Thermal Science and Engineering Progress: Tayebeh Darbandi, Mikael Risberg, Lars Westerlund

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CFD modeling of the forces in the wet scrubber acting on particulate matter
released from biomass combustion
Tayebeh Darbandi *, Mikael Risberg, Lars Westerlund
Energy Engineering, Div. Energy Science, Luleå University of Technology, 971 87 Luleå, Sweden


Keywords: The flue gas from biomass combustion contains particulate matter, which is a considerable precarious constituent
Biomass combustion cause of serious health issues. The wet flue gas cleaning method is one of the most efficient solutions for small-
Flue gas cleaning scale boilers (≈100 kW) and small particles. In this study, the forces on particulate matter in a wet flue gas
cleaning process using an absorption solution have been studied with the implementation of compiled user-
Wet scrubber
defined function code in Ansys Fluent 19.2®. The forces governing the wet cleaning process as well as the
Particulate matter corresponding conditions of the system have also been studied. Drag, buoyancy, diffusiophoresis, and thermo­
phoresis forces have been analyzed as the most important forces acting on particulate matters. Simulations have
been conducted for velocities, particle sizes, temperatures, and water vapor mass fractions within the same range
as experiments in order to acquire trends for particle collection for these variables.
Moreover, the influence of diffusiophoresis force was compared to that of the thermophoresis force under
different conditions. It was unveiled that the diffusiophoresis force had a significant effect on nanoparticle
collection. The impact of diffusiophoresis is increased by the ascending gradient of temperature as well as water
vapor mass fraction. Simulations declare that the thermophoresis force effect is small compared to the dif­
fusiophoresis force effect in the particle collection process. Thereby, one could conclude that the diffusiophoresis
force governs the collection of particulate matter in the wet scrubber method. The model validation is confirmed
by comparing the results with previous empirical models.

stricter air quality limit of 25 µg/m3 and 50 µg/m3 for mean emission of
Introduction PM2.5 and PM10, respectively, for a time frame of 24 h [6]. For the
abovementioned reasons, it is necessary to clean flue gases before being
In the past few decades, considering the development of industries released into the atmosphere.
and growth of urban areas, biomass has been proved to be an appealing Over the past decade, some investigations have attempted to develop
fuel due to its renewability and availability. Small biomass-fired boilers methods for cleaning flue gas as well as the existing ones in the market,
for heating and small industries are outstanding examples of biomass which could be divided into two categories: 1) wet techniques (e.g.,
applications[1,2]. Around the world, fireplaces are used in numerous scrubbers, wet electrostatic scrubbers(WESP)) and 2) dry techniques (e.
residential areas in villages and urban areas, for instance in Sweden, g., dry electrostatic precipitator(DESP), Filters, cyclones). In dry
Norway, Finland, Germany and China [3]. However, critical problems methods, the cleaning process is done without using any liquid, based on
encountered by these boilers and fireplaces are related to the emission of either inertia principle, electro properties of flue gas components, or
particulate matter (PM) and haze pollution. The PM emitted by biomass filters. Cyclones are suitable for separating particles larger than 10 μm.
contains particles with a diameter range of 1 nm to 100 µm. Tar, char, The DESP system is based on electrical charge over the pollutant parti­
flying ash, residues, elemental carbon (EC), and black carbon (BC) that cles, high collection efficiency and a wide range of operating tempera­
would not burn completely are examples of PM [2,4]. Furthermore, the ture are the advantages of this method. However, because of the high
HRAPIE project run by World Health Organization (WHO) reported that price, this method is not suitable for small-scale boilers. Filters can
PM2.5 in 2015 was the 5th largest mortality factor in the world and separate particulates and gaseous impurities from flue gases, based on
could play a critical role in causing 4.2 million premature deaths glob­ the mass force with high efficiency. The main limitation of this category
ally each year [5]. Consequently, WHO has issued a new and rather is that the flue gas must be dry, which makes it an improper candidate

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (T. Darbandi), (M. Risberg), (L. Westerlund).
Received 12 January 2021; Received in revised form 16 June 2021; Accepted 16 June 2021
Available online 21 June 2021
2451-9049/© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
T. Darbandi et al. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 25 (2021) 100997

Nomenclature md Particle mass [Kg]

Re Reynolds number [–]
Symbol Description Units r Radius of the particle [m]
Ct Constant, 1.14 [–] T0 Local fluid temperature [K]
CA Mass force coefficient [.] T Absolute temperature [K]
Cm Constant, 2.1 [–] up Particle velocity [m s–1]
Cs Constant, 1.17 [–] u Flue gas velocity [m s–1]
D12 Diffusion coefficient [–] up,i Linear particle velocity [m s–1]
dp Particle diameter [m] uDif Diffusiophoresis velocity [m s–1]
dij Deformation tensor [s-1] Vp Volume of the particle [m–3]
Fi, Drag Drag force [Pa kg m− 3] ρp Particle density [kg m–3]
Fi, Ptrss Pressure force [Pa kg m− 3] ρ Gas density [kg m–3]
Fi, Virt Virtual mass force [Pa kg m− 3] µ Fluid viscosity [Pa s]
Fi, History History force [Pa kg m− 3] ν Kinematic viscosity gas [m2 s–1]
Fi, Buoy Buoyancy force [Pa kg m− 3] λ Mean free path of the fluid [m]
Fi, Therm Thermophoresis force [Pa kg m− 3] ξ0 Zero-mean, unit-variance-independent Gaussian random
Fi, Brown Brownian force [Pa kg m− 3] numbers [–]
Fi, Diffusion Diffusiophoresis force [Pa kg m− 3] ΔT/Δx Temperature gradient [K m–1]
g Gravitational force [m s− 2] ΔC/Δx Concentration gradient [mol m–4]
K Constant coefficient of Saffman’s lift force, 2.594 [–] ∂u/∂xi Velocity gradient tensor [s–1]
KB Boltzmann constant [–] ∂τij /∂xj Shear stress in the x-direction [Pa m–1]
Kn Knudsen numbers [–] ∂P/∂xi Pressure gradient [Pa m–1]
( )
Kt Thermal conductivity [W m− 2 K− 1] d u − up /dt Relative acceleration of particle compared with fluid
m1 Mass of water vapor molecules [Kg] [m s–2]
m2 Mass of flue gas [Kg]

for cleaning biomass outlet gas. approaches have been developed by studying particle capture by single
The wet methods use water/liquid agents to remove particulates droplets [7]. Furthermore, the forces acting on the single-particle are
from flue gas. WSEP is on the basis of dust absorption in liquid and characterized as Brownian force, thermophoresis, diffusiophoresis,
collecting the contaminated liquid. In this technique, membrane electrical forces, gravity, and lift force [10]. Tyndall [11] was the first to
collection electrodes are commonly used, which spreads water uni­ describe thermophoresis as a force that pushes the submicron particles
formly and reduces the used water. WSEP can be used to remove high in a gas, through collision with gas molecules and the acquisition of
resistive particulates, although this method is too expensive for small- velocity, in the direction of a lower temperature. After that, an equation
scale boilers. The wet scrubber method has been proposed for small- was derived by Spark et al.[12] for the thermophoresis force exerted on
scale biomass boilers due to their ability to clean the different ranges fine particles in a low-density flow. Tsai et al.[13] examined the accu­
of particulate matter, simple design, and maintenance[2]. racy of a thermophoresis equation reported by Talbot et al.[14], and
In the investigated method, the flue gas after the boiler/furnace is compared it with experimental results. They concluded that Talbot’s
exposed in a scrubber to an agent, and the PM:s and contaminants are equation is practical for laminar and turbulent flows. Thereby, the
attached to the agent droplets. Using a hygroscopic solution has two Talbot equation could be practical to predict the thermophoresis effect
advantages, increased particle collection, and heat recovery from the on operational conditions. Horst et al. [15] analyzed the influence of
flue gas. Drying of the flue gas decreases heat losses and stronger forces diffusiophoresis and thermophoresis force on particle movement. The
acting on particles towards the liquid surface. Increased efficiency can effect of vapor concentration gradient was introduced as a dif­
be achieved by using fillings in the scrubber in order to increase contact fusiophoresis force, based on the tendency of the nanoparticles at the
area and a fresh liquid surface towards the gas flow The resulting liquid presence of a concentration gradient to move toward the side with a
can be cleaned from particles through a filter[2]. Earlier work indicates lower concentration. They showed diffusiophoresis force has a larger
that even submicron particles are collected in filter cartridges with a effect on particle motion in the gas stream than thermophoresis force.
one-micron rating. Absorbed water from the flue gas is separated from Later on, Spark et al.[12] demonstrated the substantial impact of
the solution by heat supply due to boiling point elevation in a generator. scrubber temperature and vapor concentration on scrubber efficiency.
The technique consists mainly of an absorber (scrubber) with liquid They studied the influence of diffusiophoresis on single droplet particle
distributed from the top and gas flow in countercurrent direction and a collection efficiency and proposed that the vapor concentration gradient
generator, a pump is circulating the liquid in the absorber and to the could be determined as a water vapor pressure gradient in a liquid
generator[7]. Earlier studies have shown consistent results for cleaning scrubber. They also reported that negative diffusiophoresis (droplet
flue gases by wet scrubber technique, and collection efficiency of evaporation) could cause a dwindle the ability of scrubber in the
33–44% has been obtained for all particle sizes [8]. The question raised cleaning process.
in previous research work was how submicron particles could be A challenging problem in this research area is that no theoretical
collected and not just follow the gas flow through the scrubber. Which studies have been conducted on the movement of PM in the presence of
diverse forces during process conditions stand for the main collection of different forces and under different operational conditions. Moreover,
these particles? researches have not been performed in the past to investigate how
Several studies have attempted to come up with a model that ex­ different sizes of submicron particles move in the flow stream and how
plains the behavior of fine particle extraction using wet scrubbing they are affected by various forces in real conditions in indoor fireplaces
techniques. Lackowski et al. [9] carried out a review study on the wet and small boilers (≈100 kW).
scrubber method and focused on a model that could describe the single In the present study, we have explored the main forces affecting
droplet capture process for particles. A large number of alternative particle performance during different conditions. The main objective

T. Darbandi et al. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 25 (2021) 100997

has been to investigate which forces cause the capture of nanoparticles gas and particles in the main direction through the scrubber [1720].
in a wet scrubber.
FA = − CA VP ρp (4)
The next term on the right-hand side refers to the buoyancy force,
In a wet scrubber, the flue gas carries the PM to the absorber. The PM which is generally determined from the density difference between the
in the flue gas deviates from the streamlines due to the different forces phases multiplied by the particle volume and by the gravitational ac­
acting on it. Phenomena such as thermophoresis and diffusiophoresis celeration Eq. (7). The next term denotes the lift force, and to investigate
cause the particles to hit the wet surfaces and be collected. The PM was whether the lift force affects the particle movement, the particle size is to
assumed in the present study to consist of spherical particles with di­ be considered. Since the lift force does not act on nanoparticles and the
ameters from 50 to 1500 nm since the main part of particles from particle size in the model is 50 nm-1500 nm, the lift force can be
biomass boilers are in this region [16]. neglected [21,22].
The particle tracking was accomplished using the Lagrangian equa­ 1
2Ku2 ρdij ( )
tion, and the forces acting on a single particle in the gas stream were Fi,Lift = 1 uf − up (5)
studied. In flue gases, the volume fraction of particles is less than 1e-7, ρp dp (dlk dkl )

therefore, it can be assumed that the particle is dispersed. In contrast, the thermophoresis force causes particle movement
through the absorber. This force is a result of the temperature gradient in
Forces on the particle in a gas flow the scrubber unit and guides the PM from a high-temperature region to a
low-temperature area Eq. (8). In contrast, the turbulence force is not
By using Newton’s second law, the forces acting on dispersed parti­ able to change the PM’s direction in the flue gas cleaning system. The
cles could be explained as follows [17]: turbulence force depends on the time required by the particle to pass
through a turbulent eddy. Thus, this force can be analyzed by dividing
= Fi,Drag + Fi,Press + Fi,Virt + Fi,History + Fi,Buoy + Fi,Lift + Fi,Therm the force by the particle density. Since the density of flue gas is much
dt lower than that of PM, the turbulence effect may be neglected. The
+ Fi,Turb + Fi,Brown + Fi,Diffusion (1) Brownian force does not play a role because this force arises from par­
where ui,d and md are the linear particle velocity and the particle ticle collision and momentum transfer[23 17].
mass, respectively, Fi, Drag is the drag force due to fluid resistance, Fi, Press √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
12πμdp KT
is the pressure force caused by the pressure gradient, Fi, Virt stands for the Fi,Brown = ξ0 (6)
virtual mass force due to the changing acceleration of the fluid, Fi, History
is the Basset force or history force due to changes in the boundary layer The last term on the right-hand side of Eq. (1) introduces the dif­
around the particle, Fi, Buoy denotes the buoyancy force arising from fusiophoresis force, which is considered to be a consequence of the water
gravity, Fi, Lift is the Saffman and Magnus lift force due to velocity vapor concentration gradient in the absorber. Eq. (11) Diffusiophoresis
changes and particle circulation, Fi, Therm expresses the thermophoresis guides the particle from an area with a high water vapor content to an
force arising from a temperature gradient, Fi, Turb is the turbulence force area with lower such content.
due to turbulence variation, Fi. Brown denotes the Brownian force
resulting from molecular collision, and Fi, Diffusion represents the dif­
The computational fluid dynamics model
fusiophoresis force.
Eq. (1) is a generic equation developed to model a particle in the flue
With CFD technique, one can examine the effect of each force on a
gas. In order to obtain a correct prediction of the particle movement in
particle and thereby determine its contribution to the deviating of the
an absorber, one has to investigate the conditions for each force and the
particle path from the gas stream. Thus, the main goal of the work can be
effect of each force on the particle motion. Depending on the PM and
achieved. Trends in particle separation and the effect of different vari­
flue gas conditions, some of the forces in Eq. (1) may be ineffective and
ables have been investigated to create an idea of its strength. The present
can be neglected. Firstly, the drag force arising from the fluid resistance
study assumed the PM to consist of spherical particles with diameters
must be included. This force acts in the opposite direction to the di­
from 50 to 1500 nm, which are typical particle sizes found in flue gases
rection of the relative motion of the particle and is defined based on
from small-scale biomass combustion boilers [24]. It should not be seen
Stokes’ drag law for particle flow in flue gas(Eq. (12)) [18].
as an optimization attempt for the absorber but only an indication of the
The second term on the right-hand side of Eq. (1) denotes the pres­
effect of the variable.
sure force, which appears owing to a pressure gradient over the particle
The CFD software Ansys Fluent 19.2® was used to perform the
simulations, and the model used was two-dimensional, steady-state and
( )
∂P ∂τij ρ ∂u pressure-based. In the simulations, the equations of mass, species, en­
Fi,Press = Vp − + = ( )upi (2)
∂xi ∂xj ρp ∂xi ergy, and momentum conservation were solved as governing equations.
The pressure-based solver was used with a second-order upwind dis­
Since the scrubber system has a small pressure gradient, the pressure cretization scheme, and the simulations were assumed to be converged
force can be neglected. The next force on the right-hand side of the when the residuals’ continuity decreased to 10− 15.
equation, the virtual mass force or apparent force, is caused by a change The flow in the simulation volume was treated as a two-phase flow of
in the flue gas acceleration around the particle and has a significant PM and flue gas. The system was modeled with Euler-Lagrange ap­
effect when the fluid density is higher than the particle density. How­ proaches [25]. The flue gas phase was set as the carrier phase, while the
ever, in the wet scrubber process investigated in this study, the flue gas PM phase represented the dispersed phase. The flue gas flow was
density is lower than the PM density, and this force tends to be omitted calculated with the Eulerian method. Moreover, since the Lagrange
[19]. framework gives a complete model for the particle level, it can solve
1 ρ d u − up
) mixed forms of physical interface processes where particles are tracked
Fi.Virt = (3) individually. Along with this, the gas phase was treated as a continuous
2 ρp dt
flow phase and was modeled by solving the Navier-Stokes equation [17].
Further, the history force or Basset force does not affect the particle Considering this model to be sufficient for the near-wall region, where
motion in the system due to the relatively constant velocity of the flue viscosity has a strong effect, the K-omega SST model was used to

T. Darbandi et al. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 25 (2021) 100997

describe the turbulence. A y+ value around one is required to obtain a and Re refers to the Reynolds number, which is obtained as follows [29]:
correct result close to the wall. The flow inside the volume is assumed to ⃒ ⃒
ρdp ⃒up − u⃒
be turbulent since the flow before an absorber are normally turbulent Re = (13)
and therefore will be turbulent in the domain considered. μ
Comparing all the above mentioned forces acting on the PM, it was where up and u are the particle velocity and the flue gas velocity,
established that diffusiophoresis, thermophoresis, the buoyancy force respectively.
and the drag force have the greatest effect in the scrubbing system. The The geometry of a local part of the absorber was created using Ansys
buoyancy force is explained by [26] Design Modeler. The computational volume (the width multiplied by the
( ) height) was 3.0 by 10.0 mm and was chosen so that the effect of various
Fi,Buoy = Vp ρp − ρ .g (7)
forces acting on a particle when passing through the volume could be
where ρp and ρ denote the particle and the gas density, respectively, analyzed. In order to establish a stable gas stream, the injection point
while Vp represents the volume of the particle and g is the gravitational was chosen to be 1.0 mm above the inlet boundary and in the horizontal
force. direction in the middle of the volume. The wall simulates a fluid build-
Brock et al.[26,14] developed the following expression for the up surface that occurs in the absorber.
thermophoresis force: The mesh of the computational domain consisted of 75,000 quadri­
( ) lateral elements. To estimate the discretization error, a mesh refinement
6πμνdp Cs K + Ct dλp test was performed for reference conditions (described at the end of this
1 ΔT
FTherm = − ( )( ) (8) sub-section). The parameter that was studied was the water vapor mass
λ λ mp T0 Δx fraction in the point (x = 2 mm and y = 5 mm) of the computational
1 + 3Cm dp 1 + 2K + 2Ct dp
domain. The mesh was generated into by12,500 elements, 75,000 ele­
where the constants Ct, Cm and Cs are 1.14, 2.18 and 1.17, respec­ ments, 250,000 elements, and 1,000,000 elements. The results for the
tively, µ is the fluid viscosity, ν represents the kinematic viscosity of the water vapor mass fraction for these meshes was 0.08757463,
flue gas, and K denotes the thermal conductivity of the gas divided by 0.0884183, 0.0887234 and 0.08890346, respectively.
the thermal conductivity of the particle (kg/kp). Moreover, dp denotes the Eventually, the results obtained using different element sizes showed
particle diameter, λ stands for the mean free path of the fluid, T0 rep­ that mesh development after 75,000 elements with a size of 0.02 mm
resents the local fluid temperature, and, finally, ΔT represents the tem­ does not have any significant effect on the outcome. The discretization
error was estimated at 0.5% for the 75000-element mesh compared to
perature gradient.
the 1000000-element mesh. The 12,500 elements mesh gave an error
uDif = − D12
n(m2 − m1 ) ΔC
(9) larger than 1%. Consequently, a mesh consisting of 75,000 elements
ρ Δx linearly ordered in a rectangular structure was selected.
The other significant force is diffusiophoresis. Derjaguin et al.[27] The model is illustrated in Fig. 1(b). The boundary conditions consist
developed the initial equation of the diffusiophoresis velocity (Eq. (9)) of a stationary wet wall (the liquid surface in the absorber) specified to
based on an expression presented by Chapman and Cowling[28]for the act as a trap of the particles when they hit it. The velocity inlet boundary
particle size, r ≥ λi(r is the radius of the particle and λi is the mean free condition was used to define the flow properties. A pressure-based
path of the gas mixture) boundary was chosen for the outlet. The other vertical boundary,
where uDif is the diffusiophoresis velocity, m1 and m2 are the masses which is parallel to the wall, was considered as a free stream. It had the
of the molecules of component1 (water vapor) and component 2 (flue same conditions as the velocity inlet and acted as comparable flue gas.
gas except water vapor), respectively, n is the total number of molecules The free-stream surface was interpreted as adiabatic in thermal cir­
per unit volume, D12 is the diffusion coefficient of component 1 in cumstances. In the simulated scrubber system, the gas flow composition
was specified as a mixture of oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and
component 2, ρ is the density of the total flue gas, and ΔC Δx refers to the
water vapor, while the mass fraction of the mixture species was specified
concentration gradient of the water vapor. Eq. (9) holds for Knudsen
at the inlet surface. The mass fraction was calculated through stoichio­
numbers (Kn = λ/r) less than 0.5 and Derjagan et al. [27] verified the
metric calculation and with a mole fraction of oxygen is 13% in the flue
equation with experiments.
gas. The particle was assumed to be inert with a density of 600 kg/m3.
The force acting on the particles in a fluid due to diffusiophoresis is
The flue gas density, specific heat, thermal conductivity, and mass
explained according to Stoke’s law as follows:
diffusivity of the flue gas were determined according to the incom­
FDif = 6πμruDif (10) pressible ideal gas, the mixing law, the mass-weighted mixing law, and
the kinetic theory approach, respectively. A single particle was injected
where µ is the fluid viscosity. Equation (9) and (10) give the dif­
with the same temperature and velocity as the temperature and velocity
fusiophoresis force [27]:
of the local flue gas. Since the volume fraction of PM in flue gases from
n(m2 − m1 ) ΔC biomass combustion are typically below 1e-7 the particle–particle
FDif = 6πμr(− D12 ) (11)
ρ Δx interaction and particle–fluid are neglectable and one way coupling
between the continuous phase and particles are used. As the particle is
Diffusiophoresis is not implemented by default in the commercial
not affecting the continuous phase, the PM size could be several orders
CFD codes. Thus, we have implemented diffusiophoresis by user-defined
of magnitude smaller than the mesh.
function code (UDF) to the model. The expression of the diffusiophoresis
The flow conditions were defined according to the conditions pre­
force includes the drag force. Therefore, the drag force was excluded (set
vailing for real flue gas cleaning by a scrubber with an absorption so­
to zero through the UDF (user-defined function)) in the simulations
lution according to a reference case [30]. The influence of different
(default included in the software). For the thermophoresis force, the
variables, such as the temperature, the mass fraction of water, the flue
drag force must be included, and this was achieved through a UDF. The
gas velocity, and the particle size, was investigated. Based on earlier
drag force between the fluid and the particle is determined by Eq. (11):
experiments, the inlet conditions for the flue gas were set to a temper­
18μ CD Re ature of 180 ◦ C and a velocity of 1.09 m/s. The inlet flue gas was spec­
FDrag = (12)
ρp dp2 24 ified as a mixture containing water vapor (with a mass fraction of 0.11),
oxygen (with a mass fraction of 0.15), nitrogen (with a mass fraction of
where CD is the drag coefficient calculated for a spherical particle, dp 0.66) and carbon dioxide (with a mass fraction of 0.08). The wall (wet
represents the particle diameter, ρp denotes the density of the particle,

T. Darbandi et al. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 25 (2021) 100997

Fig. 1. (a) Forces act on the particulate matter in the flow of flue gas. (b) Scheme of the volume model.

surface) imposed a constant temperature of 60 ◦ C, and the mass fraction Thermophoresis force
of the water on the wall was specified to 0.0405. A particle (300 nm) was
injected through the inlet with a velocity and a temperature identical to Simulations were performed with different gas temperatures at the
those in the local flue gas conditions [30]. This will be referred to as the inlet (100–300 ◦ C) and with a constant surface temperature of 60 ◦ C on
“reference case” in the following. the wall. All the other variables were set according to the reference case.
The effect of the temperature gradient on the particle path is presented
Results and discussion in Fig. 2 (a) and Fig. 2 (b).
An increased temperature gradient bends the particle path more.
The particle collection was studied with the presence of dif­ However, for the investigated temperatures, the thermophoresis force
fusiophoresis and thermophoresis. In the first step, the effect of each bends the particle path less than 1 µm, no particle was collected. Fig. 2
force was calculated separately, and the influence of different parame­ (b) illustrates the path of the PM when thermophoresis is introduced for
ters was investigated considering the reference conditions. The drag the reference conditions. This figure shows that the particle does not hit
force and buoyancy force were also included in the simulations. the wall and will not be collected with the presence of this force in the
investigated volume.
The simulation results for a particle size of 300 nm with all

Fig. 2. (a) Effect of the temperature gradient on the particle movement with the presence of the thermophoresis force. The Y-axis shows how far the particle is
transported towards the wall from the injection point. All tested particle sizes (50, 300 and 1000 nm) ends up on the same line (b) The particle path in the volume
(reference case).

T. Darbandi et al. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 25 (2021) 100997

investigated forces acting were compared with the thermophoresis force Effect of the water vapor concentration gradient
along the particle path from injection to the wet surface in the X and Y The main parameter affecting the diffusiophoresis force in particle
direction, respectively. The average magnitude of the thermophoresis collection using the wet scrubber method is the concentration gradient
force was only 1–2‰ with all values in the range 0–4 ‰. Therefore, of the water vapor in the absorber. Fig. 5 (a) illustrates the effect of the
thermophoresis was excluded from the remainder of the simulations. mass fraction of the water vapor gradient in the flue gas on the particle
Diffusiophoresis force It can be observed that by increasing the mass fraction of the water
vapor gradient, the particle hits the wall at a position closer to the in­
The next section of the study was concerned with the effect of jection point. The range of the mass fraction of the water vapor on the
different parameters on the diffusiophoresis force and, as a consequence, wall was varied between 0.019 and 1. Due to the concentration gradient
the particle collection. The effect of different inlet and wall tempera­ of the water vapor in the flue gas, the diffusiophoresis force accrues and
tures, the gradient of the water vapor mass fraction, the velocity, and the makes a net velocity for the particle. Consequently, the particle is forced
particle size on the magnitude of the diffusiophoresis force was into a region with a lower water vapor concentration. From this result,
investigated. one can conclude that by increasing the concentration gradient of the
water vapor, the particle will be collected faster [33].
Effect of the temperature gradient on the diffusiophoresis force Fig. 5 (c) illustrates the case of washing the flue gas with water, with
The first set of analyses examined the impact of the flue gas tem­ a mass fraction of the water vapor equal to one at the wall, which causes
perature gradient on the distance traveled by the particle in the Y-di­ the particle to be repelled from the wall. This shows that nanoparticles
rection before hitting the wall. In this part, the flue gas temperature was will not be collected in a wet scrubber using water as the cleaning liquid.
varied between 100 ◦ C and 300 ◦ C, and the other parameters were set as
constant according to the reference condition. The temperature range Effect of the flue gas velocity
was chosen based on the conditions prevailing for a real biofuel boiler. In the final part of the study, the impact of the velocity of the flue gas
Fig. 3 (a) shows that an increase in the temperature gradient has a being supplied to the absorber was investigated. The particle velocity at
positive impact on the diffusiophoresis force and augments the particle the injection point was set to the same value as that in the local gas
collection. Therefore, by increasing the temperature gradient in the conditions. Similar to the previous parts of the simulation, the reference
absorber, the particle accelerates toward the cold wall and is collected. conditions were used for the other parameters. Fig. 6 (a) shows the effect
This can be explained by the increased diffusion coefficient at higher of different velocities on the particle collection with the presence of
temperatures, which increases the water vapor concentration gradient. diffusiophoresis.
Furthermore, the density of the gas is decreased by a temperature in­ As shown in Fig. 6 (a) and (b), by raising the flue gas velocity, the
crease, which causes a higher rate of diffusion [31]. particle passes through the volume faster and is collected at a higher
position on the wall. This finding was expected since the drag force ef­
Effect of the particle size fect is increased by a higher gas velocity. The drag force reduces the
With the presence of diffusiophoresis, the diameter of the PM has a diffusiophoresis force effect.
substantial impact on the particle collection. To predict the effect of the
PM’s size on the diffusiophoresis force, PM sizes between 50 and 1,500 Validation
nm were chosen. The simulation results for the different effects of the Experimental work measuring forces due to diffusion between a
different particle sizes, using the reference case data, are shown in Fig. 4. water droplet and a solid particle was performed by Prokhorov et al.
Fig. 4 shows that particles with a size from 50 nm to 900 nm hit the [34]. They measured the diffusion-repulsive forces between an evapo­
wall, but diffusiophoresis influences larger particles less and larger rating drop and a silver-coated glass sphere. In Fig. 7, the repulsive force
particles were not collected at the wall. This phenomenon can be is plotted (round markers) on the ordinate and the distance between the
explained as a result of inertia, which is increased for larger particles. drop and the particle on the abscissa. The environmental conditions
This result is in agreement with other research work [32]. used were an air temperature of 70 ◦ C and relative humidity of 0% (a)

Fig. 3. (a)Effect of the temperature gradient on the particle collection with the presence of diffusiophoresis. (The travelled distance refers to the distance travelled by
the particle before it is collected by the wet surface.). (b) The particle path in the volume (white dashed line) for the reference case with the presence of

T. Darbandi et al. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 25 (2021) 100997

Fig. 4. (a) Effect of the particle size on the particle collection with the presence of diffusiophoresis. (The travelled distance refers to the distance travelled by the
particle before it is collected by the wet surface.). (b) The figure shows the path of different particle size movements under the reference conditions.

Fig. 5. (a) Effect of the water vapor

mass fraction in the flue gas on the
particle collection with the presence of
diffusiophoresis. (The traveled dis­
tance refers to the distance traveled by
the particle before it is collected by the
wet surface.). (b) particle path when
the mass fraction of the water vapor on
the wall is 0.0405, and (c) present path
when the mass fraction of the water
vapor on the wall is 1.0. (The different
colors in the volume represent
different values of the mass fraction of
the water vapor.)

T. Darbandi et al. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 25 (2021) 100997

Fig. 6. (a) Effect of the flue gas velocity on the particle collection with the presence of diffusiophoresis. (The traveled distance refers to the distance traveled by the
particle before it is collected by the wet surface.). (b)Particulate matter path for different gas velocity magnitudes: A) 0.3 (m s− 1), B) 0.6 (m s− 1), C) 0.9 (m s− 1), D)
1.0 (m s− 1), E) 1.5 (m s− 1), F) 2(m s− 1).

Fig. 7. Diffusion forces between a droplet and a sphere at a) 40%, and b) 0% relative humidity (Experimental Result is showed by Symbol, And CFD result is showed
by the blue line). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

and 40% (b), respectively. The water droplet had the same temperature Furthermore, it was found that the mass fraction gradient of the water
as the air. The particle had a radius of 1.0 mm (a large particle), which is vapor and the temperature gradient have a significant effect on the
much larger than the free mean path. To calculate the force during this diffusiophoresis force and the particle collection. By increasing the mass
particular case, the force was calculated as fraction of the water vapor in the flue gas, the particle was collected
faster and the same behavior was also seen for an increase in the tem­
nm2 ΔC
FDif = 6πμr(− D12 ) (14) perature gradient. However, when the wall is wet with only water, the
ρ Δx
particle is repelled from the wall, and it has been shown that a wet
Taken into account, the area increases when one moves away from surface with only water does not have the ability to collect particles.
the droplet, the calculated force from CFD simulations is presented as Moreover, the results have indicated that an increase in the velocity
solid lines in Fig. 7. The simulations predict a repulsive force in good and the particle size has a negative effect on the particle collection.
agreement with measured values. Increasing the velocity and the particle size augments the drag force,
which weakens the effect of the diffusiophoresis force on the particle
Conclusions collection.
In summary, it can be generalized that by decreasing the velocity and
The present study was designed to determine the influence of by increasing the water vapor mass fraction gradient and the tempera­
different forces on particle collection in the wet scrubber, as well as to ture gradient in the system, the particle collection efficiency will in­
specify the most effective force in the wet scrubber particle collection crease. Moreover, a wet surface with water does not have the ability to
process. Based on real conditions, it was concluded that diffusiophoresis clean the PM. These findings have substantial implications for our un­
is the leading force for collecting nanoparticles in a wet scrubber. The derstanding of how particle collection works for PM in flue gas during
thermophoresis force contributes only weakly to the particle motion. the wet cleaning process.

T. Darbandi et al. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 25 (2021) 100997

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