Reproduction: Biology and Geology 2018-19

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Biology and Geology 2018-19

1.- Answer the questions related with the human reproduction:

 What is reproduction? How many types of reproduction are? Describe each one.

The process of creating progeny. It is also one of the vital functions.

Two types

Sexual: Two organisms (male + female). The fusion of female (ovum) and male gamete
(spermatozoon). Is not genetically identical.

Asexual: One organism. Can produce progeny in the abstance of a mate. Genetically identical.

 What is a gamete? What is the name of the female gamete? And male gamete? Search an
image of both gametes.

It is the sex cell.

Male gamete Spermatozoon

Female gamete Ovule

 What happen when female and male gametes join? What is the name of this new cell?

It fertilizes the ovul. It is told zygote.

 According to genetic, what is the difference between gametes and zygote?

The number of chromosomes.

 Describe the process of female and male gametes formation.

First cell (46 chromosomes) divides in two genetically different cells (23 chromosomes) and this
cells also divide in two more cells each one (23 chromosomes).

The creation of male cells is called: Spermatogenesis

The creation of female cells is called: Ovogenesis

2.- Answer the questions:

- Why do sperm need nutrients?

To develop properly and to move.
- Where does fertilization take place in the female reproductive system? And gestation?
Fallopian tubes.
- What protects the testicles?
3.- Anatomy of the human reproductive system. Name the different structures and explain them
biological function.


1.- Ovary Produce ovum

2.- Fallopian tube Fertilisation occurs here.
3.- Uterus Uterus accepts a fertilized ovum. Then the fertilized
ovum becomes an embryo and develops into a fetus until childbirth.
4.- Urinary bladder Collects urine
5.- Urethra Removes the urine from the body.
6.- Vagina The vagina provides a channel to deliver a new-born.
Moreover, the vagina allows for sexual intercourse and channels
menstrual flow.
7.- Cervix Cervix is a pathway through which sperm enter the
uterus after sexual intercourse.
8.- Rectum Storage site for faeces.

1.- Scrotum Protects the testicles and regulates their temperature.

2.- Testicle Produce sperm.
3.- Epididymis Storage of sperm and ejaculate.
4.- Vas deferens Propel the sperm during ejaculation.
5.- Bulbourethral gland Secrete 5% of the ejaculate
6.- Rectum Storage site for faeces.
7.- Seminal vesicle Secrete fluid that partly composes the semen.
8.- Urinary bladder Collects urine
9.- Prostate gland Secrete alkaline fluid that in humans usually
constitutes roughly 30% of the volume of the semen along with
spermatozoon and seminal vesicle fluid.
10.- Urethra Remove urine and semen from the body.
11.- Corpora cavernosa Contain most of the blood in the penis
allowing erection.
4.- Answer the questions:

- What is ovarian cycle?

- What is menstrual cycle?
- Explain the differences between ovarian and menstrual cycles.

5.- Write the names of the gametes and the names of different parts:


Middle piece
Corona radiata

Achrosome Vitelline

Zona pellucida

GAMETE: Spermatozoon GAMETE: Ovule

6.- Choose the correct answer:

a) Gestation is the period of time between fertilisation and___________________
1. puberty 2.birth 3.ovulation
b) Gestation lasts for ___________.
1. 280 days 2. 180 days 3. 80 days
c) A human being is made up of ______________cells.
1. 100 million 2. 100 3. 100 billion

7.- Define the concepts:

- Morula:
- Blastula:
- Puberty:
8.- Answer the test:
1) Which of the following is not a part of the male reproductive system?

2) Which of the following is not a part of the female reproductive system?

Sperm duct

3) What are the male sex cells called?

Sperm cells
Sperm ducts

4) Where are the male sex cells made?

In the testes
In the sperm ducts
In the penis

5) What are the female sex cells called?

Egg cells

6) About how long does the menstrual cycle take?

About 5 days
About 14 days
About 28 days

7) What is ovulation?
The release of a mature egg cell
The loss of the lining of the uterus
The joining of a male sex cell and a female sex cell

8) What substance passes through the placenta to the baby?

Carbon dioxide

9) How long is gestation in humans?

28 days
40 weeks
11 years

10) Which change during puberty happens to boys and girls?

Hips widen
Facial hair grows
Underarm hair grows

9.- Complete the test:

1) How many sets of chromosomes does a diploid body cell contain?

2) Where are male gametes produced in flowering plants?


3) What is the function of the ovaries in a flowering plant?

To produce female gametes
To produce male gametes
To produce male and female gametes

4) Where are sperm cells made in the body of a mammal?

Sperm duct

5) What word is used to describe a type of cell that contains one set of chromosomes?

6) Which sentence describes an egg cell, sperm cell and zygote?

Egg cells are diploid and sperm cells and zygotes are haploid
Egg cells and zygotes are haploid and sperm cells are diploid
Egg cells and sperm cells are haploid, and zygotes are diploid

7) Which process results in the production of a zygote?

Cell specialisation
Gamete formation

8) Which of the following is the correct route that sperm take out of the male's body during sexual
Sperm duct → Urethra → Penis
Penis → Urethra → Sperm duct
Sperm duct → Penis → Urethra

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