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J Am. Cwam Joc. %[?

I 563-88(1995)

Ceramic Fuel Cells

Nguyen Q. Minh*
AiResearch Los Angeles Division, Allied-SignalAerospace Company, Torrance, California 90504-6099

A ceramic fuel cell is an all solid-state energy conversion both series and parallel, or as single units, depending on the
device that produces electricity by electrochemically com- particular application.
bining fuel and oxidant gases across an ionic conducting The key feature of a fuel cell is its high energy conversion
oxide. Current ceramic fuel cells use an oxygen-ion conduc- efficiency. Because a fuel cell converts the chemical energy of
tor or a proton conductor as the electrolyte and operate at the fuel directly to electrical energy without the intermediate of
high temperatures (>6OO0C). Ceramic fuel cells, commonly thermal energy, its conversion efficiency is not subject to the
referred to as solid-oxide fuel cells (SOFCs), are presently Carnot limitation. Compared with conventional methods of
under development for a variety of power generation appli- power generation, fuel cells offer several advantages: substan-
cations. This paper reviews the science and technology of tially higher conversion efficiency, modular construction, high
ceramic fuel cells and discusses the critical issues posed by efficiency at part load, minimal siting restriction, potential for
the development of this type of fuel cell. The emphasis is cogeneration, and much lower production of pollutants.
given to the discussion of component materials (especially, The principles of fuel cell operation were first reported by Sir
ZrO, electrolyte, nickel/ZrO, cermet anode, LaMnO, cath- William Grove in 1839.’ His fuel cell used dilute sulphuric acid
ode, and LaCrO, interconnect), gas reactions at the elec- as the electrolyte and operated at room temperature. Ceramic
trodes, stack designs, and processing techniques used in the fuel cells came much later and began with Nernst’s discovery of
fabrication of required ceramic structures. solid-oxide electrolytes in 18992and the operation of the first
ceramic fuel cell at 1000°C by Baur and Preis in 1937.’ Since
I. Introduction that time, ceramic fuel cell technology has made excellent tech-
nical progress. Multikilowatt fuel cells, based on stabilized zir-
F UEL CELLS are a radically new and fundamentally different
way of making electrical power from a variety of fuels. A
fuel cell is an energy conversion device that produces electricity
conia electrolyte, have been operated for thousands of hours
and have shown excellent performance. Recently, ceramic fuel
(and heat) by electrochemical combination of a fuel with an
oxidant. A fuel cell consists of two electrodes (the anode and
cathode) separated by an electrolyte (Fig. I). Fuel (e.g., hydro-
gen) is fed to the anode where it is oxidized and electrons are
released to the external (outer) circuit. Oxidant (e.g., oxygen)
is fed to the cathode where it is reduced and electrons are AND HEAT
accepted from the external circuit. The electron flow (from the
anode to the cathode) through the external circuit produces CATHODE
direct-current electricity. The electrolyte conducts ions between
the two electrodes. Practical fuel cells are not operated as single
units; rather, they are connected in electrical series to build volt- Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of fuel cell operation.
age. A series of cells is referred to as a stack. A component,
variously called a bipolar separator or an interconnect, connects
the anode of one cell to the cathode of the next cell in a stack
(Fig. 2 ) . Fuel cell stacks can be configured in series, parallel,

N. Dudney--contributing editor

Manuscript No. 195584. Received June 18, 1992; approved October 9, 1992.
‘Member, American Ceramic Society. Fig. 2. Fuel cell components.

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564 Journal of the American Ceramic Society-Minh Vol. 76, No. 3

cell research and development has received much attention, for ceramic fuel cells since oxygen is readily and economically
reflecting widening interest in this technology. available from air. An electrolyte for a fuel cell based on the
Ceramic fuel cells have several distinct advantages over other electrochemical combustion of hydrogen (to produce water) is
types of fuel cells, e.g., use of nonprecious materials, no liq- either an oxygen-ion conductor or a hydrogen-ion (proton) con-
uids involved in the fuel cell, and invariant electrolyte. The use ductor. (Although a hydroxide-ion conductor is also possible, it
of a solid electrolyte in ceramic fuel cells eliminates material will be referred to as a proton conductor in this paper for simpli-
corrosion and electrolyte management problems. Ceramic fuel fication reasons.) Thus, the present generation of ceramic fuel
cells are generally operated at high temperatures ( >600"C). cells can be classified into two types: those based on oxygen-
The high operating temperature promotes rapid reaction kinet- ion conductor and those based on proton conductor. Figures 3
ics, allows reforming of hydrocarbon fuels within the fuel cell and 4 show the reactions in an oxygen-ion-conductor fuel cell
(internal reforming), and produces high-quality byproduct heat and a proton-conductor fuel cell, respectively. The major dif-
suitable for use in cogeneration or bottoming cycle. Thus, ference between the two types is the side in the fuel cell in
power systems based on ceramic fuel cells can be simple and which water is produced (the oxidant side in proton-conductor
are more efficient than many other technologies. Furthermore, fuel cells and the fuel side in oxygen-ion-conductor fuel cells).
because all the components are solid, ceramic fuel cells can be Also, certain gases, such as carbon monoxide, can be used as
fabricated in very thin layers, and cell components can be con- fuel in oxygen-ion-conductor fuel cells but not in proton-con-
figured into unique shapes unachievable in fuel cell systems ductor fuel cells. To date, only oxides are being considered for
having a liquid e l e ~ t r o l y t e This
. ~ feature permits cell designs ceramic fuel cell electrolytes. Since fuel cells are commonly
with additional performance improvements. identified by the type of electrolyte used, ceramic fuel cells are
On the other hand, ceramic fuel cells place stringent require- therefore referred to as solid-oxide fuel cells (SOFCs).
ments on materials. Ceramic fabrication processes need to be
developed to incorporate the materials into practical stack con- IV. Ceramic Fuel Cells Based on Oxygen-Ion Conductors
figurations. At present, the key technical challenge is develop-
ment of suitable materials and fabrication of ceramic structures. The most advanced SOFCs are those based on oxygen-ion-
Engineering ceramic powders and developing forming and pro- conducting stabilized zirconia electrolyte. The conductivity
cessing methods play a key role in ceramic fuel cell technolo- requirement for the electrolyte determines the operating tem-
gies. This paper reviews the principles of ceramic fuel cell perature of this SOFC (about 1000°C). The other materials
operation, materials for cell components, and various aspects of commonly used for this type of SOFC are nickelistabilized zir-
fuel cell design and fabrication. Emphasis is given to the dis- conia cermet for anodes, doped lanthanum manganite for cath-
cussion of material properties, cell reactions, and fabrication odes, and doped lanthanum chromite for interconnects.
processes critical in the development of ceramic fuel cells.
(1) Materials for Cell Components
( A ) Electrolyte: ( a ) Stabilized Zirconia: Stabilized zir-
11. Cell Component Requirements conia (ZrO,), especially yttria-stabilized zirconia, is the most
The principal components of a ceramic fuel cell stack are the common electrolyte in SOFCs because the material possesses
electrolyte, the anode, the cathode, and the interconnect. Each an adequate level of oxygen-ion conductivity and exhibits
component serves several functions in the fuel cell and must desirable stability in both oxidizing and reducing atmospheres.
meet certain requirements. Each component must have the The properties of stabilized zirconia have been extensively
proper stability (chemical, phase, morphological, and dimen- studied.'-' Several reviews on the subject are available.x-'('
sional) in oxidizing and/or reducing environments, chemical ZrO,, in its pure form, does not serve as a good electrolyte,
compatibility with other components, and proper conductivity. primarily because its ionic conductivity is too low. At room
The components for ceramic fuel cells must, in addition, have temperature, ZrO, has a monoclinic ( m ) crystal structure. The
similar coefficients of thermal expansion to avoid separation or monoclinic structure changes to a tetragonal ( t ) form above
cracking during fabrication and operation. The electrolyte and 1170°C and to a cubic fluorite structure above 2370°C. The
interconnect must be dense to prevent gas mixing, whereas the tetragonal-monoclinic transformation is associated with a large
anode and cathode must be porous to allow gas transport to the volume change (3% to 5%) (contraction on heating and expan-
reaction sites. sion on cooling). The cubic phase exists up to the melting point
In addition to the above requirements, other desirable prop- of 2680°C. However, the addition of certain aliovalent oxides
erties for the cell components from practical viewpoints are stabilizes the cubic fluorite structure of ZrOz from room tem-
high strength and toughness, fabricability, and low cost. Also, perature to its melting point an+d,at the same time, increases its
for certain cell designs, the components for a ceramic fuel cell oxygen vacancy concentration. This enhances the ionic con-
must be amenable to limited fabrication conditions since the ductivity and leads to an extended oxygen partial pressure
process conditions cannot be selected independently for each range of ionic conduction, making stabilized ZrO, suitable for
component. For example, if the components are built up one by use as an electrolyte in SOFCs. (This extended oxygen partial
one, the temperature of sintering for each successive compo- pressure range covers the conditions, 1 to lo-'' atm (10' to
nent must be lower than that of the preceding component to lo-" Pa), to which a SOFC electrolyte is exposed in the fuel
avoid altering the microstructure of the preceding component. cell during operation.) The most commonly used stabilizing
If the components are formed in the green state, then all compo-
oxides or dopants are CaO, MgO, Y20,, Sc,O,, and certain
nents must be sintered under the same firing conditions. Fur-
thermore, the components of a ceramic fuel cell must be rare-earth oxides. These oxides exhibit a relatively high solu-
compatible not only at the operating temperature but also at the bility in ZrO, and are able to form the fluorite structure with
much higher temperatures at which the ceramic structures are ZrO, which is stable over wide ranges of composition and
fabricated. temperature.
Stabilization of ZrOz is accomplished by direct substitution
of divalent or trivalent cations of appropriate size for the host
111. Types of Ceramic Fuel Cells lattice cation Z P . This substitution not only stabilizes the
In theory, any gases capable of electrochemical oxidation cubic fluorite structure but also creates a large concentration of
and reduction can be used as fuel and oxidant in a fuel cell. oxygen vacancies by charge compensation according to the fol-
However, hydrogen is currently the most common fuel for use lowing equation (written for Y,O, stabilization using Kroger-
in ceramic fuel cells. Hydrogen has high electrochemical reac- Vink notation):
tivity and can be derived from common fuels such as hydrocar-
bons, alcohols, or coal. Oxygen is the most common oxidant
March 1993 Ceramic Fuel Cells 565


Fig. 3. Schematic diagram of reactions in ceramic fuel cells based on oxygen-ion conductor^.^



02, H 2 0 CATHOOE
HZ + %02 +HzO
Fig. 4. Schematic diagram of reactions in ceramic fuel cells based on proton conductors.

The high oxygen vacancy concentration gives rise to a high dopant concentration is believed to be due to defect order-
oxygen-ion mobility. Oxygen-ion conduction takes place in sta- ing,vacancy clustering, or electrostatic interaction.’’
bilized ZrO, by movement of oxygen ions via vacancies. Over a In general, fully stabilized ZrO, is preferred as SOFC elec-
wide range of temperature, the ionic conductivity of stabilized trolyte material in order to have maximum conductivity. The
ZrO, is independent of oxygen partial pressure over several use of fully stabilized Zr02 also avoids the problems of phase
orders of magnitude (Fig. 5).5,” Under these conditions, the transformation associated with partially stabilized materials
ionic transport number is very close to unity (i.e., negligible during cell operation. The conductivity of fully stabilized ZrOz
electronic conduction). The electrical conductivity of stabilized as a function of temperature follows Arrhenius-type behavior.
ZrO, has been measured by numerous investigators. The ionic Table I lists the conductivity data for stabilized ZrO, doped with
conductivity of stabilized ZrO, depends on dopant concentra- various rare-earth oxides. Although stabilization of ZrO, with
tion. Figure 6 shows, as an example, variation of conductivity Y203does not yield the highest conductivities, Y,O,-stabilized
with dopant concentration for various doped ZrO,. ” Isothermal ZrO, (YSZ) is most frequently used as SOFC electrolyte
plots of conductivity exhibit a maximum. This maximum con- because of availability and cost.
ductivity is obtained at or near the minimum quantity of dopant In SOFCs, YSZ is used in the form of polycrystalline thin
required to fully stabilize the cubic fluorite phase. The conduc- films or layers. It is well established that ionic conductivity
tivity then decreases with further increase in dopant concentra- (resistivity) of polycrystalline ceramics depends on the micro-
tion, and this trend is accompanied by an increase in activation structures, especially grain boundaries, of the samples. The
energy for conduction. The decrease in conductivity at higher grain-boundary effect on the conductivity is mainly due to the
566 Journul of the American Ceramic Society-Minh Vol. 76, No. 3

1000°C, grain-boundary effects, such as conductivity

I and grain-size effect,?' are believed to be negligible.
Y S Z must be fabricated into fully dense layers for use as a
18 18 mol% YOl SOFC electrolyte. A common fabrication method is the particu-
late approach. This involves compaction of Y S Z powder into
33 33 mol% YO, the desired shape and densification at elevated temperature. In
15 moi% CaO general, densification of materials consolidated by the particu-
late approach is dependent on material and processing factors,
such as powder characteristics (reactivity, purity, morphology),
6 1 4616rnol%YOt5 particle packing (green density), and processing conditions
(temperature, time, atmosphere). Ideally, fine (high surface
area) spherical particles with narrow size distribution are desir-
able because they result in high reactivity and high packing
density and, therefore, enhanced densification of powders (into
sintered bodies with uniform microstructure) at low sintering
10-4 temperature. Recent advances in powder synthesis and pro-
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28
cessing have indicated that Y S Z powders with such chardcteris-
tics can be prepared and have been processed into dense layers
Fig. 5. Ionic conductivity of stabilized ZrOzas a function of oxygen under conditions suitable for SOFC fabrication. For example,
partial pressure ( T = lOOO"C).' Y S Z powders of submicrometer size (nanocrystalline size) have
been formed into a green body (about 50% green density) and
fired to 95% of theoretical density in air at 1 125°C.22ZrO, pow-
10' I I ders are generally prepared from chloride precursors and, there-
fore, may contain chloride residue. The presence of a
significant amount of chloride (1 wt%) can raise the sintering
temperature of the material as much as 150°C.23,24 If necessary,
laundering techniques can be used to remove the chloride
impurity. 23m
SOFCs, similar to other advanced ceramic structures, are
brittle and susceptible to fracture caused by flaws which are
introduced in the fuel cell during various stages of fabrication
and service. Fracture in the electrolyte allows fuel and oxidant
to come into contact (cross leakage), thus reducing cell perfor-
mance and efficiency. Significant fuel and oxidant cross leak-
age can render the fuel cell inoperative. An electrolyte with
I high fracture toughness is therefore desirable. A tough electro-
lyte is less sensitive to the presence of flaws and imparts better
fracture resistance to the fuel cell during fabrication and opera-
tion. Several approaches have been taken to improve the
104 I ' I mechanical properties of the Y S Z . These approaches are based
4 8 12 16 20
MOL% M203 01 MO
on improvement of fracture resistance of the electrolyte by
toughening." The Y S Z electrolyte has been toughened by
Fig. 6. Variation of ionic conductivity of stabilized ZrO?with dopant introducing inclusions of rn-ZrO,. However, the addition of m-
concentration ( T = 807"C).12 ZrO, has been found to degrade the conductivity of Y S Z to a
level unacceptable for SOFC application.2h Fine particles of
partially stabilized ZrO, (PSZ)26and A1,0327-29 have also been
Table I. Conductivity Data for Stabilized ZrO, Doped with added to Y S Z . These additives increase the fracture toughness
Rare-Earth Oxides* of the Y S Z electrolyte without significantly affecting the con-
ktlvdtlon energy
ductivity of the material. MgO has also been used to improve
Dopdnt Conipo\ition Conductivity (lo0o"C)
( M 0,) (mol'7u M,O,) ( X 10 ' 12 ' Lm ') (kJ/mol) the mechanical properties of YSZ." To date, only limited tests
have been performed on these toughened Y S Z electrolytes.
y20, 8 10 0 96
15 14 104 Because of its high toughness and strength, t-ZrO, has
Sm*O, 10 58 92 been proposed as a SOFC electrolyte. For comparison, the
Yb,% 10 I1 0 82 toughness of Y S Z ranges between 2 to 3 MPa.m"*, whereas
SC20, 10 25 0 62 that of t-ZrO, is about 6.5 MPa.m"*. At temperatures below
*Reference 9 500"C, the bulk conductivity of t-ZrO, is greater than that for
Y S Z . This suggests the possibility of its use as electrolytes in
SOFCs operated at low temperatures. However, there are two
presence of impurities or second phases introduced via the raw main concerns regarding SOFCs based on t-ZrO,
materials or during the fabrication process. Impurities tend to electrolyte: mechanical integrity and aging effect. In general,
segregate at grain boundaries and at the external surface during t-ZrO, electrolytes can suffer mechanical degradation after
processing and subsequent heat treatment of the ceramic. l 4 long-term exposures at fuel cell operating temperatures. This
Complex impedance measurements have been used extensively degradation results from the growth and subsequent transforma-
to determine the bulk and grain-boundary resistivities of poly- tion of the metastable tetragonal phase.34t-ZrO, also shows pro-
crystalline stabilized Zr0,.'5-'x In general, the influence of nounced conductivity a g i r ~ g . ~The
~ , ~aging
' behavior in t-ZrO, is
grain boundaries on the conductivity of stabilized ZrO, can be a result, in part, of enhancement of the grain-boundary
considerable at low and intermediate temperatures ( <700°C). blocking effect. The segregation of impurities to the grain
At higher temperatures, grain boundaries have a small influ- boundaries during aging is one mechanism responsible for this
ence, especially when the sample is prepared from powders effect.
without the presence of a significant amount of impurities or (b) Other Electrolyte Materials: Among the known oxy-
additives. Therefore, for SOFCs using Y S Z electrolyte at gen-ion conductors, stabilized bismuth oxide (Bi,O,) shows the
March 1993 Ceramic Fuel Cells 567

highest ionic conductivity at comparable temperatures. In cer- operating temperature, and provide an anode thermal expansion
tain composition ranges, the conductivities of stabilized Bi,O, coefficient acceptably close to those of the other cell compo-
exceed l o - ' fl-'.cm-' at 700°C and 1 0 - 2 R - ' . c m - ' at 500"C, nents. The YSZ support is considered as "inactive" although
1 to 2 orders of magnitude higher than that of stabilized the support may play an important role in dictating the catalytic
Zr0,.37-39 This greater ionic conductivity of stabilized Bi,O, activity of the anode.
offers the possibility of its use as electrolytes in SOFCs oper- The electrical conductivity of nickeVYSZ cermet is strongly
ated at lower temperatures (<1000"C). The main drawback of dependent on its nickel content. The conductivity of the ccrmet
this material is its smaller oxygen partial pressure range of ionic as a function of nickel content shows the S-shaped curve pre-
conduction. Stabilized Bi,O, is easily reduced under low oxy- dicted by percolation theory (Fig. 7 ) . 5 2 . 5The
3 percolation
gen partial pressure and decomposes into bismuth metal at oxy- threshold for the conductivity is at about 30 vol% nickel. This
gen partial pressure of about atm Pa) at 600"C.4" percolation behavior can be explained by the presence of two
Therefore, practical use of stabilized Bi,O, as SOFC electrolyte conduction mechanisms through the cermet: an electronic path
is questionable. through the nickel phase and an ionic path through the YSZ
Similar to ZrO,, ceria (CeO,) doped with CaO, Y,O,, and phase. Below 30 vol% nickel, the conductivity of the cermet is
various rare-earth oxides is an excellent oxygen-ion conduc- similar to that of YSZ, indicating an ionic conduction path
tor.4' Doped CeO, shows a higher conductivity and a lower con- through the YSZ phase. Above 30 vol% nickel, the conductiv-
duction activation energy when compared to stabilized ZrO,. ity is about 3 orders of magnitude higher, corresponding to a
Doped CeO, has been proposed as a potential candidate for change in mechanism to electronic conduction through the
SOFC e l e ~ t r o l y t e .However,
~~ the material undergoes large nickel phase. This is supported by the fact that the conductivity
departures from stoichiometry at elevated temperatures in a of the nickel/YSZ cermet containing more than 30 vol% nickel
reducing atmosphere with accompanying electronic conductiv- decreases with increasing temperature, and the activation
ity. Thus, the electronic conductivity of doped CeO, must be energy for conduction is similar to that of pure nickel (5.38
minimized under reducing conditions if CeO, is to be a useful kJ/mol). The conductivity of the cermet is also dependent on its
SOFC electrolyte. A dopant concept has been attempted to microstructure (support surface area). At the same nickel vol-
improve the ionic domain of Ce0,.43Certain dopants have been ume percent, a support with lower surface area has better nickel
found to improve the ionic domain boundary to lo-,' atm coverage, resulting in improved nickel particle-to-particle con-
(lo-'' Pa) at 700°C. Another approach to suppress the reduc- tact, thus higher conductivity for the cermet.
tion of CeO, under reducing conditions is to coat CeO, with a Since nickel has a higher thermal expansion coefficient than
stabilized ZrO, l a ~ e r . In ~ .this
~ ~case, the stability of CeO, is YSZ, there are concerns about thermal expansion mismatch
dependent on the partial pressure of oxygen at the ZrO,/CeO, between the anode and the electrolyte. A significant degree of
interface.&The oxygen partial pressure at the interface, in turn, mismatch in thermal expansion coefficients of the SOFC com-
depends on the transport characteristics, especially the elec- ponents can result in large stresses, causing cracking or delami-
tronic conductivity, of CeO,. High electronic conductivity (in nation during fabrication and ~peration.'~The thermal
addition to high ionic conductivity) of the CeO, side ensures expansion coefficient of nickel/YSZ cermet increases linearly
high oxygen partial pressure at the interface and, thus, high with the nickel content (Fig. 8).54~.5c The cermet containing
thermodynamic stability.46 more than 30 vol% nickel has a higher thermal expansion coef-
Development of other materials, especially those possessing ficient than the YSZ electrolyte (about 10.5 >( 10 ' cmi
sufficient ionic conductivities at intermediate temperatures (cm.K)). Various means have been developed to tolerate and
(600" to SOOT), has received much interest recently. A replace- minimize the thermal expansion mismatch. For example,
ment of YSZ by a reduced-temperature oxygen-ion conductor improving the fracture toughness of the electrolyte has been
in SOFCs would greatly reduce material and fabrication prob- attempted to provide sufficient tolerance of stresses generated
lems and improve cell reliability during prolonged operation. by thermal expansion mismatch." Control of critical pro-
Several doped perovskite (ABO,) solid electrolytes have been cessing flaws is another effective means to increase fracture
identified.47-5"The identification of these perovskites has been resistance of the electrolyte. Varying the thickness and thick-
based on the empirical relationship between the activation ness ratio of the cell components can be used to tolerate thermal
energy for oxygen-ion conduction and the free volume of lattice expansion mismatch.54Minor constituents have been added to
The observed trend between the activation energy
and the free volume has been used to develop a free volume
maximization algorithm which permits the identification of cat-
ions in the perovskite A and B sites to maximize the free
volume for ionic transport through the lattice. As an example,
some of the identified perovskite electrolytes are
BaCe,,Gd, ,O,, CaAI,,Ti, ,03,and SrZr,,,Sc, ,03.To date,
only preliminary work has been conducted on cells with reduc-
ed-temperature perovskite electrolytes.
( B ) Anode: ( a ) NickellYttria-Zirconia Cermet: Be-
cause of the reducing conditions of the fuel gas, metals can be
used as SOFC anode materials. Since the composition of the
fuel changes during the operation of the fuel cell, suitable met-
als must be non-oxidized not only at the fuel inlet conditions
but also at the more oxidizing conditions of the fuel outlet. At
the 1000°C operating temperature of YSZ-based SOFCs, suit-
able metals are limited mainly to nickel, cobalt, and noble met-
als. Nickel is most commonly used because of its low cost
(when compared with other metals, such as cobalt, platinum,
and palladium). To maintain the porous structure of nickel over
long periods at 1000°C and to provide other desired properties 102 J I
for the anode, nickel metal is often dispersed on the surface of a 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
YSZ support. The YSZ support is added to the anode formula- VOL% NICKEL
tion in the form of powder or fibet5' The functions of the YSZ
support in the anode are to support the nickel-metal particles, Fig. 7. Conductivity of nickel/ZrOL cermet as a function of nickel
inhibit coarsening of the metallic particles at the fuel cell content (T = lOOO"C)."
568 Journal ojthe American Ceramic Sociew-Minh Vol. 76, No. 3

the anode formulation to match the anode thermal expansion nickel/YSZ anode is strongly dependent on the wetting proper-
with the other cell components. ties of the nickel on the YSZ. In general, the rate of anode sin-
The SOFC anode cermet is commonly made from YSZ and tering is dependent on the nickel particle-size distribution, with
NiO powders. The NiO is then reduced in situ to nickel metal an increase in the rate as the width of dispersion increases. The
when exposed to the fuel in the fuel cell. Examples of SOFC rate of sintering also increases as the nickel content in the anode
anode microstructures after air firing and after hydrogen reduc- increases. To date, not much information has been published in
tion are shown in Fig. 9. Figure 9 shows that the reduced anode the open literature concerning the sintering behavior of the cer-
is more porous as a result of oxygen loss due to conversion of met anode.
NiO to nickel. For a thin air-fired NiOiYSZ layer (e.g., 100 p m ( h ) Other Anode Materials: Cobalt is another suitable
thick), it takes only minutes to complete the NiO reduction at SOFC anode material since the metal can withstand the fuel
1000°C. During the reduction, the conductivity of the anode environment and remains non-oxidized. Cobalt/stabilized ZrOz
generally reaches a maximum very quickly then falls off slowly cermet anodes have been used in SOFCs.'" Compared with
until a steady state is obtained.52The maximum occurs when nickel, cobalt has the advantage of high sulfur tolerance; how-
enough NiO is reduced to form a conducting nickel-metal ever, cobalt is not commonly used because of its high cost.
matrix, and the fall-off corresponds to loss of nickel particle Also, the oxidation potential of cobalt is higher than that of
contact as the particles shrink due to further NiO reduction. nickel metal, thus requiring a less complete fuel combustion.
Sintering of nickel particles is a major concern in long-term Recently, ruthenium/stabilized ZrOz cermets have been tested
operation of the SOFC anode at 1000°C. Nickel sintering as SOFC anode^.^' Ruthenium has the advantages of better
results in loss of active surface area and reduced conductivity of resistance to sintering and higher reforming activity. Other
the anode, leading to degradation of cell performance. Since materials, such as conductive oxides, have also been proposed
nickel particles are high-surface-area solids, there will always as possible SOFC anode"' Recently, mixed con-
be a thermodynamic driving force to decrease free energy, i.e., ducting oxides based on Y,O,-ZrO,-TiO, solid solutions have
to minimize surface area. Thus, the sintering behavior of the been investigated as SOFC electrode Character-
ization of the materials in terms of their electrical and electro-
chemical performance has been
( C ) Catlzode: ( a ) Doped Lanthanum Manganite: Be-
cause of the high operating temperature (1000°C) of the YSZ-
Y 0 15 30 51 72 100 based SOFC, only noble metals or electronic conducting oxides
can be used as cathode materials. Noble metals, such as plati-
num, palladium, or silver, are unsuitable for practical applica-
tions because of prohibitive cost (and insufficient long-term
stability due to vaporization of silver). Several doped oxides

and mixed oxides have been proposed and The
U disadvantages of most of these materials are thermal expansion
mismatch, incompatibility with the electrolyte, and lack of con-
z ductivity. At present, doped lanthanum manganite (LaMnO,) is
(0 most commonly used.
LaMnO, is a p-type perovskite oxide. The perovskite struc-
B ture of LaMnO, may undergo atomic distortion leading to
orthorhombic or rhombohedra1 unit cells. Undoped LaMnO,
is orthorhombic at room temperatureh5and shows an ortho-
rhombic-rhombohedra1 crystallographic transition at about
VOL% NiO 387"C."'."' At high temperatures, the material can have oxygen
excess, stoichiometry, or deficiency depending on oxygen par-
Fig. 8. Thermal expansion coefficient of cerniet anode as a function tial pressure.h"-"' For example, at 1 200°C, the oxygen stoichi-
of NiO (or nickel) ont tent.'^ ometry of LaMnO, ranged from 3.079 to 2.947 under oxygen

Fig. 9. SOFC anode microstructures: ( A ) after air firing and (B) after hydrogen reduction
March 1993 Cerumic Fuel Cells 569
partial pressures of 1 to 10 'I ho atm (10' to 10-".b')
Pa).6x[n oxi- 24

dizing atmospheres, LaMnO, has oxygen excess and the -f 2 2

amount of excess oxygen varies with temperature. In reducing -0
atmospheres, the material becomes oxygen deficient. Under $ 20
very reducing conditions, LaMnO, dissociates into La,O, and
MnO; however, the dissociation is reversible.'" The lowest oxy- $ 18
gen partial pressure before LaMnO, dissociates into multiple 2 16
phases is termed "the critical oxygen partial pressure." This
critical partial pressure depends on temperature, shifting to
14 5
higher values at higher temperatures. At 1 IOO"C, the critical Q
3 12
oxygen partial pressure for undoped LaMnO, is about 10 l 4 to -

10 I s atm (lO-'to lo-'" For SOFC applications, sig- 101' I

-160 -140 -120 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 00
nificant changes in oxygen stoichiometry of LaMnO, (espe- LOG OXYGEN PARTIAL PRESSURE, ATM
cially during fabrication) must be avoided to minimize
undesired dimensional change^.'^ Fig. 11. Conductivity as a function of oxygen partial pressure for
In addition to oxygen nonstoichiometry, LaMnO, can also La,, >MnO,at various tcmperatures."
have lanthanum deficiency and excess. LaMnO, with lantha-
num excess may contain La,O, second phase, which tends to be
hydrated to La(OH),. This hydration is undesirable for SOFC
applications because it can cause disintegration of sintered mol% strontium in one studyXSand 55 mol% strontium in
LaMnO, structure. Since it is very difficult to prepare the stoi- another study"), probably due to differences from study to
chiometric material, LaMnO, with a lanthanum deficiency is study in synthesis methods, sintering conditions, sample
recommended for use in SOFCs. microstructures, and measuring techniques. For LaMnO,
LaMnO, has intrinsic p-type conductivity due to the forma- doped with less than SO mol% strontium, the conductivity
tion of cation vacancies. Thus, the electrical conductivity of the shows negative temperature dependence at temperatures above
material can be enhanced by substituting a lower-valence ion on 1 OOO°C, suggesting a semiconducting-to-metallic transition.
either the A or B sites. Doping LaMnO, with various lower- The metallic-type conduction behavior is observed for SO- to
valence cations such as strontium, calcium, barium, nickel, or 60-mol%-strontium-doped LaMnO, at lower temperatures
magnesium has been Strontium-doped LaMnO, is (200" to 1000°c~.87
currently the preferred cathode material in SOFC because of its Oxygen activity and cation deficiency significantly influence
high electronic conductivity in oxidizing a t m ~ s p h e r e s . ~ ~ ~ the
~ ~electrical
-~~ behavior of doped LaMnO,. At 10OO"C, the con-
Strontium doping enhances the electronic conductivity of ductivity of strontium-doped LaMnO, shows little dependence
LaMnO, by increasing the Mn4+ content by the substitution of on oxygen partial pressure in the high oxygen partial pressure
La'+ by Sr2+:%' region, and this region becomes narrower with increasing tem-
perature (Fig. 1 l)." As the oxygen partial pressure is reduced,
LaMnO,% La:+,S<+Mn?t,Mn:'+O, (2) the conductivity decreases as a function of the fourth root of
oxygen partial pressure. At the critical oxygen partial pressure,
The electronic conductivity of strontium-doped LaMnO, takes an abrupt decrease of the conductivity is observed due to the
place via the small polaron conduction mechanism. Figure 10 decomposition of the LaMnO, phase. This critical oxygen par-
shows the temperature dependence of the conductivity of both tial pressure shifts to higher values when the temperature and/or
undoped and strontium-doped LaMnO, ." At temperatures the strontium content are increased.
below 1000°C, plots of In uT(where u is the conductivity and T Vacancies at the lanthanum site influence the phases and
the temperature) vs l/T are linear, as predicted by the following electrical properties of doped LaMnO,. (La, - ,SrJI -.MnO,-,
equation derived for the small polaron conduction: undergoes a phase transition at about 700°C in air." The con-
u = (A/Oexp( - E,/k7') (3) ductivity behavior of the material changes at the phase-transi-
tion temperature. Below 700"C, the small polaron hopping
where A is the preexponential factor, k the Boltzmann constant, mechanism is applied for the conductivity. Above 700°C, the
and E, the activation energy for conduction. The E, values cal- conductivity shows little dependence on the temperat~re.'~
culated from the slopes of the plots are 18.3, 18.3, 15.4, and The thermal expansion coefficient of undoped LaMnO, is
8.7 kJ/mol for undoped, 5 , 10, and 20-mol%-strontiuni-doped about 11.2 x 10 -'cm/(cm.K). Doping LaMnO, with stron-
LaMnO,, respectively. The variation of the conductivity of tium increases the material thermal expansion coefficient,"'.''
La, _,Sr,MnO, with strontium content appears to exhibit a max- and the coefficient increases with increasing strontium content
imum. However, the strontium level where the maximum con- (Table II)." Thus, the thermal expansion coefficient of the
ductivity is observed has not been well established (e.g., 15 strontium-doped LaMnO, cathode is higher than that of the
YSZ electrolyte. However, there are few reported problems due
to this thermal expansion difference, probably because the
material has been tailored to minimize the mismatch. Substitu-
tion of lanthanum with smaller cations, such as calcium, lowers
the thermal expansion coefficient of LaMnO,. ' .**

o LaMnOJ Table 11. Thermal Expansion Coefficientsof

- ,SrNnO,*
Thermal expansion coefficient
5 Cornnosition ( x 10 ' crn/icrn.K))


60 90 120 150 180 210 240
lTr, 1 V K '

Fig. 10. In OT vs IITfor undoped and strontium-doped LaMnO, ''

570 Journal of the American Ceramic Society-Minh Vol. 76, No. 3

In the fabrication and operation of the SOFC, there are con- h without degradation. However, In,O, represents the most
cerns regarding the chemical compatibility of LaMnO, cathode costly and least thermodynamically stable component in the
with the YSZ electrolyte. Manganese is known to be a mobile SOFC. Therefore, In,O, has been replaced by doped LaMnO,.
species at high temperatures and can easily diffuse into the elec- Other materials containing In,O,, such as In,O,-Pro,-HfO,
trolyte, changing the electrical characteristics or the structure of and In,O,-PrO,-ZrO,, have also been proposed. 128-130 Doped
both the cathode and the electrolyte. Fabrication temperature is YMnO, compositions have recently been considered for their
generally limited to below 1400°C to minimize this migration. possible applications as cathodes in SOFCs. '"
At lOOO"C, manganese migration is negligible,94.y5 and there is ( C ) Interconnect: ( a ) Doped Lanthanum Chromite:
no report on any significant manganese effects for SOFCs oper- The stringent requirements for the interconnect of a SOFC elim-
ated up to 10000 h. The interaction between LaMnO, and YSZ inate all but a few oxide systems from consideration. Lantha-
has been studied at SOFC operating and fabrication tempera- num chromite (LaCrO,) is particularly suitable from the
ture~.~""'~ No significant reactions between LaMnO, and ZrO, standpoint of high electronic conductivity under fuel and oxi-
have been observed at temperatures below 1200°C; above dant atmospheres, stability in the fuel cell environment, and
1200"C, the manganite reacts with ZrO, to produce compatibility with other cell components. LaCrO, is currently
La,Zr,07.94.97 Another reaction product, SrZrO,, may also form the most common material for the interconnect in the SOFC.
with LaMnO, containing high strontium dopant content (x = LaCrO, is a perovskite oxide with very refractory properties
0.3).9h.1mThese reactions can be predicted using the chemical (melting point >2400"C). The oxide is orthorhombic at room
potential diagrams for the La-Mn-Zr-0 system. IM The forma- temperature"2 and undergoes a crystallographic transformation
tion of La,Zr,O, in the SOFC can significantly influence the from orthorhombic to rhombohedral at about 240" to
performance of the cell because the conductivity of this phase is 2800C,I33-135The rhombohedral form of the oxide is stable up to
about 2.5 orders of magnitude lower than that of YSZ. To mini- 1000°C. A further increase in temperature results in a rhombo-
mize the reaction with YSZ, LaMnO, with substantial lantha- hedralxubic transition at about 1650°C.134.136-138 LaCrO, has
num deficiency is preferred. In addition to reaction with YSZ, oxygen stoichiometry in oxidizing atmospheres but becomes
LaMnO, may react with doped LaCrO, when in contact with the oxygen deficient under very reducing conditions. '" LaCrO, can
interconnect at high temperatures. Strontium and calcium dop- also have lanthanum deficiency or excess. The temperature at
ants in LaCrO, tend to migrate to the interface to form com- which the orthohombic-rhombohedra1 transformation occurs is
pounds such as (Sr,La),Mn,O, and (Ca,La),Mn,0,.'"3~'04 dependent on the lanthanum stoichiometry and increases with
Solid solutions or mixtures of doped LaMnO, with other increasing lanthanudchromium ratio.y3 Similar to LaMnO,,
compounds have also been investigated for SOFC applications. excess lanthanum in LaCrO, tends to precipitate as La,O,, caus-
LaCrO,-LaMnO, solid solutions are suggested to be used as ing hydroxide formation and subsequent disintegration of
cathode materials to provide better morphological stability and LaCrO, structures at room temperature. 14"
to increase electrode resistance toward reduction. 1"5-107 LaCoO, LaCrO, can be substituted with a cation on either the lantha-
has been added to LaMnO, both to tailor cathode thermal num or chromium sites. Examples of the substituents or dop-
expansion and to improve cathode electrical conductiv- ants include strontium and calcium (lanthanum ~ i t e ) ' ~ , ' ~and
Cathodes made of YSZ-LaMnO, mixtures have been magnesium, cobalt, zinc, copper, nickel, iron, aluminum, and
found to have better resistance to sintering."' Additions of plat- titanium (chromium site).143-149 The substitution of LaCrO, with
inum to LaMnO, cathodes improve cell performance by a lower-valence ion influences the properties of the material in
increasing cathode conductivity and reducing contact resistance many ways, including phase transformation, conductivity, oxy-
between cathode and current collector."' gen stoichiometry, and thermal expansion. The orthorhombic-
(b) Other Cathode Materials: Doped lanthanum cobaltite rhombohedral transformation temperature of doped LaCrO, is
(LaCoO,) is another perovskite oxide of interest as SOFC cath- dependent on the dopant. Strontium substitution for lanthanum
ode material."2-"5 LaCoO, has been extensively studied as an in LaCrO, lowers the transformation temperature, stabilizing
oxygen electrode catalyst for controlling automotive exhaust the rhombohedral structure at room temperature. '" Nickel or
emissions. ' I 6 LaCoO, belongs to the same class of oxide com- calcium substitution raises the transformation temperature.146
pounds as LaMnO,. The material shows a large oxygen defi- Magnesium substitution, on the other hand, does not affect the
ciency at high temperatures. 117.11X Previous studies have shown orthorhombic-rhombohedra1 transformation temperat~re.~'
that, similar to LaMnO,, LaCoO, has intrinsic p-type conduc- LaCrO, is a p-type conductor due to holes in the 3d band of
tivity, and the conductivity can be enhanced by substituting a the chromium ions. Under oxidizing conditions, substitution of
lower-valence ion (such as strontium or calcium) on the lantha- a lower-valence ion on either the lanthanum or chromium sites
num site. 1'9~120LaCoO, has a higher electrical conductivity than of LaCrO, results in a charge-compensating transition of C 8 +
LaMnO, under similar However, there are sev- to Cr4' ions, thereby enhancing the electronic conductivity of
eral key differences in the characteristics of LaMnO, and the material. Under reducing conditions, charge compensation
LaCoO, as SOFC cathode materials. First, LaCoO, phase is occurs by the formation of oxygen vacancies; thus, no increase
much less stable against reduction when compared with in the electronic conductivity is anticipated. To have adequate
LaMnO,. At 1000°C, LaCoO, dissociates into other phases at conductivity for SOFC interconnect uses, LaCrO, is often
oxygen partial pressures of less than atm ( Pa),' (for doped with divalent ions. The most common dopants are stron-
comparison, LaMnO, decomposes at oxygen partial pressure of tium, calcium, and magnesium. Figure 12 shows as an example
about lo-'' atm (lo-'' Pa)). Second, the thermal expansion the conductivity (in air) of strontium-doped LaCrO, as a func-
coefficient of LaCoO, is greater than that of LaMnO,. The ther- tion of temperature. The linearity of the plots of log UT vs 1/T
mal expansion coefficient of La,,Sr,,CoO, is 23.7 x lo-' for doped LaCrO, indicates thermally activated hopping of
cm/(cm.K),12'whereas the thermal expansion coefficient of small polarons as the conduction mechanism. 's"-'s6 The activa-
La,,Sr,,MnO, is only 12.8 X lo-' c~n/(cm.K).~'Third, tion energy for conduction and the conductivity at 1000°C for
LaCoO, tends to react more readily with YSZ than LaMnO, at several doped LaCrO, are given in Table 111. The conductivity
high temperatures. '22.123 At present, doped LaCoO, is being of doped LaCrO, depends on the equilibration atmosphere.
used mainly as cathode material in SOFC stacks of a segment- Equilibration in a reducing atmosphere, such as hydrogen gas,
ed-cell-in-series design (see section on stack design and causes an appreciable decrease in the conductivity.148.152 The
fabrication). conductivity of doped LaCrO, in hydrogen is 3 orders of mag-
Early SOFCs used tin-doped indium oxide (In,O,) as the nitude lower than that in air.Is7Since the LaCrO, interconnect in
cathode material. '24-126 This material exhibits excellent electri- a SOFC is subjected to a dual atmosphere (with fuel on one side
cal conductivity under fuel cell operating conditions and can be and oxidant on the other), a conductivity gradient across the
applied as thin films by the chemical vapor deposition material may exist. However, the overall conductivity of the
method. The material performed satisfactorily for up to 5000 material is still adequate for its use.158.159
For example, under
March 1993 Ceramic Fuel Cells 57 1

lo5 I
'- - j L z 0.03
lO3 1 x = 0.05 x = 0.10 t!


10 '
in,104K-l -11 -9 -7 -5 -3 -1 1 3
Fig. 12. log oT vs 1/Tfor La, _,Sr,Cr0,.i56
Fig. 14. Oxygen vacancy concentration and electrical conductivity
as a function of oxygen partial pressure and dopant content for
the fuel cell operating environment, the conductivity of magne- LaCr, -rMg,O, at 1200"C.ih2
sium-doped LaCrO, is about 2 W ' . c m - l , exceeding the con-
ductivity requirement for the interconnect. I S 9 For
polycrystalline LaCrO, exposed to an oxygen potential gradi- The thermal expansion coefficient of LaCrO, at room tem-
ent, such as the SOFC dual atmosphere, the material equili- perature is about 6.7 X lo-' cm/(cm.K). Above 240°C (the
brates quickly due to its rapid oxygen exchange ra@et'. ' orthorhombic-rhombohedra1 transformation temperature),
The conductivity of doped LaCrO, equilibrated under vari- LaCrO, has a thermal expansion coefficient of about 9.2 x
ous oxygen activities has been correlated to the material defect 10-6cm/(cm.K) The thermal expansion of LaCrO, can be
chemistry.13Y.143.161-165 The correlation shows that, at high oxy- modified by substitution of aliovalent or isovalent ions into the
gen partial pressure, electronic compensation occurs by a Cr3+ structure. The substitution of aluminum ions markedly
to Cr4+transition, whereas ionic compensation takes place at increases the thermal expansion coefficient. Magnesium ions
low oxygen partial pressure. The critical oxygen partial pres- do not affect the thermal expansion coefficient.166On the other
sure (at which the electronic conductivity of LaCrO, signifi- hand, the substitution of calcium ions'67or strontium ion^^'^''^
cantly decreases) is dependent both on dopant concentration increases the thermal expansion coefficient of LaCrO,. Table
and temperature. This critical oxygen partial pressure is lower IV summarizes thermal expansion coefficient data for undoped
at lower dopant concentrations and lower temperatures. Figures and doped LaCrO, materials.
13 and 14 show how the conductivity and oxygen vacancy con- One of the requirements for the LaCrO, interconnect in
centration of magnesium-doped LaCrO, vary with temperature, SOFCs is that it must be dense to avoid cross leakage of fuel and
oxygen activity, and dopant oxidant gases. It is well-known that LaCrO, is difficult to sinter
to high densities under high oxygen activity conditions. LaCrO,
appreciably volatilizes chromium oxides in oxidizing atmo-
spheres. 137.148.166.lb9. I70 Because of the volatilization, the predom-
Table 111. Conductivity Data for Doped LaCrO,* inant mass-transport mechanism is a gaseous process mainly
Activation energy involving the chromium oxide compounds. This leads to an
Dopant Composition Conductivity (Io0o"C) (kJ/mol)
(MO) (mol% MO) (0-'.cm ') ~ [Reference] evaporation-condensation mechanism of sintering in which the
lanthanum and chromium ions evaporate in some form from the
None 0 I 18 [150] surface of the original grains and condense out onto the points
10 3 19 [162]
13 [165]
of irregular contact, which are the areas of maximum surface
energy. Because neck growth is accomplished without the
*Air atmosphere
transport of the material from the bulk of the grains, little densi-
fication or pore removal occurs. The sinterability behavior of
LaCrO, has been correlated to chemical potential diagrams and
vapor pressures of chromium oxides calculated for La-Cr-0
systems.171The poor sinterability of LaCrO, in air or oxidizing
6 atmospheres is ascribed to the formation of a thin layer of Cr,O,
t 0.4
0 (from CrO, gases) at the interparticle neck during the initial
6 0.04
eg stage of sintering. Because of the high volatility of chromium
z 0.2 oxides, to sinter LaCrO, to high densities, firing temperatures
g 0.03 9 greater than 1600°C under low oxygen partial pressures have
5; 0.0
v) 0.02
2 -0.2
Table IV. Thermal Expansionof LaCrO,*
= 0.01 0'
-0.4 -
z Composition (nominal)
Thermal expansion coefficient
( x 10 ' cm/(cm K))

-11 -9 -7 -5 -3 -1 1 3 LaCrO, 9.5

LaCro YMg" 1 0 3 9.5
L a &a, ,Ffl, 10.8
Fig. 13. Oxygen vacancy concentration and electrical conductivity LaCr, ,Coo ,O, 13.1
as a function of oxygen partial pressure and temperature for La, RCa, 0" ,COI, 10, 11.1
LaCr,,,Mg, "References 93 and 183
512 Journul ofthe American Ceramic Society-Minh Vol. 16, No. 3

traditionally been used. '72 Control of oxygen partial pressures (b) Other Interconnect Materiuls: As mentioned earlier,
close to those specified by the chromium/Cr,O, phase bound- only very few oxides can be considered for interconnect appli-
aryI7' suppresses grain growth and allows maximum densifica- cations."' Early SOFCs used doped CoCr,O, as interconnect
tion to occur. material."* This compound was later replaced by LaCrO,.
Several approaches have been investigated to enhance the Recently, YCrO, has been evaluated as an alternative material
sinterability of LaCrO, at firing temperatures below 1600°C in to LaCrO,. '5h~lX'.ry3~1ys Although YCrO, is less refractory than
oxidizing atmospheres: LaCrO,, the yttrium compound has the advantage of greater
(i) Highly reactive powders: Improvements in the densi- stability (less interaction, no hydration) in the fuel cell environ-
fication of LaCrO, can be obtained when highly reactive (high ments. Glass composites have also been c o n ~ i d e r e d . ' ~ ~In. " ~
surface area) powders are used. 171.17sUniform, high-surface- addition to ceramics (oxides), use of certain high-temperature
area powders without agglomeration lower the temperature alloys as SOFC interconnect is also possible."* The primary
required to densify LaCrO,. For example, a synthesis technique concerns regarding metallic interconnects are thermal expan-
called the glycineinitrate process has been developed to pro- sion mismatch with other cell components and long-term insta-
duce chrornite powders of high-quality, ultrafine crystalline size bility (oxidation, corrosion) under fuel cell operating
(25 to 100 nm)."4 LaCrO, powders produced by this method conditions. Coating with a LaCrO, film can be used to protect
can be sintered to near-full density in air at 1550°C. metallic interconnect. lYy
(ii) Nonstoichiometry: Nonstoichiometry can influence
sintering of LaCrO, in air. The sinterability of LaCrO, has been
(2) Gas Reactions at Solid-Oxide Fuel Cell Electrodes
found to vary significantly with relatively small change in the The reversible voltage E" is the maximum voltage that can be
material stoichiometry. Chromium deficiency is particularly achieved by a SOFC under specified conditions of temperature
effective in enhancing the sintering. 1h7.176.177For strontium- and gas composition. E" can be calculated from the Nernst
doped LaCrO,, higher sintered densities have been obtained for equation. The voltage of an operating cell E is always lower
samples with chromium deficiencies.'7x.'7"Chromium-defi- than ED.As the current is drawn from the fuel cell, the cell volt-
cient, calcium-doped LaCrO,, La,,,Ca,,,Cr,-,O, (0 < y < age falls due to internal resistance and polarization losses.
0.02), can be sintered to 94% of theoretical density in air at Thus, the voltage of an operating cell is given as
1300°C,whereas no densification is observed for the stoichio-
metric compound, La,,,Ca, ,CrO, ( y = O)."" The exact sin-
E = E" - IR, - +
(q2$ qc) (4)
tering mechanism in chromium-deficient materials is not well In the above equation, I R , is the internal resistance or ohmic
understood, although vapor-, liquid-, and solid-phase mass- loss ( I is the cell current. R, the internal resistance of the cell)
transport mechanisms appear to be operative in this case.'") and qdand qcthe anode and cathode polarization, respectively.
(iii) Dopants: One way to enhance the fundamental sin- Ohmic losses result from the resistance of the electrolyte and
terability of LaCrO, is to dope it with an ion that will increase other cell components. Polarization (overpotential) losses are
the concentration of vacancies present, allowing bulk or grain- associated with the electrochemical reactions taking place at the
boundary mass transport to occur. Also, dopants can improve interface between the electrodes and the electrolyte. The kinet-
the sinterability of LaCrO, by reducing the volatility of chro- ics of these reactions (the oxidation of hydrogen and CO at the
mium from the surface during sintering. For example, the sub- anode and the reduction of oxygen at the cathode) play a critical
stitution of aluminum for chromium has been found to role in determining polarization losses in SOFCs. Other
important reactions in SOFCs are those of fuel contaminants
substantially decrease the volatilization of magnesium-doped
(such as sulfides) and the reforming of hydrocarbon gases at the
LaCrO,. '" Dopants can also form a transient liquid phase dur-
ing firing and enhance the densification by liquid-phase sin-
( A ) Reactions uf Anode: The electrochemical oxidation
tering. The enhanced sinterability of LaCrO, doped with of hydrogen on nickel anodes in contact with YSZ electrolytes
strontium may be due to the formation of SrCrO, melt.174The has not received much attention in SOFC development proba-
densification of calcium-doped LaCrO, can be contributed to bly because polarization losses at SOFC anodes are believed to
the presence of Ca-Cr-0 melts. 'xo Similarly, calciumicobalt- be small in comparison with those from the reduction of oxygen
doped LaCrO, can be sintered to full density at temperatures at cathodes. The hydrogen oxidation at nickel electrodes pro-
below 1400°C in air due to the presence of a transient liquid duces water, according to the following reaction:
p h a ~ e , ' ~ ~which
. ' ~ ' composition is dependent on the amount of
cobalt and calcium substitution. The main problem with tran- H2 + 0;)= H,O + V ; + 2e- (5)
sient liquid phases is that, in cofiring LaCrO, with other SOFC
It has been generally assumed that the nickel metal plays the
components, the liquid phase tends to diffuse into other conipo- catalytic role in the oxidation. The influence of electrode mate-
nents and no densification of the chromite is obtained. Ix0.1x4.'xs rials on the electrochemical characteristics of the hydrogen
(iv) Sintering aids: Introduction of a liquid-phase sin- reaction at 1000°C has been demonstrated.'"".'"' The catalytic
tering aid-a second phase with a significant lower melting effect of the electrode surface is also supported by the observa-
point-ncourages densifcation of LaCrO, in oxidizing envi- tion that an increase in electronic carrier concentration
ronments. The function of liquid-phase sintering aids is to pull enhances the reaction rate."" In this case, the reaction mecha-
the particles closer together by surface tension forces and to nism involves the adsorption of hydrogen on nickel followed by
enhance diffusion of the solid phase to the points of particle-to- the electrochemical reaction
particle contact to promote densification. Sintering aids, such
as low-melting oxide eutectics and LaF,, YF,, and MgF2up to 8 H2 + 2Ni = 2NiH (6)
2NiH + 0;)= H,O + 2Ni + y, + 2e-
to 10 wt% have been used to densify LaCrO, in air at tempera-
tures below 1400°C.'x"'xxSimilar to transient liquid sintering, (7)
the main difficulty involving sintering aids is that they may Recently, however, there is evidence suggesting that the elec-
migrate to other cell components, causing elemental migration trolyte plays a major electrocatalytic role in the hydrogen reac-
and morphological changes. t i o n , m ~ ~ xThe
) ~ supporting experimental observations include
( v ) Processing techniques: In addition to the main the following: rate of oxidation of hydrogen and hydrocarbons
approaches described above. processing techniques can be at a metal anode with solid electrolyte is independent of the
modified or tailored to enhance the densification of LaCrO,. electrode material; activation enthalpies of the reaction are also
For example, microwave processing of LaCrO, has shown independent of the electrode material; and blackening of the
promise to lower the sintering temperature. I*') Firing LaCrO, electrolyte by electrolysis leads to marked enhancement in the
between CrzO lates improves the densification of strontium- reaction rate. Thus, it has been concluded that the major reac-
doped LaCrO: ' tion steps occur at active sites on the electrolyte surface. The
March 1993 Cerumic Fuel Cells 513

electrochemical reactive sites (ERS) are hypothesized to be reduces interfiacial resistance. In gas mixtures, such as coal
oxygen vacancies (VkdRs)with electrons migrating along the gases that contain H?, H 2 0 , and CO, the favorable path for the
electrolyte surface to or away from these active sites. The fol- oxidation of CO is via the generation of hydrogen by the shift
lowing reaction mechanism has been postulated: reaction
H2 + 2vERS = 2HERS (8) CO + H,O = CO, + HZ ( 1 1)
0; + 2H,,, = HZO + V, + 2VERs+ 2e- (9) Under fuel cell operating conditions, a nickel anode is expected
to have low overpotentials of the electrochemical reactions,
At present, it appears that both the electrode and electrolyte thus small interfacial resistance losses. However, it is not
surface contribute to the reaction process. always the case in practice. Because the SOFC anode consists
At nickel and other metal electrodes, the oxidation of dry of nickel-metal particles dispersed on a stabilized ZrOz support,
hydrogen occurs with significant overpotential or interfacial the anode performance strongly depends on electrode prepara-
(In SOFCs and other solid electrolyte systems, tion conditions and electrode n ~ o r p h o l o g y . " ~ . ~For
~ ~exam-
voltage losses besides material resistance losses are commonly ple, the nickelistabilized ZrO, cermet anode shows a strong
referred to as interfacial resistance losses.) A few mole percent- dependence of electrode performance on nickel distribution.
age of H,O in hydrogen can dramatically reduce the electrode Lower interfacial resistances are obtained for anodes with
interfacial resistance2I2(Fig. 15). At high H,O concentrations, smaller nickel particle separation.'" Reducing the nickel parti-
the interfacial resistance increases with increasing H,O/H, cle size in the anode significantly decreases the anode interfa-
ratio. The hydrogen electrode is thus expected to exhibit a mini- cial resistance in SOFCs.
mum interfacial resistance at a certain H,O/H, ratio. The role of Many applications of SOFCs will use gases other than pure
H,O in the hydrogen oxidation is not clearly understood hydrogen (e.g., coal gas and natural gas) as the fuel.
although H,O is believed to adsorb on the surface of the ZrO, Depending on the source of the gases and the cleanup process
electrolyte and enhance the electronic conductivity around the used, varying amounts of impurities or contaminants will be
triple contact (electrolyte-electrode-gas) point, resulting in present. The impurity expected to have the greatest impact on
increased reaction rate.202,211 In SOFCs, interfacial resistance SOFC performance and life is sulfur, present primarily as
losses at anodes due to lack of H,O do not pose a problem since hydrogen sulfide (H2S). Even low levels (parts per million
H 2 0 is always present (at least a percentage) during fuel cell (ppm)) of H,S may cause significant performance loss at the
operation. anode. In general, if the sulfur contaminant concentration is
The overpotential of the hydrogen oxidation at SOFC nick- low, a full recovery of fuel cell Performance is possible upon
el/ZrO, anode obeys the Tafel e q ~ a t i o n : ~ ' ~ - ~ " switching to clean fuel.27'' Operations at high sulfur levels
RT i (>100 ppm) can result in severe performance losses which are
q = -1n- only partially The tolerance limit for H,S in the
2F io
fuel for SOFCs has not been firmly established.
where -q is the overpotential, R the gas constant, T the tenipera- Several possible mechanisms may account for the decrease in
ture, i the current density, and i,) the exchange current density. performance of SOFCs due to the presence of H,S in the fuel:
The overpotential characteristics of the reaction are strongly formation of nickel sulfide on the nickel electrode can poison
influenced by the formation of oxide on the electrode sur- the anode; hydrogen sulfide can poison the hydrogen oxidation
face,2'5-219 reaction by adsorbing on anode active sites; and adsorbed H,S
The electrochemical reactions at SOFC anodes can also can poison the water gas shift reaction, causing a hydrogen
involve the oxidation of CO. Compared to the hydrogen reac- deficiency in the fuel cell. At present, the exact mechanism
tion, the oxidation of CO on nickel electrode at 1000°C is responsible for performance loss is not clearly defined.
accompanied by higher overpotential. 20922'1-221 Similar to the Because of its high operating temperature (around I OOO"C),
hydrogen electrode, the CO oxidation at a metal electrode also a SOFC can reform conventional hydrocarbon fuels internally.
exhibits a minimum interfacial resistance as a function of Internal reforming in a SOFC is expected to simplify the overall
CO,/CO ratio.2'2.224,225
The role of CO, is similar to that of H,0 fuel cell system design because of elimination of the external
in H,O/H, systems. The addition of hydrogen gas to CO reformer. The feasibility of internal reforming in SOFCs has
been demonstrated,?10.211.211-233 The steam reforming of hydro-
carbon fuels involves the following reaction (written for
CH, + H 2 0 = CO -t 3H2 (12)
During the reforming reaction, the water gas shift equilibrium
(Eq. 1 1 ) is also established. Consequently, a mixture of H,,
5 1.50
CO, CO,, and CH, is obtained. The factors which affect the
z equilibrium are the operating pressure, the temperature, and the
$ 1.25 steam ratio (the ratio of moles of steam to moles of carbon in
4 the feed gas). Equation (12) is favorable at low pressure, high
5 1.00 temperature, and high steam ratio. If insufficient steam is pres-
W ent on the left side of Eqs. (1 1) and (12), carbon may be depos-
0.75 ited according to the following reactions:
W 0.50
2co = CO? +c (13)
2 CH, = 2H, +c (14)
Carbon formation is undesirable in SOFCs because deposited
carbon can plug gas flow and degrade anode performance by
0.00 blocking the active sites.
lo" 10-3 1 o-* lo-' In general, the reforming activity of a SOFC anode is
H20 PARTIAL PRESSURE, ATM improved by high nickel surface area, i.e., small nickel crystdl-
line size. The acidity and water adsorption capability of the
Fig. 15. Interfacial resistance of nickel/ZrOz cermet electrode as a support also influence carbon formation although preliminary
function of H,O partial pressure (balance H,) at 1000°C.2'z results indicate that the ZrO, support plays little role in carbon
574 Journal of the American Ceramic Society-Minh Vol. 76, No. 3

formation.234Modified supports have been used to prevent car- transfer reaction.262-*“It is well established that the rate-con-
bon deposition.235Anodes based on conductive CeO, have been trolling step for the oxygen reduction on platinum electrodes
found to be effective in oxidation of CH, without significant varies, depending on the experimental conditions, such as oxy-
carbon formation.236 gen partial pressure, temperature range, overpotential regime,
( B ) Reactions at Cathode: The overall reaction for the and electrode characteristics. However, to date, there is still
oxygen reduction at a SOFC cathode can be written as considerable disagreement on the exact nature of the reaction
kinetics. One of the reasons for the disagreement is variations
O2 2V; + 4e- = 20; (15) in the platinum electrode morphology from study to s t ~ d y . ~ ~ ’ ~ ~ ~ *
This reaction is made up of a series of bulk and surface pro- The location of the electrochemical reactive site on platinum
cesses. One or several of these processes can be rate-determin- electrodes is also not well established although the three-phase
ing steps. Figure 16 shows some possible controlling steps:237 boundary (where the gas, electrode, and electrolyte meet) is
gas diffusion external to the electrode or within the pores of the commonly believed to be the site where the charge transfer step
electrode; adsorption and dissociation of oxygen on the elec- occurs .269
trode surface or the electrolyte; diffusion of adsorbed oxygen Compared to platinum electrodes, the oxygen reduction on
on the electrode, on the electrolyte to the three-phase boundary oxide electrodes has not been studied extensively. The behavior
line (between gas, electrode, and electrolyte), or into the elec- of oxide electrodes is expected to be different from platinum
trode/electrolyte interface; diffusion of dissolved oxygen in the electrodes since the polarization process is markedly dependent
electrode or electrolyte; diffusion of electron holes in the elec- on the electrode materia1.27”~27’ The influence of electrode mate-
trolyte; and charge transfer across the electrode/electrolyte rial on the oxygen reaction kinetics has been demonstrated by
phase boundary. To understand the cathode polarization, identi- the wide variations of specific currents measured for different
fying the various reaction steps and determining the rate-con- metal and oxide electrodes on YSZ at 1000°C27’and lower
trolling step are necessary. temperatures .*72.273
Most of the studies on the oxygen reaction have been con- Different oxide materials show different reaction mechanism
ducted on platinum electrodes in the temperature range of 400” and different catalytic activity for the oxygen reduction.274For
to 800°C.238Various reaction mechanisms and rate-controlling example, the activity of four doped perovskite oxide electrodes
steps have been suggested. Proposed rate-controlling steps studied at 800°C follows the following order: LaCoO, >
include diffusion of gaseous oxygen in the pores of the plati- LaMnO, > LaFeO, > LaCrO,. The difference in activity
num e l e c t r ~ d e , adsorption
~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ of oxygen on the electrode among the electrodes has been ascribed to their different cata-
and the e l e c t r ~ l y t e , * ~dissociation
* ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~of
~ oxygen molecules lytic ability for oxygen-molecule diss~ciation.~’~ Under SOFC
into a t o r n ~ , ~diffusion
~ ~ - * ~ of
~ oxygen along the electrode sur- conditions, the most probable rate-determining step for the oxy-
251-255 diffusion of oxygen atoms through the elec-
gen reduction on LaMnO, electrodes is the dissociative adsorp-
t r ~ d e , ~ ~diffusion
” ~ ~ ’ of electrons in the e l e c t r ~ l y t e , diffu-
~~~~*~~ tion of oxygen molecules although the detail of the reaction
sion of oxygen ions in the electrolyte,239~2s1~2s9-261 and charge mechanism has yet to be elucidated. A similar rate-determining
step has also been proposed for other oxide
Defect chemistry plays an important role in the activity of
0 2
doped perovskite electrodes.276The concentration of oxygen
adsorption sites is directly related to the concentration of
defects in the electrode. In doped perovskites, a certain level of
oxygen vacancies is present, influencing the exchange of oxy-
ELECTRODE gen,*” thus, the reaction rate, at the material surface. The elec-
z trocatalytic activity of doped LaMnO, electrodes is greatly
enhanced under high cathodic p ~ l a r i z a t i o n . ~ ~Under
~ ~ ‘ ~ those

2 conditions, the electrode material is partly reduced, resulting in
u- a marked increase of the oxygen vacancy concentration inside
Ev) the electrode. The oxygen reaction takes place not only at the
three-phase boundary but also on the electrode surface
z according to the following equations:
Y Thus, the enhanced activity of the electrode can be attributed to
-1 the presence of both electrons and oxygen vacancies (mixed
P electronic and ionic conduction) in the electrode material. 27a280
Doped LaMnO, electrodes exhibit close relationships
7 between electrode microstructures and electrochemical proper-
ties.2x‘-2MThe interfacial resistance (conductance) and capaci-
tance of doped LaMnO, depends on the firing temperature. This
behavior has been explained by changes in the contact area at
the electrolyte/electrode interface and the length of the three-
phase boundary where the electrochemical reaction takes
place.2x1~282 Electrodes fired at higher temperatures have
smoother particles, and, as the result, the contact between the
electrode particles and the electrolyte increases, thus, larger
capacitance. On the other hand, because of smoother particles,
the three-phase boundary becomes shorter, resulting in higher
interfacial resistance. Thus, the electrochemical properties of
LaMnO, are expected to vary with starting material characteris-
tics and preparation conditions, especially firing conditions.
Fig. 16. Schematic diagram of possible steps for oxygen reduction at During firing, the interaction between the LaMnO, electrode
an electrodelsolid electrolyte interface.*” and the electrolyte must be minimized because it can cause
March 1993 Ceramic Fuel Cells 515
significant degradation in the cathode electrochemical the cell length to 2 m or morez9'and to replace the ZrO, support
performance,'W2R5.286 tube with a cathode tube.
An empirical equation has been developed for the oxygen Individual cells are bundled in series and parallel electrical
reaction rate at the LaMnO, electrode. 282.287 The reaction rate, connection to form a basic power-generating building block
given as the steady-state current i , obeys the following (Fig. 18). The series and parallel electrical connection is
equation: designed to protect the bundle or stack against complete failure
if an individual cell fails. Nickel felt is used to connect the
anode of one cell to the nickel plating on the interconnect of the
next cell for series connection and the anode of one cell to the
anode of the adjacent cell for parallel connection. The felt pro-
where io is the rate constant (exchange current), Po, the oxygen vides compliancy, thus minimizing stress placed on the cells
partial pressure, and a, the oxygen activity in YSZ at the during operation.
LaMnOJYSZ interface. The value of i, has been found to be One distinct feature of this design is that it has no seals;
about 2.7 mAlcm2 at 1000°C, and its activation energy is 178 therefore, the problems with gastight seals for ceramics at high
kJ/mol. From the reaction rate, the electrode interfacial resis- temperatures are eliminated. In addition, this design has the
tance, RE, has been calculated and is given as advantage that each single cell is built as a unit structure. This
allows some freedom of thermal expansion and minimizes the
RT problem of cracking caused by undue thermally induced
R E B = -[exp(2qF/RT)
4F - exp( - 2qF/RT)] (19) stresses in a monolithic pack of connected cells. On the other
hand, the sealless tubular design has a relatively long current
where S is the surface area of the LaMn0,lYSZ interface.
path through the The current path is long in the plane of
Equation (19) holds irrespective of the morphology of the the electrodes, resulting in a greater resistive loss. The support
LaMnO, electrode layer.282 tube is a limitation on cell performance. The thick support tube
(3) Stack Design and Fabrication restricts the amount of oxygen which can be transported to the
At present, four common stack configurations have been pro- cathode/electrolyte interface. Thus, gas diffusion through the
posed and fabricated for SOFCs: sealless tubular design, seg- tube can become the rate-limiting step and sets the limiting cur-
mented-cell-in-series design, monolithic design, and flat-plate rent for the cell. Even below the limiting current, gas transport
design. The designs differ in the extent of dissipative losses represents a loss in cell performance. The electrochemical
within the cells, in the manner of sealing between fuel and oxi- vapor deposition (EVD) process used in the fabrication limits
dant channels, and in making cell-to-cell electrical connections the selection of suitable dopant materials for the electrolyte and
in a stack of cells. The ease of fabrication and assembly varies interconnect to a small number.
among the designs, but the differences are hard to quantify at Sealless tubular SOFCs are fabricated by a manufacturing
this stage of development. process shown in Fig. 19 29s.296 as described below:
( A ) Sealless Tubular Design: The sealless tubular design (i) The support tube is formed by an extrusion process.
is the most advanced among the several SOFC concepts pro- Extrusion is the preferred low-cost method of forming large
posed. In this design, the cell components are configured as quantities of support tubes. For practical use, the sintered sup-
thin layers on a closed-one-end tubular support (Fig. 17).2"292 port tube must possess adequate mechanical strength (low-
For cell operation, oxidant is introduced to the cell through an porosity material required) and allow high gas-diffusion rates
injector tube near the closed end, where it traverses and exits (porous structure required). Thus, starting material characteris-
from the open annulus between the support tube and the oxidant tics and processing conditions must be tailored to obtain opti-
injector tube. Fuel flows on the outside of the support tube. At mal tube properties.297At present, the support tube for sealless
the open end of the cell, unreacted fuel is combusted using the tubular SOFCs is fabricated by extrusion of a plastic mixture of
oxidant stream exiting the cell. CaO-stabilized ZrO, powder plus cellulose and starch as pore
The present support is a porous (35% porosity) 15-mol%- followed by sintering in air at about 1550°C.
CaO-stabilized ZrO, tube which has an inside diameter of 12 to (ii) The cathode is fabricated by depositing a slurry of
13 mm, a 1- to 1.5-mm wall thickness, and a 36-cm to 1-m doped LaMnO, on the support tube and sintering in air at about
length. The tube is overlaid with a 1.4-mm porous (about 35% 1400°C. The procedures in this fabrication step are tailored to
porosity) strontium-doped (10 mol%) LaMnO,. A 40-pm gas- produce sintered cathode layers having the desired proper tie^.'^
tight Y,O,-stabilized (10 mol% Y,OJ ZrO, electrolyte layer (iii) The interconnect is made by the EVD technique. The
covers the cathode except in a strip of about 9 mm along the technique has proved to be the only reliable method of produc-
active cell length. This strip of exposed cathode is covered with ing the thin, dense, interconnect layer for the sealless tubular
a 40+m gastight magnesium-doped LaCrO, interconnect layer. design. More details of the EVD process are discussed later.
The 100-pm nickel/stabilized ZrO, cermet anode covers the Masking is used to limit the deposition of interconnect into a
entire electrolyte surface. Work is currently going on to extend strip along the length of the cathode. The masking material can
be easily removed in postdeposition cleaning operations.
(iv) The electrolyte is also made by EVD. The electrolyte
INTERCONNECTION is deposited over the entire active area of the cell, including
AIR overlap regions of about 0.5 mm on all sides of the intercon-
nect. Again, a masking material protects the interconnect dur-
ing the electrolyte deposition.
(v) Nickel is plated on the interconnect to provide electrical
(vi) The anode is applied by dipping the cell in a nickel
OROUS SUPP slurry. The anode covers the entire electrolyte surface, but not
in contact with the interconnect, to avoid internal cell shorting.
Suitable masking is used to cover the interconnect. The anode
L ELECTRODE is then fixed by EVD of doped ZrO, in the nickel matrix. This
ZrO, acts as a sintering inhibitor and maintains a porous, struc-
ELECTROLYTE turally stable anode.
The EVD process is the key fabrication technique in the seal-
Fig. 17. Sealless tubular design of solid-oxide fuel cell.*"' less tubular SOFC technology. The principle of the process is
576 Journal of the Americun Cerumic Society-Minh Vol. 76, No. 3





Fig. 18. Electrical connection in acalless tubular solid-oxide fuel cells.""'








Fig. 19.



Sealless tubular SOFC fabrication process.'"'



schematically shown in Fig. 20. The process (a modified cheni-

ical vapor deposition (CVD)) involves growing a dense oxide
layer on a porous substrate at elevated temperatures and
reduced pressures.'"' In the EVD of components for sealless
tubular SOFCs, steam and/or oxygen is fed to the interior of the
support tube while metal chloride vapor, hydrogen, and argon
are fed to the outside. Hydrogen is used to remove the chlorine Porous
formed, and argon is used as a flow-regime conditioning gas.3'" substrate
The growth of the oxide layer takes place in two stages at tem-
peratures of 1200" to 1350°C and at pressures of 53 to 267 Pa
(0.4 to 2.0 torr):
( i ) Stage 1, a CVD process, involves the formation of the PHASE I PORE CLOSURE BY CVD
oxide compound according to the following reactions:
+ H20 = MeO t 2 HCI
MeCI, + iH,O = MeO,.,, + yHCl (20)

2MeCI, + lo2+ yH, = 2Me0,,, + 2yHCI (21) PHASE II SCALE GROWTH BY EVD

This oxide formation closes the pores of the substrate. MeCI2 + 02- = Me0 + C12 t 2e-
(ii) Stage 2, an EVD process, involves the growth of the H20 + 2e- = H2 t 02-
oxide scale by reaction of metal chloride with oxygen ions in
the oxide (with the presence of some electronic conduction). Fig. 20. Principle of electrochemical vapor deposition.'""
March 1993 Crrurnrc Furl Crlls

Oxygen ions are transported to the reaction sites by diffusion ELECTROLYTE

across the scale. I

MeCl, + f0'- = MeOIir + ;Cl2 + ye- (22)

fHzO + ye- = i H 2 + i0'- (23)
The scale growth rate of the EVD can be varied by temperature,
pressure, and chloride concentration and, practically, lies INTERCONNEC?

between 0.5 and 2 pmimin.'"' Several aspects of the EVD pro-

cess have been studied .302-31' EVD reactors have been devel-
oped to automatically process batches of as many as 60 fuel

The sealless tubular SOFC has been fabricated in a number of

different sizes. The performance and life of single cells of this
design have been extensively e ~ a l " t e d . ' ~ " . ' ' ~ -State-of-the-
art cells have exhibited excellent and stable performance. Typi-
cal performance of sealless tubular SOFCs is about 0.68 V at
250 mA/cm2 on hydrogen fuel (89% H1,I I % H'O) with 85%
fuel Some cells have been tested for up to 30000
h. Stacks of different power output have also been constructed
and operated.'2''~''5 Tested stacks have demonstrate.d the overall
performance and reliability of the technology. For example, a
sealless tubular SOFC stack of 144 cells has been operated on FUEL
desulfurized, pipeline natural gas for more than 5000 h, pro-
ducing about 3 kW at I10 Recently, a 20-kW system con- Fig. 22. Segmented-cell-in-series design of solid-oxide fuel cell
sisting of 576 cells of 50-cm active length has been built and
has been tested.2y2
( B ) SeRmented-Cell-in-SeriesDesign: The segmented-
cell-in-series design consists of segmented cells connected in wasted in resistance losses because the first cell in series has a
electrical and gas flow series. The cells are either arranged as a higher output voltage. For example, four or five cells in fuel
thin banded structure on a porous support tube (banded cell flow series can generate about 10% more power than a single
configuration) (Fig. 2 I ) I ? 5 . ? X X . 1 0 1 .??h-3?9 or fitted one into the other cell of the saine total active area. The benefit of adding still
to form a tubular self-supporting structure (bell-and-spigot con- more cells diminishes rapidly above five or six cells in fuel flow
figuration) (Fig. 22).''"-3" The interconnect provides sealing series. Like the sealless tubular design, the thick support tube
(and electrical contact) between the anode of one cell and the in this design restricts gas transport, thus limiting cell perfor-
cathode of the next cell. In this design, the fuel flows from one mance. In the case of the bell-and-spigot configuration, the
cell to the next inside the tubular stack of cells and the oxidant self-supporting electrolyte reduces the losses arising from gas
flows outside. In the banded cell configuration where the sup- transport but can significantly increase the resistive losses. Cell
port tube (made either of Zr0,3"' or A1,033'X)is used, cells can internal resistance is an important consideration in this design.
be made with component thickness on the order of 100 to 250 The cell length is kept short to minimize the path for current in
pin. In the bell-and-spigot Configuration, individual cells form the electrodes. Gastight seals are required for the segmented-
into short cylinders of about 1.5 cm in diameter. The cells are cell-in-series design. Fuel and oxidant must be separated by a
about 0.3 mm thick to provide structural support. seal on both ends of a stack. In addition, gastight seals must be
The segmented-cell-in-series design offers the advantage of maintained between each cell at interconnecting areas.
improved efficiency. Cells in gas flow series have less power At present, the cell layers of the banded cell configuration are
made by a process based on plasma- and flame-spraying meth-
,3?8.1?9.3?l Plasma spraying is a process in which the desired
coating material in powder form is heated to above its melting

point while being accelerated by a carrier gas stream through an
electric arc. The molten powder is directed at the substrate, and

on impact, forms a coating on the substrate surface.
/ / The fabrication of the components on the support tube is as
follows. Gastight A1,0, layers are first applied on the tube by
ANODE plasma spraying. The function of these thin A1,0, layers is t o
provide sealing at interconnecting areas. Thin copper tapes are
used for masking to make the required pattern on the tube. Dur-
ing spraying, the support tube rotates around its axis while the
spray gun traverses along the support tube axis. The anode
(NiO, 80 to 110 p m thick) is coated on the support tube by an
acetylene-flame-spraying process. The electrolyte (Y?O,-stabi-
lized ZrO?, 100 to 150 p m thick, 22 mm wide) is plasma-
sprayed on the anode after appropriate masking. A minimum
thickness of about 100 p m is required to achieve gastightness
without pinholes. The gastightness of the electrolyte has been
improved by applying low-pressure plasma spraying.'"'
FUEL Recently, a coating technique based on a C 0 2 laser has been
developed for making electrolyte layers. The interconnect
OXIDANT + (NiAI, 200 to 250 p m thick) is fabricated by plasma spraying.
The interconnects at the ends of the support tube are covered
Fig. 21. Segmented-cell-in-series design of solid-oxide fucl cell with an Al,O, coating to prevent oxidation during cell opera-
(banded cel I configuration).4 tion. The cathode (doped LaCoO,, 150 to 200 pm thick) is
578 Journal of the American Ceramic Society-Minh Vol. 16, No. 3

deposited on the electrolyte and interconnect layers by acety- The monolithic design has high power per unit mass or volume.
lene flame spraying. During the spraying process, the crystal- The high power density results from the higher active surface
line structure of the cobaltite cathode can be destroyed; area, higher current density, and lower weight. The lower
however, the structure is recovered by firing at 1100°C for sev- weight in the monolithic design is primarily the result of elimi-
eral hours in air.343Gas permeabilities of electrode layers have nating inactive structural supports. The development of suitable
been materials and fabrication processes is critical to the monolithic
For the bell-and-spigot SOFC, self-supporting electrolytes design.’s2 The main disadvantage of the monolithic design is
are fabricated by axial p r e ~ s i n g . ”Diffusion
~ welding is used to the difficulty in fabricating the corrugated structure. Because of
make the interconnection seal between electrolyte cylinders.34h its intricate structure, the monolithic fuel cell is made by cofir-
The electrodes are applied by slurry coating.’l9 ing. Thus, the structural integrity of such a structure depends
At present, development work on the segmented-cell-in- upon two important factors: thermal expansion and firing
series design has been focused on the banded cell configuration. shrinkage match of the four cell components. Any significant
Six-, twelve-, and fifteen-cell tubes have been fabri~ated.’~’ mismatch in the thermal expansion and shrinkage can cause
Cell performance of 0.65 V at 200 mA/cm2 and 80% fuel utili- stress in the fired bodies and result in cracking during pro-
zation has been achieved,34x and stacks have been tested for cessing and operation.’4Js3
more than 5000 h.34yA I-kW module (dimensions: 0.7 m in The current approach in the fabrication of the monolithic fuel
diameter and I .6 m in height) containing 48 tubes has been con- cell is to form the fuel cell in the green state and cofire the green
structed and operated. A power output of 1.3 kW at 56% fuel body at elevated temperatures to produce the sintered structure.
utilization has been achieved.’4x Tape and tape calendering”’ have been developed for
(C) Monolilhic Design: The monolithic design consists the fabrication of thin ceramic layers and multilayers required
of thin cell components formed into a compact corrugated for building the monolithic fuel cell.
structure of either gas coflow or crossflow configurations (Fig. Tape casting has been developed for forming large-area, thin,
23) ,3so.351 The fuel cell of this design is made of two types of flat ceramic layers for the monolithic SOFC. The tape-casting
multilayer ceramics, each composed of three cell components: process starts with a slip of ceramic materials dispersed in a liq-
anodelelectrolytelcathode and anodelinterconnectlcathode. uid. The liquid contains dissolved organic binders and plasti-
Typical layer thickness and cell-to-cell distance are 100 IJ-mand cizers all diluted in a solvent system. The slip is spread on a flat
1 to 2 mm, respectively. In the coflow version, fuel and oxidant surface to a controlled thickness with the knife edge of a doctor
flow parallel in adjacent channels formed by corrugated blade and the solvents are allowed to dry. This process is illus-
anode/electrolyte/cathode and flat anodelinterconnecticathode trated by Fig. 24(A). Multilayer tapes are fabricated by sequen-
laminates. In the crossflow version, the fuel cell consists of tially casting one layer on top of another. The resulting tape
alternating flat layers of anodelelectrolytelcathode laminate and which is flexible, can be stripped from the casting surface, cut
anodelinterconnectlcathode laminate, separated by corrugated to size, corrugated, or otherwise formed prior to firing.
anode and cathode layers. The anode and cathode corrugations The tape-calendering technique has also been used to pro-
are oriented at right angles to each other. The major differences duce thin and flexible ceramic layers required for the monolithic
SOFC. In this process, ceramic powder, binder, and plasticizer
between the two versions are power density and gas mani- are mixed in a high-intensity mixer. The friction resulting from
folding. The crossflow version results in a reduction in power the mixing heats the batch and softens the binder to form a plas-
density when compared with that of the coflow. On the other tic mass. The mass is rolled into a thin, flat tape using a two-roll
hand, the crossflow offers a simpler means of ducting gases into mill (Fig. 24 (B)). Tape thickness is controlled by the spacing
and out of the fuel cell ceramic structure. of the two rolls. To form multilayer tapes, individual tapes
The key features of the monolithic design are small cell size are laminated in a second rolling operation, as shown in
and high power density. The small cell size increases the active Fig. 24(B).
surface area and reduces resistive losses due to short elec- Successful fabrication of the monolithic fuel cell structure by
tronlion paths. As a result of low resistance, the monolithic sol- tape casting or calendering depends upon several critical factors
id-oxide fuel cell can be operated at higher current densities in starting powder characteristics, green-state forming, and
than other designs while achieving the same output voltage. firing:




Fig. 23. Monolithic solid-oxide fuel cell design (coflow and crossflow configurations).
March 1993 Cerurnic Fuel Cells 519





Fig. 24. Schematic diagrams of (A) tape casting and (B) tape calendering.

(i) Starting powder characteristics (especially surface area different ways of ducting gases in and out of the fuel cell. In
and particle size) influence the fabrication of the monolithic the most common flow geometry, fuel flows in one face of the
SOFC in many significant ways, including the amount of bind- fuel cell stack and out the opposite face, as shown in Fig. 26.
ers required to form the green body, sintering behavior, and the Similarly, oxidant flows in one face and out the opposite face.
sintered porosity/density and microstructure. The characteris- Other geometries include parallel floWjhXand radial or axial
tics of each material must be tailored to match firing shrinkage floW367.369-372 with gas inlet and outlet located inside the fuel
profile and to produce cell components with the desired proper- cell stack.
ties. For example, mixtures of LaMnO, powders of different The flat-plate design offers improved performance and
sinterability have been used to attain the desired porosity level improved power density relative to the sealless tubular and
and to adjust the firing shrinkage profile of the cathode layer.'56 segmented-cell-in-series designs. Because of in-plane con-
(ii) Careful control of green-state forming parameters is duction, internal resistance losses of flat-plate SOFCs are inde-
essential to achieve acceptable results in the fabrication of the pendent of cell area. Thus, cell components can be made very
monolithic fuel cell. For example, a compromise between thin to minimize electrical resistance. The flat-plate design also
formability and sinterability is required when the solids loading offers simpler fabrication. The two dense components, the
is determined. A high solids content facilitates densification electrolyte and the interconnect, can be fabricated indepen-
with less shrinkage. On the other hand, high solids loading pro- dently. This avoids the difficulties in cosintering LaCrO,
duces less-flexible tapes, leading to difficulty in lamination and interconnect and provides multiple processing options. Further-
corrugation. more, the fabrication of the flat-plate SOFC allows cell compo-
(iii) The firing process is extremely important in the fabri- nents to be assessed individually, thus ensuring better quality
cation of the monolithic SOFC. The rates of shrinkage during control.
both the binder burnout phase and the sintering phase of the fir- The flat-plate SOFC requires high-temperature gas seals at
ing operation must be reasonably well matched among the vari- the edges of the plates. Compressive seals, cement seals, glass
ous component^.^^^,^^^ Both the rate of heatup and the time at seals, and glass-ceramic seals have been proposed. However,
temperature are important variables from the viewpoint of the unforgiving nature of a compressive seal can lead to a non-
allowing the various components to shrink uniformly during the uniform stress distribution on the ceramic and cracking of the
firing process. layers. Cements and glasses tend to react with cell materials at
In addition, nondestructive evaluation methods need to be the 1000°C operating temperature. Further, seals may limit the
developed for the monolithic SOFC fabrication process to height of a cell stack. There is a higher probability for mis-
ensure reliable manufacture.359 matches in tolerances (creating unacceptable stress levels) in
At present, a number of small, laboratory-scale coflow and taller stacks. Contact resistance can be relatively high in flat-
crossflow structures have been Figure 25 plate SOFCs. Some configurations incorporate limited contact
shows an example of sintered crossflow stacks. Low area-spe- area (via the interconnect) between the anode of one cell and
cific resistances and high current densities have been achieved the cathode of another. As a result, there is a long path for cur-
for the monolithic fuel ~ e 1 1 ; 3 ~monolithic
,'~~ SOFC cells have rent in the plane of each electrode and the resistive losses can be
been operated at 2.2 A/cm2with hydrogen as fuel and air as oxi- large. Stacking large, sintered ceramic layers is expected to be
d a n Multicell
~ ~ ~ stacks of crossflow configuration have been difficult; this may set a limit on practical cell size for the flat-
tested. A stack (consisting of two cells in electrical series; each plate design.
with an active area of 9 cm2) has been operated for more Fabrication and stack assembly appear to be simpler for the
than 650 h.3MReforming and regenerating capabilities of the flat-plate design as compared with the other designs. The elec-
monolithic SOFC have also been evaluated and demon- trolyte is commonly made by tape ~ a s t i n g . ' Flat,~ ~ , stabilized
~trated.~~'.~~'" ZrO, electrolytes 50 to 120 pm thick have been fabricated by
( D ) Flat-Plate Design: This design, common in other tape ~ a s t i n g . ~ ~The
' , ' ~electrodes
~ are applied on the sintered
types of fuel cells, consists of a single cell (anode/electrolyte/ electrolyte by the slurry m e t h ~ d , ~ ~by~ ,screen
' ~ ' printing,"' by
cathode) and interconnect configured as thin, flat plates (Fig. plasma spraying,379or by other deposition technique^.^^.^^^.^^'
26). Individual cell thickness (mainly electrolyte thickness) is The electrodes have also been cofired with the electro-
typically thicker than 200 pm to be self-supporting. The lyte.372,382.3X3The LaCrO, interconnect is fabricated by tape cast-
interconnect, having ribs on both sides, forms gas channels and ing'xx.384 or hot pressing. "* In addition to LaCrO, ceramics,
serves as a bipolar gas separator contacting the anode and cath- metals can be used for cell interconnection in flat-plate
ode of adjoining cells. The porous structures of the electrode SOFCs.53.36Y.385 Some proposed metallic materials are high-tem-
layers made with pressed powders have also been used to pro- perature alloys based on iron and nickel. Alloys coated with a
vide gas flow passages.367The flat-plate design permits several thin film of perovskite oxide are also proposed.3x6Flat-plate
580 Journal of thc American Cerurnic Society-Mirth Vol. 16, No. 3

Fig. 25. Sintered crossflow monolithic solid-oxide fuel cells

tested for up to 1800 h, producing 45-W peak The

area-specific resistance of the stack is 1 . 1 Q.cm2.

/ \ ,
INTERCONNECl V. Ceramic Fuel Cells Based on Proton Conductors
Only a brief discussion on ceramic fuel cells based on proton
conductors is given here. Certain oxides, especially perovskite
oxides, have been found to exhibit appreciably high proton con-
duction in hydrogen-containing atmospheres at elevated tem-
F .4Y .408.40Y Those oxides have been studied for use as fuel
cell solid electrolytes. At present, the most common high-tem-
perature (600”to 1000°C) proton conductors are doped SrCeO,
and BaCeO,. High-temperature fuel cells based on proton con-
Fig. 26. Flat-plate design of solid-oxide fuel ductors generate steam in the oxidant electrode, thus eliminat-
ing the need of removing water in the fuel gas. To date, work on
proton-conductor SOFCs is limited to material studies, clari-
SOFC stacks are formed by stacking up layers to the desired fication of conduction mechanism, and testing of small labo-
height. Compressive load and conductive brazing materia13e7.3X7 ratory-scale single cells. Several references are cited here
have been used to improve electrical contact between the layers. as an example of publications on proton-conductor fuel cell
The nature of the fat-plate design permits a variety of fabri- work. 41( M I 5
cation options. Thus, several fabrication methods have been
investigated for making cell components:’xx spray pyrolysis,3x” References
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588 Journul ofthe Americun Ceramic Society-Minh Vol. 7 6 , No. 3

’““S. Fukami, M. Kitoh, A . Bunya, H. Saitoh, T. Itoh, Y. Kaga, Y. Ohno, *“H. Iwahara, T. Esaka. H. Uchida, and N . Maeda, “Proton Conduction in
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see Ref. 14. pp. 205-14. tion.”SolrdSEa/~, lonics, 3/4, 359-63 (19x1 ).
’”D. Stover, R. Hecker, H. Jansen, and W. Mallencr, “Shaping of SOFC
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“”’H. Iwahara, H. Uchida, and N . Maeda, “HighTemperature Fuel and Steam
“X’ti. Okiai, S. Yoshida. I . Kaji. M . Hasegawa, H. Yamanouchi, and Electrolysis Cells Using Proton Conductive Solid Electrolytes,“ J . Power
M. Nagdta, “Application (11 Plasma Spray Process for Porous Electrodes”: see Sourccs, 7, 293-301 (1982).
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“‘H. Hamatani, T. Okiida. and 1. Yoshida, “Developmcnt of Consistent Conductive Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Using Various Fuels,” J . Appl. Elcctro-
Fabrication Process for SOFC by Hybrid Plasma Spraying”: see Ref. 3 I,
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ppil’Z. Ogumi, Y. Tsuji, Y. Uchimoto, and 2. Tdkehara, “Plasma Electrolytic “ ‘ H . Iwahara, H . Uchida, K. Morimoto, and S. Hosogi, “High-Temperature
Deposition for the Preparation of Thin Stabilized Zirconia Films”; see Ref. ?I, C,-Gas Fuel Cells Using Proton-Conducting Solid Electrolytes,” J. Appl. Elec-
pp 203-206 /roc-huri.. 19, 448-52 (1989).
“”Z. Oguini. Y. Tsuji, Y. Uchimoto, and Z. Takehara. “Preparation of Thin
‘l2H. Uchida, H. Yoshikawa, and H Iwahara, “Dissolution of Water Vapor
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Application to SOFC”; see Ref. 14, pp. 201-204. (or Hydrogen) and Proton Conduction in SrCe0,-Based Oxides at High Temper-
“5. Sakurada and T Yoshida, “Results of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell at Tonen”: ature.“ S d i d Sruw iorrics, 35, 229-34 (1989)
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“”S Elangovan, C Milliken. M. ’limper, and A. Khandkar, “Commercializ- ton Conduction and Concentration of Oxide Ion Vacancy in SICeO,-Based Sin-
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tered Oxides,”SolrdS/circ. lonics, 40/41, 914-17 (1990).
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ment (San Francisco. CA, April 29-30. 1992). Electric Powcr Research Initi- ““H. Iwahara, H Uchida, and K . Morimoto, “High-Temperature Solid Elec-
lute, Palo Alto, C A . 1992. trolyte Fuel Cells Using Perovskite-Type Oxide Based on BaCc@,,” J. Elecrro-
“‘*H. Shundo, H. Shiniizu, N. Kusuiiose. ‘r. Iwata, S. Maruyama, and K . i,hcm. Soc., 137, 462-65 (1990).
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“”T. lnoue, H. Yoshida, Y. Esaki. H. Miyanioto. M. Ishibashi, H. Haneda,
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and K.Takcnobu, “Development of MOLB-‘Type Solid Oxide Fuel Cell”: \ee
Ref. 236, pp. 520-23. DC, 1990. ri

Nguyen Q. Minh is with Allied-Signal Aerospace Company, AiResearch Los Angeles

Division, in Torrance, California. At Allied-Signal, he participates in various ceramic
R&D efforts and is responsible for overseeing and coordinating technical activities
associated with solid-oxide fuel cell programs. Before joining Allied-Signal, he worked
at Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois. His current research interests
include fuel cells and other electrochemical energy systems, high-temperature electro-
chemistry, and ceramic material processing. Dr. Minh holds several patents and has
authored and coauthored two book chapters and more than fifty publications. He is a
member of the American Ceramic Society, the Electrochemical Society, and the Miner-
als, Metals, and Materials Society.

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