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Grading Rubrics

Most methodologists (cf: Davis, 1990; Bachman and

Palmer, 1996) consider validity and reliability to be the
most important criteria in judging a test’s quality.

Test rubrics
According to Davidson and Lynch (2002:20), there is no
single best format for test specifications; equally, Alderson,
et al., (1995) asserts that whichever test one chooses to
construct, ‘the principles are universal’ (p. 2). Jafarpur
(2003), Coombe and Hubley, (nd) on their part observe
that the purpose of the test will always influence the content
and indeed, the operations of the tasks that candidates
have to be able to carry out.

Test Specifications
In the general rubrics, students are given a general
introduction to the test. They are equally given clear
written instructions before each section clarifying what
they are required to do. Time for each task is also
included both in the general introduction and in separate
instructions to be given before the test.

Finally, Brown’s (1994) questions, when borne in mind,

would aid in writing good test specifications:

 Are the directions to each section absolutely clear?

 Does each item measure a specific item?
 Is each item stated in clear, simple language?
 Does the difficulty of each item seem to be
appropriate for the students?
 Does the sum of the items and test as whole
adequately reflect the learning objectives?
(Brown, 1994:389)

Below is the general rubrics given in the test

specifications designed:

General rubrics (Sample):

The exam is in two sections and you will need to

answer them in 2hr 10mins. Section 1 is a short
essay writing test and it worth 30marks: answer any
ONE of the questions. Section 2 is divided into two
parts and each part is worth 30 and 40 marks
respectively. Read the instructions in each
section/part of the paper carefully and follow them
Section 1

Writing Test

Time allowed 45mins

This section consists of six questions: letter, report, an

article etc; from which the candidate chooses one.
Maximum length is 250 words.

Section 2

Reading Test

Time allowed 1hr 25mins

This is a two-part section. Candidates are advised to

spend 55mins on

Part I and 30mins on Part II.

Part I

This part consists of short texts to be read for either detail

or specific information and requires the candidates to
respond to a series of questions on them. These set of
questions will test initial understanding, strategies, critical
analysis, and interpretation of texts.
Part II

The 40 items here will test language use and usage. 30

Questions will be of four-choice multiple choice questions
(MCQ). Test here will include, for example, interpreting
meaning of sentences, matching words or phrases, re-
ordering sentences presented in jumbled form. The
remaining 10 will be a cloze-type exercise on a text
requiring candidates to supply the missing words using
their background knowledge of the topic.

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