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Functional specification document

To integrate employee on-boarding features to MS Teams

Problem Definition

No matter how hard you try to win over a new hire, failing to match their initial expectations will
backfire. After a horrible first day, nearly 4% of new hires resign. What motivates your new hires to
leave so soon? Dissatisfaction and disengagement are two words that come to us when I think of
disengagement. Here are several conventional onboarding steps that irritate new hires:

 There is an excessive amount of paperwork and legal documentation to fill out.

 The document approval and verification process take a long time.
 Managers and team members are unavailable due to a misunderstanding.
 Failure to allocate resources such as workstations, access cards, and other items on
schedule, as well as a lack of effective HR follow-up
 The never-ending stream of emails and people

Goals & Non-Goals

The onboarding process helps with a number of objectives that are vital to both the company and
the new recruit. The following are some of the goals of the onboarding process, in addition to
enhancing employee retention and lowering hiring costs:

 Assuring that a new hire is ready to contribute quickly and effectively in his or her new
position. This entails linking them with internal and external resources that will assist them
in performing their duties, giving job-specific training and orientation programmes, and
matching the new recruit with a mentor or buddy who can assist him or her over the first
few months.
 Increasing the employee's sense of belonging in the team and at work. New employees can
be shy at times. They are not permitted to wander about the office floor and introduce
themselves to new people. They may not want to ask for directions to the restroom. People
who feel isolated in their offices often look for a sense of belonging elsewhere at work.
 Increasing staff commitment and engagement. New employees offer new perspectives,
ideas, and work experiences to their new positions. Use these insights and lessons to your
advantage, resisting the need to disregard or pass judgement on whether or not they'll

Feature description

 User-friendly interface
o First and foremost, the program must be simple to use and navigate, especially for
inexperienced employees. HR professionals and recruiting managers should seek for
LMSs that provide a positive user experience. Employees should be able to easily
access the LMS platform to get the information they need. Furthermore, a
responsive design that allows for multiplatform accessibility may maximize the
effectiveness of your online training materials.
 Personalization
o Personalized training pathways enable new employees to choose online training
materials, activities, and support tools that are relevant to them rather than being
compelled to participate in a generic program that may not engage them
successfully. Many employee onboarding software systems provide adaptable
training courses that change automatically depending on the employee's
performance. Assume a new employee isn't doing as well as anticipated during a
work simulation. Before going on, the system will add some helpful online training
modules and exercises to get him or her up to speed.
 Certification system
o Certification support capabilities enable you to monitor employee performance and
ensure that everyone fulfills specific criteria throughout the training process. For
example, you might make it a requirement for all new team members to get a
business policy certificate to show their familiarity with organizational procedures.
Furthermore, safety certificates may decrease the likelihood of workplace accidents.
You may also set up automatic renewals for workers so that they can refresh and
reinforce their knowledge on a regular basis.
 Assessment tools
o An integrated evaluation engine is a must-have LMS feature for employee
onboarding software. You may utilize a variety of evaluation and question templates
to test new employees' knowledge and abilities, then tailor your approach to their
specific requirements. Systems can grade tests and provide customized feedback,
allowing workers to seek out resources on their own to fill any gaps.
 Gamification
o Even if they have little real-world worth, badges, points, and leaderboards provide a
degree of fun and excitement to what can be a laborious procedure. However, these
game elements do more than just improve morale; they also allow new employees
to track their progress. Use this energy to your advantage by looking for an LMS with
gamification capabilities and customizable awards, ideally one with templates and
themes you can use to create eye-catching incentives that fit with your brand image.
 Advanced reporting and analytics
o Employers must be able to evaluate individual performance and identify skill gaps
promptly when onboarding new workers. LMSs with built-in reporting and analytics
tools enable you to track your onboarding program and the progress of each new

Success metrics

 Voluntary turnover is the number of workers who depart on their own volition. When this
figure is greater than anticipated, and/or new employees leave relatively shortly after
starting, it is a strong sign that something is wrong with either the recruiting process or the
employee experience.

New hire voluntary turnover rate = (Number of new hires who leave of their own accord in a
given period / number of new hires in the same period) x 100

 Retention is the inverse of turnover; it counts how many workers opt to remain for a given
length of time and should be measured against a predetermined baseline. According to
SHRM, up to 50% of employee turnover occurs during the first 18 months of employment,
therefore many businesses adopt this as a benchmark. If a worker remains beyond that
point, it's a safe guarantee they'll keep working.

New hire retention rate = # of new hires who stay with the company for at least 18 months in a given
period / # of new hires in the same period

 Training completion rate - Poor training completion rates may indicate issues, such as
insufficient time given to finish the training or a lack of management buy-in on the program's
need. High training completion rates, on the other hand, reflect employee enthusiasm in
enhancing work performance and achieving promotion objectives.

New hire training completion rate = # of new hires who completed training in a given period / total #
of new hires in the same period


Workflow Steps

 Prepare paperwork of the employee

 If the paperwork has been received, then schedule a pre-onboarding meeting
 A form must be completed by the employee
 When it has been completed, required accounts are created
 Wait until the first day and then send a welcome email to the employee
 Based on the entries in the employee's form, provide the relevant credentials and required
 Finally, schedule another onboarding meeting
 If the paperwork was never been received, cancel the onboarding

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