
ftftsr EfcrcFft Eftsft^ft i ftftEHra^EIC «KET Mlxbl ?E^E ft II 37
ee ra Eft: sift Era eeetGNiw I Eft ftTOE W ElftE EWEift^ || 38
Efaftsft -E^EE^ I W5JE Wf^EE^ II 39
eet e$e «nft ejei Esftmyn^ I E&EEEIE TIREra EEE E || 40

appeared as man in the world by virtue of night sleeping on the floor. I am now
Thy Yoga-maya. I know that the pro­ reAiming to the King. You are to
fession of priesthood is disreputable. But come there tomorrow morning.” After
having known earlier from the words of having communicated this, the royal pre­
Brahma that the Supreme Being will be ceptor Vasishtha got into his chariot and
bom as Rama in the line of the Ikshvakus, drove away in great haste. And Rama,
I have, O Rama, accepted even this ignoble now seeing Lakshmana near by, said as
profession of priesthood in order that I follows, smiling: (37-38). Rama said:
may be related to Thee as Thy preceptor. “O son of Sumitra! Did you hear
(31-32). O Thou, the delight of Raghu’s the news that I am going to be
clan! My desire has now been fulfilled. installed as the Yuva-raja tomorrow?
I have now become Thy preceptor (Guru), In this matter I shall be only just like a
and if Thou art inclined to pay back the proxy. You will be the real ruler and the
debt that a disciple owes to the Guru, grant enjoyer. For, you are verily my Prana
that Mahamaya, Thy Power, which is externally manifested. It is undoubtedly so.”
under Thy control and which deludes the Saying so, he proceeded to fulfil all the
whole world, may not delude me in that way. vows that Vasishtha had instructed him
33. In this particular context I have revealed to observe.
in Thy presence what I should not do
anywhere else. Now coming to my present Fears of Kausalya (39-43)
visit, I have come, sent by King Dasaratha. (39-40). Vasishtha on reaching Dasaratha,
(34-36). O descendant of Raghus! To­ appraised him of all that had happened.
morrow you are going to be installed as the Simultaneously with the King’s announce­
Yuvaraja. (the heir-apparent). I have ment to Vasishtha about his intention
come to inform you of this. You and Sita to install Rama, the news was carried to
are required to fast and observe rules of Rama’s mother Kausalya and to Sumitra,
purity and self-control and spend the by some citizens who happened to hear

I TO w sftwr fen I?WT || 41

Wff ’F?fe4t । <st^whO W fe^r stfayi^ II 42
SW'kiq: 1 hi ^fr 11 43
^T I n^5 ^’RtSTOT 5JTO3: 1144
TOiftmfern wm I TOtf ww feff ^f: Il 45
sfe fci 3j$r 1 w v.> Jrfifcw ii46
ftw 3 w5whw< 1 w qftSr ton fe: tow(^ 11 47
qroife^q; 1 fewfe ftfw gron^ 11 48
’’’^ w. w: nfen; 1 toKwwct fer^n ^iW^i 1149
TOifir fafayiPi 1 sn^t Ti*w^ifa'H<i< 11 50
w *rfrofa faro whM#i ctj ?qRd <Rqrfeff wnife usi
about it. (41-43). Both Kausalya and kingdom of Ayodhya. It is Brahma's
Sumitra were overjoyed to hear this good command that you should strive to obstruct
news and made presentation of a pearl the installation of Rama. You have to
necklace to the man who communicated possess Manthara first and then Kaikeyi
e news to them. In a spirit of thanks- and achieve this through them. After you
giving Kausalya, the loving mother, adored have obstructed the coronation through
mi Devi with great joy. Yet an them, you can return to your heavenly
e?sion gripped her mind. She abode.” Vani, the Goddess of Speech,
thought; “It is certain that, did accordingly, and first entered into
Krr£ewho?devoted to tr
truth, Manthara’s heart and vocal organ.
But hf» • be word that he has given. (47-48). Now Manthara, who was a
J the cX ? x!xonous by nature and is under hunch-backed woman with three bents in
afraid °f Kaikeyi. I am therefore the body, got on the terrace of a building in
±d What he will do in the end.”
the morning, and was surprised to see the
adnmdSTv apprebens*ons in mind, she whole city decorated with flags and festoons
^ored Durga for the removal Qf
and a holiday atmosphere prevailing every­
where. Astonished, she looked over the
Manthara Poisoning the Ears of Kaikeyi city, and then came down from the terrace.
(49-51). She then asked her foster-mother
what it was all about. She enquired:
In the meantime the Devas “Mother, why is the city well decorated? I
r ddPted Devi Saraswati> Alling her “O
Goddess of Speech! Yoh aust\ket^ find Kausalya very joyous and enthusiastic,
and she has been giving gifts of valuable
trouble of gOmg to the earth, to the
cloth to many holy men. Why all this?”

5T rfawt wnffcftii ^53

nww-' i h^tft ifcft tf "54

WR;ii ^55
wndKfawt w
W5FT (WFt ?R I
3®r wi1
g ..--»S --- - *>•------ . '.. - ,
OT ^Fow W 0 59
4H^fasiFR WTH w wa$& wnw u 60
gfwm snfcfci w m I SWHt TRq 1161
?dt nwi' f^r ^i srfwft 1 ^iwsnihT ^wisftror/ue

To these* queried' of Kefs, the foster-mother Bharata' He does and speaks "What is
replied’: • * The1, installation of. Rama'fls dear to me1. Looking upon me arid Kausalya
Yiiva-raja is fi&d'Tor ’ tomSrrowr' TfKe’ sd’ty
alike,;'(he- sferves me1 in ‘Mil respects'. Foolish
is decorated to celebrate that occasion.” girl!'’ What1 ’danger ' do’ yoii' expect from
Hearing this, Manthhra; thfe" hunch-back, Ramaf?” That Kiinbli-i>acjced
went to Kaikeyi and said to her as follows: had become aniagbnistic' ib RiKna'Jibecause
(52-57). Addressing handsbme Kaikeyi of the prbriiptihg by Saraswati, *was very
who was resting alone on a cot in a room, sorry to hear these words of Kaikeyi.
Mahthafa said: ; “Yoh unfortunate1 - arid (58-59). She said to Kaikeyi: “O good lady!
fdblish woman! Why are you thus lying Hear my words. Truly there is great danger
idle in this1 way when great danger is near threatening you. King Dasaratha is sup­
at- hand fof ybti? You are going about posed to be doing What is pleasing to you.
proud of your beahty- btit you are absolutely But beware! He is only a sensual IbVer
out Of touch with the state of affairs round given to untruth. He is always pleasing
about you. By the'King's gracious order, you by Words, but in action’ h6'Lii ‘only
Rama’s installation as the Yuvaraja will be doing what is wholly benefit W 4^^ ,s
taking place tomorrow.” Hearing this tridther. kausalya. 60. It is
news, Kaikeyi of sweet speech got up from mind that he has sent
the cot suddenly arid gave to that hunch­ from here Under the pieiekt of sending hint
back a golden waist-girdle as1 present, to his unde’s house With hjs brother.
remarking, “HoW is it'that-ydu are saying 61. Good will happen1 Sdmitra even if
that danger aWaits nie on an occasion like Rama's installation"plate. Fofc^r
this, which is orid Of great'Joy for‘me? I son takshmanif is jKi?vdted to Rama’,1 fand
hold Rama in greater esteem than hiy therefore' he wift enjoy royal favours' when

<ratsfir w wq^n: 'TW u 63

uw w<rcn4 ^rcifa =q n m
sta’ W<Kf ।
^rfW^r I am jrRFnft u 65
^£°T El^ft H^FWT WW II 66
fcror sri H? i si^iw wh stfr: II 67
I ci 5 W hht^pt sftwsfsrawr: ii 68

qfwwfcw i crat to# II69

^RTR^T g4(p4d: I *HTCT 4lf*tod ?R<tsF^ 1170
cswhtr TOt w*rfc ii 71
’’TRRgi TOFR I ^T irs^r *pnw ii 72
wr I 1RT T^fepff II 73

Rama comes to power. 62. One of these axle broke! You, handsome lady,
three alternatives will happen to Bharata then kept the chariot on wheels by putting
if Rama comes to power. He may have to your hand in the hole of the broken king­
become a servant of Rama, or he may be pin with great heroism. Because of your
expelled from the country, or he may be anxiety to save your husband’s life, you
executed very soon. 63. And as for you, remained with your hand in that position
you will have to serve Kausalya as her till the end of the battle. It was only when
maid-servant all your life. Death is better the battle was over and he had destroyed
or you than such humiliation at the hands all the Asuras, that King Dasaratha saw
o a co-wife. 64. Therefore take steps at what you had done. (70-73). Embracing
once to see that Bharata is installed and you with great joy and wonder, he asked
Rama is banished to the forest for fourteen
you to choose any two boons of your liking.
years. 65. O Queen! Then only can your
T am pleased to grant you boons,’ he said
son Bharata be free from all danger. There
is a sure means for accomplishing this—a of his own accord, ‘you ask of me for any
two boons of your choice.’ You replied:
means for which past circumstances have
‘O royal husband! If you are pleased to
paved the way. 1 shall now tell you what
it is. (66-69). In days of old, King Dasaratha bestow boons on me, let those boons rest
was requested by Devas to help them in a with yourself to my credit for the time being.
battle with the Asuras. When Dasaratha When I am in need of them, you can grant
me the two boons.’ ‘Be it so, dear wife,’
went on this mission with his army, he had
taken you also with him, O handsome one. said the King in reply, ‘let us now
While he was fighting with the Asuras go to our camp.’ This incident, which
you had once narrated to me, has
bow in hand, the king-pin of his chariot
just now flashed in to my memory.

qfta sfawra irsnnR I H 74

wqr tjwfrnfas mfafa i qiwq nfwrq wnfte n 75
I ^Wnfe^i I 76
rim ifefWt 1 qq q 11 77
wtqfcw ’ifa'qft g<r: for.* 1 ^srOTfawrisim^’n ii7«
^gqRT $tT^ srf^T w I f^r H^TWT qfafrf WrH: |l 79
SRFn mEsHi ♦rRn*fi«u>6uR’»n i Stan -’’jj u so
qr ft i frw n8t
r^T qq^^w q£*nfq qqn^n 82
q’jmqrrcrfMr wi
sftfaiv fcn^rsqqr ।
^THT^d^rn^RTRrafsr^ s# W ^r-
qfrnft^ q^fa n

(74-75). In pursuance of this, you now enter the 'chamber for angry protest’ in a mood of
into the Chamber of Annoyance (Krodha- violent temper, and scattering all her jewel­
garam) without delay. Scatter all your lery round about, stretched herself on the
jewellery there and lie on the bare floor bare floor, with her body smeared with
in order to express your anger. Until the dirt and covered over only with a soiled
King comes and promises to fulfil your piece of cloth. And she said to Manthara:
demands, utter not a word.” “Hear me, O hunch-backed one! Until
76. Being thrown into a perverse way of Rama is exiled to the forest, I shall certainly
thinking by the evil company of Manthara, lie here in this condition. If he is not
the hunch-backed woman with three bents, exiled, I am going to end my life here.”
Kaikeyi got convinced that the advice “Stick to your resolution, O dear
given to her by that woman was on right one. That will be for your good.” Saying
lines. 77. And evil-minded Kaikeyi so, the hunch-backed woman went home,
next said to her, “O you hunch­ and Kaikeyi did exactly as she was advised
backed beauty! Where did you get by her.
this intelligence from? I never knew that 83. However much a man be intelligent,
you have such a resourceful mind. 78. kind by nature, virtuous in conduct, just,
Dear as you are to my heart, I shall make devoted to his moral instructor and endowed
you a gift of a hundred villages when my with learning and discrimination—if he
beloved son Bharata becomes the ruler.” always keeps the company of extremely
(79-82). With these words she quickly entered wicked-minded people, he is sure to absorb

w ft I 1TRRFW II 84

3FTIWEFS fttfta: || R ||
the evil mentality of those associates. If he does not do so, he will lose all his
84. Therefore he should always be careful goodness and become degenerate like
to avoid the association of wicked people. Kaikeyi.

nft tri umv4^-q«hi<o[(^ । snfts’T «h<I i

(IWH ftqf TRI ft§55t I ’ll $TI *lf^T W S|ft^ || 2
wwft hi ft; ^r i nforq ^raiftR^rai n 3
nsFs ift Rifrft 1 wft nt wn Jifcun h 4
hi ssj: irfro ftift l w iRn ll 5
wi^d) w w: 1 3’tfm ioS?< qrftRR^ft 11 6
ft? $TT ^STR^ ft^FT I HT ft nte HHT Kt HFnrmt || 7

Chapter 3
Kaikeyi in the ‘Chamber of Angry is it that your mistress, my most handsome
Protest* (1-14) and dear wife, has not come to receive me
1. King Dasaratha now called all his as usual?” 5. They replied: “She has
ministers and leading noble men and ordered
shut herself up in the ‘chamber of angry
them to make all arrangements for the
protest!’ We do not know why she has
installation of Rama as Yuvaraja. After
done so. It is better that Your Majesty
that he went to his quarters in the palace. is pleased to go in and ascertain the reason.’*
(2-4). On entering his quarters, he was
6. Stunned to hear this news, the King
shocked to notice the absence of his dear
entered the room, and sitting by the side of
wife Kaikeyi and thought: “When I return
Kaikeyi and stroking her body, said to her:
to the palace, my handsome and dear wife
7. “Dear one! Why is it that, abandoning
usually approaches me smiling. Why is
cots and other furniture, you are lying on
it that today I do not see her at all here?” the bare floor? Why is it that you are not
Thinking like this within himself, he asked talking to me? I am extremely distressed
the group of attending maids there: “Why by this conduct of yours, O timid one!

ift wftd wr I a it h 9
w w:i gfont sietM g^^hfnrfr w?[ i io
^miRi mh tRi’Ti at HMw | <wrft tot h n
sffe 4 srfsR ^n ^fct fsrot^ i srf^R fr&j <rt^ a 12
sft s Marorft ^r i fwr *5*hFfcF jnwpwfa fW n b

TO WfeFRRt TOt TOftTOftTO: I TORR || 14

<fa W WFT w?i TTTOfrft I SEmRiJ^I W HT TPTO RTO^UTO u 15
w I ’n^it I ^rotfa n 16
tot <rft^ra: i w’i <tot tr ii n
^3?T TOHHpi ^lIScT TOfa §TO I TO^wT ^°n^J *ITO (TO g^ 41 18
<$fa ^WMiMri^sItoTO I TOt TOBjJ 3?W^ II 19

8. Abandoning all your jewellery, and sentence of execution you want to be

wearing only a soiled cloth, why are you revoked, that too shall be done. Why
lying on this bare floor? Tell me what is talk too much? O dear one! I am willing
the cause of your dissatisfaction, and I to offer even my life for your sake. 14.
shall fulfil all your demands. 9. Whoever I swear by the lotus-eyed Rama, who is
it be that has caused you distress, whether dearer to me than my life itself, that I shall
it is man or woman, I am ready to inflict do whatever would give you satisfaction.
on that person punishment, including capital Tell me what you want and I shall certainly
sentence. 10. Dear one! Whatever it be accomplish it.”
that you are longing for, appraise me of it,
and I shall accomplish it in no time, however Kaikeyi’s Request for Two Boons (15-22)
difficult it might be. 11. You know me to (15-17). To him who was speaking thus,
the core—that I am your dear husband swearing by Rama, Kaikeyi replied, after
completely under your control. When I rubbing away the tears from her eyes. She
am thus ever ready to fulfil your desires, said, “If you are truthful, if you are goingto
it is needless for you to put yourself to fulfil what you have sworn by, then you are
all this trouble. 12. If you want a person bound to carry out my request immediately.
dear to you to be enriched .w II am ready In days of old, when you took part in a battle
to enrich him. If you want one inimical between the Devas and the Asuras,! happen­
to you to be impoverished, I am ready to ed to .save your life in a critical situation.
accomplish that also in no time. 13. Tell Being highly pleased with me for it, you
me whether you want any one to be executed. offered me two boons. (18-19). O truthful
That shall certainly be done. Tell me whose one! Those two boons which you then
[Ch. 3

sfrHR I smw ii 20
fiF35 RMM I 5RRt si HMt II 21
fe&fcs^i siRhR^ ^R0w: 1 *h w H 22
*r§Wi mrm 1 fawr HfrtRh w^r 11 23
-R^ ftWR <F?W f*Rl I ?w4t Ml W 1124
feraRJ fcf’Rsn^’ii II 25
w 1 wf <HWiH«i<n«Pnr II 26
Wt I ^nq^sjw 1127
qfex | srsn^M Mt M1W Wolfer *r <r II 28
mrmiIhhhm $1 si^iA^ Rifa ^>i^hhi ii 29

the floor, like a mountain struck by the

offered are still unfulfilled and are in your
safe custody. Of those, one boon that I thunderbolt weapon of Indra. (24-25).
want now is that my dear son Bharata be Slowly opening his eyes and rubbing them
immediately installed as Yuvaraja, utilisingwith his hands, Dasaratha, who was full
all these arrangements you have made for of fear, felt confused. Was he experiencing
Rama's installation. The second boon I an evil dream or had he lost his mind?
want is that Rama should be immediately Looking at his wife Kaikeyi, who was stand­
sent into exile to the forest of Dandaka- ing in front like a tigress, he said, “Dear
(20-21).Let Sri Rama,dressed in an ascetic’sone, how is it that you are speaking words
garb of tree-bark, wearing matted locks, andthat will virtually take my life away? 26.
What harm has the lotus-eyed Rama done
devoid of all ornaments, live in the forest,
subsisting on roots and fruits, for fourteen to you? You have in the past been always
years. At the end of that period, let him speaking to me about 'the numerous virtues
return to the country or stay on in the forest
of Rama. 27. You, who have said in the
itself if he prefers to do so. The lotus­ past that Rama looks on you and
eyed Rama should depart to the forest by Kausalya alike, and that he is always serving
the next sunrise. 22. If there is any delay you—how is it that you speak now in this
in carrying out my wish in these respects, strain against him? 28. Let the kingdom go
I will put an end to my life in your very to your son, but let Rama stay on in the
presence. Be true to your words. This is palace. Be pleased to favour me by accept­
what I wish to be done.” ing this proposal. What harm could you
possibly have from Rama?” 29. With
King Dasaratha in Distress (23-32)
these words and weeping, he fell at the feet
23. Hearing these shocking and frightening of Kaikeyi; but she with her eyes red
words of Kaikeyi, King Dasaratha fell on with anger said as follows in reply:

to h i
B3FSR *n fwi $ww( n 31
^Rwrot^fa^ 1
TOWR r< WT fowuMt TO! SRlfe II 32
<?5tk: ftw ifrh wt to: i <H^r€t ^Afwtwtw li 33
TO ^rfiror tot 5«3RW^Rtwr 1 w>«ft 3 « ^j: ll 34
fronts w^ft famfw 1 to: sriwr ME’Rwtfw: 11 35
wrann: ^rfw tror ^rro: ^twwt i to fero *rsh gro 1136
TOgw *n: qtwnrwn 1 wot ’iw wt to sferaij 11 37
WCT ^5W TOT f^T ST I S^’TOt TO <(W$RW^ II 38
STfafaRT TOHia TOI^i *f<b>TOfeH TO WW q^RlMd^ II 40
TO W mw snro *n q^r I rif ^totrh: ii 41
30. “O great King! Have yon become mad? sorrow, fell unconscious on the floor like
You are now speaking contrary to what you one dead. 34. On account of sorrow, he
have spoken a moment before. If you spent that night as if it were one year. When
it was sunrise, the bards and the panegyrists
prove false to your words, hell will be your
fate. 31. If Rama fails to go next morning began their recitals to the accompaniment
to the forest, dressed in deer skin and tree­
of instrumental music to awaken the king.
bark, I will be committing suicide in your (35-37). But on Kaikeyi’s order, these artistes
very presence by hanging with a rope round had to stop their music and recitals. Kaikeyi
my neck or by taking poison. 32. In all stood there in a very angry mood. When it
assemblies in this world you are proclaimed was daybreak, there assembled at the central
as one true to your plighted words; and gate all who had been ordered to do so by
now after swearing in the name of Rama Vasishtha— citizens of the four classes,
himself, if you fail to do according to your
maidens, those holding superb ceremonial
promise, you are sure to be consigned to umbrellas and chowris, elephants and horses,
hell.” dancing girls, and the general residents of
the city and the villages. (38-41) All the
Rama Summoned to Dasaratha’s citizens, men and women and children of
Presence (33-49) the place, had no sleep that night. In
33. Hearing these words of his wife, the great expectation, they were waiting for the
hapless king, immersed in the ocean of morning when they could see, after the in-

to fwl i stob scftr^ u 42

to^^jt sirofenw •jm' ^wii wj5^ 1143

TO ^ISPTO I 1144

TO TOffe
Wlfa | to TO3T I TOHTTO tfta‘ rT TO SFEfat5^ II 45

TOSffr *nfafa | ^R^T ’Tf^t TO ^wHfcjl |46
3TO TO WW TO^J tot gror utok^ 1147
M^tsq rTO I sftwro? TO TOftW^r II 48
n^U tot toI to Ftt I <?^Wt TOTOWft^ TOT II 49
to: toItot nra ^tto TOfcra: 1 TOFEW tSTOfa rTOTO?l: 1150
fqg: toH rift torto^ wi TOm^riipo to to*to wto: ii si
swrrf §whs^ tto < 1 ^tra nro 1152

stallation.the blue-com plexioned and Cupid- (46-49). Sumantra said, “O lady! With­
like Rama dressed in yellow silk, decorated out a word from the King, how can I to go
with jewellery, and adorned with a crown and bring Rama?” Hearing these words of
and shining armlets and the jewel Kaustu- the Minister, King Dasaratha said to him,
bha, riding on an elephant along with “O Sumantra! 1 wish to see Rama. Bring
Lakshmana under the cover of a ceremonial him here quickly." Being so commanded,
white umbrella. 42. Seeing that the king Sumantra went to Rama's palace in great
had not yet awakened from sleep, the haste. Without being detained anywhere,
Minister Sumantra hurried to the palace he met Rama quickly and said, “O lotus­
where he was living. 43. On greeting the eyed Rama! Please come with me to your
king with good wishes and prostrations, father's palace immediately. May good
Sumantra noticed him extremely grief-stric­ befall you!" Saying so. he ascended
ken. He addressed Kaikeyi as follows: his chariot together with Rama and
(44-45). Sumantra said: “O honoured lady! Lakshmana and departed immediately in
May you be prosperous. How is it that 1 an agitated mood.
see the King with a sorrow-stricken face?"
Kaikeyi replied, “The King had no sleep Kaikeyi Demands Rama’s Exile
during the whole night. Uttering the name (50-66)
of Rama, he has been thinking of him (50-52). Reaching the middle gate of the
alone. For want of sleep, you find him in palace, along with Lakshmana and his
this distressed condition. You bring Rama charioteer, Rama saw there Vasishtha and
to this place quickly. The King desires to all others assembled. In great haste, he
meet him." proceeded to his father’s presence and

wsn4 wfei
A -s
nWtm: 1 tow ^rwra 1153
hh: l w 11 54
^R0( 3PT I w*n hm 1155
H^Wri U3fR I W Kff || 56
r^sfW 3 W S55RT Jf7: I
sfw II 57
fair 1 lurca^lKd * wr ǤMiRr^t w 11 ss
Rfttt w & ’n’K 5RR& 1 f^r f^g^r^n 59
Hffit c^sir^^qf TF5#^fir swiwtsfir fih? h ’3xnt: u 60
Sxf?: ^tra gsr: fl CT l xMrtfsfa W '3^Rt ll 61
3{a: ^TtR rFfli fell I hw sr4 fcnfiw^ 11 62

nntfWr m
I tth wsfarora hwhi: &jarar 11 63
prostrated himself before him. The King as he is by the cord of vow of truthfulness,
then got up and with great affection pro­ he has to be saved from this difficult predica­
ceeded to embrace Rama. But as he lifted ment by you. (58-62). For, the word son
his hand for the purpose, he fell down calling (JPutra) means one who lifts his father from
the name of Rama in an extremely distressed hell.” Hearing her words, Rama felt agony
voice. Surprised at this, Rama immediately like one struck with a trident and he said to
supported him, embraced him and stretched Kaikeyi, “There is no need to speak to me
him in his own lap. 53. Seeing the King in this strain. I am one who is ready to
unconscious, all the women there cried out give up my very life for the sake of my father.
in great agony. In order to ascertain If necessary, 1 am ready to give up Sita or
the reason for these cries, sage Vasishtha Kausalya or the kingdom. The right
also came into the palace. type of son is the one who fulfils a father's
54. Now Rama enquired of the persons desire even without being asked to do so.
present there, the cause of his father’s sorrow. The middling type is the one who does so,
On his questioning thus, Kaikeyi said to when requested. And the degenerate one
him: 55. “You alone, O Rama, can relieve is the son who fails to do so even when asked.
the King of his sorrow. There is one thing Such a son is designated as ‘dirt’. So,
which you have to do to bring him relief. whatever my father wants me to do, I am
(56-57). May you, who are yourself truthful, prepared to obey. I swear that I shall do
help the King to fulfil his plighted words. accordingly. Rama never indulges in
Once, highly pleased with me, the King double-talk.” (63-66). Hearing this vow
had given me two boons. The fulfilment of Rama, Kaikeyi began to tell him: “O
of these is in your hands. The King is Rama! Whatever preparations have been
hesitant to speak to you about it. Bound made for your installation, all that must

TO I Sf'T^T TOFI^I 31^1*11 SfZIER: II 64

sr 3Rit tftef i wro w iTORtsR: Il 6s
filter to r< i w 3 qR5^ s^i rfI4 ii 66
TOfHto WC< H^lfa TOTO. I fro tot * *rt n *n^sn toi^ 1167
yklftWbH ^TT TO $t: fera^i W tot ^:feat ^iro tt ll 68
^fsra I ptw nt nro^ ttto <m n nw ll 69
o *rt Fitr^PF^T
c *© I St^TOT ^:<3TO^r TOT^FT TOW ll 70
SI to toto m to totoft i nt fwr w ntt fWt n 7i
Tin toiItoto nri^ ? i froro nn^ to: fa§: nwnfani ll 72
anvmww to to: n TO^tfw I fcro fr*rt ttto tot§ tteggi: n 73
3Ri srf^rr fro^t grofenfa I TOwftfew sM nn na: 1174
be utilised without fail for installing my dom, killing or imprisoning me, who am
dear son Bharata as the Yuvaraja. This is treading the path of injustice, whose mind has
one of the boons that I have sought. The lost its balance and who is under the 'domin­
other is that at the command of your father, ation of a woman. It will not be sinful
you should, wearing tree-bark and matted of you to do so. If you do like that, O
locks, go to the forest at once and live there joy of the Raghus, I shall not be tainted
for fourteen years subsisting on the diet of with the stain of untruth.” Saying so, the
ascetics. These are what your father wants grief-stricken King began to cry aloud,
you to do. O scion of Raghu’s line! exclaiming: 71. “O Rama! O master of
The King is rather ashamed and hesitant the world! O dearest object of my love!
to speak to you openly about it.” Abandoning me, how will it be possible for
you to go to that dense forest!” (72-74).
Rama’s Reaction to the Demands
With these words the King embraced Rama
of Kaikeyi (67-80)
and began to weep without any restraint.
67. Thus addressed, Rama said, “Let the And, alas! Rama taking some water in
kingdom go to Bharata and I shall go to the his hand from a pot, washed the King s
Dandaka forest. But I do not under­ eyes, and the adept in conciliation that he
stand why the King is not so ordering me was, he began to console the King saying,
directly while I am standing in his presence.” “O wise one! Why should you be so
68. Hearing these words of Rama, standing down-hearted in this situation? Let my
in front of him, the sorrow-stricken King brother rule the kingdom, and as for myself,
Dasaratha spoke very mournfully. (69-70). after fulfilling your plighted words, 1 shall
He said, “You take possession of this king­ come back to this city. O King! | shall

fon nsr^Fnr’fr ii 75
|| 76
wsw 3J3#hr sipr^ i 3n^r 1 1177
g <tr^r w i ^ta^nfa iM Wt 11 7s

wnw awMr <^tr eh^ i |i 79

3FW^ ’WfacWtf
HI Wrfr sr^twnii so

^hn ^t: :i 3 11

be a hundred times more happy to live in the (78-79). Saying so, Rama circumambulat­
forest than to rule the kingdom. 75. O ed his father and then went to see his mother
great King! By this arrangement your Kausalya. At that time Kausalya, after
promise will be fulfilled, and Kaikeyi too having worshipped Hari for the welfare of
will be pleased. Thus my departure to the Rama, had performed Homas and given gifts
forest will prove highly beneficial. 76. I to holy men, and was observing silence and
would, therefore, go away now from here- meditating in her palace with a concentrated
May the pangs of mother Kaikeyi's heart be mind. 80. She did not notice Rama stand­
assuaged thereby! Let all the materials ing in front of her. as she was then intently
brought for the installation be abandoned. meditating in her heart on Mahavishnu,
77. I shall now go and console my mother the one Being who dwells in all, who is
Kausalya and my wife Sita, the daughter of ever resplendent with the light of knowledge,
Janaka. After that I shall again come, do who transcends all diversities and whose
obeisance to you, and then depart to the nature is constituted of Bliss.
forest with a peaceful mind."


=^: FRT-

ini W? i ^ST’TIW n$r*i Sprite || 1

*s> whtw i TFT ^T 2
^swh I ^?r fa faEJFf sjaite I 3
tr: JU^ «f it i^r: l <*g$Fufa sfW w wr^ fate I 4
^wsc te iR I TOIH <1*4 WRR’RIFW^ II 5
hw Difani ^fa^rajs l snnfafa gn: sfrf h f^f ^|n(fa ii 6
SRV^ wnfcRi i^fewi I 3W^ <R ^<3131 II 7
IPT ^4 HR ’fife MRfa I RiWn wt *ftfa4 sn^ n 8
^?T Mkwhfc RWRI Rn>^ ipifM, I wirt =f^Rtfn?w3nonfafa 9
WH W 5(wg ( fam ^hrr wrfa ii io

Chapter 4

Rama informing Kausalya of his Father s which he has assigned the kingdom to
Order (1-13) Bharata, and to me the glorious forest.
1. Seeing Rama thus standing without
6. After spending fourteen years there as an
being noticed, Sumitra hurried to inform
Queen Kausalya of Rama's presence before ascetic, I shall return without delay. Please
her. 2. When the name of Rama was be not worried on account of this.”
7. Hearing these words, Kausalya fell
uttered, Kausalya opened her eyes, and
down unconscious with a broken heart.
she saw before her Rama of attractive eyes.
Later, after coming to consciousness, she
She embraced him and seated him on her lap.
3. Smelling the crown of his head and got up and, distressed by unbearable grief,
stroking his body resembling a blue lily, nay, immersed in the ocean of sorrow, she
she said, “O child! You should take food said to Rama: 8. “O Rama! If it is
to your satisfaction. You look like one true that you are going to the forest, take me
also with you. Without you, how can I
starved.” 4. Rama said in reply. "There
is no time for me to take food. I am to live even for a moment? 9. A cow cannot
rest if its calf is taken away. Even like that,
start immediately for the forest of Dandaka.
without you, my son, who is dearer to me
5. My father, who ever sticks to truth, has
than my life itself, how can I sustain my life?
given two boons to Kaikeyi, according to 10. If the King is so pleased, let him give the

inn I ?w few* ft ?n jjto wr n n

ftnr 5^hn ir era: I ftmss^ qra ^R^rnt ii 12

^rf< qgminw8* ^raivra: I ein mqptfw’rq^rfa nqqr<^ 1113

wrctsft ira: «irarTteremror w I OTR W 4«R5^4( II 14
^10 w^fnratf i ^e<t w iraF^wrawra 11 15
*t stht jiri iw ftWR q^rnft^q II 16
ggRifw <ra f^wfw: 1 ^fafamfari i^f^i: II 17

s£> G\
WW^ IeR I wifimt q ft Hu

qfcr sjiRt nt qs4 fife’s । q(t hc4 ^tira snw s'Era^ 11 19

*d ^rarauI 11 20
w eqram^sft I W ^ranft’F W|qRW<elR(2i
kingdom to Bharata. Why should he order 16. Let Bharata and others now witness my
you, my dear son, to go to the forest ? 11. prowess—the prowess by which I consume
Let the King, who has granted boons to the whole universe in the fire of destruction.
Kaikeyi, give her all his possessions, but You should now, in every way, persist in
what harm have you done either to Kaikeyi this ceremony of installation. 17. With
or to the King to be expelled to the forest? bow in hand, I shall cause the destruction
12. O Rama! Just as your father is your of all who dare to obstruct your installation.”
respectable elder, much more so am I, Embracing the son of Sumitra, who
your mother. If the father has ordered was speaking thus, Rama said: 18. “O
you to go to the forest, I, your mother, am heroic scion of Raghu’s line! You are
prohibiting it. 13. If, disobeying my words, indeed powerful and courageous. You are
you depart to the forest in obedience to the also well-intentioned towards me. I accept
King's order, I shall abandon my life and all this. But this is not the time for exhibit­
attain the realm of Death.” ing your prowess. 19. If this kingdom and
all that we experience, including our bodies,
Rama’s Advice to Lakshmana (14-37) were true in the ultimate sense, then it would
14. Hearing Kausalya’s words, Laksh­ have been proper for you to make an effort
mana who was burning with anger, as if he on the lines proposed by you. 20. Enjoy­
were going to burn the whole world, looked ments are momentary like streaks of light­
at Rama and said: 15. “I shall put in ning appearing in the clouds. So also is
fetters the King who is under infatuation, life—it is like a small drop of water sprinkled
who is of unsteady mind, and who is entirely on a red hot piece of iron. 21. For men
under the thumb of Kaikeyi. I shall then in the grip of the serpent of Time, to long
kill Bharata and his uncle and other relatives. for these extremely temporary enjoyments

ft ?r: i

f*w<: wn u 22
I WW SRjtf W II 23
JRfa W’WWfiHSSn 1
TOfa T<: II 24

^TRTOlft fWfarefrM I WWRI II 25

Wi Wi wwra «wrt: 1 W3^ 5*n3^ 11 26

* ^3 <3 qftfefo I sftaRS'W^ wtfri * mft 11 27

nfwi 1 w=n ^rtar: srftf ll 28
sin squfa I *£$: 3R3 wi 11 29

^stwr^f ipnt 1 sfaOrewriift 11 30

is like what it is for a frog to cry for food 26. Sunset and sunrise mark the ebbing
when it is already in the mouth of a serpent, away of life. We see all around others
22. Man struggles day and night in various succumbing to old age and death. But still,
kinds of work for securing objects of man does not realise that this is his fate also.
enjoyment for his body. But, the truth is 27. Without realising that every day and
that the body is different from the true every night that he is now enjoying, mark the
Self. 23. For ■ all creatures, extremely termination of those that have gone before,
temporary is the association with their the foolish and unreflective man blindly
kith and kin like father, mother, sons, runs after enjoyments. He does not realise
brother, wife and others.- It is only like the the rapidity with which Time rolls on. 28.
association that the traveller has in a way­ The contents of our life-span are like water
side inn or even like pieces of wood floating kept in an unbaked pot. It leaks out and is
down a river. 24. Fortune is unstable like a exhausted every moment. Like enemies,
shadow. So is youth, like a wave in a water many kinds of diseases are ever ready to
receptacle. Sexual enjoyments are dream­ attack and destroy the body. 29. Old age
like and unsubstantial. Life, after all, is and disease are ever assailing the body, and
of very short duration. Yet, strangely in their wake death too is watching for the
enough all living beings run after these opportune moment' to pounce upon man
values as the be-all and end-all of life. like a tigress. 30. In this world you
25. This transmigratory life resembles find that man thinks of his own
a dream. It is full of sufferings arising from body as T—of this body which is only
diseases. It is as evanescent as a castle a synonym for worms, dirt and ashes.
in tise air^but yet foolish man goes after it. With reference to such a despicable thing

I fwO WHft R WHT ^ || 31

wk spgwsw I ft n 32

^sdwft ar snftfam 1 aft 11 33

sriw * <&
w fctfw 1
wr^a: w iftw 35^: 1 asw^iWFEaa wr: araasa *0 11 34
aarft ftter n^rft ft^ftsaia aa<n I aarffe gm^fta ftaws^roK 1135
sftsnjftt aawn ftftr: wffsr^I srw afeaa 11 36
wr ’RR; Tia^jw wt a^aaa WFaSa ft
a<t 1 u 37
rWI^fR! ^SRSfRI ^1 ^tferaaajarq^arft^at wc 11 38
strht ftwa: I aia^lF^Rfwa ar?aat ft$ 11 39
aRRW^:dW: qi^-a ^^ar: I awR afe ma^ara <ft 11 40
aft: aaagaa^r m fe^: i ^w?rw ar ar 1141
like this body, he feels that he is a world- his father, brother, well-wishers and friends.
renowned king. 31. How can this body be 36. From anger arises distress in mind.
the spirit (Atman)—this body which is Anger keeps one tightly tied to the trans­
nothing but a combination of skin, bones, migratory life. Anger effaces a man’s
excreta, siemen, blood etc.? It is extremely righteous tendencies.Therefore, anger is to be
changeful also. How can such a body be abandoned by all means. 37. Anger is
identified with the Atman? 32. O Laksh- man’s most terrible enemy. Desires and
mana! This body for the love of which longings of the heart constitute the Vaitarani
you say you are going to destroy the world— —the river of hell difficult to cross. Con­
this identification with the body is the tentment is Nandanavana, the forest of
cause of all evil. 33. The conviction that Nandana—the garden of heaven. Peace at
‘I am the body’ is what is called Avidya heart is verily Kamadhenu—the heavenly
(ignorance). The conviction that ‘I am cow of plenty.
not the body but the light of Consciousness,'
is called Vidya (knowledge). 34. Avidya Control your Mind and be Calm (38-47)
is the cause of transmigratory life, and the (38-41). Therefore practise calmness of
eradication of it is accomplished by Vidya. mind. Thereby you can avoid having
Therefore, all who aspire for liberation enemies. The Atman is distinct from the
should ever cultivate Vidya. In the cultiva­ senses, mind, Prana, Buddhi and other
tion of Vidya, the chief obstructing factors categories. Pure and changeless, the Atman
are passions like lust and anger. 35. Of is the universal self-conscious intelligence
all these, anger is the greatest obstruction. shining without the help of any other entity
For, overcome by anger, man murders even (svayamjyoti). As long as one does not

wirfei ?r I w ll 42
sriWm^ h =3 1 ’w-«4Vfc<r ^rH w ii 43
to^t 1 cto^to wssftsj ^nro foro 1144
toito jtfteF* =r $4h <fte^ I tort: ’NfriiMi’jMiw^ 11 45
w tot 1 ^nmp wr^far 11 46

Wl | TO II 47
t^TOTOTSl ’TO^TO^’^I aflIMIt TOftffl SllitftBwETO^q^ 1148

W. TO-mi 1 to II 49
ife totototo TOifew ^r: 3^: I w^^TO^^^^fajRTO II so
to toto:to$to^s^^tot <ja: 1 rank to TOfar 11 51
realise the distinctiveness of the Atman ments are required for the experience of the
from the body, the senses and the Prana, fruits of their Karmas. So it is not given
so long will one be subject to the sufferings to them to live always with the same people
of transmigratory life, including death.There­ in the same place. They have to part
fore, ever think of the Atman as residing in according to the quanta of Karma coming
the heart in complete separation from the to fruition. 46. Men subject to Karma
body-mind complex. While knowing the are like boats caught in a current of water.
Atman thus, follow the ways of the world They go in different directions according to
at the same time. Do not feel distressed. the speed and direction of the water. And,
Enjoyments and sufferings befall man accord­ after all, fourteen years will pass away like a
ing to his operative Karma (prurabdha). 42. moment. 47. O mother! Abandon grief
Though coursing along the flow of worldly and permit me to go. If you do so, I shall
life and appearing to be the agent of various be able to live in the forest in peace.”
actions, one who knows the real Self is
never bound by the good and evil fruits of Rama Reconciles Kausalya. Lakshmana
actions. 43. Being pure and unaffected and Sita to his Resolution (48-87)
within, one is not affected by Karmas. 48. Saying so, Rama lay flat at
Always remember these instructions. 44. his mother’s feet in prostration for a long
Thus you will never fall a victim to the time. Mother Kausalya lifted him up,
sufferings of Samsara; and you, too, O seated him in her lap, and pronounced
mother, keep in your mind all these truths blessings on him. (49-51). After embracing
that I have spoken to Lakshmana. 45. him again and again, she permitted him to
You wait for my return. Your sorrows will go with the following blessings: “May aU
not last very long. Living beings who are the Devas along with Gandharvas^—may
subject to their Karma cannot always live the deities Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswara
in the same situation, as different environ­ protect you whenever you go, wherever you

a^teteter^iFr w m te( ll 52
at HHrend qa: sfanfaftg: I 3(Hia afawte star gtemrfiafr 11 53
^qpr^Rrter: <n^ site: I aw aftararte fa ft qaar faar 1154
srmtefa qa: saa^a fa: i arterft *r teterftraafta: 11 55
HTW^nrarsfa fa^i <ia atear a^t an: aferaaaat a 11 56

W Wi^ ^4 sea ^sterou weRwamfa aftn’ atea ’nte 1157

3Kra TOnft aa <a a ^aatwr i «r ar fa *n§a tearartet aa^ Uss
?fa aa?a ahn i ftaa aqqsa ft ten fa* a^iraar 11 59
w w w fft l ’Hara fft wt aaata amaa 11 60
a3<sa qareisr Tint it ter arte: i aar ^ar fft Tiar araarfi farar: 116i

travel, wherever you stay and wherever you crown and other royal insignia, and how is
sleep!” Thereupon Lakshmana, saluting it again that you are not accompanied by
Rama, said with his throat choked with any of the vassal princes?” Being thus
feelings: “O Rama! You have now cleared questioned by Sita, Rama answered with a
the doubt that was in my mind. Now may smile.
you be pleased to permit me to follow-you 57. He said, “O handsome one! The
and serve you. Be pleased to order so. King has assigned to me the kingdom of
52. O Rama! Bestow this blessing Dandakaranya. I am therefore proceed­
on me. If you do not, 1 shall give up my ing quickly for ruling over it. 58. I am
life.” Rama, accepting Lakshmana’s starting for the forest even today. You
request, said to him, “Then be ready to therefore stay with my father and mother,
start. Do not delay.” serving the mother specially. 1 am not
(53-56). Rama, who was none but the Lord telling this in joke, but seriously.” 59.
of the universe, now went to console his Overwhelmed by surprise and fear on hearing
wife Sita. Seeing her husband arrive, Sita Sri Rama’s words, Sita asked him why the
received him with a smile and sweet words. noble-minded father had commanded him to
She washed his feet with water kept in a go to the' forest. 60. Rama thereupon
golden vessel, and looking at him said, said to her: “Being highly pleased with
“O Lord, how is it that you have come Kaikeyi, the King had given her two boons.
without your body guard? Where have you According to that he has assigned the
been till now? Where is that ceremonial white kingdom to Bharata and the forest to me.
umbrella that used to be held over you? 61. Kaikeyi wanted that I should be an
How is it that musical instruments are not exile in the forest for fourteen years. The
being played as you move about? Why is King, though really very kind to me, has
it that you have come without your yet, being a strict adherent of truth, assigned
. [Ch. 4
ayodhya kandam

SRB ffl fhH ’Ttftft I ’’W ’W.IM+W '"M'fi II 62

st?’®' *r nwW’ I ’’t ,pS 35 ••63
w wii ste n «
wn $h®TO5 afai wgwri^rai i ftwwwR ’J’pto « 65
RWWftlft 4tSRW swrt I fcF***^ « «
W V* g’Sftl H WtHilfi'M’Mp’Wi H«
’yVMVMHiii ’•S^ II <#
Vl'4l\<*l *FSF>i sftaTORRlfc^l R®W 4lGm 1169

44H14& ^tat jjpifit 5t S’J* I '••W* *'n KJ5I ^*** JlWHi-Wi II 70

s^r W” ft^RirwsP^i i w ||71
5t sr^tsfir WKS I KWft fM KW <1 5T«tf ||72
wk gwwSifaHU a^««a<R if to n 73
the forest to me. (62-63). I am therefore tracts are almost invisible. They are full
in a hurry to depart. 0 noble lady! Cause of stones and thorns. 68. The forest of
no obstructions to my plan.” Hearing Dandaka is characterised by many forbid­
these words of Rama, Sita spoke to him ding features like caves and caverns and the
with great joy. She said: ‘‘I will be the humming of stinging insects. 69. There
first to go to the forest. You shall only one has to walk on bare feet. There will be
follow me. O scion of Raghu’s line! shivering cold and heat alternating, besides
It is not befitting that you go without me.” terrible winds. Frightened by the sight of
64, Though highly pleased with the the Rakshasas in the forest, you may even
attitude of his wife, Rama none the less die.
said to her, “How can I take you. to the (70-74). “Therefore, O handsome one,
forest, which is full of tigers and other wild you stay back at this palace until my return.”
animals? 65. The forest abounds also in Hearing these words of Rama, Sita, sorrow-
terrible-looking Rakshasas who eat human stricken and red in her face with a tinge of
beings. Everywhere, the forest is infested indignation, replied: “I am a wedded wife,
with wild animals like lions, tigers and wild blemishless, vowed to faithfulness to you
boars. 66. O handsome one! One will and solely dependent on you. How can I
have to subsist there on roots and fruits ever think of staying away from you? You
that may be pungent and sour. Well know all Dharma and you are inherently
prepared dishes and tasty edibles can never kind. Who in the forest will dare to injure
be had there. 67. Even fruits may not be me while I am staying with you? The
available when one wants them. The forest remnants of fruits and roots that you have

tfsrc: n 74
sr< rt i htqfofwriw^: 75
W wrf: i ^n^<rfrw ?*n 76
?<RT *rf?FT ^FR^I wwfa 11 77
^fkir Awi ^nfr irf» fi» i sra^rn qfwft wn 1178

wnwifau so

srwh^y SR q^jRt 1 WFRi^fen^ Usi

^r w shim TOifor thrift 1
«««W« (3^ ^71^: n 82
W3PT w *fcrr RHwtfr * I hr) nig: Wto 11 s3
'1 wm: wsrs n 84
WWsft SlM’ll g | g^nnfbr: TlWfif swa: II85
eaten will taste like nectar itself to me. I without me, I shall abandon my life in your
shall live highly satisfied with that food. very presence.”
For me following you, the forest lands, full Hearing these determined words of Sita,
of grass, thorny shrubs and stones, will be Rama said to her: “O Lady! Then be
like a place spread with beds of flowers. ready quickly to start with me to the forest.
I have no doubts about *it. (75-76). I Your necklaces and other jewellery may
shall give you no trouble in any way. On be. given over to our preceptor’s wife, Arund-
the other hand, I shall always be helpful. hati. We shall go to the forest after giving
In my girlhood, a great astrologer, on all our wealth as gift to holy men.” Saying
-seeing me, had predicted that I would have so, he asked Lakshmana to gather together
to live with my husband in a forest. May a large number of pious Brahmanas, and he
that scholar’s words come true! I shall gave them as gift several hundreds of cows
■certainly go with you. (77-78). I shall tell and valuable pieces of cloth and ornaments.
you one thing more, and hearing that, They were all adepts in Vedas, of noble con­
please decide to take me into the forest. duct and householders with families. 83. Sita
I have heard the various versions of the gave away all her important ornaments to
Rama-saga (Ramayana), recited by many Arundhati, while Rama gave much wealth
scholars. In which of these, do you find as present to the attendants of his mother.
Rama going to the forest without Sita? In 84. Thus Rama gave numerous gifts to the
none, to be sure. Therefore, I have to go residents . of the palace, to his servants,
with you. In every way, I shall only be to the residents of the city and villages and
helpful to you. (79-82). If you decide to go to many holy men. 85. And as for Laksh-

w star w h 86

4hH« i

irto: %iwW^! $R*n f^ft

SIRraRT U 87
m4te<lWSFg ^i: n « ll

mana, he entrusted his mother Sumitra to whose foot-steps sanctified the three worlds,
Kausalya’s- care, and then equipped with now went with Sita and Lakshmana
bow in hand, he stood in front of Rama leisurely on foot to his* father’s mansion,
ready to depart. 86. Then Rama, Sita and looking joyfully at the large crowd of the
Lakshmana went to the king’s palace. 87. inhabitants of the city and villages that had
Rama of blue complexion, who was more gathered on the highway for the installa­
handsome than a hundred cupids, whose tion ceremony.
radiance illumined all the quarters, and

wi"’ •nw tor «n# nw wrohu sivwt wi 6ft s>w u i

j. * *® .
w4i TOMiR I to w fro 5^ II 2
ShNMIHW I t^nTOTOBTOirsswtstfwTOTO^II 4-

Chapter 5

The Reaction of the Citizens (1-9) and truthful. The King is highly uxorious.
1. Seeing Rama coming along the public How can such a person be given credit for
road with Lakshmana and Sita, the daughter being truthful? How has this Kaikeyi
of Janaka, all the citizens in the neighbour­ become so cruel-hearted? How could she
hood began to look at each other and remark think of getting expelled from the country
about it among themselves. (2-4). Steeped a prince like Rama so truthful and beneficent
in sorrow on hearing about the boon given to all? She must indeed be an extremely
to Kaikeyi, these citizens said: “Alas! stupid and heartless woman. O fellow citi­
On account of a woman’s instigation, King zens! A country like this, where such
Dasaratha has sacrificed a son so virtuous injustice and cruelty are perpetrated, is

qrsr nq: OTnhR ipgifcsfa I TFFg sfH^f n s-

mfa to srhwertw n 6

untsfa imihiUPn&i: I f^J ii 7

wft sirar i wnfc to.^ ton: wot: n 8
^iirMwi wiRt ft i <ft bihssr: ll 9
wtemtit5* flight t in-jton u4 star <r to llio
irq nn: <TCt »d
I rnnar3OT&<d^4f*IH(¥d fWfl Uli
tn? UHI*Jui4a*«xKI*Km^W ll 12

wnjiww i fawuRrt 44fc|fa<nqro II 13

wsrrtojrij JOT: TO tto *<3< 1114
HpqiiM ’TRRTOT I RIOT to to nt His
*Ni<<ra4?&lg *4^41 mw: i wtt wot arar to to*to ii 16
^hrarawRr at <t®ft i aKfa? Wjp «rt swr^R?: JU II 17

unfit for us to stay in any longer. Let us Vamadeva on Rama’s spiriftial Td^Hty
also go to the forest even today. 5. We (10-31)
shall go where Rama is going with his wife 10. When all good men were thus
and brother. See how Sita the daughter of mourning, the great sage Vamadeva, who
Janaka is walking bare-footed along the road! was amidst them, came forward to comfort
•6. Sita, a beauty without a peer anywhere them. He said to them: “Do not he
in the world, was hitherto living in seclusion downcast with sorrow, thinking either of
without, being seen by any man outside the Rama or Sita. Listen to what I say regarding
circle of her kith and kin. But see how she the truth about them. (11-12). This Rama
is walking bare-footed along the crowded is none but the Supreme Being—Maha­
public road without even a veil covering vishnu Adi-Narayana. This Sita, the daugh­
her face! 7. Rama too is going on foot ter of Janaka, is Mahalakshmi, famous as
without any horse or elephant as a mount. the Yogamaya of Vishnu. The one whom you
See, there goes our noble Lord, the most know as Lakshmana is Adisesha now follow­
handsome person in the whole world! 8. ing him. The Lord, uniting Himself with
That Rakshasi of a Kaikeyi will cause total Maya, has taken these different forms.
ruin. Rama’s heart must surely be wrenched (13-17). It is He who, assuming the qualities
by grief to see Sita trudging along the road. of Rajas, has become Brahma, the creator.
9. This is indeed a stroke of destiny against So also, assuming the quality of Sattva,
which all human effort is of no avail.” He has become Mahavishnu, the protector

w TOTTTO ^TO^«TOt«ft^n’n^r:gn n i«
wn i ^iTO^WfefUl TO^STO^ II 19
s wt to <rot wrt to: | TOTOtfc wfe irfoft frofe^ ii 2»
HT3W TO TO §nro: I W TO’&rift TORlftrft 5ft: 11 2i
grorwro fwtw gtrsro<ft: i h to ftwy Mftnt wnfcw ft n 22
•I’flra’T TO TOt TOTO^ I to tftar 5^rn ^d^rroft’ft ii 23
TO *flft TO WTOTOft I TO ^TO?lTO II 24
Asians w TOb*Nt ’tfTORTO TO^I 3fft to qgftgM Ant mra anferen: n 25
wife faR itfR q$3n %jfe l W TO^fe W TOfta WTO II 26
W gTOR XITO torto: i UTOl*A< gftBtTOSfehr SfF^f 1127
of the worlds. In the end, assuming the the earth of the burden of evil Kshatriyas,
quality of Tamas, He will be Rudra the He incarnated Himself as Rama of Bhrigu’s
cause of dissolution. In days of old, taking line. That same Lord of the universe has
the form of a Fish, He enabled the devotee now incarnated as Rama. He will destroy
Vaivasvata Manu to get into a boat and Ravana and other Rakshasas in thousands.
get protection till the end of the great He has taken a human form because that evil
deluge. Again, when the Milk Ocean was Rakshasa Ravana can be killed only by the
churned and the churning rod Mandara hands of a man. In a previous birth, King
mountain sank into the ocean up to Sutala, Dasaratha had.adored Hari through austeri­
He, this leader of the Raghu’s clan, assum­ ties, desiring that He Himself should be
ing the form of a Tortoise, supported the born as a son to him. Rama is that Maha-
mountain on His back. "When at the time of vishnu, now incarnated as man. In order
Pralaya, the earth sank to the level of Rasa-
to destroy Ravana and others, He will go-
tala, this noble one of Raghu’s line took the
even today to the forest accompanied by
shape of a Boar and lifted it out on His
Lakshmana. This Sita is Maya, the power
tusk. (18-23). In days of yore assuming the
of Vishnu, who is the cause of creation,
form of a Man-lion, He gave protection to
sustentation and dissolution of the universe.
Prahlada and tore open with his nails the
(24-25). Neither Kaikeyi nor King Dasaratha
chest of the demon Hiranyakasipu, the
is in the least responsible for all these
oppressor of all the worlds. When Aditi, the
developments. It was even yesterday that
motherof the Devas, approached him to help
Narada prayed to Rama to be pleased to-
her sons, the Devas, who had been depriv­
ed of their heavenly realm by Bali, He mani­ relieve the earth of its burdens, and Rama
fested himself in the form of a Dwarf, and himself replied to him that he would go to the
forest the very next day. Therefore, you
through the tactics of begging, recovered that
ignorant people can abandon all grief on
realm of the celestials. In order to relieve
account of Rama. (2g-27) In this world, who-


f^usnr to^T usigfe ii 29
wrfcfafcmstTO wn ^Rft^i TO^wfaro^ 11 30
q WIM ^r wftcRt: I to to qWfeprtfh 11 31
nh4W % 35 t fjttfant i ScSTOT 3TRT fmr^sfq TO ft|T II 32
qqt to: wter ftq$kronft® I mgm tftam wr 11 33
3nu<w: sfr qq hw i Tp| ^afsnr: q: ftm u 34
Mtafa ^51 toft m^s”TOiw stan ^35
to*3 <^sn^ I TO Hfal TO ||36
q(ten TO*3 I*3W I 11 37
sft im^hc wro I TO^>4 gftd to 1138
^n *n< to p: 1 TOnro m ^ftro ft mr^ft 1139
ever repeats the name of Rama constantly, is so, the sage departed, and the pious devotees
never overcome by fear of death and other recognised the identity of Rama with the
calamities. That being the case, how can Supreme Being.
you ever suspect this Rama to be overcome
by grief? (28-29). In order to bless the Scenes at Rama’s Departure (33-46)
world, He is imitating the ways of man. 33. Now Rama, along with Sita and
For providing devotees with an object for Lakshmana went straight to the palace of
centring their devotion and service, for his father, and said to Kaikeyi as follows:
bringing about the destruction of Ravana, 34. “O mother’. We three have come ready to
and for fulfilling the prayer of King go to any forest that you want us to go to.
Dasaratha, He has assumed this human Let our father order us without delay.”
form.’ Saying so,- the sage Vamadeva 35. Hearing these words of Rama, Kaikeyi
resumed silence. got up at once and gave them three tree­
30. Hearing these words of Vamadeva, bark garments that ascetics wear, one each
all those pious men had the doubts of their for Rama, Lakshmana and Sita. (36-37.)
heart dispelled and began to meditate on Rama now abandoned his royal dress and
Rama as a Divine Being. 31. Whoever put on the tree-bark. Lakshmana also follow­
constantly contemplates on this esoteric ed suit. But Sita, not knowing how to wear
teaching on Rama and Sita, will attain to a garment of that kind, stood puzzled, hold,
firm devotion to Rama, accompanied by ing it in hand and looking at the face of
illumination. 32. “This secret doctrine is to Rama. Rama, thereupon took that piece of
be jealously guarded,” said sage Vamadeva, tree-bark and tied it over her dress. (38-39).
“you are all very dear to Rama.” Saying Seeing this piteous scene, all the women in

n# star i Rwurksri faR ^nwRjwm II 4o

TR 4’T^GwiR’ft I wr swlws 5^* *wrc u 41
(W *R ^T^fjRT: I ^«fc4l WWT tftat *MVW^||42
tftar itfta’ uw w II 43
W 3K&OT fw 3WB <3wgsra w 11 44
^T wnw ^WW ra®3 w 1145
n^°r I ^r *Ft w ’(fes: it 46
wraw I m ftrefa 11 47
n*n Rt ij£ Rfo I wngfem? mR^h^r ii 48
ara «r fM wt fan S53:1149
<ratq£ Sffa$w ^tereqpn: <nra ?i fans^saft^R^WI^ n so

the palace began to cry aloud. The Preceptor of Rama. (44-46). Circumambulating his
Vasishtha, on hearing their cry,came into the father, Rama also got into the chariot and
palace. He grasped the situation and address­ Lakshmana followed him, taking with him
ed Kaikeyi in a very angiy mood. He said, a pair each of sword, bow and quiver.
“O wicked woman! According to the boon When they directed their charioteer to
given to you, Rama alone is to go to the proceed, King Dasaratha cried out, O
forest. Why are you then giving this ascetic’s Sumantra! Stop, Stop.” But Rama once
tree-bark dress to Sita? (40-43). If Sita, again gave order to proceed and the chariot­
the chaste wife of Rama, prefers to follow eer started off. When they had moved out
him to the forest as a matter of duty, let her some distance, King Dasaratha fell un­
do so, always dressed in excellent clothes conscious on the floor.
and’ bedecked with all ornaments. By 47. Many citizens, including children,
accompanying him, she will be able to relieve old men, pious Brahmanas and others ran
Rama of much of his sufferings incidental after the chariot crying out, “O Rama!
to life in the forest.” Stop, Stop.” 48. After weeping for a long
Now King Dasaratha said, addressing his time, King Dasaratha asked his attendants
minister Sumantra, “These three, who are to take him to the quarters of Kausalya,
dear to the ascetics of the forest, should the mother of Rama. 49. He said, “if
go from here only in a chariot.” Saying so, I am there in Kausalya’s palace, the life
he looked at Rama, Sita and Lakshmana, of my sorrow-stricken self may last for a
and immediately fell down on the earth short time more. Separated from Rama,
crying aloud, overwhelmed by sorrow, and I am not going to live any longer.” 50.
was almost drowned in his own tears. Now Reaching Kausalya’s palace, he again be­
first Sita got into the chariot in the presence came unconscious and fell down. Recover-

I W ffal|RT H 51
<kr: hh hhhrh i w wt n 53
ifa ffaw far wwiW 1 w ’MJrfa t ?fawr: 1154
nffa’F&RT ^ffar I I^Fhfa »wq: WRH II 55
?F^sfa t4 I W nq: nhi H II s«
anMifiiffg w ^5 rrat 1 fafr Trw«zt* straws Sjfen: u 57
wtfw *n4 THHM $T ns: I ffe TUT HHtn WRWJRH U 58
gnnrsft ntnnwR hr^i FrfaR^H'Rp'rr'R. wwiw 59
nwraH wn^0i^^r: I nwt roa HRn ^m^hr«:ii<»
fTiw^r fl fwR- ^w: I fafr str *r: ^hi wiHiwitaN^ « «
wi nifto s^ 1 q^TR nggMn ’[(ten niroia: 11 62

ing consciousness after a long time, he these people are asleep.” Sumantra, as
sat there dazed without uttering a word ordered, yoked the horses to the chariot,
and Rama, Sita and Lakshmana started
Meeting with Guha (51-73) in it in great haste. (57-58). The chariot
(51-52) Reaching the banks of the river was taken in the direction of Ayodhya
for some distance and from there turned back
Tamasa, Rama stayed there happily for the
to the forest. The citizens, waking up in
night. Without taking any food excepting
the morning, were terribly grief-stricken to
water from the river, he slept under a tree.
Sita also did the same. And Laksh- notice the absence of Rama there. They,
mana, who knew all Dharma, along with however, tried to trace him, following the
Sumantra kept guard with bow in hand. mark made by the chariot wheels. But
53. The sorrow-stricken citizens too had that took them only back to the city. And
followed Rama. They halted somewhere in so resigning themselves to their fate, they
the neighbourhood for the night with the continued to stay in the city, constantly
resolution that either they would get back thinking of Rama and Sita.
Rama to the city, or failing that, go with (59-62). Sumantra now drove the chariot
him to the forest. (54-56). Astonished at their very fast. Moving through prosperous
determination, Rama said, “I cannot go back Ganga where reached
villages. Rama the banks of the
the Ashrama known a*
to the city and if these people come to the
forest, thev will be put to great difficulties.” Sringavera was situated. Seeing the holy
Accordingly he addressed Sumantra, “O river Ganga and bathing in it, Ranw was
Sumantra! Get the chariot ready. We highly delighted to stay undent a
shall get away from here even now, while Simsapa tree. Now Guha, a localchief-

wtf fafW* i wir * « 63

tr g( siwfe^r^ I ef^w 5r ifh ii 64

W(t R«s?n W w i ’Rjra H

^srW torUUdMWH^ I 3(FF^ TOt H*R TF^f II 66
wraifa ^4 i 3(3*I^R 5RFRts< II 67
’j’ram i h ^qiw ’ft ura ?r ^rfur re Il 68
fe^r l TF^T Hh^W ^R R Wdl 1169

TORF*l | WET 5TORFT <Rdl || 70

WHT HWI Wft V sn^s $wnfeh t?rr Wr f< || ■■•n
^TH <R SfWraRR w gnI <R ^?n || 72

tain, knowing about the advent of Rama be Thou pleased to sanctify my house by
from his people,proceeded to meet him, who Thy presence after accepting this offering
was both his friend and master. Carrying of all the fruits and roots that I collected for
fruits, honey, flowers and the like in hand, Thee—O venerable one! Be gracious and
he went quickly in a mood of high elation. bless Thy servant.”
63. Offering all these things to Rama, he (68-69). Rama, who was delighted with
made a full prostration at his feet, stretching Guha, said to him, “O friend! Hear my
his whole body on the ground. Rama lifted words. For fourteen years, I shall not
him up immediately and embraced him» enter a village or a house, nor shall I eat
64. After Rama had made kind enquiries fruits and roots offered by others. True
of his welfare, Guha said to him with his it is that all this kingdom is mine. You
palms joined in salutation: “O Thou, are indeed dear to my heart.” 70. Rama
who art. the sanctifier of the worlds! Today next had some sap of banyan tree brought,
I am really fortunate and my birth in the and with it he and Lakshmana had their
tribe of hunters has come to its fulfilment. hair matted and tied on their head like
(65-67). O the noblest among the Raghus! crowns. (71-72). That prince of Raghu’s
I have had the thrill of spiritual joy by line, taking only water as his food, spent
contacting Thy body today. This country the night along with Sita on a bed of grass
of the hunters belongs to me, Thy servant. made for them by Lakshmana. On such
Therefore these places are under Thy beds, he and Sita slept as comfortably
sovereignty. O noble scion of Raghu’s as they used to do on luxurious cots in
line! Be pleased to stay on here and rule the upper floor of the palace.
over us. Let us go to the town, and there

W w tfw 5^r wwfa ll 73

stfte’iraw w: h*t: a 111

73. And Lakshmana, equipped with bow, armed Guha, stood guard over Rama in the
arrow and quiver, along with the fully premises.


sftr 1 t. 3ft wrhrit 11 2

^rot ftfw w 1 wft 11 3
W aft >35 Ht hr 1 ll 4
wr 11 5
3W1«r ?fRir <nt
sft ^ftftft wfwn: wSwftft ft 11 6
1 w <rsr 11 7

Chapter 6

Lakshmana’s advice to Guha (1-15) 4. Hearing this, Lakshmana replied, “O

(1-2). After Rama had fallen asleep, Guha, friend! Listen to me. In this world who
looking at him with eyes brimming with is the cause of whose sorrow, and who is the
tears, said to Lakshmana in all humility, cause of whose happiness too? 5. The
■“O brother! Don’t you see this prince of cause of one’s enjoyment and suffering is
Raghu’s line, who has been accustomed to one’s own actions (Karmas) of past lives.
sleep only on golden cots with excellent 6. There is none external to oneself causing
mattresses, now lying on a bed of grass one happiness and misery. It is a perverted
along with Sita! 3. It was destiny that intelligence that attributes these experiences
made Kaikeyi bring about this sad con­ as caused by another. It is vain pride that
dition for Rama.But this was done indirectly makes one think that ‘I am doing’ such an
through Manthara, whose evil advice act. The world is strung, as it were, on the
Kaikeyi accepted and so committed this thread of one’s own action. 7. In this world,
sinful act.” men think of others as friends, relatives,

ww^( wwn 118

H WPW ST ’I I 3n*F^nr 11 9
$T% 1 ^Wf W ^rnw 1110
mi fW wt^rf4 gn^: 11 11
^7 SR’n*€^1 sr(H n< 12

®<a«W^ S®<’ s;qW? ^iw<sm fajnrfa^ 11 B

$3^fera few 5®*’ g^iF^Rg^r wq^( 11 14
wi^ fam ^nMt'rfns I h «4;’lfafa ’CFRl^ 15

wtfrfW ^gsr w. sferar w ^nfa?r: 1116

3^r jfta* gc«t stwim ^r 1 tpri w^4 GmifeHMg: 11 17
enemies, neutrals etc. But the responsibility, subject to happiness and misery. The life
for one’s actions is entirely on oneself. of man is a bundle of such experiences.
We wrongly attribute them to the others 13. Just as day and night follow each other
mentioned. 8. Man, who is subject to his irreversibly, so do men experience happiness
own Karma, should submit himself to the now and after that misery, and after misery,
happiness and the misery that befall him as happiness once again. 14. In the midst
a result of his own Karma. He should re­ of happiness, misery can occur, and in the
main unperturbed while experiencing these, midst of misery, happiness too can occur. As
the fruits of one’s own actions. 9. Let water and mire are mixed together intimately,
him think, ‘I have neither desire for Bhoga so are happiness and misery. 15. So, en­
(enjoyments), nor do I avoid them. Let lightened men, considering these favourable,
them come or let them go.’ Thinking in this and unfavourable experiences as Maya or
way, one should liberate oneself from, mere appearances, remain unperturbed with­
enslavement to enjoyments. 10. The fruits out yielding to elation or depression.”
of one’s own good and evil actions, accruing
from whomever or in whatever manner and Parting with Guha (16-27)
in whatever place and time, have to 16. As Guha and Lakshmana conversed
be experienced then and there. There is no in this way, a glimmer of light began to
remedy against this. H. One should not spread in the sky. It was now dawn, when
feel elated when happiness is experienced,
Rama, getting up from sleep, bathed in the
nor depressed when misery overcomes one. water of the river and performed his morning
What Destiny has accorded to one according
rites. (17-20). Next Rama said to Guha,
to one’s Karma cannot be overcome by “Get me a good boat.” And Guha, the
anyone, be he a Deva or an Asura. 12. king of the hunters, accordingly brought a
This body of ours, which is a product of well-constructed boat, himself rowing it.
our virtuous and sinful actions, is always He now said to Rama, “O Lord! Please

JrFwfsRpr I hito q u is
wfer: I w tfhnxHM II 19
m ^lil^u^* 1 snfsmfawiKto WRte*n^^il 20
siwfo: nftff: I qat ’Hit sn4*nw srnRft 11 21
*iw fw ^rrrt: 1 hT^t< Rt 11 22
1 qw 1123
gttsft w RT5 ’ifwnn ott w 3<^t <i^H 4^iuii%ro*4<^ U24

4«fiR^4 «fkRwn3R^i w: ftw s^rc^wji 25

hwr wnfci^i iMKUifawiwwNW1126
wm gi stsfa ^wht 11 27
<R <RT <RRT TO I M 1*1*1^28
grwr I
wraiMWt W I to?
nu: m? ir 29
imt ^rcfa: fftdra^TO^t snrfcra: I an^t ^R4-rv)ft ibo

get into the boat along with Sita and Laksh­ you do not do so, I shall give up my life.”
mana. 1 shall myself row it with perfect Hearing these words of the hunter-chief,
■dexterity.” Agreeing to the proposal, Rama Sri Rama said to him, "After staying in the
helped Sita to embark and himself Dandaka forest for fourteen years, I shall
followed, holding the hands of Guha. Next be returning. What I say is true, Rama’s
Lakshmana put all the weapons in the boat words never prove untrue.” With these
■and himself got into it. 21. As Guha rowed words, he embraced the devotee, consoled
the boat along with his companions and him again and again, and managed to send
the bpat reached the middle of the Ganga him back, and Guha returned sorrowfully.
Sita prayed as follows to the river-goddess:
22. “O Goddess of Ganga! Salutations to Rama at Bharadwaja’s Ashrama (28-41)
Thee! After I return from forest life along 28. In the forest nearby, Rama and
with Rama and Lakshmana, I shall worship Lakshmana hunted a permitted wild
Thee. 23. With great devotion I shall adore animal, cooked it, offered it, and took
Thee with plentiful offerings, including the meat for the day as meal. During
liquor and meat.” Shortly after, they all the night, they peacefully slept under
reached the other shore. a tree. (29-30). In the morning, along
(24t27). Guha now said to Rama, “O with Sita and Lakshmana, Rama pro.
great king, I too shall go with you. Be ceeded to the hermitage of Bharadwaja.
pleased to give me permission for that. If In the neighbourhood of the hermitage, he

O ’RHi wh I ^nflR( UH: UHHkH II31

HUFi: urgsr: ht wnrrr sun ^fr wh<to( n
i 32
wteuFT suterc: i uiteiRu trt unuTnfcnnPFff II 33
^r uh w?hft qtffarn u^h«hu; I sn< ’mwt ut uh usftwRw 1134
3nu^ qr^srar juh? uth^h i s^tt^HRftu ufanr u< hut! 11 35
%fhu $h: u^Rrhi wufwig^H^ l w( wr: hr uutw <r uwhfj 11 36
w un uhkrt ^iuim i snunn rfi tu?hh hffh 1137
snfaat w«n $u I <|«NKHa nFSIUnfu t $H: II 38
oTHTW woFR^nt snw r^nuui^i T( ^HT UHh II 39
wit thiw *1$^ Tiwununw i II 4»
WHU g^FRFSRi: 1 <RI UW«T SRuMt II 41

saw a Brahmacharin, and accosting him, and Lakshmana, again adored him and ex­
said, “Please inform your teacher, the tended to him a reception according to the
sage, that Rama, the son of Dasaratha, is noblest traditions. 37. He then said, “By Thy
waiting at the fringe of the forest surround­ advent, the austerities I have been practising
ing the hermitage.” (31-32). The Brahma­ have come to their fulfilment. I am acquaint­
charin thereupon went quickly into the ed, O Rama, with everything about Thee—
hermitage and saluting the sage Bhara- Thy past and what Thou art going to do
dwaja, said, “O Master! Rama has come hereafter. I know Thee as the veritable
into the forest and is waiting outside in the Paramatman who has assumed a human form
neighbourhood of the Ashrama. He is by His Maya. (38-39). By virtue of the
accompanied by his wife and brother. He insight I have gained by Thy adoration,
is a personage looking like a divinity. He I have come to understand how Thou wert
asked me to inform you in the proper way prayed to by Brahma, how Thou hast
about his arrival.” 33. Hearing these words, incarnated Thyself, what the purpose of
the great sage Bharadwaja got up Thy residence in the forest is, and what
immediately from his seat and went towards Thou hast done while living in Ayodhya.
Rama, carrying with him the ingredients What more am I to say? O the noblest
for the offerings of Arghya and Padya. one of. Raghu’s line! (40-41). I have
(34-36). After making salutation to Rama come to my life’s fulfilment by my contact
and Lakshmana, the sage said, “O Rama, with Thee. I am blessed by meeting Thee,
lotus-eyed one! Please visit my hermit­ who art the Purusha that transcends Prak­
age and deign to consecrate it with the riti, now incarnated in Kakutstha’s line.”
dust of Thy feet.” With these words, he Thereupon Rama, along with Sita and
led him into the hermitage along with Sita Lakshmana, saluted the sage and said, “O

gftwRj: i gfrn T^TOk tor: li 42

JHRT wWfc TOOT I q^f ^rors’R^jfftmw 1143
TORimpnm RRf«nw<f1 mr <<£<( sftromt 1144
ftran liKt «3VWf HRFH I <®5<r TOf OTTOT qR^A^kMJ*<W( 1145
srOTferwfar 1 ^TH^n^TT II 46
wwn n^’nfofaw’n: 1 SflfalF <IWF< TOf STOJ^TO: || 47
S • rs

'pnron wwhicw^: i
'W^r: H 4<^M4faOT TOfea: U 48
wr: srFsrfa: qRiftk ftrorika: 1 sw’r^wnw^H 49
TOFlt ft ^FJRtS^ 1 m i» $3Wl ^Rwi M^c II 50
Hhrn afta: fisiwxR i MM^rac II 51

H^ERt ^TOTRR^l^ I <Rift fawnfr 11 52

<R WTOT ^TOfS^r I afan Hih’&fa ftiff 11
wnft TOfcs PiwiP^ 11 53

great sage! We, who are mere Kshatriyas, petals, and who appeared now with a crown
beseech your blessings.” Conversing in of matted locks on his head—,the sage
this way, they spent some time with the sage- Valmiki got up from his seat in great haste.
With eyes brimming with tears and un­
Kama at Valmiki’s Ashrama (42-64) winking due to amazement and with a
(42-43). Next morning, after his bath and heart overflowing with bliss, he embraced
morning rites, the sage directed Rama to Rama and offered Arghya and Padya with
the banks of.the Yamuna. Accompanied great devotion to him who was the object
by some of the pupils of the sage, Rama of worship for the whole world. He then
crossed the Yamuna on his way to mount fed him with sweet fruits and roots.
Chitrakuta, where the hermitage of sage (49-50). Saluting the sage Valmiki with
Valmiki was situated. Soon, he reached humility, Rama said to him, “At the com­
that hermitage which was inhabited by a mand of our father, we have come to this
large number of sages. (44-45). That hermit­ Dandakaranya; To you, who are capable
age was full of animals and birds, and the of knowing everything, it is needless for me
trees there were laden with flowers and to give the reason for this, I request you
fruits. Meeting the sage Valmiki to advise me as to where I can stay in peace
there, Rama, Lakshmana and Sita saluted in these regions. 51. At that place, I shall
him. (46-48). At the sight of Rama, the spend some length of timralong with Sita.”
consort of Lakshmi and the moat handsome When Rama said this much, that sage spoke
one—of Rama who had a cupid-like form to him with a smile on his face. (52-53).
and attractive eyes of the shape of lotus “Thou art indeed the best .residence for the

want w’sbw'wt i TOif ii 54

swferai*qfi^ usratsfro^i tftWHI UK TO II 55
wi to l
riJr faSrST fa:UTt*TO ^K §Kf^ II 56
^Wft”rr srro «t uro^fw: I ^K K^ II 57
Gift ^4l<fe4: w* w: I ?<K U^rKKOTT TO?KTOl 51^^ 1158
Kt k jto frr m*r k I ukki^k u^FKKt 1159
^TOiRR^i<k41 qiRft krh(k i kk$<# 11 60

*o 61
TTKfo H^WKUT Uft f^KK UrWF-fal^ I
Sfc&'bS uiw KW rHt W || 62
fa^U*KWSttemuwi sTOTOHwftfKfeTOT^ I

whole world, while at the same time all equal—their heart is the fitting residence
beings in the universe form a fitting residence for Thee. 58. Those who have resigned
for Thee too. O Rama! Thou scion of their mind and intellect to Thee, those who
Raghu’s line! What I have pointed out is are ever established in perfect contentment,
Thy common place of residence. Thou those who have dedicated all their works
hast asked for a special residence where to Thee—their hearts form the auspicious
Thou couldst stay with Sita. O Thou, the residence for Thee. 59. Those who do not
noblest of Raghu’s line! I shall now show any revulsion to unpleasant experi­
point it out. 54. The best residence for ences and do not get elated with pleasant
Thee is the heart of those who are peaceful, ones, and those who look upon the whole
even-minded, friendly to all creatures and universe as Maya, a mere appearance, and
who ever adore Thee with great devotion, remain devoted to Thee alone—their heart
55. Those who are ever dependent on Thee forms a fitting residence for Thee. (60-61).
abandoning all Dharma and Adharma— Whosoever sees the six transformations of
their heart, O Rama, is the happiest residence one’s being beginning with birth as occurring
for Thee along with Sita. 56. Those who to the body and not to the Self, whoever sees
ever repeat Thy name, those who are ever hunger, thirst and fear, as also happiness
resigned to Thee, those who are above the and misery as belonging to the Prana and
pairs of opposites, those who are devoid not to the Atman, and whoever is by such
of all desires—their heart is the happy resi­ knowledge free from involvement in the
dence for Thee. 57. Those who are without processes of Samsara—the heart of such a
self-conceit, who are peaceful, who are person forms a fitting residence for -Thee.
devoid of attachment and anger, and who 62. Mayest Thou reside along with Sita
view a clod of earth and a piece of gold as in the heart-lotus of those who see Thee

tftarftro || &
rWWfol WTWiW^I ’OTKI tW II 64
3f( gtf forte foil: qfou I TOTOfcrt ft || 65
gwr brto ftsrawror: i || 66
srSWFraft fTO i ?to to $Rft ii 67
Hiwn TOSF^t ^Ffforwn: i ^rtftw fat ii 68
3Klfrhl*<«rare fof W(| TOl nt 69
3^ wnfa gforo: I STOTito nfo weft ft yjfon: u 70
fat wn^^nfft iftforarft i nwr <J53 TO( II 71
ftt *h to wfafo fort wrsro i 1172
t4 wirenwft wironfrofft foTO i w II 73
gsrwMwiftss । nte tow ww 3 'ewh: ii 74
as the resident of the inner recess of al] man that I was, 1 had a brood of children
beings, who understand Thee as Pure Con­ by a low-born woman, and for their support
sciousnesses the Truth, as the Immeasurable, I associated myself with thieves and robbers
as the One without a second, as the One and took to their profession as the m^anc
Unaffected, as the One all-pervading and as of livelihood. 67. Every day, equipped with
the One superior to everything else. 63. bow and arrow, I moved about in the forest
Those who have succeeded in concentrating as death embodied, for the destruction of
their mind by continuous practice, those all living creatures. White doing so, I
who are ever devoted to the service of Thy once saw seven Munis in a thick forest.
feet, those whose sins have been effaced by (68-69) I saw them luminous like fire and
taking Thy name and singing about Thy the sun. Moved by greed, I desired to
glories—the heart-lotus of such persons is rob them of all their possessions, and for
the fitting home for Thee to dwell with Sita. that purpose, I followed them and ordered
Valmiki’s previous History (64-92) them to stop. Seeing me, they addressed
me thus, ‘O degenerate fellow of a Brah­
64. O Rama ! Who can describe mana! Why are you following us?’ 70.
adequately the greatness of Thy name—the 1 replied, ‘There are many hungry mouths
name by the power of which 1 attained to the in my house to feed. I am coming to rob
status of a Brahmarshi. 65. Long ago, you of your possessions to fulfil my needs.
I was living in the land of the hunters among (71-74). For the support of my family I
a tribe of that community. A Brahmana am moving about on mountains and in
by mere birth, 1 was given to the ways of forests.’ But in a very gentle tone, they
the most ignoble people. 66. The sensual told me, ‘You go to your family members

q?r fa«afcr w^n: ii 75

s»w<ri^fr«R^ ll 76
nf gfiRnSV FTi^l^i^ I in^nff^Rnn: 11 77
sRrelfrm htoto: i sq^rot n 78
HWR 5^54 fegro: |

3^r g^wwwfir wi w: l 5R^r $hjrofa^w 11 79

. * <?
TO I WRifo spf 0^11 so
R5TO13R5: 55Rt fesq^fcn; 11 81
sn’TOTC w I
3(< fTOITO^STO I w^Braro w&i froaro^ 11 82
«^irlq$TO 11 83

and ask every one of them individually, consultation among themselves as follows:
whether they are willing to share the sins that “He is certainly a man of evil ways. A
you are accumulating to your credit i \ery Brahmana,who has degenerated by evil ways,
day. Until you return after making this has to be shunned by all good men. This is
enquiry, we shall remain here itself.’ L the law. Yet, he has taken shelter under
therefore, went home and communicated us and as such, even though it may be
to my wife and children what the sages had difficult, he has to be helped with proper
said. But their reply was that they were advice for the attainment of spiritual salva­
willing to share only my earnings and not tion.’ 80. With these words, O Rama, they
my sins. 75. Their words drove me to a initiated me into Thy name in the reverse
mood of tremendous repentance. I now order as ‘Mara' and asked me to repeat
hurried to the place where the merciful it continuously there • itself with con­
sages were awaiting my return. 76. My centration of mind. 81. ‘Until we return
mind being purified by the sight of these
to this place again,’ said they, ‘you go on
holy men, I abandoned my weapons like
repeating the name with which we have
bow arid arrow, and fell flat before them in
initiated you.’ With this instruction, those
salutation. 77. I prayed to them, ‘O great
holy and divine-looking sages departed.
sages! Save me from the terrible hells I
82. “I immediately started to put their
am destined to.’ To me who was thus
advice into practice in all sincerity. I repeated
lying flat before them in prostration, the
the name with such concentration that I
sages said: (78-79). ‘Arise! Arise! You lost awareness of all external things. 83.
will be saved. The contact with holy
Devoid of all worldly attachments, I went
men will certainly be fruitful. We shall
on with this practice for a long time without
give you some advice. By that you will moving the body in the least, and as a
attain salvation.’ Then they had some consequence an ant-hill (Valmika) gathered

#r^rrf^r n 8s
wfaifcRwuit sr( । J 11 86
a th srwr<te3fts*R^ I 3rt soft <trf w u 87
th tfsftwmj ixFt str h^ft: । snns^ th «£ wt n 88
sh: <hiT^WT hh^h: i rern: n^r ws^ ’HW'fr ll s$
TH wt gfasfan WTMHRT TH^: I fflVyM II 90
WW ^Mr THt wm TH^H: I <H || 91
th grfMts^T th: th wr I
Hftat 5^ T^f W ^rfc HSFHT || 92
sRteror^ re: tht: ll A II

about me and rose above my head. 84. At certainly become liberated. Come, O Rama!
the end of a thousand divine years, those May everything good befall Thee. 1
holy sages who instructed me returned to shall show a place suitable for Thee to
me, who was sitting covered by that ant­ stay.”
hill. Seeing me in that condtion they (89-90). Saying so. the sage Valmiki, along
called out to me to come out. 1 then arose with Rama, Lakshmana and some of his
from my seat at once. (85-86). As the sun own disciples went to a region between the
emerges from the clouds, 1 got out of the Ganga and the Chitrakuta mountain. There,
mould of earth. The sages thereupon said. an extensive plot was located, and Rama,
‘This emergence from a mould of earth is whose real residence is the whole world, had
a second birth for you^ O sage! You will two spacious thatched constructions made,
hereafter be known as Valmiki—one born out one extending from east to west and the
of Valmika or ant-hill. Saying so, they other south to north. 91. Like divine
departed to the heavenly regions. (87-88). beings, Rama, Sita and Lakshmana took
O the noblest of Raghu's line! By the their residence in those abodes. 92.
power of Thy name ‘Rama’, I have attained Adored by sage Valmiki, Rama along with
to this state of life. Now, L have the pri­ Sita and Lakshmana, resided' there in joy
vilege of seeing Thee with Sita and Laksh­ just as Indra resides in heaven in the com­
mana with my mortal eyes. I have thereby pany of Sachi and great sages.

cratTOn. tor a twhsirf^ i TO HtTOT ^RTO R II S
$5r to: *ri tototo^ I tftaisnwwt ^ftM^R^TO^II 4
Itoto r torEt 11 s
g TO 5w« <r Hn ITOWR I
f^R M WT TTORt ^RHHTT I to <i jtowrrrto^ ii &
to: ^rk w*n*fcn <t I TOi^r s?rwm: n 7
5^»f I’U^Khfoi 'Kong'dif^'t* I PF5«n <$•! hwtlfeflTOf us
TORFR ren^H: | 3RIOTORTO TOR rto. l 9
TOTO 5f Kv^f I R^Rfroi fWt Rt H10
wf wft I 3TOTO^ TOTO llhw^H II 11

Chapter 7
completely overpowered by sorrow. To-
Sumantra’s return and after (1-19)
(1-2). Now Sumantra had returned to him, piteously crying like this, the Minister
Ayodhya by evening. He covered his face said, 7. “I took Rama, Sita and Lakshmana
with a cloth to hide the tears flowing from in your chariot up to the banks of the
his eyes. Stationing the chariot outside, Ganges where the city of Sringivera stands. 8.
he went to the palace to see King Dasaratha. There, Guha presented him with fruits and
He greeted the King respectfully and made roots. With great joy, Rama accepted them,
prostrations to him. (3-4). To Sumantra, touching them with his hands, but did not
who was thus waiting before him, King eat anything. (9-10). That great prince of
Dasaratha, said, distracted with grief, “O Raghu’s line asked Guha to fetch him some
Sumantra! Where is Rama staying along sap of the banyan tree. With that he
with Sita and Lakshmana? Where did you matted his hair as a crown on his head.
leave him? What did he, Sita and Laksh­ Then, he said to me of his own accord:
mana ask you to report to me, a hard­ ‘O Sumantra! Tell the king as follows:
hearted sinner? 5. O virtuous Rama! O Please do not feel sorry on my account.
dear Sita'. Don’t you see me almost We shall stay in the forest more happily
dying, submerged in an ocean of sorrow!” than in Ayodhya. 11. Convey my greetings to
6. He bemoaned like this for a long time, my mother. Let her abandon all sorrow on my

star wjtarf w I wmt wf 11 u

ffTClff 5TPWM wf? ^«it: I $RT *WT feiWJTTOgtfr II 13
I ffRrnwt n 14
^niff wn swiwa: 1 trh^«w^ 11 15
tfel ftwow sR^t wn^rcv fwfoi: tin
jff: WflyiPW I $<tff &fffflff iff Sff^’SPJW^ || 18

<s(T^ w wnpff^r 1 ^fffcgfcffi $n n 19

gq< ffhft fWRRsrcr ftftf I W ^<RRRft ffqretft || 20
wklffffjft sft: 5frK<Hfe: I

fanfffftffffh fcMsw^ra: 1 sc^ffs^r f*t s<r 1121
ff5f: ftfffa 'iRtofcfa ffsriffftr I <r rfsir *R[Wn<fri< II 22
account, and comfort the sorrow-stricken old Again, with tears flowing from his eyes, he
king. (12-13). Next, Sita with tears flowing said to Kausalya as follows: “Why are
from her eyes and speech choked by sorrow, you inflicting more sorrow on me, who am
said, casting a glance at Rama: ‘Convey now going to die out of sorrow. My Prana
my full prostrations to my father-in-law will surely depart even now. All this is the
and mother-in-law!’ So said Sita weeping and effect of the curse of a sage for a thought­
with face inclined downward. (14-15). Next, less action of mine.
shedding tears, they got into a boat, and j
watched them until they crossed the Ganges. Muni's curse on Dasaratha (20-46)
After that, with my heart heavy with sorrow, 20. “In my youth, equipped with bow
1 came over to this place.” Now, Kausalya and arrows, 1 was once hunting at night
with tears in her eyes said to the king as near a deep forest on a river bank. (21-22).
follows: There at midnight, came a sage to fetch water
16. She said, “Out of fondness for your from the river in order to quench the thirst
dear wife Kaikeyi, you gave her a boon. of himself and of his thirsty parents. He
According to that, let the kingdom go to her immersed the jug in the water, giving
son. But why should my son be exiled rise to a great gurgling sound. In
to the forest? (17-19). You have been that dark night, when nothing could be seen,
yourself responsible for the present situation. 1 could hear only the sound, and 1 thought
Then why weep so much over it?” These that it was an elephant drinking water. Sd>
words of Kausalya, had on the king, the 1 shot in that direction an arrow, which
effect of a flame touching a festering wound. could track a sound and strike the target

I TOifi *r <rtr w f^r ii23

srtt^t nt w fim l ^n *rw3iwars< nten to: n 24
wl Rlfcj
Stlfrfaiq | 3Rnw tot fi^i^fir nt 11 25

<?g^r wfaera <ifirat I w n nfinr 3<tnwnn 11 26

tow rota <st snfa fro i fiaft nt aartra gaj^rot 11 27

crated i nW nfi: ^rfi ll 28

^<9 3 ncnr I srws ^^WMtWFnfa ’fflro: 1129

1FHT sta* TOW^ I TOrt wtt aatrt to n 30

3rfo4K*wft faftr I nnnfi afw to ga: fi» an H31

sterol fi» at afiRRiror: §a: ll 32
G 6> -\'

at wvm«4 snfoi 1 Mjnt ntn fiar gn fi» fiaro: $awn 1133

^rnftrt fin rnnfi gro I arroMfen aww sra: 11 m

’Wrt: srfiiwwa firor^r: I art swatwar w ^wts^a^ 1135

even without visibility. (23-26). ‘Alas! I wise, my father might get angry and reduce
am dead,’ came a human cry from that you to ashes. Give them water to drink and
direction. Further the voice said, ‘I have prostrate before them and inform them of
done no harm to anyone. O God’. Who what has happened. Now remove the arrow
is it that is killing me? My father and from my body so that I, who am in great
mother are awaiting my arrival in a very agony, may die immediately.’ At these
thirsty condition.’ Hearing these words, ut­ words of the sage, I pulled out the arrow
tered by a human voice, I trembled with fear. quickly, and then with a pot of water in
1 went close to the person stricken by the my hand, I went to the sage and his wife.
arrow and said, ‘O holy Sir! I am Dasaratha. (31-35). I found them very aged, blind and
I shot the arrow unaware of the nature of the
suffering from extreme hunger and thirst.
target. O sage, I seek your pardon.’ I They were preoccupied with the thought, ‘Our
said so in a choked voice and fell at his
son is not bringing water. What is it due to?
feet. The sage thereupon said, ‘O king!
Is it possible that such a devoted son would
Do not be afraid. 27. You will not be
affected by the sin of Brahmahatya. I am abandon his parents like us, who are old,
only a Vaisya engaged in austerities. My thirsty and pitiable, and with no other sup­
port than he?’ While troubled by such
parents, stricken with hunger and thirst,
sorrowful thoughts they heard the sound
are awaiting my arrival. (28-30) Take some
of my footsteps. And the father said, ‘O
water to them. Don’t waste time in vain
my son! Why is it that you have delayed?
thought. It should be done quickly. Other­ Give us some sweet water to drink, and you,

ggWcKt Tiwf ggfrfikret I

ll 37

nr nt sn< <9r^mnf n i WrWT W *ftfw<R(l39

gfawr nmt ^Pifihw>: i ft ii4o
3 $<mwf stM i wf gat ww ww 11 41
nit wHt g^t nm wr i gw ar wgsrtsw f^rag: 42

srtft nr gngn ^4)nn^ i wwr gwfa u 43

nnt unpg: sfrf fata rww 1
w ^n faf^Pr i fwftw w 1144

aw fanr ms i TwwFmr 11 45
n ^rwt mr wrn: WRwtefwwrftw: I ftwiTO W 1146

too, drink of it.’ To them, who were speak­ you. Be merciful towards me. who am
ing this way, I slowly went, and making taking refuge at your feet." 41. On hearing
prostrations, said in all humility, ‘I am not this account, they were stricken with un­
your son. I am Dasaratha, the King of bearable grief. They gave expression to their
Ayodhya. (36-37). Mad after chase, this sorrow by wailing. They gave vent to
sinful fellow was engaged in hunting and sorrowful reactions in many ways and fell
killing animals at night. Stationed at some on the ground. Then they said to me,
distance from a source of water, I heard the ‘Lead us to where our son is lying.' 42.
gurgling sound of water. Mistaking it to be Next, I took them to the place where their
an animal drinking water in darkness, 1 son was lying dead. Those two aged
shot an arrow that could pierce a target couple touched that lifeless body with their
indicated by a sound. Next I heard the hands and lamented over their dead son in
cry, ‘Alas! I am killed!’ Frightened at many ways. 43. They said, ‘Ah our son! our
this, I went to the spot. 38. ] saw there son! Give us water. Why are you delaying?’
lying a young sage with his matted hair 44. And then turning to me they said,
dishevelled. Terrified at the sight, I fen ‘O King! Make a funeral pyre soon.’ I
at his feet and prayed to be pardoned. 39. made it according to their order and
The young sage said, ‘Do not be afraid of laid the bodies of the three on it, and as
the sin of Brahmahatya. Give water to my desired by them, set fire to the pyre. Their
parents to drink. Pray to them to spare bodies were burnt and they attained to
your life.’ heaven. (45-46). Before dying, the old sage
40. Directed thus by the young sage, this had cursed me, ‘The same fate as ours will
slayer of a holy person has come over to befall you. Your death will be caused on
[Ch. 7
Rrtt ^4 h 47
<T Wf p 5TOK I ’
^5(< 5TOr: f^r I ' wi nsrofe 1148
w ll
iFFft <r< smrifofwra: 49
wt fgw ^nroim^i n*sa w iHifwn srfW n 50
toi: sterner wn 11 51
<wi^ tot: sns* i
3Rteqf ufa tfwh 5mfr trs I ^rfrRr ^r tot tortot^ 11 52
Mjwfcra irrH^ >©
t W5* I R^TORSRkTO; tor Rigsr: snj: || 53
WWHb^ ’J&WIWhR^IK’R. I ^W^’S’T TOTOfei TO^FER || 54
aiFRfr g^nfk^t hs m^sr: I1 wl rt wranfa n 55
IroiNTr rr ^PRRt i1 qrewMte h 56

3rH4^ TOR R*RW^SR^ II ^HTTOT |( 57

account of sorrow connected with your son. Yudhajit on horse back. 51. The noble
That curse which cannot in any way be prince Bharata along with Satrughna is
prevented from fructifying is now taking now staying there. Tell him that I want
effect.” With these words, the king indulged him to return immediately. (52-56). Com­
ing to Ayodhya, they have got to meet the
in lamentations in many ways.
King and Kaikeyi, urgently.” Instructed
Bharata’s return and confrontation with in this way, the messengers quickly reached
Kaikeyi (47-82) the place of Yudhajit, the uncle of Bharata.
47. He said, ‘‘O Rama, my son! O Sita! They then said to Bharata and his brother,
O virtuous Lakshmana! I shall now be “Let Bharata along with his brother come
dying because of separation from you. I to the city of Ayodhya quickly without
am now face to face with death on account wasting any time in speculation—Sage Vasis­
of Kaikeyi, who has brought about your htha ordered us to communicate this to you.”
separation from me.” (48-49). With these Bharata was very much agitated to hear
words, Dasaratha breathed his last and these instructions of the preceptor. How­
attained to heaven. Then Kausalya, Sumi- ever, in obedience to these instructions, he
tra and other ladies of the palace began to immediately started for Ayodhya along with
beat their breasts and cry. Early in the his brother and the messengers, fearing all
morning, Vasishtha along with the other along the way that some danger must have
ministers came to the palace. 50. They happened to the King or to Rama. (57-58).
immersed the dead body of Dasaratha in a Seeing the city of Ayodhya overcast with
vessel of oil for its preservation. Then gloom, deserted bv people and devoid of
they called royal messengers and said to decorations, Bharata was all the more filled
them, Go quickly to the city of King with vague fears. Immediately he went to
HTO fWT to Rffttowto: If 58

smiqiferf wt RitmibR «toi 59

<m«3 fto R$3re< nr I to it 3to W5( toi R ^tow H60
ft^qr ?wr $roft w ^stsft gsi^ l ^ft to h wt tot fa*d(3^to** 116i
wi to toto i to: to 3to w tos ator iu>2
Rm to^TOttotofa ton <toF sto & 3W froft it 11 «3
3TTOT to to <*FT =3 SfFft I 4to ft || 64
m ntotoirostoitoto^ I ar *rft wrci to <t tow 11 65
^jwt toiton to: itotor: I to wq tosfc r fttot qf qto®ft «6

sttmfa nro w m tosfa ^t: 1 5ft toto gsf to H 67

to WRfaft RT TOlto W II 68

tot? wto tow: ftto^i TO< TO TOfto II 69

the palace, which was without any royal father, and my mind is filled with sorrow and
splendour. There he saw Kaikeyi, sitting fear on account of it.” Then Kaikeyi
alone. To her, his mother, he made devout said to her son, “O virtuous and loving boy!
prostrations. 59. Bharata’s arrival, filled What’s the use of your sorrowing? Your
Kaikeyi with mental excitement arising from father has gone the way of all those righteous
her love of her son. She got up at once men who have performed great sacrificial
from her seat, embraced him, and seated rites like Aswamedha.”
him in her lap. (60-63). She smelt the (66-68). At these words, Bharata, over­
crown of her son’s head and made enquiries whelmed with grief, fell down on the ground
of him .about the welfare of the people at and wailed: “O my father! Where have
home—about her father, brother and beloved you gone abandoning me in this ocean of
mother. She then expresed to him her great sorrow? Where have you gone without
delight in seeing him return. Depressed in entrusting me to Rama, the rightful king?”
mind by these words of his mother, Bharata, Kaikeyi now raised up her son, who was
moved by great sorrow, asked Kaikeyi, his lying on the floor highly agitated and with his
mother, “O mother! Where is my father? hair dishevelled. She wiped his eyes and
I see you here alone. It's never the habit said to him, “Be comforted. Everything
of my father to sit alone without you. I will be well with you. I have acquired for
do not see him here now. Where is he? you everything.” 69. Bharata thereupon
Please tell me where he is. (64-65). I asked her, “What did my dying father say?”
feel very much concerned at not seeing my Without in anyway being concerned, Kai-

RW^T gfa< TOTOT fcf TOt II 70

to ’ to afife toto i
wt to: snWh * M i Wtf *TO tftar ^r tot:|| 71
ttto 4hroni fcn tow: w TO TOWRFT 3TO fefTOM » 72
TO M fe *t <ro tom i
*hRr rfcHT <FTOR || 73


^^TOTO^TOtsfr TO^^TOTR^ RfTO^ H 76


* 'W ?<TO TO TO:
*© Il n
TOR MT ^r:TO5 ^TOI ^tw« TO t^flf £TOR TO sfr^T & TO ||78


3TTOTOTRT ’jft r *nfw^r i

tro?n^Rhs5 torrSt w^i sr^rf^r s&Fnftr fro ?n wn”M H 80

keyi replied: 70. “Helamented long saying, chaste wife, has opted to follow him to the
‘O Rama! O Sita! O Lakshmana!’ Again forest, and Lakshmana, too, has done so
impelled by his love for his brother. After
and again lamenting long like this, he aban­
their departure, the King was lamenting
doned his body and attained to heaven.”
continuously, calling the name of Rama,
71. Bharata now said to her, “O mother!
Where are Rama,Lakshmana and Sita then? and in the end died.” Hearing these word.;
Were they not by his side, or had they gone of his mother, Bharata fell unconscious
anywhere?” on the floor as if struck with a sharp weapon.
72. Kaikeyi replied, “Your father made Kaikeyi, who was grief-stricken to see her
hurried arrangements for installing Rama son in that condition, again said, “O dear
as Yuvaraja. I obstructed this arrangement son! Why are you sorrow-stricken? (79-80)
so that the kingdom may come to you. When this great kingdom has come to you,
(73-78). The liberal-minded King had given where is the occasion for grief?” At
me two boons in days of old. I wanted these words of his mother, Bharata addressed
him to fulfil these now. By one of them her with a flaming, fiery look in his eyes, as
I secured the whole kingdom for you, and if he were going to burn her up. He said,
by the other, I got Rama expelled to the “O hideous and sinful creature! You are
forest to lead an ascetic life there. Accord­ a murderer of your own husband. It is
ingly, your father, the King, has assigned improper for me to converse with you; By
the kingdom to you and sent Rama to the being born in the womb of a sinful person
forest. Sita, according to the duties of a like you, I have also, become a sinner.

T’1’ 1 II81
?ft Mro t&ff i a w tow jwa < n 82
wate 'riawsrr *ro>sfo awf<( i snfari w? ars<7 tow wfrot u
m ^faprfa. ii K
aft i TOwo>ii^j^7fe^|l84
jai WMi’if to: tohi-w) i> whh«si i

^TIRtr 4444i<tHgi<fi 3TO*4 qf §:TO$TW^ II 85

?r to <f i> ww srotsfa ai to: tori i
5®51 at t ^l^ahaiGiRl it wftw u, 86
* ’rot 'faf’f fw^af i qt(> Mra|qf w n g7
wfcw w wf TOn^ifarot । 3PBJ wt
ay aiaaWnaate^ । w
Wu ^rwr^a^wwH no
<81-82). Therefore I am going to enter into a must have already heard from your mother
fire or end my life by taking poison. Or a report about all these achievements of
I shall slay myself with the sword and go to hers. My son Rama, the gladdener of the
the realm of Yama, the king of death. hearts of all of Raghu's line, has along with
O evil one! You murderer of your own his wife and Lakshmana gone to the
husband! You are bound to be confined forest, donning the tree-bark and matted
to the hell of Kumbhipaka.” Abusing Kai­ locks of ascetics. He has thus left me plung­
keyi in this way, Bharata now went to the ed in the ocean of grief. 86. O Rama!
house of Kausalya. Alas! At the sight Thou art the Supreme Lord, born in me as
•of Bharata, Kausalya wept aloud without my son. Still I am not able to overcome
restraint. grief. I deem destiny is too strong for
anyone to overcome.”
Bharata seeking Kausalya’s Pardon (83-91) 87. Seeing her thus wailing out of inex­
(83-85). Bharata, while prostrating at pressible sorrow, Bharata, held her feet and
her feet, also wept along with her. Rama’s said as follows to her: “O mother! Hear
mother Kausalya, the virtuous .and chaste my words. (88-90). If I have any part in
wife, had become very lean and pitiable to what Kaikeyi has done to obstruct Rama’s
look at. She now embraced Bharata, and installation and in other allied matters, if
with tears flowing from her eyes,said to him; I had been responsible for prompting her
*‘O son! When you were far away, all these in these respects, let, O mother, the sin of a
unfortunate events have happened. You hundred Brahmahatyas befall me. If these

fen TOifa *n 1 toto^ii m

cjfcugt tot 5R^ I 'TO sn? TO<g ii 92
nsn feit gnft h^tth^h: 1 sjtoi 1193
u4 gd 1 wiW ^roro# n 94
3 sfHfa ;&feM HtW5^ I ^TOf^s^:^^wmf^ra:95
s^iwhwfW faTO^ I fa^TO TOW: Hl 96
gjRt qrft qfc 1 gatrogtffafo 11 97
faisn tWit ^Rt to 1 * suffer IM
sftor^ s w^RTO. i jtoIWW g?gfewt TO 11 99
R^RRf: UTOTOt I *M slHlRi ^l«-M4KII 100

have been done even with my slightest is meaningless to feel sorry for his death.
knowledge, let me be overcome by the sin of Your sorrow is all misplaced. The Atman
murdering Vasishta and his consort Arund- is eternal and indestructible. He is pure
hati with the sword.” Giving expression and devoid of birth, death and other trans­
to his innocence in this way, Bharata began formations. There is thus no ground for
to wail. you to mourn over your father’s spirit
which has attained liberation. 96. And
Vasishta’s Advice to Bharata (91-114) as for the body, it is insentient, impure and
(91-92). Then Kausalya embraced him subject to destruction. When you reflect like
and said, “O Son! I understand you. this, you will find no reas°n for sorrow.
Don’t grieve.” Meantime, hearing about 97. Thoughtless and ignorant people wail
the arrival of Bharata, Vasishtha in the beating their breast when a father or a son
company of Ministers went to the palace. dies. 98. But as for the wise ones,
Seeing Bharata weeping, he said to him who understand this transitory life to be
lovingly: (93-94). “King Dasaratha was trivial, the phenomenon of death becomes a
advanced in years. He was a wise one means for strengthening their spirit of
and noted for his truthfulness. Having renunciation and obtaining the bliss of
enjoyed all that human life can offer, having peace. 99. If a man is born in this world,
performed great sacrifices like Aswamedha death follows him, to be sure. Therefore,
involvingmagnificent gifts,and having obtain­ for all creatures that have birth, death is
ed Sri Hari himself as his son in the shape unavoidable. 100. Even an ignorant man,
of Rama, he has now in the end attained to who understands the common principle
the realm of Indra where he has a seat that birth and death of an individual are
along with Indra himself. 95. He is eligible regulated by his Karma, will find no cause
to get Moksha, liberation, and therefore it of sorrow when death occurs. Then, what

TOT: TO: I tow twr $arwWt II lot

angTOR’^ntf «R5t sr^tor ii 102
& suxbr^^ott I TO?TO II 103
w *TO*T t sH TOT ip|(fir ^rqr^ | TO sfal £5^ I 104
TOfo TO W tfftRTOrr: $5: | 3TTO K Irot wmi * W 5^ || 105
wwitatsjRr: tohrr^tc: I snros’ft ^RTfctfro11106

^5 'rct strut srofta: to tot: i f^TRUFT ^^R5TFFTO^IS fWHJ

wsfro ftws^r hM: | 1R 1? WWWIHT! l^FTO^ u 108
Hl^ gw I Rtt'»4l<Hi4 Sjfti 109
g5qftmnt®r snfro’M’snfw i H&^T II 110

justification is there for an enlightened man become decrepit and assumes a new body.
like you to be sorrow-stricken in this situa­ This is an eternal process. 105. What reason
tion? 101. Thousands of world systems is there to be sorrowful because of this
are getting destroyed in the course of creative phenomenon? The spirit (Atman) never
cycles, and many such creative cycles have dies, is never born and it never grows
passed. So also many oceans have dried (106-107). The spirit (Atman)that is embo­
up. Before this vision of Infinity, how can died in one is the Supreme non-dual Self
there be attachment for this very short itself. He is devoid of the six forms of
span of a human life? 102. Man’s life is transformations. He is of the nature of
as fickle as a drop of water on a leaf, it being Truth, Consciousness and Bliss—the witness
subject to destruction at any moment. of Buddhi and other changeful layers of
You find beings meeting with untimely personality. Free from dissolution, he is
death even in infancy. Why then do you ever the same. Knowing full well that the
attach so much reality value to life? 103.. Atman is like this, abandon grief and pro­
The embodied being (Jiva) has got his present ceed to do what is next required of you.
embodiment as a result of the Kaunas he 108. O noble one! Take the body of your
has performed in a previous embodiment. father from the vessel of oil in which it is
The Jiva, who is thus embodied at present, preserved, and along with your ministers
gets still another embodiment after the and myself, proceed to perform all the usual
death of the present body as a result of the funeral obsequies.”
Karmas he has performed in this birth. 109. Abandoning the grief born of igno­
In this way, the Jiva gets body after body. rance as a result of the preceptor’s above
104. Just as a man puts aside worn out instructions, Bbarata performed all the
clothes and puts on new ones, just like that funeral obsequies of his father in the
the spirit within discards a body that has proper form. 110. He cremated the body.
100 AYODHYA KANDAM [Ch. 7&8-

i Rfa^OTnts*r 11 m
fari w Mwm^r «h i ^11112
WRRl^ *CT TCT^ig^Rk I II 113
^ts^CT jri^ gftr
rhi ir wta 5K<fa ^4 aw i
iF^rwm ctrkRrIw ^ratsqrei
n# atawrta EfcqfrrqjR u u*

sritWEFs m h4: n II
bf his father, who had performed many of Rama. 114. He thought: “My heart
fere sacrifices, according to the rules of the burns with unbearable feelings as with fire,
scriptures as expounded by the preceptor. when I think of the circumstances under
111. On the eleventh day after cremation which Rama along with Sita and Lakshmana
he duly fed hundreds and thousands of had to go to the forest and when I see the
holy men, who were versed in all the Vedas. face of that demoness of my mother who is
112. In the name of his father, he gave them the cause of all this tragedy. So with a
also many gifts—money, herds of cattle, firm resolution, I shall abandon this kingdom
villages, and bejewelled clothes. 113. Sur­ and everything connected with it, and go to
rounded by his ministers, besides the pre­ the forest to be in constant attendance on
ceptor Vasishtha, he lived with his brother Rama, whose face is attractive by the
trughna in the palace, constantly thinking bewitching smile playing on it.

W: I w <ct II 2
I fapTRRF(|| 3.

Chapter 8
bharata on the TRAILS OF RAMA
Bharata on the way to fee forest to
tered the royal assembly which resembled the
fetch Rama (1-14)
celestial assembly itself. (2-3). The preceptor
1. The great Vasishta accompanied by the
Vasishtha now seated himself in the assembly
sorbs and surrounded by the ministers en-
even like Brahma himself and directed.
111-114 & 1-14] BHARATA ON THE TRAILS OF RAMA 101

tr gswr i ft^r ii 4
srfwst i ^ror TOts'TO mr ft 5
qnt wifimire aro ft^r: i w: 5R^ ’iffan’ii wn^sw n 6
RRR^ ^rt ftn I ^F*n*T^<T< WTFSFft^ II 7
ft^ni tjto: । s
^mro ?n ?T wt 1 int w wraw 11 9
wq^nsrc: 1 ^fkrot sRnsnft writ fwft 11 10
ftfrqgM TO^fftroferro 1 mgsnferir # rerargfa[ifcKi: n 11
w TO?t TO 1 3^35: gn^'TT wq^wii: 1112
wsrt qftraigim fcn: 1 wrot ro^t ii 13
TOT W^T HTOff: I W( ^n ^5T TOft^tfaff II 14
<X >3

Bharata along with his brother to the other would not approve the slaughter of a woman.
seats and said to that heroic prince the Tomorrow itself at sun rise, I shall start
following words appropriate for the occasion. with Satrughna to the Dandaka forest on
He said,I, “O dear one! I am going to foot, whether you all are ready to accom­
install you on the throne, after anointing pany me or not. Tn the same manner in
you, as ordered by your father. 4. O which Rama went to the forest, I shall
noble one! The Queen Kaikeyi requested proceed—wearing the tree-bark cloth, eating
the King to give you this kingdom and the fruits and roots, sleeping on the ground
truthful Raja Dasaratha in fulfilment of and having matted locks. I shall observe
his promise, informed us that he had this rule until Rama returns.” Announcing
granted the request. 5. Therefore, let the his resolution to this effect, Bharata resumed
installation ceremony now start in this silence. All the sages, thereupon acclaimed
assembly of sages to the accompaniment of his resolution.
the chanting of appropriate Mantras.” 12. When Bharata started in the morning
Hearing these words, Bharata said, “O as announced, the minister Sumantra
great sage! Of what use is this kingdom directed the army with its regiments of horses
to me? (6-11) Rama, the king of kings, and elephants to follow him. 13, The
is the ruler of us all, and we are his servants. royal ladies like Kausalya, the sages like
Immediately, tomorrow morning itself, I Vasishtha and all others moved behind and
shall go to fetch Rama in the company on the sides of Bharata, all together covering
of you all and my mothers except that an extensive area of land. 14. Bharata and
demoness of a Kaikeyi. I would have his followers now reached the town of Srin-
killed that so-called mother of mine now gavera. The men of the army and the
itself, had it not been for the fact that Rama others who were under the command of

3thff w 1 Kipn fcrm srsfwrar w: fw 11 is

rRTS^^T H II 16

nwr jft^rmF’T wn: 1 ^twn: m?a: 1117

TRFWftS’T oft ^R^HFT: I s’nwfa *nw fafonfa ^^rPr 11 is

3JW ^TTrim: HIST ^iWiWgET: I wra wrr: II 19

tot Mfrwrcfer W3* l
nwtfir 1 shpt fwr 21
^51 II 22
snro wfew. 1 ^H^FTW^rRipn 11 23

EPTtsfa w<5tsfa <Tfanfira: I wr ^wr starr 11 24

^HT^FTT HI ’FT 33RF I Tftw sMt pwiw h 25
Satrughna camped on the bank of the with those objects of presentation, which
Ganga. he now placed in front of him. (20-21).
Guha saw Bharata there in the company
Meeting with Guha (15-41) of his brother and ministers—Bharata blue
(15-16) Hearing the arrival of Bharata in in complexion like a cloud, wearing a
crown of matted locks, donned in tree-bark
his principality, Guha with a suspicious
mind reflected: “Bharata has arrived with garment and constantly uttering the name of
a big army. Has he come to do some Rama. Guha now prostrated before him
mischief to Rama, who does not know and announced himself by name. 22.
anything about his movements? I must Bharata at once lifted him up and embraced
know what is in his mind. If his intentions him with great affection and made enquiries
are good, I shall help him to cross the about his welfare. Then he spoke in a very
Ganga. 17. If his intentions are mischie­ peaceful tone the following words to that
vous, myself and my relatives and depen­ friend. (23-25). He said, “O brother!
dants shall withdraw all boats from the Is it in this place that you met Rama,
river and with weapons in hand guard the the scion of Raghu’s line? Is it in this
approaches on all sides.” 18. Directing all place that Rama of kindly look and pure
his followers in this way, Guha now went to
heart embraced you? You are, indeed,
w ere Bharata was camping, carrying with
blessed and you have achieved the purpose
mi many objects of presentation in his
of your life in that you were spoken to
hand. 19. it was ;n the company of a
by the lotus-eyed Rama. Show me
large number of friends and dependants,
the spot where you met Rama along
all bearing arms, that he went to see Bharata with Lakshmana and Sita, and conversed

rj TORT fsrrant I UH URJ WHHl II 26

uh: ftftri W WRW || 27
w: || 28
sritsf^f m star I rnnft ii 29
w( nfen m $4 i mar uw nftar h 30
few sirarsfe i afafraw *r§Riw< wrhh: 11 31
srttsftuw 3FR ^Horei wn I naaa mreaaft u 32
ait w ^rar 4 W w*: i aft w ^a aa ^ai^ m u 33
isrKRFnfa ’ife wfe^i aa fa*3ra aaft a^Fa^a^am 11 34
?aaa EFatsfa a^a 1135
u4 ww 4kini w i faaasifftfa^ a^if^-aft^a: 11 36
tiliMlwA Iwfa’SRT UT35T: ] maaar aftar a^^ar^ fer a^:ii37
rPT JT^UIHi Sfa’ q^r I ^gacar rafta a?ar ara: qamrft s H38
eft W I ^aa^aifaaiaarrusFna g^aar 11 39
with them. Lead me to that place where have been the cause of ail this woe to Rama
Rama and Sita slept. (26-28). You are who is the Supreme Being Himself. 32.
extremely dear to Rama, and you are The birth of high-souled Lakshmana is
devoted to him too.” Remembering Rama indeed fruitful. Though he is staying in
again and again in this way, Bharata, with the forest, he is able to follow Rama always.
tears brimming over his eyes, went in the. 33. My birth would have been fulfilled, if I
company of Guha to the spot where Ramat could have served even the servants of
spent the -night. Seeing there the grass bed, Rama’s servants. 34. Dear brother! If
gleaming here and there with the gold-dust you know anything about Rama, tell
from Sita’s jewels, Bharata, with a heart all that to me. I shall go to him wherever
smitten with sorrow, wept bitterly. (29-30). he is, and get him back at once.”
He began to bemoan: “Sita, the tender­ (35-37). Finding Bharata's motives to be
bodied daughter of Janaka, was always pure, Guha said to him lovingly, “Lord,
accustomed to sleep on golden cots with you are indeed fortunate to have this kind
soft mattresses on the upper floor of the of devotion to the lotus-eyed Rama, Sita and
palace. Alas! That Sita, because of my fault, Lakshmana. He is. now staying along with
has now to sleep along with Rama on a bed Sita and brother Lakshmana in a colony
of grass. How could she stand this ordeal? inhabited by ascetics near the Chitrakuta
31. It is because of my enormous sin that mountain and not far from the Ganga.
I have been bom as the son of Kaikeyi. I (38-39). We shall cross the Ganga here and
[Ch. 8
ayodhya kandam
?T^F3 TOR^T ^#f ^R#tfe II 40
W cR WE# wh^i
w=n nsrro to: *rn n 4i
<iteri nwt tfta' wRiw i
3TPT# Ijfrmftf 5<TOfaf TOW ?RW«to: nTO?#^#^: II 42
?5T# ^<1 sraFRWSnfar^ 1143
^rro 4ten immww I
srrotsfn RtWriRntfro^ n 44
ns# jnmwFtsg
Wiw^: \Q
«R<r to: *£>
I* ni srofn tor: 11 45
$^TT WT W W*lfrW II 46
TOfa T5^ *I
TOTOHn TO# 5faW( II 47
wwiiM ^nfa n fe wtf# fror I
TOWsf ^rosr&nro I ’’T ^ESt W< » 48
W TFS^FT TI# TOlf# I 5^53 WTO^I WTO II 49

wt toi gfasta nro !ron£?& I <rf^n w»w[ tor iiso

srfro^ ^wr|: ns l W#^ TTO1# SRf: ^rfcfr*R II51

reach that place soon.” With these words, ruling the kingdom. How is it that you
he quickly went and gathered together five have put on the tree-bark garment? What
hundred boats for Bharata to cross the is it that brings you to this forest inhabited
river with his troops. Guha himself by ascetics?”
(45-48) Hearing the words of Bharadwaja,
brought a royal boat for Bharata’s use. Bharata said with tears flowing from his eyes.
(40-41). Seating Bharata, Satrughna, Rama’s “O holy one! You, who can read the minds
mother and Vasishtha in that, and Kaikeyi of all beings, are already acquianted with
and the other women in another, he crossed
everything. Yet you are making this enquiry
the Ganga and went towards the Ashrama
of Bharadwaja. Stationing the army at of me, this is indeed my good fortune, 1
a distance, Bharata along with his brother had not the least inkling of the evil designs
went to that Ashrama. of Kaikeyi, by which Rama was expelled to
the forest. O great sage! Your holy
Bharata at Bharadwaja’s Ashrama self is today the witness of this fact.” With
(47-63) these words, Bharata, in a mood of extreme
42. Seeing sage Bharadwaja sitting there, sorrow, held the feet of the sage and said,
radiant like fire, Bharata prostrated himself “O Master! You are capable of under­
before him with great reverence. 43. Hear­ standing whether 1 am innocent or not. 49.
ing that the visitor, though donning tree­ O holy one! When Rama, the rightful king,
bark and matted locks, was the son of King is alive, what have I got to do with the
Dasaratha, the sage received him with great kingdom? I am only the eternal servant of
joy and made enquiries about his welfare. Rama. (50-51). O great sage! Therefore,
44. The sage asked him, “You are now I shall go to the place where Rama is and

srrfe^i ^fw^r row n 52

tot w I m <rct w oRFimft 1153
3nRi«4 <rfh i sra jrft wrfafsnji 1

wrwra x *fhft ftan| c* fercuss

^nnfioft $raCr si W*W*rarft^ II 56
WRI ’T^T ’Hrt^l w aw sitRfor: 11 57
’SSffaRB? WTT I tor^4 w sisnrra■’ftPrcre n ss
s soft I stRtw ^riwi h^u u 59
WR3 srsst wrfafanj
’mS^HFEF^ 5R^ II 60
<\ _
S’FST’T 5t=T T^T: I stIHsw st fWtist jrt&t 11 6i
5KWir I W& sram sri ^wr kssu: ii 62

fall at his feet. Along with Vasishtba on Kamadhenu, the heavenly cow of plenty.
and the leading citizens, I shall have the And. Kamadhenu created by her mysterious
installation ceremony of Rama performed power all the requirements of the party
here itself with all the necessary materials without any physical aid. 57. According to
I have brought with me, and lead him, the Bharata’s requirements, all things appeared
consort of Rama, to Ayodhya as the king. in abundance to the great satisfaction of the
I shall remain with him as the humblest troops constituting Bharata’s retinue. 58.
of his servants.” The great Yogi Bharadwaja first extended
52. Amazed at these words of Bharata, the his hospitality to Vasishtha according to
sage embraced him and approved of his the Sastras, and then did the same to
words. 53. He said, “Dear one! With Bharata and to the other members of his
the eye of wisdom, I have already been able party.
to know the events that were to happen. (59-62). Afer spending the night in that
Be not sorry. Your devotion to Rama is heavenly Ashrama, Bharata did obeisance
indeed greater than that of Lakshmana even. to the sage in the morning and with his
54. O sinless one! I wish to extend permission started along with his brother to
hospitality to you and your following. So the presence of Rama. Reaching Chitrakuta
you have your food and stay here tonight he stationed his army at a distance, and in
and go to see Rama tomorrow.” great eagerness to meet Rama, went along
(55-56). Bharata agreed to this proposal. with Satrughna, Sumantra and Guha to the
Thereupon, Bharadwaja went to his sacri­ colony of ascetics staying there. H e searched
ficial chamber in silence, and desirous of for Rama’s residence everywhere in that
meeting all the needs of his guests, meditated place, but failing to locate it, made enquiries

I ^FT II 63
WdWHW । II 64
I *$W II 65

4^Hl4<d'kv13'l<£W3 iP^IH TfHlf*<U*i II 66


MtofoMkWIHm 'dHWiWHfc
swlw^ 3RTC R’J: II * II

of the Rishis there as to where Rama with Rama’s residence.” Thereupon, Bharata
Sita and Lakshmana was staying. (63-65). proceeded in great joy to that place with his
They told him, “There on the northern side brother and ministers. 66. Bharata and
of the Ganga, behind the mountain, you will his brother Satrughna saw at a distance,
see a solitary place surrounded by a thick the glorious residence of Rama frequented
growth of several fruit-laden trees like Amra, by ascetics, where the tops of trees were
Panasa, Punnaga, Kovidara, Champaka and distinguished by the tree-bark clothes and
plantain. There you will find before you, deer-skin hung on them for sunning.

aw i 11 i

Chapter 9

Performance of Dasaratha’s Funeral those footprints, with marks of Vajra,

Rites (1-20) Ankusa, lotus, flag etc.—the merit-genera­
ting marks of Rama’s feet—Bharata and his
1. Now Bharata in great joy reached the brother Satrughna covered themselves with
precincts of that holy Ashrama of Rama, the dust carrying these impressions. 3. Bhar­
the ground of which was marked by the ata said, “What a great good fortune! I am
foot-prints of Rama and Sita. 2. Seeing indeed blessed to see this ground rendered
63-66 & 1-13] BHARATA’S RETURN AND AFTER 107

*s»\© *O

snwnwrfttfir ll 4
as ron
h wfera
•* %© •
SRlftfte HHMW’ II 5
sTH^Rirsfr stfirfw ।
rKif^OT ^nni <Fwgn ?w^ii 6
uwhifi rrfa^ fafcs ^r: I
jt: 5^: Rqfr^r fhjt n 7
3(«r m wc: w: I
TFRa^nn^i^nm *M*n srs^ n 8
w ^wit 4t^r ra^iFT ’n^V. l n 9
^rcrn w wfr I ?ra: mi wi <R3$?^ II 10
hi5^ srfwqr^ jjt: i wtgq^n? *HFta H 11
fw $wt ft ^r nt few^fia^r: I far n *©
^s^fawsiT <arta ’tTtI^r^i THRIFT ^Wfrl JFRR f II 13

holy by the feet of Rama, the dust of which sed of long arms, now lifted him up,
is the quest of Brahma and other Devas as embraced him, and wetted his body with
also of the Vedas.” 4. With his mind tears. Seating him in his lap, Rama,
overflowing by the out-burst of divine love, that All-pervading Being, embraced him
his chest wet with tears of joy and his again and again. 8. As a thirsty cow
attention concentrated on Rama, Bharata hurries towards a water receptacle, the
slowly approached the residence of Rama, mothers of Rama, who were anxious to
who was, none but Sri Hari Himself. (5-6). meet him, also went towards him quickly.
There he saw Rama sitting along with S/.a 9. Seeing his mother, Rama got up in
and attended upon by Lakshmana—Rama haste and with tears flowing from his eyes,
who was of blue complexion like Durva prostrated himself at her feet, and she
grass, who had long eyes, who wore a crown embraced her son, extremely grief-stricken.
of matted locks on his head, who had on (10-11). Rama did obeisance to his other
him a tree-bark garment as dress, whose mothers also. Seeing Vasishtha in the
face was calm and placid, and who had the party, he made a full prostration before
radiance of the mid-day sun. Overcome him and said that he was indeed blessed to
by both sorrow and joy at the same time, see the sage. Then he seated them all in
Bharata hurried towards him and prostra­ proper seats and said as follows: (12-13).
ting himself before him, held his feet with He said, “How is my father? Sorrow-
both his hands. 7. Rama, who was posses­ stricken by my departure, what message

i ^<r wn Kgfkwii 14

^35^5: wtfJ
sHrarsfe Tt^rarit ut sraftft® 1 ^r w 11

srfcre: wcR^h uriwinRr st I wta5?TO 1117

^r ^sfer 1 fa’SfM’rn’na 11 is
I ’T^: 11 19

$ow<pta s^t: jt< <nt 1 st hief 1120

s’ns ° 1 rirt 11 21


trs W*r fasq ^53^ 5y [^n g«n I gftm'nnFi ’ESRreft’n^r^ ll 23

has he sent to me through you?” To him morsels of food to the departed. 19. The
Vasishtha replied, “O leader of Raghu’s balls of food that -they offered were made
line! Your father, burning as it were in of the flour of a certain forest plant mixed
the fire of sorrow, was thinking constantly with honey and rolled into lumps—a food
of you and always callingbut, ‘O, Rama! which all ascetics took. “The scriptures
O Sita! O Lakshmana!’ Alas! he is now have declared that we should offer to our
dead.” ancestors whatever type of food we are
14. These words of the preceptor went talcing”—with this thought they consoled
into Rama’s ears like the piercing pain of themselves. 20. After making this offering
an ear-cancer. Calling out, “O father! to the departed, Rama again took his bath,
,O father! woe unto me,” he fell on the and weeping, returned to his Ashrama.
ground, and along with Lakshmana, began After weeping for a considerable time, all the
to weep. 15. He cried aloud, “O merciful others also took their bath again and went
father! Where have you gone abandoning back to the Ashrama.
me?” Following him, all his mothers and
others began to cry. 16. He bemoaned Bharata Persuaded to Return (21-53)
saying, “O noble one! I am now orphaned. (21-23). That day after the performance
Who will hereafter fondle me?” Following of the funeral obsequies, they all observed
him, Sita and Lakshmana cried out even fast. Next day, after a bath in the pure
more loudly. (17-18). Vasishtha now water of the river, Bharata said to Rama
assuaged their grief with his consoling who was seated, “O noble one! Permit
words. Then, they all went to the river and us to have you installed as King. Come
purifying themselves by bathing made offer­ and rule over the kingdom that has come
ings of water to the king as desired by to you from our father. You are elder
him at the time of death. Lakshmana and to me and so equal to father. So, following
Rama also performed the rite of offering the Dharma of Kshatriyas, perform the

I <rfa**rftr rrat || 24
wr srtX ^i wi fcfecSLf <nft h: u 25
wg: ftrwsrnr ^fer: 1 ttto n 26
^Rrcr^r^sfa^fc^: 1 w Tii SR: 11 27
>T5 wk 1 wwihnat wfcr w 11 28
sfer S* ’rnwurOw 1 ^r#f *r^pK 11 29
?ra: M^r §5W n^q ft 1 fcn wr n 30
arm ft^: I U 31
a wt 1 w^r4 sisnfa H ^4 ^wrmr: 1132
WR* ’psft: fw 1
w<i^ s?ir€t ’ift ^rra 1 g^qfara w wawi w 5^:1133
1 ^ftfsRR firar srw $nfr3? ^zsfh 1 srfwrcr asr scwfr ii 34
duty of ruling over the subjects. (24-26). So it is clear that the kingdom has been
After performing many Yajnas and pro­ given to you by our father himself. And
creating sons to continue your line, the to me likewise has been assigned the king­
proper time for you to abandon everything dom of Dandaka forest by our father. It is
would come, then entrusting the responsi­ therefore the duty of us both to obey
bility of the kingdom to your son and strictly the command of our father. One who
successor, you can go to the forest: not disobeys his father and goes about doing
now. Be gracious towards me. Please for­ things according to his own sweet will, is as
get the evil deeds of my mother. Deign to good as dead even while living. He is sure
come and rule over us all.” Saying so, he to be consigned to hell after death. Therefore,
placed his brother’s feet on his own head
you rule over the kingdom, and we shall
and lay prostrate like a stick before him. look after the forest.
27. Rama quickly raised him up and
33. To this Bharata replied: “Our father
seating him in his lap said to him slowly when he gave the order was under in­
with his heart melting in affection. (28-32) fatuation for a woman, a victim of passion,
“Dear brother!” said he, “hear what I say. and therefore out of his senses. His words
There is much truth in what you have need not be taken seriously any more than of
represented. Yet it is a fact that our any demented person.” 34. Rama corrected
father ordered me to spend fourteen years him saying, “You cannot say thalt our
in the Dandaka forest and then only return father was infatuated by a woman, or was
to the city; and for that period, he has a victim of passion and out of his senses.
assigned the kingdom to you, Bharata. Truthful by nature, he was afraid of being

$4 wr*ft wkf4 nw ft i ^^W*w4 w u 36

sftsrcH ^TBF
W( 4teRHT sft ?RSnfa SRftrt 3 WRW II 37

fcn gWgs^4 *^t 1 5*TFFT II 38

II 39
wr*n*ifa*nfa 3ft cit wwt w I
ft^FT ^rn ^Fft1 nwft fafafW’T w n 40
SKjWft ^551 ^ftsftfaftRi I 5ft Wl U 41
«£KF% ^S5t 1 w gsf ii42
nft *nwn hi^ wn tnto: in 1 TFforai sremmr soft ii 43

4<MHFnft nftft wn ^I’l'+’ik’ft 1 Sfttsft ^rw>Tt nw4ft 1144

wHift *nfejwn( 11 45
wr nrcB nfa^rfcr 1
si ^fe4 m nvft^ri 1 sn THUS II 46
false to his plighted word if he failed to serve you. If you decide otherwise,
give to Kaikeyi the boon he had promised I shall end my life by fasting.” Resolving
her long ago. (35-36). Noble personages like that, he had some Darbha grass spread
fear untruth more than hell. I too have in the sun and sat on it facing the east.
41. Seeing that Bharata was determined
undertaken before Kaikeyi that I shall do
about this course of action, Rama, by a sign
as ordered by our father. Being one born in
Raghu’s line, how can I break the tradition of his eyes, requested the preceptor Vasish­
of my family and fail to fulfil a promise?” tha to intervene and save the situation. 42.
Hearing these words of Rama, Bharata . Then Vasishtha took Bharata aside to a
replied*. 37. “O truthful one! On your solitary place and said to him: “Dear boy!
behalf I shall then live in the forest for Hear from me a secret concerning certain
fourteen years, donning the ascetic’s tree­ unalterable matters. 43. Rama is really
bark cloth. You rule over the kingdom Lord Narayana Himself. Requested by
and live happily.” 38. “The kingdom has Brahma He has incarnated Himself as the
been assigned to you by our father,” said son of Dasaratha for destroying Ravana.
Rama, rejecting this proposal, “and to me 44. And Yogamaya, the Sakti of Vishnu,
he has given the forest. An agreed mutual has embodied Herself as Sita, the daughter
exchange of these gifts will not save the of Janaka. Adisesha, the mystic serpent
situation, as even this would involve a serving as Vishnu’s bed, is bom as Laksh­
breach of promise.” (39-40). Bharata now mana in order, to follow and attend on Rama
pleaded: “In that case I too shall stay in always (45-46). They are therefore bound
the forest with you like Lakshmana and to proceed onward for the destruction of

wt hw sftefawfrofa ii 47

wt A^ifara: i W WT HTO II48

Tr^rrr i afa: MIWI'iH II 49

<n^» tornrH ’TR?rt: i nro nfa wtorwIto: n 50

qffan <rn& toT i WT 3^: ’TfcF’T WTO S** F* H 51

w: s^et w*n ’i^T^n fan i TOI^HHkct 5 3Rfa nfa II 52

TOfrofa stfrorfa toto^ i Wrafa^? ?T TOt W II 53

m ^rarofer: gsft: i HPlfafefa: w WlWf^ II 54

to^rr! i ’n^fen mO to n^RmdHH. nss
TO ^fw TORtfefaTO I MH ^TRR WHTCl R TOTO 1156

Ravana. The gift of boon to Kaikeyi circumambulated Rama and made prostra*
and her heartless wo.rds in this connection tions to him again and again. (52-53);
were all the result of the will of Providence. Then Bharata said, with his voice choked
Had it not been for this, how could she have with an outburst of devotion, “If
spoken what she did? Therefore, dear one, you do not return to Ayodhya on the very
give up your idea of getting Rama back. first day after the period of fourteen years*
47. Along with your army and your brother, 1 will enter into a well-lit fire.” Rama
you now go back to the city. After destroy­ accepted this prayer of Bharata and sent
ing Ravana along with all his tribe, Rama him back on that understanding.
will return soon.”
(48-49). Hearing these words of the teacher, Kaikeyi’s conversion and hymn (54-65)
Bharata was amazed, and with eyes widened 54. Bharata along with his army, pre­
by wonder, approached Rama and said: ceptor Vasishtha, brother Satrughna, his
“O greatest of monarchs! Give me .your mothers, and the ministers, was about to
worship-worthy footwear to serve as a symbol start on his return journey to Ayodhya.
of your rulership over the kingdom. Until (55-56). Just then Kaikeyi in a highly
your return I shall rule as your servant distressed mood and with tears flowing
through the service of your footwear re­ from her eyes, called Rama aside and said
presenting you.” 50. With these words to him in privacy: “O Rama! Under a
Bharata put on Rama’s feet a magnificent spell of delusion my evil inind prompted
pair of sandals and Rama taking them up me to obstruct Thy installation as the
returned them solemnly to Bharata. 51. Now Y uvaraja. I beseech Thee to pardon me
Bharata, receiving these sandals made of for the bad turn I did to Thee thereby.
precious metals and studded with jewels, Forgiveness is the very nature of good
■. i


ayodhya KANDAM [Ch. 9 {;

irtort totto: i {
srftat wt wig ?n u 57 \
W $$rWI II 58
ftoreto ^tf« fcHj
tori $ftor ii 59 i
rffisfrn TOT *W I 3R srifirsfa TO ^IHIRnRi: || 60 \
<nft snraFT »ntoj I fcf’s to 6i
to TW: H^TTOTO^ II 62
<5133 wi i
to iftm to! to TOtoltor n 63
’rk wRift toi totoh TOJ
X^mt4R<4^^ <R: WRI ’nwftfrotoi^ ii

M33^n fro to ^t ii 65

•nfer treratsjjM'jiiw^ i wi nawfan n 66

ton •torto; ii 67
m qito’T uh n 68 }
fire faMl 5T I
w*T tofr £?iihar I TO II 69

m£n. 57. You are verily Mahavishnu, tht protector of the worlds. Deign to cut
Supreme Spirit and Eternal Being, whose asunder with the sword of knowledge j
nature is not clear to any one. Assuming the of Thy exalted Self, my bondage of
form of a man Thou art hiding Thy identity. attachment to son, wealth and other
Man performs good and evil acts only worldly objects. I have taken refuge jn
under Thy prompting. (58-59). This whole Thee.”
world is subject to Thy will, and is without Hearing these words of Kaikeyi, Rama
any freedom. Just as puppet dolls dance said to her smilingly: ’63. “O noble lady!
'according to the will of their hidden directorWhat you have just now said is the exact
who pulls the strings unseen, so is this truth. The words that came out of your
multiformed Maya a dancer manipulated mouth, took shape under My prompting.
by Thy will. I too was prompted by Thee (64-69). Thus by your choice of boons etc.,
as a part of Thy scheme for the fulfilment of which were prompted by Me for the attain­
the purpose of the Devas. 60. Under the ment of the purpose of the Devas, you incur
influence of my evil mind, I have done no sin. So you return home in peace
this sinful act. Now alone have I under­ Let your mind be constantly absorbed in
stood Thee to be the indwelling Spirit in My thought. Abandon your attachment
all—Thee who art beyond the ken even for all worldly objects, and be whole-heart­
of the celestials. (61-62). Save me, edly devoted to Me. Soon will you gain
O Infinite Being, Thou the lord and liberation by following this way of life. I

11 70
wrr: stf^rw i ’rfer: Il7i

’jsrfa^r w n# I SR’TiT II 72
<b<3^di^i4t sRt^^rsn^: i 11 73
WEFnfa tort <n$CTt: tfro 11 74
rm^ i fcrat 11 75
tftan wwift 11 76
wh w wtfw*Rn: i II 77
view all "beings alike. None is inimical necessary arrangements for the residence and
or dear to Me. I am like the heavenly administration of the citizens of Ayodhya,
tree Kalpaka-Viiksha. Whoever go under he himself went to stay in a village called
it and pray, get what they want, and whoever Nandigrama. There on a throne he
exclude themselves from it keeping away, reverently installed the sandals of Rama
do not get those favours. To those who he had brought with him and daily
resign themselves to Me, I respond by worshipped them as representing Rama,
revealing Myself. Those whose minds are with flowers, sandal paste etc., as also with
clouded by My Maya, see Me as a human all Objects that are considered as royal
being, subject to the happiness and sufferings insignia. In his daily life he observed
of worldly life. They do not know Me strict ascetic discipline. His food consisted
in truth and in reality. Fortunately that of roots and fruits, and his attire, of a tree­
enlightenment which liberates one from bark garments and matted locks. He slept
this transmigratory life, has dawned on you. on the bare floor, and strictly observed the
Stay at home attending to your duties, rule of celibacy. Satrughna kept him
but remembering Me always. That will company. He transacted all the affairs
save you from the bondage of that hankering of state after first representing them
after the fruits that Karma brings.” Hear­ before the sandals of Rama in token of his
ing these words of Rama, Kaikeyi was taking orders from Rama. Counting the
filled with wonder and joy. She circumam­ days of Rama’s return, he lived like a
bulated Rama, and prostrated before him Brahmarshi, dedicating his whole mind
several times. She then returned to the to Rama.
palace pacified in mind.
Rama at Atri’s Ashrama (76-91)
Bharata After his Return (70-75)
76. As for Rama, though he took his
(70-75). Soon Bharata the noble-minded residence in Chitrakuta with Sita and
arrived at Ayodhya along with his precep­ Lakshmana amidst the settlement of the
tor, mothers and the ministers, constantly ascetics of that place, he did not, however,
remembering Rama. After making all the continue to stay there long. (77-79). For,

TOW 353HW1ST I Wmto || 78

sisn irfwigtoJ sH^stov 79
w sftgtor’ wr 1 ^tfts^fato 11 so
ftgto 1 wrafWto w?irs( ^far^r 11 si
^rt nw to tw wR^n 1 wth fMtora’n qwn gfa: n si
q?t: Hhr=q^w^^^r wrm^nw
wn tote fltoft ftw 1 5^ sr^r ii m
gt qsw<sftftq<pr 1 snto m< irot tof^ra: 11 ss
’V^J WR ^h?to ’Pt I Wlto to to WK^ || 86

d-s^nPld»HM tot I ll 87
W^r 5 fsrf^r fartoni i ^r £ wr Mir «riW^ u ss
wu<i stere fto ^MH’ii i s^rhn ?qr wrj| iis9
3^^ w^fe snsfe i $to tot mg rem SH’f^ ll 90

knowing that Rama was staying at Mount an occasion has arisen for me to meet
Chitrakuta, large numbers of people from your holy self.” 82. Hearing Rama’s words
the countryside began to visit that place
and knowing him to be Hari Himself, the
because of their eagerness to meet him.
sage Atri extended to him a very warm
reception with great devotion. 83. He
To avoid the disturbance from the crowds,
as also for the fulfilment of the ultimatJ gave hospitality by presenting to him
object of his exile to the forest, he abando­ fruits of the forest. Seating Rama, Sita
ned his residence at Chitrakuta, and pro­ and Lakshmana, the sage said the following
ceeded towards Dandakaranya. On the in great joy: (84-85) “Inside the Ashrama,
way he along with Sita and his brother, there is my aged wife Anasuya who has
reached the Ashrama of the sage Atri, been performing austerities for a very long
which was situated at a very solitary place, time, and who has a deep knowledge of
with the necessary facilities for one to stay Dharma and has been observing the same.
all round the year. 80. There in that O destroyer of enemies! Let Sita go in
Ashrama was seated the sage Atri, illumining and see her.” The lotus-eyed Rama asked
the whole place with his lustre. Rama pros­ Sita to do as requested by the sage. 86.
trated before him and announced himself He said: “O good lady! Go in and make
to the sage saying, “1 am Rama, offering salutations to holy Anasuya and come
my salutations to you. 81. According to back soon.” And Sita did accordingly.
my father’s order, I have come to the (87-90). Holy Anasuya was very glad
Dandaka forest. In the guise of forest life to see Sita, who made a full prostration

wtfrtt nn I hr tft:

before her. Addressing her as “Dear Sita”, (91-92). Afterwards the sage Atri fed
Anasuya with great devotion presented her Rama, Sita and Lakshmana sumptuously,
two heavenly ear ornaments made by Viswa- and with palms joined in salutation said:
karma, as also two lovely pieces of silk. She “O Rama! Thou alone art the creator of
also gave Sita a unique paste for bodily all these worlds. After creating them,
application with the words, “O lotus-faced Thou manifestest for their protection and
one! By the application of this paste, the orderly growth, as incarnations in the
lustre of your body will remain undimmed. species of Devas, humans and brute crea­
O daughter of Janaka! Following the duty tions. Though embodied in this way, the
of a pious wife, you now follow Rama. bodily traits do not affect Thee. Maya
May that great personage soon return to which deludes all, remains aloof from Thee
his palace with you!” out of fear of Thee.”


Date ..

aw cR f^r ferai spife l gfe tww^ wm4)’HsMfr n i

5^ gfaWcduFtea^ I Fife* II 2
feFTOI^ife I
* ^r wi jR^n&ifcrwi: I sn$ nn gnsnr u 3
* Sfei ra i TOfa ^fegq(^ ra tateiffnRw ll 4
< ra fwRnnfe^ ^rt ftfeww^ I n^or ?nfar: sffen 3(fe: ^tsr *rft n 5
< to«ww <rat <rar ;r^n । ar^: fwig^ nnt 11 6

Chapter 1

Redemption of Viradha (1-35) “O Rama! Thou the support of even the

1. Rama spent the rest of the day at celestials! Thou art the Pathfinder for all
that Ashrama and in the morning took beings. How can any one therefore show
leave of the sage and was ready to start on Thee the Path? Still following the way of
his journey. 2. He said to the sage: “O the world, we shall show the path.” With
holy one! We are all going to the these words, he deputed some of his disciples
forest known as Dandaka, where many for the purpose, and himself followed Rama
ascetics are staying. We seek your blessing. for some distance. Persuaded by Rama
(3-5). Please direct some of your disciples to return, the sage did accordingly, and
to show us the path.” Hearing Rama’s went back to his Ashrama. (6-9) When they
words, the great sage Atri said, smiling: had walked the distance of about a Krosa,

I •fi^r g«r ^qsp^r n 7

£wh«h^w sj’nrfe 1 ^rat •nfa wfar tftat 11 s

HJUIIdkdlVIlHIQ^ I <Ih|RhI<<ii: -HT 11 9
ar^r fafatf 1 srMwm'triH 11 10
1 srf^r fafrr nnt ?w«r 11 n

'H jr^t <RFi nft^f I inrRft II 12

3R qiiaiRC ST3& I wSltfswto^EWRJRt: n 13

^sr . <53 1 fwr ^j^hR^h u 14

<shr wA W uwtsRH 1 ^rc$u<kq<d? 11 is

1 idtasfcr STftRHT s?rc7^ । *WT <ftRT ^7^1116

afisren*^ Hrwnfw 1 SqflWFd *FTFH»H ||v 17

they came across a great river. horripilation on the body of anyone. Enter­
“How can we cross this river?” asked ing into the forest Rama said to Lakshmana,
Rama, and the disciples of Atri replied: Sumitra’s son: (12-13). “From here on­
“O noble descendant of Raghu’s line! wards we should travel very carefully.
There is an excellent boat for the purpose. Along with me you should have your bow
We ourselves shall take you across the strung and arrows ready at hand. I
river in a short time.” Then they fetched shall walk in front and you behind. Sita
the boat, seated Rama, Sita and Lakshmana will walk between us, just as Maya, the
in it, and the young ascetics themselves illusory power,stands between theParamatma
rowed the party across the river. Rama (Supreme Spirit) and the Jiva (the embodied
appreciated very much the skill they spirit). 14. Look around carefully. O
displayed. They later returned to Atri’s heroic one! Dandakaranya is notorious for
Ashrama. the many Rakshasas infesting it. I have
(10-11). Now Rama and party entered heard of this even before.”
into the terrifying and thickly wooded (15-17). Travelling and conversing thus
forest of Dandaka. With the shrill chirping between themselves, they covered about a
of insects, with animals of various species Yojana and a half when they came across
everywhere, with dangerous wild animals a lake of cool and crystal waters full of
like lions, and tigers prowling about, and lotuses and water lilies of various kinds,
with fierce-looking Rakshasas infesting its Approaching that lake, they drank of its
precincts, that awesome forest would create sweet waters, and sat under a shade on its

TOft ^n^wrtTOT^TO^TO ii • is
*RFRT <1MW<IMHI<< TOHt^ I TORtfro srg^w TOt ^toito^ ii 19
wi?<f^FTt i STTTO^f^TO^ ’fW TOTOWTO. 1120
TO I ^XrTO TOTOTTO feat TO TOT^ 1121
h g wn4 Diroff tot I 3ifTO to: 4Mtoto^ H 22
5<t TO’ntJ’fh'SRTTOW^nftofi’ I gfalW^ wt ssfiw'ft II 23
TO it 34TOfaM>4ri<dlTOl I GhTOTO^ TO ’MWGhIto^ II 24
snro ^TOh to: tototo i s< toto4 ?nm
bto to. to toto: 1125
TOi tftai to . totototo tototot: I ftTOlTO W* fwro TORTO^ 1126


TO ?T TOTO^T TO from H^I^TO ?qw TOirol w: II28
<SC *WTO tftat frwft I TOTTO W TORftr gWK. II 29

bank for some time. A terrible-looking bark and matted hair, but with bows and
monster now appeared in their sight (18-19). arrows in hand and accompanied by a
The monster had fierce fangs and his howls woman? You are handsome and extremely
spread terror all around. On his left shoulder wanton. Alas! You are almost in my
rested a trident, at the sharp end of which mouth as a morsel of food for me. Why
were impaled several human bodies. He have you dared to come into this terrible
was moving about, eating whatever wild forest infested by all kinds of fierce crea­
animal he saw—be it elephant, tiger, lion tures?” (25-26). To these words of the
or bison. At the sight of that monster, Rakshasa, Rama replied smiling, “I am
Rama lifted his bow in readiness for use and Rama. This is my dear brother Lakshmana
said to Lakshmana*. (20-21). “Look, bro­ and this my wife Sita. At the command of
ther, at what is before us. There comes a my father we have come here to free this
Rakshasa with a huge body towards us. place from menacing fellows like you.”
His form is fear-inspiring in those who are (27-29). Hearing these words of Rama,
timid. Stand with your bow in readiness. the demon gave out a terrific howl, and with
Do not be frightened, O daughter of Janaka.” mouth wide open and grasping the trident
Saying so, Rama stood firm like a mountain, with both his hands, shouted in haste: “O
bow and arrow in hand. Rama! Haven’t you heard of me, the
22. Seeing Rama along With Sita and world renowned Viradha? All the ascetics
Lakshmana, that monster gave out fierce have left this region of the forest out of
howls and said as follows in a threatening fear of me. If you want to save your
manner: (23-24). “Who are you in the life, you abandon your weapons and leave
assumed forms of ascetics donning tree­ Sita here, and run away in all haste. Other-

| II 30
w sgrsFrOraw fW i ii 31

forsrai 32
w ht afag ^nmrrn^ 1 11 33
sfsrciw sRoffa% 1 <ra: nkr hhtb^ srarw ii 34
<rat ^rrt stgftfa ^mfan'i ^Frginrw 11 35

ffcnroHt rhetor: i
5^^^7Tr(ni *nvt <R4^n u 36
wq ini ^rasrntrTO
Wq ^5: WHin STTO^nf^ SKRfsfte ll 37
Im<IU :3^’R
qfrw fwsrciss ftwrotr: 1
pfHR^R°r^t'T^f^n SF<r: gn Htsir u 38

wise 1 am going to eat up both of you.” Viradha’s Hymn (36-46)

30. With these words the Rakshasa
rushed forward to get hold of Sita.. At 36. There came out of Viradha’s body a
this Rama severed both his arms with a very handsome form, bright, dressed in
single arrow with utmost ease. excellent robes, decorated with shining
(31-32). Then with his mouth wide open golden ornaments, and luminous like the
out of great anger, he came running towards sun in the sky. 37. That being with a
Rama. Confronting Viradha who very placid appearance, now fell again and
came charging, Rama cut his two legs with again in prostration before Rama, who
utmost ease to the astonishment of all. destroys the sorrows of all who prostrate
(33-34). Viradha now crawled towards Rama before him and take shelter under him,
like a serpent with a view to devour him. who is capable of terminating the term of
Now with a semi-circular arrow Rama cut Jivas in Samsara. and who is a veritable
off his head, which fell in a river of blood
treasure of mercy. 38. Viradha said, “O
on the ground. Sita thereupon congratu­
Rama .of lotus eyes! I am a Vidyadhara
lated Rama on his great feat. 35. The
kettle drums of the heavens now sounded. of luminous form. In days of old, I was
The celestials and the Apsaras, the heavenly cursed for no special reason by sage
artistes, danced while the Gandharvas and Durvasas, who is an embodiment of anger.
the Kinnaras sang. Today 1 am liberated from the effect of it

W .^T3 I
Micft 39
$wi ii3 wrf^Hi^r ^n^i
RRT3 mi^mwm ^3 •*ntfhr^r^ll 40
wrT 1 mrmtttmft ttmtm tfranm 1141
sr?m <nfc it ttm TOnfa ^ppn 1 tmi^Mri Mt mt 5^3 n 42
SRT^t TMM^J I ^T if W sftat flTTOT M^TMfw II 43
m3® f^wwn^i fcrai: I tw M^riKMir ^tmmmt mt: ii 44
M^Mf^^MI Sffffl | 3TMTc< MT MlR MM1W II 45
THfo T<tfa?H Wlttgt^^R^I
3nr°w£ mmm: m^: ii ? ii

by Thee. (39-40). Freed from Samsara, pleased,and in a mood of great joy bestowed
may my mind always keep remembrance of boons on Viradha. 44. He said, ‘‘O
Thy lotus-feet. May my speech be ever Vidyadhara! You may now go. By seeing
Me, you have overcome all the limitations
engaged in uttering Thy exalted names.
May my ears ever imbibe the nectar of Thy of Maya. You have become liberated
stories. May my hands be constantly this very moment and have been elevated
engaged in making offerings to Thee. May to the rank of the great knowing ones.
my head be ever laid at Thy feet in prostra­ 45. In this world of living beings, pure
tion. May the whole of my being, body,mind devotion to Me is very seldom found;
and soul be thus absorbed in the service for if one has that type of Bhakti, he attains
of Thee. (41-42). Salutation to Thee, Rama Mukti immediately and is no longer in this
with Sita—Thou the Supreme Being and world of beings in bondage. So endowed
creator of the worlds. Devoid of all attri­ with Bhakti, you will now at my command
butes, Thou art of thenatue of Pure Con­ attain Mukti.” 46. Rama accomplished the
sciousness, ever absorbed in Thy own destruction of this fierce Rakshasa, but
Self. Protect me, who am a refugee at Thy the Rakshasa thereby gained liberation. He
feet With Thy permission, O the noblest received Rama’s blessings and boons, and
one in Raghu’s line, I would like to go to attained the status of a Vidyadhara again.
my heavenly abode. May Thy Maya never So will every man attain to all blessings of
cloud my vision.” 43. When Viradha pra­ life if he would but serve Rama and sing
yed in this way, the noble Rama was much hymns in praise of him.
39-46 & 1-8] VISIT TO THE ASHRAMAS 121

fanst nnt r tfkrn i smra xiow w u i

wjwwr ron o4 gsn: n 2
srfwRT sps^T 1 snf^RWt^r ii 3
sftew WiWtsfo n4 wnw( l 11 4
g^hrrara^r nn r 1
3KT HWT fas:' q| f^Rt I cR ^Ilfa I 5
w*t wra i^e: srcw^'
faffi ^l4 HtfW W*T n 6
w4ftRi ^nnnrwT I
Rki«rc fcwdaiWR stared 7
*rr w«h§3^ W’tf ^nw?it I
w HPHFFWnTT ^TT Frefcr ^rt: li 8
Chapter 2

At Sarabhanga’s Ashrama I have been staying here long, resolved to

(1-12) be engaged in austerities. Whatever
1. After Viradha attained salvation, Rama merits I have acquired, all that
along with Sita and Lakshmana went I offer unto Thee so that I may
to the peaceful forest hermitage of the obtain Moksha or Mukti.” 6. After thus
sage Sarabhanga. 2. At the sight of Rama offering all his merits at the feet of Rama
arriving at his place in the company of the holy sage Sarabhanga, who was full of
Sita and Lakshmana, the high-minded sage renunciation, prostrated before that immea­
Sarabhanga got up from his seat in hot surable being Rama in the company of Sita.
haste out of respect for the visitors. 3. Then, without any more delay, he got
He went towards them, received them ready to consign his body to the flames,
cordially and offered them seats. He then holding his mind absorbed in Rama. 7.
did hospitality to them with roots, fruits, He held his mind for long in meditation
etc., available in the forest. (4-5). Rejoiced on that form of Rama—blue like Durva
at the.presence of Rama, the refuge of all grass, lotus-eyed, dressed in tree-bark clothe
devotees, at his hermitage, the sage Sara­ wearing matted locks, accompanied hy
bhanga said, “O Rama! Thou art verily Sita and Lakshmana, and established ht the
the Lord of all. With a view to meet Thee, hearts of all. 8. He thought, “Lol Who

Wl nft snj: i u 9
W<nfa<rfafog w: w 1 wn£ wunfar^R^ cife^n 1110
^r wtswtot s^r:I sfrr* torto ^tnii
rA^sr: wrw> i

<rat gfSmr: w^iwnfar: 1 srsrj w>| 12

tot a wmw: 1 w wiHigralta 11 13
^hfefwgm tw 1 sr: ttfwt: sr^rmR 11 u
^Rrtaro ^Tsfn sTwtffo: I sntfwtf wi WII15
^npd C w oti srar^ ^ftqf ?< 1116
3RF^ *HRt 3RTH TOR 5RW<^ I
^TTOHS ^T wfW^U 17

is there so merciful, so liberal to his devotees Lakshmana and Sita, who had by the power
other than Rama? Wonder of wonders, of Maya assumed human forms and man­
he has, of his own accord, come here to ners, saluted them all in haste by making
bless me, intuiting how I have been con­ full prostrations. 14. Pronouncing their
blessings on Rama, the resident of the
stantly thinking about him. 9. Purified
hearts of all, they said the following with
in mind and burning this body in fire, I
joined palms to him, who was none but Hari,
shall attain the realm of Brahma in the very
equipped with bow and arrow: (15-16).
presence of Rama, the Supreme Being bom
as son of Dasaratha. 10. May Rama, the “We know Thee to be Mahavishnu, Sita to
Lord of Ayodhya, ever dwell in my heart— be Thy consort Lakshmi, Lakshmana to be
Rama in whose lap is seated Sita like light­ Sesha and Bharata and his brother Satrughna
ning in the clouds.” (11-12). Thus for a long to be Thy Conch and Discus. Beseeched
time did he look at Rama standing in front by Brahma, Thou art incarnated in this
of him and meditate on him in mind. Then world to rid the earth of its burdens. There­
setting fire to the pyre, he reduced his fore, it is among the principal objects of
physical body to ashes, gained a divine Thy mission to relieve the Rishis of their
body, and attained the realm of Brahma. sorrows and difficulties. 17. O Rama! May
Subsequently, a large number of ascetics Thou be pleased to come along with Sita
inhabiting the Dandaka forest came to and Lakshmana to see the forest inhabited
meet Rama at the hermitage of Sarabhanga. by ascetics. We shall lead Thee to those
places. When Thou seestthe sights there
Rama vows to extirpate the Rakshasas and know our conditions of life, Thou
(13-24) wouldst be moved by a powerfill impulse
13. Seeing all those holy men, Rama, of mercy towards us.”

nn: i wq qfrfa: srfe^ w n is

tisr qfaRwpfarfr ftrctfe s: I nnt ii 19
sreftfa fW qfanft ti 20
whftwftar SR^RT HTTTfacr: I 3FTOT 5#Ul <t ft || 21
«(Rr wr gqhtf s 1 stftsnwlimt wwn( 11 22
^qw? gfWiqmfafa: I siFfiWT Trot ^r^wr ii 23
bw ^rifa *wn 1 n 24
*© &

WiW I n 25
THwraw^ g^pn: ^rtor: I
sFRRftRif wi q^Rrawn: I wgj^faR^hR: 11 26
^?frFT ^ei^r
R^R=w^<q^isw^T tfkmit ftrqfWmrfen^ 1
^nrrrwq tot ch <rw: ll 27

18. Being thus implored prayerfully by of the Rishis of those regions, receiving
them, the all-powerful Rama went along everywhere the cordial reception of these
with those ascetics to see their abodes. ascetics.
19. In all those places Rama saw here and
At the Ashrama of Sutikshna
there many skeletons of human heads. (25-40)
At this sight, Rama asked: 20. “Whose
are these skeletons of heads? How have 25. In the course of those travels, one
they fallen here?” The ascetics replied, da:y he reached the Ashrama of the sage
“Indeed they are the heads of Rishis. 21. Sutikshna, which had a pleasant climate
When the ascetics are unconscious of the in all seasons, which yielded the benefits
external world in the state of meditation, of every season always, and which was
the Rakshasas eat their heads and throw inhabited by a large number of Rishis.
the bones here and there. They do this 26. Sutikshna was a disciple of the sage
carefully watching the time when the sages Agastya, and used to utter the sacred name
in meditation are unaware of the conditions of Rama always. Hearing about the arrival
outside.” 22. Hearing these piteous words of Rama, he came himself, and moved by a
of the frightened Rishis and Munis, Rama great spirit of devotion which was manifest
then and there took the vow that he in his eyes, received him with due worship.
would destroy the whole tribe of Rakshasas Sutikshna said: 27. “O Rama, con­
there. (23-24). In this way the noble Rama sort of Sita, and the delight of all! Thou
of Raghu’s line along with Sita and Laksh­ art beyond the bounds of Knowledge an4'
mana spent some years, seeing the Ashramas endowed with excellences that are limidess

w ftfr=q- ^rarotsfa n 2«

rHtft RFH^ 11
wwnwrn mm w n<hr: u 29

from mw Siwn (Wtarfornj

whm Htfeffot f^sn^fw< wfo afwmwt srfo: 11 30

mqggtsg w^ww? mifa nn wr: to: from 1

^iswn^^sft jrr: 11 31
'nw tr gq STOfiratsfa I
«Rtfd&gwi OTftwRTor feraw^ h 32

Thy feet are sought after even by Paraine- Thee. 30. Thou art the one cause for the
swara and Brahma. Thou art the one creation, sustentation and dissolution
faultless boat for all Jivas to cross the ocean of the universe. By assuming Maya with
of Samsara. I am one given to the repeti its three Gunas of Sattva, Rajas and Tamas,
tion of Thy holy Mantra and the servant Thou manifestest in a threefold way as
of even Thy servants. 28. I am one bound Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswara. O Sup.
by the cord of identification with the body, reme One! As the one sun is reflected as
which is nothing but a mass of filthy stuff.
many in different pots of water, so dost
I am consigned to the disused well of family
Thou assume different forms with different
life, centering on wife and children and
adjuncts. 31. O Rama! Thou, who tran-
other worldly relationships. Yet, Thou, who
scendest the darkness of Tamas and who art
art beyond the knowledge of all beings in
the Ultimate Subject, has been pleased today
this universe, hast deigned to come here,
to reveal Thyself before me as an object
seeking me of Thy own accord. 29. Though
of perception. Though unseen by unholy
Thou art residing in the hearts of all, Thou
hidest with Thy delusive power, the vision ones, Thou dost indeed reveal Thyself to
of those who are not disposed to take Thy those whose hearts have been purified by
Thy sacred name. 32. O Rama! Though
name. But Maya’s delusion does not affect
those who are devoted to the repetition of formless, Thou hast assumed a form in
Thy holy name. Just as in the case of the association with Maya. I see Thee before
me in such an assumed human form more
heavenly tree, the Kalpaka Vriksha, the
handsome than countless Cupids—a form
fruits of Thy grace come to those who seek
charming with a sweet smile that reveals a

sFwitser nw sw ftw 11 34

^4 to §fww s^Rifa 35
srats^Frat s^i irat MFwnsR^ i iwwl’nw wr^r wr to: u 36

i n 37
tomft m faw ’’H ’ wnm^ f^rswte sfe; u 38

gs g^dfcmfa WWW sfriW( I fe&RJRT tPT HTJ WWt RTW?WW^||39
g^Mtsfa TWt wfawfw TOT I 3RTOWfa«nfa W5£t TOOT ||40

heart melting in mercy, and with attractive heart has become very pure. (36-39). It is
bow and arrows in hand. 33. Salutations to therefore that I have come to see you.
Thee ever more, O Rama! My sole wealth There is no means other than devotion for
and fortune, who art accompanied by Sita realising Me. I reveal Myself always to
and served by Lakshmana the son of those who repeat My Mantra, who seek
Sumitra, who art dressed in deer skin, shelter under Me without depending on
who hast the brightness of a blue lotus anything or anyone else. The hymn that
who art very calm, who art the centre of you have addressed Me is dear to Me.
countless excellences and who art the Whoever studies this hymn always, in
object of service and devotion to all disci­ them will be generated pure devotion
plined persons. 34. O Rama! Let philoso­ and spiritual illumination. You have become
phers know Thee as transcending every free even in this world by your devotion
kind of adjuncts like space and time and the to Me. After the fall of your body, you
luminosity of pure consciousness. But I, will attain Sayujya—liberation of becoming
a devotee, aspire for nothing other than My very Being. There is no doubt about
this form of Thine concretely present before it. Now I desire to meet your teacher, the
me. May it shine in my consciousness at great sage Agastya. I am extremely desirous
all times!” of living for some time in those precincts
35. To the sage Sutikshna who offered where that sage dwells.”
this hymn of praise, Rama said, smiling: (40-41). Sutikshna agreed to this proposal
“I know that by the adoration of Me, your and said, “O Rama! We shall go there
126 ARANYA KANDAM [Ch. 2-3

3Rr gfrn to srata: ww i

4<i^u44wi<dteqRw *rft n 41

aiiwwi Wta: II R ll

tomorrow. I too shall accompany you. Lakshmana, Rama startedfor the residence
It is now long since I have seen that of Agastya’s brother with a mind
sage.” In themorning, accompanied eagerly interested in communing with
by the ■ sage Sutikshna, Sita and that sage.

3R TO wn I WWRH IRIS HWn 11 1

gpjfTO awiwjw I mrosFr ii 2
^wiwiu14a^ 1 RftfiniRd ii 3

ftro TOTssrifcif^ 1 5^ r ^ftwra *rt 115

Chapter 3


Meeting with sage Agastya of fruits and flowers of all seasons. It was
full of animals of various species and its
1. Towards noon, Rama along with Suti­ atmosphere was filled with the.sweet war­
kshna, Sita and Lakshmana, reached the blings of many kinds of birds. It resembled
hermitage of the brother of Agastya, by Nandana, the garden of Heaven. It was a
name Agnijihwa. 2. That sage gave him resort of Brahma Rishis, Deva Rishis and
a warm reception and fed him with roots resident ascetics. It filled one with a feeling
and fruits. Rising up early next morning, that it was another Brahma-Loka. 5.
they started for Agastya’s Ashrama. (3-4). Stopping outside the precincts of that Ash­
That hermitage was noted for the presence rama, Rama said to Sutikshna, “You please


sn^ni’^n <pt swWwwi I wR's snn’j^il i

I §ah?>r: srpfr 11 8
tarnw: I
irit Htan qrfwt^i 3n»T^?^m4^wfW!^’En3:3r^r: 11 9

tftaHmr nn w sfw* H 10
5HR: h(^^J 3^*nn?WTT w*n <rarc nu
3TR^5 tw wnn: 1 fspTTRrfq^ srts^RI i| HW f5[^ 1112
sfWTRT I stan wrotfa 11 13
^^STF^r g^TCtemifagq %Tfara: | H 14
»r(ten I Wff w wr 11 15
SmIiRfs h^pt ’jsrar ^(^r^i sterfa^r wrrt ll 16

go in and announce that I have come. (6-9). aspiring to meet him.” With these words,
Tell the sage that along with Sita and he got up from his seat, and along with the
Lakshmana, I have come to see him.” other ascetics, went to meet Rama in a
Saying that he would do so with great spirit of great devotion and said: 12. “O
pleasure, Sutikshna entered the Ashrama Rama! Deign to come in. I am indeed
of his teacher. There Sutikshna saw the fortunate to meet Thee now. Thou hast
sage sitting, surrounded by ascetics, espe­ condescended to come here as my guest.
cially by devotees of Rama, and expounding This indeed is the day that marks the
to these disciples the . meaning of the sacred fulfilment of my life’s objective.” 13. Seeing
name of Rama. Sutikshna made full saluta­ the sage approaching them, Rama along
tion to the sage by stretching his whole with Sita and Lakshmana saluted him with
body at the feet of his Guru and announced: overflowing joy, stretching themselves in
“O great and illumined sage! Rama, the salutation on the ground like sticks. 14. The
son of Dasaratha, accompanied by Sita and great sage lifted Rama up and embraced
Lakshmana, has arrived to see you. He him with great devotion. The bliss arising
is standing there with his palms joined in from contact with Rama’s body expressed
salutation to you.” itself in a constant flow of tears from
(10-11). Agastya said, “Quickly bring Agastya’s eyes. 15. Holding Rama’s hand
here Rama, who is ever seated in my heart. with his own, that great sage took him to
May you prosper! I am staying here, ever the Ashrama in a mood of high exaltation-
meditating on him in n.y heart and ever 16. He gave him a comfortable seat and

th i *di^fe«4*<wjfe ii i?

snfawte i w snf«ra: u is
W C (? »
wra I
gsnrf^ th wr^[ i wfa gfafa:stsrnfoTfiAM«n u w
sinta । ww hI#hi unn n 20
fafa w 1 wto H^o^rcftfafear: 11 21
1^(0 ^ti srfw Hoffer <Fnfa 11 22
^n hi trw siwt 1 trwr^kwt 11 23
3T^r 1 tihh^i wrr 1124
WWWW^ ^j^w. I th ^Rtrngunfa < )| 25
wffen0^ Hlfw^r ^pn th: I TMteWS^T few ’Erf’RT || 26

worshipped him in a very elaborate manner assumed by Thee, manifests itself, the savants
and fed him with several kinds of fruits and of Vedanta call it Avyakrita, the Unmani­
roots available in that forest. fested Whole. Some call it Mulaprakriti
(Root-Nature), others as Maya (Mysterious
Agastya’s hymn (17-50). Power), still others as Avidya (ignorance),
17. Rama of moonlike face being now and samsriti (transmigratory cycle) and
seated alone, the holy sage Agastya said as bandha (bondage). 23. Under Thy prompt­
follows with palms joined in salutation: ing, She (Maya) manifests Mahattattva
(18-19)^ ‘‘The day on which Brahma prayed (Great Element). Out of Mahattatva,
to Thee on the shore of the Milk Ocean to under Thy stimulation, Ahamkara (the
relieve the earth of its burdens and to cosmic I-sense) evolves. 24. Ahamkara,
destroy Ravana, from that day 1 have which is an expression of Mahattatva,
been waiting here in expectation of Thy manifests itself in three aspects—the Sattvika
arrival* I have been staying with the aspect, the Rajasika aspect and the Tama-
ascetics of this place, performing austerities sika aspect. 25. Out of Ahamkara domina­
and constantly thinking about Thee in my ted by Tamas, evolved the subtle essence of
eagerness to meet Thee. (20-22). Before the things (Tanmatra), and out of them in due
cycle of creation started, Thou alone didst order evolved the gross elements—Akasa
eust with none else besides, unmodified, (ether), Vayu (air), Agni (fire), Jala (water)
without any adjunct. There is Thy potency and Bhumi, (earth). 26. Opt of Rajasa-
spoken of as Maya, which has no existence ahamkara was evolved the Indriyas (senses)
apart from Thee,and which was latent in Thy and out of Sattvika-ahamkara, the Devatas
self with all the manifoldness and adjunct­ (deities) and Manas (mind). By the com­
potential in it. When that Power, on being bination of all these (evolutes) was formed

__ -X ?
w fcoz I nnsr: II 27

§ 1 ft w w 11 28
’HOTI I It 29
iH^qgiww 1 srar fawrUro^ 1
^nWter w w^r 1 wfeRtR tgwfrr 11 31
th w fem *nft fwfadfa trt i

sRfmnqferm srfwmffc: I ft|farnjfiTOr 11 32

<4^Gsl’t<ktt TRrnm 33
aifawnn 3 fort Tftnfr'm ft 1 ft 3 fft^Tunei m fe 1134
ft 1 fam 11 35

the universal causal body (Linga), holding art also the Pure Consciousness, changeless
within it the whole potentiality of the and transcendent, distinct from the Buddhi
universe. It is also called the Sutratma and its modes of three states, standing as
(the Pervading Self) and the Hiranyagarbha their witness. 31. O the noblest of Raghu’s
(Luminous Potentiality). 27. From the Hir­ line! When Thou wiliest to enact the play
anyagarbha manifested the Cosmic Whole of creation, Thou assumest Thy Power
(Virat), whose gross body consists of the Maya, and appearest as one endowed with
whole universe, with all its moving and the Gunas of Sattva, Rajas and Tamas
unmoving beings. 28. In the course of time (32-33). O Rama! Thy Maya has two
or according to the manifestation of Karma aspects—Vidya (spiritual illumination) and
potentialities, the Devas, men and the Avidya (ignorance). Those ^ho are devoted
brute creations came into existence. Assum­ to works, Vedic and secular, are under the
ing the constituent of Rajas, Thou didst dominance of Avidya, while the followers
become Brahma, the creator of the universe. of the path of renunciation, given to reflec­
29. Wise men say that assuming the con­ tion on the purport of the Vedanta and
stituent of Sattva, Thou art Vishnu, the the practice of devotion to Thee, are filled
Protector, and assuming Tamas Thou art by the power of Vidya. 34. Those who are
also Rudra, the destroyer of the universe. dominated by Avidya are ever consigned
Thus what are called the Trimurti, the to the transmigratory cycle, while those
Triune Being, is nothing but Thyself. 30. devoted to Vidya become ever-free. 35.
The three states of waking, dream and sleep, In this world, Vidya shines in those who
which are the three modes of Buddhi bom have constant devotion to Thee and ever
of its constituents of Sattva, Rajas and repeat Thy sacred name and reflect on it,
Tama*, jire verily Thyself, O Rama. Thou but never in ethers devoid of devotion.
A ^9

R33cW<hjHt II
ft tw arc fc^srftfa a.i ar^wfa^nr n 37
w aafw fwtfW. 1 a^rcwwFarfawfewircn: 11
$*Bnfafrraft^r w: 1 a^r sraracw 11 39
w^rpw: 1 arciwft c^ww 11 40
a^fa aat ^rtc^pt xnr aarcft 1 ?^cmrrwar frara 114i
S^aai^sqarciTag^Ha: I wn s?aw®n 11 42
w ay<iffiktg, ftSiaa: I ^rcr ir a^r srca wa<abn^ 1143

3RI it WC awi: 5RTI

’Otawi aai a^RRRaftai w 1 aaat ww 4^^ 11 44

36. Therefore those who have devotion Yoga; and satisfaction with whatever means
(Bhakti) are verily blessed with Mukti (libe­ of livelihood that comes spontaneously
ration), while those devoid of that immortal without seeking. Such are the characteris­
tics of holy men. Intimate contact with
excellence of devotion can never hope
to experience Moksha (freedom from Sam­ them gives rise to delight in matters dealing
sara) even in dream. with the Divine excellences and accounts.
(41-43). When such delight is established
37. “What is the good of speaking too in the mind, loving devotion to God (Bhakti)
much, O Rama? I shall place before Thee is generated. Devotion gives rise to clear
the most essential requirement of devotional and comprehensive realisation of the Divine.
life. Contact with holy men (Sadhus) is the This is the royal road to Mukti adopted
one essential means for the attainment of
by men of sound discernment. Therefore,
Moksha. (38-40). A Sadhu (a true holy
O Rama, may I ever have Bhakti charac­
man) is one in whom the following
excellences are found: even-mindedness terised by intense love of Thee! May I
towards all including friend, enemy and O Hari, particularly have contact with
neutral; desirelessness; control of the senses holy men completely devoted to Thee.
in respect of external objects; abandonment My life’s purpose has been attained today
of the three eshanas (desire for children, by this meeting 1 am having with Thee.
for wealth, and for heavenly enjoyment); 44. Today all the Vedic rituals [ have
placidity of mind arising from complete practised have come to their fruition.
self-mastery; supreme devotion to Thee; Long have 1 been practising austerities
equanimity of mind in success and failure; without any other thought in my mind
absence of all attachments; abandonment except Thee. O Rama! The blessing 1
of all evil and selfish actions; abiding have got today through this opportunity to
interest in contemplating on Brahman; the offer adoration to Thee in this form as the
practice of Yama and other disciplines of Incarnate, is the result of all the disciplines

TsnirmHW’fr ihstxr: i ^rr ^rfqrr gu n 46

5n«nx?Ht wt I
i ’rHimft'iifcfc Kr*r*n wswft: 11 47

arffcr <m&nRr WTRt 1 ifawsr II 48

^THT II 49
sy*n ^ia[FRWnW w safa’ 1
gft HRTHT^T 5<ntMt qtfSRT || 50

sn^w<$frn 11 3 11

and austerities I have practised. 45. May a burden to this earth. It is for this purpose
Thou dwell in my heart with Sita for ever. that Thou hast incarnated in a human body.
And May the remembrance of Thee 48. About two Yojanas from here, there is
occur constantly in my mind in all con­ an Ashrama named Panchavati on the
ditions, whether I am engaged in some work banks of the river Gautami, surrounded by
or am resting!” a sacred forest. O noblest of the descen­
dents of Raghu! You can spend the
(46-47). Adoring Rama, the consort of rest of your forest life in that place. 49.
Rama in this way, the great Rishi Agastya O protector of holy men! There you can
presented to him a bow which Indra had accomplish many objectives for the benefit
entrusted him with for the purpose of being of the Devas.” 50. Rama, who was none
handed over to Rama. He also gave him but the all-knowing and all-powerful Hari,
a quiver that is never exhausted of arrows having heard the very meaningful hymn of
and a sword studded with gems and said,“O Agastya and the guidance given by him,
scion of Raghu’s line! Destroy with these went away highly satisfied in the direction
the tribe of Rakshasas who have become shown by the sage.
<J __ c

’nn *5Fwifa I fcWcra fwa: n i

ggriro atfc? n^RTts^ foa: i ii 2
nJFH?r nsrw wife: 1 wtfs( to fanner 113
stztstot to ?t figure n 4
sr^ ftww 1 wror totRto jraft ^wsfa 115
star tow^i ifensm sprara: 1 strt g^rroro to: ii 6
W to wm wc is1 ir aiftTOr 117
<?3iHp9idm(qj$q 5^5:1 ^r?hto ?tot shun ii 8
w »ftaiW ’rarest 1 HF^t ^’hto 119
j=wr8 tort 1 11 10
TOTOOTOf^ I ft^TO TOSSf faffftTOF II 11
*MlW TOf | IS^TKWIC^ Wh II 12
wfa JT^ TO&TOc<TOR&: I S3<TTO(t FTR TlA 3TO$T «&* II 13

Chapter 4
Meeting with Jatayu (1-15) happen to go into the forest to hunt, I
!• While travelling along the path shown shall guard and protect Sita, the daughter
by the sage Agastya, Rama and party came of Janaka.” Hearing these words of the
across the aged eagle Jatayu, mountain­ eagle, Rama said with great affection,
like in size and wondrous in appearance. “O King of eagles! Your words are
2. Thereupon Rama said: '*O Lakshmana, praiseworthy. Please stay in this forest
get my bow. What is standing before us itself not very far off from my residence,
must be one of those Rakshasas eating up and help me whenever I want.” 8. Address­
the Rishis. He deserves to be killed.” ing these words to the eagle and embracing
3. Frightened to hear those words of
him, the great Lord Rama, the delight of
Rama, that king of the eagles said, “I do
the Raghus, moved on with Lakshmana
not deserve to be killed by you, O Rama! and Sita.
I am a close friend of your father. (4-7)
9. Reaching the bank of the river Gautami
am the eagle named Jatayu. Desirous (Godavari), there in the region called
of serving you, I shall stay in Panchavati Panchavati, Lakshmana built a roomy cot­
itself. If ever you and Lakshmana both tage for the party to stay. (10-13). That

wr sprat i star 9^ 11 w
3(Rta sfw ftw stones: l sften srcr: 11 is
t(Ki 1 fcrcrTOt ^n ’ntercqr n u
wr; sfrgfa^rfa 1 ?^r: qm^npnsy wns^rtw 11 17
9R fernrfrfej 1 arra^ iws w Rrartsfa ^r 11
j’jpf ^Krfa ft g^gro <TC^| WrSRfr II 19
3TT^ RWIW'i ft ^nfa ^raraj; 1
qww w^n g«Rt w^ 1
’TFH HTO ’Tfai^Tft 1 f winn: "22
faqfarar w sm q^wR^ i ftfflRmrriRi 11 23
3RT r^fig^T (fpjfa | HiT-Ti (W -^r 11 24

place was situated on the northern bank was sitting in solitude, Lakshmanaapproach”
of the Godavari, away from the madding ed him in due form and humility and
crowds and surrounded by a thick growth questioned him. 17. He said “O Lotus­
of fruit-bearing trees like Kadamba, Panasa eyed One, all-knowing and all-powerful!
and Amra. Delighting Sita, Rama stayed I wish to know from Thee the sure means
there as immortals in heaven along with for the attainment of Moksha. Deign to
Lakshmana of deep insight. Lakshmana expound it to me in brief. 18. O the leader
devoted himself to the service of Rama in of Raghu’s line! Deign to impart to me
every way. Every day he went out and Jnana (knowledge) together with Vijnana
collected the roots and fruits of the forest (realisation of spiritual truth) augmented
and fed Rama with them. At night he by devotion and renunciation of worldly
kept vigil with bow and arrow in hand, values. In the world there is none other
protecting the residence of Rama. 14. than Thee to expound this recondite theme.”
All the three of them went every day for 19. Rama replied: “O dear brother!
their ablutions to the Godavari. While Listen. I shall speak to you on the most
going for, and returning from, bath, Rama profound of all doctrines which frees one
and Lakshmana walked in front and behind immediately from delusions of the figments of
with Sita in the middle. 15. With great imagination. (20-24). First I shall expound to
joy Lakshmana brought the water required youthenature of Maya. Next I shall describe
for their use. Thus the three lived in the steps that lead to knowledge (Jnapa),
great happiness. and after that to Vijnana or knowledge
accompanied with realisation, and to
Rama’s sermon to Lakshmana (16-55)
the Supreme Self (the Paramatman). The
16. During one of those days, while Rama Paramatman is the object of the spiritual
i wr wFPh sft: w n 25

3RT^ wt W I II 26
a^:$5r ^Hrf^sr: f% II 27
^f^TOt TO cFTOTO^ I it^r W TO )l 28
fwwt /qrosfata 1 wfrfe <4 ta ^rfastaRt 11 29
slfiw’tt stat ‘HflRtn fcm: 1 to sftrofMft wrota Il 30
qwin 'Twt to task 1 wiroiwn TOtf&nfcrtata^ 11 31
wfwi taro^n tot 1 HHrwmw <rftta^ 1132
I *%TO5TW’sts fttam 11 33

aspirant’s quest. By knowing him one is enced as snake. AU that men constantly
released from Bhaya—fear consisting in hear, see and remember—it is all unreal,
the repeated experience of death and birth just like the contents of a dream or imagina­
in Samsara. That by the power of which tion. The body is the firm root of the
one falsely feels the sense of selfhood tree of Samsara.
with regard to the body-mind, which in 27. “It is because of the body that con­
reality is not the Self at all—that is Maya. nection with wife and children and other
This Samsara, based on the false identifica­ members of the family is established. No
tion, is entirely a creation of Maya. O other form of connection with these can be
noble one! Maya is traditionally accepted traced between them and oneself. The
as having two aspects—Vikshepa (projection) Atman does not in any way need them.
and Avarana (covering up). The whole of (28-29). The body-mind is a combination
the objective universe in its gross and of several factors. The five gross elements,
subtle form, embracing everything from the the five subtle elements, the ‘I’ sense (Aham-
Mahattatva (all-comprehending category) to kara), intellect (Buddhi), the ten senses,
the Cosmic Being (Brahma) is super-imposed mind (Manas) which is a reflection of
by the power (Sakti) known as Vikshepa. Pure Consciousness, Root-Nature (Mula-
The other aspect of Avidya known as Prakriti)—the combination of all these is
Avarana (covering power) completely covers what is called Kshetra, also known as the
up die real nature of Pure Consciousness body. 30. The Jiva is distinct from this
and thus paves the way for the super­ complex described above. He is the Spirit
imposition of this multifarious universe (Paramatman), free from happiness and
on Pure Consciousness by Maya (or the sorrow. I shall now tell you the means
Vikshepa aspect of it). (25-26). On dis­ by which the truth about the Jiva could be
criminating, the world of multiplicity is ascertained.
found only to be a product of delusion and (31-37). “The terms Jiva (Individual spirit)
not really existent, just like the rope experi­ and Paramatman (Supreme Spirit) ate synon-

3Wfc ^JWTR T^Wf^S II 34

prri wit w i lift wqfwn qfa: n 35

5R^r: ^T || 36
snwft ^T^hTt wwrj 3*fS^M^R II 37

$7-^5 1138

^r ^ft wr fafw 7 I f^TR 7 a^OTT^^MT II 39

3TW S$T Tji: ^iR^M^FlWtSsqq: I 11 40

hswEm. ’Tiwiwraj i Wfe^T7^ || 4i

ymous. There is no difference between about the truth of scriptural dicta. The
these. Therefore, do not entertain identi­ practice of these disciplines will lead to
fication with the body as oneself. Avoid Jnana, the knowledge of the Spirit. In
fraud, oppression and infliction of pain on their absence, the result will be the contrary.
other beings. Bear with fortitude the criti­
cisms and persecutions of others. Be without 38. “Jnana (knowledge of the Spirit) is
crookedness. Be devoted to a true teacher that knowledge by which one gets certitude
and serve him with mind, speech and body. that the real T is distinct from Buddhi,
Observe purity, mental and physical. Be Prana, Ahamkara (I-sense), Manas (Mind)
steady in the performance of virtuous acts. and body, but is, on the other hand, one
Control your mind, speech and body. with Pure Consciousness, eternal, pure and
Have no longing for sense objects. Be wakeful. 39. When this conviction becomes
free from egotism. Be always aware of a constant realisation or actuality, that is
the evils of birth, old age etc. Be non- called Vijnana (Enlightenment). 40. The
attach’ed to sons, wife etc.; avoid cherishing Atman infills everything. He is of the
towards them affection that partakes of parti­ nature of Pure Consciousness and Bliss.
ality. Be equanimous when desirable and He has no destruction. He is free from
undesirable experiences come. Have const­ attachment, aversion etc., which are the
ant devotion to Me, Ranta, who is the characteristics of His adjuncts like Buddhi.
soul of all beings. Do not concern your He is free from all transformations (which are
mind with matters that are not spiritual; characteristics of the products of Prakriti
resort to holy places that are free from and its evolutes). 41. It is He who endows
crowds of men. Never feel attraction for the body-mind with consciousness and Him­
the company of worldly-minded people. self stands self-revealed. He is the One with
Let the . search for the Atman be your sole out a second whose existence can never be-
quest. Always be reflecting in your.mind coyered up or sublated; Truth, conscious-

W wfr sfzt AMbtawiuti i 11 42

^ro^rorohfroftin ft ‘ 1 qmiwft 11 43 V
Cw 4

< HITOH tRMHkTOWPl 1 Htwi *TO?TO 11 44

9nft^H)wift< 5r 'tcrto: 1 gfaftgiaRnm^n 45
wrowft w toto * iFRt 1 to <Ato*HhI ft 11 46
MWftl TOFRhTOW fcftwE’nfa^’j w II47
Wwait *^Rr TOro^Rt ftw^ 1 wsw to TOigftro^ 11 48
tototw tos hwA w Tft: 1 to ii 49
TO TO^TOWt ^RTOftRlftoft | qfa SSSIFft ftTO TO! ^TOftl^ ll 50
srat ^fcag<N4!l w I t^FT Wt ^ftdH<l^l^ list

to JnHigmro: i stSfir: wrn’nror g sftroroiisz

ness etc., are his characteristics. (42-47). light they can see it. Even like that,
This Eternal Witness, unrelated to anything to those who have devotion to Me, the
and self-revealing, comes to be understood Atman shines. I shall, therefore, tell you
through realisation. When, through the ins­ now some of those factors that generate
truction of the scripture and the teacher, the devotion to Me.
understanding of unity of the individual (48-50). “Association with My devotees,
Self with the Supreme Self dawns on the adoring service of Me, constant service
mind of an aspirant, then the root-ignorance of My devotees, observance of the vow of
(Mula-avidya) along with its cause and Ekadasi and the like, keen interest in listen­
its effects dissolve into the Supreme Self ing to, reading and exposition of accounts of,
That state is called Mukti (Liberation). My excellences, adherence to My ceremonial
O scion of Raghu’s line! I have expounded worship, repetition of My name and hymning
to you My true nature along with the about my attributes-those whoare constantly
teachings regarding its knowledge and its devoted to these disciplines gain unshakable
realisation. All this doctrine about bon<J- devotion to Me. What else is there to gain
age and liberation is secondary. (They than this? 51. Therefore, one who is
are not actual; for the Atman is ever-free) endowed with devotion to me attains
But this Supreme Truth about the Atman
knowledge, non-attachment and enlighten­
never dawns in the minds of people who ment quickly. Thereby he attains Mukti
are without devotion to Me. At night, in (liberation). 52. In accordance with your
darkness, even men with eyes cannot see questions I have expounded to you all these
their foot-steps. When they are provided with Truths. One who remembers and follows


r g qsfei I WHMW&iHi fa^R 11 54
RRhlfcRWHf R faWRlRFft R^T I

flwq feratssMfcr TOt RFRRT II 55

xfa RtaWlWRHR wwr^
3nr°w^ R^f: Rif: 11 v 11

these teachings becomes fit to attain Mukti. delights in the service of Me, understands
53. You should never impart these teachings the nature of the Self to be purity, is devoid
even under compulsion to those who have of attachments and is ever striving in the
no trace of devotion to Me, but you -nitist spiritual path—to .such a person whose
impart them to My devotees, even calling mind neVer goes to anything other than
them to your side. 54. Whoever studies the service of holy men and holy causes,
this daily, with faith and devotion succeeds Moksha is an achievement already in hand.
in shattering the thick darkness of Ignor­ They become fit to see My presence always
ance and attaining liberation. 55. Whoever and everywhere. There is no other way for
is devoted to Me, practises communion this attainment.
with Me, is pure in heart and calm in mind,

to: :

W& Wnft I fTOR M^IRMI II 1

TOT TO3RT: RiftqR: I TORIR^nfffR 'KTFT micfrttfr II 2
tot ’TR^Htferr i rt Kttnwroi fafrm u 3
Wk '

Chapter 5
Surpanakha’s arrival (1-17) who had the capacity to assume any form she
1. In those days, in the thick forest that liked. (2-3). On a certain day this Rakshasa
surrounded Janasthana, there moved about woman noticed on the banks of the Godavari
a Rakshasa woman of enormous strength the foot-prints of Rama, the Lord of the

w si a toto $to to i to 11 4
wit to^to toi 1 5^1>5161^^1^ihw its
m ^wt to wft sirofaft» tow Wffj n 6
sfen toi ^tow
3 ^R^Iu^iIh to TO^t I TOJ 11 8
w it wr tffcn ^wrfM I * 5 W wuftsdtag?^: u 9
fa TO 3 ft I WW* TOTO? TO^Wi^ll 10
TO TO ^TSt TH^ ftlft'bl'lit I 'tMldlS •< SVHlfa ^'W TO%^f^ ||
to: stat <wfci toto. starostat^ I *ro uro MKr^ft ^toRh! 1112
ta 3 TOR^^H TO I ^TO^ MH «WI WMlsata 5^* ||13

H^igrot %tfTO TO^TO ^®R I ^jf»T WM TO TO ^4t II 14

universe, with-marks of Lotus, Vajra (dia- yourself.

; ” To her Rama replied, “I am
mond weapon) and Ankusa (hook). Seeing known 1 as Rama, the son of the King of
the extremely handsome nature of these Ayodhya. 2 This beautiful woman is my wife
foot-prints, she was struck with passionate Sita,
! the daughter of Janaka. The other per­
love for the one to whom they belonged, s son with me is my handsome younger brother
So following the track of these foot-prints Lakshmana. Now, O beauty-queen of the
she arrived at the abode of Rama. 4-5. whole universe! What do you want of me?
Seeing there, in the company of Sita, the Speak out.” Hearing these words of
Cupid-like Rama, the consort of Lakshmi, Rama, that love-lorn Rakshasa woman said
this Rakshasa woman with intensified passion in reply: 11. “O Rama! Come along with
for him, asked him, “Whose son are you? me. We shall have a very enjoyable time,
What’s your name? Why do you stay in moving about in this forest. I, who am
the Ashrama donning tree-bark clothes and in the grip of passion, cannot remain separa­
matted locks? What are you going to ted from you, O lotus-eyed one!”
attain by staying here? 6. I am a Rakshasa (12-14). Casting a meaningful sidelong
woman named Surpanakha, who can assume glance at Sita, Rama replied to that woman
any form I like. I am a sister of the great with a smile, “Here is this handsome woman,
Ravana, the lord of the Rakshasas. 7. my wife who never remains separated from
I am staying in this forest along with Khara, me. So you will have to be only a co-wife
my brother. Our king Ravana has assigned which will be intolerable to you. Here
this whole forest to me. I stay here eating outside is my brother Lakshmana, who is
up all the ascetics I come across. (8-10). very handsome in appearance. He will be a
I desire to be acquainted with you. O» fitting husband for you. You enjoy life
eloquent one! Tell me everything aboutt with him moving about in this forest.” At

^igiKt gw’T *n racq i wft ’frn <3tw ^nr^n ii is

w< ^n°r: mfer ^thTs< ghra: i e^rat <^rfa <rat II16
gift I c^I gRTCTORFR j^nw II 17
sfitsnstw ftwl ht TOwrefro: I <^Wr gf tftat wnfa <mra: ll is
<?^FTT sn^HSSTR^r I rnt nwtt <awm^FT <rfcra n »
snR’ftsswfaw: I gnt ifasift tot ll 20
I'nrf toi qwsjo i tow: II 21
^fftaiRT I d ^fEFiTTW 'Mqfo<r<4(M II22
WS wft w atarrornwr: i ^3^ fWT || 23
mtW tot ’itfei: I 1124
^^5n*n*rfe^’nW^wn^ 112s

these words of Rama, Surpanakha turned Sita, assuming a fierce form. Thereupon,
towards Lakshmana and said, “O handsome on the orders of Rama, the powerful Laksh­
one! Be pleased to be my husband. 15. mana cut off her ears and nose with a sword.
According to the command of your brother, As blood flowed all over her body, that
we both shall be united. Let there be no Rakshasa woman gave out a fierce howl.
delay.” Moved by intense sexual passion, Shrieking and uttering abusive words, she
that fierce Rakshasi said thus to Lakshmana. went and fell before the Rakshasa Khara
(16-17). Lakshmana now said to her, “O of fierce speech. He thereupon asked her*,
good woman! I am only a servant of that “How has this happened? This atrocity
highly intelligent person, Rama. Do you must have been done on you by one who is
. want to become a servant woman? What almost in the mouth of death. I am going
is more pitiable than that? So, you go to to kill him, even if he be as powerful as
Rama again for your own good. He is the Kala.” (23-25). That Rakshasi, thereupon
king and the lord of all.” Hearing this, replied, “Rama, along with Sita and Laksh­
that evil-minded woman approached Rama mana,is staying on the banks of the Godavari
again. with theideaof making this forest of Dandaka
Surpanakha’s mutilation and free of fear for men. His brother Laksh­
destruction of Khara (18-37) mana, directed by him, has done this to me.
(18-22). In great anger she said, “O Rama, If you are a man of a great family and a
- fickle-minded as you are, why are you hero, you go and kill those two enemies.
teasing me like this? Now itself, in your I shall drink their blood and you eat the
very presence, I shall devour this Sita, bodies of those audacious men. If you
who is at the bottom of all this mischief.’’ do not do this, I shall give up my body and
With these words, she rushed towards go to the abode of Yama.”
[Cb. 5
^5T wifa *wt II 26

<aro frftro wn h 27
3wra w AW ^rwn i
«mr staler W w lbs
A tfta’ HRW^Whw i
djHNir^ wn: I ?rftRft ^pki w ss 11 29
sAfcBFRt ssk wn^ sfcsfar: 1130
tffaf #teqr g$f ir^t fere m<(<^ I
Aft stmws WFfr sec At 11 31
fcfs^ WR wfttrsftr Afcft I
Akrawr^ s^FRifsiRsr^: n 32
At Tfcsi H3WI
^ra 3wiR Aft I sngsnfa ftMift Ttwwfr 1133

flift wftsftgWrai fw&t vn<i. aft s^n hwh: 11 34

gt ftfira ^Ft ^ TPRI 3rr Jiswr wft cw 11 35
w*f wsf^ satfhwnAt 1136
qnfAtsft I
Aft A wld^f 5RHTg^T<3n I wwfr ws 3rwh n 37

ing to this proposal, Lakshmana, leading

(26*28). The words of Surpranakha drove
Sita, went to the cave. 32. And lordly
Khara into a fit of anger. He quickly Rama tying up his cloth and hair, stood
started on an expedition. With an army
there ready with his terrible bow in hand
of ferocious Rakshasas, fourteen thousand
and his inexhaustible quiver tied to his
strong, he started for. the destruction of
Rama, accompanied by the Rakshasa lea­ back. 33. The Rakshasas reached the spot
ders Trisiras and Dushana, all holding quickly and they began to shower on Rama
various kinds of weapons ready to strike. various kinds of weapons, rocks and trees.
Hearing the tumultuous uproar produced by' (34-35). Rama in reply cut all those missiles
this army, Rama said to Lakshmana: into shreds. With a thousand arrows, he
(29-31). “A terrific sound is audible. It killed all those Rakshasas, including the
is certain that the Rakshasas are on the three leaders, Khara, Trisiras and Dushana
move. There is going to be a fierce fight within a short period of half • a Yama.
between them and me. O powerful Laksh­ 36. Lakshmana, now led Sita back from
mana! Taking Sita, you go to the neigh­ the cave to Rama’s presence. Seeing the
bouring cave for shelter. You remain number of Rakshasas killed, all were
there and I shall destroy all these Rakshasas astonished. 37. Sita embraced Rama, with
of terror-inspiring forms. Don’t say any­ a face shinning like a full-blown lotus.
thing against this directive of mine. You She rubbed and healed the wounds on
are vowed to obey my words,” Agree­ Rama’s body with her hands.

sift TOn wi i <rr<t iRqr tfwnn$ ^Fat qi^MI 113«

trto qqraMi w i tor st tiw *

rMt *wftg<giqii39

ufaslRre ?< i Siqw qi .JR? ST II 40

zrfs bph 3^1 wst rq W^t || 4l
qMiHxN ^fWsra: w: *4 w 'hA^Ri a 42
te: ^wfron i ^3&r u^hht wn«( ii 43

qww^ijlfrr gsftat 5a<i s wnfa fa^wi 03 11 44

it st tth: faw st sri w 1 wmq 11 45

qrsr ’flws 1 RR Wfct jn ifaww II <6

wft w TRt ^rsflMcdt^rf: ।
11 47
^FRitsfq smfhr: 1 R® WT fan&Rft Sfaft II 48
^FE^rmHt qg«natf <wfasn 1 Sf w <pn II 49
Surpanakha’s Representation to Ravana mation? (43-44) Khara,Dushana and Trisiras
(38-61) have all been killed in battle and an army
(38-42). Seeing all those leading Raksha­ of fourteen thousand Rakshasas destroyed
sas dead, Surpanakha, the sister of Ravana, by Rama, the sworn enemy of Rakshasas.
rushed to Lanka. Crying aloud, she went The whole of Janasthana has now been
into the royal assembly of Ravana and made a safe abode for ascetics. You have
fell flat on the floor. Seeing his sister not known any of these events. It is
in such a frightened and distressed therefore that I stigmatise you as a fool.”
condition, Ravana said, “Dear sister, get Hearing this, Ravana enquired: 45.
up, get up. Who is it that mutilated you “Who is this Rama? Why has he killed
in this way? Be it Indra, Yama, Varuna all these Rakshasas? Tell me everything
or Kubera—tell me their name, and within about it. I shall cause the total destruction
a moment I shall reduce them to ashes.” of these enemies.” Surpanakha then said:
The Rakshasa woman, Surpanakha now (46-47). “Recently I happened to go to
replied to him, “You are a heedless fool Janasthana on the banks of the Godavari.
given to drinking and the company of In that region is located Panchavati, a
women. You are as good as a eunuch. place formerly inhabited by ascetics. At
That is what your conduct reveals. How can that place, I happened to meet Rama,
you call yourself a king,, when you do not handsome and lotus-eyed, equipped with
have an efficient system for gathering infor- bow and arrows, and donning tree-bark
[Ch. 5
I ^rfw^so
at «<rH tor
I aats<afa^r ^ipw^ n 51
1 3ra: w kr^r a^ranfear 11 52
1 afc Tnfr Ka: ^rict^taa ftrfa'nfe 1153
l aft- ht aa wt waw aa sftfaa^ 1154
. , n____ <\___ a w&ft&KflfSlt
C ____ a II 55

aateimt ’jjai fast a ^srt^ n 57

wn aa a sa^sa-gat ft 58


clothes and matted locks. (48-49). Equipped fruitful. (55-56). O great King! You have
just like himself, there was by his side, now got to take steps to somehow secure
the lotus-eyed Sita, the most noted among
his younger brother Lakshmana. With
the world beauties, as your wife. But,
Rama,there was also his wife,an unparalleled
O my Lord and King! You won’t be able
beauty, the like of whom you will not find
among the Devas, Gandharvas or men. to do it directly by facing Rama. You
O King'. She looks veritably like another will have to hoodwink him by some magical
Sri and her presence illumines the forest. strategem and then approach her.”
(50-54). O sinless one! I tried to get that 57. Hearing this representation of his
women over here to be your wife, but sister, Ravana consoled her with good
Lakshmana, at the order of his brother words and presents. He then went to
cut off my nose and ears. Crying in great his residential quarters. Immersed in
pain and distress, I approached Khara. thought, he could not get sleep that night.
He came with his army of Rakshasas to He thought: 58. “How is it that Khara,
punish Rama, but the whole of that fierce with his army, was destroyed by Rama, a
and courageous army of Rakshasas was des­ mere man? Proud of his own strength
troyed by that powerful man Rama. It seems and courage as he was, it is a wonder to me
to me that if he makes up his mind, Rama that mv brother Khara could thus be
can reduce the whole world to ashes in half a destroyed by, Rama. 59. In all probability,
moment. Now if that woman could be Rama may not be a mere man. He may
got as your wife, your life will really become be that Supreme Being, who has now


;rt www fat ^.wr ^nfa || 60
^ftfaFnfww^t ifafaf^n ’rcw 5fa( i
s spnfa *rfh n 61
<fa «fhRWctKfflH'ir
snow’s- ’Tsw:: *fa: ll mi II

assumed a human form in the line of the oppose Rama.” 61. Reflecting in this way,
Raghus, and come with his forces to destroy that lord of the Rakshasas concluded that
me with my army, as implored by Brahma Rama must be Hari, the Supreme Lord,
in days of old. 60. If I am killed by the and resolved within himself, “I shall attain
Supreme Self, I shall reign in the Supreme to Him through the attitude of confronta­
Realm of Vaikuntha. If I am not killed, tion; for, the Lord does not reveal himself
I shall be enjoying this realm of the Rak­ quickly by ordinary forms of Bhakti (devo­
shasas for a long time. So, I am going to tion).”

to: ifI:

mi fl swfa Frmfera: i fafsFqr u t

’Fl WW ’K I
II 3
sjgwn 'prfaFir wfrfsr i II 4

Chapter 6

Ravana at Mareecha’s Abode (1-14). heart on that Supreme Being, who though
(1-3). Reflecting thus at night, the transcending the Gunas of Prakriti, is yet
intelligent Ravana made some resolutions reflected in the Gunas. After he obtained
in his mind. Ascending his chariot (the external consciousness from the depths
aerial vehicle Pushpaka), he went to the of Samadhi, he saw Ravana who had arrived
other side of the ocean, where the Rakshasa at his abode. 4. He got up from his seat
Mareecha was staying. There, Mareecha, immediately, embraced Ravana, received
donning tree-bark .cloth and matted locks him in the proper form, and did him hos­
like an ascetic, was contemplating in his pitality. After giving him a comfortable

wr i tern ftfteR; n 5

aft St 5i ft rq^^aft ^I^^RMT^Istft n 6

"■ *\ *

Slftl Wl ?Wit fet I UWlf s^ra sro wiw 11 7

ftwnw gd aa ^RSRtejj ^nw sftd wr ^Rfwr hhP«w< ii 8

< ^t ftftft aft q^nzawt 1 era %nar tewit star edtofWtftal 9

tift ftwiwt wi Mtafwnaj iat ^n fWt gawtsftfaifa: u 10
afSpn: ^rarn Hifa^ l ^RW fasft fa&r: iin
arraaar «rai wiww( 1 snntenft fafa^ Tft^ ^ftur 11 M
?a 5 arwtt ^ai wawi^ata 1 aw a ww 3a w star 1113
w 3 wawa 3 w aaraafa ajSa^ I ^a wanna a wa fate 11 14

seat, Mareecha said to Ravana: (5-6). queen of the world. 10. He is now staying
0 Ravana! How is it that you have come fearlessly in the forest after killing my
alone in a chariot? Your face reflects courageous army of Rakshasas including
that you are caught up in some worrying Khara, who were absolutely guiltless in this
toon of thoughts. If it is not a secret, reveal affair. 11. This wicked fellow Rama has
to me what it is. O great King! If it is also cut off the nose and ears of my innocent
anything righteous and not attended by sister Surpanakha, and yet is staying
sinful consequences, I shall accomplish fearlessly in this forest 12. With your
what is dear to you.” help, I shall manage to remove Rama from
Now Ravana said: 7. “You must know that region of the forest, and then,
of a famous King of Ayodhya by name while he is away, abduct his wife. 13.
Dasaratha. His eldest son Rama is noted Assuming the form of an illusory deer,
for his truthfulness and heroism. 8. King you should attract Rama and Lakshmana
Dasaratha has sent this son of his, along away from their Ashrama. Taking that
with his wife and his brother Lakshmana, to opportunity, I shall carry away Sita. 14.
the forest, which is the abode of ascetics And after you have done me that much
and forest-dwellers. 9. He is now staying of service, you can come back and live as
in an Ashrama at Panchavati amidst a you are now doing.” Mareecha was astoun­
dense fear-inspiring forest. He has a ded to hear these words of Ravana and he
handsome wife Sita, who can be the beauty gazed at him in wonder.

qww T3:1 3 tffasro WTO5T fahfa Il is

uro ffawfa w»r I *fafrsfa ’iwiR s: Il u
wCwfor mww mfa i fa^Rfa sHwk n n
^n nfar< fa ’ra’nfa faa: n is
fa fa£nfafa^ I

w wifaM slfa mfcra: i

snfarsw <wnr nt Mfa^nffa^ tt 20

fa wfac nffarsfa
TOFfHgfat fatffat w^lW fatf^uu 21
wifa w faurfa farafa fatnffa: 1
nsRcTOofknrft^ fafatSfc fa fa fa^ n 22
tut wnw faft sr^r TOisrfafa 1
ffanr nftfat n^r ’Efa iffa? nn^rrgf^rq^ n 23

Conversation between Ravana and form of a deer with sharp horns, surrounded
Mareecha (15-29) by many other deer like myself. 20. With
Mareecha replied: 15. Who is it that a view to kill him, I rushed towards Rama,
has given you this advice, which, if carried who was in the company of Sita and Laksh­
out, will bring about our total destruction? mana. Seeing me approaching, he sent
He must certainly be an enemy of ours,
one arrow at me. 21. Struck by that arrow,
deserving slaughter. He must be devising O king of the Rakshasas, I was thrown
a way for your destruction. (16-18). Even into the ocean whirling. After that, I
as a boy, when he came for giving protection have in great fear taken shelter in this
to the sacrificial rites of Viswamitra, Rama,
secluded place. 22. Withdrawing myself
with a single arrow, hurled me into the from all objects of enjoyments, I am livin8
ocean over a distance of a hundred Yojanas. here, constantly thinking of Rarna out
O Ravana! Thinking of Rama’s prowess, my fear. Not only that, 1 shake with fear
mind gets overpowered by fear even now. even on hearing words indicating objects
Remembering those incidents, I am appre­ of enjoyments beginning with R words
hending the presence of Rama everywhere like Raja, Ratna, Ramani, Ratha, etc; for
out of fear. 19. Even afterwards, retaining the very sound ‘R’, with which Ramas
m mind my old enmity towards him, I name begins, fills me with dread. (23-24)*
went one day to the Dandaka forest in the I have abandoned all external enterprises,

to Stfsrat ftrafe snfara: i

Wft ftfs’r ’W wf sift orf? ii m
nW RW TOfa I
fei TOlt ’Tft’T^T WH^T Wt I
ff* ’nr *riw <Kroi>fir<& n 25
srgr’dh’tfH^ ?fawi^s>TTOnf^r 1

iiwifa otr s <ft: ft aWws^nfa^ii m

wlHwfire^frre r toS gfir w* 1
5WWWMMMII *rfe ftg 5WSR ^41 27
sr% =r HT35T to: TORiwhsTO: i wisf^nfa: || 28
’5’Wwm *i^ ma 1 sjfu uhRt^t tot: 5RTO?a 11 29
tow to w snf’rat wn ftm 1 qt ’wfec ww 1130
1 3rits( w mawF^p^i nw^ ll 31

fearing that Rama may come at me any­ Lotus-eyed one! Bom in the world of
where at any moment. Constantly thinking men as the son of Dasaratha, deign to
of Rama, when sleep overcomes me, I see destroy the ten-headed Ravana, our enemy.-
Rama in dream, and getting awakened, I 28. Therefore know that Rama is not a mere
man. He is the Eternal Being Narayana
am spending sleepless nights sitting. There­
fore, O great one! You abandon your who by His mysterious power Maya has
designs against Rama and go home. 25. Do assumed the form of a man and come to the
not be the cause of the destruction of the forest. He is not afraid of any one. 29.
tribe of Rakshasas, whom you have raised He has incarnated in order to relieve the
to a state of great prosperity for a very earth of her burden. So, O dear one, return
long period. Accept my advice which home, giving up your present enterprise.”
is given in good faith for your own welfare. Hearing these words of Mareecha, Ravana
Give up your enmity towards Rama, who replied:
is Paramatma Himself. Seek him with
true devotion. He is supremely merciful. Mareecha assumes the Form of a Golden
26. I have known everything about certain Deer (30-41)
secret matters from die words of the He said: (30-31). “If Rama is really the
sage Narada. In the Satya Yuga, the Supreme Being come on earth as man at
Supreme Being Hari had given word to Brahma’s imploring in order to kill me,
Brahma that He would grant his prayers he will accomplish it easily, whatever you
to him. 27. Brahma had said to Hari, ‘O may do. For whatever God wills, comes to

5n^ snwfa toI 3rranfafrfaui32

gfawrofTObta tor: i uifhRTO^: TOR^TOf^TO^ 35
nt TITOt TOIW 5^Kt TOnfal^ | nt TORT& HF*3'1 fTOt SP^ 3*
fWn to toijrw ^to: i to^to <M«K&44^i to snir ii 37
<?3TOf RURTOT TOt TOITO Ufa I ^<3TF|^W^ U 38
TO^t nfa^t ntarofirarm: I fai’Enror fanro TORft u 39
wnTOTOirer tftarefe’Ft 11 40
got wro^frot nnWTOR
to h topr^wtos ^r stat nfint^RsM: 11 41
o o\
<ln«ftTOTORHTOm TORtwm^
TOTOW^ TO !l $ ||

pass. Therefore by hook or by crook I will hands, Mareecha got up immediately and
take away Sita from Rama. 32. O bold one! said to Ravana: “O great King! I shall
You know that if I die in battle, I shall do as you command.”
attain the highest heaven. If I succeed in (38-40). With these words he ascended a
killing Rama in battle, I can enjoy Sita with­ chariot and soon went to the place where
out the fear of a rival. (33-35). Therefore,
Rama’s Ashrama was situated. Then in the
O respected one, get ready. You are to
attract Rama and Lakshmana to a far off neighbouring forest he moved about as a
distance from their Ashrama by assuming silver-spotted deer of golden colour, having
the form of an attractive magical deer. horns of gems, eyes of sapphire, hoofs of
After that you can return and stay happily pearls, the brightness of lightning, and a
in retirement as now. If you speak a face of great attractiveness. Moving about
single word of intimidation to me, I shall in that way, he reached the precincts of
cut off your head even now with my sword.” Rama’s Ashrama and attracted the notice
Hearing these words of Ravana, Mareecha of Sita. 41. While moving about, he would
thought within himself: (36-37). “If now run a little and then stop
Rama happens to kill me, I shall obtain for a while; coming near; he would run
freedom from this transmigratory cycle. away a little distance, as if out of fear-
But if I meet with death at the hands of Thus captivating Sita’s mind, that evil
this wicked fellow, I am sure to be consigned fellow of a Rakshasa moved about in the
to hell.” Thus preferring death at Rama’s guise of a magical deer.

are wtefa <iret i «<re yldi^i^ srrefc ll i

^rent srerf^re^i ^sf*cre^i wim! u 2
3IHI4W*Ail| to; wnn 1 l^reF^ ll 3
wi mft trento. 1 wH wre rewat&s^ 114
w4ta ureiARflra^ 1 wi’tor Stere to*nton 11 5
<nre tr to to’ sto
IM^u 1 *teMT to sKtenrer 11 6
gstfs agwr tos^. wwto^ 1 rei ^utoto Htei wto^to^ 11 7

into: afar teto wntorttoi sratsrrafta: wff vj ntereto^te II 8

wntr uwt? ^re 1 toW^ % inn tm 11 9

Chapter 7

The Destruction of Mareecha (1-25) approached Rama and said to him in a

(1-3). Rama, divining beforehand the humble tone: 6. “See, see! Here is a
designs of Ravana, had called Sita alone wonderful wild deer, spotted, many-coloured
one day and said to her: “O daughter of and bejewelled. It is moving about every­
Janaka! Listen to my words. Ravana is where fearlessly. Be pleased to capture
going to approach you in the form of an it and give it to me to be taken care of as an
ascetic for holy alms. Therefore you sub­ attractive pet animal byme.” 7. Rama agreed
stitute in the Ashrama a magically created to do so, and getting ready to start, took
double of yours, and stationing her out­ his bow in hand and said to Lakshmana:
side the Ashrama, you go in and hide your­ “Keep careful guard over my dear wife,
self in fire in an invisible form. As desired Sita. 8. In the forest there are many, terrible
by me you have to remain thus hidden for Rakshasas who are adepts in deception by
one year. When Ravana has been killed, you magic. You have therefore got to be
will join me again.” 4. Following this ins­ very vigilant in this matter. In every way
truction of Rama, Sita projected outside a protect the virtuous and devoted Sita.”
magical double of hers, and hid herself in fire. 9. But Lakshmana thereupon said to Rama,
5. Now the magical Sita saw the magical “O noble one, this is only Mareecha disguised
deer, and laughing in wonder at its sight, as a deer. There is no doubt about it.

’ife nifa tKi <fer H’ rsht: i w^wlfanfa tftarfewtfa n 10

qffanfa fa tnfapnfa resra i r 5R?fa flfafafateH: n u
Spfisfa ^MW5( I *T<l5ig«fa fat sft: || 13
farrfenfar w*ift fa far 1 spw 1 14
faw 3T fern far fe sfa <rwr: ii is

^ife^^faswn$r fa srnrfa 1
?wr ^<fa wn^i ^iM)sftft^Riufats^r^^^Hi6
fearer 5HW nfa wwnqj tth fasrawrair wfa: n n
sr satsfa MSRitr snfe wro nt i xitori Tret sffaw n is
wfarrsfa ufa ^n n^rewsnr^ 1 fcnW sR ffafags 11 19
fa: faster <npra: 1 nfanftw<\r ffan<rcnng: 11 20

For, a deer of this kind can occur nowhere.” and were awaiting death at Rama’s hands.)
To this Rama said in reply: 10. “If it is Ma- Otherwise, what significance has a deer or
reecha, I shall certainly kill him. If it is really a woman got for that self-fulfilled and
a deer, I shall capture it for the entertain­ illumined being?
ment of Sita. 11.1 am anyway starting now, (16-17). Now appearing near, next runn­
but shall return soon with the captured ing away and disappearing, now again
animal. You please guard Sita vigilantly.” emerging at a distance and next disappearing,
(12-15). After instructing in this way Rama the deer managed to draw Rama to a con­
followed the magical deer (Maya-mrigd)— siderable distance. Rama now became con­
Rama who is the support of the cosmic vinced that that deer must really be an
magic called Maya, which is world-bewitch­ Asura and struck it with an arrow. Then
ing and which manifests as the universe. the real Mareecha fell down in his natural
In spite of being the Pure Spirit, self-ful­ form in a pool of blood. 18. While falling,
filled and changeless, he followed the deer he cried out in a voice resembling that of
for pleasing Sita, though knowing that the Rama, “Alas’. Alas’. O powerful Laksh­
deer was really Mareecha. He did all this mana! I am dying. Come quickly and
only to fulfil the dictum that the Supreme save me.” (19-20). By merely uttering
Lord is ever gracious to His devotees. (For Rama’s name at the time of death, Jivas
Mareecha was a devotee who wanted death attain to Him, Sri Hari. Then what glorious
at his hand as a means of salvation, and state must have been attained by that
Ravana too was one of those two devotees, Asura who met with death at His hand and
Jaya and Vijaya, who were under a curse with His physical presence within his sight

ft TOW ft sro: gfaRw i totoft Mfen to toft: ii 21

towh 1 wto ’tRfto 1122
to’ w swi fasfcnihTOW: I ttW^t fa^: ttrtoft h: II23
tot wt ^rft ’n’ft ?n snft^rsft ^r 1 rM?$Sre< to wkt mft 'H 11 24
<ft ^S^HWT TOt fti ^Hl 25
to«Rtotoi« fcwftsswr: 1
ftqj syqi MdWTOUi TOM jfcnft ft 1126
ft?TO^tTOl nft ^F*FRta II 27
star TOft* hi(H« ^tto: i .
fww4^ I «FB WI TOT MjFftfTO: || 28
« TOK TOS^ K ^ntft ft^ | TOK 55¥OTt TOKFFT K 33^ II 29
”R ftwnts^^: | ^hTOKftKt 3KtTOrafc u
H TO tfriTOK TO^sroft^j || 31
SSI STWHkdlTO tftal TOrfrotTOT I
To their utter astonishment, the Devas man—if one dies remembering Rama, one
and all others who witnessed the scene saw attains to the Supreme Status.” Speaking
a brilliance emerging from the body of the to one another like this, the Devas went to
dead Rakshasa and entering into Rama. their abode.
(21-25). The Devas began talking among
themselves, “By what meritorious work Sita’s harsh Words to Lakshmana (26-37)
has this sinful Rakshasa, a killer of ascetics, (26-27). Rama now began to think: “The
attained to this highest spiritual state? dying Asura was heard to cry out ‘Ah!
Nothing but Rama’s greatness can account Lakshmana!’ imitating my voice. Why did
for this. He has now been killed by Rama’s he do so? What will Sita think on hearing
arrows. Before this he has been thinking that voice resembling mine?’’ With such
of Rama constantly.Out of fear of him, he worrying thoughts, Rama hastened to cover
had abandoned home, wealth etc. and was the distance and reach back his Ashrama.
constantly engaged in the thought of Rama. (28-31). Meantime in their Ashrama, the
Having thus burnt up all his sins, he has dying cry of Mareecha provoked great fear
been fortunate to meet with death at the and sorrow in the mind of Sita. She said
hands of Rama while seeing Him before, to Lakshmana: “O Lakshmana! go quickly*
with his own eyes. Your brother seems to be in danger from
“Whether one is a Brahmana or a Rak­ the Asura. Didn’t you hear his distressed
shasa, whether one is a sinner or a righteous cry, ‘Ah Lakshmana!’ ” Lakshmana tried

W5 SVW I Sftft II 32
nt ^ntosfa k ww srto I ?nn^towi<m mqtonnR^ii
•r srnwctar ’nqfe’nto^ i nnto n pjsnfa nr w^n nr 1134
^Rrnswn HT’Ffnr^pnt^fa < 1 ^j^r^w^ft^tok^toiiss
?<to tof =w to rri rargfoft 1 <?p^rnnfcto:wn*h«i;h4hiii m
£:<aifiKitot wk sr$: 11 37
sratsRR wto wft fttoto 1

1 <iH4tfknqj n^n hh^t uto n

^f^w^r ^n kiwra^i w(tfnton^t’mrgni^ii»
^nto n inntoft ftn^ 1 ^nft ftjto to k nft 11 40

to console her: “O noble lady! That ears with his hand,-he said with a heart full
cry of distress cannot be that of Rama. of sorrow: “Don’t speak like that, O
It must be of some dying Rakshasa. For, angry woman! Your vulgar speech will
if Rama is angry, he is capable of destroying recoil on yourself. Your ruin is near at
the three worlds in no time. How can He hand.” With these words, entrusting Sita
who receives the adoration of even celestials to the protection of the forest deities,
utter a cry of distress?” Lakshmana went reluctantly in search of
(32-34). At these words of Lakshmana, Rama in an extremely sorrow-stricken
Sita, angry and weeping, looked at him and mood.
said, “O vicious fellow! I see, you want
to see Rama killed. You have been pro­ Ravana abducting Sita (38-66)
mpted to come with us by that Bharata who (38-40). Now taking advantage of this
wants to see Rama destroyed. You have opportune moment, Ravana appeared before
come planning to possess me on Rama’s Sita, in the disguise of a mendicant with a
death. But know for certain that you shall fine Yogi’s rod and water vessel in hand.
never get me. Look, I am going to end my Seeing him, Sita quickly made prostration
life immediately. Rama is unaware that your before him. She adored him respectfully
intention is to steal his wife. I shall not and offered him fruits and roots. Wel­
touch any male other than Rama, whether it coming him she said, “O holy one! Please
be you or Bharata.” (35-37). Speaking in accept these fruits and roots and rest here for
this vein, she beat her body with her own a while. In a short time my husband anil
hands and wept. These harsh words cut be returning, and he will do you hospitality.
Lakshmana to the quick, and closing his So if you have time, please wait here for a

*raf cRPR I
fc^Pf ?t TCTt edt W^l 5T f< Wt WW II 41
°< *

sfan^ WT I W ’liwwfiR II 42
aw afa: q^ft tftar grror^fti WT^^qrvwi WRWHI43
fowl W1 TWfc 1 ^THqr^f g W 1144

3 Tmt ngmfw 1 Rt StJ jnmra: Il 45

»<t wi mu Rsr
^jsn^sM 3tar *ftar hIr wWs W 11 47
araifiRifc Trotsfa w fcra W’ 1 nt wt w ita
wwiiW*wwf nfnRRT nfta^r 11 49
tftaFR: s rt wr: 1
wr wnforftR^l W fisifagsr 11 50

while.” 41. At this the mendicant said: come to take you away to my palace. Of
“O lotus-eyed one! Who are you? Who what use to you is Rama who has taken to
is your husband? Why are you staying in an ascetic’s way of life? Come with me,
the forest resorted to by Rakshasas? O and enjoy life with me. Don’t remain any
good lady! Please enlighten me on these longer amidst this harsh forest life.”
“natters, and then I shall tell you everything (47-49). Frightened by these words of
about myself.” Ravana, Sita spoke a few words in reply.
Sita said in reply: (42-44). “There was a She said: “Words of the kind you have
great and famous king named Dasaratha spoken to me now, will attract the penalty
ruling over Ayodhya. His eldest son, posses­ of death at Rama’s hands. He will soon
sed of all excellences, is Rama. I, the arrive with his brother. You wait for a
daughter of Janaka,am his wife. Lakshmana while. Your threat to carry me away—
is his dear brother. As ordered by his me who am the consort of Hari Himself—
father, Rama has come to the forest to is as ridiculous as a hare seeking to carry
stay here for fourteen years. Now I away the wife of a Hari (lion). Soon will
would like to know something about you fall down on the earth, pierced by the
arrows of Rama.”
The mendicant thereupon said: (45-46). 50. At these words of Sita, Ravana, roused
“I am Ravana, a scion of Pulasthya’s line to a fit of violent wrath, now revealed his
and the king of all the Rakshasas. I am true form, resembling a mountain in stature,
passionately infatuated with you, and I have ten-headed and twenty-armed, and sombre

sra^ro foprg: I fat ffara nwr iisi

BfafaSWT W fat ffaFTHT I sum SI ^rfafa ^/ft II 52
wifewr <fa *rafa ht i «rrar gradM Ctf farran Tf^ra: 1153
sraigtf^ra: ^fa’ I fas faslff JWS *r^fa ww: 1154
gffan fa™ rara 1 ^jfa»r ™ ft jiranulfara^ 11 55
^fararara cts • TOiWte wtf use
a<i: ’far sfaq^r nw: I ffask snfa: sfttnrai 11 57
<rara fWsOTir sfara sfensi atararara w n ss
^fanfat wra^fa srrarc snfawlai sura si wire ferajji
wi fararat *fat fare w 1 st w>r *ni*nn *ifs Mnwnftr^^ neo
w*fa s^Rra 1 sfar i^rarar st wtrw 11 61
wn ffi^Wr sfararsra h^r: 11 <a
fasiw ^hrarar qfaragqsH^M) 1
'ifara feraFFw aran'SifciU'Hi 1 srafarefa®^ 11 ©
S^ESI fWl W Tfa II 64
like the dark blue cloud of the rainy season. beak and claws attacked Ravana, killing
(51-56). The forest-deities and other beings the horses of the chariot and shattering his
to whom Lakshmana had entrusted Sita, bow and vehicle. 57. Thereupon Ravana
fled away at the very sight of that form. gave up his hold of Sita, and taking a sword
Ravana now scooped up the ground on in great anger, severed the eagle’s wings
which Sita was standing, and placing that with it. (58-62). The king of the birds
block of earth along with Sita in his fell on the earth, with a little consciousness
aerial car, hastened through the sky. still left in him. Meanwhile, Sita kept on
Sita, shivering with terror and looking crying aloud, saying, ‘‘O Rama, lord of the
down towards the earth, kept on crying earth! Don’t you see me utterly distracted
aloud, “Ah Rama! Ah Lakshmana!” Hear­ with sorrow? Save your wife, O scion of
ing the mournful cries of Sita, the eagle Raghu’s line, from being abducted by this
Jatayu, a leader of the tribe of birds, rose up Rakshasa. O worshipful LakshmanalForgive
from his arboreal home, and challenged me, forgetting my transgression. I railed
Ravana with the words, “Stop, stop, you at you with a volley of unspeakable words.
are stealing away the wife of the Lord of the Pardon me for the same.” Afraid of Rama’s
worlds from their empty Ashrama, as a dog arrival, Ravana put the weeping Sita in
carries away the offerings prepared for a another vehicle, and moved on with the
sacrifice. You cannot pass me unchallenged.” speed of wind. (63-64). While going through
With these words Jatayu with his sharp the sky the lotus-faced Sita kept on gazing
154 ARANYA KANDAM [Ch. 7-8

I wftfa <rfaert ii 65
wfcfrn qlUfafaai 5^FT l
<r <r toTR fttfwn tftar fw 11 66
<R sfk^TRWTFW WR^rarak
wr: ii « n
below towards to the earth, and saw on (It is pointed out that Ravana was at heart
the top of a mountain five monkeys assembled a devotee, and that the attitude of a lust-
together. She tied up her jewels in a half infatuated abductor adopted by him was
of her upper cloth, and threw this bundle only a cloak he put on to hasten his death at
down to reach the monkeys, so that they the hands of Rama. It. is parallel to Rama
might tell Rama about her, if they happened assuming the role of a man and undergoing
to meet him. all travails while in reality he was always
65. And as for Ravana, he crossed the the Supreme Being Himself).
sea and reached Lanka with Sita. He took 66. Lean, miserable, untrimmed, and
her to his residential palace, and lodged frightened to the core, Sita stayed amidst
her amidst a guard of Rakshasa women in those Rakshasa women, with signs of
an Ashoka grove, situated at a very seques­ complete dejection on her face and uttering
tered region. He protected her, as one piteous cries of “O Rama! O Rama!”
would do one’s mother Qnstfbudhys'). frequently.
___ __ S,

TRt Rvnfk wi । nk II i
3OF3 qreipt giro I Wife u i

Chapter 8
Rama in Search of Sita (1-2)
wards him, with a face faded and misera­
(1-2). After destroying Mareecha capable
ble looking. At his sight, Rama, the great
of assuming any form by his mastery of
one, thought as follows: 3. “Lakshmana
deluding magic, Rama was on his way
does not know that I have created a magical
returning to the Ashrama when he saw Sita and replaced the real one with her. I
at some distance Lakshmana coming to­ know the truth, but still, I shall practise
65-66 & 1-13] SALVATION OF JATAYU 155

w faro stoto i w h 4
STfaTfa nt ^TW TOT I
s^nngR^ftgf I TO°T HtalTOTt fast g^: II 5
wr towi! hi^tt *nai4lsqiTOf^i: ii 6
TO wtsfa WW: I
^tottoito: toto i tot ni’nn^roi ^ss^’TOTH ii 7
gfc: w^w^h- wnn^f^ 1 faft^ro tot <ror w ^itototo; U
frolinqatsftr to fror^ 1 #hn *tfw wifir wwra ii 9

^ro: srFsri^n to hRtot sHt । tto w 11 10

53 ’O

ht tot wronRra^ 1 htoi tto wt to 11 11

mfroar tot strro g^: 1 gWt to ?t <rro gw^ 11 12
faro Rnfar ’rots? rrf 11 13

a deception on him by imitating the sorrow- thus, Rama, on meeting Lakshmana, said
stricken pose of an ignorant, worldly man. to him, 9. “Why have you come away,
4. If I were to remain quiet in the Ashrama, leaving my dear wife Sita alone? The
there will be no occasion for the destruction Rakshasas might have taken her away or
of countless Rakshasas. 5. So I shall behave eaten her up.’’ (10-13). Lakshmana, with
like a grief-stricken lover on this occasion. tears in his eyes and hands joined in humble
This will lead us to institute a search for salutation reported to him about the very
Sita and in the end take us to the habitat unseemly words spoken by Sita. He said:
of the Rakshasas. (6-8). After destroying “When Sita heard the Rakshasa’s cry
Ravana with all his tribe, I shall bring out ‘Alas Lakshmana’’ in a voice resembling
the real Sita from the fire in which I have yours, she asked me to come to your help
hidden her, and return to Ayodhya in great without any delay. To her who was weep­
joy. At Brahma’s request I have assumed ing, I said, comforting her, ‘Good lady!
the form and ways of a man, and shall These are not the words of Rama, but of
continue to do so for some time more. a Rakshasa. Please remain at peace.’ But
These activities of mine in the disguise at these words of mine, that chaste woman
of a man shall become in future a subject railed at me with unmentionable words
of study for the followers of the path of of abuse. It is not befitting for me to utter
devotion and provide an easy means for those words before you. Closing my ears
the attainment of Mukti.” Resolving I have hastened to meet you.’’
[Ch. 8

to tost W" i <r *fw wifa wfofa hto: n “
forgwly to tot^r i f^wn^fe^* H 15
ST (ft TOfa Hlfe I WTT K^qtSW TO II 16
S^rfTOro to jatototo^ ^r I to^to: tot^ ’W n 17
’8’tcr ’rfg’nt ^Rfl aw i s^h w 4M a u 18
wtai WSfft WlTtWS^F^T: I TO^SCTO^TMTOTWh^^TOf^ 11 19
fWft faj^HhujTSUSH^^Kia, I TO iftclfa ft<d<dWl(d^:fcra: || 20
at TOraswTO^sfq ^hw: I snro TO asnrt ’nfa dMfatf a it ll 21
at aw to toto* 1 to to ^wto wfatf 11 22
TOnswnntt tow wro ^wi^i wtwTOt a ficSFwt aiqji
to sfosil to tot ’rtrofro^ 1 afEra^fTO tot ii 24

(14-15). Thereupon Rama said to Laksh­ ing, he could find her nowhere. Though
mana: “Even if it be so, it was not right he was blissful by nature, he was subject
for you to have taken a woman’s word so to sorrow on her account. Though he
seriously and left my handsome wife alone. was omnipresent and motionless, he ran
In our absence she must surely have been about everywhere in search of her. Though
either abducted or eaten up by the Raksha­ he was egoless, devoid of the sense of ‘I’,
sas.’’ With great anxiety Rama spoke and was of the nature of unbroken Bliss,
these words and hastened towards his he none the less experienced bitter sorrow
Ashrama. Not finding Sita there, he was and wept over Sita considering her as
completely upset by sorrow and burst into wife. 21. Though devoid of all attach­
the following mournful words: (16-20). ments, that great prince of Raghu’s line
“O dear one! Where have you gone? appeared like one attached and a victim
You are not to be seen in the Ashrama as to the ways of Maya. But the truth­
before. Or are you hiding yourself some­ knowers know that the facts are otherwise.
where to tease me by a false alarm?" Meeting Jatayu (22-43)
Bemoaning in this way, he searched here (22-23). Searching in this way all through
and there all over that forest and enquired the forest, Rama and Lakshmana came
of the forest deities and birds- and beasts, across a shattered chariot and a broken
Could you say where my Sita is? May bow. Seeing these, Rama said to Laksh­
the birds, beasts and the trees of the forest mana, “Look, look Lakshmana! Here
guide me to my wife.” But Sita was now­ the abductor of Sita must have been con­
here to be seen, however much he moaned fronted by a rival who must have carried
for her. Though Rama was all-know­ her away from him.” 24. A little away

WR Sffa’ Tt TMRHri Iuimn w n 26
ttf H ’TF^’T U3[‘ f$FTHRT FR»W I 3(( 3RI^t WIIW II 27
wi i to *rciw ii 28
<rRrarrai srsjw RRlwnft w i rnjsr/n unir $4 wtir ? 11 29

*©* ll 30
srEi’TT Wjfit *t ;ftar ^rr^r i H^ITHT c<Hdt faWSR: 1131

srag: uw w i shh un uwt umton: 11 32

W nfWf ufat e^qirugdit ’rft i w H 7TR5: HMTW’nfa 11
f^n ^JtSRT UH cef TO WHH ’ts^q I HTORHifa 11 34
rHfI TO5T Hi UH JHHT^nH 35
Wa UH: <R3? ’nfiHr I UH: N 36
TbKdH>» x© s© I wtoh w^nro 5^15 U 37
from there, seeing a huge blood-smeared my very dear friend.” (32-35). In reply Jatayu
body of the size of a hillock, Rama said to who was vomitting blood, said as follows
Lakshmana: 25. ‘‘See here lies that fellow in a very low tone: “O Rama, Ravana,
who, after deriving ample satisfaction by a very powerful Rakshasa, has carried away
eating up Sita, is resting in a solitary place. Sita in the southern direction. I am not
26. Give my bow and arrows quickly.” able to speak more. I am dying in Thy
Hearing these words of Rama, Jatayu said presence. O holy one! It is my good
like one frightened. (27-30). “I am at the end fortune that I could die seeing Thee. Thou
of my Karma and am about to die. There art Mahavishnu, the Supreme Being, who
is no need of your killing me. Good hast assumed a human form by Maya,
wishes to you! I am Jatayu. I chased Thy mysterious power. By seeing Thee
Ravana who was carrying away your wife. even at the end of my life, I have become
I fought with him and destroyed his vehicle liberated. Deign to touch me again with Thy
and bow. Thereupon he severed my wings hands, so that I may attain Thy Status.”
and threw me to the ground. Seeing you 36. Saying, “So be it,” Rama stroked his
before me, I shall end my life.” At the body with his hands, and Jatayu breathed
sight of him with his life ebbing away, his last and fell down.
Rama, grief-stricken and shedding tears, 37. Rama shed tears at his death as of a
passed his hands over his body, and said: close relative and bemoaned his loss in
31. “Tell me, O Jatayu, who carried away many ways. They took and cremated
my handsome wife. You have opted to meet Jatayu’s body in a pyre made by Lakshmana
with death for my sake. You are therefore with firewood. (38-40). In deep sorrow


mfwni: I st qfeus n 39

Wf^n w. SRHt <FB *<OTS I ^RRT

TOT: || 40
tratsHRRfcron faRsrsrc: ^pr: I hhh^hiw w n 41
I <|WOTR$R <fanRWtsw: II 42
=^r: qriCWtais&fa'jfaa: I
’TtfWr nwRRR hfr: i w^ssr tot ii 43
’sw* qwifcwqd^ I
«33M< wfrsfar II 44
f^^UMfal^hURj I
\2 X

TOiMftw RcftsftR HR WI5 || 45

WRptfro flwrqfo jrra 11 46

Rama along with Lakshmana took his figured Jatayu addressed Sri Rama as
bath for petforming obsequies. Rama scat­ follows:
tered over the grassy ground round about,
pieces of meat of a slaughtered wild animal The Hymn of Jatayu (44-56)
with the words*. “May all* the birds of the Jatayu said: 44. “Possessed of countless
forest eat this meat! May it fill the king excellences; unlimited by time and space;
of the birds with satisfaction!” Next in the most ancient; the cause of the worlds,
the presence of all onlookers, he addressed its sustentation and dissolution; endowed
Jatayu, saying: “O Jatayu! You shall with the radiance of peace; the soul of all
attain to My Status possessed of a form souls—such is Ramachandra whom I salute.
similar to Mine.” (41-43). Immediately the (45-46). The seat of all bliss; the object of
spirit of Jatayu, embodied in a luminous the Goddess Lakshmi's constant gaze; the
divine form, ascended a heavenly vehicle
redresser of the woes of all Devas including
resplendent like the sun. He got a form
Brahma; the noblest among men; the
with four hands sporting the conch, discus,
bestower of all boons; sporting in hands
mace and lotus, and decorated with a dia­ an excellent bow and arrows; the acme
dem, attractive ornaments and robes of of beauty of form in the whole universe;
shining yellow cloth. Received lovingly by the most fitting object to be prayed to and
emissaries of Vishnu with similar forms, hymned upon; possessing the brilliance of a
and praised by bands of Yogis, the trans­ hundred suns; the bestower of all desired

smf ii 47

^wwfagmwrfMW wtk< sntf n 48

gw wra jfkF ii 49
WHmwfelHlwrg^s ^HUWWHI
<KfRf?rwFrt g^R u 50
^faiflsag^’ u 51

faRfa i
*ftRw ii 52

objects; the grantor of refuge; the resident the prayers ofDevas—such is Rama, the lea­
at the foot of the tree of Bhakti; the gladde- der of Raghu’s line, in whom I seek refuge.
ner of all the members of Raghu’s line— 50. The one, who is fit to be worshipped by
such is Rama, in whom I take refuge. those who eschew others’ possessions and
47. Celebrated as the fire that destroys women; who are ever particular about the
the forest of Samsara; the Supreme Being welfare of others, and who delight in others’
who is the Master of Siva and all the excellences and prosperity—such is the
deities; the embodiment of grace; the lotus-eyed Rama of Raghu’s line in whom
destroyer of countless Rakshasa leaders; I take refuge. 51. Possessed of a face like
blue-complexioned like the waters of the a fully blossomed lotus rendered charming
Yamuna—such is Rama, verily Hari Himself, by a smile; graciously revealing His presence
in whom I seek refuge. 48. Far away in the consciousness of those who constantly
from those whose minds are ever engrossed keep up His remembrance; possessed of a
in worldly thoughts, but ever visible to blue complexion like the colour of Indra-
sages who eschew worldly thoughts; a neela gem; endowed with eyes that are
veritable boat for crossing the waters of attractive like the petals of a white lotus; the
Samsara—such is Rama of Raghu’s line preceptor of even Siva and Brahma— such
in whom I take refuge. 49. The Resident is the lord of the Raghu’s in whom I take
of the hearts of ‘the Lord of Mountains’ shelter. 52. Just as the one sun shines
(Siva) and his consort; the up-lifter of the differently in different vessels filled with
mountain; the object of worship of the water, Thou appearest in different aspects
leaders of Devas and Asuras; the fulfiller of as Hari, Brahma and Sambhu according to

wrf^ w faw jr 11 53
sR^ts^sFgw 1 3^ hh fwt: <n ii 54
Wrtfa v & shf f^rsr Obw: 7311 h w’i wr 1155
?ra «rjr^ dwl fcn 1
i^Fwrwnnfw ^rg^nra q^y 56
WWW wnt?*wn^
smmi'ww snf: II =; 11

the three Gunas of Prakriti, that Thou 54. Immensely pleased with Jatayu, who
assumest for cosmic purposes. I sing this was reciting this hymn of praise, Rama
hymn in praise of that Being who is the blessed him telling, “I, Mahavishnu, am
object of adoration of even Indra, the lord granting you My Supreme Status. 55. Be­
of the celestials. 53. I take shelter in Him, sides, whoever studies this hymn everyday
Rama incarnated in Raghu’s line, who is or hears it or writes it down, he will remember
more handsome than a hundred Cupids, Me at his death and will attain to My form.
who is not far away for those who meditate 56. Jatayu was filled with unspeakable joy
on Him on the lines laid down in Satapatha on hearing the blessings of Rama. He got
Brahmana. who is ever shining in the heart transformed into the form of Vishnu and
of all-renouncing ascetics; and who is the attained to that Status which is the aspiration
remover of the miseries of all.” of even Brahma.

asnamraiit wk smw i wtraswufcfoft® ii 2

Chapter 9

Rama’s confrontation with Kabandha (1-14) forest. 2. As they proceeded, they came
fl After these incidents, Rama, moved by across a Rakshasa of wondrous form,
sorrow, again started with Laksh- He was a monster, whose huge face was in
n the search for Sita in another the chest and who was devoid of important
mana on
53-56 & 1-14] SALVATION OF KABANDHA 161

qfaTOpfa TO ^31 I TO tcfor: || 3

'toA wrt i ii 4

w &to ^toto wro; i tor^ ii 5

fror sr^ i ^nro^ntTOt^ atfenft sr^ ii 6
«FgRTO TOfi 5f TO^T I ft ^qfadMlfaR^Rf WlrH ^ || 7

frofar w i TOiMtroroA fesqrroi 35g n8

to: $5T I TO fW? giTOTO n 9
TOTsfafafcret t^: wH?l u 10
toI nro^tros 1 TOfestfrorat «ftm^TOiTOwi’<TO «
TOta?to tot ^r?to: g®h I to TO? TOTOigfa 11 12
TOt totoi to? tot fcwft wr 1 gtatftfcHtTOi? qfcSRft 113
^feaiTO TO toRtot I fbsft TO gift ?TO fk$T5'T55 || 14
6 V

organs like eyes. 3. His two arms extended left arm with a sword and Lakshmana did
up to a Yojana. The destroyer of every the same with the right. 10. The Rakshaca
kind of beings, he was Jjnown by the name who was astonished at this, asked, “Are
Kabandha. 4. When Rama and Laksh­ you two celestials? Tell me, who you
mana saw this creature of enormous size, are. For, neither in the world of men nor
they were already between his huge arms,
of celestials is there any one competent
which surrounded them on all sides. 5.
to cut off my arms.” (11-12). Rama replied
Laughing at the sight of him, Rama said to
Lakshmana, “Look at this Rakshasa. He laughing: “There was a great king in Ayo­
is without head or legs. Jfiis face is situated dhya called Dasaratha. I am his son Rama.
on his chest. 6. It is sure that he subsists This intelligent man accompanying me is
on whatever comes between the clutches of my brother Lakshmana. My wife Sita is
his huge arms. We are already between a world-renowned beauty. 13. When we
them. 7. O Lakshmana’ There is no way both had gone out of our residence hunting,
to get out elsewhere. What shall we do some Rakshasa has abducted Sita. We
now? He will eat us up very soon.” 8. have come to this awe-inspiring forest in
Lakshmana replied, “Why, O Lord, are search of her. 14. We found ourselves
you agitated over this? With an unpertur­ within the clutches of your huge arms. For
bed mind, we shall cut off his two hands, saving ourselves, we have cut off those
each one cutting one arm.” 9. Agreeing arms of yours. Now tell us who you are
to t]ps proposal, Rama cut off the monster’s with this monstrous form.”

siRtst TORroftsfa i an TOfWrs? n is

pHWhi>Hfaft i wir ^fstu^sto T^pn n w
3^™ aft TOn STI l ^smTO T5* wot ll n
areiro g*t TO ^ft ^TFn: 1 TO wn ftftaro H is
#Wt srrMfh totw: I TOpFTft to fetfftsHFiat ll 19
WHlfafcfcfr" ’ifa’Rfa W W TOtssqj^ wff II 20
TO^^R^W’Wftft W I ftsft TO"®! ft WT ftr^^rs^qaKM^ II21
TO ’ft ftw I w^xH^F^n^ ^RTO. H 22

^niiwwullw^ I
ftl SRX’eft S’rtft'ET ft n23

aft ft TO ’TOi to 1 TO ’ft^RRnft ’rft’qa ^ft a? u 24

^4lw«fiTO TO*ft wnWf^«<M^RTOmii25
Kabandha’s Antecedents (15-28) and cut off your arms of a Yojana’s length.
(15-16). Kabandha replied: “I am indeed You will be free from the effect of the curse
fortunate if the one who has approached at that time and get your original form.’
me is really Rama. In my previous embodi­ It is as a result of that sage’s curse that I
ment, I was a leader of Gandharvas. Infa­ got this monstrous body of a Rakshasa.
tuated with the pride of youth and my 21. Once, excited with anger, I opposed
handsome form, I went about the world in Indra, the king of celestials. He, O Rama,
the company of the women dear to me, struck me on my head with his thunderbolt
delighting them in every way. By austerities, weapon. 22. As a result of this, my head
O Rama, I had obtained the boon of indest­ entered into my trunk' and my f®®^ were
ructibility from Brahma. 17. Once, meeting also destroyed. But, O Rama, because of
Ashtavakra, the sage with eight bends in the boon given by Brahma, I did not die in
his body, I laughed at him in ridicule. spite of being struck with the thunderbolt
The sage, excited with anger, cursed me, weapon. 23. All the Devas, who felt pity
telling, ‘O evil fellow! You will become a for me for not having a face, asked Indra,
Rakshasa.’ 18. When I beseeched him ‘How will he live without a face?’ 24.
for pardon, the sage Ashtavakra, resplend­ Indra told me, ‘Your face will hereafter
ent with the power of austerities, spoke to be within your trunk. You will get arms,
me about my release from the effect of the each, a Yojana long. Now you go away
curse. (19-20). He said, ‘In the Treta- from here.’ 25. Being so commanded, I have
yuga, Lord Narayana will be incarnated as been staying here, catching and eating who­
the son of Dasaratha. He will come near you ever travels through this forest. And now,

nt fafaqHflwRft I TOfsrWnr n m
qfcwggiR ’TRwnt ii 27
mr faffa w I
fcfirr tol^l reform H »
tw J^fai hriw Jilwq *q I At ^fanqjK’n far u 29

id^<TOt rRt wfira»W^ I ?WWIFi nJHHIWbK^ II 30

gjR if ^UFHd taftltarai I
TqqfaRRq *wwSt U3i
sfta I HTtft srahi wMqq^sfia^ii32
snrr^s^H^f^fq^sfwRHfn । fawrid w fans u 33
WHifanT ir tt swiRr^ I 1134
O holy one, you have severed my arms. gross one as Virat, both of which together is
(26-27). Next, O Rama, put me into a pit Thy manifest form. Distinct from this is
and fill it with fuel and make a blazing fire. Thy unmanifest form as Pure Consciousness,
Being thus burnt by you, I shall obtain my the Subject. Everything other than this
original form. After that, I shall tell you constitutes the Object, the unconscious
about the ways and means to get back your non-self. Therefore, O Lord! How can
wife.” one know Thee with the mind, which itself
(28-29). Hearing these words, Rama had belongs to the sphere of the Object or the
a pit made by Lakshmana in which the unconscious non-self? (32-33). What is call­
monster was put and burnt with firewood. ed Jiva (embodied spirit) is a state of
Thereupon, there arose from the body, a identity of the reflection of the Atman with
form equal in beauty to Cupid, decorated the Buddhi in which the former is reflected.
with every kind of ornaments. He circum­ That which is the Witness (Pervader) of the
ambulated Rama, made a full prostration Buddhi and 'other adjuncts, is Brahman
before him, and with his palms joined in Himself. He is not an object of perception
salutation and voice choked with devotional to Buddhi, being the ultimate Subject. He is
fervour, said as follows: unmodified Consciousness and the Essence
Kabandha’s Hymn (30-56) of everything. In Him, owing to ignorance,
He said: 30. “O Rama! I now feel the universe is superimposed. What is
desirous of praising Thee who art partless, called the Hirahyagarbha is the subtle
limitless and beyond the scope of mind and aspect of this cosmic manifestation, and the
words. 31. Thou art beyond the two aspe­ Virat the gross aspect. 34. Thy subtle
cts of Thy cosmic embodiment—the subtle body, O Rama, is fit to be meditated upon
one known as Hiranyagarbha and the by spiritual aspirants. That sort of modi-
OTfwRjpHFTOt snwro: u 35

^rai: l <nw TO^pr qrfwrera ww^ 11 35

wrt <t 5 y<dkwnw^ l 5ns?ft g?rai to fw tot 11 37
3(w i$ to to4 5nfan •w I 3^w ct sqfafft wtwr ns U38
HFT^TO^SftfarRct^RT’nfr 1139
F?^Tf <dta<ngi fer: I 3{f^ft to 1140
Hf^n to uhw$ m wret
W! 1 n 41
^SSTO | to^ ^srat wnfa fcnro: 11 42
urn sfc^sqirotaoinj atf: ’JFSTOT 3^tRg: n 43
fafW^Ri i hisj: st waw SRt l| 44
^qifa eRstarot Xst TOt 1 <^1 ^rcrfeft ^r ^5^ u 45
*Rfara <t hh: tf?sn^ Hr: I TOFnfo gfc: fc^ii 46

tation will bring them the supreme good, Maharloka; the lower part of Thy face
and they will thereby perceive therein the forms the Janaloka, and the upper part
past, present and future of the universe. of it the forehead, the Tapoloka. Thy head is
35. Thy gross manifestation called the Satyaloka, the most superior of all regions.
Virat is the Cosmic Whole, having (40-41). Indra and other Guardians of the
seven coverings consisting of Mahat-tattva, Regions are Thy arms; the quarters, Thy
Ahamkara, Akasa, Vayu, Tejas, Jala ears; the Aswini Devas, Thy two nostrils;
and Prithvi, each succeeding one Agni, Thy face; Time, the movement of
being ten times more extensive than Thy brows; and the preceptor of the Devas,
the preceding. This Virat-Purusha, Thy Thy intellect. (42-43). Thy ‘[’senseis Rudra;
Cosmic manifestation, is a fit object for Thy speech, Vedic Mantras; Thy fangs,
meditation, which is to be done as follows: Yama; Thy rows of teeth, the stars; Thy
(36-39). Thou, the Viraf, art the unity of laughter, Maya that deludes the worlds;
the whole manifested universe, and the Thy side-long glance, creation; Thy front,
various regions in the universe are Thy Dharma, and Thy back, Adharma. (44-45).
parts. The underpart of Thy feet forms Thy winking constitutes night and day; Thy
Patala, and the upper part of it Mahatala; abdomen, the seven seas; Thy blood vessels,
Thy ankles form Rasatala, and knees, Tala- the rivers; Thy hair, the trees; Thy semen,
tala; Thy two thighs constitute Sutala and rain; the power of Thy knowledge, the
Vitala, while their lower part forms Atala; greatness manifested in the universe such
Thy hips form Bhuloka, and Thy naval, is Thy gross body. 46. Concentration of
Bhuvarloka; Thy chest forms the luminous mind on this gross form of Thine is the
regions (Jyotir-loka) and Thy neck the easy way for man to attain salvation.

hr to i toto 11 4?
gfa: w tot i n 48
TO^FRR TOR SFJR^rijfw^l TOlTOTOftfforftfaRTO TORfTO^ II 49

^r: tot: wwn frf^rt W I
wi ww^ tojto i sqjfotf w wrot aro sitotto^ u si
jf^torw i tofr to^Itot ’tchert sftftro: u 52
wi ^wit st wfar aw 1 to& totor M ii 53
TOtwfwt $to to: aWWtfro 1 ^rft wife tow nt hto snrors ^II54
35jts< ^iRrt toto ^enr ^sto 1 nite it nw tor nrfanro nwt^ 11 55
^sfRTO^rro thro nt nrfo ^to^tois^ 11 56
<fa MhRWTORm^ tor^wtoA
3mw nro: atf: 11 << 11
This form includes everything. (47-50). ma (the saving Mantra), for their spiritual
Therefore, O Rama, I am always meditating redemption. Therefore, O Lord of Janaka’s
on this form of Thine, a practice by which daughter! Thou art indeed the Supreme
intense devotion is generated in the mind Spirit. There is no doubt about it. (53-54).
with the hairs on the body standing on end. Veiled by Thy power of Maya, the ignorant
When one succeeds in meditating on this man does not understand Thee in Truth.
gross form of Thine; immediately one obtains Salutation to Thee, Rama, the creator of
liberation. Let that topic rest. I now everything. Salutation to Thee, the Prince of
think of Thy form present here before Ayodhya, attended upon by Lakshmana.
me—the form holding bow and arrows Save me! Save me! May not Thy Maya veil
in hand, blue in complexion, donning tree­ my insight!”
bark clothes and matted locks, endowed Now Rama said: 55. “O Gandharva of
with the freshness of youth, engaged in the celestial class! O sinless one! I am very much
search for Sita, and accompanied by Laksh­ pleased with your devotion and your hymn.
mana. Let this form of Thine, O Rama, You shall attain to my eternal Status, the
be the object of my constant meditation. goal of all Yogis. 56. Whoever recites every
(51-52). The all-knowing Lord Siva, along day with devotion and concentration this
wth Parvati, is always meditating on this hymn sung by you, they shall overcome
form of Thine. At Kasi, He imparts with joy Samsara, the product of Ajnana, and attain
*° dying Jivas Thy Name, the tarakabrah- to the state of perpetual intuition of Me.”
[Ch. 10

ibwpt 3n?rt x^tot n i

w ?R a I
HT fflMl II 2
<Wn srrft xhsft trot: utRiwvn n s
’RTO qffcfcr Rt4°MW<R<jTOL * snrci xw ^i: ii 4
3nTOTO^”T SR^sTO^* *n II s
wwfa sRfwr
XTO^nf’FTOW «<<4^!W4<v H 6
’rfro i
wrawpuht siwr *tfcra: । ll 7
a^r wlqr i f^nfa wi wt 5^ ll 8
^HWrTW w wfara: I wft tFTO ^F§: 9 ii
srafl stf^FTO snssrfwFWR^ io
TOfcwi H5i3^ I

Chapter 10

Sabari and her Antecedents (1-19) (5-6). Seeing Rama in the company of
Lakshmana arriving at her Ashrama, Sabari
(1-2). The Gandharva, who was about
to depart after getting the Lord’s grace, immediately got up with great joy and made
now said to Rama, “O scion of Raghu’s prostrations at his feet. With eyes filled
line! At a little distance on your way with tears of joy, she welcomed Rama and
there i$ an Ashrama where an ascetic woman offered him a suitable seat. (7-10). She
named Sabari, devoted to the practice of washed the feet of Rama and Lakshmana
Bhakti, lives, constantly meditating on Thy with great devotion and sprinkled that water
feet. O worshipful one! Go to her and on herself. Offering Arghya and other
she will give you all information.” 3. ceremonial honours, she worshipped Rama
With these words, he ascended a heavenly according to the scriptural injunctions.
vehicle luminous like the sun and attained Then she offered him the choicest nectar­
to the realm of Vishnu. Such is the fruit like fruits that she had collected specially
of taking the name of Rama. 4. Now, for him. She worshipped his feet with
moving away from that dense forest infested sweet-smelling flowers smeared with un­
by fierce animals like lions and tigers, guents. To Rama who was thus received
Rama went towards the Ashrama of Sabari. with due hospitality and was seated along

ftrar: ^rjj«i W fRtfr ssqfaar n ii

’wret^r«r: R^i irft«^s<<?nf ?sr ^hr wftsn 1112

thtT <rwRW otrfb I
wn<t R-irw mfftf w ii 13

3n*tfwft =wnrs*rFrfk’s$Tftrcr I <CRt <raft 3$: || 14

WW I wf TOiftr ii is

aWOT HR r I sr flwiK# fetr m gwft^ n w

<r gww ^fti ttonftag^ ii n
wrf srw*hrc« *r I jwlsrarctsfa ww ft ll is
^T TWRT RRIRIWRL' I ^rM h ft 3raft n 19

ftjft snfwtm^: I ^rft^r ft ii 20

with his brother, Sabari, moved by a great have been staying here awaiting Thy arrival.
upsurge of devotion, spoke with palms It has now happened exactly as my teachers
joined in salutation. said. (17-18). O Rama! Even the Rishis,
She said: (11-12). “O the greatest among my teachers, had not the good fortune of
the Raghus! This Ashrama is the place seeing Thee. O Thou immeasurable Being!
where some great Rishis, who were my I am an ignorant and low-born woman.
teachers, stayed. For several hundred I have not the qualification to be the servant
years, I stayed here attending upon them. of Thy servants at the hundredth remove.
They have now abandoned their bodies What then to speak of my qualification
and attained to the world of Brahman. At to serve Thee’. 19. How is it that I am
the time of departing from the body, they able to see Thee with my eyes—Thee who
asked me to stay on here in peace. They art beyond the ken of mind and speech!
said to me: (13-15). ‘The Supreme Spirit, O Rama! Thou the Lord of all gods!
who exists eternally, has embodied Himself I am not capable of praising Thee with a
as Rama, the son of Dasaratha, in order to hymn. What am I to do? Bestow Thy
destroy the Rakshasas and protect the grace on me!”
Rishis. He will be coming to this place.
You remain here till then, concentrating Rama on the disciplines of Devotion
your mind on the Supreme Being. Just (20-33)
now, that great one is staying at Chitrakuta. Rama said to her in reply: 20. “The
Retain your body till He comes here and state of being a man or a woman, or belong­
after that you can bum it in the fire of Yoga ing to a particular class or Ashrama or a
and attain His Status.' 16. O Rama! state of life, or bearing any special name is
Engaged solely in meditation on Thee, I not the qualification for my adoration.
[Ch. 10
I shr jjw,? mkGhRs^s W ll 21
wrsrfaf# ll
mri swfifara to# pro i
ftafa towito^# mgyron^ i towto MSRgf to# it 23
TORfTO# *R3<TO(W W I Wt fTOteR fawfc W It 24
Opst uro# fro to TOmftfa^i w toItoto toto’ts^' ll 25
ms^Rlw to TOfa: 1 tors fantro wfesfer w 11 26
3RR *rr <r mfaf# 1 n# sr(to to#to to 1127
fmr wt sroift f^Srfwrami wn^?wn^wfii 28
%R& RTOTOTOt HTO<3TO3P^ I HRwaf* SFUfa 11 29
RITORTOi SfrfWI^ | 5RW TO# TO g^TO irtur 3 II 30
nW s#r sfrfrroji TORnsfesroR ^5#?roqfera:ii 31

Devotion is the only qualification. (21-22). presence in all beings, and the cultivation
If a man has no devotion to me, neither of non-attachment for all external objects
sacrifice nor charities, neither Tapas nor combined with practice of self-control and
other inner virtues constitute the eight
the study of Vedas and performance of
discipline. Investigation of My true nature
rituals can help one to see Me. By Bhakti is the ninth. Whoever has such devotion
alone am I attained. Therefore, O good
with these nine limbs, is eligible to worship
lady I I shall now speak to you about the
means for the attainment of Bhakti. (23-27). Me. 28. O noble lady! Whoever is endow­
The first and foremost of these is association ed with these disciplines, whether it. be
with holy men; the second is the recital of woman, man or brute creation, that person
accounts about me; the third, the singing will have Bhakti characterised by intense
of My glories; the fourth, the hearing and love. 29. When such Bhakti is generated,
exposition of My teachings; and the fifth, the truth about My nature will dawn upon
sincere and devoted service of the teacher, him. Realising Me in that way one will
seeing Me in him; the practice of meritorious attain Mukti in this very birth. (30-31).
habits, the control of the inner senses, the Therefore, it is firmly established that
observance of external rules of purity and Bhakti is the cause of Mukti. If a person
devoted ceremonial worship of Me con­ has succeeded in the first of these disciplines,
stitute the sixth discipline; the seventh is a namely, the association with holy men,
devoted repetition and contemplation of then the others will follow one by one
My Mantra with all its parts. The worship­ gradually. Therefore, it has been declared
ful service of My devotees, seeing My that Bhakti is Mukti. You being thus

sat wtcrsc tor: I TOiftr % 1132

fca at ?faT fan fawfar 11 33

^a gnarfa w «a r fa’aaiaa 1 aarfa aRt ^taaa^ra: aat n 34

aatssafasirenfa star aar^ai farar 1 wr $ar stat ar<wt aafciar 11 35
<a: aaft q«qiaw I ^a^faftata a?aaft waa: 11 36
agfWafa: w araafaa: 1 ataata: aat aa froR^rfa^Ht n 37
atfeaira aai^ ?n^<a?a*a^4ai^ 1 arfeataa aro r ^a area srSt lbs
giftaa a aa ari 1 ^af*a a^arfa aaia ^ra^a 11 39
Ufi faas ma^ar a^ra^i aiairfaaaaa;iraaafa«rt:<r*aa^ n<o
sfa rea aara^a afa^a §.arara^ 1
gaifasfa a^aftwtawa^ 1 Iki
ft Mhft aaaa?a% 1 aasJtssrasFaift sjafl gfaaara m n 42

endowed with Bhakti towards Me, I have a great mountain called Rishyamooka.
come before you. (32-33). It is certain that There, the monkey-leader Sugreeva is staying
you will attain Mukti, because you have with his four ministers in terrible dread of
Bhakti. I have Myself come before you. his brother Vali. Vali cannot go to the
Now, have you any idea where my hand­ top of that mountain, being afraid of a
some wife Sita is? W.ho has taken her curse on him by a sage. Deign to go there,
away? If you know anything about it, O Lord, and enter into an alliance with
please tell me.” Sugreeva. He will be able to achieve every­
thing for you. Now, in Thy presence, I wish
Sabari on Sita’s Whereabouts
to enter into the fire, burn my body in it,
and attain Thy Status—the Status of Maha-
Sabari said: (34-35). “O Omniscient one! vishnu. So please, wait for a while here.”
Creator of all the worlds! Thou knowest 41. Making this request to Rama, Sabari
everything. Yet, Thou, the master of all the entered into a well-lit fire. With all shackles
worlds, only to follow the ways of the world, of ignorance burnt in a moment, she, by
art putting me this question. Nevertheless, Rama’s grace, attained to Moksha, which
I shall now tell where Sita is. Sita has is very difficult of attainment. 42. If Rama,
been abducted by Ravana and is now in the Lord of the universe is pleased, what is
Lanka. (36-40). Not far away from here there difficult of achievement? Sabari,
is a vast lake called Pampa. Close to it is though low-born, attained Mukti by

& sTOiw gw: g^: i gfo hstt^t: h 43

^fea4fWwf^fr ’TOfl: t
^T: I
HHhflR&hWifaafa rWI ^T
TW WH *TRT *F5fs4 ^EUJ II 44

3TFTOpi 5^rq: »j u

Rama’s grace. 43. It is then needless to say various types of Mantras which are only the
that a man of high birth, if he be devoted product of Ajnana (ignorance), and with
to Rama will certainly attain to Mukti. great devotion, adore and serve the feet of
There is no doubt in the statement that Rama, which can fulfil all your needs.
devotion to Rama is Mukti itself. 44. O wise men! Worship Rama, the blue
Devotion to Sri Rama gives rise to Mukti. complexioned one, who ever shines in the
O men all the world over! Abandon all the heart of Siva.

Xecession ^°"
Data - ** '

sgrwsr* sfoHwwwm^i n 2
ftWntfi I II3
m’ngw^Rn^’f shtoswiw^ I sst TO^FBW wl**d<rMifa?H( II4
Hfer^r qten wi I sn^st: w n 5
qn^ q^hr 1
sreR^rufarah 6

Chapter 1

Hangman’s meeting with Rama Hamsa, Karandava, Chakravaka, water­

(1-26) fowl, Koyeshti and Krauncha were swimm-
1. Next Rama and Lakshmana slowly ming on, or hovering over, the waters of
proceeded to the banks of the. great lake that lake, producing a symphony of hum­
Pampa. They were amazed to see that ming sounds. Its banks were crowded with
extensive and impressive lake. (2-4). About trees and creepers bearing flowers and
a Krosa in extent, Pampa was a deep lake fruits, the fragrance of which spread all
with water free from the pollution of mud around. 5. Rama and Lakshmana now
and mire, and clear like the minds of holy washed themselves and drank of the refresh­
men. On the surface of its waters were ing waters of the lake to assuage their
various kinds of water-born flowers in exhaustion. They then walked along the
bloom like lotus, Kalhara, water-lily and cool shores of the lake. 6. Donning matted
blue lotus. Numerous types of birds like locks and tree-bark cloth, and equipped
[Ch. 1
kishkindha kandam

farawdt II 11
ag’nna: 1



11. Hanuman agreed to do so, and

with bow and arrow in hands, the two
reproaching Rama in the form of a
heroic brothers, Rama and Lakshmana, < .rahrtiacharin, saluted him in all
proceeded towards the Rishyartiooka moun­
tain, viewing the beauty of the mountain humility
1 and said: 12. “Who are you
great men, young in age and impressive in
and the various types of trees that the.- |
every way, as heroic personages are. Your
saw round about. * radiance is illumining all the surroundings
7. From the top of that mountain, Sugf e- ilike the sun and the moon. 13. It dawns
eva, the monkey chief, along with his four I
on my mind that you are the per­
monkey companions saw from a distance sonages that create, sustain and dissolve
Rama and Lakshmana approaching the
mountain, whereupon he ran to the highest the world systems, now manifest in human
forms for the benefit of the world. 14. It
peak of the mountain. 8. Full of fear
occurs to me that assuming the form of
he addressed Hanuman, “O Friend!
who could those two persons probably men you are here moving about, as in sport,
to free the world of its burdens and to
be? Adopting the form of a Brahmacharin,
protect the devotees. 15. Performing the
you go and find out all the particulars about protection, dissolution and creation of
them. 9. Are they here sent by Vali
to kill me? You talk with them and try these worlds as a play, you, supreme per­
sonages, have now adopted the form of
to find out what they have in mind.
. Kshatriyas and incarnated yourselves in this
10* If they are coming with evil intentions,
indicate the same by a sign of your hand.. world. 16.1 believe that you two are Nara-
l Narayana, the ever-free Lord dwelling in the
Putting on an attitude of humility andr hearts of all as their impeller, now moving
prostrating before them, try to find out their about in this world in human forms.”

tikrat ri? I ^faror ii 17

srfa mfira 1 to SRffas: 11 is
fnrefa sreTOtsssn । titan ffa^whwt h »
sn’ranH ftffa faatet fei nror tita wr Ift^w 11 20

giHr to Tnn tftw H^rnf^r 1 ^FWstfk: mi faftqifa fmsfa 1121

tot fafafii fafa: tarWr: I fa ffawfat *mrf fafan u 22
asm^wi Ito i sr( sifcrafMt wft n 23
WR ffawt SFfatafa^n: I fa mfa ?W gjfan *qxW H 24
ww tijfarft 1 ^Htfa u 2s
sfam swnt
nSTOHi^fa mfa 1
smn^ wsfa wnrrapfr(i mfaftf w
ferit jfwt: fafarft n 27
*m ffafa gjfar nlferMffah 1 fafa ^?sr nifrssr 1128
(17-18). Rama now said to Lakshmana, him from the country and appropriated
“Look at this Brahmacharin! He seems to his wife for himself. (23-24). Afraid of
be a master of grammar. His entire speech this Vali, he has taken refuge on this moun­
is flawless.” Speaking thus to Laksh­ tain Rishyamooka. 1 am a minister of
mana, Rama, who was knowledge-embodied, Sugreeva. I am born of the Wind-deity as
now said to Hanuman: (19-21). “I am my father, and my mother’s name is Anjana.
Rama, the son of Dasaratha, and this is O great scion of Raghu’s line! It is proper
my brother Lakshmana. Honouring the that you and Sugreeva become allies. 25.
words of my father, I have come to stay He will be helpful to you in destroying him
in the Dandaka forest, accompanied by my who has abducted your wife. If this arrange­
wife Sita. While staying here, O Brahma­ ment will suit you, we shall go to Sugreeva
charin, my wife Sita has been carried immediately.” 26. Sri Rama said in reply,
away by some Rakshasa. 1 am here in “O great monkey! I too have come here
search of her. Now tell me who you to enter into an alliance with Sugreeva. I
are and whose son?” The Brahmacharin shall also surely accomplish his purpose
replied, “Sugreeva, the highly intelligent and become his ally.”
king of the monkeys, along with his four
ministers is staying at the top of this moun­ Rama’s Alliance with Sugreeva (27-59)
tain. 22. Sugreeva, is the younger brother of (27-28). Hanuman now stood before them
Vali. This evil-minded Vali has expelled in his real form and said to Rama, “Both

smra wni WWH29

zmRft tuitawHF? I wirnA 4Kih<sm4I 1130
sifiHgftm n?tq wi ’TtfSra w 1 3rfR HrfwnrM wf f? II31
khhf’t I W3T
o ^FT (¥<LTO W H32
wmRgrtWR I £for wnfror: wrafeft II 33
^RRORwh^R &
1 TOwfroro tfwnifa ^11 34
TO TITOR^I sfi tftann: ’rfwl’n^ 1135
wwi to 1 ^TTH W 1136
TOi fwtts£ I f^FFn jfrRRt WAkm*kItoi^ II 37
TO I amb<nwn«n% ’nfcft 1138
fMtero: <rfe^ 1 <tar( H^RiWr wt 11 39
^rotafa m r wtft wr * iff 1 toft tot* 11 40

of you can get upon my shoulders and go joy. 34. Lakshmana then narrated all
to the top of the mountain where Sugreeva matters connected with Rama from the time
is staying with his ministers.” Agreeing to of his coming to the forest to the time of
do so, Rama and Lakshmana mounted Site’s abduction. (35-36). Hearing the
words of Lakshmana, Sugreeva sard to
the shoulders ofHanuman. (29-31). In a
moment, Hanuman jumped to the top of Rama, “O noble Lord! I shaU uke »P
the mountain and placed Rama and Laksh­ the responsibility of instituting a search
mana under the shadow of a tree to rest. for Sita. I shall render you all the help I
He then went to Sugreeva and said to him can to destroy your enemy. Now, O
making salutation in all humility, “O King! Rama! Hear from me a report on certain
Cast away all fear. Rama and Lakshmana matters that have come to my notice. (37-40).
have come here. Get up soon to receive One day, I was sitting with my ministers at
them. I have requested Rama to enter into the top of this mountain. I saw from there
an alliance with you. Immediately that a noble lady being carried away through
alliance has to be solemnised before fire the sky by someone. She was crying,
as witness.” ‘O Rama, O Rama’. Seeing us on the top
32. Then Sugreeva came to the presence of the mountain, she bundled up her
of Rama in great joy. Cutting the branch ornaments in her upper cloth and threw
of a tree, he himself made a seat for Rama the bundle down to us. She was crying
to sit upon. 33. Hanuman made a seat as she was being carried away by the
for Lakshmana, and Lakshmana one for Rakshasa. I picked up the bundle of
Sugreeva. All of them then sat in great ornaments and deposited them in a cave.

। 5fT^’w N 41
snwa w ^rrar qRR’fit I
srfMnH TR STR^t I ^R^RI^T 5RT WTO^ II 42
giftitsnn^ t hh srf^t ^rfor I nnt wi w <uwfa str^ i 43
3% ^RJRR^R’T I wft frafa II 44
inf w$ ^nfereR I snfft f^jrrw gjfa: awnft^R; u 45
^HTHRWTRW^I ^^iRt^^RT’T^Sn II 46
W<t WIRT I fcf*F9t WnnR 1147
irr g I frHr ^Riwt srr ssgfcn n 48
^R rR HRRt WJJ R5^t I
3ig^R <r TRfr wnfiw w I srf^wm g^t wfrr 11 49
RRR fas R 5<R | <^RIRTT H g^f wrofa H’ M’ft 1150
gwnRritf sfaT qg 1 cRrorr ’Tferm^t gat aRftfa ^feanisi
g^raift ftRnW Rstr nwr: 1 a%s^ gat aRft gsntf w ^a: u 52
You can see them even now and ascertain 46. In a mood of great confidence, Sugre­
whether they are yours or not.” With these eva now narrated his story to Rama. He
words he brought and placed the bundle of said, “O friend! Hear from me, what
ornaments before Rama. 41. Rama untied Vali has done to me sometime back. (47-48).
the bundle, and on seeing its contents burst The city of Kishkindha was once attacked
out again and again, ‘Alas Sita! Alas Sita! by an Asura named Mayavi, the son of
Then placing those ornaments on his chest, Maya. Making great lion-roars, he
he began to cry like an ignorant person. challenged Vali. Provoked terribly by it,
42. Lakshmana now comforted Rama saying Vali came out and with eyes reddened with
With the help of this great monkey-leader, anger, hit the Asura with his fist.
we shall kill Ravana in battle and re­ (49-50). Terribly bruised by the blow, that
cover Sita without much delay.” 43. Sugree- Asura ran away and took shelter in a cave.
va now said, “O Rama! I shall kill Ravana Vali and myself went after him. Seeing that
in battle and present Sita to you. I make he had entered the cave, Vali said to me in
this solemn promise to you.” (44-45). great anger, ‘You stand outside. I shall
Then Hanuman lit a fire, and the sinless enter into the cave.’ With these words,
pair, Rama and Sugreeva, with the fire as he went in, and for a whole month he did
the witness, embraced each other with their not come out. (51-53). At the end of a
extended arms in token of their alliance. month, I found much blood flowing out
Next Sugreeva sat by the side of Rama. of the cave. I broke .down in sorrow on

^sfa^Ff W WFW || 33
fare w I na: ww nrqft w w 11 54
^sn Rrdfarn nr fnwn gfefa: i aat ?rsRKsrR m 11 55

*nww^ wfan: I nri: ^iFmRHtsfq nrnpftn ntr srnt ||56

n^rfe hh nun n *t4 15^ f^sft: 1 3f<st srp^T <^Rt ^i^t: II 57
nniwr n^Ti^rnTrR^fe^rsFn^ 1 fan^rn n?T^r Tint 11 58
f idW whwr^ 1 ?ra s*w ir 59

5n*Rk <rt 1 ^4 ifWa ■nw^Rn II so

?rarar nfent 1 ^rf^^^RRTn w^nt ii 6i
Fd^rwmiH 1 ^gP* ^w: Il 62
n^j^inw^r5^ Tw^m; 1 nf^ rtt qwrw h 63
dcNW**nrei ftRt n^ I wr^t wtft^r?rWn?wTf^^64
W HR I ’TiwiR 11 65
seeing it, thinking that Vali was dead. I tressed condition of his friend, said to him
closed the mouth of the cave with a stone “I shall soon put an end to the life of
and returned home and announced that Vali your enemy who has taken away your
had ben killed by the Rakshasa. Our minis­ wife.” Rama took this vow before Sugreeva
ters were all very much distressed to hear and others.
this, and much against my will, they ins­
talled me as king. (54-56). O destroyer of Sugreeva calls for tests of Rama’s
enemies’. For some days I ruled the king­ strength (60-75)
dom. And then, Vali came back to the city. 60. Thereupon Sugreeva said to him
In great anger, He abused me in harsh “O great king! Vali is the strongest among
words and delivered punches on me with the strong. He cannot be confronted even
his fist. In great fear, I fled away from by the Devas. How are you going to
the city, and going about many places, at destroy him? (61-62). I shall tell you about
last took shelter in this mountain Rishya- his strength, please listen. Once a very
mooka. Due to the curse of a Rishi, Vali powerful Asura named Dundubhi in the
cannot come to this mountain. (57-59). form of a huge buffalo attacked Kishkindha
That vulgar fellow appropriated my wife. and challenged Vali for a duel at night.
I am very much aggrieved by that. With (63-65). Provoked and overwhelmed with
my wife taken away from me, I. am staying anger, Vali caught hold of the buffalo
here in great sorrow. Today, I have got by its horns, and whirling it round and
great relief by touching your feet.” And round threw him on the ground. Then
now Rama, much moved by the dis­ placing one foot on the Asura’s body,

WW: I HWt TOR JFK WHlfa TTO^ 1166

C -x <\

<3: ’R ^?fw ?TORT ’T W I RT SlRW^ TOW II 67

thtrt i to to fwra ^|^r: TO'Ttro^ Il. 68

^T w: TTxfTO TOHt I II 69
•< Q • r^ ___
toit to: ftui tot ’tkiw1^ i ^WTO’TW a^JITW^ II 70
mg Hiferfa sw s?ferm: i $?TTOT< §TOT TO TORRTTO^ II 71


sr^^i’T to I vKi to: toftoito ll 74

wrtoj frofw mfr gfa htto: i

w cjufft fen: । utottoftw: |i 75

Vali twisted its head with his hands and size. 70. Rama looked at it with a smile,
severed it from the body. In order to test and lo! he kicked it to a distance of ten
the weight of that head, he threw it to a Yojanas with his toe.
distance, and it fell on the ground about a 71. “Well done! Well done!” decla­
Yojana away near the Ashrama of the red Sugreeva and his ministers. Then
sage Matanga. (66-68). From that severed Sugreeva further said to Rama, the lover
head, a rain of blood poured near that of all devotees: 72 “Here are seven huge
sage’s Ashrama. Being enraged at this, palmyra trees. See them, O lord of the
the sage Matanga cursed Vali, declaring that Raghus! Vali used to shake each of them at
if he ever approached the mountain Rishya- a time, until all its leaves fell down. 73.
muka where the sage’sAshramawas situated, If you can pass an arrow through all these
his (Vali’s) head would be shattered to pieces’
trees, then I can believe that Vali’s death
From that time Vali never goes to that at your hand is like an accomplished fact.”
mountain. Knowing this secret, I have taken (74-75). Rama agreed to stand this test also-
refuge in this mountain Rishyamuka and am Possessed of unlimited power, he strung
staying here without fear of Vali. Please his bow, and shot an arrow which not only
see there, O Rama, the head of Dundubhi passed through all the seven trees, but
lying like a mountain. 69. If you can hurl penetrated even through the mountain and
it, it would be proof that you are strong the earth, and returned to Rama’s quiver.
enough to kill Vali. With these words Overjoyed and amazed at this feat, Sugreeva
Sugreeva showed that head, hill-like in said as follows to Rama.

S OT^H ot: w* * hot:

othT WHH: i HOT " 76

w Tn ot tot nt *w" i OTt4 jn^OT^ » ll t »

SOOTfigOT TOT HOTtsi OTOT^ I "K* OT<niR fctfWfiR TOTH II »

3MI<lftUW(fa< ^ER fe"W( I U 80

1 ^Mi<wfawrat ’nW^ w tfsFn u si
wtsfo ’^’ tercel n«2
Tlfc«S5TRt OTrfa sn«I5t it Wl OTWlft W* W OTT .11 S3
h hto titwT hi 5F*nt h^ot?: n Tg
h fW ot tot wftmRq*.I TtftpHHgt ^Rr *uftHl+<\ites
T'M«<lhb’W«UWi*its? ’^t?1' ' T^OTHfrOTlf^OT ?li? «lt ||g«

Sugreeva’s praise of Rama (76-93) day. This Samsara is not exhausted

76. Sugreeva said: “O great Lord! Thou through sacrifice, charity, austerity, wel­
art the Paramatman, the protector of all fare work and the like; on the contrary,
the worlds. Some meritorious actions of it only gets strengthened. But on seeing
mine in the past, have drawn Thee to me Thy lotus-feet it undoubtedly gets effaced.
and given me Thy association. 77. Holy 82. He whose mind remains in Thee
men adore Thee for the cessation of their unwavering even for a moment—his
entanglement in Samsara. So having gained ignorance, the cause of all entanglement
association with Thee, the bestower of in Samsara, gets destroyed immediately.
Moksha, how can I pray to Thee for world- (83-84). Therefore, O Rama, may my
ly goods, which means a further lease of mind remain on Thee at all times.
entanglement in Samsara. 78. Children, May it not stray into anything else.
wealth, wife, kingdom etc., are infatuations Whoever takes even for a short time
caused by Maya, Thy mysterious power. Thy sweet name, chanting, ‘Rama, Rama\
I do not therefore seek them. Except Thy such a person is freed from the effects of
grace I do not seek anything. So, O serious sins like murder and drunkenness.
Lord of all lords, bestow Thy grace on me. 85. I seek, O Rama, neither victory over the
79. By a rare piece of good fortune I, who enemy nor the happiness of the company
have been seeking my worldly welfare, of my wife. I desire only for devotion
have come to Thee, the besto^ver of supreme to Thee, which frees one from all bondages.
spiritual bliss, just like a man who digging 86.0 leader of Raghu’s clan! I am a particle
the earth comes across a treasure trove. of Thy own Self subjected to the bondage
(80-81). My bondage resulting from pri­ created by Thy Maya. Bestowing on me
meval ignorance has been cut asunder to­ devotion to Thy feet, save me from this

i 3n^«r nww n 87
aw sraiw *nft ww faw ww w fig: i towi <4«rH<guifa$Hm ll 88
ar mw<fer hrrw m^rar I wRWWRTOTFnwRs^iOTW ii 89
aftsftwnafr w ats’Sr gufa wwwft I
HRUFsrfa? a^ ^RiftTO^i w^canwwwt & wnft aw u 90
arenywifiafawdMfa^wwatfft^Mig wi®ft 1
^wwaw’ wrWw^ii 91
a*g$‘ w wwg toot'a wsrit: 1

w wrws^i www* aw n ^iifiq u 92

siwifr a w41fa(WMfa fcaarftsra^ft 1

aft «nwtwro dwrwlwwi^

feftFSTRH®? WW U ? II

anguish of Samsara. (87-88). Formerly are all rooted in Maya. Therefore, O the
when my mind was clouded by Thy Maya, noblest of Raghus, destroy this Maya, which
I entertained the distinctions between enemy, is Thy bond slave. 91. Let all the move­
friend and neutral in my attitude towards ments of my mind be offerings at Thy feet.-
Others. But now on account of my having Let my speech be devoted to the recital
Thy holy communion, all these differences of Thy name and Thy excellences. Let my
are gone, sublated by the perception of hands be engaged in Thy service and let
everything as Brahman. Where is friend, my body have opportunities of contact
and where enemy to one having this experi­ with Thine. 92. May my eyes ever see
ence? The differentiations made by the Thy images, Thy devotees and my spiritual
Gunas of Prakriti are experienced only teacher (Guru). May these ears of mine
when the bondage of Thy Maya operates. always hear accounts of Thy doings in
89. So long as ignorance facilitates the Thy incarnation. And may my feet be
operation of the Gunas, this multiplicity constantly engaged in making pilgrimages
is experienced as a hard reality, and so to Thy shrines. 93. O Vishnu, the eagle-
long as multiplicity is experienced due to vehicled one!" May my limbs bear the
ignorance, Time generates the fear of death. dust of the holy spots sanctified
90. Therefore he who is satisfied with the by Thy feet. And may my head, O
life of ignorance, is submerged in the Rama, be ever prostrating at Thy
darkness of Tamas consisting in attach­ feet, which are adored even by Siva and
ment for wife, children, wealth etc., which Brahma.”

i to: ii i
’TOt tfmfaRFR I R^RT WHt TOR || 2
ufar | ^faarfa^ii
taw) ’rffcrft ?r m i wto’t aw mfro^ n 4
TO) HcTf II 5
1 ^mrerf^hro: 11 6
<hci wRFa^frdota’ ^tohtto^ 11 7
TOfanfa $lwrt TOR I ^[<1 TOft §lfa <^r ’TTOI^ II 8
srg^sn^sft tori Trcrsfifcta 1 wt ^jfrJrsrsfr^qr 11 9
5^ir | qRTl md: || 10

Chapter 2
the destruction of vali

Fight between Vali and Sugreeva (1-18) adjacent to Kishkindha and with a
l. To Sugreeva, whose sins were ah terrific roar, challenged Vali for a fight.
eradicated by being embraced by him, Rama
Hearing that sound produced by his
said smiling. 2. Applying his delusion­
brother, Vali, his eyes red with anger
generating power of Maya on Sugreeva in emerged soon from his abode, and went
the interest of the success of his mission,
to the place where Sugreeva had stationed
Rama said, O friend! Whatever you have
himself. He rushed at Sugreeva, who there­
said is true 3. But the world will say,
upon hit him on his chest. f(8-9). Vali too,
‘With the fire as witness, Rama took the
provoked to extreme wrath, delivered
vow of helping Sugreeva. What has he
punch after punch on Sugreeva with
done to fulfil his obligations to Sugreeva?’
his fist, and Sugreeva did the same to him
People will bring such criticism against me. in return. Thus, these two, resembling
4. To prevent the circulation of such asper­ each other very much, fought between them­
sions against me, you challenge Vali for a selves. Rama was watching them in great
fight. It will end in good for you. (5.7). astonishment, but did not release the arrow
With a single arrow, I will kill Vali and for fear of striking Sugreeva, for Vali
install you as king.” Agreeing to this and Sugreeva resembled each other so much.
proposal, Sugreeva went to the grove 10. Shaken with fear, Sugreeva ran away

ft tot irsron .vREtftar i ?^r srft Hf tW im

wr SFrcrRft ^qrqi fw* tf STW’RRRRF II 12
snftrc^ w 3ifte?sr n 13
S^TFSTTO 5T ft I KRtiH 3 || 14
*RW* 3***4^ ^rftr^ । nfcCKtjft fcjwracjiis
3 giH HRt ^TO^I HvtaFT n% gwrwnn^^ ii 16
$wr kotrt gjfei sifai aci q^swr frre^BRi
Jwiw srsft w <r«n«^ i Sa^<ra a aTferqMi^aq^ I is
'fafcrat wt sgi&if wqa: i ^r qfatf ii 19
TO’jJten «RR.^Rt ^IRi 1120
a w: gjfwfir ifcri ww ii

defeated, vomitting blood; and victorious blossomed flowers and put it on the neck of
Vail returned to .his abode. Now Sugreeva Sugreeva. Send him against Vali, thus
said to Rama. 11. “O Rama! Do you marked with a garland.” Lakshmana did
want me to be killed by the enemy, my accordingly, and prompted Sugreeva to set
brother? If your object is to kill me, you forth again for battle. Sugreeva went out
can yourself do it directly, O Lord! (12-14). once more and with a terrific sound challen­
O adherent of Truth and lover of those who ged Vali.
seek refuge in you! Why have you abando­
ned me after generating confidence in you Tara’s plea to Vali (19-41)
in my mind?” Hearing Sugreeva’s 19. Surprised at this new challenge, Vali
words, Rama with tears in his eyes embraced in great wrath, girded up his loins
him and said, “Be not afraid, O friend! and got ready to take up the challenge.
Both of you being alike, I could not release 20. While thus getting ready to start,
my arrow fearing that it might strike you, he was obstructed by Tara, who said,
my friend. Therefore, to avoid this mistake “I do not think it is correct for you to go
by confusion, I am giving you a distinguish­ now. I have got great apprehensions in
ing mark. 15. Now go again and challenge my mind. 21. It is only just now that
Vali, and you will see him dead. I, Sugreeva ran away defeated by you. He
Rama, am swearing this to you. O is again returning for combat in great
brother! Jn a moment, I will destroy haste. He must have some very powerful
your enemy.” ally behind him for support.” 22. To her
(16-18). Consoling Sugreeva in this man­ Vali said, “O handsome lady! You give
ner, Rama said to Lakshmana, “O high- up these apprehensions regarding him.
souled one! Make a garland of fully Release your hold on my hand. Let me

^n sW wn^ WWI I 5^FT 23

toh^ in^ $4 fasi’ji i’SK । ^R^n^wiw ft 5^r ’nsnfa <kRiim

TOtSfWBT «THT TOtfM1 TOR: wnt TO U 25
^Rtrofe^fe: sfrro. nfa ^rsrrfa: fwi ^rwfa ’khi 4kwi mito h$ ii 26
TOfa g?r tffar <n firar I thto to ’n’Srots^ <ju*h^ii 27
3infat gtffaui TOTO I gtffa: TOT !TOTOlfW( II 28
w torr: 1 *nfro wtft 1129
^fa faw*q farad 455*tro1 ^hito 11 30
^RRd Trhn ti ?wn s#toto 1 th h wr snr 11 31
<nfe hhjr tot sftsff< 1 to’n^isrfw’T5^1132
WPtf TOift WRT $Tk TWft^TO | wfen W TOft ^faw4l< ll 33

go to meet the enemy. (23-24). I shall be for her everywhere, he along with Laksh-
retuming very soon after killing him. mana arrived at Rishyamuka and entered
Who can be his ally? If there is any such into an alliance with Sugreeva, taking an
ally for Sugreeva, I shall kill him too in an oath of rendering mutual help, with fire
instant and return. Grieve not. When as witness. The agreement between them,
challenged by an enemy, which courageous it seems,is that killing you in battle, he will
person can stand without responding? So, install Sugreeva in your place. With this
O handsome lady! I shall return soon resolve, they are staying in their abodes
after destroying him.” nearby. Now hear my advice. It’s only
25. Tara said in reply. “O great ruler! just now that Sugreeva ran away defeated.
Hear from me some news that I have learnt. Then, how can he come for battle so soon?
After that you can do as you think fit. (This gives credence to my fear that he
When son Angada had gone on a hunt, he has a powerful ally behind.) Therefore,
heard some news which he reported to me. it is better that you abandon your enmity
(26-33). It is as follows: They say there with Sugreeva and bring him to your city
is a great personage by name Rama, the son and install him as the heir apparent. You,
of King Dasaratha of Ayodhya. Along therefore, seek shelter in Rama. O great
with his brother Lakshmana and wife monkey leader! Thus be pleased to
Sita, he has come to stay in the Dandaka save your country, community, Angada
forest. It appears that Rama’s wife Sita and myself from destruction.” With these
has been abducted by Ravana. Searching words, Tara, shedding tears, prostrated

TOt ’ift TOlWt qlVTOR TO II 34

Ftit *
TOt wro: tor: i n 35
SR TOFR I wj: TO’Rt Hlfer TOI TU?TO: II 36
sn^RTW n( ml&f wri to’erito^ i TOratsgTO^ g^w: II 37
r4 hot I ^urft ^renfroro^ n 38
f^n i ^s< ^tarot tow: 3JTOW 11 39
tfiroffafac wr I WFBti <rffcwq fas ^nfq ||40
TOt r(Tsh^RWtTOK I w< agros: ^ftroi tor st 1141
e*^n sifroRRTR gjfrat ^iwi: I smra nlr n 42
gfewairom I wwt aftit *nfrof tot ii 43
to -MtabiH to^j ss& gfa I at S'W to: wrkii 44
TOHKR <iyfkit^ Erjjft TO^st l 3n$R ^f’rroawwt ii 45
fafhR^lTO tow^t <ktor?h: I TOroRfarftro wr^r wrwr: 11 46
WK h snr wt TOf^rH-: i smra torr frovia % 11 47
before Vali and caught hold of his feet about cultivating friendship with Sugreeva
with her hands and wept bitterly out of and making him the heir-apparent. How
fear. Then Vali, embracing her, said to can I, O dear lady—I, the celebrated Vali
her with great affection. (34-36). He said, whose heroism is recognised by the whole
“Dear wife! Your words are the mere world—follow the suggestions prompted
promptings of your womanly timidity. I by fear, when challenged by the enemy to
have no such fear. If Lord Rama along fight? How can I think or speak like that?
with Lakshmana has come here, I shall Therefore, O handsome lady! abandon
certainly get into friendship with him. I your sorrow and remain at home.” Con­
have heard formerly that the Supreme Lord soling the grief-stricken and weeping Tara
Narayana has incarnated Himself as Rama in this way, Vali went out determined to
for relieving the earth of her burdens. He kill Sugreeva.
is the Supreme Self and He is not likely to Death of Vali (42-71)
have any distinction between friend and foe. (42-43). Powerful Sugreeva, now with a
37. O virtuous woman! Saluting His feet, garland of flowers amnnd his neck, seeing
I shall fetch Him home. He, the God of Vali advancing, rushed at him with great
gods, seeks those who seek Him. He is speed like an elephant in rut, and delivered
approachable through devotion. (38-41). punches on him with his fist. Vali did the
If Sugreeva comes alone to fight, I shall same to Sugreeva. Thus their fight went on,
kill him in no time. You spoke to me (44-47). Sugreeva fought all along, casting

TO 50 w I ^rat wt km ke^wI^ n 48
W1* htwjj ftTOi sieii^feiiRq^ il 49

gjftrown^t <n*Wt: so

fcSfcT 9R$t TO KM I fc Wfl0 KM 0tSFTO[ n 51

KW&ftTO *lfcr qtf $TRJ <w£ fiRh^TOrar ufa ns2
w fc <HwrewKti qfc $&totoV
km H 53
IS TO1 TOfl W Wl TORt TO I gtffrr 5<ifti'tTO3T;r$sft$ii54
WR wfi WI KM SlR5t I wi *n USS n 55
WS KM S TOft$ wpwi ^fays^ I wi rw ’ssf’n kr n ss
TOmft wi srffo mrtot Ils?

glances at Rama. Looking at these two, said: “O Rama! What harm have I
engaged in mortal combat, Rama took done to you to justify your slaughtering me?
up an arrow from his quiver and attached 52. In shooting an arrow at me hiding
it to his divine bow. Hiding himself behind the stump of a tree, you have violat­
behind the stump of a tree and pulling the ed the code of conduct of royal personages.
bow string up to his ear, Rama of great You have committed an extremely heinous
prowess released at the chest of Vali that crime. (53-54). O Rama! what gain are
arrow, which was powerful like the thunder­ you going to reap by fighting with me
bolt weapon. The missile smashed the adopting the conduct of a thief? If you
chest of Vali, who jumped up causing are a Kshatriya bom in the line of Mann,
earth-tremors and then with a terrific howl fight with me facing mo and reap its con­
fell to the ground. sequences. What favour has Sugreeva done
(48-50). Vali lay unconscious for a to you and what is it that I have left undone?
time. Then regaining consciousness, he 55.1 have heard, O Rama, that while staying
saw before him, the lotus-eyed Rama, hold­ in the forest, your wife has been abducted
ing bow in his left hand and an arrow in by Ravana and that you have taken refuge
the other, donning tree-bark cloth and a with Sugreeva in order to recover her.
crown of matted hair, broad-chested, res­ (56-57). O Rama! Have you not heard of
plendent with a wreath of wild flowers, my strength, which is so well-known all
and stout, long arms, shining with the lustre over the world? I am capable of capturing
of new Durva grass, and accompanied by Ravana along with all his tribe and bringing
Snjreeva and Lakshmana on either side. the whole of Lanka along with Sita in no
51. Seeing Rama before him, Vali spoke time, if I wish to do so. I have heard
to him the following words of insult. He people saying that you are a strict adherent

tot i toft tot ntn tot irf f$ qdrofg iiss

<?fa <5 *nro qtfsR TOffssrfai gfai HM ^sfiwnft wuro: ii s»
toWth wtof^i 5$ai*fa5ft W’W’^W’Eg'n i|6o

w <t nd wfawft ffaftfr;) TO*t h g Rro n gsd w imi

?< g W ndf TOg I waft to sriffai <dtsft ii 62

r gfiro sn4H wd ffarfo i gron tw^wimiItovK U 63

^SHFW TOFTOt gw TO TTOffa I n 64

to to wro Rt qrfa^ i strom to wgnife n 6s
wiw^rofa RSrfrr toto i TO fafaq; I! 66
wr front «jir( ffarot nr q^ I wr f «67
fa TOift to Rt fro TO^fqjin^i totoi toto to n 68

of righteousness. 58. Tell me what rules men move about in this world to sanctify
of righteousness you have observed in it. Because of your monkey nature, you
killing a monkey, hiding like a hunter. are not able to understand it. So do not
The flesh of monkeys is not fit for consump­ indulge in insulting criticism.”
tion. What have you gained by killing 64. Hearing these words, the terror-stric­
me?” ken Vali, recognised Rama as Mahavishnu
(SMI). To Vali, who was thus speaking Himself. So making prostrations to him
at length such insulting words, kama, bom with an agitated mind, he said to Rama:
in Raghu’s line, replied: “I am moving 65. “O high-souled RamaJ Thou art verily
on this earth, with bow in hand in order to the Supreme Being. The ignorant monkey
enforce the rules of Dharma in thin world* that I am, I have made these irreverent
Destrpyiflg the perpetrators of Adhanna, remarks. Be gracious to pardon me for the
I am here to establish Dharma. A daughter’
same. 66. I am going to die, struck with
a sister, a sister-in-law, the daughter-in-law— Thy arrow and particularly in Thy very
all these are alike. If a foolish man takes presence. It is not given even to great
a woman of any of these relations as a Yogis to see Thee in this way. 67. He, by
wife or mistress, he is to be considered repeating whose name in a mood of helpless­
a sinner, and he deserves to be executed by ness at the time of one’s death, a Jiva attains
the king. 62. You have forcibly appropria­ to the Supreme Status—even He is now
ted for yourself the wife of your younger standing before me. 68. O Divine Being!
brother. So, O monkey leader, I, who I recognise Thee as the Supreme Purusha,
know Dharma, have killed you. 63. Great Maha-Vishnu, and Sita as Thy consort Sri.

nt TO nRT I TO ^WlF <4 II 69

ftwi >t to ’nfcn ^TO. i
gStfh nPH^^ERn to< 'nfror I n?FR ^Hn^£l,sTO?sj’>n^ u 70

n^T fag^T ^R^PFTOTTO W’K tRU^TO^TO^II 71

ftfoFsnsro ftfcn 11 R 11

Prayed to by Brahma, Thou art removed the arrow, holding him by the
bom in this world for • the destruction hand. That monkey-chief now left his
of Ravana. 69. Give me Thy permission, physical body and his spirit became identi­
O Rama, to attain to Thy Supreme fied with Indra. 71. Struck by the arrow of
Status. And may Thou be gracious Rama, and stroked by his cooling and
to my son Angada, who is equal in strength comforting hands, Vali immediately left
to me. 70; O Rama! Stroking my his monkey body and attained to a Status,
chest, be Thou gracious enough to which is difficult even for Paramahamsas
pull out the arrow.” Rama, thereupon to gain.

i li 2

Chapter 3

Tara distracted at Vali’s death “O Noble lady! Vali has been killed in
battle. Take measures to protect Prince
1. When Rama, the Supreme Self, killed Angada. Instruct the ministers in this
Vali in battle, all the monkeys, terrified respect. 3. Closing all the gates of the city,
beyond measure, rushed to Kishkindha. we shall guard it. Proclaim Angada as the
2. The monkeys went and reported to Tara, king of the monkeys.” 4. Hearing that Vali

TFfaf spfar SRfa ST I fans ’iwnfa sfan n 5

^*ST rSfal rTS I srafanWr to n 6
qfact srfafa tott I wrfafa Mtot tot 11 7
WT fawst m I TTH st Sfft snfa ^s sraft 5SFTOT II 8
*rarfa sfarfarM sfarfaw^ I ssnsfa s gii ssi st fan n 9
srfaft st ss^nj <Rsfass^r *fa^ 1110
gate <s ^rfar sifaraffctt I Kfaw wnsi^^swnsfas^ n 11
fe'T^'t ST TO Tlfa Rwnt I SFWW ?(W SWHtS^TS: u 12
fa Mfe sfafa sq4 sfasrsrs ^tr m *Mt st s$ s^ws: 11 13
’Tsjwft sret ^^MhF5fsrafain^ I fas^stfastiTfa^ jn iim
gfaflotf sfrrerft fawn I s srnfa s ftnfa s fasfa s ’rs^fa his

was dead, Tara was overcome by sorrow for a person’s marriage. 11. And, O Sugre-
and she beat her chest with her hands eva, the kingdom being assigned to you by
several times. 5. She cried, “What am I Vali’s killer, you have easily gained king-
to achieve by Angada, by the kingdom, by ship over it. You now enjoy it in the
the city, by wealth? I shall die together company of your wife Ruma without fear
with my husband even now.” 6. Speaking of any enemy.”
in this way and weeping in bitter sorrow,
she walked quicklywith her locks dishevelled Rama’s sermon to Tara (12-39)
to the place where her husband’s dead body 12. Tara, who was bemoaning her fate
was lying. 7. On seeing Vali’s body lying in thisway, was graciously comforted by the
on the ground, covered with blood and high-souled Rama by imparting to her the
dust, she cried aloud, “O my husband! O my knowledge of Truth. 13. Rama said to
husband 1” and fell at his feet. 8. With tears her, “O timid lady! It befits you not to
flowing from her eyes, she looked at Rama
mourn over your husband's death. Who
and said to him, “O Rama! Kill me also is your husband—is it this body or the
with the same arrow with which you killed Jiva? Think of the true state of affairs.
Vali. 9. I want to attain to the same 14. The body is a combination of the five
realm as my husband and be with him. O elements and inert. It consists of skin,
scion of Raghu’s line! Without me, he flesh, blood, bones etc., and is bom of the
will not be happy even in heaven. 10. functioning of Time, Kanna and Gunas.
O holy one! You have experienced the It is lying here now before you. 15. If you
sorrow arising from separation from one’s consider that ydur husband is the Atman,
wife. So, send me soon to Vali. You will then as the Spirit, he is deathless. He, as
thereby gain the merit equal to arranging the Spirit, is neither bom nor dead, nor

I s $4 ll is

^Tsf^iWR i ^aaif^Fsn mn* Uw

gfapr sFelM

<ii'(^ftdh i 18 ii

fawittndswiiit h tot i fTOTI SqFTHRR TO$ frRFlft TO 1119

aaRte<n4-ifsft wro£,nR’H<j^: n 20
f< 4«^r *r : i snro w II21
TO fa^P/ I srofsiwfa ?rcpt Rfer toi^ 11 22
3{Rin Rfer^‘ 3 ajsro 1123
^KWR TO ’S’fe Wt ^&W I sn$ iRlSTOS5^ *ra: 1124
11 25
WRms I

sitting anywhere. 16. The Jiva is all-per­ and superimposed bondage of Samsara,
vading and endless. He is neither a man, of one contemplating op the objects of the
nor a woman, nor a neuter. He is one senses, does not pass off by itself, just as
without a second, unaffected by anything, the false experience of a dream doesnot.
just like the sky. He is eternal, pure, and It is eradicated only when the sleep ends. 20.
of the nature of Consciousness. What By its connection with the beginningless
reason is there for you to mourn for Avidya, the I-sense,which is itself a product
him?” of Avidya, experiences Samsara, character­
17. Tara now questioned Rama, “O ised by attraction, aversion etc., though it
Rama! The body is an insentient thing like is entirely meaningless. 21. O Noble lady!
a piece of wood. The Jiva is deathless and Samsara and the bondage experienced in
of the nature of Pure Consciousness. If that state belong to the Manas,. The Spirit
it be so, whose is this bondage? Who is getting identified with the Manas becomes
it that experiences pleasure and pain and is a participant of the bondage accruing to
affected by them?” the latter. 22. This phenomenon can be
18. Sri Rama replied, “So long as one understood from the analogy of how a clear
feels the ‘I-sense’ with regard to the body, piece of crystal placed near a red paint
subtle or gross, and the Indriyas, so long appears as stained by that colour. Though
that ignorant person (Atma) is subject to the crystal looks red in appearance, it is
Samsara, birth and death. 19. The false not really stained. (23-25). Similarly owing

sH wnfa: Frarafa: I n 26
’s^rrwrI: Il 27
qqr ^r*ra srar^ 1 nawir gwrot w tfmr wft: 1128
wnw «rj oral qq: 1 era: srra^ 11 29
eRFJFhrcn^r ^wrci ftfcRinnsn'ni^fcm s*rf^ra^ii3o
^RWigW: 0eWF3(RinW^ I ^TRT %l^K: SRqfc iRtfc^ II31
qtsfor^ 1 re sn^trarfr a wfci u 32
ew^nw sfaqrafrqq 1 qarassnftqt^ 1133
io ths proximity of Buddhi, Indriyas and end of the cosmic cycle, the Jiva gains
the like, the experience of Samsara is manifestation once again, wrapped in mind
forced upon the Atman. The Atman identi­ and tendencies acquired in the past. Help­
fying itself with the Manas—-whose reflected lessly, he is thus submerged and projected
sentiency helps one infer its matrix, the into Samsara, just like a water-lifting
Atman, as Pure Sentiency—.enjoys the sense machine. (28-29). When, as a result of some
objects which are born of Manas itself in as­ meritorious deeds, the embodied Jiva gets
sociation with the Atman. Thus the Atman association with My devotees or holy men,
comes to be involved in Samsara, helplessly established in peace, then he gradual!}- turns
bound by the Gunas or the objects of the his attention towards Me. He then gains
senses. First, the mind in association with that rare good fortune of hearing recitals
Atman, generates the sense objects and of My actions and excellences. When he se­
superimposes on them their painful and riously takes to these devotional disciplines,
pleasurable nature. From this arise their he will without much difficulty gradually
repulsiveness and attractiveness, which make gain an understanding of the real nature of
the Jiva perform works, some pure (Sukla), the Self. (30-31). Instructed by a competent
some impure (Krishna), and some others a spiritual teacher, the sense of the Vedic
mixture of these two (Lohita). Subject to dictums dawns on him. He comes to have
these various types of Kaunas, the Jiva is the intuitive experience that his Self is
involved in Samsara for the whole cosmic identical with the supreme and blissful
cycle. 26. When everything is dissolved Self, non-dual, eternal and distinct from
into the primitive condition at the end of the body, senses, mind, Prana and the I-sense
cosmic cycle, the Jiva along with all its (Ahamkara). Gaining this knowledge, he
acquired tendencies and its Karma potential becomes liberated immediately. Know that
gets dissolved in beginningless Avidya, what I have said is the Truth. 32. Whoever
owing to its identification with mind, senses always contemplates seriously on these
etc., and remains in that condition. 27. teachings that I have given out, him the tra­
When the time of creation comes at the vails of Sar^sara will never affect. 33. You

Tqflrqfa TO W I II 34
'•Sf? r\ • £ ry s*__ \
sqi^n I $FT 1W II 35
MtaWKS SW J^T arcifaftferai I STfa ^J’K’U *1^ ^rwf. II 36
3n?mgwF5^i sfcFSrR ? I ^’rasfw^’r wl^'il u 37
3Fnfe^?sr fashr W sift frbwt 11 38
sr^^n^rafe^r 1
<ra: *d
int I 39
Q . . rv
gifa ’F’F^ I w-tft swtik ww ii 40
nftoita 3HJ 3ii%q 5^ n 41
^(^f^FR^sn^^sn^t i ^’W( TOJlK* II 42
»RT W tRHT ’IWlW 5FTRW I ^1^1 wi nw wrH w^m: u 43

too, think over these teachings of Mine of Rama, Sugreeva also overcame the
with a pure and concentrated mind. Then influence of ignorance totally and became
you will not be afflicted by miseries. You established in peace.
will be free from the bondage of Karma. 34.
O handsome lady! In your previous birth, Coronation of Sugreeva (40-54).
you had practised devotional discipline. 40. Rama now said to Sugreeva, the
Therefore, for your liberation from Samsara, great monkey, “You make arrangements
this form of Mine has been revealed to you. now for the cremation and obsequies of
35. If you constantly contemplate on this your elder brother at my command. Make
form of Mine and think over these teachings, his son perform all the rites of funeral
then Karmas will not bind you, even if you obsequies as laid down in the Sastra.”
be engaged in activities brought about by (41-43). Agreeing to do so, Sugreeva had
life in Samsara.” the body of Vali lifted by many powerful
(36-38). Tara heard all these instructions monkeys and kept on a specially decorated
of Rama with great interest and attention. vehicle. To the accompaniment of the sound
She overcame her grief born of identification of kettle-drums and big drums and of all
with the body, and made prostrations before other forms of royal insignia, and followed
Rama. Rejoicing in being established in by Brahmanas, ministers, monkey governors,
the Self, she became a Jivanmukta—one citizens. Tara and Angada, the body of
liberated in this very life. By her contact Vali was taken to the place of cremation
with Rama, the Supreme Self, for a short and all rites were performed according to
time, Tara became freed from all stains scriptural injunctions. Then Sugreeva took
and from the beginningless bondage of his bath and along with the ministers went
Avidya. 39. Hearing all these instructions to Rama’s presence,
aftermath OF VALI’S death 191
wfc nSn «nwnf ii44
^rRt tito ms rotter aftra to ii 45
$({to(eh^ <r wrororfafcrer 11 46
ifol «T*B WW’TT I

w s^nfa w: i wtffafa % tot wri wr tt n 47

ar? rofft fwt ’Fferei asigsr: 11 48
3rjk ’fhrci^ RRt^ror i

swfa ’RTO^ i 1149

nrereyr qfaw? mfttr wn<$h i wro^ n so

w gi to to n^ur =Tfe: || 51
3(3^1^ rotted ww:|
^nr^or q^FTW qNFTOTO i ’rot sfta* 1152

to wrong ropror 1 srcfaMtes? faro 11 53

«?< W WfeK <tfTOTOW^|

^TOIW<< W^nfhRF3( I TOFT TtTOTTO gw TO: TOVW || 54

(44-45). Prostrating at Rama’s feet, Sug­ After that, you can begin the search for
reeva said with a sense of deep statisfaction: Sita.” 50. Sugreeva prostrated before Rama
“O great royal personage! Rule over this and said, “O great one! Whatever you order
prosperous realms of the monkeys. I shall me, I shall do accordingly.” 51. Per­
be your attendant just like Lakshmana and mitted by Rama, Sugreeva went to the city
serve you for a long time.” To Sugreeva in the company of Lakshmana and did
who spoke these words, Rama said with a everything as instructed by Rama. 52.
smile: 46. “You are verily myself. There is Received and honoured properly by Sug­
no doubt about this. At my order, you in­ reeva, Lakshmana soon finished his work
stall yourself as the ruler of the city and and reported himself to Rama by prostrat­
the kingdom. 47. O dear friend! For four­ ing at his feet.
teen years, I will not enter into any city. 53. Next Rama and Lakshmana pro­
So my brother Lakshmana will go with ceeded to a high peak of the mountain
you to the city. (48-49). Install Angada as called Pravarshana. 54, There Rama came
the heir-apparent. I along with brother across a cave which had the brilliance of
Lakshmana, shall spend the rainy season crystal, which gave shelter from sun, rain
on the peak of this neighbouring mountain. and wind and where fruits and roots were
You go and live in your city for sometime. in easy reach. He resolved to sta>

H ss |
gfa sumfoynfr
idhr: ll 3 II i
. . ’ . . ,. ^
within that cave. 55. He took his residence flowers, and of lakes with waters sparkling j
in that mountnin which had an abundance like pearls and which was filled with ;)
of delicious fruits and roots and fragrant many-coloured birds and animals. 'j[
wit ■ j

wit ufa’jSRj i j
i f^vd^FT* II 3
’ i^mut i n *
Whr । ’OHihnsW ll s

Chapter 4

Rama instructing Lakshmana on his

They resembled a herd of elephants in rut
ritualistic worship (1-42). with golden seats spread on their top. 3. On
1. Rama and Lakshmana spent happily the grassy mountain surface could be seen
the rainy season, moving about for recrea­
moving about birds and beasts, happy
tion among the caves made of precious
and plumpy by consuming an abundance
stones on the mountain side and subsisting of fresh green grass. Seeing Rama’s pre-
with great satisfaction on the fruits and roots
sence there, they stood looking at him with
available there in abundance. 2. There wide-open eyes. (4-5). Like ascetics ever
Rama saw with wonder masses of rain­
immersed in meditation, there stood those
clouds in the sky moving before the wind birds and beasts gazing at Rama—-birds
with peals of thunder and flashes of light­ and beasts who were verily Siddhas come
ning coming from within their watery mass. to serve the Supreme Being, as he moved
55 & 1-15]

wnia?n^r: n 6
3Rrit^ i 3MieiR<iw’^ TOtft Hfern n 7
5cnft (wwfar i wtrriot w vtfru u 8
^er wrffrfr stensRrej h 9

w* 1 *rert »rft 1110

J{H ’JjdtGlWIW SfRfrsfe 1 wfa wiTO^hi: U 11

^rss^r 1112
» 13
swf II 14
Rnhnww wrifefcrai ^sr: 1115

about in the form of a man amidst those Mukti, so that the whole world besides
forests and mountains. myself may be benefited thereby,”
(6-7). On one of those days, when Sri Rama said in reply: 11. “The ways
xv««>_ after his meditation was sitting
Rama of My ritualistic worship are endless. I
in solitude in a contemplative mood, shall therefore give you a brief exposition
iu w--
Lakshmana approached him ijn n aU of it in its essential parts according to their
affection • •—
and humility, and said* importance. (12-14). After being invested
“O Lord! By the instructions Thou gave with the sacred thread according to the
me on past occasions, the doubts of my traditions of the family, a person must get
mind born of beginningless Avidya, have initiated into My Mantra and worship
been cleared. (8-10). I now wish to hear from a proper Guru. He should then
from Thee how Karma Yogis offer Thee proceed to perform My worship as shown
their ritualistic worship. This path is al­ by the teacher, with deep devotion and
ways claimed by the Yogins as a way for attention. Worship can be offered to Me
the attainment of Mukti. Besides, Narada, as residing in the heart, or firef or an image,
Vyasa and the lotus-bom Brahma speak or the sun, or the Salagrama. First an
of it as a way that confers Mukti alike to aspirant should cleanse his body by taking a
Brahmanas, Kshatriyasand Vaisyas as also morning bath IS. He should utter appro­
to women and Sudras. O great one! Please priate Mantras, Vedic and Tantric, while
speak, to me, Thy brother and devotee, about bathing, and apply mud or other ingredients
this way of quick and universal access to allowed by the scriptures for purifying his

gsfh i ^5 to m«
(Wnt fph rMrotg tof&f^ i faftetfaw 11 17
awfasrsdTm ’’t «pWwti 1 ’tft’nft'WiKt Wt 5*to?to 11 is
3iwft wtTOfc 1 ^7hr<d «i<qr to wtffr 11' 19
ft ’T5’srj«nw^{> 1 TO?fa wfw || 20

wikr ’rft^ro^i toWsto ^roi gamro: || 21

TOh Kt?fa WSNffcF^ I TO: f TO: TO9( II 22

body. Then he should perform Sandhya offered on it. As for ingredients, offering
flnd other daily rites. 16. With a pure of even mere water with firm faith by a
mind he should at the beginning of worship devotee, is pleasing to Me. Not to speak
utter the Sankalpa (the right resolution) then of how pleased I am when worshipped
for the successful performance of the rite« with flowers, sandal paste, incense, and
The worshipper should then adore the Guru offerings of fruits, sweets, Payasa and other
in mind with the conviction that the Guru delicious preparations. 21. The worshipper
is Myself. (17-18). If the worship is done should sit on a seat- made with Kusa grass
on a stone medium, ceremonial bath of the at the bottom and deer skin and cloth over
■W wa1 water should be performe<l it. He should sit facing the Deity, with
to*r eM7.of Th
object worship is an
',,ofeta s»“uu^l^ w his mind pure and filled with holy thoughts.
with well-known ingredients Iiv, “* 22. Then one should do Nyasa or place­
sandal paste etc. If the worship • fl°Wer’ ment of fingers with Mantras. The first
fruit, it should be done **3° b*ar Nyasa to be performed is Matrika-Nypsa^
sincerity of mind, and with ohsT”^ which consists in placing the fifty one
alphabets on the body and on the worship­
ping image. Then should be done Kesavadi
procedure of wonhip according to the Nyasa by placement of twentyfour divine
tradition as imparted 6y the Gum n
tion of the image with flower gariandTT’ names, and this is to be followed by the
Tattva-Nyosa. (The details about thee Nya-
is highly pleasing to Me. (19.2m
worship is done through the “ ** sas are given in the Narada Pancharatrd).
are, then oblations with ghee it-J"" °f 23. Next should be done Murtipangara-
with other ingredients should be ’’"’T1 Nyasa (which consists in the place­
ment of the divine names given in
If tire sun is the medium of worship tb»'.' Vishnu-Panjara-stotra from the head
ritualistic design to represent the Slm to the feet). After that Mantra-Nyds#
be made on the floor and worship should be should be done. All these have to

3T*<WRRl4 II 24
wigfss^r nsrart 4tetiftram II25
«Rn i m^srsT^fW sferfsi11 26

RH^srf^nh | rC$)*HUHIW II 27
si^eUHHfaR g>Fa$g?k n 28
t sn’RHtf i II 29
sr^WsW* WW’ftsro I thi fsfsHT u 30

sjir^Rtannw 3Fs^nm(^R: i ^n^wsfor 4^rtto 11 31

3{AlWHt ST W Sfw W I (RSF^W (v4lM<«i*jfK<^ || 32
^i^h^hswt tt^s^r to ^t: I qri^Rt sfe imtw ii 33
s€t sri 3^sh s*nW *krrj WI grssiH 'S sfsjt Il 34
5r<n^^3?r^ H 35
be done also to the image scrupulously. the Dasavarana Puja as given in Agastya
(24-25). Then a little to the left in front of Samhita. Everyday worship should be done
oneself, the water pot must be kept and on with incense, light, various kinds of food
the right side the flowers to be offered. offerings, bath etc. with great faith (Sradriha)
In the same way, four vessels muse be I, the Lord of all, is a consumer of whatever
arranged for Arghya, Padya, Achamana and is offered with great faith and sincerity.
Madhuparka. One should then meditate on Those who are experts in Mantras, should
the Jiva (embodied spirit), who is a particle every day make offerings in fire (Homa)
of Myself, in the heart-lotus luminous also according to scriptural dictates. 31.
like the sun. 26. Then one should think In a sacrificial pit designed according to the
that He is permeating the whole of the rules laid down in Agastya-Samhita, one
body from head to foot. Next one should versed in Agamas should make oblations of
transfer every day that Divine-Consciousness- ghee and other ingredients with the chanting
within oneself into the image to be wor­ of Mula-Mantra or the Purusha-Sukta.
shipped and feel it as a living presence. 27. (32-33). Or without making any special
Then one should adore Me with great sacrificial pit, one can make oblations with
sincerity, according to one’s means, with Charu in the sacred fire kept by oneself.
Padya, Arghya, Achamaniya, water for bath, During the time of offering, one should
cloth and decorations. 28. Those who have contemplate on Me, golden in colour and
plenty of means should everyday make decorated with divine ornaments, and as
offerings of Karpura, Kumkuma, Akil, dwelling in the middle of the flame. In
sandal paste and fragrant flowers. (29-30). conclusion, offerings should be made to My
An aspirant can do with the help of experts attendants. (34-35). Next, one should make
[Ch. 4

ftrwsra wi JFTK I 36
TO nt sraiT'Ssft: I II 37
WRflflifo i 5^5* n 38
W ^rt i qftfa *w w*i sn^fcr m ii 39

q^’W ’rfe qr ^wkssw m 11 40

to 4taw ftqRtw^WL । T» «< iwhOT 11^ 11 IT

$h: snswrii mqim<a^4 $:faa: 1 ?i fa# fc$r ww 11 42
gw fcfcTOFrf ig^RREj ?FMFsnc gftdtaRr qsfrim^ 11 43
*&!> wnfe atq iswi * to «gw ll 44

silent repetition of My Mantra with the worships Me everyday in this way, he attains
mind dwelling on Me. After that, he should Sarupya or salvation by getting My own
offer Me betel leaves with a joyful mind, and form. There is no doubt about it. 40.
next engage himself in dance, song, praise, Whoever either reads or hears this supre­
chanting and reading of the scriptures. mely holy and esoteric exposition of My
Next, he should make a full prostration worship as given by Myself, will attain to
Contemplating on Me in his mind. the fruits of doing all forms of daily wor­
(36-37). Hqshould next imagine in his mind, ship.” 41. Thus, the Supreme Being incar-’
the Deity as giving the offered flowers etc., nated as Sri Rama, on being questioned,
to him as Prasada as a mark of His grace, .expounded this doctrine of ritualistic worship
and he should place them on his head. to His brother Lakshmana, who was himself
Then he should mentally grasp the feet an incarnation of Adisesha. 42. But after­
of the Deity and touch his head on them wards assuming the attitude of an ordinary
and pray, “O Lord! Lift me from this man, through the power of his own Maya,
terrible life in Samsara of repeated births Rama, stricken with sorrow, spent sleepless
and deaths.” With this prayer one should nights calling aloud, ‘O Sita’.
make prostration. Then, just as he brought
out the Deity from his consciousness, for Hanuman’s advice to Sugreeva (43-54)
the purpose of worship, he should also take 43. In the meantime, in Kishkmdha, intel­
Him back into himself, according to the ligent Hanuman had a private conversation
rite called Udvasa. 38. If a man worships with Sugreeva, the king of the monkeys.
Me, in the way I have expounded, he will 44.Hanuman said, “O King! I shall speak to
attain to spiritual well-being by My grace you of certain matters in your real interest.
in this world and the next. 39. If a devotee Rama has already done for you a favour

fw a: srifcnfa if I <Wt TT^ft 4h€Mtsh4MHRS: Iks

tesnr sntersftr I S w ’rfeRflf 9RT sc ^Fgsft: II 46
te 3 ^fkxKt II 47
stem: s ^srr u
। SR^TS 55TJRT SRite II 49

tfta’ ^5 wt te RTOHt i wnft ^tetet wn$ fate H so

I wn?g ste R5R3^i: II si
WFFl qw if S H5R: I §tete u 52
$WS I wi XWW f^u II 53
amfiid^is^i^iH^u^m^q^mu^^ 1
’frIwtr: wnsrs ^iHtewawm wnfcw 11 «
fafawui*|U4 ^pf: s*f: n v 11

of a very valuable type. 45. But 1 find that Now in all haste, please send ten thousand
like an ungrateful person, you seem to have powerful monkeys in.all the ten directions
forgotten all that. For your sake, he has for the search for Sita. Please enforce this
destroyed Vali, celebrated for his strength order of mine quickly. (51-52). Let all
and heroism in all the three worlds. the monkeys dwelling in the seven continents
(46-47). You have been installed as king. be called. All of them should come within
You have also got back your very handsome a fortnight. Those who fail to do so will
wife Tara. The high-souled Rama, howe­ be condemned to death.” Giving these
ver, is living on the top of the mountain orders to Hanuman, Sugreeva went to his
with his brother, and perhaps he may be abode. 53. The intelligent and competent
eagerly awaiting your arrival before him minister that he was, Hanuman immedia­
with the news about Sita. But you are not tely put Sugreeva’s order into practice
aware of these facts, being absorbed in and sent monkey messengers in all
women’s company, following the ways of the directions 54. With great care and
monkeys. 48. After promising to find out attention, Hanuman deputed, after honour,
the whereabouts of Sita, if you fail to do ing them with good words and presents, a
so,you will, like an ungrateful person, number of monkey messengers who were
meet with the same fate as Vali.” possessed of great excellences like courage
(49-50). Hearing Hanuman’s words, Sug­ and quickness of movement like the wind,
reeva was filled with fear and he said to and who were huge in size like moun­
Hanuman, “What you have said is correct. tains.


iW MfasFft ।
tfrai wt^i s^mmi mt m ^s?nfir mttmm^ n
$Ma mm wwtfaRj fsww Jfi Mfc sfRifa Mt moir sfcFm mm$m mtii

senfar MWh I sf^rt it wmm Jr u 4

4tai 4 wici^ m^mohish^ I t aft uw^ II 5
hhwsw^ ^4 mimr. I ^Jsfir WffRWfa MM ^SCFTMt faMT |l 6
r snM^f wft sfarar: I g^frsfc MT M MMMfM II 7
^r Pwii mfm qfe?h k<: i || 8
MFnRl MH? MMM’Mft MI^faM (msH^ I $M^Mt I’WWl ft MT^ || 9
5^M ^MM^M MJC M^MRR^I Ml*ft MMT^Jts«t MM1 1110

Chapter 5

Rama’s grief, thinking of Sita (1-25) you must be to sustain life without seeing
1. Meantime, dwelling on that resplen­ me, in that Rakshasa’s abode. Separated
dent mountain, Rama, distressed extremely from that moon-faced wife of mine, even this
by separation from Sita, said as follows: moonlight appears to me to be as hot as the
X He said, “O Lakshmana! See, my Sira has rays of the sun. 7. O moon! Touch my
been forcibly abducted by the Rakshasa. I body after you have cooled your rays by
have not yet been able to determine whether contacting Sita, the daughter of Janaka.
she is dead or alive. (3-6). If anybody It looks that this Sugreeva is heartless. He
gives news about her survival, he will be does not understand how distressed I am.
doing me a service, which I shall appreciate 8. Having obtained a kingdom free of all
very much. If 1 come to know about the enemies, he is now living in privacy with
whereabouts of that chaste wife of mine, ladies, giving himself to drink and over­
I shall by force get her back, as Amrita was indulgences. He has proved himself to be
got from the ocean. Now, this, O my absolutely ungrateful. 9. Even after the
brother, is my vow. Whoever has taken spring season has come, there is no sign of
Sita, I shall bum him with all his sons and his starting in search of my wife. Wicked
his armies into ashes. Alas! O Sita of and thankless as he is, he has forgotten me,
moon-like face, I can imagine how miserable his great benefactor. 10. I shall destroy

sft nwfa wr i gjft< ii n

RTWm wifcfaNiji sw n 12
»Fgn*g«w 4hpr iwt wiw^ 1 ihmwii w w 1113
ftsg *ftw spfrt cfiroti h 14
3nn^r sr^Rrfwr^i Mtaftipn 11 is
fefarot qfa ft&ftrc sftcr 1 fawift«r ftinwift w: 1116
flawsflgrKkft wii insofar 1 ll 17
^3^1 snwffrmji Ttit w«ri ft 11 is
tFTH: W^HBT RW ftfe: SRI 3RFWW H 19
^rW sft fwftteBR.1 swftj gft> h^ww^ ii »
wmto tthT urg^ss: i ^ter nli «ni swm’ifiU^ Il 21
dxHJtftfai ’jug nft’irwii: w: 1 srg^ wife 11 22

Sugreeva along with his city and all his tribe. all-knowing, who has Lakshmi ever abiding
I shall send him the same way as I have sent with Him, who is of the nature of Pure Con­
Vali.” sciousness, is seen as distracted like an ordi­
(11-13). Seeing Rama in this angry mood, nary worldly man because of separation
Lakshmana now said, “Command me what­ from Sita? How can He, who is the witness
ever you want to be done. Even now I shall of Buddhi, who transcends Maya and its
go and kill that Sugreeva and come back.” effects, who is in truth without attachment
Saying so, Lakshmana, equipped with bow, and aversion, be afflicted by the effect of
quiver and sword, was ready to start. Maya, namely, the sorrows of the world?
Rama ’thereupon said to him: “Dear The answer to this mystery is this. In
brother! Sugreeva is my close friend and it order to fulfil the request made to Him by
is not proper for you to kill him. Brahma, and also to give the proper reward
(14-15). Only frighten him that he too will to King Dasaratha for his austerities, He
be killed like Vali. Communicating this, • incarnated assuming the form of a man.
return soonwithhis reply. I shall decide what Besides, He, who is Mahavishnu Himself,
should be done after that.” Agreeing to wanted to provide men engrossed in Sam­
do so, Lakshmana of great prowess went sara with the story of Ramayana as a
without delay, towards Kishkindha deter­ means for the eradication of all their sins.
mined, as it were, to burn the whole tribe So He assumed this form of a man as Rama,
of monkeys with the fire of his anger. in order to teach man how to behave in
(16-22). But, how is it that Rama, who is worldly life and how to attain the highest

write i 3rb w to 1123

gro ^tesrRfci stotoi 11
TO^n^nte wnro I 25
^wfsfr W to 1 sqiqWwUftg *frw( ^fairoii

<r toh 1 f^rt^rrar^ jsrawnrom 1127

srero ^tron^t ^rtrl wrcw 1 srgnro <hhra: h

w sftef 1
frori irfr^w 1 TO ^RfWmfW JITOJ H S?^r5 U 29

^its^ tfwq gm fsjwfa: 1 'd'4l-4L^H ’I^EJ R fa<V»*<i4 || 30

nuwr ^nte ^4^*111 cftfa TO 5^^ || 31

spiritual destiny; and for this, He, the One Lakshmana in a threatening mood (26-63)
transcending all the Gunas of Prakriti, (26-28). Now Lakshmana approached the
behaved according to time and circums­ city of Kishkindha and twanged his bow­
tance like one infatuated by anger,delusion, string, spreading terror into the minds of
lust etc.—in fact, as a helpless man subject all monkeys. Thereupon, several of the
to the love of a woman. 23. Heis,in truth, ordinary monkeys, in order to put up a
of the form of Pure Consciousness and is defence got upon the rampart, with rocks
endowed with the power ofPure Conscious­ and trees in hand, producing a tumul­
ness. He is the pure witness transcending tuous sound. Seeing the monkeys in such
the Gunas of Prakriti. Therefore, as the a menacing mood Lakshmana bent his
sky is unaffected by anything. He is not bow in order to bring about their total
affected by lust, anger and other passions. destruction. 29. Hearing about Laksh-
24. The ordinary people in ignorance may mana’s arrival, Angada, the chief of the
credit Rama with attachment, aversion ministers, came quickly to meet him. He
and weaknesses, but Sanaka and other dispersed all the monkeys, and going near
great Rishis know the truth about Him Lakshmana, made prostrations to- him.
and attained to Him through that. So (30-31). Lakshmana, possessed of winning
too, is this truth known to others, who manners, then embraced Angada and said
are pure at heart and are endowed with to him, “Dear one! Rama is in an extremely
devotion to the Lord. 25. The Lord, who angry mood. I have come here at his
is unborn and ever existent, presents Him­ command. Convey this news to your
self to devotees, according to the degree uncle.” Agreeing to do so, Angada went
of their mental purity and spiritual capacity. back quickly and informed Sugreeva of

WOT? wteraiW I writa ^F5RJ: *R^rc:ii 32

sn^r i w 11 33
hkuj; i jrcfa^r 11 34
^F3R^:S( •ft^r 11 35
ws’w wrarar^ I H 36
Hrofwn w*n <h 11 37
JTR^T ^ra?RT3^ TOK gjftWT I ’rwrolf TOifcr ^t: 11 38

w*n »pr h I 3TFHTW WRSqRJS’jt 3lfa II 39

^?raten^ wtht w^: i wn wi w« ii 40
jfE^g ’Fir mn muftnFFn I ii 4i
<jrwf ^n fwHffwfaft । W ni^r ll 42
tor i q^n^Fnw H «
^prf i *HW^gifk: STRRteft KtRfa II 44
srw^r *^Rh ^n4 snn^r sfa i snnffiFfftr ^Ri^nidr; smt n 45
ifcn ?twot OTt *s>
I 3fFtff II 46

Lakshmana’s arrival. (32-34). Hearing that said to him, “O great one! O worshipful
1 akshmana had arrived at the gate of the one! O hero! Considering this as your
city in a very angry mood, Sugreeva was own home, please come in and after meeting
terribly frightened and called his trusted Sugreeva and his consort, order us what
minister, Hanuman. He said to Hanu­ we have to do. We shall do accordingly.”
man, “Go quickly with Angada and try 39. Saying so with great devotion, Hanu­
to pacify the angry Lakshmana, and per­ man, the son of the wind-god, held Laksh­
suade him to come into the palace.” Com­ mana by hand and led him from the middle
missioning Hanuman in this way, the king of the street into the palace. 40. On all
of the monkeys said to Tara: 35. “You sides, Lakshmana saw the huge mansions
please go, and with sweet words try to of the chiefs of the community and reached
pacify Lakshmana and bring him to the the palace of, the king, which was com­
inner apartments. After he is thus pacified, parable to the abode of Indra. (41-46).
I shall meet him.” When he reached the middle region of the
(36-38). Agreeing to do so, Tara went palace, he was greeted by Tara, the
towards the middle region of the palace. moon-faced beauty, bedecked with jewellery
Angada with Hanuman now went and and with eyes crimson-tinged through
saluted Lakshmana at the gate. They intoxication. After saluting Lakshmana

i TOfrorfa wr ll 47
torsjfb i ’ttorfStoto n 48


wiRiist to i gjta: n^fera: n so
TOT cdWHcM^TOllff^TO^ I 1151
1 TOt ik: h wiqtssr sriW II52
TOR TOTOl 3k: TOl3 TOT& I R^tsf^kt TO»lfTOTORtfTO: II 54
nTOFn^n^m TOtfs faro: 1 snron'ifta: tot tort: 3frfarr: wtiiss
irfcroroi^ak ktron: hR«<i4>4^ i wuRmRi ^ft3t TTTOrhrihTO: 11 56

she said to him smiling, “O Kinsman! fear, you can take him with you.” Laksh­
I pray for your welfare. You are one of mana, with his anger assuaged a little by
noble conduct and extremely loving to­ Tara’s words, now went into the inner
wards your devotees. Why are you angry apartment of the palace where Sugreeva was
at the king of the monkeys, who is a devoted seated on a cot with his wife Ruma. (51-52).
servant? He has for a long time been Seeing Lakshmana, Sugreeva got up like
suffering from sorrows and hardships con­ one extremely frightened, with his eyes
tinuously. Now he. has been rescued from rolling in intoxication. Angry Lakshmana
that difficult situation by you. By your now said to him, “O you wretch! You
grace, he has been restored to prosperity. seem to have forgotten Rama, the greatest
But do not think that the noble-minded of Raghu’s line. Remember, that the arrow
Sugreeva, being addicted to sexual enjoy- which killed the heroic Vali is still with him-
ments, has failed to come and meet Rama.
(53-56). Killed by me, you too will go the
O Lord! Monkeys will come from all direc­
way of Vali.” To Lakshmana who was
tions. O scion of Raghu’s line! Ten thousand
speaking in this very harsh tone, the heroic
monkeys have already gone to different
places to mobilise a big army of mountain­ Hanuman said, “Why do you speak in this
sized monkeys. 47. Sugreeva himself will vein? This monkey-chief is more devoted
go with the army of monkeys and destroy to Rama than even yourself. He is ever awake
all the Rakshasas including Ravana. (48-50). to Rama’s interests. He has not forgotten
The monkey chief Sugreeva will go with you anything. Crores of monkeys have already
immediately to Rama. Now please come into arrived. Look all around. Soon they will
the palace and see Sugreeva in the midst start in search of Sita, and Sugreeva will
of his family. After he is relieved of his fully achieve the purposes of Rama.”

qsnr: ll i1I

57. Lakshmana felt ashamed of his con­ He is staying alone on the mountain,
duct on hearing the words of Hanuman. steeped in sorrow on account of
And just then Sugreeva also came forward separation from Sita, the daughter
and received Lakshmana in the proper of Janaka.” Agreeing to do so,
way with Arghya and Padya. (58-62). Sugreeva got into a chariot along
Embracing Lakshmana, Sugreeva said, “I with Lakshmana. Accompanied by mon­
am the servant of Rama. I have been keys he proceeded to the place
saved by him. Rama can conquer the where Rama was staying. 63. To the
whole world in a trice by his own accompaniment of drums, Mridanga and
power. My monkey armies are only a other musical instruments,and provided with
small help in this enterprise.” Lakshmana royal insignias like white ceremonial um­
then said to Sugreeva, “f have perhaps brella and peacock-feather fans, and accom­
talked too much. O worshipful one! I panied by a band of ministers headed by
said all that out of love only. Please Hanuman, Neela, Angada, and a big follow­
pardon me for the same, O Sugreeva! ing of bears and monkeys—Sugreeva now
We shall even now go to see Rama. went to Rama’s presence.


ton kht gsrajft faran^r i Wf^RSR OH U 1

^WRFR I tftaifaww <nw wfe°n n 2
WJWW I w 11 3
w oft'RlG'ITO n4 ’jsrnw sr^ ii 4
I sircten w**

*s> •’W
*fc(5Efh I w wn
ft^<Rr w^ii 5
q^WRT: 11 6
^w&qWit ^i: I 11 7
3{5f ^F^uhmWmu I wgsraw ^[^sfira^rr: wft u 8
^SjERR^n:?Htorw^ 11 9
’i^r: wat *nR 1110

Chapter 6
Monkeys Commissioned on the search of his deep devotion, said as follows:
(1-29) “O Lord! See the great army of monkeys
(1-3). Sugreeva and Lakshmana saw that is gathering. (0-7). Here is assembled
Rama at a distance sitting at the mouth an army of countless numbers of monkeys
of a cave—Rama, who was dressed in a come from their abodes in various contin­
deer skin and tom clothes, who had matted ents, lakes and mountains. Bom in prin­
locks adorning his crown, who was broad- cipal mountain ranges, they have all
eyed and smiling, who was distracted originated from parts of the Devas.
by separation from Sita, and who was there In size they are like the Meru and
peacefully sitting and watching the birds Mandara mountains, and they can
and animals nearby. Seeing Rama of blue take any form they like. They are
complexion, they both got down from the also well-versed in all forms of war­
chariot, and approaching him, fell down at fare. 8. Besides, they are all incredibly
his feet in prostration. 4. Rama, a master strong—some equal in strength to one
of all codes of right conduct, embraced elephant and others equal to ten or even
Sugreeva, made enquiries about his welfare, ten thousand elephants. There are still
and seating him by his side, extended to others whose strength cannot be estimated.
him a reception according to tradition. (9-10). These monkey heroes are of varied
5. Now Sugreeva, in an attitude expressive complexions—some shining like anitmony,

wrwfcr: a# Jmt i w^nnfsHt 4ft 3fRW

«F3: ^rfcwf^l^n I ^tht#h fasrot ii$h*wiw:
ll n
to* to i sr#rr #terw wft wrft nroiTO* ll 13
KR#t *F5Ti ’m I TOtgift sfsrsi: 5$wrc II m
fair ?gngt ?Rft 1 uh wiftn || 15
WHT#t I R# JRfoa: ^&£tfeW<%WS II 16
rfW^°T‘ ^rtasRW: l snfergcn Mtanw^t to fros: u n
jlfedTOWt 4ft U^TOF I Rt =nw ?*FTOftftm: ll is
WT'TH ^53 #4 # wtffo: II 19
ft^RJ qW^ faTTC WTO# I
‘w g^HT^ro i TO TOrf# ut r4 II 20
ni<bm4 ft totot f#g^r qft tN# I tfRH UTO to# ^pfa: sftroTO II 21
jrtort wfoft tpfh; i wig faftronro^ star im

some golden-coloured, some with red faces, Sushena, Tara and Kesari, the highsouled
some long-tailed, some crystal-clear, and and mighty father of Hanuman. All of
some demon-like. All these monkeys of them are endowed with great character and
various sizes and appearance are roaming in their warlike quality equal to Indra him­
about roaring, thus expressing their war­ self. Everyone of them is a leader of a
lust. 11. O Lord! All these monkey­ crore of monkeys. All of them, bom of
heroes, subsisting on roots and fruits, are Devas, are assembled here to carry out
now assembled here to carry out your your orders. Here is Vali’s son Angada
orders. Besides them, there is the army equal to Vali himself in strength, and
of bears, whose leader is the wise and heroic capable of destroying armies of Rak­
Jambavan. (12-19). Here is another, my shasas. AU these and several others, capable
famous chief minister Hanuman, who is of catapulting pieces of mountain and
the leader of a crore of bears and noted for adepts in destroying enemy forces, are
his great strength and courage. He is the assembled here ready to give up their lives
off-spring of the Wind-deity, possessed of for your sake. O the noblest of Raghu’s
unlimited prowess, the best among intellec­ line! All these are at your disposal, ready
tuals and an adept in diplomacy. Next, to carry out your orders.”
O Rama, hear the names of my other (20-24). Thereupon Rama, embracing
generals in the order of their importance. Sugreeva with tears of joy in his eyes,
They are: Nala, Neela, Gavaya, Gava- said, “O Sugreeva, you know the serious
ksha, Gandhamadana, Sarabha, Maindava, nature of the mission we are to undertake.
Gaja, Panasa, Balimukha, Dadhimukha, If it pleases you, you have to institute a

to gW srw fcfa’H । Swkth giftft tot n 24

Rfa*<<g sR^br TOft to# i wi^fefrofc^ ll m

BterTOror *rft it ft4 *Fft I 5n«iifch» to snwr ^htt: 1126

<ft jtor giftfr mhai^ 4taRM>*n< 1 uro <mS MkwTOi w 1127
TOft w^t Tnrt TOfroifti srfwrtfifait 11 28

TOHiqui^ ’fr’rat ts: 1

SRR ft I i ’TO* ^PRRII29
TT^T qftro^l tfmm rogOT <R < 11 so
WFft fcsro^ wr’ftroro w*TO1131

^roteRfafa 9TO I w TO^M

search for the whereabouts of Sita, the Sugreeva prostrated before Rama, and sat
daughter of Janaka.” With great pleasure by his side.
Sugreeva thereupon directed all his powerful (28-29). Seeing Hanuman about to start,
monkey followers to take up this search Rama called him aside and said to him:
for Sita While sending various types “As a token for recognition, you privately
of monkeys in different directions, he select- give to Sita this signet ring of mine, having
r ^teI ,much deliberation, a special band my name inscribed on it. I deem you, 0
01 ms followers to go in the southern direc- monkey leader, as the principal agent
Uon. In this group he specially included in this enterprise. I have understood the
his heir-apparent Angada, Jambavan, Hanu- full extent of your prowess. Now go ahead.
man of mighty prowess, Nala, Sushena, May success attend your effort!”
Sarabha, Mainda and Dvivida. He gave
the following order to the search party. Meeting with Svayamprabha (30-58)
(25-27). “You have to spare no effort in 30. Angada and other monkeys who
searching for the virtuous and handsome were thus commissioned by their king to
Sita. You have to finish your search with­ search for Sita, wandered here and there for
in the period of a month. Any one return­ long on their quest. 31. In the forest of
ing even a day after the lapse of that period the name Vindhya they came across a
without finding out Sita, will have to face
fierce and gigantic Rakshasa subsisting on
severe punishment at my hand, including the deer and elephants he came aero88-
execution. After giving these directions 32. Some of these great monkeys took this
and sending off those powerful monkeys, monster to be Ravana, and with enthusiastic

=n4 nw I wrc H^rer gsr ?rrf^^ sftgsHi: nsa

ftwrar i ^?u*W n 34
ani^wi 1 *fj sifon$t n 35
sgurw stf^sr ^^5:1 wri ^n ii 36
3PU^ 1 n 37
^r. 1 n<R[ *r<gorfan^ 11 38
fcw^wuRdiiHig'i: qfaKrai^ 1 faferai«3 11 39
siw<fcwrt ferntawgj s^nwf =teer^t <tMt qftrofewi^o
5W*at wnnt 1 ft’wnaui
?n ft irafo 1 wi li42

sritE’nfswfa: <Rr( <nn5TOf: sr^i I TTt WWTt <9

RgW mgwr 1 irbst %ng? ^rjri ii 44

cries hit him with their fists. 33. On tree, bending with fruits having about sixteen
realising that he was not Ravana, they measures of juice in each. They saw there
proceeded to another forest where they were well-designed houses, full of precious gems,
faced with the problem of drinking water. wearing-clothes and excellent food materials.
34. Wandering through the dense forests But the place was without any living inhabit­
with their throat and tongue parched, they ants. When they surveyed theplace in extreme
came across a big cave hidden by the growth wonder, they saw in one of the houses,
of grass and creepers. (35-36). They found the luminous form of a lady dressed in tree­
coming out of it, birds like Crouncha and bark clothes and sitting alone completely
Hamsa with water dripping from their absorbed in meditation. (41-42), The mon­
wings. Concluding therefore that there must keys, full of fear and devotion in their mind,
be water within, they decided to go into it. made prostrations to that ascetic woman.
Hanuman entered the cave first, and She, on her part, asked the monkeys,
led by him, several of them, who were “Whence and for what purpose have you
greatly excited by the prospect of finding come here? Whose messengers are you?
water, followed him linking hands. (37-40). Why have you invaded my residence?”
After they had penetrated a long distance To these queries, Hanuman replied, “q
through darkness, those monkeys came venerable lady! I shall tell you everything
across a very strange place. They found about ourselves. (43-47). There was a great
there water reservoirs with crystal-clear king, prosperous and powerful, named
water. There were trees resembling Kal- Dasaratha ruling over Ayodhya. His eldest
paka-Vriksha, the heavenly wish-yielding son of great nobility and fame is named

gjHf nw n 45
jn^ aar I 33t HH faf^FHT 3H$f SRR5Rftn:ll 4b
hIto (wnran I r nr faFtirarfa $r nr r n? h: 1147
ntfrft n wnron i H^5 WIT Wm 1148
ww ant na swrfei! i ^^r 7Rnr n h^tthu: 1149
hhH <i4iMifcgai: ferar: I na: ^riRr ntfn;ft fw^ n so
hr ’w ntri h<8» ^h hWrhr *nfcft n si
fwpSn: I rat
iRXtfot Wl sr fern nr nqTonjrgcn^ 11 52
W 3T< HWt fcnram HtW^fW I HFHT RHRR f^WSTtSRHT 5U II S3
wft r nwn^c aw i sitn fawat r H^r.fori^^ 11 54
shn^t acnnfWrn Hiwitssw i ’E^OTRIH fanfcnft || 55

Rama. Obeying the command of his father, accordingly, and with their hunger and
he along with his wife Sita and brother thirst appeased, gathered round her and
Lakshmana, came to stay in the forest. stood with palms joined in salutation*
There, his devoted wife was abducted by That divine-looking ascetic woman then
evil-minded Ravana. Subsequently, Rama said, addressing Hanuman: 51. “Once upon
along with his brother happened to meet a time, there was a daughter of Viswakarma
Sugreeva and entered into an alliance named Hema who looked like a divinity in
with. him. As an ally, Sugreeva instituted a appearance. Through the art of dance,
search for Rama's wife and has sent us all she propitiated Parameswara. 52. Pleased
on the task of searching for Sita. Searching with her, Lord Parameswara gave her this
for Sita all through this forest, we found wonderful place as her abode. She lived
ourselves very thirsty and entered into a in this place for a long number of years.
terribly dark cave, driven by thirst. Fortu­ 53. I am her friend. I am devoted to Maha-
nately, we have now come across you. We vishnu and am an aspirant for Moksha.
would like to know who you are and why My name is Svayamprabha and I am the
you are staying here. Please tell us about daughter of a Gandharva named Divya.
this, o noble lady!” 54. Before my friend Hema attained to
(48-50). The ascetic woman, who was Brahmaloka, she said to me, You stay in
highly pleased to see the monkeys, asked this solitary place devoid of other living
them to come and hear about her story beings and perform austerity. 55. In the
after they had partaken of the delicious Treta Yuga, the eternal and undecaying
fruits there and drunk of the nectar-like being Narayana will be born as the son of
water to their flu. The monkeys did so Dasaratha, and for lightening the burdens

qjtopi 31^ to u4 ^jrt srrorr: 1156

wrfa wr ^rrh^i <trs( tw 3^ Rflfcrar 1157
townwfHw nfrro I wt< w: q5ft«ra toi^ 1158
sifa ^4r4i g^t ^fta* । 35F nn ww 511 59
skRpt wt wr&r gsft? / 3CT? TOW W <rMI&kWH<55l II 60
w Kisr^E 1 TO^wfa <rf §sr wr: 11 6i
Wtf <KfeRr arn: 1 aw crt TOnfa mro: to: fro^6i
wtfw* u 63
KtmiTORf R qfaqftftfiKRi || 64
3Rglwfs% *HH»t sfFnfa <ninft । 3TRI5 sfc’R to ti 65

w W 1 ih a hWt^r; ii 66
of the earth, he will move about in this forest, voice choked with emotion: (61-66). “O
(56-57). In search of his wife Sita, a troop great Lord! I am Thy servant come here
of monkeys will come to the cave where to see Thee. For getting a sight of Thee,
you are residing. Extend a proper recep­ I have been staying in a cave for countless
tion to them and then do heartfelt salutation years, performing great austerities. Those
to Rama. After that, you will attain to the austerities of mine have come to fruition
Status of Vishnu, which is the goal of Yogis today. Though Thou art residing within the
alone.’ So now, I am in a hurry to meet hearts of all as well as without, Thou art
Rama. 58. All of you close your eyes. invisible, being beyond the bounds of
You will then be out of this cave in a trice.” Maya. That Supreme Being, I am now
The monkeys did accordingly and they fortunate to salute. Like an actor, Thou
found themselves in the forest where they art hidden behind a curtain of Maya.
were before. J
Embodied as a human being, Thou art
unrecognisable to those whose insight is
Swayamprabha’s Hymn (59-84)
vitiated by ignorance. Thou hast incarnated
(59-60). Next that ascetic woman Swayam- Thyself in order to provide a means of
prabha immediately left her cave and went communion through devotion for great
to the place where Rama was. Seeing Rama aspirants after Bhakti. Q Supreme Lord!
in the company of Lakshmana and Sugreeva, Immersed as I am in Tamas, how can I re­
that high-minded lady made repeated cir- cognise Thee? O Lord of Raghu’s line!Let
cumambulations round him, and after pro­ philosophers seek to know Thy true nature,
strating herself before him with horri­ but as for me, I am satisfied with this form
pilation* all over her body, she said with a of Thine. May this form shine ever in my
[Ch. 6



I ww ii
*© 73


wn i
gondii 76

W II 77
^rt *w wir^i

heart. I have now seen Thy feet which can understand the mystery of Thy human
show the path of Moksha. (67-68). Beyond advent. 71. None is dear to Thee, none
the vision of those who are immersed in inimical, none indifferent. These differences
Samsara,Thou,the revealer oftheTruthto all are only attributed to Thee by those whose
seekers after Moksha and the wealth of vision is clouded by Thy Maya. 72. Birth­
those who have no possessions, canst less, actionless and endowed with supremacy
never be even an object of speech for those over all, the talk of birth and actions by
who are established in the pride of wealth, Thee in Thy incarnations among Devas,
relatives and power. (69-70). Salutation to men and sub-human beings relate merely to
Thee, who art beyond the Gunas of Prakriti. appearances assumed by Thyself. (73-78).
Salutation to Thee, who art the wealth of Though Thou art really birthless and death-
those who have no other wealth than Thee. less, some say that Thou art born, so that
Salutation to Thee, who art ever immersed devotees may hear accounts about Thee
in the Bliss of Thyself. Salutation to Thee, and Thy deeds as a means for salvation.
who transcendest the Gunas but yet manifes- Some say that Thy birth is in fulfilment of
test as Gunas. 1 look upon Thee as Time, the austerities of King Dasaratha of Kosala,
as the lord of all, as the one without beginn­ and some that it is the result of the prayers
ing and end, as the one abiding unmodified of Kausalya. Still others say that in answer
in everything, and as the one Supreme Being to the prayer of Brahma, Thou art bom
as man in order to relieve the earth of the
that transcends everything. None, O Lord,

HI W H'HFE I wfa TOFU RSRFt 5Rt ||79

W HWt 31^5 H I fw it HH WHT 4^5 H^I ||80

hthh $4 inwwi}i ggsnro « si

3T^f^ET<itJ - I ’OT HF# fl wt II 82
sfFrflr SMhi
HW# rT 45(hFf^ I
<nf> nf w<ft ft FFfto sj<rcw[ I nto n 83
StFH FTWRtswfRq^i 1W, I
to W^SW^^FWT’TC q^m H 84

<ra to^wwmw
to n ii

burden of evil Rakshasas. O Lord of the with Thy devotees and never with worldly-
Raghus! Whoever hears or sings about minded people! May my tongue ever
Thy actions and excellences, attain Thy utter with devotion, ‘Rama, Rama’, Thy
feet, which help them cross the ocean of sacred name. (81-82). May my mind ever
Samsara. How can 1 know or praise contemplate on Thy form of blue complexion
Thee, who art distinct from the i-sense —bedecked with armlets, anklets, pearl neck­
resulting from the limitation of the Gunas laces, ear pendants and Kaustubha gem,
of Thy Maya—Thee who art not an donning a brilliant crown and yellow wearing
Object perceivable, but yet art existent cloth, equipped with a bow and arrows,
everywhere. I salute the Lord of the and accompanied by Sita and Lakshmana.”
Raghus, equipped with bow and arrow 83. Rama said. “O high-souled lady!
and accompanied by brother Lakshmana I grant you your prayer. You resort to
and Sugreeva.” To that devoted ascetic the Badari forest and there, contemplating
woman who sang his praise in this way, on Me, you will abandon this, P^sical
Rama, the eradicator of the sins of those body made of five elements and attain to Me,
who prostrate to Him, said, “Ask what the Supreme Being, without much delay.”
you want of me. 84. Hearing these nectarine words of Rama,
79. She replied with great devotion, “In the ascetic woman Swayamprabha went to
whatever womb 1 may be born, O Lord the Badari forest, and there meditating
of devotees, grant me unswerving devotion on Rama, abandoned her physical body
to Thee. 80. May I ever have association and attained to the supreme State.
[Ch. 7

sen nn wercfrri mnw i f^ra nt«iwiJiarafinT: n i

nitaenflR: i wrat wt •h nitsn^ u 2
nten nwRR< I nfc«hww g?frttWR[ I
fWra: ^jg3 nt fanWn*nfa 1 nfa w nfa ifta: ll 4
wft wrf it n 1 nm ns^dt nj gnhrei ii 5
uTCtfHi wnnft nviRwnnRHt 1 n n^w: nnt nm nrnssHu 11 6
^nfn nra iR 1 11 7
*qf*RK: wenro' ^n^wnnjn 11 8
fori ^ts5( n4 nromt: 1 wnt fwRter g^rf 11 9
H^«rpq«(id st 1 <t^r wt n^nr n^fflsnn: 11 10
*Wi nw5?n nkm TOrik: 11 11

Chapter 7
Anxiety of the Monkeys (1-11) will surely kill me, making my failure a
1. Now the monkeys, resting on the trees pretext. 6. That evil-minded Sugreeva is
of the forest for a while on account of now consorting with his elder brother’s wife,
weakness arising from the search for whom he should look upon as his mother.
Sita, immersed themselves in very anxi­ Therefore, O great monkeys., I shall never
ous thoughts. 2. Angada said to a group go to him. (7-8). I shall therefore give up
of monkeys: “Wandering in the cave, we my life here in some way or other.” Some
have already exhausted the period of one of the monkey chiefs who saw him sitting
month given to us for the search. 3. We with tears in his eyes, now spoke to him,
have not been able to find out Sita yet and shedding tears in sympathy with him. 9.
accomplish the king’s order. If we now They said, “Why are you sorry like this?
return to Kishkindha, Sugreeva will execute We shall protect you and save your life.
us. 4. Particularly he will kill me, I being We shall stay on with you in this cave free
the son of his enemy. He has no affection from all fear. (10-11). This cave has an
for me. I have been saved only by Rama. abundance of all desirable things and is verily
5. Now that I have not been able to fulfil like the city of the Devas.” Hearing such
Rama’s purpose, the evil-minded Sugreeva private conversations going on among the

f? I W 11 12
3r^t rmmw Titr faSrra: i 3RT dT T%3 snft faWT II 13
g<HHWI <^7 WR?^ 3^3JfR3r«n3W^4 II 14
<HU ^I5R<iT I i tW || 15
3F1^RW $ §3 I TRt 3 SRJHnWTtssW II 16
star wnfr w sro’iftewfafr i 'E’jftw: 1117

wit snfcn: si ^ifmRrsnri i UFTTSI^Wli^T *331 II 18

^nkn st fwl^^^iRTs: i ^tRT TORSfa II 19

^TTO^T WR3R3 W1 I 3o smat ’nX ii 20

Wma*$<rc w <ni^wwn: I KRtaft 3IW ll 21
’FTW’SWRT ^TT^UHt 3^ | s^3Wnr<rer nai n 22
monkeys, Hanuman, the son of the Wind­ ning them, how will they stay with you?
god, who was versed in the art of adminis­ (16-22). I shall reveal to you a highly
tering consolation to people, embraced esoteric truth. O child! Rama is not a
Angada and spoke to him. mere man. He is the Divinity, the eternal
Being Narayana Himself. Sita is His
Hanumam assuages their fears (12-22) Maya Sakti. who infatuates the whole
He said: (12-15). “Why are you thinking world. Lakshmana is Adisesha, who sup­
like this? This kind of pessimistic thought ports the whole universe. In response to the
does not befit you. You are very dear to prayer of Brahma all these protectors of the
our king, being .the son of Tara. You are world are born assuming human forms
also a person of great capacity. Rama loves in order to destroy the tribe of Rakshasas.
you even more than Lakshmana. There­ All of us monkeys too are denizens of
fore you have nothing to fear from Rama Vaikuntha, the Lord’s Abode. When that
and especially from our king also. I am Supreme Being assumed a human form, we
your well-wisher. Do not be under any too, by the power of His Maya, have been
misapprehension. What the other monkeys born in the form of monkeys. In our
have advised you about absolute safety of previous births, we had propitiated the
life within this cave, is not to be believed in; Lord by our austerities and received His
for, there is nothing in the three worlds blessing. As a consequence, we have attain­
into which Rama’s arrows cannot penetrate. ed the status of his attendants. Now also,
Those monkeys who are giving you this we shall, as occasioned by the power of
wrong advice will not stay with you. For Maya, be doing His service, and after that
they have their wives and children. Abando- attain to Vaikuntha and abide there happily.”

uh&ih+I wnr^r: i 3ft *ftfj[nRf*ft: "dro qr^cnrq^: ll 23

tort ft TO^f: 11 24
ftH^wft ftrarnftrar: i h^w^tt: h 25
wrt mat irafs^ 5<f^ I * rot TOrtftar^nsFRiRW 1126
TOfrftror^ 11 27
ftBbkU sfo: i OTlfafa^t WT II 28
Mwnft gsr । tojtoiwet: 'rfrofw: ll 29
TOi&fat TOat 1130

w^wi^ ^nfq (^ । 3(Rf ^totoh tort ll 31

wrai4 *w HrcnfWj ftftsftaro: ll 32
fej ^3 whhihIm
I TOI^T TO 3TO »FWt wtto^ ll 33
Mental torr? ^:gsft:j 3hj tot §wr ^riwtFTfcro** 11 34

Angada “ *“’ W, Hanuman way, they spread beds of Darbha grass and
y“7" 6 m°”l“ys weM t0 «“ g^t
laid themselves on it, determined to die
Vmdhya mountains.
by fasting.
Meeting with Sampati (23-56). 29. Just then, there emerged from a cave
of the Mahendra mountain, an eagle
limt*i^fterw^rds’ movin8 forward little by
“ “*’ ““ ’Mn^s reachei mountain-like in size, who went slowly
to the place where the monkeys were lying.
neat the a* UK.8rcat mom>tain Mahendra, (30-31). Seeing the monkeys preparing to
sXV„ ?.°re -,he S°Uth'rn W-
?“?g.*ha*“*“■ “tending with no shore die of fasting, the eagle said, “I have now got
plenty to eat. I shall eat these one after
gh and deep and awe-inspiring, they
wereoi,all frightened Tka„ * . ® . another every day.” The monkeys were
J7 ,.• They st<>PPed near the frightened to hear these words of the eagle.
seashore thinking over what they should
dothereafter. Angada and other powerful 32. They now began to speak among them­
monkeys all jointly conferred on their selves, “This vulture will eat up all of us.
There is no doubt about it. O great
next move. 26. They thought, “Wandering
monkeys! We have not done even a little
in that cave, we spent a month without
serviceto Rama. 33. Nor have we done any
locating either Ravana or Sita (27-28).
service to Sugreeva, or to ourselves. So
Sugreeva is in the habit of 'giving very by dying at the hands of this vulture without
severe punishments. He will certainly kill any merit to our credit, we shall be consigned
us all. Fasting unto death is better than to the realm of Yama. 34. Look at Jatayu
death by Sugreeva’s hands.” Deciding this —how he sacrificed himself for a righteous

W qiqri qFHsnftq^ I w W’ II 35
5RT$fh% sWFcB ’T’T W *J«TO MWfixM J1136
aWTHiw^ ’pafMt I nqt qnrcfa: ritata *mHd: 1137
tftaqr *TFfar rai frrqrc ij^qjt 1 qqi *ctai <qt writ TO»ta <£Rmn 11 38
JJtFTT fa’Tl n*r 5RFW =q q^ | WRftfr rit^^T TO: WRT^ II 39
snr^qta qrita^t i nwr raqw : 11 40
nim qrifr mRi miswwn^i to msri n«
^pfeHttsrat ^n q<M ^TO^ I TOT qROT $ihFT W^l n 42
rata: stamps staim: qfarfi l MUMIWRB n 43
mwfe sfrWrmfa t» 1 wn witataFdt n^msw: 1144
dt *dn wfta: star qr wr s qr 1 mi'O sratafto wftft ^iqrofti* 11 45
sta wnfs t ql^ftar wr m 1 sr^i qq: ^nta^roro: 11 46
$qrq qfcrct srar sirs: wjn: 1 wgqim w mn u
cause. Opposing the enemies of Rama Thus fighting for the cause of Rama, he
he laid down his life for the cause of Rama. met with a hero’s death. 41. Rama crema­
Thereby he attained Moksha, which even ted him. For these reasons, he has attained
Rishis cannot have.” unity with Rama. Next Rama happened
(35-36). That vulture Sampati, hearing to meet Sugreeva and enter into an alliance
these words of the monkeys, said, “You with him before fire as witness. 42. At
are speaking among yourselves about my the request of Sugreeva, Rama killed Vali
brother Jatayu, a name very dear to me. whom none can ordinarily overcome. Thus
You please tell me who you are. O mon­ the mighty Rama wrested the kingdom
key-heroes! You shall have nothing to fear from Vali and awarded it to Sugreeva.
from me." (37-10). Thereupon, the noble 43. After that, powerful Sugreeva deputed
Angada got up and went to the vulture and us, monkeys of great strength, to find out the
said to him as follows: “Rama, the son of whereabouts of Sita. (44-45)- ‘You must
Dasaratha, along with his brother Laksh­ return within a month; failing that I shall
mana and wife Sita was staying in this dense execute you’—such was the order of Sugree­
forest. The wicked Ravana abducted Sita va. Now wandering in a cave in these
when Rama and Lakshmana had gone out mountains, we spent more than a month.
for hunting. As Sita was crying aloud, We have not been able to locate Ravana or
‘Rama, Rama’ while being carried away, Sita. We have reached the shore of this
the powerful eagle named Jatayu heard salty ocean and are lying here resolved to
these cries and joined battle with Ravana. die by fasting. (46-48). O great bird!

TOOT wrf wm W HW Hf 48
'nW wt I II 49
Rfsft TOfefc Wfl I
gg: OTiwmi ferat gfaft I wrfa: ^rora ii 50
g<r to 1 gsmfft^Ft <ft<w wtftfa: gdw 11 51
m w wohR^Ri: 1 tften 1152
to wfas ^1 irra^rfe^ n 53
h «r w$f tot sTOTOifir srj^i
3RM • WT F^li I ’CTI^^tWwJwT ft»*4 ifcjfo&g* || 54
' nfat <rRh^ I ^rat ttw ii 55
3<rWi gragtww^tt nfarwi
tot wot 3=^1 wh TOt fontgi^ n S6
ftferopr to: a«t: n \s h

If you know anything about that glorious Trikuta mountain, is situated the city of
lady Sita, please tell us.” Hearing the Lanka. There - guarded by a body of
words of Angada, Sampati said with great Rakshasa women, Sita is confined in an
joy, “O great monkeys! Jatayu is my dear Ashoka grove. This city of Lanka is
brother. Now after the passing of many situated a hundred Yojanas across the sea.
years, I am getting some news about him Being endowed with distant vision natural
from you. I shall be able to give you some to vultures, I can see from here the city of
helpful suggestions in regard to your quest. Lanka and Sita confined there. Whoever
But before that, please lead me to the shore can cross this span of a hundred Yojana^
of the ocean, so that I may do the of ocean and find Sita there, can also return
obsequies of my brother. (49-50). After that with the news of her discovery. I myself
I shall speak to you on matters that will be would have striven to destroy that Ravana,
helpful to you in your mission.” Agreeing the murderer of my brother. But now I
to this proposal, the monkeys led him to am wingless. So you now try your best to
the shore of the ocean. He took his bath cross the' ocean. After that Rama, the
in the ocean and made libations of water to leader of Raghu’s clan, can destroy Ravana.
his dead brother. After that the monkey 5fi. Now you confer and decide who among
leaders led him back to his seat. Sampati you can reach Lanka, crossing this hundred
now spoke to them words that brought Yojanas of distance across the ocean, meet
cheer to the heart of the monkeys. and talk with Sita, and recross the ocean
(51-55). He said, On a peak of the with the news of her discovery.”
48-56 & 1-9]

aw I 111
gpnfo wwh sr< ju sreigs swkft ll 2

^fcrarat «rerfww 1 bjr’W’f^ 11 3

n^r <re s^nfq-a: 1 srerg^i Tfcng wr^wi Mto u 4
feratst 1 ’ffoit ^rwqfe^sj qtftmi: n 5
sn’rafeat 1 fqfwn^n sn^t w^hhh: ii 6
mu afore ton at fafaats^ i fcfo fo?i m u 8
siHifa «w< ^hw^i ^rarefa i ^sftfoiFH 72ft 119

Chapter 8


Sampati*s previous history (1-12) heat of the sun, and from that great height,
1. All the monkeys, being very much I fell on the top of the Vindhya mountain,
intrigued to see Sampati and hear his words, losing consciousness. 6. Three days after, I
wanted to know more about him. So they recovered consciousness, but wingless and
said to him, “O great one! Tell us all confused in mind. I could not recognise
about your story from the beginning.” the countryside or the mountain peaks.
(2-3). Sampati thereupon narrated the past 7. When I slowly opened my eyes, I saw
incidents of his life. He said, “Myself and there a very attractive Ashrama. I slowly
my brother Jatayu, being very proud of our moved up to that Ashrama. (8-9). The
strength in our youth, wanted to test it sage Chandramas, who was living in that
once by flying up to the region of the sun. Ashrama, saw me with great astonishment
(4-5). We flew several thousand Yojanas and said, ‘O Sampati! How do you happen
up, when Jatayu felt unable to bear the to be like this, deformed? Who did this?
heat of the sun. In. order to protect him, I knew you before as one endowed with
I sheltered him under my wings on account very great strength. How is it that both
of my lover for him. When 1 was thus your wings have been burnt? Please tell
protecting him, my wings were burnt by the me all about it, if you have no objection.’
(Gh. 8
ga: nt i awi {wlfeii II 10
arcfaf nit ftwf sftfsRi i ctrnffahro u u
*T5 ^r i ii 12
$4 iR^ ^ssj^qt ft I II is
f^grem h^i i fcr Il u
St&ssfafa l Bare n is
nRiRt fafwra faw aKRRffl TO I <<ts< «$n II 16
sta: I ^s^rwut^t’U’Ty’qRH^^^ nn
^nj WtHI^ fafcra^l HIS
^4IMIWW M I WmfafrgRkiHtfat || 19 z

(10-12). I thereupon narrated to him the 1-sense, the body too appears to be
whole of my story, and with great sorrow <endowed with consciousness. 15. Domina­
in my heart, asked that great sage: ‘O i
ted by the Lsense, the Atman thinks of
holy one! AU my body is burning as if I I
himself as the body and becomes subject
have fallen into a forest fire. Without my to the cycle of births and deaths, and to the
wings, how am I to sustain my life?’ That <consequent experience of happiness and
sage thereupon addressed me, casting a misery. (16-17). The Atman in itself is
kindly look. He said, ‘Dear one! Listen changeless but because of this false identifi­
to my words, and after that do as you cation, he thinks: I am the body and I
0®ase. All this sorrow of yours springs am the doer of various actions. Thus, the
from the body, and the body is bom of one’s embodied being becomes the performer of
own past Karmas. many actions and is helplesslybound by their
consequences. He finds himself fettered
Chandramas Expounds the Philosophy
and wanders hither and thither in this
of the Atman (13-19)
transmigratory cycle as a victim of sinful
(13-14). ‘Because man thinks of his body and meritorious actions. 18. He makes a
as himself, Karma becomes operative. This resolution: ‘I have done many meritorious
I-sense, which binds one to the body, is actions like sacrifices and charities. I shall
beginningless and is a result of ignorance. therefore attain to heaven and enjoy heaven­
In itself it is inert without consciousness, ly felicities.’ 19. By the same sense of
but being in association with the reflection identification, he enjoys these heavenly
of pure consciousness, it appears conscious, pleasures for- a long period, and then when
just as a red hot piece of iron appears the effect of these meritorious deeds has
hot and shining in association with fire. dwindled, the same power of Karma sends
Because the body is in identification withi him down, however much he may dislike it.

sffarCt 44 fo?*! M $4* II20

!*gfcr I frcfa wik t=n*lf*Rrfaw: II21
4tRrc^r *^ 1’441^ ll 22
*^r: qwwta fOflimifaty I wnsfrr u 23
qgw®r hi sfEr^r tR^^t i w 11 24
jfar farcy* ^ay* wfarer*^ I STERt ’HH*: 1125
<nfw^ w *^?g *§* 4 I msCT'srcn’Rt *$q* * =*rcw u 26

wret wit tfept: l WS54: u 27

w ^<nt. 4 ^*4 snret wm: i ’TSfajfel 441 II 28
sR^HRraftsi *?iHr4*fa ’ni^T^r 4 snfwfa *T^®n^ ii 29
4^ wRr <rmfar farc: I r*«TTKI44*Tt 4 si H 30
«ra^ *«Rt «rcf: rcw «^r fa^f* I 43^ mfs ssft sta: II31
•nftTs^i^’TCFsr ®r *Hnjvt»F5rcrrci*t i setcT <nfrr: 4 fafaa II 32

Travails of the Jiva (20-41) after another. 26. Then in the second
(20-22). "The descending Jiva, reaches month, the arms, legs, hips and knee-caps
the sphere of the moon, and from there, develop one after another. 27. In the third
united with a drop of water, comes down to month, all the joints of organs are formed,
earth, and falling on cereals, gets identified and the fingers, in the fourth. 28. In
with them. After remaining in that con­ the fifth month the nose, ears, eyes, teeth,
dition for long, he becomes any of the four nails and the genitals develop. 29. In
■types of food and in that condition is eaten the sixth month, the orifice of the ears,
by man. In the human body he is reduced anus, the sex organ and navel are formed.
to the seed, which being deposited in the 30. In the seventh month, hair on the body,
womb of a woman and becoming united
and the skull and the distinctiveness of all
with the blood therein, becomes solidified
organs are formed. By the eighth month,
within a day into the state called Kalala the full human form comes into shape.
ensheathed by the placenta. 23. Within 31. In this way, the foetus gradually develops
five nights the foetus develops into a foam- in the womb. By the fifth month, signs of
like substance, and within seven nights into life are seen throughout the foetus. 32.
a muscular tissue. 24. Within fifteen days Through the small orifice in the umbilical
blood will appear in it, and within twenty cord the foetus draws a little o'f the essence
five nights a small shoot develops from it. of the food consumed by the mother. It is
25. In one month the neck, head, shoulder, by the power of its own Karma that it
backbone and abdomen will be formed one develops without perishing.

i SRTOH^ II 33

SfRRHtSS’^W SWfft <qFRnn^ iim

^r^(< ft®jfW ^sft ii 35
Igmwwn i
^HT 3TOF wvwi irrtw^rt: n 36

wnirnH ftaffRiR: I <$< Wr n 37

W ftw if I <ff 3Jst fffi ?r3 M 38

Wft fa^qsshit I srraKFTlsfapisR TOU^Rral W II 39

rtr wiwft^rfr h< ftgsaft 1140
sfah wrc: I
* fffWr nar 4torftj srfa: 11 41

^|s^TO^qWlRKm^<^ I «t4^rarft^rft 11 42

^V&WUVMHRHM I UW ^rftwf 43
Wnftfcfr^ra sr W^ftWT^ I 3$ li wi wwwwrsrr^ 11 44
33. *The foetus now gets the memory ejected by the powerful forces of parturition,
of its previous lives and actions. With subjecting him to very great sufferings.
that memory, and suffering from the heat of
Just as a sinner emerges from hell, he
the abdomen, the foetus thinks as follows:comes out of the foul smelling bodily orifice,
34. Born- in innumerable wombs, I had resembling a worm in appearance. There­
associations with many wives and children,after, he undergoes all the sufferings of
relatives and possessions. 35. Preoccupied
infancy. 41. O vulture! I am not going
with the maintenance of the family, I
to describe them or the sufferings of youth
managed to earn money in righteous and and other periods of life, as they are well-
unrighteous ways. But unfortunate that I
known to you and all other creatures.
am, I never thought of the Lord even in
42. Thus as a result of identifying oneself
dream. (36-38). As a consequence of it,
with the body, the Jiva undergoes the
I am now undergoing tortures in the womb,
sufferings of hell and the life in the womb.
considering the impermanent body as
43. ‘Therefore, abandoning this sense of
permanent. I have done things which I identification with the subtle and gross
should not do. I never did things beneficial
bodies, one should recognise oneself as the
for the Atman. After undergoing the suffer­
Self transcending Prakriti. Abandoning the
ings due to all such actions, when I get out
feeling that ‘I am the body’, he should
of this hell-like womb, I shall hereafter
know himself as Atman. 44. He should
engage myself always in adoration of know himself as the Self, who is not involved
Mahavishnu. in the states of waking, dream, and sleep,
(39-40). While thinking like this, he is who is distinguished as Truth and Con-
ftoto TO I ^5: <rag wtoto frog 11 45
5T ft Sf<Sr ’n^STRSSTW^t II 46
shArs gto << I spqsstor J '(OH to fto H47
?rratos^: i thto <snto 11 48
to*n tom to hhP^j i <nto srcto wto » 49
mftofa i ^n: gtoftftniRW toto 11 so
stotofar tolto ww i <^r w wmiiMl 5f w: 11 51
n^r tfhnfafa tot wtft wta: i <to u 52

WhRTW *tf ^Tfw 5fa$to<: I Tfto *r to wtorftto 11 53
tfs^j nftofa tot s^q to $to feto 11 54

sciousness, who is pure, wakeful and peace­ nate Himself in the Treta Yuga as a son of
ful. (45-47). When the Atman, who is Dasaratha. He will come to the forest of
of the nature of Truth and Consciousness, is Dandaka for the destruction of Ravana.
realised and the infatuation caused by ignor­ (49-51). While he will be staying in a
ance erased, it is immaterial whether the forest Ashrama along with his wife Sita
body dies or continues to live as a conse­ and brother Lakshmana, Ravana will steal
quence of the operative Karma (Prarabdha away Sita like a thief and take her to Lanka
Karma). A man of realisation will not when the two brothers would have gone out
identify himself with the body, and he has into the forest. Directed by Sugreeva a host
- of monkeys will come up to the seashore in
operative Karma fa exhausted search of Sita. You will have occasion
body perishes, you hve in the body to meet them for your own good. 52.
You inform them about the true location
identification with it, just as a snake carries
of Sita. When you do that, your two
on its external sheath of skin, until the time
wings will again sprout.’ ”
for it to separate comes. O Vulture! I
shall tell you another thing also which will 53. Sampati continued, “The sage Chan­
contribute to your supreme good. dramas communicated all this to me.
Now you see how extremely handsome
Conclusion of the Sampati Episode
wings are sprouting on my body. 54.
May you succeed and prosper. You will
48. ‘The Eternal Being Narayana will incar­ certainly be able to find out Sita. Now

ito feifawRqfasuffit toi TOrcfan

i igroroir w to n 55
ftfa^MJ’ssro: sri: 11 * 11

take steps to go across the ocean, which Mahavishnu, He who is the protector of
is very difficult to accomplish. 55. He, all the three worlds—of that Being you,
by the remembrance of whose name even O monkeys, are the dear devotees. What
evil men are able to cross the ocean of difficulty can this terrestrial ocean pose to
Samsara and attain to the eternal status of you?”

to: toS:

fnror nsnnt i ii 1


I TO <tRwlfl II 4
’CW i i irot i ll 5

Chapter 9
EMERGENCE of hangman the hero

The Monkeys Confer Again (1-14)

1. Great was the joy of the monkeys as follows: 3. “How shall we cross this
intent on finding out Sita when they saw ocean?” Then Angada said, “O noble
that lordly vulture flying high up into the monkeys! Hear what I say. 4. You are
sky. 2. Looking at the sea expansive and all endowed with very great strength,
courage and adventurous spirit. Who
unapproachable like the sky and augmented
among you will be able to cross this ocean
by its mighty waves and filled with whales and accomplish the king’s directive? 5.
and other dangerous aquatic creatures, the That one will be really the protector of the
monkeys began to speak among themselves lives of all of us. Therefore, I request

qnwt fl sW I fl UM <n^*f flflflT RllW II 6

SMflalfl qwft MHiflPrei: I sri'reN: refeft ll ?

fl flflf flfl: 5R^ I ^fl MT flTE’fit ^Tfl STTflfa^F^ II 8
ma: spat siMfcr *rar M^re i fltwflt ?5TR^r sf^ngoi Ag: H 9
SldMIMlWfe mis flflkflt< I gfl ftlwfr <n< gjnflwrg. U io
fsnawettssw fl^faflfflsnflfl: I ^jflf flrehwr fl wfrfa R<dGh^ ll n
s^swns *T fl^fl wt mr l Sfl^flfllflSfl fl ATflFflfel fllfl mt u 12
w? afampm^ w At fjRnre: I flgflfl<fltfafllfl|Sjrjflflvfctfl

flfl fl4ffl«^ I ^fllfir fl fliffl fl fl WFt II 14


flTO §fl I ^flrare a ll is

him who is powerful enough to do this, to whole world by one step, I circumam­
come forward before me. 6. That person bulated His foot twenty one times. But
will undoubtedly be the saviour of the lives now I am old and my capacity to leap
of all the monkeys as also of Rama and is very limited.” 12. Now Angada said,
Sugreeva. There is no doubt about it/’ “I shall be able to leap across the ocean to
7. When Angada, the heir-apparent, said the other shore, but I do not know whether
like this, all the monkey heroes remained I am capable of leaping back.” 13.
silent, looking at one another. The heroic Jambavan said, “But you are
8. Angada again said, “For the accom­ our leader and king. Even if you are
plishment of this task, let each one declare powerful enough, 1 do not think it is proper
out the strength he possesses. After that to give this task to you.” 14. To this
we shall- determine who will be able to Angada said, “If matters stand like that,
accomplish this task.” 9. Hearing Angada’s let all of us once again stretch ourselves on
speech, those monkey heroes one after Darbha beds to die of starvation. Without
another began to specify the extent they accomplishing this task none can hope
could leap. From ten Yojanas onwards, to live.”
each succeeding monkey leader offered to
leap ten Yojanas more than the previous Jambavan’s Prompting of Hanuman
speaker. (10-11). From among the mon­ (15-29)
keys Jambavan now said, “I can leap (15-17). Now the heroic Jambavan inter­
upto ninety Yojanas. In a previous vened again and said, “O child! I shall
age. when Mahavishnu incarnated now show you him who can accomplish
Himself as Vamana and measured the this task, very easily and expeditiously.”

53*rfR5 TS^pift II 16
w i r TOiw^t ii n
wroSfcr r srMtsfa torto i snwtor ii is

w to to^w I ’ftwHt tow ’rRratsRr <rat ii 19

^TORWTOR*’’ *1 I sfro nro TO w: *nft ll 20

V” snR^it tot to* to fifes to°s TOfc’tfro 11 21

W wk: I ^fror^fafa wro 122

W( HTO sen Wl<. 1 23
TO wnfoRi i 5T<t wint TO! W'TFTO 1124
to<«I< nrenfa stnnft xr*Wnnj
^T53*rat tot snrorfawnffe 11 25
<t sft^Rrf srmf ^ro । 'rarofar nftar 1126
wg^ trow I ___ ♦ c$
wrom ii 27
After saying so, he addressed Hanuman
who was standing aloof. He said, “O He then grew into a huge mountain-like
Hanuman! In this grave situation, why dimension like another Vamana and decla­
red, “Crossing the ocean, I shall reduce
are you standing aloof and silent? This,
O powerful one, is the occasion for you Lanka to ashes. Destroying Ravana with
to demonstrate your strength. You are all his tribe, I shall bring Sita, the daughter
the offspring of the Wind-god and of Janaka. 24. Dragging Ravana, by my
are as powerful as he. (18-20). You are left hand, with a halter round his neck
begotten by that deity in order to accomplish and with my right lifting,up the whole of
Rama’s purpose. Long before, at your Lanka along with the mountain on which it
very birth, seeing the rising sun, you jumped is situated, I shall go to Rama and deposit-
towards him mistaking the disc of the sun them before him. 25. Or, after discovering
for a ripe fruit. After going up about the location of noble Sita, I shall return.”
five hundred Yojanas you fell down on the Hearing these words of Hanuman, Jamba­
earth. When you could accomplish such van said: 26. “Now, finding out thewhere-
a feat, who can really estimate the extent abouts of Sita, whether she is alive or not,
of your strength? Wake up, accomplish you should return. Afterwards, accompanied
the purpose of Rama and save us all.” by Rama, you can go to Lanka and demons­
21. Highly elated at these words of trate your strength. 27. O dear one! May
good fortune befall you who have decided
Jambavan, Hanuman gave out a lion-roar
to go by the sky across the ocean. May
loud enough to split the cosmos. (22-23). the winds blow favouring you!”

^r wrtw^
R>fa*mi4 TOi: « <\ ii

28. Backed by the blessings of the great that great personage Hanuman, the son of
monkey leaders, Hanuman went up to the the Wind-god, there, mountain-like in size,
top of Mahendra mountain, assuming a golden in colour, pink and handsome in
form that created wonder in the minds of face and possessed of arms long and power­
all onlookers. 29. All the onlookers saw ful like the king of the serpents.

wiUKGujftiii I 11 i
snfa H£Hiui(Hm(U<?T: I 4^m3< twhi n^ff 11 3
%di^s^ tvtt^ inn’um’WH^ w hth 11 4
^T^tfeH'TR mfrl tlt^ II 5

ft ^s< I
RRT ^mwrftfsT^ I ^^41 5THFT?R4M^: H 6

I ^fwW^W II 7

Chapter 1
Hanuman Takes the Leap ing whose name even once at the time of
(1-7) death a Jiva is able to cross the otherwise
(1-4). Desirous of leaping across the unspanable ocean of Samsara and attain to
hundred Yojanas of ocean infested by His divine Status—that Rama’s signet ring
aquatic creatures, Hanuman, the son of the with His name engraved, I carry with me.
Wind-god, meditated in mind on Rama the How insignificant then is this small ocean
Supreme Self, and said as follows in a mood for me? Meditating on Him in my mind,
of high elation: “O ye comrade monkeys! I shall cross it with utmost ease.” With
Be ye the witness of how I go through these words Hanuman took a leap through
the sky like an unfailing arrow shot by the sky in the southern direction with the
Rama. I shall now itself find the where­ speed of wind—his arms spread, tail erect,
abouts of Sita and return to Rama after neck straightened, legs contracted and eyes
accomplishing my task. (5-7). He by utter­ looking up.

snwTrefta error h: I Mn ^ngMra: ll g

rorer 'R- i ^rg^rawr: n 9
5sF|fr 5^ sr<Kt 5f ^r roftat 1 farof row rorc grorftrsTR 1110
wftc£ 1 rou *nw 11 11
^rww w gfe s^ft Rnfcrari sRwro^^’sgroiSTOTW^ 1112
anror ror sr: ftw rorror^ 1 Mt tftef srftw nwt 11 13
Mt’wt wn spnroftfewro: 1 romr sgrororct nw strrr ll u
q^ifa enwf 5^ stotot rorc: 1 *rror iw ron: $row m^rr^ 1115
fatst Mt rot S^ror rots^ 11 16
srtoh 3^5 gror W^w^i
^rons w sfa* ftsR’T ll n
jrf^r 4h>t?ifa rronfca: 1 s^grorr gr: fera: ll is
sgrot gro 1 w wr sgrot fMpf ^hir’er 11 19

Surasa Episode (8-25) my mouth quickly. Verily the Devas have

offered you to me as food to appease my
(8-12). As Hanuman was leaping through hungry stomach.” Thereupon Hanuman
the sky the Devas, who were observing said to her: “O mother! I am going at
with keen interest from the sky, felt that Rama’s command to find out the where­
they should test the power of the abouts of Sita. Finding her out, I shall
monkey and said among themselves: return quickly and, after conveying to
“This powerful monkey equal to the wind Rama the news about her welfare, I shall
in prowess is speeding towards Lanka. enter into your mouth. Now please give
But we do not know whether he is powerful me passage. Salutation to you Surasa.”
enough to reach Lanka or not.” Thinking (17-18) To this Surasa replied : “I am very
on these lines, that host of interested Devas hungry. You may go after entering into
said to Surasa, the mother of serpents, as my mouth. Otherwise I shall eat you up.”
follows: “You go and create some obstruc­ On being thus addressed by her, Hanu-
tion to the great monkey. Testing thus man asked her: “Then open your mouth
his intelligence and power, you can come quickly. I shall enter into it and proceed
back soon.” Being thus instructed, she without delay.” With these words Hanu­
proceeded soon on the mission of obstruc­ man stood before her expanding his size to
ting Hanuman’s passage. (13-16). She went the extent of a Yojana. 19. Seeing Hanu­
and blocked the passage of Hanuman and man’s form, Surasa made her mouth five
said to him, “O wise one! Enter into Yojanas in extent, whereupon Hanuman
[Ch. I

tftaf ^ifen mi SR-qfa




H^fa: ll 28
Am '*'*’ • --- «s
*• —- a W

abode. Next Hanuman, the son of

made his form double that size. 20. Surasa 1UUUC. num __________ ,
Wind-god, traversed through the atmosphere
now stood with a mouth twenty Yojanas
wide, whereupon Hanuman assumed a like Garuda.
size of thirty Yojanas. (21-22). Surasa, Mainaka Episode (26-33)
now increased the extent of her open mouth
(26-28). Now the Sea-god said to Mount
to ^fty Yojanas. Hanuman immediately Mainaka which had huge deposits of gold
re uced himself to the size of a thumb,
entered her mouth, came out and addressed and precious gems: “Powerful Hanuman,
the son of the Wind-god, is going for fulfill­
her, saying, “I have now entered into
your mouth and come out of it, as ing the objectives of Rama. You must go
and do some service to him. I have got the
wanted by you. Salutation to you, O
Mother!” name of Sagara, because the sons of King
Sagara augmented my extent. The
(23-25). Seeing Hanuman before her
and hearing these noble Lord Rama, the son of Dasaratha, is
words of his,
Surasa said to him: “O thou the one born in the line of that King Sagara.
wisest among intelligent personages’, Now this great monkey is on an errand for
Now proceed and accomplish the the achievement of some purpose of Rama.
29. You raise yourself to the water surface
mission on which Rama has sent you. I
soon. Let Hanuman rest on you for a
have been sent here by the Devas to test while and then proceed.” That mountain
your strength. You will be able to see of enormous size agreed to this proposal
Sita and report to Rama about it.” With and rose above the water surface.
these words, she went away to her heavenly

few i <r ^yFHiwro: n 32

wi ^1 w II33
<?gw TOsfrrarc: swi ll 34

fatter mu ht <tn w 1 <HI4>lgT*llfiMt 1135

w n^rarl wffr^nw I 11 36
srot $r ^s«pr Ohwt srsrFT^ 1 faffcq ss’nrot sfe n 37

<n ron fafejf Hl^faqX 1 ’TTFC nfiSRif <jji II 38

53’n^fW^’at ’rft 1 ^rat II 39

dHiql%<i<lhH 1 «& wt w Opriw^ n 40

(30-32). Towering over its many peaks distance after this incident, he was held up
with quarries of precious stones, the by a fierce demoness called Simhika, who,
mountain appeared in a human form stationing herself amidst the waters, had the
and said to Hanuman who was on power to grip anything by catching its sha­
his onward journey: “O noble monkey! dow. (36-37). Being caught by her, Hanuman
I am Mount Mainaka. I have been sent of great prowess thought: “Who or what is
here by the ocean for affording you some this obstructing cause, curbing my speed? I
rest on your way. Descend on me and after do not see any one before me. It is very
ag$iiaging your hunger with the nectarine puzzling indeed!” Revolving in this way
fruits growing on me and taking rest for a in his mind, Hanuman looked down. 38.
while on my surface, you can proceed further Thereupon he saw the mighty and terrific
at your-ease.” To him who spoke this­ form of Simihika. Immediately he swoop­
wise, Hanuman replied as follows: 33. ed down to the surface of the sea in great
“For me who am going on Rama’s errand, anger, and killed that demoness with a kick
where is the need for food, where is the need of his feet.
for rest? My foremost duty is to proceed (39-40). After that Hanuman rose up
as quickly as possible without any delay.i into the .sky again and directed his course
With these words he just touched the peak of to the south. Soon he sighted the southern
the mountain with his hands, and proceeded shore of the ocean full of many fruit-bearing
towards Lanka. trees, covered everywhere with creepers
with luxuriant growth of flowers, and
Simhika Episode (34-42) , populated by various kinds of birds and
(34-35). When he had covered a little beasts. He also saw the Trikuta mountain
[Ch. 1
sn^Rifa ^4 g^rfata f^FRts’R^ II 4t
<r fW^r ftw u< wh s: im
H 43
SRI UR >jgK stfa^r WRHJ
htkht^t 11 44
’ifew ^fri l
Slfaw f% WRF^l^ | owl ’n^nfasRR Il 45
qfw ’Rsgwt II 46
ORRft 3T I
^IW ^n 53^ W<^ I ^nrai ^<r 1147
STSR’t wmft tfqr 5HWF>frs6iFT: Il 48
W wn stui I
sFR&wfa i ^ROTRFT snft&sq w ^rfM; II 49
-^twn stat
w< sf®Rcta I stat wnst wftmfcqft ii 50
’RRiscta’T mfas’i sfttata i STFrat W || 51

on the top of which was situated the city of 46. Hanuman, treating her as an insignificant
Lanka. 41. He found that Lanka was opponent, delivered a punch on her with his
surrounded- by several high walls, one left fist. Immediately she fell on the ground
behind another and separated by extensive vomiting a large quantity of blood.
moats. He now began to think how he. 47. Lanka-Lakshmi soon stood up and sajd
would enter such a well-protected city. to that powerful Hanuman: “O Hanu­
He thought: 42. “At night, assuming a man! Go in. Good fortune will attend
very small body, I shall enter Lanka pro­ you. O faultless one! Lanka has already
tected by Ravana.” Deciding so, he remain­ been conquered by you. (48-49). In times
ed there till nightfall and then entered gone by, Brahma told me the following:
Lanka. ‘In the twentyeighth Tretayuga of this cycle
of time, Narayana, the Eternal Being, will
Confrontation with Lanka-Sri (43-58)
incarnate Himself as Rama, the son of
(43-45). Making his body very small, King Dasaratha, and His Yoga-maya will
Hanuman now entered the city through embody Herself as Sita in the house of
its gate, where stood Lanka-Lakshmi, the Janaka. This is in consequence of my
spirit of Lanka, guarding the city in the prayer to the Lord for relieving the earth
form of a fierce Rakshasa woman. Seeing ©f her burdens. 50. Rama with his wife
Hanuman entering the city, she challenged and his brother will go to reside in the great
him, saying: “Who are you entering Lanka forest of Dandaka. Then Ravana will
at night like a thief in the form of a monkey, abduct Sita, who is none but Mahamaya.
without caring for me. Pray, what is yqur 51. Subsequently, Rama will enter into an
business here?” Saying so, with eyes redden­ alliance with the monkey king Sugreeva,
ed $ anger, she gave a kick to Hanuman. who will depute his monkey followers

nwifaw । Htsft gfaRr n

^n^gr r *rfw to^r I TO? wraFa) m: ll 53
wiron fam m<i fa<r ni ^rnr 1 uw^ ll 54
fr^ssuiidPra f^rcKw^n 1 3n& rraf nsrjg: frwnn w: 11 55
qtrwfrfa: 1 *rw c^tjr iiwt RTOt ll 56

aiOT^tsnrfa^^ ?r ^rercfa: to 11 57
s^rf^sssfr 'hwr smgannm wr i

3^ mqifa 3W il 58

^fa^TRRRFFT sdHWi&'H^

^wi^’ 5J?H: qzf: II II

to find out the whereabouts of Sita. 52. there, securely protected by a guard of
From among them one monkey will come fearsome Rakshasa women. Meeting her,
near you at night. Being challenged by you return soon and convey the news to
you, he will, strike you with his fist. 53. Rama. 57. For long have I been entertain­
When you suffer injury from his blow, know ing in my mind the thought of Rama which
for certain that the end of Ravana would liberates one from the bondage of Samsara.
be near at hand.’ (54-56). Therefore 1 deem Today I am indeed fortunate to have associa­
that you have already conquered Lanka, tion with a devotee of his, which is ordinarily
O noble one! You have subdued every very difficult to get. May the Lord Rama
pne and everything here. In the women’s ever dwell in my heart.” ’ 58. When Hanu­
quarters of Ravana, there is a fine woody man, the son of the Wind-god, crossed
grove for sport and relaxation. In the the ocean, both Sita and Ravana got
middle of it there is a grove full of a very pronounced quivering of the left eye and
rare type of trees called Ashoka. In the arm, while for Rama, who transcends the
centre of it stands a huge Simsapa tree. senses, this happened on his right
Sita, the daughter of Janaka, is confined side.

S-l Ramakrishna ashrama

Accesston 2Vo-
ea, i„ ___________
[Ch. 2


<rfcr: sfty 11
wts&hs faf^r $a*n*6ftt 11 2
Wl 53^ Il 3
HMrofiflPifcfl’ft Fnbrrawftfain^l 1 4
gsr srffo8f wg^: n 5
&&n fwnorot qfiFa*TO3ri*RH( 116

’auto ll 7

^IRRt Tlt^df TOKlW’nfi’fat I ll 10

Chapter 2
Hanuman sees Sita (1-12) shining like gold. The son of the Wind­
1. Assuming a form of small size, god searched for Sita under every tree there
Hanuman entered resplendent Lanka and but could not find her. Then he came to
walked through all parts of the city. (2r3). a towering building on a mount so high,
Engaged in the search for Sita, he that it looked as if it touched the sky.
entered the residential quarters of Ravana He was astonished to see the numerous
and searched everywhere there, but could pillars of precious stones in that edifice.
not discover Sita in any place. Now (7-10). As he proceeded some distance fur­
remembering the words of Lanka-Sri, he ther from it, he came across a Simsapa tree
directed his search towards the Ashoka having so dense a foliage that it gave
grove. (4-6). That Ashoka grove into which complete shelter from the sun. Its branches
Hanuman entered had in it a dense growth spread extensively, and there were many
of heavenly trees, with tanks here and birds of golden colour perching on them.
there having steps studded with precious Underneath that tree, amidst a guard
gems. There many types of birds and of Rakshasa women, he found Sita,
animals were moving about amidst trees the daughter of Janaka, who looked like
whose branches were touching the earth a goddess on earth. Her locks were un­
with the weight of fruits on them. Here braided and her body had become extremely
and there, were terraced buddings lean and weak. Dressed with a much

w gtfsra *fpt nw 'rhirh: n 12

era: 1
^wh wra: 1 anror wi <n ’rfarfar^ n 13
^ttft frcrftgsi 4fens5nH^tw( 1 ton hw^; qws^rahnr 11 m
wit n^®n^j wi 1 tftemfuft ?fFnfa w f$ w 11 is
fanrafac’T TR^r w I nfaf^rs’K’dO TT^Tt WnfcTC II 16
^or hr^: qd^RR w: I wnn: *nRt Wireh^yi^ld n 17
*\ * ,
^ra .^r r: I ’FFr: *5ihR«w 18
fawra^ i twft wt u 19
fa^HftetlRHlqWl^g^ 0 20
sj^mt fcfttftar fafswi w 1
tften 4tar *jfwn ^r*r^t i ferar nrafqwpw II 21
soiled cloth, she was lying on the bare and twenty arms, he looked like a mountain
ground, extremely sorrow-stricken and cry­ of antimony.
ing, ‘Rama, Rama’ from time to time. (15-20). Meantime, Ravana had all along
Though she had every auspicious physical been thinking, "What could hasten my death"
feature, she had become very lean by at the hands of Rama? I do not find Rama
fasting and by the failure to find any way as yet coming in quest of Sita. Why is it
of being rescued from her plight. (11-12) so?” Thinking thus always about Rama,
Seated behind the shelter of the leaves Ravana had a dream the previous night.
of the Simsapa tree, that great monkey saw He saw in the dream that a monkey deputed
Sita and said within himself, “O I have by Rama, and capable of taking any form,
achieved my purpose! I have achieved my had come assuming a very small form,
purpose! I have accomplished the errand and was watching from the top of the trees.
on which the Supreme Being, Rama, has Experiencing this wonderful dream, Ravana
sent me.” thought within himself: “Dreams some­
Ravana courting Sita (13-43) time come true. So let me decide to do
(13-14). Now from outside the women’s like this: I shall wound the feelings of Sita
quarters of Ravana, Hanuman heard some by harsh words and make her extremely
jingling sounds, and wondering what it sorrow-stricken. Let the monkey see it
might be, he looked in that direction from and report it to Rama.” It was while thinking
his sheltered position amidst the leaves of this way after he had this dream experience
the tree. To his great astonishment, he that he started to the place where Sita was
saw Ravana coming, surrounded by a confined.
bevy of women. Possessed of ten heads 21. Hearing the tinkling sound of anklets

wfcft W gn®r*i ’rt^n^T’'^ |

witmvit ft ftafc W<!' "K j

w ? «tjsn ata Mftmsra I * -rwfti n^r «>R® ll *•

ftt^t w ?«fai wwafc&itsftHiftrorsfirH&t n 25 |
^jag k wa swr i wwFaWPiftn ^n5^ ” Il » |
gswhsft w snaift sash ft^ftssrai i ??ntaW vn *t®ft jmWWi ll 27
wstaft araift aw a^i ftt«aftftKftuFftq?iai^«nmii2» |

•ratrt ftt $Rwfa ’wfaft i w*afta wnwra at ’waiaiN^n n i» ।

^RMi'i'imMi aaftwRatftan i aftwfe Ci^wsil ?< aft at aftaatt 1130
wfs was a^n <twnftaa@aai i <Mwra»a«ft s^ai ftsnw u 31 .?
l Tiwwtf ^r II 32
and tiny bells, Sita knew that Ravana was thankless, O virtuous woman. I have
approaching, and she shrank into herself carried you away into my abode and you
out of fear. That handsome lady now are stricken with extreme grief because of it.
shed tears and kept gazing downwards, Still he has not come to rescue you.
with her mind fully concentrated on Rama. Why do you then think of a man who has no
(22-29). Now, seeing Sita in this condition, love for you? He is without strength, /
Ravana said to her, “O handsome lady! self-respect and a sense of duty to his own
Why are you shrinking into yourself out people. Though an ignorant fool, he thinks
o ear on seeing me? Rama, along with of himself as a great scholar. O great
his rother Lakshmana, is living amidst beauty! What are you going to achieve
forest tribes. He may be seen sometimes by thinking of this low type of a man who
and sometimes not. I sent many spies has no inclination towards you? And in
to spot him. In spite of vigorous search contrast, here am I, the greatest among
everywhere they could not find him. What Rakshasas, extremely infatuated with you.
will you do wit Rama who does not Why should you not then accept my advan-
seem to have any desire for you? You ces? 30. If you accept me, you will become
may always sit by his side embracing him; the mistress of the women of various
this Rama will never have any longing species of beings like Devas, Gandharvas,
for you even then. All the delights that Nagas, Yakshas and Kinnaras.”
you can give him and all your excellences 31. Angry at these words of Ravana,
are known to him by experience, but still Sita put a blade of grass between him and
he has no feeling for you. He is a herself, and began to speak with downcast
fool without any excellence. He is also eyes: (32-36). “Out of fear for Rama you

nt tfhr toskt Jimtefawt I TO nTOTOKfro^s^ro ll 33

sraRtemg* ntf nfroftf uhiPtoi 1 ^j^ekw mRfe^n 34
TO rtf HKt ntft ^wr kkPto i wnsnr II 35
Rt kjk tot Wk itf to I 36
Jfll wtfKt WTO: KWTOJ
WK sJtamrfW KRTt I mrow KKKt KfflKTtTO II 37
K^K^t Phhii Kfit TKT I w3«it Mil’ll ^tftf $:feKt t^ii WHII
^KruiKmr kPk tort: l ii 39
WtfKWFn: I
w *t KW W WlfH WTO I TO KTO R^K K^Wlfefir: U 40
fWnTOK^ tftfn kR kTO i to K^it^Ki mtf kt to ii 41
TO^TOTOft Wft || ' 43
W'M'4 tfMro rk$?: I

put on the disguise of an ascetic, and when reddened eyes, he lifted his sword and
Rama and Lakshmana were out, you approached to strike at Sita. 38. But Man-
carried me away, O low bom one! as dodari, Ravana’s wife, came between them
a bitch knocks away some sacrificial and restrained him from his rash act,
offering. Soon, you shall reap the conse­ saying, “Leave off this human female who is
quences of it, when your body will be griefstricken and famished. 39. You have
rent asunder by Rama’s arrows. You got innumerable handsome women of Devas,
think of Rama as a mere man. You will Gandharvas and Nagas. They are always
understand the folly of it when you are soon looking at you with love-lorn eyes.” 40.
despatched to the realm of Yama. Either bv Ravana then turned towards the Rakshasi
drying up the ocean or by bridging it by guards of distorted faces and said to them:
his arrows, Rama will come here with ‘‘Deal with this woman sternly by threats
Lakshmana to destroy you. There is no or kind persuasion in such a way that
doubt about it. 0 despicable Rakshasa! she is attracted to me and comes under my
You will soon see how Rama destroys you control. 41. If she comes under my control
along with all your sons and army, and takes within two months, she will, along with
me back to his city.” me, have every kind of enjoyment available
37. The stinging words of Sita 'roused in this country. (42-43). If within two
the wrath of that King of the Rakshasas, months, she does not agree to be my wife,
and moved by extreme anger indicated by his you kill this human female and give her
straps ’frri w”ra311 44
I S^ff $w* fW'V »«
3i«n a ?^?Ri i w wrrw n «
at tftTtsfaW wfe®^ । ft3rit ^<WrX ll 47
«S«rewj<iwRt asm atfer^n «

a sn*F5t^ I ^4^*1 w ii 49
wn'wi ^jsf a?Wf aanias 1 wrai^i 11 so
smf fwh 1 wfr ’’W’^ ^nwwt fcnsKi 11 si
3<W35hH“ir w I Tina sMt n 52.
ttai $?jfa Twa aacal’^f’K’si^i 1 ^'n ,,4’i Tnh <ri u$<3H»4ai 11 53
(h^tomiRito toi ^ftat ^jwHWi, i a< (toft TOjff <i(t|U|R a W?: u 54
fasra’n to ajai <fRra wjaftro 1 s^ttaras? a? ftnrogwnt 11 ss

flesh for my breakfast.” Ordering in this Do not frighten the weeping Sita. On
way, Ravana went back to his inner apart­ the other hand, you prostrate before her.
ments along with all his female retinue. I have just now had a dream, which is
as follows: The1 lotus-eyed Rama along
Rakshasis’ Threats and Trijata’s with Lakshmana had burnt the whole
of Lanka and killed Ravana in battle.
Dream (44-55)
Then he was seated at the top of the
44. Immediately, the Rakshasa women mountain with Sita on his lap.
began to terrify Sita with harsh words. On the other hand, I saw Ravana naked
One of them said to her, “Your youth is and smeared all over with oil. Holding
ebbing away without serving any purpose. in his hand a garland made of his own
If you live with Ravana, it will become heads, he was entering into a deep pit of
fruitful. 45. Another said in an angry dung along with all his sons and grandsons.
mood, “O Janaki why do you delay? Let us Vibhishana, I saw on the contrary
even now sever her limbs and cut them to prostrating at Rama’s feet with great devo­
pieces. 46. Another Rakshasa woman now tion and doing service to Rama. Soon
raised her sword as if to kill Sita. Still ano­ Rama will destroy Ravana with all
ther, having a terrific face, tried to frighten tribe and install Vibhishana as a ruler
Sita by opening her formidable mouth. and will go back to his city carrying Sita
47. But an elderly Rakshasa woman named with him. This is certainly going to happen.
Trijata restrained the others from frightening 55‘ Hearing these words of Trijata, the
Sita and said, 48. “O cruel women! Hear frightened Rakshasa women became silent
my words for your own good. (49-54). and began to sleep lying here and there.

afam wftfa’ Hl<iiRR<<?n I srrari ii 56

3R fa: 'S’faw 1
war nt n H5K: i ^hWt wi if 11 57
m fasw»3 farm 1

Sira’5’* wat n sn?rat ^A^hh^hi ii 58


tKW* fetfta: ll R II

Sita in a desperate mood (56-58) up in the morning. There is no doubt about

t56-57). Thus addressed by the Rak- it. So is there any way by which I can die
shasis, Sita broke down with fear, as even now?” 58. Thus steeped in grief
she found none to protect her. Reduced and weeping aloud, Sita, failing to see any
to a mood of extreme grief, she began to way out, decided to kill herself and remain­
reflect with tears flowing down from her ed there for some time, holding a branch
eyes, and said, “These Rakshasis will eat me of the tree.

sawfofafeRpfawra i wrw: wn 3

Chapter 3

Hanuman’s stratagem to draw Sita’s Rakshasa women? My locks are pretty

attention (1-19) long and are enough to put a knot on my
1. Sita thought within herself: “1 shall neck.” (2-3). Hanuman s®w Sita, the
free myself from this body that is separated daughter of Janaka, in this condition,
from Rama, by hanging myself. What is determined to kill herself. He thought for a
the good of living in the midst of these while and then adopting a smalt form spo e

3Rfe?nfsrnwsi toftw: II 4
$5n ifrw: I W?W^ WT^f STW II 5

w ^wr h< wr ton

I ^5 n 6
3W I 35T to to STTOtoft II 7

iUH'S’T HWT ^HcTHT I rnt "naf nrtotor stfr^h 8

SRT^ <tfW^*w:bKHRid U& I ^n far ii 9
gSftq >bft A&ihh: l n^nkto 5tof ^F5^: ii io
giftt ftph»W gtog wsn*r www n
1 n
wim qftat i tow* =^Etet stotfMt 5ft: ii 12
^l(d4M3I^U£^W3 wSteR^V ’Rftf ftn^snwl n n
gid^iMfrrt fcfcRW Iwn^l 3«j^ntor to=4t uu
TORT hW W^(W I HftfaffiWl I is
to sito asrf «r?<r townh fW$^storwn*3#ft^ii 16
%3 *3

the following words just loud enough to Rishyamuka mountain. There Sugreeva
reach the ears of Sita. (4-15). He said, entered into an alliance with the high-souled
“In the line of Ikshvakus, there was a Rama. Rama helped his ally Sugreeva
great king called Dasaratha ruling over by destroying Vali who had deprived
Ayodhya. He has four famous sons equal Sugreeva of his wife, and afterwards
to divinities, possessed of all auspicious installing Sugreeva as the king. Now King
signs and qualities. Their names are Rama, Sugreeva gathered together his monkey
Lakshmana, Bharata and Satrughna. Of followers and sent them to search for Sita.
them the eldest brother, in compliance with Myself, one of them, who is a minister of
his father’s order, had come to reside in the Sugreeva, has, as directed by the vulture
forest of Dandaka accompanied by his named Sampati, managed to cross over the
brother Lakshmana and wife Sita. They ocean a hundred Yojanas wide and reach the
were staying at Panchavati on the banks city of Lanka. Searching here slowly every
of the Godavari. When Rama was away where, I have come to the Asoka grove and
from his abode, the wicked Ravana abduct­ therein the Simsapa tree. Here I see Rama’s
ed his wife, the worshipful Sita. Extremely consort Sita sitting immersed in sorrow.
sorrow-stricken by this, Rama instituted Having come here I have accomplished my
a search for Sita and in the course of it mission.” Saying this much, the intelligent
came across the kingly vulture Jatayu lying Hanuman resumed silence.
fallen on the ground. Sending him to the (16-19). Sita listened to the whole
heavenly realm, Rama soon reached the narrative step by step with great .astonish-

to i> snfer js&r ^hi«H^JI w ii 17

fl OT^lt W>W flfllflflt II 18
3hrH TO fltars^: fliRfcra: ll 19
vtfiji: ’ftron: i ato sni: ftrat sniffer: faff: 1120
<i 'sih'ft sftai wrts^’Tnra: I II 21
hi ffFfaRfkflW 11 22
fHW fft tftat w far^t 1
Hit a?nfash ura^nr wt ’tfa ferai< i OTT$t ^tfl&^l Wfl ffWflflt || 23
II 24

snH$ ms w
l wn wrot flg ft&a ^11 25
Wrt W^FT W55WR | iftfft S^: faff: 1126
wrf gsfr: । uwft 1127
4t?h nt iwrara nwr । ’NNlfa'^RT ’T^s< Tnrefafim II 28
StamuRflSR totfitoiii #ten ^iftwT’ft’4 we? =ffw»<4 ff4h 1129

ment and entered into the following solilo­ frightened, thinking that Ravana, who was
quy- “What is it that I just now heard a master of the magical art, had again
from the sky above! Is it the speech of come disguised as a monkey to deceive her.
the Wind-deity? Or is it a dream or a So she sat there silently with downcast
delusion of mine? Or is it a true experi­ eyes. (23-24). Divining Sita’s fear, Hanu­
ence? Grief has deprived me of sleep and man said again to Sita: “O divine lady!
therefore it cannot be a dream. And I am not at all what you suspect me to be.
how can it be a delusion too? Let that So please cast away all your suspicions
great personage, who spoke these welcome about me. I am the servant of the Supreme
words, which are like nectar to my ears, Being incarnated as Rama, the King of
appear before me, if the words are factual.” Kosala. I am also the minister of Sugreeva
Hearing these words of Sita, Hanuman the king of the monkeys. I am the off­
slowly emerged from the thick foliage of spring of Vayu, the Wind-deity, who is the
the trees and stood before her. Cosmic Prana of the universe."
Hanuman’s Conversation with Sita (20-36) (25-29). Hearing these words, Sita, the
20. A monKey of the size of the bird daughter of Janaka, asked Hanuman, who
called Kalavinga, yellow in colour but red in was standing before her with palms joined
face, now came forward slowly, made in salutation: “You say you are a servant
prostration to Sita and stood before her. of Sri Ramachandra. How has this kind
(21-22). On seeing him, Sita was at first of an alliance between men and monkeys
(Ch. 3

gataq <3! *ire? 3 » ^rei^r 30

gfltf HWRt 3 MW<na STHTHJ ft«Rt 1*31

wff^t i sjft iw ^re * w 33
<r^Rrf^H< I stare <hret w wrorsft^. ll m

w । 5PRta *renta ^ft 'rew^^’l n 35

5F^t iwnreso 1 *rere>re f^i^t *dr» 1136
^tsn u^ft<n ’WHimftRt ^r 1 ftrssn srei *?re^rereta*n ii 37
it STOW R ifeSRfa Tl^U &W$ re R^IUb&I ft 38
Rt ^Furefttftr ^ire M^tre^ 1 *re $rerft$ re*n 11 39

come into existence? How is it believable?” of the Wind-god! The success of this
Thereupon, Hanuman, the son of the enterprise of mine depends entirely on you.
Wind-deity, said to Sita, facing her: “The Convey to Sita all news about the welfare
high-souled Rama, as directed by the ascetic of Lakshmana and myself. Here is my
woman Sabari, went to Mount Rishya- signet ring with my name engraved on it.
mooka. Sugreeva, who had taken shelter on Present it to Sita as a token for recognising
Rishyamooka, was frightened to see Rama you as a genuine messenger.’ (35-36). With
and Lakshmana approaching and sent me these words Rama took off the ring from
to them to know their real intention. In the his finger and handed it over to me. I
form of a Brahmacharin I approachedRama, have taken every care to preserve it and
and on becoming sure that his intentions bring it with me. O high-souled lady!
were good, I took both the brothers on my ‘Here it is.’ With these words Hamman
shoulders to the presence of Sugreeva and presented the ring to Sita, and then prostra­
arranged for an alliance between Rama ting before her, withdrew a little and stood
and Sugreeva. (30-32). Sugreeva’s wife had holding his joined palms on his head in
been forcibly taken away by Vali. That salutation.
Vali, Sri Rama killed with a single arrow,
and installed Sugreeva as the king of the After the Presentation of the Signet
monkeys. Sugreeva deputed very powerful Ring (37-51).
monkeys to institute a search for your (37-44). Seeing the signet ring of Rama
venerable self. When Rama saw me among with his name engraved on it, Sita was
the search party getting ready to start, he overwhelmed with joy. With tears streaming
called me aside and spoke to me lovingly. down her face, she took the ring
(33-34). He said: ‘O Hanuman, the son and placed it on her head in adoration.


wfrofa nt ^r: i to: sfta- TOfc£®r grfft’r to£to: u 4i
TOra*fa& to srt totoi^f i Hjsf: TO^f TOt’rft nt nt^w ll 42
groi nhr nfro^i toi nt 1143
TOT TOR S&Wl'gfe I 44
<roinfa w wi to: torfto: II45
gjfftcr n§^n <ro ^nw toti^ 1 nn^ntnii46
tottoh^ to: to snftftrnra^ 1 nfai nRjMfrnro TOTFfa&TO 1147
^rjnro ^toiw s^fti
anroro: to77^ to^k: 1 f^tw nifttroracK » 48
MsRfa ^rtro^t to mi n^rfn^rofro: 1149
TO TO tot RRifa tot£to( 1 ftfawtfwr yt TOC II 50
fro^nt to^st «itoo3^»ii si

She then said, “O monkey! You are tions to come. O herd! Report in such
verily the saviour of my life. You are a way that he feels forced to kill Ravana
highly intelligent, whole-heartedly devoted at the earliest and rescue me. O Hanuman!
to Rama and bent on doing what is pleasing Do your best to achieve this. Through
to him. Rama must have reposed absolute your words you will then be achieving a
confidence in you, for he would not have great and righteous purpose.”
selected an unknown stranger as a messenger (45-46). To this appeal of Sita, Hanuman
to me. O Hanuman! You have seen replied*. “O divine lady! Immediately I
in what^ a miserable state I am. You return and meet Rama and Lakshmana,
report about all this to Rama in a way they will come along with Sugreeva and his
that will produce intense compassion in army, all fully equipped with weapons,
his mind. O noble one! I have now only and destroy Ravana and take you back to
two more months of life. If Rama does Ayodhya. There is no doubt about this.”
not come and rescue me within that time, 47. On hearing this, Sita put him a
this wicked fellow will eat me up. If question: ‘‘How will Rama the great cross
within that time the lordly Rama comes over the wide ocean with the generals of the
here with the monkey king Sugreeva and monkey army and come to this place?”
his monkey forces, and destroys Ravana (48-51). For clearing her doubt Hanuman
with his whole family and army and releases replied: “Those two great men will
me then his heroic achievement will be arrive riding on my shoulders. Sugreeva
a tonic of naration and praise for genera- with his monkey army will leap across the

to ffcftrft’n’ri’r tfai wrasWn i

e—, ftw 'Wf’rf8' 1 «®f,w <> «
r jL. ri ” ®ra 1 jwfa ftrai ll »
TO' ftR ansrn ftwft WS«?HI?rII.54
nawmm^ ftwnfiHra’n I «t w» ^ni w<f <n? smq. n
^afcftv jwni s<am«nm ut pi pt n ss
mfim.’Mt MjilH 5 I (ptTRW®nBwh^ <1^ || 57
wwhqft bss*p.i vial va’pt ilss
V5?wnftft«fq b wit I "tR’irats'wsk'n ^tifaSti ll s»
UWWKwSlW wwrtw.<*#'ft^,l wtatacei w ii 60
•«s^ to are <w itowft. i ftslt fcui wftrrat trsfr w: n «i

ocean through the sky. Crossing the ocean something more, Opure-souled one! Some- j
in this way, they will, for your sake, reduce
time back when we were staying in Chitra-
the whole of this tribe of Rakshasas to kuta, Rama was one day sleeping in privacy
ashes. Please have no doubt about this. with his head resting on my lap. Now
Now, O great lady, give me permission to there came a son of Indra in the form of a
return. It is necessary that I return very crow, and with a view to get some flesh
soon, so that I may meet the two brothers, to eat, began to tear my crimson-tinged toes <
come back here fetching them, and with his beak and claws. Meanwhile,
meet you again at the earliest opportunity. Rama woke up, and seeing my wounded
Now give me some thing as a token that feet, exclaimed, ‘Who is it that has done
will be recognised by Rama and will make this offence against me?’ . Seeing the crow
him convinced that 1 have actually seen with bloodstained face and claws attack­
you. Rama will then come here soon in ing me repeatedly, he got angry at it, and
high spirits folly prepared.’' invoking a divine missile, in a blade of
grass, threw it at the crow. The divine
Sita Gives the Crest-jewel and Narrates
missile went flaming towards the crow,
the Crow Incident (52-88)
which thereupon flew away to save
52. Sita, the lotus-eyed, then thought for itself. It flew to all the realms in
a while, and taking from within her locks the universe followed by the missile.
a crest-jewel handed it over to Hanuman Finding that even celestials like Brahma
saying, “O noble monkey! This will enable could not give it shelter from the missile,
Rama along with Lakshmana to accept it at last came to Rama and fell at his feet
the veracity of your report. (53-61). Further in great fright seeking refuge. Rama then
as a token for recognition, I shall tell you told the crow: ‘This missile of mine

ciiw * I rtf srwifgr ttoh: ii

quiigiw wwi^ I sro^ ms a to to ftrofts^t ii 63
arfWRj: TOTTTO TOOT: I *HT rTS^T,^ ’fcfcWJIBq II 64
frowst i rorr star <^ro wiftrariro^ n &
$"r wrfa’zr to a ^ro^l
wfcfa otto s^iro OTOT l RRTOt TOR n^5 WFTO 3^ 66
3$fTO to apfarowii to I wRrofa <rah fe&ft *r ii 67

3^k: rsthto TOfi^n tot sfa i

TO M«lfife*FWSIR<t JlftlTO W I O^TO^ft ’TOT HtkH^l^fMfTOcV II
TOWTOft ^r: <?mfiw»RifwThjrai I ’TOfafaTO’TO ’l^TOTTO R* II 69
srfts? TOR toto tor( i OTTO 'R flft wStoItoTO^II 70
<fir fafTO tort swototto I TOTORTfaftTOf ftfero^W^ || 71

cannot go in vain. Give one of your eyes "O paragon of strength! You will indeed
as a target for it, and go away from here.’ be capable of accomplishing what you say.
Its left eye was destroyed by the missiL and Now these Rakshasa women will notice
the crow then went away. How is it that you of tremendous size and strength. So
Rama of such invincible puissance leave this place immediately and hurry on
has chosen to neglect me unvindicated?” to Rama. I wish you a happy return
(62-64). Hearing the words of Sita, Hanu­ journey.”- 67. Hanuman who was by now
man said to her, “O respected lady! If very hungry asked, “After having met you,
Rama, the greatest of Raghu’s line, comes may I not satisfy my hunger a little? You
to know that you are here, he would reduce need not in any way be concerned thinking
this glorious city of the Rakshasas into what you could give me to eat. I shall be
ashes in no time.” Thereupon Sita asked able to satisfy my hunger with all the fruits
him, “Dear one! You are of a small size in these trees before you. ”68. Being permit­
and so must be the other monkeys too. How ted to do so by Sita, Hanuman ate all those
will you fight the Rakshasas?” At these fruits. Sita then gave him penhission once
words of Sita, Hanuman revealed his real again to go. He started after prostrating
form to her. (65-66). It was of the size before her. But having gone some dist­
of the mountain Meru and capable of ance, he began to think within himself.
terrifying the Rakshasas. She was glad (69-71). He thought: “A messenger who
to see that mountain-like form of Hanu­ has been sent for one purpose, if he returns
man and said to that great monkey hero, merely after accomplishing his mission but ■

ttauwi w w i dwrwhi fafri wn wjailfias n 72

wot stFPff 11 73

ST^FT KBit WCfafW[ I BHRlfa II 74

1 si n 75
sfr'Wi 1
wr ofastfrof w^i wwifirafiwrm 11 76
snw^fw H^n^n 1 ^f^ni w" n^rfsnr^ 1177
fc^FWTBHH Wnfw W 78

ORpH^WRt I l^jon^dl M)^«ut>Ki: ||79

*N** WTRt & | Wl WXll 80

without doing something more in extension about all that Hanuman did in the Ashoka
ofit, is the most inferior type of a messenger. grove. 76. They said, “O great king! A
Therefore, 1 will accomplish something gigantic figure in the form of a monkey and
more here and try to meet Ravana and talk possessed of great strength, after having
with him. After that I shall proceed to meet conversed with Sita, has uprooted the trees
Rama.” Resolving like this in his mind, the of the Ashoka grove in no time and has also
mighty Hanuman began to pull out the levelled the mansion on the mound. (77-78).
trees of that Ashoka grove and soon made After killing all the guards of the mansion,
that place devoid of all trees. (72-73). he is now standing there.” On hearing
With the exception of the tree under which about the destruction of the Ashoka grove,
Sita was sitting, what was previously a which was very dear to him, Ravana got
grove became almost a bare ground. By up immediately in great anger and despat­
that time the Rakshasa women, getting ched a large body of his troops called
sight of Hanuman uprooting the trees, asked Kinkaras.
Sita, “Who is that fellow who has the form (79-80). Where the mansion once stood
of a monkey but seems to be a great fighter the Kinkaras now saw Hanuman,
too?” (74-75). Sita replied, “The secret mountain-like in size, terrific in form,
of these magical feats of Rakshasas is known red in face, equipped with an iron
to you only and not to me, distressed as I pillar as weapon and slowly (moving
am by intense sorrow. I know nothing his tail. At the sight of the advancing
about this monkey.” The Rakshasis were Rakshasa army, Hanuman gave out a lion­
now filled with fear and reported to Ravana roar, at which many of his opponents fell

wr I fa&sfWrrehf: ll si
as &wr SSWS’ft’r waa: I a^rf^a ll 82
ftsaifc<«5r m ^g^^a: i <w ^aia^aa aaarw ll 83
swaft aRrfeto^w wasj aa: a^ppaaaiw w a: ii84
sn*iaHft areai^&H^: I wfaiNat atea^a aiafa: ll 85
^nasatfaR aafaa Raa? i aar wa aarnia: n 86
aiarna ^ata ai^n: i naai^ftat ^Ka s^a^r «aai^ n 87
^ai aaw aar a< w a: n 88
aa: wai to i ^ra aaarfa^ ^Waaita n 89

ga ibgpaa aa aarc^ ft$i ^awia^ai snafaaifa fcfc^ii

ars <ro sM I afa feft ROT arcfc $fea aa: n 91
ara arar a^rwa: i ottto W^S^faa'a: Il 92
wa ar^iar aata ahfaaw il 93

unconscious. 81. On seeing Hanuman of Now came for battle, the powerful Aksha­
frightening form, who had killed all the kumara, the youngest son of Ravana. 87.
Rakshasa guards of the mansion earlier, As Akshakumara advanced, Hanuman leap­
the newly arrived Rakshasa troups attacked ed at him through the skies and delivered
him with all kinds of weapons. 82. Hanu­ a fatal blow on his head with his iron mace.
man now rushed at the Rakshasa troops, 88. After thus lulling Akshakumara, Hanu­
and striking at them on all sides with an man did the same with the troops whom
iron mace, made a paste of them like a he was leading.
lordly elephant crushing mosquitoes.
83. The news of the destruction of the Indrajit binds Hanuman (89-100)
Kinkaras raised the wrath of Ravana to its
89. The news of the death of his son
summit, and he sent against Hanuman his
Aksha incensed Ravana in the extreme
five generals who were possessed of great
and he now summoned his eldest son
war-lust. 84. Hanuman killed all of them Indrajit, the victor over Indra. 90. Ravana
with iron mace-pestle, and angry Ravana said, “O my son! I am now going to
thereupon sent the seven sons of his ministers attack that fellow who billed my
next. (85-86). That monkey lord, the son boy Aksha. I shall now bring him to
of the Wind-god, quickly despatched all of
you, either killed or bound.” (91-93).
them too with his iron mace in no time Thereupon Indrajit said to his
and stationed himself in the same old place father, “O high souled one! Abandon
awaiting more Rakshasas to come for attack. grief. When I am there, why are

sratsfaif&r i
wiw swftsd 94

TO ftlfrWlfasfiWNEfa* 1 ’4'sJm^^T II 95
?rat 4ti 11 96
<hhR I srr srcft msi k4 ^Fjjiw’n^ II97

cRTtSR ftW ibiTOt hstto: I

TOTOTO’T 4H<^< I f^RFT fTOS Tf^t ITO TOTOt 11 98
srai tok ’nfci far^ n 99
TOk I.ITO TO*«^ TO (tW$ Wfa: I
1% TO TOlfafa || 100
* >□
?Swnwm OTRtmM:
g^TO”J ^hr: h4: II 3 II

you giving yourself up to grief so battle, raised his iron mace, and delivering
much? O father! Binding the monkey blows with it, killed Indrajit’s charioteer
with the Brahma missile, I shall and reduced his chariot along with its horses
bring him to you very soon.” With to powder. 98. Powerful Indrajit now
these words, heroic Indrajit sallied forth ascended another chariot and releasing his
against the Wind-god’s son, surrounded by Brahma-missile, bound up the mighty Hanu­
a large body of Rakshasa troops. (94-96). man and took him to Ravana.
Hearing the loud and tumultuous sound of (99-100). He, by uttering whose name con­
the Rakshasa forces, Hanuman rose into stantly Jivas get release from the bondage
the sky with the iron mace raised in his of Karma bom of ignorance, and attain
hand. As he hovered over the army like the status Divine which is of the nature of
an eagle, Indrajit wounded him with arrows. Supreme Bliss more luminous than countless
He shot eight arrows on his head, six at his suns—that Rama’s feet were ever established
chest and legs, and one at his tail. Thus in the heart of Hanuman, and all his bondage
wounding him all over, Indrajit gave out a of Samsara had thereby been removed.
terrific lion-roar. 97. Hanuman of great For such a person, what harm can
prowess, delighted at this opportunity for the bondage of cords or missiles do?

’TRT ftcfilWd W I
sraHPRfe^: g^n: 4hn Wxn^Rr M
Run^br irf ntf jWH^i i

^rt S’jjn’Tw w wwwi^ 11

HWcHFR wret g $<t from I
qtr w sranfar wrc: wrars*ft u
wkrt4 fwf I

*rat h whrc: 3J$rh£ ii

nw TsSwft few: ^r4 gar r ^rt: I
^r fiwi Rrar fcrcftra w farf wtiw n

Chapter 4

Hanuman As Captive (1-14).

brought before Ravana who was seated
1. Holding with his hands the binding in the assembly of his ministers and courtiers.
cords as if in pain, and looking at the city Presenting him, Indrajit said, “With the
here and there as if in fright, Hanuman
help of the boon given to me by Brahma,
allowed himself to be led by the Rakshasas
I have been able to bind and bring before
through the streets of Lanka. To see him,
you this monkey who was responsible for
the angry Rakshasa citizens followed
the slaughter of so many Asuras. 4. O
the party, raining blows on him with their
father! Order whatever you decide about
fists. 2. On account of the boon given him in consultation with your
by Brahma, Hanuman was released from He is not an ordinary monkey. There­
the bondage of that Brahma missile within a
upon, that lord of the Rakshasas looked at
short time. He knew it, but yet he allowed his minister Prahasta who was of the com­
himself to be subjected to bondage by plexion of an antimony mountain, and
inconsequential cords and went with his
was then standing before him. 5. He said:
captors in order that he may fulfil an “O Prahasta! Question him on these lines:
important purpose. 3. Hanuman was now
‘Why has this monkey come over here?

nJ I
^rt sr^ wr ll 7
«O so
>T>r ^wroftsr | wra ।

wfe^rara ?w w wuih 11 8

s TFHtss^R WRfl SiftTOtararei tfftnft 1

h ^hwhBwT wr^RT^^ 1
W H< ^TFR 3tt II 10
ssatf^n^R Mmfaj 1
smfrrc wwu q?ft: stat rarW^; wn^r: 11 11
w wJtTqjHw star fcnftra^i

^*wi< n 12

What is his business here? Where does he like a dog stealthily taking away sacrificial
come from? Why did he destroy my offerings. You have thereby paved the
Ashoka grove? Why has he killed my way for your own destruction. 9. Know
. Rakshasa troops by force?’ ” 6. Thereupon that coming to the Rishyamuka mountain,
Prahasta in obedience to his master's Rama has entered into an alliance with
order, questioned Hanuman politely. “O Sugreeva before the sacred fire as witness,
monkey! Who has sent you over here? and subsequently killed Vali with a single
Do not entertain any fear. I shall get you arrow and installed Sugreeva as the king
released, if you tell the truth about yourself of the kingdom of the monkeys. 10.
before His majesty, the king of all kings." That powerful king of the monkeys is now
7. Thereupon Hanuman, delighted to see staying in great anger on Mount Prahar-
face to face the enemy Ravana, the oppressor shana along with Rama and Lakshmana
of the three worlds, and remembering Rama and a huge army of powerful monkeys.
again and again within himself, started 11. That monkey king has deputed power­
narrating the sanctifying story of Rama ful monkey leaders to search and find out
from the very beginning. 8. He said: “O the whereabouts of Sita. I, the off-spring
Ravana, the enemy of the Devas! Lis­ of the Wind-god, am one such monkey
ten to me carefully. I ara the- messenger of come here after much search. (12-13).
Rama, who resides in the hearts of all be­ I have been able to find out the lotus-eyed
ings.You have recently, stolen away his wife, Sita. Being a monkey, my nature prompted

w fort ft swt i
*tf <ra: HW^RTFnw: ii 13
5r< ^nrat fer wnroifcfa ll m

ft^F? qfa sftgqft wr I

nft ^ft*n II 15
Ft <^Fft TOwn: ’ttai^Mlsfa ^wsr: |

ft <h ftfora: i
H^wn: ftht ft n i7

me to destroy the trees of the Ashoka For the ultimate good of your soul, practice
grove. Thereafter I found many of your virtuous conduct that will lead to liberation
emissaries equipped with bows and arrows from the travails of Samsara. 16. You
coming in great anger to attack and kill me. are born in the great lineage of Brahma,
So I had to kill them in defence of myself. being the son of Rishi Pulastya and the
O great king! You know very well how brother of Kubera. So, even granting the
dear one’s body is to all creatures. Finally wrong view that the self of one is the body,
Meghanada (Indrajit) came to put me in you are not a Rakshasa in a physical sense
bondage with the Brahma missile. 14. even. And from the point of view of the
Because of a boon given to me by Brahma, spirit, it is needless to say that there is no
the effect of that missile lasted only for a Rakshasahood in you.
moment; and I was released after that. 17. “The real ‘You’ or the Self has hone
O Ravana! I know this fact, but yet out of the series of miseries arising from body,
of pity for you, I wanted to give you some intellect and the senses, because the real
good advice, and so allowed myself to ‘you’ is only the unperturbed and unaffected
be brought here, as if I were still in bondage. witness of all these changes. The actual
involvement in these changes belongs to the
Hanuman’s sermon to Ravana
body-mind complex. It is just like the
experience of one sleeping* The series of
15. “By the practice of discrimination, dream experiences which sleep brings about,
understand the extremely trivial and tem­ end with the dream; they are the effects of
porary nature of this world, O Ravana, the delusive ignorance characteristic of sleep.
and with the help of that understanding, As far as the real Self is concerned, the
abandon your evil nature of a Rakshasa. bodily experiences are unreal in the same

3 hr nrfer fWn fcgirera: i

TO TO H^TO H fenpf w TOF^TOtsfa HSrW II 18

HRRHRtssfafa JRJR^ II 19

wftsRs<rcfcsrc <r nt h nift 5^^f«R5n ii 20

wn f^H^w^sfagRF^ifc wftfa tw: l
fsresSRt <xK S'nfto m&RkHHfaat ftgRfr II 21
^ratsWR^KHtW^R ^HHW^h I
ftwftft nfa: fewtt n^rwta । 22
faWW*^ TOfaf^H TO K |
srat Halt’ll^ writ to gw si$t: gf II

way. 18. This unperturbedness and unaffect­ modification of Prakriti and is not the Self.
edness is the truth in regard to the nature of 21. The Atman is Pure Consciousness and
your real Self. You are by nature change­ Bliss, He is devoid of changes like birth
less; for the Self being non-dual, there can and death, and He, being separate from the
be no cause to effect change in it. Like body-mind combination, is only their wit­
the all-pervading ‘ Akasa which pervades ness and director. He is separate from
objects but is not affected by it, your real all adjuncts through which He manifests.
Self, though pervading the body, is not By himself He is ever pure. Knowing the
affected by the bodily experiences because Atman as such, one attains liberation from
of its subtlety. 19. All bondage arises from the bondage of Samsara.
the sense of identification of the complex— 22. “Therefore, I shall now tell you the
body-mind-Praua—with the real Self. means for attaining ultimate liberation.
And liberation consists in experiencing: Hear it attentively. O intelligent one!
‘I am Pure Consciousness, I am the Unbound Listen to it carefully. First of all cultivate
I am the Deathless, I am pure Bliss.’ devotion to Maha-Vishnu. That will purify
20. The body which is bom of the element your intellect and you will thereby gain
earth is not the Self. Nor is Prana the pure knowledge too. 23. You will then
Atman, because it is a modification of the have the knowledge of the ever-pure
element air. Mind too is not the Self, and unaffected Truth. This knowledge
because it is an effect of Ahamkara, the being fully established, you will attain to
J-sense. As for Buddhi, intellect, it is a the Supreme Status of Brahman. There-

srsnrFRt w tth i

tftai sgsRRRt to n 24
to qroFniTORsrot ^wnrsro 1
wr ’H rfhwgwsRt TOF^f:<3r(^?HTfTO: 11 25

mg?ir w^ftotottotohtr^ 1
smrehssr: 'Tn^f^^rw ?r 11 m

am^RWKwnnftd ^grot<wsrcts§T: I
wwStsras'n tok TTFF^rah^^t u 27

w wrciwfa ^h: l

i[rn SR^RHSlt <Rt fa^FH TO RW^ W I

Wfa?i qpftW TORT F^H^QT TOT I
SRf FT HWftSu^ II 29

fore, worship with all devotion Rama who is You will never have an opportunity of
none but Hari, the consort of Lakshmi, who being lifted from the travails of Samsara.”
transcends Prakriti and is all-pervading.
Sentence of torture by fire on Hanuman
24. Abandoning your stupidity and your
mood of antagonism, take shelter at the
feet of Rama, to whom all who surrender 27. Hearing these nectar-like words of
are very dear. Along with your sons and Hanuman, the son of the Wind-god, the
relatives, take Sita to Rama and restore ten-headed Rakshasa,Ravana,felt unbearable
her to him, making a full prostration as anger, and in high excitement and with eyes
sign of your submission. Then yon win reddened, said to that lordly monkey:
be free from fear. is. How can thoughtless 28. “Who are you to talk this kihd of
persons cross over the ocean of Samsara nonsense before me without any fear?
with waves of misery raging in it, without You must be the most degenerate and evil-
taking shelter in Rama, with perfect devotion minded among the monkeys. Who is this
—Rama who is the essence of Bliss, Non­ Rama? Who is this forest dweller Sugreeva?
dual Being and Supreme Self residing in Look, you fool of a monkey! I am going
the hearts of all? 26. If you do not do to kill that evil man who has sought alliance
this, you will sink into the depths of spiritual with Sugreeva. 29. But you are going to
degradation without anyone to protect be killed immediately, and then Sita, the
you from the burning fire of ignorance. daughter of Janaka. After that, before long,

SfRlfa&ta ^TFRtW^W^II 30
qr^ qrfq qqq^ gqs^ffaqFsrqr: I 31
fhewh h^Wt
w§< hi^stw 1
^nFwif h *t^w**r wq^qt: qnrwK: 11 32
^sftrereft w qr 1 qgf^q rare 11 33
srat wni 34
w ^ftq^rf^Rrt 55’ *<^r 1 fMfta'qq’q: «yqr wtts’ah^sn^ ll 35
wornt f< ^n^r wrh! I q^nfcfa: 3^ Wren wqq. n36
wn ‘snHvren ^sfna: 1 nq qR^qn n 37
q^ra wretTq W^r’hjmr: 1 W^fennT^rfei^f u 38

I am going to destroy Rama and Lakshmana this messenger monkey now, how can Rama,
and the powerful monkey Sugreeva along whose destruction is your ultimate purpose,
with all his followers.” Hearing these come to know that Sita is here, and go over
words of the ten-headed Ravana, Hanuman, to Lanka for battle? (34-35). Therefore,
the son of Wind-god, was inflamed with think of some other kind of punishment
anger and said as follows in a threatening that is equal to execution. Let the monkey
mood, as if he were going to bum him up. go with the marks of punishment inflicted
30. He said*. “O most degenerate fellow! on his body. Seeing him, Rama will soon
Even a crore of Ravanas will not be equal come here with Sugreeva and engage h’mself
to me; for I, the messenger of Rama, in battle with you.” On hearing these words
have inexhaustible puissance.” These words of Vibhishana, Ravana said as follows:
of Hanuman drove Ravana to a mad fury, (36-37). “Monkeys are very proud of their
and he said, addressing a Rakshasa standing tail. Therefore, let his tail be wrapped with
nearby: 31. “Kill this monkey, cutting cloth and set fire to. Let him then be
him into pieces. Let all other Asuras dragged through the whole city and then
and friends and relatives witness this execu­ allowed to go away, so that all the leaders
tion.” Thereupon, Vibhishana intervened and of the monkey army may see him in that
warded off the Asura who was advancing deformed condition.”
with his weapon for the execution. (38-40). Afterwards, the Rakshasas wrap­
32. Vibhishana said, “O great king! He is a ped round Hanuman’s tail pieces of sack
monkey sent as a messenger by another and various kinds of cloth soaked in oil
king. How can a monarch noted for his and set fire to the tip of the tail. They
courage and nobility order him to be killed? then bound him up with cords and a group
That is highly improper. 33. If you kill of powerful Rakshasas carried him round

f: 1139
g ’tfwrc’Enft’i 33 w 11
3^3 3<3FTOra 33^c3 qtjn?r ||
am 53 ht^3 sFWm I 44

33 33^3 i
^BK3F3: 3^3 3t n
3 3^WP33ft3^r: II 48
W3^’3^rww^rmprarR’fi< 3<fo i
U 6- rr»^- —

the city to the beating of drums and declaring fire, only to find that the fire had spread
again and again, “Come and see! Here is all around. 46. As beings drop from
the thief—” all the while people raining the skies, these Rakshasa women fell into
blows on him. (41-44). With a strategem the fire from above. With the exception
in his mind, Hanuman bore all that persecu­ of Vibhishana’s house, all Lanka was thus
tion patiently. On reaching the western reduced to ashes. 47. Having done all
gate, he shrunk his body into a small size these, Hanuman jumped into the sea and
and thu? released himself from the bondage extinguished the fire on his tail by dipping
of all the cords. Then he again assumed it into water. He now felt satisfied that
his gigantic size and leaped on to the top of
he had accomplished his task. 48. Thanks
the gate-tower, and pulling out one of the
to the friendship of the Fire-deity with the
pillars of that edifice, smashed all the
Wind-deity, the father of Hanuman, and
Rakshasa emissaries. In order to complete
thanks to Sita’s prayers, the fire did not
his work in Lanka, he hopped from one
burn his tail in the least. On the other hand,
building to another in the city with his he felt it as very cool. 49. He, by uttering
burning tail and set fire to all the mansions whose name men are rid of the effects of
and other edifices there. 45. Now was all the sins, by which men in this world
heard everywhere in Lanka, the cries of
overcome the three fires of life (Tapatraya)—
J'omen, ‘O father’, ‘O son’, ‘O husband’!
Many a Rakshasa women got on to the to the special messenger of that Rama,
top of buildings in order to escape from how can this ordinary fire bf this world
inflict injury?
[Ch. 5

?ra: tffar I ^it II i

q^ifa ^rwri s^m^nwki । ’rfh^sn^f’nwira: u 2
r. • ^ __£ ^ —
STW I n^TW n ^TRT TR^ || 3
I W sn< II 4

toi fwi $idw4t qfawfa I ’H to ii 5

^anusra: 1 Tutur^ifa ^thCsr ii 6

_ jr . <?

w: siwm *n titor: i to: HTH flWi II 7

W?fr I 3rat *PE? ^ifa mniFTOTTO^ 11
WR^t <k HtrPTT Rfq^ I WH q4awf ’Fj ’TH II 9

Chapter 5
Hanuman bids farewell to Sita and 5. “Seeing you, I have forgotten all my
returns (1-17). sorrows. Alas, now you are going. How
d-4). Afterwards Hanuman went to see can I now sustain my life without hearing
Sita, made prostrations to her and said, about Rama?” 6. Hanuman replied to Sita
“O great lady! Now give me permission saying, “If that be the case, O noble lady,
to return to Rama. Rama, along with his you get on my shoulders. If you want,
brother, will come soon to see you.” With I shall then take you in no time to Rama’s
these words, he circumambulated Sita thrice, presence.” (7-9). Now Sita said, “Let
made prostrations to her again and Rama come along with the monkey army,
made ready to go. He now addressed drying the sea or bridging it with arrows,
the following words to Sita, “O noble lady! kill Ravana in battle and rescue me. Then
I am now starting. Good fotune will Rama will gain everlasting fame.
soon dawn on you. Accompanied by a Therefore, you go now. I shall somehow
huge army, Sugreeva, Rama and Lakshmana sustain my life.” Being thus permitted to
will be seen here in this city very soon.” go once again, Hanuman made prostrations
To Hanuman, Sita said sorrow-stricken: to her and then went to the top of the

'ro^rt I wh ii io

WT W ll 11
a s^Tf RTOt I ^T Wlfa'SU || 12

R*ii4to: $^4: w*ra: l SRWH TFRT 4Hrhr^ || 13

sr^ ^5 qp^5 H wfa I 3TfM RT^y^T II 14

^sr tftar to srfw r toto i TOifirat ^w: ll is

’FBIHl Wl^jfrKTfafEnj I ^$rCT ^FRi: II 16

^W*l ^rw W* irem ll n

»F5^ ^ffn br wNr to TOifcn: u is
^fsran <h ^3^rt to*^ i wrom fronts^R?^ n 19
W5^ 3^ ’r5si^s^^ W5^ u 20

mountain Trikuta in order to prepare for have discovered Sita and I have destroyed
crossing the sea. Lanka along with its woody groves. I
10. In his effort to leap, Hanuman of spoke with Ravana. I am now returning
tremendous size pressed his legs with such after achieving all these. Now we sh«n gO
force on the mountain that the latter went to the presence of Rama and Sugreeva.”
deep into the bowels of the earth. With the When Hanuman spoke these words, all the
speed of wind, he lifted himself up in the sky. monkeys were delighted. Some embraced
11. Due to the force generated, that moun­ Hanuman. Some kissed their tails, and some
tain, which was thirty Yojanas in height, others danced enthusiastically. They all start­
became levelled to the ground. Ascending ed along with Hanuman to mount Prasra-
to the sky, Hanuman gave out a terrific vana where Rama was staying.
roar. 12. That sound reached the ears of
the monkey hosts on the other shore of Destruction of Madhuvana (18-15)
the ocean, and in great glee, they all together 18. As the monkeys were travelling, they
shouted in return like an echo. * (13-14). reached the forest named Madhu, which
“After achieving his object, Hanuman is was under Sugreeva’s special protection.
retiming. From the sound he has produced Then all those monkey leaders said to
we can know it. O monkeys! Wait and Angada as follows: 19. “O hero! We
see the arrival of that leader of ours.” As are all extremely hungry. If you, our
the monkey chiefs were speaking thus noble-minded leader, give us permission, we
®mongst themselves, the son of the Wind-god would like to eat the fruits and drink the
descended on the top of a mountain and sweet honey abounding in this forest. 20.
said to the monkeys thus: (15-17). “I Satisfied with eating and drinking, we shall
%33l^dWTfei f^RJRn^K I W^HFT 3TR3 qK333U II 21
33: srr^rc w: 1 3tfan^ ll 22
<33333^3131^ H<k3131.TW I 33^FS^W TltWRI II 23
3% *<t Wfa’a a | W3 w 33 w iwtas || 24

W 333^3 IWIIW’J I TO 3^33 ^fw II 25

^c^rW3 ^ftir ^3H3: i ^13^33^:3^3333^3:11 26
W^33 5*3 wb 3^33 I 3333 qi^oi $3 333 3 35T3J II 27
«H3l SP&3333 TIW33^ I ’03^5 $3TWfc3^ ||28

33^^33313133 ^3 I 333vM^U 33 3<TO 3^3333^ II 29

'H^Mb-d 31 «4»td <hS3i*3 31 3RJ°B 1 ^3333 3^33 33 || 39
3 H3^3t 3^1 f3[SJ^ | tfjjqjr JJ31

3PRi3W?g?5nn33E3 %& 33133=33 3R3T 3 3T$W: ll

I «Tj3T 32

go immediately to the presence of Rama “O master! The Madhuvana that you

and Lakshmana.” 21. Angada thereupon have been maintaining for such a long
said, “Here is Hanuman, who has fulfilled time has been destroyed today by
the mission on which we are sent. In prince Angada and Hanuman.” (26-27).
honour of him, O monkey-chiefs, On hearing Dadhimuka’s representation,
consume the fruits and roots quickly and Sugreeva said in a joyous mood: “The
be on the move.” (22-23). The monkeys son of the Wind-god must have certainly
now began to consume the honey. Noticing discovered Sita. There is no doubt about it.
it, Dadhimukha, the keeper of the forest, Otherwise, who would have dared even to
sent a body of his guards to ward them look at my Madhuvaria? Therefore their
off. B ut without minding them, the monkeys action only indicates that Hanuman has
continued to consume the honey. When succeeded in his mission. There is no
the forest guards attempted to beat the doubt about this.”
monkeys, they gave them kicks and blows, 28. Delighted at these words of Sugreeva,
and continued to eat and drink. Rama asked him, “O royal friend! What
24. Now Dadhimukha was an uncle of is it that you are speaking about Sita?”
Sugreeva. Extremely angry at the conduct (29-34). Hearing these words, Sugreeva said,
of the monkeys, he along with his forest “O noble one! Sita has been discovered.
guards went to the place where Sugreeva Hanuman and other monkeys are reported
was staying. 25. And he said to the king to have entered Madhuvana and eaten

i toRWirar ’ito ii 34
S5fR*j fe^fe ii 35
wr ms to to tow i sreiff tot ii 36
m? tos soft rt ^nfto i aitotowsfr ftrwqwto n 37
toto ’rferar tow w toi st tot tot tor snito qtoim ii38
<^tot w to torwtoi ^pni few wijl 39

siwf’t ^wto wi || 40
gjfto w $5ft srt sifeto^ । **toi ^J tofw: 11 41
ww hw srot tototo: 1 w. to t ^itssfesiw 11 42
3T< gtoto srats^ totw fe 1 ^r wrcf torwtw: 'toirssfe ll

everything there and attacked the guards. them, they descended at the place where
Unless they have achieved the purpose of Rama and Sugreeva were.
your divine Self, they would not have d’.;ed
Hanuman’s report to Rama (36-64)
even to look at my Madhuvana. So from
their action you can infer that they have (36-42). Hanuman now reported to Rama,
certainly discovered Sita.” And turning “I have seen Sita in a healthy condition.”
to his guards he said, “O guards! Entertain Then he first prostrated before Rama and
no fear. Returning to your place, com­ next before Sugreeva, and continued: “O
municate to Angada and others that it is great King! Sita, the daughter of Janaka,
my order that they return soon.” The has in a very joyous mood asked me about
forest guards on hearing Sugreeva’s words your welfare. Surrounded by a guard of
returned very soon and said to Hanuman Rakshasa women, she is kept in the Ashoka
and others, “It is the order of the King grove underneath a Simsapa tree. O great
that you return soon. Sugreeva, along with one! Lean because of abstinence from
Rama and Lakshmana, is anxious to meet food, she is always bemoaning, calling out
you. Those powerful personages are ‘O Rama, O Rama’. I saw her dressed in
immensely delighted with your conduct. soiled clothes, with locks unbraided. I
They want to see you immediately.” Hear­ was able to comfort her a little.Hiding myself
ing these words of Dadhimukha and his in a dimunitive form amidst the branches, I
guards, the monkey leaders proceeded qui­ began to narrate your story from birth on­
ckly through the sky. 35. With Hanuman wards. Your departure to the formidable fo­
and the heir apparent Angada leading rest ofDandaka, Ravana’s abduction of Sita
[Ch. 5

i %?r« «nm n 44
<rat$t <hw: S^H^or snq^fe II 45
3 st i
sft^t snssrfen^n l
mRFnf’ft *F^wjftw[ h 47
w I
w rorfer ^trcRwn ius
^r mufeftwar
q^i<Sk<H <IM^ | iRfa^feUHtsfe^fe^m'TRfeto: 1149
’jfeKFwfcra ^sraf infsHFT h: I ssnftfcr W feife w*r a 3 II 50
W. wwnfa gafaor ww: I WRFfrCT! OTSfanfesW I) 51
^rfe W tffe5^fe$:|| 52
^xK( m ^rrnSr few feq^ i ^5feR fewfe^ <£T || 53
g^n^’jpngt Mjt^i %nfai ii 54

in your absence, your entering into alliance me. (48-52). Convinced now of my bona
with Sugreeva, the destruction of Vali, fides she said to me, ‘O Hanuman! Tell
Sugreeva’s deputation of powerful and Rama what you have seen—how I am living
quick-moving monkey teams in search of day and night under the oppression of these
Sita in all directions, and the arrival of one of Rakshasa women.’ To her I replied, ‘Rama,
them, myself, in Lanka—all these 1 narrated. who is constantly thinking of you, is sor­
43.1 further said in conclusion: ‘I am the rowing day and night that there is no news
minister of Sugreeva and the servant of about you. Returning to him immediately, I
Rama. Overcoming very great difficulties, shall report everything. Be sure that
I have now been able to discover the daughter immediately after knowing the facts, Rama
of Janaka.’ (44-46) Hearing these words of and Lakshmana, accompanied by Sugreeva
mine, Sita said with wide-open eyes: ‘Who and his army of monkeys will come to you.
is speaking all these words that are like nec­ Destroying Ravana along with his whole
tar to my ears? If what you say is all genuine tribe, he will take you back to your place.
you must appear before my eyes.’ Now please give me some token of recogni­
Then I appeared and prostrated myself tion which will make Rama convinced that
before Sita in the form of a small monkey, I really met you.’ (53-56). On my requesting
and with my palms joined in salutation, her in this way, she gave me a crest-jewel
stood at a little distance from her. I gave from inside her locks. She also told me
replies to the detailed questions she put to the story of the crow, which took place
me about myself and all other matters. formerly at the Chitrakuta mountain. Then
47. O valiant hero! I told her everything with tears flowing down her eyes, she added,
in proper order. Afterwards I presented ‘Convey my enquiries about his welfare to
to her the signet ring that you had sent with Rama. Ask Lakshmana to excuse me for

toto i arcW w tow w£ro: 11 55

star 5:^ ww 1 TOTOiwfw to n 56
era: sRsnfirat to wntafroiro: 1 TOiTO^W^qiror ftro^ 11 57
suqiro 1 w iwnfwq 11 5«
<dtlH$Vnt £WH W3J <TO9t WT TOtSRTOI^jtfh II s9
1 q* qrorft to wwift’r: 11 60
<^pff scro^rft H^q to 1 frmfeiFi aw w wgro^ 11 si
TO^t TOfa: qtf sftft tow g: 1 wt wro<w. n 62
qfarot ft it torto: i toto to frotsfa SH^gq 11 63
wrorogra gra^ftraii: g^ftwrarotagrat TOtfoi
^q ftsgroafr tffer ragrog: TOS^g^ni m

<ft MhlSTOTOTOR^ TOnftmftft

gw*w: g^lliil
CTirerfro gsr^nroc i
my thoughtless and unseemly speech to find no way of making adequate returns to
him. Then kindly do everything that may the service you have done me. O son of
help Rama to rescue me at the earliest.’ the Wind-god! I now offer to you all that
Speaking in this way, Sita began to weep, I have.” Speaking in this way, with tears
steeped in deep sorrow. I tried my best flowing from his eyes, Rama held Hanuman
to comfort her with words concerning you. in his tight embrace and felt great delight.
(57-62). “Afterwards, O Rama, I made Rama, the lover of devotees, next said to
preparations to come back with the permis­ Hanuman as follows:
sion of the Devi. But before starting I 63. He said, “In this world it is very
did something more. I destroyed the difficult for any one to be embraced in this
Ashoka grove that is very dear to Ravana. manner by Me, the Supreme Spirit. There­
Then I killed many Rakshasas including a fore, O the noblest of monkeys! You are
son of Ravana. I got an a opportunity My devotee and one dear to Mel” 64.
to speak face to face with Ravana. Then He by worshipping whose lotus-feet with
after setting fire to the whole of Lanka, Tulasi and other ingredients one attains to
I have come back immediately to you.” the unparalleled Status of Vishnu—when
Hearing these words of Hanuman, Rama one is embraced by that Being manifest as
was extremely delighted and said to him, Rama, what doubt is there that such a
You have done something that is very person will attain to the summit of spiritual
difficult even for Devas to achieve. I excellence?

TOTOft* W TRt WteFriW^ ’5551^11 1

WlfafiR. I
*"”* < ”**.LT* 11 2
W WSW’ftf « « STW W II i
^4 <3*n n *
w? ^rw< 1 *w*i c^mr <iw ^jrac n s
h^u w* *nm: •rfai’M. i «®f ’ww wn rftafa n^r nn u 6
w Wf* wlwu 7
Chapter 1
Deliberations of Rama with Sugreeva this world and will never exist in future.
and Hanuman (1-26)
5. By Hanuman’s discovery of Sita, he
1. Delighted at what Hanuman spoke, has saved the honour of myself, of the royal
Rama said: 2. ‘Hanuman has performed line of Raghu, of Lakshmana and of
a task which is impossible of achievement Sugreeva, the king of monkeys. 6. The
with great effort even by Devas. None in search and the discovery of Sita has been
this world can do even in imagination what fully accomplished. Now what is to
he has done. 3. Who can leap over the be done hereafter? My mind reels when 1
sea a hundred Yojanas wide?’ Who think of crossing that ocean which Hanuman
can destroy Lanka which is defended on all has achieved so easily. 7. How shall I
sides by Rakshasas? 4. As a servant of be able to rescue Sita, killing the enemy
Sugreeva, he has fully and perfectly after crossing this ocean of a hundred
achieved the task that was set for him. Yojanas extent, full of dangerous aquatic
Such a servant has never existed before in creatures like sharks and crocodiles?’

3 wfr gjfa: ms to^(I RgS WfffTORRt RSTR^IW^W^ II 8

fasrfiFTOt I f^at rTO W«s fR*ar wffcnftnft n

wfer<n4 ’HTO^ II 10
TOR <rt: I TOR wtt OTftit <R ’FRt II 11
rR rtoitos tor i ,R?faTOtf II 12

Rt tot to Rfrt r rto: I fRfwrRrTOrnfaTORjaiftUn

gpfaTtf «f RT wfaaWTOfaR^ I afftewfarot ^WRi II 14
^R ^R TOfa srrwr w<roro : ii is
srror TOtati sfirofa asfarc i
tow tor srori^qrfRffl i 3<rc w tot wiffir 11 16
ftssftrat Rw it 17
’R^roRwrftm w’rfcraraasw I
tfwrfa: Rfiror y tffafWjfcfe II n
8. Hearing these words of Rama, Sugreeva couched in a language that was both devo­
said to him, “We shall be able to cross this tional and heroic, Rama now said to Hanu­
ocean abounding in dangerous creatures man standing before him: 15. “We might
like crocodiles and sharks 9. We shall somehow manage to cross the great ocean.
sack Lanka and kill Ravana. O Lord After that how shall we proceed? You
of Raghu’s line! Abandon all worrying
therefore describe to me the features of this
thoughts. Such worrying thoughts stand
Lanka which is said to be difficult for even
in the way of one’s achieving one’s objective.
10. Here are these huge monkeys ready to Devas and Asuras to penetrate. 16. O
please you by doing anything, if necesssary great monkey! After knowing from you the
even by passing through fire. H, First let difficulties of entering Lanka, we shall
us think of the ways and means of crossing think of the strategy for overcoming them.’’
the ocean. Once we gain access to Lanka, At these words of Rama, Hanuman, joining
then believe me, it is as good as our having his palms in salutation, said to Rama with
killed Ravana. 12. OLord of theRaghus! great humility: “O great one! 1 shall
I do not find anyone in the three worlds describe the features of Lanka as I saw.
who can stand in the battlefield against you (17-18). The city of Lanka is situated on
equipped with your bow. 13. O Rama! the heights of the Trikuta mountain in a
Everywhere I see omens indicating that heavenly set-up. Filled with buildings and
victory will surely be ours.” walls golden in appearance, it is surround­
14. Accepting these words of Sugreeva ed by moats that are full of Pure water*

W^t: TOW II 20
snroraft w* 1 tfWr wn irc ^iwr: ll 21

wsiiRlWti w#w tow i TOfeifcft ii23

TOnrow^roi wtt w ton hm

wr: towu^ snftrar it ^ro i to ll 25

wi TOW tobrT wn^n l to wftRiro^t w^ra: ll 26
^totor ww: i W^WroforoJn’nftRfar ii 27
font TO& ’iftrifcu ^W^’RTOTOftww^ri^ 1128
TOWRt TOFnfa TOTTORI snSlwftW Wtfwfc W*’ 29
. TO5 ^iWt TOf TOW I ^TOTt ^fiTO T3 TOWfc II 30

19. It is full of beautiful flower gardens,

its batteries and secret places of defence.
extensive tanks, pillars of precious stones, I see that by your very look, you will be
and mansions of great splendour. 20. able to reduce Lanka to ashes. 26. O
At its western gate, regiments of elephants Supreme Lord! We can start immediately,
are stationed and in the northern, regiments with the army of heroic monkeys on
of cavalry and infantry. 21. In the same
all sides, and proceed to the shore of the
way numerous troops of heroic Rakshasas ocean.”
are stationed at the eastern and southern
gates of Lanka too. 22. O Lord! In the The army on the march (27-48)
middle of the city also are stationed innu­
27. Hearing Hanuman’s speech Rama said,
merable elephants, horses, chariots and foot *O Sugreeva! Order your armies to march.
soldiers with leaders well versed in the
(28-29). The auspicious time indicating
use of all missiles. 23. Lanka is defended
victory has already begun. I shall start
with all these troops, besides with rockets
at this time with a view to destroy that
(Sataghni) that can kill a hundred people
well-defended Lanka along with Rdvana and
at a time. Though defended so strongly in the whole tribe of Rakshasas inhabiting it.
this way, hear, O Lord, what I was able I shall succeed in rescuing Sita also. My
to do there. 24. A fourth of Ravana’s right eye is throbbing, indicating that good
forces was destroyed. The city was set fortune awaits us. 30. Let the armies of
fire to and its golden gate towers were powerful monkeys march forward. Let the
shattered to pieces. 25. I could destroy leaders take positions behind, in front

sjK i 3?ffa fa wf h? ii 31
’vnit Ht fsfa? 1 jrtT ^r: 3n*Rfar 11 32
faf irnnfer: 1
w sra^r wworfwi gmsfaat ^ifarro^mt fag: 11 33
snw^fa’n: Wt ’KWdto I 1134
■snsjqfat ’ranfa *igfr ’i 1 ih<h<^ ii 35

ifa l 36
A 1 W?: ^g^Ttfa^fa II 37

an^q ^Rr WH ^: I WI II 38

&JRI<feqR!R SPSm^falR: I 3R§WIR s<5( TOfl: ’ffajw II 39

sr£r4 n^°r 'tfwfigrarri w ^rr‘ <hIw«w5ri g^ll 40

^FRlfa Rfcflftr 'nWWTt1 I R^T WT TO faftg ||41

aiHggiiffgfo wi tftafa^g 1 wfaf w giftwgg: u 42

and on the sides to guard the forces. 31. fruits and honey on the way and declaring
I shall travel in front mounting the shoulders their resolve to destroy Ravana, all these
of Hanuman, and Lakshmana behind me on monkey leaders of unparalleled power moved
Angada, and you, O Sugreeva, should march on. 37. The two leaders of Raghu s clan,
with me. (32-33). On all the sides of the riding on the shoulders of the monkey
forces, let all the army leaders march— leaders amidst these monkey forces, looked
the leaders of. great destructive capacity like the sun and the moon accompanied by
like Gaya, Gavaya, Gavaksha, Mainda, luminous stars. (38-40). The countless mon­
Dwivida, Nala, Neela, Sushena and Jamba- keyheroes of the army filling all space struck
van.” Giving these orders to the monkey the ground with their tails, pulled out trees
forces, the all powerful Rama along with as their weapons, and climbed over moun­
Sugreeva and Lakshmana started with the tains as they moved on with the speed of
army. 34. All the monkey troops, capable wind. That army of tremendous size, led
of assuming any form and equal to the and protected by Rama, marched with great
heavenly elephant Airavata in power, enthusiasm by day and by night without rest.
marched towards the southern sea, demons­ (41-44). Seeing the grand forests of mou­
trating war-like movements and giving out nts Malaya and Sahya they joyously passed
terrific war cries. (35-36). Consuming all the through those mountain ranges and duly

ntr ^w^i w:^$R$wrcvi 43

4t fron^r 1 ttaiPtftfte’Fg nwwtssi 1144

sirt w mfa: I *{4$^: 11 45
<9 '4i#

TRRt W( I i MhWT’T^^ II 46

3RHH W'U'feft tfHli 4^R I €HH II 47

q^ih nw^! I snt n*Nn$ ^rtfiswi: n 48
W. 3taW3£IR U?R^5: I fcsIR siH^t ^ftrlt *l*f«il^: ll 49
qwRT I *R3 ^Riftunw ^rat ^r: n 50
a * TO&fa iswF^m. । II 51
I WwftHt §:<t 5f f^RJR: II 52
ft ।
<<*u«iTOraq& i srat h 53

reached the sea-shore, where the roaring they spoke among themselves, “How shall
sound of the ocean could be heard. Des­ we cross this ocean and kill that evil fellow '
cending from the shoulder of Hanuman, of a Ravana?” Distressed with such thought
Rama along with Sugreeva went to the sea­ they all gathered round Rama.
shore. He said, “We have all now
reached the shore of the mighty ocean, the The philosophy behind Rama’s sorrow
home of all aquatic creatures. We cannot (49-54)
proceed further from here without devising (49-53). Remembering Sita, Rama who
some way of crossing the ocean. Let us had assumed a human form for a certain
think about it, and meanwhile let the army purpose, wailed piteously, thinking about
rest.” Sita’s condition. But it is the ignorant
45. Hearing these words of Rama, Sug­ people, who do not understand the real
reeva arranged for the orderly stay of that nature of Rama, that attribute sorrow to
army on that sea shore under the protection him. In His true nature, Rama is the One
of their leaders. (46-48). They all felt without a second, Pure Consciousness,
depressed to see before them the formidable Eternal Being, and the Supreme Self. Not
ocean full of waves of enormous size, knowing this—that sorrow and such weak­
dangerous on account of its huge aquatic nesses like joy, fear, anger, greed, delusion,
creatures, fathomless in depth, and exten­ pride etc., which are the signs of ignorance,
sive like the sky. Filled with sorrow at the never affect Him who is Pure Consciousness
sight of this awe-inspring abode of Varuna, —men attribute all these signs of ignorance

wfa ’RFTHyroW^’S^ (waRteS®: II 54

sfa sftwwKHiwm d*nqiwi4i%

wr: II ||
to Him. Sorrow is a characteristic of one in Pure Consciousness. So sorrow and all
who thinks, ‘I am the body’. How can it be these relative experiences are only affecta­
present in one who has no identification tions of the Buddhi and never of the true
with the body and is established in the Self. 54. Rama is the Supreme Self, the
experience that he is Pure Consciousness? all-inclusive and ever-shining Being, who
Even in deep sleep, there is no sorrow or existed even before credtion. He is eternal
joy. In the absence of relative joy and and unbroken Bliss, unaffected by any
sorrow, sleep is declared to be one of change. People who are ignorant of this
Pure Bliss (which is however covered by real nature of His, think of Him as possess­
ignorance). Owing to the absence ofBuddhi ed of the attributes of Maya and speak
there is no sorrow in one who is established of Him as happy or afflicted.

$4 S’grar I ii i
W* ifc’n wfa? n 2
sfa’r I F<r nwfrww n 3
gw qSiH^hr s i m n 4

ft wreq it s

Chapter 2
expulsion of VIBHEESHANA
Ravana deliberating with his ministers He entered into this impregnable city of
Lanka. He met Sita who is unapproa­
(1-4). In Lanka, Ravana, who felt humi­ chable to anyone. He destroyed many
liated by all that Hanuman did there— heroic Rakshasas including my son Aksha.
what is incapable of performance even by Crossing the ocean, he set fire to the whole
Devas—now said with a touch’ of shame, in of Lanka and then overcoming you all, he
the assembly of all his ministers: “You has returned unhurt. 5. What are we to do
have all seen what Hanuman has done. hereafter? What is it by doing which things

w n<wr fajfat ii 6
IW ^RFfa fW W II 7
Rfai: ^<fal
fa: atsft wn: n s
’Rt fa:
ftw5^ W ll 9
*Rt Mfa I
TO&st fawiMft*Mton3fc II 10

«pi w ft ta afar: swn ll n

^faw^ifaW fa 1
sffa i anam whw^W^ II 12
^funwni at ; ar ftfara n n

^wtenars nw
srnsg wai >IRM tl^l wrht 1114

afc aaaia KW^at ^tawnft wr i aat a ar^at atiwwatsRa: n i§

fa< wrat wft ’nrfaft I nwf frw ?wfa( g^qqr n 16
fafafamH aanfat w wi snfarsna^wwftar^ftsafa 1117

will turn in my favour? You, who are of other Asuras. (10-11). Hanuman was
experts in diplomacy, are required to think able to behave so impudently here only
about this.” because we did not take him seriously. We
6. Hearing Ravana’s words, those Rak­ thought this insignificant fellow of a monkey
shasa ministers said to him, “O our lord and could do nothing here and it was vain to
master! How is it that you entertain any show our heroism againsthim.Because of this
fear about this Rama—you who are the way of thinking, we became a bit careless.
conqueror of all the worlds’ 7. Your son What that Hanuman did was only deception.
Indrajit bound up'Indra himself and brought (12-13). If we had taken him seriously,do you
him before you. You have conquered imagine that he would ever have gone back
Kubera and have taken away from him the alive? You order us, and we shall make this
aerial mansion Pushpaka, which now you whole world devoid of the tribe of monkeys
are enjoying. 8. You have conquered Yama, and of men. We shall all go together or
and therefore, O Lord, there is no reason go one by one according to your order.”
for you to fear the rod, the weapon of that 14. Hearing these words of the time­
Lord of death even. You have subdued serving ministers, Kumbhakarna said to
Varuna by a mere Humkara. You have Ravana, the lord of the Rakshasas, “What
subdued also Rakshasas of every kind. 9. you have done at the start would itself have
The great Asura Maya, out of fear, has given been the cause of your destruction. Fortun­
his own daughter to you, and he is even ately for you, the great Rama did not see
today your subordinate. Not to speak then you when you went to abduct Sita. (15-18).




............ ^*31 *1^

’ifw w fwifWUtsii ^ihPhm Baiffir 23
TOrfJfT maggjj»j>i1 -

O Ravana! If Rama had seen you, you 24

would not have come back alive. Rama who was highly devotional, intelligent, pine-
minded and entirely devoted to Rama
is not a mere man. He is divine—Narayana
After saluting Ravana, he sat by his side and
the Supreme Being. His famous consort
spoke words that astounded the arrogant
Sita is the divine Lakshmi. Just as fish
Rakshasas from Kumbhakarna downwards
swallows a poisoned bait inviting its own
and the love-lorn Havana- as well. He
destruction, so have you brought Sita here
spoke deliberately as follows: 22. “O
for the destruction of the whole tribe of
Rakshasas. Now you are wonying, thinHn King! None of these Rakshasas—Kum­
of the consequences of your own 5 bhakarna, Indrajit, Mahaparsva, Mahodara,
But, O lord, even though what youhl"' Nikumbha, Kumbha, Adikaya etc.—can
done is improper, I shall set thing, riZ* be a match to Rama in battle. 23. 0
Do not worry.” BDt- King! You have been possessed, as it
19. On hearing Kumbhakama’s words were, of a spirit which is Sita. You have
Indrajit rose up and said, “O my Lord! to be exorcised of that spirit if you want
Command me. I shall destroy this Rama to survive. The way for that is to take her,
along with rich presents, to Rama and hand
and Lakshmana along with Sugreeva and
her over to him. You can then be a happy
his monkeys, and come back to you.”
man. 24. Ifyou do not want to see Rama’s
Vibheeshana’s Expulsion (20-33) sharp arrows flying everywhere in Lanka
(20-21). Now came forward Vibheeshana, and severing the heads of Rakshasas,
then return Sita to him immediately.
l68 YUDDHA KANDAM len- z

qf<t faTOFn^r II 25

3frF5{ TfitOT 5^; 1

•r ^Rnn^n€t w MidradHiHR ll 26

ftd <tfW fafftwn: I &w*r ii 27

«5(qR 1 nc?nWt‘ 3*ziwt 11 28
25 * 27

*0^1 :n^ 11 29

aFri^n * 5^1 1130

^Srq^HFW falHWt I
qquMMgTg: ’SF^'t * fa*¥m: I ^4 Id ^I^Ml^KRlMSFra: II 32

hhj wrar^Hte^t i sRfor wt ll 33

zn famwfV farcrfcrfa ut^i 34

25. If you do not want to see the doing what is contrary to my interest.
mountain-like monkeys, strong' as lions and Though appearing to be a friend, you are a
capable of fighting with teeth and claws, born enemy of mine. There is no doubt
attacking and sacking the whole of Lanka, about it. 30. It does not befit me to
then return Sita to Rama immediately. 26. associate with such an ungrateful and
Even if you are protected by Indra or impudent person like you. It is well known
Sankara, even if you get a place of refuge in that one’s close relatives often look forward
the lap of the lord of the celestials or the to one’s destruction. 31. If any other
god of death, or even if you take refuge Rakshasa had spoken such words as you
in Patala, you will not be able to save your have done, I would have executed him
life from Rama.” immediately. I do not, however, want to
27. These well-meant, noble and beneficial kill you. But begone, you scum of the
words were unacceptable to that evil-minded Rakshasa tribe! Never again appear before
Ravana just as a medicine is to a man me.”
doomed to die. (28-29). Ravana, who was (32-33). On hearing these harsh words of
under the influence of destructive Time Ravana, powerful Vibheeshana, with his
now said to Vibheeshana, “You have been mace in hand and accompanied by four
fattened by the food and the comforts of ministers, leapt up into the sky from the
life bestowed by me. Though you are assembly hall and in a mood of great anger,
staying with me, you are inimical to me who said to the ten-headed Ravana, stationing
have done only good to you. You are himself in the sky:

(nw wr i wt tftarfasnsfa w n 35
I ifare* 3 * jy’hfe fW w 11 36
sfW: wb w^n^nr^r fere: 1 ^flret an: tffen: 11 37
snnwfc^r <frrt i w ^renr^fei R^w: 11 38
11 39
’Ts^nfe^r <rrft I
jf^pfarfHfar fe^r: w 1 s feRg^sfe U 40
nor# s^tssw ^ftw 1 h gw. n 41
^^or ^ht ante i^ssir: i h *nret^ tow 11 42
5^ snf^at ^^ssn4fe5T«ra: 1 wi iqfamnfcCT t^n: 11 43
sfaayfe &t oroa sstorrt^ I ^hh 5^ nfa wr ll 44

Vibheeshana’s Sermon (34-46) wooden pieces according to their shape and

size. It is only the people who look at this
34. He said “May you not meet with phenomenon through the eye of ignorance
destruction! You are my elder brother that would consider the fire as different.
and therefore equal to my father himself. (40-41). Just as a clear crystal appears as
I have spoken only what is for your blue, yellow etc., in the proximity of those
good and yet you are expelling me colours, so in the presence of the five
(35-36). Kala (Destructive Time) has been sheaths (Kosas), He who is Pure Spirit
born in Dasaratha’s house in the form of appears like them. He is ever unbound
house andJanaka
Rama of under theofname
Kali (feminine inSit?
Kala)of th and unlimited. But reflecting Himself in
the Gunas of His own Maya, He appears
In order to relieve the earth of its k„ 7
they two have come here for yOur *. dens’ in the four forms as Kala, Pradhana,
It is under their inducement that y*trUCtlon- Purusha and Avyakta. With Pradhana
to hear my beneficial words ofadvice marnT and Purusha as the cause, He, the unborn
One manifests this whole universe. (42-43).
Though Rama
really the appears
Supreme to be
Spirit a man
who h •
transcend* The changeless Being that He is, He as
Prakriti. He is Omnipresent, being with? Time effects the dissolution of the
universe. Being prayed to by Brahma, He,
and without all beings. He is devoid of n the embodiment of Time, has assumed the
impurity and ever the same. Under h.ft form of Rama by His own mysterious power
names and forms, He appears as if (Maya) and has come here for your destruc­
Just as the one universal fire tion. How can you alter this? The will of
*fferen, fomK and 8iMS the Lord comes always true. (44-45). Rama

Wf ^rat 1,45
ftMMt wraiwi: ^“uGr’S3^ i
SRR W ’KHfa’^h 9RWHMH: || 46

fe&r: ll * ll

is going to destroy you along with your feel very happy and enjoy life in your
sons, army and all equipments. I cannot palace.” 46. So goaded by Ravana’s words,
l>ear to see you and the whole tribe of Vibheeshana in a moment abandoned every­
Rakshasas being destroyed. Therefore, O thing, his home and his possessions, and
Ravana, I am going to seek shelter under went to Rama fully satisfied to spend his
Rama. When t am gone, you will certainly time in his service.

ft’fH’h tf© । 3mn’T ii 1

3^r? sh 2
SORT WT faults? RFR W «rat I RiH'W ’P” n 3
tot w initfc s* S* । t 4
5^ Mt WTOW WWTOI 11 s

Chapter 3
Vibheeshana seeking shelter at Rama’s you. O noble one! I spoke words
feet (1-14) that are beneficial to him, Ravana, who is
1. The high-souled Vibheeshana with his bent on improper conduct. I advised him
four ministers went to the place where again and again to return Sita to you.
Rama was, and stationed himself in the sky Still, subject to the influence of Time,
facing Rama. (2-4). He then said aloud, he would not listen to me. (5-6). On the
“O Lord! Lotus-eyed Rama! I am other hand, the heinous Rakshasa approa­
Vibheeshana, the brother of Ravana who ched, sword in hand, to kill me. So with
has abducted your wife. Being expelled my four ministers, I have left the place and,
by my brother, I am seeking shelter under seeking liberation from Samsara, I take
45-46 & 1-14]

rSlfo TOHfeTO TOt I gOt 31TOTO^ II 6

fa<nw<i ;f to TOrnft wnro: l TOTOn^t ii 7

3&tRt: Risjawro ftd-rofa 1 11 g

qrfci to 33^1 f$ fafag I giilmro to: 11 9
i frfrnro gsnft 11 10

siat wto shroiro WH31

w aroftfa *to^i
wi oi^TOt to 11 u
ttw <ro $totto: 1 (W^torto ^rora to^ ii 12
fw4lwg W afaro mroj sfawii wri tow 1113
to ww fawn? toto’TOITOJ
sg^fasR wr»k toI^ 1 ^rr «rrd TOTO^ II u

shelter under-you
Hearing without
these words any ]oss „FSu^
of Vibheeshana, who was delighted to hear Rama’s words,
vasaid: (7-9). “O Rama! ^’Su«ree- brought Vibheeshana and presented him
to Rama. (13-14). Vibheeshana now made a
A notorious Rakshasa, an expert full prostration to Rama. In a voice
tacks. Besides he is the brother of Ravana. choked with intense devotion and with
strong in body and accompanied by ministers palms joined in salutation, he began to
bearing arms. When he gets an opnor- chant a hymn in praise of Rama who was
tunity, he will kill us. Therefore O Lord peaceful and joyous in facial expression, who
order me to have him executed by monkJ
guards. This is the course thJ ^ey was large-eyed and blue in complexion, who
itself to my mind. Now v™ suSSests was equipped with bow and arrow, and who
you think is right” On hearinB°^r what was accompained by Lakshmana.
words, Rama smiled and said-5^?’8
monkey leader! At my will r L*®- “°
whole universe along with Indra and ot£ Vibheeshana’s Hymn (15-30)
Vibheeshana now said: (15-20). “Salu­
Devas in half a moment and destroy them tation to Thee great leader—to Thee the
also in a trice; **; ^as, being the Lord gladdener of Sita’s heart, to Thee equipped
of all, I am giving him shelter from all feaJ
with the terrible bow, to Thee lover of
Bring that Rakshasa soon before Me. it •
My vowto give shelterto whomsoever am« IS devotees, to Thee Infinite Being, to Thee
creatures that come to Me savin® g of unlimited brilliance, to Thee the friend of
Sugreeva, to Thee the Lord of Ragh08
clan, to Thee die cause of the creation,

TH TO!=ftTO^ I OTJTOff II 15
sR^'jnHRrHr w*I rf^TOJ^s’n^,FF,lTT Jritro 17
wft^iraf TH I OT^t ft H 18
^TOT ifftSOT Wl
HHFnn i^ph ft^ro I ’T<wf in’T$’RrcsnR^ h 20
^wi ^TOifg ^TRawi TO I *TOT faRWR*II 21
w i 11 22
T^t WOT TOfTOt v $^OT TO II 23
HH'iiri5U'*imt^ snrli I n fan TH^rWiHT tto snm 15 II24
w&wMiHHfcm qf^jfts^trssiH: । tniapn^ftairo^snWsH? 11 25

sustentation and dissolution of the universe, knowing Thee, man, O Lord, remains
to Thee the great Being who is the teacher
ever attached to son, wife and relatives, and
of ail the worlds, to Thee the primeval
takes delight in all these objects of the senses,
householder (being the Lord of Prakriti from
which will ultimately bring him sorrow.
the beginning of time),to Thee who preceded
(23-30). Thou art verily Indra, Agni, Yama,
all the worlds! Thou art the cause of the
Niruti,Varuna, Vayu.Kubera, Rudra and the
worlds, Thou sustainest it and into Thee
it dissolves. Thy will is unobstructed by Supreme Purusha. Thou art subtler than
aitything. Thou alone existest within and the subtlest atom, and bigger than the
without all beings as the Pervader. and the grossest of objects. The creator and Pro­
Pervaded. Thou manifestest in the form of tector of the worlds, Thou art without
the universe. Carried away by the power beginning, middle or end, Thou art ever
of Thy Maya, Jivas steeped in ignorance, full. Thou art devoid of loss and
devoid of discriminative power and subject destruction, devoid of hands and feet,
to merits and demerits, revolve devoid of eyes and ears. Thou movest fast
in the Samsara consisting of births and without legs, Thou graspest everything
deaths. 21. Until one knows Thee with without hands, Thou seest everything with­
a pnrifW mind which does not go after out eyes, and Thou hearest everything
anything else other than Thee, the Jiva without ears. Thou art beyond the limita­
perceives this universe as real, just tion of the five Kosas (sheaths of the Jiva),
as silver is seen in the mother of pearl by Thou art without the limitation of the Gunas,
one under illusory perception. 22. Not requiring no support other than Thyself.

i «<<|dRT6tr< m4uiV PfeMMQl II26

fafroit tan! frdw: i -RCWdldMnfc 'Hi II 27
wn <5. vs* I fafanR Wr siwfrn n 28
3T< SFT^T WTI ^rfa sjFRlwi stentRfata* Ii 2p
?ra: tftanRt jnr w? wram wnt jrrpr =nfi nt whh^ n 30
?ra: srrc: sfawt I nr 1131

wn ll 32
mfe nRRsJt nrf^f । *nfa TW II33
r^TR ’ffa^gar^i
w 34
n g^r ।
TOT II 35 36
gn: sfrntnn: Stare 1
inr n 36
Thou art the unmodified, the changeless and you want. I am the bestower of boons on
formless Being. There is no other being to devotees.” Vibheeshana replied: 32. “I
lord over Thee. Thou art devoid of the six am blessed by Thy sight, and have attained
transformations which all objects undergo. the object of my seeking and the ultimate
Without a beginning and transcending end of my life. I am liberated even by
Prakriti, Thou, out of Thy own mysterious the sight of Thee. 33. I deem in the whole
power, hast appeared as a man. Knowing world there is none so fortunate and blessed
Thee, who art unlimited by the Gunas
as I am, because I have been able to see
devotees attain liberation through the ladder
Thy holy form. 34. For the breaking of
of genuine devotion to Thee, leading to the
my bondage of Karma, bestow on me the
summit of illuminating knowledge. lam a
knowledge of Thyself characterised by
devotee seeking this attainment. Salutation devotion, and the capacity of meditation
to Thee, the enemy of Ravana and the most
on Thee which leads one to this attainment.
merciful one. Lift me out of the ocean of 35. I care not to seek from Thee any worldly
Samsara.” happiness. I seek only that form of devotion
that gives one continuing attachment for
Vibheeshana’s Installation (31-47)
Thy holy feet.”
31. Pleased with Vibheeshana, Rama, the 36. Rama replied, “So be it!” And he
lover of devotees, said, May you attain
continued, much pleased, “O noble one!
what is auspicious. Seek whatever boon Listen to a secret that is literally true

rstort WRTHt qtfW I ^tot faro tofto #3n^r: ll 37

STHK « jMreWfas I STOff^M^faTO ^WKTO^II 38
feihw I hhwW w*i ll 39
<?g®RT w sns «ftrrat wrafaro I mtoR'KI’Mto to 11 40
gfKi^fircgMift sraron totc^ 1 toRmRi irfrot ii4i
WTO w WTO TOlTOh ?W5sT$R^ll42
TOERroifroTOPiKfcTO wife: 1 <ntoito ifWi’i fthro* u 43
1 ’ift^ro fotftawnro^ 11 44
fafrro to w torto: I wjfas^ius
totoi frorh msiro 11 46

*** wa ’rtoto: i
to h^: 1 sferarsF^ srrogiMTOTOi^ 11 48
37. Along with Sita, I ever dwell in the in this world, he shall rule over the land.”
hearts of Yogis who are devoted to Me, With these words, he had the required water
who are without worldly longings and whose brought by Lakshmana. Installing Vibhee-
minds are ever settled in peace. 38. There­ shana as the king ofLanka,Rama,the consort
fore, you, who are peaceful and ever devoid of Rama,had the ceremonial bath performed
of aU. sins and impurities, will, through
by the ministers and by Lakshmana. All
meditation on Me, be rescued from this
the monkeys acclaimed it in great joy, and
terrible ocean of Samsara. 39. Whoever
Sugreeva, embracing Vibheeshana, said:
studies this hymn of yours on Me, writes
(45-46). “O Vibheeshana’ All of us are
it or hears it, will obtain My favour and
servants of Rama,the Supreme Being. Among
will attain to Sarupya (salvation by obtaining
them, you have the distinction that, seeing
His form).” 40. Then turning to Lakshmana,
theintensity of your devotion,Rama accepted
Rama, to whose heart a devotee is very dear,
you directly. Now you can help us all in
continued, “Let him experience the fruit of
the destruction of Ravana.” 47. Vibhee­
association with Me even now.
shana said, “Whatever service I can do in
(41-44). “I am going to instal him as the that direction according to my capacity
king of Lanka even now. Bring water and with the spirit of true devotion, I shall
from the ocean for the ceremonial bath con­ do with all sincerity.”
nected with the installation. So long as the
The Episode of Suka, the Spy of Ravana
moon and the sun shine, so long as the earth (48-59)
remains as it is, so long as My story prevails 48. Now, a Rakshasa named Suka,deputed

wit wi re<rc wrefare I «w<dw*re wire rerreftre^ ll 49

rei rewired nrereJft’qre: 1 sft re*fi wj^re ft? rre 11 so
fcfasret reft w ?! 1 rere ft; mrI^hwm^w ii 51
wire wi iiof^jre w i wire w fei ^afeire 11 52
wtrewa rererereft^i q ^nq; refre mm whm 1153
w: *rer are rerei 1 re qfaSft wreireirenire w; 1154
ssrwrerare gStreireft^i srft wrerefftftirererfa wire^jiss

w reaft rer rem to re nw 1 wrere ren rereregreirewi: 11 56
srft rererere re*fi <rer rer remfa 1 aatrenw rem a^saire^^ 1157
re^artsft aa: trem mftaar 1 reirarererenre wire a W! 11 so
W^reiret ^rr fa.’^wrere 11 59
aa: wrei^re wt ^anreahreh 1

by Ravana as a spy, addressed Sugreeva Suka, Rama ordered the monkeys not to
standing aloft in the sky as follows: (49-51). attack him. 55. Now Suka again ascended
He said, “Ravana, the king of the Rakshaspc. to the sky and addressed Sugreeva saying,
tells you, who are like a brother to him, “O King! I am now about to depart.
‘You, who are bom in an illustrious What shall I tell the Rakshasa King
line and are the king of all the monkeys, Ravana?”
are like a brother to me. I have done no 56. Sugreeva now gave out the following
harm to you. That I have abducted the wife message in reply: “O evil fellow of a
of the prince of Ayodhya is of no consequ­ Rakshasa! Just as my brother Vali was
ence to you. You return with your monkey killed, you along with your sons and armies
army to Kishkindha. Lanka cannot be will somehow be destroyed. 57. Stealing
approached even by the celestials, much the wife of Sri Rama, how can you escape?”
less by weak men and monkeys.” 52. At once Afterwards, on the orders of Rama,
the monkeys on hearing these words of the Sugreeva had Suka imprisoned. (58-59).
Rakshasa, jumped up, caught hold of him, Even before this incident, a messenger of
and were about to strike him with their hard Ravana named Sardula had observed the
fists. 53. The Rakshasa Suka on being thus army of the monkeys and made a realistic
fisted by the monkeys, said to Rama, report of the state of affairs to Ravana. It
“O great King! A messenger should not made Ravana think deeply and stay in his
be killed. Please order the monkeysnot to palace, giving out deep sighs out of
do so.” 54. Hearing this pitiable request of anxiety.

ww ^ts*n i jnf^F^fa i^rht ^fant wr ii 60

SCHlfa ir ft 1 smmwnst^f^nf’nrftM. n «

ti^t nfaRfo I ^RT SRtERlW STRtfaRTSEfc? II 62

sgifaRn’nw’f WR ^TOgR TOt II 63

wi l <^ht torrw h$5 sftai qra^ Il 64

^hn wmr: ii65
^1 wrct ^TWTSPT’R I fafrreiW w: 5iw: qfawg? u 66

I fc^HTOUTTOMM; fell ||67

Fn^I^W^R 3RTRV wva^’.l <n^4t: f^n TM^TFR n 68

^WBiftreTO TO ’ *lfc WRR TO ?3TfcqQ^ II 69

TOts^TO^^rei^raf fafiw I 5g’ ® srat 70
Wrnfa <m*jarfr 3rt^ wa: I <J‘<lllt *T'ld<llPf !f || 71
Subdual of the Lord of the Ocean
the world with its mountains and forests
(60-86) and the sky above trembled. The quarters
(60-63). Now looking at the sea, Rama were covered by darkness. The sea out of
with eyes reddened by anger, said to Laksh- fear became turbulent and dry to the extent
mana, “O Lakshmana’ Look at this evil- of a Yojana from the shore. Terror over­
minded Lord of the ocean. He has not
took all the aquatic creatures like whales,
come to meet me who has camped by the crocodiles and fish.
side of his realm. He might be thinking,
(67-68). Meanwhile, the Lord of the ocean
‘What can these human beings do with the
appeared in a divine form, bedecked with
help of monkeys?’ O hero! I shall now
various ornaments and spreading his lustre all
dry up the ocean. The monkeys will march
around. Holding in his hand various kinds
fearlessly over the bed of the ocean.”
of precious jewels deposited within him,
With eyes glowing with anger, Rama strung
he made a presentation of them at Rama’s
his bow and took an arrow out of its quiver,
feet. (69-70) He made prostrations to
and fixed it on the bow-string. It was Rama, whose eyes were red with anger, and
glowing like the fire of cosmic destruction.
said, “O Rama, the Lord and protector of
Pulling the bow-string, he said as follows: the three worlds! Save me. Thou, who
64. “Let all beings witness the power of art the creator of the whole world, made
Rama’s arrow. I shall now dry up the me dull in spirit. How can I shed that
ocean, the meeting ground of all the rivers.” characteristic that Thou Thyself hast given?
(65-66). When Rama uttered these words, 71. The five gross elements have been created

wfar ft i wna’wraHr u 72
fausRT w wnganwir 1 w ii 73

gonwfr ffqrcfrr 1 xwfgroftmm wwrhftrrRrer* 11 74

mw I srrf ^i: arnnfir fWo^r n 75

ft I 'njrTT ?WT II 76
wi W’T WW I 3HFT g^RRT || 77

sffcnr ^wi^r
sTdr^sR wjm: i <3^ rifa it snronRtwfof: 1178
7tq?t wf tot ’tw^ 1 RsRfai^sn tr< wjw^ 11 79
<WMW» 5^ SW<r TO I Steffi R«: RRRKHt II so
RtSF^ Rf ^RR'S RR# RfC I TT^T ^I| WIRg gnn?I»ftarW( II 81

?Rt fr: topkr %Hwj:i aarsiRtegte fronu^ror: n 82

by Thee with the characteristic of dullness being? (76-77).'O Lord! Punishment

(Tamas). None can transgress Thy ordi­ alone can bring stupid beings into the right
nance. 72. Out of Tamasa Ahamkara (the path, just as a stick is required to keep
I-sense of dullness) all the elements have animals on the right track. O lover of
come out. That dullness, characteristic of devotees’. I seek shelter under Thee who
their cause, persists in them all by nature. art fit for all human beings to take shelter
(73-74). When Thou, O Lord, who art in. O Rama! Give me Thy protection.
formless and devoid of the Gunas of Prakriti I grant Thee the way to Lanka.”
assumest, out of a spirit of play, Thy Maya
78. Sri Rama thereupon said to him,
constituted of Gunas, They call Thee
the Virat Purusha. Out of the Vhlt “This arrow of mine can never go in vain.
Show me the target to which it should be
Purusha characterised by Gunas, the divine
directed. Quickly show that target; for
sages like Sanaka were bom of the consti­
this missile must necessarily strike one.
tuent Sattva element; the Lords of
79. The Lord of the great ocean, on hearing
creation like Manu and others, of the Rajasa
these words of Rama, and seeing the mighty
element; and Rudra, the Lord of elementals,
arrow in his hand, said to him as follows:
of the Guna called Tamas. 75. How can I
(80-82). “in northern regions, there
a creature with dull intelligence and stupid is a place called Drumakulya where many
by nature, understand Thee who transcendest
sinful creatures are living. They give me
the Gunas, when Thou coverest Thyself
trouble day and night- Let the arrow be
with Thy Maya and sportest as a human
directed towards them.” Rama*s arrow
[Ch. 3-4
to: ftmik: i gat wifsfcss
^kl* ^frOTsnw^I 1184
^rat wg wka: i ant: ll 85
agtsf^: 5^r: l
sw $j wfawi g^r ’Hrm^s^ii 86
Mk^idHHNoi sara&wafr
^pi^dk: ll 3 11
was now. released, and it destroyed that this achievement.” Then after making pro­
whole tribe of Abhiras and came back to strations to Rama, the Spirit of the ocean
his quiver as before. Now in all humility, disappeared.
"the Lord of the ocean said to Rama: (83-84) 85. Now Rama along with Sugreeva
“There is among these monkey followers and Lakshmana ordered Nala and the
of Thine, one named Nala who is an off­ other monkeys to start the construction of
spring ofViswakarma, the heavenly architect. the bund. 86. Rejoiced at this command,
Let him build a bund across the ocean. By Nala with the help ofmountain-sized monkey
virtue of the boon given to him by Brahma, leaders built a bund, bridging the hundred
he will be capable of doing this. Let all Yojanas of the sea with huge rocks and
the worlds sing Thy praise on account of trees.


qt TOn l siRR-qifcqfakt ll 2
to w?n uki i w wrot to u 3
srrfta gSftmfafw I wt &<WRt sir u 4

Chapter 4
Installation of Rameswara and. ing worship to that Siva icon, said:
building of Seta (1-7) 2. “Whoever sees and makes prostrations
1. On starting the construction of the to this bund under construction and this
bund (Seta), Rama, for the successful icon of Siva called Rameswara, will by
completion of the work as also for the good my blessings be free from all sins including
of the world, established there the icon the killing of holy men. (3-4). After taking
of Si va, known as Rameswara, and perform­ bath at the site of this bund (Seta) and
83-86 & 1-14] MARCH TO LANKA


farorWFrot 11
frofsra^ I URnCfoft u


worshipping Rameswara, a man should, ----- ,
without any distraction in mind, go to
and Angada. (10-14). Standing on that
vantage ground of the mountain, Rama
Varanasi. He should get the water of
had a view of that extensive city. It was
Ganga in a pot from Varanasi, bathe decorated with countless colourful flags.
Pameswara Lingam with it, and deposit Numerous mansions were rising high into
the pot and other things in the sea. Such tire sky, and gate towers surrounded by
a person will attain to Brahman.” walls of gold could be seen everywhere.
(5-7). Nala, in five days completed the It was protected by moats and weapons
construction of the bund extending up to called Satagfini (rockets that could kill a
Lanka.. On the first day, the great monkey hundred enemies at a time). Id that city,
constructed fourteen Yojanas of the bund; Rama saw Ravana seated, on the top of a
on the second day twenty; on the third day
very big mansion. Beside him were his
twenty one; on the fourth day twenty two
more; andon the fifth day twenty three. various competent ministers. He was res­
plendent with the crowns on his ten heads.
The monkey army marches to Lanka In appearance, he resembled the peak of a
(«-14) blue mountain, and in splendour he rivalled
a massive cloud of the rainy season.
8. The monkeys quickly marched along that
Numerous ceremonial white umbrellas with
hundred Yojanas of the bund, and in their
bejewelled handles were held over him.
countless numbers established themselves on Now after taking a view of Lanka, Rama
the mountain called Suvela. 9. Rama and
ordered the Rakshasa, Suka, who was held
Lakshmana, who were anxious to have a
in custody by the monkeys, to be released,
view of Lanka, ascended to the top of the
Thus released after being severely beaten
mountain on the shoulders of Hanuman
by the monkeys, Suka went to the presence

ora TO MJ* * ^’"n" 15

<ra v'ft'erit.^'a nt <TOTO i sfefafeT’^ H ’>’5,ma! “ 16
33t rf OT 1
flurinftft ms f^st4 ’I’’
xi^rRt *ratro to^sto^ sPswii^fa n «

Sarawak fwt^ ifat^

TOK <fe wt I
to^?< <tat ir ^RRfa I ^17^? n 20

iW w w wii s^’KIwto nn: <n<^hCT: ll 22

I^STOWK ’H TOTC twi’u: I faftw II 23

WIT^r wftf JHTt I 3FTH5 TOTR II 24

of Ravana, who asked him smiling. “O Suka! ced up to your outer fortifications. There­
Have you been beaten by the enemies?” fore quickly decide upon one or the other
of these courses—either give away Sita
Suka’s Report to Ravana (15-37) to Rama or be ready to fight with
15. Hearing Ravana’s words, Suka said, him.
“At your command, I went to the northern (20-21). “Rama said to me, ‘You commu­
shore of the ocean and communicated your nicate to Ravana these words of mine:
commandment. 16. The monkeys thereupon ‘That army and allies, relying on whom you
leapt into the sky, caught hold of me and took away Sita—let them now come for­
started punching me with their fists ward. From tomorrow onwards, my arrows
and tearing me with their teeth will start destroying the city of Lanka
and claws. 17. I thereupon cried to Rama with all its walls and towers and Rakshasa
for protection, and Rama ordered me forces. 22. I will send against you a
to be released. Thus released by the fierce army for attack. O Ravana! Know
monkeys, I have come to you terribly this for certain.’ Rama stopped his speech
frightened at the sight of that monkey army. with this. (23-24). Even if all the monkeys
18. There can be no peaceful settlement remain waiting without taking part in the
between the army of the Rakshasas and attack, the four great personalities, Rama,
that of the monkeys^ just as between Asuras Lakshmana, Sugreeva and Vibheeshana,
and Devas. War seems to be inevitable. will be sufficient to turn your Lanka
19. O Lord! The monkey army has advan­ topsyturvy and reduce it to ashes.

toh to I S< w 11 25
tot tot^rI mwrot i
tot 1 tow! ircfajTOF^r 1126
-Kfeissfa tot: l
^wn h^mt SRfrr Tfcnfcr: 1 grt^nBndrFftsrt •hMiP’H^’f: ll 27

qy< W*: M<lfo*4<bbqftRI I

TO Mlfe^ld^TO. || 28
TfeTOfarosh r g=ns^i

^r srw 1 SRjfrf (TOTO! 5% TOTO: U 29

^rat ssi^tou i ^TOTO TOT: U 30
to^i fwtrcn TOR^rfron: 1 TT^tTO TOTOh SltTOffaj W H31
<mfa t gft ferofar tot: i
wfrif fefiqwi 1 tosr ^groi^ foroifgat II 33
tow qr |srt: 1 ^TOTOK^ g^lfaTOJW ||34

25. From what I saw of his form, strength again and again. 29. Next there is the
and weapons, I feel that Rama by himself, famous Hanuman, so dear to Rama’s
even without the help of the other three, heart, by whom Sita was discovered, and
will be competent to destroy you and who killed your son Aksha. 30. That
everything here. monkey whom you see coming near Sugre­
26. “Besides, I see the huge army of the eva and going back again, and whose
monkeys filling the whole country. The complexion is silvery, is Sveta of great
mountain-sized monkeys are roaring. It is intelligence and resource. 31. That mighty
impossible to enumerate the names of all monkey, lion-like in prowess, who is seen
of them, but I shall mention a few according casting his eyes at Lanka is named Rambha.
to their importance. 27. There stands He is capable of destroying the whole of
facing Lanka Sugreeva’s commander-in-chief this Lanka. 32. O King! The other
Neela, the off-spring of Agni. Surrounded monkey leader who is casting glances at
by a hundred thousand army leaders, Lanka, as if he is going to reduce it to ashes,
he stands there challenging by his terrific and who is the leader of a crore of monkeys,
war cries. 28. Next there is Angada, the is Sarabha. 33. There are others, the
son of Vali and heir-apparent of the monkey powerful monkey Panasa, and next to him
empire, huge like a mountain peak and in Mainda and Dvivida. There is also the
complexion resembling the inside of a powerful Nala, the off-spring of Viswa-
lotus flower. He stands exhibiting his karma, who was responsible for building
wrath by striking the earth with his tail this bund. 34. Who on earth can possibly
KSflW I SRfo rt II 35

*R W I II 36
gjfaafMHT 3i%t 3 ?n< w srafcfa w 1137

nnt 5T *W3*: 'H: 1 II 38

flRlfcr WFTHW^ I WISHR afar WRERTO II 39
farct sRpftW SHTHai rWHtHT WHT^ II 40

I ^rsPMQf'GUidth^'b II 41

I $Rt. 'siskH^ I) 42
wn^nrt cth ^i 1143
goqqft wrwt ^R SU^qt: I WI^AlHlfcros^W wfrsiro^ II 44
MHtkitfa i smwmr^i ^fwisuiRwr: ii 45

describe these various monkeys and make courting their enmity? She whom you
an estimate of their numbers? They have abducted unknowingly—Sita—is the
are all heroic, powerful and war-like by Mother of the universe. (41-43). O King!
nature. 35. Everyone of these monkey This body of yours constituted of five
leaders is by himself capable of destroying elements and derived from the twenty-four
the whole of Lanka. I shall tell you the categories endures only for a short time.
number of forces under each of them. Constituted of flesh, bones, excreta and
(36-37). The armies under the above men­ other such stuff, it is foul-smelling. It is
tioned ministers of Sugreeva are twenty- the abode of the ‘I-sense’ and is by nature
one thousand crores, together with another insentient. Your real nature is different
hundred thousand billion and yet another from that of this body. Then why do you
ten thousand million.. As for the show attachment for ‘the body for the sake
numbers of troops under the others, I am of which you have done heinous sins like
not able to make any estimate. killing holy men? This body of yours,
Suka’s Sermon (38-54)
which you think is the enjoyer of so many
things, is bound to perish. (44-46). It is
38. “Rama is not a mere man. He is merit and demerit, the causes of enjoyment
that Original Being Narayana, the Supreme and suffering, that beget a body for the Jiva.
Spirit, and Sita is His power of knowledge, It is by association with the body that the
the cause of the worlds. (39-40). This Atman is constantly subjected to happinfcss
whole universe of moving and stationary and misery. So long as subjected to identi­
beings originated from Them and so They fication with the body, the Atman thinks
are the Father and the Mother of the whole ‘I am the body’, ‘I am the actor’, ‘I do this
universe. Pray, how can you survive and that', so long the Atman finds himself

maufaMqr: f^rRTO^h’ss’H: ll
WRwfr *fst srfror I WM ^RHR TO II 47
WT sto^iRm I ^rn: ll 48
fs^ Rim: i asnft wrat ll 49
€t Rirrwto & ’Ttwit ( 3RR?s wfr to #rarwprra n so
s^rRta to ft to I & ’rt <r ?q^r sW to«tt ii si
faro* faWhR W8lfa I
nt I siWtfEM TOS4 froH TOfa II 53
HWfa^snrH $Rw4 5ten MwhwinfaraR^ i
’Efawfcwfro gwRn>r n 54

gTO’S’ n v ii

subject to birth and death. So, O high- Pulastya—why are you ever in pursuit of
souled one, abandon identification with the bodily enjoyments like the deluded
body. The Atman in itself is without any ignorant? At least hereafter abandon
stain and is pure, unmoving, indestructible all attachments and adore Rama, the
and of the nature of Pure Consciousness. Supreme Being, with pure devotion. Sur­
47. Not knowing one’s real nature, one feels rendering Sita to Rama and seeking shelter
bound and deluded. Therefore, knowing at his feet, you will be free from all the sins
yourself to be the pure Atman, be constantly and will attain to the realm of Vishnu. If
established in that thought. 48. Be non­ you do not do this, you will degenerate into
attached towards aU worldly objects like lower and lower embodiments and be caught
children, Wife.andI home. Enjoyments of in the cycle of repeated births and deaths,
objects can be had even in the hell-like and will be devoid of any scope for regenera­
bodies of dogs and pigs. (49-53). After tion. Accept my advice. I am offering it
obtaining a human body with discriminative in your best interest. 54. Seek association
powers, especially that of a twice-born one, with holy men, and take shelter in Sri
and after being bom in the region of Bharata, Rama who is the refuge of all beings, who
the land of spirituality—which wise man destroys the sins of all, who is luminous
would feel satisfied to be entrenched in like the gem Marakata, who is accompanied
body-consciousness and enjoyments derived by Sita, who is equipped with bow and
from it? Therefore, you being born as a arrow, and who is served by Sugreeva,
twice-born — as a grandson of the sage Lakshmana and Vibheeshana.”

I wr: ^arat^t ll i
i sn$rai( Srsrn^^Rr fwH<^ n 2
^r <r i tow i^nfa ^r tow n 3
^5 * I wrcns *r< n 4
^trsfa « srfiFat srafcxw: i wrerffoFta ii s
fcnwr i wr ’q^rafiw^FURt wtfa ii $
WSRT | STOfit WHt II 7
tot( jwrptftw i wfin^snw^sw^ 5^: || 8
fct W ftxfcms i ^^rt5^^5«r>m,P3
snrewRre stsft w: W^kl ||w
W*W «iftr aiwP’R’ll to,toJj n
Chapter 5
Antecedents of Suka (1-24) went back to his home to lead a retired life.
1. Hearing these noble words of Suka 5. Suka in his previous life was a pious
capable of destroying ignorance, Ravana, Brahmana, a knower of Brahman. As a
highly incensed and with eyes red because Vanaprastha (hermit), he was staying in the
of that, looked at Suka as if he were going forest performing his religious duties. 6.
to burn him up and said: 2. “You fellow of a For the advancement of the Devas and the
servant! You evil-minded fool! How dare destruction of their enemies, the Asuras,
you talk to me as if you were my teacher! Suka was continuously performing many
I am the ruler of all the three worlds, and sacrifices. (7-8). Knowing that Suka was
who are you, a mere servant, to advise me? in favour of the Devas, the Rakshasas
Are you not ashamed of yourself? 3. I contracted enmity towards him. Among
should have killed you here and now. them a famous Rakshasa named Vajra-
But remembering your past services, 1 damshtra was waiting for an opportunity
forbear from doing so. 4. Q fool! Begone to harm Suka. At that time, the sage
from here! I cannot bear this kind of Agastya happened to go to the hermitage
speech.” Considering this order a great of Suka. (9-11). After duly honouring and
blessing, Suka with his body trembling worshipping him, Suka invited him for his
35ft 1 ^Rwfc’Rl ’W: IU2

gw ^(R^r wsratiw ii 13
3^s4 wf ’iftHFRw: i 3r$4 in^f ll 14
TO r *towr: l toi:’ftt’nsn^HR^ g^eroris
qrfta ’rfn Wr i & *r w strafe n i«

gy *^4^1 I ^Tt4T KSJI^d dd« JUS tJJ4* II 17

Crofton WW I srWra »t wft i^rrw ii i«

asnft H ’«&''>& I w W’1’ wret w«R. n is

vft ?wsRWi ft l stHifwft ^rait «4W hs ii m

mid-day meal. Agastya thereupon went to served me with human flesh which should
take his bath as a preliminary to taking not be eaten. So I curse you to become
food. The Rakshasa Vajradamshtra found a Rakshasa yourself, subsisting on human
that this was the opportune moment for flesh.” Cursed in this way, Suka said to
him to achieve his purpose. Assuming the Agastya in great fear, "O sage! It was only
form of Agastya, he appeared before Suka just now that you asked me to prepare an
as if he were Agastya comeback to communi­ eleborate meal with meat. I have done
cate something. 1° th® disguise of Agastya, accordingly. Then why is it that you have
he said to Suka, “O holy one, if you cursed me?” 17. Hearing Suka’s words,
think of feeding me, you must also provide Agastya reflected for a moment and came
some meat. It is now long since I have eaten to understand the mischief done by the
mutton.” Suka agreed to this and made Rakshasa. He thereupon calmed down
elaborate arrangements for a feast, with and said to Suka'. 18. “O Sage! All this
mutton included in themenu. (12-16). When is the mischief done by a Rakshasa inimical
the i eat sage Agastya returned and sat for to you. Without any knowledge of it, I
his meal, the Rakshasa, assuming the form have pronounced this curse. (19-22). Still
of Suka’s handsome wife, appeared on the my words cannot go in vain. You will be
spot after having rendered the real wife turned into a Rakshasa. In the body
of Suka unconscious by his magical power. of a Rakshasa, you stay for sometime as a
He came with plenty of human flesh, dressed servant of Ravana. When along with the
and cooked as many dishes, and after army of monkeys Rama comes to Lanka
serving it to the sage Agastya, disappeared for the destruction of Ravana, then, being
fr°m the place immediately. Agastya was sent as a spy by Ravana, you will have
n°w provoked to great anger to see the occasion to see Rama. You will then be
Prohibited human flesh served to him and freed from the effect of the curse. Then
e said to Suka, “O evil one! You have after imparting the knowledge of spiritual

itsreren 1121
wi 33t 5*3: II 22
Wn start wt sirq tfrera: i 23
wtf itafarn rerat traraw 35 1124

33: hr^ wt wq; i gfem^tratagnft mg: m: fw 1125

W 3 TRJ5 *k SIWfoFWJHT I *^FH3^ ||26
3iRf SfFFft TUn^FRT I 33jfa Pi fad I FT WR II 27
3TR it jjut | Star srffara^T: n 28
rAfad mill’d SdoiFdd || 29
usstWK i WFJ^t ftg || 30
3 3^Jp3 wn ITRH 5 I frot 5^: S3*: u 31
h^t ^r% ।
w W3i j
sftat sr^stsrtww^spfb st: 33
Truth to Ravana, you will get liberation
Sita, the wife of Rama, was brought to this
“ attain to the Supreme Status.” (23-24). city, there have begun to appear, O Ravana,
When Agastya had finished speaking, Suka
various frightening omens indicating our
^immediately transformed into aRakshasa
“1'7“ “>
the cn
service under Ravana.
SPy’ he happened to see Rama in
imminent destruction. What these are, I
shall tell you. With startling thunderclaps,

fairs' °f LakshmaM- ’nd afterwards

mparted the knowledge of the Truth to
terrifying masses of clouds are seen around
Lanka, showering rains of hot blood every­
where. The images in temples moan, perspire,
Ravana. Immediately after that, he regain­
ed his place aS a Brahmana living in the and tremble. (30-33). Kali, standing before
us, is screaming with laughter, revealing
community of Vanaprasthas.
her white teeth. Cows are giving birth to
Malyavan’s Sermon (25-40). donkeys. Mangoose and rats, joining to­
gether as friends, are attacking cats, and
(25-26). Now came Malyavan, the
snakes are putting up a fight against eagles.
maternal grandfather of Ravana, advanced
The terrific figure of Kala, the destroyer
m years and versed in law. He came with a clean-shaven, fat in body and jet black in
peaceful mind to give a piece of advice to colour, is appearing in the the morning
the heroic Ravana. Malyavan said to
and the evening in the homes of Rakshasas.
Ravana, O King! Listen to my words and These and several other omens are seen
then do as you please. (27-29). Ever since everywhere. Therefore, O Ravana, perform







mW w: II 43

the rites of propitiation for saving your

fafaqrafa 11
tribe from destruction. The way to do thi the friend of ascetics! Who will consider such
is to restore Sita quickly to Rama along a person as competent to do anything? 39.
You must have come to me prompted by
with rich presents. (34-36). Know
Rama to speak so eloquently on his behalf.
that Rama is Narayana. Therefore abandon
Get away from my presence. You are
your enmity towards him and surrender
aged, and also a relative of mine. So
yourself at His feet, which are like a boat
I forgive you for what you have spoken.
by entrusting themselves to which the
40. I cannot stand such words anymore.”
knowing ones, with minds purified by
With these words, Ravana departed from
devotion, cross this ocean of Samsara
Rama is not a mere man. He resides in the there with all his ministers.
hearts of all beings. Adore Him C?
devotion. Even though you are ™ WltJ1 The two forces join battle (41-64)
evil ways, you will be purified bv <?Ven. to 41. Now sitting on the top of his palace,
O great King! Listen to my words‘X’ Ravana had a view of the monkey army
the good of our tribe.” surrounding his city, and he gave orders to
37. Ravana, who was already under the all his Rakshasa forces to be in readiness
for battle. (42-44). Meantime, Rama,
influence of destructive Time, could not
brook these words of advice of Malyavan seeing Ravana from a distance thus seated
given in his best interest. 38. He therefor comfortably amidst his ministers, took his
bust out, “Rama—a mere man stee-J bow from the hands of Lakshmana, and with
ln sorrow, a dependant of eyes red with anger, shot at Ravana a sen^
«»ed from his kingdom by his father, X’ circular arrow which in an instant cut-o
the numerous white umbrellas held over

grfcagt faW w i 3np wfR[ n 45

gnt: gg wr Hrrc: 11 46
git ': TOR^rti?i: 1
gSW: <a% I M^i^M^TOgfeg|H<grfggfi« ll 47

^riw g^gt srfw^i ll 48

gg^h Tftnr gtRgi gH^w.i

w fwnfa wfo g 1 ggi’^tgnw 11 49

wn wi giRwftMfa w: 1 nww? ggp wgw 11 so
sw gWg gfefaR ”^raw 1 gg: g^gnR 11 si
ttfrarawn^ gg^gi 1 ^wgg gfew w^ww ll 52
nit wgfg^rat wra 1 ggfa ^pftit gg^ns’nfera: 11 53
gWgrg gg ggfg}sftfgt 11 54
$55t Rg g ।
g^g ww3< g1 ferft arc g 1155
3P^ g wfeg: gt ^tor gRwm: 1
W«^R g<Fn: g^gt ggggM I g^rwit <Hggfa gigg: 11 §6

Ravana and the crowns on his- ten heads. (49-50). At the order of Rama, the monkeys
AU were astonished to see this wonderful were already prepared for attack, having
achievement. (45-46). Overcome by shame, equipped themselves with huge boulders,
that evil-minded Ravana immediately went rocky-peaks of mountains and whole trees.
inside his palace, and calling his ministers Marking the position of Ravana’s forces in
like Prahasta to his side, exhorted them different places, they mounted an attack on
to be ready to give battle to the monkey Lanka to the great satisfaction of Rama.
army immediately. (51-54). Those monkey leaders, each with
(47-48). To the accompaniment of various thousand to a crore of followers under
kinds of drums, bugles, and other instru­ them, attacked Lanka with trees and huge
ments of martial music, and riding on stones. Giving out shouts of victory in the
various mounts like buffaloes, camels, mules, names of Rama, Lakshmana and Sugreeva,
lions and tigers, and equipped with a and protected by Rama,they jumped up and
variety of weapons like swords, lances, down in various parts of the city and gave
bows, darts, pestles, spiked bludgeons, and battle to the Rakshasas. (55-56). The power­
javelines, the Rakshasa armies took their ful army leaders like Hanuman, Angada,
position at all the portals leading to the city. Kumuda, Neela, Nala, Sarabha, Mainda,

Wfe HWdre Wn: I nw W n 57

faifar I ir^r: 11 ss
am fcS'KiftH: 1 am wt 11 59
mwnt 1 60
w ^wrafcnl: 1
*ifanm wr^at ma 1 wmca arf^mra 11 61
WnRm s^kThrla W 1 u^®r labial mat n 62

a^afeat ^iw ataw 1 tftarfawaita whnfcaifera^H «

Wl 5i^tw 1 agmanaiit’a faaa a^ u «

aafca fasa tor ifoaisrsa 1 Warn: sfaFRufci aatsgr: n 65

safca^^t salfra aan^w waa: 1 diaifamfa wnfa airota^ 1166

aa< wnanfa a^safamaa^ 1 wfrsfa wwrwiW m: 11 67

Dvivida, Jambavan, Dadhivaktra, Kesari, who were the off-spring of Devas, fought
Tara etc., leapt over the gate towers of with great enthusiasm and joy like those
Lanka and obstructed the exit passages who had drunk nectar. But the Rat-khn-
with trees and rocks. (57-58). The monkeys sas had their prowess and good fortune
with veryspeedymovements killed with their eclipsed by the fact of their being under the
nails and teeth many Rakshasas of huge protection of Ravana accursed by the
size. Roused to great anger the Rakshasas monstrous sin of having touched the holy
came out of the portals of the fortress and body of Sita. They therefore suffered terri­
killed many monkeys also with catapults, ble destruction, a fourth of their forces
swords, spears, and hatchets. (59-60). being annihilated.
The victorious monkeys killed many
Rakshasas and the battlefield was made Meghanada’s devastating attack (65-70)
miry with the blood and flesh of the forces (65-67). Seeing the Rakshasa army being
destroyed, thus presenting a sight of awe­ thus destroyed, the evil-minded Asura named
inspiring bloodshed. (61-64). Reverberating Meghanada came for its protection.
the quarters with their battle cries, the He was once blessed with boons by Brahma
Rakshasas fought, mounted on horses, and was a master in the use of all missiles.
elephants and chariots of golden hue. He was also noted for the various victories
Fighting with an eye on victory, the Raksha­ he had won. Now remaining unseen in
sas and the monkeys clashed with great the sky, he attacked the monkey forces
violence, causing mutual destruction. But with Brahma missile and various other kinds
blessed by the glance of Rama, the monkeys of weapons. Everyone was astonished at

gni TORMt II 6g
iran^r «ngi I wtarrfa it m tow ttou ii «9
ilTOI^sfr rFH Rf WRWtf^ft: I W wq •PR HFRI ’nfTOfs^t || 70
/c© % ~
<rfer TORpft^ toi i ^r Wa xta hrt ll 71
<r% stafafcri* faRrtsragac 1 ww 3R n^n assftw 11 72
gfeRf I W’WfiR^ WHlft^FTO: II 73
3n^T =q faff ^iRRlFTOR^r: I ^1^1174

5^ torr! TOfcra: 1 «trt frorwr^r n^rr towpr^ ii 75

Wi. iRj SRh ^rfWfoj 1 xta’ w $w: 1176 ,,
ufoitr wn: ’fb’s w*1 w 11 77
?r irrofR W* ’tai WifrirTOO 3F%fa*n*q< i 78
WFren 1 srffara: 3^ 19
^WRR^ | 3F^ wfof: TO& || 80
this feat of his. (68-69). Rama, who was will bring you eternal fame.” Hanuman
a master of archery, for a time remained accepted the order implicity and went away
silent and passive in order to show respect immediately on that mission 74. The
to the Brahma missile. Then seeing thetroops mountain was brought and all the monkeys
of the monkey army falling down, he flew were revived with its help. Hanuman took
into a fiery rage and said to Lakshmana, “O back the mountain to replace it and came
Lakshmana! Bring my bow. I shall reduce back quickly.
this ashes with Brahma missile.
You witness my prowess.” 70. But over­ The Rout of the Rakshasas (75-86)
hearing Rama's words, Meghanada, who
was an adept in magic, took care to go back 75. Now terrific -sounds again arose from
invisible to the city immediately. the ranks of the monkeys as before to the
great astonishment of Ravana, Wondering
Hanuman revives the monkeys (71-74)
at it, Ravana said: (76-78). “Rama, my
(71-73). Rama was very much afflicted great enemy deputed by the Devas, is stand­
to see a very large number of monkey ing there knocking at our gates. In order
troops fallen down by Meghanada’s attack. to kill him in battle soon, let all my army
So he said to Hanuman, “Go quickly to commanders, ministers, relatives and other
the Milk Ocean where there is a mountain brave persons who want to serve my interests
called Drona, on which many medicinal go forward for battle at my order. Whoever
herbs grow. Go and bring it quickly in out of fear shall not thus go in violation of
order to rejuvenate these monkeys. This my order, will be executed. (79-80). Trem-

=q I II 81
^iot: <^t; qwSfi ll 82
tot: T^anfrfro^ gfem: i wHqiftww ii 83

f^r^TT: tshf^wt i
^1 JT^RT I ^Tlfawf f^ST: fllW ll 84

| nW^ft$RMlih 2TRR: II 85

f^rmi hnih^^R^^h I
W f^R^PFTtsfa TTHt ll S6

<fa ^q^wwim wiw^

3W wq; w ll 4. ll
bling with fear at this order of Ravana, all largely destroyed, some by Rama and others
the highly skilled Rakshasa warriors like by Sugreeva, Hanuman, Angada, the high-
Atikaya, Prahasta, Mahanada, Mohodara soulcd Lakshmana and various monkey
Devasatru,Nikumbha,Devantaka,Narantaka leaders. 85. By the infusion of Rama’s
etc., went out for battle with the monkeys. prowess, the strength of the monkeys was
(81-82). These and other numerous co_ra- augmented. How can others not blessed
geous warriors who were proud of their in this way by Rama’s power gain strength?
strength attacked the vast monkey forces 86. Rama is God of all and the creator
with various kinds of weapons like Bhusundi, who has become this All. He is ever
Bhindipala,arrows, swords, battleaxes and established in His inherent Bliss-Consci­
a variety of missiles. 83. And the monkeys ousness. Still assuming the- form of a
in their turn counter-attacked and killed the man by His own Maya and consequently
Rakshasas with trees, mountain-cliffs following human ways, he engages
and with their teeth and claws. 84. Himself in war and other activities as
Consequently that Rakshasa army was a sport.



55 JWMWWW® WU wh h^kssto: u i
ffaifajro wn 55H ufa TO W ii 2
H?rara: i
f^i ww i whnfa^TO w-F^t w^: ll 3
wnfa wim to wn ffaW^i scssi wafc wnt ffaW ii 5
WqTO^UlUSHq fWwfaMiftRX I H^FI »nw^j |l 6
^5^41 wh swrow i tWm ffanTs^q- ^r^r: n 7
hi 3afa<aMqi<M fa^iwMifto I ww wft ^5 w*n: ft n
qHRW H<F*R! I wri ®n Srctani iXtfr: u 9

Chapter 6

Havana’s attack and discomfiture attack. 5. When he saw there the powerful
(1-34) Vibheeshana equipped with a mace, Ravana
(1-2). Ravana was overcome both by threw at him a powerful weapon called
grief and anger to know of the destruction Sakti (dart or javelin) given to him by Maya.
of that great army consisting of Atikaya (6-7). Noticing that the weapon was directed
and others. So stationing Indrajit for towards Vibheeshana for his destruction,
the protection of Lanka, Ravana mighty Lakshmana thought, “Rama has
himself sallied forth with a big army to given shelter to- this Asura. It is not
give battle to Rama. 3. Seating himself in befitting that he is killed.” With this resolu­
a chariot equipped with all kinds of missiles tion, he took his mighty bow and stood in
and weapons, the mighty Ravana went forth front of Vibheeshana like an immovable
to challenge Rama himself directly. 4. mountain for the latter’s protection. (8-9)
While thus charging towards Rama, Ravana That weapon Sakti released by Ravana was
destroyed numerous monkeys with his irresistible and must necessarily strike its
arrows, sharp and penetrating like poison. target. So it struck at Lakshmana, but
Many a monkey leader including Sugreeva what can the Sakti (Power) of a weapon do
fell down on the battle field under this against him, Lakshmana, the incarnation



II 15
^yg: <r^k: i
ht stRpws I 16
w< srw’WTOt w i
w wfofira < ll
SKNwftr # z&r ll
of Adisesha who is the support of all the
impact of Ravana’s Sakti, and took him to
Saktis (the powers) of Maya? (10-12). the presence of Rama. 16. Though himself
Still in compliance with his present human the supreme Master of all masters, Rama
status, he fell unconscious on the ground. felt obliged and grateful to Hanuman on
Ravana now approached the fallen Laksh­
seeing his devotion and faithfulness. (17-19).
mana and tried to lift him up with his That weapon Sakti, finding Lakshmana to be
hands, but to his great astonishment he could
a part of Navayana Himself and impossible
not do so. For how can this little fellow of a
therefore to be killed, went back toRavana’s
Rakshasa lift up him who was none but the
All-formed Cosmic Being (the Virat Purusha) chariot. Ravana too was little by little
who supports the worlds—an aspect of restored to consciousness. Then, bow
Mahavishnu the Supreme Lord? in hand, he rushed towards Rama. Moved
(13-14). On seeing Ravana attempting to by great anger at the sight of Ravana
lift up Lakshmana, Hanuman in great anger coming for attack seated in his chariot, Rama
the Lord of the worlds, faced him, ascending
hit the former on his chest with his powerful
on the shoulders of the powerful Hanuman.
fist. Being thus hit, Ravana fell down on
20. Twanging his bow strings and produc­
his knees with blood profusely flowing
ing terrific sounds like that of an explosive,
through his mouth, nose and ears. He
became dizzy and sat in his chariot. 15. Rama said to the Rakshasa king in a deep
Next Hanuman lifted up the unconscious and grave voice: 21. ‘‘O despicable fellow
Lakshmana who had fallen down by the of a Rakshasa! Remain before me for a
while. Having done such a serious offence

4iuH H^dl '5RIqT^ I rtf tf^nfa MWJ W ’iNX II 22

sffaw nw i wr ii 23
sasirfa wferwh i TO<sfa ^fk 11 24
ffit ron wi i sfifaW^WH II 25
' «K <=
htt4 to h? wW H3^=w i qar^r <tcht ftraHTW II 26

rrat w^W tom TOjm: i f^TTST wftfa ’T^ II 27

^H’U'M^rr 5^ i OTftl’Tf^i'Rci ^nw: 11 2§

dU<U TfasrHnj ^f^scHTR w wiarctfea: 11 29

7T. HH II 30
XIWR ^it WU I z^?n ^FJl gxKt 1131
tou ijft 1 5 11 32
«rh sftoqrwrv

against one who looks upon all beings with Rama, the noblest of Raghu’s line, wounded
an equal eye, how can you now escape? Ravana with his arrows, sharp like the
22. That arrow by which your Rakshasa thunderbolt weapon even as Indra smashes
followers at Janasthana were destroyed, mountains. (28-30). Wounded in this
with that very arrow you are now going to way by Rama’s arrows, the powerful
be killed. Stand in my presence for a
Ravana trembled and swooned and
his bow fell down from his hand. When
23. On hearing these words of Rama, he saw Ravana in this plight, Rama cut off
Ravana sent sharp arrows at Hanuman,
the crowns on his heads with his semi­
on whom Rama was mounted. 24. Though circular arrow and said to him, “As you
thus struck with those sharp arrows, Hanu-
are terribly distressed by the wounds caused
man’s strength only increased on account
by my arrows, I let you go now. Go to
of the infusion of Rama’s prowess into
Lanka and take rest. Tomorrow you shall
him. So, that great monkey leader now
have more experience of my prowess.”
gave out terrific lion-roars. 25. Now Rama
31. With his body torn by Rama’s
seeing Hanuman thus wounded, assumed a arrows, Ravana felt humbled very much and
mood of anger like Rudra, the destroyer he entered Lanka in great grief and shame.
Himself. 26. In an instant he destroyed 32. Now Rama again looked at Laksh­
with powerful arrows, Ravana’s chariot with mana, who was still lying unconscious,
its horses, standard, the charioteer, umbrella and in keeping with his human
and his assemblage of weapons. 27. Next appearance, he indulged in mourning.

sRRhr i TR^rW^ 11 33

11 34
3TOt ^RRRI sfhprR II 35
3|RT {KMH’W’T n«n fa^n’RlssRij I *H|IM $RP$FRs SJ°IR II 36
wf raww |
i sr^rif^ <ra: srf wiwr: rr: ii 37
ft ?T faRRWR I wh II 38
iRTfa i w w*n wro: <(Rrat *jr 1139
<i *h:
1 w *R w $5 11 40
mw <lws jrrwri wiRitw^rnRr^fesfRt ii«

^RORI W M?1 I WRF ^S?f ETW SRSt ll 42

fjpf a WT^ * SWFl SHRI^R^ I R^R S&F&lGftW II 43

(33-34). Then he said to Hanuman. “Dear he stood before Ravana in all humility
one! As before, go and get those great (38-40). Kalanemi said, “O Lord! What
herbal remedies once more in order to shall I do for you? What is it that has
revive Lakshmana and the monkeys.” brought you to me?” Ravana, who was
Ordered in this way by Rama, Hanuman distressed with great sorrow, said as follows
proceeded with the speed of wind, cros­ to Kalanemi: “Bad times have overtaken
sing the ocean. me too, and misfortunes are befalling me
one after another. Now in order to revive
Kalanemi Episode (35-46) the powerful Lakshmana who has been hit
35. Meanwhile, Ravana’s spies went and by my weapon Sakti, Hanuman has gone
reported to him, “O Lord! For the revival to fetch herbal remedies. You do what
of Lakshmana, Hanuman has been sent by you can to obstruct him in his course.
Rama to get herbal remedies from the 41. “Adopting the form of an ascetic,you
shores of the milk ocean.” 36. These words deceive that great monkey and delay him
of the spy set Ravana thinking. At night, in his mission. Doing this much, you
he went alone to the house of Kalanemi. return home.” 42. Hearing Ravana’s words,
37. Kalanemi was taken aback with fear Kalanemi said to him,“O my masterRavana!
and wonder to see Ravana at his house. Hear my words and take them in their true
After receiving him with Arghya and Padya, spirit. (43-46). 1 shall certainly do what
?n tftenn snfii^F ww 1145
’nft ^HTit II 46
<Rr 11 47

hfr; jiwt ii 48
wri WgcR II 49
&n wfaf^FT &r ^fhr n 50

^hfeRW°nRw: gsrft 11 51
|| 52

surM wrai 1153

1 fo’F’j HRtgoriW^r: 1154

is pleasing to you but know for certain the inner Self, and think constantly of the
that I shall not be able to return alive from Atman who is distinct from Praknti (the
this mission. What happened in the forest objective universe). O great one! All this
earlier to Mareecha who went in the guise universe of moving and unmoving beings,
of a deer, the same is going to happen to objects like body, intellect and the senses,
me also. O ten-headed one! After all your the whole universe from Brahma down
relatives are dead, after seeing the whole to a blade of grass—in fact all that can
of the Rakshasa tribe destroyed, of what be seen and heard—are manifestations
use is life for you, of what use is kingdom, of Prakriti, also known as Maya. It is
of what use is even Sita? What will you thecause of this tree of the Universe—
achieve even with your body which will be of its creation, preservation and dissolution.
as good as a corpse? Therefore give away Its three aspects of Sattva, Rajas and
Sita to Rama and the kingdom to Vibhee- Tamas constantly generate beings akin to
shana, and you, O powerful one, take to them. 52. Desire, anger and other passions
the life of an ascetic in the forest. are its sons (and cruelty, avarice and other
tendencies, its> daughters. It continuously
Kalaneml’s Sermon (47-63)
deludes the Atman, who is luminous and
(47-51). “Taking your bath early in the all-pervading. 53. It continues to sport
morning in clean water, perform the rites for ever by superimposing on the Atman,
like Sandhya and others, resort to solitude, who is really the Lord, the experiences
and sitting in a convenient posture and that are born of its own Gunas (constituents),
abandoning all attachment to all persons and namely, the sense of agency and enjoyership.
external objects, slowly but steadily withdraw 54. Though by nature ever pure, the Atman,
your mind away from them towards by association with Prakriti, is deluded by

W 3^ ite’Rt ilmfan I w 11 55
5^ wt’Wn 1 h^rhh f^r< ftqdftw 11 56
। w wnwfsfa Hjpr ii 57

^wr Rwn< i ll 59
<flhr RRWfl I 5Rfwr srsaf^t’T 11 60
t =fffR( <1^1 i
Wfa I II 62
n4 ’tfMiHj tt fwqfw^H
S^JW(II 63
<fir ^hr<^w?wmw dKWi*WHR
3^pi to ll ll

its Guna (constituents), and forgetting His bows. Meditate on Him as seated in the lotus
own real nature, becomes outward-going. of your heart in the heroic pose on a seat
55. Instructed by a teacher who has realised made of pure gold, studded with costly gems
himself as Pure Consciousness and thereby and covered with a soft-cushion. Meditate
knowing that the Atman is different from on Him seated beside Sita, as endowed with
Prakriti, the Jiva turns his outlook from the large eyes, as dressed with clothes shining like
external to the internal and realises his lightning, as adorned with a crown, neck­
own ever pure spiritual nature. (56-57). laces, armlets, Kaustubha gem, anklets, wrist­
Then the Jiva, who is really free even in the lets and floral wreath. Meditating thus with
embodied state, recognises his freedom, supreme devotion, you can undoubtedly gain
from the clutches of the Gunas. You, liberation. 62. Heir always accounts about
too, by controlling your senses and ever Him in the company of other devotees with
reflecting on the Atman as distinct from a concentrated mind. By doing so, all
Prakriti, can become liberated. If you your sins, however heinous, will in no time
cannot reflect in this way,.you practise get burnt like a heap of cotton by fire.
devotion for the Supreme Being as endowed 63. Abandoning enmity, cultivate devotion
w>th attributes. to Rama. He is that Pure Existence to be
(58-61). “Meditate on the shining form of ever meditated upon with a concentrated
Rama, the resident of the hearts of all, as mind, the one without a name and foniu ■
served by Lakshmana holding the couple of unitary Eternal Being infilling everything.”

i srsw sifamw sWfcfariir^ 11 i

rtf JF^rasFRreg^ 1 rt MR& WfftSS II 2

wr ft 5Rjn i w n 3

^ri wtf tfttf mftftfast: 1 tftWr wifc 11 4

3 «F^T fewrnrf I ’ffttfh gR^EHl w: 11 5

Mi^qrara 1 n^i 5^jnn«R 11 6

Rfottwi w< ^hfrsr^c: 1 <5sJ|?r»t u 7

rpB ftir’ftgt si it «Rt ti.fhra 1 TOftnrwK n 8

qfcn aat mft si^m siir tftwq^ n 9

3mw 1 WK^ferw^ if 10

Chapter 7

Kalanemi in the guise of an ascetic Assuming the form of an ascetic, he created

(1-33) there a hermitage with his magical powers /jJ
1. These nectarine words of Kalanemi and sat within it surrounded by many discip- j
went only to inflame the anger of Ravana les. Being situated on the way, the Ashrama M
and turn his eyes red as copper, just as with its inhabitants came to the notice of 1
boiling ghee emits fire when cool water is Hanuman, who thought for a while on seeing
poured on it. 2. Ravana said, “I am it and felt that he had not seen such an i
going to kill you, evil minded fellow, who Ashrama when he came here earlier. (8-9).
behaves contrary to my orders. Bribed by Hanuman thought within himself, “Have 1 V
the enemy, you are speaking to me like a lost my way? Or is what I see before me a f
servant of Rama.” 3. Kalanemi replied, “O mere delusion of my mind? Anyway 1
Lord! What is the use of being angry with shall enter into the Ashrama, see all these
me! If my words are not to your liking, ascetics, drink water, and then proceed to
I shall go and do as commanded by you.” Mount Drona.”
4. The great Asura Kalanemi, being thus Reflecting in this way, he went into the
directed by Ravana to cause obstruction Ashrama campus, which was about one
to Hanuman, started quickly. (5-7). He Yojana in length (10-12). That Ashrama was
went to the valley of the mount Himalayas. full of varieties of fruit-bearing trees like

....................... x-~i
RWPT MWT fW^R^I ffTgRflwiM itorr
MM^ mSTPI J Tnran&r H371T eftwlsw 12
I 13

II 14
, . .. ^~. ..-. rixi'1«t VIMXJJ «tl
u&i mW M Wife I sfwt ^TO *Ff ^RTtf MlRtRjar:
. : U n
wj*n 53HHI5 I m sorfiIw n
^hr f^foS u 19

S'fe’Hfa ’fosfr: ||20

sfoM ii 2i

WR3 S^nFWF&fa U 22

plantain, Sal, plain and jack. Their

of my psychic insight, I know all the past,
branches were bending under the load of
present and future. I see that by Rama’s
the fruits. Even animals that were
look, Lakshmar.a and ah the monkeys have
naturally antagonistic to one another, lived
revived.” 18. Hanuman thereupon replied,
there in peace. Seated in the pure and "My intense thirst cannot be quenched by
enchanting surroundings of that illusory that much of water as is contained in a
Ashrama, the great Rakshasa Kalanemi Kamandalu (water pot). Show me, therefore,
was performing the worship of Siva. Respect­
a bigger reservoir of water, a river or a lake.”
fully saluting that Asura in the form of an
19. Agreeing to do so, Kalanemi called
ascetic, Hanuman said: (13-14).“O holy one*
I am the messenger o*Rama. Mv *one of his magically created disciples and
Hanuman. For the achievement ofL~ said to him, “Go and show an extensive
tant purpose of Rama, I am going to the water resevoir to Hanuman.” 20. And
milk ocean. I am now extremely thirsty° turning to Hanuman he said, “With your .
Where can I get water to drink my fin? eyes closed, drink as much water as you
like and return. I shall impart to you a
O holy one! Please direct me.” (15-17),
At these words of Hanuman, Kalanemi Mantra which will enable you to recognise
the medicinal herb you want to get.”
said, "Drink all the water in my water pot
(21-22). Accordingly, Hanuman quickly
and eat all these ripe fruits you see here.
After that you can stay here peacefully for went to the lake shown by the ascetic disciple
and entering into it began to drink the
a time and have a nap. You need not in
water with closed eyes. Immediately, a
anyway be in a hurry. By the power
fierce crocod:h quickly came and grasped
[Ch. 7
sivnnra m wr ? n 23

isuwiw writer* i



to* s 1

touch.” With these words, she departed

Hanuman in its poweful jaws. 23. Hanu­
to her heavenly abode. Hanuman now
man now caught hold cf-the jaws of the
returned to the Ashrama.
crocodile that was trying to devour him and (29-31). Seeing Hanuman returning, Kala­
split the creature into two. 24. Thereupon
nemi said, “O great monkey! Why delay
he saw in the sky the form of a heavenly
woman known as Dhanyam’ali. 25. She any more? Receive from me the Mantra
said to Hanuman, “O great monkey’. 1 am and give me the Dakshina (the holy offering
an Apsara woman who was formerly cursed given to a Guru).” Being thus accosted,
by an ascetic for certain reasons. By your Hanuman, displaying his clenched fist, said
grace I have now been liberated from the to him. “This is the Dakshina for you!” and
effect of that curse. (26-28). The one you gave him a punch. (32-33). Now Kalanemi
saw in the hermitage is not an ascetic but gave up his disguise of an ascetic and
the great Asura Kalanemi who was despat­ fought with Hanuman adopting various
ched here by Ravana to cause obstruction to magical stratagems. But Hanuman, who was
your passage. He has only put on the false the messenger of the master magician,
garb of an ascetic. In truth he is a persecutor Rama,killed that delusion-creating enemy by
of ascetics. O noble one! Kill that evil delivering a blow on his head with his fist.
fellow and hurry on to the Mount Drona. With his head thus split, the Rakshasa died.
I have been purified of my sins by your Lakshmana’s revival (34-35).
touch. I am now going to the realm of
Hanuman now hurried to the milk ocean
Brahma, all my taints removed by your

smh nwffcirs’T wfrfa I MR $5^ || 35

Mtten Mtaft iota* g^br wswfa: n 36

wr w
tW: gMfrfcltl ^(Ml i|Hk <sh4hi: || 37
faftsat wFnw qrfw’t i
(^3 f?F3 S^RM I syRFWfrM TRM: || 38
5flt r4<M(n^FH<Wl I frwr jrmrfa Wf mm 11 39
*> <?
<^rt mfr: msr sifter mm^r: i wr ll 40

’wnw: mrh: i ggpww at ^mm: u 41

wfr wnnHigJr I mrw w: U 42

arfa^gdWflgi msrmmi I mmiStcm wnbRMMi^ 11 43

Mf^ftM Mt <y£ Wfrsfa Wl II44
mgq®h h ^mr frim?: ।
gnt jjraw wF’ngqts^t tfsnr: i nnr torMrt Mt H 45

where he saw Mount Drona. He could not, Lakshmana has been relieved of his ail­
however, find out the particular medicinal ment.”
herb that he wanted. So lifting up the
mountain itself, he went to the presence of Awakening of Kumbhakarna
Rama with the speed of wind and said to him, (40-41). With these words Rama, along
“O great one! Here I have brought the with monkeys and Sugreeva, following the
mountain Drona. You do with it what advise of Vibheeshana, started for battle.
you like. There need not be any more All the war-like monkeys, equipped with
delay.” (36-37). The high-souled Rama, on stones, trees and tops of mountains, started
hearing Hanuman’s words, was very much for the battlefield. (42-43). The great
pleased. He called Sushena and asked him Rakshasa Ravana, wounded by Rama’s
to treat herb
medicinal that waswith
Lakshmana the J^that
available arrows like an elephant by a lion or a serpent
by a Garuda,hadbeendefeatedand forced:to
mountain. Thereupon Lakshmana came t ’
consciousness like one awakened fro ° withdraw to his palrce. Sitting on his
throne, he addressed the Rakshasas thus:
sleep and said, (38-39): “O Ravana! Stop (44-45). ‘‘In times of yore Brahma had
stop. Where are you going? I shaI1 kiJ| said that my death will take place at the
you even now.” Seeing him speaking in hands of a human being only, but there is
this way, Rama smelt the crown of his head no man living, powerful enough to kill me.
out of affection, and then looking at Hanu­ Therefore Narayana himself must have
man, said: “O great monkey hero! O undoubtedly come as a man in the shape
dear one! By your good offices my brother of Rama, son of Dasaratha, in order to

SFR'fa I 3cT?PRT ’RTOH HTO3: II 46

fa <4 srafcm 1147
H wt: *tf dfajfa I
fpwfca fei^i *rc: 1 4 hstwhfrfs 11 48
<<%4dl^ HWI^?T n^T 3 I SSWOT FF$ Il 49
H WFTWfaft tfftR: I W5 WHt W W4 fa*n ^RTII 50
FW ^ifa <4 Hwsirrfera^ I *fa ffaan sjp: $n: fam ^fsrt: ii st
ft ii sqtedt i siwft to wraf^rr 11 52
sms ’W’WM q; uRtfardW I wn U<eM<WR^ ?5T ^FR^Rt || 53
wiront li iww i wnit n 54

W$ W 55
SRT dRRoi^ 1 ^WJlf SF^s^fa II 56

jn itffa to ;jq । ^r ^igwr w to n 57

kill me. (46-48). O Rakshasas! In times have got to say. I am in a very difficult
of old a Rajarshi of the solar dynasty named situation. My heroic sons and grandsons
Anaranya, when killed by me, pronounced have all been destroyed by Rama, and the
a curse on me, saying, ‘The Supreme Being time of my death also seems to be near at
will one day incarnate in my line. You hand. What shall I do now? Rama, the
along with your sons and relatives will be powerful son of Dasaratha, in combination
destroyed by him. Have no doubt about with Sugreeva has crossed the ocean with
this.’ So saying, he left for heaven. There­ an army, and is about to cause the total
fore that Supreme Being alone must have destruction of our tribe. AU the leading
been born as Rama to kill me.” The dull- Rakshasas have already been killed in battle
witted Kumbhakama is always asleep. Wake by the monkeys. But on the other hand I
up that Leviathan and bring him to me.” do not find the monkeys on their side
49. Hearing these words of Ravana, those being destroyed in any way. It is for you
gigantic Rakshasas went immediately to to effect their destruction. I awakened you
awaken Kumbhakama. With great effort for this purpose. Accomplish this difficult
they woke him up and brought him to the task for the sake of your brother.”
presence of Ravana. 50. He saluted the
King and took his seat. King Ravana now Kumbhakarna’s Sermon
addressed his brother in plaintive tone: (56-70)
(51-55). “O Kumbhakama! Hear what I 56. On hearing these words of the King

wm itrerarsfr * gsqft ll 58
SRI fWstTFrrBTT Rfef I to gfe: wwt u&
<5ptt 5HC ’’raw fewr: || 60
/JOT ?F*H: | tftfeat ftwgHTOR it 6i
w*n wfem: l srfe WWSts’i l<dbW*°<kM|k ll 62
insfrr ^few »<w gn i 3T^ wft II 63
^sr: I sTO WT tw Cr'ffafew. u 64
<=r ^qfe ?n sto gfa: i srai wife w qt TOd^ u 65
w TOfefe t^r: ii 66
*<fe?fe£R s^totoi. ii 67

smru: Witerfen^fw: I W wto few « 68

of the Rakshasas, Kumbhakarna laughed

cannot be overcome by any other being.
loudly and said: 57. “O King, at the time 63. Brahma had long ago given hint
of our deliberations I told you that the the boon that his death can occur
effects of your evil deeds were soon going to only at the hands of a human
befall you. Now those sins of yours being. Therefore deign to be incarna­
are coming to fruition. 58. 1 told you ted as a man and destroy the monster
even before that Rama is Supreme Narayana, Ravana.' 64i Mahavishnu accepted their
and Sita, his Yogamaya. But you did not prayer. That Supreme Being, whose will
heed my words. 59. Once when I was sitting ever becomes true, is now born in the line of
at night on a mountain top on an expansive Raghu under the famous name of Rama.
slab of stone, I saw the sage Narada who 65. He will wipe you all out completely.”
is usually seen by the Devas only. (60-61).
‘Saying so, the sage departed. So please
I asked him, ‘O worshipful one! Where
understand that Rama is the eternal Para­
are you coming from?’ Addressed by me
Brahman. 66. Therefore abandon your
in this way Narada replied, ‘1 am coming
enmity to him and resign to him who has
from the assembly of the Devas. 1 shall
assumed the form of a man by his Maya.
speak to you about certain matters that Rama, the leader of the Raghus, is always
were discussed there. 62. The Devas who
gracious to those who are devoted to him.
had been suffering oppression from the 67. Devotion generates knowledge. Devo­
Rakshasas approached Mahavishnu with a tion bestows Moksha. Whatever is done by
mind concentrated on Him and full of
one without devotion is as g°°d as non­
devotion, and said to that Supreme Being: existent. 68. The sportive incarnations ot
‘O Lord! Destroy this Ravana who is an Mahavishnu are many. Among them that
oppresser of the three worlds and who as Rama, who is the pure embodinient of
304 YUDDHA KANDAM (Cb. 7 & 8

fagon wi i sRFmfcr. wi qrfo q^ u 69

qafc ^Rr: i
srrnurw&nw tffcnq& srtri ii 70

gffsre m *nt: II «II

knowledge and purity, is equal to thousand Rama and studies accounts of his doings,
such incarnations. 69. Intelligent people becomes liberated from the coils of the
worship Rama always, and without difficulty terrible python of Samsara and attains
they attain the Status of Hari. 70. Who­ to the extremely blissful Status of
ever with purity of mind meditates on Vishnu.”


ywiw snn^wn^raftn 11 ,

srafararo 1

gsqw in
WTO <ra St ?^t I ^14 3JT 3SFT (I 3
s sraii i ™ wR^?r ii 4
q 1 3l£Mi WR, 'RT || 5

Chapter 8
Kumbhakarna’s Meeting with battle. If not, you can relapse into your
Vibheeshana (1-16). sleep. Probably sleep has already over­
1. Hearing these words of Kumbhakarna, taken you.” 3. Inferring from Ravana’s
Ravana with his eyesbrows arched in anger, words that he was in a wrathful mood,
sprang up from his seat as it were and said: the powerful Kumbhakarna started quickly
2. “You are indeed a wise man! 1 did not for battle. 4. Mountain-like in size, he
call you here to advise me on spiritual passed the ramparts and emerged out of
matters. If it is acceptable to you, look the city, causing terror among the monkeys.
upon my actions as yours, and go for 5. He raised terrific war cries louder than

’gWRjflf TOfT I ^fll^Hlt 0^ «N<dHh)£hf£4<aK II 6

wa 5??r^r 7 u
jqnhRr s?yr^T <rrfanf^w 1 a<i <^r W’hPiR^w ii 8
jprnr ^or w 1 fttfMfst 11 9
’Hi w^ar 1 tftat ithft w 11 10
^^:anr^’^R^a^i tertf «!*$& nt <ki <nf^n^r: 11
aia ini wwnra: 11 ' 12
<f^w ^wntsfo <irn arawra^ 1
Wfe^T sfa IPMTW^ I ^wh WHHT fe^PT II 13
j^TaHFtftsfc & SIT 3 I *FE ara ?r <ftOT II 14
m nit nifr n^nxrf^Hn: l ^xKtssypit argrwHfwa a: 11 15
imra^jMHi^ a^fera: n 16
^w^ojfsfir swp’rt'nn^ i «Fsrsfe^ ll n

the waves of the ocean, and gathering the sword, he ordered me to go out. Surround­
monkeys in his hand, began to eat them up. ed by a band of evil-minded courtiers, he
6. Seeing this Yama-like Kumbhakama kicked me out of his presence. I came away
equal to a mountain with wings, all the with four ministers and took shelter under
monkeys began to run away in fright. (7-9). Rama.” (13-16). Hearing these words of
Kumbhakarna moved amidst the monkey Vibheeshana, Kumbhakama embraced his
forces destroying them on all sides partly brother and said, “O my dear boy! Seeking
by his Mudgara, partly by eating them up, shelter under Rama, you will be the saviour
and partly by crushing them by his hands and protector of the tribe of Rakshasas.
and feet. I have heard from Narada that you are a
The wise Vibheeshana who had a mace great devotee of the Lord. Dear one!
in his hand now saw his elder brother in the You now go away from my presence.
battlefield. Approaching him he prostrated Under the influence of liquor my eyes now
at his feet and said, “OHigh souled one! make no difference between friend and foe.”
I am Vibheeshana, your brother. Have Hearing these words of Kumbhakarna,
mercy on me. (10-12). O brother! I render­ Vibheeshana prostrated at the feet of his
ed advice to Ravana respectfully in many brother and went to the presence of Rama
Ways. 1 advised him to restore Sita to in a very pensive mood.
Rama who is Mahavishnu Himself. But 17. Kumbhakarna now continued to move
he refused to take my advice. Lifting his about like an elephant in rut amidst the

ar wr: wroi^ I
fa&r FW w* I fcr »hk h: ii 18
s ^r: qfircr q^wfen: qr^r TOqfrn: n »
wft. ^^rars i fwfew: WWFT ^ra: II 20
HHt wr I WjR tfftcf qiiRR^q TFH: || 21
;T^ ^F Wq: I CwWFra <F(3R^ II 22
twit q$ <5tI3lft I R$wf®rqRtsfq qpwfisfiitftw 1123

I W II 24
3f^3^Tq *JRW3^: I wjwFite’ft ^j5hnfa’R<q: 11 25
are 1 q^nrfeni it 26
=WJ ^sfgq^: fmt srafaroft: n 27
<05 W8JK Wt I ftntar $tercq?rc w?Fjfa^ 1128
^r. WRt wqfe qw: ot: i fen W n 29
monkey army destroying them with his
Though bereft of hands and feet, the
hands and feet. 18. Angry at the sight of
terrible Kumbhakama with his mouth wide
this, Rama directed the missile of-the wind­
open like the concavity of a submarine fire,
god against Kumbhakama and cut off his rushed howling towards Rama to swallow
right hand that held the mace. At this
him as Rahu does towards the moon. 25.
Kumbhakarna raised a terrific yell. (19-21).
Rama thereupon filled his wide open mouth
That severed arm of his crashed to the
with sharp and powerful arrows, at which
ground causing injury to many monkeys.
the Rakshasa raised terrific howls. 26. Then
The frightened monkeys withdrew to some
distance from the battle-field and watched with the idea of killing the Rakshasa, Rama
released at him a powerful arrow imparted
the battle between Rama and Kumbhakama.
to him by Indra which shone like the sun
Though his right arm was severed,
Kumbhakama now came forward to attack and was sharp like the thunderbolt weapon.
Rama with a palmyra tree held in his left 27. Just as Indra’s thunderbolt severed the
hand. But Rama cut off that hand also head of Vritra, Rama’s arrow cut off the
with Indra-missile. (22-24); With both his Rakshasa prince’s head which was massive
like a mountain and glitterd because of his
hands cut off, Kumbhakarna continued to
ear-pendents and fangs. 28. Hit by that’
rush at Rama howling. Rama thereupon
missile, Kumbhakarna’s head fell at the gate
severed both his legs with two semi-circular­ of Lanka obstructing its passage, while his
headed arrows, which threw those .limbs body fell in the mighty ocean crushing many
upto the gates of Lanka with a big bang. aquatic creatures. 29. Thereupon Rishis

snww nn R -II 30

iMMMRjnw^Arsy^if^cwi^^ i n 32
’R’K’H trt w*n qWt II 33
mrq 3wk
OTRR W’W *RRR I JOWTriWI^R fwnfwfrs^t II 34
c< ^rrrs^h i mw n«prnETT: u 35
r *nw sjstor: wt ^nfeia:l wiRlft: ^m<nwiH( 11
KW WW^ I Hq ^RI II 37
*nra qg I W 3 w to: 38
wfs g^r ^ai*HcH<ifcfiuiJ( |
4 h 39
Devas, Gandharvas, Pannagas, Pakshis, Lord Narayana! O Support of all! O
Siddhas, Yakshas, Guhyakas and Apsaras Witness of the universe! 35. Though Thou
showered a rain of flowers in their joy art of the nature of Pure Consciousness
and sang Rama’s praise. out of Thy Maya Thou hast assumed a
human form and deludest the world by
Narada’s Hymn (30-52) behaving like one subject to happiness and
(30-33). To see Rama whose body was sorrow. 36. Though residing in the hearts
beautiful and blue-complexioned, who held of all and partaking of the nature of self-
a bow in his hand,‘whose broad eyes had resplendent Self-consciousness, Thou cove-
turned a little crimson, whose arms were rest Thyself with Thy Maya. Only men of
resplendent with the arrow of Indra held in pure minds are able to recognise Thee
it, who was casting merciful glances at the through that veil of Maya. 37. O Rama!
monkeys suffering from the wounds With the opening of Thy eyelids, Thou
caused by arrows,—to see Rama of Greatest this universe and with their closing
such description, the great sage Narada Thou withdrawest it into Thyself. 38.
came down from the sky, illumining all the He in whom all this universe is seen, He
quarters by his radiance, and began to sing out of whom all that is moving and unmov­
a hymn of praise with great devotion in a ing originated, He outside of whom nothing
choked voice. else exists—to Thee Brahman, my saluta­
M Narada said, “Salutation to Thee, O tions! 39. He whom the sages know as
Lord of Lords! O Master of the worlds! the one that has taken the forms of Prakriti,
O Supreme Spirit! O Eternal Being! O Purusha, Time, the manifested state and the

^r ’Rtrkarn 40
FRtat M tf^Bt faa4 arfsrn^fo ?^rri< fcn iai: 4i

htw ^kat M R faftsfr HRinfa i rftwra II 42

WF^HTW *IH ^PT M 5W?<M I WHrsOfq^Tt M £R fatfnr R^ II 43
$4 MM SJRWft 3[rR?rc(W}l ^Tffar fajac Ufa II 44
*rafai i RtfR^sn^R r?-t: RfTRf^RR: ii 45
uihrfu u^r Mr rishu *jr$ w i arw rurf fa?4 rRtsRRfR rir$ ii 46
c^lfaMRt <1 W^RUrRR^ l HR HRRt RFR^M II 47
^Rh R’jA M wuni uMt i <^uFr rMi4 MtM: n 48
un cw w^r M Mi^sri \ ^whrMri ^jhi^sr qa: Mr u 49
5Rt U1I I I ^IR^R^SR UR rR RPRf || 50
r^uw M fM’» RR RUFRfl: | Rr M Mprur §u^TR^ ll si

r^P^ri uhrir^r RR^t urrrjr: । Mr M: ^^UT^rr r^ferr^rri^ n 52

unmanifested condition—to Thee Rama, ;attributes andtranscending the Gunas? How

my salutations! 40. The Veda which has iis worship and devotion possible without an
described Thee as changeless,as unconnected object to be loved and worshipped? There­
with Maya, as Pure Consciousness—that fore, in this world the really intelligent
very Veda describes Thee also as having people adore Thee through Thy incarnations
the whole universe for Thy body. 41.
and cross this ocean of Samsara. Various
This view of the Vedic teaching appears
inimical forces like desire, anger etc., oppose
contradictory to some, but the truth about and terrify those who address themselves
this contradiction will not be clear even to
to this task, as cats do with mice. But Thy
wise rten without Thy grace. 41 In this play form shines in the minds of those who ever
of Thine with Thy Maya, there is really not think of Thee. This ocean of Samsara is
the slightest contradiction. It is like mirage indeed like a puddle made by a calf’s hoof­
in which sun’s light appears as water in our mark to those who are devoted to Thy
visual illusion (wherein light and illusory worship, who ever imbibe the nectar of the
water coexist). 41 O Rama! It is due to accounts of Thy glories, and who associate
illusory perception that all this universe is themselves with Thy devotees. 48. Therefore
attributed to Thee. When the mind is I always meditate in my heart about your
properly instructed, one is able to understand form with attributes and wander over all the
Thy real nature that transcends the Gunas. worlds freely.adored by all the gods. (4*42).
(44-47). How can limited beings understandI For the benefit of the Devas, Thou didst
Thy formless aspect—the aspect without anyr achieve many great things. By thedestruo-

. • <?
rrr «rh^i w ii53
’rfirat 51 fttf farc rii 54

frjdsftms shw r^r sfa 1 staft n^K 11 55

*r 11 56
sfSpnfa tfhsi »w rfwt watf’rar 1157
gsgqr W^R WR^t I ^fer w Uss
fasf’wi^r ftft 11 59

5|w?a ^fe<w 1 5fl’ RHFT RW (tWR ^RlR: II 60

A*© >■

^mtsq thRf^a 1 R^W ihw »: II 61

3RT: site' WR wfa^nfa nM^i

wm w w ^VRof 1 II 62

tion of Kumbhakarna, much of the burden of his brother. Now Indrajit, hearing of
of the world has been removed. Tomorrow, his uncle’s death and witnessing his father’s
Lakshmana the son of Sumitra is going to sorrow, came forward and said to the
destroy Indrajit in battle, and the day after afflicted Ravana, ,“O great one! Abandon
Thou art Thyself going to kill the ten-headed your grief. Where is the cause of grief so
Ravana. I shall be watching all these long as I, Meghanada, am alive? There is
from the sky along with the Siddhas. Be absolutely no reason for you to be downcast.
gracious now to bless me and permit me to Abandoning all your grief, be at peace.
go to the abode of the celestials.” Having (57-59). 1 shall set everything right. I shall
thus hymned and taken leave of Rama, and destroy all your enemies, I have no doubt
having received the adoration of the celestials,
about it. I shall immediately go to the
the holy sage Narada departed to the sinless Nikumbhila (the place for the fire-sacrifices
abode of Brahma. for black magic),propitiate the fire-deity, and
obtain the chariot and equipments necessary
Indrajifs resolve (53-59) to become invincible by the enemy.”
(53-56). Hearing of the destruction of his Saying so, he went to the Nikumbhila,
powerful brother Kumbhakarna at the hands put on robes and garlands of red colour,
°f Rama of matchless prowess, Ravana was applied red sandal paste to his body, and
stricken with deep sorrow and fell on the observing silence, began the fire sacrifice.
floor in a swoon. Recovering consciousness, Vibheeshana’s advice (60-68)
he sat up and began to bemoan the loss (60-62). Coming to know about this

ardHwfiMifc i 63 ’r^wnnfrn 11
fWWtsft <T W I 3TOT H 64
WTO $OFR:i 3FWR3 STO^TO 1165
wfe fewW swift w i W ^R( w nW w ii 66
WR ^SI 5RRW <TO w I * <F&: $K: Wl$w: II 67
W^wsrasfaft qiwh $h: I
wrwSriw? wircwsn^ 11 68
sra 4U^RHw»qfl
spot: u U
enterprise of Meghanada, Vibheeshana twelve years. None else can kill him.
informed Rama of it and said, If the This is a boon given to him by Brahma.
evil-minded Meghanada is allowed to Now Lakshmana ever since he left Ayodhya
complete .the sacrifice, he will become with you, from that day onwards has never
invincible by Devas and Asuras. There cared to eat or sleep on account of his
fore, I would like to have him killed engrossment in your service. I have come
immediately, by Lakshmana. So deign to to know all about this. Therefore, O
send mighty Lakshmana with me on this great Lord, please ask Lakshmana to come
mission. Your brother wiU surely, be able with me quickly. He is ^ none but that
to destroy Meghanada.’’ 63. Thereupon Adisesha who bears the weight of the world.
Rama said, “I shall myself go to destroy
He is sure to kill Indrajit, Thou art the
the whole tribe of Rakshasas with the supreme Narayana, the master of the whole
missile of Agni.” (64-68). To this Vibhee­ universe and Lakshmana is Adisesha. You
shana replied, “The death of this evil- two, who are the directors of the play of
minded Asura can be effected only by one
this universe, are now born on this
who has been without food or sleep for earth in order to free it of its burdens.”
63-68 & I-10] FALL OF INDRAJIT 311

snrn: w
Mvm: «r^r w ^rwi^X i sn^rft to Wi MHt fttftaor u i
h ft iw<i i 5THTW 55WRnft wr w II 2

sTTcTnw i <rat ^h^tt q*: n 3

q^ot 11 4
ratfrm tfMt: hs <w*Fnwi 11 5

^hiri fmfa i ^1 Wl II 6

W ^TRJE I ’iw^i ww 11 7

3J2T Hr^r^FgrKi: W HHTO nqfBr^ I JTR^Prf ft m<H^T 4f*FFfra% II 8


h nrfaRr: ’th^’t i ^RrfagRm^ w 11 9

• •*
^T^arSF Wr( I fWreora? ufcrfcR&fcf q-qf || 10

Chapter '9

Interception of the Homa (1-24) Indrajit, the son of Ravana. Also Jambavan
(1*3). Hearing these words of Vibhee- with his army and Vibheeshana with his
shana, Rama said as follows: “O Vibhee­ ministers will accompany you. The wise
shana 1 I know everything about that terrible Vibheeshana. is well-acquainted with those
Asura—that he is a master of all magic, places where the battle is to take place.”
that he is very brave, that he knows the At these Words of Rama, Lakshmana, the
use of the Brahma missile, and that he is an mighty, selected a new bow, and getting
adept in magical warfare. I know also ready to start with Vibheeshana, touched
about the vow observed by Lakshmana the feet of Rama and said: 8. “Now the
during my service. I kept silent over his arrows shot from my bow idler piercing the
abandonment of food etc., only with the son of Ravana, will go down to the Patala
fore-knowledge of the great things he would to take a dip in the river Bhbgavati.”
have to accomplish.” He then called Laksh- 9. Having said so and having circumam­
®ana and said, (4-7). “O Lakshmana! Go bulated Rama, Lakshmana started for
for battle accompanied by the great army the destruction of Indrajit, impatient
and ha leaders like Hanuman, and destroy to demonstrate his prowess. 10. Acebmp-

aiWdlUHI w: RRIRS? I iRWift^w^r^FRt to II11

sjftfwr: ll 12

sto^t w fa*r swrto wnf^r: i TOT ftfaw: sro faW* TOW WTO 1113
W^TOlWfaj ifcwt fawfaTO I wfa® TO% ^ifa WtTOTO II 14

wfcrosfa'fasro <rfafar i wrrf ^4 w^ ii is

3ft fa ^wi ffaiTOTOnfwn 16

frofaw: oh^sriw ^wn I

TT^Ttfa Wwl fal I Rlfah ’H’ltf* falR faWB || 17
ft&$: 4h<^TO I fwfaWfafafasfaft: || 18
fc&44*MTI'M TOT TOTO’TO I H HWW W fawro II 19
^faR^roi totoCmh f^rro Rtl

www toto* %1STO to^frto । TOTO’TO a ii 21

fcrn<ts? w whrai^i

anied by a big army of monkeys, Hanuman

Annihilate that evil-minded fellow, who is a
followed him. So did Vibheeshana
destructive genius and a violator of Dharma.
hurry with his ministers. (11-12). Jambavan
and his force of bears hurried behind (17-19). Hearing these words of Vibhee­
Lakshmana. Reaching the premises of the shana,' Lakshmana of auspicious form,
sacrificial hall, Lakshmana saw there a huge released a volley of arrows against the army
army of Rakshasas. The highly skilled of Indrajit, and the monkey leaders attacked
archer that he was, he strung his bow and them with boulders, hillocks and trees. The
got ready for battle. (13-14). Now Jam- Rakshasas too fought back with battle*-
bavan along with Angada, as also Vibh­ axes, sharp arrows, swords, pestles and
eeshana the Rakshasa leader, said to Laksh­ Tomoras. Great was the tumult when the
mana, “See that huge army of Rakshasas two armies thus clashed in fierce battle.
spread like a mass of blue clouds. We have 20‘ On seeing his army thus attacked, Indra­
now to take steps to pierce the ranks of jit stopped the sacrifice and left the sacri­
that Rakshasa army arrayed for battle. ficial hall and came out immediately.(21-22).
(15*16). When the army or Rakshasas is Taking a bow, he ascended his chariot and
pierced, Indrajit the son of Ravana, will in great anger addressed Lakshmana, “Know
be visible. Before he completes his fire that I am Meghanada. You shall not go
sacrifice, you have to face him in battle. away alive from my presence.’* With this

ll 23
q»«t g^TRT gsmr ’U'ftaRfa II 24

<5Tj^3^: I asKT^ErfrfifrSr *r<fa nferc u 25

^jhiwf’t *frt 1 3i?r<tinw^in:3n'JTFTreil^wRu: ii26

<ra: 7i< bctor/st: ^rciiiiWT 1
ht ^l II 27

^iRRT^wra^wWi: src 1 || 28

Htsfawn u 29

^HFErgfa H^sn’T i ’TWR: II 30

fit RTOHt I ^Fn ii3i

5W3 ^^or: 1 SR!?n^ II 32

sEtErfW1^5^ 1 g«n II 33

challenge, he came to the midst of battle. My arrows are now going to consume your
(23-24). He saw before him his uncle Prana.” 27.Thereupon Lakshmana, th«?<feg-.
Vibheeshana and addressed these harsh troyer of all foes, began to shower arrows,
words to him, “You were bom and brought hissing like an angry serpent. Now Indra­
up among us. You are a direct brother of jit, roused to great anger, looked atLaksh-
my father. Still abandoning your own maria with his reddened eyes. (28-31).
people, you have become a servant of our Struck by Lakshmana’s arrows sharp as the
enemy.. You are demonstrating your trea­ thunderbolt weapon of Indra, Indrajit lost
chery against me, who am like a son to his consciousness for a moment. Recovering
you. You are the most sinful among the from it presently he said to Lakshmana in
sinners?' great anger, with arrows attached to his
bow: “In my first battle with you, you do
Fight with Indrajit and his death
not seem to have had sufficient experience
(25-68) of my prowess. I shall now demonstrate
(25-26). Having said so, he looked at it to you. Stand here for a while.” With
Lakshmana sitting on the shoulders of these words, he struck Lakshmana with
Hanuman. Seated in his magnificent chariot, seven arrows. (32-33), With ten sharp and
which was equipped with all kinds of powerful arrows, he wounded Hanuman,
missiles and other weapons,he lifted his great Then highly excited with anger, he sent a
bow and twanging it, declared, “O monkey! hundred arrows at Vibheeshana.- In return,

to tot:
s^sfrta fwsr: ll 34

i&wfa ’res&ir WTO I <h nfw tftafcrun 11 35

v *O
$Fwfaw^i ^p^fasrflr 11 36

W 3T ^lt I whhw n^r sfaitnrfr 11 37

gfnhro nr ftftra: I 3{^W W^nl aniiWftlfH II 38

refa: tft: I rm: HURT ’TITT v4 »rnitT( 11 39

TO SffWJSTRRHI ^rs?^ qjj^K H37 Hnfara: 1140

^Wr ^wfafarqjti: I R55(-J?TO l| 41

|| 42

n*K i *W TOPr sift || 43

ww ^Prj^ I S-lffi <^qatr fR: WKF|3i^ ll 44

^RiR?eP< n*rr ^reRPHR’ | fa^’nwK^^i 3rf< ii 45
mq Hrw®Fq I n?R*r: <k: sraronfaRi w n 46
ff W: I nip^nra: wnaw H 47
Lakshmana also covered him with arrows. 34. it, but Lakshmana cut off that also
Struck by Lakshmana’s arrows, the shining with three arrows and wounded him with
armour of Indrajit was shattered into bits many shafts. (42-44). Heroic Indrajit now
and fell into the back of the chariot and on took up a third bow and with arrows shining
the ground. (35-37). Havana’s son, now full like the sun’s beams wounded Lakshmana
of wrath, sent numerous arrows at Laksh­ and filled all the quarters with volleys of
mana and shattered his armour also. Thus arrows. Lakshmana next took up the
returning blow for blow, they traversed the Indra missile. Drawing the string of his
battlefield up and down, locked in fierce strong bow upto the ear and attaching to
combat. 38. With their limbs covered with it that missile and aiming it at Indrajit as
arrows and bleeding wounds, those two the target, he said with remembrance of
heroes fought for long a drawn battle. (39- Rama’s feet in his mind: (45-46). “If
41). In the meantime, heroic Lakshmana Rama, the unrivalled hero is devoted to
destroyed with five arrows the chariot of Dharma and truth, may this arrow
Indrajit along with its horses and charioteer. destroy the son of Ravana.” With
He showed his expertise by- cutting off these words, he drew the bow-string to
the enemy’s bow also. In great haste, his ear and let the unswerving missile
Indrajit took up another bow and strung speed towards Indrajit. 47. That
34-59 FALL OF INDRAJiT 315

qq: qiftqi ^qr: $qq?at *qw^ I W ’FsFFqaf || 48

s^q wt wn^rs qqwqftr: i sn^sfa q qqrqf n 49
fqw Wf I ^qfft srq^WTFqq; || 50
Hn«iq: H qhHft: wqrijqjpr I 11 5i
qfcr qn^ qqw:i qrqMq qftq: ^qfe^nt: n 52
^twj qr^^RHT ^w«ri q mint fqqqifcq: u 53
qq^ wqi sq«3 WW I <q| Wqu^ || 54
syqi 3^WV$q<qi mnwq tqjq: I ’Spqqqiq TOtfq^qqqt^ u 55
sw Q^sfqj qjJ 33^ 1 Stqqi^q fagst nq qqqft^ p 56

sritnqfcqfaqfr: WWfrqTfin: I HlWf: ^qts^q?i fqqrafq ft W n

gqsTtqsFqqr q ^fq^rm ^qurg n 57

itqqrq ^^qr qr^wr qgrq^rq 1 58
qq<n: qfegt s^qq: 1 ft^onqira^qirnr gqqrftq uq<q; n 59

arrow cut off the head of Indrajit, shining monkey leaders glorifying his deeds, now
with ear-pendents and crowned by a diadem, went along with Hanuman and Vibheftshana
and threw it on the ground. to Rama in great humility. He saluted his
(48-51). Delighted at the destruction of brother who was none but Naiayani and
Indrajit, the Devas sang the praise of Rama said, “O noblest of Raghu’s line! By your
again and again, and addressed hymns to blessing Indrajit has been killed.” 55. Hear­
him. They showered a rain of flowers. Indra, ing these devoted words of I -akshmana,
the celestials and the Maharshis joyous­ Rama embraced him and with great affection,
ly gathered in the sky. The kettle drums of smelt the crown of his head and said:
the Devas sounded on high. The sky became 56. “O Lakshmana! You have done well.
clear and the earth became firm. Now I am much pleased with you. You have
with everyone there raising cries of hail accomplished a very difficult task. With
to him, Lakshmana who had got the death of Indrajit, victory over the
over his exhaustion, sounded his Rakshasas is an accomplished task. (57-58).
conch, and with a lion-roar twanged his In three days, you have managed to destroy
bow-string again and again. (52-54). That him. Now, really speaking* Iam without an
sound of victory refreshed and gladdened antagonist. Spurred by his sorrow at the
the monkeys, and they became free from death of his son, Ravana is sure to come
exhaustion. Lakshmana, with all the joyous for a fight with me. I shall then kill him.

i ^wn: ii 6o
ggtetfaRr faw: I jawrcfr tW^w i? ll 6i

<ra: 'wit wh whIst. i Tiwaiiftrarfasa^ h «

?r ^rsrri^: ng: I n^nr i^nr star n 63

<afpntwiRRi tor wr; i wwi star nwi^rwn^ n 64

era sRrat । 0^ n «■
H3 ’ra CTfhr WS WT($5r: I WwRRB ll 96
SHtegoRFTO spj ^ffagfasVSTH I
sratfa: HfcJt n sirrah nwst umfagwi n?n^a n 6T
g^r faWi nn: nfwn ngn: I
’F f^sft: gg: nnr n » 6a

o4: II n

(59-61). Hearing about the death of the stricken with great fear and sorrow. 65.
mighty Meghanada, Ravana swooned and Fortunately, Suparsva, an intelligent and
fell on the floor. He bemoaned the loss pure-minded minister of Ravana, intervened
of bis son very bitterly. Afflicted by sorrow, and said to him: (66-67). “You are the
he recalled the actions and qualities of his brother of Vaisravana and an adept in the
dead son and said, “Henceforward, with rituals and practices of the Veda. You.
the death of Indrajit, the Devas, the.Maha- are noted for your devotion to duty and
rshis and the protectors of the quarters will for your many virtues. How then can you
sleep in peace.” Ravana bemoaned his even think of killing a woman? All of us
son’s death in many ways like this. (62-63). together shall go to war and kill Rama
Then seized by great wrath, he ordered all and Lakshmana. After that you can make
the Asuras to go for battle, even knowing Sita your own.” With such advice he
that total destruction was before them. That turned back Ravana from his resolve to kill
heroic Ravana, stricken by the sorrow of Sita. 68. Now the evil-minded Ravana,
his son’s death, now gave himself up to accepting the righteous words of his adviser,
thoughtless anger and resolved to kill Sita. came back to his palace with his mind
64. Seeing Ravana approaching her in a stupefied * by sorrow. Then he entered
wrathful mood, sword in hand, Sita, the assembly along with all his friends and
who was surrounded by Rakshasis, was advisers.

h fwt wh as *rfcrfat i ^s<ftreR5f it x

w wfe; wrjfs u 2.
RWW wfa 1 s^fira^rfar g<t ufafcr ^tph: ii 3
toh nw ’fW 1 w^fr wtaw sfrf ’rit 11 4
5TW^ SSBffa: w 5053(^^1 wjra^IlW^N: II 5
fcnfasi f^n: I 6
fMnfcft ms sara^i tri 15 uftr swr ii 7
’rfc faRt * aft ttaRifflfare: 1 HSR( W w^w-* ll «
*© ll 9
nsra shi is 1
Kflxreafef wit wm^i 5<t’n^rarwrt wiM n 10

Chapter 10

Havana’s Fire-Sacrifice (1-10) has- destroyed Lanka along with the Rak-
(1-3). Taking counsel in that assembly of shasa overlords and all our sons and rela-
Rakshasas and ministers, Ravana, with tives. AU the powerful Asuras are already
whatever forces were left, now resolved to go dead. How is it-that such a vast calamity has
to attack Rama, just like a moth in the befallen me when you my teacher are there?’*
company of many other moths rushing (7-9). Hearing this representation of Ravana,
towards fire. All those Rakshasas were Sukra, the teacher of Asuras, said to him,
killed in battle by Rama. The ten-headed “Even exerting yourself to the utmost,
Ravana was also wounded in his chest by do in secrecy a fire-sacrifice. If you are able
Rama’s arrows. He therefore turned back to do it without obstruction, you will get
and entered Lanka quickly. out of that sacrificial fire a mighty chariot
4. Having experienced the prowess of along with horses, bow and quiver. Equipped
Rama and Hanuman several times, Ravana with all these, you will be invincible. W-
now went to his teacher Sukra immediately. Learn the necessary Mantras from m®
(5-6). The ten-headed Ravana, after prostra­ go home and do the fire-sacrifice quickly'.
ting before Sukra said, “O holy one! Rama Following this instruction, Ravana returned
[Ch. 10

tr^Tiw otrt ll n
gststfro 4Wr ini u 12
^WSt^FT ^133: 1
W ttaaj I TO nn it# $n 11 13
thn w*ft snw^t i 3T% fh^FT itW TOPS II 14
w g*ro*nfcilR is
«i^t www, 1 <*$»» wi »wi wwi n is
^fanogrefa «raw r?r^. i ^<ra mm hw mi s®wi ii 17

faRWrai HFU HI 11 18
gofamR'inmiK* i
ntfwj wr^ ll 19
HRH I ?R <PTBBW9 ll 20
tWi hjrh: । <mi^h ll 21
*o \©

ww; i sjfo 1122

to his palace and made there a cave as
directed the great monkeys like Angada,
deep as Patala.
Hanuman and other powerful heroes to
Monkeys Obstructing the Fire-Sacrifice accomplish this task. (16-18). They crossed
the walls and entered the residence of
(11-12). Bolting all the gates of Lanka
Ravana. About ten crores of monkey
and collecting with great effort all the forces went and plastered the Asura guard
requisites for black magic, Ravana entered of the palace and all the' horses and the
into the cave observing silence, and began elephants they found there. In the morning,
the fire-sacrifice. (13-14). When the columns Vibheeshana’s wife, Sarama, showed
by signs where the underground sacrificial
of smoke issuing from the sacrificial fire
chamber was located. (19-20). Angada the
became visible, Vibheeshana, the brother
powerful, by a kick of his foot, broke open
of Ravana, was stricken with fear. Showing
the stone door of the Cave and entered into
these columns of smoke to Rama, he said,
it. He saw there the ten-headed Ravana
“The ten-headed Ravana has started a sitting in a steady posture with his eyes
fire-sacrifice. If he is able to complete it, closed. Angada ordered all the monkeys
he will become invincible. Therefore it is to enter into the cave. They created an
necessary to direct the monkey forces to uproar, beating all the attendants there. (21-
obstruct the Homa.’’ 15. Rama agreed to 22.) All the materials for the Homa were scat­
do so and with the concurrence of Sugreeva, tered by them pell-mell. Hanuman forcibly

w uw sro ftftaro n 23
taFiwCr fa^rc: i
toi TOfcff ww h 24
ffa^raw^n^ wjffa^ i ffarKi: ’jffai:
Mifaapi tfaffa srpi i
TO: Il 26
spanfr tom 'rfrofa to<w: i jfar ll 27
^faw totow%
torc II 28
fW^sfa TOT«n$r 11 29

H TOST^t i to wfa: 1130

ir^4 fa fa\ sftffaCTM fl tafls w ffanRrl ?ri to?: II31
sfafa it to i hrI tosi ^sftffarrof 11
^ffa TO WR1 I fiw tafafa W H33
torrrtow srf&fr TO: i ffaro ^fa nfll II 34

took away from Havana’s hand the sacrificial 28. Mandodari, weeping bitterly before
ladle and delivered blows on him with it. Ravana, began to say to him: 29. "In your
The monkeys bit him with their teeth and
very presence, your wife is being dragged
thrashed him with sticks. 23. But in spite by her locks by your enemies. You are
of all this, Ravana did not give up his a shameless man to tolerate it. (30*34).
meditation because of his desire for victory.
What is the good of your Homa? Have
24. The fast-moving Angada now went into
you no sense of shame? A man whose
the inner apartment of Havana’s residence,
wife is molested by his enbmies must court
and catching hold of Havana’s wife
Mandodari by her locks, dragged her to the death then and there in an effort to save her.
Death is better than life in such a situation.
presence of Ravana, whereupon she began
Alas! O Meghanada! Your mother is
to weep like a masterless woman. Angada
being molested by the monkeys. Alas!
now tore away her gem-embedded overcoat.
If you were alive, I would not have.had to
25. Many a precious gem and necklace was stand such sufferings. My husband has
scattered all round her person. 26. Her gem- renounced both shame and wife in his
bedecked waist-belt also fell down causing,
anxiety to live’’. Ravana, on hearing these
her lower garment to drop. 27. All the
laments of Mandodari, got up from his seat,
ornaments she was wearing dropped down. and taking hold of a swordi struck Angada
The jubilant monkeys now brought in all the
on his waist, saying, "Hands off her.”
daughters of the Devas and the Gandharvas Thereupon the monkeys freed Mandodari
also from Havana’s inner apartments. and left the place,after having thus obstructed
[Ch. 10

to: s^ftn: wrej <rat *htoto H 35

^fcrai ft * TO ftWT%TOW^faf^ll
WTO: srfa: tfftt stgiww^: srfkrfcTOTO 11 37
*F^r: ^rofc *fto:
! 38
wroi ^FTO^siwn
3TTO g W ^rsqfatwr ^PRRII 39
atR^sit TOTO ^RRft<fcr: ?r TOhfr ftWt fwt Wtokiuo
<RTOn to?to m ’RBrft to w1^ ini
WfaMllfa ^f?qt ^Hfrofa HFfti sfrrot ^4*<r4»i <rat ’wrfa ii 42

TO TOW fipn I ’M TOT W Rg R <TR^ ||43

<J3 SiRI
«0 I 3TO TO WT TO TOT ||44
TO$t TO<t TOT 1 *wt ^ro: tottorstoi: ii 45
Ravana’s great fire-sacrifice. the nature of bliss and consciousness, and
Havana’s Advice to Mandodari (35*43). free from every kind of change. For that
35. All of them now went to Rama in pure existence, there is no coming together
great joy. Ravana, for consoling his wife, with, or separation from, anything. Know­
now began to say as follows: (36-43). ing this, be free from fear, O perfect one!
“O glorious lady! This world is under I shall now go immediately and return after
the decree of Providence, A man bom killing Rama and Lakshmana. If it happens
here has to undergo all kinds of experiences. otherwise,! shall be killed by Rama’s arrows,
O handsome lady! Resorting to know­ powerful like the thunderbolt, weapon.
ledge, you abandon your sorrow. Sorrow If that happens, I shall be attaining to His
is the result of ignorance. Sorrow destroys Status. In that case, O my dear wife, accord­
knowledge. We associate ‘I-sense’ with the. ing to my instructions, you perform my fun­
non-spirit i.e. the body, out of ignorance eral rites. Kill Sita and you immolate your­
only. Attachment to sons, wives etc., self in the flames in which my body is burnt.
arises from the above misunderstanding,
out of which comes this cycle of births and Conversation between Mandodari &
deaths. Joy, sorrow, fear? anger, greed, Ravana (44-61)
delusion and desire, as also birth death, 44. On hearing these words of Ravana,
old age etc., are all born of ignorance. The the‘sorrow-stricken Mandodari said, “Hear
real Self is alone, unaffected, pure, distinct my words which are nothing but the truth,
from all objects and untainted. He is of and act accordingly. 45. Rama cannot be


TO: ssTOtrofrog:I U^TOt T3 SUH TO^RU^ II 47
fcronirsf^fur TOts^r hwi i ujn Wwi TOfa( ll 48
to ftroroij JU I torr^u *yn to*to n 49
[wfofaWt toto^ i snroroRg^ro ’juro wro: n so
wn: srai $$wji TOW ^UtTOl TOtTOf TOF^b II 51
u to ufsrt *nit w’S 4<h<: i to^ urrat
*o uigrojuro n si
to unri fcro m w tftai i TO JSfftTOTOS TOnft ftTOR 'U U 53
<g: <rc m Wl I R’flWH UTO 5 TOK U^mlTO^ II 54
toCM^r: uto
TO uj JTO UTOTOTO * urairon to^w rtmft TOrntror ll as
u^or us Ml<i?nfa urou: gsfruh i frorirofr TOnfa u(Wh to ii «

conquered by you or by anybody else. numerous Rakshasas born as Kshatriyas on

He is none but the Supreme Lord of all earth and made- a gift of the earth to die
Nature and all living beings. 46. hi an sage Kasyapa. 52. That same Supreme
earlier Kalpa, the Supreme Lord Rama, Being, in- order to effect your destruction,
the lover of devotees, took the shape of a is now bom as man in the line of the Raghus.
Fish and saved Vaivasvata Manu from all 53. For the destruction of my children and
dangers. 47. At the time of the churning for your own destruction, you have forcibly
of the milk ocean, he assumed the form abducted his wife Sita from the forest Why
of a Tortoise, about a lakh of Yojanasin have you done this? 54. At least now, you
dimension and held up the golden mountain send away Sita to Rama’s presence and
on His back. 48. Taking the form of a bestow the kingdom to Vibheeshana. Let us
Boar, He lifted the earth from the ocean afterwards take to the life of forest­
after destroying Hiranyaksha noted for his dwelling asectics.”
evil deeds. 49. Rama, assuming the form 55. On hearing these words of Mandodan,
of a Man-lion, killed Hiranyakasipu, the Ravana replied, “O good lady! After
son of Did and the enemy of all the worlds. having caused the destruction of my sons,
50. As Vamana, Rama the lord of Raghus, of my brother and of the community of the
measured the whole universe by three strides, Rakshasas through Rama, how can I
bound up Bali and gave the three worlds now even think of saving my life by departing
to His devotee Indra. 51. Born as Rama to the forest? 56. I shall fight with Rama-
with the battle axe, He destroyed Pierced by the speedy arrows of his, I
A— 1

TOtfa CTnfcsnreK1 1157

n5fr jot TOinftfa ’K I fa^^gOT*i^tfOTifaw$ W ii 58

WTOl qr l si nfer g iHotiRt Tnfrb n 59

JHgOT q^wfk sfa toot ll 60

q&mfcwwwi wnw’ wsnw^^rofapv

4iqfermfciilTOiRrar wwiot^t <R wfa 11 6i
wjtq^CTOTTROT 4OTtv<«<lK
'• H.

nuoii attain to the Status of Vishnu. 57. Rama in battle. 60. AU jny sins done in
1 know that Rama is Vishnu and that Sita, this world shall be washed off by death
the daughter of Janaka, is Lakshmi. It is at Rama’s hand and I shall gain libe­
with the full knowlege of this that I forcibly
ration, which is a rare attainment
abducted Sita from the forest. 58. By
for a Jiva. 61. I shall cross this
courting death at the hands of Rama, I
ocean of Samsara having for its waves the
shall leave you in this world of Samsara five Klesas (ignorance, I-sense with regard
and myself attain to the Supreme Status of to the body, attachment, anger and fear).;
Vishnu. O dear one! For this purpose, I and filled with aquatic creatures constitu­
brought Sita and now I am going to die ted of wife, children, friends, wealth, rela­
with my relatives. 59. That State, pure and tives and the like; terrific by the submarine
blissful, which liberation-seekers attain—that fire of one’s own anger; and dangerous
very goal, I shall gain by being killed by with the net of sexuality.”
trrw wf i wk spHk ^w^®r wt n i
FPW^H w% <r^f^TF^: I ll 2
f’hii'wt’iR: mto^ 1 gwfewreiW u

frrawv Wi nwt Mhroft: 11 3

gjrn^i flw wn 4W®j i ^ph wrti ^imiRmi u 4

<HHHq -dk^R WT ^tsytprih ^MR <3TO. U 5

^rw Wk i Sfcsijfac towtog^ k 6

ggfc w*n 5pwWrt 1 ^<r RjRFd ^JsRr »w ««m: 11 7
rjrrk fsrenrf <rr toot 1 r gHrgfem snfr *w wr 11 «

<iwn r: toir^ to «rrf: ii 9

jf^n TOt <i*4«ihiP< 1 ft^faRrort fcfwRwrro$ 11 10

Chapter 11

Ravana in the Battlefield (1*11) under Rama were stricken with fear. (5-6).
Hanuman of matchless prowess now sprang
1. After speaking lovingly as above to his up to give battle to Ravana. He clenched his
queen Mandodari, Ravana hurried to join fist firmly and delivered a punch on Ravana’s
battle with Rama. (2-3). Surrounded by chest. Stricken that way, Ravana fell down
fierce Rakshasas, Ravana of terrific appear­ .on his knees in a swoon. 7. Within a
ance quickly started, seated in his massive few minutes he recovered and said to
chariot. The chariot with sixteen wheels Hanuman that he was a hero deserving
was drawn by donkeys with their faces recognition. (8-9). Hannman replied, “O
resembling devils. It was heavily armour- Ravana! It is a matter of shame for me
plated and had a strong central pole for that you are still alive after receiving my
yoking the horses. It was equipped with blow. Now you strike me and after that
all kinds of weapons and missiles and every I shall give you a blow which will deprive
kind of equipment needed for battle. 4. you of your life.” (10-11)- Agreeing to
Seeing the fierce and relentless warrior this, Ravana struck Hanuman on his chest
Ravana approaching, the monkey forces with his fist. Hanuman became dizzy, and

I ’WC: wfcW ll 12

srftm ?nn wtari w |(Wtafa MF-3: wrrsgq^ ms

mwwr^ wn; i

(hs^ nwnffiOTai* I <iw SSEfa: sw* IU4

fcfq wHFraFrai TOFR3 H 15

frlWH M£Rttw<*fafa I nnw sw: mwifr f^r 11 16

^ra: qvRHttih *jtoft^;i hrT wnfci: ii 17

tow wi ^n ’$^3 urefa sr<t wr ii is

xw sita i w $5 wrc ll 19
iW^W 3 TOI uraftwcft: I crar 1120

wi iwwi wrafe: i JWMWW R&ftsfcl TOxfR 11 21

was for a short while unconscious. After

chariot, the ten-headed Ravana showered
recovery, he was about to kill Ravana very sharp arrows on Rama as a cloud
with his fist, but frightened by the prospect
showers rain. He wounded also all the
of Hanuman’s blow, Ravana escaped to
monkeys standing in front of Rama. 17.
another part of the battlefield.
Rama with his mind concentrated, now sent
Attack on Rama (12-25) volleys of fiery and gold-embellished arrows
at Ravana.
(12-16). In battle, Hanuman, Angada,
18. Seeing that Ravana was seated in
Nala and Necla destroyed the Rakshasas
his chariot and Rama standing on the
named Agnivarna the fire-coloured one,
ground, Indra the king of the Devas called
Sarparoma the serpent-haired one,Khadga-
his charioteer Matali and said: 19. “O
roma the sword-haired one, and Vrischika-
virtuous one! Take my chariot to Rama,
roma the scorpion haired one. The four on
the chief of the Raghus, who is fighting,
destroying these four Asuras in battle, indi­
standing on the ground; go quickly to the
vidually raised lion-roars as a sign of victory earth and accomplish this task.” 20. On
and went to meet Rama. Terribly incensed being so instructed, Matali the charioteer
by the death of his followers, the cruel- of Indra, saluted him and harnessed the
hearted Ravana, biting his lips and rolling green-coloured horses to the chariot. 21.
his eye balls, rushed at Rama himself to To bring about the victory of Rama, Matali
join battle with him. Seated in his arrived on the earth with incredible speed.

^itsq HWT rFT TOt I TOW |) 22

3^f q»?R RW TO I W TO TO TOT *rfc || 23


sn^tero tot f^ro^n 25

TOtswro' I

TORWt wroi trtoi tftroi toj^t to^t t^r w: n 26

w wwr tor toto^i w totot^ 11 27

5&&5T WhGMI UTOVtR Wi: II 28

TOTO TO ’Jvfl TO&n: I W II 29

& Sit: afa&hl&HHqi TO: I fenTO falTOW TOTOKTO TOFTO H30

to wnarar ito wTOk'rfhJtat । sMrof<ig gc: toW ii 31
Tt^hr TOi^ TO to< ’WfirQi: I ^rfrorTOTORTOfaiTO II 32

w" jrfro^ n^r totosr: i srsrofait to swgfefw: n 33

TO TO STTOit TOdTOTOftq^ I 3|<(TO g TOT^ JTOft&TO II 34

With palms folded in salutation, he said to that he was, Rama neutralised the fire-mis­
Rama, “O chief of the Raghus! I have been sile of Ravana with fire-missile, and celestial
sent here by Indra the king of the gods. missile with celestial missile. Terri­
(22-25). The chariot belongs to Lord Indra, bly excited, Ravana now directed the fierce
the king of the gods. It has been sent to help Rakshasa-missile against Rama. 29. The
you to gain victory. It is equipped with the shining missiles released from Ravana’s bow
well-decorated bow of Indra, unbreakable took the form of numerous* poisonous
armours, swords and a pair of celestial serpents which surrounded Rama. 30. All
quivers. O Rama! Ascend this chariot, the quarters were filled with arrows having
and accompanied -by me, destroy Ravana the face of serpents and vomiting fire.
as Indra did Vritra.” On being so 31. Seeing serpents everywhere, Rama
requested, Rama, after circumambulating now released the terrible Saupama missile.
■that divine chariot, ascended it in order to 32. The missiles released by Rama took
bring about welfare and prosperity in the the shape of Garuda and destroyed the ser­
world. pents on all sides. 33. When Rama thus
Fight Between Rama & Ravana (26-50) counteracted his missiles, the ten-headed
(26-28). Afterwards there took place a Ravana once more began to shower arrows
hair-raising and terrible battle between Rama on Rama. (34-35). Wounding Rama with
and the powerful Ravana. The great archer numerous arrows, Ravana now wounded
yuddha kandam

41. Rama, now realising that the time

Matali the charioteer, cut a the destruction of Ravana was approaching
the horses
golden ’ drawing
standard, and the cha • OUnds on
inflicted revealed hK prowess
shining brilliance. 42. to all through
Drawing hiTi?^
36. Seeing Rama in a difficult0* ^ndra‘
and aiming at Ravana, Ram. * ““ bow
Devas, Gandharvas, CharanasSItuat*on’
Maharshis grew anxious, s manes and death at the time of the world’s ?Pe7e?
Vibheeshana and the i °, also did a sight which gave great”,
37. The ten-headed R^na ?t? army. 43. Seeing the a/J he monkey
as he approached the ^“Xa
and arrows in his twenty arm””8 b°W&
like the mount Mainaka. 3g, appeared trembled in fear, and therp ?’ ♦ mgS
Rama’s eyes now became red*Y incensed on the earth. 44. Raia ° trenao«
, -i fAr»k/>r«« s ternfic form and
brows got knitted. He now^ eye‘
the “Vil-foretoding omens fiUed friall^beings
Ravana as if he were gOing tQ lo°ked at with fear. Even Ravana teMJ
45. In order to «e the battle that rimbled
io a mood of anger that was up
“ WOrld's dissolution. aU
derful occasion.
thebow (39-40).
resembling the bow Won- the Devas, Siddhas and Gandharvas assem-
self, be released Hery arrows at th h'm’
bled in the sky in their aerial vehicles.
from close <luaners and looked at'v"®"5' 46. Now Rama took up the Indra-missile
if be were going to burn him by his, 7s and cut off Ravana’s heads one by one.

q fs^ftsfa TT I
WSRt ^'T *Wtl uqt w^rra (totoi^toh: ii 47
tout ^toHnrq; i q TO wn: TTT^t Wftt II 48
TO HTTirfr^Ti: ^TrTOi^hf: I TOto 4£M^UTOTOW ITO: II 49
Wtwu wiwctr l <T TOT WTO HTO?t II 50
ftonf^r ini qqtort totor; i TOTT ITO WT >rawit <Tlft | 51
fifcw ^t^^to to^ro torfa I $q: tftatow WtR4t II 52
qrm^rs^ to i tr^’iMiTOHtTO TO ’F^TTOt || 53
f^ftWR: ^n w. I 'UW^ ’I ^41^4 qifir (row I^TK: 1154
3TOai =q TOEK fWH WTO: I m^qfa 4i5Ht wro tow ll 55
tot qctoroKrq ^r^uc I totanwro town ^hrt^ro: n 56
fa^T nw ^iwi to^q*j(TO’ l || 57
*\ rx A. r\ <\r C
TOFTW TU^f: ^ft'TO^: I ^T (joqftp^T qrjwrf WJTt II 58
Bleeding profusely, these heads fell down on anxiously, Vibheeshana who was standing
the ground like palmyra fruits from the tree. near by said, “It is well-known that he has
47. In the chaos created by battle, neither been granted boons by Brahma. His heads
day time nor night, neither their junction and hands if severed would come up again
time nor the quarters could be perceived immediately. Such was the boon given
distinctly. Even the persons of Rama and to him by Brahma. (53-54). In his umbi­
Ravana engaged in battle could not be licus, there is a certain mass of Amrita
recognised. Now Rama began to think in deposited. Burn it up with Agni missile.
wonder. 48. “1 have cut down hundred After that it will be possible to kill him.”
and one heads of Ravana; still I do not Hearing these words of Vibheeshana, Rama
find Ravana dying.” 49. Then Rama, who of great prowess attached the fire-missile
was master of all missiles, began to to his bow and wounded Ravana in his
think within himself in spite of the fact that umbilicus. 55. After that, mighty Rama
he had all these missiles under his control. full of wrath began to cut-off Ravana s
50. Those missiles with which Rakshasas heads and arms. 56. Nov\ Ravana with a
ol great prowess have been killed in large view to kill Vibheeshana. threw his mighty
numbers are now found ineffective in weapon called Shakti at him. (57-58). With
respect of Ravana.” his shining arrows, Rama cut that Shakti
to pieces. As several of his heads had
Death of Ravana (51-76)
been cut, Ravana's prowess was in abeyance
(51-52). When Rama was thus thinking and seeing his fallen heads, he became very

TTW3 HMRHflRSIWfefa: I w to n tow wn ii 59

Wwrt 3W I SW^IHW TRR ^T II 60

ft<i^iw tow TO’ sfta’ ^rro i frow^r: sifaft *r: Htsg n 6i

WIW 5T W ?TO I to sftfwrwt ^rrot wto TO* ft ’rffw 1162

na: hw TO*fa nra^r: i w< tor ft:TORnrotro^ u 63

W ’TO< 3 ’(TO <E§r I ifffaWtfTO II 64

fowl flhwil4l | WTOHR <jtf W WrH*H || 65

^*Hi TOTOTO^g?^ | atfaWT TOT wi ?ftj R^I^L' II 66

TO& II 67
^FTOtroni s । ^arft ftfgrow ^ror n 68

* WTO TO»Jt Wiw I TORTOrro’ TOWTOi II 69

K ^'nrfcfe: I ^fpg R’RJTO'ftTO II 70

* ITORt q^: I f^gr TOW || 71

C?±T He was left with only °ne

and Pavaka in its front, Akasa in its middle
head and two arms. 5». Next, incensed
and Lokapalas on its sides. It was as
Ind ?h Ch’ RaV‘"’a ■"“ Sl'owere of Mrows weighty as the mountainsMeru and Mandara.
and other weapons at Rama and Rama did
Resplendent in itself, it shone like a sun
he same m respect of him. (W^n
now. Now Rama of very great prowess
herce battle causing horripilations in on­
lookers continued for long. M repeated the Mantras connected with this
chanoteer remmded Rama saying, “o Rama wonderful missile and attached it to his bow
Scion of the Raghu s line! Release Brahma according to the directions given in the
missile for his death without delay The science of archery. 68. When Rama attach­
ed that missile to his bow, all beings
pre-determined time for his death has now
trembled and there was tremor on the earth.
arrived.62. O Rama! Do not cut-off his head
69. In a very wrathful mood, Rama pulled
He cannot be killed by severing his head
his bow to its maximum with all his power
He has to be struck at vulnerable points in
and sent that arrow at the vital part of '
his body.” 63. Reminded thus by the words Ravana. 70. Like thunderbolt weapon relea­
of Matali, Rama took an arrow that hissed sed by Indra, that irresistible missile with a
like a serpent in its course. (64-67). That terrific end struck Ravana in his chest like
Brahma-missile had Vayu at its rear, Surya the god of death himself. 71. That missile

wiwwfafcr srofaor । h snt to4 srt w’fa’niror^ ll 72

TO tor 1 ll 73

• 4 toh <riro saih’TO^ wn: l <TO^ nqA TOatfe^ n 74

^nftTO Rsr fe4 uqro 1 TOt R^: 4^sr ^hu Rfroftw: ll 75
*<TOt wtfro toto assail 76
I 3«Rfe^ HTOTTO^m II 77

fWTOW I 3WFHR4 gn II 78

TOTO I 5(f^^ ^**3 ^Rt TOTOT TOl^ I) 79

^( 3^(1 w4 TOTO TORTO: I ^4 5 trot: W’Rnron il so
*R$<aifcfTOfar: riait ’ifafTO: l 3(4 3 W! u si
TOKiat m’rarftros: I q stf^TO II 82

capable of piercing any target went deep delightful sound of the kettle-drums of the
into the chest of Ravana and pierced his Devas from all sides; showers of flowers
heart. 72. After destroying the life-energies fell on Rama. The Munis, the Siddhas, the
of Ravana, it spent its force only on piercing Cfiaranas and the other inhabitants of the
the earth. After that it came back to the heavenly regions sang hymns of praise, and
quiver of Rama. everywhere in the sky the Apsara damsels
73. From the hands of Ravana his began to dance. 79. All the Devas witnes­
mighty bow along with its arrow fell down. sed how from the body of Ravana, a
Lifeless, he fell to the ground like an object brilliance equal to that of the sun emerged
caught in a whirlwind. 74. On seeing him and entered into Rama. (80-82). The
dead, all the surviving RakshasaS felt mas­ Devas said, “Look at the good fortune
terless, became panicky with fear and of the high-souled Ravana. Even we, virt­
fled in all directions. (75-76). Now uous persons like Devas, who are special
that the enemy had been conquered, the objects of Mahavishnu’s mercy, are immer­
monkeys were filled with joy and began to sed in Samsara characterised by fear and
talk loudly among themselves about sorrow. But see how this Rakshasa
Ravana’s death and Rama’s victory. who is noted for his cruelty, who abducts
other people’s women, who kills ascetics,
Ravana’s salvation through confrontation who is antagonistic to Vishnu, who is
characterised by intense Tamas—how even
(77-78). The sky was now filled with the he has entered into Rama in the sight of all.

w "35
ft^TTOI I '4rtl*R <f* 9**1

sqfW WWE** flft’fa’W «

^rwr frofe^: m^wtimm: I ?J^TJL H ™
wg <^n sftsrawshro i fi^Rn <**W

। ij^ri '(ito « 11 39

fc&far , . 40
TOR ^Rn 3M<dfa3 I sH*^ 11 41

fro* ^w twt$ wi MfaftsM m i ^torth^tom*«* ^nro ll 42


TIM TOM W^TOTOfcl 5£IW^ I MRlfr W ’^ftW'R. II 44

fanron ' gwn: fa^wiftw I ^qj: gM<T5< ll 45

^F3tTO WTO TRTO ftlTfsftER^ | TRTOW ’

wnarrafc w wfa ,ro<fa ft » 46

Matali the charioteer, cut down the 41. Rama, now realising that the time for
golden standard, and inflicted wounds on the destruction of Ravana was approaching,
the horses' drawing the chariot of Indra. revealed his prowess to all through his
36. Seeing Rama in a difficult situation, the shining brilliance. 42. Drawing his bow
Devas, Gandharvas, Charanas, manes and aiming at Ravana, Rama appeared like
Maharshis grew anxious. So also did death at the time of the world’s dissolution—
Vibheeshana and the monkey leaders. a sight which gave great joy to the monkey
37. The ten-headed Ravana holding bows army. 43. Seeing the angry face of Rama
and arrows in his twenty arms appeared as he approached the enemy, all beings
like the mount Mainaka. 38. Highly incensed
trembled in fear, and there were tremors
Rama’s eyes now became red and his eye­ on the earth. 44. Rama’s terrific form and
brows got knitted. He now looked at the evil-foreboding omens filled all beings
Ravana as if he were going to burn him up with fear. Even Ravana got frightened.
in a mood of anger that was appropriate 45. In order to see the battle that resembled
for the occasion. (39-40). Holding the won­in its ferocity the world’s dissolution, all
derful bow resembling the bow of Indra him­ the Devas, Siddhas and Gandharvas assem­
self, he released fiery arrows at the enemy bled in the sky in their aerial vehicles.
from close quarters and looked at him as 46. Now Rama took up the Indra-missile
if he were going to bum him by his looks. and cut off Ravana’s heads one by one.

W ST fcsfrsfa I
•T KH "T W iifaH
aat KTHt w^rrq fro’nfi'&nro ll 47
;r ^4 writ swti
f^r farw I ?r wra wh writ <wn^ ii 48

to i 3R<1R UTO || 49

rrwi ttm i <i fa^ro w toto ii so

Rrdi^Sr *pt Hfltrot fwtw i 3WR TRW W1W WTOTO W I 51

fWfa I d^TOPa 5^: wnro: ii 52

^trorowt’r to ’i^srat ii 53
?nfWtw to I
TOwfa mfa from* m: 1154

w Awr: I
3FF^ farctfa WTO: I WTO ^TO II 55
srar <fcr HgisifcHKw <m«m»i<: I frotoTOnraftritajstaftw: u s*
Wt TORtf i It^t ii 57

TOH^t q^(W fe^J sftTfatr: I i^r l^rfitrorr’nj’Rt wnt wift h 58

anxiously, Vibheeshana who was standing

Bleeding profusely, these heads fell down on
near by said, “It is well-known that he has
the ground like palmyra fruits from the tree.
been granted boons by Brahma. His heads
47. In the chaos created by battle, neither
and hands if severed would come up again
day time nor night, neither their junction
time nor the quarters could be perceivedimmediately. Such was the boon given
distinctly. Even the persons of Rama andto him by Brahma. (53-54). In his umbi­
Ravana engaged in battle could not be licus, there is a certain mass of Amrita
recognised.' Now Rama began to think in deposited. Burn it up with Agni missile.
wonder. 48. “I have cut down hundred After that it will be possible to kill him.”
and one heads of Ravana; still I do not Hearing these words of Vibheeshana, Rama
find Ravana dying.” 49. Then Rama, who of great prowess attached the fire-missile
was master of all missiles, began to to his bow and wounded Ravana in his
think within himself in spite of the fact that
umbilicus. 55. After that, mighty Rama
he had all these missiles under his control.
full of wrath began to cut-off Ravana’s
50. “Those missiles with which Rakshasas heads and arms. 56. Now Ravana with a
of great prowess have been killed in large
view to kill Vibheeshana, threw his mighty
numbers are now found ineffective in weapon called Shakti at him. (57-58). With
respect of Ravana.” his shining arrows, Rama cut that Shakti
to pieces. As several of his heads had
Death of Ravana (51-76) been cut, Ravana's prowess was in abeyance,
(51-52). When Rama was thus thinking and seeing his fallen heads, he became very

uwg gn: Tijr TOTOTwr^fe^r: i wf a wm n 59

aft WWtf 35ft 1 are wft ottc n 60

Rffiqiw ww snsf site 1 faaiwar: Hftft q: ftser 1161

sww* H wi otr ^qri jftf’&rwftwftwsn ^7 ft topt 1162

33: mftft Wftf OTffa wraft: I WS HOT RiWWIW( II 63


qfeift ahwsn ifttaa: i sns^HH agtf *na strotHht ii 65

agmrer' wmmsga^ i arfwea aft w ?ftj n 66

ftfcHi ot^t 67
g OTftw OThft i flfiprfr fW^rw h tsFOTT ii 68

h nww nwtt sjotthk । faqft tw»' n 69

H 7W $3 pfrff WnRifctifiKi: I ^fF7 ftwt RTagmkfa II 70
H IWft WSRk: mHFW.: <rc: I ft^ quf WTO WKRH3: ll 71

much dejected. He was left with only one and Pavaka in its front, Akasa in its middle
head and two arms. 59. Next, incensed and Lokapalas on its sides. It was as
very much, Ravana sent showers of arrows weighty as the mountainsMeru and Mandara.
and other weapons at Rama and Rama did Resplendent in itself, it shone like a sun
the same in respect of him. (60-61). The
now. Now Rama of very great prowess
fierce battle causing horripilations in on­
repeated the Mantras connected with this
lookers continued for long. Then Matali the
wonderful missile and attached it to his bow
charioteer reminded Rama saying, “O Rama *
according to the directions given in the
Scion of the Raghu’s line! Release Brahma
science of archery. 68. When Rama attach­
missile for his death without delay The
ed that missile to his bow, all beings
pre-determined time for his death has now
trembled and there was tremor on the earth.
arrived.62. O Rama! Do not cut-off his head
69. In a very wrathful mood, Rama pulled
He cannot be killed by severing his headi his bow to its maximum with all his power
He has to be struck at vulnerable points in and sent that arrow at the vital part of
his body.” 63. Reminded thus by the words Ravana. 70. Like thunderbolt weapon relea­
of Matali, Rama took an arrow that hissed sed by Indra, that irresistible missile with a
like a serpent in its course. (64-67). That terrific end struck Ravana in his chest like
Brahma-missile had Vayu at its rear, Surya the god of death himself. 71. That missile

wiws’n’nfcfar i h xkT wf 11 72

3FT 5WRTW 1 W^s<RI^3f< It 73

. <r ron qfatf wi: I ^Fnm rwstt 11 74

<O14FT faSH tor TH^FT I f^: qFRT fawftFL* II 75

^5^ TOfasri WT fllW^II 76

3|SIFaft$ I TTH WW^TK II 77

fatten: I 3RFaft$ 5R§: H 78

IFMFT,^ I jrfqqiff ^Rt ’TTW II 79

*n”j wito ^irr: I iiso

qfafiR: i wt 5 w: wfk arh: 11 81

<iWt fawjs’ft wraftw 1 q^ ^^5 nrita jrf^n^ n &

capable of piercing any target went deep delightful sound of the kettle-drums of the
into the chest of Ravana and pierced his Devas from all sides; showers of flowers
heart. 72. After destroying the life-energies fell on Rama. The Munis, the Siddhas, the
of Ravana, it spent its force only on piercing Cbaranas and the other inhabitants of the
the earth. After that it came back to the heavenly regions sang hymns of praise, and
quiver of Rama. everywhere in the sky the Apsara damsels
73. From the hands of Ravana his began to dance. 79. All the Devas witnes­
mighty bow along with its arrow fell down. sed how from the body of Ravana, a
Lifeless, he fell to the ground like an object brilliance equal to that of the sun emerged
caught in a whirlwind. 74. On seeing him and entered into Rama. (80-82). The
dead, all the surviving Rakshasas felt mas­ Devas said, “Look at the good fortune
terless, became panicky with fear and of the high-souled Ravana. Even we, virt­
fled in all directions. (75-76). Now uous persons like Devas, who are special
that the enemy had been conquered, the objects of Mahavishnu’s mercy, are immer­
monkeys were filled with joy and began to sed in Samsara characterised by fear and
talk loudly among themselves about sorrow. But see how this Rakshasa
Havana’s death and Rama’s victory. who is noted for his cruelty, who abducts
other people’s women, who kills ascetics,
Havana’s salvation through confrontation who is antagonistic to Vishnu, who is
(77-89) characterised by intense Tamas—how even
(77-78). The sky was now filled with the he has entered into Rama in the sight of all.”

to wjTO W; to gfera: i gn 35 srirofcw ii e

wnt w£rofro toto i ’H1 TOt wW staigm h «
wRftro wroafr totoi TOTO^fro TO^irorofa u «s
totorj gsitsifwhsuTO • ^storT fa^nSnrow n 86
wngs^ro wh groro: u «7
<nfrot *n wwroiti htkt w-

H^WWi^W^WW 88
it M

<ng nt ton: ii 89
S33W Wli^: ii n ii
(83-87). To the Devas who were speaking’ wealth and women, if he, be it out of love
in this way, Narada said with a smile, or fear, thinks of Rama,he becomes purified
“O Devas who know the secret’of Dharma! in. mind and freed from the sins of numerous
Listen. Ravana, on account of his anta­ births.. He thereby attains directly the
gonism to Rama, has always been talking eternal Vaikuntha, the highly coveted Status
about him with his servants, besides of Vishnu who has incarnated Himself as
ever anxiously thinking about him. Rama. 89. May heroic Rama protect me—
Fearing that he would meet with Rama who killed in battle Ravana in­
death at Rama's hand, he was in the habit capable of being conquered by anyone in
of seeing the spectre of Rama every­ the three worlds, who with his left hand
where. Every night, in his dreams, holds his bow resting firmly on the ground,
he was seeing Rama. This anger of Ravana who is whirling an arrow with his other hand,
towards Rama has served him in a better the ends of whose eyes are red-tinged,
way than teachers and relatives. In the whose body is covered with wounds*
end, being killed by Rama, he has been caused by arrows, who has the brilliance
rid of all his sins. Released from all of numerous suns,, whose form is
bondage thereby, he has become one with beautified by the glory of victory, and
Rama. 88. Even if a person is sinful, who is the object of praise of all
evil-minded, addicted to other people’s divinities.”
TWt TOR 5^0 3WHRH • cRn <ra^ II 1
wn i ^rat Ris<^k fwfr wh w n 2
WFffa w: $RT <IFbM<gfc3l^ I ^fawrfar WT SRlt II 3

HRfaaf «fa<ri wt£r tw 4

■ttftWKl). TOT ^TW R^R

ferit wrnfam: 1 qfam wfrbF stW^: <ri%4<i«i 11 5

fasftw: srftR rsrrr: 1 RftJr wremi ^sn <r^w^ 11 6

w$ srr Rtws 1 wwsR ft rrr 11 7

ferit qfirar ftaqfe 1 rt: hri wrfw 11 8

n^q ^qtsinfetftan^ 1 rrr wtaret qfifcr whn^ ll 9

ifftsj Wifire 4tfafafaM>l41<( 1 1110

rrrr w: steRhra: r^i ROhfrpTf?ran fwn Riftr rrr: 11 11

Chapter 12
r <»v«htnana’<> Sermon to Vibheeshana (1-28) overcome with great sorrow,fell by Havana’s
(1-2). Now Rama cast his joyous glance side and indulged in mourning in various
at Vibheeshana, Hanuman, Angada, Laksh­ ways. 7. Thereupon Rama said to Laksh­
mana, Sugreeva, Jambavan and others and mana, “You enlighten Vibheeshana about
said, “By the heroism you all have his duties. Let him do the cremation of
displayed, 1 have been able to kill Ravana. his brother. Why should it be delayed?
(3-4). Your holy fame will last so long as the 8. Mandodari and other wives of Ravana
sun and moon abide. By reciting these are all mourning. Let Vibheeshana come
exploits of yours in relation to me, which forward and pacify them.”
can remove the sins of people and purify 9. On being so instructed by Rama,
the world, men will attain the supreme Lakshmana went to the dead body of
goal.” Ravana, by the side of which Vibheeshana
5. In the meantime, seeing the fallen was lying like another dead body. (10-12).
body of Ravana, Mandodari and other wo­ Lakshmana said as follows to sorrow-
men who were under Havana’s protection, stricken Vibheeshana, “O Vibheeshana!
fell down before Havana’s body and began What is he to you—he for whom you are
to bemoan his death. 6. Vibheeshana, too, mourning? What was he before his body
(Ch. 12
w ^’! 11 12
w aram t wn ’। * ^^Pftswrwi ii »
s^nt ^rawR^r: I
spw? ’rara?! sranafc’W i few 5*’ra! 11 14
1 W Wr " 15
w«n 4ta 0 mar • 3” 11 16
aRR? a»n anta wfc • S5Wfn;?aa5<n ’W^tUa'afcai: n n

a ^waHimaRi RR’raajraa.' sw^ata’n^p’r<ai<raJsa?acn5(^ ms

fflca^na^amKi Rift a *S<®1 sfrratsft ™ asfegajwr?3^s ii i»

was generated? What relation has he now who are not free but are under His control.
after death and hereafter? Who after all He makes them the cause of generation
are you to< him? Just as in a flowing and destruction among themselves. 16. A
river, particles of sand and water come body is always bom of another body
together for a time and are separated by ensouled by a Jiva, just as a seed can come
the current, so are men joined and separated out of another similar seed. But the Jiva
in this world by the flow of time. 13. is eternal while the body is short-lived^.
Among seeds sown, some sprout and This relationship between the body and the
produce other seeds, while some perish Jiva is not real but born of delusion and
without sprouting. Their relationship is ignorance. (17-18). The various differentia­
casual and uncertain. Just so are all ting forms of birth, growth, death and enjoy­
relationships brought about by the force ment of fruits of Karma attributed to the
of the Lord’s Maya between beings born of the Seer (Self), are like the attribution to
other beings. (Or, just as in a quantity of fire .of the shape it assumes wholly due to
grains, some, on being fried, mix the fuel that it burns. In contact with the
with others and then disunite, in the fuel the fire takes various forms and shapes
same way do creatures unite and dis­ according to the form and shape of the fuel.
unite, impelled by the Maya of But the fire in itself has no such forms.
the Lord). 14, You, he and all others It only burns and shines. So also none of
are alike the creatures of Time. One’s birth the attributes and experiences of the body
and death will occur as pre-determined in really belong to the Self who is only the
respect of time and place. 15. The Lord Witness. They appear to be that of the
of all, who is unborn and unmotivated, Self because of the connection of the Seer
engages Himself in creation like a child. with the body arising out of ignorance.
He plays with the help of these beings, (19-20). A caravansarai is really an empty

HFnWfSfaor II 20
uh: sth: i gsr ?wirsHw faufcR n 21
fan w i faHR U?T X^MkUkUHUIRHI II 22
W $: w fani ft^ttl'HW3l3l wnwn W || 23
^rs^TH ftiuf Rfaui^=i hr?: I w sWt ^wff flsugfa: gwr: ll 24

wnrRRut wnrwf’ju: i srotfas ??r uw nfawfa^ii

3ffidR TFRlfc $*5FWETHR^ I MRr<W*4<ShIHHMHH U 26

toR WRR I WFwfe Tnr^t u^sng: RRufa^ 11

g^R ww' utftg: I ii28

place, but it seems to be full when many one is able to differentiate the Self from
people gather there temporarily. In the the body, then who is one’s relative, who is
same way when unreal entities are firmly one’s mother, father and friend? It is as a
held as real, multiplicity seems to rule result of false knowledge that there are
everywhere. Even when a man is alive, there ideas like wife, home and other possessions.
is no experience of Samsara for him in (24-28). Objects of sense life, various kinds
deep sleep, as there is no sense of ‘I’ there. of wealth, army, treasury, attendants, king­
In the same way for the liberated one who dom, landed property and sons and relatives
is without the sense of ‘I’, the objects of are all bom of ignorance. Therefore, they
worldly life do not shine. Therefore, know all are all of momentary duration and are
this to be mental creation born of Maya subject to destruction. Always contem­
and hence abandon the false sense of ‘I plating in one’s heart in a spirit of devotion
and mine’. Fix your mind on Rama, who and undergoing the predetermined enjoy­
is none but the Lord who has taken a human ments and sufferings born of one’s own
form. He is the Supreme Being, the highest action (Prarabdha), perform your duties
Self who, though transcendent, has assumed like govering the country. Now abandon
the form as the All. 21. Releasing the your mood of sorrow dnd get up.
mind little by little from its entanglement Without thinking of the past and the future,
with external objects by recognising that concern yourself with the present only,
such contacts are harmful, connect it with and behave as it is proper. Thereby, you
the bliss that is Rama. (22-^3). It is due will not be affected by the evils of Samsara.
to the sense of identification with the body Rama is ordering you to perform the
that ideas of relationships like that of brother, funeral obsequies of your brother. O
father, mother, friend, dear one etc. arise. intelligent one! Perform all those rites
With the power of discrimination, when according to scriptural dictates. Console

fvtot stai nti iwroigwi^ 1129

f^ta: i
3TO sr^t to i wtaR^riro <Fhwi ii 30
$itai 5R Firorisw sret i TOfcftr 'HwW^ ii 3i
TOT Tfttt TWt TORta(l W»r itai ^r: ll 32

ftNdITO (hTOt TO^f TO ’K I w?t ta tot jtftafcr fHtw 1133

wf n?<Mf TO i isfcTOTO hhw 11 34

mrai ^RFTO^I ta’K wfa^HiibaRtUTO 11 35

anfta^ro *?R WTO foftw 1 36

to f^ta: 1 ^rro #n^R5T®r ^rrodf^ftfero: 11

^R 8(*TO'TO<< ftft^h^i wtoiiss

w f^S^TORTSFRSTOI 3*i S^: l wraifafir m: to ii 39

all the weeping womenfolk. Do not delay Complying with Rama’s order, Vibhee­
any further to go to Lanka.” shana the righteous now consoled the wise
queen Mandodari by kind words. (35-36). A
Cremation of Ravana (29-39)
firm adherent of Dharma, he now hurried all
29. Hearing tins inspiring advice of Laksh- his relatives to attend to the rites of crema­
mana, Vibheeshana abandoned sorrow and tion. He now made a funeral pyre according
delusion and went to meet Rama. 30. The to scriptural injunctions, and then performed
righteous Vibheeshana, having pondered all those obsequial rites for Ravana along
over the words of Lakshmana on right with his ministers and relatives according
conduct, decided to obey Rama’s instruc­ to the procedures to be adopted for one
tions and said in reply. 31. “O Lord! eligible for performing Agnihotra. (37-39).
I am unfit to cremate one who was merciless,
Vibheeshana lit the funeral fire according
murderous, untruthful, unrighteous, to injunctions and consigned Ravana’s
immoral and lusting after others’ wives.” body to it. He then took his bath, and
(32-34). Hearing his words, Rama was much dressed in wet cloth, offered the departed
pleased and said, “Enmity extends only one sesame seeds with water. He offered
up to death. We have accomplished our him water also separately and bent down
task (and we need not think further about his head in prostration. He then consoled
the past). Perform his funeral rites. He all those women again and again, and per­
is now as dear to me as he is to you.” suaded them to go back to the city.

sifrog ^raig wti fafrro: i wraSaw* n 40

nftsfir «gftc wr: i w yt wcg: ll 4i
urafew to w <rfobMiftH<€i trow n 42
?rat ^sro srw 1 Wiqqra ggrcFR gh ft 11 43
TOjftafir «irt <3tRE^ 1 arfa^r ftfa 11 44
^Rfiw^jf W( 3$ 1 srtt g^hraRn ll 45
arf^ro sfara: 1 era: qh^ mi miWimrnfW^: u 46
fttftw: g^ftftwngwr: I wumw^iwIWwiun n 47
TWt ftihi snraw i wfwTOiRa TOgat ii 48
gftw wnfesm nra wwnsraft 1 <to <k faft it nro 1149
ft’fftitsft ragrarafafcft wfr ii so
to ms ^hrt qraW ftro^ro^i fHftorangmri*? ra 11 51
sn?ret miwnft rarft^ 1 mron: srfromr # sftufa II 52

Vibheeshana’s Installation (40-50) and with that performed the Rakshasa

40. After all the Rakshasa women had leader’s ceremonial bath of installation.
gone back to the city, Vibheeshana in all Immediately after, Vibheeshana along
humility went and stood before Rama. 41. In with Lakshmana, came to Rama with
the company of Lakshmana and Sugreeva objects of presentation, followed by the
and the army, Rama now rejoiced as Indra citizens of Lanka also carrying presents.
did after the destruction of Vritra. 42.Matali, They all now made prdstrations before
the heavenly charioteer, now circumam­ Rama the mighty. 48. Seeing Vibheeshana
bulated Rama and with his permission went installed king, Rama and Lakshmana were
back to the heavenly regions. (43-44). Rama very much pleased and felt satisfied that
then said to Lakshmana in a very joyous they had done a duty that they owed to
mood, “I have awarded even earlier this themselves. (49-50). Rama now embraced
kingdom of Lanka to Vibheeshana. You Sugreeva and said, “O heroic one! With
go even now to the central part of Lanka and your help, I have been able to be victorious
along with the Brahmanas administer the over the mighty Ravana. I have also been
installation bath to Vibheeshana to the able to install Vibheeshana in Lanka.”
accompaniment of all Mantras and cere­
monial rites.” (45-47). Being so comman­ Site’s Ordeal By Fire (51-85)
ded, Lakshmana asked the monkeys to (51-52). Then he addressed Hanuman,
bring water from the ocean in golden vessels who was standing by his side in all humility,

nfa <fhrir: i gff ^r<t ^rrT froi^t n 53

WW5 feW^Hlfaaiq, I 35T flHWfoPtWmil 54

wftfa 'ff^t R I faiRTFrat 5RR <FRFTO II 55
^nssrfers&^r^it’RRm^fera: I ^^51 soft ^faRi’s^ft’rihi
TTR^r m «V^1 I H at II57
w*r *nfid ii 58
TO: RWftWlTO^ I $Wt SRWt =a HRT3 WW 1159
wi wi as nferfa: i Rims $w ileo
*roq n
a TOifasm^ i TO faTOITOFT WWUfa || 61

U.4^rfi^ Mr^H 'Wl • III 62

5W5T’ fefta TO TOifa ll 63
with the words: “With Vibheeshana’s per­ he had brought from Rama. (59-60). He
mission, you go to Ravana’s palace and said, “O great lady! With the help of
inform Sita, the daughter of Janaka, of the Sugreeva and the co-operation of Vibhee­
destruction of Ravana, and bring to me her shana, Rama along with Lakshmana has
reply without delay.” 53. At this command crossed over to Lanka with an army of
of Rama, the intelligent Hariuman, the son monkeys and destroyed Ravana along with
of the Wind-god, entered into Lanka, wel­ his sons and all his forces. He has after
comed by aU the Rakshasas. (54-56). Going that installed Vibheeshana as the king* of
to Ravana’s palace, he saw underneath the Lanka. He has now sent me to you to
Simsapa tree the sorrow-stricken Sita convey this joyful news.”
surrounded by Rakshasa women and 61. Hearing this gladdening news from
always engaged in the contemplation of
her husband, Sita with her voice choked
Rama. In all humility Hanuman made
with the feeling of joy, replied, “What
a prostration to Sita. Then with joined shall I give you now for bringing this
palms he stood humbly before her with joyous news? I think there is no jewel or
deep devotion. Seeing him, Sita for a
ornament in the whole world that can be a
while remained silent. Then old memories fitting reward for your sweet words.”(62-63).
came to her. (57-58). She recognised him At these words of the daughter of Videha,
as Rama’s messenger and her face at once the monkey leader said in reply, “That I
brightened up with joy. On seeing am now able to see Rama victorious and
Sita calm and collected, Hanuman now established in power is a more precious
began to communicate to her the message reward for me than all collection of precious

wt ms wft^i Safari qftfrfemm**

nn ssmfa mta‘ mww n 6s
gf SHW’T T^RTR^I *THW Ttffts Tit TWFThT || 66
WHMw: ?pM wtss: I
st ^ft mrws’si sRr^ i sssm ssr <nnst st: ii 67
snnstat sferoi ftw^i snsramrarswn wms fmfa^ita
THR. SRSRTHHm^ I RRt fSTsR^RSt SSlwi^m U 69
fastaaitsfa SSBjm WR I TWtfa: ^rfa: SSRpRSI $
ssfawwwfar ftrfHnft I m^SsWftfa: ^ST^71

st s^mssn sw shs sttorhsi^ i sfsits^ ssm si<l n 72

^rw s^st wnsismsg: 11 73

tost st ftrftwsst sjrss tsss: i fewhsw fW srtpsttsRs ft ll 74

SUS^S SlSSt si ’Msrft SRK SST I SISST^ ST ST^ WPF& W Sfaft^ II 75

gems or even the abode of the gods.” (64-65). in mind, he said to Vibheeshana: 69.
Hearing those words of Hanuman, Sita “O king! You now please go and bring
said to him, “O giver of joy! All virtues Sita. Let her take bath, put on clean
reside in you. Now I am anxious to see clothes and be adorned with all the orna­
Rama. May Rama be pleased to give per­ ments. Bring her to my presence quickly.”
mission for that without delay.” 66. He (70-72). Hearing the words of Rama, Vibh­
agreed to convey this message to Rama and eeshana along with Hamman went into the
departed making prostrations to her. Reach­ city of Lanka. They got old Rakshasa
ing Rama’s presence, he narrated to him all women to bathe Sita and adorn her with all
that Sita wanted to convey through him. 67. ornaments. Guarded by attendants wearing
He said to Rama, “She for whose sake all turbans and coats and with staffs in hand,
these activities were undertaken and this handsome Sita was brought in a majestic
Victory won—that sorrow-stricken lady palanquin. In their eagerness to have a
wants to meet you. Be pleased to permit look at her, the monkeys gathered all
her to do so.” around. 73. With bodyguards driving away
68. When Hanuman said so, Rama, the the monkeys on all sides,, and amidst the
wisest of men,' resolved in his mind to do tumult produced thereby, Sita was brought
away with the Maya Sita and bring out the before Rama.
real Sita who was hiding in fire. With this (74-75). Seeing from a distance Sita com-
[Ch. 12

*1^'1 V, , ... . .
SPW^T ftwramJ ftTWFT^Ht SRWET ^||78 ■w
at* ft I ^TSTO[||7<>
- atrftafir^U | 80


II M’*'"’ —
sM?pt frat n 84
~ _*.______ £. .


side of Rama.
ing in a palanquin, Rama, the 'ea^tf5 (81-83). Then Sita, with a devoted heart,
the Raghus, said to Vibheeshana, V circumambulated Rama and in the presence
are you driving away the monkeys? Let of all including, Devas, Rakshasas and
them all have a took at Sita just as they see women, made salutations to the Devas and
their mothers. So let her come walking to holy men, and approaching the fire, said
my presence.” 76. Hearing these words
“ fo"°” Withopa,ms hdd in salutation:
of Rama, Sita got down from the palanquin
May the Fire-deity, who js the
and slowly walked towards Rama. 77.
witness of everything in the'world, protect
Seeing that magical Sita who was created
. 5 owln8 io a way convincing to all
for a definite purpose, Rama addressed her
a my heart has never wavered from its
■*n words that were improper for him to
allegiance to Rama.” 84. With these words,
have used. 78. Being unable to bear,
Sita, the embodiment of chastity, circumam­
those words of Rama, Sita said to Laksh­
bulated the fire and fearlessly entered into
mana, “Please make a pyre of fire for its raging flames. 85. Seeing Sita enter into
me in order that I may infuse confidence the raging fire, the Siddhas and other semi­
in Rama and satisfy the public opinion. divine beings exclaimed, expressing their
(79-80). Lakshmana knew this to be in grief, “Alas! How has Rama, an enlight­
agreement with Rama’s ideas and immedia- ened one, chosen to abandon Sita who is
tely collected the necessary fuel and made none but his inseparable Consort Sri?”
a raging fire. He then stood silently by the

tW 4^T3F
w to g^graft w< qgwgr i $ftw< H<to: to^t gro^g: n i
w wto srRt: totoh I tot ^tt: giw n^rtoiton: n 2
to toratggtor uro i ggqwRmto to snswn^i ft 11 3
to gtoto graft fagrariwi ^mto^RT rff wtf II 4

totoftr w gi Wf: I gfftq^r m^ft g^*ntot 115

to g$: g^tfto | g^t g^r gs* g’M n
tongnto^ gifg gi*jqtftg$ I wi gg g^i tor ftow 117

gqgg wows ftw g? I gcw toft gg: to H s

gq gpgj ftftg W graptow i totorat to gtofera^n 9

Chapter 13

The Hymn of Brahma (1-18) Aswini Devas are Thy nostrils and the
(1-3). Then there gathered at the place moon and the sun are Thy eyes. Thou
where Rama was, Divinities like Indra, art the origin, the middle and end of the
Yama, Varuna, resplendent Kubera, Siva worlds. Thou art the one eternal Being
riding on the bull, Brahma the best of without a second. Thou art ever awake
enlightened beings, the Munis, Siddhas, and ever pure. Thou art Pure Con­
Charanas, Pitris, Rishis, Sadhyas, Gandhar- sciousness and the source of all that is
vas, Apsaras and many others. Saluting good and great. 7. To those whose vision
Rama, the Supreme Being, they said to him: is hidden by Thy Maya, Thou appearest
4. “Thou art the creator of all the worlds. as a human being but to those who always
Thou,whose form ismade of PureConscious- remember Thy sacred name, Thou, O Rama,
ness, art the witness of everything. Among appearest as Pure Consciousness, ever shin­
the Vasus, Thou art the eighth, and among ing. 8. Ravana had deprived us of our status
the Rudras, Thou art Sankara. (5-6). Thou and our prowess. Thou having killed him,
art the real creator of the world. Brahma we have been restored to our positions.’*
endowed with four faces, who is ordinarily 9. While the Devas were thus speaking,
called the creator, is only a manifestation Brahma the father of the worlds, made
of Thee and not different from Thee. The prostrations to Rama, the embodiment of

^nt^srsMtf <rcfc< axrm n 10

wn^ fe^r si towst i

4 nanfa nn n n
wft wrara’ w? WRrahi 4tefrrnf i
<rfns^t ^tnfw4 ^of Tnf ii 12

'Rrarai«k<i4i4H ^g<e§’ifnR(^f^wn^F^3i3’R^ 1
'sjiK’FRiKWa’t ^4 <krihwin^ ii 13
wattt insrawFfessrrct ।
ip$r 11 m

5(qhtt ^fewttfsnr^ 1
^WW^45rW 11 is

Truth, and said: 10. “I saiute Thee> o

to be worshipped by Munis, who is the
Lord, who art all-pervading and the sus­
object of meditation for Yogis, who is the
taining force behind all, who art meditated support for all Yogis, who is ever satisfied,
upon in their hearts by spiritually awakened who attracts all the worlds and who is the
ones, who art above the pairs of opposites quintessence of all beauty. 13. I salute
^tthated as acceptable and rejectable,
Rama, who is above the concepts of
" ° T *xistence and the Dweller being and non-being, whose lotus-feet are
m the hearts of all, and who art of the
worshipped byBhava and other Yogis, who is
nature of pure witness-consciousness. 11.
devoid of worldly attachments, who is in­
I salute that Rama with gem-studded
destructible, stainless, sentient, infinite, deno­
crown and with the radiance of the sun
ted by the Pranava ‘Om’and heroic, and who
whom undeluded ascetics perceive after
is a conflagration to destroy the forces of
having confined the Prana and Apana in
ignorance. 14. Thou art the one who accomp­
their hearts and after cutting asunder with
lishes! all that I pray for, who transcendest
their firm determinative faculty (niscaya-
all measurements, who art the consort of
Lakshmi, who art the support of everything,
12. I salute Rama, who transcends the
who could be approached by Bhakti, who
Maya, who is the consort of Lakshmi, who is assumest any form in which Thou art
the original source of the universe, who was conceived, who art the destroyer of Samsara
before all other beings, who is immeasurable, and who abidest in the hearts that are
who is the dispeller of delusions, who is fit purified by Yoga. 15. I salute Rama who

st sr rwrfitaFf ’raw uramilr Risra i

fwt Wiva gw^ n u

wrt^^r: sfaro’ fwiw wwnfot i

si^R hh u 17

sR^rKt qatfhi wr^R tjRr r?J: 1

w nni srfirasnfaXHtai spiral sw wvwraKhra: 11 is

$r«sirft<w ^n< ww snj. 1

firomrat forarramff 11 19
RfaR W Wit smRRlftR I
hot *rra$f Rwrat'ifirat ’ntn 20

forFT ’wsRSRinrf ctfraranwfarraRRr 1

W *kt ^r: snft 1

is beautiful like a blue lotus, who is the Whoever recites with faith and devotion
origin and the end of the whole universe, this unique and knowledge-generating hymn
who is transcendent and beyond the grasp of Brahma addressed to Rama who is
of the means of knowledge available in- the blue in complexion, who grants the prayers
world, who is the regulator of all, and who of all, and who is the Lord of all—that
is the one object fit to be worshipped with worshipper will be liberated from all sins.
faith and devotion. 16. I salute Rama,
who transcends the bonds of all limits and Sita United with Rama (19-22)
all measurements, who is the object of (19-20). Pleased with the hymn of Brahma,
worship by Munis, who will delight the Lord Agni, the deity of fire, now came out
Devas in Vrindavana in another incarnation, with Sita in his lap—Sita luminous like the
who is adored by Siva and other deities light of the sun and dressed in a red cloth
and who is the source of all joy. No man and adorned with divine ornaments. Then
with attachment for the body can ever know the Lord Agni, the witness of everything in
Thee. 17. I salute Rama, who is the the universe, said to Rama the redresser of
object^ of discourse for all the Vedas and the sorrows of all surrendered ones, as
various kinds of Sastras, who is ever blissful, follows: “O Lord of the Raghus! The
who is objectless awareness, who is eternal, holy person of Sita whom you deposited
who has assumed a human body for my in me in the forest, I am now restoring.
sake, who is the Lord of Mathura and Please accept her. 21. O Lord Hari! In
whose complexion is like that of emerald.”18. order to destroy Ravana, Thou didst create a

mtftrlT HI 11 21
rffitsfapzf qfw snwr nn: 5^: srRri^T i
HTHTTHHT W fWl+U’Ht WT: 'TFT: 11 22
ron?i u4 fw 3^r I
f*KT II 23
?vr^ ^n^r

%i^s( *kt I
^TnkfFF^^T ^^Tq|a II 24
TOI HWltd ^T HHHTTT^ || 25

uwj ii 26
^mnr 5$ fiwRi ’itwsnn^ i

f^FT^F? H^T W7T

magical Sita. Now Ravana has been des­ fire to the forest of Samsara, whose blissful
troyed along with all his sons and relatives. form is always adored by Parvati in her
The world’s burden has thus been relieved. heart, who puts an end to the Jiva's involve­
So the double of Sita created by Maya, ment in Samsara, and in whom Siva and
having fulfilled her function, has disappeared other deities take refuge. 25. I adore Rama
into me.” 22. Thereupon Rama, the Con­ who is the chief redrcsser of the sorrows
sort of Sri, accepted and seated Sita in his of the Devas, who though human in appea­
lap—Sita who was full of joy, who is in­ rance is beyond all forms, who is
separable from him, and who is Sri, the worthy of praise, who is the transcendent
generator of all the three worlds. Lord, who is supreme Bliss, who is the
worshipful master of all, and who removes
Hymn of Indra (23-32)
the burdens of the world. 26. I adore
23. Now Indra, the Lord of the Devas, Ramachandra, who generates joy in the
seeing Rama resplendent with glory and minds of all surrendered ones, who has
united with Sita, came forward in great become propitious, whose name destroys
joy and saluting Rama with joined palms, the sorrows of all surrendered ones, who
began to recite a hymn in praise of him is fit to be contemplated upon by those
in a voice choked with feeling. 24. Indra endowed with austerity and concentration,
said: “I always adore Rama, whose and who is the friend and ally of the chief
complexion is like a blue lotus, who is like a of monkeys. 27. I seek shelter in Rama

Sfft II 28
3t< wwfwnmr =r wron*: i

wf^ngn’fw^ 1
^HR’TR *nr II 30

fcfterf^r $uufa^R *nt w 31

wfeni ware <ta^i

Qfagsroret R'prfe^u 32
?ra: Sfare WFW^n hi^t *r: i hh wmwiw IwtoI WfR^r 11 33
snqfaqi^rsW 1 ^nff m fawrai w: II 34
the chief of the Raghus, who is far away eyes are like the petals of a lotus in
for those engrossed in worldly pleasures bloom, and who is beyond the sea of
but near to those who are contemplatives, Samsara which is difficult for Jivas to cross.
who is the source of all consciousness and 31. I adore Ramachandra who is blue in
joy,* and whose forms give joy to Sita, complexion like Indraneda gem (Lapis
the daughter of Videha. 28. O Lord! Lazuli) and the blue lotus,who brought peace
Thou shinest in combination with Thy to the world by the destruction of Viradha
Yogamaya in a human body assumed for and others, who is bedecked with a diadem
sport. Those whbse ears are always hearing and other ornaments and who is the cause
accounts of Thy sportive manifestations of joy to Siva. 32. I worship Ramachandra
are fitted with spiritual joy in this world. who is seated on a throne more brilliant
29. I did not know Thee in the proper than a crore of moons, who has got Sita
light before, inebriated as I was with the seated in his lap—the golden-complexion-
pride of being the master of the worlds. Now, ed Sita who is brilliant like a flash of
out of Thy grace, this pride in the lord­ lightning—and who is free from all sorrow
ship of all the worlds has been destroyed. 30. and weakness."
I adore Rama who is bedecked with gem- Events Preceding the Departure to
studded armlets and with pearl-necklaces, Ayodhya (33^>
who is like a forest fire to the world’s 33. After that, Siva in the company of
burden of Asuras, who has got the face Bhavani appeared in the sky in an aerial
resembling the autumnal moon, whose vehicle and said to the lotus-eyed Rama: 34.

aabmfeuRvq TOt st: I srw (serw 5^’RFn II 35

snf^ tt4 ^rr^ssFftj ।

arf^hsfa ?w w ^rrmn^ i <?g*Rr groferi ti^t spiw ll 36

TOtefa ^rw tot su5 saissrf^i

wt teFHip wrcRfan»( gft 1 <tor% gsnron w?wn II 37


< sO g^rar 1
*lS**Wk wnv<w^: I 3tfcrar wrrcra ’ft^rerifcnsfa ll 38
^4rm»(4V^: | MFT TR || 39

WRHira t< $$ 1 qftsqrat wj||40

frfrta*** WHR T^HTl g$HRte&RWt wh UTO^ II 41
«3W«fl«n& 3 SRsraKHitf^j: | fan *W H 42
Ishall come to meet Thee when Thou art
Agreeing to do so, Indra sent a shower of
received with honour in Ayodhya. Now
Amrita over the dead bodies, whereupon,
please look at him, who is the generator of
the monkeys who had died in battle revived
S’ °Lr™™ ” 111611 Rama as if from sleep. Strong as before, they
Dasaratha before him seated in an aerial
approached Rama in great joy. But the
vetocle. With great joy and devotion, Rama
Rakshasas there did not become alive even
brother Lakshmana, made
by contact with Amrita.
prostations to him. 36. Dasaratha embra­
ced Rama^ kissed him on the crown of his (39-40). Now Vibheeshna made a full
prostration to Rama and said, ^‘If Thou
head, nnd said, “O my dear son! On
art pleased with me, deign to bless me.
account of you, I have been rescued from
Be pleased to bathe and be adorned along
the travails of the ocean of Samsara’’
with Sita, and prepare to start tomorrow
Saying so, he embraced Rama once again
along with your brother.” (41-42). At these
Rama thereupon worshipped him and Dasa­
words of Vibheeshana, Rama replied, “My
ratha disappeared from sight.
brother Bharata, handsome and devoted, is
37. Rama now said to Indra the king
awaiting my arrival. Dressed in tree-bark
of the Devas, who was standing before him
clothes and matted locks, he is immersed
with joined palms, “O thousand eyed one!
in meditation on Pranava. Without him
On my orders please spray a shower of Am­
there is no bath or decoration for me. 43.
rita over these monkeys who have fallen dead
Therefore, extend a reception to the monkeys
on my account, and revive them soon.” 38. headed by Sugreeva. If you host these n\pn-

^ra: I sftpr: u 43

^xEt wfeHiMtifa । wsfa 11 44

gWFJpraiK^T I 3rf*FRI ’TTO’TFT || 45

ft^tanrarotf g®FE i TOift worw1’^ ll 46

3< ftsiFT 5^<t ^ITOt I TOT H^WT II 47

3T5RF3T ftHTTOJ sfare I SITO Wf n 48

faw4 si *rafe: a? qrarc I ST3W WT 44 ’T^i II 49

1 to to u50
<3T srifM siw: fea to K^h: i toW tfcto! ft^h ii 51

WRH3 tort^ wn:| TOTOTO: WR ftMtam 11 52

3(41w ’F^ft^jiwror h< ^nwi ^^cTOn^iW^^uTORiTORi ^1153

W5 TOfcft ^ITOR^rf 4ft 5T: TOt | S4

wfla^fa TOtfW’n 1 RETORT Sftwift || 55

keys, it is as good as honouring me.” to go to your respective places. 50. O Sug­

44. When Rama said so, Vibheeshana the reeva!Along with all your generals, you go
chief of the Rakshasas, now presented to to Kishkindha soon, And O Vibheeshana!
the monkeys according to their taste, an You, who are my devotee, go and rule over
abundance of gold, gems and clothes. 45. your country Lanka. 51. None including
On seeing these leading monkeys treated the Devas headed by Indra can overcome
liberally in this way, Rama thanked them you. Now I desire to go to my father’s
all and permitted them to go to their res­ capital, Ayodhya.” 52. All the monkey
pective places. leaders and the Rakshasa Vibheeshana, who
46. After that in the company of Vibhee­ were thus thanked and commended by
shana, Rama got into the unique aerial Rama, said to him with joined palms: (53-54)
vehicle Pushpaka, which was shining like the “O Rama, the greatest of theRaghus! We
sun. 47- The bashful Sita was seated in his desire to go to Ayndhya and see your
lap, and his brother, the heroic Lakshmana, coronation and pay our respects to Kausalya.
by his side. 48. Seated in the aerial vehicle, After that we shall go to our countries. O
Rama said to all the monkey and to Sug­ Lord! Be pleased to accord permission
reeva, Angada and Vibheeshana: 49. “Along for this.” 55. Agreeing to this request,
with all these monkeys you have eminently Rama said, “O Sugreeva! You along with
fulfilled your duty towards a friend and Vibheeshana, Hanuman and the monkeys,
ally. Now permitted by me, you are free get ready to start immediately and ascend
346 YUDDHA KANDAM [Ch. 13-14

<RRg gjfrr: I few? ww 11 S6 t

awig gifg <kw^ 1 fasiw 11 57
snft fcr fonta &g^ta wrar I 11 58
ggt^ft snwRwi^’i ^rta aWr^sr^i
sfW fagtf ^Stanrtcta R^Fta II 59
$fg sfr^E’nt’fW'M 3KR^W^
5Rt^r: flS: II U H

the divine vehicle Pushpaka.” 56. Thereupon Hamsa, Rama, now filled with joy, looked
Sugreeva and Vibheeshana along with his like another Brahma himself. 59. With
ministers and all the monkey army got into Rama seated along with Sita and Lakshmana
that divine vehicle. 57. When all of them in it, this vehicle of sunlike brilliance
had boarded it, that aerial' vehicle of originally obtained by Kubera by his
Kubera rose into the sky at Rama's order. Tapas, now shone in the sky all the
58. Seated in that vehicle with the emblem of more.

| sftfcdM Stat W
wr wrnta. i ’Wt u 2
’ssrwruw wu sra $ta tootT ll 3
tamtam: 1 sferanft 11 4
^ta gbj smsi ww: I 5

qtn sng: stfgfag: h 6

Chapter 14

Description of Places as seen from miry with the flesh and blood of the dead.
above (1-14)
(3-4). Here took place the fierce battle
1. Now seated in the aerial vehicle, between the Asuras and the monkeys.
Rama looked all around and said to Sita This is the place where Ravana fell at my
of moon-like face. 2. “Look at the shining hand. All the other Rakshasa heroes
Lanka at the top of the Trikuta mountain like Kumbhakama and Indrajit fell in this
and see the battlefield near by, which is place. (5-6). See in the ocean the Setu
56-59 & 1-17]

3ft- nt wi nrnt nferfam I w gflqsmfl fcfaFsn Rn^nrnr n 7

nsr ww w I suhhthih gate: ntam: (wefw ii s

mfa: jfcn w i ns’T qr^qq n 9

hth war % <m: I 3rt^ri g^w? qwwft 11 10
n wn: nq qfSrfn i 3T*ft w^t faqq*j! 11 11

srsr nt I wrsrwt 11 12
T*n •wftaft w sw <5iWFft i Ri n 13
w hi ^wtsqtsnc 5rih ’nwfn 1 14
irq q&n HT$n^ wsram src: 1 q<jf qq q^nt pjh^h: i is

<wr qq?^ mgsr: ng: l H5F^ gRHIHtH II 16

Tjahfq qifcq^q; I grw q^sqtw sfcn>3 H f? HER: 1117

(Jam) that I constructed. This in future (11-14) O virtuous one! All those ascetics
vvill be famous as the Setubandha in all the who then inhabited these places are still
worlds—a holy place for people to visit seen there. There you see the imposing
and bathe. By doing so, they will be mountain Chitrakuta. It was here that
absolved from their sins. Here I installed Bharata, the son of Kaikeyi, came to show
parneswara, the divine image of Siva. 7. It his regard for me. You now see there
is in this place that Vibheeshana with his Bharadwaja’s Ashrama on the banks of
ministers joined me. What you see there Yamuna. And here is Ganga which purifies
amidst beautiful forests is Sugreeva’s city of the whole world. O Sita! What you
Kishkindha.” see there is river Sarayu with numerous sac­
8. As Sita was desirous of seeing the rificial posts on its banks, and this that you
women folk of the monkeys, the aerial see is Ayodhya. Make salutations to the city.”
vehicle stopped there at Rama’s behest,
and Sugreeva soon brought Tara Hymn of Bharadwaja (15-38)
and other women for Sita to see. 9. 15. Travelling in this way Rama gradually
With these women also on board, the reached the Ashrama of Bharadwaja on the
Pushpaka aerial vehicle quickly rose into the fifth lunar day after fourteen years of
sky once more. Rama now said again point­ absence. 16. Rama along with Lakshmana
ing to Rishyamuka mountain, “See, here Vali saluted the sage Bharadwaja who was
was killed by me. 10. Now see the famous seated in the Ashrama and said to him
place Panchavati where I destroyed a large in all humility*. 17. “Do you know
Rakshasa force. Beyond that see the holy whether my brother Bharata is getting on
Ashramas of Agastya and Suteekshapa. well? Is Ayodhya in a prosperous condi-
[Ch. 14

W wcpt:
*rwri fhtsi I
HTWKns^rFa^ra: I

r fwsrWt n

'« ^HRH^TEW^l I
Tfisfa wrSr ii 25
^RT VF^i I
W< 1
<n I
ll 2g
stfRI WT WF'F3'TT^ I W II 29

tion? Are all my mothers alive?” (18-20). sire of the world, Brahma, originated from
Highly pleased to hear Rama’s words, Thy navel-lotus. 23. Therefore, Thou art
Bharadvvaja replied, “All are doing well, the Lord of the worlds, worshipped by all.
and as for Bharata, he lives on fruits and Thou art Mahavishnu and Sita the daughter
roots and wears matted locks and tree-bark of Janaka, is Lakshmi. This personage,
clothes. He rules the country dedicating whois known as Lakshmana, is Adisesha.
his actions to Thy sandals and is awaiting 24. Thou createst this world out of Thyself,
Thy return. O Lord of the Raghus'. in Thyself, by Thy inherent power of May#.
By virtue of my Tapas and Thy grace, I Just like the sky, Thou art not attached or
have come to know about all Thy achieve­ defiled by anything. With Thy power of
ments in the Dandaka forest, consisting knowledge, Thou art the witness of every­
in the destruction of all the Rakshasas, thing. 25. Thou art pervading everything
putting forward Sita’s abduction as the cause. within and without. Thou art the Whole.
21. Thou art verily the Supreme Brahman Out of ignorance people see Thee in separa­
manifested, so that one could see Thee with tion. 26. Thou art the universe. Thou
the eyes. Thou art without beginning and art also the support of the universe. Thou
end. In the beginning,Thou didst bring Water alone art the support of all beings. O
into existence. Thou, the cause of all, didst Lord! Thou art both the enjoyer and the
remain in slumber in the Water. 22. Thou enjoyed. 27. Whatever is seen, heard or
art Narayana because Thou art lying in Nara, remembered, all that is Thou Thyself.
water. Thou art Narayana also because Thou There is nothing else besides Thee. (28-29).
art the inner self of Naras or men.The grand­ For want of true knowledge of Thee, all

faftrah i WTRli ll 3i
ARM! WFR1: WRT: I SlftwH II 32
WKRRt HFlfcl qnrfjg | SFFWRt TW II 33

r wnr jn wrI mfigwrr whsfa^h f% d34

%*Mfofrh»r $g hr 5^1 R^^R^iPi wi ^RT&ra: u 35
ategqfediq Wl 'OT# ^FT’TW RjfRRfH II 36
jirimfR rRsi* n^i feRTO ^fri nwit nfrqfa n
g^ftr qqfofaMfefflisw 3^ 1 h^t: tftan u 38
gat nRFRfcn m? rt^i^ I ^nfeRRW uft rrt: ii 39
smftft 3?r^r sft^ssnfr irrfcnf^ i *w aft fcf gs RR n 40
^TR^fewrtorHH at fi^Ri 41
this is seen in separation. With the dawn austerities, incarnated Thyelf in the line of
of Thy knowledge, nothing is seen in separa­ the Raghus. (35-30. O Rama! Thou
tion. Maya with its products like ‘I-sense,’ hast achieved the purpose of the Devas
creates this world at Thy will. Therefore, in fullness. Incarnated as man, Thou hast
this creation is Thine alone indirectly. 30. performed actions impossible for any one
In the presence of a loadstone, iron and to achieve. Famed all the world over for
its products- move. In the same way-, by these achievements, the tin-destroying acco­
Thy look alone this insentient Maya is unts about them will be the cause of the
able to create. 31. In Thy creative, and welfare of men both here and hereafter for
protective aspect, Thou art said to be thousands of years. 37. O Lord of the
endowed .with two bodies, the Virat or the worlds! Deign to purify my home. Today
Cosmic Whole as Thy gross body, and the Thou with Thy forces can take Thy food
Sutratma or the subtle Pervading Self known
and stay here. Tomorrow Thou canst
as Hiranyagarbha. 32. Out of Virat Puru-
proceed to Thy city.” 38. Rama agreed to
sha, numerous Incarnations arise and after this and stayed in that holy Ashrama for
they fulfill their purpose, they dissolve into that night. He along with Sita, Lakshmana
the Virat Purusha Himself. 33. O Rama! and the forces received the hospitality of the
In this world, whoever recites with attention sage for the night.
and devotion the accounts of these Incarna­
tions, they attain to Moksha. 34. O Lord Hanuman’s Mission to Bharata (3!M>8)
of the Raghus! Being requested by Brahma
(39-41). Thinking for a while, Rama
in days of old to relieve the burdens of the
called Hanuman, the son of the Wind-god,
earth, Thou, who wert pleased with his
and said to him, “O Hanuman ! You go
[Cb. 14
sffcwi crat w w w I toh f< K*TFfar ^rar hh i
tftaraswftfa wrei 11 42
wjfe^ihr si gsr 11 43
<ri 5i5rn<HRRfewvi: ^wr: 1 w: 11 44
<eg^gsr fR wra 45
Ws 53*<tew W ^r^ra: I KfaoiR wsfa: I

wiifiq ^nftw^ n 46
^R5t ggHWiq Mf^K I H^TRRRIRT II 47
tlflwftt ^FWI I 1148
sig^ratsg ^ri tfrx i ^r II 49
WMI *^n: W^RFH^I 3<w H51W siSqfrr Ws: 11 50

,w Wflfty l anrlws 3W3P<uii« ’nft 5^ 11 si

^^mHr^ujhPhih^ 1 w $4 11 52

quickly to Ayodhya and see whether every Reaching Sringavera city on the way,
thing is going on well in the palace. Going Hanuman addressed Guha as follows with
to the city of Sringavera, inform my friend a joyous heart: 48. “Your friend, Rama
Guha that I have come along with Sita the son of Dasaratha and an embodiment
and Lakshmana. (42-43). After that you go of Dharma, along with Sita and Laksh­
to {andigrama. See my brother Bharata mana, is abiding in a happy condition.
and convey to him the news of my welfare They convey their kind enquiries to
as also of my wife and my brother. Inform you. 49. Permitted by the sage Bharad-
him also about all that has happened—of the waja, Rama will soon arrive at your place
abduction of Sita and the destruction of and he will meet you.” 50. The resplen­
Ravana. (44-45). Inform him that after dent Hanuman said so with great joy indica­
destroying all the enemies and the complete ted by horripilations on his body. Then
fulfilment of my purposes, I am arriving that mighty one leapt away at great speed.
along with my wife, Lakshmana and the 51. Travelling with high velocity through
leaders of the bears and monkeys. Learn the sky, Hanuman passed the lake of Para-
also all the news about Bharata and his surama and the river Sarayu and arrived at
doings, and return to me quickly.” Nandigrama. (52-55). At Nandigrama, a
46. Agreeing to do so, Hanuman assu­ Krosa (four miles) away from Ayodhya,
med a human body. Then with the lightn­ he saw Bharata. He had put on a small piece
of bark-cloth and a skin of black antelope.
ing speed of a Garuda attacking a serpent,
With his hair matted and dressed in tree-
he quickly proceeded to Nandigrama. 47.


<n^> imwri I ll 54
miSHfcr KlMhi<i^4 CJTOFHT^aRJFSf: II 55

q ?< TW rTFTH I 3T3siNfa^?TO: v 56

srfa^ smir r qifc w W« ll 57
faMHHeqrffr ’Sfaj S'SJWC I
wi <?wt ito ’sftaron^ I srnfa wM n ss
^5xtt w^n ^f^r: I TTH ^T^Ti || 59

snfe^ wi: I w. 11 60
*n mjjft I ^IR 5( fqqq || 61

n<t uTO’irr w I gqiWIWSI g’TO^b’TRg tet II 62

trqipf^n j^t in? wt wirh^ i qg4Uifa ereffir nrrei ll 63

shtW *W 5HTO 64

bark cloth, he was subsisting on roots and 59. This happy news filled the mind of
fruits, and constantly thinking of Rama. the mighty Bharata with such intense delight
With Rama’s sandals kept in front as a that he swooned and fell on the ground.
token of his presence, he was governing the 60. Reviving soon, Bharata embraced Hanu­
country on Rama’s behalf. He was surroun­ man who had brought him the joyful news,
ded by ministers and chief citizens, who and literally drenched him with his tears of
were all dressed in ochre clothes. Seeing joy. 61. He said, “You-who have come
him, who looked like the embodiment of here out of mercy—are you a Deva or a
Dharma, Hanuman said with palms joined man? I shall grant a boon to you who
in salutation: 56. “With a sorrowful heart have brought this joyous news to me. 62.
you are thinking of Rama as living in the I shall give you as a reward a hundred
Dandaka forest as an ascetic—that Rama is thousand cows, a hundred villages and
now making enquiries about you. 57. sixteen beautiful girls decorated with every
O noble one! I shall now tell you what is kind of ornament.” (63-64). Bharata con­
very dear to you. Abandon your intense tinued, “It’s long since my lord Rama has
sorrow. Soon would you be able to meet your gone to live in the deep regions of the forest.
brother Rama. 58. Having killed Ravana and It is only now I am getting some happy
rescued Sita and thus achieved his purpose, news about him. 65. If a man lives for a
Rama has reached the neighbourhood, along hundred years, he will in the course of that
with Sita and Lakshmana.’’ have some joyous experiences—this common
[Ch. 14

to <tt^t i ttfa ll <£

WRI sfatf I WWW fro# ll66
*KR*FU I TOS ^TOi 1167
5 w rwto^ i sn^m^rjji 1168
t^rfa ’nqf^r rr^hI ll 69
tgrferro^ ^fww: i ^srr Rqfcw i

wnww 3rt ww u 7«
qfa ^TRt HHHRi: I FFTF^ TOW 3^ flMWTO( ll 71
I srassws stohr^s^: n 72

1 wr^Jfci torn ™fmw ll 73

fa’fifo ^n w^wdi: I swt ww' ww to ll 74
^w' TO^W | qi^^fp^TKF?’ j^TO^JTOTOfa II 75
rrf^ tfaBife 1 *tr: <n^ 11 76
wwt tr qi^i^i fH4t 11 77
saying seems to have become true with re­ ladies, ministers, the Brahmanas, the leading
gard to me. 66. How did Rama come to citizens and the tributary princes proceed
have an alliance with the monkeys? Tell to see the moon-like face of Rama.” (72-75)
me the truth about it. I shall believe your Hearing Bharata’s words, Satrughna ordered
words.” 67. On being thus questioned by the city to be decorated with pearls and
high-minded Bharata, Hanuman narrated jewels, with buntings, flags and with all
the incidents of Rama’s story one after other kinds of decorations. Houses were
another. 68. With great joy he heard the decorated by people who were experts in
narration of Hanuman and then jubilantly that art. All who were eager to see Rama
called Satrughna and said: now started in a body. That group
consisted of a hundred thousand horses, a
Bharata goes to meet Rama (69-100)
thousand elephants and ten thousand chariots
69. “O scion of Raghu’s line! Let wor­ with golden decorations. The people
ship and offerings of every kind be done in following were all carrying objects fit for
every temple in the city without an exception. presentation to royalty. 76. Following this
70. Let a large group consisting of panegyri­ group were the royal ladies in palanquins.
sts, bards, musicians and dancing girls 77. Bharata walked on foot along with
proceed immediately. 71. Let the royal Satrughna, himself carrying the sandals of

yro s’faw’ron raftffc^iiTs

TO^Rofr i
nfclTO ^cftw: I TOW SRT ^T5 ’hHRW || 79
crat <1^^ n so

^r^5R5nhre<f srritf q(f q?n: 1 tawsRi: hIhRwih^ 11 si

si^r 11 82
<rat taw wt wi i^r 1 tat n4 Sfcgf** u 83
?Rt ARISM^fra I
anWfr fan* hi^mw 1 wm sfaa: s^ivhk^ 11 m

«adiiicq w tor sei a qfh^r11 «

git WRHM[ ?rm I snoRvc** jftnt w: shrift II 86
gjfci * W* Wff^ 1 wi 3s 11
Q4°T =4 W nW *kti*il4’t«( I 3K*F TOT ’jftroW || 87

<t *13^ ’titow: I hsfw: ^w ^fan: s^zrc ’^r^fw ] gg

Rama on his head and with his hands joined Bharata made prostrations to Rama seated
in salutation. in the Vimana just like the sun on the
78. At a distance he saw the aerial vehicle mountain Meru. 84. Now, commanded by
Pushpaka, built by Brahma by an act of Rama, the aerial vehicle touched the earth.
■will, shining like the sun and the moon. 79. Bharata along with his brother Satrughna
Now Hanuman said, “In that Pushpaka, entered into it with great joy and made
you will see the heroic Rama and Lakshmana prostrations once again. 85. Rama who
along with Sita as also Sugreeva, the king was meeting his brother Bharata after
of the monkeys and Vibheeshana with his a long time, seated him in his lap and
ministers.” SO. Then the sky was filled with embraced him in great joy. 86. Next Bharata
the joyous exclamations of that concourse of
approached Lakshmana and Sita, and anno­
men and women, young and old: “O here is uncing his presence by name, saluted them.
our Rama! O here is our Rama!” (81-82). Bharata then embraced Sugreeva,
Those who were riding in chariots or on the Jambavan, the heir apparent Angada,
backs of elephants and horses got down Mainda, Dvivida,.Neela, Rishabha, Sushena;
and walked. They saw Rama seated in the Nala, Gavaksha, Gandhamadana, Sarabha
Pushpaka Vimana just like the moon in and Panasa. 88. All these monkeys, being
the sky. In great joy they all saluted him capable of taking any form, assumed the
with joined palms. 83. Next the joyous appearance of men and received Bharata.

^ra: Wt ms I II 89
^n 3 wr i wra w nwHftm n 90

fcrnfcca: 1 WW ftw 11 91

^nns wst wf II 92
gfctf 1 w; <n^ 1 5^ 11 93

1 ^WF?w^ w f^rif^ IL 94

oFH if 1 SWT || 95
rti i srmtra $< n 96

3JR wi TOn l wyte smrf^lfcw: II 97

w. 3£u<m w w*i 5^ I w fa ifarfa wrenfa w u 98
w ffaRiw»rtta^i
I ar^sF^sRifa sr^n^r^ n 99

Versed in good conduct, they made enquiries to you herewith. O Lord! I have attained
about Bharata’s welfare in great joy. (89-92). the highest fulfilment of my life in seeing you
en Bharata said respectfully addressing return to Ayodhya. My aspirations have
ugreeva, after embracing him, “With your been fulfilled. 96. The granary, the army,
P, ama has been victorious and has the treasury, and other limbs of the State
destroyed Ravana. So, you, O Sugreeva, that you had entrusted to me have, by y0Ur
are a fifth brother to us four.” Now grace, now grown tenfold. Now, O Lord
m all humility, Satrughna made prostrations govern your kingdom.” 97. Hearing these
to Rama and Lakshmana and after that to words of Bharata, all the monkey leaders
Sita also. Then Rama went to his shed tears and in great joy praised Bharata.
mother who had become lean and pale on 98. Then Rama in a mood of great joy
account of sorrow. Producing great joy seated Bharata in his lap and proceeded to
in her mind, he saluted her, touching her feet. Bharata’s Ashrama in that aerial vehicle.
(93-95). Rama then saluted his other mothers 99. Then Rama got down to the ground
Kaikeyi and Sumitra. Bharata now put from that aerial vehicle and addressed it
on Rama’s feet that pair of sandels of his, thus, “Now I give you permission to go.
which he had been worshipping with great You can be at the service of Kubera,
devotion till now. He said, “The kingdom the son of Visravas and the lord of
that you entrusted to me. I am now restoring wealth.”
89-100 & 1-7] RAMA’S CORONATION 355

nut jjrt: Rttt w ^qgrt: i

qw grt-wfWm grt: wfan: ll 100

$3^ n ||

100. Rama then saluted the Guru of his Guru of the Devas. He offered an honoured
family, Vasishta, just as Indra salutes the seat to the Guru and sat by his side.

tkrwsffeimw srk*h4^ u i

KiffT it tot hh I qrrfH =q THH^T UH ll 2

wrh =q I H^ETT HPklHRT ?JW ^11 3

srfwi^ I HRnHlf^FU HWf || 4
,ww: n 5
3 smqtfqiH’ I qm CT || 6
ll 7

Chapter 15
Rama’s entry into Ayodhya followed all the ways of man, agreed to the
(1-29) proposal and received back the kingdom.
1. Next Bharata, the son of Kaikeyi, (5-7). To him, the Supreme Soul and the
spoke to his brother with great devotion Lord of all, who is ever immersed in His
joining his palms in salutation. 2. He inherent Bliss-consciousness, whose Bliss
said, “O Rama! My mother Kaikeyi did transcends every other forms of joy—to
a wrong to you. You bestowed the king­ Him, the Lord of all, of what account is the
dom on me. In the same way I am giving attainment of the worldly kingdom?
it back to you.” 3. With these words, He, by the movement of whose brows, all
Bharata made a full prostration to Rama and the three worlds get destoyed, He by whose
along with his mother Kaikeyi, requested blessing all the glory and wealth up to that
Rama many times to accept the kingdom. of Indra are obtained, He who out of sport
4. Rama, who was the Lord of all but creates this world—for that Lord of Rama,

^nwi^r wfarogrift h «
to. ^rrorft^: I TOmra^fromirofar toto ft n 9
TOirofr I TOW TOS^ ft^W II 10

fahfaw: HwEbhumig^rw: I W&toWTOrI TO fw Wg II n

sifarf wwi to^to wwft: I 5RW to: <sftw nrorftg: ii n

tot snrostaf toWH shw n b
grow^ I
tow ^teiw si^sr grororo u u
gqTO: s^rond ftra: I to OT: TOsnfawn ll 15
gfltt 'twiw 5?WhR SFftw I totot ftsqreum ftroiwigfom । l6
33Uh4H<3* toftotoo: I fflwrot tftar T’rg’riS: gt n 17
wrof^n fan, TO’ft TOWFT TOT TOt WOT H 18
w W^f wggft: ।
l&TOTO’ W% 55^TOt TOTO ll
S. whatinaccount
of Still is fthis
order t0 *"W ,.
X wori/11. ,
kmgdom? Lakshmana. 14. The royal women dressed
all those who worship Him he^8**9S. ”®* *of and adorned the beautiful Sita. The good-
this human form «dt±“fT”* natured and affectionate Kausalya attended
all these human ways. n ^o owin8 in great joy to the decoration of the wives
of the monkeys. 15. By this time according
9. Next, at the order of ,
barbers came and attended onT to the orders of Satrughna, Sumantra had
the ingredients for tb. *’ma AU got ready a chariot shining like the sun.
also gathered. (10-11). After th. °n (16-17). Rama devoted to Truth and Dharma
their hairs, Bharata, the high“ JedTth^ now sat in that chariot. Sugreeva, Angada,
mana, Sugreeva the king of L^' Hanuman, Vibheeshana and others, after
bath and decoration with ornaments and
and the Rakshasa Vibheeshana
costly dress, preceded and followed Rama
their baths. Next with his matted l<xfe
in chariots and on the backs of horses
shaven off, Rama finished his bath d and elephants. Sita and the wives
decorated with beautifuf gariands’ **
of Sugreeva followed in palanquins*
anointed with fragrant unguents and dres 18. Just as Indra travels in his chariot
sed in costly robes, stood there resplendent"
to which are yoked green-coloured
(12-13). The high-souled Bharata himself horses, Rama now travelled to the great city
attended to the decoration of Rama and in his chariot. 19. Then at a certain stage

fcfat: 1 11 21
RT3<i MRTOIH n^wns I $Rhl$pHlt*l <R!HUl4iq& 11 22
smt Tiwha’rat gft hw^rhJI 23

hws tor I

3n^ra35iwh^HF5 rosr ’jgsfaicfa n 24

3HEqHWKafc5q%Wfrqw srai: u 25

snroafa^aproi ifMwMq, 1
ft^ta^CT^nn^ll 25
* sn feRt ttr^thh 5^i Mrifritahfeidffiqiw 1
3Hra ’TWZW^ ^rew: ll 27

of the procession, majestic Bharata an imposing diadem and jewels, and who
officiated as the charioteer, Satrughna had lotus-like eyes tinged slightly red. 25.
held the white royal umbrella with The citizens saw Rama, who wore a
golden handle and Lakshmana held the yellow cloth held in position by a golden
peacock-feathered fans. 20. Standing near­ belt studded with charming gems, and the
by, Sugreeva waved the white chauri fan interspace between whose powerful arms
while Vibheeshana held another in his hand. was adorned with priceless pearl necklaces.
21. In the sky was heard the sweet sound 26. The citizens saw Rama, who was
of praises the Devas, Siddhas and holy attended upon by famous and serene monkey
Rishis were singing in honour of Rama. leaders like Sugreeva, who was resplendent
(22-23). The monkeys in human form rode like the sun, on whose body was applied
on elephants to the accompaniment of sandal paste mixed with Kasturi, and who
sounds of kettledrums, conchs, Mridanga, was adorned with a garland made with the
Panava and Anaka. Rama, the eldest of flowers of the Kalpaka tree. 27. On hear­
Raghu’s line, now entered the beautifully ing about Rama’s arrival, the womenfolk,
decorated city ofAyodhya. 24. The citizens with their faces bright with enthusiasm,
rejoiced to see the arrival of Rama, abandoned all their household work and
who was of blue-complexion like a blade took their positions, having decorated them­
of Durva grass, who was decorated with selves well, on the high terraces of houses.



TT^rora *<i**i<ri<4Ulw <fb II 29

stf^T WWRM W 1

^r fq^tfaa: 'T^ih ll 30
’ron^ tw ht’tttoh: i hr hCaa^^h^ ii 31
fim I Rfejofrr jh^tt ii 32

TOf^^t ^nsrr^ ^rars’X' nw^sr: n 33

I sn^j ^afc^fcifenn^ n 34

I 3{^ ’i^n ll 35

7T5rufofa: i TFrwifaT^ mRi^i^i *■^'*5^ ll 37

28. Producing great delight in the mind, also to the other wives of his father. (31-32).
they drank, as it were, with their eyes the
Then Rama, noted for his righteousness, ad­
form of Hari, which was a delight for the
dressing Bharata said, “Provide for the resi­
dence of my friend Sugreeva, the king of the
eyes to see. With smiling and bright faces,
they showered flowers on him. 29. Rama, monkeys, my great palace furnished with all
who was none but the Supreme Hari, luxuries. Next provide houses for the com­
moved like another Brahma Himself,afid fortable stay of all theothers.” 33.On beingso
with a smiling face cast his benevolent instructed, Bharata did accordingly. Bharata
of majestic countenance said to Sugreeva:
glances on his subjects. Moving forward with
34. “For the ceremonial cornonation-bath
unhurried steps he entered the well-decorated
palace of his father, which resembled the of Rama, please despatch some fast messen­
very abode of Indra. gers to fetch water from all the four oceans.”
(35-36). Sugreeva thereupon despatched
Coronation of Rama (30-45) Jambavan, Hanuman, Angada and Sushena
30. Moving into the inner apartments on this errand. They travelled fast like
of the palace, the lordly Rama made pro­ wind and soon brought water from the
strations at the feet of his mother with oceans in golden pots.
great delight. Then he made prostrations 37. Satrughna along with the ministers,

wst srwh i onto ii ss

MHffaqkraw i to n 39

SWIS^WyW*44<S3<U I
TO wi wit *j*n 1 <«& nferfa: 11

htWebiMt t^hrfH fari: 1 ^gfwfcwJ^* hww 11 41

*q W^r: TP3T I WJWRt Tl T^TOH^ || 42

Wt ^T^ft TOWti^T! I W^TTO^K || 43

<ri ’tRfw: i jt^ww ii 44

T’nfo tth ii 45

took the water thus brought to the royal presented to Rama, with great devotion,
priest Vasishtha. (38-39). Then the aged another necklace studded with all kinds of
and devoted Vasishtha along with the other gems and golden embellishments. The
Brahmanas seated Rama on a golden Gandharvas sang and groups of Apsaras
pedestal studded with gems. The cere­ danced. The kettle-drums of Devas then
monial bath was administered by a group sounded and showers of flowers poured
of sages consisting of Vasishtha,Vamadeva, down from the sky.
Jabali, Gautama and Valmiki. (40-41). They (46-50). There sat Rama, who was blue
bathed Rama of Raghu’s line, as the Vasus in complexion like fresh Durva grass,
bathed Indra, with water fragrant with who had eyes large like lotus petals, who
Tulasi, Kusa grass and flower essences and was adorned with a crown brilliant like a
the juice of various kinds of herbs, while crore of suns, whose beauty excelled that
there stood in attendance Rishis, sacrificial of a crore of Cupids, who was dressed in
priests, highminded Brahmanas, the ministers yellow silk, decorated with divine ornaments
and virgins. From the sky above, the Devas and anointed with highly fragrant unguents,
and the Deities of the quarters and their who was resplendent like a thousand suns,
attendants sang his praises and witnessed who was two-armed, and on whose left
the ceremonial bath. 42. Satrughna held side was seated Sita of golden
over him the white royal umbrella, while complexion and lotus-like arms and adorned
Sugreeva and Vibheeshana held the Chowri with all ornaments. She was on his left
fans in hands. (43-45). Prompted by Indra, lap, held by his left arm. Seeing this
the Wind-god presented a necklace of gold, form of Rama more resplendent than
while Indra himself came in person and anything else, Siva along with Uma and all


fs^sr 1 ||48
’^Kwnj^f wi «nql<w^ i n

mifcmqgiWreq ron 'HRKHHlhg: i

w<t I stented ii so

tes^ nnnr wf^FT tewnn^tw

foflwit^quiiq fa<T$HWT II 51

^HFun fe^r ^ssfh^stot: ii 52
stert fte$ jqte^ JFTWW^ferRtat:

sicM ^nfrfw fte^ii 53

HW^STH <1 <RW ’EufhjTt
W4M^q(yM4W?)*[fa ten n 54

^rar ftrfes’r: <Hfa I


the Devas came forward in great devotion in Thy inherent Bliss, Thou art not affected
and addressed a hymn of praise to him. by any of these actions. 53. Assuming the
Gunas of Prakriti, Thou, for the blessing
Hymn of Siva (51-63) of devotees who have taken shelter in Thee,
51. Mahadeva said, “Salutation to Thee, manifestest as many incarnations among
the luminous Being in the company of Devas, men and the like, and thus sportest
Thy Sakti, who art handsome like a blue in this world. Only the knowing ones ever
lotus, who art bedecked with a diadem, understand this. 54. Thou createst the whole
necklaces and armlets, and who art seated of this universe through Brahma, who is
on a throne. 52. O Lord'of the worlds! only a part of Thyself. At the base of the
Thou art the one Unitary Being without universe, Thou bearest it in the form of
a beginning, middle and end. With Thy Adisesha. Thou manifestest in this universe
Maya, Thou dost create, protect and destroy above and below in many forms as the sun,
this universe. But being ever immersed wind, moon, vegetation and clouds. 55.

sn^Wi^fo eH iiW«ii3<f<wi gq
fof^friTforfr^ra; $i<d*^ita4foi<iit( I
Tlfor Tqfotf folTH W ||
w fo?L‘ * €t ^1*13 tfl+fo* I
si gpg^fot ii
’F^ I
g vtct fora: qra: n
gsngfra ’Krafot srar: ggrairar gmra: I 59

^xwtanwmgsigi fonra to ’fowr^n

g fo: foRgro qfofarn: I 60

^rat $4 gr^n g^fo^q^jra: 11

sit gqqgg gg^gigf qgifa ^rwgfor gwqr i 61
foq^fot fonra gaf gq gg gm n
In the bodies o£ embodied beings, Thou art
cause and effect art Thyself.
present as digestive fire, and manifesting
nothing separate from Thee. .».There m thisis
in five forms, Thou digestest all things 59. In this
infinitely diverse creation, whatever existed
eaten. Thus dost Thou support this world. - existed
before, whatever would exist hereafter and
56. O Lord! Out of Thy prowess alone
whatever exists now — all these moving
have come out all energies—energies mani­
and unmoving beings have no existence apart
fest in the moon, sun and fire, the vitality
jn all living beings, as also the strength, from Thee. Thou art therefore the
courage and longevity found in them. 57. transcendent Being. 60. Because of Thy
O Lord! The Logicians speak of Thee Maya, people do not understand Thy real
in different ways as Brahma, Siva and nature. Only those whose minds have
been purified by the service of Thy devotees,
Vishnu, and as Time, Karma, moon, sun
etc. But this diversity posed by Logicians understand the supreme truth about Thee
has no substance in it, as there is as the unitary Existence. 61. As their
minds are outwardgoing, all beings from
no existence other than Thee, the one
Brahma down, do not understand Thy
Supreme Brahman. 58. In the Vedas and
Supreme spiritual nature as the Truth of
in the Puranas, Thou, the only Exis­
the Atman. So wise persons worship Thee
tence, art spoken of as incarnating as fish,
in this form with devotion, and freed from
etc .In the same way, all that is considered
all sorrow, attain to liberation. 62. O Rama! I
[Ch. 15
MwPa 3<i
sisteq to =3 To! TbUUKii ii 63

^tsraWw^^i Jr w^r ^i

^srr ^r:
<ar wtoi ^n g&Hiftttfo trot I
^ssi ^n *w: ^^mro; u 65

^pn w^r i
^r *r(ten swrfrrof ^setto wr: 11 66

destroyer of Mura! The evil-minded Ravana
who have attained my objective by repeating had deprived us of our share of sacrificial
Thy name, stay along with Bhavani always offerings made by twice-born ones. He
at Kasi, and in order to liberate the dying has now been destroyed by Thee. By Thy
Jivas, impart to them the Mantra consisting
grace, we shall have our share of sacrificial
of Thy name. 63. Whoever with deep
devotion hears, chants or writes down this offerings as before.”
66. The Pitris said: “O great one! By
hymn every day—may they, by Thy grace,
Thy grace, this cruel Rakshasa has been
attain to all happiness in this world, and
afterwards reach Thy Supreme Status.” destroyed. He had, by his power, deprived
us of the rice-offerings which men used to
Hymns of Indra and Others (64-75) give us at Gaya and other places. Now
we are in a position to get them again.”
64. Indra said, “On the strength of the
67. The Yakshas said: “This Rakshasa
boons given by Brahma, the Lord of the
used by his power to engage us always in
Rakshasas deprived me of all the glorious
servile work, making us carry him. O Lord
enjoyments of the realm of the Devas.
of the Raghus! By the destruction of this
O Lord! By Thy grace, all that has been
Ravana, thou hast liberated us from
restored to me after the destruction of that innumerable woes arising from servile
evil enemy of a Rakshasa.”
65. The Devas said: “O Vishnu, the work.”

I 3{R^ay<h^i: Tjflf: fen: $u 1168

^HT I II 69
:fej!^pn ’rft^nr idfrs4 $m.<isjw i th^t: f^in n 70
S'l’it *fe 5^1^ ’T<rfe’T: 1 HJFsnqri’JT^ n°n: 11 71
THT ’TR^nfefeW: 1172
K I WH^t «R HFFW^I || 73

I u 74

HR: wh: 5RTOfe*H<^: ^4+ifesWRi:
^rn^ferngRq^gH^ni: ^fefe fwfa n 75

^nf: II n II

(68-69). Gandharvas said: “We who are and were in turn honoured by him. (73-74)
versed in music, used to sing accounts of All of them, including Brahma and Rudra,
Thee and thereby get immersed in a sea of then returned to their respective stations,
Bliss and live self-satisfied. Afterwards, praising Rama in great joy, singing about
this evil-minded Ravana deprived us of his achievements, and meditating in their
our status and making us his servants forced hearts on him seated on the throne with
us to sing his praise. (70-72). We who were Sita and accompanied by Lakshmana.
in that condition have been saved by Thee 75. Amidst the sounds of celestial musical
from the oppression of that evil-minded instruments and showers of flowers from
Rakshasa.” Thus the great serpents, the sky and the chanting of hymns by the
Siddhas, Kinnaras, Maruts, Vasus, Rishis, Devas and Munis, Rama, of blue comp­
Gavas, Guhyakas, the celestial birds, Pra- lexion, with a smiling face, and accompa­
japatis, Apsaras and all other heavenly nied by Sita,Lakshmana, Hanuman and the
beings approached Rama, feasted their monkeys, shone with the brilliance of a
eyes on his form, praised him individually crore of suns.


। wFat nte<; n i
^ten <pte i *rct to n 2
fk^Fnt w<^^: 1
PRFsifc 1 ™<ii^r s^r to ii 3

ten^nww stew 1 11 4
otaR src ste ^f^rtxrq: u 6
u 7

'^tereten 1 W< W ^FT H g

fa sifa h 9
Ct <K ’TTOt I
tesfa ^5f%g<rf^^ 1 wi ^nnnft^ 11 10
Wqtsfa ^Rffi^l ^renfa 11 u

Chapter 16

Leave-taking of AU AlUes (1-23) of a crore of moons. 7. Sita took the

1. When Rama, the giver of joy to all the necklace • from her neck, and holding it in
worlds, was crowned, the earth began to her hand, looked repeatedly at all the mon­
abound in vegetation and fruit-bearing trees. keys, and at her husband to know his mind.
(2-3). At the time of Rama’s coronation, 8. Rama,, understanding what was in Sita’s
flowers that are not generally fragrant mind, looked at her and said, “O Sita!
began to emit sweet smell. Rama first You can present it to whomever you are
resented innumerable bulls, horses and pleased to, give.” 9. In the presence of all,
.«c to holyJ men. Afterwards he also
cows she presented that necklace to Hanuman,
gave them huge quantities of gold, clothes who stood there resplendent with that
and jewels. (4-5). He presented to the necklace on his neck and with his imposing
devoted Sugreeva a necklace of gems countenance.
brilliant like the sun. To Angada he 10. Seeing Hanuman standing by with
presented two armlets of superior make. palms joined in great devotion, Rama said
& Then he presented Sita with a necklace with great joy: 11. “O Hanuman! I am
of pearls and gems having the brilliance extremely pleased with you. You ask from



n^nferSrfr I 19
srtTw ww^r:i sr^rwoHfsf:
<? -
Wf: II 20
wi tfcirehr wipn n 2i
„.n— ** * *
>=» II
me what you desire. I shall grant you that, for the region of the Himalayas for perform­
be it something that is difficult even for ing austerities.
Devas to obtain.” (12-13). With a heart 17. Next Rama turned to Guha who was
elated with joy, Hanuman saluted Rama
standing there saluting with joined palms
and replied, “O Rama! I am never satis­
and said, “O friend! You now go to the
fied with repeating Thy name. Therefore,
beautiful city of Sringavera. 18. Always
I wish to remain always on this earth repea­
think of me. Enjoy the fruits of the Karmas
ting Thy name. May this body of mine
of your past. In the end, you will attain
remain so long as Thy name is remembered
in this world. O great King! This is the to the salvation of Sarupya (of being like
boon that I desire.” 14. Rama replied me).” 19. With these words, Rama pre­
“Liberated you will remain in this world sented him with superior ornaments,
till the end of the Kalpa. At the time of the extensive kingdom, and knowledge of the
spiritual truth. Then, embraced by Rama,
world’s dissolution, you will attain to oneness
Guha went to his kingdom with a joyous
with Me. There is no doubt about it.”
15. Now Sita said to him, “By my
20. Next Rama made presentations of
blessing all enjoyable things of life will
rare ornaments and clothes to all the leading
follow you wherever you are.” 16. Blessed
monkeys who had accompanied him to
in this way by those divine beings, Hanuman
Ayodhya. (21-22). Now all the visitors,
joyously saluted both of them again and
including Sugreeva and Vibheeshana, after
again, and reluctantly left their presence
being thus honoured by the Supreme Being

Wtwg RR I niNr ’ijfera: sften 1123

wt wrenfera^rar: 1 n^r 4ta^sfa$fan 1

^w: <R*n M’fcMi I 24

wg wnfr Wsq^sft Pnh: 1 fafcnrsfaH^r 1125

^R^Rifr g*a I araSrsrrfair^r *nf^r^S: I

spRRWF^t W* ^n^ra: 1 26
^’T^f^RRI H ««Wi ’R^l ’(FFTJRTRTpr ||27

«u4k*fl Hifa 1 TOsrat inters 1

w^rorat wiFwwi i 28
w^raf ’HW^ I Wt tflU^Rtai II 29
^ntr ftwnn: 1 ^wwp: gisnfam: I

fls’urnw h: 11 30
^FT SRSn»PK&[H^i3TRl^ I
’rfwwnPwrW jn w^r ’nfawrf^R^n 11 31

Rama, returned to their respective places taken up a human form and the role of a
m great joy. Sugreeva went to Kishkindha. teacher, he performed innumerable Yagas
Qii* 38 f°r Vibheeshana, after receiving including Aswamedha, in which he distribu­
onours from Rama, he returned to ted an enormous quantity of wealth as
rule over the kingdom of Lanka, which was
Dakshina. 27. During Rama’s rule, women
now free front all enemies.
were never widowed and had not to mourn
Rama’s Rule (24-30) for that reason. There was no fear from
serpents nor from diseases. 28. The world
24. Rama, who was the object of every­
never suffered from the depredations of
one s love, now ruled the kingdom, and
thieves and no disaster overtook the people.
Lakshmana, though he never desired it
There was never the unfortunate situation
was installed as the heir apparent. He
of old men surviving, while the young and
continued to serve Rama devotedly. (25-26)
the children died. All were devoted to the
Rama in reality is the Supreme Being,
thought and worship of Rama. 29. The
the witness of all activities, free from all
clouds rained in season and according to
blemishes, devoid of agency and similar
necessity. The subjects were all devoted to
limitations, ever unchanging, and always
Dharma and to the rules and regulations of
immersed in his inherent Bliss. Still having Varna and Ashrama. 30. Rama looked

ngsn ran I
w^rfir ’Hi’raiftRt <m4rfefa: u 32

wfaw m: wtfa ’it wfwwt ^Rt hc r i < ^

S^rfwrft gw<W siratfc wwiwifeg: <ra^ 11 33

wtfa q tesqifawfflfed sm^r wi

sq^:€t fro*ft n 34

fatftsfa ^R&wrfat srofc w t^rai: 1

Trwfi s* gsfai TOtfiraf ’ifep wtfa *n n 35

35^^t ’ft ’fti W fa<KTO 1

gnifir *rnfa ftfcq fsrfat iwwWfit

11 36
gn: ^rerr arfir qtf^r fern root arrnfo 3j°ra^ 1
scs’iR’wnnwn^t ;prt *RPd srt arft ovq^: to: U 37

^RtTOI 3T ’rft W?W T RRuiikmfo: I

fi rest ^ro faw 'ffaw ^grfW?n n 38

3 ’WRt fa^rar: 1 wIRPt^isi n 39

upon his subjects as his own children and minded persons if he be one seeking an
they, considered him as their father. They issue. 34. If a king hears this J aynayana
were all devoted to Dharma. In this way he win attain great wealth,, extensive lan^j^
Rama ruled over the country for ten and kingdom, freedom from aU sorrows anf
thousand years. victory over all his enemies. 35. This Adh­
Greatness oFRamayana (431-45) yatma Ramayana can be heard also by 4
31. It was Siva who gave out this holy women who want to have long-lived
and esoteric text, which is called Adhyatma sons and gain the respect of all. A woman
Ramayana (spiritual version of Ramayana), considered barren will bear an excellent
the study of which bestows prosperity, long son, if she hears it with devotion. 36.
hfe and health. 32. Whoever studies or Whoever studies this with faith and is free
hears this with a mind steady, devoted and from anger and jealousy, wiU overcome all
spiritually elevated, will attain to all objects difficulties. With devotion for Rama in
that he has got in his mind and will be free his heart, he will be free from fears and
from his numerous sins. 33. Whoever blessed with all happiness. 37. All Devas
boars or Studies this Ramayana from the will be pleased if a man hears this Adhyatma
beginning to the coronation of Rama, will Ramayana from the beginning. He wffl
attain to great wealth if he desires wealth, overcome every obstruction in his way.
gain a virtuous son approved by noble- He will attain to great prosperity. 38. A

^4 3V*nh[ i tt fpt wtrft iho

nn <r w i 1> 41
R’rMasjni^qHiap^ I ^tsWri^ n 47
^nra h< ^qpa k^t: i nuFHTO wr qr^fca faawsn n 43

wfo n 44
sn^h^nfe^w^iH^iwaR^ w a-
5int fa^^fanfa at fMna *j^t i
wra: sj^i
fsiara *n: II 44

W? ^5T: wfe II ll
HHi'afc? jjwi i
«fkrJT5?sna^n^ il \

woman who after her period hears this Rama-

and the destruction of the sins of innumer­
Jana frS.ii the beginning with devotion,
able lives. 43. By hearing Ramayana, all
will give birth to a noble and longlived son,
Devas, planets, Maharshis and Pitris
and she will gain the respect of all the
world 39. Whoever worships the text of become pleased. 44. Whoever studies, hears
Adhyatma Ramayana (along with the study or writes down this ancient and wonderful
of it) and makes prostrations to it, will be Text called Adhyatma Ramayana, will obtain
free from all sins and will attain to the renunciation and spiritual enlightenment.
They will have no more birth in this Samsara.
supreme Status of Vishnu. 40. Rama’s
gracious blessings will be on one, who 45. This Text was given out by the Supremf
either himself reads or hears read the whole Siva to His Consort Parvati, in very cleat
of this Ramayana with a heart full of devo­ and unambiguous language, including m it
tion. 41. When Rama, the Supreme Being, all the most profound truths about Ram
the soul of all, is pleased with a person, he after He had repeatedly thought over ti
whole of the Veda, and discovered that th
attains to whatever he wishes of the four
Saving Mantra JTaraka Brahma) disclosec
ends of life—Dharma, Artha, Kama and
in it is Rama, the most esoteric aspect o'
Moksha. 42. To hear this Ramayana
Vishnu. He has briefly and in clear languagi
regularly without break, practising austeri­
stated this discovery of His in thi.
ties, will be conducive to longevity, health Text.
«» 5,

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