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Guess Who!



Name :MAE CAMILA D. BATTUNG _____________________ Strand/Block

HUMSS 12 B3 ________
Subj. Teacher _: BABYLYN TAMAYAO_____________________ Date 09-30-

Part II. Evaluation Activities

Directions. Identify the branch of philosophy in which given question is

like to be asked and answered. Choose your answer from the given choices in the box below.
Write your answer after each item.

Metaphysics Logic Epistemology

Aesthetics Ethics Religion

1. What is the true nature of reasoning? Logic

2. Is time infinite? Metaphysics
3. Did the universe ever have a beginning? Rationalism
4. Is an object of knowledge a by-product of the mind? Epistemology
5. Is morality relative? Ethics
6. Is stealing immoral? Ethics
7. Is teaching reasonable? Ethics
8. How much can a person possibly know? Epistemology
9. Can art be a vehicle of truth? Aesthetics
10. If God is all powerful, why does He allow suffering? Religion
11. Can everybody become artists? Aesthetics
12. What is the nature of God? Religion
13. What is good and evil? Ethics
14. How can the incorporeal mind affect the physical body? Logic
15. Is the conception of beauty relative? Metaphysics

Name _Mae Camila D. Battung_____________________ Strand/Block _HUMSS

12 B3_______
Subj. Teacher _BABYLYN TAMAYAO_____________________ Date _09-30-

Directions. Give the salient features of the following philosopher’s ideas. Write your answer in
the box provided. *English only and up to 100 words or more.

Pythagoras emphasized the Thales
immortality and transmigration of The most promise features of
the soul, virtuous humane behavior thale's Philosophy was that
toward all living things and the water was the source of all
concept of number as a truth in things, called the arche. Thale’s
that mathematics not only cleared observed the prominence of
the mind but allowed for an water in the world and
objective comprehension of concluded that land floaded on
reality . water .

Heraclitus Socrates
Held extreme views that led to Socrates believed that Philosophy
logical incoherence . For he held should achieve practical results for
that everything is constantly the greater well-being of society. He
changing and everything is attempted to establish an ethical
constantly changing so that system based on human reason
everything is and not at the same rather than theological doctrine.
time. Heraclitus concluded that Socrates pointed out that human
nature is change. choice was motivated by the desire
for happiness.

Plato Aristotle
- He believed that an ideal - He called the argument,
society must be composed syllogism where a conclusion
of workers and warriors is inferred from two
ruled by philosopher-king premises , thesis and
and that justice is best antithesis
manifested if persons - He introduced
would do what is suited to Nichomachean Ethics .
each of his or her soul, He - He viewed ethics as a
also claimed that the road instrumental to humans
Name _Maetowards
Camila D.
true life of the Strand/Block
quest for the highest good_HUMSS
12 B3_______
soul was a path of and happiness .
purification, where man
Subj. Teacher __BABYLYN
should exert effortTAMAYAO____________________
to reach Date __09-30-
2020____ genuine wisdom.
Directions. Identification. Write your answers in the box provided below.
1. The birthplace of philosophy. Ancient Greece
2. He is the Father of Ethics. Socrates
3. For him, everything is changing. Heraclitus
4. He was the student of Anaximander. Thales
5. It is considered as an empty tablet or blank sheet. Blank slate
6. It is said to be encompassing, limitless and infinite. Apeiron
7. According to Socrates, this is the first task in philosophy. Understanding what we are
8. “You cannot on the same twice.” You cannot step on the same
river twice
9. It asserts that all of a person’s knowledge comes from his/her senses. Epistemology
10. According to Heraclitus, it is only substance that holds everything together. Fire
11. According to him, “Philosophy will open your mind, and get us out of our rut.” Aristotle
12. The most popular philosopher in the great triumvirate in the ancient Greek philosophy.
Thales of Miletus
13. A certain code of ethics anchored on a person’s strong sense of conviction on what was
supposed to be a“good living”. Nichomachean Ethics
14. These were the first philosophers to employ a rational explanation on the origin of the
world and other physical phenomena. Ionian Philosophers
15. One of Plato’s most famous works in which he believed that an ideal society must be
composed of workers and warriors ruled by philosopher-king. The Republic

Name _Mae Camila D. Battung_____________________ Strand/Block _HUMSS

12 B3_______
Subj. Teacher BABYLYN TAMAYAO______________________ Date _09-30-
Directions. Below are the defining questions of epistemology. Answer them from two points of
view: as rationalist and as an empiricist.
1. How can people gain knowledge?
The knowledge gain independently The sense experience is the ultimate source
of sense experience. of all concepts and knowledge.
______________________________ ______________________________
______________________________ ______________________________
______________________________ ______________________________
_____________________________ ______________________________

2. What are the limits of human knowledge?

RATIONALIST generally develop insofar as we have it in the first place
their view in two days . First, they . Second, empicirists attack the
argue that there are cases where the rationalists' accounts of how reason
content of our concepts or is a source of concepts or knowledge
knowledge outstrips the information .
that sense experience can provide. ______________________________
______________________________ ______________________________
Empecirists present complementary ______________________________
lines of thought first, they develop ______________________________
accounts of how experience provides ______________________________
the information that rationalist cite, ______________________________

- Foundations of Philosophy, Nuelan A. Magbanua, pp. 7-22
- Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person, DIWA textbook, pp. 2-7

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