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Hazard Analysis Summary – Sample Template Approval Signature
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Critical Limits Corrective
Control Point Verification Records
Hazards Action(s)
What How Frequency Who

21 Vat M- The temperature as Pasteurization Check and sign- Every Batch Pasteurizer During QC reviews and Temperature/time
Pasteurization Pathogens measured by the complies with off on recording operator for Pasteurization: signs-offs, charts, Calibration
(with indicating thermometer PMO. charts. Record every batch Continue recording charts Records, Corrective
continuous must be at a minimum both air space Quarterly: made. pasteurizing until at least once a Action Records.
agitation) of 155°F. and indicating State time/temperature week.
temperatures. inspector criteria are met. Location: XX .
The holding time must Mark beginning reviews and Document all actions
be at a minimum of 30 and end of signs-off on recording chart.
minutes. holding time. charts,
Annotate the calibrates After
The air space batch information thermometers, Pasteurization:
thermometer must for each batch on time charts for
indicate a minimum of the recording accuracy and If the product is
160°F. chart including checks seals. found not to have
indicating vs. met the
recording time/temperature
comparison. criteria place all
Notify QC if seal affected product on
is broken so QC hold and evaluate to
can notify State. reprocess or destroy.

M = Microbiological, C = Chemical, P = Physical, PRP = Pre-Requisite Programs, SSOP = Sanitation Standard Operating Procedure

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