DELL Writing Tick List

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University of Sharjah, Faculty of Arts & Sciences

Department of English Language & Literature, DELL

Name: _____________________________________ Date: ____________________

ESSAY TOPIC: _______________________

Deadline: Draft 1: __________________ Deadline: Draft 2: ________________
Instructions: After you have written each draft, complete the tick-list below to self-monitor, edit and revise
your paragraph/essay. Tick ( √ ) or cross ( X ) each item. If you’ve put a cross (X), then try to correct or
rewrite that particular part when you do your second draft. Ask yourself the following:

Have I _____________________________________?
ITEM 1st draft 2nd draft TEACHER’S COMMENT
√ X √ X
1 written an appropriate title

2 written a topic sentence/thesis

3 written an introductory statement/
4 written enough supporting sentences

5 written clear & complete sentences

with no sentence fragments
6 used appropriate transition words/
7 checked for subject-verb agreement

8 used the correct form & voice of

8 used commas, apostrophes &
full stops correctly
9 started all my sentence with a capital
letter/ capitalised the names of people
& places
10 checked for missing words, etc.

11 used colourful adjectives and

appropriate adverbs
12 checked for spelling errors

13 checked for irrelevant information

and/or redundancy
14 organised my paragraph/essay
15 written a clear & relevant closing
16 proofread my paragraph/essay before
submitting it for assessment

University of Sharjah, Faculty of Arts & Sciences
Department of English Language & Literature, DELL

Name:_____________________________ Date: ____________________

Please ensure that you have submit the following for each writing assignment:
1. Notes/Outline/Plan/Cluster Diagram
2. Draft 1 (tick-list)
3. Draft 2 (rewritten following correction key/recommendations, etc.)
4. Draft 3 (if required)
a. Staple outline or notes & drafts together.
b. Check punctuation, spelling and grammar before submitting draft 1.
c. Use your correction key to correct errors for draft 2 and draft 3 if required.
d. Complete your tick-list

All essays/writing assignments should be written on lined A4 paper and include the

1. a left margin
2. personal details (name, class, date, draft number) in the upper right hand corner
3. a centered & appropriate title
4. be double-spaced
5. an introductory sentence/general statement
6. a clear topic sentence/thesis statement
7. sufficient supporting details and information for topic theme
8. the use of connectives/conjunctions/connectors/transition words where appropriate to
ensure clear progression of text
9. subject-verb agreement
10. a mix of simple and complex sentences
11. good spelling (use your dictionary to check spelling)
12. good word formation, collocation use, and use of relevant vocabulary
13. the correct usage of parts of speech: articles, verb tenses, prepositions, nouns,
adjectives, relative clauses, phrases, etc.
14. good punctuation/capitalisation
15. appropriate paragraphing and length

Writing Format Criteria


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