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Althea Sayo BSN1-A

Direction: Each question in this section is a multiple-choice question. Read each
question-and-answer choice carefully and encircle the ONE best answer.
1. The cardiac conduction system includes all of the following except:
a. the SA node.
b. the AV node.
c. the bundle branches.
d. the chordae tendineae.
2. To get from the right atrium to the right ventricle, blood flows through
a. the pulmonary valve.
b. the tricuspid valve.
c. the bicuspid valve.
d. the aortic valve.
3. The blood supply to the myocardium is the coronary circulation; everything else is called
the systemic circuit.
a. True
b. False
4. No blood can enter the ventricles until the atria contract.
a. True
b. False
5. An electrocardiogram is a tracing of the action potential of a cardiac myocyte.
a. True
b. False

Direction: Each question in this section is a multiple-choice question with four answer choices.
Read each question-and-answer choice carefully and encircle the ONE best answer.
1. The layer of the heart wall synonymous with the visceral layer of the serous pericardium
a. myocardium
b. endocardium
c. epicardium
d. parietal layer of the serous pericardium
2. Pulmonary circulation involves blood flow to and from the heart and the:
a. body
b. digestive organs
c. skin
d. lungs
3. The right AV valve is known as the:
a. aortic semilunar valve
b. tricuspid valve
c. mitral valve
d. pulmonary semilunar valve
4. Pulmonary veins:
a. transport oxygenated blood to the lungs
b. transport blood rich in carbon dioxide to the lungs
c. transport oxygenated blood to the heart
d. split off the pulmonary trunk
5. What structure divides the left from the right ventricle:
a. interventricular septum
b. interatrial septum
c. bicuspid valve
d. tricuspid valve
6. When the ventricles contract, the bicuspid (mitral) valve prevents blood from flowing
from the:
a. right ventricle to the right atrium
b. left ventricle to the left atrium
c. left atrium to the right atrium
d. right atrium to the left atrium
7. Which one of the following blood vessels carries oxygenated blood:
a. superior vena cava
b. inferior vena cava
c. pulmonary artery
d. pulmonary vein

8. The sinoatrial node is located in the:

a. aorta
b. right atrium
c. left atrium
d. right ventricle
9. Which one of the following are direct branches of the left coronary artery:
a. circumflex and marginal arteries
b. anterior and posterior interventricular arteries
c. anterior interventricular and marginal arteries
d. anterior interventricular and circumflex arteries
10. Which one of the following represents the correct path for the transmission of an impulse
in the intrinsic conduction system of the heart:
a. atrioventricular (AV) node, sinoatrial (SA) node, atrioventricular (AV) bundle, right and
left bundle branches, Purkinje fibers
b. atrioventricular (AV) node, atrioventricular (AV) bundle, sinoatrial (SA) node, Purkinje
fibers, right and left bundle branches
c. sinoatrial (SA) node, atrioventricular (AV) bundle, atrioventricular (AV) node, right and
left bundle branches, Purkinje fibers
d. sinoatrial (SA) node, atrioventricular (AV) node, atrioventricular (AV) bundle, right and
left bundle branches, Purkinje fibers

TRUE OR FALSE: Read each statement and determine whether it is correct or not. Write
TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is not.
1. The fibrous pericardium is superficial to the serous pericardium surrounding the heart.
2. The interatrial septum divides the two atria transversely
3. The chordae tendineae anchor the semilunar valves to the walls of the ventricles.
4. Arteries always carry blood away from the heart.
5. The coronary sinus on the backside of the heart drains deoxygenated blood from the wall
of the heart into the left atrium.
MATCHING TYPE: Match column A with column B
1. The coronary sinus empties blood A) right ventricle
from cardiac circulation into B) left atrium
this chamber. (E) C) right atrium
2. Inferior discharging chamber D) left ventricle
on the left side of the heart (D) E) right atrium
3. Heart chamber that pumps blood
to the pulmonary trunk (A)
4. Heart chamber that contains
the sinoatrial node (C)
5. The four pulmonary veins return
oxygenated blood to this chamber (B)

Can a broken heart can really hurt? Is there such a thing as "broken heart
Yes, when someone breaks our heart, it feels like something inside us isn’t functioning
properly, especially if it was our loved ones who hurt us. Everyone of us experience heartache in
our life’s. Heartache that causes from our friends, family, partner and even in our society. When
we are in pain sometimes, we might feel like our heartbreak is causing actual physical hurt to our
heart. We experience chest pain, it’s like we can’t breathe anymore because of that heartbreak. It
totally hurts us to the point that we feel our heart is numb already.
According to research there is Broken heart syndrome. It is a temporary heart condition
that's often brought on by stressful situations and extreme emotions. The condition can also be
triggered by a serious physical illness or surgery. It may also be called stress cardiomyopathy,
takotsubo cardiomyopathy or apical ballooning syndrome and can strike even if you're healthy.

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